THE OMAtfA. DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JFEBJRDA11Y IS. 1880. THE CITY. Tim WIJIJK'SAMUSIJ.MENTS. 1101 t ) ' ? . rrlilay-T/ie / IMtlc "lyraon. Saturday afternoon mid night 77ic IMllc 7/coon. ] / OIIANII oinitA not n , Monday-Stetson's Unrlc Turn's Tuesday Stetson's I'nclc 'lom'xCttliln. Wednesday afternoon'mid night L'ncle Tom's Cabin. Tmir dar.ftlo Hllsler in / . ' < ; ) / } > ' l"ridav Knio Kllslcr In JmlijiXii. . Saturday aftoi noon L'nlo Lllsler In " ' /faun-day / night-Kftlo Kllslcr In A'ccj : inrv MI fcnr. livery nftcrnoon nntl nl ht 71ic G'oicniCM mid Mooio's Caiiino 1'arndo.x. 1 M. c. A HAM. Mondny Ladies' Quartette mid Madrigal club concert. _ , IVlSOIHll lion \V. T. Cnnndn Is at the Pnxtnn. HPV lO. . has gone to Holdrogo Neb. 1) C. Adams , of Suit Lnlic , is tit the Mil ItirtlL L II. , ( c\\cU , of lirolicn How , la nt the I'uxton , .I.O Nlsbctt , of North IMaito , .Is nt the Millnrd. L , C. Dunn , of Lincoln , is n guest nt the Mill.ird. W A. Itntnscy , of Minneapolis , Is stopping nt tliu I'lixlon. A. 11. Hiinltoy , of Island , Is n guest nt tlio Puxtoii Hon. A L. Towle , of Niobrara , Is nt HID 1'axtoti , Dr. Hrown anil J. T. Howell , of Albion nrc nt the Mlllard. Frank H Harris , , of Lincoln , was nt the Murraicslordny. . George \V. Simmons of Lincoln , is stop' pin ) ; tit tlio Muri.iy. .lolm ritcholl , of Francisco , is stop pln nt tlio Mlllurd. 11. O , HoKL'oan , of Lincoln , registered ai Iho Mlllard jrsterday. Henry St Kivnor , of Sidney , Neb , Is ( itopplnf , ' ut the Millatd. Miss Cody , daughter of Colonel \V. F. Cody , rcgislciuil at the Paxton jestprday. Mrs. Collln , a cousin of Lieutenant JJ. T. Ladd , ref.'isturcd at the Paxton iestoidiiy. H. H , Mortimer , business ntrent of Hlllo Llfiler , tOKisteied at tlio Millnid " F t. Snekott , .1. L. Ho\voll and G R. Ilrown , of Albion , were at the 1'axton yes tei day. \Vitteborf , ' , propiietor of the Denver Ileiold , is in the city , on Ins w.iy homo fiom the cast. Mrs ( J H. Smith , Mrs J. S. Tefft and Miss Smith , of Now Yotlt , are stopping at ! tlio lYlillard i Mrs Ira II. Mapcsvlio has bppn spcndinp n \\pckwitli friends in Lincoln , returnctl home S.ituidav night. KIIRCIIO Carter , the celebrated billlardist , Is in tlio city and stopping at tlio Millard. Ho is accompanied by F. C. Ivcs , also of Chi' capo. Dr. Charles Kalilniann returned to Omaha yesterday , after an nbscnco of siv months ut the Unslc medical college , Chicago , of which ho is a graduate. F. A. Mugownn , piesulcntof the Ttcnton Htibbcr company , Now .leiscy , with Mis. Magowan and Miss .lessio McClin e , are stop ping at the Mm ray , lirouncll Clrls. The young Indies of 13ro\\nell hall gave a musical Saturday night lo a laigo number of friends. The instiuincntal parts weio well poifotmod wnilo the vocal num bers weio equally pleasing. I-'ireinon's Ilonolit AHSocintion. Tlio benefit association of paid ( h omen met yesterday In Chief Galllgan's ofllco nnd transacted considerable business. Arrange incuts were about completed for the annual ball , to bo hold April a. A donation of ? . )0 wusicceived from the Consolidated Tank Line company , for whom the lliotucn did some lipiolo uoik lately. Fallli ti ( a. If the attendance at the faith cuio gospel mooting- the UucUingiiam last even ing is any criterion tlioro is but little faith in Omaha Theic were just ten persons present and tlieso consisted in the main of obcso women and old men , witti symptoms of dot- line. On Tuesdays and Klidais at 2 p. in. , the follonois of this faith meet to perform their miracles with prajer , An Old Case Ilovivcil. In the case of William Loach against Mrs. Nellie McNamara , a suit brought to iccovcr on the defendant's reckless e.