K rri UD OMAHA DAILY. BEE : MONDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. P No luivcrtlHcinrtitu will Ijo inkcn ft > r tliRir * columns niter tUi.'tO i > . in. 'JYrnm Cnnh In advance. Advurtjoeinmt < i under this lionil 10 cent * p r llnp f < > r the first lmprtlon,7 cents for enoh sub- ficqu nt Insurtlon , nnd Jl.r/t per line per month. Nun KertlsPinent taken tor IOM than 2. > cents tliH fltst insertion. Seven \rorils will Isjrotintoil totlio line ; tli"y must run consecutively nnil Illlist bi- paid In ADVANCE. All nlfiHp intnii limit b" linmlc'lin beforfl 12-'l > o cloelcp. in. , nnd under no rirtumstniici'S will Uioy be taken or discontinued by telephone. Partlo-in'K-ertlslnjMntlia * ' < olumns nml hav ing their answer * mldnvwod In cnro of TUB llir. will pl n icusk for nrhe' k to 'iinbl' them to fret tliMr letters. nsnonn will becjnlivoredexrentcm tncsontatlonot chfk. All answers to adver tisements should IIP mflo "a'ln envelopes All advertisements In ttinii * rolumns nr pub- HMied in Ijnlli niTtilng and evening editions nf Till III t , tlir clrml I'O-i ut whi'h ajrgregit"H more than l"l i papers dnl'y , nml Rivet the nd- \ortlserslho ucni'flt , tint only of the < Itj i Init iation of TIIF III r , but also of ( Vnin-il HlulTs , Lincoln and other ell tesnnd town * throughout this section of the ci.unlry. _ BRANCH"OFFICES" Advertising for these column * will ha taken on llic above mnrluiuns. nt ( lie following busl- lies' ' ? houses , who ir" n . .thorird icu.-nts for Till- llr.v fcjici lal nn'lii nnd will quote tliuniuo rates us run be had at the tunlll olllro. . " "blt.N W."llKI.U I'haWnnctst. KO SmuiiTenfh Street. c II \ M'r.DDV. . Stationers and Printer113 hocith liithStn ct. 811 I A KNMVOItTll , PhnrnmclYt. 2115 Cum- lUg Stryct. \\r J. IiroHEsrPhariiiaclst , O-il North Ifith > > Si reel. jTJEO. W. I'AIUI , Pharmacist. I sib St. Miuy's SITUATIONS WANTED. \VANTKD- Position by nn experienced t : t noKrnphor ho thoroiiRhly iindorstmids pencinl oltlce work. W'l llrst month. Addros.s It II Ilco. llrJ-H.T A place In n K ° O ! fnmlly foi1 two Rlrl.s , one sand the other Kl years old ; will ay for their keeping. Address H 42 Deo. U1B 111 * _ _ _ XrorNO man. 17 years old. wishes Hltuntlon J. \vhoInKulo house ; aomo Knowlddijn ot imokkeeplng ; city loferenco. Address. 11,1. KXl Fnrnain t , 175 1 J _ " \ \ rANTKDSituation In n dniRstoro Dy n , ' _ youiw niaii. speaks German , onn year's ex- licrlonco , with reference. Address H a : . ' , llee. r > irt "fVANTKD situationIly voun ; ? widow with T T a baby to ilo llRht work In ulco fnni- IIy. Address It 39 Ilco olllcc , lUIJ-ll * AMUST-clnss dressmaker with an eastern experlenco wishes oinplovmont by the day In Rooa Jiunlllcs. Call or nddresi ) lllt.IN Ifith fit. city. ) j-'J2 \\7ANTr.D-Ilv u inlddle-aKod ladyra"posT- tlon ni cnshlnr In rcsttiiraut , oxperlencod nnd beat of references. Address It : . Hoe of- Ilco. 7I IK * WANTED MALE HELP. w ANTliD Two yuiinc men : good wages : $ } security reiiulroti. ICId Dodgo. It ) to 0 m iti ! " \\TANTED Salesmen everywhere for our T adjustable door plntes ( can sell mid de liver at once ) , four styles of door bulls , metal and white enamel lottery hoiiao inuubors. ulc. Knmplcs , circulars , etc , free. Now York Door I'lntB Co. . Albany. N. Y. avMU * "YS/ANTIJIl- ) iiTsTTreTory city nn o'wil In T the United States to solicit subs'iptions for the handsomest and most popular jl.liua year mnga7inc published ; liberal InducouiontH in ooinmlsslons , nnd handsome picmlnms. Ail- ill ess JIngazlne , P. O. llox 177" > , Now York City. _ _ 219 ID ? \\rANTKD , A competent hat salesman , one TT thoroughly nvqitnlnterl with Omaha trade , nnd can como with undoubted references as to ability nm ! habits. H will be useless for any other to n iply. Address llox 22vL city. _ . ' 10-18 " T V ANTF.D-Dlnlngroom girl , 1001 N l Fi"stI T > \\7"ANTED Carpenter to do the work on sov- T > cral houses to bo built and take house and lot as part pnvmont. A , XX' . McLnughlln. Koom Bl Paxton bldg. 215J WANTED Apents for our new put outfit o- proot safes , Hire ,28 < clSxl8 , weight noolbs. , retail prlco fill , others In proportion. Highest award ( xllvcr medal ) Conleiiulal Exposition ; rare chance ; permanent , business. Our prices lowest. Wo are not In the safe pool. Exclusive tcultory given. Alpine Sate Co. , Cincinnati , O. WANTED Driver for bakery wagon. Hot- orences required , Inquire P. F. Mulligan , 143 ! ) Sounders st , SOS-IB baruer wanted at once. LTa a l.lth. 174 1HJ G OOD shoemaker wanted as partner Inquire under Paxtou hotel. 184 1BJ WANTED A good gardener. Apply ItSST'N" 20tlrst. . Between 13 and 2. Ir I W-it ; r ANTED A first-class window dresser nt Nebraska Clothing Company. 133-111 "V\/ ANTED A good man to go on the road ; T I must bo wide awake , full or energy , glvo acciirlty for money collected and deposit 8i5 for samples. Call on George S. Cllno , Koom fill , ilrst National bank building. Omaha , Nob. 137 WANTED A stenographer who has some knowledge of bookkeeping. Must be it peed penman. Address , with references. 1' . O , drawer I" . B85 \7ANTUD First-class coat maker. Applv nt T once to II. I * , Cohen , South Omaha , Neb. 1124-1 AGENTS wanted In every town nnd city In the west fortho Harden Hand Grnnado Vlio Extinguisher. Apply to F. G. Crnndnll,310 South Ifith st. 870 "M ? " ANTED- Agents In eveiy city and town in T T the west to sell the Toy Calliope , the great est seller on enith ; send 20 eta fur sample. K G. Cranuall. 310 South15tli _ st. gru men for Washington torrl- T tory ; good wages , steady work , long Jou. Alhright's Labor Agency. 1120 j'arnamst. _ Kil _ SALESMEN We wish a few men to self "our goods by MLUipla to tbo wholesale and retail trade. Largest manufactui oi-s 111 our Hue. Enclose - close 2-cent Mtamp. Wages ( .t per day. Poi man- put position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wnges. advertising , ete. Centennial Man'f'gCo. , Cincinnati. O. TOVmlUf VVTANTEO Agents for Milward'H calyx-oyoci TI self-thrcudlug needle ; proiorves falling Bight ; a help to good bight ; peifect boiuin/a for canvassers ; sample pacXago lOc. Benn for circulars to headquarters , Slayner & Co. , 1'ro- vldonce. K. I. TD OYS--AIU. ni&t T I. Co. , iw Douglas. Cnrpenter to build a hoiue and take good biisliifM lot on Saundorsstieot us pay. Enquno222J Pierce st. 45V " \\rANTED Live men and women toongagn In > > an eaiy , paying business at honiu. Can work day tlmo or evening and makeuOuto n per hour ; sure thing ; sample and complele In * ( .trucllons j > ont for loo. Address , World Supply Co , . Rutland , Vt. 41F2) ) > ' \\rA NTEU Rnergetlo men ana women every- TT where for n gontcol nianny-mnklug luisl- ness , tuuwoekly profit guurniitbed easier than ICO monthly otherwise , Experience absolutely iinnecensary. Pvruianont position and excluslvo teiilUry assured. fU. ( eamplo free. Wrlto for particulars. Adilraa.i , with stamp , Merrill M'f'g Co. . I1VJ , Chlc-ngo. 2ti2fi ! > t WANTED--FEMALE HELP. _ " " T\rANTBI-Glrl ) to HOW can o"t.Chii ; . Shlw elicit. 12010 Farnam. 