Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Jidlvticdby cnrrifr In Anv I'nrt of ho City a
Twenty Cents 1'crWcek.
II. W. T1I.10N . . . MANAUHH.
llf sr.MOrnrp. No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Coal and wood. 1C. K.May no , 01913'wny.
TJio pcliool board moots in regular
session ( Ills evening.
The Council HlulTsboating club meets
to-night at Dr. Soyhurt's ollioo.
St. Alban's lodge , K. of L' . , will give
a ball nnil banquet Tuesday evening.
The ladies of St. Paul's church are
plunniiifr on flouring 91OIK ) by entor-
uiiiiimuits before Knster comes.
A plow factory , a look factory and an
oat meal mill arc among the now enter
prises promiboil Council HUUTs.
Heal estate transfers in the HlulTs on
Saturday touted up SSl/i'iO , und yet the
Hiring boom has not commenced.
The Urn department was called out
about ft o'clock yesterday morning by a
hlaxo in a barn on Scott btreot , belong
ing to Lawrence Hoist. The flames
wore quickly subdued , and the damage
was very slight. The cau o of the lire
is not known.
Preparations are now making for the
Bccontl animal concert and ball to bo
given by Dnlby's military band and or-
uhcHtra ut Armory hull , ThurUay evening -
ing , February US , It will bo a grand
nllalr , and promises-to lie most enjoya
ble. An orchestra of twenty pieces will
furnish delightful music.
The trades' display at the Masonic
temple hall Tuesday evening promises
to bo one of the most novel entertain
ments of the season. Kaeh young lady
will be costumed to represent some one
business house in the city. The cos
tumes thus made of goods and wares
from various stores will be very unique.
Rev. Mr. Maekay having accepted
the call to Dcadham , MUSH. , and the
vestry of St. Paul's having accepted his
resignation , it becomes necessary , it ho
is retained hero , for the Dcadham par
ish to release him. St. Paul's church
has extended him a call and lie prom
ises to accept UiiH or in other words ,
remain hero if $8,000 of the debt is
raised. This week an effort will bo
made to secure the $1,000 still lacking
on that amount. It will doubtless be
raised , for a failure to do &o will result
in his going.
The city election will bo held two
weeks from to-day , and three members
of the city council are to bo elected.
Candidates arc notbobnying up as se
renely as might bo expected , but this
is doubtless because very many
men are not willing to take the extra
ordinary amount of ciiosing that falls to
the lot of a Council UluIVs alderman for
the piiltry sum of $ " > ( ) a year and the at
tendant amount of rather < | upslionable
glory. Victims who are willing to sac
rifice themselves should to report at
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
get yottr clothes initilc. 037 Jiroadway.
S. 13. Wtulswortli & Co. loan money.
Heating stoves tit cost to close out.
Odoll & Uryant.
All grades soft coal. C. B. Fuel Co.
The llotird ol' Trnilc.
A special meeting of tlie board of
If trade was held Saturday evening to dis
cuss the union depot project. There was
( jnito 11 lively debate , and ti committuo
was appointed to visit Chicago and con
fer with the managers of the railways
centering here in regard to the matter.
This committee consists of Hon. George
F. Wright , Judge W. C. James and
Raihvay Commissioner Spencer Smith.
Tills wns the only action taken and the
board adjourned. The committee will
visit Chicago as boon as Mr. Wright re
turns from Nebraska.
* L. 1C. Roe , dontistTNo. 27 Main St. ,
over Jncquomin & Co.'s jewelry store.
Try our XXX bottled beer. Special
rules on all orders from Iowa.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllcc cor. Broadway
und Alain , over American express.
Klcgant spring goods. Now styles
throughout. A. Hotter , 310 llroadway.
' 1 lie Court Programme.