\travagnnco some time ago , C. S. Kaymond , the jeweler , has come in with an answer. It was illcd in the distiict couit. Tlio suit is a sequel to a sensation iiguicd in a few months ago by Mrs. McNamara , her father-in-law and n youni ? fallow named Hogoy. Mis. MrNa- maialstho widow of tlio late M. A. Mc Namara. She became smitten with Hogoy and bought him all hoits of costly presents , Including a lot of Jewelry from Raymond , and now ho wants to bo compensated for thorn , if Loach did got in his suit llrst. Called Kiom Hod nnd Asiaiillrd , Dave Knslaw was assaulted by William Cut son alias Miller about 3 o'clock yesterday morning and badly wounded on the head. Enslaw lives on Saundcis street near the 13olt line railroad. A woman , with whom Cm son is said to be Intimate , was stopping at IZnslaw's and at il a.m. 3 estcrday 11101 ning Cnjson \uilfcncd the Inmates of the cottage by ins loud rapping and kicks against the door. When Knslaw opened ItCaisondo- mnmlpil admission which Unslaw denied him. The intruder then drew his revolver mid fiti tick ICnshuv n number of fearful blows over the head with the buttcl it , cutting his scalp badly and knocking him bcnsclcss. The family sent for the police and Cai on was placed under iiuust. Uiibluw's wounds aio not thought to bo fatal. nioj t'lo Jlnorr * . Morgan writes a long nota of protest to Tin : llci ; conccinlng the "Intimation" that lie fell dollboruUly Satuiday night and tliuslost tlio niLc. Tlii-rc was no surh intimation Tun Hi.i ! merely stated the opinion of by- Htandeis as expiessed at the tlmo of tlio acci dent. Morgan and Ashingcr will have another nice Saturday night Jor $1JU. * A Now Train. Tlio conn cell ni' link between No- bruska and KHIIMIS has junt boon placed in sorvlco by thu Union I'noillu railwuy. Tills train Icnrns Counoil HlulTs dully ut ' 1:15 : a. in. ; Icuvcs Oimilm at 6:0 : > a , 'in. , nnd runs through without clmngo to Manhattan , Kan. , tmiUnp direct con- noclioiiH there with the Kansas dlvibiou of tlio Union L'liciflo railway for all point * in Kansas mid Colorado west bound , nnd for Topolca , Lawrence , Kan sas City nml points east and Kouth via Kansas C'ity. Itiiturntn , train luiuoa Manhattun nt J : " < 3 ] ) . in. ; arrivuif , ' nt Uoatrieo tit O.lM p. in. , Lincoln nt 70 : p. in. , and Oinahii at 11. 'JO p. in. , Coun cil HUilTa 11.10 p. m. , in.alciiiff direct connection \viih Kansas diviblon trains from Kantas City ! , I.iiivrenco , Tonolcu and thu onpt , and from Denver , Snllna , Abollno and nil points west , enabling pssontfors to vlhlt the jirinc'ipal points in KatiKiib anil Noliras'oi ' in the nhortost im-islblo tinio. Thcso traiiib huvo lirst- ullihtS equipinont , consisting of smolcing : ( . urn nnd Ihht-ulnsd day coaches of the latobt pattern , The now tiuin will nil u long felt want , utul la bound to bo popular , IIo Dornn'i LHo TJioiiip on. Gcnoral John 1) . Dennis , spcaitlag of the ( llsnatch which appeared in yesterday's HUB , in u Inch U appears thut in a friendly letter to an acquaintance in Washington , ho se verely ci itlciscd the past record of Thomp son , of South Carolina. Thompson has ro- pently been nominator for the ofllce of as- i Uut sourotavy of tUo treasury. Ceroaal Dennis aid that he did not care to bccotna moro notorious through the medium of the newspapers in the matter. "In writing to my fiicnd in Washington , " ho continued , "I wrote as frlcna to friend and never supposed that HIP matter would be published I have over f 10,000 In South Carolina bonds now pending before the state examiners , and to criticise Thompson can but injure my affair down there , lint in this matter I am fear less and could tell many thing ? if I wished to , but 1 don'l " _ I5otls.nltuples , hives , rlnpwormletter , nnd nil other inanlfnsttitions of imptiro blood mo cured by Hood's Sarsajmrilln. " " " ' 1 lliOIIAUTAUQUA : AHSI3MlUjY. Sloadj I'roKi r i Itoln"Made / In a Quid \Vt\y. Although little Ima been said respecting the movements of the Council Uluffs and Omaha ( Jhautauqua assembly , the enterprise has been mnking good and substantial pro gress. The results thus far have boon ac complished mainly through the labors of n few rather than by the united efforts of tlio many. This ought not to bo. A matter so vital to the Interests of Omaha should ac- tlvolj engage all our people. Council Uluffs is doing Its shaio of the work with a hoaiti- ne < s and liberality commendable. Now tlio cntei pi iso comes to jou aad asks your per sonal ro-operation. It Is essentially an Omaha Institution , nnd as such it looks to this people for support. No such oppoitunlti has been presented to give this i'lt. > a national name and predomi nance. This is to bo the Clmutaiiqun of the west , and In its possession Omaha Is unequal paitnur. As a park nnd