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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1889)
n / z : ' * " * 4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , fV EIGHTEENTH YEAJK. OMAHA , MONPAY MOKNING. FEBRUARY IS , 1SSO.D NUMBER 248 The Time For Proposals Extended to March 1. LIONIZING THECLEVELANDS. . Their l.nst Dnys of I'owcr I'ni'tlciilnrly IMensniit The J.nicst Cnblncl Talk UnolchH CamioiiH. \VAsntxoTONliuiiiMUTitnO\t\ni line , ) GUI FOUIITBBSTII STIIBBT , v WASHINGTON , D. C. . Feb. 17. ) Thp secretary of the treasury has extended the tlmo Irom February 2. ) to March 1 , for proposals lor the site for the Omaha post- ofllco building. TIM : ci.iiVKi.Axns. Every person in Washingtonwho ; claims to have icny hold on society nnd to have con tributed to any extent to the social success of the administration which has but two weeks moro of power , is trying to out do the other , Just at this tlmo in social matters , The Clevchmds are determined that their last days will-bo the brightest , socially speaking. Mrs. Cleve land has twice ns many invitation's to tens , receptions , balls and various kinds of parties Including the theatre , ns sbo can accept. The ladles who have beeu receiving once a week nnd have been giving teas or parties fortnightly , announce that they will do some thing extraordinary three or four limes this week. Some who have made it n custom to glue tlirco or tour entertainments during the social season will have ns many as two be fore next Sunday. It will bo difllcnlt for the society men nnd women in the "Washington to accept half the invitations they will receive during the next ten days , and If most people would accept all extended to them they could not attend to their social invitations it they dovolnd every mlnuto of their time. 1'eoplq in Washington thought thu lust iidmini.slrntion was an extravagant one , socially , but the present ono scorns to bo running mad. Tlio Whilnoys have set n standard so high thnt ordinary society people nro nearly breaking their necks to keel ) within sight of them. Mrs. Cleveland's ' friends say she will not drop out of society lifo when shu leaves the white house , and it begins 10 look as If she was trying to multi ply her friends Just now. CAIIINbT ( ll'KSSINO. The political wiseacres in Washington who claim to have "a dead straight tip" fix up President Hurjnson's cabinet to-night in about this order : Hlnlno , secretary of state ; Windom , secretary of Ilio treasury ; Husk , secretary of war ; Plait , secretary of the navy ; Foster , of Ohio , secretary of the in terior ; John Baxter , of Tennesfiee , son of Jnd o Baxter , of the supreme court , attorney general ; Palmer of Michigan , secretary of agriculture ; Wunnamakor , postmaster gen eral. CAiu.isi.B STors Tin : FiiiiniwrmiiNfi. As anticipated , Chairman Mills and his followers filibustered in tlio house against Mr. Hamlall , who wauled to report Iho Cowles free tobacco bill. After they had proceeded for some limu Speaker Carlisle "sal down" upon Iho proceedings and ad vised the Mills men to let Randall report his bill and to defeat its consideration by other tuctico. There wcro then four revenue bills reported from the committee on ways and means , after which KnnUnll was per mitted to present the free tobacco bill. Inasmuch as all of these revenue bills would have to bo reached before the Cowles bill could bo taken hold of , there is not the least probability that action ban betaken taken unon the Cowlcs bill. There are to bo n low speeches delivered on the tariff , and the house , Just before this session of congress expires , is to'pnss Mills' resolution declaring tbo senate substitute to tlio house tariff bill unconstitutional. Thcro all talk about thu revision of the tariff law ends , as fur as this congress is concerned. THEY WOIIKIM ) roil STATEHOOD. Great credit is duo Messrs. Symcs , Colorado rado , Strublo. of Iowa , ami Dorsoy , of Ne braska , republican members of the house committee on territories , for the very energetic nnd effective manner in which they have labored for Iho omnibus lorrltorlal statehood bill. They have done much to put this bill in the condi tion it is now in , and wlicn it is finally adopted thera will be mush credit due them for its success. CAXXOXS. An' ordinance ofllcer of the army says that the government does not own n single good cannon. Ho states that all of the cll'orts imido to procure some superior cannon of largo sl/.o during the past four or Jlvo years have been failures , nnd that of thu stock of small and old cannon now nn hand 110110 are lit for effective use. ' A11MY OUIIKIIS. The following nainod enlisted men of the Seventeenth infantry , having performed the duties assigned them on February 10 , Fort D. A. Kussoll , Wyo. T. , will return to that station. Sergeant Edward Hillls. Company C , with permission to delav twenty days en route ; Private Joseph J. Lyons , Company A , with permission to delay twenty cays en route ; Private Philip L. Somrncr , Company K. The superintendent of the recruiting forvico will cause thirty recruits to bo assigned - signed to the Sixth infnnlry and forwarded under proper ohargo to such point or points in the department of the Missouri as the commanding general of the department may designate. PIIKV : : S. Hr.ATii. RKAINKO HIS \VAlljV. . Tlio IlorrlMo Crliuo of i\ West Vlr- Kinta Farmer. PARKKKSIIUIO , W. Va. , Fob. 17. News has reached here from Elizabeth , in Wirt county , that a horrible crime was committed ilicro Friday night. John Elsmor , n prosper ous farmer , nnd formerly n local preacher , went homo drunk and beat hiii wife because ttuppcr was not ready. Ho then worked himself Into n frenzy of rajjo , and , seizing n heavy pnkcr , brained his wife nnd two daughters , ng''d ' respectively twelve nnd seventeen and also killed the lured girl , set flro in the house and burned their bodies. Ho is m Jnll nt thn Wirt rou'ity court house and the sheriff has n strong guard to prevent lynching. Elsmer claims that thieves did thn terrible work. A IMIoiiignii Trnucdy. TKCVMSBII , Mich. , Fob. 17. A tragedy oc curred in this vlllago last niclit , by which a whole family has been wiped out of nxls- touee. Frank L. Silvers , n well-known horse breeder , shot his wife nnd two daughters , Edith and Ada , aged ton nnd nine , respectively , and then shot himself. The bodies