Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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E. NO 11 ! 1'KAUIj STItKKT.
Cellvei ed by cnrrlw In Anv 1'nrt of ho City n
, 'iwpnty Cents i'erWcck.
r. Jfn. 43.
Niniir itiiioii. :
N. Y. Phmibiiiff company.
Conlnnil wood. K. K.Muyno , 019 ll'way.
A murrlnjro license was issued yester
day to Bviild Har inim and Thusnoldn
Lubbers , both of this city.
M. C. Coslorison has taken out a
bullilliif. permit for u $1,0(10 ( resilience
In Uavliss & 1'iUinor's addition ,
The funeral of the late GcorL'o C.
Campbell will InUo plneo at 2 o'clock
this afternoon from tno residence , Ollt
East Pierce street.
The steam heating apparatus in the
Hoist rottiitfe , corner of Fourth street
and I'MUli avenue lias been placed in po
sition by .levhn Gilbert , and was yoster-
rtny started up for tlio Una time. Tboro
was not a leak to bo found and the whole
plant worked to the perfect satisfaction
of both plumber and owner.
The arraiiKonients for the farewell
ball to be fjlvcn by the Dodge Light
Guards to-morrow evening are- com
pleted , and ticuets may bo secured of
C. K. Woodbui-y , Oeorgo JJainnn. Ts'etl
Shepherd , .1. U. Parsons , Hay lltxlcy ,
E , II. Lougco , or O. S. Williams. The
parties previously given by the guards
'iiavo ' been very enjoyable affairs , and
this one promises to eelipso them all.
The ordinance just passed by the
council , regulating the erection of
wires by electric light coniixintes , states
that they must bo conlineii to the opno-
elto sides of streets and alleys from lire
and police alarms , telegraph and telephone -
phone wires , as far as practicable , and
in crossing said wires must bo at least
live feet distant. All ( liunturo sustained
by other companies on account of in
duction must be bottled for , and the of
fending wires removed.
The damage case of Fair vs Pity of
Council HlulTs was bguu in the district
court yesterday morning , and will re
quire at least another day. The .lorry
JNloyor contempt case wa.s taken up , and
the defendant pleaded guilty , anil was
lined SoOO and cwts , as was anticipated
bOmo time since by Tim Br.i : . lie gave
a , stay bond for six months , and was re
leased. Verily , the Council HlulTs
whisky seller lies not in a bed of roses ,
for his way is paved with injunctions ,
mayors' taxes and heavy linos.
The case of Sam Epperson , night
watchman at the Milwaukee depot ,
charged with assault to do great bodily
injury , was heard yohtorday by Squire
Hondricks. Kpporson was accused of
boating Stuart Anderson , a darky who
was loitering in the yards of the com
pany. The watchman ordered him
away and ho refused to go. whereupon
Epperson used his club with good elToct.
The court hold that the evidence was
insulliciont to bind over the defendant
to the grand jury , and ho was accord
ingly discharged.
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
got your clothes made. ( JliT Broadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan monov.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co. 's
loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kiiuls ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
_ _
J. G. Tipton' real estate , 627 B'dway.
Harrlson'H Innu < ; tiriUinn.
The \Vabash Western railway an
nounce : ! that tickets will bo sold from
nil stations to Washington and' return ,
'for the inauguration of President Harrison
risen , at half fare.
Rate for round trip from Council
Bluffs , la. . $ . " 0. Tickets will bo on sale
February 27 to March 2 ; good return ing
until Mtirch 10 , 1880. For further par
ticulars apply at the Wabash Western
ticket ollico121 Broadway. .
J. C. MiTCHKr.L , Agent.
Captain A. W. Cowles , of the Dodge
Light Guards , leaves to-morrow even
ing for Dayton , O. , to attend the con
vention of the agents of a cash register
in which ho is interested , having taken
the agency for this state in company
with A. D. Foster , o ! this city. Cap
tain Cowlos will join his company on
route to Washington , at Newark , a
Junction on the Baltimore & Ohio , about
-twenty miles from Dayton , Sunday
afternoon. March 8. During his ab
sence nartics desiring to rent Armory
hall will consult Messrs. Burke &
Thcro will bo a meeting of the David
JJreadloy hook and ladder company ( a
continued organization of Phanix hook
and-liiddor company ) at No.I house ,
upper Broadway , Wednesday evening ,
Februivry 20 , at 8 o'clock.
