Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Iftllr ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Sir.vtiAV
IJKK. Onn Vciir .
I'or Six Months . . 6 i
I'orThreo Month" . SB.
! Tm : OMAIM St-.MMV HKK , mailed to any
ndilrcsx , One Veur . 2(1 (
WKKKI.V IlKK , OllO VOJir . 21"
OMAHA Omc-BNos.nnntiilnifll > AHNA iBTimKT.
CiitcAcioOmc-H. no : KODKBHY liun.niNo.
' It ! . ' TIIIIII'.NF
lll' WASIIIMITON Ofl'lCK , NO. . 01.
All comnntnlrntloiiH relnUiiK to news ana rdl-
tortil matter Mioula bo ndilrcssedtotho IIWTOli
should lie
All business lettcrx anil remittances
iKl-lressed to TilK IlKK I'Ulit.Millsn ( 'OMI-ANV ,
OMMIA. Draft * . checks and iKjstolllco orders t < i
IMS niailo payable to llio order of tie ) company.
Tlio Bcc PnbliSuiiiglipany , Proprietor !
i'HK itAlljY IlUlO.
Sworn Stntoinurit. of Circulation.
Btnto of Nt'hraikn , I „
County of Douglas , f "
Ocorpell. Tz.ichtirk , sccretnryof the Hce I'ul ) .
llslilnt ? company , doi" solemnly swonr thnt the
nctnaf circulation of TUB D.ULV HKI : for the
week ending Kobntary 10. 18 , was at follows :
fimulnr , Feb. 10 . JH.7tC
Monday. Koli. II . JW .
TiiMdiiy. Fob. 12 . " .IKf
Wcilnufl'lny. foil. 14 . I'-1" ' ' "
Vmirmlnv. Feb. I . I'-U' ' :
1-Tliliiy. Feb. IB . IH.wr
Bfttimlny. rob. 1(1 . .I . H
Average . l'U 7
MKoitai : n. T/.SCIIUOIC.
Sworn to before tno nml Miibicrlbt'il to In my
presence tills 10th dny of I'uliruury. A. 1) . IHS'.l.
8c : > l. N. P.FKIU Notary Public.
Btnto of Nebraska. I „
County of Douglas. | " "
dc-orga II. Tzschuck , being duly sworn , do-
> osos itnd says tluit he Is serrotary ot the llee
) 'tilillshlng contiiiny | , that the actual average
dully I'lfcnlatton of TUB DAII.V UKU for the
mouth of.lmmary. ItW , ir..U3'l ' copies ; for I''el ' > .
rnnry. 1 < * H , copies ; for March. 18H.S , IO.IM
copies : for April , ( si , 18,711 copies ; fosMny ,
1SKS. ic.isi copies : for Juno , ISHS. ll.2in ! copies ;
for July , ISPM. IS.OIC ) copies ; for .August , 1H88 ,
IH.lSlcoplt'H ; for Hoptninbor , I.SSH , ix.l > 4 cotilost ;
for October , Itw * . was IH.03I coplos ; for Novem
ber. I88 ( < , Itf.O'O copies : for December , 18 * ) , 18 , J1
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this Ilrd day of .limitary , issu.
_ N. P. FIJI ! . . Notary Public.
Tins win bo iniulo Omaha's "greatest
year' ' if wo nil pull together.
' WITH a globular glass ballot box , a
full vote and nil honest count , the suc
cessful candidate In Nebraska elections
hereafter ought to bo pretty well satis-
IT is a refreshing sight to sec the
railroad magnates coining down from
their high horse in Iowa and meeting
the state railroad commission with pro
per respect.
Foil every day that the Nebraska leg
islature with its one hundrodand thirty-
seven supernumeraries remains in j > cs-
sion it costs the state nearly three thou
sand dollars.
COT.OUADO is calling loudly for addi
tional buildings at its .state insane
asylum. It is quite evident that the
Denver real estate boom is getting in
its work.
THE half-breedsof Dakota arc raising
a serious disturbance over the attempt
to collect taxes on their property. The
paying of taxes is one of llio features of
civilization which they evidently do
not intend to adopt.
SKXATOU IJAMS' police relief bill now
pending in the legislature for pension
ing members 01 the force in Omnha
long in service has its merits , and mem
bers of the force will make a serious
mistake if they oppose it.
M . P. E. lucu has given the slip to
several blackmailing adventurers who
Imvo made a living by playing road
agent in the legislative lobby. They
now take revenge by "roasting" him
through papers with which they are
temporarily connected.
Din Mr. Gilchris 's resolution to
have wires stretched across the liouso
chamber to increase the acoustic prop
erties of the hall include the removal
of the "underground" wires laid by the
lobby ? This is mi important point in
acoustics in which the people of the
Bttito are interested.
LOOKING through a telescope a man
with his eyes half shut can see n huge
darkey in the milky way in which the
now postoflieo location is to bo llxod.
At this distance -looks like a very
bold , put-up job , in which the locating
commissioner is to play the principal
role in a farcical competition in which
only one or two squares can possibly
compote. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b McNuiiTi , the receiver of
the Wnbash railroad , is authority for
saying that the presidents' agreement
lias simply got to pass. The test will
como on Tuesday when the fate of the
"gentlemen's agreement" will bo do-
cided. The situation just now is moot
interesting. The Wall street bank' urn
have turned their thumb-scrows on the
obstinate presidents of the roads still
holding out , by depressing the stocks of
the railroads which they represent.
The question is , will they be able to
hold out or will they bo forced to suc
cumb to the pressure brought to bear
upon them.
WHAT efforts are our legislators put
ting forward the provide for the state
inspection of building and loan associa
tions ? These institutions have multi
plied in the past few years , and have
largely taken the place of savings
banks. They hold many millions of dollars
lars which como from the pockets of the
laboring classes. There is constant
danger that these association * may fall
into the 1 Kinds of incompetent or dis
honest ofllcoiM , if laws Vo not passed to
protect the members and to bring those
institutions under the supervision of the
auditor of state.
Till' western puckers of canned goods
nt their recent convention were urged
to form a trust in order to regulate their
output and to llx prices. The conven
tion , however , wisely decided to leave
the question of over-production to the
judgment of each individual packer.
