TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE * . 8UNPA3 - FEBRUAEY 17. 1889. TWELVE PAGEg. BEYOND THE PEARLY GATES , Omaha Dlvlnon on the Howards of tbo Blossod. HEAVEN IS WHAT WE MAKE IT. A G'otiRrcantlonnl I'nstor l > ct > lotft the IncfTnhlo IQujnymeiitB Prepared for Knlnrgcil niut t'ttrlHcit Which Never Thn Fruits of Klglitrotisnois. "Wtmt Is your conception of heaven ? " was the question asked by Uni : reporters of a number of Omaha divines. While nil agreed that It Is to bo a place of unalloyed happiness undthnl entrance thereto can only bo galnod by right living , there \vns mi interesting dif ference of opinion as to details. Hov. David It. ICcrr , of the Lcavenworth Presbyterian church , said : There will bo neither i > oor nor aristocracy there ; notio too lazy to work , none too mean , none too rich ; no soulless corporations , 116 protective unions , no strikes , . There will be no saloons , no prisons , no alm&housc9. There will bo prohibition throughout tlio realm , prohibition will prohibit , and no Sioux City correspond- nnt or wish-fMther-to-tlio-lhouKhtMnan who will try to prove to the contrary. There will bo no election to relocate a city brill. Tlmt will bo Bottled before wo get thoro. No fault will bo found with the streets , side walks , and parks. Even the reporters wilt Imvo no Improvements to suggest. The re porters will bo angels. There wilt bo no Huflduv newspapers. Everybody will like to go to church , Choirs will bo reliable. Pews will ull bu Tree , and none will bo empty , Preachers , in order to draw , will not need to advertise "To Ury Goods Clerks , " "To Young Men Away From Home , " "To Daughters , " "How to Select Husbands , " etc. Preachers will not take "Hobert Elsmore" for a text. Preachers who can't iol u crowd will not feel Jealous toward these who can , but will quit preaching. No charity Italls will be there. There will bo there neither politician , lawyer , doctor , banicor , broker , real estate nor loun dealer ; though some who tmvo been such will bo there , with ocou patlon gono. All will bo Christiana there with bodies like unto Christ's ' body after Ho was resurrected , and their character like Him ns Ho is ; with occupation to know as ( ! od knows , to love as ho loves , to honor its Ho deserves ; with condition satisfied. That will bo heaven for mo.Votlld you bo lonely there ) Thorn's another place. l ev. Dr. Duryca , of the First Congrnga- tloniil church , said : "At to locality and condition wo know nothing. We only know in general that if Christianity is pro- luiring men for aiiotUor world it must fit them for It , mid so wo can infer from their adaptations WHAT ttio mode of llfo will bo.Ve know that it will bo social , and that so ciety will bo perfect because its members will be perfectly unselllsh : that is , perfectly benevolent and Just , so that there will bo cooperation - operation for each other's welfare and happi ness. To this there ran ho no limit , for there Is no limit , to personal development. " Hov. VV. .1. Harsha , of the First Presby terian church , said : "Tho principal idea of heaven ns presented in the blblo is that wo ore with Christ , and that his presence in cludes all that wo need in the way of happi ness. And it is a place of reunion with our friends who have died in the hope of the goipel , It is also a place of enlarged knowledge. 'Thoro we will know even as also wo are known.1 Them nre some who suppose that heaven is located in the Pleiades. It is certain that that constellation answers one requisite of lioavon for there Is no night there. " Hev. A. VV. Lamar , pastor of the First Uapt'.t ' ctiurch , said that during ttic spring ho o.Vpectod to give his ideas upon the sub ject ex-cathedra and that for the present ho MUST content himself with the assertion that if a'inaii had uot a llttlo of heaven in him on earth it was not likely that he would have much of It in the horeattcr. Kev. Dr. Calmer , rector of All Saints church , said : -'The life everlasting is clearly revealed in Holy Scripture , but the condi tions of that life arc only incidentally con veyed to us ou the page of inspiration. To theorize on a subject connected with which wo have no direct information is simply in dulging our own fancy. No uninspired mor tal could even understand the conditions of life In heaven , much less describe them. The distance of the llnlto mind from the infinite Is too givat for that. Wo might as well ex pect the unborn child to conceive correct ideas respecting the green earth , the glorious sun and the over-burning stars. Any theory or hypothesis formed on a subject of this ] uml , how plausible soever it may seem , is ami can bo no more than a rational conjec ture. Christianity cannot bo compromised in the remotest manner by the at tempted establishment or refutation of any such speculation. All that our Lord thought it necessary to teach on this subject , was the existence of a future btate , the resurrection of the body , the life everlasting , and the conditions which will determine the anal and everlasting state of man. IT is also revealed to us that that state will bo ono Of endless felicity to which the Klnrilled nature of man will bo perfectly adapted. Forever free from sin , man's best capacities will be enlarged and perfected. The satisfaction of these capabilities of our nature will bo a novor-enulng source of pleasure and happinss. The employments of heaven will ho directed to this