Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    I , !
No lulvortlRoincntR will be tnkcn for
tlioHO column * niter liliilO p. in ,
Terms Cnsli In mlvuncc.
Advertisements under tills head 10 cents per
line for the Ural Insertion , 7 emits for each sub
M-qtK-tit Insertion , iui'1 ! l.fxi per Una per monlli
No advertisement taken for less thnn ' i cents
tlio first Insertion. Seven words will liocointc (
to the line ; th'y must run consecutively and
mint be paid In ADVANCR All ndverM-p-
jnenU must bo hand-"l in before 12:10 : o'clock 11
in. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or rtl.srontmued by telephone.
rnnliti ndvertlslm * In thei > columns nml hav
ing thi'lr answers mid rowed In rnroof Till" Hue
will please- nil : fur .1 < hprk to rnnuln tliom to get
their letters , HR nnn < ' Will be delivered except on
presentation of check. All nnswers to navcr
tlsciuentrt should be i-wlOTfi'ln envelopes
All ndvertisemeiits In those rolumns ore pub
INlioll In both morning and evening ( .Millions of
Till : lll.K , Ilia circulation of which aggregates
more thnn 1f , ( ) papers dnlly. nnd gives the nil
vertlfcers tlio iieni-ni , not nnly of the rlty tlrcu
latlonnf TIIK HP.I' , hut nlio of Council llhilfs ,
Lincoln and oilier clt Ins ami towns throughout
this section of tlio country.
Advertising for HIPJO columns will be taken
on the above conditions , at the following bust
ne8S hoiisns , who re authorized agents tor Tin
lin ! : t.pc > i Inl tim ! ' ( - < , anil will quote the same
rates as can bo had at the main olllcu ,
JOHN W. ItllLL. I'harnTacist , fcoutlVnth
1HASi : & lllY. ! ) Stationers nnd I'rlntorH. 113
CS South lull Street.
S H. rAHNaWOUTII , rharmuclat , yl5 ! Cum-
< " ing Street.
'V\r .1. Ill'Ollia , I'linrmacfit. CSI North HUh
> > . Street.
HO. W. PAItll.1'Tinriimcist , 18X ) St. Mary's
' ' ' ' ' " " "
W'AN I lilt Mltuatlon Bec'oii'd"l7alcer"oi"
ftiok , by man used to work In kitchen , It
40 , liceoillco. . IllS--'J'
\lIUST-class dressmaker \MthniiPnstorn
tfxperivncu wishes employment by the. day
in good families. Call or millions 11:1,1 : N lath
ft. city. SOWS *
rilllAVKLINO Biilexmen xisltltm llrst-elasa
Jtrade among Htealu users who can glvo
highest n-fori'iit-i' , will Le given H line of goods
] iajing large prollts , as aside line or i-xclu-
Hlvely. Lyons M Co , Cleveland , O. L'8 1 : : ut
A VTA'NTI.n SO coat maker. * , r > patits makei-Hl
f i 10 M-st junkers ; all tine custom work ;
class \Migeii. Mrs. llrega. III li ! S Kith.
I I ) short order cooks aud 3 hotel
TT cooks ; wages W3 to J75 per month. Itoom
411 _ _ ! ) N. Ifitli. : il)9-W )
AC1I2N1S Wnnled , Genernl nnd Local agenl.s
to handle the new I'nteut Chemical Inlc-
Ernslng Pencil ; greatest novelty oor produced :
erases Ink In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper :
2iX ) to 5UO per cent protttsell.s ; at sight : territory
absolutely free ; salary to good men ; sample
lITic. by mall. For terms jtnd full particulars
ndilicss the manufacturers , .1. W. Skinner ft
Co. , OnalnHkn. Win. IH1"-21
' \7irANTI2D-A llrst-class frame maker ; none
f f but reliable nnd sober men need apply.
fJeo. Ileyn , ! lJo ( Fainam. 281
Ail'.NTrf ( wanted on salary. $75 per month
nnd expenses paid , any active man or
woman'.to well our goods by sample nnd live nt
home. Salary paid promptly and expenses In
advnr.ce. Full particulars nnd sample case
free. Wo mean Just wmit. wu sny. Address
btandaul Sllvurwuio Co , llostoii I , ; Mas .
2-J !
WANTKD 'M coat makers , 15 pants makers ,
10 vest makers , II. II.Vandell , S. K.
cor. IDthniul Douglas sts. , "d Uoor , room ii.
W ANTKI ) Men for Illack Hills cxterisionT
Albright's J.abor Agency , 1120 rariiniii
fltreet. 2WJ
WANTED Two young men : gooa wages :
$1 security required. lOlti JJodgo. Hi to C
p. m 25(1 ( ill *
" \\fANTf2D Salesmen everywhere for our
i uiljustablo door plates icau sell nnd de
liver at oncel. four styles cf door bells , metal
nnd white eiiamol lottcrH. house numbers etc.
Kamples , circulars , etc. , froo. Now York Door
I'lntu To. . Albany. N. Y. _ gST-ai *
"VAJNTitgout8 : in o\ery city nn owiiln
TI the I'nlted States to solicit subscriptions
for the handsomest and most popular il.OOn
year magazine published ; liberal Inducements
In commissions , and hnndsomn premiums. Ail-
dross Mug.i7.iiie , I" . O. llox 177" > , Now York City.
2 111 m
"IXTANTIIU Carpenter to do the work on ov-
f i cral houses to Uo built and take honso and
lot as pint payment , A. W. MeLaughlln , Room
filS I'axton bldg. : :15 : 1
"VX7ANTI2D Agents for oiu- new patent flre-
> pioof snros , slzo 28'clSxlS' ' , weight nxi IDs , ,
retail prlco JiW , others In ptoportlon. Highest
iiwnid ( silver medal ) Centennial Kxpositlon ;
rare chance ; permanent busbies * . Our prices
lowest. Wo urn not in the safe pool. I2xcluslvo
territory given. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O.
A\f ANT12D A good man to go on the road ;
i must be wide awake. , full of energy , glvo
security for money collected und deposit ji' for
wimples , call on George S. Clluo. Iloom 111 ,
" ' National bank Imllnlug. Omaha. Nob. 1.17
TX7ANTED A stenographer who has some
f knowledge of bookkeeping. Must bo a
ioud pcnmau. Aildress , with references. I' . O ,
ilraw er 47. uas
W ANTEDFirstclass coat maKor. Apply at
once to H. I , . Cohen , South Omaha , Neb.
, 1121-1
AGKNT3 wanted In every town nml city In
the Host fortho Harden Hand Granndo Flro
Extinguisher. Apply to K. G. Ciandali.'JIO South
JMhst. H7S )
\\7"ANTID ! Agents In every city nnd town In
T f the west to soil the Toy Calliope , the greatest -
est seller on earth ; send 20 cts for sample. V G.
Craniinll , illO South luth .st. BT'.i
men for Washington torrl-
i tory ; good wages , steady worn , long Job.
Albright's Labor Agency. 1I2U Farnam st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OAIil'SMKK Wo wish a few men to sell our
> T1 goods by sample to the wholesale and ictall
trade. Largest mannfactuiors In our line , Un
close 2 cent stamp. Wages J ! per day. I'ormun-
cut position. No postals answered. Money ad
vanced for wngos , advertising , otc. Centennial
Man'f'gCo. , Cincinnati. O. 70'i-mr.lf
WANTKD Aganta for Mllward's calyx-oyod
self-threading needle ; preserves falling
bight ; a help to good sight ; peifect bonau/.a for
i > niivuM > rn ; sample package lOc. Senu for
circulars to hc.ulqmirter. * , Stayner &Co. , 1'ro-
Vldenco , It. I. CClm' ( :
B OYS-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
'ANTI2I" Carpenter to build a house and
VV fake good buslnecs lot on Saundurs street
ns pay. lliuimru 222J 1'leu-o st. 4VJ
\\7 ANTKD Live men aud women to ongitgo In
T i an pasv , paying business at nonio. Can
Vforii daytime or evening and mnkoOOcto W
per hour ; sure thing ; sample and complete. In-
htivctlona sent for ifc. Address , World Hupply
Co. . HutlaiKl. Yt. 41i-F28' ( '
* V\rANTI < -linergetio men aim women overv-
f > when for n goutoel money making bmil-
ness , inwiseklu \ > ( iiullt guaranteed easier than
100 monthly otheiwlso. 1'xpnrlvnrn absolutely
timu-cej.sary. 1'ermanont position nid | exclusive
tei'ltorv as.siued. 5"J.(0 ( sample free. Write for
jmrliciilarH. Address , with btami ) . Mori 111 M'f'g
L'o. . IIVI. Chicago. a Kltt
) A girl to lourn dressmaking.
Mm. H. 0 , Moses , 4IU N istli at.
\\fANTii : ) 20 wood girls for general hou.-e-
T work ; girls who ran cook , wash and Iron
well und are not nfrald to woik : also il good
H'conil firls ; ] mijso girl. .Mrs. Hiogn.il4) : ) '
Bnth. UI.V.MJ
WANTl'D- ( : < iod"Heco"id | gTilTnust ; hnvo
infeipiicos. Cull nt S.cor ! JOIUM and3Jtli ,
tiet. St. Mury'a nvo and Lcavenworlh.