2il- \\MNTED-Wonianrook. * 10 ; 0 six dlnlnu'- TT room girls out of city ; 4 first class cooks in prlvnln families , * 2) ) lo Ja'i ; nlvo , sen.slblo woman as housekeeper , only two children , $1 , no vraslilui ; ; 2 girls for Cheyenne , 1 for tloux City. Uns of new places for general house Work every day.hrco expurlenced second RlrU ; mldduaied woman ua child's uuiac- . > lrs.Jlroga , ailJ So. I3tli. _ l'illtl ' * ' " ' " * WANTHD-i : llulngrb7i'in glrls7a"chTi'mbe"f maids , olllce lady , on housekeeptT , 1 dlnh. washer. S. E. cor. 1'JUi and Douglas , Uoom i ) , upstairs. II. II , XX'andol ) . 217 10 \\TANTEn Middle aged woman ns child's t T unrse , tUito Ssmoiul glrl . 1 nica neat nurse glil. Mrs , llregu. KlUt S ISth. _ la 1BJ G I II L wanted forc uernl housework. Must bo good coole. fj.fjl per weet Dane pro- , * Apply KM North2fiih ht. 17U 16 WANTED A girl for general housework ; ( iarmanpreturivd. U12So. lltUst. 138 111 * COMI'KTKNT lil for general housework. * ooa wnu td. 211 S30th. IWi 1J G" " : -v.'i B iuth. 978 lOSIPl-rrENTclrl for housework. Mrs. Thos /'F. ' 1U1I 1007 Shcnnnu ave. 211 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. f \7ANTM > A druruUt to commence drug T utoro. nbo barber to cammenca shop in u flrst class location In South Omnlia. Fur lufor- niutlon addrtiia llouuiu Tunibrlnck , Koulli Omaha P. 0. U" ) - that 1 WANTED-Ererybodytoknow removed my offlco to rooms 317 nnd .118 First National bank bulldlntr , where I shall bo pleased to meet them. O. . ! . Sternsdortr. Itca : Estnte , Loan , Exchange Ilroker nud Hentnl Agent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K' _ IVANTBO Seine one who has n nlro hemeT T > to take n 0 months old baby , HO n month. Mr ? . Kreita. 31IK 8 15th. ItO ICJ _ "Vf/'AN'l ElV-WvTw meii"to u o "XVllcox's T > Fancy Compo'ind Pllia. " Pcrfertlv safe nnd alurays elTectiiMl.end for4i "Wnman's Snfo Guard.X llcox Mcdir.il Co , . Phllxdol- phln. IH All ) ' . " 'J _ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRI-HNQ \rALEM'lNIi'8 snjirthand nnd lypnwrTung > Instltuln. no'.v Paxton building. Omaha. Tfie only exclusive shorthand school In the n\\a. Over ono hundred graduates In good Munitions. Iho'choo ! is under the inanaRe- msnt of C. r. Vnlntlnc , olllclal stenographer ot the .lid Judicial district of NelirasK.t , mid Prof. II. II. llnyles , , in exDorlenci'd tcadiar and ver batim repoitnr. luy nnd ovenlnc si' Mons. Stu dents can enter nt any time. Feud for elrriilars. 9"1 * ' ! f I , IJTANlirMinTiiorthatvl Vlfooi. < I7 Shorlcy Vi blork , fcurhes standard systonn and uses Itomlngtoii tjpewrltors. ( irculnrs free , r."J EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. O'MAII A Emp. ifvieau. Ill N. ICth st. Eatab- lUhed IS years , Most reliable lit cltv. ri Pis' Xjr.H. Employment Olllco-317 N. IBtli st. -i. 1 fjll f iifi * G\ti'\ \ Employment Oltlca. Mrs. Hreitn , JUS S I1tli. Ucteionco Omaha National bank 513 m It FOR RENTHOUSE3. . UENT- room house and barn , 17ns Kurt st. a _ lh * ITlOlf UENT-Soven room house , 4firt Soulh Jl-Jlth ave , ; Iu good lopiilr. gas , water and bath. Thomas F. Tuttle , room 21,1 FlrH Nut , bnnK bldg. 'Jl 1-18 houses , centrally located , are In de mand at.I. H. Parrotto , IBOtl Chicago. IS ( 21 1J10H llENT-Now-5 room cottage In Hanscom JL1 place , JJD per mouth. C. F. Harrison , Mer chant's Nat. bank. H5-1'- * _ ITIOK HUNT 1KB S ! CM ft. corner house , 8 J rooms , barn , city water , largo yard. Cnll or address "S11 1U ! a' ' * _ _ _ mt UlTNT T-room house. 2512 Caldwcll s ( . Kent reasonable. Apply ISI7 Izard ht. 127 2M 'lilO KENT -lil-room brick IIOURO with all JU modoni Improvements , 2211 Douglas .st. Henawa te Co. , 15th St. , opposite P O. " 55 10 TrTrifNISHED house for rent in Park Terrace , opposite Hnuaconi Park , all modornn con- % nlKiices. Enquire , Leo i : NIchoI , Sf-th and Leavenwortli. 'JS2 _ TjlOK KENT Ono 5-room house , $18. Inquire JU 1513 Douglas. _ KIO 'I11OII KENT Nlco 5-room house , cast front , J ? halt block of cable cars. 112 S. ajfh t. 751 in 4t JtOD.M house near high scnool. Heut $ .10. In- qiilro J. F. llarton. 2-ilB Capitol ave. lilMiil * BEAITllTL H-room house , gas , city water , bath loom , hot nnd cold water , on paved RtreetH with street car , near a good school , only J."i par month. The house Is now. Apply at onco. r. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. _ 1710II KENT When you wish to rent n house. JU utoro or olllcn call on us. II. E. Cole , room 6 , Continental block 520 TJ10K KENT House and barnHausrom place. -T Harris , room 411 First Nat'l bk bldjr. "I71OK KENT 0-rnom modern Improved housn JU A 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply M , El gutter. 1001 Farnam ht. 52' ) POK KENT Cottages. 5looms , 272.5 Charles st and 1521 So 5th it. Inquire U 212 , Shocley block. MO TJ10K KENT F.lght ( ) room tint , modern con- U venlonces. Inqiilro 1112 S 13th st. 5'J2 F OU UK NT Cheap. 3 nud 5 room house. 1.V1J 82Utst between Center and Dorcas. TjWIJ lENT ! 10-room house. M earn , gas , bath , -I- hot and com and cistern water , good cellar , nnd nlco yaul , $50 , a/j S 21th. Immlre..W S2lth. FOIt RENT 10-room brick houses , rentlowi are veiy complete. Apply on premises. Dr. F. Swaitzlander , 2IXJI Capitol nve. TJUIt KENT 3-room brick , 114 S 2oth st ; mod. JU' crn conveniences ; near cable line. .1. W , Gillllth , U. P. hoadrjuartwrs. EBJ i OH KENT 7-roora Hat atSCU S. 13th. Inquire 1 J. L. llrnndeis & Sons. H47 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. Jl"HN1SIIED rooms wlthboarcl.good location , Jl modern couveniencei. 2220 Leavcnwortn E OOM suitable for house&ceplug. Oil S 15th. 11 f8 ! FOU HENT Tvvo fi-room brick cottages , only two blocks tram IT. P. depot , city nna cistern water ; paved streets. Mead A ; Jumle&on. 311 So. IfitnsK 231 I710U JIENT Furnished rooms , 1107 N 19th. JL ? 2J.J 2U * "iriOil KENT A pleasant , furnUhod front JL1 room with gas and privilege of bath , at 2J5 8 25th u\e , nearFuruain. 1'Jl iu 1 > LEASANT furnished rooms 1017 Capitol ave , UW-mlo * "ClOIt UENT Single or ensulto , handsomely JL furnished rooms : steam heat , bath : rates reasonable. Apply 1103 N 18th st. tlrst Hat. 105-22t fJOOMS to lent GOl S 13th St. , 2nd lloor. JLV 207-20 * PUIVATE 1'atnllv Bavo several choice fur nished rooms forreut with board. All mod eru conveniences. QI5 north ttJth street. 117-1S3 rpo KENT Newly furnished rooms for gentle- J. men. lfil'1 Howard. kW 10 ELV'GANTfiV furnished suit of front rooms , with Ube of piano , private family , 1055 I'ari ave. 770 13 * ITIL'IINISHEU room for rent. 1701 Cap. ave. -L1 I'll 20- NICELY furnished rooms.largo or small.vcry reasonable. HID Dodge. IkeGulll. 15j 20 * N 1CELY furnished rooms , all modern con veniences , prlco W and ill ) . 010 North 17 st. 1 (3-20 ( * SMALL Koom , nt 130.J Douglas st. 3rd floor. 1I3U T710II KENT-A dining room and kltthen in J-1 private boarding house. Inquire 1000 Doug las , woijf- NICELY furuUhed front loom , with board , stiltablo for 1 gentlemen , two blocks fiom P. O. , KIM Douglas st. 1119.11 IjiOH KENT Large furnished front room , J-1 2227 Dodge st. 10) ) Fl'KNISHED rooms for rent. All modern Improvements , bath furnace , etc. . 2211 Furnam. " \T ICI-fiobius , ( I per week , at tha Peabodyl J-i llth andJones streets , UiOuillS LA KG E front room , nicely furnished , suitable for 2 gentlemen , 1323 Fa.-nam. 715 ijirilNlfillEDoruufurnlahod room , with gas J1 and bath , uoaid If desired , 51US. 20th at. . opposite All Saluts' churcn. 