Those manufacturers were snfllciontly
lovol-liondod to sea that free competi
tion , although it lowers prices , in
creases the consumption of their goods.
Whereas regulating the output arbitra
rily through a trust raises the price ,
but cannot prevent u glut In the mar-
luit. For as the prlco-uf canned goods
goes up the consumption decreases , and
over-production would novortiolo ! = 3
Bturo the packoi-ei in the fuce ,
In assuming the role of Informer
Frnnk Morrlssoy has only given fill
swing to his natural , propensities. Hi
proclaimed himself n rogue when he as
sorted that ho know hia former nssO'
elates in the house were being corrupted
and bribed to vote ngninst prohibition
nnd did not expose them until after h <
had been unseated. Hut Informer Mor
rliwoy would bo perfectly harmless lint
ho not been given full swing to use tin
OmMm Tim-aid for his base revenge
nnd vindictive villainy. The met
who control thp Herald have hat
ample time to inform themselves ate
to the true character of this llri
brand nnd reckless adventurer
But in the face of protests they hnvi
capped the climax of Inlamy by a mos
scandalous nsstiull on the supreme cour
which every intelligent man must realize
izo , Is deliberately made to ombarras
the judges and prejudice the case now
pending before them with regard to the
submission bill. In other words , the
Omaha Herald has been converted int <
a club which , placed in the hands o
prohibitionists , Is to bo held over tin
bends of supreme judges while they im
deliberating over the submission bil
and constrain them to render a declsioi
in variance with what might bo thcti
honest Interpretation of the bill. Whtv
can be the object of ttio Herald it
pursuing a course so detrimental to tin
best interests of this community nnd s <
utterly at variance with the profcs
sions of that sheet ? Have the men n1
the helm of that paper lost their heads
or are' they n sot of wreckers who waul
to ruin Omaha before they pickup thoii
grip-sacks and decamp for parts uiv
known ?
The Omaha Packers' associationrep
resenting the four great boot and pork
packing establishments , has entered a
formal protest with the intor-state com'
merce commission against any change
of existing relative rates on packing
house products or live animals for ship
ment from Missouri river points east
ward. The action has been ( loomed
necessary owing to the appeal of the
Chicago packing houses to the inter
state commission for such changes in
tariff rates as will benefit thorn to the
detriment of the uacking interests ol
Iowa and Nebraska. The position taken
by the Chicago packers against the ex
isting rate is , that the classiflcotion be
tween the packing products and live
stock is not a proper ono ; that the rates
on live hogs shipped to Chicago is dis
proportionate to the rates made on
packed products from the Missouri river
to the same point. To these allegations
the Omaha packers reply that , the
uniform classification sought for , quot
ing the words of the inter-state com
mission , is ono which must bo approached
preached with caution , ns lowering the
rates * in some sections of the country
would have the effect of raising
them in UKO proportion in others.
So that in the same business while ono
dealer might bo bonofitted , another
might be ruined. For that reason the
intor-statc commission will protect the
existing classification as every part of
the country has , to some extent , inter
ests to bo served special to it. Another
reason why the rates on live stock
should bo higher than on packed pro
ducts is duo to the greater risk nnd wire
necessary , and the greater cost at
tached to the transportation of live
stock. Moreover , it is well pointed out
by the Omaha packers , that Chicago
has the advantage over Missouri river
points in paying less for coal , salt and
and other coininoditirfs necessary for.
the packing industry. So that whatever
natural advantages Missouri river pack
ing industries may have in live hogs
over Chicago there must bo subtracted
the disadvantages arising from other
sources. There can bo but little ques
tion that the inter-state commerce com
mission will refuse the appeal of the
Chicago packers for a readjustment of
the existing rates. They have been
adopted and maintained to the satisfac
tion of the pork packers and railroads
west of Chicago , and any change to dis-
driininato in favor ot Chicago would un
balance the nicely adjusted scale of
rates to the detriment of pork packers
from St. Louis to and St. Paul.
There is to bo a conference of civil
service reformers in Baltimore on the
twenty-third of this month. Charles
Jerome Bonaparte , president of the
Maryland association , under whoso aus
pices the conference is called , states
that "this specific purpotto is to keep the
now administration straight , if wo can. "
Another Maryland reformer says the
object , with reference to the adminis
tration ot Mr. Harrison , is to have re
tained as many oflicient ofllcoholdors
as possible. Besides what will bo said
by individuals on the occasion , it is
more than probable there will be some
sort of a manifesto issued fo:1 the es
pecial information of the president
elect regarding the wishes of the ro-
The right of thcso gentlemen to con
fer io not questioned , but would it not
be wiser for them to withhold
counsel from the next administration
until an opportunity Is given for them
to ascertain whether their counsel will
bo needed ? At present they Imvo
no right to assume that General
Harrison will pursue a policy
that will in the least degree
antagonize their views. So far no his
record and his public utterances go they
promise a careful and faithful adher
ence to civil service reform by his ad
ministration. Mr. Swift , presidunt of
the Indiana association , who enjoys in-
tlmato relation : ; with the president
elect , expresses entire confidence thnt
the now administration will take ad
vanced steps in civil service reform ,
lie is authority for the statement that the
inaugural address will outline plainly
mi ! with emphasis the policy that
must bo observed iji all departments of
the government with reference to civil
Borvieo , and that an honest observance
of both'the letter and spirit o ! the lav-
will be demanded by the president. If
there was the allghlost reason to doubt
.hat this would bo so the reformers
vould have an excuse for thrusting
heir vlows upon the president-elect ,
tut ! there is no such reason their
avowed putt > oc of keeping the now aV
ministration straight is to say the lens
Eonl 1 n the promotion of n rcforn
nmy by overstepping the wlso nnd prn
dent limit become annoying
offensive , and harmful. The prepress -
press of civil service re
form has perhaps been somewhat re
larded for this reason. The oxtromi
advocates of the reform assume- snpe
rlorlty of political virtue which is to :
great many exceedingly disagreeable
and with this there is naturally nsso
ciatcd a dictatorial spirit , somewhat ap
parent in the present instance , which i :
very nearly intolerable. These getitle
men ought to remember that they hnv <
not all the wisdom and patriotism am
solicitude for the welfare of the country
So far ns Oonoral Harrison is conccrnci
nothing the Baltimore conference innj
do or say is likely to give him nnj
troubled thoughts. Ho has undoubt
cdly clearly defined ideas respecting the
policy of his administration on this ni
on other subjects , and ho will vcr.\ \
likely carry thcso out until he shall line
it necessary or desirable to make t
change. And we cannot but think Urn
It would bo the part of good judgmen1
to allow him to proceed in his own way
The assassination of John M. Clayton
with the evident purpose ot defeating
the contest for the sent in the next coii1
gross from the Second district of Ar
knnsas , deserved all the condcmnatioi
it has. received , but the prodding thai
has been given Mr. Breckinridgo , whc
represents the district , has boon cs
sonlially unfair and unjust. Unques
tionably the political supporters ol
Breckinridgo are responsible * for tlio
cowardly crime , but there is not the
slightest reason to suppose that ho is in
the last degree criminated. On the
contrary ho doubtless deplores as duoplj
ns any man in his situation could the
unfortunate oceurrance , though ho may
not have felt called upon to show his
sense of the enormity of the crime bj
resigning the scat in contest and going
through another election. It is not
dilllcult to understand that a perfect ! }
honorable man might not fool called
upon , believing that ho had been
elected , to take a course of that kind.
