I ' 'THE OJVLAHA DAILY BEE : JKONDAY FEBRUARY is ; issa THE HAS WITH THE CRIP. A Gomrnorcln.1 Man Falls Into the Error of Pootry. SHALL THERE BE A DISPLAY1 ? One or the Knights Snys YOB Two Little KsanyH Wlmt the lloyfl Are In Now-n-Dajr * . , To-Morroxv Never Comes. . Hu J. A' . C nni > toii. "To-morrow I" cries the school boy , In lighthearted - hearted glee , 'Holiday will be my lot , und , from study Bat and'ball shall bo my goal , pleasure all my theme , And the day , for happiness , all too short will seem. " Little recked that childish heart'ero to-mor row's sun , Life , with all its thousand Joys , would for It bo done ; Cold and stiff In death ho lay , silent , sight less , dumb , And the adage once moro proved , Tomorrow row did not conic. "To-morrow 1" breathes the maiden , "will my loving heart , With the husband of my choice , join , no moro to part ; AH of love's bright plannlngs , all of fancy's schemes , Turned to ripe fruition , past my wildest dreams. " Ere the morrow's ' dawning all her hopes have For her lover mangled lies , battered , bruised and dead ; "While the proverb homely through her senses hums , Speaking to her tortured heart , "To-morrow never comes. " To-morrow ! " cries the soldier , "wo shall meet the lee , And his blatant army in defeat bo low ; Laurels then shall crown uiy brow , glory will bo mine , For with deeds of valor bold then my name will shine. " "When the night descended on that mighty host , Treachery had opened wide every guarding post , And that warrior gory , deaf to call of drums. , Prorcd in ghastly eloquence , "To-morrow never comes. " "To-morrow ! " thinks the student , "to the world I'll give Secrets of my busy brain , nnd my name shall Ilvo Down the roll of ages , famed , revered and known , Standing In Its glory , unsurpassed , alone. " But the lonir , bravo struggle , and the awful strain Snaps the o'er-wroupht intellect , wrecks that teeming bruin ; And of reason's plenty , not the smallest crumbs Stay to brciilc the adage , "To-morrow never conies. " 'To-morrow ' 1" ipioth the mnrchaiit , "all the world Bhnll know. How success has crowned my life , for my wculth shall flow Into channels well-prepared through these many years , Long expected , gained at last , spite of many fears. " Ere iho next day's sun arose , all his wealth had lied , And the broken heart was still , suicided , dead , While his abject ruin all eloquence benumbs , Writing thus indelibly , "To-morrow novcr comes. " "To-morrow i" shouts Iho sailor , "my wife nnd homo so sweet , And my children Innocent , young nnd fair , I'll grootl Ocean's storms no moro shall vex , winds will vainly blow , foafo In i > ort I then shall be , earth's best Joys to know. " But the storm klnpr , in his strength , and his mighty wrath , Sweeps that vessel , like a toy , from his ragIng - Ing path , And in dark and desolate , wrecked und ruined homos , Shrieks , with awful emphasis , "To-morrow never comes. " To-morrow 1 who can think of thee , in this vale of tc rs , And tha heart strings not bo torn by con flicting fears ? All our brightest hopes and Joys round thy pathway hed , By the cold , relentless hand , withered , blasted , dead. Let man irmko the most of time , while 'tis yet to-day , Learn the lessons scattered round him , on Ins daily way ; And , as through existence , he , In wcaitncss roams , Learn , by sad experience , "To-morrow never comes. " The Commercial Traveler in making its roundB came across a gentleman of the road who had something to say of interest not only to the traveling fra ternity and their employers , but to the citizens of Omaha generally. The car rying out of. his suggestions can bo aided by work begun at once and in such manner as will appear to any ono with a dcslro to forward the project. The traveler listened to a history of the petting up of the drummers' trade dis play of last year's fair week and mar veled much at the success achieved through the efforts of the boys. "Tho exposition of Omaha's jobbing industries , ' ' said the knight of the grip , "was complete , and with tlio knowledge I possessed ot the short period of pre paration , I was agreeably surprised at the pproad made by the boys. 1 have been thinking on the subject of late , nnd have formulated in my own mind a programme embracing for the lirst day n barbecue at Ilimseom park , followed in the evening by a ball and banquet at the Exposition building , and for tlio second day a meeting of the jobbers and us many of their customers as can bo gathered In with a grand illuminated parade at night. By a little preliminary work in the right direction at this time , wonderful things may be Voali/.od out of this fall'u trade exposition , nnd I should bo pleased to road the views of the boys on the subject in MONDAY'S BKK. " OMAHA , Neb. , Fob. M. Editor BKK : Noticing your requestor / communica tions from the public ) pasted on your mail box at the Paxton the writer Is in clined to give expression to his senti ments on n certain nulmuice liable to be encountered almost any day by these who from choice or necessity have to travel , viz : big-mouthed , louthor- lunged traveling men. Jt Is no doubt safe to say that n largo majority of the commercial travelers are gentlemen of refinement and , perhaps , ourldition , but there Is a class who are n pestilential nuisance wherever they po. Throe of this latter class took the train at St. Joe , Mo. , and came through to Omaha yesterday afternoon , disgust ing other passengers and making them , oh I so tired , by the ceaseless clatter ot their tongues accompanied by coarse , bolstrous laughter at de cayed jokes which the old chestnut , St , Theatre , hud interred long , long ago. One of their brilllnntabortioiis of wit was the interrogation submitted by llrst ono and then another. ' 'Wolf , 'Arry , mo 'aiidsomo blonde , 'avo yor lirot yor luggage mo boy'r" And this senseless twaddle was kept up for Ilvo blessed hours. In thinking the matter over in till its disgusting details I can only say that the fat man on Iho conversation of ft dude and cl nil ess ( two fool1' ) in an east ern train fully expressed the feelings of your correspondent when he says : "Im mortal gods , dwellers on high Olympus , was I over in my caUowest days guilty of such colossal , maddening , damning , soul destroying imbecility. No , a thous- ano times no , by all the voiceless gods that guard the awful gates of clenml silence. No. by thunder I never was. " And , by the help of the Almighty , I never will be. Yours Very Truly _ A MANHATTAN , Kan. , Fob. 