Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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The People of the Capital Glvo Him
Cordial Grootltig.
Knlghtfi of Pyllilan COIITCIIO anil Kn
JoThciiiAcUcg Cii'and Army
Mon on tlio "Way to
LINCOI.V. Fob . 19. I
Senator Mandcrson arrived nt the Hurling
( OH depot at 1 : : ) o'clock lastnlght. Ho came
direct from Waslnnuton. Ho was met at the
depot by Senator Nosbitt and Representative
lihodcs , chitlrmcn of the rcapci-ltva romtult
tcei of the houses of the general assembly
nnd escorted to the U ipltal hotel , whcro m
informal reception was tendered him. 1
was cordial , free from favoritism , nnd the
senator greeted thn guoHs present In his
usual pleasant way. After a very enjoyable
nodal hour the senator called on Senator
Uowc lit the Windsor , where , he was met l > >
n delegation of prominent state politicians
The purpose of this meeting or conference is
'Iho senator breakfasted nt the Caplt'il ho
tcl this morning at ! ) o'clock with Lieutenant
Governor Meikcljohn , Chairman Kichards ,
Senators Howe nnd Ncsbltt , Representative
Rhodes , Speaker Watson and U. C.
McNIckle. Tlio spread was the
finest ever prepared by Il/ist Roggen sincu
ho took charge of this popular hosllcn
After breakfast Mr. Manderson icccivcd his
friends and admirers in rooms -.I ' and III )
until the dinner hour. He spent most of the
allernoon nt the state house.
Church Howe entertained a select party
In honor ot the senator's visit at . 'M o'clock
this evening at the Windsor. It was n ban
quet in the truest sense of the word There
wuio present Governor Thnyer , Lieutenant
Governor Molkcljohn , Senators Nesbltt ,
Noival. Ransom , Roche , Hoover , Conner ,
Paxton , Raymond , Lindsay and Burton ,
Speaker Watson , Representatives Dempster ,
Barker , duly , Fullgrave , Rayncr , Whitehead -
head , ( jrii/en and dishing. The tables
were elegantly spread nnd the Ihnvcr deco
rations were the choicest that could bis had
nt this season of thu year.
At ' . ) o'clock Senator Mandcr- loft over
the Burlington for Hastings , where he spent
the night with Congiessman L.urd. Fiom
thcio he left on thu iiioining train for Kear
ney , to pass the day in attendance at thu
Grand Army encampment. Ilu will spend
Thursday in Omaha , and from there icturns
direct to Washington to resume his duties in
the United Mutes senate.
vr TIM : STVTC not SB
Visitors began flocking to thu state house
immediately after the nooning , and at tlio
usual hour for convening thu lloor of the
loproscntutivcH * hall was , literally packed
Every available space between Iho mcmbeis'
desks was filled with a chair occupied by a
lady , nud the lobbv was occupied by u crowd
of Jostling men , while the falloiy was full of
n mixture of both sexes.
'I IIP two houses met at the regular hour ,
'J o'clock. A half hour later the senator ,
headed by the lieutenant governor , filed into
the house and were seated in largo ollli o
chairs arranged in tows from the center
nlslc Lieutenant Governor Melklojohu took
the speaker's and presided over the pro
ceodings. The chairmen of the reception
committees , .Senator Ncsbitt and Reoresen-
tntive Rhodes , waited on SenatorManderson ,
who was in tlio lieutenant , govcrnoi'H ollice ,
and escoited him to the house.
The guest was received with
a round of applause , the members of
the Icgislatuio using to their feet. On
reaching the clerk's desk Senator Ncsbitt ,
addressing the chair , announced the arrival
of their charge. Tlio visitor stopped behind
the clerk's desk and was Joined by Lieuten
ant Governor Melklejohn , who introduced
the senator with the siinplo ant OJiicumunt.
"Gentlemen of the John Convention. Thu
Hon. Charles F. Mntidcrsou , your senator-
elect. "
Tlio spectators applauded nnd the scnnlor
at once launched upon his address , speaking
in substance as follows :
"Through your most gracious courtesy I am
permitted to make u most gracious acknowl
edgement , of the honor iou have colifcncd
iijton me. fn return for the great compli
ment jou have paid mo f pledge \ou that
whatever the best eflorts of brain , Heart , or
mind may be able to accomplish hi serving
jour inteicsts will bo done. Six years ago I
stood hero Becking your suffrages for a simi
lar position. A brief leview of what has
been accomplished In national legislation
with a casual reference to the more impor
tant questions now being agitated in con-
gicss , may not bo improper on this occasion. "
The senator then spoke at length upon the
work of the past two sessions of congress nnd
ho approved the inter-state commerce law
nnd the admission of South Dakota. He op
posed the admission of Now Mexico and
thought Springer's omnibus bill for the ad
mission of all the territories was too full to
Buccessfully navigate through the intricate
ntralts of legislation. Ilu scored Sparks for
suspending entries under the homestead law
nnd severely ciiticised Cleveland for vetoing
BOldiurs' pcnsins. Ho favoicd the coloni/ing
of the Indians on the Slonx reservation in
Dakota , nnd putting the braves nt ha id work ,
nd declared thoie was no hope of bctteimg
the condition of the Indians until thov became -
came self sustaining. Ho closed his remarks ,
Which lusted o\er one hour , with a glowing
tribute to the future greatness of the state.
The speaker was frcipiently interrupted
with upplatiso and republicans are delighted
with the address. A : Us-conclusion Senalor
Manderson held an informal reception in
Governor Thayer's apartments and subse
quently visited the senate uliambcr for u
chat with the members. Ho loft to night for
Hastings lo visit Congicssiiinn Liilrd , The
reception put an end to business for the day
and .Mr. Mandersnu's visit has been an event.