Tlio question whethora con test should
ccnso by reason of the death of the con
testant was raised in congress immedi
ately after the killing ot Clayton , and n
resolution was introduced in the liouso
providing for a committee of live mem
bers of the house who are now members
of the committee on elections , and who
are elected to the Fifty-first congress ,
to proceed without delay and take testi
mony touching the issues joined in the
Clnyton-Brockinridge contest. It was
provided that the committee should as
certain all the facts relating to the
election and contest' ; and report to the
next liouso of representatives on the
first day of the first session , or as soon
thereafter as a report could bo pre
pared. There was a doubt as to the
authority existing under the present
law for any action by the house looking
to a thorough investigation , nnd the
resolution was referred to the commit
tee on elections , with instructions that
if it found no authority in existing , law
for continuing the contest it should re
port by bill or otherwise such act or
resolution as may bo necessary to ac
complish the object.
At the time this was done Mr. Breck
inridgo expressed himself satisfied with
any plan that contemplated a fail-
inquiry into the facts , and ho has since
written a letter to the chairman of the
committee on elections , asking the com
mittee to take the resolution sent to it
under consideration , and , if possible , to
report some measure that will provide
for the prompt continuation of the con
test. In his letter Mr. Breckinridgo
says that "while perhaps at no time
should a contest cease by reason of tlio
death of the contestant , yet in this case
this is especially true. " The matter is
thus loft wholly with the committee on
elections , and the attitude of Mr. Breck-
inridgo regarding the matter should ac
quit him of all suspicion , if anv has over
boon seriously felt , of a purpose to take
advantage of a most heinous crime.
There is every reason to oxpectthat the
committee will respect his request , nnd
that the proposed investigation will bo
continued , as unqucstionablv it should
PUKSIDKNT Crnvi-rAN'i ; > is said to ba
working very hard during these closing
days of his administration. The pressure -
sure of ollicinl and social duties through
out the day Is so great that ho is seldom
able to address himself to the documen
tary work ( did correspondence which
accumulates on his desk during almost
every hour up to nine o'clock at night ,
nnd it is said ho is seldom able to retire
before two or three o'clock in the morn
ing. He in generally in his olllco by
half past nine in the morning , and for
an hour is kept busy receiving mem
bers of congress and their constituents.
A very largo majority of the American
people have not tlio least idea how
much of a task their chief executive
lias , but fancy that the position is very
nearly a sinecure , if not a continual
round of pleasure. It is but Just to Mr.
Cleveland to say that ho has boon ono
of the most .industrious presidents the
country has over had , and while the
necessity ho has found for working so
hard may be measurably duo , ns ho
himself says , to awkwardness , and per
haps also to a want of tlio higost oxoou-
uva ability , ho has shown a conscien
tious devotion to the duties of his ofllco
that is bn far thu most creditable part
of his record.
NKIIIIASKA has no interests to sub
serve in advocating u deep water har
bor on tlio coast of Texas. The memo
rial which , it is proposed , the legisla
ture should address to congress urging
u national appropriation for sucli a pur
pose , should bo tabled. The Texas ( loop
water harbor soiiomo Is visionary nnd
impracticable. Commerce cannot be
forced into unnatural channels. No-
brnskaV corn will never seek an outlet
to Ktiropcan markets by the way of
Subin pass or Arkansas bay , for the rca-
Eon that there would bo no return car
goes. So long as tlio business of the
country pulsates in the great commer
cial and financial centers on the Atlan
tic seaboard , fhp products ol the west
for European Consumption , must move
toward that direction , In its true light
tlio Texas deep wntor harbor project Is
no more nor l s $ than a scheme to worl
congress for lareo appropriations in tin
interest of certain land and rnilroat
syndicates. The legislature of No
brnskn should 'onscquoiitly not lend lli
aid to such a transparent job.
TiiKstatoiuonls that have been made
regarding the relations of Senator
Slicrmau and General Algor may noi
bo wholly groundless , but there appear :
to bo no truth in the report thnt those
gentlemen have been publicly denonnc
Ing each other in a ratlior reckless sorl
of way not at all in character will
cither of thorn , It is very probable thai
Sherman .docs not feel nltogethoi
friendly to Alger , but doubtless all thai
has boon credited to the senator do
rogntory to the general had its origin
with the imprudent friends of the for
mer. On tlio other hand General Algol
positively denies having used language
attributed to him while in attendance
at the Lincoln birthday celebration at
Columbus. It is unfortunate Unit nnj
ill feeling exists , and if the two gentle
men cannot rid themselves of it tho.y
might at least endeavor to keep it from
public discussion. This they might ac
complish by silencing , the tongues ol
injudicious friends.