'J. To the Kditor of Tin : HUB : As you generally give the traveling men space every Monday morning to express themselves , I will try and give you a description of trade in Kansas at present. I have tnado this country for the last thirteen years and I know something about it , nnd can say right here that I never , in my whole career as a commercial tour ist , saw or found trade as rocky aa it is at present. The boys have been calling on the merchants since January 1 , and they are all pleased to see the boys , but that is all , they all say the same tiling : "We don't want any goods , as times are too hard. " Tlio boys would fit around the store and crack the latest joke , setup up the cigars , and wait for the next train. A few moments before train time they bid good-byo to their custo mer , saying they will be around In forty or sixty days , and go on to the next to\vn. They meet with the same re ception , and soon from day to day. Things could not tro on in that way very long ( if they did "tho boys know they could not last ) , so a secret meeting was called , ami the following resolution was passed : Resolved , That any merchant who does not buy goods from his regular men , bo made to buy , and if they re fuse , the boys will not be responsible for their acts. The bovs all started out , and the re sult is that a great many of the mer chants are only able to got around by the assistance of crutches , while others are carrying their arms in slings , and some with their heads all knocked out of time. They are all in a dilapidated condition , physically spunking. I will not say how many of the boys are in the same boat , but some of them say that they are thankful that they still livo. Our houses in St. Joe wonder why wo don't sell mote goods. Wo cannot ex plain to them , but would ask thorn to come out and hit the road for a day or two , and they will come home perfectly satisllcd , and write Charley that they do not c.xnect much this spring. Of course wo will not guaranty that they will ever get back to St. Joe alive ; they must take their own chances. The only thing the boys can do to pass away the time is to play "ra//.lc dazzle'1 ( the'now game ) . It will take the mer chants some time to got doctored up , and bv that time they may welcome us back 'again. Oh ! the poor traveling man , what trouble ho has ! If you were only hero this evening to see one hun dred line looking men ( they were line looking before they wont on the road ) , some playing "raxzlo dazzle , " trying to forget that business is dull , others smok ing , and others writing to their wives , or best girls , who are hundreds of miles away. Some arc very blue , and want to go home , but we old men encourage our younger brothers to stick to it , and never give up. The people in the west think a traveling man is a beast , but you must know them toappreciato them. If wo did not stick up for ourselves , we would be wiped out of existence. Hoping yon can find space for this in your paper , I am yours respectfully , COMMUIICIAI * TOURIST. Dismayed the Drummer. Exchange : A Boston cigar drummer , whoso residence is in Taunton. tells a story on himself with great glee. He was in Hartford , Conn. , one evening , and after lounging about the hotel in disconsolate loneliness for an hour or two ho asked the clerk if there was anything going on in town. The clerk suggested taking in a masquerade ball that was in progress. The drummer thought the idea a good one , but hadn't any costume. The clerk suggested that ho should borrow the colored porter's overalls and jumper , black his face and hands and go. Tlio suggestion was promptly acted upon , and for an hour the bogus colored man talked African English and had a high old time among tlio masked belles. I'Mnally the signal to unmask was given , aud when the masks came off a great wave of dark ness swept over the hall. Every blessed man , woman and child in. the house was a full-blooded negro. The drummer cast one panic-stricken look at the crowd and then made for the door. When ho reached the hotel ho resumed his old-timo personality and set up the wine. In tlio Territories. Exchange : A decision just rendered by the supreme court of the United States makes it plain that congressional legislation will bo necessary to secure to commercial travelers in the terri tories the immunity from taxation which they now enjoy in the states un der the decisions of the supreme court. A commercial traveler who was con victed under a Montana statute for Belling - ing goods without having secured a 11- cense appealed to the supreme court , but that , tribunal dismissed his applica tion for a writ of error. It declared that it was unable to lind any statutory authority granting it jurisdiction over criminal cases arising in the territories , except where statutes or treaties of the United States are brought into ques tion. It would seem under this decision that legislation by the territories im posing taxes upon commercial travelers cannot bo annulled by the courts. The matter is- ono in which congress should intervene. The law in relation to com mercial travelers' taxes should bo uni form. It will not do to have these taxes enforced in the territories and not in the states. Congress might sot tlio wliolo matter at rest by passing a , com prehensive act prohibiting the imposi tion of such taxes anywhere. Sample * . E. B. Raynor spent Sunday in Broken Bow. J. T. Andrus was In town Friday of last week. Harry Wallace registered at the Ar cade hotel Saturday. A. S. Cost is doing good business in southwestern Iowa. Julius Born has a string ou Chadron and circles around it. Jim Aikon drops liis grips regularly in Franklin for Sunday. M. E. Alexander , of Boston , is calling on tlio dry goods trade. John Guild , who sojourns in the Black Hills , reports fair business. George Burdutto smoked his "pipe of peace'1 at home with his family on Sun day.Frank Frank Judson reports trade rather quiet in Colorado , and Is on his way oast. I. Oherfclder & Co. , report Unit their travelers are sending heavy spring or ders. J. R. Haisllp , selling the "High Five" brand of cigars , spent Sunday at Geneva. John Flamming1 has moved his family to Kearney , nnd makes that place head quarters. M. P. Maurltus spent Sunday ns usual atSulton. The boys say ho is forget ting his French. Henry Bohm is in the North Lonp country and says traveling Is a "little rocky' just now. Nato Cornell "the cigar man , " spent Sunday at York , on his way to the "Broken Bow country. " John Kerr spent Sunday on his ranch near Waterloo , resting for n slcgo with the trndo in the prohibition state. M. L. Hurd and Clarence Price were seen at Superior last week in the inter est of their house. The genial Ed Roe was getting some "fat take ? , ' ' in the way of orders , in Eastern Colorado , last week. E. S. Cloyor , representing the Sho- boygan. Wisconsin , Boot and Shoo com pany , is in town visiting his trado. Douglas Grady , "tho son of Erin , " carries the keys to moro trade than anyone ono in the South 1'latte country. The change of time on the Cheyenne branch Is hard on hotel men , ns the bovs are compelled to sleep In depots. W. IT. Tldball , Hargroavcs Bros. ' mid get , will open the summer season at Curtis witli his troupe of novelties. Seals , Sl./if / ) . L. M. Goodwin , the thoroughbred Kentuckianwaslooklngafter the wants of his many customers on the Cheyenne branch last week. HOSH W. Eastllck , with J. P. Smith & Co. , Chicago , called on the grocery trade of Omaha , last week , and lilled his order book. Andy Wcandor. formerly of Wcander