The first case to bo heard in thn dis
trict court this morning will bo that of
Sapp & Lymaii vs Aiken , Underwood &
Co. The other cases on the day'ti as
signment are Ovcrturp vs Simpson ,
damages ; Hewitt vs Yodorattachment ;
Gainer VH City of Council 131uITs ,
damages ; Connor vs Stewart , debt ;
M'Donald vs Frum , attachment. The
witnoHscH in llio case of Fair VB City of
Council Blulls wore subpoenaed yester
day , and it is stated that that case is
ready for trial. The circumstances of
the case are familiar to the majority of
Council JJlulT's citi'/.ona. Several
months ago , Fair was troing homo ,
-Bomowhat under the inlliionceuf liquor ,
it was stated by those who found him ,
and walked or foil from the bridge over
Indian crook on Uonton street. lie was
severely bruised and had one or two
ribs broken , and was con lined to his
home for HJIIIO time. Ho now sues the
city for $10,000 damages for neglecting
to place a proper railing along the side
of the bridge.
Pickled tripe and pigs' foot at Tib-
\ittB':515 : Broad way.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly conll-
Send all orders for bottled beer to L.
M. Finkelbtein , Omaha.
Dr. C. C. llazoii , dentist , Opera house
llniTlson'n I mum urntlon. .
The Wabash Western railway an
nounces that tickets will be sold from
all stations to Washington and return ,
for the inauguration of President Harrison
risen , at halt faro.
Itato for round trip from Council
BlulTH , la. , $30. Tickets will bo on Bale
February 27 to March 2 ; good returning
until March 10,1880. For further par
ticulars apply at the Wabash Western
ticket ollioo , 'I'Jl Broadway.
J. C. MiTCiiKM , , Agent.
T have moved my olllco to Omaha , at
which all orders will bo received and
Jrom which all deliveries will bo made
by wiigon. L. M. FINKISI.STKIN ,
All grades hard coal , O. B. Fuel Co.
Rooms to rent in the Merriam block.
S. B. Wtidswortu & Co. , 1230 Main street.
No Gambling Allowed Except On
Week Days and By White Folks.
One of tlic SermoiiH of tlio Iny To-
Wny'H HIM of Knrn For the ! ) !
trial Court Colit and
Dull Streets.
Darkles Musu't Gamble.
At an early hour yesterday morning
Olllcers Isonborger , Mullen , anil fowler ,
raided the joint on lower Broadway ,
near the Northwestern depot , kept by
Mrs. Pralor , and arrested a gang of six ,
who were gambling in a back room , and
whirled thorn to police headquarters in
the patrol wagon. The prisoners gave
the names of C. 13. Drisdon , Gcorgo
Smith , John Sampson , Beverly Field , J.
Vennblc , and .1.11. Smith. They arc
till colorcdindlvidualsand somoof thorn
are well known to the police. Drisdon
was the only one who could furnish
bonds , and he was released , but the
others spent Sunday in the city jail.
The Pralor ranch bears rather a hard
name , and several rackets have origi
nated there. It was there that a man
named Bolcn was shot abouta week ago ,
but nothing was done concerning the
ca o. At the rate lit which things are
going , it will soon bo time for the pro
prietress to move again. She conducted
a plaeo for months right under the
shadow of the government building ,
but moved a short time ago. and since
that time her "restaurant" has not been
quite so much under the eyes of the
police. The portion of the city in
which she now holds forth lias enjoyed
comparative peace and quiet for the
pat year nnd si half , since the notorious
"Tox" Baker and wife were sent to the
penitentiary for keeping a hoiibo of
prostitution in the neighborhood.
The charge placed on the police reg
ister opposite the names of the men ar
rested yesterday is to the cllect that
they were "gambling Sunday morning. "
The inference is that , according to the
standard of morality adopted by the city
administration , gambling during the
week is right and proper , but that after
midnight Saturday and until midnight
Sunday , a different rule is in force , and
that then , and then only , docs gambling
become a crime. However , even the
slightest improvement is to bo com
mended , and the attempt of the olllcials
to enforce the law oven one day in the
week should moot with public approval.