Mauy old timu politicians came to Lincoln
nnd good fellowship and cordiality have had
tree flow since yesterday.
r It having been stated that the live stock
commission mis been killing old anil worth
less horses liny paying for them , ul o that
plundered horses have been shipped Into this
htatu and killed and paid for , the following
statement is made from the records ot the
live stock sanitary commission :
" 1 , November Hi ) , ISM ! lo IbSS , KiO horses
bad been destroyed for glamlors ; (170 ( of the
number hud been in the state two years and
upwards , averaging four yenis. The bal
ance ( ItlO ) were sucklings , ono year old colts ,
and lior.ics that had been in the state under
two yours. Six hundred and ninety of this
number wcro under eight years old. The
law allowing Indemnity was approved March
1 , 1SS3. This proves that thu 070 iinlmals
ivcio iu thu state at thu time the law was
passed. Thu class of horses dettrovcd was
fully up to the average of Nebraska" horses ,
seventy-live out of the siu ; horses weighing
8. > 0 pounds The remaining 7.r 5 were good
horses , weighing from yoo to IIHW pounds.
' "U. The law
allowing indemnity has in
duced owners to report their horses , and this
Htho reason that so many horses havit bcon
disposed of. They wciu in thu slate nnd
should have bcon destroyed as they have
botrn If no Indemnity is paid owncisv > ll
not nport their horses as long us they are
nblu to woik , nol feeling ublu to stand the
eutiro loss , in a good ninny cases an animal
snfTiM'lug from chronic glaiidem will bo uhle
to do work for years , and during that time
will inoculate othur animals , mid bo a souico
of d.uiRur to the owner iinu his family ,
"ICuch case was carefully ovamhied , and
when doubu of thu rights of ownnm to in
demnity existed , they wore required to fur.
uhdi suillclont proof to establish their claims ,
lulling to do which indemnity was not al
low cd ,
"Tho history of each animal was taken at
thu time of examination and npur.iiscimmt
nnd recorded. The sworn ailldavits of each
person who has received indemnity ate on
lllu in the auditor's oillce.
"riioohurgo that punles have been destroyed -
stroyod and yahl for up to the maximum al
lowed by law ( $7Ji ) is false , as thu limit has
boon paid lu only thirty-live (35) ( ) cases out of
MO , and then only for animals worth from
f'0.1 to * 5UO.
"Our authority ls derived from the police
powers of the state , and when tlio power is
called upon It necessarily acts in un arbi
trary nmnnor. milking a hardship to the in
dividual fur thu protection of thu commu
nity. "
Tlll'llSTON FOR Till ! C A HI NTT ,
It wan the talk to day among ptomlucut
politicians that Clirkson , ot Iowa , Ls no
longer a possibility for cabinet preferment ,
A telegram was received by Senator Man-
derMjn to this efleet shortly after his
arrival hero last night , and tha talk
Is active , that Thurston Is stl'I ' in the ring.
At any rate lih friends are not only talking
but acting. It Is said that Manderson enter
tains the opinion th it his chances are very
bright. But , however this may be ,
ninny of the best republicans of
the state are not slow to state
that his selection , if made , xvill prove
a calamity to the slate and the gioat west.
It I * certain , however , that a line of action
has been decided upon to brlnir Nebraska's
claims more prominently to the attention of
the president elect , and that the conference
held In the rooms of Senator Hoxvelast night
has much to do with It , But this Is by no
means certain. Yet it is reliably stated
that Manderson is dolnit everything within
bis power to further Thurstou s ambition
The strongest possible Influences are to bo
extended at once for the Union Pacific Judge
run PVTiirAN CEt.nnnurns' .
The Pythian celebration In th s city to-day
was a crand nffair The programme given In
a former number of Tin : Bu : win carried
out to iho letter. It was Ideal in the eves of
Knights generally , nnd the public prononnro
it much the finest demonstration of the kind
over witnessed in Lincoln and llus is s-ij mtr
a good deal. The pauide was perfect in its
wav. It goes without saving tint tin1 No-
Inasica uniform rank Is comprised of a splen
did bed > of men None liner can be found
lAiVwhoic In thu west The measured tread
of thu lm.\s in rank , their drill exercises and
gyratory motions were not only inloroAtiiif ;
but fascinating mid calculated to provoke ad
miration and applause. The paradcr * circu
lated the principal streets , and attracted the
attention of thousands of citlrcns
and visitors The Lincoln bovs led the
line of march Dean Whit march , of Nor
folk , delivered the principal address of the
day .loo CritchlTchl , A A Morrison and
W J Bryan also addios-jod the fraternity
and general public. The speaking exercises
were hold at St Paul's M. 1C church The
festival of the occasion , however , was the
evening's oxcicisos A supoib biniiiet | win
spread Bohanan's ha 1 was crowded with
morrv niakeis , and the evening houis were
spent In the mazy wait ? and dashing gallop.
Fully 1,000 members and visitors wore cuter-
tallied. The twenty fifth anniversary of the
Pythian order was royally spent in Lincoln.
The bios outdid their mostsanguiuouxpccti
tions , and the order here is more muunnetitly
before tlio public than over
TIIK HIS mil T CnfllT.
The call of the law docket in the district
court to day was as follows ICatzonsteln vs
Ma\ ; Mickey vs Rulifson , Mailin vs F. , K ,
& M. V. R , R. , Koroncr vs O'Connor. Dam-
low vs Graves & C'o . Faulhaber vs Beach ;
SliolstolTur vs Missouri Pacific , Whitmoro
vs Sanders ; Williams vs Dawson ; Banes vs
Parsons ; Sandcis vs Post.
The equity call was as follows Irwm vs
Martin ; McArthur.tSon vs Hn.ulea , Mayer
Bros & Co vsIIiU'dorii ; Lcighto'i vs Clarke ,
Kerns McBrmc , Webster v * Bush , Me-
Shane , vs Cox.
The annual encampment of the Grand Arm v
of the Republic attracts imirh wider interest
thioughout thu state this JOT- than usual.
Large delegations of old snldiois anivod in
the city fiom the tiibutai v countrv last night
anil to day , en lontu fur Ke.uncy , whciv N'o-
braskans , forincily boys in blue during icliol
iln.\H , moot , on ihe morrow for annual confer
mice and communion Fatragut Post , G R.