end. Hetico its bliss. The desire for enjoyment originally implanted in the human mind , It constitutes a law of our naturo. Wo per petually live under its Influence. It is the mainspring of mum of our conduct , and this in nut to bo regretted. U is the wlso nppointmcnt of a beneficent Creator , ami it is Intended to produce un mixed good. It does not do so in , this life for the reason that the desire for en joyment has become debased by sin. In the next world it will BE enlarged and purified and gratified to the fullest extent. Wo are now in the Infancy of our being ; but we are growing in one of two directions in the di rection of the puriildd , the perfected , the ideal , the happy life , or in the direction of the life that U duoascu , polluted and un happy the llfo that will finally and forever rojirohato. The earthly stage of our existence is characterized by a severe strug- Bio toward an Ideal , which , never attained on this side the grave , is fully realized in heaven , the realm of spiritual perfection. There , the created spirit , whether human or nugehc , becomes actually , what from thu llrst It bears potentially the Imago of God. Thuro thu limit of development is reached , nnd the glorlllod man enters upon the last and highest form of his existence. Hov. John Williams , rector St. Barnabas Episcopal church , said that the last two chapters of Revelations expressed his IduiiRon the subject and gave this extract : "God shall wlpn away all tears from their uyes. And Kov. Charles W. Savldgo , late pastor of the First Haptlst church in this cityand now located at Grand Island , said : J believe heaven Is a real placo. It Is a city of muglll- cent proportions and of exquisite beauty. The book of Revelations tells us that. It | is the busiest city within God's dominion , fur our Father miya : "They rest not day nor night. " I have no sympathy with that old sister who became tired of washing dishes and sweeping , and uuid when bho got TO heaven oho was going to do nothing forever nnd over. Hev. Father McCarthy , of St. Phlloiuona Catholic church mild : Heaven means the bcatlllo vision and lovn ot C5od , The bcatltic vision Is the clear knowledge of God as Ho Is In Himself. A liorfectand consummate knowledge Imparts u perfect and consummate love , but the Just would not bo truly and perfectly Just , nnr Would they BE 1)0 In the full enjoyment of their cud , If their will did not attain Its ultimata evolution and. pwfcotlon through the c.xer- cisu of diviao lovo. Tlioraforo the love wtiivh the just In heaven entertain for God lollowft the perfection of the ItnowUMgo whluh they possess. possess.THERE THERE shall bo no rnors death , neither sorrow row nor crying , neither shall there bo t ny uioro julic for Hie former Hang Khali have passed away. " PLUNGED IN A LAKE OF FIRE , Kansas Olty Proachora oil the Tor- motile or the Lost. OUR HELL WITHIN OURSELVES. A Unitarian flllnlHtcr Pictures the Horrors of a Guilty Cunnclcnco IN There Still Hope Beyond the Grave ? The Ilarvoxt of Hln. KANSAS CITV , 'Fob. 14. [ Special to Tun Biiu.J Is there a hell I Hob Ingcrsoll says there Is n"ot. Most of the Kansas City preachers saj there Is , Tun HBIJ correspondent Interviewed a largo number of preachers and professors o : various doctrines and finds that their ideas concerning this mythical place of punish meiit vary from the all-Having grace of the Unitarians to the literal lake of fire nm eternal damnation of the Mormons and Seventh Day Advontlsts. Hov. Daniel T. Sherman , pastor of the Seventh Day Advcntlsts , said ; "Wo bo. llcvo that all the sign's prophesiscd in the scriptures imvo now como to pass , and that Christ will appear again on earth in this generation. Immediately upon the scconi coming ot Christ the wicked will bo burnci up with lire and the elect will ascend wltl him Into glory. Wo believe in literal hcl lire , but the SINNER will not suffer In It forever. The punish ment of the wicked Is annihilation , tola extinction , eternal death. " David Whin , president of the reorganized church of Jesus Christof Latter Day Saints , when asked his views on hell , said : "Al though there are some differences among Mormons in regard to Latter Day revela tions made to saints since .loseph Smith's time ( principally on the subject of a plu rality of wives ) , the Mormons all believe in and preach literal hcll-ilro-and eternal damn ation for the wicked and the salvation of the Lord's annotated. Wo have our belief on the 13iblc , the Apocalypse , the Hook of Mormon , the Hook of Doctrine , and modern revelation. Hov. Harnoy , pastor of the Frlcnus' con gregation , said : "Tho Quakers believe that there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the wicked. The one will awake to everlasting life and blessedness , the other to eternal misery. Hev. Sam Small , the Georgia evangelist : "I will not waste the precious time the Lord has given me with follows who are trying to dodge hell or be bribed into heaven. I am not bothering myself about hell I Imvo no interests in that direction. I am not bother ing myself about- heaven I don't have to. If I do what Gou wants mo to on earth , al will bo well. " Hev. J.E. Hobcrts of the Unitarian church : 'Have you ever seen a man with a secret sin preying upon his mind , or one upon whose soul vice has a strong grasp ? How ho starts at every sound. Ho is an exempli- licutioa of what the Psalmist wrote , 'The wicked FLEE when no man pursueth. ' Can you