7J7 FOK UENT-Furnished rooms In Gruenlg blk , ror. I Ith and Dodge sts. lnquiruofGua.lt. Davl , Mlllai-d hotelTjlllluul room. ( KII TTH1U KENT-.Nlcely furnished room , with Jt'board If deiilied , g&3 , heat and bath-room , 1707 Dodgest. 6'Jl FOIl HUNT Two desirable rooms , suitable foi gentleman and wlfu or two gentlemen wlthbourd ; lefeicncos ro < iulrod. Apply Ittil Dodge bt. j O NfCELY rurnUhod rooms , steam heat , gas. but a. fte. . on same lloor. S10 per month. 207 S.aith. no Hat. 4'j XTICELYfurnUlied rooms , also front and -L > bnik parlor ; 100 ! ) Douglas t. Kit Fou KENT Furnished rooms 18IU Dodcre 2551-22 ? AVENUE Kooms-At 1813and 1015Capitol ave 2 blocks from PO , newly furnished private boarding hou uplensaut roomsull conveniences 775 g > TjlUIINlSHKll loomn , IU 8 24th it.near Dodge. J-1 2i < 0 F l * ALUGE outh room ; also small room nicely funUxhud , lovely location and every modem convenience. 2107 Douglas. oca FORRENT ROOIVIS UNFURNISHED. BHOOMS-Sult abla for a i.oseoplngr price * 110. H1J , Pierce t. tisi RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. „ . . KKN'PEtoro room with basement and ice house In rear , at 1711 Hurt at. Apply to " " - ' ' " - -th avenue.USft . 1 0 K HKNT-Two stores. M I. and C2J North -1' I/tli it , Inquiru at tuo building , llonry Ofthotf. K TiTOn HFNT-OfTiee wife tSn month , I Mnglo JL' offices } 15 each , ftll fronting Ifith st. Hush- man block , n. o. cor. IRth nnd DougUs , XX * . M , Hushmar.UH Leavcnworih. frVi STOIIE 1317 DodRO . Inquire nt A. II. Hit- berman , Jeweler , IJthnnct DougUs sts. FOH IlENT-A few offlm rooms left for rontnl , Al o n vvnii lighted room on second floor , 4tx , in llamga building. 101 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. fJjVJH ItENT-Twentv acres of land with 2 -L houses , barn , Ac. Suitable for market gar dening , close to Omaha. C. F , Harrl'on , Mer chant's Nnt. bank. HS'lff ' | 7 < Oll KENT-Sllitnblo for llOUBOlteispiiig. J- ' suites of from 2 to 4 rooms in all parts nf the city , nt lowest rates. Inquire Units Kent- Ing Agency , 1501 1'nrnum Rt t'57 f lot KliNT-ltnsemenf. suitnlde for a plum- or b irber , cor. 1 , th ami , Inck on sts. MM LpHI ( KENT - \ warehouse with nigli bas- nipnt , i entr.tliy located on Idopcndunt trnclt froirt which cars ran bo tinloa < ledaml , Inartod Into and from b illdlng. Immediate possosMon. Sam .1. llo'vcll , 217 8. 1 Ith st. Ouiann , 6a > FOK IIL.NT-Good baseiiiont , 2.'xK ; ) . HTT UoiiKlns st. M RENTAL AGENCIES. O \VNT.us of houses , stores , Hats or buslnem M "ks wliiwl h rhesnnit > ranted nnd prop erly cared forslionld H < t with us. IMrtlBS wIMi- lnct.retit . vllltlndnur list ( ompletc. A.I' . Tnfcey. HlU'a block. 15th nnd Honshu. SS7 . \ TAMIOT. room .t-'i , I in ml . J 1'Al'l , , liso Turnain st. , houses , , elc. . for rent. MS LIST your houses. Hats , 'tores , ete. . with ( J , J. StiTiisdorll , rnomi 1117 nnd .113 Klrst Na- tlonnl Ijank building , Special uttcntlun Rl\on toreutlnt ; and renta collocted. K Wl' nlvo spc-lal attention to renting and col lecting rents , list wttu us. II. 1) ) . Cole , room 0 Continental block. IrVOt' \\nntyourliouses rented plaen them wlui IJonawa & Co 13th , opposite po-ttolllco. nil rplli ; renting season Is here ; brlni ; on your -Lhou'ca ; I hnvo the customer. * . J. II , I'ur- rotto , IBJfl ChlcaRO. 4M f U'S WANTED--TO " \\TANTKD Hclmble German nurse clrl , 13 tr t * nyeais of ago. .Mis. H. C. ratteisonilJ Knniam , HIS GI5.N I'liliMAN and ifo want two rooms nnd hoiu d In prlvnto family , beat of rufcrcncoi given. Address I' 31 Ileo :5S ! MISCELLANEOUS. A MAI.IA NHLSIN : : . examined midwife , olllco coiner of 8th and 1'nclllc. 110 sot W KM.H dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and repaired. F. W Grosjean , 2710 Hurt st. - * OKLAHOMA Guide Hook nnd Mnp. contain' ' ihgfull Information as to the now territory. Mailed to any address on receipt of 50 cents. Tj-lor i Co. , publisher * , 521 Wyandotte street Kansas City , Mo. ! 472Tt ELECTKK telagraph school ; rooms , VJS A : f > ' 1'axtonblk. 1 , cor. loth & Farnam sty. ; send forclrculnr. - * ATHANCn MnilllTM. Mine. Sandall. the young Swede , tells full names of eallors aim the full name of your future husband or wife , with date ot marriage , nnd tells whether the one you love is trim or false. Not n fortune teller , but n yountt spirit medium. Madame uoes into it perfectly dead trance. Will bring back the parted husband or lover , no matter it they bn 10,00) miles away ; will Riiaranten to settle falliny iinarrels. 1'arlors up stairs. 40S North Sixteenth street , thlid lloor. UH 18f HAVF. you a house and lot you wish to sell ? It M > , please send full particulars to George J. Stoinsdoiir. rooms 317 A : 318 First National Hank IlnildltiR. who will flnd you a purchaser. Telephone , 4111. M"i A PHYSICIAN ot this city can accommodate n few patients at his home , Address Doctor , 1' K , llee olllce. 741 1"J LKGAL papers cniofully draw n nnd acKnowl- edccd by (1..1. Sternsdorll , rooms317 audlllS First National bank building. K > nilllJ banjo taught as nn art by Goo. F. Gel- Jlenbeck , 3il : S. iuth st. 512 HOUSE or team mules wanto.l to anply as first payment on house and lot , or rcuUlenco lot , balance monthly payments. Write or rail on Selby , IMI Farnam. 513 IF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or exchange , call on or vldre.vi , G. J. Stornsdortr , rooms 317 and 318 Firac National bank building. Kill GJ. STEIINSDOUFF , real estate loans nnd rental agent , has > removal from room li. opp. P O. . to rooms 317 nnd 318 , First National bank building , where he will bo glad to meet all his old rrionds ? nd many now ones. GO ! FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Ai'LN K eontlo horse , light wagon and har ness , n nice appearing rig ; just the tiling for light w ork , or city solicitor , cheap. Call ut MM-SIO Noith Kith street. 225 ID * MUST bn sold by a gentleman RoltiR west.ono bay horse , 7 years old , record JJ:28' $ , good dilver ; also ouo top buggy ana harness .nearly now. Call at M1B Davenport st. OKI-lot T71HESH mllK cows with youiiR calves. Apply -C 42U N ICtli st , Jefferson Square barn. DU1 18 * FOK SALE Florse and buggy , Jlii ; delivery wagon and furniture of fi-room cottage : cottage rents forJ.'O. 1511 California ht , U71 Ibt "fjlOH SALE On terms to suit , the neat cottage , JJ 2SW Charles st. Telephone ! 7 , or W. T. Sea man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wagons , Ac. , e.a.st side 10th St. , north of Nicholas st. 4 H FOU SALE Furnlturoof a.0-room house and house for rout , 3 blks from P. O. It. a ) , Chamber of Commerce. JiQlf 20t WANTED TO BUY. TYTANTlID-To buy a lot In Orchard Hill ; T > must bo cheap. C. IX Itelter , room D , SW. corner Ifith nnd DoiiRlas. 211-18 ANTED To btiv : bocond-hand W - grocery fix- tines. InquliollOJSC.th. 167 I OJ I have several customers who want to buy housesund lots ranging from ll.fiOj to 8.JO.UOJ. Troperty ovvners , please send mo a full descrip tion or what vou have for sale. G. ,1. Slnrns- dorir. rooms 317 & 31B First National Hank llutldlng , G'elepuono , 16-1. 805. WANTED Furniture , carpnts , stoves nnd household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc tion .Vhtorugo Co. , 1121 Faiuani. 