Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1889, Image 9
ir I ) mm PAGES , THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. T1LVE PAGES. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 37 , 18S9.-TWELTE PAGES. NUMBER 247 SE CASH PURCHASE rf 0WL m , l l < V in . f ( l i , ftwl sjtfj $ HAS ARRIVED AND WILL BE PLACED ON SALE MONDAY , FEB. 17111 , AT MAIL ORDERS MAIL ORDERS FROM THIS STOCK , WILL BE FILLED CAN BE FILLED FROM THIS SALE PROMPTLY , AS THE STOCK IS AS THERE IS ENOUGH LARGE ENOUGH to LAST TO LAST ABOUT 7 DAYS AT LEAST ONE WEEK 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 and 510 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET , COR. HOWARD. . On : Mr. Brandeis , now in New York , guarantees this purchase to be of unusual importance , It comprises the entire ladies' muslin underwear stock of aJarge New York firm , retiring from active business , and is worth not less than Forty-Five Thousand dollars. The price and quality of these * : > 3 ds will surprise you. FOR 15 ets. We give you choice of BOO dozen LADIES' CHEMISE , CORSET COVERS , DRAWERS and CHILDRENS' DRAWERS , All mode of good muslin , well made , and finished with tucks , all nt. 15c , We offer choice of l.OOO dozen LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS , CHEMISE , DRAWERS , CORSET COVERS , Made of Fruit of the Loom Mus lin , trimmed in Edgings , Ruffles , Tucks , full size and well made , all at 25c. FOR 39 ets. We offer you choice of ISO dox MUSLIN CAEA1ISE , Square or pointed yoke of solid tuck ofembroidery MUSLIN DRAWERS , with ruffle of embroidery and 3 cluster's of tucks. Cambric Corset Covers , low neck embroidered , on neck < & sleeves. 39c , it Is a stable that reflects credit upon Oina- 1m'1 * appreciation of line horse flesh. Thcro is n symllcato of wc.ilthy Omaha gentlemen considering the advisability of building a mile track just north of the fair grounds , anil inaugurating a regular spring und fall racing session. This is something that Omaha should have , but a jockey club should lirst be organized und all the details carefully looked after to prevent the possi bility of a failure. Then the course could be secured , a club house built and the enter prise given a proper and healthy send-off. Omuha has many good horses and any num ber of liberal minded citizens who are great ly interested in turf matters and who would gladly lend their hearty co operation to such a project. This same move was advocated bv Tun Hni : n year ago and for a time con siderable interest , was awakened , but trie parties who should have been most promi nently identified with the matter became laggard and it Unally dropped out. sight alto gether. INGKAM'S BENCH SHOW. A Magnificent Inhibition of Dogs is Already Admired. The outlook for the coming bench show , to bo held on the ICth , 17tb , Ibth and 19th of April , simultaneously with the annual state's shooting tournament , is certainly very flat tering. Mr. Ingram is receiving numerous letters from all parts of the country , mid is much elated over the prospects. Several English mastiffs have already been entered , and prominent kennels throughout the west ern states nro to bo represented with thel special breeds. A great deal of interest has been manifested in dogs since the last show. Mr. Ingrain says there are scores of bird docs in this city fit to show in any company , and the exhibition in this line , all breeds , will bo a magnificent one. The shooters who will attend tno state tournament will bring many line dogs , and the array will be n rare one. Western people are beginning to evince much interest in bench allows , from the simple fact , prob.ibly , that every eastern city has its spring and fall show annually. Tliero will bo a largo entry of thoroughbred dogH from Iowa , while Nebraska and Kansas will fur.