J. B. Fnv.OHKAM ) , Secretary.
'I'a Icon Kiir Tlii-ft.
D. F. Rowe was brought in from At
lantic , yesterday morning , by Deputy
Marshal Timecooloy , of that place , and
lodged in the county jail. Ilcisohargcd
with the larceny of a wntclr , revolver
nnd 82 in money from the residence of
T. W. McC'argor , in Garner township.
The watch , which is valued at $1-10 , was
found. in ( j'oldhtoin'ri
pawnship , on Up
per Broadway. The prisoner admitted
his guilt , and waived examination be
fore 'Squiro Ilendricks , who bound him
over to the grand jury in the Bum of
1600 , which ho could not furnish.
For Sale nt a Itnrunln.
Hotel property in Council BlulTs , cen
trally located , doing good business. H.
P. Olllcer , solo agent , No. 12 N. Main
Bt. , Council BlulTs.
I have moved my ollico to Omaha , at
which all orders will bo received and
Irom which all deliveries will bo made
by wngon. L. M.
All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Pickled tripe"and pigs' foot nt Tib-
bltts , a 16 Broad way.
Dr. 0. C. Iltuen , dentist , Opera house
' Elegant spring goods. Now styles
throughout. A. Uoiter , 1J10 Broadway.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
.diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
, it value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
'A. , A.'Clark & , Co. , ollico cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Heating sloven at cost to closa out.
Odoll & Bryant.
All grades soft coal. O. B. Fuel Co.
u L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
'over Jnuqunmin & Co'a jewelry storo.
Try our XXX bottled boor. Special
rates on all orders from Iowa.
L. M.
A Fomlnlno Assaulter Loaves Her
Thnopleco With the Court.
Prcpnrlnu for Their AVasliltmton Trip
Another Snloonlst Mneil
for C'ontrnijM Ilio
T ration Display.
Now Wny of Serving Tlmr.
R. Mortis was the only boozer in po
lice court yesterday morning. Ho was
assessed S7.W ) , and not possessing that
amount of Illthy lucre , was shoved back
into the cage.
Charles llensloy and Fred Kissel wore
jugged for fast driving. llonsloy
pleaded guilty and was lined * ! UiO. Kis
sel indignantly denied the charge , and
his case was continued until this morn
Mallic Mn < < on was arrested on a war
rant sworn out by I.iz/io Day , charging
her with a mint unladylike assault and
with dihturbing the peace. Both
of these frail fom.iles are tlon-
Ix.ens of "Tho How. " and their
relations arc somewhat strained on ac
count of the jealousy that liros the
bosom of the buxom Mattio. On sev
eral occasions the latter has attempted
to fresco Li//io's haldomined physiog
nomy , and in each instance has landed
in tlio little parlor , "second lloor buck , "
in the city jail. Mattie appeared bright
and early yesterday morning to answer
to the chin-go preferred against her.
She decided to plead guilty and was
lined $ ! ) . ( > ( ) . She stated that she was
short of cash , but if the court was
agreeable she would leave a clock until
she could redeem it.
His honor said that he had no objeu-
tions , whereupon the prisoner pro
ceeded to deftly extricate a small par
lor clock from her hustle , and handed
it , without the slightcytombarransmont ,
to the marshal who accepted it very
"Does that satisfy you ? " queried the
clock man.
"Perfectly. " was tlio laconic reply ot
the court , and the business like eyprian
walt/ed coolly out of the door. She was
hardlv out of sight whoa Lizzie ap
peared to prosecute the case. She
waited around the station for some
time , and then inquired where her as
sailant was. On being informed that
Mattie had been released she How into
a violent passion , and read the riot act
with a great deal of emphasis. When
licr supply of steam was nearly ex
hausted , a smiling deputy stated for
her benefit that Matlio deposited S'J.OO
before she loft. The cloud on Lizzie's
face immediately lifted , and after .in
expression of approval she loft the
building and its group of smiling spec
Rooms to rout in the Mor.rin.iu . block.
S. B. Wadsworth &Co.,2i ; ( > Main street.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Tlio ( Jraiid trip.
The Dodge Light Guards leave Thurs
day evening , February 28 , on train Xo.
8 , over the Northwestern , on their trip
to Washington to attend the inaugural.