were found this morning by neighbors , who , noticing thnt the curtains wcro down , and failing to arouse anyone , forced open the door. In the p.irlor lay the uody of Mrs , Silvers , fully dressed. The bodies of the children * were found In n bed up stairs , and In Iho same room , on ihu lloor. lay Silvers , weltering in blcod and still breathing , Ho Is still ulivo but unconscious , nnd cannot nvovor. Thcro i * no known c.iuso for the deed. Silvers was apparently In prosperous circumstances , and hU rela- with ills family were pleasant. ( Jot Alinail or Gould. ST. Louis , Fob. 17. A dispatch from Tylc ' , Tex. , says that recently Jay Gould Jlliul n suit in the district court of Smith county uk'iiinst the International & Great Northern railway forflWJ.W , nail at Ihu opnnlng of the present session of court last Monday tbo International & GnMt Northern company came In tied attempted to confess Judgment for the amount , but that the Mis souri , Kansas ft , 'J.'cxus railway Intervened with n suit against the International ft. Great Nnrtporn for t IW.WO and asked for a ro- ceifcr. Tbo matter WUH nruucd on SJatur- ) uy , and Colonel T. H. Uounuriind Urn. I ) , b'j ! ! fca vo been nppoiBte J rcelvci t. THIS CliKAUANOi : UKOUltl ) . The Financial Ti-aiiHiuitloin of the Past Wcok. * ROSTOV , Mass. , Fob. 17. [ Spr-lnl Tele gram to the HUE. ] Tlio following table compiled from disp.Uchct to the I'oit from thcniiinatrcrsof the lea ling clo.irlng-housci of the United States , show. ? tha gro. ex changes for the weak ended February 10 , Iss' ' , with rates per cent of or do orcase iw compared with the amounts for the corresponding week in 1SSS : COMING WKKK IN CONC3HHSS. Important Measures Pending "i" Die UOUKR and Senate. WASHINGTON" , Fob. 17. The present indi cations poult to a week of business activity in the senate. Mr. Halo will to-morrow call up the census bill , witli amendments recom mended by the committee , and it is also lha day for the presentation to congress by Mr. Palmer , in behalf of the state of Michigan , of the bronze s'tatuto of Lewis Cass. After u week's hard work the sub-commltteo in charge of the sundry civil appropriation has completed It for submission to the full committee to-morrow morning and probably to the senate during the day , so that it may be taken up on Tuesday. The committee on amendments make a largo increase over the amount appropriated by the house. Chair man Allison expects that the entire week after Monday will bo occunied by considera tion of the appropriation bills. The diplomatic , consular nnd military academy bills have passed both bouses and gene to the president. The district of Co lumbia , fortillcatiou , legislative and pension bills are in conference. The naval oill is be fore the house committee on appropriations with Ecnnlo amendments. The sun dry civil , army and agricultural bills have passed the house ami arc before the senate committee. The lu- diun , postollico , deficiency and river and har bor bills have been reported to the house and are still on the calendar. All those bills wil I undoubtedly get through before the scs sion closes , except , possibly , the deficiency bill. If they become laws in anything like the shape given them by the senate , they will KO far towards disposing of ono argument fornu extra session 01 congress. The agreement on the direct tax bill wipes about $ 0,000,000 of the surplus , and appropriations that seem to bo agreed on as necessary will practically absorb tbo balance for thn coming year. In the opinion of those who have made a' study of bills during the past week there has been n decided change of sentiment on the ques tion of nn extra session , and among the senators , at least , the conviction now is quite general that an extra session will not be called before October , if at all. The present week promises to bo ono of In terest in tlio house nnd will probably bo usheicd in by a day of filibustering "on sus pension Monday. " The chairman of the committee on 1'acillc railroads stand ready to olfcr , under suspension of the rules , a resolu tion fixing an early clay for consideration of the Union Pneilie , funding bill , but ho ex pects to bo met with the same opposition en countered on similar occasions in the past. Mr. Mills lias signified an intention of calling up on Tuesday .the resolution reported from the committee on ways oud means , declaring tlwtHha senate has tie constitutional right to originate a tax bill under tha guise of n sub stitute for n house bill. This will undoubt edly give rise to a debate , in which the con stitutional question will bo made subordinate to the question of tlio comparative merits of the Mills bill and the senate substi tute. Dependent on the outcome of this debate , and thb vote which follows it , is the question whether or not the Mills bill will remain upon Urn calendar as the first barrier to bo encountered by the friends of the Cowlcs bill , when Mr. liandall will ask the house to go into committee of the whole for consideration of revenue bills. Should this barrier rcmnii : on the calendar and bo successfully surmounted , two more obstacles will still have to bo removed or overcome before the Cowlcs bill can bo reached. These nro the measures now known as the McMil lan and Hreekenridgo bills , which have been reported from the committee on ways and means for the purpose of placing in the hands of that committee weapons witli which to cope with the committee on appropria tions. The advocates of the. Cowles blH , hnv.vver , nro confident of their ability to do- feut the ways ami means committee in any event. Itcllc Starr's Oinrv. ST. Louis , i'ob. 17. AJvleos from Indian territory say thnt the Journal , or diary , of Hello Starr , t'ic ' noted fcmala bandit , 1ms Lccu obtained from the Starr ranch. Hello Intended to publish it ns an autobiography. The matter contained therein is replete with thrilling incidents ami personal adventures , but the most remarkable fcaturns of all are certain disclosures concerning crimes in Texas and Indian territory , which will tend to provo thnt innocent men huvo been sen- Umcod on various occasions. It is also a matter of curiosity that the names of promi nent persons arc connected with certain crimes that hr.vo been committed In rnccnt yciirs. .Some nf the sketches in luo journal nro lively and humorous. ItnliiRil by