Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collections of intcnnal revenue yes-
terdny amounted to $12.301.60.
Nine cnscs of imislcnl instruments
lapsed entry nt the customs house ycs-
tordny , consigned to Max Meyer &
The wife of "William Umphcrson ,
foreman of the car repairing dcp.'irt-
inunt of llio Union t'ncillu , is reported
dangerously ill with henrt tliscnsa nt
her homo on South Thirteenth street.
The criminal assault attempted hy n ,
fiend on Jlolen Anderson , a candy
maker nt I'ojclto HKH. , did not occur
near the \induct ns was stated , but near
the corner of Tenth nnd I'iorco streets.
The ynutif ( lady herself and the special
olllrp'r Doll on the viaduct are author
ity for this correction.
IVifioiitxl 1'arnKrnntii.
J. K. Hoth , of HnstliiKs , Is stopping nt the
Pnxtnn ,
J M. Grinith , \Vnhoo , Is stopping at the
Murray ,
.1 A. Knlth , of Lincoln , was nt the Murray
H F. 1'lnnco , of Lincoln , was at Uio Millard -
lard yontcrdny.
Or C. Ilanaford and wife , of Grand Island ,
nro al the Mlllard.
A. S Hrownson , of Wnhoo , N'tsb. , is stop
ping at the Mill.ud.
T. .1. MuMidrnn , of Holfast. Irclaud , is a
guest at the Pnxloii.
r Kol Levi , of I'lattstnouth , is one of the
Kiicsti at the 1'axton.
It. Coo , of NoorasUa Citj' , Is in the i-lty and
stopping ut tlio Murray.
T , II. Hcnton nnd M. J. Altlccn were at
tlio Mlllard jcsturduy.
II. M. Wutlng , of Lincoln , wns a guest at
tlio Mlllard last night.
C , W. Hold , of Nubrnsita City , registered
nt the Mlllnrcl last night.
D. A. Campbell , of Pl.ittsmouth , registered
at the I'uxton last night.
Charles Richmond and wife , of Lincoln ,
registered nt the P.ixton.
Juilfic N It. Ilopowoll , of Tclramah , rcgls-
tored at tlio Mlllntd last ttiglit.
Colonel A. S. Hurt , U. S. A. , Is baclc from
Washington and stopping nt the Mlll.xril.
W. II. Mnngcr and It. 11. Schneider , of
Fremont , \\oio ut the Murray last night.
J. H. Wcston , U. J. ICilpatrlck and U. J.
Kiliutrielc , of Hc.itrice , nro at tlio I'.ixton.
Chnrles U. Smith , M. T. Mclvurnon anil
'J. W. Lowroy , of Lincoln , are stopping at
tno l'i\ton.
Hon. 1'ninl : McGowan , president of the
Patterson , N. .1. , rubber works Is at the
Murray , i n route west. Ho is accompanied
by his wife.
Georeo S. Kuson , son of the secretary of
llio fcecretnry of tlio bonrd of trade , lias re
turned from I'nllndulphia , having creuitalily
passed an examination nt the Pennsylvania
IJental college. Ho will go into business
xvith Dr. A.V. . Nason.
llaH tlic Jim Jains.
Itobort Hannigan is an Inmate of a cell in
the central station , nnd is suffering from
delirium tremens. He imagines that O'Con
nor & Mullens , saloon keepers near .Tefl'er-
son square , are after him with shotguns
seeking hislilc.
Comptroller Mink Arrive" .
Ollivcr Mink , comptroller of the LJnion
Pacific with headquarters at Hoston , arrived
in Omaha jestorday. His mission hero is for
the purpose of inspecting the general audit
ing department and checking up balance
sheets. _
I'nAtou ImjirovcmeiitH.
The Wednesday state dinners nt the Paxton -
ton have been abandoned for the present on
account of the improvements being mndo In
the parlor of the hotel. As soon as
are completed the dinners will be resumed
on a more cluborate scale.
Appointed Chief Clerk.
G. W. Hush has been appointed chief
clerk and cashier , of the general passenger
and ticket department of the Fremont , Elkhorn -
horn & Valley , vice Chcnoy promoted
meted to assistant eenoral passenger accnt
of the road. Mr. Bush entered upon his new
duties yesterday.
licenses to Wed.
Following are the marriage licenses issued
yesterday in the county coart by Jud o
Shields :
Name and residence. - % Age.
( Daniel JJoylo , Omaha 23
I Kntio Dribcoll , Omnha 25
( .Tames Filkins. St. Paul no
I Clara Gerspuckcr , Council Bluffs 24
Stole n Diamond.
Dennis Quirk , lately a clerk m Eckcrly's
store , nt 1810 Sherman avenue , and A. C.
Thompson a conductor on the cable line ,
nro in juil , charged with stealing a diamond
worth fcliK. H is claimed to have been
stolen from Sadie Hush , an inmate of Jottio
Itoynold'a spoiling house on North Ninth
The Art Association.
A pleasant and Instructive time may bo an
ticipated by all who attend the public meet
ing at the young mon's association hall
Thursday evening. The Western Art asso
ciation cordially Invites every art lover In the
city to bo present. The Rev. Dr. Durvca
will preside and deliver an address. Among
other public speakers will bo Dr. Gcorgo L.