- nish their full quota. In concluding n liltlo talk this morning Manager Ingrain observed : "At my coming show , 1 intend to have ample room for from tivo to seven hundred dogs , and it will afford any one two solid hours of beneficial study to attend and inspect them. " All entries should bo addressed to W. G. Ingram or John J. Hardln , Oniuhu , and the sooner made the bettor for all concerned. Tlio Stnto Shoot. J. J. Hard In Is rapidly perfecting his ar rangements for the annual state shooting tournament , to bo hold on tlio fair grounds on the Kith , 17th , ISth and lUth of April , on the sumo days with Ingram's bench show , Mr. Hurdln received an invoice of 2,000 pigeons yesterday jind will receive another largo Instalment Monday. In udddltion to the pigeon and target shooting , an English sparrow match will bo n novel feature or the tournament , Mr. Hardin having ordered J.OOO of thcso little pests from Indianapolis , Ind. Ind.There There is every likelihood that the tourney will bo the largest and most successful over hold in Nebraska , as all the prominent shots from all parts of the country will bo hero. Another Interesting fcaturo of the affair will bo the miuly notable individual matcho * that will take place. Preliminary Practice. It wouldn't ' bo a bad idea to have tjio en tire Omaha team report hero by April 10 , in order that they might have an opportunity to go into the Y. M. 0. A. gymnasium for n couple of weeks' preliminary practice. Gym nasium practice It has been fully demon ; struteJ to BO mo of the ablest managers In the country , is as good preparatory work as u player can indulge in. The Omaha tcum will got but little practice at the most before the season opens , and the above suggestion could bo acted upon with but little expense to the club. Thcro Isn't a player who would not gladly como hero two wt-oka curlier to "con dition" himself , if the management would but pay bis board. Two vvcukb1 industriouu 'i : 'A&&vfo & ' &V > ; W. > . . : > > i 4JKi r.t FOR , KA OU We will a choice of a GREAT VARIETY Of Skirts , Gowns , Corset Covers , Chemises , Drawers , trimmed in Embroidery , Torchon Lace and Ever-lasting Trimming , fine tucks elegantly madbhnd finished all at 50c. FOR ALL OF ODDS AND ENDS , From the manufacturers ' stock , perfect in every wny , comprising Gowns , Skirts , Chemises , Draw ers , many of them worth up to $1 , at 69c AMONG THE POOR AND LOWLY. A Visit to the Squatter Residents Along the Tracks. * MRS. CALEY'S PECULIAR CA SE A Ijittlo llellgfotiH DlfTcrcncc Brlni n tlio Wolf to ix Goort Woman's Door Two Striking Canes Adjoining n Public Suliool. Koine South Iiml Sufferers. TIIK Bun reporter's liibt visits to pov erty und squalor \vcro made in Tom Murray's rookeries oil Fourteenth and Leaven worth streets. lie was now within the hounds of the Second ward , and his knowledge of the territory led him to pursue his investigations further within that portion of Omaha. Not that the Second ward is remark ably poverty-stricken , but the lumber yards and lowlands through which the Union Pacillu takes itb route out of the city alTord a favorable place for squatters and cheap shanties for which rather still rents are demanded monthly. On the alloy that runs between Lotiv- onworth and Ma on streets and Four teenth and Fifteenth is a row of frame shanties. The front doors open out on the bleak and bare walls of the Chicago Lumber company's warehouse. In ono of them resides Airs. Brownthe mother of live children. She was found wash ing out borne clothing that she had gathered on the outside during the morning. Mrs. Brown is a confirmed stutterer. That is a physical ailment for which she is not to blame. Mrs. Brown tm- presbcd Tim BII : : man rathur favorably in other respects. Mrs. Brown is a grass widow. She was married in a legal way , and after five little Brows had boon brought forth the heartless husband deserted her and the olTsprlng to tlio cold mercies of the world. The reporter asked her if she would live with the husband again should ho return. With righteous in dignation she spurned thu thought , und vowed she would uog to support her bairns rather than ho should darken her door again. HeivrtleBb Mr. Drown eloped with a young and buxom Swede girlund while ho is enjoying his illicit love his