The hearing of these ca < es will como
up this morning before Judge Ayles-
J. G. Tipton * real estate , 5'J7 B'dway
Notice the beautiful finish jnvon col
lars , culTs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company. _
I'ronnriiifr ' 'or More
A part of the machinery for the now
incandescent electric light plant of the
Council BlutVs Klectric Light company
arrived yesterday , and will be placed in
position sis soon as possible. The two
largo dynamos , 1.500 and 750 light-ca
pacity respectively , together with the
small companion dynamo for each ,
known as the ' 'exciter , " are now here ,
with all necessary connections , as well
as the "converters , " ' which are to bo
along the circuit where the house wires
leave the main lino. The object of
these "converters" is , as their name im
plies , to convert the current in suitable
quantities from the principal wire to
the smaller branch lines. The work of
putting in these "converters" will be
commenced at once. As soon as this is
done , the remaining work will bo di
rected to the two ends of the line , to
place the drops in the buildings at ono
end , and to get the dynamos and en
gines in position ut the other. It will
be impossible to set up the dynamos im
mediately as the building isnot ( juito
ready. The walls are all up line the
mason work completed , but tbo building
is not quite enclosed. It will probably
require the greater part of the present
week to finish it. The engines that are
to furnish the newer to run the now
plant are on the road , and it is time that
they wcro here , ft was expected to
have the plant in readiness for opera
tion by the 1st of Mareh.but the weather
of the past few days has boon unfavor
able and it will possibly bo a week later
than was intended before everything is
complete. The gang which has been
stringing wires has that work- well
under way , and the central portion of
the city as well as the residences nnd
business houses of hundreds of the sub
scribers are already wired.
Dull riiillinehs.
The effect of the sudden cold snap
was noticeable on the streets yesterday.
The principal thoroughfares wcro neat-iy
deserted , and even the motor cars ,
which usually present such a lively ap
pearance with their crowds of passen
gers , looked desolate and lonesome as
they glided quietly by. The churches
were not as well filled as they ordinarily
are , nnd the average BlulTilo seemed to
prefer to stay indoors , rather than face
the chilly atmosphere and uninviting
appearance of the outer world. About
noon it tried to snow , but tlio weather
wns too cold , and the attempt was given
ui > i disgust. The mercury lingered
bashfully around the 7.0 ro point durinir
the entire day , and could not bo prevailed -
vailed upon to look up. The sun was
evidently absent on some foreign mis
sion , and failed to put in an appearance.
In fact , it was jiiot the kind of a day that
the clerk of the weather might dish up
simply for spite , and was doubtless owing
to the fact that that erratic individual
had just awakened to a reali/.ing sense
of the situationt and was determined to
get in a little genuine winter this sca-
bon , bcforo his last opportunity had
passed , _
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Parties having temperance billiard
halls and restaurants will do well to
take the oxcliiblvo sale of my tompor-
nnco beor. L. M.
Nccleot of the Scriptures.
"Thoio is a gross neglect among
Christian people in the searching of the
scriptures , " said Rev. James Haynes
yesterday morning in prefacing his ser
mon at the Broadway Methodist church.
"The scriptures contain the 'words of
eternal life , ' says the Apostle John.
The filth chapter and thirty-ninth
verso has this injunction : 'Search the
scriptures , tor in them ye think ye
have eternal life ; and these are they
which testify of Mo. " In Christ was
eternal life given to the world , and the
scriptures are the testimony oj God and
men , not only concerning Jesus himself
but of the plan through which life is
given 'to a dead world.
'An intelligent knowledge of those
oil-important fncts cannot bo gotten by
any means other than a porconnl
searching of God's word. It will not dote
to trust to the expositions of coinon-
tutors. They are but liumnn niicl are
liable to err. Even "their translations
are often faulty. As salvation is a per
sonal matter in which no other can
share our responsibility , so our educa
tion in the things that pertain to that
salvation rests entirely upon us.
"A mere superficial rending is not
what the text implies. Neither does it
mean that the bible is to bo road by
course , from Genesis-to Revelation ,
although by this means a perfect
familiarity with the book is gained. It
means that that the scriptures are to bo
searched , studiedinvestigatedthought
fully , nrayorfully , to got the testimony
of eternal life and the process of its
giving to men.
"A personal knowledge and under
standing of the scriptures will defeat
any skepticism and the arguments of
infidelity. The reason why Christians
are often overcome by these bophcstrics
is because they do not know what the
bible says concerning these thing.