Speculation. M.tcoN" , ( ja. , Fob 17. The Capital bank yestcrdny canted warrants to bu issued a''umst .Tolm I. . . Adams , of Adams ft Sun , cotton manuf.u.'turers utid warcliouso men. The charges nro forgery , uttering forged pa per , cluviting nnd swhrJIIug. Adanni went to Jail In default of fXUUU bail. Ho waived prclimhuuy hearing. Six years ago youu Adams commenced to speculate ) in futures , losing heavily. Hu issued liclitloua cotton receipts and farmers' not s , finally forging tko 111111104 of ri'spuiiiiblo farmers and dis. rouiiti ! ! vie ! pupcr at the bunk , talnni ; It up always In timu i to proven * , trouble. This continued until the tlio amount of Allans' fictitious and forged pnpor lacrcnssU : o f''l.tW at thu CJupiU > | bank. Adams transferred Insurance policies to the ainnunt of tlS.UlK ) to thu bam : , In coimthg the cotton bales in thu houbc , ' . ' 03 wera found which blumUl have been n tliov- saml. Adams acknowledged the crlmu and stated that &JVKKi ( , ( would barely cover the amount. The father is ) ; lyliv : respected , ad : : ! lic house goes to thu wall i.ftrr ilom0- * - " ; 'yriy ! yoar.i. IOWA'S ' GOVERNOR INDICTED , Ohnrpod With Criminal Llbol In the Chester Turnoy Caso. READY TO FACE HIS ACCUSERS. A 'Wood-t'llo l-'rcini Which Several "Well Developed Kc Arc Kxpcctcd In Ho Smoked. A FOOI' Motsn , In. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele ram to Tin : Hii.l : Governor Larrabco was asked tttis afternoon if it were trim that the grand jury had Indicted him for crimina libel. The report was current yesterday thai an indictment had been made but the officials refused to confirm it ana no warrant was is sued. The governor , In reply , said that the county attorney came to his house to-day ant Informed him thnt au indictment had been reached. Ho told the county attorney that he should bu glad to have the case called at once , ns bo was ready at any time to appear In court and answer to the charge. Ho said further , In connection , this afternoon , that while the proceeding was apparently In the interests of Mrs. Turiiey , the mother of Chester Turnoy , tlio boy imprisoned nt Ana- mesa , yet there were other parties be hind her who were pushing the suit solely to nunny and injure him. "I am not nt all surprised , " said the governor , "that this indictment was returned. I have been kept informed of the efforts that have been made In this direction , unu us long ago ns Uccember I was told by ono of the attor neys for Mrs. Turnoy that If 1 didn't pardon tbo boy there would bo trouble made for me. More than that , the railroads liavo been giv ing Mrs. Turnoy free passage to go over the state and work up sympathy ana feeling against me , and I have no doubt have been glad to help bring this about. Hut when the attorney told mo that I would be much more comfortable if I would pardon the boy and thus avoid this trouble I told him that I was not discharging my duties with a view to my personal comfort , and had not so far looked to my own convenience in doing what 1 thought was iright , nnd I should not begin to do so now. So I paid no attention to their threats and mn not sur prised that after all their efforts they have succeeded in celling nn indictment against me. I am ready to go into court at any time , and nin half disposed to bo my own lawyer , and don't especially blaine Mrs. Turney , as shejs being used byotbeis. Hut I may feel it my duty now to make some thincs public in court that I liavo kept back heretofore out of consideration for other people's feeling ! ' . So far as having any malicious motive in sending out the pamphlet on which the al leged libel is based , I should be willing to pay any damages the court might asses's and make Mrs. Turnoy a handsome present be sides , if they can show that 1 bad any desire to do her injury. " When aslced as to what this pamphlet was , the governor said it contained nothing ex cept copies of papers flletl in his ollice , with out a word from him personally. Ho ex plained its publication by saying that it came about In tliis way : He had received so many letters asking why ho didn't pardon Chester Turney that ho got tired of writing replies , mid so told his chief clerk to gather up the remonstrances against n pardon that had come from citizens of Preston , where the crimes wcro commited , and have them printed and send n copy to everyone who know the other side of the case. To these remonstrances were added letters from the district attorney who prosecuted and the lawyer who defended the ooy , piving Information bearing on the trial. He had sent a ropy of this pamphlet to each member of tbo legislature since the Turney side was presented to the legislature last winter , be fore these remonstrances were received , and ho wanted them to see that there were two siacs to the case. Then , whenever a person had written asking about the case , ho bad sent this pamphlet , which showed why many of the best people of Preston did not want the boy pardoned and didn't think it would bo safe to the community to liavo him let out at present. The statements contalnod in the remonstrances about Mrs. Turnoy were not his own , but the statements of the former neighbors of the woman where she had lived. These papers were a part of the pub lic records on nlo in his ofllco , nnd ho had loaned them several times to people who wanted to know about the cote. Partly to preserve them from being lost , ho had them printed , so that a printed copy could bo given when wanted , rather than the original cop ies. ies.The remonstrances from Mrs. Turnoy's former neighbors stated she was not a woman of good character whoso word could bo relied upon , and that she had two husbands living , having received a divorce from neither. Mrs. Turney claims that these statements are un true and libellous. She says her first hus band was killed In the war , though there are no records of when and where ho was killqd. and she does not claim to know. She said last night , whoa questioned , that ho was not killed in any battle , but by bushwhackers , though she don't know when or where. It appears that there nro others besides Mrs. Turnoy who are endeavoring to pet the covcrncr into a box , and it is intimated that tbo grand Jury itself was not wholly with out intent In the mailer. The Jury was strongly anti-prohibilion , having a number of what are called Jugwumps