R. , sends the following delegation , which
loft foi the appointed place at U o'clock thu
evening over tlio Buillngton , viz P. A' ' , II C McArthnr. C C. Bell ,
Phelpa Pavno. C M Paikor. W M Gillis
pie , L. M. Scothonn , 1C. C. Ha/lett , C 11
Gould , .lames Tec.tor , J B. Stiodo and II. S.
It is understood that tlio sonata will send a
delegation of four or five of its mombeis
The houKo will also bo icpicsunted by a del
egation of at least twice that number These
gentlemen have been excused by thu respect-
tivu houses of thu general assembly , and it is
given out that all bills or measures m which
any of thorn may bo inteicstcd will be con
tinned until their rctuin without action
Tills courtesy was gianted to stay n fight lor
adjoin nment and keep the session going
without break throughout the weelc.
Court mot pin simnt to adjournment.
North vs County of Platie. Leave given
stntu to intervene.
Dunham vs Couttney. Submitted on mo
tion to open Judgment.
McClurc vs Ryan. Judgment per stipula
Vulo vs Webster and Yule vs Black Sub-
milled on motions for extensions of time to
tile motions for rehearing.
State es rol. Fuller vs Martin. Order of
reference. Continued until call of foot of
general docket.
Hurrignu vs Kwing. Continued.
'I ho following cases were argued and sub
mitted : Reynolds vs State , Culver vs Gurbe.
The following cases were argued and sub
mitted on demurrerState : ( | ex rel. Whitcomb
vs C. U. & Q. R. R. Co. , State ex rol. An
drew vs C. B. At Q. R. 11. Co , State ox rel.
Fisher vs C. B. & Q. R. It. Co.
The exccutivo committee of the republican
state central committee met to-day to settle
differences nnd balance the accounts of thu
late campaign. It is not known whether or
not the Riehards-Bechel letler was read and
discussed , but it is given out that ( he old
soi o has ucou healed and that satisfactory
settlement was made. This , it is said , is ac
cording to the eternal illness of things.
There was full attendance.
C. C. McNish , of Wisner , Cumin ? county ,
was in Lincoln to day , and his genial pres
ence felt in political circles. It is said that
McNish has congressional aspirations.
The affairs at Grace church is in the hands
of u committee of prominent outside Metho-
llsts , and it is said that they ara renovating
matters at n lively rato. Pastor Minehail
rinds it n hard task to convince his brcthorcn
that ho is of " .Simon puio" s.inctilieaUon.
i'ho committee is too mum for any USB. They
give newspaper men to understand that Ion , ;
loses aru not wanted.
Judge Appleget , of Tccumsoh ; C. 1C.
? asyy , of Pawneu City , and lion Simon P.
Kobcrtsou , of Brock , wcro prominent No-
biaskaus in the Capital city to day.
Judge Webster , of Omaha , is In the city ,
llu is preparing for the battle to-morrow in
the supicmo court in which tlio constitution-
iliCy of the submission bill hangs In the
Get niil ol' That Hail Taste.
When you woke up in the morning with a
with bad taMe in iour mouth , \o\ir \ tin oat
and tongue dry uud a yellow coating on
your teeth and gums , don't Imagine It was
caused by what you ate the night before
Of com BO everybody does that and every.
jody "swears off" fiom again eating such
food. The tioublu is that iour liver is
clogged , your kuluavsaie overworked and
, -our bowels are not doing their duty. Take
rom three to tun of Brandrcth's pilU
and note the sudden and wonderful change
n your system.
New Iowa 1'Ohtiiinstors.
WASiiiNfiroK , Fob 10. [ Spechl Tulogrim
0 TUB BI'.K ] low.i postmasters appointed
John W. Davis , Moismau , Page county , vice
iai.ih M. Mays , lesignud , J. It. vVitson ,
( andolph , Fremont county , vice F. C. John
son , resigned ; F G. Adams , Selma , Van
luuw county , vlcu C. W. Funny resigned ,
An Absolute Cure.
1 only put up in large two ounce tin boxui ,
and Is an absolute cure fur old sores , burns ,
wounds , chappud hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care nil kinds of piles.
Mlir"T. Sold by GouJmau Dru Co. , at'Ji
cents per box bv wall 'M cents
JHoru Cannl Laborers
PAN-AM \ , Fob , 19. Two thousand Hvo hund
red men were discharged from thu canal
voiks at Tuvernlllaon thu 10th lust. Con-
racturs continue to curtail work on all nee-
Ions. There isastiong military force on
hu line ot thu canal to maintain order.
Sleepless nighta mndo misonible by
hat tumble cough. Shiloh's Cure is
ho roinudy for you. For s > ulo by Good'
nun Uru < r Co.
N , nnd U. Fredcrickson , of 1(119 ( Howard
and 4UG5 South Thirteenth , dealers In gents'
uinlshlii ) ; goods under the firm name of U.
rcdurlckson is. Co , go to Holdrogo , In this
tuto , whcto they will open in business.
Dr. MuMumimyhut ) sold Ins interest in the
Iruir store , law Dod o atroit , to A. L.
Opinions Impressed ni to onr Metro *
Iiolltnn Import mice.
L. V. Morse says i "It is time for Omiha
to act independently in all feasible matters
in which her people may have a mutual in-
lercstcdness , Citizens should be outspoken
upon all vital questions pertaining to city
and state We should realize the fact that ,
when a community is in any way subsidized ,
fettered , or without freedom to act.or placed
In n position where a concentrated power
may bo able to dictate or monopolize its com
mercial , agricultural or business interest1 , , nt
such time prosperity , Justice and equal ad
vantages are Interfered with , because com
petition Is shut out.