3ii i
V\7"/vRi KDil wTwrt-ssti.s for Lincoln,7lh mo. ,
T faro paid : German girl to learn looking
M liotcl. Klkliorn , tarn paid ; cook tor I'iatts.
mouth , * . ) ; 1 for Knpld City. J7. > mo. ; II girl ,
iirlvuto. families , f } woo'c ; I wultMssos , 3 chum-
liermaulB. a dish washers , . ' -JO ; girls genei-jl
Vork ; glUHilou'l have to bring their knitting
und wait for plnr-H at this olllio. Omaha 12ui-
| iloymcnt liuix-aii , 110 N. 10 aio-iuf
\\rANTKIl-A competent girl to do genornl
houmiwork , family of llv . Scotch. Ui-r-
luan , Dune proforroil. U317 Cumluu at.
3.c.0t |
f\\7VAN > A poo-1 Kir 1 to wasli dlslj" ; ) nnd
hrlji In kitchen , M per week. KOI Dodge
" \Y LMNTRD-GIrl for general hoiutiwo7kmubt ;
bo good coon , nud iaiiuilress , 7UJ N U'lh.
2i > 7 19
WANTKO-GIrl to assist In lumsowoik for
her board und i-ooin ; high school student
Jireforreil. on iKxtuiut of nearness to residence ,
ftddn'iia It 4C HBO ollice , SKM 3 < J
MrANTUIIlrliable ) German nurse girl , lilo
" r > yi'arn of aj { > , JJrs. It. C. ratteisou. ! T , | : |
1001 Niotlibt.
\ \fANTKiT i ) | niietcnt iii ! To 'Steneral
M t'oukuivork for small family. Apply 413
bortu anii strict. nt-i'j *
" \\TANTRD A girl for pcneral homework.
YV orIiirk avenue. _ ? " 1'11 _
\VANTKD An experienced Housekeeper
f who is n good cook , for a family of three . have flr-l elms reference * . Trt a suitable
person a pleasant home with goou salary nml a
permanent position is otlnred. Apply to L.
Dlckovtr , "Hub" rDMauratit , Utlist , near Doug-
Ins. 3.)7-aT
\ VANTF.DGirl to sew carpet , ; Clms. Snlv-
it erlrk. lavi-IO 1'ainam. Sil-
OM IMITKNT clrl for housow-jik. Mr * The ,
F. Hall VOt Sherman avc. Sit
D lir.SSMAKlNncnttiU &llttlliK..M17tMUlas )
OVKHyiir.US wanted everywhere at home or
to Inivel. \ \ e lnh to employ a reliable per-
foil li > > our county t- > lark tip advertl > M.n'nts
nnd Bhowcaids ol clci'rli g'-ods. Advortlst-
incuts to bo tnrked up cver > win-re , on trees ,
fences and turnpike * , in conspicuous places , In
toun and country In all parts of the fulled
States and Can.ulu Steady employment ; wnpes
} . ' .50 per day ; expenses a < lvnncad ! no talking
rprmired. Local work for nil or part of the
limp. Addru-s with stamp , Kmory .V Co. . man
agers , Sil \ ine st. , Cincinnati , O No attention
paid to pnstnl cards. JI17-2I *
"AVTANTI'D A cono-pomlonco with ayoting
> V lady nlHiut is joins old. Addiess 1' . O.
box No. illo. York. Nob. 3 > 3-lI'j '
" \ , \ 7"ANTItt1,000 cntsSltis or live cnl.s at 217
> N. liith st. 2aMJf
\\rANTI'.D A druggist to commence drug
TI store , also harbor to rommenco nhop In u
first class location In South Omaha. Tor information
mation address Herman Tombrlnck , South
Omaha I' . O. -yjtf _
WANTUD Hvtrybody tokuow that I have
removed my oillco to looms 1117 and ills
First National bunk building , where I ahull be
pleased to meet them. Q. .1. Sterns-dorlf. Itoal
Kstnte , Loan , Kxclmnga llrokur and Ki-utat
Agent. O.'i2
VVANTUD-10.XW ( women to use "Wllcox'a
if'alley Compound 1'llls. " 1'erfectlv safe
and always ollectual. Semi for < e "Woman a
Safe Ouard. " Wllcox MedUal Co , . Philadel
phia. Ill Aid V9
ALDNTINL'S Shorthand and 'lypinMltlng
Institute , now I'nxtou building , Omaha.
Thaonlv exclusive shorthand school in thc
htato. over one hundied graduates in good
situations. The school Is under the m.inage-
niont of C. C. Valentine , oHIi 1 il stenographer oC
the Jlnl Judicial illalrlct of Nebraska , and 1'rof.
II. II , lloyles , , in experienced teacher and ver
batim repoiter. Day and evening sessions. Stu
dents can enter at any time. Send for circulars.
: r > s m 17
_ _
QT DAlTl ) Shorthand School. Tui Sheeiey
VI b'ock , teaches siamlard Hvstums and uses
llomlngton typewriters. Circulars fre'o. 7J
o M AHA Kmp. Ilvreau. 11 a N. Pith st. Kstab-
llshed 8 years. Most reliable In city.
OH K3-
NKII. Employment Onico 317 N. IhthRl.
r,7'J r uj
/ 1ANADI.\NKmploymentOllIce. Mrs. HreiM ,
S l.'ith. Kefuieucu Omaha National bank
fd mlt
"VAfANTIID lly gentleman and wife , well-
i i heated south front rooms and peed board
In urlvato family , convenient to business ; will .
bo permanent If satisfactory. C.W. Thompson ,
! )17 ) S. liith .St. ai8iU !
XAfANTI D To lease lot or half lot In north
ft pint of the city. Addics stating location
and pike , .1. A. Haiigloy , I2JU Is UJth. ; ; j0-ilj !
rpUN-HOOM on ISth near Lciivunwoith
J st ; modern conveniences : will renttogood
reliable tenant ntfiu per month. O. J. &terns-
dorll , rooms ; ] | 7-ia : : I'irst Nat. Hank building.
! H3
FT room house , J14 ] > er month , S. 12. cor llth and
J Vinton. IniiliunoM ( | door. ; f)7 )
TfUH KKNT ( iood cottage" 27IS Decatlir si. ,
JU alter Match 1. City water and cistern.
Wallace , Crelghton block. 272
OOD houses , centrally located , are In de
G mand at.I. H. 1'arrotte. HMD Chicago.
Ibil 3J
POIt III2NT New 5 room rottago In Hanscom
place. $ M per month , C. P. Harrison , Mei-
chant's Nat. bank. 145-1U
TTIOU RENT 1KB S ; tld ft. corner hoiisoTB
Jl : looms , barn , city water , large jnid. Call or
nddioss HOSSSJthst. 1H1 2 , ) *
HENT-fl-room house. 2.-.12 Caldwell si.
Kent reasonable. Apply 1 M)7 Izard .st. 127 U'JJ '
T UllNISHMD house for rent in 1'ark Terrace ,
J. opposite Hanscom Park , all modornn con-
\eiilenceK. Kuquiro , Jieo Jc Nlchol. 38th and
Leavenworth. 982
HENT Onou-room house , $18. InquUo
Ijouglas. so
I7"OIl HENT Nice 0-room house , east front ,
-JO half block of cable cars. 112 S. 28th st ,
751 in 4T
HOOM house near high scnool , Iteut $ .M. In
quIre .1. F. llartoii. 2ilO Capitol ave. lilsiuI
JBAUTll-'l'Ii 8-rooin house , gas , city water ,
until room , hot and cold water , on paved
streets with street car , near u goo.l school , only
Vi per month. The house ( s now. Apply at
once. C. F , Harrison. Merchants' Nat. bank.
FOK KENT Whou you wish to rout n house ,
store or oillco call on us. H. E. Cole , room G ,
Continental block ft0 !
F ) HUNT House and barnHnusooni place ,
, jlarils , room 411 First Nufl bk bldg.
Foil HUNT 0-room modern Improved homo
A 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply SI , 121
entterJ001 Farnuin _ t , LJrL ? _
Pblt HUNT Cottugos. n room" . 2743 f'liarloT
t nnd 13.'l So 5th st. Inquire U 313 , Shooloy
block. 03i )
T71OH K12NT I'.Iglit (8) ( ) room Hat , modern con-
J. vi.-nlences. Inquire li2 ! S IJth'st. KU
FOK HUNT Cheap , 'land K room house , lfi.1)
_ _ 8 Slat st between Center and Dorcas.4bOinlt _
'I7"OK ItKNT I0-room house , steam , gas , bath ,
J- hot and cold and cistern water , icood cellar ,
nnd nice yard. ty'MJ S X'lth , Imiulre.'W S2Hh.
TT1O11 HKNT-ID-room brick houses , rent low :
JU1 are very compl te. , Apply on premises. Dr.
Swartzlander , 2OI1 Capitol ave. 2)lf2U ) !
TjlOU HKNT-U-room bricic. 114 SMtli st ; mod-
-L ern t-onvonieuces ; near cable line , J. W ,
( Irlllith , U. 1' , huadiiartors. ( ] oao
FOIt HUNT 7-room llatatOOBS. I3tn. liuiulre
J. L. Hrfmdels s/ons. BU
KOOM and board cheap for two In prlvttto
family.21H Hurt HI. iiui ij
roonTn 222 N mth.