pleasure resort the giounds possess features which will give them a name all o\er the world. livery person nhould bo imbued with tins spirit and feeling , this is our enterprise ! , mid wo must sco that it Is nindu thu giand success which Its location nnd icsouipeinnko possible. In any enter prise , which conduces to the material or In- tclloi ttial piospcrit.i of the people Omaha has never been behind thu demand placed upon her , and she will not be so in tins. Ills by copying afloi1 nature that man tfots best results. Dr. Jones' Rod Olovor Tonio is nature's own remedy , is purely voidable , can bo Uiicon by the most delicate. Cures all stomachkidnoy and Ihor troubles. 61) ) cunts. Goodman Uriif ( Co. xiin i'unss KXCUHSIO.V. Tlio Proposed Koute Cor the Annual bummer Trip. In the matter of the Nebraska press ox- I'uision for the coining summer , the chair man Is Dlcascd to announce that ai range- inentB aio working smoothly for a trip to the Yellowstone National paik , and perhaps Portland , Tacoma , etc. Thus far , judging fiom letters tocclveil , it seems to bo tlio pieferencool the editois to journey noith- westward rather than north or elswhere. It is nigently tcqucbtol of those who an ticipate going that they notify L Wessol , J r. , chairman , at Lincoln , as soon as convenient , also stating the diicctlon they prefer visit ing. An excursion to Poitlnul , Tacoma and Seattle , with a trip by water up the beautiful Puget soilnd to Port Townsend and Vic toria , could bo made at a very small ex pense , the time consumed being about twenty dajs. The proposed plan Is thus : Omaha to St. Paul via Fremont , Hlkhoru & Missouri Arnlley uiilwav , St. Paul to Portland via Northern Pacillc , stopping at Huttc , National paik , elo. , en i onto. Thcnto fiom Portland to Tacoma , Seattle , Port Townsend , Olynipn , W. T. , Victoria , U. C. , etc. , reuniting via the UnionPocillc through Huntmgton , Shoshone , Ogdcn , Silt Lake City , Den\er and on homo via the limlington. The chairman of tlio excursion committee having visited that sec tion last ' ining iccomnicnds it us a most pleasant tiip- The people of that vicinity aio over watchful for visitors , and never fail to royally entertain their guests. It is n new country and a delightful one , having climate to California , although not i isitcd by the extremes Unit make poitions of that state so voiy unpleasant. Editorsshould give this their early attention and send in theii views. It is expected the patty will stait about July 1. What is more attractive than n pretty face with afresh , bright complexion i For it use Po oni's Powder. Toaclu-i t ) AVIII Meet. The Douglas County Teachers' association will hold a meeting next Saturday at tho. county court house. The introduction com mittee is composed of Miss Maud Eastman , Miss Minnie 1'airatt and A Matthews. The programme of the dnj's exorcists is as follows : Paper "Giammai".A. Wesley Shaddinger Discussion , Miss Surjh II. Young , A. H. A gee. Paper "Ncccssitj of Professional Edu cation" . , . . .Miss M. Nettie A. Priclinul Dibcussion , Miss Uva M. Perrinc , George L. Tono.y. Vocalsolo Miss Nina L. Charles Paper "Uomcdy Compulsory Educa tion" Miss Hattie L Hiowster Discussion , Miss Amanda Loftcdt , A. II , Hood. Paper "Genetal Exercises" Miss Gettrude Olnsgow Discussion , Miss Jessie Noyes , J. T. Par , ker. \ ! i Paper "Discovejics in Fractions" . . . . . ' A.W.Parker1 Discussion , Miss Cassio A. Ut/lor , 1 } . II. Logan. "Homo of Shukespeaio"Mrs. Mrs. Jennie E. Keysor \Vo have ailvertlsqd a great mnny ! ililTcrcnt patent medicines , but have ' never tnlcon the pnins to editorially "pull" one. Wo are pfoint , ' to do it now , for the llrot time. Chamberlain & Co. , ' DCS Moines , Town , manufacture a cough ' remedy wnich is abiolutoly the bobt { thing wo have over soon. Wo have * used it in our family for tlio past year , j and consider it indispensiblo. Its of- | j focts arc almost instantaneous , and t there K no use tallciii . it is a ( load .shot | on a cough or cold. Wo don't s-iy this j > for pay , but because wo coiibidor Chain- , ' borlmn'b Cough Homody the best made , i ' and wo want the people to know it and f uuo it. Lewis Iowa liiilcpcmlont. _ i A * . H Nathaway , ono of Nebiaska'b finest c wing