Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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irm T IMT PTirrri o ri\
Are Showing nn Elognnt Oollootlon
of Now Muslin Underwear.
tint Cheap , Poorly Made Articles , Hut
Direct From tlio Host ainnu-
fncturerH of Such ( Sootls
On Sntc Monday.
Kvcry article cut n perfect slmpc , and
miido for lionust wear. The floods
fihonlil be seen to get nn Idea of their
mndo nnd finished as neatly as host cus
tom inndo work , nnd of a peed quality
muslin , trimmed with narrow neat em
broidery , and perfectly llmshod , all
m/.ea , nl ! i5ci , ' ! 0c , / > 7c , ( iOc , 05c , 76c , 8oc ,
ei.Sl.S..JnndSl.M ) .
made to correspond In every way , ma
terial and workmanship , with the
chi'iniso above , nt " "ic , 40c , ' 15c , COc , GOc ,
OGc , Too , hop , ! )0c ) and SI.
Material and make will bo found equal
to L'oods costing double our prices , that
will be marked in this halo atlOc. . 6c ( ) ,
< i < ) o , 7oo , ! Hc ) , 81 , $1.15 , $1.125 and SI.35
Including a do/.on good styles , plain
and Hamburg rulllos , narrow and deep
embroidery , regular , Me , ' 150 , GOc , 75c ,
* ! , $ ! . ! W , Jl./id. / $1.75 , * 2.
All of the beat values that has over
been placed on u counter. The goods
are perfect In shape and fine quality
cambric , trimmed in embroidered or
lace edge. Prices mndo on these arc
l e , 40n , ) e , Wc ) , ( We , 70c , 8oc , ! )0c ) , $1.
In addition to the above we have a
largo assortment of lace and embroid
ered trimmed goods at our usual popu
lar prices.
Alho a largo assortment of infants'
long nnd short slips , ranging in price
from SOc to $0.
42-in black chantilly llouncings ( all silk ,
now styles ) , $1.515 , $ l.iS ; , 81.GO , $1.75.
$1.1)0 ) , $2.16 , $2.8o , the boat values over
olToretl in this city.
6 special bargains in torchon and
niedici laces , which will bo arranged
in lotsat the following low prices :
81c worth 10clol21c.
12jc worth 15c to 17c.
Ific worth 20c to U5c.
20c worth 25c to Me.
I 2.r > c worth. ! . > < ) to : t8e.
Four special bargains in Hamburg
Edgings and P'ouncings.
8 > .e worth IOc to 12Jc.
12Jc worth 15n to 18c.
15e worth 20c5 to 22c.
2-5o worth up to 'Me.
Wo are also showing a fine assortment
New China Silks.
Now French Sateens.
New French and Scotch Ginghams.
Now white goods , &c.
Cor. Dodge nnd loth Sts.
A Great Offer.
Stein way piano only $250
Checkering piano only 125
Weber piano only 150
Fischer piano only 200
Fine ! MOO piano only 250
These instruments are in perfet order
nnd fully warranted for 10 years. Terms
to suit purchaser. Mcinberg's , 15M and
1610 Dodge st.
A New Train.
The connectinr link between Ne
braska nnd Kansas has just been placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily at
4:45 : a. m. ; leaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. in. ,
nnd runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
poinis in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topuka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points east ana south via
Kansas City. Returning , train leaves
Manhattan at 2:25 : p. in. ; arriving at
Beatrice at 0:25 p. in. , Lincoln at 7:50
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. in. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. in. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the east , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abolino and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first-
clabw equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The new train will fill
ft long felt want , and is bound to bo
Free chair cars.
Fast Lima.
Trains direct from
Omaha depot to Chicago.
Chicago & Northwestern R'y.
ISoiioinlnu Hall.
1315 , 1317 arid 1311) ) S. ISth at.
Restaurant , lunch and beer hall.
Lunch served day or night. Dance
every Saturday and Sunday.
The Omaha Sanitarium for ladies and
gentlemen , 111 North 15th St. , lias been
refitted and reopened by Drs. Dinsmoro
and Humphrey , it is heated by steam and
its armitarium comprises all the most
approved apparatus used in the noted
sanitariums of the cast. Turkish , elec
trothermal , Russian , Roman , shampoo
baths and massage arc administered by
skilled attendants. Hours for ladies
every week day from I ) a. in. to 2 p. in.
Hours for gentlemen , every week day
from 2 p. in. to 4 a. m. Sundays , & a.
m. to 2 ] ) . m. All chronic diseases
treated at reasonable cash prices.
Via Oinnlm and Council Hind's.
Short line to Chicago and the oast.
Finest dining card in the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago.
The route of the first "Golden Gate
Special. "
Host line to Washington for the inau
guration of President Harrison.
Only direct route to the G. A. R. en
campment at Milwaukee.
Everything first-class.
First class people patroni/.o first class
Ticket agents everywhere in the west
Bell tickets over the Chicago , Mllwuu-
Kco nnd St. Paul railway.
Ticket olllce 1501 Fnrnnm street. F.
A. Nash , General Agent.
Needed nnd Unmt Improve
Iho Chicago & Northwestern takes
the inlativo in again putting on 'the
popular fast train service , between
Onwnu nnd Chicago and run tholr entire -
tire trains with new and splendid vosti-
bulod equipment , including free chair
cars , latest sleepers and dining car ,
from thQ city of Oinnlm U , P , uongl ,
leaving SM : p. m. daily , Arriving in
Chicago the next -morn ing at 8:110. :
Gon'l Western Ajront.