Miller. John M. Thurston is nlso expected.
The Apollo club will sing , nnd Julius Fest-
Jicr has consented to render ono of his famous
mhcr solos. The object in view is to raise a
limited guarantee fund to insure the holding
of a Urst class ait loan exhibit.
Another li'Iooil.
Charles Crawford has beeaon a six weeks'
spree and sobered un In the police station
Sunday. The charge of "snakes" was en
tered In the register against him. but when
arraigned ho was very Indignant that huch an
accusation was brought against him , and de
manded that It bo changed to "drunk. "
After some debate tlio Judge relented , and
the charge was changed according to Craw
ford's wishes. Ho pleaded guilty to this and
was fined S7.60.
No ono should delay when they liavo
n loucli or cold , when a CO cent , hottlo of
HiRolow's Positive Cure will promptly
nnd safnly euro them. Dollar si/.o cheap
est for family use or chroniccases. .
Goodman Drug Co.
Insanity Cases.
Mrs. Ann Gallagher , a woman who wns
placed in the county Jail a few days ago on
the charge of insanity , was released yester
day by the lunacy commission. The board
could llnd no evidence In the examination
that showed the woman to be crazy. It Is
thought that she was arrested on account of
lighting with her husband. Tliov have four
children nnd Mrs. Gallagher nnd her hus
band will each care lor two of them.
I'll M. Flint , an insane man , was also re
leased from the jail. A brother of the do-
moated man took him to Iowa , whoio ho will
bo put under treatmo nt.
Wants Money Kor Ilia Carpet.
S. A. Orchard has brought suit in Justice
Krocgcr's com t against the Junior Order of
American Mechanics , of this city , to collect
f 1CO.C5 on a bill of carpet sold to that associa
tion July 20,1SS7 , The order Is said to bo
now extinct , but the nmnos of these who
were inoinbeis at the last meeting , forty ,
eight in all , were secured , and thcso will bo
expected to pay. Many of these , however ,
vcro ngUNombcre of tlio order nt the ttuio
the carpets Wore bought , nnd object vigor *
oufcly lunlnst paying any of the bill. U is
claimed that the prtco asked for the carpets
In too exorbitant , or the bill would have been
B ( da long ugo ,
Persons wishing to Improving their
memories or strengthen their power of
attention should send , to Prof. Lolsctto ,
1537 Filth Avenue , Now York , for his
prospectus post frco , as advertised in
another column.
'S NKnns AM > jinos.
Ilclntcd by n Gentleman of Ititclll-
RCIICP nnd Experience.
Ono of the most enthusiastic and best In
formed of Omaha's citizens speaks ns fol
lows :
"I consider the prospects of this city for
this year unusuilly good. In the first place ,
the vexatious city hall question has been
settled , and Omaha has escaped the stain of
repudiation. Had It boon otherwise , the
credit of the city would have bceabadly dam
aged In the eastern money markets. Next
comes the postofllcc , with nn expenditure of
$ I00,000 ! for its completion. This structure
should bo conveniently located. 1 regard
the Lowe Ho.iglnnd nnd Lindrock property
the best for that purpose. It Is near the bus
iness center , on the principal thoroughfare
between Omaha and Fort Omaha , and is ap-
proncheil on live streets , Sixteenth , Seven
teenth , llainoy , Howard nnd St. Mary's
avenue. No other locality In the city can
equal this ,
"Draw a line on the north from Pnrnnni or
Douglas to Leavcnwortli on the south , nnd
from Eighteenth on the cast to Twentieth or
Twenty-fontth on the west with St. Mary's '
avenue for a dliuronnl , and you will have the
future business renter of Omnlia.
" J'ho business center of a city is whore the
people mostly congregate. Where the
banks , olllces , and public buildings nro lo
cated. Ifo , will loolt over the districts I
have turned vou will see nearly all the
costly buddings of the city located and locat
ing there.
"Tor this reason the postofllco should be
moat accessible , and the big hotel near by ,
sav at Twentieth and Farnam , or Seven
teenth and llnrnoy. In Chicago the board of
trade , the postolllco and the Grand Pacllli1
hotel are opposite each other on different
streets , anil close ny Is the Itork Island p-is-
senger depot every element of convenience
in tlio commercial life of a great city. Why
tint prollt hy such an example !
"Dodge , Douglas , SixteenthWest Parnain ,
and St. Mary's avenue will naturally bo retail
tail streets So will lower Douglas , on ac
count of the bridge. The wholesale district
will naturally seek the neighborhood of the
"The splendid crops of Nebraska last year
havu Coutilbutcil to Omaha's wonderful
growth. Hero nro the government esti
mates : ,
rSnshcls. Acres. Value.
Corn. . , iti'Jiroooi.oor'Odr ? 'iir:2rTio :
Wheat . lVi08IH)0 ) Ii5f0n3t 12,011.1110
Oats . . . LMli7UUO 1,011,00(1 ( I.'JW.OJO '
1S.V.H)3,000 ) IMin.lMU18,713,010
"In addition , is the Kansas crop of over
200.01)0,000 bushels , which wo ought to shaio
with Kansas City and Leavenworth , if
Omaha hnd anything IIKO adequate elevator j
facilities. This ought to icceivo the atten
tion of our boaul of trade , if that body has
the capacity to handle the bubjcet.
