seat. t OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , FEBRUARY 18. 18S9. 3 Y JACOB GONE UP THE LADDER ! i * ' An Obituary Htmcllino Wlilch Gront- ly Shocked Max O'Roll. ALL PALL MALL GAZETTES Knelt , HIP Krcttuli Crlflu Buys , Arc American Iscwsimpers .laiininl- litlo lOiitrrprlHC llow One He- liortcr Scooped the Town. Max on tlic Irr n. By Ins dibuovory of America Christo pher Cominlnis ling furnished the old world with mi inoxhnufltiblo ourco of junusing novoltios. Yon pnss from the curious to the murvolous , from thonmr- vcloustoUio incredible , from iho in credible to the impossible realized. Hut 11 is to American journalism Unit the palm must bo awarded. I shall Bpeak later on the Sunday papers , those phenomenal productions that fairly take your breath away. Take the daily pajwrs ; right , ten , Eomotimos twulvo pajres , oaeh coubist- nitf of eight or nine columns of line print , the whole for two or throe cents. Ho much for the quantity. The first thiiif : that attracts your. attention is the titles of the articles. The smallest bits of MOWS cannot escape your notice , thanks to these wonderful head-lines. It requires a special genius /or the \\ork \ to be able to hit upon such eye-ticklers. Here are a few that I noted down in New York , Chicago and other largo towns. The death of Mr.s. Oarliold , mother of the late president , was announced with the ) heading : "Jcath of Grandma Garliold. " The marriage of M. Maunce Dera il ardt : "Siu-ah'tt llov Leads his LJrido to the " Altai- . " The execution of a criminal was an nounced by a Chicago paper under the heading : "Jerked to Jesus. " The reports of two divorce cubes at Chicago were entitled respectively : "Tired of William. Mrs. Carter Kinds Fault With Her Hus band's Kissing. ' An article on I'linco Bismarck was headed in large letters "Bismarck Withdraws. " Just underneath in very hinall print was : "His Resignation as Chancellor of the Ciuriimn Empire. " The marriage of young Karl Cairns , who had been betrothed several times , \\as announced to the American ladies thus : "Harmoylo f'aught at Last. " Mr. Arthur Uulfour , having refused to reply to some attacks of the Irihli Na tionalists , a prominent New York paper thus announced the fact : "Balfour Doesn't Care a - " During his last \ isit to America , Mr. Joseph Chamberlain was invited by the members of a Now Yo.ik club tea din ner given in his honor. At the elev enth hour , the right honorable gentle man , being detained in Washington on fatate business , was obliged to send and excuse himself. Next day I read 111 the Now York Herald : One Dinner Less For Joe. While I fas in the United States the papers were constantly speaking o a certain linaiieior named Jacob Sharp. Accused of fraudulent dealings , tliis gentleman had been arrested , but sub sequently released untried. The press indulged in much comment on the matter - tor , and such remarks as : "All mortals have their trials except financiers. " One morning the newspapers wore obliged to desist from their attacks : poor Jacob had passed away from earth. Thy bamo day , I met the editor of one of the largo daily papers. "Well , " I said , "nero is a line occa sion for a grand head-lino to-morrow ; you are not going to lot it slip , I bup- poso. " "What do you mean ? " "How can you askV Why , Jacob gouo up the ladder , of course. " "Splendid ! " | ho exclaimed. "Shame out boo ! my dear editor , thou didst not lindth at one. " "I must have it. How much will you take for it ; " ' "I'll maico you a present of it , "I said. Next morning , the death of the finan cier was told in two columns , headed : "Jacob Gone Up the Ladder ! " Tf over I wanted to apply for a juornal- istic post in America , this would be my most weighty recommendation in ttio oycs of my future chief. T did not know what lively reading was until 1 saw an American newspaper. American journalism is above all a sensational journalism. If the facts re ported are exaet , s > o much the better for the paper ; if not , so much the wurso for the facts. But the papers are always lively loading. Picture to yourself a country whore the papers are all Pall Mall ( lU'/ettos , with this diTorcncethat ! the articles , instead of being always by "One Who Knows " , arc sometimes by "One who doesn't. " To succeed as a journalist , it is not necessary to bo a man of loiters , to bo able to w'rito leading articles in literary style : the only qualification necessary is to bo able to aniuso and interest the reader ; this must ho done at any cost ; nil styles are admissible except the heavy. * Thu accounts of trials in tha police or at the courts of assircs eclipse the novels of M. du Boisgoboy. I , who never read tribunal reports in the English Jiawspapors , was more than once sur prised in America to llnd myselt deeply interested in the account of a trial for murder , following all the details of the case , and unwilling to miss a word. Alternately moved and horrified , I would read to the end ; then passing my hand across my forehead , I would bay to myself , "How silly ! it is mostly llctlon , af tor all. " The American journalist must bo ppicy , lively , bright. Ho nu st know how to , not ropori , hut relate an acci dent , a trial , a conlhigration , and at a fiush make up an article of one or two columns in length upon the most insig- ni Meant incident. Ho must bo inter esting , readable. His eyes and oars must bo always open , every sense on the tilnrt , for , before all and above all , ho must keep ahead in this race for news ; if ho should unco lot himself bo outdone by n confrere his reputation would bo blasted : But you will perhaps oxelalm : "What is the poor follow to do when there is no nowsi1" What is ho to do ? And hla imagination , is it glvon him for no pur- posoV If ho has no imagination ho hud hotter give up the idea of being a jour- nllsi in America , us ho will teen llnd out. out.This This is how ono American reporter made a reputation at a bound. The Chicago people are still proud to toll the htory. The young follow was taking a walk ono evening in n retired part of the town on the lookout for what adventure history does not Bay. All nt once , a hu man form lying motionless on the ground attracted the sight of our hero. Ho drew near to it , stooped down and /op ud it tojjo a corpse. Ilia llrst liu- pulse was to immediately seek a police man and tell him of the discovery. But a second idea came ; it was more prac tical and ho adopted it. This was it : His paper comes out at 2 in the after noon , so that jy running straight to the police station he would be making the matter public and furnishing his brother reporters with a column or twofer for their morning pap ° rs. It is a catch , this corpse , and not to bo lightly given away.Vhat lo do ? Simply this. Our journalist drags the bod.\ into an empty building near nt liAiitl , and carefully hides it. At II next morning he "dis covers" it by chance , goes us fast as possible to make his declaration to the police , and then haitons awny to the ollice of his newspaper with two col umns of description written overnight. At 11 o'clock the paper announces : "Mysteriou- . murder in Chicago ; dis covery of tlioidlin bj one of our re porters ! ' ' The morning p.ipord were outdone , the other ovciuiiir ones nowhere. This is iho kind of talent you must have in order to stand a chance of mak ing your way in American journalism. Crimes , divorces , elopements , inesil- llancc * , gossip of all kinds furnish the papers with tlirec-nuartors ot their con- ton t . A mysterious affair skilfully handled will make the fortune of a newspaper. For several wcolcs during the months of February and March , 1888 , the Amer ican papers were talking about a young lady of good family in Washington who , it appeared , lind become engaged lo a young Indian named Ohaska , a tawny bravo of the Sioux trlbo. There were descriptions of the-wild man. descrip tions of the festivities which were to be held in his honor at the camp of the great chief Swift Bird , descriptions of the gorgeous ornaments with which the members of the tribe would bo or namented nothing was wanting ; day after dtij frosli details wore added. Then the despair of the young lady's family was pictured. The threats of an indignant father , the tears of a dis tressed mother , nothing , it seems could touch the heart of the fair ono but the piercing eyes of Chabka. At last the marriage takes place , not only in broad day , but iu church. It is not Swift Hint who blesses the young people , it is the parish priest. Ho- manco gives place to verity , and with out the slightest sign of their boingdis- concerted the papers announce in a few line this time only that thoyoung lady has married a clerk in the Indian alTairs olllco. TUT. INTKUVIEWKIt AT HIP 111CST. All this is as nothing. It ib when there is a criminal case to handle that American journalism becomes simply sublime. The criminal is no sooner arrested than the reporters hurry to his cell and got him to undergo the curious op eration , now knouii throughout the world as Interviewing. Ho is treated with all the consideration due to a man in his position. "Mr. So and So , of the Earthquake , presents his compliments to Mr. IJlank , charged with murder , and requests the privilege of a few min utes' conversation. " To bo accused of an important crime gives a man a cer tain standing in America. The more atrocious the crime , the more interest ing the accused , and columns upon col umns of print supply the public with his slightest hayings and doings. Ho is the hero of the day. From the prison , the rcporter go to hunt up the wit nesses , whom they tilho interview iu their turn. Regular examinations , these interviews. I know of several Amerie-in news papers having uuito a stall of detect ives yes , detectives. If a criminal es capes justice , or an alTair remains sur rounded by mystery , these new-fash ioned jouraali&ts are lot loose every morning on u search for the criminal , or to try and pick up threads of information mation that may load to the clearing-up of the mystery. Those detectives are employed not only in cases of crime , but work just as hard over a divorce or an elopement : it is journalism turned private detective agency. A news paper that can boast of having brought a criminal to justice , discovered the hiding-place of