Mak'a tlo Monk. ' Sick.
Kclilsn * I'll ( / 3'f if. .
This man Thurston of Nebraska is n mod' '
cat fellow. Hour him : "Among tlio western
men who Imvo been imined for a cablnol
position arc Clarkson of Iowa , and myself. "
And not n word about Allison , ITornkor , Fos
ter , Now , AVindom , Algcr , KusU , Miller
Henderson , Noble , Plumb , or any ono of r
dozen others. This fellow makes us ill.
NolirnHkn Jotting * .
Ewing wants another railroad nnd a grist
Tlio Holdrcge water works are nearly com
A oulliifand ! ! loan association has been
organized at.Edgar.
A game of baao ball was played at Grant ,
Perkins county , Saturday.
A number of Union Puclllc men have boon
prospecting for gravel at Wahoo.
Two thousand tons or ieo have beoli har
vested tills season nt Weeping Water.
It is believed at Holdrcgo that maeliino
shops xvill bo orcctcd there the coming sea
A petition has been presented to the county
commissioners to incorporate the village of
The people of Palmyra have secured the
location of a knlttlug factory anil the neces
sary buildings will bo erected immediately.
Parker K.yan , one of thp early settlers of
Fillmore county died at his homo near Exeter -
ter , Thursday , after an illness of but n few
days. :
Judge Thomas , ot Schuyler , was called
upon recently to issue a marriage license for
un oighty-ono-yeur-olil groom and lifty-ouc-
year-old bride. '
A number of SaUnders county people have
received letters from a New York man ofTer-
intr to furnish theiri with any amount of ex
cellent counterfeit silver certitlcates and
treasury notes.
Ilov. A. 1C. Myattway , a native of Uurinah ,
who has been pastor of the Haptist church nt
Wahoo for two years , has resigned his posi
tion and will cutbr the lecture lield.
Three boys , ranging in ago from ton to
thirteen years , have been arrested at West
Point for burghiry. They bad successfully
operated in tlireo stores and were caught
witli the stolen goods in their possession.
There is not a vacant building in Sheffield.
The Corning neiulciny has secured a 25OW
endowment fund.
A Good Templar0 ledge has been organized
at Atlantic with seventeen members.
Enterprising citizens at Muscatino arc sub
scribing stock for a sugar factory to bo built
Twenty-seven petitions for injunctions
against Cedar Rapids saloonkeepers liavu
been fllcd.
1'ho Iowa undertakers will moot in annual
convention at Dubumio on the second Tues
day In June.
Four divorce cases will occupy the nttcn-
tlon of the district court of Washington
county this week.
Twenty-ono saloonkeepers at Muscatino
have paid their fine of $ i , ) nnd costs for the
month of February.
A little less than $1,000 is needed to make
up the § .10,000 noccssni-y to insure the build
ing of a now hotel on Ino site of the Juliea
house at Dubuque.
Two men at Creston recently excavating
for an ico-houso dug up the skeletons of two
persona lying side by side underneath the
former situ of n saloon ,
A pond of stagnant water called Silver
creek , situated near Casey , is n place where
several bathers have been drowned , nnd
now the inhabitants are being treated to
sights of spectres warranted to terrorize the
A few days ago "Huek" Fisher , a young
man nt Ued Oalt , put up his overcoat us se
curity for a whisky bill. His parents Imvo
caused the arrest of the budge dispenser ,
nnd some Interesting developments are looked
for. _
A young farmer named Johnson , residing
near Uclmond , Wright county , while en
gaged in feeding a hay press , attempted to
push ftoino hay into tlio press with his foot ,
when ho was caught by tlio machinery ,
dragged into the press and his whole body
crushed to a pulp , IIu was a siuglu num.
John Luce , nn old resident of Lake county ,
Is ( lead.
The stock of Dead wood's photographer lias
been sol/oil by the sheriff.
The Elk Point Congrogatlonnllsts took in
fll'-.IW nt their recent church supper.
Ttu-ro are but three oases of scarlet fever
nt Uismarck and the public schools will not
bo closed.
The saloonkeepers of Sioux Falls have been
notified to exclude minors from their places
of business.
John Elahlre , of Chamberlain , has boon ar
rested by a United States deputy marshal for
soiling whisky 16 Ijidians at Lower Urulo
Tlio Irotjuols nhanco ) will hold a mooting
on thoC'Jl last. , at , which the county pur
chaser will bo present and tnho orders for
machinery and glv/i / prices at which the same
can ho bought.
Mrs. George LudtUngton , nt Mamlan , has
given notlco thnt ou.March 4 uho will apply
to GovernorChurch for n pardon for her hus
band , now serving a .term . in the penitentiary
nt Sioux Falls. LudiHngtou was convicted
at llrooklngs in October , 1SS7 , tor stealing
goods from u car atil lkton.
Mrs. Emmett Colo-and daughter , of Aber
deen , were nearly suffocated with coal gas
while preparing dinner. When Mr. Colo-
came homo lit noon 'he ' found his wife and
daughter unconscious ; lying on the floor. Uy
prompt action und medical assistance putli
C'oiiipciiHntloi : For-FiirmerH.
DAVID CmNoU , , Fct > . 15. To tlio Editor
of Tin : HKE : 1 see by Tin : Urn ; that Hon. J.
S. Hill , of Hutler county , has Introduced u
bill to provide for the payment of certain
claims for damages done by Dr. Hillings In
xpcrlmontliig upon the farmer's hogs for
the prevention of hog cholrra. This scorns
to bo a now departure. Wo have often no
ticed contractors , lawyers , claim ns ° nts , and
: lmt class of people clamoring for npuroprla.
: ions for food , salaries , damage etc. , but wo
mvo never known of u farmer who had the
faith to hope for relief for a tlllor of the soil.