"We contend lhat with a union bridge all
roads would naturally cross nnd Hud their
way westward diverging in different direc
lions ; that the commercial Interests of the
great corn state would bo bonctlttcd by ulti
mate increased facilities of transportation
and itorago elevators , and o > thodcilructioi
of monopoh , ttieieby admitting competition
"Wo believe it can be shown in figures fron
present statistical rciwrts of production li
Nebraska , where the agricultural Intcrcsls
of the state would bo benefited to the cxtcii
of f2\0000.)0 ) acar , , as heretofore showt
with advantages ot storage elevators , the
production cf 1,000 bushels of corn would
bcneilttlii-produccr ? ! " . " ! If Omaha hasglvci
tally to n corporation for twenty - livecars .
consulting its Interests , it would si-era wcl
to begin to work independently , build a
bridge and go on about business mire
stiuincdly ,
"In the event of the passage of the fundint ,
bill favoring the Union Pacific load there is
encouragement given ot the erection of i
new depot. A man who , by imprudence , lias
become insolvent , but having icsonrccs in
possession throned the kindness of crcditoi s
by an extension ot long time , might feel lhat
ho could nflord to get himself a now suit o
clothes. By a lenewal nnd extension by Iho
government of Union Pucilic indebtedness
debtednoss Omaha and Nebraska might
still shudder under the snmo uid cliib.aslouc
as the pre ei.t generation lasts , and the loai
under the hc.iv.burden . , with millions 01
dollai s of interest to meet , would of nccej-
sits bo compelled to continue to abet with
Chicago merchants and to resort to monopo
lies , thereby impoverishing the producer ,
whereas , under easy financial circumstances
the local clement of commerce might be more
considerately dealt with
"Wipe out insolvency , and commence on u
now and he ilthj financial basis' ' We want
niaiiuf.ictones , no : them road to " .Inn Rivet
Countiy , " union depot and storage elevators.
A union bridge will bring all of these.
Uoiinil to Grow.
"It is a fact , " said Martin Calm , "that busi
ness is gradually gelling much better , nnd I
am confident ttiero will bu considerable ac
tlvlty in thu realty market this coming sea
son. There will bo such vast expenditure1
for public impiovcments of all charactei s , lo
say nothing of Ihe Immca-.o sums to be in
\c--tcd in business blocks and residences ad
dilionalli in I'sb'J , lhat that fact nlonu ! > siifll
rient guarantee of milking tina prosperous
year lor Omaha. Manufacturing , as well us
other interests , are steadily on
tlio mci ease , and \\ilh a good crop in Nc
braska this i ear , we will loom up bufon * Jan
uary 1 , 1VJ ) , having enjoyed such astonish
Ing success as to surprise the entire lountry
I buliovc. with others , that a free bridge ,
and a noithwcslctn road ( our own )
would be the means of n revolution in the
affairs of Omaha The demand for ecu
t rally located business lots , as well as track-
ago property , is not uncommon , and many
choice pieces in this line willbe taken in by
foreign investors this season , for they mu
uwaiothat by placing the right impiove-
ment upon them they can be made to paj a
much greater rate of interest than they
have been accustomed to lecciving. There
is also a certain class of outlying residence
property which will be extensively
sought after tills spring and summer , es
pecially such lots as lie. high , dry and com
mand a beautiful distant view. The exten
sion of motor , cable and other streel car
lines will soon convince everybody of tins
fact. There arc thousands of pcoplo living
near the hearl of our city , in the lower
lying districts , which will soon be wanted
for business purposes , thus compelling
those very people to move into our suburbs ,
where they can enjoy a nice new home and
a larirer Iract for considerable less money
than that which they occupied almost in the
midst of the business center. This will be tlio
iinmedlalo effect ol rapid transit street car
railways , for the construction of which con
tracts are now being let , and by July or
August of this year , great strides will have
been made in this , as well as nian.\ oilier
branches of improvements too numerous to
detail. Mv prophesies will probably have
llttlo force at home , when it becomes gen
erally known that I was born in Omaha , ( a
fact of which I am really pioud ) for you are
uwnieof the adage 'A prophet is not with
out honor , etc. , ' but I will bu satisfied if the
few ideas given you , meet with approval be
yond the borders of Nebraska. 1 am not
only hopeful , but sanguine of Omaha's con
tinued piosperity. "
- .
Faults of diRostion cause disorders of
the liver.nnd the wliolo system becomes
deranged , Dr. .1. II. McLean's strength
ening cordial and blood purifier per
fects tlio process of digestion nnd as-
Minilution and thus makes pure blood.
Foil Tfiifty Feet.
Charles Olson , while on ins way homo Mon
day night , fell down a thirty-foot embankment
on Sixth street , near Pierce , and received
severe injuries about the head and shoulders.
No bones wet o broken. He was found in a
semi-conscious condition , and was taken to
his home on Second and Walnut streets ,
where he is reported to bo resting quietly.
Aside fiom his injuries losultlng from the
fall he was badly chilled when fo und. It is
thought that ho will recover.
It is sweet to live , but oh ! how hitler to
bo troubled with it cough , day and night.
Dr. Bull's cough syrup , however , Is a sure
i omudy. Stt cents.
" 1 cannot sing to-night ? My throat is
" "Of haven't tried
pore course you Salva
tion Oill" "No" "Then get it , and \ou'll '
sing line the birds. "
Grain Gets Crnsg-Graiucd.
Jack Grain , a hosllor at Higgins' barn ,
wasanostcd about 11 o'clock Monday night
for shootinga watch dug at the stable. Grain
laughed at the ridiculous fake published in a
morning paper in which it is charged that ho
llrst attempted to shoot Foreman Kemp , and
falling to do this , Killed tlio dog. Giain su.ts
that lie had neon drinking a hula and was
somewhal irritable Ho tried to dnvo the
dog out , but the canine was ugly und would
not go. Ho thuicfore got angry und shot thn
Kemp claims that Grain snapped the revolver
ver twice In his face. Ho was given u hearing -
ing In the. . police court yesterday nltci noon ,
Aflvico 10 .Molher.s.
Mrs , WInslow's Sootlung avrup should al-
way ? bo used for children toothing. Itsoathet
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
curcsiwind colic , uud is the host remedy for
iiarrhtca. 2So a bottle.
Pat Falloii' * Denial.
An intimation has appeared in some of the
pipers that Patsy Fulton had informed the
police of the glove contest which took place
in the rooms of the Athletic club a few
weeks ago. This suspicion scorns to liuvo
boon unfounded and Mr. Falloii has been
exonerated of the charge to the satisfaction
of Mr , Charles McCormick and all the other
members. The suspicion was aroused by
the fact that Mr. Fullon nnd several Inter
views with Chief Soavey. 'Iheso confer
ences , however , were prompted by a desire
to ascertain some facts regarding a diamond
which Mr. Fallon's noiter had found , the
porter at thnttlma being In Jail Mr. Fallen
is justly indignant and resents thu imputa
tion which has been cast upon him.