City oflk-o 1401 Fariwmst ; telephone 501
For glasses thai glvo perfect satisfac
tion , try N.M. Roddy , practical opti
cian , ! 2f.l. S. 16th ot. , next ( o Boyd'B
opera house.
Special Grand Snlo Monday
On silks , satins , plushes , black ( ires
goods and colored dress goods of ovorj
description , The greatest display wo
have made alnco wo mo in Omaha
Our stock is the largest nnd our assort
ment the host. See our display of col
ored surr.ih silks nt 48c , 5-5o , ( lee nnd 75c
yard. Satin rhndamcs in colors wortl
81.15 , only 75c yard on Monday. Don'
fall to see those colored fatllu Frnncalso
at ( We yard ; they arc cheap at $1.25. A
beautiful line of colored gros grain sill
nt ( We , 75c , 880 and SI.00 yard ; you wil
admit that those are the cheapcs
and best silks for the money whicl
caii bo found in Omaha. Colorci
satins ( n great variety nl 2oc , ftfic
48c , 50c , 65o and ( We yard. We take
great pleasure in showing you our black
silks. Wo have been very parttculnt
In placing our ordorsnnd have obtained
the best bargains wo ever owned in
black crros-graln silk nt 75c. SSc , ! ) Sc
nnd $1 a yard. .IJlaek faillu Franeaiso ,
7oc , S5c , ! ) oc , and $1. Satin Rlmdnnm ,
7oc , $1 , and $1.15. Hluch surrnh , 52c ,
Gee , and S. > c per ynrd. A handsome line
of choice silks in plain nnd fancy fig
ured , nt 5" > c , 7"C , and 8oc per ynrd.
We are showing a full line of black
dross gco Is in plain and fancy weaves
and at prices which you cannot dupli
cate. One cnso of throe-fourth fancy
brocades , at lOJc , worth 15c. Double
fold cable cords , 12 } , cheap at 20o , SO in
Henriettas , 2n ( ) , 25c , 2cnml ! ) : tc : ! , a yard.
4(1 ( in. Henrietta 4c ( ) , well worth ( We ;
40 in. all wool Henriettas 45c , COc , 5Uc.
65c , 51)c ) nnd OHc. These are extra good
value. 42 inches wide tricotines Socnnd
$1 ; 42 in. cable cords , 75c , 85c and $1 ;
40 in. fancy stripes and brocades at 05c ,
7c ( ) , 75c , 8c ( ) , SSc and l)5o ) per yard. Wo
can and will save you money.
Our stock in this department is second
end to none in this city ; wo arc showing
a larger and better assorted stock than
any house in Omaha. 'M in Mohair in
combination nnd plain , latest styles of
color nt 15c and 21c. The best value in
yard wide Henriettas you will find at
20c , 25c and 2c ! ) per yard. We
have a. handsome and beautiful
line of colored dress goods
which are neat and sorvicable
for children's school drosses. Wo can
suit you as for price , quality , style , etc.
Double width plaids and checks at 12Jc ,
worth 25c.
Heather mixtures and other plain and
fancy weaves at 25c , 2'Je , 81)c. ) 48c , etc.
If you want a nobby and stylish evening
costumes you will find it at Hayden's.
If you want an all-wool , wool-dyed , ser
viceable dress at n reasonable price ,
why , you must go to Hayden's. You will
find in Hayden's dress goods depart
ment all the latest styles in the market.
All we ask is an inspection and compari
son and you will admit that it pays to
trade with the most popular house of
Omaha. HAYDEN 13ROS.
Attention. UriclcltiycrH.
You are respectfully requested to at
tend the funeral of Brother Thomas
Goff , which will take place on Sunday ,
Feb. 17 , nt 2 p. in. , at hall , 14th and
Douglas. All trades unions and labor
organizations are respectfully invited
to participate. CIIAS. McGuADY ,
Recording Secretary.
A IoiifNeeded and Great Improve
The Chicago & Northwestern takes
the iniativo in again putting on the
popular fast train service between
Omaha and Chicago and run their en
tire trains with new and splendid vesti-
bulod equipment , including free chair
cnrs , latest sleepers and dining car
from the city of Omnhti U. P. depot ,
leaving 3:45 : p. in. daily , arriving in
Chicago the next morning at 8:30. :
Gen'l Western Agent.
City office 1401 Farmimst ; telephone 501
Canon City coal , 37 per ton.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , 214 South 13th St.
Tlicy CoiiHldcr ANNURsmonts and 1'cck
Into the Vault Aij.-iiii.
When tlio county commissioners assembled
nt yesterday afternoon's meeting , A. A. Me-
Fiuldon , late cashier of the State National
bank , appeared mid stated that his financial
institution had been notified by the county
treasurer that there was due the county
5321 us delinquent personal taxes on the
capital involved in conducting the bank. He
also said t.iat the assessment was never made ,
nnd that the commissioners had never re
corded the assessment. Kxplainln ? the mat
ter to the board , Mr. Mct-'adden said :
"On the lilth of tnis month I became nwaro
that the State National bank appeared
on thn books of the county as hav
ing been assessed for ' the year
libS. The facts arc , the bank had serious
trouble through impairment of capital ut the
time of making assessments for last year.
The assessor called at the bank , was in
formed by the proper ofllcer of the
institution of its condition , and ex
pressed tlio opinion that tlio bank stock had
no assessable value , but before acting further
in the mutter called in other parties who ,
upon ascertaining tlio condition of the bank ,
concurred in the opinion of the assessor , and
the bank was not assessed.
"On May -1 , the bunk was reinstated by
moneys advanced from the private funds of
the individual stockholders. Now , by some
mistake , the bank has boon assessed. "
The question was referred to the flnanco
committee and the county attorney.