IVo are glad that Mr. Hill has seen fit to
imko the effort for u fellow farmer nnd his
out-jse is heartily endorsed by his constitu
Tlio unfdrtundto victims , Mr. Itesa
HlnUly and Luddon.who nro asking the stnt
to compensate them for damages done then
by n stAte ofllclnl are all men of high stand
Ing in the community In which they live am
have the sympathy of every ono who know ;
the circumstances under which their liogj
were killed. Even If Ur. Hillings'theory
is correct and innoiulatlon u true science
that Is no reason why the stat <
should not pay dninngc dom
to Individuals by onk'crs limiting the cxpori
inents. The loss is very heavy to the few in
( lividimla , but nothing to the whole state
After an experience of nearly twenty yean
of farming and hog raising In Hutler county
I know that hog cholera Is our most dreadtu
enemy , and I am glxd to sco thnt tit least om
farmer In the legislature has the grit to do
inatul relief for the innocent victims of Inoc
uhttion experiments l < v a state onlcer. Foi
my own part I have little faith in the Inocit
latlon theory , basing my Judgment upot
actual results so fur as I have-had the oppor
tniiity to observe them. Hut that is not tin
question before the legislature. The roil
question Is. Should the state p.iy tlio damage !
sustained by oilr farmers , caused by stati
oilk'ers under such cirniinstances' 1 thinl
it should , especially when they tnistcd um
relied upon him because of the fact that In
was nctinir under state authority. The staU
paid him for doing tlio work and paid his ex
penses while at it. Why not pay tin
Tlio Art Ijonn Kxlilliltlon.
OMAHA , Feb. lit. | To the Editor of Tin
Hii.J : : While visiting among your citizens
representing Messrs , Scrilmor & Sons in tin
Interest of art , 1 11 ml among many of your an
loving neighbors n very strong desire to have
an exhibition In Omaha ot the works of rep
rescntativo American painters. Having r
very general acquaintance with the leading
American artists , also considerable know
ledge of what is necessary to bring about r
successful art exhibition , 1 will endeavor tc
give some of the most practical methods It
such enterprises which may prevent mis.
take and may bo of value to any of your pub
He spirited citizens who may have this matter
in contcniDhitlon ,
First , it la absolutely necessary to obtain
the eo-opcrnthm of the leading pointers if you
expect to get representative works. To tlo
this it is necessary to avoid the usual method
of some individual citizen attempting through
correspondence to accomplish this. The iir-
tuts will not notice such communications
as it lias so frequently been made a matter o I
advertising of some art dealer In a town to
got tip an exhibition entirely in his own In-
tcrost , .sending out circulars to artists saying
we propose this and tliat , nnd in almost every
instance when the artist loans their work to
such enterprises there nro none or very few
sales and ns no one makes themselves re
sponsible the return of the paintings Is
much delayed and the frames generally very
much damaged , -and the artists only the
Now , to gain the attention of the artists as
well as their influence , it would insure suc
cess nt once if your prominent citizens , in
cluding your mayor , to the nuuibor of , say
one hundred , met nnd signed a petition ID the
artists stilting that it is a matter of public in
terest nnd making some ono person or
committee responsible for the safe return
of unsold works and n general idea of what
you propose , then you will llnd it a very
p'.mplo ' matter to give your people an art
exhibition -that would be an honor to any
city. And the artists will know it is your
people who want the exhibits , und if properly
conducted can bo held each year.
Of course , it would be the duty of the lead
ing merchants to help the patronage In every
way possible , as good sales nro u sure adver
tisement for a good show for another year ,
and the artists watch these results like any
other business man or woman.
Your committee , after once in power , can
arrange with a party in New York who will
take full charge of procuring the work and
shipping them.
While in Omaha I will bo glad to meet any
of your citizens nnd give any information
desired. Yours in the Interest ; of Art ,
A. T. HANIU- .
A Stranger In Oniiilin.
OMAHA , Neb. , Fob. 15. To the Editor of
TiiiBii : : Will you allow a strangjr space
in your journal to make sonio remarks about
your city ! I have been for a week in Omalm ,
and llnd much which is praiseworthy in it.
it has flno wide streets , sufficiently well
kept , which n-oui the space they occupy and
the paving they rcimire , must bo a bonanza
to contractors. In the matter of street signs ,
liowovcr , advantageous amendment is prac
ticable. At present , the only information
open to the wayfarer as to his locality must
bo derived from the small signs like stencil
plates placed upon the street lumps nt the
corners. These signs uro somewhat difficult
to make out , and do not attract the attention
that larger ones would command. They IKJS-
sess the advantage of being visible at night ,
but it must bo remembered that many well
meaning strangers walk the streets by day
Another disadvantage nbout this style o
signs is , that the facetious individual who
washes the street lamps , frequently turns
them the wrong way , thus misleading the
unwary stranger into going north on Six
tcenth street , when his objective point ol
travel is west on Douglas street. An in
stance of this depravity may bo seen oven to
this day nt the junction mentioned If the
lantern has not been turned around. In sonic
cities , notably in Philadelphia , legible signs
nro placed upon the houses at cacli corner ol
every street in addition to the street lantern
stencil plates. These afford un oxcollcnl
guido for strangers , who can , by their aid ,
find their way about town without bothering
the Inhabitants with endless cpiestions. Bui
even these are not perfect , for sometimes the
enterprising properly holder had them en
graved upon marble , nnd firmly embedded
in thu wiillc , thus affording a
highly ornamented means of Imparting
Information , and when bv popular
caprice or otherwise the names of the streets
in nro changed , the old mcmoriablo signs be
come misleading. For instance , William
I'cnn called ono thorough faro Sisiafrus
street , but the early Quaker's having evinced
a tendency to run thuir horses thereon , it
became known ns , und still is called Kuco
street , but some of the old fixed signs re
main ns monuments to the better taste of the
great founder. In Htroot nomenclature. Hut
this Bert of thinir can easily bo remedied In anew
now city , as well as the mistake of having
two streets with the same name , which
sometimes causes the stranger to nso lan
guage which iio nmy yet deplore. There are
many other things that might bo written
about , nml commented upon , but this Is suf
ficient for the present , and if I can succeed
in inaugurating u reform in this ono particu
lar , I shall consider myself entitled to llio
grntltudo and thanks of countless strangers
yet to come. And though I shall gut neither ,
for they will not know who did It , yet the
nwcet consciousness of duty performed will
bo u lusting aoluco.