and democrats , who have no love for so radical a prohibitionist as Governor Larrabee. It is stated to-night that the ease will bo called in tbo district court next Tuesday morning , though no ono expects It will go very far. When asked what ho jvould 119 if ho were convicted , the governor laughingly replied that ho hadn't decided whether he would go tn the penitentiary or pardon himself out. It is not improbable that in the course of time ho may make It pretly lively for some of the friends of Mrs. Turney who have been push ing the Indictment ngainst him , including two or tlirco people of this city. Important l < > I'nrmorH. nus Moisna , la. , Fob. 17. [ Special to Tin : lli'.i : . ] -lowa Is fortunate In having as stale veterinary surgeon , Dr. Stalker , n man of .scientille acquirement. ! , who can protect the cattle interests of I ho stale in many ways. Ho has made a sludy of the poisoned plants. and fungus growths which cattle sometimes feed upoivnml a case of tills kind 1ms been' recently investigated by him. A man named * Lutliurt living near Madrid , in Hoono county , reported to him that his cattle wcro aflllcted \\vlth n btrnniro hoof disease. Dr. Slaiker made u pumomil examination and discovered that the cattle had been eating bay that was Illlcd with ergot , u fungus growth that is fre quently noticed on what Is known as spurred ryo. Tins fungus growth is scon In moro or less ( iiiui..ivj on a great deal of hay , hut a Miuill amount of it docs llttlo harm. When found In larcu qmintlllles , the hay containing it Is likely to piovc very Injurious to the cut- tlo that eat it. After u long course of feed ing tha effect becomes notlccaUle , especially toward spring. It impairs the circulalion , nnd eventually keeps all blood from the ex tremities , thus producing the hoof disease , such us was noticed In the catUo at Madrid , Dr. Stalker's ' udvlco to tlio farmer was to stop feeding the hay with the ergot in it , and changeto n diet of corn fodder or straw- two articles thnt nro usually absolutely fre'o from tlm HtulT. Ho states that corn has a tendency to counteract the effect of the ergot. This winter being comparatively mild , farmers have fed moro hay ami less cxirn than u tiul , hence thu number of cases of hoof disease In dltToront parts of the state. Dr. Stalker explains ilio fuel that horses are not so liable to bu alllleted us cattle , by their being moro holectlvo In the matter of their fond , and they arc mare likely to reject the spurred rye upon which the poisonous fungus grown , Thu Nation il Guard Kiicninpniciit. Moixui , la. , Feb. 17. ( Special to Tnu twv brigadier generals , Gen- eral Wright , of Ccntorvillc , nnd Genera Heeson , of Marshalltowiit have been In the city during the past week conferring will the adjutant general in regard to the ncx encampment of the Iowa National Guard Heretofore the custom 1ms bee'n to aUornnto the style of encampment , having one year i brigade encampment and the next year regl mental encampment ! ) . Thcro are two brig ndes in tlio state , the first rotnprUIng the Second , the Third and the Fifth regiments The second brigade includes the First , the Fourth and the Sixth regiments. Heforo the law Wis passed by the last genera assembly it was possible to secure speeia rates for troops to and from their encamp incuts. Hut now that special rntos luivo been abandoned the item of transportation is a very Important one when estimating the ex penses of an cucnnnmiant. The commanding ofllcors say thnt the troops get the best re suits from tbo brigade imeampaiopt , but it is more expensive than the encampment bj regiments , and they hesitate about ordorim , that kind for this year , although it wouh follow In natural order , the encampment last being by regiments. Thomatter is now being considered , and If any nrrangcmom can bo made with the railroads which wil make the expense about equal la either case the brigade encampment will bo ordered. A decision will soon bo announced , and the dates will bo fixed , so that the men in the National Guard cau arrange their eneage ments for the summer" as not to conflict with the encampment , The Vacant DBS Mow * , la. , Feb. 17. [ Special to Tin Hic. : | The vacant position on the supreme bench Is Just now tbo absorbing object of in terest to a great many' ' Iowa lawyers. Judge Koed , who Is to represent the Council Hluffs district in congress for tlio next two years , has stepped down froin tbo bench instead ol up from it , us some might suppose. Thegov- crnor is now busy in looking over letters of application , recommendations , petitions , etc. He says he has a basket full of recommenda tions pertaining to twelve distinct candi dates. Ho will spend some days in examin ing their papers , and then will make the ap pointment. It is bolloved'ln this vicinity that Judge Given , of the district bench of this city , is almost certain to receive the appoint ment. lie was the leading candidate for tlio nomination at the last state convention , next to Judge Granger , who was nominated. He is very" popular in Grand Army circles , and is well known all over the state , having been a candidate for the nomination of governor four years ago. Tfie Iowa Tax Ijinv. DBS Moixns , la , , Feb. 17. [ Special Tel egram to THE HCK. ] A good many people do not entirely understand thn provisions of the general Iowa tax law. No demand for taxes is required but it is the du'.y of every person to p.iy his taxes between the lirst Monday in January and the 1st day of March following the levy in September. Or , he may pay one-half tlio general tax nnd all the road tax before tlio first day of March and the remainder before the first day of the following September. Where the lirst installment is not paid before April 1 the whole tax be comes delinquent from March 1 , and when the second installment is not paid before October 1 following it becomes delinquent from September 1. Delinquent taxes draw a penalty of 1 per cent.ppr . month until paid. A tax sale is held on tho'flrst Monday of each year for 11)0 ) unpaid taxes of the preceding year or years. Tills synopsis of the Iowa tax laws may save a good'tnnny Iowa tax payers from pcnaltv payment * for neglect to comply with vhe provisions in this respect. The Oil la A DisMoisiH : , la. , Feb. 17. [ Special to Tun pLu.l A great many complaints liavo been made to the slate board