Bros. , of Ansclmo , has been spending a fo\v days in the city with the boys , but " did in. " says "ho not come T. L. Beardslcy. the popular repre sentative of C. M. Henderson & Co. . Chicago , will spend his vacation visit ing friends in the eastern slates. Jim Slnsher , A. C. Alexander and Ed Ilannn , throe knights of the sugar grip , spent Sunday in Atliinta. The bovs report this a good Sunday point. John Crosby , jr. , manager of the Omaha olllco for the Georgo.B. Howell Glove and Mitten company , of Johns town , N. Y. , assisted by Mr. A..P. lut- ton , are lilting up their olllce , corner Tenth and Farnam. Lucius Wells , of Deere , Wells & Co. . Council Bluffs , says that spring orders are about up to the average , but that the demand for implements cannot hold out long with the price of corn at points within l.r > ( ) miles at 15 cents. Mr. II. A. Kinney , superintendent ot the Midland Electric company , started for Chicago on'Saturday hi tlio interest of his company , and to bo present at the convention of the National Electric Light association , which convenes on the 10th inst. Traveling men will bo talked to next Sunday night by the Rev. W. J. Ilarsha , at the First Presbyterian church. The reverend gentleman will preach a special sermon to commercial travelers nnd all such remaining in the city over Sunday night are cordially in vited to hear the talk. R. N. Harvey is traveling on Iho Elkhorn - horn upper territory , in the place of the late Mr. Liebcrman. Mr. Harvey .for merly carried samples for R. L. Mc Donald , of St. Joseph , and was a suc cessful salesman , but n year ago ho went into business for himself at Grant. Ho couldn't forgot his old tricks , however - over , as is evidenced by his present em ployment. A serious misfortune has overtaken Mr. E. Flint , one of the bright young traveling men representing David Bradley &Co. , agricultural implements. Council Bluffs. Mr. Flint has con ceived the hallucination that ho has been poisoned by something ho 1ms par taken , and upon his return from his last trip became violent. Ho has been placed in secure quarters and will betaken taken care of by his family. Flint is a popular jolly fellow when himself , and it is to bo hoped that ho will soon again bo compos mentis. W. H. Ruyner has returned from a two weeks' successful business trip on the Chicago & Northwestern lines in Northwestern Iowa. To a reporter ho said. "I saw no traveling men from Council Bluffs and none from Omaha during my trip , and was surprised , for wo have i' > otter rates to this territory than has Chicago and I found no pre judice existing in favor of Chicago and against Omaha. This part of the coun try is very accessible to Omaha jobbers , and I should think they ought to make an effort to place their goods there. My house has many customers in north western Iowa. " Jack Garratt travels for W. L. Par- rotte & Co. on the Missouri Pacific and Atchison & Northern in Nebraska , and down in Kansas everybody knows the genial Jack , who in some wav , unknown to his house , lias formed n great attach ment for Lincoln. But ho never lots this fact interfere with his trado. Jack says Lincoln is his best town and it is guessed that ho is right , as ho has a big trade with tlio Lincolnites. Jack prides himself on selling the largest trade on his territory , and boasts ho has never lost a dollar for his firm. Joe Hondeo is ono of the most level headed men on the ronii , and enjoys a big acquaintance and a very large trade. The house is kicking on ono thinphow- ovor. They thil'k Joe should hiron boy to stand at'the door for the purpose of giving information to the many inqui ries concerning him. ' 'Is Mr. Hondeo in ? " is a question asked lifty times a day. Joe is a great favorite , and his many customers and friends never fail to give him a call when in town. W. L. Parrotto & Co. sell "moro goods over the territory ho travels than any house in the trado. This is largely duo to Joe's untiring olTorts in their behalf. Frank Lewis lias made a successful record for himself , and has surprised his most sanguine friends. Frank has only been on the road eighteen months , but.has already proven a very formid able competitor to the men in his line. Ono hat man said to the boys a fowdays since : ' 'Toll mo how it is that man Lewis is always the first man to catch onto opening stores. I have traveled in this territory nine years , and I'll bo hanged if ho don't down us all. Lewis , who is very modest , says his firm , W. L. Parrotto & Co. , enjoy such n good reputation that he can't help but soil goods for them. Omnlin'fl Htm day Guests. At the Paxtou : Joe Mooi'e , Now York ; E. Boyd , New York ; Win. Mc Laren , Milwaukee ; Jas. P. Ring , St. Louis ; Frank L. Allen , Chicago ; Joint A. Manson , Now York ; J. R. Manning , S. C. Mllroy , Now York , K. W. Judd , Boston ; A. Goodman , Now York. At the Murray ; Louis Warmsor , Chicago ; II. McL. Harding , Now York , E. R. Burley , Chicago ; II. W. Robin son , Chicago ; M. S. Larraboo , Chicago ; E. T. Wills , Now York ; W. II. Hoff man , Chicago ; II. Calisch , Now York ; E. J. Davis , Now York ; S. A. Weston , Chicago ; L. II. Rothchild , Now York ; J. E. Bomgardon , St. Louis ; J. B. Magiuro , Chicago ; F. A. Baggs , Now York. At the Mlllard : R. Bartlett , Now York ; E. W. Hull , St. Joe ; R. M. Ax- ford , Now York ; John Anisflold , Cleveland - land , O. ; Goo. C. Goodcn , Now Haven , Conn. ; Olias A. Kolbts , Worcester , Mass. ; Goo. A. Olnoy , Now York ; E. II. Mead , Detroit : W. II. Eddv , Chicago ; A. P. Kmipi ) , Boston ; J. Ft Rotting , Boston ; W. a. Emory , Grand Rapids. OUR FARMER LEGISLATORS , Tillers of the Soil In the Lower HO'UBO. SOME BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. " * Uriel Ilcvclw of"Xlinlr Lives niul the Kccords They llnve Made Tints Far ns Successful Lawmakers. The Lobbyist's Knonilcs. LIXCOI.V , Nob. , Feb. 17. rCorrcspondenco of Tim UEB.I The farmers of Ncbrasknnro well represented in the lower house of the present legislature. Almost one-half of that body till the soil for n living. As u rule they make first clnss legislators nnd they have al ready checkmated many schemes of the lobby ana of Interested parties to raid the treas ury. Following Is a hrlof biographical sketch of each farmer member of the house. Franklin county is represented In the lower house by Hon. O. O. Halley , who U serving his second term. Mr. Bailey was born at Fort Ann , Washington county , New York , In 1810. In his youth and early man hood ho followed the life of a boatman , "shipping before the mast" on Lake Champlain - plain and adjacent waters , and Avas master of a vessel for ton years. He served in the One Hundred and Sixty-ilfth Now York In fantry during the war , nnd took part In the battles of Cold Harbor , 1'otersburg , siegoof Charleston and Fort Sumtcr nnd Fort Fisher. Ho was also present at the inlno explosion at Petersburg. In the spring of 1577 he tonic up n homestead in Franklin county , Nebraska. Ho now owns 210 acres near Hloomlncton , and is in comfortable elr- ciitiistiinccs