an unfaithful wife , or run a ravisher to earth , is rewarded by an increased sale'forthwith. If there is any loyo story mixed in with the affair , if there are a few piquant details , you may easily imagine that the public gets the worth of its 2 cents. The American is gallant , and when the victim is of the feminine gender , I can assure you the accused generally gets a pretty drulibing in the press. .ioi7KX.VLi.sTic I > KTIOTIVIP. : : American journalism carries the bpirit of enterprise still further. Not content with trying criminals , it hunts them out and brings them to justice. Policeman , magistrate , public prosecutor cuter , judge the journalist is all those. The slightest thing that can make the paper attractive is boi/.cd upon with avidity. The headings , which I have spoken of are called into requisition on all occasions , and there is nothing clouu to the more announcements , that will not suggest to a wideawakeeditor one of these wonderful eye-ticklers. Thus the Saturday list of preachers for the morrow is headed in the Now York Herald : "Salvation for All" , or "Guiding Sinners Heavenward. " Another papo r heads the libt : Dodging the Jo\il. " In some papers you will bee the list of births , marriages and deaths headed respectively : "Tho Cradle , " "Tho Altar" and "Tho Grave ; " in some others moro facetious : "Hatches , " "Matches ' and "Dispatches. " Compared with the French and English papers , the American dailies have neither the literary value of the former nor the authority of the latter in the matter of political foreign news. The French newspapers are most of them literary productions of incontest able worth , but , with the exception of one or two leading articles and the lit erary , musical and dramatic criticisms , nothing very borious in the way of information is to bo found in thorn. The foreign intelligence is of the most meager , and usually consists of a few lines furnished by the Havas Agency : "Tho Emperor of Germany is a little bettor , " or "Queen Victoria -has re turned to Windsor Castle from Scot land , " &o. Mr. Gcorgo Augustus Sala once said very wittily that the French papers bear the date of to-morrow and the news of yesterday. The satire is a little tlo severe , but * it is not unmerited. Ho might , however , have taken that oppor tunity for reminding his numerous readers that , if the Parisian papers are inferior to the London ones in the matter - tor of news , they are greatly their su perior in the matter of articles. It is true wo have no longer among oj'1 jour nalists , Koquophm , Karr , Mcry , Janin , Provost-Punidol , Glrardin , Till no and About ; but wo have still JohnLomoinno , Woios , Sarcoy , Ituuhofort , WolIT , Lock- roy , Vacnuono , Soholl , Kouquior , Bor- gerat mm many others , Who oiler to the publiu every day articles stamped with genius , or at the least sparkling with wit. Yes , wo have still a goodly group of such. For the iutollleont , serious man , the English daily papers ( iavo only the at traction of the correctness of their cor respondence , homo and foreign , It consists of facts in all their aridity , but still facts. As ( or the articles , few persons , J funcy , road those productions written , with few exceptions , In the dry , thready , pcdnpoglc style much af- fcctod hy lower-form school-boys , and often deserving Iho favorite comment of the late M. Lemairo. professor ot the Lyceo Charlemagne : "Hca\y , sticky , diluted in vacuum. ' ' An American newspaper is a con glomeration of iiows , political , literary , artistic , scientllle and fashionable , of reports of trials , of amusing anecdotes , gossip of all kinds , interviews , jokes , scandal , iho whole written in astjle which sometimes 'shocks the man of taste , hue which often interests , and al ways amuses. 1 must say that , if you want to hc-ar America and everything American se verely crittciyed , you have only to go to Boston. There you will hear Boston and England praised , and America picked to pieces. "Are jou an AmericanV" I once asked of a gentleman 1 mot in New York. "Well , ' ' ho said , after some hesita tion , "I'm from Boston. ' ' Fancy ! being born in Boston and obliged to be an American ! That's hard. The American public is not composed merely of the conned society of Boston and Now York , and the press is oblired to eater to the public taste. When the public taste is improved the newspapers will reform , and perhaps one day the London Times will cease to be the most prosy sheet in the world. NIIIY : \ CAHLI : . As for political news , sent over from Europe , ono needs to allow a little mar gin on what one reads in the Amei lean papers ; but it is impossible not to praise the activity which animates the press. Thus , for instance , I was in Now York on the day that M. Victorien Surdou brought out "La Toci" : at the Porto St. Martin theater in Paris. The first representation took place on Saturday. The next morning my newspaper gave mo a most analytical description of the performance in two columns tele graphed from Paris. Iu other words , the Americans were able to read Sarah Bernhardt's latest triumph earlier than the inhabitants of Lyonsahd Marseilles , who