wife and babies are cared for by tlio county. The next house contains a family nameQ Bishop. They are of the pro fessional mendicant order. From Hastings they wont to Liiicoln.and from Lincoln came to Omaha within the last few months. The most conspicuous "fcaturo" of the room in which they lived was a well-dressed and well-fed man lying on a bed studying an alias of the world. Questioning revealed that ho was Mr. Bishop , anil that hu is simply a "fea ture" of the family nothing moro , nothing less. The ' 'feature" will en deavor to warm his lazy ahinsat the ex pense of Douglas county's taxpayers this winter. Among the lumbar piles in the Chi. cage yards are two ( juatter's hutu , oc- FOR "We give you choice of several very handsome styles of GOWNS , Made of the best Muslin , Yoke of Hamburg Inserting , 4 Clusters of Tucks between and ( finished with Cambric Rullles , all at 75c .cupicd by Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Col lins. Mrs. Dcjlaney is a gr.ns widow , iv county dependent , and judging from the c.on venation overheard between her und her youthful son as Tins BIK : reporter and County Agent Mahoney entered she is roaring a son who wifl make a place for himself in the world if ho lives long onouirh si rather ir.fa- mous place. Mrs. Dolnnoy has the best of Mrs. Collins , her next door neighbor , inas much as the former's worthless husband loft her , while the hitter's worthless bolter half clingb to her. As a clinger ho is a success , for when TIIK UKE imin entered ho was la/.ily clinging to the bed , while l\\a \ \ faithful wife was up in the county building seeking absihtancc. The man is a worthless sot , and it is burlesque on charity to dispense a pen ny's worth thai ho'can participate in. Ho has lived for twenty years in Omaha , and while his hardworking countrymen have been building fortunes for fhem- Bolves his time has been wasted in lazy idleness and the saloons. Cul him oil' from oven ti mouthful of the limited food furnished by the county , and give him to understand it is worker" bread. They are the parents of two boys , one of whom is now an inmate of the btato reform school. Around Twentieth street and tlio tracks is a good si/.ed colony of squat ters 011 a tract of land owned by Hor- inan Kountzo. Tin- : Bid : man lost his bcsirings in Ihe mld"t of them , and gave up the task of counting them af ter several ellorts. The only call made was on Mrs. Sandor.son , who WHS nurs ing a baby just brought into the world. There must bo some allinity between poverty and babies the more conspicu ous the former the mure numerous the latter. Although nearly thirty families re side in the squatters' huts that abound , only two of them are applicants for county aid. Tin : BKK reporter asked Mrs. Sanderson what nationality pre dominated among them. "Dero vas four of us English ; all do rest vas Italians , " she answered. The reporter wondered how "four ol us vas Kngllsh , " out kept his peace and went iu search of other oases. At 1811 Mason fatreot resides an Ung- lish family named Caluy. They ar rived in this country lust August , and came to Omaha. The husband is with out work or money , and the family is in absolute want. Tiiroo rosy-faced and healthy children toddlud around the room. The husband was not at home , but his wife , a neatly drosbcd woiniln , did tlio honors in her humble sibode. After the usual questions had boon asked by Mr. Mahoney , the woman looked lit him with her big black eyes , and asked "If 'a thought there was hany society bin Ilomulm as would bo good enough to furnish the inonoy to transport them to * " ' Now Zealand ! Apparently the pauper emigrant law slipped si cog in id allowed the Caluy family to land. But they are hero now , and tiioy cannot starve. "Now , " said the county ngont , "we'll cross the tracks and I'll introduce you to a peculiar case. " Wo drove down Seventeenth street sv little beyond Williams , and wont down stairs into the btiiioineiitof a largo frame house. Wo wore visiting another Mrs. Culoy. Two proltv children wcro at homo , two