Ihniiiclnlly. Mr. Hailey Is n leg- islavor upon whom the "oil room ping" waste their itillucnoo and the most seductive lobby ist makes no Impression. Hon. J. U. Unllard , of Fillmorc. was born In Ilendrleks county. Indiana , In IStl , of ( Junker parentage. He attended Plainlleld seminary in his imtivo county for several terms. For ton years lie followed the mer cantile business. In 1S71 ho came to Ne braska and pre-empted tiX ) acres of land near Fairmont. Shortly afterwards lie returned to Indianapolis to educate his son in medi cine , and for three years acted as traveling salesman for a wholesale drug tirm. Coming buck to his farm he set out a large orchard , nnd now resides on ono of the best cultivated farms in Fillmore county. Two years ago ho was a member of the lower house and made nn excellent record. At the hist elec tion ho led the entire republican ticket , beating Harrison by some thirty votes. Mr. Ballurd is a model legislator. When neces sary he can talk and can sa.v what ho moans. Jobbery and combines to squander the pee ple's hard carnetl money found in him a most determined enemy. Mr. Heckmnn , of SownrI , Is a substantial German farmer of more tlian ordinary intel ligence. When twenty-two years of nge no came to this country from Germany and stopped for a few months in Cleveland. He then came to Iowa nnd took up his abode on u farm in Clayton county. In 1S70 he located on a largo farm near Gennantown , Seward county , whore he still resides. No ono need inquire how Mr , licckinnn votes. "Low taxes" and "proper control of corporations , " are the matters that ho always keeps in view. Hon. E. M. Berry , of Pawnee , was born in Knox county , Ohio , in 1S.V3. He attended iho common school of Frcdoricktown. O. , and for two yours was a student of WitteiiDcrs college lit Springllcld. When eighteen years of age ho went to Hess county and spent some years on u farm. In 1877 ho came to Nebraska and became a citizen of Pawnee county. Ho still rdsldcs on the same farm on which ho iirst Wealed. Mr. Berry acts nnd votes with tlio great hod.v of farmers on all measures affecting the public interests. Hisbce , . of Holt , -Was born in Chemingo county , New York , in 1845. When only six years of ago his parents came west nn d lo cated on a farm in .Tones county , Iowa , where ho spent his boyhood. In 1S05 lie re moved to Johnson county , in tills state , where ho tool : n homestead and resided on it until ISSi In Uiat year ho located in the extreme southern part of Holt county on a quarter section which ho pre-empted. He now has about SOO acres well stocked and improved. Mr. Hisbcc was a member of the board of supervisors of Holt county when elected to the legislature. His record so fur has been in the interest of economy and good government. Mr. Uorlis , of Clay , has an interesting and remarkable history. Bora in the Canton of Wiilols , in Switzerland , ho was selected when only seventeen years of ago to bo a member of the popo's body guard and lor Ihreo years ho was ono of the 180 Swiss soldiers who danced attendance to the wishes of the head of the great Catholic church. In 1S57 ho came to America and settling in Chicago , began cutting marble. Six months afterwards ho went to Grumly county , Illinois , and for two.years worked by tlio month on a farm. Hoenlisted in the Fourth Illinois cavalry and joined the army ot tlio Tennessee. Ho participated in the batllcs efFort Fort Henry , Donelson , Shiloh and Violts- burg , and for eighteen months ho was nt- tachcd to the staff of General Grant. Ho had three horses killed under him while In the army , but escaped unharmed. Ho began farming again in Marshall county , Illinois , In 18 ! 5 , and In 1873 ho removed to Clay county , Nebraska , and took n homestead. Ho now owns three-quarters of n section of land winch is well Improved nnd stocked. Ho has always taken an active part in politics and belongs to the progressive element , of the republican party. Hon. II. G. HiMiiclit , of Colfax , was horn in a log farm house in Mercer countyIllinois , about thirty gears ago. Ho attended the common schools , also the Alcdo academy for -oiio year. Ho came to Nebraska in 18 * ! and Bottled on a farm near C/larkson. Turniug his attention to stockho hasHurroundod him self with choice herds of Poland China swine , short horn cattle and due Norman horses. Ho never held un olllco of any-de scription until elected representative , Mr. Urnucht is a farmer nnd nothing else , und while desiring to bo just to all interests , the tillers of the soil may always count on his vote for such legislation as may be necessary to protect them from every spwios of Impo sition. Mr. Cameron , of Washington , was born In Brockvlllo , Canada , of Scotch parentage In 1815. When about fifteen , ho removed with his parents of Henry county , Illinois. The next year ho enlisted in the Fourth Illinois cavalry aim went through the war with'Shor- man's command down the Mississippi. Ho took part in the battles of Fort Henry , Don- olson and Shiloh. In 18G7 > ho emigrated to Washington county , , Nebraska , and broke prairie , acting part' , of the time us deputy Hhcrilt. In 1871 ho went to Chicago , where lie spent three years In n book store. Ho emigrated to Texas in 1873 and bpcnt two years in breaking ji'rairioand in showing lands to speculators dud prospective settlors. Ho returned to Washington county , No- braskaln 1870 , and lo'catcd on a 400 acre stock farm near Vacoma , where he still resides. Mr. Cameron is a farmer and Is fully Monti- lied in every sense with the producing classes , 1 Hon. Hal Chrlsty.'Of Dodcro , was born In Farmlugton , 111. , ln'1848 ' , but removed to Virginia , Cass county , in the- same state , when nuito young. IHero lie followed the occupation of a prlntcr'and fnrmor. In ISuVi ho located on a farunia Mills county , Iowa. Four years later hoiJook up a homestead near Scrlbnor , on which ho has resided over since. Mr. Cnristy ii-i-egardod as ono of the fairest and most conscientious of the demo cratic members. > His votes may bo found recorded in favor of cutting down expenses to the minimum In every department of the state. Hon. William Collins , representative from Cuuiing county , llrst saw the light on a I'lckaway county , Ohio , farm. When qulto young his parents removed to Knoxville , 111 , , whore ho attended common school und for a few months a commercial school at Aurora. He spent his time in fanning and teaching until 1873 , when ho removed to Fall-Hold , la. , and engaged In shipping grain and stock , In 18SI1 ho located on a farm near Bancroft , Ginning county , and has bcoii engaged in tilling the soil near that point over since. Last year ho was ejected county surveyor , wnlch olllco ho hold for ouo year , resigning before taking his seat , in the legislature. Mr. Collins , although a democrat , improsBos ono as a legislator In whoso hands the intercuts of the people will bo sufo. Hon. O , A. Corbin , who represents the llout district composed of Johasou aud Nciuaha counties , first saw the light of day nbout fifty-two year * ape In Bradford county , Pennsylvania. Ho attended common schools nnd when twenty-ono years of no removed to Ogle county , Illinois , where ho farmed In summer nnd taught school In winter. In 1S ( > 3 he enlisted in the Forty-sixth Illinois Infan try , nnd Joined the nrmy In the west At the close of the war ho engaged in cotton planting nnd merchandising In Mississippi for thrco years , serving as a member of the 1 board of Ynzoo county under the reconstruc tion act of congress during that time. In ISOi ho returned to Ogle county , nnd In 1SW ( ho came to Nebraska and located on a homestead In Johnson county , tea miles southwest of Tccumsob. Mr. Corbin Is not only a success ful farmer , but ho is also a model legislator. Sonic of the mo t Important measures before the lower house were introduced by him. and Ills voice Is always raised against reckless and extravagant hills , mid in favor of any measure calculated to advance the best In terests of the wliolo people Hon. M. C. Delaney , of Butter , was bora In Washington county , Xcw York , nnd when quite young removed to Wnukoaha , Wls. , where ho lived until lie win twenty-three years of age , Ho removed to Jasper county , lowa , In 1S7D and taught school and farmed. In 1S74 ho taught the parochial school in Pos Monies , and farmed near that city for live years. In 1S70 ho removed to Hntler county. Nebraska , and settled on a farm. He net oil ns county superintendent of schools in that county for four years. In politics ho Is an anti-monopolist democrat of the "strl'-tkest Beet , " and tiilkosntid votes In the house from that standpoint. Hor. H. C. Dcnman , of Hull , was born In Licking county , Ohio , In 1HH. When six years of-nire his parents removed to McLoan county , Illinois , whcro they lived for seven years. In 1S5(1 they located In the Ulg Bctul In the Missouri , ten miles below Nebraska City. Mr. Dcnman wont to Hall county in IS70 and took up a homestead on the Platte bottoms and now owns about live hundred acres of land. In the legislature he isclnsfied among the silent momhors , but lu thinks to u purpose and votes for the best liitorcsts of his constituents. A Mr. Dickinson , of Lancaster , was born In Grant , county , Wisconsin , in l-ftO , nnd re sided there until about eighteen yo.irs of ago. Ho joined the Forty-third Wisconsin Infantry and served ono year In the army under Col- onoi Amasa Cobh , now Judge of the supreme court. Ho attended the Plattovillo , Wls. , academy for two terms. He came to Ne braska in IS07 and worked for the Union I'a- cillc railway for iiwhtlu and then wont back to Wisconsin. In 1SI13 hS ( returned to this state und took a Homestead near Waverly , where ho has slneo lived. In the legislature he is a farmer and stands by the interests of the class to which lie belongs. Hon. W. ,1. Dunn , of Saline , was born in Detroit , Mich. , in 1S : > 5. His wonts re moved to Dubuiiuo In 18JI7 , wliero Mr. Dunn spent his boyhood. In 185:1 : ho wont to .loues county , Iowa , nnd farmed for several years. He emigrated to Gage county , Nebraska , in ISS'J , and located at , Fllley , twelve mUos east of Hcatrioe. In IS-lil ho joined the First No- braslta militia and spent the winter hunting Indians. In 1S07 he clumped his residence to Saline countv. nnd located nt Dowitt , whcro ho held the ofUco of postmaster from 1878 to 1S < 0. Mr. Dunn is a farmer nnd votes and acts'with the great body of farmers in the legislature. Hxtravaijaiico and reckless ex penditure of public money finds no sympathy with Mr. Dunn. Hon. Allen Klliott , of Harlan , was horn In the north of Ireland in 1817. When six years of ago his parents crossed the ocean and took m > their residence in Jefferson county , New York. There young Klliott worked on a farm until 1S7H , when ho removed to Harlan county and took tip the llrst homestead in what is now Antelope precinct. Ho lias re sided on the same farm ever since , ana now has it well improved and slocked with nigh grade cattio. Mr. Elliott is n representative farmer and as a legislator has shown himself In full sympathy with the producing inter ests , and u determined foe of reckless aud extravagant legislation. William Fenton , of Hichardson , was born in County Limerick , Ireland , In 1840. At the ago of eight years ho emigrated with his par ents to free America and settled in Norwich , Conn. At twenty-one ho moved to Nebraska nnd took a homestead in Richardson county , but being destitute of any means to nnprovo or work the same ho went to Omaha nnd found worlt in the government corral , where ho remained two years , iu the meantime send ing his earnings Homo to improve the land. For . .eight years ho was employed in the Omaha gas works , during which time ho was married to Misi Mary Kearney , of Omaha. In 1S78 , wit hhis young family , ho concluded to move to his country home near Dawson , which nt present consists of " 30 aores of the choicest laud in that fertile county. Ho 1ms been honored by his neighbors continually since his settlement among them , having served them In ox'ory local position. In 1SSO , notwithstanding his county went democratic on the state ticket , he was returned to the legislature as a republican. In the campaign last fall the democratic leaders , thinking to check the stampede of the Irish American voters from Cleveland and free trade , nom inated his brother against him , but the sub ject of this sketch distauctid his democratic competitor by 200 votes. His only ambition is to honestly and faithfully represent his constituents and carry out their wishes. Hon. Henry Fioldgrovo , of Buffalo , when twenty-three years of ago emigrated to America from Hanover. Germany. Landing at Now York ho proceeded to Clarion county , Pennsylvania , where ho engaged in burning mineral as a laborer and later as contractor. About eighteen years ago ho located on his present farm near Shelton. Ho now owns two sections of land well stocked with high grade cattle. Ho enlisted in the OnoIIundreth Pennsylvania infantry and took part in the siege of Port , Hoyal and and in otnor engage ments. Mr. Fiolilgrovp is the wit of the houso. When ho rises ho has something to say , and fortunate , indeed , is the member that can successfully withstand Ills assaults. He says ho has como down hero to see where the ' 'money goes , " and ho is acting out his part to perfection. Hon. F. \ \ . Fuller , of Sherman , was born In Wabash county , Illinois , in ISKJ , nnd lived there and in ( Jrayvillo and Newton , in adjoining counties , until fourteen years of ago. Then ho went east und attended the Montpelier high school nnd Willlston acad emy , in Vermont , for several years. In 1803 ho returned to Galoiburg. 