54'J WANTED To buy peed commercial piper. It. C. Patterson,314 S 15th st. 83 ! ) WANTED To buy good commercial paper. It. C. Patterson , , 'ild li 15th st. U2U CLAIfVOYANT MHS. LENOHMANcanbo consulted on all allnlrs ot Hfo tnrough the mnglo mirror. Satisfaction guaranteed. 418 NlCthst. I'li'stalrH 1C5 2j DK. NANNIE Y. Warren , clairvoyant , Medl. cal and business medium. Female diseases n specialty. 11 ! ) N iuth St. , rooms 2 and 3 , 514 STORAGE. STOKAGE-At low rates ut 1121 I-arnam fit . Omaha Auction & Storage Co. M7 rPllACKAGE. Ktoragn. lowest rates. W. M. X Hushmun , UH Leavenwortli , CIJ TJltANCH & CO.btoroge , 1211 llowaVd. MONEY TO LOAN. ODELL IlltOS. & "Co. . > 'o. 3PJ So. ICth Bt.T Chamber of Commerce building , loan money nt 6.0'.s , 7 , TH and H per cunt , according to loca tion of property. Uubiiroassed facilities for placing large loans on inside bubhuss property. A special fund of several thousand dollars to loan on unimproved lots. 233 MONEY to loan on f urnltnre , pianos , hordes , wagons , etc. City Loan Co. , 113 S nth st , opposite Mlllard hotel. 170 LOANS on business properly , t\VOU to $ Mooo. ) wanted. Proxndeut a"i-nst Company , room JOU. First National Uanlc building. 100 nilll' Central Loan & Trust Co. , No , 1011 Par- X nam st. , will quote unusually low rates on choice city loans In Omaha or Council Jllullb. U. A. Starr , manager , 8U1-18 LAHGE loans on Improvud real estate in Omaha. No delay on good security. E. S. Illabae , First Natlonul IJank U'ld'g. tn 2 IS WANTED First cla Inside loans. Lowest sates. Call and see us. .Mutual Invest ment Co , H1 Marker blk , 15th and Farnam , OX ) MONEY to loan ou Improved real estate by Narthweateru Mutual Life Insurance Co. jOWestratua ; no conuulsalona. Address How. ard Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Nub. DO you 7-ant to borrow money ? If so , rt.J. StOTn-sdom/rooms 317 nnd 81 J , nrst National banf'bulMlnc. will loan yott any amount from I3w/j to tW.OOO , on im proved or unlmproved.Uinahn property. Low. cst rntcs ot Interest. llfp unnocexary dolar. Implored centrnl buiiAfcss property loans n specialty. Telephone 4lf fC5 DO i'Ot' want money ? Loans made on hottsa- hold'furnltuio , | > lniy j , hone * , etc. , w Ithout delay or removal , IVrsAis wishing a loan of this kind will do wo'n to call nt our oillro before dealing oisewhcro ; business strictly confiden tial A. E , Greenwood .V.Co. , llootn I , Cunning- Imiu block , 1,1th nnd .Inr-feini sts. 550 MONEY advanced fos flrnt-olass rml estnto mortirnge . Cnll ou .1. II. Ktiouy .V ( o.lloom CcH , First Nntlontl bank minding. iXX ) F 2s \ \ ONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wngons , J' I rte. , or on any approved security , .t W Itobblns , It.aM , dheely bU. , ISth nnd Howard. 65S OEOI'UJ'S Financial JJxchinge The fniroat , JL quietest , most liberal inonay exchange in tncclty : loans made without delay or publicity , tuanynmouut largo or small , at the lowest rates of Internet , on any available sucuilly ; loans mnybopaid nt any time or renew el nt original rates. O. llonscareu , mgr , lloom 51'J ' , Darker blk , IJth and Farnam , ditt DO YOU want to borrow money ? Keadthls : U win snvo you tlmo , Hwlll save you money. Vou can borrow from II. F. Master' , successor to W. It , Croft , room I , XVltlmoll bid g. nth nnd Hartley sts. * 10 , Wi , S"ii , v 10 > . ' . * . ' 0i , lool , JVM' ' , iUMin. In fivt , nny s'lin you want on lurntttiro , pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on ensler terms nnd at lower rates tiian nny other cilUco In the Pity , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. It anlnMnlniont Is dtia on your property nad you cannot nine ! It. rail mid KPO me. I wll pay it fur you If you have n loan In any other ollice , cnll nml get my rates. I will take It up nnd carry It for you. I maku loans for one to six months , ami you ran pnv'n part at any time , reducing both prin cipal and interest. AH loans lenowcd nt original rates , and no charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Call nnd see me. Don t forget the number. Koom 4. Wlthnell block. r.Vl rPOLOAN--A special fund of J10.0W In sums J from $ .vwup , cm unlmprovod lots In Omaha If not situated too far out.Odull Hrothors.it Co , 312 S. 10th st. 023 FIKSTmortgaco loans at low rates , and no clcl.ijD. . V. SholesJIO , Flr.U National bank. 5511 TVTONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha J.T-L property , also on farms. C. 1' . Harrison , 40.1 nnd 404 Merchants' National bank. 755 vrKUHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will mate you n JL\ loan on household goods , horses , wagons , laud contracts , flno jewelry or securities of nny kind without publicity , nt reasonable ratos. Hoom 7. llowley block. South Omaha. Ilooms Oli-51i ) ! 1'axton bltr. , Omaha , Neb. 5" > 5 S nKSholei. 210 First Nafl b\nt before makIng - Ing your loans. _ ! M \1 ONEY Loans negotlatoit at low rates with- J' lout delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. S. A. Sloniau , cor. 13th and Farnam. 5 .l _ MON'EVtoloauonlmprovd property nt llrst hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of clmrftn to borrowers. Lombard Investment company. 309 S. UHi at. - _ Ml . Hnrtl * , II. n. & Loan Co. , J\ [ room 411. First Natlllank. Cl ! ) _ MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no dolay. J. W. Squire , 1"13 Furnam St. , First National bank building. -i C57 PHILADELPHIA .Mortgage & Trust Co. , cheap etartern mono v direct to borrowers. Make building loans , large or small ; poifoct titles : accept loaud in their wetiru ollico. Gee , W. P. Coates , representative , IJ Hoard Trade. ful MONEY loaned for j'O ' J or W day * , on any kind of chattel sosnnty ; reasonable Inter est ; busiiiiess coundcntlal , J. J. Wilkinson , 1117 Farnam .st. - Ctil _ _ ONEY to Loan Lowtst rates. Loans closed M promptly. II. 11 Coi&ll G.Contiuentnl blocK. ) 6fi- _ GPEK CENT money ateloaa Cash on hand. W.M.Harris , roonpSiLcJroiizer block , opp. i P. O. ff. , 3 , ! ) E. COLE , eau ageht. II. . 247 a5GOOJO to loan at G per cent. Llnalian & Ma- Phoney , Koom 604. Patton block. 500 MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , 1505 Faruam st. 507 M We are ready for applica tions for loans In amounts from SWO to J10- WJO on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. Full Information as to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by u . Call unon us , or write. The JlcCague Investment Co. 130 T OAN.S made nn real estate ana mortgagor ) JUbought. Lewis S. lteod.V Co. , 1521 Fainam. 60S MONEY to loan in large sums at tha lowest rates ; no dolay. li. C. Patterson. 318 S. (15th. H.E. . COLE , loan agent. . 317 MONEY to loan on real estate ; no delay ; mortgages bought. Jotiu F. Hammond , room iill Paston building. J21 f-'l * I CAN make n few loans on first-class chattel securities at reasonable ratos. W. K. Potter , room 10 liurker blk. 705 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses wagons , etc. , until you have seen 0. It. Ja cobs , room 410 , First National bank building Cor. nth and Farnam 333 JIJILDINO loans. D. V. Stioles , 210 , First Nafl Bank. 3OT PEOPLE'S Financial Krcliange-l/arga and Hinall loans for long and short time , at low- cnt rates of interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want fair nnd theap accommodations. O. llou&cnreii , Mgr. , room 50 ! $ , IJarkor blk , , 15th and Farnam. B tnr.DING loans. Lluahnn ic Mahoney. 