more were at school , and the fifth child , a boy , was at work down town. Mrs. Caloy'n lituband is a brother of the Caloy whoso homo vvns last visited. The rooms , small and bcantlly furnished , worn bcrupulouyly ucut and the children clean and tidy. We offer the greatest bargain of nil , nothing like it anywhere 1OO cloz. of Find Gowns , trmmed in Plat Val , Torchon , Fine Em- broiclery , fine tucltsMother Hub- bard Yokes with Chemise Skirts , Drawers , and Corset Covers to Match , choice at 98c Thu above may serve to show what we have in store for economical buyers. However , we m ist not omit to mention several extra bargains in Ladies' Skirts at $1.25 and , $1.48. These are wonderfully cheap. Our Bridal Sets are magnificent and very reasonable in price. Infants1 ! Long and ShorTCDresscs , at 290 , 390 , 500 and u jwards. J.L L BRMDEIS & SONS IJ. L. BRANDEIS & SONS IJ. L. BRANDEIS & SONS IJ. L BRAND'EIS & SONS J.L. BRANDEIS & SONS J.L. BRANDEIS & SONS IJ. L. BRIM IS & SONS 12 , .MM , 500 , COS , CIO South 13th SI. ) 502 , C0 > , .500 , f 08 , 510 South 13th St. I 602 , COI , 500 , 508 , CIO South 13th St. J 502 , 501TOO , COS , 510 South 13th St. C02 , C04 , COG , 508 , 510 South 13th St. C02 , 5M ( , COO , COS. CIO South 13th St. I 502 , 501 , COO , COS , 510 South 13th St THE LOCAL SPORTING FIELD , Omaha'o Base Ball Prospects For the Coming Season. M'CORMICK'S RACING STABLES. Xlie IlrnutiSliow Annual Ktntc Hlioot- iii Tournament miscellaneous GOSH ! ] ) Questions and An- aiulCuuunl Notcx. Kino I'roKpi cts for ' 8U. Wnttm-s in local base ball circles arc par ticularly quiet just now , but a Kl > ince at thu Bitiiutton so far ns Omaha is concerned , her ronilltioiiB and pronpcct.s , cannot fnil to bo of Interest to the patrons of tlio game. In the outsut , It might bo well to state that Presi dent McCormiclf , together with Secretary E. O. Brandt , Treasurer John Dohcrty , and the board of directors , together with Mana ger Seleo , nro pulling well together , and , Judging from the precautions they have nlrciuly taken , and the excellent policy uflopteil , iiioy will give the rity the best ball tlio coming season It has ever known. These oniclala mo. liitowiso. fully convinced that tlio team secured is fully UP to the standard of on'B crack and of lust Hcm > aggregation , sumo tlioin even consider it measurably stronger. Ono thing Is certain , so far as batting Btrcngttt goes , the present team is eminently ftuporlor to that of 'tS. ' and if thoi can Held equally well , tliey will be able to put up a much safer , surer und better game. The writer is not familiar with the records of the mon engaged , only in a casual \\i\y \ , but knows enough to know that they nro players of nt least fair capabilities , or Manager Selco would not have signed them. The clement that operated against harmony In last beasoii's work lias been wholly oraui- cateil , and hitch a thing ns Intiuuorilination , carousing or indifferent action will bo un- Icnown in 'M > . Manager Soleo places great stress upon tlio morale of his team , and con fidently uvers that there is not a lustier , a ilisorunl/er or Intractable man among them. They nro n utoaily going , robust , healthy , ambitious set of young fullows , and are apt to ( luvolopo into a team of notable promt ; 11C1ICO. Theio will bo but few of the old faces seen here the coming season , but this fact will but lend additional Interest to the tiport. Kverybody will bo anxious to BCD the now jacn , and If they prove to bo anywhere ncariy ns good as they are represented tlio public will be sutlsllcil. The roster as it now stand is about ns fol lows : Andrews , llrst ; Can a van , second ; Campami , thlid ; Cleveland , short ; Strauss , right ; Mcbsltt , lolt : Lolghton , mlitillo ; Naglo , iJooney anil probably Wilson , catch ers ; and Clarke , Kennedy and Willis , pitcieis ! , A brilliant galaxy of young blood anil no mistake. Dr. Worloy , who is a good Judge of talent , Is especially Jubilant over Ilia outlook , The KChcilulo committee is now hard at work and Is expected to