Against every point which infidelity can
raise ( Jed gives arguments which
are unanswerable. It is the duty and
should bo considered the privilege of
Christians to fortify their faith with
these fncts. No matter for what pur
pose the scriptures are searched they
are sure to lead ono to Christ. If in
fidels will study the Word carefully they
will tlnd such nrguments against their
theories as will force them to abandon
their positions and embrace eternal
life."You do not llnil any poor syntax In
the biblu. God guided the hands of the
apostles when thev wroteso that what
was written is God's word to men si
revelation of Himself and His will. The
bible says exactly what it means. Its
verbs , nouns , tenses , etc. , nro just what
and where God would have them. 1
have not had a , personal proof of nil the
statements the bible contains , but many
of them I have proven In my own ex
perience. I never 'saw the righteous
forsaken nor his seed bcgginc bread. '
Did you ? The whole bible is in perfect
keeping with the Christian experience ,
't ' contains the world's main stock of
facts. Thus it is taken out of the realms
of faith and put upon the broad plane of
universal experience. The facts it eon-
tains have been verified , either in your
observation or experience , and if you
will pause a moment you will linu in
this fact a good ground for your faith in
the scriptures.
"Many persons complain of the tire
someness of the bible ; that it is dry and
uninteresting. This is because they read
and do not'search. ' The bible is the
epitome of history , poetry , human life ,
and if ono reads carefully and in the
proper spirit , it will prove to bo the
most interesting reading and lead the
soul to the perfect understanding of
God's plans concerning His creatures. "
Rev. Wilcott is recreating in Stnnbury.Mo.
Mr. Doll HoKcrs ami wife visited friends
at Fairview , Xcb. , the hist of the week.
Miss MiifiKie Becker of Fairview , Xub. , is
the guust of Miss Hello Stonncr.
Mr. Muc.sin , of Kansas , is shaking Immls
with old time friends in Omaha.
At y o'clock Wednesday niornlnjr , February
0 , the friends nnd relatives assembled ut St.
Marparet's chapul to bo present at the cere
mony by which Mamie Ito.vco was united 111
marriage to Mr. Gcorpro Smith , of Omaha.
The ceremony was performed by Bishop
Wortliiiigloii , of Omaha. After the cere
mony the friends repaired to the home of the
bride's parents , where a delightful marriage
brcakttist was served , after which the happy
couple left for n visit among friends in Kan
sas City and Denver. On their return they
will make their future homo in Omaha.
Kev. Hradcn , the Presbyterian evangelist
of Fremont , occupied the pulpit of the Pres
byterian church Sunday morning , the lOtli
mst. A largo audience was present and the
.speaker was very effective.
Miss Nannie Roberts gave a farewell party
to her friends at her father's house , tbreu
miles from town. Those who attended the
party from here report a Jolly time.
Miss Ll/zio and Mary Slotbowcr of Kansas
nro visiting their uncle , Mr. .lueobSlothower ,
of this place.
Mr. J. 13rown , of Ughinir , Nob. , visited
Miss Carrie Wilcott.
The revival meetings at the Presbyterian
church , conducted by Kcv. 13radcn and Uev.
Weeks , are still in progress and attract largo
audiences. There is a strong religions inter
est in this church , anil sliould'it continue the
meetings will bo held indefinitely.
Stanley in Oiniilin.
Mr. T. W. Blackburn , formerly of
Omaha , now associate editor of the Los
Angeles Tribune , contributes the fol
lowing to the columns ot that paper :
The San BernardinoTimesstates that
Stanley was formerly a writer on an
Omnlm paper and fell -in love with a
widow in that city. His suit being re
jectedho left Omaha in disgust , becom
ing tlie famous Afaican explorer. Tlio
Santa Barbara Independent , quoting
Johnson's ene.yelopepia. thinks the San
Bernardino paper is in error , as the
sketch of the explorer's life in the en
cyclopaedia raukes no mention of the
Omaha episode.
Tlio facts are that Henry M. Stanley
wont to Omaha as n correspondent of
the Now York Herald in 18S or 51) ) .