not see remorse , sorrow , grief , affliction which the stings of conscience have placed upon him pictured in bold outlines on his countenance ? It Is because he is receiving the punishment laid down for his sins I Is not this hell enough ? Part of our punish ment will bo meted out upon this earth , God is too good to immerse his children in a lake of living flro.1' Hov. T. P. Haley , D. D.5 pastor of the First Christian church , said : "I have no view concerning future punishment other than that contained in the bible. The scriptures say that it will be banishment FROM the presence of God and from the glory of His power. That will be a hell as dreadful as I eaa possibly imagine. " Rev. .T. O'U. Lowry. the pastor of Calvary Baptist church , thought that the punishment in the next world would be spiritual rather than physical. "Said he : "The punishment hereafter is the product ot THE self-perpetuating nnd self punishing power of sin. The character of a man receives its impulse In this world , and I believe It follows that forever. I don't bcliovo God makes hell ; sin makes it , and would make it , did not hell exist already. " Hev. William Jones , p. D. , pastor of the Summit street Methodist Episcopal church believes in eternal punishment , but rejects entirely the Idea that the divine WRATH will take the form of a literal burning flro. Said ho : "Very few ministers over did be huvo In literal tire and brimstone hell , and I know of none who do now. Thu word lire merely expresses the extent of punishment and not the actual punishment itself. As lira burns the human flesh , so docs sin burn nnd will continue to burn into the soul of the unrepentant sinner. " Evangelist Potter , who has just closed his work In Kansas City , will go to Omaha next week to hold a series of meetings. "I am going to preach literal hell up there , " said ho. "Literal flro may bo less Hurtful to a conncmncd soul than some other forms of punishment. It may bo lire , or it may bo mental suffering. I do not know what it will bo. Hut what Is the use of quibbling over the matter. I don't believe in a literal flro , but there is a literal lioll of some kind ; no question about that. " Hov. Robert Talbot , rector of Trinity Epls- copal church , said : "My church has hold several different interpretations in regard TO the subject of future punishment. None of us , however , boliuvo in a literal hell tiro. The punishment of the wicked , I think , will bo separation from God , and no punishmert could bo more keen. " Hov. ifohn C. Williams , of the Clyde Con gregational church , said ; "I prefer not to bu interviewed on this subject , for it Is one wo might better leave alone. It is infinitely but ter , however , to teach the song of the angels , "Joy to the world the Lord has Como , " than to picture the dim fatu and sad calamity awaiting the transgressor. Wo arc all trans gressors , and our religion should bo more of love , less of duty ; more of happiness , loss of punishment. " Hov. Stephen Hall , Unlvcrsullst : "Future punishment will not bo eternal , for our God is a good and lust God , and after a certain length of punishment man will be * forgiven lor his sins. The thcif on the cross was for given , and no one has COME to our blessed Savior asking forgiveness and gonu away emptyhanded. Much of the punishment of boll Is received on earth , and after death man enters into a probation where his acts while on earth will receive their duo reward. If they bo good the happiness and Joy will bo eternal ; If bad they will atlll have chances of repentance. ' ' Hov. O. M. Stewart , presiding elder In the Methodist Episcopal church : There Is a hell , but I don't think U can bo truly said that the church ever believes in literal lire. Individuals did and so taught. No figure , not oven that of lire , fully reveals the suffer- inint of a guilty , condemned conscience , cither hern or hurcufter. Another minister , who desired to have his nauio withheld , said : "I bulluvu that heaven and hell are both on the earth now in an em bryonic stato. My Idea of the final destiny of the wicked is that they will bo burned up , root and branch , and vanish away like smoke. At the end of the world this earth Is to bo birncd : up. That is , it U to pass through a great change and bo renovated by tiro. While this is going on God will lake cara of the righteous In his own way , but the winked will remain hero and be con sumed with the other class , I have no sym pathy with Iho Bpoculatlc.ii . now fashionable , tluit the words 'llro,1 urimatonu1 and 'tor ment.1 as vt-raed In thu bible with roferonca to hull , are llgurative. I bcliovo thu tire will bo literal and awful. After this sinful old globe has passed through this terrible bap tism cf tire It will become the Inheritance of the saint for evermore. " USES HIS RAZOR AS A TONIC Quo of the Peculiarities of Ghtumcoy M Dopow. LORD BROUGHAM AS A PQRTER1 Lmllcrotifl Mistake at an English Sta tion llubonstoiit nnd Vim'Billow Webster's Test of Intellect Hcailablo Anecdotes. A Queer Hracer. Chnuncey M. Depow came Into his oflloo In the Grand Central depot one. day lust week with his chin as smooth as a billiard ball. Ho lay back In his chair , crossed hts legs and stroked his chin meditatively ns ho said : , "I have given ns nntch tlmo to the subjcot of shaving as I liavo to any other that I cau recall , Including the making of speeches , " Several gentlemen who Imvo devoted the creator part of their lives to the accumula tion of colossal fortunes looked up lu sur prise. They had boon considering some transactions in stocks to the amount of sev eral hundred thousands , and were a llttlo put out by Mr. Depow's calui , livovclant re mark. "Yes. " continued the presidentof the New York Central , "It's a great subject. I shave myself every morning the llrst thing after 1 get out of bed , and it is ns good an eye- opener as a cocktail. Frequently 1 am up late at night , and sometimes have only three or four hours' sleep for a number of days lu succession. 