The board of Insanity advised that Alfred
Green , an insane man , now confined In tlio
county jail , bo sent to the county poor farm
for treatment. The clerk of the board stated
that the demented man was suffering from a
disease that may at any moment prove fatal.
The asylum at Lincoln would not admit him.
The matter was referred to the committee on
poor farm.
Tlio unicml bond of Willinm .Mitciioll in the
sum of $1,000 , for constuble of Valley pro.
cmct was approved.
Several communicnUons , asking lor reduc
tions on excessive assessments , wura referred
to their proper committees.
Sheriir Cohura was allowed $ ' ! < > S.30 on bills
for fees In committing and boarding prison
ers in tlio county jail during the month of
Shane & Jackson , contractors and builders ,
wcro allowed ? T IU.ij7 for work performed on
Improvements in the court house. The bills
inu.udo numerous claims of other firms for
material * furnished thu contractors.
Mr. O'KeetTo offurod thu following , which
WHS adopted , regarding the material used in
remodeling the vault in the clerk of the dis
trict court's olllco :
Itcsolvml. That oxnerts bo asked to answer
thu following queries : How many fuel
of galvanized iron and price pur foot )
Dow many feet of iras pipe nnd
price per foot I How many foot of galvanized
pipe and price per foot ! How many bolts
and cost per dozen ) ( low many serows used
in fastening tlio galvanize Iron and price pur
pound } How many pounds of malleable
Iron and price thereof *
The oommltteo , composed of Messrs.
O'KcefTo , Anderson and Turner , which was
rceontly appointed to investigate the Pauly
vault matter , will. In conjunction with ex
ports , ascertain the cost of the materials
used in the vault and will report to tlio
board when the committee will have made
Its Investigation.
Thn board will meet again Wednesday
afternoon. _
1)1101) .
I3ACOX In this city , February 15 , Mrs.
Mary Jane liueon , aged 63 years ,
Funcnil from residence ol S , W. I3csloy ,
2107 Hamilton street , Sunday , at 3 p. m.
Burial at Falrvlow comutcry , Council muffs ,
Death or .John W. Ctark.
John W. Clark , a well known lawyer of
Weeping Water , died yesterday at the r ' l-
dciico of S , J. llowcll , > jcar H&nscom part ; ,
of Urlylittj disease. Tlio remains were for
warded to Wcojilng Water for mterincut.
Special Snlo I-'or Tills Seninn On
lilnnkctM , Comforts , Flannels and
All Heavy Ooodn of Kvcry
Wo shall invoice the last day of this
month , and until then wo will cut the
prices on this class of goods from } to I
below our already well known low
prices. Wo have too many blankets on
hand , nnd you can buy them cheap now
if you will take the trouble to look
thorn over. Wo hnvo n Imndsomo line
of Eiderdown and Jersey flannels in
plain , llgurod nnd stripes , nlso striped
and rlieckod shirting llunnols French
dress llnnnols plain or twilled rod flan
nels ; heavy canton flannels , all of
which will bo sold if letting
down the prices will effect a sale. Wo
need moro room this coming season
than over before , as our resident buyer
in the cast is sending us now goods
daily. Wo nro now making arrange
ments for the greatest display of wash
dross goods which was over POOH west of
Chicago , and in fact there are but a few
oven in Chicago which will show a
larger variety of styles and colors. Par
ticulars later. Our stock of wall paper
you will find on the fourth lloor. also
window shades and lace curtains nro on
this sumo lloor. Wo hud a big run on
shades thi3 week. Wo are showing a
nice line nt 40c , 45c , 6c ( ) , liOe , 05c , 75c ,
80c , ! Kc ) nnd $1 each , with fixtures com-
We will continue our cut shoo sale
this week making the lowest prices we
have ever made in this department in
order to make room for our immense
spring stock of shoes coming. Don't
miss this sale of good , honest made
shoes nt the lowest prices. All warm
slippers and nrtica at half price. A
few of those splendcd baby shoes at 2oc.
Wo will ollor some splendid drives on
men's shoes this week. Look out for
them. HAYDEN BROS. .
Dry Goods.
Fifty DollarH Howard.
A boy named Frame , 12 years old ,
brown hair , blue eyes , wore a light gray
coat and vest , button shoes , check shirt ,
no collar , has disappeared from homo In
this city. Tlio above reward will bo
paid for information leading to his re
covery. Address Onialin Mercury
ollico , 314 S. 15th.
Fine potatoes , 40c per bunt Munro's
304 N. 10th st.
Mori nary Matters.
The funeral of George Hoffman will beheld
hold this afternoon from his late residence
at the corner of Twelfth and William streets.
Deceased was one of the lirst mail carriers
in the service of Omaha.
The bricklayers' ' and Plasterers' unions
will meet ut their hall this afternoon at 'J
o'clock , and in a body attend the funeral of
their lute brother , Thomas Gough.
Fine potatoes , 40c per bu. , at Munro's ,
304 N. 10th st.
Music ISox Kcpalrcr.
Wo have secured the services of a
competent music box maker , and any
one having music boxes that need reg
ulating or repairs of any kind can leave
their orders with Max Meyer & Bro. ,
10th and Fnrnnm sts.
Fast Time to Chicago.
The Burlington No. 2 , a solid vesti
bule express , with dining car , free re
clining chair car and Pullman palace
cars of the most elegant design , sup
plied with free libraries , hot and cold
water in the lavatories , etc. , now leaves
Omaha daily at 3:50 : p. in. , arriving at
Cliicago at 8 a. in. Tins is tlio best
train from Omaha to the east. It makes
but few stops , and there are no tedious
waits for connections , thus insuring its
being on time. Ticket ollico 1223 Far-
niiin street.