500 BUSINESS CHANGES. "IjlEKD store No. 1 location present owner JL.1 makes $10 1 pur month over all expeii&cs. Prlco J500 , * 3'.0 cash , bal. ? ! ' > per month. Cooperative erative Laud & Lot company , 205 N ICth st. ' 200-18 To sell half interest In S WANTED barber shop in town of 2.0JJ inhabitants , going to got u ten-stall round house this spi Ing. Prlco f05 cash. Address XV , Jackbon , hdgnr , Neb. 213 Iflt 9 UOOM bnrk boarding house for rent , 110.00 ; furnlturn for sale , 1)50.00 ) ; JUHJ cabh ; bal. monthly ; also a 10-room l > oardlng house and goodbtnblo , rent | 50pcrUo , ; furniture , J5i".0 ( ) ; { 200.01 cash : bal. $25 HIT , mo. ; nlsoui-'ood 10- room brick bouidlngnoiitc house nearly new- including steam hunt' i''ml nil modern con venience , rent H55.UO per < no. : furniture. * M ; " 4 cash : also n U-room fnyme house , now full of lioaidersand roomers ; wnt JW : furniture , * 450 ; ! JUO cash ; bal , easy ; all'ttioso houses nro within a few blocks of the P. W ml ara well located in good neighborhood. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. . 205 N , ICth st , - FOU SALE Light , liMtatlvo liuslnoss hiilta- blo for lady or gentyman , with patent and block or goous. Addiv j { 27 , Hoe olllco. EOK SALE Flr-st-clamfcstanrant and saloon , bust location in tlie'jjlty. Long Itmao on property. Aiidross P ff.Bf ) olllce. JU'JO-1'J FOK SALE Plan'lni ; tultl innchlnory. cheap , llt'j Davenport tr < | 15220 * IT10K SALE-ThoAtley aoal inino , located nt JL1 Alley. Marlon Co. . ItCv vltli 615 acres of the test coal lands in lowa Moot vein of coal , fix tures and machinery llrstaans In every respect , rnllto&d switch connected with works , will bo bold at n bargain Iftaeen. within 15 days. For particulars address M. J. XX'ard , or .1 , W , leneser , care of State Savings bank , DCS Molnes , la. 134 2,1 $1,700. half cash will buy 160 acre tarui , im proved , 1 > { miles from Long Plne.'Nub good louse , best water. il.WOcash for 2 four-room houses renting for lid nor month. U resident and U buslnots lots all Inlying Pine , l.uoo Inhabitants , 3 churches , brlcxschool home , waterworks , railroad dlvl- ilou , good farming country. Yery cheap , must > a sold. Long I'ina lirchang Hunk , lx > ng Pine FOH HALK-Oood hotel In a town ot 1,200 , all well furnished , for lulf cash , balance o u time. Address box CtJ , Albion. Neb. 7iU Ittt ITIOK 8ALE-A well established grocery busl- JL. ness In this city. Inquire V. M. Steele & .U. lath and llarney. _ 7U mlj TmoilSALK-A well-established , paying pro- JL. clucu commUjiaii business , own or inunt ut- end exclusively to other bu lnes > . luciutra ( lUicitQt Fcaron , Cold & llolwmon. 3106 15th st. PERSONAL. 1Rn90NAL Wanted torent.goodSor 10 roon modern house , with barn , tor ono year o longer , or would crchanco house nnd lot on 15tl t , , in biisines' part nt city If suited. Konntre rlaco preferred. Address T , nc. , of Citizens iank. 23X-23 _ A NY person wlshlnc tondupe n mixlo Infant _ please address U 40 llea oinco. 10I-1S ? TF YOf Intend to marry or only deslro amuse Ji mcnt Join our club Address with stamp 'Western Correspondence Club , Council Kinds In. I'M ' in lit G. ,1. 8TE Xs > vt , Iletl llsHto ai ( Exchange Itroker. has lemorol to lloouia 01 ? nnd 'JHrat \ National bank building.lit . ( lit * ' ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. OMAHA Abstract company , I.MO rnrnam.it. Most complete and carelully prepared sel or nKstrnct booics nnd pints of ml real property tu the city of Oinnlm and Douglas county. MIDLAND ( luitrnmea A Trm * Co. . FA. Far- num. Columotonhxtrxct'i furnished A tltlos to realostnto o < cniulnudperfoctod .V gimrnntccd All.STKArTS-Lliiahan is Mihonoy , loom 503. Faxton block. 515 FOR EXCHANGE. rpo I'.XCII VNH-lloti804 nnd lot * , farm J-lnndi. iiiProliainlHo. hoi o , fiittlo , vn oni etc t nil or wrlto t. ' . K. Heltar , loom B , oW. tor IMh and Uonnlas 210 fTxn'ltAT ) IS 7\cie proper ! yncar SuutiriTniiEn ) -L clour. Sovonil plocos of Improved business property In Rood local Ion. I lear land In lown nnd N'ebrasku. Coiner lnomali View. Llenr lot.s In Soiilli Umiihn nud In llnssctt. the new county oat of Itock county , Noliinsku. Houses nnd lots In nil parts of the ilty. Mnnted honsoi , lots slocks oC goods , live stork , fai m-i nnd money. If you hm e anythlni ; Rood to trndo Rive me n call. Orovor Sloven * . U''U 21 IB2I rainamst. Tolopuono llffii. OlOncies lmpro\od land , wltnln three miles -Jot county seat , town In lown.to trmlo for uro- icrles. general merohaitdlso , or hardwnie. Address box rr , Shelby Iowa. tail-go * mo nxi'IIANGK-Town loH In Soutli ChlcnRO JL for n iooil , speedy single driver , or n tenm ot roadsters , trotters or paceis. 11 II Helm , Ilarlan. In. I''O-1 ' 17ANTF.D To trade lot In Council IllulTs for goousafe. Shea A ; Gnltln. 1M 20 * DO YOIT want n good farm. It so. write to T. H. Kvitns. Noiden , Neb If jou have it house and lot In Uninhii. or lots you wls > h to put Into Hi or 1G ) acresof land , or 3i ) acres , or a nectloti oC land you can pet It of him. If you have a stock of Roods to trade for real estate , wrlto him. ( ll\o your prices and description ol w hat yon luu o and you w 111 Rot a deal without the aid of commission men. If you h.t\o horses or live stock say so , satisfaction unman- teed. f /NK hundred and sixty acies Rood land to V/oxclianRO for work her os or mules , with or without harness and wagons. Addiess Ktr : > , llce. IM 1U rpo TIIADR for stock of pooils , business JLjiroporty in Cuntrnl City , Neb. , with or \\itliouthtoekofRioceries. Address LOCK llox 4J , Central I'lty Neb. 11' " Hit POH THAli-A tlrst class dniR stock for Omaha property. Turk , l'o\\Ior A , Ken- laid , 11,07 Fitrnnm. HB-IB fl > , OKl stock of Roods to exchatiRC for peed Pbulldlnn lot. apply at onco. C. F. Harrison , Merchant's Nat. bank. 03 > in mo 13XCHANGU A tine improved farm with Jonio cash for irood Omnlia property , vacant lots preferred. Western hand & Loan Kx change , 117 South Iflth st. UT7 18 FOU UXOHANGE 210 acre * unimproved land1 ' 4 mile fiom Thuinmoll , MorrKik couutyd Neb. , to trade for stock merchandise. Address Uox to. , Centi al City , Neor. 037-1 ONH section ( BIO acres"oE ) heavy timber land In Hurko county. North Cnroitiia , clear of Incumbranuo ; KOOII tltlo.Vhathavoyouto oiler ? 0. .1. StornsdorlT. rooms 317 and 31U. 1'lrst National bank building. Tolophouo 4CI. LEAVENWOHTH Street. J liavo a very do- slrablo piece ot business property on this Htreet that can bo traded for wood farming land not too far from Omaha and part cash. It Is wt'il rented and will pay you to Investigate. ( ! . J. Stornsdorll , rooms 317 & JUS rirst National Uank HulldliiR. Telephone. 4'lt. Sb fSll'JlOVKD and unlmprovod property In the 4-Rrowlng town of Creston , la. , to trade for Omaha real estate. G..T. Stermdorir. rooms 317 and D1H , First National ban ! : bulldlnp. Tel ephone 4fH. tC.'j ADAMS county , Iowa ; olRtity (80) ( ) acres cholco lancl near railroad ; all fenced and under cultivation ; clear of Incum- brance ; want Omaha property ; house and lot preferred. G. .1. Sterusdorlt. rooms 317 and : ! 