111. , and for many years ho was engaged in the dry goods and stationery trade. Owing to poor health ho came west in 18St nnd located on his present farm near Paris. Ho owns 1.12J acres of land on which uro now grazing ubaut ono hundred liuail of short-horn cattle. This is the lirst ofllco Mr. Fuller has over had. lie Is ono of the quietconservative members and may bo depended on to stand by the rights of the people mid the interests of the tax pay- era. era.Mr. . Gates , of Sarpy , Is no stranger to legIslative - Islativo halls. Ho enjoys the distinction of having boon seven times a motnbcr of the legislature of Nebraska , the first time la 1S57-8 , when it was yet n territory. Ho was born on a farm In Madison county , Ohio , in lyM , and when twenty-two years of ago re moved to Muscatino , la. , and commenced his career as a tiller of the soil. In 18ii.r ho emi grated to Sarpy county and pro-omptod a quarter section of land. Ho now owns about ono thousand acres near Gilmore , which ho keeps well stocked and In a liign state of cultivation. Mr. Gates is a democrat , but his Interest in the great producing classes dominates and governs his actions us u leg islator. Hon. L. W. Gllchrlst , who represents the four iinrthwestani counties , has u most eventful history. Ho was born In Now Hampshire in 18. ) ' . ' . Lured by the lust for gold , ho loft his parental homo at the early ao of sixteen for the far away Eldorado. But fortune was Hooting and refused to smile upon his efforts. After striving In vain for the precious metal , ho bo an iho dinicultund laborious work of building flumes tor the moro successful miners , ana managed to lay up something for a "rainy day. " The year :8 ( found him at Nebraska City , and in 18U3 ho took a homestead in Saunders county and commcncod to turn over the virgin Hoil. In 1SSO ho turned his stops westward and finally located on a ranch near the south line of 13ox liuttu county , whore ha Is Interested in a largo herd of cattlo. Mr. GilchrUt Is u rustler In politics and a flno type of the Yankee "out west. " Hon. I. H. Hampton , of Webster county was born In Livingston county , Now York , in 1812. His parents shortly afterwards fol lowed the "star of empire , " nnd stopped In Kalamazoo , Mich. , wliero Mr. Hampton at tended district school and learned the trade of a carrlngemukcr. In 1S01 ho Joined the First Michigan cavalry nnd served under Sheridan , partlclpatlnir In the battle of South Mountain , the second Hull Hun , and about thirty ether engagements. Ho was twlco wounded and still carries rcbol load In his body , llcturnlng from the war , ho located In Vicksbury. Mich , , and followed his old trade until 1370 , when the fertile Holds of Nebraska attracted his attention. Locating on a homestead half way between Guido Rock nnd Hod Cloud , ho wont to farming nnd has been successful in aa cmh > cnt de gree. In Mr. Hampton the farmers of the state have a representative In the lower house who guards their Intere.ns with n jcil- ous eye and opposes every effort of the Job ber nnd uoodlor to organize a raid on the state treasury. Hon. James Hanthorn , of Ntickolls county , was born in Franklin county , Puiitisylvanui , In the year l i ) . When twelve yeara old his parents removed to Knox county , Illinois , where the subject of this sketch was lit tea to some extent for the duties of life. When the civil war broke out he enlisted Hi the Fifty-fifth regiment Illinois Infantry. Ho waa severely wounded at the battle of Shi loh , which severed hU connection with the army , after which ho engaged in farming nnd school teaching. Ho came to Nebraska In ISTli , nnd settled in Nuckolls countywhere he still resides , He came of hardy Scotch- Irish parentage , and in his legislature career exhibits the same rugged honesty and ster ling integrity that lias over chnractcrlzod the Inhabitants of North Ireland , Hoodlcra and tricksters have no use fbr men Hue Mr. Hanthorn In the halls of legislation. Hon. C. W. Hays , of York , was horn In the great Quaker settlement of Hiirncsvlllo , Hclmont county , Ohio , in 1MI , and resided there until ISItt. In ISO I ho enlisted in the First Ohio cavalry and went through some of the toughest battles of the war. He was was very near the lamented General Me- PhorAon when ho wiu killed In front of At lanta In July ISJl. When ho was mustered out of the service ho returned to Haraosvlllo nnd went to farming. In 1SOS ho came west and stepped for three years in McLean county , Illinois , whcro ho rented land. In 1S71 ho took n homestead near what Is now MoCool Junction , In Yorlc county , and still lives on the same farm. Mr. Huvs , 111 n leg islator , Is closely IdcnUllcd with that/clement Of the republican p.xrty that is striving to restrain the pernicious influence of the lobby and oil room gang In the politics of the state and to enact such laws ns the pcoplo demand. Hon. .1. S. Hill , of Hutler , was born In Athens county , Ohio , in 1845 , Early in 1SOI ho enlisted in the Eigh teenth Ohio infantry , and Joining the army of the Tennessee , ho took part in the engagements at Stonorlvcr.Chicknmauga nnd several others. In ISt'KJ ho located In Hickory county. Missouri , on a farm. Ho changed his resldonuo to Hutler county , Ne braska , in ISSIt , and located on n quarter sec tion of land ncarElwood , Mr. Hill is an anti- monopolist of the ino'&t pronounced stripe , nnd casts his vote in favor of rigid economy in every department of state government. Hon. W. C. Hill of Gage , was born In Ml- nml county , Ohio , in ISl'J , and liveit on the same farm until twenty-four years of age. His education was obtained in the common schools. In 1873 ho removed to a farm of U'iO acres adjoining the town of Hluo Springs , whore ho has since made his home. Mr. Hill Is not only a progressive farmer , but a pro gressive legislator , nnd while ho Is not often on the Moor , ho voices the sentiments of the farmers and taxpayers of his county by his votes , Hon. J. M. Hunter , of Holt , was born in Union county , Pennsylvania , in 1S3S. In 1871 he cuma to Cedar county , Iowa , and worked on n farm , an 18 : i ho took a homestead In Holt county , Nebraska , wlmro ho has since resided. He is not ono of the talkers , but favors wise ana economic measures to ad vance und protect the best interests of all , nnd for such restrictive legislation as maybe bo necessary to restrain the rapacity of rail roads nnd other corporations. Hon. Emor Lash , of Nemaha , first opened his eyes to the light in Westmoreland county , Pennsylvania. When still a youth his par ents removed to the wilds of Hancock county , Ohio , where Mr. Lash spent his boy hood on a farm , living the uneventful life of a country youth. In winter ho attended dis trict school and that Is all the education ho received. He emigrated to this state in 1837 , settling on a farm near Peru. A few years later ho went to the Pacific coast nnd spent some time in the mines , but success did not crown his efforts. The yellow metal eluded his grasp. Finally ho returned to the old farm and lias resided there over since. In politics Mr. Lash Is a prohibition-democrat , and was the only member of that party who voted for submission. He is ono of the mem bers that may be depended , on to keep a strong hold on the purse strings of the state and check any tendency toward reckless and uncalled-for expenditure of. the public funds. Hon. Thomas Majors , of Ncmaha , was born and brought , up at