Collections of internal revenue yesterday
were $11,101.78.
E. B. Holt has been nppoiuted regular
mail clerk on the 13. & M. , vice Paul M.
Campbell , resigned.
Harper's Weekly , just published ,
contains a four-page supplement , "The
City of Omaha , Nebraska , " profusely
illustrated. 20 pages of roauinsr matter
ind illustrations , 10 cents. For sale by
booksellers and newsdealers. Subscrip
tion , $4.00 a year. Harper & Brothers ,
Now York.
Savage Battle Hot ween Two Bucks in
Central Park.
The accidental opening , at an early
hour yesterday morning , of the wire
? ate which separates the pastures of
two distinctly American factious in the
Zoological Garden nt Central park led
to a duel which , but for the timely in-
Lorforenco of the authorities , might
have resulted fatally.
An intense rivalry has for months ex
isted between certain Montagues and
Capulets of this uicturcsquo region.
Through the interstices of a wire fence
the polygamous family of a magniliuont
brown buck door have taunted with
inanyniry tossings of their heads the
virtuous but lovely consort of a buck
whoso hair is white , but not with ago ,
nnd whoso cruel antlers are sharpened
to a forbidding point. There has boon
cause and enough for battle , and the
wind-swung gate provided an opportun
ity not to bo lightly lost. With heads
lowered until their horny weapons al
most swept the froxOn ground , and
with panting breath , tlio two bucks
charged upon each other.
Tlio kangaroos in an adjacent pad
dock stood on the tip-toes of their mus
cular hind logs and crossed their short
foro-pawH over their mouso-colorod
L > rcasts in an ecstasy of fright. . . Tlio
cranes and storks in the adjoining
yards stilToncd their voluptuous limbs
in emulation of the moro fortunate os-
irich , who from the natural pedestal
enjoyed the advantages of a gallery
stall. The boars , in their wire don on
.ho neighboring hillside , ran up the
jarklcss trees with which their prison
s provided and hung on to each other's
.ails in their eagerness to lose no detail
ot the tight. Unfortunately for the
> thor tnembera of the zoological family ,
, hey wore shut out from enjoyment of
.ho . spectacle by the heavy walls of the
jreat buildinga in which they are con-
Ined. For a space of ton minutes the
contest waxed fierce and strongand tlio
attlo of entangled antlers arose above
ho chattering of n million excited
sparrows hovering in the air. Fortun
ately Prof. Conklfn , who has charge of
'ho ' Zoological Garden , happened to bo
abroad earlier than is his custom and ,
summoning n number of assistants ,
iticcecded in separating the duellists
) ofure any serious injury was done to
I'leaso Note ,
That the Union Pacific , "Tho Ovor-
nnd Route , " In connection with the
Chicago < k Northwestern railway , now
runs u solid dully train , consisting of
elegant day couches , free chair cars es-
lociully built for this service , and the
atest improved Wagner nnd Pullman
leaping cars , between Chicago and
This train leaves Omaha for Denver
everyday ut )0 ) a.m. , nnd arrives in
Denver at 5 a. m. the next morning. It's
o your interest to see that your ticket
reads via the Union Pacific.
! ' . J. Davis , Bafo moving , etc. ; ofllco
1 S. 16th et. , Shcoly block. Telephone
153 ,
Grentsale Monday of ladles' muslin
underwear and French woven corsets.
Don't fall to nttend this sale , it will pay
you. 200 dozen French woven corsets
In white and drab nt the very low price
of f > 0e , cheap at $1.00. Monday wo will
place on sale 50 doaon 500 bono long
wnistcd French woven corsets In white
and drab at $1.2- > , usually sold at $1.75.
Great sale of muslin underwear Monday.
Ono lot 48 dozen ladles' corset covers at
IIIc each , none worth loss than 85c.
Another lot consisting of chemise ,
drawers , skirts and corset covers on
so para to table , 2c each , ti great bar
gain. Other lots on separate tables at
60c , 75c , ( J8c , $1.48 , consisting of night
gowns , chemise , skirts , drawers ,
corset covers , best made , best
trimmed nnd cheapest on earth.
Monday only 200 ladies' flno Persian
'shawls $2.50 each , never sold less than
$1.50. Monday wn place on sale 1 case
40-ln Henriettas , all colors , 50c yard ,
.vhcro else can you buyo-in ( ! Henriettas-
nt 50c yard. Great snlo of line linens
and towels Monuav. A knotted fringe
damask towel , all llnon fancy borders
nt IOc ouch. Ask to see our line bleach
table damasks at ! 10o , 50c , 0'c ! ' , and over
72-in damask at SSc yard. No such values
ues were over olTere'd in Omaha before.
1 bale ! ! 0-in unbleached mu lin Monday
only 5c yard. 2 cases Hills ItO-iu bleach
muslin Monday 15 ! yards for $1. 1 cnso
white ground lljr'urod shirting prints
4Je yard. Fine finish satins , beautiful
patterns 25o yard. Our now domestic
satins at lee yard. Can't bo bout in
Omaha. Fine line seersucker stripes
and checks 8e yard. New goods arriv
ing daily. Have you seen our carpets
and curtains. Don't fail to visit our
carpet department the coining weolc.
Our patterns are nil new and the very
latest. Look them over even if you do
not wish to buy. BHNNISON BROS.