of health about the quality of kerosene offered for sale and about the trouble to make lamps burn prop erly. Assistant Secretary Andrews , who has made n study of such matters , became satisfied that the trouble is not witli the oil , for every gill in use in the state is carefully inspected. Ho lias come to the conclusion that the trouble is with the wicks and burn ers rather than with the oil. For several days ho has had a collection of all kinds of wicks and burners in his ofllco , ana has been carefully testing them. Jn his opinion Iowa has the best oil of any state in the union , because - cause of its rigid inspection of all kerosene offered for sale in the state. He liuds that oil of a high test often /burns / badly because its great specific gravity resists the capillary attraction and prevents It from rising in the wick. Ho holds that such oil should bo used in lamps with reservoirs above the light , so that the specilic gravity helps rather than hinders its burning. As soon as his in- vcsligalions are comuleicd ho will publish the resulls in a pamphlet for general distri bution. Another I'rohlcm Solved. DBS . , Feb. 17. [ Special to Tnc HUB. ] A curious little question on the construction of a statute has Just been de cided by the state auditor. The law entitles the soldiers' homo at Marslmlltown to draw ' an appropriation of $10 per month for each inmate. Tlio trustees were in doubt us to now to determine the number each month , since the number was constnnlly changing. Hitherto an attempt has boon made to arrive at an approximation by taking the average for the preceding quarter. This did not make sufficient allowance for the heavy in crease during the quarter , and it was feared that the appropriation would not bo enough to support the actual number of inmates. The auditor now decides that the average of the number of Inmates In the preceding month shall bo taken as the basis for ap propriations each month. So tlio trustees nro happy , and think they cau got along all right. _ _ _ _ The Hallroad Situation. DBS Moisns , la. , Fob. 17. [ Special to TUB HBI : . ] The situation in railroad matters is very quiet at present. The different roads aru accepting the commissioner's schedules , nnd pulling ihelr rut s in force ns fast as the changes can bo made. Whether or not the litigation begun In Jujlgo Drawer's court will bo continued at the > May term Is not alto gether certain. The j-ouds have had a largo ' force of men 'at work obtaining u mass of statistics to show thoiloss that would result on n year's business ! if the commissioners' rates were enforced.They make a comparal- so between the old . uud thu now rates on a year's business and they expect to provo to the court thnt tbo loa $ would bo DO great as to nearly bankrupt them. At present , how ever. they are giving the rates a trial , and imblio sontlmoui is very strongly in favor of having them obey tbo law ana try the rates uwlulo and s&o whether the threatened loss will arise. _ The Choniieolr | Murder , MASON CITV , la. , ft'cb. 17. [ Special role- Tram to Tins HuBjJ Incitement In the 3hcmllock wholosalo'murdcr Is beginning to subside. At 8 o'clock lus.t ovcnlni ; tbo body ' of the murderer was , picked up from the > ratrio nnd carried across the country to the tome of his father. The hatred manifested jy some of the Uohcmians was expressed In nuttcred curses , while others gave the body violent kicks. The coroner will not bo abla o report a verdict Uofore Monday night , nnd t Is now likely that ho will bo ublo to ustab- Ish that Joe Chcmllcuk hud an accomplice in the crime. jUnder the lee , HISMAIICU , D.ik. , Feb. , 17. A half-breed udlau named Le Hlanc , his wife and thrco children , were drownoJ in the Missouri river , eighteen miles from hero , yesterday after- toon. Tlioy were crossing the river In a vugon during the blinding bli//.urd. Tno torses ran into an air bolo and all were swept , under water , THE KEYA PAIIA VIGILANTES Serve Notlco On Supposed Cattle Thlovos to Leave. GIVEN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. _ _ _ The Incitement Huns lllfcli , and It Is Fcni-cd That Several nf the Suspects Will Ho I/ynohod. Thn Governor Appealed To. Nr.wi-oiiT , Neb , , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hrn.l Reports from ICoya Palm county show it to bo under the reign of a vigilante committee , For the past month the farmers and ranchmen of that county have lost many entile , which they suppose men living In thoeounty have helped to run off. C. M. Clay was waited upon last Monday andlaken in charge by the commit tee. A man named Hubcoek , who was taken In charge by the committee , escaped and cumo to Uassett to secure aid from tbo of ficers of this county. A writ of habeas corpus was Issued by Judge Morgan and put in the hands of Sheriff Harris , of this county , but the sheriff of Keya Palm refused to act. JudKO Morgan telegraphed to Gov ernor Thnycr for militia to "aid in serving the writ. . The governor says that the ofilccrs of Hock county had no authority to act. Stewart , another of the supposed thieves , rode out of Springvicw Thursday night. His horse came into Springviow Saturday morn ing riderless , and atowart bus not been seen since. A score of men have received notices to leave ICoya Palm in the next twenty-four hours. It is feared by many that Clay and others will bo lynched before the commlttcbs can bo brought under subjection. It Is s.iid thnt fully live hundred men be long to the organizalion. Clifford's Crime. NntitASKv CITV , Neb. , Feu. 17. [ Special to Tin : HKB.I Edwin Clifford , the actor who died at Hastings last Thursday , had u little story connectcii with his life tht.t was not generally known , even among his friends. The story is told by Miss Jessie Crisp , an nc- iress who has been in the city. Miss Crisp secured Clifford his lirst theatrical engage ment , nearly twenty-live years ago , and fin ally brought him to Mobile , Ala. , to play in a theater of which Miss Crisp's father was manager and proprietor. The lady had u sister Celia , who had married n confederate olllcer Captinin W. Mobley , a wealthy planter. The hitter and Clifford , whoso right name was Acker , became the warmest of friends. During the performance of n play at Mobile , Clifford entered the box ofllco drunk , tniil used insulting language to the manager's wife. Mobloy overhearing the