They will arrive at the capital Sunday
at 11 o'clock. A stop of four days will
bo mndo there , the party leaving for
homo Thursday evening , and arriving
in the Blulis Sunday , March 10. They
will bo absent ten days , and expect to
have a royal time. Those nt present in
tending to go are as follows : Captain
A. W. Cowles. First Sergeant McNcnl ,
Sergeants Bixby , Barrett and Compton ,
Corporals Spooncr , Parsons and Burke ,
Musicians Longoe , Bennett and Ilavcr-
slock , Privates Arnifalrong , Edson ,
Fleming , Fenlon , Gray , Knotts , Kohoe ,
McC'ullom , Ogden , W. PattersonStacy ,
Stimson , Thomas , Treynor , Wallace , 6.
S. Williams , Bert Williams , C. E.
Woodbury and E. .T. "Wondbury , jr. jt
is possible that First Lieutenant Atchison -
son will also go , but it is rather doubtful.
Notice the beautiful llnish crivon col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
There seems to bo more grief In store
for Allen Price , who is under indict
ment on two counts for obtaining money
under false pretenses. Another information
mation charging him with obtaining
poods under false pretenses was filed
yesterday with the clerk of the su
perior court by Attorney Bplton in behalf -
half of one Seegars , who is a mourner
on account of Price's smooth tongue.
Price is the individual who ran the
Kink stables until a short time ago , and
hib sharp horse trades are now getting
him into trouble.
Send nil orders for bottled beer to L.
M. Finkelstoin , Omaha.
Tlio Trades Display.
There was a largo gathering at the
Armory hall lust evening to witness the
tradoH display. It was u most nninuo
entertainment. Young ladies appeared
in fantastic costumes , representing the
stocks of goods carried by various re-
tall merchants. One young lady , for
instance , representing a drug store ,
hud a largo sponge for a head-dress ,
little vials for ornaments , thorniomo-
tors and toilet goods , wri.sllots made of
corn plasters , etc. A crockery store
furnished numerous novelties for the
costume of the young lady representing
it. Dry goods , shoes , clothing in fact ,
ovorv line was represented. The young
ladies showed great ingenuity In ar
ranging their costumes out of the varied
The young ladies joined in a very
pleasant iwaroh. Ualby's orchestra fur
nished music. There was also a very
excellent drill by the Dodge Light
Guards. Miss StelTenn gave some pleas
ing reoitatnllons. Altogether tlio pro
gramme was varied anil very pleasing.
Mooting for confornng council de
grees this evening ut 7:81) : ) , All mem
bers of council arc earnestly requested
to bo protont. By order of the M. K.
II. T.
Another IJglit Company ,
A meeting was hold at the board of
trade rooms last evening to see if the
necessary stock could be uubscribed to
induce the Brush Elcotrio Light com
pany , of Cleveland , O. , to put in an in
candescent plant hero. Mr. Emil Op-
porman wan present to represent the
company. There was a very small at
tendance , and after waiting for some
time Mr. D. A. Farrell was elected
chairman , and Mr. C. R. Han nun sec
retary. Mr. Opporman explained the
object of the meeting , and Messrs. Piu-
noy , Metcalf and Johnson also addressed
the meeting ,
It was stated that the Brush company
would erect a $30,000 plant if two-thirds
of the stock could bo subscribed hero.
It was thought that there was ample
buslncba hero for two companies , uud
the matter will bo lalkcd up nmonp
local capitalists. Owing to the small
attendance , an adjournment was taken
until to-morrow evening.
The .Mnnnwn Motor.
The directors of the Munnwn motor
line mot last evening at the ollico pf
Sapj ) & Pueoy to pfrfect their organiza
tion and arrange for the workings of
the line during the coming season.
Colonel Reed slated that ho had al
ready ordered the four now cars and
now motor , and that they would bo
here in time to open the road early in
the .season fully equippc'd. The service
will bo first class , and it was stated that
trains would run at least every half
Another mooting will bo hold In
about ten days to still further arrange
theto details , and complete all neces
sary plans for affording the public
ample transportation facilities between
tliis city and the lake.
Parties having temperance billiard
halls and restaurants will do well to
take the exclusive sale of my temperance -
anco beer. L. M. FixingsTIIX. :
X 'oln.