"Omaha has very few drawbacks , but they
arc serious. These are the want of united
netion among our business men , another is
nn infernal bet of ei o liters , nnd still another
the extensive and detailed publication of thu
leiral proceedings m our courts.
"Tho first is easily remedied when our
business men ticat each other as friends ,
and not with suspicion. Lend each other a
helping hand , and the result on Oniana will
bo n surprise. As to the croaKers , publish
their names , so men can hold their noses ,
and women their skills , when they pass by.
As to the publication of proceedings ,
with the exception of criminal and similar
cases , they ouiht to bu suppressed forthwith.
Nobody respects anyone who airs his dirty
linen. Yet that is what Omaha is constantly
doing. The result is the destruction of con
fidence among our business men. and the la-
jury of ourcicdit in the east. Chicago and
other ris'al cities are locking with the idea
that Omaha men are bankrupts and our
real estate worthless. They use this against
us with eastein investois. Why give them a
club to hit us over the head with I I do netlike
like such enterprise.
A fine ornament is a union depot , but not
a tiade producer. Wo look to the east too
much for our glory , and turn our backs on
the west. When the low.i roads get ready
to run into Omaha , depot or no depot , notli-
ing will keep them out. A few years aso it
was considered high treason to think of the
Union Pacific terminus in Council Hluffs.and
men were sent to Washington to light our
side of the tvansier question at heavy o c-
pciiBo. What did it amount to ? Council
Bluffs got the terminus ana Omaha got loft.
Would Omaha exchange her wealth and pop
ulation with Council Bluffs ? If Omaha will
take the money that she wants to spend in a
union depot , and build a railroad to Dodge
City , Kan. , by way of Beatrice , it would re
turn to her a thousand fold. The immediate
effects of such a road would be to cut out the
cattle , hog and grain trade of Kansas City
and bring it here , besides opening up a now
field for our Jobbing houses.
"I did once think the Northwestern rail
road advisable , but now it is a waste of
money. The field is occupied. The best
thing to do now is to extend the line
from Norfolk or Hartinglon to Yankton ,
as far north as Bismarck if necessary.
The Noifolk line is the best , because
it will penetrate the best country , while
branches can radiate from it in different di-
rection1 * . A line by eitner route should bo
built to Yankton ut once on account of the
recent coal discoveries at that point , and on
to Chambci lain , where it will penetrate the
now anthracite coal region. The tts.0 of these
coal beds will give Omaha the benefit of
cheap fuel , ana plnco on an oven footing with
Chicago In regard to our manufacturing in
If the 1'no ' Is built from Norfolk the inter
ior of Nebraska will bo vastly benclltted.
As to manufactuios in Omaha , the jobbing
houses should do their own manufacturing.
Other cities have doao this with great suc
cess. There is no icabou why the jobbers of
Omaha cannot own and contiol their own
manufactuiing establishments with the same
uniform success ns other cities.
"A Blolghing carnival between Omaha and
Council Bluffs may bo made the principal
feature of the year , eclipsing , in beauty the
great inaugural procession over the now
biidKO. The cities of Omaha and Council'
Bluffs are conveniently situated , and with
the splendid boulevard between them , the
procession would bo unique and beautiful.
In Montreal tlio sleighing parade is ono of the
finest features of the Ice palacu festivities ,
and Is honored by the governor-general and
all the dignities of the dominion , and tills re
minds mo that Omaha ought to invlto the do
minion parliaments to visit this city whoa
making their tour of the United States in
Kor Stealing Coal ,
John Covlnok , who would bo an unusmilly
handsome fellew if ho wore washed and bet
ter clad , \yas arraigned on the charge of
atoalng coal from the B. & M , railway com-
I'unv. After homo trouble an interpreter
was secured and Covlack said that ho had
merely picked up the coal from the track.
His wife was sick , ho hnd no fuel or money ,
and ns Sunday was bitterly cold ho had to
do something to keep nls family from freez
ing. Accordingly bo picked up the chunks
that had fallen from the heavily loaded cars.
An employe of the company contradicts
this story nnd snjs that ho caught Covlnck
stealing the coal and mndo him return It.
His wife wns once fined for the same offense
nnd the judge mulcted him to the amount of
Don't Got Caught
this spring with your blood full of im
purities , your digestion Imnalrcd , your
nppotito poor , kidneys nnd llvor torpid ,
nnil whole system linblo to ho prostrated
by disease but pot yourself into good
condition , nnd ready for llio changing
find wnrtnnr woathcV. by taking" Hood s
Sarsaparilla. It stands unequalled for
purify ing the blood , civiup an nppotito ,
nud for a general sprinp medicine.
OV10HIIUAI ) WllllX ) .
Tlio HOMO Car Company Wiuits a
JUotor Lino.
A rumor was nlloat yesterday that an ordi
nance will bo introduced in the council
this evening granting permission to
the horse car company to erect poles and
string ovei head wires along their lines so as
to operate them with electricity.