Libcrtyvillo , Jefferson county , Iowa. When eighteen years of ago ho came to Ncmnhu county with a stock of goods and located at Peru. Early in 1801 ho Joined General ( now Governor ) Thayor's regiment , the First Nebraska , and partici pated in the battles of Fort Donelson nnd Shiloh. Ho served ilvo yours and fifteen days in the army , and wiion mustered out , returned to Nemaha county nnd took up his residence on n farm. Ho now lives on a half section of land which is well stocked with the finest strains of thoroughbred horses and cattlo. In this legislature Mr. Majors has signalized himself by taking an activa stand m favor of u usury law and against every species of reckless extravagance. Mr. Potter , of Buffalo , was born in Lu- zerno county , Pennsylvania , wliero for twenty-live years ho resided on a farm. In 1877 ho came to Buffalo county and settled at Elm Creole on a homestead. Ho now owns over a section of land , ships stock and Is en gaged in several other kinds of business. Mr. Potter voios with the farmers on ques tions affecting their interests , and , like his colleague , Mr. Fioldgrove , wants to know what becomes of the taxes that are paid by the people. Mr. Rhodes , of P.iwnee , was born In Toulon , Stark county , Illinois , where for twenty years ho worked on a farm or sold dry goods. In 1870 lie came to Pawnee City , where ho sold dry goods mid farmed by turns. Ho is not a politician , nnd never hold an ofllco until elected representative. . So far ho has shown u disposition to faithfully rep resent his constituents , and to vote with the great body of the farmers in favor of meas ures designed to bcnollt tlio wliolo people , and against every form of pernicious legisla tion. tion.Hon. Hon. Washington Hobb. of Johnson , was born in Warren county , Indiana , in 1S37. When thrco years old his parents took up their residence in Da Kalb county , Illinois , wliero Mr. Kobb lived until ho was twenty- one. From 135S to ISOliu was mining in the Koclty mountains , traveling nnd teaching school in various states and territories. En listing in the Ninoty-flfth Illinois infantry ho served for nearly four years , and after taking part in several historic engagement' closed his term in the service by partici pating in the llnal assaults on the defenses to Mobile harbor late In the spring of 18fir , The same year Mr. Hobb located in Johnson county , wliero ho still resides on a well cul tivated farm. As a legislator Mr. Kobb is without "fear and without reproach , " Tlu Interests not only of the farmers but of every taxpayer are perfectly safe in his hands , and to boodlora within or without the legislative lmlb ho is a bitter and relentless foe. foe.Mr. Mr. Sargoant , of Custer , was born on a farm In Moigs county , Ohio , in 1319. When only four years of ago his parents took up their residence near Groelcy , Delaware county , Iowa , whore Mr. Sargeant spent his boyhood. Hu attended collage for about two years at Hopklnton , In the name county. Ho finally purchased a farm near Maynard , Fayotw county , whcro ho resided suvoral years. In ISS'i ho located on a homestead in the eastern part of Custercounty , Nebraska , whcro ho now o'wnsIU acres of choice land , well stocked with thoroughbred and high grade cattle ami Poland China sv/Ina. Mr. Sargeant in what may bo termed n model legislator. Ho seldom talks , but when ho does he says something. His voice and veto will always bo given to advance the best Interests of the stuto und to check the growing power of corporations. The representative from Cuss county , Hon. N. M. Satchel ! , was oorn In the year 1812 In Clinton county , Illinois. The next year his parents romovou to Iowa andaotllcdln Powu- sliiek county , where his early 11 fo was spent. In 1801 , when the battle drum boaf'to arms , " ho enrolled himself us a member of the Tenth Iowa infantry , and went with Logan's corps through the oiigUKOrnonts at Vicka- burg , Champion Hill and other buttles In the west. After the fall of Atlanta ho took up hU line of inarch with "Sherman to the sou , " and closed his career In the "service" by participating In the grand raviow ut Washington , Ho at tended college for two years ut Oskaloosa. In 1873 ho came to Cuss county and began working on u farm by the month , Mr , Batch- oil faithfully roprcsontod his county in the last legislature und stood loyal to the best In terests of the state. His record In the pres ent house so far Is without u stain , Mr. Scovlllo , of Hamilton , was born In Z'Yccnort , ill. , in ISl'J. Hu spent his early youth farming ami attending the common school. Obeying the cull of "to nrmi , " ho enlisted in the Forty-sixth Illinois Infantry and was present at the battles of Fort Donol- ROII , Bhlloh and Viukaburg , Champ.lon Hill und in the taking of Spanish Fort am ) Mo- bllo , the last real cngugoinenfof tlio war , Iu 1S71 ho cnino to Hamilton county and was the first white man to locate In what Is now Sco vlllo precinct. Ho was sheriff of Hamilton county for four years und ropre.sonteil that district in the state sonnto In the FiftoiMitlt general assembly. While not living on tha inrm now , his Interests are closely Idontlllod * with that of the honest tellers and his record so far has been on the line of economy and.1 honest government. Mr. Seed , ot Seward , was born In tha northern part of Ireland in 1KR HU p.i routs soon afterwards emigrated to this coun try und finally located In Lawrence county , Illinois. In 1S47 they removed to Poorla , wliero Mr. Seed lived moro than thirty years , following the occupation of n miller and en gineer. He became u citizen of Nebraska In 1 7'J and took up hU residence on u half sec tion farm near Heaver Crossing , on which ho still lives. As a legislator Mr. Seed Is male- Ing an excellent record , und Is regarded as ono of the strongest nntl-monopollsts on the lloor. Ho seldom speaks , but when ho does he sn.v.s something to the point. Corporation cappers have no use for members like Mr. Seed. Hon. C. F. Scvcrln , representative from Lancaster , was born in Germany In ISIS. When eight years of ago his parents emi grated tq America nnd located on a farm near tlullonbiirg , Clayton county , Iowa , Hero Mr. Soverni spent his boyhood. In 1SV ( ho removed to the southern part of Lniir caster county on n homestead , on which Iu still lives. Mr. Severin Is nn anti-monopo list of the most positive hind. He was the author of the rcAtilullun to exclude lobbyists from the door of the house , and is absolutely beyond the control of bodalcr.s und Jobbers of every description. Hon. G , W. Shophard , of SnmiJers , was born in 181" ) on a farm near "Old Salem , " Meuard county , Illinois , About this Unto Abraham Lincoln was a clerk in the principal store in "Old SnliMii , " though Mr. Sheplmnl has no personal roinotnbranco of the fact , Mr. Shpphard atteiuled the common schools of Petersburg and took up the occupation of u farmer , which ho lias followed all his lifo. Ho came to this state in 18SO and purchased u farm near Mead , on which ho still lives. Mr. Shephard Is another