Nine public sales ninong tlio farmers this
MUs Muy Wntts Is visiting Mrs. Uustln la
R Hurt nnd family will inovo to Defiance
this spring.
Mrs. ( Joohrun anil family move to Under
wood tills wcqk.
Clmrlio Dwisht leaves for Colormlo tlio
first of March ,
Miss Hundley lius returned from her trip
to Concord la , Klin.
Mrs , Chaunccy Lovolaml is confined to
her house by sicUncss.
Mrs. Sliunlts of DCS Monies , is visiting her
sister , Mrs. Gco. Whitney.
Mrs. William Witt , who has been sick
with the quinsy , lias recovered.
Will McDonald nnd family leave for Hen-
nctt , Neb. , on the 4th of March.
C. M. Witt and T. ( , ' . Turner have bought
land m Harrison and Shelby counties.
Jerome L. Heard was in town last week
looking utter his interest in the drug busi
ness ,
Tlio suit pending between F. T. C. John
son ami E. K. Ucluhnrts won by the
Miss Lou Killnaelt , who is having a serious
tussle with lung" fever , is reported as grow
ing worse.
C. D. Dillin starts for Wayne county.Neb. ,
Monday in the interest of his crops for the
cominc year.
Paul McDonuld , George Murphy , Tom
McDonald ami H. T. Lovcll ship e.ittio to
Chicago this week.
Ocorgo White left for Colorado Saturday
evening , but will return in the spring in time
to farm Charles Howcu's ' land.
A new firm from Adair will locate in the
old Hardsloy building on the first of .March.
Clothing and gents' furnishing goods.
Samuel Garmang , having a position on the
public works in Utah , starts for that place
on March 1. John Buchanan , jr. , follows
George Floosliingcr nnd Mnggiq Gorman
were married on Tuesday morning at St.
Patrick's church , Father
The lawsuit between J. llartloss and C. M.
AVitt to recover mortgaged com , saiu to have
been sold by the former , was won by
Miss Williams , of Wiota , is visiting her
sister , Mrs. Lahiuaii , of the Lahiiiau house.
The ladies are twins anil look very nearly
alike , causing a blight embarrassment to
home of the gentlemen boarders.
Barney Jougferman , an old resident of
Ncola township , was found ilead in his bed
on Saturday inurnmc. Deceased was in his
seventy-third year and had evidently passed
quietly and painlessly away. The funeral
occurred on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. II. B. Thomas is at present suffering
from a severely sprained wrist , which is the
result of s. fall on the iec.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barney , who for the
liast year have resided near Council Bluffs ,
have returned to their old home , at Quick.
They will live with the parents of Mrs. Har-
noy. Their Iriends will bo glad to welcome
them back to Ilurclin township.
Mrs. D. M. Wyclcoff left last week for an
extended visit to fnoiids in Illinois ; and
Miss Clara WyclcolT , who has spent the
greater"nart of the winter in Omaha , re
turned homo to take charge of the house
hold during her mother's absence.
An old-fashioned spelling school was hold
last Wednesday evening in district No. 4 ,
where Miss Uertha Chambers teaches. The
school house was crowded , and by far the
greater number of those present took part in
the spelling contest , winch was quite inter
The ninliii township singing circle met
last Friday evening at Mr. D. F. Drydeu's.
They arc progressing nicely m their work
and arc attracting quito a number of visit
ors. Five visitors were present nt tlio last
iiiectini ; : Mr. WyelcolT , Mrs. Charlie Cham
bers , Mr. L. W. Prouty , Mrs. Johnson and
Mr. John Sylvester. Mr. Sylvester brought
lis Unto with him , which added much to the
life of the meeting. They will assemble
next Fnaay evening at G. E. McMahon's.
Mrs , Walter Parker is spending the winter
in the south.
Mr. ICussoii and Miss Mary Briggs were
united in marriage last week Tuesday.
Mr. D. F. Perry is contemplating the erec
tion of a line dwelling , house in the spring.
Mrs. Emma Johnson , of Gilman , la. , is
visiting at the residence of Mr. D. M
Mr. A. H. Lnvcnburg will give his annual
jail at Armour hall on the evening of Feb
ruary 2) ) .
Miss Clara Wyehoff has returned from
Omaha , where she bus been spending some
time with friends.
The young ladies song social met at the
ilcasant homo of Mr. D. F. Drytlcn on Sat-
jrday availing. An enjoyable time was had.