W. Vv Lucus.ox-stato auditor of Iowa ,
says : "I have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy in my family , mid have
no hesitation in saying it isanoxcollent
romody. I bollovo it is nil that is
cluimed for it. I'ersons nflllctcd by u
cough , will find it a frioud. " For sale
by all druggists ut CU cents per bottle.
Nobrnskai QrcUn Mon Shipping by
Way of Duluth.
Oinnhix Merchant * I'lonscil to Notn the
CliatiKO Other Knllrnart Plot
ters of Current Interest
Shipping to Dultith.
The rumor which has been In circulation
for sevornl days past nbout changes In cast-
bound tariffs assumed a tangible form yo * .
tcrdav when the Burlington headquarters
at this place placed a tariff In the field mak
ing a rate to Duluth from points south of the
t'latle on corn ntJU cents per hundiou" , or 3
cents lower than the tariff late tn Chicago
Following this up the merchants nt Duluth
this morning telegraphed to Oinah.i mer
chants staling Hint they wcro desirous of ob
mining between .1,000,000 and 10,000,000 bush
els of Nebraska corn within the next thlrlv
days The Duluth merchants nnnounco
by reason ol the \\lieat rtop having fallen
slioit of the average In tin wheat belts a largo
quantity of available space is at their service
in Ihe ulcvatois iU that plaue.nnd thov intent
to purchase what grain can bo had In No
brasltn , store it at Duluth until the lake1
open , ind then ship lo Llvcipool vln the lakes
unil ocean service. Aside from this , Its quo
tntlon of prices sent out fiom Duluth to-daj
ranges fiom 3 to 6 cents higher than that of
Chicago on tlio sumo qualitv of corn , Tlio
market of Si Louis also corresponds with
that of Dululh nud range tibovo Chicago
between ; ) viui 5 cents per bushel. Anolhei
stand taken .iRtiust Chicago is the grading
system. The eoi n i rep of 'si of Nebraska is
graded No. ,1 , In Ctiicaeo , while nt every
others port In the woi Idthe grain men
slate it is "graded " strong nt No. ! i.
A giain mercliant , who bus operated in
Omiilia for jcars , when questioned by n re
porter icstcrday said 'This Is what I
have been expecting for a long time. Chicago
cage lias boon systematically robbing Iho
\\i'str > rn producer for the p.nt twent.v years ,
nnd by lying up with the railro.ids It has
boon worked to perfection. The Chicago
w.iieliousemcn have undeigraded our grain
products at all tunes. Then , as an Induce
ment , the roads traversing the territory west
ef Chicago were induced lo cut tales to Chicago -
cage on giaiuliilo Hie loads running cast
fiom ChliMgo iiuii'tined the rates , therebv
enabling the Chicago shark to gel the grain
tied up in the elevator at that nlnec. These
i.itos were maintained a lowrulein thowest
and a high rate in the east dining the
season that countrv merchants ship
their grain When all the giam insight
had been obtained under this s\ \ stem and
was closotcd In the Chicago elevators , the
lafosof the western roivla would boiestorod
nnd on loads communicating wllh thu cast-
urn seaboatd fiom Chicago rates would bo
lowoiod again to their former sitindnid , ami
in this wav tlio traflle was handled bv the
loads at a good marcin , and tliu Culc.igo
inoichant also reaped : i handsome icmuncra-
lion , nil of whih | ; came out of t pocket of
the wcstein producer Well , they h.o done
the 'lame thing , nud it is m vo uo at present.
The rates to the seaboard from Chicaw .110
away up , but we have grown powerful
enough lo icsont this fraudulent work , and
now our grain product , will go to
another ui.ukct and through an
other channel , shutting Ihe Queen citv
enl completely \Vc have now taUen
a stand that will benefit overv western pro
duccr. Bj shipping to Dululli wo have the
benefit of a better and high market , equal
competition nnd low transportation tales
for our expdrt freight. By shipping to St.
Louis wo have equal competition , a strong
market and fiom St. Louis to Now Orleans
via the marine service , wo can ship our corn
to Liverpool and European ports at four
cents a bushel less than wb can by shipping
through Chicago. This is something I
have been exporting for the past few 3 ears > ,
us I did not think that Chicago could much
longer hold the trafllc of the west , and per
petrate fraud on such an extensive scale as it
bus done lor years back. Vos , I look for
tins , and it has coinu , and ir , is thd ill fated
stiain for Chicago. "
McICililitMi Slakes Appointments.
By the promotion of C. II. McICibben to
theofllce of assistant general purchasing
agent of the Union Pacific , tlio oillue of gen
eral storclcocnur of llio Union Pacific , at tins
place , which was held by him , became va
cant for n time. J. II. Stafford , at-ting-
general slorckeopar , has bcenappolnled general
oral storekeeper , and S. F. Illioads has been
appointed assistant general storekeeper.
The nppjintmen'.s are made by Mr. MuICib-
Kailroiul Notes.
General Passenger Agent Francis , of the
Burlington , has gone to Chicago
P. Touhy , assistant superintendent of the
Nebraska division of the Union Pacific , wltli
headquarters at Noith Platte , is in Omaha ,
The Atlantic express on the Union Pacific
was two hours late yesterday , occasioned
by n heavy train nml slow track.
Fifteen carloads of tea and silks arrived in
Omaha yesterday direct from San Fran
cisco and hound for Now York. The cargo
is valued at $ lbo,000 , and is constituted of
goods Imported from China.
The oflleials of the Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley state that tlio eruption
which occurred among the shop men at Mis
souri Valley , was a demand for more wages ,
which was denied , in consequence of which
Hcvcial men quit work , No stnko is antici
Tlio peculiar purifying and building
iip powers of Hood's bnraapanllo , make
it the very best medicine to take , at
this season.
How the 1'rcFKMit Slto AV. H S
I'or the I'OHiofllcc.