had to wait for the Paris papers. Thanks to their journalism , the Americans have al least an idea of what is going on in every part of the world : they know our now plays , they read our now books , they keep informed of every event , just ifs if they were neighbors. And how is it possible , I repeat , not to wiy a good word of praise for a journalism , which knows how to excite , as well as satisfy , the curiosity of a great people ? Go and ask the llrst hundred French men you meet in the streets of Paris wiiat'is the name of the president of the United States ; you will find ninoty-nino of them unable to The French men is exclusive lo the point of btupid- ity , and that which is not French possesses no interest for him. A dog run over in Paris is , in his eyes , a more interesting event than a presidential election in America. Enveloped in his oxclusivcness , ho knows nothing ; in the matter of loreign questions , lie is the most ignorant being in the world , and French journalism , obliged to study his tastes , sorveb him with nothing but French dishes. You must visit the ollices of the great New York dailies in the evening , if you would get an idea of the colo-sal enterprises. There you see about fifty reporters with their news all ready for print in their hands. Each one in turn passes before the heads of various de partments , political , literary , dra matic , etc. "What have you' ? " asks an editor to the first roporter-wbo presents himself. "An interview with Sarah Bern- hardt. " "Very good. Half a column. And what have you ? " ho says , turning to the second. "A report of John Smith , the banker's case. "Right. Ono column. And you > ' "I have an account of the president's forthcoming journey to the south. " When all the reporters have passed , they go to another room to reduce the articles to the required length. Over six hundred correspondents , scattered all over the globe , bond in their tele grams , many of them by special wire ; and the conversation whioh wo have just overheard in the ollico begins again , this time with Washington , Boston , Chicago , Philadelphia , San Francisco , Paris , London , Berlin , etc. ' What have you for us this evening ? " says the editor to his correspondent in Berlin. "Bismarck threatens to send in his resignation , " "One column. " "Boulangcr has just received an ova tion at Lille. A riot is feared in Paris , " wires the Paris correspondent. ' ' D"Capital. Send two columns. " "A scandal in Koine. The marchion ess o' NT. has run away with her hus band's secretary. "Good. Where arc they gone ? " "No one knows. " "No matter. Send a good stirring column all Iho panic. " I have scon , in American papers. European lolugrams of 12,000 and oven ! 1)00 , ( ) words at 12 cents a word. "What's his name , the financier , has made oil , " ticks the wire from Chicago. "A column. Send report and blurt on scent of the fugitive. " When the telegraph has ceased tick ing and the crowd of reporters have de parted the chief editor , like a ship's captain , the last to leave the deck , works on. Ho reads over everything , sifts , corrects , cuts down , adds to , puts all in order.and towards 2 o'clock in the morning gives the order to print and goes homo. But once moro all this is nothing. It is in the Sunday's issue Unit you have crowning foatof journalistic enterprise ; thirty or thirty-two pages of telegrams , articles , essays on polities , the drama , literature , pictures , the fashions ; anec dotes , bon mots , Interviews , stories for children , poetry , biographies , chats on science , the whole illustrated witli portraits traits , sketches of interesting places mentioned in the text , caricatures , etc. , etc. All this for the sum of thrco cents. A HUMAN STATUE. The Now York Mercury prints the following wonderful story from a Padua correspondent : An American gentleman staying atone ono of the prominent hotels hero recently mot with perhaps the most peculiar phenomenon of nature that it' was over the lot of any ono to behold. Subjoined _ is the true version of his btory in his own words : "I was stand ing on the htops of my hotel ono evening - ing towards the close of the year when n person approached mo with whom I was slightly acquainted , having known him only since coming to Padua. There was a rather distinguished air about the man which quite carried out the idea buggosted by his name , Count Oraina , namely , that ho was probably of the old patrluliin stock ho claimed to repre sent. What attracted my attention moot forcibly , however , was the marble pallor of his complexion , which seemed positively deathly in its appearance , although his black eyes shone in an unusually lustrous manner , betokening exceptional vitality in ono direction nt least. A few connnrjnplncc remarks opened our conversation , during whioh I kept my eyes llxod in such a manner upon my acquaintance lhat ho could not help being cognizant ol ( he fact. With a rather sad. smile , I thought , he re marked upon my curiositj , and putting out his Hand bade me give him my own. To ny that 1 wa biirpri ed when I felt the dead , almoU nerveless clasp of that frigid hand would inadenuatelj describe