Farmers are making sales. Some for the
mrposo of ridding themselves of superlluous
itock and funning implements , others with
i view to moving. Everything sells at a low
Several more weddings nro looked for In
the near future. The question "Shall wo-
ntm propose , " which is being so agitated in
certain circles , does not demand our briefest
consideration. It is demonstrated that they
do not need to do so.
The Teachers association organized in Jan
uary , after several attempts to , hold a wcot.
ug and carry out the proposed programme ,
adjourned sine die. The objects and aims of
.ho association were good and much regret
R expressed timt they could not bo accom
plished ,
The Farmers' Alliance , a branch of the
Stnto Alliance , is likely to prove a good
.hlng for its members. Ono of their num
ber , Mr. II. A. Smith , was selected to go to
Omaha and uHccrtam the prices at which
groceries , nnd other necessary articles , could
10 purchased in largo quantities. Bo brought
jaeK a very favorable report , and , also , sum-
ilcs of tea , sugar , eti Sluco then ttiL-y have
received , in sultillment of orders , supplies
which huvo given great satisfaction. If it is
to boot real bonollt it should have tlio sup-
iort of nil our citizens , and to this cud wo
would suggest to the gentlemen that its
iiectitigs bo of such u character that the la
dles way attend.
jMr , G. II. Mauly took his departure for
.Vyouihig . last Tuesday night to locate.
Mr , Frank Curruth U attending a dinner's
uoetnig which is being hold la Chicago.
The members of the A. O. U. W , ontar-
ainod their relatives and a good number of
ricnds at the K. of P. hall , in right royal
Miss Clara Shaffer , who Is well known In
his city , will be man-led to a Mr. Mark Bur-
> er , on Wednesday , 27th ult. , at her homo in
Dog Molnes.
Mr , William Latta , a business man of
tlurry , who recenty disposed of his stock ,
las removed nia family to this city , whore
hey will reside permanently ,
Mr. J. V , Weckbacu , a prominent dry
foods merchant of tins city , will sell bis on :
tire stock to Mr. J W CofbyTof Kill * , Kns. ,
who will take possession ort April 15th.
The ladles of tlio Catholic church under
whose misplccs n fnlr WaiTJeld Thursday
evening , clenrod ovcrJl.ttX ) their traniac-
tlons , which will bo applied 143 payment on
the CathhHi * school Imllilttit * .
Miss Carrie Guilimnn. 'n . .iwpulnr young
lady of this city , was marnVd to Mr. Murks
I-nnim , on Wednesday evening last , nt her
homo. Hev. W. U. HurgCRi , Of the Kpiscopal
chureli , performed the corsjuojiy.
A party of boys whose it rim ef < are unknown
broke Into the street ear holtsq Friday night
nnd tapped the money box ( n one of the ours ,
where the driver had left a few dollars after
hi * last trip , thinking they wonld ho safe.
One of the happiest ovejit of the senson
occurred on Wednesday night last nt the
home of Mr. Con. Mussingbr , eight miles
west of this city , In tho-irmniaeo of Ills
daughter , Miss Lizzie to Mr. Con. Stoohr.
Miss Maggie Yune.v who visited friends in
Atlantic , In. , for several weeks , returned to
Pliittsmouth Wednesday to visit fora few day
with her friend , Mrs. Cngno.v. before reUiru-
INK to her home In the western part of the
The school nt this place will close in two
Mrs. Pete Flnnnga'.i 1ms gone east on
n visit.
The Tnugcmnnn boys are shcllliic corn In
West Point.
II. Hairs' father was down on a visit from
West Poiutou Tuesday last.
A. Diers was In West Point on Sunday.
M. .1. Kennedy was there also.
J. il. King was nt Scrlbucr on Important
business on Wednesday of last wool ; .
Mr. A. Wllfer has leased n farm nenr
North lleud , and will move over soon.
Lou Smith , who bus boon sick with typhoid
fuver , died on Monday lust at the resilience
of his sister.
Luna Shcpard went down to Soribuor on
Friday. Slio was in aUoudaiioo at the exam
ination for teachers at Fremont on Satur
day. She will visit friends in North IJeud
before returning home.
On liantl for city loans ; lowest rates
of interest.
Fine farms close to BlulTs toexchiiugo
for eity property.