"Thopicsent Rite was'furnishod the gov-
arnmciit free of cost by the citi/ens , " said
Uyron Hoed to day. "Governor Thayer was
senator at the time , and gave us the ussur-
nice that 11 wo would contribute the situ he
uould get nn appropriation for the building
A subscription paper was at once started ,
and a sufficient fund was .subscribed to pur
chase the site. I have foi gotten the pncu
i.itd. The subscriptions w.'io uiado bofoio
; ho locution was decided on. After the
work of obtaining subscriptions was done ,
.hrce commlsslQiiets wcio appointed by the
citi/eimto sdleet a silo. Thov were Colonel
[ ' , B. Taylor , Samuel R. Brown , and , I bo-
ievc , the third'ono was Augustus Kountzo
J'hc coinnifaMoiiara Imd n long wrangle ,
but Hnally1 decided on the northwest
corner of Faihum and Sixteenth sticols.
J'hc sites prominently mentioned wcro this
me , the southeast corner of Harnov and
J'hiiteenth and the one now occupied by the
lostonicc. Tlip govcniiiumt sent out an
igcnl to examine the site nud ho refused to
iccopt it unlcssHliociiv would cut down the
gradu of rarnamf ticotat least twonty-livo
cot This the txHiucli refused to do , nud the
citl/ens geiif-raUy wore opposm ! to grading
my street vvcilw ird through the hills.
"It is anulslijg to look oack now to that
Imo when ( ) io tppituon was utmost uuuni-
nous that tie | city propur would never
extend west of Eighteenth street ,
and that hone of the sheets
vould ever bo graded through the hills The
roverumcnt agent , selected the ( Orner of
Jodge and Fifieciith streets for the post-
office and it was located there , whereupon a
ow subscrlbois to the fund who wanted it
ilsowhcre , refused to nay their subscriptions
md a few of us hud to go down into our
xjckets again to make up the dcllcioncy.
1'ho amount raised was fJO.OOO. "
Ciiturrh cured , health nml &woot
iretitli secwoJ by Sliiloh's Ciiturrh
{ uinedy. Price 60 conU. Nasal In-
uetor free. For aulu by Goodman
img1 Co ,
The Ilavtentlrr Shot.
Iturfe'hirs broke into William Nev.v'ssa-
eon at 413 South Rlglitoeiith street , Kunduy
igbt , but bcfoie securing any bootv were
cared away by n shot ilrcd by the bartender ,
vuo wus sluoiiluu m the rooui.
Quirk Conrcescfl Another
Arthur C. Thompson , the cnblo car con-
CiUctor who "was arrested for receiving and
hiding the elegant diamond pin stolen by
Dennis Quirk from a prostitute nt Jcnnlo
Reynolds' , has been released on $100 bonds.
It is snld that when Quirk nnd Hatcj got on
the cnble car and Thompson learned how lha
former had Rotten the pin , ho scared him
Into giving the ornament to him by telling
him a couiiteof "Ilvcop * " were on the car
watching him. Thompson pave an assumed
nnme to Quirk , and this bothered the police
considerably in llnding him. When first
approached by Detective , the
conductor denied having the diamonds
mends , but when confronted bjr
Qulrlt ho weakened and surrendered
Thompson Is n joung follow of nbout twen-
ty-se\en , is short and heavy .tut , with light
hair , blue eyes , and u most marked lisp HI
his speech.
Quirk , who stole the pin , is a young fellow
of about umpteen He has been emp'ojcJ
ntCckcrlj's 101s siu-rn an
avenue , and confesses to having robbed h.A
ompto.v cr of $110 a week ngn Sunday
10 A. Hates is also hold in custodv , o it
there seems to be nothing ngainsl him eitept
that ho was In very bad company.
Beeeham's Pills act like m.igic on aoalc
'f lie Secretary ofVar tpioics | Hollc-
viu < as a l 'ori Slti .
The telegraph in ycslorday.s issue of THIS
Hni : tolls that the socretury of war has failed
to recommend for purchase to the senate of
the site nt Bnllovuo selected fora foil by Gen.
cral Itroolce nnd lecommended by ( icncrais
bcholleld and Crook The objection the see
rotary makes to the slto is that it wouli :
cost about $100 , ) OJ moie than was appropri
ntod for that purposetho price beingicr ,000l
\\lieieasthe.ippropriatiouamounts only to
SM.OGi ;
Another objection is that the site would de
pend upon the city waterworks for its water
supply , which , alone , would entail n cost of
$ sutj ) petyear ; upon the government.
in this estimate , the sccicUiry Is decidedly
In error. Ha has taken figures before used
or bases hh calculation upon old r.iloi
charged bv the water company and which
Major Huirhes , the quartermaster , refused to
pay. The matter is now being adjudicate 1
in court. The price charged for water now
is eight cents per 1,000 gallons O-i the basis
of lifty per head .and estimating the number
of people in the gnriison and aiound the fort
to be 1,000 , the consumption of water per day
would be , 1(1,1)00 ( ) gallons Ibis is considered
a very liberal allowance At the liguros
nbovo mentioned , this water would cost but
$4 The same allowance for ajear would
cause Just Jl , KiO It is said that the amount
of water considered above is far in excess
of that which would be iciuircd. The fin t
will doubtuMs have some effect U'lon the
senate when the matter comes up for its con
Thi ) sccictary is also in favor of locating
the foit at a gieater distance from Omaha ,
where land is not hell so high , aiul whcie
he claims "good water may bo had in abun
dance without the payment of .1 laicc annual
ta\ " This is coiisldcicd by citi
/ens to be a gratuitous and
high sounding suggestion , but cue
wlurh is not appreciated by them J'lns is
Capcuiallv the cast ) with these who me
opposed to the moving of the foil from its
piusent location. Bollevui ) they consider
ceit.nnli as fni enough fiom town for the
puiposc , and the secretary's suggestion , if it
is thought in danger of bcin acted upon
would c-.ill ( ruth a vigorous piotest
Speaking on the subject jostcrday morning
a gentleman said that it was a question as to
whether the secretary of war would be sus
tained by the senate. There niefew who
think he will , in view of the fwct it is sup
posed the iccouiiucndation of Generals Pcho-
lielu. BrooKcund Crook are worthy of come
attention. Some people are waiting for the
new secictarj of war
We accidentally overheard the follow
ing dialogue on the street yesterda.v :
.lonos Smith , why don't you stop'that
dis-triistiiif , ' hanking and bp'iltinjj ; '
Smith How can IV You know I am
a martyr to catarrh.