His instructions when ho loll New York
were to go * o Pikes Peak , thn gold ex
citement in Colorado being at that time
at its highest pitch. Finding that
Omaha had as good a location to obtain
Pikes Peak news as Colorado itself , the
gifted newspaper man remained there ,
and wrote his scries of articles on the
gold excitement in that city. Stanley
was young , handsome , something of a
gallant , and fond of adventure , lie fell
in lovo'with an nctrcbswho was then on
the boards of the old academy of music a
vaudeville actress by the way. She was
a coquette and flirted with young bloods
of the city who had more money than
Stanley. When Stanley got perfectly
crazy in his affection for her , she ar
ranged a meeting with him after the
performance and , posting her friends ,
among whom was an Omaha Herald re
porter , had them stationed behind the
Bconcs to observe the results. Stanley ,
honest in his infatuation , knelt before
the woman and protested desperately.
She amused herself at his expense for
eoino time and then called in her con
cealed friends , much to her lover's biir-
priso and disgust.
The reporterfearing the consequences
if ho ventured to relate the incident in
his own paper , went over to Council
Blulfs and inserted a highly colored ac
count of the atl'nir in a Council BlulTs
newspaper , Mr. Stanley mot him BOOH
after it appeared on the corner of Four
teenth and Farnuni , where the Paxtou
hotel now stands , and gave him a sound
thrashing , The olfonding reporter ,
whoso name was MnoDonagh. resided in
Nebraska for twenty-live years after this
episode , and published a paper during
nil of those years. His interview witii
Stanley was never forgotten , however ,
nnd many a time ho was obliged to read
its harrowing details as his rivals and
contemporaries rang the changes upon
the story. This information is given
ujon positive authority for the benefit
of our San Bernardino and Santa Bar
bara contemporaries.
An Ahsolutn Cure.
la only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and la an absolute euro for old tores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all akin erup
tions. Will positively cara all kinds of piles ,
ME T. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , ut'
cents per box bv laall 'M coat * .
On hand for elljj' ; lowest ro cs
of interest.
Fine farms close to I31uffs to exchange
for city property.
Western land to exchange for city
Big bargains in Broadway lots.
Fine business property to exchange
for well improved farms.
Good fresh stock Groceries to ex
change for city property and one-third
Houses and lots on monthly payment * * .
Small payments down. Prices ranging
from $770 to SIMil ( ) .
Cheap lots in KVIIIIM' , Wright's , Coeh-
ran's and most all additions to city.
Fine aero property for sale from flOC
to $ > < ) ( ) less tlian present worth.
No. 10 1'carl SI. , Council lUuIR
Foil HUNT Cheap , two lianiltnnio , new , six-
room cottiw , north of transfer. Council
IllnllJmililie llliiul : Itlshtor , uth live , iiud
-1st st.
\\7ANTr.D-AtW IVnrttruct. . UtioIndy couV.
M C. II , Dexter , tojiu- .
\\T A NTlin-Compel cut nlistr.iotcr of titles.
V > j.v. . squire , Council " ' -
FOH HKNT Thotlireo-story orlck storeroom
No. 407 llroailnny. Tlio location Is ono of
thc-liest In thoclty. 'Iho Imllillnq hits licon oc
cupied Toy tie ! lust twenty yours by Miller > V Co. ,
Imiiluarc , nnd would lit ) u very doslrulilu locu
tion for u hardware business 0:1 : that account.
Jolm llcnnutl.
W.NTKli -Clty propel ty in oxchniiRQ for
Iowa rarnis. Johnson , V Van I'alion , uj
NOTU'K of 'lUsoliitlon of co-part-
net-ship. Notice Is hereby Klven
that the co-partnership heretofore exist-
Ini ! between the undersigned uniler the
llrm mimoot Parsons it Keller , for thi1 purpose
of developing anil operating u Hand anil ur.ivol
pit near Illnton , In Mills county , Iowa , Is this
day dl-solved by miituul consent. Wltnois our
hahilt , this luth d.iy of January , A. J ) . , Iss'.i.
V. L. KKU.nil.
\\7HAT IS IT-A Mock of Clothing. Hoots
anil Sho&o , lints ami Cup * . Cents' I'nr-
ntshliiK Coeds , Dry CooiK JlO.OiW.