Frank Murphy , president of the company ,
said that this was true , and that an ordi
nance granting the company such rights will
bo introduced in the council to-night.
The company , ho said , desired to keep in the
lead , nnd that it would give its patrons elec
tric service on its principal lines ns soon as
the frost had left the earth sufficiently to
permit of holes for the poles being dug.
Asked if ho did not think that the electric
motor would bo the thing for sti cot transpor
tation in the future , Mr. Murphy said that ho
did not : that In the IliMt place , an enormous
quantity of coal must bo used , which has to
b Hi st generated into steam and then Into
electricity , which then hnd to bo applied to
the cars. With the cable motor it was differ *
cut , the coal being tinned directly into the
motive power steam.
For beauty , for comfort , for improve
ment of the complexion. u o only Po/-
/oul'sPowcdor ; there is nothing enuul
to it. _
Jloly Family Schools.
Last evening nn oyster supper was
given nt Exposition hall for the benefit
fit of the Holy Family schools. 1'ho pro
gramme for the evening was as follows :
Murmuring Waves Charles Blake
Pupils of the Schools.
Recitation Parrhaslus and the Captive
Master A. Davis.
Violin Solo Prof. I. J. McQunko
Soprano Solo Hobert , Robert
Mrs. O. Bouscaroii.
Piano Solo La Chai ito
Miss Angela Dillon.
Soprano Solo..Ah , Ananmoro Loved Annn
more Mis * D MeDcrmott
Supper was served from 0 to 10 a. m.
Kor Throat Disease * , Coughs , Colils ,
etc. , effectual relief is foumd in the use of
"Brown's Bionclnal Troches. " Price 25 cts.
Sold only in boxes ,
Love ami Dollars.
Now South Omaha is the scone of n
romance. Years ago a Missouri man namol
William Gaudy , adopted a little orphan girl
named Alice Oblingcr , and some time ago
icmovcd with his charge to the magic city.
While there , she made the acquaintance of a
young man named Albert Day , at that time
employed by / . Cuddington , but rccentlv
removed to Contial City. It was a case of
love at first sight , and Albert struck out to
make a homo for them both while she
remained nt homo with her foster-father.
Saturday , however , Mio received ' n lctter ,
from Germany telling ot the death of a rela
tive , by whom she comes into a fortune of
$ (10OOJ ( , , and now there is joy in ono South
Omaha home. The fortune is a real one , as
ono ot the heirs Is already In possession of
Whether in the palace of pure de
lightdescribed by tlio eastern romancer ,
they put lluvorincf in. their pies , jollies ,
puddings , custards , etc. , is not stated.
Probably they did. But neither the
orient , Kuropo or the United States has
over produced an article fitly rivalling
in delicacy of flavor and purity Van
Duzor's fruit flavoring extracts , the
bottles of which contain moro -than
others. Long ago the first in general
estimation , and deservedly so. Grocers
everywhere soil them.
Notice to ainstcr I'lumlicrq.
A state convention of the master
plumbers of Nebraska will bo held in
this city on February 22 and 2i5 , at the
Murray hotel. All' reputable master
plumbers in the state are hereby in
vited to ho present , whether they have
received a special invitation or not. A
banquet will bo tendered by the Omaha
Master Plumbers' association on thee
o von in of the 22nd. By order
N. 13. Hut-sin- .
Educational Notes.
Superintendent James , in examining the
weekly reports of the night schools of this
city , in reply torcportorinl questions , replied
that there wore ten now in operation , a num
ber having been suspended. The nightly
attendance , last week , averaged US.1) . It 10-
quired seventeen teachers to instruct these
pupils , making an average of twenty-three
pupils to a teacher. These schools , as a rule ,
run from four to five months in the year.
Those now in operation will probably bo dis
continued at the close of the winter term ;
Mr. James says that In the main these
schools are composed of Swedes , Bohemians
nnd other foreigners from fourteen to twenty
years of nge who are dcsiious of learning to
read and write the English language. "I be
lieve , " he said , "It Ib the most patriotic thing
wo can do to inn thcso schools nightly
for foreigners. It Ainciic.inbcs them nnd
that Is just what wo want to do with the foreign -
oign element. When they leain to read
English they will read the American papers
instead of papers In their own tongue and
the country profits ny It.
Miss Patterson , of the Forest school , and
Miss Brown , of the Webster school , nro both
detained at homo from their posts on account
of the mumps. Miss Shallcnborger , of the
A'lnton school only recently iccovered fiom
the sumo jaw-racking ailment.
tfiedtiy the United State flovernmiBt. JJndorseohy thchciJ.of the flrent Unlvmltlrs
end ltd > 1lc I'cod Analystn , at the HtronicH. I'utett nnd most lleulthful. Dr. 1'rlce' * Cream
H.iVlntrl'o\vilcr ibcunct coulalu Ammonia , Iiuieor Alum , Dr. Trite' * Delicious I'lavorinsf JU-
tuctii , Vanilla , I.ciuou , Orauge , Alraoud , Kate , etc. , do not coutalu 1'olkonoua Oils or Chcuikala.