J. Do as t did. I had the disease in
its form b'ut Inm well now.
S. What did you tlo for it ?
J. I used Dr. SagoV Catarrh Komcdy.
It cured me and it will euro you.
S. [ 've heard of it , and b Jose I'll
try it.
.1.--Do so. You'll find it at till the
dru' ' stores in town.
National Rullclcrt.
W. Jonas , a member of the builders and
furnishers exchange has returned from the
convention of the National Bulldcis associa
tiou which was held at Philadelphia. Ho
states that a number of matters of impor
tance to the building fraternity wore pre
sented and adopted. A unifoim size of brick
was adopted as follows : Common build
ing brick to bo eight and a half inches by four
incljes two and a half inches , present brick ,
8- inches by I inches by'J1 , ; inches. Tlio
association urgently iccoiiunendcd that these
standards bo adopted by all sognato bodies
in order that it may facilitate and simplify
pinposnls and contracts It aho adopted
nnd recommended for gon'-rr.l use tlio most
uniform contract as adopted bv the Joint
comnntleo of the American Institute of
Architects , the Western Association of
Architect ! ) , and the National Assotia
tion of Builduis , commonly known as
the "Mmidanl contract. " A resolution was
udontoil directing that the association
send to the legislature or govcinor of each
state of the union n ioqucst that action betaken
taken to sectnc the ninomlinont of lion laws ,
so that they will only protect personal
labor pi'i'fm mod upon the piopcit\ liable to
attncliinciU , in amount not to exceed the
value of the twenty four nays' work from
each individual entitled to protection , and
that aOlliatod bodies bo recommended and
urged to do their utmost to secure in their
various state legislatures tlio dcsiicd action.
The JuiH
The obsequies of Mrs. J nines Bolan wcro
held yostciday. Solemn high mass was
said by liov. Father Sohuttel , assisted by
Father ICoopmans , nt the Holy Family
I'huich. The .sen ices were attended by u
largo concourse of fiiends of the deceased.
Thu pall heal01 s wore Captain .lohn O'lJon
uhoe , James Beaty , N. ,1. MoM.ilion , M
Bui ko , Patrick Mullen and Patriuk K.IV.I-
iiiigh , The remains weio iulcricd in
Si'pulchro cemetery
I urn satisfied that Cancer in hereditary In my
family , .My futhur ilieil of It. nslitcr .if my
inothfi died , mid my own nlMor died of It My
ii'cjlmto inny bo Imuglnuil , then , wlicn Ihu lioi.
ilbludlceiiHeinuilelit upjiraranre on my llla
H as amalU'iiantt uuior , nitlui ; Innardh In
Hiitli Hiicliaiiy that It could not bo rut'out.
nut NuniPioiiH leimdlescia used foi It , lull
thoCanrorKruwHtondllv HOI.SI- , until u Munied
that I as doomed to follow tliu others or tint
fiimlly I took BHift BHporlllc. which , Irom tlui
Ills , ! diiv , fnrcfdout thu palxiiiiiind coatliini'dltK
ii"n until I hud lukun suM-ial bottles , ulit-n I
foiindinlt ell 1 know thai S. ftB.iuu'd me.
Winston , N C. , Nov.c'M. : : Mas , s. .M. luoi.
Send for Hook on Cnncorand Illood fl < o is s.
TilhjJWiiT.Si'U'lucCo. , Itnmc'r.l Atlanti fin
l ° imi t.unl Clirai'iii , ! .Mc'nt Huvniinn i-tock ( orSoupi
Mmlo lil < lu' nnI hniicua. At llcuf Tea , "uu Inridim
" l
< ionuliu > nii jr wlllifuuKlaille of Juitut von I.i
k'nnluru In bluuucroii Inliu .
* HII , |
aulU l / KlcliuiUkUu UiwCo''ttml JJl'il.illrm itu !
= 0 m m
n -n
m - * O O
& &
o o
U. lA.
t fc
U 111
Look honh , you Nip , lot KO dat Dust ,
Do prlzo Is tnlnu , I seed It fuutl
And no doubt yon have often tried new thing's to 'I '
your sorrow. "We simply nsk you to call at your
grocery for a FREE SAMPLE OF GOLD DUST , and we
assure you that we could not afford to place "GOLD
DUST" in your wash-tub Free of Charge if it did not
possess more than ordinary merit.
P. S , Trjr Fairbanks "Fairy" Soap for the Complexion.
ABLE. - Jl !
THE HOWELS , PILCS , and all derancemunt of the Internal Viscera
RADWAY'S PILLS are a cure for tins co-uiibiinl They tone up tlio internal secretions
no healthy action , restore strength to the stomacti and enable it to perform its functions.
Ptice U3c per box. Sold by all diusists. [ KAIMVAY & CO. , New York.
A Dress , or a Coat , 1 Any Co/or
Ribbons , Feathers , > Fen
Yarns , Rags , etc. } TEN CENTS
and in many other ways SAVE '
tiling * look like NEW , by IU.IHR DIAMOND
DYES. Ilie worL li easy , simple , quick ; Ihe
colors the BEST and FASTEST known Ask for
DIAMOND DYES and take no other.
For Qildlne or Bromine Fancy Articles USE
Qold , Silver , Bronze , Copper. Only 10 Cent ,
Baby Portraits , ,
- * " * * ' 'A Itortfollo of benullful buby pic-
turca from life , printed on line
plate paper l > y ixitcnt iihoto
process. ient free to Mother of
auy Uaby born uituln n jenr.
EVery Mother \uuits these
pictures , scud at oncu. 01o
i ilaby'fl name uud UKC.