1 am brain weary , nerve weary , tired out. Then it is that the cold steel passIng - Ing over my face acts like a tonic , an invig orator. It's a great tiling. My face Is tender dor utii ! I have to bo very careful in shaving A razor gets tired , you know , and a man should have at least four of them. 1 havi twenty-five. 1 have bought every klnu o razor that was over recommended to me. IIml that the Swedish razor Is the best. You can't toll the quality of a razor by the price , though. One of the best 1 ever had I boughi for 75 cents. I paid $5 for another and could use It only once. "Did you ever meet Lord Brougham ) ' asked a New York Star reporter of Join Oakford. "Yes , was the reply , "and under very singular circumstances. I was escorting Airs. Sciuplo , the daughter of ex-President Tyler , from London to Liverpool , whore she was going to embark for America. Wo tooli the train at Eustace station. After placing her In a car I loft her to look after the lug gage , for you know they do not have the ad mirable system of checking baggage in Europe that wo have here. I was in a hurry , as I did not like 'o leave the lady long In a car all alone , and , entering the room , I saw a man writing at a desk , whom I thought was the station master. 1 said to him : 'My good man , I want you to label my luggage , and I am in a great hurry , for there is a lady wait ing for me. ' He turned around with a scowl and rudely ordered me out of the room , whereupon I naturally bccamo very angry , and told him I should report him if he did not instantly attend to my order. Thereupon ho Jumped up and tried to force me out of the room. In the midst of the altercation the station master came along , and I began to complain of the insolent ofllcial. The station master drew me asidc.and whispered that t had made a dreadful mistake ; that the gentleman was Lord Brougham , who had gone into the room to write a letter. He was at that time an old man , seventy years old at least. He wore a long brown coat.nnd neither looked nor acted like a lord. " The proposed Balzac monument gives rise to an enormous number of anecdotes apro pos of the great writer in the French press. Here is a good one from among them : The late Baron James Rothschild was always on excellent terms with Bal/ac , who dedicated more than one novel to him. Once , when ho was obliged to make a trip to Germany , and when , as often happened with him , ho was n money difficulties , Halzne went to the baron , who , with his usual benevolence , ad vanced him the sum 01 aOiH ) trancs , giving him also a letter of recommendation to his nephew in Vienna. The letter was unsealed , according to custom. Balzac read it , found it , cold , poor and unworthy of him , and never Look it to the nephew. Returning to Paris , ho went to sec Baron Rothschild. "Well , " said the laitor , "have you seen my nephew ! " Balzac proudly said that he had kept the let ter. " 1 am sorry for you , " said too baron. "Have you got it with youf" "Yes , purblcu ! hero it is. " "Observe this little hiero glyphic belo-.v the signature ; it would have opened a credit of 25,000 francs for you at the Vienna firm. " Balzac bit his Up nnd said nothing more. The most fiery of pianists and of orches tral conductors , Dr. Hans von Bulow , has lieen pointing his baton at his old fricad rtubhiBtein , to whose "Ocean Syrapnony" ho lias taken a suddoa aislike. After directing at a rehearsal the six movements of Rubin stein's symphony , which is , indeed , "vast and Illimitable" like the ocean , Dr. von F3ulow , according to a not Infrequent custom ot his , addressed to the members of the orchestra some disparaging remarks o the work they had Just been playing , and ended by saying : "A symphony Jiko this can be propei ly dealt with only by a conductor with eng hair. " [ Dr. von Bulow woard-hia hair short.I On reading the report of Dr. von Uulow's little speech Rubinstein wrote from St. Petersburg to the paper which had pub lished it , expressing his surprise that In the midst of his important and numerous ocou- i > atio.ns the learned doctor should have lound tlmo to measure the length of his ( Rubinstein's ) hair. Ho also inquired affec tionately after the length of Dr. von Billow's cars ; wishing in particular to know whether thuv hail grown since the evening when , after hearing Rubinstein's opera of "Nero" ror the first time , he shook the composer warmly by the hand and oven embraced lim. lim.At At the heel of one of Daniel Webster's dinners , when only two of hi * guests re- mnined ono a member of congress from Tennessee and the other a member from Texas a discussion arose as to which had ho ureuter intellect. Mr. Webster poured lie lust drop of the last bottle into his own glass nnd settled the issue by a declaration hat "the best , test of a man's intellect is the quantity of wiuo ho can take on mid stand up under it. " Senator