bhots , it , in the tiu. I i I t Don't neglect a cougli and let it re main to irritate your lungs \rhun a safe and speedy remedy can bo had for 60 fonts iii Dr. Uioglow's Poitivo Cure. Goodman Drug Co. Syd Miuray , the fhaniiilon welter weight wrestler of Aii'orleu , iu In the oil } anxious to gut on a match. WHAT 1'liOlMjK TAIiK AUOUT. A'lc\vn nnd lntcrlews Cnuglit lit Hotel Corridor * and Klsewherc. Among the Ncbraskans who attended church and enjoyed a fine Sunday dinner In Omaha , was Charles Wnserman , of Orand Island Mr Wascrmnn Is a comparatively young man , yet so far ns residence goes nn old timer. He went to Grand Island in ' (11 ( , subsequently made this city Ills residence for five consecutive J ears , but returned to his first adopted love , and hns stuck there ever since. Ho is now catlwsiastieally Interested in the establishment at his town of an im mense sugar manufactory , and yesterday , at the Pa\ton , told a Hni : man all about it , Said he , wo expect to bo icvlv for business thlsjcar. 'iho coinpaiii has purchased 11 000 acres of land near Grand Island , M. Smith , our president , is now in Boston negotiating our bonds nnd tlio prospects for an early be { inning of nctho operations mo very Hatter- ing. According to Mr. Wnsprman's stntfJ incuts , the plant when ready to inn will icpiescnt nn outlay of $ . ' 00- IKK ) . It is pioposed to mnnufne tmo Hiigar exclusively from beets nnd the null's capacity at the start is estimated at it > 0 tons a dav. As the demands justify It cin , by llio sinnlo addition of new machinery , bo Increased to 000 tons "If siuTossful.1' ' sild he , ' 'the enlcrpiiso will not only bo a big thing for ( Jiaiid Island , but the whole state as well. If wo can demonstrate that our soil and climate are adapted to the laising of sucar boots it will not bo long until inanufuctoik's ' are established all over the state , mid Nebraska will soon become the ruling munh'ip.ditv in that industt.\ . " The company of which Mr. Wasernmn is a largely interested member has been experi menting for two years , and has now biought matters to that well established point whoto it can unhesitatingly solicit tlio aid of east ern capitalists. Heretofore attempts In this direction have been met wltn such inquiries as , "Wli.don't . i on ask the state to do some- Ming for , \oui" In older to rcmo\o such an excuse fiom the gtasp of nioaicd men a bill has been introduced and is now pending in the legisla ture , pi oposlng that at the end of two years the state shall give a bounti of a half cent a pound for all sugar manufactured. Mr. U'asermnn says ho is satisllod from the invcs- tluatlons that Nebraska is situated in a liner belt , has better soil and nppi opt into climate for the giowing of sugar beets than can be found in tlie great sugar manufacturing re gions of l uropo. Furthermore , tlio product can bo produced hero so much cheaper than there that tlio manufacture may bo conducted on a much greater scale. " Wo have seat samples of our expci imental sugar over lo that country , hud It computed with theirs and nsuicsult have stiong testimonials of its superior quality. The faimois about Giand Island have become interested in the scheme ami taking heavy Mibsoiiptions of stock. Ahmy of them mo exchanging their fauns for stock. The land well cultivated will . \ieldfrom llftoen lo twenty tons per acic and at the mill they can get $5 a ton for their beets. "Do you know , " said City Allot ncy Web- MCI , as ho touched the end of his unllghted clear with a burning taper , "that pci sons of observing minds can sco so'iio very ndicu- lous things among lawyers up at the couit house. In a general way they don't amount to much , of course , but novoithelcss inipott- ant as indexes , ilngor-botrds , car-marks , or whatever term jou please to the breeding , chaiartcr and make-up of men's lives. I saw that 3 ou made refeience in Tin : BI.I : to the slovenly , caivlcss , undignilled utterances of a rromont bairister In his bnef address to Judco PO.IIIC. I believe it will bo bcnelicml and bt ing about good results to keep on exposing - posing bits of igiioianco and uncultuicd piacticcs every time they ciop out. I no ticed an outlandish little matter shortly after you loft the court loom , and it was