CSroat IMano llama In s
at Meinborg's , 1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
Mt. Shustn No. 71 , Nebraska No. 1 ,
Viola No. 80 , lodges , Knights of Pythias ,
will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniyer-
sity of Pvthitinism , Tuesday evening ,
Fob. 11) ) , ISKlt , at Nebraska lodge No. 1
hall. An elaborate programme for an
entertainment for this celebration has
been arranged. Members of these
lodges and their Indies are requested to
attend. All tickets will bo compli
mentary and ran bo procured of the fol
lowing committo : W. F. Staol/ol , 1021
Howard ; M. Toft , S. E. cor. 12th and
Fnrnnni ; S. M. Sadler , 1505 Farnuin st.
Chicago AVorks a AletiunorpliosU In a
Ncliraska Hiincliiiian.
A young man from Nebraska has been
in the city for the past two weeks. Ho
is a partner in an extensive sheep
ranch , and came hero to look after
some consignments of tlio lleccy covered
stock sent here for market. Outside
of brokers and stoolcinon ho came in
contact with in u business way this
young man from the west had but ono
acquaintance in the city , a young fel
low about town , but who spcntil year
or two out on the ranch. Tlio work at
the stock yards took but little of
the ranchman's time , and ho and
the city chap did consider
able roving. When ho lirst
landed in the city the sheep raiser bore
all the evidences of his business in the
way of dress. He wore a llanncl shirt
cut decollete and had around his nock
n tie that would have set ; a tame bull
wild. His hat , however , was the most
distinguishing feature , for the young
man is fin extremist , and ho wore ono
with a. brim , at the very least , .seven
inches wide. It was this hat that earned
him the nickname of Blizzard Bill , a
name some fresh youth sprung on him
ono day , and it stuck to him
throughout his visit. Associa
tions , without any question , hnvo
a most wonderful oiVect , Blizzard
Bill , after his lirst few days of cir
culating with the bloods , began a pro
cess of slow reform in his costume. He
laid away his limning tie ; ho got some
modest white shirts ; he had two suits of
clothes made Unit wore simply stunning
in the lit , but with all this ho still wore
the hut. His friend talked , but for a
long time to no purpose. Finally ho
did recognize the utter incongruity of
the hiit and the clothes , for ono morn
ing ho was Keen with shears in hand ,
cutting oil an even inch from the brim.
Ho must have boon pleased with the re
sult , and thought if a little was a good
thing moro would bo better , for the next
morning he cut olT , at one fell swoop ,
throe inches moro , and on the third day
ho discarded it entirely and came out in
ono of those peculiar shaped checked
caps , which have lately become so fash
ionable , and that makes the wearer look
like u horse jockey. Tlio reform in
Blizzard Bill's attire had been slow. It
had only come by degrees ; but ho was
transformed from a full-blown cowboy
into a full-blown swell of the day.
Blizzard Bill was suddenly called homo
by u telegram last Thursday night , and
the boys are now wondering if the re
sumption of the former dross will bo as
slow , and if his friends out there will
look upon him as some rare specimen of
a now species.
An Opinion.
Ex-Governor Pcnninpton , of Dakota ,
who was in Omaha a few days ngo , upon
his return homo expressed his views re
garding the city , | n his paper , the
Yunkton Telegram , iis follows :
"Omaha is a good city and is growing
right along , and recent interviews with
some of the leading citizens develops
the fact that they are anxious for closer
and more intimate business and social
relations with Yunkton and the Mis
souri and James river valleys above us.
They want to bo able to got to Yunkton
and the country beyond it directly and
promptly , without having to spend a
night or u day in Sioux City , Man nilla ,
or any other place. Omaha is n manu
facturing , wholesale , nnd distributing'
point , and there is no reason why they
should not -supply southpubt Dakota , us
St. Paul and Minneapolis supply north
Dakota. Wo are hero with our products ,
commerce , and trade with our thrift ,
energy and rapid development and
Omaha can have us , or what she can
got out of us , if she will only roach out
a kindly hand nnd take us in out of the
wot. The immense products of these
southeast Dakota counties , between the
Missouri and the James must enrich
somebody , and if the people of Omaha
will exert themselves nnd help to secure
direct rail communication , they can got
the lion's share of it. Ynnkton is u coy
maiden and yet she IB. . willing. What
Omaha wnntn , and needs , is railroads
right along up both sides of the Mis
souri river , for the river counties arc
the best and the most productive , nnd
with proper transportation facilities
tholr wealth would go largely in the di
rection of Omaha. Our down river
merchants , capitalists and manufactur
ers will do well to ponder those things ,
and to put some of their surplus wealth
in any railroad ontorpaisu that will
open up our fertile fields to their en
richment , "
Building loans u specialty. W. M.
Hams , room 20 Fronzor blookoppP. O.
Much In n Niuno.
Philadelphia Record : Philadelphia ! !
"I see Winona is suggested as u good
nnmo for southern Dakota if the terri
tory comes in as two states. "
Dakota Man "Woll , outsiders favor
Winona , but most of ud Dakota folks
prefer Torridzouiu. " |
Special Ijoxv Prices For Monday.
Ladies' scarlet lambs' wool vests and
pants worth $1 , 1.25 and $1.60 , reduced
to 75c each to close.
Ladles' cnshmoro wool hose only 2oo
per pr , reduced from 40c.
Boys' heavy cotton hose , seamless ,
12Je , worth 2 < 5c.
Children's black wool hose , derby
ribbed , only 25o per pr , worth 40o.
Best quality Suxony yarns only IOc
per skein.
Ladies' flno cashmere gloves reduced
to 15c per pair , worth 25c nnd Hoc.
100 doz Queen corsets , French woven ,
only 5c. ! ) reduced from 76c.
May , English sateen and our Butter
fly corsets at 50c nro the best value
shown for the money.
Do not forgot our sale of Indies' mus
lin underwear on Monday. Our prices
wo will guarantee to bo the lowest.