Komo t i
HATCCnNTCU , Nob. , Feb. 14 To the Ed
itor of TUB HII : : : Would you kindly Inform
us a.s to the whercrbouU of thostatu votorin-
nrlan ! Wo have n supposed CIBU of glandor.s
In our county which has boon reported re-
leatodl.v to the Htato veterinarian at Lincoln ,
luring the past few months , ( with stamp }
enclosed for reply ) , without being ublo to re-
-oivo an answer. If ho is still located at
Lincoln , what business is ho engaged In )
Vary respectfully ,
A CiTix.nxoi' HAVES Coirxrr ,
Angostura Hitters uru tlio best remedy
'or removing indlirestlon. AsIc your
Iruggist for the genuine , prepared by
Dr. .1. G. U. Siogort& Sons.
DvoiIlnlCu Century In an Anylum.
Mrs. Catherine Smith , whose death
s reported at the Western lunatic
igylum , says a Staunton ( Va. ) special ,
vns admitted into that institution. July
M , 1828 , just after it was opened , she
wing the third patient received ,
rohn Qulncy Adams was president.
Juring her utay within the bounds of
lie asylum there have been seventeen
n-esldents of the United States , fifteen
if whom are dead. Though living in
ho midst of Kcenos of the late war , she
lover knew that it was raging. She
im ninety-one years old.
P. P. Shelby , formerly connected with the
Jnlon Pacific , but now general manager of
ho Montana Central , h endeavoring to en-
1st enterprise in the construction of u line to
'orUand , Ore. , connecting with the north-
rn transcontinental llnoj.
The Ponrly Qfttoa Are Bnrrod to Moi
Who Hall From Lincoln.
The Sinful , Unrc'Keiierrtto Onnj ; Con
to llio. KverlasUiiR
l-'urles ol1 Hhcol Pecu
liar Clirtatlnnity.
An i\ltnl : > lo Dlvlno.
LINCOLN UuitnAu or run OstAtu Unr )
ItM ) P STUI-.IJT , }
LINCOLN , Fob. 17. |
Taking n street ear at the comer of Four
tcenth and K , at 10:30 : this morning , Tin
Hr.i : representative soon utter olightcd n
Forty-seventh ami entered Grace M. E
church where , as the good pastor stated ii
the midst of his sermon , a revival is manlfes
that bids fair to shako heaven , earth nm
Pastor Mlnolmrt entered ! the pulpit am
lined "Nearer My tisd to Theo" ns a soni
service for nn audience thnt filled every noel
and corner of the room. At this time thor
were no evidences of any wonderful oxelte
incnt. The exorcises were as orderly a
clock work. Following the notes of the ttim
of "Hethnny , " which died away and left m
oppressive dullness , came "Shepherd Lik <
n Savior Load Me , " and exhortations fron
four or live members of the pastor's flock
These were vaporing * of fancy , usual insucli
meetings. The first to testify of the won
derful goodness of the Mnstor was a ladj
who had passed Mio meridian of life. Ho
Imlr was silvered and she acted very much as
though she were laboring to keep back the
inclinations of an excitable nature. She
stood as motionless * ns n statua for full twc
minutes before saying a word. Eves and
ears were on the nlert to catch the first
movement and word , It seemed for n mo
ment that the 'J50 people present had forcol-
tcn to bretithe. Hut tlio good lady broke the
exasperating stillness by saying : "i never
appreciated what that meant until this morn
ing. " She evidently had in mind the tltlo of
the song just sung. In n well modulated
and musical voice she then told of Christian
duty nnd experience- , und exhorted nnd en
treated the sinner to turn from a lifo of sin
before it shall bo overlastinglv too late. A
brother followed. Ho talked calmly nnd
modestly. There was not only good sense
but Christianity In what ho had to sny. The
only thing remarkable , liowovcr. In the "ex
perience service" was tlio statement of a sis
ter that prayers had saved ono of her chil
dren from the grave during the nast week.
She told her story intelligently and seemed
to bo wholly unexeitcd. The speaker's fnco
was pale and wan , showing that she had evi
dently passed several sleepless and nnxious
nights , and what she had to say
was eagerly listened to. Song ser
vice followed her talk nnd Pastor Mlno
lmrt , without a cited text , commenced his
His lirst sentence , "Ho shall live who
sinneth not , " sounded they keynote of nis
peculiar , but clearly crromous doctrine , com
plete nnd perfect sanntillcatlon. Yet ho
passed this point nfter making the usual ex
ordium , mid proceeded to give a history of
llio peculiar manifestation of God's power
at Grace church , of which the press of the
city und state has had more or less to say.
Ho said that U had been the result of two
and u half years of earnest and faithful
prayers on the part of the membership of
his flock , and the immediate work of the
past fifteen weeks of his labors as
pastor of the church. He denounced
the statements of the press that the mani
festations there had been due to oxclto-
ment , frenzy , or fanaticism. Ho said the
fanatics of this world were to bo found only
among the disbelievers in God's word , nnd
quoted scripture to prove it. His arraign
ment of newspaper reporters was caustic
and severe. To illustrate , ho said that the
reporters of the press nt Lincoln were born
of aatan and subject for the fury of boll ,
wmoh would bo endless , for God had said so.
The speaker also culled upon his
audience as a jury to rebuke
any statement that there had been doings or
excitement at that place out of the ordinary
since the organisation of the church. "Why , "
the speaker suld , "it is true that ( jed is man
ifest in us , but it is due to zealous study of
His word. Hands up , please , all of you who
have brought your bibles to church. " See
ing persons craning their necks to count the
number of raised'hands , the speaker asked
them to stand , and fifty-three persons nroso.
Continuing , he called for the number of the
faithful who had been praying for this pres
ent revival from day to day since the organ
ization of the church , and thirty-one mem
bers stood up. This pleased the good pastor ,
and ho facetiously remarked that ho was
glad to say that the membership of Grace
church did not have to wear their hats la-
"You are Christians. "
It is just to state that there was no great
excitement at Grace M. E. church to-day , and
that past accounts Imvo probably boon exag
gerated by sensational newspaper reporters.