remarks eon- fronted Clifford and asked him to apologize to the lady , Dut instead of complying Clifford drew a revolver and fired four shots into Mobloy's body , from which ho die d the next day. The revolver with which the shooting was done was a present from tlio murdered man. Clifford was arrested , but at the re quest of the victim was given his liborty.and he left the city and has not been seen by the injured family since that day. The murdered man was a brother-in-law to Congressman Crisp , of Georgia , and nn only son of Mobloy is at present a clerk to the aqngreismun. The widow afterwards married Edwin Stew art , the actor. Suspected of Murder. ' Lixwoot ) , Nob. , Feb. 17. A man supposed to bo John Waters , who murdered his mother-in-law at No. 51 TulIJa street , Pough- kecpsio , N. Y. , was arrested hero Saturday night by Private Deteteutive Leroy E. Sowers. The prisoner registered at the Northwestern hotel ns Frank Halter , and says ho has been traveling over the country for the last two years. He answers to Iho despription given and will bo held until the officers who have been notified can arrive. A Fish Story. Loxo PIXI : , Nob. , Feb. 17. [ Special to THE HEB. | United States Fish Commis sioner Ivenedy went through hero hist night with a car load of fish , and left a lot Jof them for Long Pine crook. One of the export trout fishermen of this pla90 presented Mr. Kenedy with a largo speckled trout , woigh- ; ng ono and thro-quartcr pounds. These were put in the creek 11 vo years ago , and hundreds of them were caught last summer. Wanted for Jtirglary > NKIIHASKA CITY , Neb. , Feb. 17. [ Special to Tin : Hii : : , ] Tlio men , Haward and Hughes , irrosted hero on suspicion , are wanted in Falls City for burglary. Their identity was discovered by u bad cut on Hnward's nind , imi'lo by breaking a window glass. The Falls City officers will arrive to-morrow. IJroko Thrnii li the luc. NijmuKA. CmNob. . , Fob. 17. [ Special to THB HEB. ] The report reaches the city to-day that a young girl aged sixteen , named Stanley , broke through the ice hi the river lortli of town last evening and was drowned. The body was not recovered. Sold anil Changca I'olitics. Noiinnt' , Neb. , Feb. 17. [ Special to TUB HII : : . ] T. S. Armstrong has sold the Horcalis plant to O. P. Hillings. The politics of the paper will bo made republican. N1M2TY IIOUU'S UOASTUI ) . OnoIMnn Htirned to Douth and Sev eral Severely Injured. KANSAS CITVMO. , Fob. -Special [ Tele gram to Tun Uin.1 : A Disastrous lire broke out in the Lnndis livery and Transfer com pany's burns ut Tenth and Forest avenue , shortly after 11 o'clock to-night , nnd for a time threatened to devastate tlio entire cast sldo of the city , as Lho flrodepartmo nt was powerless to prevent its spread , owing to the bursting of the water main west of the fire. The flro spread with startling rapidity , nnd the entire ) building and contents were destroyed. The horses were stabled In tlio basement , mid it Is esti mated thnt ninety of them perished , entail ing u loss of about 520,000. The build ing and store will run thn loss up to $ .10,000 , which is fairly covered jy insurance. Mr. Hoffman , one of the gen tlemen interested in the company , was burned M death and his wife seriously injured , Tom Hrady , nn employe , was also badly hurt and another hostler severely injured. residences were also burned down , which will increase the total loss to possibly f75,000. , NEW OIII.BANH. La. , Feb. 17. The failure of tbo Grand Lake Coal company , of Piits- nirg. has lead to important suits filed here. Ono Is brought against Joseph H. Williams by the Fort Pitt National bank , of I'ittsburg , or ( 0.000 ; another by thu Mcchnnclai fatinnul bank , of I'ittsburg , against Joseph J. Williams , for ? : iJ,000. Attachments have icon issued. It is alleged that during u storm ast August the Grand Lake Coal company est by the sinking of coal boats on the lower Mississippi nearly 500,000. - Her uwlilpptj < l. CASi'Kit , Wyo. , Fob. 17. [ Special to Tun JEB.I Marshal Buxton was horsewhipped n the street to-day by Jack Wiser , for ul. ogcd filandorouj remarks make by Huxtou , oncoming the character ot u young lady vhom WUnor had been waiting1 upon for HO mo time. A Htni'u Hume. HOI.YOKB , Col. , Fob. 17. [ Special Tola- cram to TUB HIB. : ] Wukeman ft t > oa' ' ; > ia'"V ral merchandise store burned hero lust * Ight. Loss $7KOj ( ) Insurance ? 1,000. Hubert Jove1 , of Kansas City , Shot Tlmmuli the Hend. KANSAS CITY , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB linn. I A sensational shooting affray which resulted fatally , took plnco nt Argen tine , ICnn. , ono of Kansas City's suburbs , late this afternoon. The facts in the case , as near as can bo nscfrtalned , Indicate that Kobert Jove , n sporting chnwctor , nnd John C. Hrown , n Santa Fo yardman , have had trouble for sever.xl Wi-oks Thofeud _ was the outcome of Improper ad vances on the part of , love to Mrs. Hrown , who had Informed her husband of an Inde cent proposal made by Jove. This afternoon Jove was on n spree and called at Brown's rofldcnce. Ho flourished a revolver anil threatened to kill Drown , nnd was ejected. Jove was afterward arrested for firing of bis revolver but released on bail. Later Hrown and Jove met on the street , and the latter precipitated matters by assaulting Hrown , who drew his revolver and shot .love through the head , killing him in stantly. Urown gave himself up to the authorities and was lodged in the comity Jail at Wyaudotto. He told his story of the trouble In n straight forward inaiiin'r , and the sympathy of the public is In his favor. It is said that Jove is wanted in Johnson comity , Tennessee , for thn murder of a colored man some two years ago. A Iloiiiostnku HotibRi1 Ksenprs. DBunvooi ) , 13. T. , Feb. 17 [ Special Tele- cram to Tin : HII : : . ] John Wilson , the Homcstako train robber , who was badly wounded and captured in that dastardly at tempt on the lUth of hist October , and who turned states evidence against Niekerson , Telford , nnd Dee Dougherty , bis accoui pliccs , escaped from the Jail last night. His cell was in the second story. The only window was secured by an iron-barred shut ter and was locked on the inside by a pad lock. This was picked , evidently with n small octagonal steei punch , a broken part of which was found with two strands of twisted