What IMe volt to oifer ? lill llrondwnr. Council
Illutls. In. '
D.H.MCDANELD & oo , ,
Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool &Fursi
Highest market prices. Prompt returns. WO
und * J ilnln St. . Council Illulls , Iowa.
era =
Orders tilled for nil kinds or mammals and
1)1 rd bpeclmens. .Minerals and fostji on hand.
Hnllulohotns , Deer and Klk antlert > . 1'ur and
Deer skin rugs , nrtillelol eyes , etc. Taxidermy
work done In nil Its brandies. Semi for cata
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest .Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
C' . Et. JU I > ,
Council llluirs la ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Cimnlos for trhl of 12 illfl'orcnt styles by millon
rcoilitat 1C ) ernUln Btmuj'rf. Asli toi cmil : > . B.
IVISON , BUKEMflN & CO , , "iWWrl1.1 *
Cannot be Excelled , They ore Elegant In Design and
very Law In Price , Alto , Court Houio Furniture , end
Borne 400 Etylt of OAiro Drika , Chain , Tnllci , Etc ,
100 Tage Illuitrated CetaUguu free , Foitago 7 Ct ,
TYLER DESK CO. , St. Louis , Ko , , U.S.A.
Finest toned , moat durthle , and POMMI tbn only b >
tolutel ) correct K la. Warranted to Hind In
Room 03 Traders'
nofCrencr&-MetroiOlltan Natlonhl a ni.
It , U. luu i. Co. Tbn UruUtroctOa
return until fun ucicriptive
cficularvpf .MOOII Y't New
t IMC Tujlor K ) IOIII of Dreni t'ui
line. Any lady ol ordinary Intelligence cau eatlly
and iiulcklir learn to cul anil make any g rm iif ,
In any ityle , tu uuy ineature for lady or clilld.
UarmenU euartnlitpd to til iicrlvct without trying
AddtMi JIOOOV * CO. , Vloclnoall'o.
Commencing Monday Mo ning
Fruit of the Loom. Sc. worth 10c.
Lon-idalo Muslin , h'eorlh ! 0c.
Lonsdtilc Cambric lOc , worth ltio. !
Ladies' choice ( gras blenched ) KJo ,
worth 112je.
1-4 Unlileachod Mu lin Ic a yard ,
worth -Oic.
4-4 Hleaclicd Muslin 4e yardworth ( Jc.
! ) -4 Bleached Muslin , e.\tra quality ,
ilc ! ! , worth 2Sc ,
10-4 Bleached Muslin , extra line , IMc ,
worth ! ! oc.
9-4 Unbleached Miialin , very hcnvy ,
0 , worth 12oc.
10-4 Unbleached Muslin , superior
make , L'L'c , worth L'Sc.
1M other makes all ut the same reduc
Red Damask ; i ; > c. worth SOe.
Best quality oOc , worth li'x : .
Damaak Table Linen 2. > e , worth 'ioc
Hleaehcd Linens. 00 inches wide , oOc ,
worth 76e.
Full hixe white quiltMates , at $1 ,
worth * ! . : ( " } .
100 pieces heavy Twilled Crash ,
bleached and unbleached fie , worth 8c.
160 dozen Toweli at L'-V , lluck , Oam-
ask with plain and fancy fringe and
borders , worth 't7Jc.
Canton Flannels , ' ! } c , worth lilc.
Canton Flannels 7e , worth llJdc.
Canton Fliinnela 10i : , worth l" e.
As wo have only a limited quantity of
s-omc of the above goods , boizo the op
portunity of securing tome of them
while they hist.
Foitieringliam , Wiiitelaw & Co ,
101 Broadway , Counuil
DRAT iofmrPi ? Dinr/ii )
lillAL fiMAlli DllOKIili ,
io\v.\ .
I'rlvnto watchmen turui hed at nny nnd al
Kpeclnl attention Riven to collection of chat-
el mortuaRou nnd nolea.
Money to loan on good chattel security.
ltefcreiico Any tank , attorney , or Ijuslness
nan In tliu city.
What a Shirt
bu hud fnken It to the City Htetim i.
t wouldn't look o.
'ui ' Main Street. Telephone HI.