Western land to exchange for citv
tt\K \ bargains in Broadway lots.
Fine business property to exchange
for well improved farms.
Good fresh stock trrocerics to ex-
ilmngo for city property and one-third
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Small payments down. Prices ranging
from $77" ) to Sl,0l ) ( ) .
in Evans' ' Coch-
Cheap lots , Wright's , -
ran's and most nil additions to city.
Fine aero property for bale from 3100
to 8500 less tlmn present worth.
Xo. 10 I'curl St. , Council lllnirs.
T710U HUNT Chcnv. two luuulsome , new , six
-L room cottusenoitli of transfer , Couurll
mi't. luiiulie llhiml HiHhtor , nth : ivv. and
JJlst bt.
VVANTUD Competent abstractrr of titles.
J. W. Squire , Council mulls. ,
TTlOlt KENT The throe-story urick store room
J No. 4U7 llroadwny. Tlio location Is onu of
; he Imst in the city. 'Iho hnllillir ; has been oc
cupied fey thu lust , twenty years \ > y .Miller A : Co. ,
iard\vare , and would be u very desirable loca
tion for a hanhvaro business on tnat account.
John llcnnett.
W'ANTED City property m exchange for
Iowa farms. Johusou 4 Van I'attcn , : > J
Main ht.
' ' of dissolution ot co-piirt-
nershlp. Notion Is hereby given
that the co partnership heretofore oxlst-
inn between the undersigned under the
Jinn name of I'arsons vV Keller , for the purpoio
cf developing mid operatiiiK u sand and gravel
pit near fllnton , in Mlll- > county , Iowa , is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Witness our
'mnds ' this 1'Jth day of January. A. I ) . , IhS .
< i E. 1'AltSONS.
V. L.
W and .shoe's Huts and Caps , Cents' Tur-
B Goods , Dry ( Joodf. .Invoice JIO.OIO.
What have von " to otter t 101 Broadway , Council
Illuirs. In.
Who Will Save You Money
House ,
B I 417 llrondway ,
Ui Council llltills. - 5 ?
IS =
Is Always w
As I can prove by
hundreds. 5 *
Lanzendorfer & a g3 era = j
| _ ; | S t % H
Strohbehn ,
i\o. 221 zs | 2 22. H
Particular attention jflvon to
\o. 11 X. .11 nl n St. , iiiifll
Furultuto repairing neatly dono.
Ollico calls attended promptly day and night.
And c t Hi" i'Bt HtlliiK Suit
you ever liad ,
Ho. 97 Brrolway , Council B'nlfs
What a Shirt
If you had taken It to the City Steam Lauulry
it wouldn't look so.
so.e.t. . Telethons HI ,
Commencing Monday Mo ning
Fruit of the Loom , Se , worth lOc.
Lonsilnlc Muslin , Sc , worth 10c.
Lonsdalo Cambric 10c , worth 12K' . ,
Ladies' choice ( grass bleached ) lOc ,
worth llMc.
1-4 Unbleached Miiblin 4c a yard ,
worth ojc.
4-1 Bleached Muslin 4c yardworth Oc.
9-4 Bleached Muslin , extra quality ,
22c , worth Sc ,
10-4 Blanched Muslin , extra line , 2oe ,
worth Hoc.
9-4 Unbleached Muslin , very heavy ,
20 , worth 2oc.
10-4 Unbleached Miiblin , superior
make , E2c , worth 2Sc.
25 other makes all at the same reduc
Red Damask Slic , worth 50c.
Bestqnality 50c , worth 05c.
Damask Tablu Linen 25c , worth 33c
Bleached Linens. GO inches wide , 60c.
worth 75c.
Full size white quiltBatcs , at 81 ,
worth $1.87 } .
100 pieces heavy Twilled Crash ,
blenched and unbleached 5c , worth Sc.
160 Ao/.on Towels at 2oc , Hunk , Dam
ask with plain and fancy fringe and
borders , worth UTJc.
Canton Flannels , ' 5jc , worth 0c.
Canton Flannels 7c , worth lUic.
Canton Flannels lOc , worth Inc.
As wo have only a limited quantity of
some of the above goods , soi/.c the op
portunity of securing tome of them
while they last.
Foitieringiiam , Wliitelaw & Go ,
401 Broadwuy , Council BlulTs.
r , ruiiTimi NOTICE i wir.i8irr : ,
Iowa Cattle , Fed 01 Iowa Corn !