Kcnna is exceedingly fond of hunt ng and fishing and is go proud of the line Mountains and beautiful streams of West Virginia that he has become an expert ama- cur photographer , and has dovotcd much of ils leisure taking views. Not long ago ho conceived the Idea of collecting a number of ils handsomest pictures , arranging them In an album and presenting thorn to Mr. Clove- und. While his work was in progress ho wont with Senator Blackburn to call upon the president , mid during the Interview the subject ol amateur photography floated up , "I like scenery mountain scenery partic ularly , " said thu president , "but I don't care 'or pictures of it , nnd I don't sec how a sen sible man can go wandering around with a jox on his buck la search of mere perishable uhadows , " Senator Blackburn agreed fully with the ircsiJonl and Senator Kcnna changed the subject. When they were fairly out of tho. White House grounds Kcnna said emphatically : "D n his appreciation of photography , Io shouldn't have uny of my pictures if he vas dying for them , " ; Nevertheless , a few days later , after the . ouator from Kentucky had seen the presi- , lent , there came a good-humored mcssugo rom the Whitu House to Mr. IConna which ndurod him to send thu album , and now Mr. Jlovcland will take it to his new homo us a valued souvenir of his administration. 'Dickens used to tell a story of meeting vlth a clergyman lu a railway train who held orth to hit * fellow-travelers over so long upon the novelist's private fallings. 'Dick ens is an atheist , sir , as 1 happen to know ; 10 Is also a gambler , and , I regret to say , drinks,1 and so on. 'Dear me , how sad. lave you over soon him drunk ) ' asked > ickens. 'Well , not exactly druuk ; no , but I * t , u ' p- / 0 . ' . t < JIU POPULAR AND RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , offer you a last call for BARGAINS IN WINTER WEAR , OUR SPECIAL SALES have far surpassed expec tations , but we have something in bargains left Ask your friends who have bought of us , They r will tell you that money is largely saved to you on this sale , Men , Boys and Children enjoy * alike tne Sweeping Reduction. Remember these are all NEW , FRESH AND RELIABLE UOODS. DON'T ' FORGET OUR MOTTO , "Money Cheer fully refunded if goods do not suit. " ONE PRICE and that the lowest. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. S. W , Cor , 15th and Douglas Sts , , Omaha , Mail Orders Always Receive Prompt Attention. certainly oVertaken by liquor. ' 'Havo you over seen , him sober ! " 'Well , that is too much to nay. Oh , yes , I have seen him so ber. ' 'Often ? ' 'Yes , often , ' 'No , sir ; only once. Yotl see him now for the lirst tune. ' " Hero is one of the latest stories of the great von Bulow. Ho was walking ono day in Berlin when' ho mot a man with whom ho had formerly , been on intimate terms , but whoso acquaintance he was desirous of dro | > - ping. The'quondam friend at once accosted him. "How dp you do , von Bulow ) De lighted to see .you I Now I'll bet that you don't rometnbcr my name ! " "Vou'vo ' won that bet , " replied von Uulow , and turning on his heels he walked off in the opposite direc tion. _ Dr. Joseph Parker , the London sensation alist preacher , recently went to see a popular picco at a London theater , and at its con clusion exclaimed : "God bless the man who wrote so useful and admirable a play ! " "That piece , " ho continued , in conversation , "was simply a dramatic sermon of thu most powerful kind as to doctrine , eloquence and spiritual effect. " _ Talking with him about his Macbeth , in advance of its production , a friend said to Mr. Irving : "Surely , Macbeth should boa stalwart , broad-shouldered rnaai" "Yes , " replied the great actor , "so I thought , until reading the text , I found the words , 'Throw physique to the uogs. ' " In appearance M. du Maurier , the artist of Leaden Punch , bears a striking resemblance 10 Alma Tadema. This likeness has given rise to many amusing complications. Some time ago at a dinner party he happened to sit next to a daughter of his host. "lean not understand , " remarked the young lady , "how people can be so absurd ns to mistake you for Mr. Tademn. To me the likeness is very slight. " A llttlo later she said : "Oh , I bought your photograph the other day. Would you mind or putting your auto graph to iti" M. du Maurier oxprosscd his willingness , and later on in the evening the young lady conducted him to a writing table und handed him the photograph for his sig nature. M. du Maurier looked ut it , sighed , and then laid it very gently on the table. "That , " ho said , "is Mr. AlnmTadema's portrait. " _ "Do you know , " said Rev. Dr. Hull , of the Church of the Holy Trinity , in Brooklyn , in his sermon one Sunday evening , "I think the old Methodist preacher was about half right who remarked on reading that passage of the Scriptures where David is reported to have struck his harp and said in bis haste 'that all men are liars' : "Yes , David , and you might have said the same thing at your leisure. ' Why , there are reporters in New York and Brooklyn who would not be tolerated erated in Texas. " The best Joke that over happened at Princeton , writes EH Perkins , happened to Dr. McCosh. Ono day Dr. McCosh came into the mental philosophy class and said:1 "Ah , young gentlemen , " I Imvo an im pression I "Now , young gentlemen , " continued the Doctor as he touched his head with his fore- linger , "can you tell mo what an impression Isi" Isi"No No answer , . "What , no 9110 knows I ono can toll mo what an liriprosslon Is ! " exclaimed the Doc tor. looking u\\ \ \ and down the class. "I know , " said Mr. Arthur. "An Imnres- slon is a dent In a soft place. " "Yoimt. 