report at an early day. When It docs , President McCormiclc . will call a meeting to bo held in this city. \vliru all the meetings of tlio association wili bu"hereafter hold. Manager Hurt , of the DCS Molaes team , and u member of the schedule committee , has written hero asking what Omahu desires in the way of dates , nnil right hero TIIK liris base ball man desires to make a suggestion , Omuliu should insist , and vigorously too , that the season both open and close In tlio southern cities , which includes Omaha , LlcsMoincs , St. Joe nnd Denver. This should bo the case on ac count of the weather , and other considera tions almost equally potent. Iust season was closed In the north , and It will be remembered that several of the games were played In very cold weather , compelling the men to wear overcoats and eir mulls to protect them from the biting winds and flying snows. At that time wo wore ouloylntj our Indian summer here , that most Oellghtiul season of the whole year. President McCormlck convoys tlio Information mation thut Manager Solcu will bo liero by March 1 , ami that nil the players will come in between thu 20th and April 1. Exhibition games have already been booked with Kansas City , St. Joe and Den ver , nnd we stand a good chance of seuing Cleveland and one or two other National League and American Association teams. The St. Louis Browns will be hero if nothing intervenes to bpoll arrangements now being made , nnd altogether the chances of buhold- Ing some line preliminary exhibition games are tirst-clas * . The fences about the ball park , and all im provements and repairs about the uuiluings will bo completed this month.unU everything gotten in bhip-slmpo for the inauguration of the season. The tmtllclil is to be rolled with u thrco-ton roller , and other material changes effected about the premises. Taking everything into consideration the season of 'h'J ' is uawning under ausp ices that are exceedingly flattering. A FINK STRING. Some Talk of a l-'ull ami Spring Kno- ing Meet. It Is not very generally known , but is , nevertheless , n fact , that Omaha possesses one of the finest stables of racing stock in the western country. It is the property of Mr. Charlie McCormlck , anil is located near the corner of Farnam and Twenty-eight streets. A BBC man visited these stables yesterday afternoon , and tool : a look at Its excellent string of horses. Fh-bton the list comes the famous Wcst- mont , by Almont , dnni Annie , by Cotrell's Moigan , record'3 : liwith ! ; running mate , 2OI : . This Is the fastest mile every made by any horse In any kind of harness. West- mont has won barrels of money , nnd proved a source of considerable revenue to his owner winning a rate from the gioat pacing mare , Minnie U , wno 1ms u record of 2 1(5 ( Mingle and 2.0i : , ' { with running mate , whom ho beat in three straight heats. Next comes Lorcno n beautiful black mare b. > Colonel West , dam Fancy Dnvnmgby Joe Downing. Loreno'8 record is 2.iu : .f Hotting nnd 2 lo ! pacing. Out of twentv-ilvo races , In which slio has started , she has won eighteen , and her greatest performance was the winning of three races on three days in succession , getting her lecord un the third day. day.Westmont and Lorcno were the team sold to Sldcll , the Philadelphia millionaire , for ifSU.lXM. Young Sulell drove them in the fall of ' 87 , over the Belmont tntWc , Philadel phia , a full mile to a top-buggy in 2-v.f. : ) LUtlo Willie , n spotted gelillnir , Is a half brother of the great pacer , Kichbull. Ho has proven himself a dead game horse and has never been beaten. On ono occasion ho shut out u Held of seven In the seventh heat , at Concordl.i , Kunsus , where ho got his mark of2:2JJf. : Oolong , (7,303) ( ) b. B. . registered , Is by Ben McGregor , dam Minnie Wilkes , by Young Wllkos. He is a coming three-year old , has never been tracked , but shows enough speed to warrant his being classed In the 2HO ; list. Thirty-tlvo thousand dollars was refused for him. him.Abel , b. g. , by Messenger Chief , ilam by Stranger , is