my feeling * , but my vis-a-vis continued to smile in his melnneholly manner , and , seeing that 1 was inter ested , he said : "Give mo your hand again ? " 1 did bo almost reluctantly , and ho touched it to his ohoek , which , like his hand , presented only a cold , stony sub stance to my touch. "You would doubtless like mo to explain - plain this strange phenomena , " ho said. 1 nodded. "In the llrst place , 1 must request you to say as little to mo as possible , on no account do anything which will startle me , as 1 am sutVerlng from tv peculiar disease which might prove fatal should any sudden move ment of my body take place. Treat me with exactly the same consideration , ' ' ho said , "as if 1 were a patient sutler- ing with acute heart disease. " "Would j'ou prefer to bo seated ? " I asked , motioning as 1 did so to s-omo seats on Iho veranda , but my myster ious companion shook his bond. "I prefer to bland if monsieur has no objection , ' ' ho answered. Pointing to himself ho Mild : "You see hero one of the most remarkable cases that chemistry has ever boon called on to investigate. 1 am the vic tim of as peculiar a fate as it was over mortal lot to endure. I am a living , hrcalhing organism , and yet were it nut for this ability to converse with you , and in a limited manner move about from place as I desire , I might bo one of those wonderful creatures of Phidias , disentombed to delight and instruct the world by their marvelous perfection of sculpture. "Yes , " he added with his melancholy smile , observing my incredulous look. "It may bcem strange toou , that you should'stand conversing with a marble .statue , but such is a fact as surely as you arc sharing the beautiful , balmy atmosphere and Heavenly scenery with me at this instant. "VKAHS AW > . ' ' HKfoxnxi'r.i ) , "I became addicted to the use of a cer tain drug whose fatal ell'eetl discovered too late to resist its wonderful necro mancy. The only way in whioh * I was deterred from using Omore of it oven after its elTect began to be perceptible was by my source of .supply being effec tually cut oil. I used to obtain it in small quantities from a 13reek sailor who ran into Leghorn from some small port in the Ionian archipelago , but could never succeed in inducing him to lot mo have moro than a certain amount of it at ono time. It was a compound and he claimed that it wa . put up by a sorceress who was helieved to have had the preparation handed down to her through various generations of her family from a remote ago. I do not of course know if her story be truo. but if so it might easily explain to modern sculptors the reason why they arc un able to equal the work of the ancients , for if its use was known lo Phidias and his great cotomporarics it is moro than likely that the way they produced their marvelous representation ? of living models was by" simply selecting the most beautiful specimens among them selves and by the use of tins drug grad ually transforming them into marblebut as I said , my supply was cut on" , which accounts for my presence hero this evening and my ability to narrate thib strange experience in propia persona , otherwise 1 would now bo existing only as a geological ouriosuy. "Tho sailor was shipwrecked at least , bo I heard. At any rate ho never agajn came to Leghorn , and I had to dispense with my ecstasy-producing poison and sacrifice the Heavenly dreams its use would plunge mo into sometimes for days and weeks at a time. "Tliero had begun to be noticeable a peculiar dryness mid hardness of the skin , at first in special places , and then gradually extending all over my body , which I could not understa ndany more than the physicians to whom I applied. Personally I felt no inconvonicnco , and so determined to ignore the matter. Instead of this feeling passing away , however , I gradually began to feel the outer skin of my body tightening and hardening until I boomed to be entirely incased in a plaster of paris crust. This feeling increased continually , always from the outside , which peculiarity enabled me to preserve in bo remarkable a manner the faculties necessary to my prolonged existence. "You will observe , " ho continued , "that the very best judges would fail to discover any dilVcrcnco now between my llesh and the purest Parian marble. The blood coagulating gradually during the process of petrifaction has left the dark .streaky veins in ovact reproduc tion of the quarried arlielo , and did you behold mo in pueris naturalibus 'nothing but my open eyes and my fac ulty of speech would induce you to believe - liovo you were not standing beside an ordinary btono statuo. " Ho removed iiis hat as ho bind this , showing Unit ho was perfectly bald and not a hair was visible anywhere on his face. "And yet you carp to live ? " J hazard ed home what clumsily and eruollj. "I have a daughter , " ho repliedtreat ing my question as quite a natural one , "otherwise I must confess life is little more than a burden to mo now. My only regret is that I was not permitted to continue the use of Iho drug and demonstrate what I believe lo bo the truth of my theory with regard to the Phidinn masterpieces , hut , " lie added bomewlmt