'gentleman ' , " said the Doctor , re moving his Ifuhd from his forehead aud growing red in the face , "you are excused for the da " ' " _ Senator fjuuyjis hunting up a lost election bet. A neighboring senator , whi > hud heard the stories about Quay's winning $100,000 , isltedliiiHJ "How much did you win on Harrison's ) election } " "I won WJf.OO. " suld Quay ; "but thorn's a bet of $3,000 which got uwuy somehow , and I only nutted fcjfl.MiO. " The fr , oO < ) > bct hud no cash up on either tide , which accounts for the forgetfulncss of the loser. _ One of Milan Obrcnovltch's latest Inde- : o nc It's was to appoint M. Christitch minister A Berlin , He is the shameless husband of .hut particular one of King Milan's concu- jlucs whom that monarch attempted to force .Jueen Natalie to kiss in public and treat vith honor. "Kiss your paramour yourself , " replied tbo queen , aud divorce followed. An apple tree near Fresno , Cal. , U reported Lo have borne one ton of fruit the past season , A feature of the late ocllpso of the moon it Downlevillo , Cul. , was n gorgeous ruin- uow ring that surrounded the moon. In closed were seven brilliant stars of the Jlrst magnitude. A baby born in Youkera , N , Y. , weighed inlv two and a half pounds. The iiurtta's finger ring was easily passed over the child's hand and wrist. The youngster is healthy and expected to live. An unknown species of bird has appeared on the Atlantic coast this winter , being of the size of a goose , with a black body , red breast and a note like the voice of the old man when culling a boy out of the bed in the morning. Perhaps the dodo has returned. Mrs. Eliza Striker , of Spotswood , N. .T. , was found dead in bed the other morning. She was eighty-nine years of ago and was cutting a neiv sot of teeth. She had com plained for several days of illuess caused by this remarkable occurrence. A Norwich , Conn. , family owns a hen that shows great superiority in matters of culture and education over others of her kind. Amontr her refinements is a custom of going up three steps to the front door , where she wipes her bill on the door mat after eating. A Danbury , Conn. , man. who was found in a snow bank and pronounced dead , was tauon to the station house. Haif an hour afterwards ho arose and attempted to walk off , to the great astonishment of policemen who was standing about. He explained that while drunk ho fell into the snow and became unconscious from the cold , remain ing so until thaweu out by the heat in the police quarters. HOMiY FOIi THK For evening frowns milk white is now more stylish than cream color. Soft gray and shell pink will bo a favorite combination for spring toilets. Spring mufllcrs are handsomely made in combinations of black and steel gray. Among new ball dress fabrics are to bo seen ribbon-striped nets nnd gazes. Novel hues in strawberry , old rose , rasp berry , mahogany , und rosewoou are promised for the spring. Bonnet pins are larger than formerly and show many patterns of which many are lloral in design. Sashes fringed with all the colors of the gown now como with the new box empire dress pattern ? . Lenten toilets severely plain anl : ecclesias tical , but very becoming , are to be seen la the modistes' shops. Golden-brown will probably bo the leading fashionable color. Another stylish hue is golden tcrra-cotta or "otrasiiio. | " Cloth waists for wearing witli skirts of dark wool , silk or velvet , have long velvet revcrs turned back from a vest ot bright cloth. The uo-.v Dircctolro long coats for utility uses during the inevitable wet and chilly itays of the spring season , arc stylish gar ments. For "second" mourning silver-shot black silks are novel and quito effective. They will be trimmed with Jet and silver galleons or cut-steel passementerie. The short velvet jackets now worn with dressy homo toilets require full toreador vostf. ot embroidery in solt wool , and of a delicate contrasting color. ' Hats Just out from Paris have crowns so .low as to bo almost invisible from thu front. As a make weight there is more than a whis per of the chignon's revival. The stately cloth ciruulira , or Connemnra cloaks , are likely to have a still greater leas of popularity than ever this spring , and especially for traveling wear. Charming llttlo party dresses for sweet sixteen have .straight full housemaid skirts , wide empire sashes , with novel bodices that button on the short shoulder scums. Silk and wool costumes are exhibited with plain wool skirts and long Grecian over dresses llnishcd with a very deep hem , and with cloth Jackets to match the skirt. No steel circles are now worn in under- .skirts. Their substitute is the very xumll Louis XV. cushion of black or colored .satin , tilled with down and trimmed wltn lace. Low bodices of evening dresses are to bo scon in a variety of forma. Some are cut en cuiur , bomo In oval shape , some fiquarc , undu largo number in the prevailing V shape. Wo seem to be fust approaching thuulusslu outlines of Greek dross in our most elegant und fashionable attlro , Long softly Ilowing folds 'appear upon artNtiu f owns designed more especially for tons and grand dinners. The hat of the moment Is