S1H31 *
FOU HUNT-Two well furnished room.s.slnglu
or uuulto ; stoum heatc'd. lulu Douglas.
N"ICI2I , furiilslmd rooms with board : all
convenience ! * . 1010 Cuplti ) avy. 2i7 (
ppoil KI-NT---'iirulsliod rooms. llU7 N"lnth.
FOK 1II2NT-A plousant. fmnlshod Iront
room with gas and piivllt-go of bath , at 2J3
i 2. > th ave , near Fnrilan ) . lil ; it )
PliKAMANT furnUhoil rooms 1017 Capitol ave.
JlW-lUlS *
. . . . KI-.N'l" Slnglo or eiisnU' " . handsomely
tinmslied looms : btenm heat. l th ; rates
leusoimble. Apply lltt ) N istli tt. llrat Hal.
to imit 101 S l.lth . . 2nd Moor !
207-30 *
liD room for rout. KOI CapTavoT
"VTlf'I'LV fuinlshed roonif.largo or small , \ery
1 > reasonable. 141' ' , ' Dodge. IkoGulli , Hi
"VTICIILV furnlshPd roomn , all modern ron
> veiiicucos , price M and S10 , H1U North 17 tt.
S I , Koom , at 1.1U Douglas st. Unl lloor.
OH KKN'T Laryt ) furnished front room
3237 Uoilgo ht. ' 10 , ;
ITIUII.N'ISHHD rooms for tent. All modern
liiiprovuiuciua , bath fuinacr , etc. , -14
VfTci : rbouib , f rom 83 to $ IJ
-i-i llth am ! Jones mreot.s.
LAKGI * froiu ) om. nlioly fiirniaheil , Hultablo
for 3 ccntloiiitiii , lb J Furiiam. 715
TNirftNTsiTl'Dorutifiiriiiahe'd room , with nas
Jami bath , uoaul If dostreil , ul'JS. 2Cth t , .
pppovlto All Saints' churcn. 717
II OU KKNT l"itrnlt > lH-d roams litliruenlc blk.
JL ror , rub and Dodge sta. luiiuiru of Uuo. It.
Davis. MlllarU hoIelljUllujd loom. tit
TIHM l"BNT-Nlf l7 fiiriTl > ii9il room , with
-tL1"1.-11 * " ' * . BM ( "eat and bath-room ,
Q NiCEtA" furnished room * , steam heat , gas ,
* -ibi ih , etc. , on mo lloor , 110 per month , 07
B.S4tU , no Hat. 4JQ
AVENUE Kooms-At 1013 and 181ftCapitol ave
2 blocks from P O , nnwly furnished private
bofiriMng houso.ploasnnt roomsall conveniences
_ ! _
7 ICKLYfurnl-tied rooms , also front ami
back parlor ; lft Douglas at , 811
KENT Furnished rooms ISli ! tiodgo
ritNlSHHI ) rooms. lll"20thstncar Dodgo.
280 VZf
AL.\tOi-outhroom ( : ; also small room nicely
furnished , lovely location and every modern
rom enlciu o. ' , ' 107 1'miKlas. _ i > io
' "
rpIlHl'l ! plehsantriinfurnTsired" To ilfrit
1 for housekeeping , e. \ \ . cor. Hurt and
r > HOOMS Suit able for housa Keeping price
> MO. 141' . ' . I'lorcest. _ i8J _ _
HUN TU tliinr * 22x * i eanh.ln brlt k build-
mtf , with I'lovutor. clo e to expiv-s ollko ,
rheaprrnt. Just tintlittiK \\hnleoalliiR , Rood
location , apply ( ! eo , lleyn , IWi riirnnmst.
HUNT Store room with basement and
IPO housu In roar , nt 17U Hurt st. Apply to
! ' . 0. I'rlixn. iio N 25th avt-nuu. 1511 2Jt
HKXlr-T "o stores. Ml. and ! WJ North
Ifitli st. Inquifii at the bulMliig , Henry
Osihoir. 611
UIIN'I-Ollico suite Win tiiontli , SsliiKlo
olllret $18 each , nil fronting ihth st. Hush-
man block , n. o. cor. 10th and Douglas. W. M ,
Itimhtnaii , rill L avenworth. T
VJTOUK 1317 Doilfio st. hiililro nt A. II. Hu-
IJ barman , JuHolor , Utli and Douglas sts.
_ _ _ sto _
FOR HUNT -A few onico looms loft for
rental. Al n av \ \ lighted room on sucouil
lloor. lUtG ) . In Uanigo bulldliig. 101
Tanilwlt ;
liousos b.iru.Ac. Suitable for market
dpulnu. close to Omaha. C. r. Hnirl on. Mer
chants Nat. bank. . 146-lu
UI'N'P llawmont. sultiiblo for a plumber -
ber or barber , cor. | : Jth and .lackson ats. WO
"iriOll IllINT-A warehouse with hlKh basement -
- * - ment , tontrally located on ( dependent track
from which cars can bu unlo.nlud and lontleil
Into and from building. Immmllutu possession.
Sam JMIcmoIl , : . ' 17 S. inh st , Otimnu. 6fi."i
" OlT "itTNT-Uoo.r : . basemcnt , SJxWJI ISlT
Dout'las ht. 4l
OWNlIHSof liousosi , Mnroa , tlats or business
blocks who wish the pamu rented mid prop
erly cared forshould 11H with us. I'.irtlos wish-
Inn to rent will llnd our list complete. A. I' .
Tuhcy. Hill's block , isth and DoiiBla" . 37
OAJIl'IIKI.l , & TAI.HOT. room ffil.
building. ( HU ml
KO. .1. I'AUI. , 1W9 l'V.niani St. , houses ,
g , etc. .for rant. K1S
"I 1ST your hoiHOH. lints , stores , etc. , with ( ) .
J-Jj. Sternsdorll. rooms KI7 and Ilia l-'lrst Na
tional bank building. Special attention Riven
to renting and routs i-ollactud. i"i3
WP give .special attention to rentlui ; and col
lecting rents , list with us. II. K. Cole , room
0 Continent nl block. CTJ
YOU want your houses rented place them
wltu lJeuaw.1 A : Co loth , oppoilto postolllce.
rTIHErcntlni ; season Is here ; bring on your
J. houses ; I have the customers. J. II , l'\r-
rotto , 10M ChlcaKO. 4&S f 2jj
C ( IS marriage a lottery ? 7OW.nuO people to
' select from. JOi ) cliuncL's for 10c ; Il.OUil Jl
Climax , Chicago , 111. _ Ltl'-l'.ii ' :
T1IAVK moved my custom shoo sliop and
tailor Hhop fiom 12UI rariiam to 1101 l'a\tou
hotel uascniont. 1'iaiik fchiittz. 2U''ii
ATItANCR MlIDItJ.M.-Mme. Sandall. the
youiiB Swede , tells full names ntcnllcre aim
the full mime of your future husband or wife ,
with date of man ia e , and tells whether thw
one you love Is trun or false. Not u fortune
tvllor , but a youn spirit medium. Miulamo
coos into a perfectly dead trance. Will biliis
back the parted husband or lover , no mutter If
they bo lo.UOJ miles away ; will guarantee to
settle failmy miariels. Parlors up stairs.IUS
North Sixteenth street , thhd lloor. IWO 2' . *
ALL parties Interested in cutting and lilting
ladies' and children's garment * call at 20IU
\\'ebster street. MrA. . M. Camp , 2ll-lit ) !
A MAMA NIHI.RKK. nxamined midwife , ollice
ji-corner of 8th and Paclllc. 110 M
( TItjlS dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and
> repaired. F. W. Grosjoau , 2Tli ) Uurt st.
OKLAHOMA ( Julde Hook and Map. contain
Ihg full Information as to the new territory.
Mailed to any addrass on receipt of r > U cents.
Tyler ft Co. , publishers , [ J21 Wyaudotte street ,
Kansas City , Mo. 1472"t
BLKCTKIC telegraph school ; rooms 52S A5fl
I'axton blk. , cor. IGth tc Faiuam sts. ; send
for circular. U'Jli-20'
HAVE you a house and lot you wish to sell ?
If so. please send full paitlculars to George
,1. Sternsdorir. rooms ill * i318 First National
Hunk llulldlng. who will llnd you a purchaser.
Telephone , till. 8f"i )
LKflAL papers carefully drawn and orxuowl-
odgodbyO.,1. Pternacforlf , rooms.117 and ; > 18
first National bank building. Ki'S
f"IHK banjo taught as an art byOoo. 1' . del-
J lenbock. 37:1 : S. 10th st. hit
HOUSE or team mules wanted to imply as
first payment on house and lot. or residence
lot , balance monthly payments. Write or call
on t-eluy , li''l Farnam. ul'J
I 1'YOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange. '
call on or address , ( ! , .1. SterusdortT , rooms
317 and318 First National bank building , lira
G.I , STEIINSnOItFF. real estate loans nnd
rental agent , has removed from room 0.
opp. ! O. , to rooms 317 and .113. I'irst National
bank building , where ho will ba glad to meet
all his old friends anil many now ones. GA2
rplli : young man at York would lie pleaded ( o
J. hear from " ( iretchen. " "Doctor. " : : ul-l'.ij
PlUtSOlsAljneutTeiudirdcslreTtliiiaC4iiatuT |
mice ot a yoking lady who would llko to
travl. State where Interview can bo had
Tluirsduy oveulng or Friday. Address It 44
lice ' ' ' ' *
oillco , -IC'-'O
TJI2KSONAL Wanted to rent.goodfior 10room
modern house , with barn , tor one year or
longer , or would exchange house und lot on l ! > th
St. , in business part of city if suited. Koiiutyn
pluco preferred , AtUUess T , tic. , of Citizens'
bank. K"M
TV YOU intend t < ? marry or onlydeslra anius--
ment Join our club Address with stamp
Westeiu Correspondence Club , Council lllulls.