PRICE BAKING POWDER COi Now York. Chicago. St. Louis.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varloi. A marvel of purity
Ktienpth mid holi.omt > nps" , Moro economical
than the oidlnarj kinds , and cannot lie suld In
comnetltlon with tno iniiltUiiiloi of low cost.
Hhort\\clht | ulum or phosphate poudori Sold
only In cans. Hoyai llaklntf row dor Co. , I'M
Wall street , New Yoik
Ask Your Retailer for the
on TIII :
$3 SHOE.
According to Yotu * Needs.
fia light ami cljlish. It flu \\fnn \
ilarlilnRr. nnd JIKODIKES
i Aiv7 jkihcj kxvj 4u Jin. uc-
1 iig pcnccll } ca y the llrst tlino It
Isuurii. JtMlllrAtlsO'tlio most
SI1O1J Is absolutely HID
ly shoo of Its price hlci !
lias fcr been phccd cx-
tciislulycn tlio market
In which durability
Is considered Lcforo
mere out-
. . . MEANS & CO. , Hoston.
I'ltll Hues of Ihu nbu > o nliocM fur diilo br
Norris & Wilcox
and Geo.L. Miller
Only Clrniilno H tpni of ntcmor
Tour IlnnliH I.oarned in one reading.
niiiulnnndcrinR cured.
Every cliihl nnd mlult fcrcnllr tieneflllcu.
Great liiUuccmonta to CorrciirandencoClasses.
rro pcctu , with opinion * of Dr.Vin.A. . Ilnm-
mciiii ! . the world famiNl hpoclilUtIn.MInd Di raf < " . .
DiiiiieHiireiilenlfriiiiiiiii oii.thocrratl'pjcliol.
os "t , .1.31. IJiiclilo > t IMlt.i-ilitorof the ( Virmfiim
Miot\iff \ , V. 1' . Kiel'iii < l Proi-nir , the boientiet.
11 oii".l uilce < i ibson , J iiduli 1' . J Jeiijumin , and
Arc. , N. Y.
Cliarles Hose , residing at No 1312.Jones St
nn engineer by trade , but lately \ \ orlilng i n
Koneial oik , lias lived hero about two yearn ,
hnsbeen deaf moro or less lor twenty years ,
nud quite deaf for some time , has had catarrh
A\lth Its usual symptoms , such as stopping up
of nose and accumulations of. mucus In hi
throat ; ho complained of rinsing and buz/Ing
luhls cars , which vas u gieat annoyance to bin
Ho leads the dally papers , and through then
vas tntlueed to call on Ir ) .lordan. In thollamgo
ltiiildhir ( , to see 1C his nose , throat and cars
could bo bentfltted. lie was told they tould bo ,
and ho commenced treatment. Ho commenced
to ! mmo\o in ashort time , and after n course
of about tilloo mouths , was lew.uded with a
icturuof hlshenilutf , so much .so that hoe.tu
now hear the ullchtost whisper. Ho has no
ringing In Ills ears , and his and throat has
censed to trouuio mm untilely. lloays : " 1 can
now nppieclato what ooforo wns n total lilank ,
anil I cannot hpenk too highly of the Doctor's
nullities. "
( I.ntc of llellovno Hospltal.NowVorW
Succeeded uy
( Latoof the I'mvcrslty of Now York City and
llouiud Lntveikitr , Washington , ll , U.
No. 31O and 311 Building1
Corner I'lftfenth and-Harncy Rts , Omnlia , Nob. ,
Mlii'io all curnblo cases 010 treated
\rtth 8UCC053.
Notn tr. Chui Inn Jl. .lordan has been resl-
; lcntphy lclanror Jr. Jltt'oy , In Omaha , for
ho year and la thu physlelun \ \ ho has
: nadu the cures that havu bi-un pnblUhoil
iMJekly In thin paper.
.Medical dhensoH treated hkllHiHy Doaf-
IOSB , CoiiHiimiiUon , llronchltl t Asthma , Djs-
lepsia , Hhetimiitlsm and ull Nervous and
CONSULTATION at olllco or by mall , f I.
Olllco hours u to 11 a. m , "to I p.m. , 7 to Sp ,
u , Sunday olllce hours fiom ! l a. m. , to 1 p. m.
Main diseases lire treated Micieusfnlly by Or ,
onion throiik'ii the muUs.aud It is tuns pcmiblo
or these unable to makn a Jonrnoy to obtain
uccu&siully Ubeu monthly by over 10,000
Adlf8. Are Safe. Effectual ami I'leatant
l pertx > inymallorntdrm > Kh > ts Sealed
-farticalars 3 poMOfrs Etampj. Adiirei > 3
7or sale nint lnj mall hifloodtima
Co. , Onuilui ,
Wetine from Ui
cITocU of youthful
crrore. early dco.y ,
. , ! t raenhood. t < v
t vdtt se ad valuabla troatlM ( nealed ) oouUuUoir full
Btrtitia.uii for liomo euro , free of chnrce.
r Axta I'rof. f. 0 , VOV/LEU , tlOODCTS , CONlf.