And will moot luiyhonett competition on prices
forHm-class Jluats.
12O IJroailwny. - - Telephone iioi.
Novel , pleasing and practical. For the
parlor , the church , the Chuutawpia circle ,
: irole , the society hall. The only monthly of
Its kind in the United Stales. Only f 1 a
year. Samples , 10 cents.
rehearsals needed. Only CO cents for a sup
ply for any school , of uuy H/U. ! Address
Council Uluffii , Iowa , J K. HnrkuosH , Mana-
s-er. Publlsherb of "Old District .School , "
"Quiz Social , " "Kvunlnj ; With Art , " etc.
\01 B R OAD WA Y _
Furniture & Stoves
Oft vrecWy OA fnantJ ly
fay pent 3. Best.
Selections o > < ? sr
m . Liktretdi'tcovnt
od TioSt FOCASW. . rnuj $ nyMnS L i > " * teI
Hous sbrisj Vs ; r.J A.J.MAN ! hfcrfi iHi srJ 1
I MeW /r/yvNEHw iOTJg ,
oB VlHO Ojf
X * ' t .jQ K A > O . 3 2 G B R Qfi-QWAN. _ . , X ! VjA
' " " ' ' ' - ' UK -
n / \ % f
ij /r/ STEAM LAUND 'xS /
/V./V/a/n / / St. Telephone
An old established Boot and Shoe business
in Oonnnil Bhiffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. C. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate.
N. P. DODGE , Executor.
SIZES FROM Kspoclally AdantoJ Cor
POWER , Mills and Electors ,
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Itegulntlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Can bhow letters from Uiers \ \ here fuel Economy Is eqiril with Corliss Non-Condeiisiii- ! .
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. 510 Pearl Street , Council BlulT.s.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered.
No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
. It is the most durable Pinno miulo.
' i. It improves under use.
y. It has more volume of tone than miy other Instrument.
4. It stniidtt in tuuu longer than any other Piano.
, , , , , , , C. Jt is the only I'iutio with the new patent harp-stop , *
It la t he only Piano with the uo\v metal Uoy support.
7. Jt is unequalled In nction. t >
S. It leails all others amoiiL' the best people.
'J. It is the handsomest I'i.iuo made.
10. And most niiportnnt of all It is sold a
JjytOjH > _ qgTlli3M i.V US 13 }
NO. iot ; jiiAiiV HTKIIT : ; , COI/XCIK BSI.JJKTS , IA.
I'rlvato watchmen furnished at any anil al
Special attention ulven to collection of chat
tel mortuaf.'es and notus.
Moimy to loan on Hood chattel security.
Hcfercnco Any bank , attorney , or business
man in the city ,
c ? rz :
Orders tilled for all kinds of mammalH and
iilnl upvclmtiiiH. MlneralH itnd fosHilu on hainl.
lluiralohoniH , Dei-r and Hlk antkr . Kurand
Uecr skin niRS. urtillelnl eyc-i , etc , Taxidermy
.voikdono In all ItM branclieii. Hcud for cata >
Hidesjallow , Pells
Illchest market prices. Prompt ivturns , ( CO
tiud tt ! Main Bt. . Council lllulld , lo\vu.
o. it. inii : , . 0. A. lir.ltUNOHOP
Architects , DesipcK and Simcrintciiilciit
of Conslmcllon ,
3Ir. Ilrrlhiglmr ivas scion yours | ( Ji
Monilolssolin , I'ishcr.t I nvrry , anil lias
designed many of ( lie lines ) lilocks
in Omalia and Cnnncil Itlnll's.
Plans and SpcciUcations Prciiarud anil
Estimates inadc on Amilication ,
Studio , lioi n ! i Opera llonso JJlocfc
TllOS. OlTIf I'll. W. If. .M. I'UHKK
Conipr Main ami llro'idwuv. '
CVH/NCH. / itijUKi , io\v.\ .
Dcalfis In fi > r < ilu ( r.ud domostU ! exchanifo.
( 'olU-ctluiib muda ami paid on tlniuUo-
Electric Trusses , Belts , Cliost Pro *
teors ; ! , Etc ,
Agents wanted ,
V. IS. JUI > I ) ,
Council llluirn la ,