G.J. TF.IINSDOHFI' , Itonl Estate"nnd
. Kxchangt ) llrokor , has removed to Itooms
317 nnd 318 , First National bank building
AI'INK gentle horse , light wagon am ) liar-
ness , iinlce appoii Ing rig ; Just the tning
for light work , or city solicitor , cheap. Call ut
K1S-S10 Noith llith Btreot. . SJi iu *
"TJIOIt SA LE On terms to mitt , the neat cottage ,
JL' 2sii Charles st , Telephone 7 , or W. T. Sea-
mun , Omaha's largest varloty bugglos , wagons.
Ac. , east side Kith st. , north of Nicholas st. 4M
' 17MMI SALH-Funilturcof aO-room house and
41 house tor runt , il blks from 1' . O. H. 30 ,
Chamber ot Commerce. 3Jt f ajf
\\MNT12O Furiiltnr. ' , carp.its. stoves nnd
household goods of nil kinds. Omaha Auc-
tjmi * atoraso Co.H'.l _ Fani'im. M'j
WANTKD-Tobuy gooJ comrnTrcTaTpaperT
H. C. I'nttorson. _ _ Jls S _ I'th _ st. ! r.M
T have several rustomorx who'want to buy
I houses and luts ranging from ll.MJJ to J.'
1'ioperty owners , pleuso send ine u full desunp.
tlon of what you have for tale. ( ! . J , Htnrus.
dour , rooms ; i7 ! 4 ills Fii-st National Hank
Hnlldlng. Telephona , 4C ) . 8115.
\jft AN'riTu To buy good commurclal paper ,
V > U. C. Patterson ills a 15th it. ItfJ
M11S. I.IiNOItMANcan bo coimiltecl on all
ullulraot life tnroiigh the nmglo mirror.
Satisfaction Buarauteoa. HSNlbthbt. Upstairs
_ 105 a *
Dlt. NANNIB V , Warren , clairvoyant. Medl >
rol und business medium. Female dUt-asex
a bpeclulty. Hit N Ittth nt. , rooma a and 'J , Ml
QTOKAGI2-At low rates at IISl iarnaiu st. ,
O Ouialm Auction & Storage Co. 517
rpltAOKAGK. fttoMii * . lovvon tiltn. wTTf.
X Uushuuu , Ull jiv'arenwortti. on
. - , ? .1 ,
BU.VNCHA | COM8torag 1311 Howard.
OMAHA Alrttrsct company. iMifTnriiam. at.
Alo-t rompteta and carefidly prepared set
of Abstract hooM aud plats of all real pioporty
in tlio city $ Omaha and Douglas comity.
_ „ _
A HSTKACTftfLltinhan & Mnhonoy , room 5ml.
-/Vl'axtnn block. M5
IDI.ANt ) Guarantee .t TriisF Co7 , IVY ) Far-
nam. Comnletn abstracts furnished * titles
to real ostalb oxaiulnod.perfoctod .V guaranteed
i , nifi
fflln.rO > and * tOM at once. Improved city prop-
P crty. No delay. U. u. French. ntty at law ,
Iron bunk. an-Sl'
OttniAltn Hill-Choir. , loan * wanted In this
addition. Klmball , champ \ Hyau.
O DKI.MIUDS. * Co. , No. ilia So. Kith St. ,
( hamber of Commerce building , loan money
at 0 , lf , 7 , 7'S and S per com , according to loca
tion of property , rnsurtiassed facilities for
placing large loans on inside business property.
A special fund of doveral thousand dollar * to
loan on unimproved lots , -W
MONKY to loan on furniture , piano * , horsos.
wagons etc. City Loan Co. , USS nth at ,
opposite Mlllard hotel. 17
LOANs on bu > < lnp s prop , rt ) * , $ \tiO ( to J.Vl.UOO ,
wanted. Provident Trust company , room
SOf , i'lrst Nntlonul Hank building. JOJ
\VANTKD-rirst class Inside loans. Lowest
> T lutes. Call and .see UB. Mutual Invest
ment Co. It I Darker bit , 15th and I'avnam. MO
W ALNI'T Hill-Choice loans wanted In this
addition. Klmball , Ch.nnn , V Itynn.
MONI'Y to loan on Improved real estate by
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance-Co.
Lowest rates ; no commissions. Address How
ard Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Neb.
DO you want to borrow money ? If
so , O , ,1. Stotnsdortr , rooms 317 nnd lllc ,
I'lrst National bank bulldlnc. will loan
you any amount from * 3lK/J to fiO.oJO , on Im
proved or unlniproved Oiuiiha property. Low
est rates ot l < ueriHt. No unnfce.s.itry dolny.
Improved central business property loam a
specialty. Telephone 401. SK
DO YOI" want money ? Loans made on house
hold furniture , piano ? , liorse * , etc. , wltltout
delay or removal , Persons \\lshliign loan of
this kind will do woii to call at our oillco before
dealing eis where. ; business Mrlitly conllden-
thil A. 1 ! . Ordpnwood Ac Co. , Itoom 1 , Cunning
ham block , luth and , lacks' ' < n sts. . " > ' )
"l\IONI3Yiuhauced for llrst-class roil estate
-ill mortgages. Call on ,1. II. Knonv A ( oloom !
IWj. 1 li-st National bank uulldltlg. IWJ l'2j *
MON'IiYlo loan on furniture , liorses , wacons
etc. , or on any approved soeurlty. J. W ,
Uobblns , U. 200. Sheely bin. . 11th and Howard.
ART1IAGI2 Choice loans wanted In this
addition. Klmball , Champ .V Itynn.
IDKOI'LU'S Financial Lxchnnge The fnlrest.
JL ( iiilolest , most liberal money oxchnugo Iu
tno city ; loans made without delay or publicity.
In any amount largo or small , at the lowest
rates of Interest , on any avaitnhUi security :
loans maybepild ataiivtlmoor renewed nt
original rates O. Ilouscar-'ii. mgr , Koom ftP" ,
Darker blk , loth and Furnam , M."i
DO YOU want to borrow money ?
- Head this :
It will save you time.
It will save you money.
You can bonow from
_ - . H. I' . Masters.
successor to W. II. Croft ,
room 4 , Witluittll bld-g , llth nnd Hartley sts.
siu , $ 'u , $3) ) , iini , $2ui > , - . - < _ ji.ixwuoo , sio.ojj.
in fact , any sum you want on lurnltura ,
pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier
terms aud nt lower rates than any other olllca
In the city , without publicity or removal of
properly rrom.yoiir possession.
If tin instalment is due on your prop ° rty aud
you cannot nieut it , call and see me. I wil pay
It for you. If you iinvo a loan In any oilier
oillco , call and "rot my rates. I will tales il ii"i
and entry It for you.
I make loan * Tor ono to six months , and you
can pay upurt at any time , reducing both prill
clpnl and interest.
All loans renewed at original rates , anil no
charge for papers.
All business strictly conlldeatial. Call and
see me.
Don t forget the number.
Iloom 4 , Wlthnoll b'.ock. 5V !
DUNDEK Place rimice loans wanted In this
addition. Klmball , Champ \ Hjan.
o LOAN--A special fund of $10,000 in sums
J- from * "iOOnp , on unimproved lots In Omaha
If not situated too far out.OJell Urothers.A ; Co.
; i2 S. 10th .st. 023
F IltSTmortgaga ioans at low rates , ami no
delay. I ) . V. Sholas , 210 , First National bank.
MONKY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
property , also on farms. C. I-1. Harilson.
40,1 nnd lul Merchants' National bank. 705
LINCOLN 1'lico Choice loans wanted In this
addition. Kimball , Cnamp A ; Hyau.
2l--28 !
VTEUllASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
Xl loan on household goods ,
horse * , wagons ,
laud ooutracts ,
fine Jewelry or securities ot nny kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
"loom 7 , How-ley block. South Omaha.
Itooms D18-51 ! ! Paxtou blK. , Omaha. Neb.
SEKShoIcs , 210 First Nat'l bank before mak
ing your loan * . 6.V1
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with-
out delay , and purchase good commercial
paper und mortgage notes , ti. A. Ionian , cor.
J3th and IMrnam. CUJ
MONEY to loan on Improved property at llrat
luinds. No application sent away for ap
proval. Security ami titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , "Oil S. llith st , 05j
[ "ONI2Y to loan. Harris , It. 12. 4 Loan Co. ,
Lroomtll. First Nat. Hank. ui
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J ,
W.Bmilro. Uil'J Farnam st. , First National
bankjjulldlns. 0.17
PHILADKM'HIA Mortgage & Trust Co. ,
chuip eartern money direct to borrowers ,
Make building loans , large or small ; perfect
titles : accept loans in their western oillco. Goo.