the low , soft- crowned toque. For mornini ; It is made of cloth to match the suit ; for afternoon driv ing , receptions or the theater , of fine pale velvet or else black , with a tuft of violets nestled in Its folds. The bustle has gene and the designer of now wraps nnd Jackets nro lulling consider able trouble in accustoming themselves to the now state of affairs. Muntlos will now have to bo shaped so that no terracing at the buck will bo required. Many novel printed tissues will form a portion of uaiidajinospring toilets. Kollcnno , with largo bouquets , In one of these , How- crod bengaline another. The colors are mo4t varied , prominent among them being auroro , old rose , terra cottn , water green , and pale raspberry ; and quito largo Ilowura und foliage are fuvorilo designs. A very pretty little house dress suitable for u girl of sixteen Is mude with an opeu Spanish Jacket of old rose velvet , lined with pink. The bishop sleeves extending beyond the pointed velvet ones , are of soa-green silk , embroidered with little moss buds , and ' beneath the cutaway Jacket is a blouse to match , likewise wrought. An odd collar turns down at the back , this cmtiroldercd also nnd half covering a second deeper ono of green velvet. fllUSICAIi AM ) DUAM.VTIC. Lotta bought another $20,000 house in Now York the other day. "When Chung-a-Lung Heaehcs High C" Is Louis Harrison's new song In "The Pearl of Pekin. " Hattie Delaro , who became Mrs. Barnes. of California , last summer , has again seceded from J. C. Duff's "Tho Queen's Mate" com pany. Minnie Maddcrn is to have at "least ono new play for next season. She will produce It in the autumn and then go on u tour of the principal cities. Mrs. Langtry will play Lady Macbeth on her road tour this spring , except In one night stands. There she will do cither "A Wife's Peril" or "As in a Looking Glass. " Nina Boucicault has been encaged to play the ingenue part la the reorganized "Harbor Lights" company , which is to tour New England under the management of Frank Curtis. Mr. Henry IrVing's throat is > qulto well again , and ho is playing Macbeth every evening before the largest audiences ever known in the history of the London Lyceum theater. Maud Harrison says she has some novel ideas as to how Rosalind in "As You Line It , " should be acted , and is anxious to show the public how well she can interpret the character. D Henry E , Abbey , when asked how long ho thought "Antony and Cleopatra" would run in Boston , replied , Jocularly : "If the police don't stop it there is no doubt that it will run the rest of thu season. " "Bluebeard , . I r. , " is the name of the ex travaganza that will be produced at the Chicago opera house next summer. Some of tbo costumes will bo madu in London and Mr. Eustis will arrange the music. Bronsou Howard has decided in the future to control his own plays and become inter ested In their production and management , commencing with "Shcnandoali , " in which play ho retains the proprietorship through out the United States. How the prices for musical performances have risen during the last sixty years can be soon from a comparison of Paul's 700 for performing once in London this season and Mine , Pasta's 200 i runes for a private musi cal entertainment in Paris in ISIJO. Thu separate starring tours of Louis James anil hit ; wife , Marie Wamwright , begin next season. They have found it impossible to get plays in which both could appear to ad vantage. Wainwright will produce a spec tacular "Twelfth Night" in October. At the latest reports from London it was thought that Mr. Mansllnld'tt production nf "Ulchard HI. " could not bo effected before the end of this month , Mr. Mansfield offered an engagement to Mrs. Arthur Stirling , but that well known actressdcelmod to accept It. Tony Hart , the actor , was discharged recently , according to a telegram , from the slate iiibano asylum in Worcester , Mass , "Ills improvement is haid to bo marked , though thu physicians do not positively say that ho will ever bo able to resume work again. " The unnouiicomont that Mr. Lawrence Barrett has actually engaged Mini ) . Mod- Jeska to act with Mr. Edwin Bootti next nna- hon , IH very good news. She will play Lulv : , Macbeth , a character In which she ought to creator great effect , und Ophelia , which is one of tint mom exquisite of her SliulcHpuriuri interpretation ! ! , There appears to bo no doubt that the fa mous old Iirury Lane , theater In London , will cuaso to exist in seven years from now , us the duke of lied ford , to whom the prop. crt.v belongs , Is resolved to pull the building down at the expiration of the lease , and devote the slto to more prolltable , if less in tercstlng purposes. The course of "Macbeth" at the Fifth Avciiuo theatre , Now York , Is all but run , and Mrs , Lnngtry's ambitious attempt has ended In failure. She was in earnest , however - ever , and is deserving of sympathy , hho will noxv fall back uiion Rosalind , which is almost us much out of her reach us the ter rible Luly Macbeth. Mrs. Burnett's now play for the Lyceum thealor. New York , which will bo produced in April , Is rapidly approaching couinlution. It Is u comudy-druma , and will contain parts for Nelson Wheutcroft and Grace Hender son , us well as Mr. ICulco.v , Mr. Lcmoyne , Cayvan and others now acting lu "Sweot Lavnndor. " Mr. Duly Is about to prnduqc In Now York n now comedy rul'inl ' t'Thu lulcrimtiimnl Match , " tiiktiti from the ( inrinan of J'Yan/ von Schontuu and Is a "comedy of high llfo" In four nets. It is said to be ver" daii.ty and delicate in toxturo. Miss Uchui . Mrs. Gil bert , Mus iHiibel Irving , Mr. Drmv und Mr. Luivi-s will huvo the Important purt4. Two more incidents have recently been added to Miss Cluxton'ti llro record. Her com. jiany WAS booked to play ut the tiniiiU Oj'ora house , St. Paul , which was destroyed by llro the week before the date announced for her opening. She went to Chicago , and was to have gene from there to Dulnth.buttho opera house in Duluth is also reported burned. It Is stated on authority that Mine. Mod- joska will play with Mr. Booth next season. Messrs , Nixon mid Xlmniarman had con tracted to pay her $5,000 for a season of thirty wcelts. Mr. Booth has paid WO.OOO for n transfer of the contract. Mr. Joseph Brooks will Imvo a share of the S15.000 real ized by Messrs. Nixon nnd Zimmerman. Mr. Nat Goodwin will produce his now play. "Tho Gold Mine , " in the Fifth Avenue I theater , New York , in March , and if it suc ceeds he will , it is said , abandon the idiotic pieces in which his abilities have been wasted , not to say disgraced , hitherto. Everybody will hope that ho may fool Justi fied in attempting something more serious than buffoonery. The now play written for Mr. Luwronco Barrett by Mr. William Young is called "Ganolou. " The scene Is laid in Corsica in the ninth century , and the events are con nected with the wars octweeii the Corsicana \a and Saracens. It is said to afford uncom mon opportunities for scenic displays , but this is of far less important than its lite rary and dramatic merit. Mr. Barrett has produced many good plays mid his Judg ment is not likely to lead him very far astray. Hoslna Yokes has recently produced a now play In Philadelphia called "Ghastly Manor. " It is described as a "burlesque society melo drama in ono horror. " As Lady Tofma Miss Voices is said "to die a la Bernhardt in 'The Sphinx ' " witli and , a clutching drag ging at the strychnine demon in her fair throat ; struggles with her lover , Sir Crim son Fluid , a la Davenport in "Fedora , " and finally dies a la Langtry in "As in a Look ing Glass , " tearing down the lace curtains ami giving u llnal agony on the floor within their lllmy folds. Julius "Oh , If you only loved mo as warmly as I do you " "Nellie "Wo would both be cremated , I fear. " Mrido "Will you love mo In the next world , darlliigi" Hubby "That depends on what kind of an angel they make of you , " The era of sensations : Edward "And will you bo my hrldo , Dolliof" Dolllo "No , dar ling ; but , I'll ' elope with you for the fun oftlia thing , " "Well , 1 am glad that liosalie's taites nro literary , and she Is L'oing to marry a man of letters. " "Yes , she's going to wed u sign painter. " Au Ohio farmer mortgaged his farm to get his bride some diamond earrings , and she lost ono of them In the suds thu very first wash day and attempted to hang herself in thu barn. Mr. Swift , of Elkhart , Ind , , stated that Miss Georgia Davis , his atllanced , chewed to- baceo. Shu sued him for slander , and proved that she siyiply i-howed tar gum , mid the Jury aavis her a verdict It is now stated that General Boulanger is going to marry a Missouri beauty as boon as he can got a divorce. This may account for the rumor that , ho favors a constitution In Franco similar to that of the United States. A bolateu bridegroom on the way to hla wedding was arrested mid locked up in Bal timore for fast driving. Unless marriage u regarded ns a failure in Haltimora one would hupposo that ho had a valid ( ixciiso for linsto. Miss Essie .lonyns , a favorite Australian actress was recently married at Newcastle , N. S. W. , with a good di-al of advertising cchit. Tlio people besieged St , Andrew' ) * cathedral and the marriage party had a struggle to get to the altar , the actrnsM faint. Ing in her allliinced'H arms. Many hidlos und children also fainted from the grunt Jam ut the church. Moro thnn thirt.v-scvna thousand people , In flvo du.vs , were udmlttiid to view Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain's wedding presents , Tlio Puritan maiden seems to huvuylcUed to British curiosity , or perhaps she HUH lo.irncd to understand ways of propitiating the British - ish voter. That her portraits are on view In the Birmingham shop windows In another evidence of her acceptance of political cus toms , The emperor of China has presented hla bride elect with two beautiful mirrors for bur attiring-room. They arc of massive for eign glass , over nix feet long nnd live feet broad , set in ronowood , In frame * iiluo feet high , with flowers carved iti roller. The pedestals for holding them are also adorned with figures of foliafjn , animals , birds , otc. Each mirror mid each frumu took eight men to curry It , and they wcro convoyed from the pahico to the houfto of the bride's father. The cuMJOf McCoy vs Horner , at Law- rencc , Kun. , In whioh a widower , tifty-six your * old , brought , null for tlO.UOO damages uguliibt o widow for branch of promlso to murry. WHS concluded in the district court roct'iitly. The trial of thu case attracted n grout deal of attention , und the court room WUH filled to HB iilmou cupaelty. Both of the parties huvo novonil children. The jury Ilnally took thu oanu under consideration unit woru ubhcnl about two hour * , und then brought in , u verdict for the plaintiff , r.sses * . ing tliu duuiagos ut | L