'WEILS , RICHARDSON & . co , ,
the System ,
\Vltli tbat riost reliable
mcdlflne I'nlno's Celery'
Compound. UpurUlcatue
blood , curca Constipation ,
and regulates the liver and
klclncy8orrcctually cleans *
log the system ot all waitc
and dead matters.
combines true nerve tonic and Btrenrthlng
iluaUllea , roivlng tlio energies and splrita.
"I have been troubled lor some years with a
complication ot dtnicultlcs. Alter trying va.
rlous remedies , ana not finding relict , I titel
I'.iliip'a Celery Compound , llcfore taking on
Mil liottlo tlio long trouWcuoino symptoms bo-
Kan lo subside , nnd I can truly say now , that I
teel like man. Dlsostlcm litis Improved ,
und riia\o Ruined ten pounds In ucl ia slaco I
La\o commenced taking the Compound. "
1IONK8TU1 STKAllNS , rclCllVlllC , Vt.
It.oo. Six tor tsoo. At Druggists.
WELLS , KICIUKDSON Co. , UurUngtoa , Vt.
ardware and Cutlery ,
Mechanic * ' Tools , Fine Itronza IJuilder.i' Good/ * and Jiuffdlo Scales.
14O5 Douglas St. , Omaha.
FATEKIFO Auo. 10 , IQ87. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889.
, RuirftDtcfl lo cur. Ilio foi *
Blowing diirtuei nan ) l/ All
Complaint * ,
" '
Trembling ,
v iui ? ' "B t Body , Dlteaiei
named byV.W"Inili < 'rftipn In Youth , Age , Mar
ried or SinOlvv glelife. 'u ' ' " * HJit Mi-iruiuliig
tn In. womb 171 A > nr p'nluf nrckni of riLle ir , ftmnle.
rr/'BK > T Til I1KBKISH1I1IH lUMlth t > \ tU lUlh TKUL.
& /oWMr ELECTRIC INSOLES * . il.'ffim. . '
bei a he j > oitBc.ror rule INuiilrMlc < l larnpaki , whleli lll L
iol rou lo pUlu inled cnreloi w I'fLllou ILIi | scr KdJren
ilOU North Broadway. UT , LOU IB. MO
Owen'i Electrlo Belt Att chraent'v5 '
worn with cat. .nl coiufort. Tli. cur
uiid. iDill or itroiii Tlilt ll lli on < r
rlcrlrle Irun tn4 belt .rer nu > 1 II
llupliir. la fnin SO lo DO < ] < ; Ur full dritrllUoa ( if l > r.
O u l.lrctro Oalrftttle Trill , Hllatl Aji > lltttcl'Truinvntil
InibUi fbd Be. for tut * Itluilrnlrl ( kmbliltt ntlrli will t
at jo j ID | > ltlo le&ltd rnrcloi. Hold ouljr Ij lb
rth llioaawm , BT J.OU1H. Mft
il monthly liyovi-r KIloO
vljulii'a MuKaft , kJJtctuatuHit I'Uatunt
'Slp < rhnxliytnail.iralilruglbt8 ; Sidled
'I'tirtlculari 2 poslnfjn r.taniH AiMrcf" !
THI VVniKr * pr..M" 11 rrt libr o.- * ' "
lfovm\aaml \ by inttll hi }
Co. , Oinulttt , Kelt ,
Physician and Surgeon
Rare Chance for Settlers.
The lUilrom ! Kj-Momof TUXHH linvlnvrdovdlopod lo
UK In firlint ultliln rn > y KircKiinf BOW ! luturlur and
Biahciard iiiaikulii tlio luii'ls ' Kl.inlul to thu
U Imu Li'on di < U'rnilMi'l ' loolTir tueottlera lha
Renowned Agricult'l Lands
IxjLiUO'1 ' alone tlio Iliioof Iliu Knit Worth DcUT.r
fit ) It llv LitKiiiinnK with Wllbargtir
County , compi lulus
200,000 ACRES
In furniHoJ W ) acrcx ami u | > unl 'JlitnolamU wor
lucHli l liy Iliu Cuiinuinv UIIIUIIK tliu t.irlli- , with
raiwiinl caw us tn Hull , tlmlM-'r uiulvuler. . Tltey AI
nilaplRil lo tlio uroulli of cotton , corn , oat , wbMl.
Imifcy , DC , vf itali' ! , orclmiitj ami uaiiloui nud
tin * varfoiiM dontUHlIc KiaKf M
tjltuatnl In tlio i Inning HII , | liiallliy roglon known
nutlio hnulhirii rinihiiiiillciof lumm , tlioy rwumii a
livniitt rlimatr , fiuoruMo tu man and beaut , liero
i > iilui > r wurlt can liocairlnl en tint ycur rouudiid
urn In uiurknl runtraHttlth riKlomofiurly aud tatt
( rnxUor ol iliBlrucllvo "b\lnuri\ \ \ * "
I'lipulatlon 1 1 lu t pyiirinii In , uuil local eoreriimt
laalrt fly < Mlilill ) u l. ultli ticliO'ilK. < liiirchi'n , Ac ,
Tuina ufbup. OiMi-lllllicuHli lialauiuliiruuregiia
yearly lunnoiitii , ultli Inteitit uu itclurreil niiviiianU.
1-nr rurllivr Inform itlou an tutlutu aim laudila
oiljjti'iit riiuutla i ii > l ) tu
J , S. NAPIER , Vernon , Texas , *
( uliulK t > ioiuioil toelidw to | iurclincrn ) ; or to
C , C. GII3BS , Land Ag't , Houston , Tox.
jtocarkalile f or powerfiU 17 . ,
ihetlo tone , inlabla action and i
tiiiuy. l ynnri' re
tfctt btit KiiarRuJte ut th *
lencaot tuoao limtrnnienta.
utforiiur from
ottoctt of yautbful
| c t laanliood. U.
( will : i6nj a valuibla trc&tlw ( ca' II oorit&tnlnx full
j > utic.-ibir for homoourn , rtmct c at ! . , . .
, iadrew 1'iof. Jf , O. VOWU34 , U JOO'JO. OOMlf. \ -