100 doladies' fast black cotton hose ,
guaranteed stainless in every particu
lar , or money refunded , only 25c per pr ,
worth 50e.
Gents' unhuindricd shirts , Now York
mills muslin , double front , continuous
facings , hand made button holes , nnd
nnd perfect lilting , only 65c , others ask
100 doz. genls' heavy linen cults ,
round or square corners , only 12jc per
pair , worth 2-5c.
Gents' fancy suspenders ' 60c quality
reduced to 2"c. .
Hot of four-in-hand tics , now styles ,
only 4c ! ! , worth $1.
Don't forget our corset sale on Mon
Ladies' vibbed jorsovs , balbriggan ,
worked on neck find sleeves , only 25c ,
reduced from 5c. ( )
Infants' jersey ribbed vests lOe and up.
Our wall paper department is now
Omaha , Nob.
Cltl/.nim ol' Om.itin of Irish Hlrtli and
Descent Will I'ropcrly Colelirnto
flu ; National Holiday ol' TlicU *
Futlici-laml on .Sunday , the
Scvnil'MHitli of Miroh ; ,
The A. O. H. society of Omaha , as
sisted by divisions of South Omaha find
Council BlulTs , is making arraniromiints
to celebrate the national holiday of Ire
land , the 17th of Mtirch , in Omiiha this
year in a manner at om-o becoming to
the treasured traditions of that heroic
and chivalrous island , but especially In
a way that will emphasize the progres
sive aspirations of those who labor to
place tlio claims of Irishman in a proper
light before our American kinsmen , and
to prove by an undaunted front the just
ness of their claims in the fuco o'
calumny and abuse and a tyranny with
out parallel in recent terms. "O'Brien
in prison but not humiliatedj" is the
great Inspiring impetus which sets
every emotion of Irishmen quivering in
his system. Tlio attempted dcgrudtt
tiou of William O'Brien is yet to bo
avenged. The voice of generous , whole-
souled America conveyed to Salisbury
and his minions in no uncertain tones ,
is a rebuke not to bo unheeded.
The celebration above indicated will
be on Sunday , the 17th of March , par
ticulars of which will bo published later
by the committee.
Already the committee has secured
the services of the Hon. M. V. Gannon ,
find the members are untiring in their
strong desire to make this celebration
worthy of Omaha and its Irish citizens.
A Hitherto Utinuulislic I Aurcdoto or
the Slartyrcd President's Kindness.
Stories are always in order about
Abraham Lincoln , moro especially at
this season of the year when his birth
day anniversary is near , says u Shelliy-
ville (111. ( ) correspondent of the Chicago
Tribune. The onewhicl ) follows has
never before appeared in print :
In ttio early liftics , when the mar
velous future of Mr. Lincoln was per
haps as little dreamed of by himseu as
anticipated by his friends , ho practiced
law in the courts here. The late Gen
eral William V. Thornton was perhaps
the most widely known nnd inllucntial
man in central Illinois. lie was a Kentuckian -
tuckian of the old-fashioned , hospital
sort , and from time to time all the
celebrities of that day were enter
tained at the Thornton mansion , among
them Mr. Lincoln find his great opno-
nont , Mr , Douglas. Judge Anthony
Thornton , u nephew of the general ,
often met Mr. Lincoln there , and ,
though politically opposed to'him , was
a great admirer of him personally and
became intimate with him.
One of General Thornton's daughters
married n Texas planter named Mar
shall Buyso , and when the war between
the north and south occurred two of the
hitter's sons NelT and Newton Buyso
espoused the. cause of their section and
wont into the confederate army. In the
latter part of 180. ! both of the boys wore
captured by the federals and sent north
us prisoners of war. Out of money and
scant of clothing the two felt the rigors
of a northern climate , and communi
cated with their grandfather asking
him for assistance , which ho was unxi-
ious to render. But it happened that
about this time Secretary Stantonowing
to like measures on the part of the rebel
authorities , had issued stringent or
ders in regard to granting special favors
to the moil in gray. Judge Thornton
had long been acquainted with Mr.
Usher , Mr. Lincoln's secretary of the
interior , but he had little faith in being
more successful than others who had
tried and failed to got favors of this
character. Ho wrote to Secretary
Usher and asked that one of the gen-
oral's two sons Tom or Will might
bo permitted to visit their cousins and
give them such help as was deemed
necessary and right.
Tliololtor was received by the secre
tary just tis ho was on tlio point of
attending a meeting of the cabinet. At
the close of the conference Secretary
Usher took the letter from his pocket
and made known its contents to Secre
tary Stanton , naming tlio Thorntons ,
President Lincoln , who btill sat at the
table , overheard the conversation
between the two and uuiotly asked for u
repetition of the minion.
"Will or Tom Thornton of Illinois , "
replied the secretary.
Addressing himself to the stern secretary -
rotary of war Mr. Lincoln said :
"Mr. Stunton , you need give yourself
no trouble in regard to this mutter ; I
will settle it ; " and , turning to Usher ,
ho continued : "I know those boys
when they wore not moro than knee-
high. " Then turning to the table
lie picked up u blank card and wrote
something like- this :
'To the Commandant of any Military
Prison to whom this may bo presented :
Permit the bearer , Tom or Will Thorn
ton , to visit any military prison in the
United States and do for his friends
whatever his good judgment may
aiclato. A. LINCOLN.
Handing this to the secretary he
Biiid : "Send this to Judge Thornton
with my compliments. "
A few days later the Bayso boys wore
visited and their wants supplied so fur
us money would do it , and from that
ilay until hU death Gen. Thornton
would brook no criticisms in his pros-
mice of Mr. Lincoln or his policy.