. I urinary troiioioieiisily.qulcIC'
. . _ . J lyamUafdlycuroilliy DUUrCIUAUaic
lies. Sovor.ll cases cured In uoveii days. Hold
. .U ) per box , all driiKKUM , or I/ mall from
atuWrK.Co \VUriobt..N. . V. Tull UlroctlonJ
"We are done with the past so.ison. Wo have nearly sold out our winter goods , and
have not enough left to make any noise about , and the incoming spring goods require all
our attention. During the past few wooka we have been renovating our store , and made
several changes by which we gain more room for departments that have heretofore boon
badly crowded. The first which needed more room was the I Fat Department. Our hat
business hag grown to such proportions that its quarters were entirely too small. Having
now enlarged it considerably and arranged it in better shape , wo are pleased to announua
to our patrons , that it is filled with an entire new stock.
And wo open the season with one of the largest audmo fc complete assortments of still and
soft Hats , comprising the makes of the best manufacturers in the country.
It is needless to Pay much about the prices. Everybody knows that wo are selling
hats at about one half what other dealer * charge. But aside from this we want to cinpha-
sue the fact and wish it understood that wo are handling only good honest hats , such as
are guaranteed to us from reliable makers , and such as wo can warrant to our customers ,
Kvory hat in our establishment no matter how cheap is sold with this understanding ,
that , if any imperfoct'on or damage is found , even after the hat is worn we take it back
if returned within a reasonable time , and give either a new hat or return the money
What other establishment will make sunh an offer ?
To inangirato the season we place on sale to day 75 do/en elegant Cassimcro Hats ,
new shapes , at 95c. These hats are of a quality which are usually sold by other dealers
for 82.50.
Our Spring Overcoats are now coining in. Wo shall have this season the handsomest
line wo have ever shown , and our prices will bo as low as usual.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
is gess fSs Kr"3 : '
N. W. Cot13th & DodRO Sts.
Appliance : for Deformities and Trusses.
Host facilities , apparatus und rumodlcfl for CUCCCM
ful troitinii'iit of avert form of Olscusc rcqulrlni
McdlciU or Treatment.
llourcl anil Attendance ; best Hospital nccoimno.ln-
tlone In the wost.
WHITE FOHCutCP.An < : on Iororniltle and Uraco ,
Trusies , Clul ) tect , furxxtJro of the Snlnc , I'llos ,
Tiiniorn. Cnncur , Cntarih , Mronchltli , Inh ilatinn ,
Kleetrlclty , I'arnlysli , Kplloixr. Klclnoy , HHilder ,
Eye. liar , SXIn una Ulooil.and ullSuri'lcul opyrntloiis.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
Alllllooil Dlsoii'i-s successfully fronted. Syplillitl
I'otaon removed from the Bjatpnirltlioutnitircury
New restorative treatment for loss of Vltil IMwer
Persona unable to \ lilt us mny l > o trcutod nt Lome b
corrciuoniK'Dce. All comiuunlo vtliina contldPiitln
ItcilltlncH or InstrnnientB iont by mail or e pre *
BPCureiy packed , no m.irka to tndtcuto contents o
ecndor. Ono personal Interview prufcrrcd. Caltaiu
consultus or Rend history of your case , and wo nil
eond In plain wrapper , our
Upon Frlvnto , Special or Nervous Disease * , Irapo-
tcncySyphilisulcet and Vurlcocolo , nltti 1411031101
list. Address
Oiiiuliu Mcdiml ami Surgical Institute , 01
Cor. 13th and Doclgo Sta. , - - OMAHA. NKH
Capital $100,000
Sui-plus Jan. 1st , 1889 f .OOO
cuncKus A.M ) Dim cions ;
If.V. . YATI > . 1'iosldent
l-i.Win S. llui.n. Vice President ,
\V. II.S lliriiiii.N , C'aslucr.
Diiurioits : :
A. li TOUI.W. . W.V. JlOltSK.
H. C fl'MUMI ,
Corner 12th and I'nrnani fets.
A General Hanging lltislucss Uransactod.
< /
LI MEN " "
T. E. CILPBE\3 \ ,
ICooai OS Traders' Hiillillns ,
Hofcrcnces Metronolltan Natlnnul ! Hni.
U. U , Dun A Co. 'Xbo Urnrtstrcc : Ctt
ST. LOUIS , MO , , U.S. A.
Eicloihe Oworri k BUnofartVi nf
AdaptedtaEve y Machine now
Uicd. ,
Illuitrated Cttalogue free.
And MIIMSnilM '
nrni M no cutlrclr otrrromt * Ir
rcfl'.r.t.irMTUDUURlAR | CUSHIONS !
l\hl | tnCou , T , llini.itdMuiloh ird. Com |
F.1IIBOOX , HT.i llrundv Hr. I . t i.rll. ! riii > uoiCiJi'Uc.uia. jiiti. MJIUEHT *
Physician and Surgeon
Epps's Cocoa.