wire in his cell this morning. He let himself down with torn strips of his blankets. Con siderable astonishment and indignation is manifested hero at the placing of Wilson in such nn insecure cell. Kltotr'lo Sugar Frauds Arrested. ANNH.uir.oit , Mich. , Feb. 1" . AH the par ties in the Electric Sugar Hiillnlng company frauds were arrested at Milan last night , the sheriff returning to this city about midnight with Mrs. Olive , E. Friend , William K. How ard , Emily Howard , Gus Halstead and George Halstead , and placed them in the county Jail. They were arreasted for obtain ing money under false pretenses. Three In dictments wcro found against them by tbo grand jury of Now York last January. One is issued for fraud ngainst the sugar company , and two on complaint of Lawson N. Fuller , of New York. On these indictments requisitions were made on the governor of Michigan who issued warrants for their arrest. Yes terday was the llrsttimo since that all parties have been in the state. As it was late , no bail could be obtained and they remained in Jail. Howard threatens thnt when they go to New York there will be n sansution renter than had ever stirred that' city , A Fatal Quarrel. Toi'BitA , Kan. , Feb. 17.Special [ Tele- ram to Tin : BUB. ] James Ellisto nn prom inent catlle man and proprietor of the Cimarron - arron ranch , ono of the largest in western Kansas , became Involved in a quarrel ycster- ila.y afternoon with C. Ii. Haldy , tnc super- ntcndent of the ranch. Klliston suspected that Haldy was too Intimate with iis wife , and. accusdc him of it. This brought on hot words , but the two were parted by friends. A half hour later the quarrel was renewed , and Haldy who in the meantime armed himself with a revolver shot Elleston three times , death resulting almost instantly. The affair has created n sensation , and the feeling ngainst the nninicror is very bitter. He claims that It was done in self defense. Tn Hiiild n Mill. Movwooi ) , Neb. , Feb. 17. [ Special to Tin : The committee appointed a few days ago by the Moywood Flouring Mill Aid asso ciation to raise money to defray the expenses connected with the cstablshing of n flouring mill at this place , 1ms raised 1,090 as a bonus for the Walter Chamberlain proposition to put in a mill , and $ Jnoo for use in legal pro ceedings which may bo brought about by other parties who desire 10 put in u mill at the same place. "Travel Saloon. " For HunniiiK n lug GANDV , Neb. , Fob. 17. [ Special to TUB HBI : . ] There was quite nn excitement cre ated in Grandy by the arrest and prosecution of W. T. Judson for running a traveling sa loon , commonly called "boot-legging whisky. " Judson was bound r.ver in $500 bonds to appear before the district court In June. The Weather Indications. For Nebraska ! Fair , warmer , variable winds. Forliwa ; Cle.irlng , eoldtjr , followed by warmer northwesterly winds. For Dakota : Fair , .clearing . in northwest portion , warmer , variable winds. Mortuary Matters. The funeral of Thomas Gough was largely attended yesterday , the Hriekluvcrs' union and the members of the Plusteror's union turning out in full foroc , the nthor trades unions being represented by delegations. The cortege was hearted by the A. O. II. band , and proceeded from Hoafe.y & Hoafy's to Laurel hill , where the remains were in terred. Another old resident of Omaha passed away , when Bridget Hoylan dlod lunt even ing shortly beforn 0 o'clock. Siio had .been Iroublcd with heart disease , and was con fined to her house a few days prior to her death , which , however , cimo : unn'cpnctcdl.v. She was sixty-two years of u o , and the wife of .lames Hoylan , one of thu oldest of the Union Pncillu employes , and at present In charge of the shipping departments nt the shops. She leaves six children , ono of whom is a tele grapher in the employ of tlm company , and the other a mouldur. The funeral will talco place Tuesday at S a. m. Miss Guiles McGuire succumbed to an In flammatory attiick yesterday aflornoon in South Omaha , ami will bo burieti in St. Mary's cemetery to-moriow moriiingt at. b a. in , High mass will bo celebrated In St. Hrldgct'H church. Josle Halen , a three-year-old girl , died of bronchitis yesterd.iyafturnoun , The funeral will leave her father's ivdUlcnco , Hrown Park , tins afternoon ittil p. m. - Itailrojd 'Noll's. General Passenger Acrcnt Huchanaii has Issued the folio wing order ; Henry ( ' - Cheney is hnpointcd assist , in t general passenger ui.ront of the Fremont. Klkhorn fi Missouri Valley railroad , and of the Kioux City fi I'.iuiilu , taking effect February 15 , Mr. Cliuynoy 1ms for years hold the odlce of southwestern p.issunjrcr ngcnt of the above road , which has hncm abolished. Assistant General Manager Dickinson , Car Accountant Buckingham , and AMisfllnt Gen eral Freight Agent llalilw.n , of tlio Union Paclllo , are nt Leavenwerth tnnltlng arrange ments for ihu independent operation of the Leavenworth ft. Southwestern , witli Bald win ns gnucral manipulator. it is currently reported that A. V. U. Car penter , gitncral p.i * cnger iifcnt of tha Chi- rage , Milwaukee & St 1'nul. will bo rotii-nd at full pay March I , and tlmt.i.V. . Hnmuv Iof\ \ will tuUo Ilia lilacs. Old ago and loss of sight is tU "auso of Mr. Carpenter's rctiru- from the joltioa ( ho has iicU to lung , A SKY SCRAPER'S ' COLLAPSE , The Tnllost Office Bnlklluor In Chl- cngo a Totul Wvook. NO ONE KILLED OR INJURED. Tlio SiiiirrlntiMHlent nuil CYuitraotora Krl'itso to Advnnro Any Tlicnfy AH to tliu Cauxo of tin ; Aculdunt. A Mountain \Vi-i-cUnic. . CnicAdo , Fob. 17. Ono of tlio tallest ofllco buildings in America collapsed to-jlny. A number of workmen rushed out Just in tlino to ccnpo being crushed under tlio mountain of wreckage. Tlio ruined building was tbo Owings block , it beautiful gothlc structure , fourteen stories high , situated nt the eornor of Dearborn and Aduius street ? , Just opposite ) tlio postoftlci' , in tlio center of tlio business district. The ten Icwor stories foil in , one after another , leaving tlio walls , tlio four upper floors and the root'standing in a decidedly shaky condition. In the tenth story the tile flooring was defective , or was danniged by the natural settling of the build ing. About StfO this morning n dozen or so of the workmen who w ire In the. basement heard au omlnious cracking and crash. For tunately