1S First National bank building. Telephons 401. merchandise stocks to tiade for SISVRKATi Rood Omaha property or clear farm lands. G. J. titernsdorir. rooms 317 & 318 First National bank building. CM FOIt UXCIIANGK KiRhty acres of the lluest timber laud in Wisconsin , clear of Incum- brance. What hnvo you to offerG. . J. SMrns- dorll. looms 317 & 31d , First National bank buildlug. C4'J 001) farms , clear or llchtly Incumboied , for Gi merchnndlse i , Hvo Btocfc or city property. II. K. Cole , Hoom U. Continental block. 57J TJIOU TItAUE-Couucil Hluira nnd Omaha real JL' estate for farms , lioraos , cattle or morchan- cllHO. Host loth between Omaha and Council lilulTa. 0. IJ. Jlayne , lith nud Harnov. M7 m 1 SKVUIIAL very flno roslrtences in IConutzo 1'laco to trade. Wnat have you to offerG. . .l.Sternsdorir. rooms 1117 & 318 , First National bank biitlding. C.J2 T7IOK EXCHANGE For deshnblo resldonco U property in Omnlia , any or all of following : 40 cholco Inside residence lots In IU stings. 100 lots In Lincoln. L WO acres line farmlnclnnd , Lancaster county , Flno residence property , Lincoln. Good rental propeity , Lincoln , Cnolro fancy residence , coiner. Los Angeles , A neat residence property In llauscom Place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location nnd prlco of prop erty , J. E. K. , care Uaum Iron Co. , 1817 Loaven- worth. 571 \v , r HEX you have anything for exchange call on or write us , II , E , Cola , ItoomO , Contl- ncntal hlnrtlr. fiTJ TT1OK EXOHANGE-Dakota , Hand county. JL ! What have you to oiler torn good farm here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are rising In value , and Us destiny cannot bo dis puted , XX'ill take vacant lot or Improved prop erty nnd nssumo some incumbiancn. ( i , J. Sti'TOKdorll , rooms 317 and ilia , First National bank building. WIT FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOlfHA'CYJ or exchange A line farm of IWncre.slii Holt Co. , Neb. ; will oxrhango for horse and pheaton or pair of ponies and pheaton. Address K 31 , Ilee ollice , lUI-lllr "IjlOK SALE or Exchange Good resldoncn.con- J venlontly located , hundy to'car llne.s. XX'osl- orn Land A ; Loan Exchange , 117 South 10th st , U77 W FOU SALE-Or trade , lot B. block 0 , lledford place , a corner , will sell cheap for cash , or trade for furnlturn or anv personal proporty. Omaha Auction A : Storage Co. 101 20 3 Wxlioon 10th Mt f > outli of tlio A1IA1UIAIN viaduct , with small liousa and barn. 'Hits Pioporty In the market for n short tlmo only at the extreme low price of $1,510. Thin IstS.OOJ lets than Its actual value , G. J , Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 FlrJt Nations ! bauk building. 1152 BUSINESS property. Capitol ave. lot 0 , block 76. bet. Jluunett block and iuth st. Tuko i-ome trade , hona oiler to owner , John XX' . Tay lor , 5 Euclid nve , Cleveland. O. iUOKWt SALE The llawfey nouso , North FflaSALE Plattu , Neb. , or will trade for good Im proved farm or tlty propnrty. Tholuiusols furnished and In r mini us order. Prlco ts.coo , subject to oncuinbrance ot $1,0) ) Address John llawloy. North Platu ; . KD22 ? WAVEKLY Addition. TJits property unjoins the famous Central Park and Monmotitti Park additions. 1 nave a number of lots In the above addition that can bo sold on terms to bult Special Inducements altered to those who wlllbnllil , It will pay you to Investigate. G , J , Sternsdorir. rooms 117. una 31H First National bank uullding. ( if $100 cash , balance tU par month , will buy nw " room house on 27th Kt. near Lake st. Prices , r.W. C. E. Keltei , room 6 , . vv.cor. 15th and Douglas , 47'J uil GJ. STEIINSDOUFF. rooms J17A.-3IS First National Hunk liulldlug , has several places of flue residence nml Imslnesj property to ; do. Also buveral farms near Omaha. Q'ele- one. 401. .i u 1710H HUNT New 7 room house , all modern J. couvcnleuc 3 , centrally located , will rout very reasonable to tenant making good lease , n-roum cottage H 17th &t , 115. H-room hoine , J Howard uL 3 room flat H'Jl N Kill , nultsble for light housekeeping. IIS. Apjily to Green i , Firat Nut , bank Uldu , Oil llomcJl ItoiiKist ] Ouiatin' * mojt bonutlfully situ * nted suburb. It Joins XX'almtt Hill on the west tnd Dttndeo I'lncoon the north. IttstvltMnriisy dlatAncc of the llelt Line dci > ot. It is wlthlua few blocks of paved streets. Tha Metropolitan Cable line la being built to Dnndco Place. Wo will sell lots hero tor frO' . 13 Terms : To parties who will bulid : One-tenth cash ; balance at tht > cud of ten years. XX't' have For Trade good unlnnunboied propeity for business lot will assttnio mortpaReor pny rnsh. Elesrnlit jicvr cottage for nny kind ot good real estate. A great bargain , the S. W. corner of inth nnd ( .allfoinla streets , with tnveo hollies , } ltia > 0 takes ft. The iiortlivvc t corner of luh nnd Dodge , Ji\000. very easy terms. iiono m res of laud in Nebraska and Kansas 12 ol"gnnt uniucuiub.'rod residence lots iu Two new brlelc residences andlots with small lucuinbranc-o , In the best part of the cltj , will trade nil lor ltnpro\Pd business property. ilrenunn A Co. , Chamber of Commerce. Telephone-TOO , l S 21 IT EAD-Sholcs speclnlH-llcvtd. t,50i ) llu > s elegant new house ou Georgia nnd PopplL'tons nvi-s , east front and nil oonxonlencrs , turnnre , Hiolce. Iluys lluo sroom house on Lowe nvo , nil convtoncos. Part cash mid good lot in piumeut. $ ; , r > 00 Ituvs good house nnd lot on Park ave , near I'oppleton , U rooms and all conv en- lences. lurnacn. WfiU ) fan Iniv new house , R rooms , furnace nud all coin eiilencos , in Hnuscom placet. Hop onto this quick , fSftiitnys ugood 4-romu cottage and full lot. JViOJ-lliiysan elegant house in Kotintro Place on XX Irt st. Part rn.sh and part trade * . lO.tKM Ituys nn elegant house in KouuUo Place. Furnnc'o nnd nil conveniences , llesldeuccsnnd lots in all pans of the city. For Trado. Three gooit brick dwellings near Park , line house nnd lottn Koiiutze Place , flue house nnd lot In llatwconi 1'laro. $ HiOU ( equity In Knox county farms for good rlear lot or lightly oncumbeiecl IIOUHO nnd lot. Vnlved UW. 'Ihlsls arnie Iradlng chnnto , I handle nil kinds of property and push a bargain. Ll t your property with mo , lluslnesa Is going to bo poo.l this year and I want iv good list lor Hprlng , Send In your lists. D. V. Sholcs , 210 rir.st National Hank. Ill FOK SALE Farm ot 100 acres nolfom land In Douglas county ou line of r , P. K. It. , one nrilo from station ; tlr t-class Improvements. .1. J. IlobbliiM. Paxtou hotel. 'J73 1H * FOIt SALE Cheap Not for trade ; 54i.7f : > acres land ( Sec 5-12-0) ) two miles from Mnrquette. Hamilton county Nebraska. Frame housesta ble , ; acres under good baib-vvlre fence , round cedar l.o-its , two stax s ; living water. 3 I- foot channel ; 2 wells , 320-bit ml tank , corral , self-feeder ; a natural stock ranch ; in a line corn belt. Price ( about J11.50 per nero ) J0.2TO Cash down . . : .10) ) 2 and'J years'tlmo il per cent 3,2'.0 Go and look over land. Address owner. F. K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer st Denver , Col , 070 SOPTH OMAHA I have a number of good lots In various additions that must bo sold ut oueo and can bo bought at prices that will milt you. G , .7. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and an First National bank buildlug. H52 Ari5 MAICI5S llrst payment on nice ( t-roont tDMouse , good location. II E. Cole room H , Continental block. 218 SOME of the choicest clear property In Glen- wood , Iowa. O. .1. Sternsdorir. rooms 317 and : > 18 , First National bauk building. WV5 L OT ! f > , block I , Dupont Place. S-i-oom House In JLJgood repair , $ I.MJ. ! $70J casn , balance easy ; will tak team of horses as part paymeu t. ( ! . .1. Sternsdorir , rooms ill" andU13 First National bank building. ( VVJ 171OU SALE or ExchmiL'O Improved Block .1 ? farm of HOJ acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also now U-room house with nil con veniences , In doslrnblo resldeuco portion of Omaha. Andrew Kevins. Attorney. 4 and 4il Pa\ton bloelt , Omaha , Nob. 27U TT10U SALE lly M. A. 1'pton Company , J3 Investment Hankers and Goneinl Itcal Estate Dealers , southeast corner IBth nnd Fnrnam. lOuxliYi , south and east front , corner Lowe ave. and Dodge streets. No liner resilience silo In Omaua ; i : > 500 buys It. lllg bargain ; take it quick. Hero is a good homo nt n very rcaionablo price : South front , 53-foot lot on Maple street , jus toast of launders and south of Kouutr.o place ; new .s-rooiii house , good barn , only $ I,5W. Terms to suit , The bust tamer In Omaha for line tenements Is SUh and Dodgo. Wo have lU7vlJI there. Uoom for block of seven nouses $17,000 XV o think this is sold , however. Konutzu Place ! KounUo Pineal Elegant homo in Kountzo Place , Hroom.i.furnace , batli , hot and cold water , every convenience , good burn , all now , nlco nnd nobby. Jil/iWl ; SI.OUO cash , balance I , " . 3'and 4 yoara. Hey ? 41 feet bcmth oucl iuth t > t. viaduct , cut down to grade , $ ) .30J. If you want It any clieaper take it as a gift , Wo'll pay for recording the deed. The Heat llargnlu In business property in Omaha to-day Is ( V ! feet on the a ) toot alley ontlUlh street , north of Leavcnwortn , at S Si per foot. Four story building going up on iffljolnlug CC ft. In the Sl"1"I- You Fool away your day of giaco when you do not secure some of the bill gains wj oiler. ' 1 hey are HKO the circus nero to-divy. hut gone to-uiorro\v. TrncknRo ] .32feet trackage on llth btreet. Just north 'of Nicholas for J.Iln)0. ) Nicholas Mtieot is , and llth htreot will be paved this vear. JMir money in tlhs line trackage propotty. Elegant Itesiaoiico. Does anyone want one of the best built and finely llnlshed house nnd barn In the city ? llousoot eleven rooms. Darn coat over ? I.OUil. House has every convenience. East front lot. 15 mile from court house. Aitillclal stone drive- wny.s and walls. A complete and elegant home. Four mantels and grates that cost ovorfi.U ) . Improvements cost UXJO. ( Lot Is woithJO.CKJii 10 acres ? 4mllowost of Armour's. South Omaha. The llnebt 10 ncrea in that locality. WlUjnakc 10(1 ( cottugo lotH 25x108 that will bell icailllyat $ r > 0 nnd J.XJJ. Will offer this for a. few duy at u bargain. South Omaha. Three beautiful east front lots , 40xir > 0 each , just north of Summit Park , for 11.00) ) , worth double that amount. Speak quick it you want this snap. XX'lndsor Plni-e. This year will see good transportation facili ties to XVindsor Place. We can ncll a line homo in this elegant addition for S3 per cent less than it can bo bought for after May 1st. ' 4-room nouio , Cdiuentod cellar , brick founda tion , cistern , full lot In Omaha View , all for J1.IOO--WW cash , balance JII.KI per mouth. Arcade Place East front lot on 'Mill Hlicet , just south of Lenvwiworth , for Il.t-OO. Illllsido No , 1. A rino doiiblo corner on : tli nnd Chicago St. , just cast of Yalea'iuausioii , forfT.-W. Kllby Place. TiOtfiOxlES onSaih Ht. , Just north of TJodiro , ? l,7 ( l $ HO cash , balance I. " and II years If liouso Is built to cou nut less than JI.Ooo. Missing It. Oh J you nro missing It by not puichaslng be fore thu Hiirlnt ; tide tn-'ti in , Hixltl. South front on Sew ard street , Jn ShlnnNU addition , JI.UUO. Cortland Place. A Una homo with uvory convenlonca ; Inrgo lot , I'J.OOO ; f.J.OUO cash , balance 7 per cent. South Ifilh Street. Lot rnxl.Yr ; good ( Nroom houio : Ilnornsldencu fctreet ; bainj JLO1 * ) . Lotlswoith thomonej. South hlth Street. We will sell a corner on lith : and CnRtellnr , C IxllO , for less than any Inside lot can ou bought for. Sherman Avcmio , Ifti feet , n corner , on lllnncy st , for J'l.BXi , or the corner lot for H.OJO. Hnnscnm Place. rnblolliio to llanscom Plaro this year. Wo lave somu of the bent rcaldonci-d and sites there , Famam Street , Money can bo doubled In two years by buying property of us on Furnam street between aith and -'il Wo Never Sold n Lot Yet that the purchaser has not made moro than regular intercut on his Investment. That Is because wudvnl In nothing but llrst clan prop- trtlus , Morsmnn Park , A beautiful east front lot , graded , for iJ50 , wortlifl.uuu. 4'l ' feet cast front on 37th .paved strceti be tween Kogors'nnd WlthncH'u elegant lesld nces uid Farnam t > t forlKK ( ) . XX'e have the largest list and best bargains In ho city. M. A. Upton Company. Telephone B. l , 201 T HAYKreal and personal propeitv of nil J klnda for trade. Pall ana sou me. ( leorgo.l , UniKdorlT. HoomaUlT nucl 31 , Flr t Natlntial bank building , WJ I71OKHALE-A nice little honiQ ou S. 10th ut. , -L ; tontalnlng t rooms , nil In gold ropalr , wull , datum , cellar. brnc. . ThU property can b ) bold on a Huiall payment down , btlanco ( IS pur iioulli. Why-pay rent whan a goldun opportu nity like tmi Dtaro $ you in th face ? G , .1. Iternsdorir. roums 'J17 add 31 * , First National jaiiK building , _ : t'i7 WANTED A nco | rcftldenco lei n.ist of 2dth tit. nnd between Cnmlni : and Luavonworth , If you have any Omaha property to oil or ut u urgalu bring It around. (1 rover Stevens , 2J.'fl-21 1831 Fftruam St. T l | ) hoil8 ll'Ji. II10II SALE or TradeS new S-room hotucs - ifrom llfbt hands , room iiJ ICauiuo blk. HOt'S noroomMTrtOCassst . , .HO M Hon eS rooms , stlt nnd Hlctory t. 10 OJ Furnl lied DOUP , 4.M and ( jillfornla . U U ) Eight-room house , 2117 Clark , . , 25 Ol Tw on-room houses , Sewnrd nnd SSth Irt 01 No.SAl South S. < th . . . WIM llTn < e4mom .aillOfnrk . H ( W II ou see rooms Ili7 N. li'th . W ( M And n largo list ot other * . 12MU Geo. J. Paul , liKW rrtrnftnt St. O Nii\vflrst-cUi \ fTnlMiedT " O b.ilhioom , gas. water and sewer ; Ssloros , corner , suitable for drug More : I ba emont suitable. for barbershop , corner X'Khnml Len\ pnworllisl.s. Inquire nt iironiiscs. zti Mi * T/OirsA lE-At"n jncrtllcc. ISOt r.M ft ea t nnd -L north front , corner with nnd Howard sts. , one block from Hoger' ? , Coo's nnd Klrkendnll's llnio l < leni s jusi think ot II , IMxr.1) ) ft , and n coiner , 1 10. nnd onlv ? I.M ) ' . | K > | In Sftundei-s A lllmpluuich'ft add , Prlco fiXii. No cash payment and bal. to suit to nuy ono who will b.ilUI , New . -room hoit'o. well and cistern , on S7tlt st. near < nr line. Prln > tinv. will tnko clear lot as tlrt paMiient , balance to unit. 41 It business property w Illi two good 2-slory Ptoro biilidlnit ! ? , renting for JiVX ) a year ; this M abnt'Qaltint il.noa ' H. lleltcr , room fi , a. AV , cor. I.Mhnud Douglas si * . 