Fine potutoos , 40o per Munro's ,
301 N. 10th ut.
Kloitnnt Now Unndn Coining In.
$ j.75 dogskin gloves we will soil foi
* iHAPEHY SILKS In now nnd ele
gant designs. About FIFTEEN 1)1 F-
FEHENT patterns wo will show this
NoW colorings nnd novel patterns in
flowered plushes. 100 DIFFERENT
styles in beautiful applique designs.
Some beautifully embroidered piano
and table covers in plush nt about i the
usual prico.
Never wasns good value given in
muslin underwear as wo are now giving.
You make a mistake if you buy any
where before seeing ours. Prices from
2o cts upward.
Wo uro getting in n very largo line
of new corsets. Wo can show you u
large line of the very best corsets made
in the country , Prices ranging from
H5 cts to $8.50. If you would liavo some
thing llghl-woight and olcgiiut tisk to
see our Pongee silk corset.
Wo have just received a largo line ol
all the SPUING NOVELTIES in fancy
hordorv. A variety of styles in the
beautiful llgurcs in jewelry , Including
rare stylus in lace pins.
Hock Sprlntrs Egg coal , $0.50.
Silver C'reok reduced to SO.
14th and FarnaiiylolT W. Bedford.
Tcrrihlc SutTni'liiK ICndiircd Hy n I'ulr
ol' Sllicraiii Mxllcs.
The following pathetic passage is
from Mr. ICcnnun's article in the February -
ruary t'ontury :
"Two of the most interesting politicals
whom wo mot in Irkutsk wore Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Uhorinuvskiyho wore ban
ished to Siberia by administrative pro
cess in 1878. I became very well ac
quainted with them , and for Mrs. Chor
um vsUi especially 1 canin to fool thopro-
foundcet pity and regard.
"Fow women , oven in Russia , have
had before , tlio ago of thirty-live , so
tragic and heart-breaking a life , and
still fewer have maintained through
hardship , sickness find bereavement
such cheerfulness and courage.
"She was arrested in Odessa in the
arly part of 1878 at the ago of about
twenty-live , unduftor u long term of im
prisonment was sent by administrative
process to tlio provinco'of Tobolsk. In
tlio city prison of Kiovo , on her way to
Siberia , she was detained for a few
days , and while there was forced to bo
almost an eye witness of the assassin
ation of her dearest friend.
"A young man of English descent
named Beverly , whom she had known
from childhood , had been arrested
shortly before upon a charge of living
upon a false passport and carrying on a
revolutionary propaganda , and ho was
at that time in tlio Kiev prison.
"The night before Mrs. Cherniavski
was to resume her journey to Siberia.
Beverly , with a comrade named Izbit-
ski. attempted to escape through a tun
nel which they had succeeded in dig
ging from their cell to u point outside
tlio prison wall.
"The prison authorities , however ,
had , in some way become aware of the
existence of the tunnel , and had posted
a squad of soldiers near the place whore
the fugitives mnbt emerge from the
ground. Late at night , when they
made their appearance , they wcro re
ceived with a volley of musketry.
"Beverly was mortally wounded , ant
as he lay writhing on the ground lie
was dispatched by asoldier with several
repeated bayonet thrusts. Izbitski ,
wounded and severely beaten , was
taken back into prison.
"Tho next morning when Mrs. Chor-
niavski started with her party for Si'
bcria she had to march past the bloody
and disfigured body of her dearest
friend , which was still lying where it
had fallen , in plain sight of the prison
" 'I can bear my own personal tor
ment , ' she said to me with u sob as she
finished tlio story of the tragedy , 'but
such things as that break my heart. '
"I need not recount the hardships and
and miseries that who , a cultivated and
refined woman , endured on the road
and in the roadside ctupes between
Kiev and the small town in the Siberian
province of Tobolsk , where she and her
husband had been assigned a residence.
'They reached their destination at
last ; a child was there born to them and
they lived there in something like com
fort until March , 1881 , when Alexander
III. came to the throne and Mr. Cherni
avski was required to taice the oath of
"Ho refused to do so , and they wcro
sent still farther eastward to the town
of Krasnoyarsk. A second refusal to
take the oath of allegiance resulted in
their being sent to Irkutsk.
"By this time winter had tot in , and
they were traveling in fin open ttiruutus
with t delicate baby thirteen months of
age. It was with the greatest dilliculty
that Mrs. Churniuvski could keep her
baby , warm , and at the last station before -
fore reaching Irkutsk she removed the
heavy wrappings in which she had en
veloped it and found it dead.
"With the shock of this discovery
she became delirious , and wept , sang
pathetic little nursery songs to hordeud
child , rocked it in her armsand prayed
nnd curbed God by turns.
"In the courtyard of the Irkutsk for
warding prison , in u temperature of
UU ° below zero , Mr.'Cherniuvski stood
for the party to be formally received ,
with his wife raving in delirium bcbido
him and his dead child in his arms.
"Mrs. Chcrniuvski lay at tlio prison
hospital at Irkutsk until she recovered
her reason , and to some extent her
strengthmid then she and her husband
wcro sent 2,000 miles further to the
northeastward , under guard of geu-
.larmos. and colonized in u Yakut set
tlement known as the Buturuski ooloos ,
situated in the 'tiaga' or primeval wil-
lernesH of Yukutsk , 105 miles from tlio
nearest town.
"There , sulToriiig almost every con-
jeivablo hurdiihip and privation , they
ived until 1881 , when the minister of
; he Interior allowed them to return to
i more civilized part of Siberia.