for them they did not stop to In quire the cause , but rushed frantically into the street. A succession of thunderous re ports followed the first , crush , then ono mighty din , and the atiuosphcro was tllli.'d with n irrcat uprising cloud of dust. When the uir was cleared , where once story above story rose with every appearance of colossal strength and durability , now mounted a fantastic heal ) nf debris , while a space for lilO feet above was empty , save for the bout nnd distorted Iron beams that here and there projected from the walls. The superintendent and contractors were Munitioned , but did not seem to have any idea of the cause of tbo wreck , or if they did they kept it carefully to themselves. The building , which was rapidly approaching preaching completion , was considered ono of the Ilnest in the city from the standpoint of convenience , strength and architecture. The three lower stories were of stones and others above of pressed brick. The interior was entirely of tile , supported by massive iron girders. Tlio tiles of which the Mooring were miulo wi're lilted together like keystones , and any extension of space coiilliiing them would tend to allow the ciitim mass to drop'out. It is presumed that tha settling of the building caused the lirst break , and that the weight of the mass precipitated from the tenth floor carried down tbo remainder of tlio inner structure. The matter creates great com ment among business men. The very fact that the accident seemed to be uiiforscen Is generally considered the most serious phase , of it , when taken in connection with the idea that it might hnvo occurred when tbo building was completed and illlcd with occupants. Notwithstanding the great height of the building , the land on which It stands is not more than fifty foot square. The design was to utilize every inch to the utmost. The exterior shows no signs of the wreck of the Inside. No information as to the probable loss or what is to bo done could bo obtained from uuy ono about thobuildi ng. CAUINKT OOSSIP. "Much Significance Attached to Win- ( Inin'H Visit to H.irriHon. IxniAX.vrous , Feb. 17. This has been a rather quiet Sabbath , and General Harrison had a day of needed rest. Around the hotels and on the streets the chief talk has been the visit of Windom , and opinions' vary as to whether he is to go into cabinet , as well na to the quality of the appointments. There is less talk to-day of Warner Miller going into the cabinet than yesterday , but quite u number positively assort that ho will bo ono of the eight. Tliey do not pretend to 1 assign him to any specific place , but intima tions are that it will bo the department o Justice. It was rumored lust night that Noble , of Missouri , who has been mentioned for a cabinet plnco was in the city on yesterday and called upon General Harrison , but nothing certain can bo obtained iif regard to it , us the rumor will neither bo alllrmed or denied at the general's ' house. It Is pretty generally conceded hero to-day that Noble will bo a member of the cabinet. Lending democrats heru are dis posed to criticise very severely the make-up of the cabinet so far as it has been an nounced. uThoir criticisms am mainly di rected nt Windom , Wammmkor and Noble. A great majority of the republicans express themselves as highly pleased. JJG Guroii IH Sorry Ho Spnlco. LONDON , Feb. 17. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to Tin : 13ii.1 : The inter view wltii Lo Caron which the Herald's London edition published yestcrsny 1ms been the sensatian of the day. The whole of Sun day's edition has been exhausted and news boys are coining to the ofllco want ing more. From Hyde park In tbo west toYlilccfhupol in the cast there is but ono topic of conversa tion , nnd that is the enterprise shown by the Herold in out thoTimcs's drawing great wit ness. At midday nut a single copy of the Herald could bo bougnt In London or its suburbs. Lo Caron called at this ofllco to night and handed in the following hitter ) " ] am advised that the publication of what purports to be the report of nn Interview with mo In to-day'H London edition of tlio N'ow York Herald constitutes a libel , iind I now formally give you notion that an" further thor production of this report or statement founded upon it must bo at your peril. " Notwithstanding this threatening notice , the Herald's edition of Monday will repro duce the Interview , as this Is the only way to supply the enormous demand. In n statement to the Press association Lo Cnron says ho though the interview was for Amer ica , or ho wuuld not buvo talked , 'J'lic New Hampton Shooting. Mn-o.v Crrr , la. , Fob. 17. [ .Spi-olal to Tins Hin--It : ] now looks probable that an exten sive litigation will grow out of the shooting sensation at Now Hampton. It appears that TuffoniH was nobovuii a iKputi/od olllcer , nnd. hu voluntarily assumed the obligation of making the. arrnst , TulTimU has boon placed under arrest and is now out on ball , The real name of tlio man shot Is Frank Younglove , ami not Frank l.'nfrnnlclo , in ho Jlrst gave It. The doctors liavo given up all hopes of his recovery , but state that ho may live iilnng ii\ \ his pri'smit condition several days. The young lady who ho w.'ts enticing away was Nellie Grcoly , n resident of Qsagy , and their arrest was ordered on account of some pilfering done while they wcro shopping ntltiiKsett. ' It appears that Younglovo Is u bad character , and IIUK done time In tha Mntu liimitoiitinry nn uiuount of wrong doings tit Urusb Creak , in. , \ .NiM'i'l Oldor.itloii , Jis ) : MOINC.I , la.-Feb. U. [ Special to TUB Hii.I : : Them will bo n iwoi oolubrution of Washington's birthi'ay ' in miiny Iowa cities this year. Tbo OranU Army post , at Mount Pleasant has urli'mutci ] a outturn whlcU others will follow. The veterans propose to present on that occasion n fhz to tlio buys pi the High school. They reverse , tha usual order , ami give Ihiirs Instr-id of recttivlng them , Hut tliojr Idea Is tbwt n the votonmu ace growing old anil fsm passing away , It la iipproprinio that their charge should bo com- miltnil to younger hands , and so tliuy glvo [ lie Inspli-iilon of ihmr benediction 'to tha boys of to-iluy , who will noon tnko thnlr places. , Commander L'onslgnuy will no Jm- pressed with the Idea that he has revow. r inindi.'il it to all ' , bo IK.-EM us tto ! dep of lowu.