217- AMISS , Heal Estate. 1M7 rnrnatn st , lleio is iispeilnl bargain , and Itvlllpny you to ln\estigate. I till Lot on liith street , OlxUO , on prade , small house , for fl.OOrt. You can pay ' ( cash. and balance In easy payments If nepo sary n good u-sldciKO win be taken In part pitjlileut. . . Another baigaln Is n now " -storv hou-o on Miami Mreet , onu blivk frouioara. hon o has modern Improve ments ; lot Is , Vi feet front ; our prloe , f l.iyH ) ; Is subject ton mortgage f JJ..Mi ) , dt.twlng II per t'eut Interest ; bilance ve will take as follonri : $ - < i > 0 cash , n good resldeiici' lot or secured p.tpcr. On \ Irglnln n\euuo , n spioniild lot. east trent , nud as hnudnnme a lot as lheic < is In llunsrom Pliue , for J .l'iO ; terms , } ioHi cash ; this Is one of the best tosl- deiuo locations In Oiuaha. A 7-lloom House and barn on Virginia a\euue. In good Older ; splendid locution ; pricn $ .iiki > i , j casn. on Ciimlng St , , a lot 4 1 feet front. in fi-et deep , nnd 7 room homo for $1,000 ; this Is the li.- t oiler for thu money In that pan of Omaha , and It takes halt cash to buy It. On South llth St. 8. " > , t ) 0 buj.s full lot with it-room house and out- bulldlngx ; this Is a bargain wull woith the money , and tnke.s . ' , < XXcnsli ) to buy It ; bnlauco to salt. If You Wnnt to buy n cheap home , on easy payments , wo can ll.\ you out. Now is the tlmo to start In nnd vou not only buy on lavornble terms , but > ou snvo x'ourmonoy monthly and mnko ten time's thu interest nuv hank can pay you , nud your money is peifectly tutfo. Wo have i , - > no.OH ) to loan on city propeity nt low rates of Interest. Wo make guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to nil real estate in Omalm nud Douglas county. Come nnd See I's for by so doing jou mny do your.self some good ; jou can see nnd post yourself onicnl es tate and llnd out what Is going oil hero. Conveyances alwaj son hand to show prop- ort > . Ames , 1507 Farnam st. l'J7 ' III CALL on It , E. Cole , northeast corner of Ifith and Douglas tits. , Omaha , for Edwin 1C. Al- Hip tV Co.'s catalogues of hinds of California. 2)0 ) April ll > * ELEGANT house nnd corner lot near f.eaven- woith and Paik avenue , only 10,00) ) , worth * 7WO. A ulco building lot near sain o location nt n , bargain. U'feet ) tiackage on IT. P. It. II. wltnln mlle line , * . - > , IKI ) ) . Two elegant building lots In West Omaha , M.fitW each. Good business nud residence propeity In nil paitsof the city. G rover Stevens. 2-M-2I 1521 Fainain St. Telephone 1123. a > a" > CASH and JTi monthly. Including Interest , ipbiiys nice II room house nnd lit , vroll located. H. li. Cole , room il , ContlnoniAl block. 21S F suKLot i . in block 13 , noxirio. ou llnrneyst. Foriiartlculnrsimiuiroof Wm Mniger. Galena. 111. 1H ! m5 ! ITIOIt SALE Or cxchnngo for Omaha prop- JL' city , s ) acres , biilttbln for platting ; will make 4H01otsall clear ; big money In It forfomo one who can push this ; locntad jiHt outride thu oily limit.ot Council Illuirs. Inquire ( loo. J. Steinsdoril , rooms 317 and 313 , Fliat National baukbnllillng. fi l ' "oTrS virK-Lots II. Hand H. block 11 , West bide addition. Tne < o lots iirjf > l > cl23 each , lay very pretty , and the ttiruo can be bought forJI.lKM. Thuynio actually worta twice that. amount. G. ,1. Stornsdorll , lloonis 317 nnd 318 , First National bank building. IKS FOU S \ LE 7 roomed house and full lot , peed Miirroundlug.s. on n btreet ear Hue. VX'Ill take in exchange Nebraska or Kansas furm property with some ineumbrance , or vacant lot in Omaha or South Oinahn. Call and Investi gate ) now. C. F. Harrison , 10J and 101 Mer chants' National bank. 753 I VX'ILL i ecelve sealed OiTors to buy ths svv 2J xl K ruet of lot 2 , Capitol add. ( o Oiuaha , up to 12 o'clock , Feb. 25. Title perfect and Indefensi ble. All oilers of notless than tl.WJ , within ; 10 days , ns first payment , will bo cansldered bona- tlclo and conlldontlal. The price offered , time of payments and rates of interest will all bo con- sldou'd In determining which , ifnny , oiler 1 ac cept. This gives all a cluuu'o to gnt u business lot on Fain uiiRt. ou their OVMI terms. If the price suits. Iliokers must got their commission from purchaser. E. L. Emery , room 10 , XX'are block. TjlOll HALE CU acres. Hamilton Co. . Neb. JInml , 13 per aero , one-third cash , balunco at fi per tent. Address XX' . J. Wlldman , Donver.Col. 075 TT1OU SALE Improved clear farm of 1 < ! 3 acres JU \lowor couiiiy. Minnesota. * 1J par acre. Owner ciesiilng tu moro to Omuhu ; will ox- rhnngu ror a homu here. C.F. Harrison , ilor- chants1 Nat'l bank. H2 DRY QOODS. . MOUSE & CO. SP. Grand opening Spring Goods , Now Clmllles. satins , silks , chcbS goods , Muslin undorncttr hale , Our now embroideries nnd laces have aho been leceUeil , nnd woshnll otter the most ex- qnlslto rntterna over shown y us ; we mnko n Bn' < 'l.ilty of the llQH noeltifs never hhown ucnt of Chicago oxcojit by us. and Indies who wish to purchase now will RCt the choicest selections. S. P. Mor.se & Co. Ladles' Illack Hose. 25c. Wn will rlose out all of our Me nnd file fast blnok stockings Monday at one pri < n Sir. 'llila oirer Inn bona lido one , and they are aiu't ) to dell fast ; mall ordeis illleti. New French Clmllles. Tin-most exqulsito designs Imported direct finm Paris , compiislng all the new colors Yleuxiosc , Mnndailn , Gobelin , etc.exquisitely printed. li. P. Morse & Co. Now Fionch Satins , Our entire Importations have arrived nnd will bo Bhovvn ; these displayed In our east window are n fair uamplc all works of art. Now Silks. Iloth pi tin nnd fancy ; u bargain in black annnra Hilk , worth fa.Oil , for $1 M a , yurd , and some lovely things In check ami striped , Por- hliui brocades , etc. , fur comblnatloiij. S. P. Morse \ Co. Co..Muslin t'mlerwear Sale. XX'o Khali begin thU ialo .Monday with a chnlro lot cjf gowns , chemise , dinwerii , etc. , at tiOa each , worth'fie , Mr ami tl.il ) , Onrxecond lloor 11 out lui.i buen clfured , anticipating a null on these goods. Now Ilrond'-loths. Some new spring cylors nuvn been nddcd to our line of ll./J broadcloth * . Mull ou'ers will roi ehu thu iisuul prompt answer . O"I8-I7 S. P. Morse & Co. DRESSMAKING. .13 ItEhSMAKING.cutllng A : llttlng. lli Douglas . 21Sml5T * Corner IWlh nnd Farnam Streets , Chamber of I'onnneri'o Hulldlncr. Cajiilnl Slock $100,000 MaWllly or SlwkluililiT.s 800,000 Fire perron ! iMl'l on deposits , loan * nmrtoon ronl pilatu uint poriun.il nuctintjr. notes , w rraal , iiocki JOHN f. MIM'.H. I'roiMenl ANOIIKXV UCMIIXVATKH. X'lra I'roililont. DKVJ'KH It. THOMAS , C 9l r. iio.vun or HiiiKiToita. John L. Mlloi , Krnnlui llnnion , CiitniT , Ji'lin II. KVJIH , Itnuetviitcr. Mocrl Kiirrdtvn , XV A L. lillibun , lioo. T . IliuU'r , CJuv. Alvln s.nindori , li'utcr li. Tlionim , Nnrnivu A Kulin , .fume * 'I liujuiigon , V , It. suluKuu , .lolin llua'i ' , Gco.C. Hu u. a. DSPOSITORV , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Capiliil $500,000 . Surj.ltis 100,000 HEI1MAN KOUNT/.K , Prosldont. JOHN A. CUEIGHTON , Vice President. I' , II. DAVIS. C.tshler. W , II. MEGQUIBII. Assistant Cashier , NESS cUllifDSVrJtK'rnr1 I IMIsim-RTUaUUd CAR CUSHION ! TkUptr * If * r4 ditlUclltiufi'riM.U. . I liin til Jl uu4ln nil.