W. 1 * . Coates , representative , ii : Hoard Trade.
MONI2Y loaned for 30 , ( K ) or W ) days , on any
kind of chattel security , reasonable Inter
est ; business coulldcnttal. J , J , Wilkinson ,
1417 Farnam st. 0il *
M 'OWI2Yto Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. H. 1-2. O.Coutluental blocic.
GI'Klt CENT money to loan Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris , room 20 , I-renzer block , opp.
J . O. 3'J '
II K. COLK , oaii agent. 247
O > .riOOOX ) to loan at > per cent. Llnuhan k Ma-
Phonoy , Itoom CM. I'axton block. [ fa
MONKY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , icalestato
and loan intents , 1505 Farnam ist. f > ' ! 7
MONHYfol.oun Woaro loudy for applica
tions for loans in amounts from U ) to IU-
000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estatu , Funt'Mfonuatlon as to rates. Loans
Inomptlv closed. Good notes will bo purchased
iy us. Call uuon us , or write. The McCagno
Investmenr'Cw I'M
T CAN make'a' few loans on first-class chattel
J-socurlttos'at reasonable ratea. W. 1C , Totter ,
room IU Darker blk. 70u
DON'TIxVrow money on furniture , howus
wagonsote. , until you hnvoseonU. II. .In
cobs , iroiu j'miFJrut ' National bauk building
Cor. 1 It Ii und 4'druani Ml
BUILDiriHoaul. U. V. SaoTos , 210 , First
Nnt'l Hack. n
pl201'LK'6il'lhaiiclal Kxi-haugo-i rgd nnd
J small loagjfpr long and short tune. , nt lowest -
est rates of tnlofest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chatuibiyfi all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jewelry'Don't ; fall to call If you want fair
and cheap aveommodatlous. O , Houscurou ,
Jlgr. , room W14 , liurker blk. , IGth and t'arnam.
KOUNTXB 1'lace Cnolce loans wanted In
this addition. Klmball. Champ AKyan ,
UnltoilBtatesNut. Hank llulldlni ; , I'M ; rarnuin
OANH made on'roai estate ana mortgages
ixiwlse. Heed * Co. , 1521 Fnrnam.
MONKY to loan In large sums at the lowest
rates ; no delay. It. C. J'anersou , ai 8. 15th.
TT K. COLE , Ifian agent.
MONItYto loan on real estate ; no delu.v :
mortgages boii'cht , John F , Hammond ,
room 311 I'axton Uulldlng. Sil f.'l *
BHIGnS I'lace1iolet ) loans wnntej In this
addition. Klmball , Chump & llyan.MM
loaua , latialwa & Mahoney.
9 CHAlllbarb rshop for sate , UD Turning
-i t ! t'j sa7a ) *
_ _
A NKW roller mill for sale In a good wheat
bolt , and good market for lloor. For terms
address r. J. Andreas , Gordon. Nub. 2S > ml3
I7 O H 8AM" Meatmnrket tools , aUo here
JU and bucgy lst and Hanillloii t t *
SALIi Stock of hardware and
- ttnneis' tools and store lUtures In Omaha.
Will Invoice about I,5iV , at a bargain. Good
stand for business. Apply at 1108 and 1110 liar-
ticy street. Onmlia. Neb. 2 1 2Ti
"IJIOH PALI * , cheap -Har and Ice box for
J' saloon. Itnulro on yst , between ! M iV
South Omaha. '
1J1OH SA LH A line saloon. Host location In
JL1 city. Cheap for cash if taken within 10 days.
Chaa. A. I'ost. Lincoln. Neb. 2SJ-3I-
I710K SALK-diocory store llxturcs , etc. Chns ,
JL1 A.'l'ost , Lincoln. Web. 2S1-2I *
T1H ! old cigar stand at I2- . * . ! Knrnam t. , con-
JL talnlng a new stock of cigars , tobacco , otc ,
is for sale , the proprietor , George Hcnntug ,
being engaged In another business requiting
his attention. The Utmtloii Is smrounded i > y
busliu-ss olllces , Including the Merchants Na
tional nnd First National banks. Apply on the
piemlsi's. 27S-JI *
ijiol fSA LI ) I'lrH-clnsa restaurant aud saloou.
JL' best location In the city. Long ioa o on
property. Addro-n 1' * > 4 Hen oillco. UKtMH
SALi ; Planing mill machinery , cheap.
Davenpoit street. 1M30 *
ITIOK PALI'The Alley real mine , located nt
JL1 Alley , Marion Co. . la. , with Mil acres of the
best coal lauds in Iowa , 7-foot vein of real , fix
tures mid machlnety llrst class In every recpei-t ,
railroad switch connected with works , will bo
sold nt a bargain If taken within 15 days. For
particulars address M. ,1. Ward , or .1. W.
Geno-ter , care of State Savings bank , Dos
Molnes , la. liH iN
17IOH SAM' A well established grocery busl-
JO ness In this city. Impure 1 > . M. Steele &
Co. , 13th and Hamey. 711 mlj
$ , , Unit cash will buy MO acio tarm , improved
proved , 1'i miles from I'.ong I'iuo , Neb.good
house , best water ,
JI.MUcash for2 four-rooai houses renting for
$10 per month. : i resident and il busluots lots
nil In Long IMiie. l.tiOJ Inliabltatits , : l churches ,
lirlrjcsclioulhoiite. waterworks , railroad divi
sion , irood farmlmr country. Very cheap , must
bo sold. Long Pine Kxchang Hunk , Ix > ng I'lno
Neb. 4at CJ7' _
FOH SA M * flood hotel 111 a town of 1.9Xall
well furnlsheil , for 1'idf cash , balance o n
time. Address box fiU. Albion. Nub. 7S.1 Hit
IjlOltSAIil' A well-ost-ibUsho.l. paying pro-
J-1 ilnce commission business , owner must at
tend oxclu.sivoly to other business. Impilm
r 1'uaron , Cole > V Kobeitsoli , U10 S l.Vli st.
tr\0 K.VCHANliK House * nnd lots , farm
-Mauds , merhaiullse , horses , cattle , wagons ,
etc Call or wilte C. K. Kcllor , room B , oW. cor.
I.MIUiliil Douglas. 2IG
ri "TH'll A DC Act o property near South Uinulm
J- clear ,
Several pieces of Improved business property
In good location.
Clear bind In Iowa and Nebraska.
Corner in Omaha View.
Clear lots iu South Omaha and In Ilassott. the
new county seat of Kock county , Nebraska.
Houses and lots In all parts of tlio city.
Wanted houses , lots , stocks of goods , llvo
stock , farms nnd money.
It you have anything good to trade glvo mo a
call. fjrovor Slovens ,
.MO 21 Iri21 I'urnamst. Telephone 112. " > .
010 acres improved land , wltliln three miles
* of county sent , town In trade for gro
ceries , general merchandise , or hardware.
Address bo-c ffl , Shelby Iowa. C211-20 *
rpt ) I2X'HANOK-Towii ( lots iu South Chicago
J tor u good , speedy single driver , or a team
ot roadsters , trotters or pacers. 11 II Helm ,
Harlun , In. noo-2
[ TANTIID 'Io trade lot In Council Hluirs for
goon safo. Shea Jc Gnlvln. 151201 :
POH I2XCIIANiK ( 210 acres unimproved land'
' mllu from Thummell , Morrlck countyd
Neb. , to trade for stock merchandise. Address
IJox .02 , Central City , Neur. 1137-1
ONK section ( iii ) acres ) of heavy timber land
In Ilutke county. North ( "arollua , clear of
iiicninbranco ; goo I titlij. Wliat hive you to
otlcr. ' O. .1. Sternsdorll , rooms ! ! I7 and . ' 11H ,
I'irst National bank building. Telephone .
Street. I nave a very do
1 siruble jiiece of business property on this
street that can b traded for good farming
land not too far from Omaha and part cash. It
Iswellicnted and will pay you to Investigate.
(5. ( .1. Hternsdorll , rooms JI7 &JII8 First National
Hank IJullding. Telephone. 4'll. ' BOJ
TMI'IIOVKD nnd unimproved property In the
Jlgrowlng town of Creston , la. , to trade for
Omaha real estate. O..1. Sternsdorlf. rooms
317 and .118. First National bank building. Tel
ephone Ifi4. S8j
ADAMS county , Iowa ; eighty (80) ( ) acres
choice land near railroad ; all fenced
and under cultivation ; clear of incum-
branco ; want Omaha property ; house and lot
piefencd. U. .1. Sternsdorlf. rooms 317 and : | 13
l-'lrat National bank building. Telopliono 4(14. (
. merctmndlso stoclcs to trade for
good Omaha projierty or clear farm lands.
C. .1 , Sternsdorn , rooms U17 & 313 First National
bunk bulldinir. CM
FOIl I2XCHANJi ( : Eighty acres of the ilncst
timber land In Wisconsin , clear of Incuiu-
brance. What have you to oilerJ. / ( . J. Storns-
dortr. i-ooms 317 A ; 3H , First National bank
building. Oil )
GOOD farms , clear or lightly luciimbered , for
merchandise , live stock or city property. II.