< vA\Ut\e o SCHOOL
, NW.sw\rm pggf AtlJS
Furmtura & Sieves
On wcc/f/X / / of monthly
. Liberylditciunt
CAS > / ,
DM m
'nc Launc/ryWork A Spec\a\\v
An old established Boot and Shoe business
in Council Bluffs. Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. C. Phillips , , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate-
JST. P. DODG-E , Executor.
Cspeclallr AdaptO'l ' tot
POWER. Mills and Els/ators. / '
Fpecldcations and ( .stlmatcs furnished for complete sroam plant * . IlcRidfttlon , Durability Onar-
iiiiteed. C'un tliow letter * from users where fuel Kconomy la equal with Corliss Non-CondoiHliijf.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. 510 Pearl Street , Council Uluffa.
. U is the most duraulo Piano miide.
. It Improves under use.
y. It has more volume of tone than any other Instrument.
4. It stands in tune lonjfor than any other Piano.
. 5. It is the only I'lnno with the new patent harp-stop.
It ib t ho only Piano with the new metal Itey support.
T. H is unequalled in action.
8. It leads all others nnionir the host people.
1) ) . It ib the handsomest , Piano made.
10. Anil most important of all it is sold .1
XO. 0J ! .1HAIX TI COE/.VG'II. , 'S , IA.
Who Will Save You Money
O fc
1 . ' 5 > ,
SHOE * 1-5
> > House ,
117 HroRilwny ,
CQ Coiini'll lllulU.
THE BEST. Vb 3 m
Is Alu'iiy *
K Hjj
As J can pvovo Ijy
liinilred-i , _ 5 g-S crtj _ s
Lanzendorfer & . 'J era =
SJrohbehn ,
' V. OO
A'o. U2I
. ' ' .
MA \ S'l'ltKJJT.
I'nrttctilnr attention glvun to I
XO. II \ . EUllI HI. , < . 'llllllfll
I'nrnltuiu ropulrhiK neatly ilona ,
Ollico eallM attended pioiaptly day und night ,
Qj Z Tnar sixr "
COO Ia = ? 'rt | s
O Iag S = . o 1 AT THI :
re e C5 vT
LowestPric8s !
o 0 I'onllry of iill liimlt
0W 0 "SI J ilrcsscil In order.
W j .7 C
15 tf-
ciivi : MI : A CAI.U
cc LU cy : EMottaz
CJ ) No. It-IK. lruaih ! > 'j
L !
And KO | llu : I > CM | lining Knit
you uvur luiil.
Ko.ESl Broadway , Council B.nffs
DM1 ! ! . rritTiiiu : .Nonn : i wn.t , HIM. :
- or.viv OW.N i
uwaCaltle Fedo : lowaCon ; !
.Mid will im'et any honct oninpotltlo'ionprK'o *
lor MiMt-i'lBHS Moils.
1iO Ilroiiilwny. - - TclcpluinuOl. .
Novel , plenshi ) , ' nnd iirni' For the
parlor , the church , the C'liiiutiui'iua circle ,
circle , the society hall. Thu only monthly ol
ItH kind in the Cnitcd Btatun. ( July $1 a
year. Kamiilcs , 10 cent's.
HASTKII IOMIII.IM : HIK\ : ICBVery uulipio. No
rohearsah nccdcti , tnly ) .10 centa for u sup
ply for any tchool , of any id/.u. AJilres's
Council IJliiffH , Iowa , J K. Hiirknoss , Mana
ger. Publishers of "Old Diatrlct fjchool , "
"Quiz Social , " "KveniiiK With Art , " etc.
C. K. IIIM.U O. A ,
ArcliitecK , Designer } and Superintendent *
of Coiistraction ,
Mr. ll < Tlirn'lior ) UUH wvoii yours ivJIU
Mnnlel ilin , I'lhliei'ifc Towry , nnil lias
dct-lgncd many of tlio llnost hlorlcj
In Oinnlm and Council itlnll'-f.
Plans and Specifications Prepared and
Estimates made on Application ,
Ntnttio , Jtoum H Om-ti Iloiino Modi
Tnos. UrriiT.u. W. II , M. I'usuv ,
Corner Main und llio.uhvuy ,
Dealers In forolKn e.nd domostlo exeliunae.
( 'olIucHoiib mudo und luteitfit paid on tluiy Ut *