oorrowfully , "tho world is so skeptical , unless you can prove Unit things are actually so it is impossible to convince thorn , and perhaps the secret is wisely hidden from man to prevent the perpetuation of u cruel and inhuman practice. " At this moment my ntlcntlon was ar rested by a runaway team which was at that moment dashing ; towards Iho hotel at frantic speed , having completely paraly/.ed the efforts of iho frighloned coachman , and disregarding Iho warn ing which my strange friend had given mo , 1 turned suddenly round and gave vent to an exclamation of surprise. Little did I think what olTcct my ill- advised deed would Imve upon my com panion. Unable to resist the impulse to follow my examploiihe count turned his head suddenly. I heard a bimnliko the the cracking of a bit of dolt pottery and turned in time to catch the bovorcd head of my unfortunate companion in my arms. The despairing look visible in his oycs us they caught mine for u brief moment haunts mo to this moment , and their voiceless appeal meant a request , I conjecture , which I at once hastened to comply with. But alas ! as I placed the severed portion upon the figure fatill standing erect by my side the eyes closed and the porton- tousnobs of death were apparent in the only portlonsof the organism which had retained thuir spucltlu powers. I held in my hand only the marbled form of a man fiom which the spirit had llown. The body was taken to Homo , but the strange btory concerning it was scarcely credited , as it was easy with those who had not witnessed the strange phenom enon in life to asdiimu that some trick of ( ho ombalmora had produced the re sult. PotrifacUon being only partial , owing to a cessation of the use of the drug , U wub impossible to use the bpocl- mcn for purposes of exhibition , as to remove - move the parts still remaining In a na tural condition it would have been necessary to remove the shell , which could hardly have been done without breaking ill a the ea e with \\lneh the head had become detached showed the very brittle condition it was in. In addition there were the objections of the daughter to such a course , which were insuperable. There are , there fore , nt the present moment , oulj ono or two persons actually acquainted with the ni } story of the Count Oraina. The Hc t In the. Woiltl. Senator Henry C. Nelson , of New York , writes : "Sn\ATE CiiAMnr.n , AI.IHNV. N. Y. . April 4 , lJsOn tlioSTthof l'ebumrylS3 , 1 was taken with a violent pain in the region of the kidneys. 1 suffered such agony Hint 1 could lumll.y stnnJ up. As soon as possible I ap plied IWO ALtlOlK'S I'OHOl'S l I.ATKIl , 0110 ever each kidney , and Inlil down. In nn hour , to my surprles and delight , the pain lind vanished and I was well. I wore the plasters for a clny or two as a precaution , and then removed them. I Imvo been uslnn Al i coi it's Honors Pisttiis la in.v family for the last ton jcars , and Imvo ahvajs found them the ( uilcucst and best external remedy for colil" , strains and rheumatic affection * From my o.\iericnco | I believe they are the best plasters In tlio world. " Divided Duties. New York Mercury : First Deacon ( after the contribution boxes had been passed ) < vYou neglected to pa s the box to that well dre--ed stranger in the frotit pew , " Second Deacon ( a tailor ) "He IA a customer of mine , and if ho has any money I'd ralher he'd bring it to my bloreand p.iy m something on account. 1 think Iho Lord can ntlord lo wait bet tor than I can. " Hcccliain's Pills act llito magic on a wcalc stomach. THE RAILVtir TIME TABLES , OMAHA. . * Dally Except Suni1ay. _ SUUUUUAN 'JltAINS. Westward. Hunnlnsbetwei'nCouncIl IllulTsan'l Albrlcht. Inadditlon to the sUitloni mantloiiHcl , train ? Blon at rtventloth and Twanty-fourtti streon , and at the KuiumlL In Omaha. KaHtward. COUNCIL CHICAGO , WXJIC ISLAND i , PACIFIC. Leave , i Arrive , A No , 2 . . .0:0 : , ) p.m. A No , 1 . . , .7:0i : ) a. in. 0 No. 0 . . . < ] ; OQ a. in.'O ' . .fiMp : , ill. A No. 4 . .0ID : a , m. A No. ,1 , . . B : p. in. CIIICAOO. IintUNdTON Ic QU1NU\ ' . A No. 4 ltll * ) n , in. A No. fi. , .7U : ) a. in. A i\o. 8 . . . .rin : : p. m. IA 'No. 7 . . .rw : : p.m. A No.O , .0V ; ) p , iii.lA , No , 3 , . , ( liJ ; p. m. CHICAGO .V NOHTIIWiSTiUN. : A No.O. . . :40 : a , m. A No ; l . . .7:10 a , in. A No. 4 . . . .OjO-j p. in. D No. 1 7:0) : ) a. m. 1) ) No. 2 , .H:10 : p. m.'A ' No. 5 0:41 : p , m. CIIICACU. .MILWAUKEE & BT. PAUL. No , 2. .U40 ; a , m.A | No , 1 .0:50 : a , in. No. 4 7:00 : p , in. A No. \ \ .0:10 : p , in. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSIU'II 4 COUNCIL IILI rps. A No. S . . . 0:2 : < 1 a. m. A No , : i . .0:30 : a. in. A No. 4 , . . : SOp. niA No. 1 OiUUn. m. BIOl'X 01TV A : I'AC'Il'JO. A No. 10. . . .7U&n : m. A No , U . .8:5.1 : n. m. A No. U. . .7:00 : p. in. A No. II .lt00p ; , m. OMAHA \ HI' . LOL1S. A No. 8. . .4'np. : in. A No. 7 . 