"Iljr n thnroiiuh l.noHloiUu of tlio nut iral ln >
vLlLii Kurorii tlioopi r.ilions of illk'iMtio.i an I iiutrl
l.n , nml h ) u utreliil aupiliatloii ot tlio line iirniuT
l.'nif writ "uluttcil ( XIC-.IH. Mr Kppslinn | iri > rl < lc > lour
iroiikfuxt lablo with n uullc.iluly n.ivuroil li.inHa.'n
flilcliinay niru un nigiiy lionvf iloitor hllli III *
i ) llio JuJIcliuH 110 ol MII.II urtlelv > of illut Ihatii
onilltutloii tuny hti trruilniillr hiillt up until tiroiijf
noiiuh to lotltt mi'ry londriii'r lu ilUvuto Hun-
IriMlt of mMIn iniilailli-i urn llnntfni. HroimU n * rcmtr
o atlHck wliurvvti tliiiron u c k Milnt Wuiiiir
> oaio | niaiir/i Inlul kliuft by kuvplim nur clvi neil
oitllluJ irltli imni hlii xl ami a moiiorly iiourltlia'l
flllltU. " I'UllMTllOO lilUVHO
Miidi'limply wltli tollliiu nuirr or milk. tolJ only
D huif IHIUIIU tin * by ( irociTi lulolol Uiu .
DPPtJ 9 , Pfl HoiiKipatliliChomlat ? ,
CifJ I ) blli. Lo.suu.v , KNQI.AND.
Toola , Finclii'onzc Jlnildct-a' Good * and liitff < do Settles.
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
mi * * H&iirtB raJoa
20to60 DAYS.
This is a disease which has heretofore
Ballleil all Medical Science.
Wo Imvoa Itemed } * , unknown to iui\cmo Intho
World out3ldi > of om c'oiiip.iny. anil ouu tlintlms
to euro tlio ino tolstlnnto ) case" . Ten liys In
recent c.iics doi s tliennrk. It ltliu olilclnonlu
deep fcc-atiM cases tlmt solicit. Wo have
ciuud liumlroiN who li.ivo been abandoned liy
VliyMcluni. and pronounced incut able , nndus
ciiulli'iiquUio nnilil to liliii ) > ii < ) ii coo that \\o
Mill not cnio In loss than sixty d.iys.
Shu o tin1 hlttor > of niciiloine n true sppcillc
for Sjphllls has been sought for but no er
found until our
was dlscovoieil , ami wo nro fnstllleil In m Ing
It Is the only Itemed ) in the \Voild 111 ! > " >
Ithelv cine , bo MUSO Iliolntutt Medical \\orks.
published by the bct-t known authorities , sny
theio was lun-oratniespfclllobclore. Ourtoin-
edy will cuiohen eveiythlnu oNo his failed.
Wfiv wiisto > our tlino and inonpy with patent
niL-dlcliies that noor had vlitne , or doctor. ith
physicians that cannot euro jou , you that have
tried ovurj thins else should coino tons now nnd
Kit poinianent lelief , jou novorc.xn ( ? ct It else
where. Mmlc what wo say. In the end you
must take our loinedy or MUVHIt ICCOWT and
jou that have boon mulcted but a short tlino
should by all HUMUS coino to us now , not ono In
tenof new cases ever wet permanently cmi > d.
JIany 1'etlielp nud think they are free Iroiu the
disease , but in one , two or tineo years niter It
oppuarn UK in In a inoro horrible form.
Tliib is n blood Purilicr and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Di etifro nhon
Everything lilse Fails.
Itooin lOainl 11 , U. S. National iinnk
Hiiihling' , Uiiialin , Nel ) . C. WKST'S Nr.nvnvi > Iiiiu.v TIIIJAT-
JIEMT Uk'imr.intted ( pc'clif for llystotlii , O1//.1-
lies1 } , ( oiivulhlons , 1 ltn , N'orvum Noiiinlilu ,
Huiidiirhe.NVrxonsl'iostialionciii ml bj thoii'-e
of.iluihol or tobiKco , Wakofnliieii , .Mental le )
piusslim , Softeiiiiii. of the llr.ilu resulting In In
baulty anil lo > < lliuti mlsi > ry , do uy nud dentil.
1'iuinntiiiu Old AKO , Iliirruiino-ts. Miss ot power
In either MJInvoliintuiy l.o-ios ami npermat
< ) ihii'aciiisoilbyovoi-exeniiiofthubr.ilnsulf. | [
abuse or overindulgence. Uacli box contains
onoiuontli'H ticatm > nt. il.iX ) n box , orslthnYo *
foi JV.sentliy ! mill prpaid oniecelpt of prlco
To euro any cise. With each oid'T ' lu mv. d by
u for six IIDXOS , ai * < omimnli'd with f > , tXMuiwlll
j-fiid tliupun liiiser our wiltteu KIIH inteo to i < -
fund the mon. y if the treat muni dee < not olio , t
11 fin o. ( luaraJiteus Issued only bv Unolman
antt'o. ( , Urus'NH'olo AtfC'its. Jilt ) I'imiam
ilroct Omnlia Neb.
UganrkiiblB for powerful tyraya ?
lEoUo tone , pllnbla action undittT
p lgto durability. 3 > yearn' tec ,
fe iMBt guarantiee of th one
Isnco uf tncse lujtr'imenta.
( Su'cessora to Jcilin U. Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At the old Rlnnd H37 I'ainam St. Ouloriby
i uolicltvd and promptly attvmlid.