Hut there is nnuncxplaluublc iulluencQsouio-
whero. It is stated , reliably , too. that Uov.
Mineliart possesses a strongcmotional nature ,
ami has n peculiar influence ever his parish-
oners. Ho Is zealous nnd intensely religious ,
and it is very apparent that helms his charge
thoroughly imbued with the doctrine of /
His talk to-duy was listened to with
marked attention. Two stenographers und a
number of reporters wore present , and the
speaker took particular pains to prod them
with sharp thrusts , Ho made one fool that
room was more precious than presence wlion
Fnber-pushcrs hung in the balance. During
his discourse he also stated that he had talked
with ( jhancotlor Crcighton regarding the ul-
logcd condition of Gnica church , and that
with him ho was of the opinion that an old-
time Methodist revival was In progress.
Oriticisimsonly came from the devil and
Diiemius of the church , the speaker said , und
commenced to sing "Glory Hallelujah , " to
the tune of "John Hrown , " nnd the strains
] f the familiar tune filled the room , and with
Lho "Uoxology11 the audience started hoino-
ivurd "feeling that it was good to have been
there. " t
Tim niH'fuicr COUIIT.
The call of the law and equity docket for
uvmorrow is as follows :
Smith & Uo. vs H. & M.
Arndt vs Stnto Insurance company ,
Harnos vs Howinan.
Hlchardson vs Fitzgerald.
Kat/enstcln vs Mny.
Mickey vs Kulofaon.
Morton vs Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley railroad.
Kaivmcr vs O'Connor.
Damrow vs Graves it Son.
Irwin vs Martin.
McArtliur t Son vs Hnydcn.
Meyer Hro * . ( Jo. vs Hcydom.
Lclehton vs Clarke.
Kuril VK Muliride.
Wol > ser vs Hush.
McShano vs Cox.
J. U. Suiter , of this city , boasts possession
> f a natural curiosity. Helms found a pa
nto with a squash seed Imbedded In the
icart of it.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J , Imhoff entertained a
lumbar of thu Nebraska lawmakers last
ivomng. Out of town iruosts ns follows :
wleutcimnt Governor Molklejohn ; Senator
Jhurcti Howe , Senator und Mrs. Nusbii , of
Sorth Pluttoi Senator and Mr.-t. Burton , of
Jrleuns ; Senator Hurd , of Cluv county Mr.
md Mra. H. C , Raymond , of Charles City ,
n. ; Senator nnd Mrs. Connor , of Kearney ;
Ion. and Mrs. Hrad Slaughter , of Fuller-
on'Hon. ; nnd Mrs , Kclper , of Pierce ; Sena-
or und MrsKocho. . of Nollgh ; Senator
'opo , of Saline , and Hon. Tom Majors , of
Lincoln division. No. ! )27 ) , Order of Hall-
vay Conductors , will glvo their llrst minimi
mil In Masonic temple Thursday ovimlng ,
'euruary ! il. Spoiilul pains ham bcon tanon
i > make this the event of the season. Tickols
un bo hud from any member of thu order.
in KitHicm I'd pij DlNoiiiHUH Homo
Allouoil Htntlritlus ,
At the outsturlof what threatens to bo
n acrimonious contostin Pennsylvania ,
lys the Philadelphia Record , the oppo-
ents of prohibition are confronted *
ith the assertion tltat the annual cost
f liquor in this country In $ ,000,000,000.
' this statement could bo substantiated
would bo an argument in favor of
temperance , but it would not advance
the position of the prohibitionists ono
stop in this controversy. It must first
bo shown that the prohibitory policy
would diminish the consumption and
cost of liquors In the United States.
Thus far experience hns demonstrated
Hint wlierovor prohlbl lion has been
partially successful , 03 in JMnlno and
Iowa , it lias promoted tlio consumption
of fiery alcoholic lluids nt tlio expense
of Hie mild fermented and mall liquors.
But Hie statistics of trade show that
the statements concerning tlio con
sumption of liquors in tlio United
States are being grossly exaggerated.
It is only by calculating the cost of all
tlio liquors consumed in the country at
tlio highest rate bv the glass that tlio
onormou * llguro of $900.000,1100 can bo
reached. The-ro is no need of wasting
time to prove tlio absurdity of such
methods of calculation.
On llio other hand , the irrefutable i
ollleinl statistics present most gratifying - '
ing ovlili'iicv of the progress of lompo'r- V
anco reform among the people of the
United States , in spile of the well- I
mount bnt mistaken policy of the pro- I
hibltionists. In the last thirty years Ml
thu consumption of alcoholic spirits has {
not merely greatly declined relatively J
to population but absolutely in qtinti- ' ,
tity. It may sound strangely to some
of our prohibitionist friends to alllrm
that the conusmptlon of whiskybrandy ,
gin and other ardent spirits was far
greater in I860 Hum it was in 18SS , ami
yet such is the fact.
In 18(10 ( tlio consumption of distilled
s pit-itsloinosth ; and imported , in thu
United States amounted to 8SlMJ8 ) , < i.r > l
"nroof" in of ll-
gallons a population ! , -
1KI'J1 ; ! , Making the most liberal al
lowance for use in manufactures ami
tlio arts , the statistics show that the
consumption of distilled spirits forclrinlc
amounted to above lit gallons to each
lieiul of population. In 1K87 the conn-
try's consumption of distilled spirits ,
domestic nnd imported , amounted to
7iM-ll8 ( ) ; ! gallons , or,000.000 gallons
less than the total consumption of IKH ( ) .
Making fair deduction for the use of
ilcohol in the arts , the statistics show
thnt tlio present annual consumption of
spirits for drink does not exceed ono f
rnllon to each inhabitant. 5
This decline in the consumption of *
listilleil liquors is still going on so rap- (
dly that it is only a question of time Ji
when the coming American citizen will r
cease to consume whisky for drinks , un
less this salutary socia'l reform move
ment should bo fatally obstructed by
tlio benevolent but wrong-headed policy
of prohibition.
The Incessant efforts of the Peoria
distillers to sec'iro a repeal of the internal -
tornal revenue taxes are prompted by
their alarm ever the steady decline in
the consumption of their product.