another Imndsomo unlnml. He was never stnrteu in but ono raise , nnd that was at Lexington , Ky , in Ibi7 , which he won In the llfth heat , getting a mark of 2j2lj/ . This horse has shown extraordinary speed , having trotted quarters in the lust year Iu 'M seconds , In brood marcs , Mr. McCormieU has Mollie - lie CutYrcy , who Is bred on the principle of all of Governor Standard's ' fast colts , being by n stundara-brcJ trotter , out of u thorough , bred running maro. Muzie , by Star of the West , the slro ot the greatest living brood mare , Uollo F. , every one of whose colts has gone la the .130 list. Yesterday Mr , McCoraiick received two additions to his stublcs , Lucy McGregor , a eh. f. , by Hen McGregor , dam Jess I o Logan , standard bred by Wliieman's Logan , and her dam Jcssio Logau. They wcro purchased at Uoelc Island , 111. Mr. McCoraiick has also In his stables Oliver R , pacer , record 2:29 : > tf , * owned bv J. A. Wakelleld ; S. W. CroV's pacer , Dan. who won the gentlemen's roadster racoon the lo cal association's track lust July , pacing three heat bettor than ,4U to road wagon , In addition to tho'o there U n number ot less noted anluiuls and colts , and altogether work in the gymnasium would limber up the boys and harden their muscles in a way that would enable them to give a good account of themselves oven in the initial exhibition games. Gentlemen , reflect on this. Amateur I > roni > "ctH. Amateur base ball In and around Omaha will receive a boom the coming season that will cast in the shade any previous activity in this line of the sport. All the indications Doint this way , notwithstanding the fact that there is much doubt about the re-organi/.a- tion of the city league. Without this body there will bo a score or moro of amateur clubs , and the sport is bound to experience n great revival. This is as it should bo , be cause , of all the sports In the ealandar , base ball ranks preeminent nbovo them. It is an honest , manly pastime , and - un told good to both the young mind and body. - Plimiond "Ducky" Hemp goes to Dallas. Reporting time draws on apace. Trick McSorley Is still unsigned. St. Joe will give Catcher Bligh a trial. Omaha has not , as yet , determined upon a uniform. Lcgg , the Indian catcher , will probably go to Denver. The Reach ball will be much livelier the coming season. Has any ono ever heard of Pitcher Cassian since ho loft Omaha ? Tom Dolan will bo Denver's star backstop. Tom's old , but oh , my I Klusman , Milwaukee's second baseman , Is boiling out at Hot Springs. Omaha will have a hitting out-field in Mcs- sitt , Strauss ami Lelghton , They are busy at work already down in St. Joe selling season tickets. Kansas City association team has signed Frank Hlngo to catch Swartzcl. , Canavan , O.mpaua , Leighton and Cooncy will report here curly in March. St , Joe is very enthusiastic over their prospects for the coining reason , Barston , the old Omaha pitcher , goes to Now Orleans the coining season. Billy Trallloy has at , last attached his cog- ncmcn to a Mes Molnqsicontraet. .Minneapolis has signed the erratic ex- Cleveland twirler , Mlkuj Morrison. The salary limit wap H that prevented Omaha from securing1 J Ick Conway. Billy Hassnmaer has been released from reservation by the Kansas City club. Manager Scleo is endeavoring to secure a spring data with thu St. ! Louis Browns. Sutton , Milwaukee's third baseman , Is slowly recovering from a severe Illness , Thu pitching dopartmjbnt is the only possi ble weak point in tUoImalm's make-up , Joe Millar is for srdebut ( if ho cannot be disposed of in this \Vay , lie will bo released. DCS Molncs la claimnlg great things for their new Jlrst baseman , Sam Smith , the giant. j Every base ball devotee In the town will rojolco to learn that Jack Kaglo has been ro- uigncd , * . j Jack O'Connor , the old St. Joe catcher , will bo a great favurlto In Columbus this season. 