K. Cole , Itoom Ii , Continental block. f > 7J
TT1OII TltADK Council Hlutls and Omaha real
J3 estate for farms , horses , cattle or merchan
dise. Host lots between Omaha and Council
HlulTs. C , K. Mayni , 15th and Hnrncy.
Mt in 1
SKVKKAL very line residences in ICountzo
Place to trade. Wmit have you to olfer ? ( J.
.1. Sternsdorlf , rooms 317 .V 31H , First National
bank building. (152
F \ iXCHANI2 : ! For desirable resldonco
propeity In Omaha , any or all of following :
4Utholio Inside resldoiicu lots in HttHtlngi.
UK ) lots In Lincoln.
110 nerds line furmltiirland , Lancaster county ,
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rout ul property , Lincoln.
Cnoico fancy residence , coiner , Los Angeles.
A neat residence property in Hanscom 1'laco.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location nnd prlco of prop
erty , J. E. II. , care Hauin Iron Co. , 1817 Leaven-
worth. 571
VtTllKN you have anything for exchange cull
V > on or write iw. ILK. Cole , Koom n , Coutl-
nciitnljlock. _ 572 _
TTHM I'XCIIANUCDakota , Hand county.-
JL1 What have you to olfer for a good farm
here , slightly eni'iunbi-ioilV Dakota lamls are
ilslng In value , and its destiny cannot be dis
puted , Will take vacant lot or Improved prop
eity and ns.sumo sumo incunibniuco O. .1.
Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 , Flrat National
bank building. M"i
FOK BAM ! I have 40 acres of good land at
Dusoth , between lllalr and Omaha , which I
nm going to sell for uost luieo 1 can i' it before
leaving for my homo In Oil City. I'a. Who wants
it ? Apply A. Drake , care Hoggs jfc H in. _ SUOBI
TPOH HALH Cheap -Not ( or tr.ulein.70 acres
J- ! land ( See 6I2IJ ) two mlhu from Mariiielte. |
HaTiillton county Nubraskn. Frame house , ta-
bio , ; > io acres nndor itooil barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts , two stayH ; living water , 3 1-
foot channel ; 2 wells , , 'Kil-lmi rol tank , corral ,
xelf-feeder ; u natural stock ranch ; m H line com
1'rico ( about fll.u'J per acre ) . Jfl.'iVi
CaHliilowa . ! I,101
B and 'i ' years' tlmii O per cent . 3,2 XJ
Go nnd IOOK over laud. Address owner. 1' . K.
Atkins , l.VB Larimer HI Denver , Col. 07U
HOl'SHt ) rooms. injcass : si * u ( xj
House room * . 2'th and IllcKory . . 40 tn
FiirniblitMl iiuiise , 4.M and Callturula 21 01
Klght-ioom house. 2117 Chirk "J'i ( )
Tuoil-i-cjoni houses , Sowurd and23th IB OJ
No. M > i "outh Silh 211 ( XI
llmisti I rooms , 2UI1 Olnrk 1400
I louse U rooms. 1127 N , I'Jth 2j w
And ulurjio list of others. .
327-I9 Goo. J. Paul , IU09 Farnam St ,
3 NHW , first-class llnlsbed. ( S-room tlata with
bathroom , gas. water uml sewer ; 2 stores ,
corner , miltablo for drug store ; I basement
Hultable for barber Hhop , uornor 21th and Leav
en world sts. Inquire at promises , y-ia-mi *
SALU-Atu eacrlllc ? . J.WxISl tt east and
north front , corner i th and llqwurd ots. .
one block from Koger'D , Coo's and Klrkondall'M
tint ) ro-IJtucos , Jiut ihlnic of It , UOxU'U ft , mid a
corner , too , and only K.OOJ.
Ixit In tiniuiclers & llliiiBli.iugirs add. 1'rlco
( OOV. No cash payment und bal , to suit to uny
one who will build.
Now 7-room house , well nnd cistern , on " 7th
st. near car line. Price. K.VH. will take clear lot
as first payment , balance to suit ,
44 ft biiMui'ss properly with two good 2-story
store bulldlngrf. routing for MOO a y ar ; thin is
a bargain at JI.WU C. I * . Hotter , room 0 , B. w ,
cor. lit ha nil Doiiglan His. 2(7- (
FOIt BALI' or oxchanga A fine farm ot
lUOncresIn Holt Co. , Nob. ; will exchange
for horse and pheaton or pair ( if ponies and
pheatoii , Aildrosj H ; i | , Hoc ollice , luI-1'Jt
UNMUtri'lI m
pnivomunts " , easily reached , easy termg ,
i , .
THAVKreal and personal property of All
.Lktnds for trade. Call am son mo. , Georgn.t.
Ptorn-dorlf. Uooms ai ? and 3s , National
bank building. 003
MONMOt'TH Tar * : , beautiful lotsIlno Im-
proqeiiients , easily reached , easy terms
Wallace , Crclghlon block. J7J-H )
$9,750 , U.8JO cash , JT.IXX ) 6 yours 0 per cent , buys
J-story 8-room house , fnrnneo , uath , eto , lot
MUH feet. No. a"l3 I'opploton av . , Hanscom
1'lace ! must go by March 1st , party going away.
1) . V. Sholes. 210 1st Nnt'l bant. Sill
HA MOA1 N i < KHO on liith st south o f the
viaduct , with small house and barn , 'this
property in the marxot for a short tlmo only at
theoxtroniplow prl-o of JI.IWO. This Is Si.ftv )
lcs id actual valun , G. .I. Sternsdortr ,
rooms U17 and 3H KiMt Natlonr.t bauk building ,
$100 cash , balance f-i ! per month , will buy ntw
7-room house on Sltli st near Lnko st. Prlco.
} 2-oo. c. 12. iteltci , i-ooiu B , s. w. cor. liith und
loughis. _ UL'-'ll ' _
S.VLl ! riR > llnwiey nouse. North
Platto. Neb. , or will trad i for good im
proved farm or city property. The house. Is
furnished nnd in running order. Price J .iflfl.
( tiibioct , to oiiciimbrnnr'o of JI.OJJ Address
.loliu I law-lay. North 1'lntto. KW23t
_ _ _
\\T U'KUIiV Addition. ThM property iulnlns )
ii the famous Central Park and Moniiiontii
I'arkaddltloiH. I nave a uumb.-r of lots In the
aboxo addition that can be Hold on terms to
suit Special Inducimionts oilered to thee who
will build. It w 111 p iy you to Imwsl o. (1. ( .1.
Morusdotir , rooms . )17 ) ami ais I'lrat National
bank building. < u2
G.I. STKltNSDOHIT. rooms ,117 .V .118 First
Nntionnl Hunk Hulldlug , has several pieces
of Hue residence and 1111111031 property to
< lo. Also several farms near Omaha , Tele.
one. 4iil. EH (
"IT'lilId ANThouse and corner lot near Lenten-
-111 xvoi 111 nnd lurknoimo , only } ( iOOJ , worth
A nire building lot mini- same location nt a
llfi feet trackage on U. P. II. U. within mile
line , f ' , ) ) .
Two elegant building lots In West Omnlm ,
jl.ftio oach.
Good business nnd residence propeity Iu all
parts of the city.
Orovor Stevens.
22il-2l 1.131 Farnam St. Telephone 1125.
: ViCA8II and JJ5 monthly , including Interest ,
$ buys nlcoil-rooin house ami lot. well located.
H , 1 * . Cole , room n , Continental hlocK. 213
iOK S ALU-Loriir In "block" Fl , fflxliW.011
X1 Hnrnoyst. l-'or particulars liuiulro of Wm
Sinlgor , ( Inlemi. 111. 1IM mlfi
1J10K SVLl-2-Or exchange for Otnilin prop-
Aerty , H ) iicros. biilt.iblo for pliittlm : ; will
make iul lotsnil oloar ; big money In It for so mo
ono who can push this ; located just outside ttio
oily limits ot Council Illlilfs. Inqiilrj ( loo. .1.
Steinsdorii , rooms (117 ( and illbl , 1-irat National
bank building. 073
1/lOlt " SALI2-Lots II , IS and 1(1 ( , block II , West
JL" sldo addition. Tnoso lots nro5KI24 each ,
lay very pHetty , and tha three o.iu bo bought ,
for SUVA They are actually worth twlcu that
amount. G. .1. Sternsdorll , HoomsUI7 and 'MS ,
I'irst National bank building. it" > 8
FOK HUNT New 7 room house , all modern
conveniences , centrally located , will rent
very reasonable to tenant milking good lease ,
n-room cottage S 17th t , $10. n-room house ,
2t)2i ) Howard st. ii-room Hat 14-W N 17ih , suitable
for light housokeeiilng , J12. Apply to Green .V
Wllllama Firat Nat , bank bldg. ( ill
SOUTH OMAHA-I Imvo a number of good
. lots In various additions that muse bo sold
at once and ran bo bought nt prices that will
milt you. G , J. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and D1S
First National uank building. 0.7'
T7IOK SAL12Or trade , lot Ii , block il , Hedford
JC place , n corner , will sell cheap for cash , or
trade for furniture or any personal property.