While the consumers pay Hie tux on
whisky , the distillers hope that its re
peal would arrest this downward tend
ency. Hut with better knowledge of the
laws of health and of the evils , moral
and physical , resulting from the undue
use of distilled liquors , it is not likely
that the American people will over bo
persuaded to return to the drinking
habits of a generation that is passing
As the consumption of distilled liqu
ors has declined there has bcon a great
increase in the use of beer nod light
wines among the people of the United
States. In a social reform that is surely
supplanting the tlorco intoxicating
liquors by comparatively mild and
wholesome beverages the advocates of
prohibition claim no share. On tlio
contrary , they wugo an indiscriminating -
ing warfare against every sjiocios of
drink that does not agree with their
own tastes. To the prohibitionist a
mild glass of beer or domestic wine "is
obnoxious as the deadliest products of
the still. " Their policy , if adopted ,
would inevitably encourage the con
sumption of distilled liquors nt the ex
pense of the milder drinks which nro
gaining so largely in consumption.
Conceding to the prohibitionists the
most benevolent intentions , they nra
the worst enemies of the social reform
that is now progressing among the people
ple of this country. :
The six-day raceburses vs bicyclestalkekd
of by Manager Pnnco nnd HufTalo Hill , Is
now almost n certainty.
Senator Morgan will leave for San Lran-
dsco about the middle of April to mature a
series of bylclng races there.
The mcdul for which the Omnha and
Council Bluffs rifle teams are shooting Is on
: xbibltbn in C. S. Huymond's show window.
"Senator" Morgan nnd John J. llurdin KO
to Chicago Tuesday to make iirrnnKOtnonU
Tor the great six-day b.vking race to bo held
.hero In May.
Frank S. Piirmoleo , of this city , and C. W.
Budd , the champion winjr shot of the world ,
) f DCS Moines , will shoot a 100 live biul match
for J.100 a side , on the iWd.
A .six-day K'o-ns-you-nloaic pedestrian ruco
jommencca at the ( Jolo.ssonm March 4. Sov-
sral of tin ; professionals now in California
vill bn here und take part in the Ktru gle.
The eight-hour six-day blcyclo race bo-
wecn Wilhnr Ivnapp and Nod Heading , the
soldier for $1,000 u sldu , has been postponed
iy mutual consent until Monday , February
13.W. . G. ItiBi-am will ( jlvo n Brand Jack-rabbit ,
'O'irsitiK race at the fair grounds some Unto
u May or .June. Mr. Alinay , of tlio
Jhovcnnc Sun , has engaged mon io trap the
There is a couple of great events on the
apis for the Colosseum in the near future -
> nu being u six-day rnro between I'rlnre ,
Cnnpp and Mor un iij'nlnttt twenty horses
iddcn by u couple of MiifTulo lilll'H cow-
The following are the ofilcniM of the South
Jmnhagun club : President , A. V. Mlllor :
aptaln , William MrO'raith ; secretary and
rntiMiror , Simon S. Kumar ; trustees ,
lie-asm. P. Moruohn , Michael Humor und
ohn J. GUI man ,
The pedlxrco of the flnu blnok Spanish
( lintor prosuntud to.I. .1. Hardm by the
Vamego , Kansas kcnm > l , is a good one. Uho
HIS raised by Scott's , Jironro , (10,071) ( ) , out
f Jiana II. , ( , ltj : ) , i-fi-istered , Tlio slio
IMS imported in Ib-tl , and la rogmlcrcd In
lie American lumuel club stud-book , vol. v , ,
art in ,
Sneezing1 Catarrh.
Thedlhtrc.sslngHnGOJo.flnpc-zr.snoozf.tlib acrid
utt-i')1 dischurgeN from tlio yv and nose , thu
ulnfnl liitlammntlon extending to the throat
10 swelling of the inucoin lining , cuuNlngchoic-
id semmtlonf" , cotifjh , ringing nultcs Inthehnul
nil splitting lu'iiilioli.Hhoufamllur tliexu
rmptoms nro to llionsundH > vlm xuli'rr pflrUull-
illy from lirml cold.s or Influenza , mid who Ufa
i Ignorance nf thu fact Unit nMnKlenppilcatlna
tford Inttiiiitniicdiiii relief.
Hut thin tj'-iuimnit In ciiscg of ftlmple Catarrh
Ivcs butafnlnUduaot what thU remedy will
a In thn chronic fornii , whera the liri'iithliig In
Intruded by choking , putrid imtcmi.s uccuimi-
lions , tlio lien rln if c'ltVcto ; ! , Dniull mid tunlo
mo , throat iilciiriiti'd und hiicklnu rent ; ! nrnd *
illy fiiKtonlnK Itxelr upon the d i < btl lutediyii. .
nn. 'i lie nit l.t that ihd innrvi-lloiiH cnrutlYO
' ' ItAiiH.-Ai ( 'uiiK i
ulf In fnxtitntan < < oiiK np.d Kratvftil rvllut Cum
9cluu from I do tint application. It ti : ntplil ,
ullcal , periiiuuunl , i-conomlial,8nfe : ,
SANrniio'H II.MIIC.M.CIIIIK consists of ono hot-
oof the lUnicu , c'iniK. 0119 box UATAHIIII.U ,
JI.VKNT , ami an Uii'imvicii IMIAI.KH : price II , .
I Illllln AMI C'lIKMICAl , Co. , I
Chest | 'aln , Soronuns , ,
.t'1f' ' ' " ' ' Uiiwth. Ahllmia , I'lourUy
' Intluuimullon iitii.iKVUii IN ( IM :
WI.V.UTI : und asulHtml Io iinpntdxruru
r liio CirncuiiA A I-I.'AIN | I'MM-KII. A now.
HUnlmioo-.iH unit Infallible antkloto to p-ilii , In-
uniiiMlon an-I weniciittu of Itiu Cho t nml
linen , Tit * first and oiilypalri-lfillliiK planter
II ilru ist4.iSi Miitnj live tor li ! or. jioainua
CP , Of J'OITEK DJIL'O AHDCllKAHl\I.CO. ! , 10 ! ,
ill , Mans.