silent man , nut Ills votes have been on the side of honesty mid good government. "Hooslcrdom" has the credit of being the birthplace of Hon. J. W. Stirk , of Madison. When nbout eight years of ago ho removed with His parents from Wabash county , Indi ana , to Yorkshire , England , and romuino.l live years. Then returned to West Union , Fuyctto county , Iowa , where ho spent hi * youth in tlio common schools and ou the farm. Joining un lowaroglmoiithu marched south to the sccno of conllict In 1M53 , anil fought with Grant at Vicksburc , participat ing also in many other engagements. Ho had the honor of hearing the booming of cannon at the capture of Spanish Fort In Mobile bay , the closing battlu of the rebel lion. In 1SW ho took u homestead near Hut- tie Creek , Neb. , and has lived over since In the sumo vicinity. Ho held several impor tant local offices before being olccted to the legislature. Mr. Stirk is a farmer and is not ashamed of the fact , not any more than he need bo ol tlm record ho Is making in favor of measures Unit uro designed to benefit the whqlo people , nnd against Jobbery mid extravagance - travaganco of every description. Virginia , the ' 'mother of presidents , " claims the birthplace of Hon. J. C. SwurU- loy , of Platto. He was born in the far-famed Shcnandouh valley In 1330 , and when nineteen - teen years of nge removed to Woodford county , Illinois. Ho attended college one year at Mctamorn , 111. In 1803 ho removed to McLean county and farmed and taught school. Ho came to Nebraska In ISS'J , nnd toolc up his resi dence on a farm near Columbus. Ho has always taken an active part in town ship und county alTairs , of which ho is thor oughly conversant , nnd bus hold nearly every local olllce. Mr. Swurtsloy Is an anti-mo nopolist of the "strictest fleet. " Ho enjoys the distinction of being ono of the very few members who "paid their faro" from their homes to the Capital city when nbout to begin - gin their legislative duties. As u member of the house , Mr. Swartsley is lighting the battle tlo on this line a 'id will render u good account to his constituents. Hon. H. D. Wellor , of Hichardson , claims Westmoreland county. Pennsylvania as the place of lus nativity , lie followed the occu pation of a fanner in his native county until 1803 , when ho came to Nebraska nnd located on u 240 aero farm near Stella. Iu 1801 ho enlisted in the Eleventh Pennsylvania infan try und served until the close of the "war , en tering ns a private and being promoted to lieutenant. Ho was badly wounded nt Antio- tam but recovered and again returned to the front and among others took part in the Hat- tlo of the Wilderness. Mr. Wellerls not an orator but ho thinks clearly and concisely and votes in the interest of honest government. Mr. Wells , of Dawson , was born in Wood ruff county , Illinois , about thirty-two years ago and resided on a farm continuously until ho was twenty-seven. In 1SS3 he cuuiu west with flno stock and located on a half section of school land near Plum Crook. Mr. Wells is a farmer and is not ashamed oHus calling. As a legislator he takes his stand with the anti-monopolists in opposition to every job and combine to raid the treasury. The "Hudgor1" .stu'.o may justlv claim the birthplace of Him. James Wliitoliaad , of Custer. Horn in Kacine county , in that state , iu 1840 , ho soon afterwards removed to Marquette - quetto county , wnoro ho took up the occupa tion of u farmer. Enlisting at the early ago of fifteen in the Nineteenth Wisconsin , lie braved the perils and dangers of u soldier's lifo , and marching with his victorious regi ment , was the llrst to plant the national colors on the city hall of Uiclimond. In 1881 the fertile fields of Nebraska attracted his attention , and the sumo year he settled on a homestead near Ucdfcrn , in Custer county. Mr. Whitehead is a natural orator , very few in the house commanding greater attention on the floor. When lie rises to speak it is because ho has something to say in favor of measures calculated to proinoto good govern ment or in opposition to the schemes of the lobby. Tlio representative from DIxon county , Mr. A. D. Whitford , is a nutivo of Warren county , Pennsylvania , but very early in lifo moved to Chautauquu county , Now York. Ho subsequently moved to Van Huron county , Michigan , where ho engaged in the rugged pastime of farming among the pine stumps , Enlisting ut Iho beginning of the war in the Thirteenth Michigan infantry , ho flhoul-Jorad his musket and inarched southward , Joining the army under General Sherman , In 1871 ho took a homvfltoad near Kpringback , Dixon county , which ho still owns. Mr. Whitford Is another quiet member , but his vote- may always ba rolled on by the friends of wisu und economical legislation. Mr. J. W. Williams , who represents Gage coutiiy in part , is n "rloosler , " having been born in Wuyno county , Indiana , in 1811) Shortly afterwards ho removed to Marshall county , in the warno state , und onga o.l in farming. When the war broUo out lie obeyed the call of his country , and joining tlio Twcntyth Indiana regiment lie took part in some of thu most xuvoru battles of the war , Including that of Chunccllorsvillo , Fredericksburg , the Wilderness und Gettys burg. In 187U lie loouteil near Filloy , Iu Gugo county , and resides still on the Hamn farm. Mr. Williams does not indulge la much useless talk , but his vote may bo de pended on to advance the Interests of good government. Hon. Tliaddous Winter , ol Id-own , was born in Geneva , N. Y. , and moved with his parents to Waukushu , Wia , , ut an early iigu. In 1853 the "California fovor" seized him , and ho luniou his stops woatward in HOJIVII of gold. Success did not crown hl efforts , nnJ not finding the yellow motul In paying quan tity , ho built flumes and did any work that came in Ills way. Ho lived in Wutikogaii , 11 ! , , for some time , und unpaged In the wholesale - sale lumber trade In Chicago for Ilvo years. In IBS'J ho gave up the lumber bushiest nnd purchased i ; < )0i ) ) acres near Long Pinuund en gaged in the stock buaim-B * . Mr. Winter , in his legislative career .so Jar , has made an on. viable record , and Is ono or tint clam that the "Jobbers" and "bond lorn" rerognlM ns beyond their power und "Influence , " und lut severely alone. If In your travels you oliould run across a hard-workhif ; , painstaking traveling man ono who always has a. good word for everybody and whom everybody has a good word for you will know it is Hilly Hryant. Although a .vouiif ; man , only twonty-Hcvoii yours old , you will ho surnrlBod when you hear him talk. You would linuglfio you wore talking to an old man of lifty or pixty yeard. Billy always has a roat uoiil of wholesome advice to give to the boyn , aa well M to the trade. Hilly 1 au'MiiK- llHluniui , and talks In thin filehlon : "Da you 'andlo the Gate City 'at ? It Is the host 'nt mado. " Hilly and his " 'uta" are the wonder of the Klkhorn valley , and his work is moro than Riitisfuclory to W. L. I'arrotto & Co. , witli whom lit * hus.boon connected a loatr time ,