Omnlm Auction .V Storage Co. 104 30
BtTSINKSS property. Capitol nvo. lot II , block
fi , bet. llonuutt block and Itith st. Take
pome triido. Sena otrer to owner , John W. Tay
lor , 0 I2nclld nvo , Cleveland , O. lUOF.-'iit
LOTS , block4 , Dupont I'laco. 8-room house In
iooil repair , f I.OJJ. J71X ) casn , balance easy ;
will take team of homos as part piymeu t. G. .1.
SteinsJorlf. rooms i17 ! nndUlS First National
bank Dulldlng. 05. "
FOK SAL12 or Cxclinuee Improved stock
farm of SO ) acres In eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also now 12-room tiouo wltu nil con
veniences , in desirable residence portion of
Omaha. Andrew Ilevlns. Attorney. I nnd 44J
I'axton block , Omaha. Nob. 270
FOK SAL12 lly M. A. Upton Company ,
Investment Hunkers aud
Geneial Itt'fU Kstate Dealers.
Southeast corner 10th and Farnam.
awxl'jS , south and east front , corner 40ch
and Dodge streets No finer ro.wlenco site
In Omann ; K 500 buys H. Hlg bargain ; uka it
Hero is n good homo at a very reasonable
price : South front. Oil-foot lot on Maple street.
Just east of Saunders and south or Kountzu
place ; now 8-room house , good baru , only J1.5JO.
Terms to suit.
The best corner In Omaha for fine tenement : *
Is 24th and Dodgo. Wu have 107x1' * ! there.
Koom for block of seven nouses i7OJO W o
think this is sold , however.
Konnf/.u Placet ICouuUo Place ! Klegant
homo in ICounUe Place , U rooinnfurnace , bath ,
hotnnd cold water , ovcry convenience , good
barn , nil new , nice and nobby , ftl.rai ; Sl.ttlU
casli , balance 1 , 2. a and 4 yonis. Hay ?
41 feet south end Hull st. viaduct , cut down to
grade , JIXJ. ! ( If you want It any clicnper take
ic as n glit , We'll pay for recording the deed ,
The Dent /laigaln /
hi business property in Omaha to-day is ( VI foot
ontlieWl root alley on'lrtth street , north of
Len\vnx\orth , at J2j per foot. Four story
building going up on adjoining ( G It. In the
spring. ,
Von Fool
away your day of grace when you do not secure
KOineof the baigalns wq oiler. They are liKe
the circus Hero to-day , but gone to-morrow.
1'12 feet trackage on llth street. Just north'of
Nicholas for f.t.uUO. Nicholas street Is , nnd llth
Htrcet will bo paved this yearlilc : money In
tlhs line trackage property ,
Klcgnnt , Itu.-iiuencL' .
Does nnyono want one of the best built nnd
llncly Mulshed house nnd barn in tlio city ?
House of eleven roomn. llarn cost over Jl.ouu.
House htm every convenience. Knit front lot.
Yi mile from couit lioustArtlllclal stone drive
ways nnd walk.s. A complete nud home.
Four mautolH and grates that cost ovoriiioo.
Improvements cost JIO.ouo. Lot Is worth f'i.OJO '
in acres
milo west ot ArmourX South Omaha. The
IInest 10 acres In that locality. Will make Ilia
r.ottauo Iot.s2"ixlOH that will sell readily at $2.-il (
nnd .iO ) . Will olfor this for u few days nt a
South Omnlm.
Throe beautiful east front loin , -tOxIM oach.
Just north of Summit I'nrk , for * l.rU ) , worth
double that amount. Bponk quick if you want
Windsor I'laco.
This year will .soo good transput tatlon fat-Ill-
tlos to Windmr 1'ltn e. Wo can neil n line homo
In this elegant addition for 21 per cent Iim than
it. can be bought for alter May 1st.
LOOK nt 'I his ;
4-room house , r mented tellnr , brick toundn-
tlou , elHtorn , full lot In Omaha View , all for
| , luu--KJ } cash , balanceflj.w per mouth.
Arcade IMiicn.
I2nit front lot on ii'ith stieet , Just south of
J.cavcnwnith , lor { I.KKI.
Hillside No , I ,
A rine iloublo corner on il ah and Chicago sr , ,
Just east of Y tt 'mansion , tor7,3IX ) .
Kllby I'lnce.
I/it 00x101 onilWh st. , Just north of Dodge ,
3l,7ii--liO ) ) ciihli , bahuu-u I , ii and . ' ! yiniia if
lioubo Is built to cost not loss than il.iKK' .
Missing It.
Oh I you aremlshlnglt by not purchasing before -
fore the spring tide sets In.
( OxI'W.
South front on Sownid street , In Shlnu'n 3
nddltiou , Ul.'JiX ) .
Cortland Place ,
A line home with ovi-ry convenience'large ;
lot.W.OD'J ' ; til.utx ) i'fi h , liulnuco 7 pur ct-nt.
South inthStieot ,
Lot O'lXl'p" ; good i > room house ; flno rasldent'e
f-trrct ; barn ; < il,0ixi. Lot U woith the money ,
.South Ifllh.Stieet.
Wo will he.ll a corunr on IftHi aud ( JaKtollar ,
MX 140 , for lcs > lhan nnyliHldelotcun uu bought
HhermHii A "enuo ,
Wi feet , u coiner , on lilimuy bt. for $ * ,8J3 , or
the cornov lot lor 11,0JU.
HniiHiom I'liu-e.
Cnblolluoto HninioM "l.i' o tills year , Wo
have some ot thu lwc riMlili.-iiLcj uud aiir.s
F.iniam Sircot.
Money ran bn tloubu-d In two yc. r.-t by buying
piopetty f us on Farnr.m nrrcet between : JUth
uud 22d.
We Never Bold a Lot
yet that Uio'-iiiuhiiber hun nut uindu more than
legular Intel-eat on his Im'csiiuent. Tlint IH
) iui-uiso ; wciU-ul In nothing but llntt clas * piop-
01tiCS ,
Morsman 1'ark.
A Ixmiitlful eatt fiout lot , traded , for J3.259 ,
worth tlUM.
4ii feel unfit front on il7th ipaved street ) be
tween HogcrH'and Wlllint < U'imlei'4ntiBtduii : ua
nnd Fnrnimi st ff.r 4'ui ,
Wuhnve the lar oit list ana best bargain ? In
the city.
M , A. Upton Company. Telephone KM , 201
\\7Ali\i.\CK. \ Cn-Tghton block , l.lth and Doug.
f i lav. oifer-s the following on panyteunif :
LotS3 , ] H. IV , 21. block II , We < t Oumlli' , ' , each ,
ixjtii t andB , block 21 , Carthage , each , 1.001. .
Lots 31 and 23 , bldok V. Orrhnrd Hill , rorncm
on Lowe nvonuo , wlthclly water , both. l,7'iii.
l.ot 17 and It ) . bljck li , Orchard Hill. vatli ,
| : M ) .
Lot II , block L. Lewis addition , 00 ft front.
tl.'M ) .
Lot 7 , block I , lionise addition. r.,7JO.
Iot7 , block il , lla'.vtlior.-io , * IWJ.
Lot Hi , blocs II , Ilrlggs I'laco. coiner. U001 ,
Lot If. nlorU , llriK'KS i'laco , noutli front on
Funiiii ! ! , t .OM
Hohi auout for "Mnumouth park , " the m < | st
beautifully situated addition about Omuutt ; on
Hi lots sole ) Iu thU addition them have bueu ti
SOOA UJUSM orcaod. Wnllaco , ClouUtor. block.
* *
hV ! > MARKS first payment on nice 0-room , iroHxl location. Ii K , Cole roomfl ,
bntlnontal block , 43
of the choicest clear property In Glen-
wood , Iowa , O.J. SlernsdoriT , rooms 317
and 31S , First National bank bulUIng. MS
\\rAKtlfl ) AliTco residetico lot east of " "sth
f f st. and between Cumiug nml Loavcmvorth.
If you hai'onny Omaha property to offer nt a
bargain bring It around.
_ Grover Stevens , .
2-8-21 1531 Knruam St. Telcphoao U25.
"JjlOHSALI'- roamed holisomud fulllol , coed
-L surrountUngs , on n street cnr line. Will
take In exchange Nebraska or Kansas farm
iironerty with some Incumbrance , or vacant lot
In Omaha or South Omaha. Call and inrMtl-
gnto now , C. F. Harrison , 40J and 401 Mer
chants" National bank. 7M
AntNMOFTIl 1'arfc , boautlful lot * , nno lm
-I'L provomonts. oaslly reached , easy torms.
\ \ allaco. Crelghton block. S7JMD
SALK or Trade S now S-room houses
from llrst hands , room ( M Itaiueu blk ,
sno-i ;
IfOU SAMI- nice Ilttlo homo on H. 16th st. ,
-L fonf.xlnlng I rooms , all In givtd roinlr. well ,
cistern , collar , bsrne. . This property can ba
wild on a small payment doun , balance J1J par
month. Why pay rent when a gulden opportu
nity llko tills -.tares you In th face ? Cl. J.
StenisdorlT. rooms ; U7 and 111 * . I'irst National
biinlc building. iVW
' , Homosl 1
Carthage is Umaha'a nu t boautlfutly situ-
tiled subiitb.
It Joins Walnut Hilt on the west and Dundee
rincnint I ho noith ,
It Is within easy distance of the licit Mno
It H within a few blocks of paod streets.