5 Jimmy Burns * " ' " has , tha"I'ootl" ro-slgnod with Kansas City , t He is wintering nt Quincy , 111. Three Western association players , Holli- day , Duryea apd Karlo , cost the Cincinnati club ? rSOO. ' Kansas City still has four of last season's team for sale Sam Barkloy , Kuret , Hoffman and Kstcrday. It Is quite certain that if tlio now team can field , It will furnish the beat ball the Gate City over had. Jaclc Gorman , who played first a few games for Omaha last season , Is in St. Louis without an engagement. Herman Badcr is still in St. Louis un signed. Ho would llko a position once moro in thu Western association. The Omaha management will probably uniform every ono of it irnrk employesfrom gate-keeper down to the masu > t. Mrs. f'aley's face bore a look of caro. She said her husband was in Memphis , Tenn. , the last .she heard of him. Tha usual investigation was made and wa left. left.TIIK TIIK Hun reporter hadn't noticed any thinjf Douulinr , and was botfinniiiK' ta thiiilc hiH reportorial nosu had lost its cunning. Flo asked Mr. JUahonoy to explain tlio peculiarity of the eato. Ho explained , and it run about this way : A few months ago Mrs. f'aly and hoe husband were living happily together. Up to within a few months the family1 were devoted Protestants. Mrs. Ualy recently experienced a change of reli gious fueling , and determined to become a Catholic. This displeased her bust , band greatly , but the wife carried ou- her desire , and was baptized in thcr Catholic faith. Ono night the husband came homo in a fran/.y. Sa migorecV > was he nt what hit * wife had done that' ho abused and maltreated her shame fully , broke what little furniture- they had , and then abandoned her and the children , leaving them penniless. The mother has since had her live children , baptized by a Chatholio priest. Strange causes bring people into sad plights. HI Six years ago on the corner of Thir teenth and Jackson streets , oii'tho spot R now occupied by Dennis Cunningham's line building , btood a number of riclfoty frame hhanties. The in.troh of improve ment pubhcd them out of the business center , but failed to push them oat of existence. They wore mounted on wheels anil carted down to Sixteenth and Williams and planted nlongsida the llartiiian school building. Tin : Hicn reporter ended hib day's visit by calling on a couple of the tenants of a basement of ono of the building- : . The Collins family occupy n couple ot small rooms on one side. 'The head of tlio family was out , but Mrs , Collins , t ho Ixiby , children and omnipresent dog were nt home. The rooms wcro cold , cheerless and dirty. A Ifindhcarted neighbor had contributed a liltlo coal in the morning , hut it BOOH went up in binoko and only gave u taste of comlort n a cold day. It was knowing and terming outbide ; two youngbtois gazed hiveringat the visitors , and in the half-clan mother's arms an infant baby was folded. A half ton of coal was promibcd at , but before it came many a cold hhivor traversed the lmol < H of the inmates of the Collins ImiiBohuld. Water would cause a commotion among the Cell in serf. Kvorything was dirty and slovenly , a condition of things which cannot ho excused by novorly. A partition bopurates the Colllns'fam- ily from the Kollioringells. Mrs. Col lins might follow her neighbor's exam ple and clean up once in awnilo. Tlio Kothoringull family is huddled together in oni ) room , A picco of rag cnrput was tucked on a door opening to shut out thu cold that came from a roar room that contained the occasional lag of coal bunt down by the county. It was the ' old htory a worthless hu'slmnd , a big family , a broken down mother who wore herself away in the oll'ort to kofep the well from the door , a dlsoaso fusi ons Itself upon her , and when the used- up frame iu incapable of doing moro the heartless fattier deserts them. Mrs. Fothoringoll is Buttering from an abscess that ih wearing her away , wliilo a family of helpless children look on in ignoranijo of the future before thorn. * It is poverty pure , unadulterated poverty , A "Miss Hroola. " said ho , "nro jou fond of chestnutHi" "Yes , " she unswi'i-cd ' , And' then lie full on his knees und told her the "old , old htory. "