Tultphono to No. a.
H llllUUd Ihro *
. Indl.rrtlloft * c.r
r.r. ( .D
fim- ; . < .tJ-r Vlin HtiblHDMJ. ( onlluuoui ( tmnUbf
I Irclrlf. . .rA' . " ' . ' . " ' " 11 " " " "I"1' " ' "k I rl. , reilor.
ll.t ll-ru' Jj ; to llr.llh .o. | Tlivrauitilrrnilli. blrcllla
{ 'urrmi . rdTixnurirxrveforMtfi.i'Olncnti.
I HT i.JHoip . .orjeniplrHC. ( , J up. Hunlct.i i | > cr.
1'if urc 1 In ll.tre , . F lc41 jrajlik-l lo
Arrests dlscliirgf R fiorn the urinary . !
.AIlHlM tltlUTt-PX'.I IS llOlirx.
It l8 Bllpt'liOr to ( npt1b.1. mbflS , 01
Injcrtrons , anil free from ull bid r.
or other Inroiuf nlcnrca
" '
- , „ , , ; ; ; , ,
( iBpflllei.ullldi lioar thu nainu
blirk kttcre.v ItU' ut hkli IIOHU a
DivowJKi-A. uuoimiuu , Arr
121 l > larbo/ii ! St. . Clncsviil u.l isu IUJ. VI ) uui
' 1'crluuioi ' bunncK 4uluil/Kjd Jejili ; uuuucnJ
a , I'HllONir nml I'ltlVATH DISHASES Ot
MI5N ami WO-MIJN ouciL ; jriilly treitod.
SnrTerliiK from llio eiri-rts of j-niillifiil follies nr Inilll
cri'tloii" , nr mo trouliled Milli Weakness , .Veivous
Di'hlllty , I.OHI ( if Memory , Do'ponilunt- ) . \\crnlniiti )
t-oclc'tr , lilitnoyTiouliliHiir liny illiuiiii'iir the ( ionl-
lii I ilniuy Urumi , ( nii lioro llml u MTn nml opucdr
cine. llinrKcs rcaaoualile , e > | xelnlly to the pciur.
Thorn nro ninny trouliled nllh t'xi Iroqurntovunia.
lions nl llio liliuli | ( > r. ofloii aicniniiaiilid hy a Mlcht
fiiuirtlin ; or linrnlnu HI nv illon , nnil < re iki-nlnx nr the
P ) nlcm In ainuniii-r Dm lutliinl i annul IKI mint tnr.
On I'Viiuinln lho ililiiiuj ili > | i < ) Mn a nijiy M-illnii nt
Mill ( Illl'll tlO fllllllll. nnrl BOIMl'llmix pailK Ilj-Tlll Illllll *
niciilll iqiiicur or tint inlnr In ol n Ililn , inllklsri
iMiiMiuihi ilianilnnr ton iliirk or torilil | aiiim-mincc.
'llieii'nro who illiuil Hilt Iliiu-Mlu ,
iimnv mi n ( Unor-
nut n1 tlio c ausc. wlili h is ilui p ( n I Hni.i' nl noml.
nnl I4.ikne n. 'lint ilni tor ill Kiinratilci ) M purfuot
rnrolnall umli ni o nnd n lioiiltiix ri-oinritlon or
tlio ffiilto iirinitry iiri.'iinH ( iiMHilMitloti liur heiiit
V < i'i t mump Inr Uiinir Minis I nendur dilldo to
\Vedlo < k , liouidull Al'lr ' ss
DB. & CO. ,
Main and liHli siKaiisaB C it.y , ro.
ITT Mention Ihli piper ,
PATENTED Auo. 10 , 1887. IMPROWD FEB. 1,1880.
' , ANB DUbPiNEOKY r '
> CU > tlDlr < d 10 cure lb. f | .
-Jt.niitunutlo Complaint * ,
'cl.umbojo , Gertrtl and
! ji Nervoui Debility. Ooi >
' Urtn"'KiJl"'Jr ] " ' " e
. *
Ncrvouinm , Tremhlinc ,
Ing of Body ,
'ndfifi ttlonj In Yontb , , Mnr-
® % . , fi.f .
ulr ut mile tr
( i-j-SF\r TO nr < , ii\sitiiK ninfm ON fo IUIH IKUL.
Tftv i FAIR iif PI rpTnin lljcni EC IT.I ' : .
PR. OWEN'S LLto n u
Hn < t lie to , life for rm Illuitrtlf 1 | nn | lilcl , which Hill
liul j u In plain irilrt fnrelrpp tftbtlon Ilili | | r , kijdrtil
_ _ aoo NortlIlroiiilway , UT. J.OUIU. MO
c ffiass4l
DR. ISRAEL'S - - ,
Owen'g Elsctrlo Belt Attaclinent. '
"tVi " IMr > " " " * eom'0" Th < cur
l.ui.lurf I , , rrun 0 lu fill J , *
, ( r f0 | | ddtrhlUii ot Or.
loiolfi * aj t * . fur , ruff llluitr.t t.nitlilii wtleh will L
li"l < l tl r . HolJ vtlr kMI
100 North JJro dw jr , BX , I OUJD , M