"Mrs. Chcrniavsky , when I made her
icquaintanco , was u pale , delicate , hoi-
ow-uheoked woman , whoao health had
icon completely wrecked by yearn of
mprisonment , banishment and grief.
lShe ! had had two children , and had
est them both in exile under oireutn-
itances that made the bereavement
ilmost intolerable ; for several yearn she
tail been separated by u distance of
nuny thousand miles from ail of her
dndrod ; the future seemed to hold for
ler absolutely nothing except the love
> f the husband whoso exile she could
itill share , but whoso Interests she
sould do so little in her broken state of
icalth to promote.
' 'Sho had not boon able tostopoulsldo
.he house for two months , and it seemed
o mo when I bade her good-by , that
lor life of happiness and Buffering was
Iruwing to u close.
"I felt profoundly sorry for her--
vhilo listening to her story my face was
, vet with tears almost for the first time
iince boyhood mid hoping to glvo her
lomo pleasure and to show lior how sin-
: orely I esteemed her , I offered her my
( holograph , ns the only memento I
; ould Icavo with her.
"To my great gurprlbo she sadly but
Irmly declined it , and wild ; ' .Many
yonrs ngo I had u photograph of n. llttto
child that 1 had lost. It was the only
ono in existence , nnd 1 could not go't
" 'Tlio pollco mndo a search ono night
in my IIOUPO and took away nil my loiters
ters and photographs. 1 told them that
this particular picture was the only
portrait 1 had of my dead boy.
' "Tho gendarme olllcor who con
ducted the search promised mo upon
his word of honor that it should bo re
turned to mo , but I never saw it ngain >
I mndo n vow then that it should not ba
nosslblo for the Russian government to
hurt mo so n second time , and from that
day to this I have never had n photo
graph in my possession. '
u "I do not know whether Mrs. ( "nor-
nliivskl is now living or dond ; but if she
bo still living 1 trust that these pngca
may find their way to hur and show
her that on the other side of the world
she is still remembered with ulTection-
ate sympathy. "
Hut'KuliiH In OruutiH
nt less than manufacturers' cost to close
out our stock , and on terms totniit pur-
I'hnsor , nt Molnberg's , 1511 nnd 1510
Dodge street.
B'O YDl flPERfl
, } February 22 and 23 ,
Iteturu of the Kavorlto Comic Opera ,
' 'The Little Tycoon , "
With H stroiiKor , creator nnd praudor company.
Including tlio original ( loncnil Knickerbocker.
1C. K. UK All AM.
Complrle Clioninl Augmented Oroliestrnt
The entire production Is under tlio personal
supervision ot the author , \ \ Illiird Sponsor.
Notwithstanding thn fact Unit tlio company
1ms liecu roiislilcrahly Mtntlionod by the ml
Oltloii of all thu orl limH , them will im no In
crease lu prices , yule of Meats commences
Thursday moriila ? .
Monday , Tuesday and Wt'ilnpsilny Nights ,
February 18th , 19th & 20th.
Dncle Tom's ' Cabin Co ,
Big Double Uniformed Brass Band ,
Grand Tableaux Kva In Heaven. i
SI'ECIAE. , FlJATimiiS : '
Stetson's J'nmoHS Lone Slur < hinrtctte
Kersnnd's Original Jnlilluc Singers.
Watch for the Big Parade Monday at Noon !
Three Mglits nnd Saturday MnUnro ,
February 21 , 22 , and 23.
Effie * Ellsler.
In the Now York Jladison Sqimru Theatre suc
cesses. Laura Don n romantic comedy ilr.ima ,
' KHV1M' ! " Krauk llarvey'H comedy drama ,
.HMKil- ; NOT ; and Clifton Stuurt'H adaptation
from tlio I'rench of llaymond IK'snariles drama.
' .
KUHl'SAKU. _ _ _
Y. M. C. A. HALL ,
FEBRUARY 18 , 1880.
Mrs. C. K. Biinlrpd , Suj
Mrs. .1. W lotton. .fii ; > MHii.
.Mm. II. I ) . IMabrook , r'liii'nifM. '
Miss Kliliilji'lh IVmiiilJ , Cunti-dUo ,
Mr. W. n. wilklm. Tfiinr.
.Mr. Then. .1. I'tumeil , limn'
Mr. Hurt lintlor. Vlnlln.
.Mr. Max Lent/ . Violin ,
Mr. .1. Holtzonstttln , IV'i'c. '
Mr. S. Iliiyn , VliilliiciHn ,
Mine. MazueuU Young ,
1 Stars of the Summer Nlxht Smart.
LndleH Qimrtutto anil Madrigal Club ,
, n. ( Rrcmlncc Sulltrnn ,
' li.\ \ Como Dorothy , Come , . .SimMuiirulkuflcd.
MiulrlKal Club ,
; I urn a Itoamcr Mendcltsuhni
Mr , I'eiuioll.
Stilus Quartette. Haydn ,
Allofjro Moruratu , Op. 71 , No. 1
MCSHM. llutler , Lent ; ! , Jlelliteiistoln
itiul lluyn.
< LcgemlR , Molirtng ,
Ladles Quartette
I fens
Mm , IMabrook ,
' Jle'.vs of the Summer Nltjlit lluclt
Mm. K&utirook and Mr. Wllklng.
i Sonj ;
.Mrs. Siiulres.
i Sons of tlio vikiiigM /'miner ,
ladles Quartette unit Mii'lriual Club.
Admits.ou wilii Heaerved Scat a M cents.
ii or itioMv , run. is.
I' appearance In Omuhu uf celebrated
tm < ! iiuirt ; family In their oilKlnal musical com-
( \.VOf \
'The Irish Governess , ' ?
A snow rou A IHMII :
( j.aii'l ' .iltniclions In nil part * uf thu houce.