'rht-Ai | < tiopolltnn C.xblo line la being bnilt to
Dundee l'lac .
We w 111 sell lots hero for KOJ. iT3
Terms !
To parties who will build : Ono-tontli cash :
balance at the end often years.
We have Tor Traila
good unlncumberod property for business lot-
will 111111110 mortgage or pay cash.
Klegant new cottage for any kind of good
eal o.state.
A great bargain , thoS. W. corner of IBIh nnd
( allfornla street * , with thtcu housoj , Jin.OOO
takes It.
The northwest corner of nth nnd Dodge ,
MVW ) . very easy terms.
: i.iH iaiTesor laud in Nebraska and Kansas.
12 elegant unliicumb.-red residence lots In
Two new lulek residences and lots with small
Incumlmuire , In the bast purl of the city , will
trade all for Improved buslnPss property.
llrunuiui , V Co. ,
Chamber of Commerce. Telephone TOO.
AMIW. Real KsttitL' , 1WT7 1 ariiam s : .
Hero Isa Kpeclal bargain , nnd it will pay
you to ln\L'.Htlgate.
l-'ull Lot on Kith street ,
01x1(0 ( , on grade , small house , for JI.OOO. You
can pay
' 4 cash.
and balance. In easy paymeutR. If nece nary n
good lesldenco will no taken In pait puymout.
Another b.ugniu
Is a now " -story housu on MIrtYiil street , one
block frnnrcars ; house has modern improve
ments ; let Is id feet fiont ; our price , N.MK ) ; Is
subject to a mot t gage 'f SV-IW , draw Incfl per
cent. Interest ; balance wo will tnka as follows :
ifSOO cash , a good residence lot seuurud paper.
On Virginia avenue ,
a splendid lot. east front , and as handsome a
lot as there Is In Hunseom I'hico , for ti.&W :
terms , Ji.oou cash ; this Is one of the best resi
dence locations iu Omaha.
A 7-Hooiu House
and barn on Virginia avenue , in good order ;
splendid location ; prlco J.I.WM. v , casn.
On Cumiug St. ,
aloHI feet front. liiTi luet deep , and 7-room
hou o for4fliM ; this Is the best otrcr for the
money In that part of Omaha , ami U takes linlf.
cash to buy It.
On South llth St.
$ T > ,000 buys full lot with tl-iooni house and out
buildings ; this ( M a bnigulii w ll worth the
money , and takes J-.IUJ cash to buy It ; balance
to unit.
U You Want
to buy n cheap homo , on trnsy payments , wo
can llx you out. Now is the time to start In
nnd you not only buy on favorable terms , but
you save voiirmonoy monthly and make ten
times the interest any bank can pay you , and
your money is perfectly safe.
Wo have
JfiOO.r)0 ( )
to loan on city property at low rates of Interest.
We muke guaranteed abstractsof tltloto all
real estate in Omaha and Douglas county.
Como and See Us
for by so doing you may do yourself some
good ; you can see and post your slf on real es
tate and find out what is going on here.
Conveyances always on hand to allow prop
Ames , 1507 I'.mmm st 197 19
MONMOirt'H Park , beautiful lots , line im
provements , easily readied , easy terms ,
Wallace , Crolghton block , STJMtf
CALL on 11. 12. Cole , northeast , corner of 15th
and Douglas .sts. , Omaha , for Kdwln If. Al-
sip A : Co.'s catalogues ot lamia of California.
_ ! iW April 111-
ONMOPTli Park , bcautlrufiots. line 1m-
provementH , easily readied , easy terms ,
Wallace , Crulghtou blouk. _ ifT--l'J
I WILL receive sealed ollnrs to buy the BW 23
xllU fuetof lot.2 , Capitol lUld.toOmaha , up to
12 o'clock , Feb. 20. Title perfect nml Indufeast-
lilr. All ollor-s of not less Hum ilr > 0) ) , within 30
days , as flral payment , will bo considered bona-
iUlo and comment lal. The prlco olfered , tiUU | of
payments and jaten of Interest will all bo con
sidered in determining which. If tiny , offer I ac
cept. This glvns all a clnuu-u to got a uuslntvss
lot on I'atn.uiibl. on their own turms , if tliti
pi leu hints. I Ira KITS must get thnlr commission
iiom purchaser. 15. L. Kmory , room in , Ware
T710K BALI51. ! . ' acres , Hamilton Co. . .
JL' land , * 9 per acre , one-third casli. balance aD
( I percent. Address W. J WlldmanUanvei-.Col ,
TTiOlt SALE Improved clsar farm of 1(10 ( acres
J. InMowor county , Mlnuosota , HJ per acre.
Owner desiring to move to Omaha ; will , exchange -
change ror n homu here. CM' . Harrison. Mor-
chanta' Nat'l bank. US
Till * ltl2A.I < TV MAKKIST.
Itistriiniciils Placed on HcoorJ Dtlr-
Ini ; Vf sK'rdny.
'It ABhljy toltJunnensclioin. . lot 38 , blk 4.
llrlgiri1 phao , icd | . 2,500
.1 KemllanndwIfoto.lMcCabo.n'd ft lots
l and 21. bll : S. Hush tc Shelby'H ndil ,
wd . . . 1,000
J y.n1lnk to A I' Hunt , nnd H of w fft } of
liliutt lot t ) . blk f' , 1'ai-k place , wd . ,730
T Van Wlndhelm nml wife to O Kngle-
iniui. lot " 7 , Llniliiulst'.s add , ir d 1
It S Manlsby and wlfo to F II Thomas , lot
2. Stevens' sub , wd . . . t,003 )
.1 A O'Koefii ct ul to. ) Honey , et til , e 10)
ft lot , il. blk 78. to Omaha , w d . 4,800
PC niinubniufitetnltoF , I ! & M V
n i' , wo.TMli 13 o. d . 1
I' H ( ln-mi und wllo to r , 1 ! \ M V lly , pt
stinf n w'll.lG-lSP. d . ! ) W
F II lleliburdand wlfo to F , iVM : V Hy ,
pt n wof H w'il-K-l. . ' o , d . 1
It 'I'waddoll to 1' . U ic M V Hy. ptn w of u
w ; n-ii'ri2 , d . . . 1
I' (1 ( Hlmubiiugh et al to H , K & M V
H o of h o iCJ-IIM'J e. wd . 1
A II Clmrilon and wife to H HGr-eu , lot
{ > . blk I , Institute place , wd . ; lOO
W T Mii' nnd wife to I ) H So aver ,
lot 2ii , hlk 1. Camplxfll.sadd. wd. . . . . l.'JOO
W I , Mel ague to J O llrokaw. lot 20 , WK
1 , V.i nnr place , wd . 250
JI'Macauloy to .1 M Cox , lot 33 , blk U ,
-dl'oid > , wil . , . . . . SOD
W DCowJen to F Andrews , lot ? 131 lo".1
Inc. North Side aild.wd . fOM !
C H Klngto Dinlhh Ahs'n of Omaha , a
Hinnll tiact ut IntiTH'jctum of car lluu u I 11
and wofSMS Uliucl , n line of Market
pt , tied . . . 1
William Kotbnand wlfn to Kail K'ramor ,
lot I , Hnsc.ill'HSub , ricd . . . , , , fi'W '
S.I llowlny to.lnnips lUismiHuou , lot 21 , II
bin 1 , Cotii'jrA Archer'H add , wd. . . , , , 0)
Nliioieenlransftittmounllng / to. . . . WI.700
iiK I'nrinttH.
Thcfolloivlng buildlti'i panultsvora.issuo4
A. ( ! . Austin , remodelling Ftoro front ,
Thliteenth aad Hiiwnnl . . . t I2 * >
1'rud W ( irny , om-s'oi-y frninu drying
llln. ; Hal ncy mul Mxth btn'elt ) . . . 331)
I'ri'tl W Gray. tuo-Htory frume Hhop ,
llarney Htiect. . CtH )
Nicholas Ol-on , ono story fiiimo rottngo ,
Miami biitvtueii Thlity-ulghth unit
Thlrlv-nlntli st-eels . . . . . KO
Louis Metoivuiid n luilf story frame
duelling , Maf-y botueen I'lHcuiitli aii'l
Slxteplilh ttrcota . , . BOO
1'lvo pi-nulls , .t 2"T5
\VIII Ai-liuowlcdun It.
I ouis HorcltoIT , who was convlutoil of ob
taining foods under fuUo pretenses from tlio
linn of Kli'ki.'iidall , . 'ouo , t C'o..nt tUo fast
term of court , ami who plouik-il not ( 'iuHy ,
will oliungti lit.s plciivlifii ut'rulgiied for" a
nuw trial nuxtvuoU. . His uttorneyn Illuil u
inutlon yosturiluy in tliu Uisli'ict court con
taining this Information , '
IjlCllHlrt ! : 10 Well.
Kolli ) wing nro the nmrriaso licensee isiuccl
yesterday Iu thu county uaji't _ by Judge
Hhiolda :
Nutno ami roslilcucd. Ago ,
I Peter K. lU'ctl , Oinaliu . , . , . . . . , , , . , .121
1 Mi : Olcnoii , Oniiilm . . . , , '
Henry Hocr.uh , Kllitiorn Vulioy. , . , , , , , . SS7
Thirty Gibbs , tilkUoru Valley . W