12:00 : m. A dally : II daily except Saturday ; O uxcopc Bunday ; D except 'londny ; * lust inall , The time Ivi'ii above IB for Transfer , tnora being from live to ten mlnutea between fer und local dop ota C. U. I'AUUEII. .V I' ItlCMHAN. J. II , l.l.AMH-ii.i PALMER , niCHiyiAN & CO. , Live Slock Commission Merchants , Ofllco U0oni24tOniu lto Kichunzo Iltillilluv , union block YirUs , houtb Omalm , .N'fli. , ORIMtRWESTERFIELpa4 : MA'-E'i Liye StocK Coinmission , ( loom 15 , Kichunnu llulldlnit , l/nlou / Stocli Varj riouth Uoinhu , Ncli , UNION STOCS YARDS CO. , Of Oineha. Limited , Agrlcultiirni implements > " " " " " * "CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Orrtnco Anil Hiigalr * .l < tir < ? lroptbctwccn thnnj lOtli.OmtliA Nrbrtiikn. ITNINGER & METC-ALF CO. . Agricnltural Implements , Wagons , Carriages Klc.VlicU' r\lf. Onmhn , Nobrnkit PARLIN , \VliolulAli' lltnlem la Agricnltnral Implcmcpts , Wagons & Buggies _ Ml. M fi nnd OT Jonm Plrcct , Ouiahii. _ P. P MAST & CO. . Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CultlTMor * . Hay llfvkn. Clrtor Mllln and l.ubia l'u | , Terlicm C'ur Htn m ! Mcholni Mrrr ( . WINoTlA IMPLEMENT CO. . \\Uolni\lo Agricnltural Implements , Wagons & Buggies OMAHA nitANClt. J F. SEIBERLING * CO. . Akron , Olilo. .Harycstlng Machinery ana BMcr Twine , W. K .Mcmi , l nner. 12l3l i\Tonworlli M Omnhn MOLINE.MILBURNSsSTODDAHDCo .Mftuunclurrrs ( ami Jobber * In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Artists' Wlntorlnls. "A HOSPE. Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , ouulns Ftrort. Omalm , Nvbrmkn. _ Booksellers nnd Stntlonora. H. M , &fs. W. JONES , Succc.'tcrs to A. T. Konycn A Co. , Wholcn.ilc A Itutnll Booksellers and Stationers. Fine WedilhiB Stn'loncrjr , C'cmiiin'rclM Stationery lift llouulin Street Omalm. .Neb , Boota and Shoot. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. . ttfuccc ! ur to Kciul.Jonrs A Lo. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes > H . | itB for Ilinton Hubrjer Shoo Co. 1KB , 1101 A 1IW Jlntiioj ai. , OuiBha , Nubraaki. _ _ _ _ _ w. v. MORSE tc co- Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 1103-1105 Douflas St.Omitm ManufactorySum- tucr MHiiaton. . Coal , Coke and Lima- O'MAHA COAL. COKE & . LIME cb. . Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 3 South 13th Strf it , Omnhn , N < brakn , NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Cote , 211 South nth rt .Omai-a N'fli. j. .T JOHNSON A CO. ' Manufacturers of Lime , nd Milpporof ( oil , Co k. Cjinpnt. I'lu'tor. l.lmo Dralu Tlio and Sewer 1'lpo. onico , 2H S I llh St. , OIDKU.I , Net ) . Tolpplionebll. Coffees , Splcoe , Etc- ' CLARKE COFFEE CO. , O in all.i Coffee and Splcc Mllli. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Hayorlng Kitracti , Laundrr Hlue. Inks. Ktr. lilt liUillarnar Struct. Omaha. Nubraska. Crockery and Glassware. " " W.L.WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacture" and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Kir Offl co , .117 S. lltb SI. , Oinnha , Nebraska , PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN. Importers and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassv/are / , Lamps , Silverware Etc. 1514 Farnaic St.I\OT7 Pay ton llulldlng. Commission and Storage- ' " " " R'IDDELL & RIDDELL" Storage and Commission Merchants , Spccialtl" nmtpr. fats , Cbecip. Poultry , Cacie 1112 Howard Fttcot , Omaha , Neb. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , 6ucce or > to McShaac A Scliroedt'r. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Onmha. Nebraska. Dry CopdB nno 'Notions. " " M. E SlvTlTH & "CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 nml 1104 Douclai. Cor. llth St. . Omaha , Neb. klLPATllTcK-KOcTrD RY G6oDS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Cents' rumislilne flontli. Tornor llth and UaJuoj 8t . , Omnba. Nebraska. HELIN. THOMPSON & CO. Importers nnd Jobber * of Woolens aid Tailor1 Trimnim , rfl" South 15th Street. D E WIEY & ST 6 NE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. I'arniuu Mrc'it. Omahnraaka. . CHARLES SHIVERICIC , Furniture Omaha , _ Crocorloo. _ " " PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. Wholesale Groceries and PcoYisions , ; pa , ; U7 , 70S and 711 S. 10th "I , Oranlin , Nob. McCORD , BRADY A CO. " . ' Wholesale Grocers , 1 111 and LfATonwortli Strciiti , Omaha , Neliratkn , Hoayy Hqrdjyarq. " W. J. BKOATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Sprlnet , Wagon Stork , Hardware. I.utnticr , lilt. I. ' , mul kll lUrnuy Hlrvut , Ouiahn HIMEBAUGI-I tc TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Tools nnd IluiTaln Hc'nlcs , HUi Dou lai Ht ! ( ct , Omaha , Nebrankn. RECJTOR. dl , till and Ilarnc * Hla , Ornabu \\cntrrn.\ucnlt for .Aumln Powder Co , JctTcnon blutl Nuilc. _ Kalrbanks Wnnilaiil Hr lo . _ LEE , CLARICE. ANDREESI2N HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , ilctalB , Sheet 1 1 nn , etc . \i : nt for Howe Scale * , WlaniirowiU' limbed wue , nraalui , J-Jardwaro. " " " MARKS "BROS. SADDLERY""ub7 Wholoalu Manufacturi-riof Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. 110J.1K6 and UU7 llnrooy Bl. , Omiilir. , Hotn , Caps , Eto. V//L. PARROTTE & CO.y Wholesale Hals , Caiis aiifl Straw Goods 110 ; IlarncrfcticoUOmiO.lKl ) . Lumber. " " " ' " "OMAHA LUMBER cl3. , All Kinds of Boilflhii Material at Y/iwVi / Ibtj fclrcelaiid Union I'aolllo TruckOm LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , SasD , Loorn.lHc. y id- Corner Jlli an-l i ! lMu , COI Uli imU iltucJuji . Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , CorncrWh urn ! 1VniclA < fl . .Om h . ' N Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , ISIh and California Street * . Oman * . Nebraska. t . , i. .iMMVtiY LUtVlUttlt To Dealers Only , _ Street Omaha _ " " " " " "JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imporlpii . and Anirrlcnn I'ortlaml Cement s .AxontforMllwAtikfin llrdrnulic Cement > nd _ _ Qulncy While Mine. _ CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Out pen and 1'arqiict Floorlnir. 9th an " " fnlllinorynlid Notions. * " I. OBERFELDER .V CO. . Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions IN. 2n | mul 1\1 \ smith lllli Sired. Notions . T. Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 41X1 mul iViHruth tilth SI Onmh VINYARD & SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , linMInrnortiwl Omnti * Ovornlta. _ ' CA'NFIELD MANUFACTURING co. . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcnns 1'niits. SMiU , Kf Mir.'nnil 1101 Dotiifln ; Strret. Ut.mlin. ' , cli Offlco Fisturos. _ TI1K SIMMONDS MAXtTACTUIllNQ CO. Mnnufruturts * of Bani , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mnntlo , siilvbimriK Hook fmcu. liriic muim.Wall rn i' . I'nttitlon * ltiillliies'imiitor , Ui'i'rnml W Inrt Coolum. Mlrrur cti\ lnoliirnni' oniu' , r.WnuJ JitU oulli Kith Suumnhi. Tolo | > liono ll.'l. Oils. _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wliolsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo ( irvaao , Klc. , Omalm. A. II Illthnp Miuinirar Points nnd Oils. CUMMINGS & NEILSON ? Wliole'alu li'nicr ) < ln Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , 1118 Furnam Stroct. Ornnlia , Neb. Pnpor. CARPENTER Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry n nlrc olork of Printing , Wrapping . anil . Wrlllna . ' . . , , . * l' r SiippM HIIIMIHI" ! - > „ ) „ - Storage , Forwarding & Commlaulon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS \ CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , llrnnrh hinisiior ( li HoiMiey lui.fK ! * Co Hiifulci nl wliuluaulu uiul ri'liill. J * i UIOinnl IUI IzurJ biri'el , Onmhn Ti'lciilidiii' N'o 7'fl Toys. H. HARDY & CO. , Toys , Dolls , SfFancy Goods , Home rurnlHliIni ; ( innils ChlMran'i Oivrrlma' * , ICtO \ 't Kiirnnm Stroct , oiimliii.Nvb. Browora- STORZ & IUER , Lager Beer Brewers , ra\ \ North Elcthtconlli Street , Om ilin , Nr li. Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Wlndun-cupi anil inutillc . - Jou.v KITM.IKII , 1'niprloior. US anil HUMuitli IMstii'ot. \ . ' _ Printers' Materials. _ _ \VEST ERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , DwaJerj In Tyjiu , I'roiscs ami Printer * ) ' buppllca. 02 South 12ili Street. Omnhn. Paper Boxos. JOHN L. WILKIE. Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Nos. 1317 and 1310 Douglas St. . Omaha , Nob. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO.f Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods i 311 Clothing aaU Leather llclllm ; . 1UU31'linmm tJtrcut. A Ojsh , Doors , Et M. AfoTsBrTov i co. . VVIiolrsKlo MuniiC .cturoro of Sasli Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Itrancli UfUce , utli ami Iziircl Bircotn.OiimhH , Nub. " " BOHN MAN UFA CTURINc" . ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , y.-ulillniiHMull-Work nncl Intprlor Hunt Wool I lii > u. N. K. Cornurhth ninl l < uurcuwortli Mrntii , Ouialm. Nuu. Stojorn Fittings , Pumps , Etc XT L. STRANO CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Hocni , Wnlcir , Kit Iway nnd Mlnlni ; Hnpilc | ] , Etc. W ) , IK2 auiHUl | iirimm Unut.Oiuuliu. CHUHCHILL PUMP CO Wholesale Pups , Pipe , ratings , teem mi J Water Rnpiliti'i. ; tlcniliiiinrliTi lor Mint. U. S. WIND ENGINE .v PUMP CO. . Stefiii and Water Supplies , llnllldny Wind Mill * . Olliiniinairnrnnm Bt.Omnha. < _ ! HOM , CO , Engines , Boilers and General Macliinery , huttlruri Work Htvnrn Piiinim.Ktw MlKx 171J-I2J3 J 'nTcnnoitli htio t. Omutiti. Ijnon V/orlto STEAM BOILisn' WORKS , Cutler I : fan. Prop' * . Jlnnuf.ictiiroraof all kind * Steam Boilers Mnnd Sliest Iron WorR nnd U , AM rro hi. " l'A.\TON il"v7nitl.l.N ( ) IIIIIN WDUUa. Wrought and Cast Iron Building YW , llniilnu * . Ilrftsu Wurk.aonoml I oundry. Miioliliiountl llluckimltli Wuric oitlioitn < l W'iik , U I1 , Itjr , neil IHh ttroct. Ufiiih.i , OMAHA WIRE A IRON V/ORKS. Haiiufacturerii of Wire and Iron Railings OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON V/ORKS , Man'fre ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vunll , . .liillViirl < . Iron an I Wirn Kendnif , Hlitm , IHo. O. Aiilriiun , Pitiu'r l' ir lltiinml luntmiuH" ! CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railing Guards nnil f-encim , lurbnnli.ollicu i'ii' ( luthlintoi oto , ] niir Vftl Avnliiiiii , 1 oukKinltli M , " hliifrjr iiud Illuciniiilth Uo k I'll ' MJiiHl lltht , .t n'inr.witK. Fireand Burglar Proof Safej , Time Lic'u , \ii nU lur liHiii'.M rru a id I"G4 ( , ouiuu/'d \ \uuttxiindJull < . ( I'Jrf hill i.ruut. DR. AL.PEBD . SHIPMA.N , Physician and Surgeon IM.ATISMOU'TH , MOUUAHKA.