our con versation about ttie rural jay that called my attention to it. An attorney of this city , n man who places his services at high hgmes , stood before Judge Doane to mnito a motion in his great biiabb\ , coat , witii the high collar turned up , heavy overshoes on , hair all awry , and feinting as uninviting a picture as ono could \\jcli to * eo. Such insults to the court on the pai t of lawyeis should not bo allowed. I oflon'vondorat the manner in which oilr judges submit to it. No man should ho so forgetful of las politeness as to cater the bir bofoie leaving his overcoat , shoes and hat in the clovk-ioom. I liopo that o\er.v time one does it jou will gently push the harpoon into him. " State Senator Nc bitt and Representative Haynorquiotly stole away fiom the hum- dium of legislative Lincoln j'ostci'- day , and came up to enjoy a brief plunge into the exciting whirl of a live anil metiopolitan city , "Wo aio now icady to get down to solid business nnd do something , " slid the senator , "and I believe the Mission will ac complish moio legislation than any of its predecessors. It is not likely that any moro bills , especially any of much importance will be intruduced and the committees have their wotk well in hand. The time in which bills imi.v bo introduced , except bj- unanimous con sent ox'piros by noxitThuisdaj' . " Doth thcso gentlemen at e feeling confident that U the supreme touit declares the inCbcnt submis sion bill unconstitutional it will bo impossible to get anothei one. Inasmuch ns the argu ments will not bo commenced until next Wednesday , tl.eic is no possible show fora division before the tnno lor intioducing bills oxplies and it would also be impossible to cot unanimous consent after that day for the in- tioductloa of another one. Senator Ncsbitt is said to be a formidable and stiong aspirant for the United States allot noyshlp. Hon. A L. Towlo , humorist of the house , was in town last night , and when held up for an interview , declared that icpot ten could not love him for the icason that ho never has any opinions. Nevertheless Mr. Towlo was Induced ' , to como out of his solitude and talk a ' little. He seems to think that thu legis lature might got along much better an d suc ceed in accomplishing something if bo much time was not dovotud to investigations , Nearlj' evoiy member appears to be bent on having something investigated. "However , believe that the less legislation wo have the hotter ] it will bo for our btato , The onlj' im portant bill passed as jet , was the one pio- viding for the consolidation of ati cot rail way companies. Since coming to Omaha and get ting a tide on tlio cable 1 am mote than ever satisfied with my veto for that bill. " Mr. Towlo was once a resident of Omaha and worked at the cai pouter trade hero , IIo was employed nearly two j'oaiat the Union Pa- cillu shops. Now , la addition to being a leg islator , lie is the lat and jolly propiietor of the llnest hotel in not thorn Nebraska. A Ilarn Hnrtied. ( At 1 o'clock yesterday the barn on Judge Poitcr'b old place , on Eighteenth and Par- iiani , went up in smoke , The lire made a ' ( good sized blaze , but was brief in duration , IIH the old boauls burned like tinder. The loss was about 00. Cause of fire unknown , ( inHI HI HISi MUSTANG Sit MEXICAN LINIMENT to I il \l Thue the JfWustang"a conquers pain , Wakes MAN or BEAST well again ! I I I J Absolutely Tills ] ) owilr > rnoror\nrli" ( , A nnrvelof purity icti tU nml uliulcMoiiiciicsi. MOID cconoinloil tlmiiMiooiillnniA klntlM.iind cniuiot li 8)ldln roniDotltlon wltn tinjiniltlttulo * of low ont. tlioitwolKlitiilUin or pliosiihuto tO\Mlur told only In unii. Itnyai llaklne 1'owilor to. , UI \\nllstri-et ; . New Viiik ESTABLISHED 1861 I 180 So. Chicng0 ( niB. \ ciarkst. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tl stIM Treating with the Greatest ; 'SKILL and SDCCESS Chronic , teens anfl Private Diseases , Of NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , nillnc Memory , Exhaustion Drains , Terrlbla Drenmo.Hctd nnd linck Aclie and all llie cflectl leading to early decjy nnd peth ipj Consumption 01 Insanity . , treated scientifically by new mcthoih with tievcr.fultnc MICCCSS. SYPHILIS.iml all bad Blood and Skin Dis eases permanently cured. KIDNEYand URINARY complaintsGleet , Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcocele nnd .ill diseases of the Gcnito-Unntty Organs cured promptly * \\ithout injuiy to Stomach , Kldnejs or oilier Orgins. WNo experiments. Age and experience lm portant. Consultation free end cacred. * 3T" bend 4 cents postage for Celebrated Worts on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Iisca el. ttaf Those contemplating Mr.truige tml for Dr. Clarke's celebrated cuidc Male and Female , each 15 cents , both ss cents ( stamps ) Consult the old Doctor. Afncndl > letter orcallma > save future sufler. in and Oiame , and add golden > ears to life ftS'-Book "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( stamps ) . Medicine anduntlngs sent e erywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , Bio 8. Sundays 9 lo u. Address F. D. .CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St.- . CHICAGO , ILL , CALIFORNIA ! TIIK LuVND OF DISCOVERIES. _ YA4TC OK4THTO COFfr t | 11 : a p - A nca.6WILLl.CKL Santa Abie : and : Oat-R-Oure Foi- Sale by Goodman Drug Oo. 15 TO 40 PER CENT Guaranteocl by using THE National Automatic Gas-Saving Governor , Secures a sti > iiU' ami uniform nowco of Illti- iiiliutlon , leniilttim Ironi ti-Kiilar pii'ssiuo unil ( Hisc'iiont | petfo't toinb.istlon of the Klines , liumiiiK a puru anil henltliful atniosphuru , and olivlutliiK tliu sooty deposits of iiticonsiiuuMl iirbon upon fioacooilMills , vuliitlngti anil l'ioentB tlio ( ItsngnKJiililolilhtllntr , blowlnt ; and maokUiK of burin in , anil avolils tlu < fie- iiiii'iit iliuiHi'i' uiul uxiieiito of bioKcn ( ; lobtH 'Jlio ( luvcitinr mats the cnnstiiner I'H.UTJ- CAI.IjV NOI'HIXfl. ivs Iho naviiiK In K'li ' bills wlicro full cnp.ii.ity of meter ! tiheili will ie- liuto cost of ( io\oia < ir laory throj or four montliH1 Bt > rilco anil in lurpo uiillillnRs every Mxt v dnj a , HIMH n ttitiilni ; niO.M U'O ) to IHKJ 1'1U IKNT. iiiinual illvldeiulsou the linustnirnt. OVER 10,000 , MACHINES IN SERVICE. LiT NOTICE ! nm Wo nlll nttuclioiirCns-Stniu Machines an ) niclcr upon llio li.tsls of unu-liulf Ilic lalmt of monthly Siniiif . I'ructlcil tt'btH iiuulo ut our olllco , I'ubllclu- \lleil Agencies ( lUtrHmttfil la all cities. THE GAS SAVING GUARANTEE CO , , S. 1' . Corner Kttli anil Tarnum Sts. . _ OMAHA. Kin. ; _ WTMEN ONLYI ForLOSTorFAILINO HAlinOODi General nd NERVOUS DEBILITY ) VTrikneit of Bnlyind Minds Effictl ofErron or Exceisciln Older 7ounr. Koboil , 9AMIIIH > full , llr.lorrd. IUv l Ulirif ? il fcm Bcikci n Kik.iMiKituil t u iiHiu > 8 * riiiia or nuiii . AblolbUll IIUOK TIIUTHtM-HtUfllCl In rt.J. lnllr > Inia 41 HUtn , Ttrrlturl. . . uj f.rflinloo.lrln. You f writ * lbt . lieok , fell viblftnfttloB. ad pruef. Ufttlttl I mt. iddmi ( R | ( tliClCAl CO , , BUFMID , N , T. Arrwts dlschartrcH fiom llio iirlaorr or t'analncllliprbcx'.i ' IS lMiiir . Jt Is superior to i opniba. C'ulwbs , or llnlfctloiiH , nnd free from all lud nntl ! lorothor lacoincDlenoea. antaln J u > uu | Caiulc .wlilrli bear tlie jwno tliVii tttere.wltUout whlcli couo trv\ lcniiliic : i Preparatory to opening cui-sprloq good's wohnvc inn ourntod n Oiond CIos ng OutSn'o ' ol main lines ofoui1 mostpopulni lots In . ui * LOT NO. 1We hnvo marked n number ofMf ns' Fancy VVoitods , Sc-otoh nnd American Cheviots nnd Cnosimeres Sack Sails , embracing goods sold nil season foi $ IS , $2O nnd $20 , down to the popular price ofl J.BO to close. Wo wish it understood thnt wo nllow no goods to grow rusty on our counters. Thesenrenll this season's goods , now nnd fresh , nnd made ns only first clnssclothing should be , por"ect in euers respect , nnd guaranteed to give such satisfaction to the purchaser , as lo increase ( lie popularity the Continental has already obtained by soiling only reliable goods. Homcmbcr the price of Urn lot Of Mens' Fine Grade Suits , is $12.6O. SPECIAL IN YOUTHS' SACK SUITS , PRICE $12. LOT NO. 2. We have consolidated several lines of Youths' Casstmere nnd Cheviot Sack Suits , and wil , offer them at $12 per suit. We guarantee that not one in this lot hns over been sold tn our store Ire less than $18 per suit. Buyers will appreciate the price when the goods nro examined. BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS , AgeslStolS. LOT NO. 3--In this department we will offer about ISO suits of pure , all wool fabrics , goods which , have bold all season for $1O , at the nominal cost of $7 per suit. BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS , Ages IO to 13. LOT NO. 4--Aspecial bnr-g'ain lot ofSchoo ) Suits in Cheviots nnd Cnssimercs' the roughly reliable goods , are offered to close at $5. MENS' PANTALOON DEPARTMENT. LOT NO. B This week we have sold n large number of pantaloons. ndvertiS2cl last Monday nt$3.5O. Now styles will bs added , nnd we claim this lobe the choicest bargain sale wo have ever had. Now , fine Trousers , in several choice styles at $3.BO. Not one pair has been sold for less than $8 , nnd some as high as $0. nnd $7. LOT NO. O In addition to the above we have added ISO pairs of genuine Sawyer Cassimero Panta loons , in a neat brown check , in all sizes up to 42 waist , nt $8.OO per pan- . And 2OO pail s of all wool Cheviot Pants , in a neat brown and gray check , at$2.SO per pair. Samples of these pantaloons will bo shown in our windows to-day. Sample garments of these lots will be sent to any address , and if not found as advertised , may be re- xirned at our expense. OMAHA BOSTON NEW YORK DES MOINES Proprietors ; Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS ami ninny times will jnovo to youn o s. Voithliotilil nut ilulti > even for u day our coming tnoiti bloriVo are mtklnj uclein iweep of our entile stock of later nooils , .UK ! will niinio joa prkus tliat 111 nteic&t you. 3DH. OWEN'S AND SUSPENSORY. PATENTED Auo. 10 , 1887. IMPROVED FED. 1,1889 , DR OWEN'S ELICTHO- OALVAKIO BODY BELT L AND 6USPENSOKY r § ' guarantrM lo cure tlefol. [ ri InwlDf dllra.ft namrl ? All 'UlRhtmnatic Complaint ! , BJ'Lunbago , General and y > Ncrvoui Debility. Ooe- r.'Jtivcnen , Kidney fiiteaiei BcxualEibauiUon . L * ' ing of Dody , Dutaaei ' /-t-lndifcretl ° n In Youth , Age , Mar- ( fie life , Jufiicl allilUrakri ) rrlnlnlu ) vr rrDlinl oreaQi of male ir Trmtle , INnilK I'lllTltH HtO IU1H 1IIIAU PR.OWEN-S ELECTRIC INSOLESf. ! . ' . . . , . bro 1 fee tKit gt for nn IHuttrftlM i m | hlft , ulilcti * lll la * ut rculo ptalo icaletl rnreloic Mrtiiloo tbfi i > ifr aJdrcii OWEN ELECrniO BELT & APPLIANCE CO , " " ' } Worth MroaUwny , ST. LOU IB ELECTRIC BELT t AND TRUSS COMBINED , DR. ISRAEL'S ELECTRO-OALVANIO TRUBB , Ovven'i Electric Belt Attachment worn * Mh ( RQI ! comfort Tt cur * m d inllj or ilrone. Thli li iho col ; ' tlretrle truil ID1 ! belt e rr m > J0 II , , , . . . . . lloiiltirp In from 3d lu Oil d ; i tor full deicrlt lion of Dr. Owen rieeiro-OtlTMaleUflii Hploil pilliLrei Trwe.aniJ Iciolti tend He. lot r i llluilr.H-1 limiliUl wlilcli oltl l > t l Dt ; ou la | lain i ated * nveloj c HolJ eely bj lie OWEN BLECTIUO BELT 4. APPLIANCE CO. 300 NortU UrOMdwoj' , BT LOUIS. MO. M f M ! " ! ' ' " " " III L II Uil rarihn.ini > lie nrrfrctly r B i"cil ly Ilic PCSLON-UUPRE MpthpcJ. si ml ( or nur lit * illutlnitm ' uut U lu _ . _ llfnllh " Al ' ) ute iccrrci VlirlCO- relo ciirnl without i ln cr 1 Ailnmi . , Deslon-Dupre Cllnlquo Trtmuui M , Ho loa. , PF.NNVIIOVAIi TVAFKnS nra J ( uccuufully ubi-U inontlily by over 10.0UU K. vljulli-a Arobafe.t'Jfectuulamil'Iraiant isJSIi | Tliozirintll.ora | v Particular ! 2 ponUiBii . . . . . TDD UVIUCUA Uaiuiau. Co. , DUTHCIT , Forsalatintl ll \ mull l > ioothmn \ Di'itfi ( Jo. , Oinitlitt , Sell. I | I unuiry trouble * ( inllv.niilelc. ly andda olycureiUjy iulo > ) . bu > irulc4Hf ) curoil limokuii ilav , hulil I.W ) per box , nil diuuftlstg , or by mall from lc > - tt > UK.Co lUWhftgBt.N. V. 1 ull Uluctlon * . ririiovir mi ritiVATi : DISIIASKS of and WOM13V - < itoin3riilly trcu o I. YOUNG MEN Siilfrrlni ; frmii llu > en ctsofyoulliriil lullloi cnllipii" , or : iru luiuliliMl with Wi'niit | , .v r\pin IM.lllt ) , Lo i of Mil 1015 , lc pnmliiiiyvorslimto < -ott < * . llhlilney Iroublts u nny dlovftio f ll"i < ! cnl- to-l ilniii ) Ori. In ie Iliul a iito nnd n | ci'Jy cure Lljiu * . * s runs innblt * , t > pi.c ! ilh to the pour MIDDLE-AGED MEN 'I licrc lire iniinj troublcilltli too rrciui'nt emotm tliniK ( iTllic 1) inlilur nllun lucmiipunl > l liv n luht ! niniirtlliL" or liiiuiliik'foiixulloii nml > rc iki'iil iirol'llio Hjrlein In iiiininiurtlio piitlent i.innol ncumrit for , ln ixuiulnlii ! . ' llio > clo.icii-lt-i a nipv FI illniunt ulll olUn lie liiiinil nml nuiiuilmm piirtlolo * ( if ullni- nicMiulll iippi iir or tliu roloi lie ol n Ihln uillhMi hue iicoln uuiiuliu I " 11 ilurkni torplil niipoiruniu 'Iliun urn uiniiv ini'ii tslioilh-or this ilillUull } . lu'iior- nnliif the iini'0. nhlcli is Ilicst-coml MIIKO ofm mi- mil Hinknrux ( liu doctor \\lll ciiiir.nileo n | iorlei I ( lire In all IKI | ui-o'.inlil it lionlllij n'Jtur ilion of tlKn-'i'iillo ur iiiuy iirt.'iiM Co imll itinn lieu. teI \ I JCIMII Htiinipfor " oii"- Minis tiltnil , or dulilu to \VcillocU , Irootoull. A lilrcss SPINNEY & CO. , Main mid liltli St. , Ksinbas , C'itMo. . Bif' Mi ntlnn Iliii ( inpcr Mas Mo7er--BstabHsh5i 1355-Aiol/a llayar 09 siXTii.yni : ; AND T STUMPS. General lor STBINWAT , GHIGKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR Ii J'HICliSM > A\ rite for ( . 'iimloguo Dr. J. E. McGrew Ono of HIP .Most SPECIALIST In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe cial and Private Diseases , LOSS OF MANHOOD , 388 iiMiilliKni ) ( i nl'sohitely cuioil. PRIVATE DISEASES , i-f , , nnicul. PVIW niOCACCC hlftroAtniPiitfor ' ; l li oMll UlotAotOi Kles llio most be autiful uinuilpxloii , nml ' porfiict hKln. CONSULTATION FREE ; tor OMicn Bii&liman . anil Sts. Omaha , NOJ PEERLESS DYES & &is OMAHA MEDICALa1 SURGICAL INSTITUTE . W. Cor. 13th & . DoclfTO Sts. t oa TIIF Tim irtinsr or ALr. Applinnca : for Deformities and Trusso ; . licit InclUtlot , nppnr.itiln nnd rt < nii < llcs for BUCCCSI ft ) ! trontinuul or ovcry form of tllscnso roqulriac SludlrnlirSjrtrlcnl Ir.intmcnt FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. lloint ant nttPiidnuco ) best Hospital nccomiuotla * linns In Iliu wcflt. * \VIUTI : F'i ) I'liUMn.Aiti on Doforniltlei nml Ilrnces , Trustee , Cliih teal , Cnrvaturo or thu Splno , I'llei , Tiuiuir. ' . Cancor. Oitarrh , llrinchltli , inliulatlon , Mcctrlcltr , I'unilyfli , ICplJopir , HMnoy. IllnJUor , Kja. Kar , KKIn unit lllooil.nna ullijurRicul npor.itloni. Dlseasos of Woman n Spaclnlty. IIOOK ov ItisrASEs or WOMLN HIBU. ONLY HELIABLB MEDICAL INSTITUTS MAKING \ brlCMI.TV Of DISEASES. All Dlood DlJRJ'ci siici-c idillr trc'UnJ. Hyphllltla I'ot4on roroovcil from thu flytttotn wlttionl nu'rcurj. Mew raitorHtlva trmtmont lor Ion of vital 1'oirer. I'crtons nnablo In rlflt ui mar bo truRtml at biiuio UT rnrru < noinlFiuo. All rumniunlcatloiia ronllilontlnl. Muillclnos or Initru nuntn font br mnll ur nxiri , BL'CMrely nickrJ , no minks tu liull ale rnntonH or nouitor , Ono purnonit Interring prulcrrul Cull mt consult ut or i > ( nil bhtory of your tnau , niiu wo will DUiiJ lu plnln wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN. FREC1 Upon Private , Riiprlnl or Tervom Dlseasoi Impo- ttncr , Mi plilln ( Jlcit it nil Varliocclu , wltu guaitluii list Ad.lrca ) Oiiiuhn Malknl nml Sttr < iinl Institute , or I Zt. McH KXA3IV , Cor. lltb nntl DOilRO htj. , - OMAHA , NUI1. NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OJIAIIA , WEB. C'apltal . . 100,000 in pliib. ( tin. 1-jt , IhbO . 02,000 01 1 a MIK AMI nun 'IOIIB ' , IJ. W Vui - . I'm. Unit i. .v ! - , 1 * iti.1 1 > . Vlcn l'r < ililf-nt \V. II H IIiiiilll.s , ( nslllor , A. II. I'oLV.n.v W.V. MIJIIM. JOll'iS. I UMINS. .1. N. II I'UIIKF , It. I' ( ' ( silt . ( . , THE IRON BANK , l-'tli .uxl r.unnm .SIB , A ( ! oii tl llinUiu ; 21. TansllPs Punch Cigars wnro dlilppml rturlne tlin pnab two yours , without a ilniin- I'icrin mirrniplo } ; Nootlicr lionso In thu world can I 111:0111 : ( ilmilir o31y > ncnlml Ju ouch tuwn , SOLO BY UAOMQ ORUCCISTI , .VY.TANSILLeiCO.,55SlaloSt.Chlcsqo , I opillvoJyciirOUioOtla > ul yl Itoriio'.lMirlro.JluciiillcllilU wily o'io In tro rtorl li-iiifratlnz . . . _ . Arontl iiinun Ftictrla < p ilainrllt ' ? > VBrpr il , bcipnlino , 1'owcrful , Durable , ComtorUMo < iil Flfi llfu. Avuld ( rnuila Ovcrll ODllciucil. Hi ij.Ht | Mifi.i | p. . .AiKonOvcrll iirr.iM eon lii-jiAf Ci. iioaHE , i.'ivtKroB , IQI lUoM.i AYE. i nuffcrlns froin the i uifcrla of youUiful : irrcru , tni ly decay , I loiit jaarUioocl. eta. t will v.ld a valuabla trcntl C-riltit ) containing full r4iHic iqn for homo cine , fieo nt chur o , i .1 ruj I'-c./ . r. 0 , * OYW--l , MoOjJUa , COKIf , V-i-j