Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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ori'iGK. NO 12 t'HAiUj sTitnnr.
Delivered by cnrrlrr In Any Tart of he City a
'ivoity Cents Per \\cek.
11. W. Tll.TON . . MANAOIHl.
IlrMM Onnr. No. 43.
NKIIIT llniToli. No. SI
N. Y. Plumbing company.
C'onlnnd wood. I'MC.Mnync , ( ! 10 B'wny.
The WoiimnM * Christian association
will meet with Mrs. O. M. Broxvn on
KiKhtuunlh tttrcot , between First anil
Willow avenue , Monday afternoon at . ' 5
o clnrlt.
Dr. < " . II. .Tudtl took out bnildlnp per
mits U'slcrdny for the uroction of two
houses in I'ieruc's athlition to cost iM)0 ! )
cm h. and two in IJnyliss & I'almur's ad
dition to cost $700 eaoh.
Marshal Guanclla was busy yesterday
raising ( niarartlno and relieving some
of tlio gunrdod parties from the dis-
ngM-rable restrictions that have been
imposed on thorn for months.
.lames Burnett nnd Kd. Williams worn
yesterday trying to dispose of several
pairs of shoot ) and home clothing. They
worn arrested by Ollleer Do lo and will
be required to explain how they ob
tained the ( roods.
The Haloon war is on at Weston.
Sliorilf O'Neill elo-ed the place run by
Wlmlcn & I'arrell on an order of abate-
inont isHiiod by'Judge Tliornoll , and ar
rested Thomas iJrotiirhin for contcint )
in violating an injunction. Bronghm
could not ( , rive bail , and is now coalinud
in the county jail.
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
pet your clothes made. CII7 Uroadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Blank books made to order. Can f nr
nish patout binding for parties wishing
the same. Call and see samples at room
1 , livurctt block , I'earl street.
Moitiiiot".si : : & Co.
Heating stoves nt coat tO ClJ3 OUt.
Odoll & Bryant.
S. G. Underwood , ox-member of the
board of county supervisor * , \vis : in tlio
city yesterday.
Colonel Leonard Everett is expected
homo this morning over the Koelc Is
land , nflor a month's absence in the
IT. C. Choynoy , of this city , has been
appointed assistant general passenger
agent of the Sioux City line , with which
he has been for some time connected.
L , . E. Roc , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
over Jacqunmin & . Co.'s jewelry store.
Try our XXX bottled bcor. Special
rates on all orders from Iowa.
L. M. FiNKKr.STiiN.
I have moved my olllco to Omaha , at
which all orders will bo received and
Irom which all deliveries will be made
by wngon. L. M. FI.VKII.STIIX. :
Programme of the Concert.
Mr. Charles Baotons lias the pleasure
to announce that his next students' re
cital will take place at the Congrega
tional church , Monday evening , Febru
ary 18 , at S o'clock.
Selection Krnani Verdi
Stiyk-cn-lilmis-lust olub.
( a Noior Tan * L. Gurlltt
Quatreiiiaius , ! b Simniscco Tunze
{ M. Mosikowski
Misses Ainiio Hart anil Xeliu Niles.
Duo for clarionet and cornet Norum-
Puritiini Helliul
Messrs. Arthur Km bach and Perry lliulollct.
Solo Violoncello cavalina Kali
Mr. .lolm Urown.
Quartette for four violins Hactcns
Messrs. 11. Honors , I' . Tulloys , G. Willi.uns ,
U. Karbucli.
Trauniblldor. Lumbcy
Str.vk cii'bliuiS'lust club.
( With solo for guitar by Mr. J. Urown. )
Duct for violin and violo Hautcns
Miss Ululru Clmmbcrliiia and Mr. Biictcns.
I a Waldvoglein unit Ml -
Pi-inn iln J "esangur E. llurmton
1 lane solo , <
b Xemy | r , do Mlll
( . Fi uncis IJchr
Miss Laura Couch.
Solo Flute larrantolla Hactcns
Mr. Frank Uudollot.
String ijunrtPtto Larto ; Hnndol
( For two violins , viola anil vlolinccllo. )
Messrs. H. Hopeis , P. Tulloys , G. Williams ,
Kuril Karb.ich.
"Visions" . ' Faueonicr
Stryk-oii-bliuis-luat club.
llnrrlsoii'N 1 n ant ; urn t Inn.
The Wabash Western railway an
nounces that tickets will bo sold from
all stations to Washington and return ,
for the inauguration of President Harrison
risen , at half faro.
Hate for round trip from Council
Uluffs , la. , $ . .0. Tickets will be on sale
February 27 to Maroh 2 ; good returning'
until Maroh 10 , IBS' ) . For further par-
.ticnlars apply at the Wabash Western
ticket olllce , 121 Hroadway.
J. C. MITCIUM , , Agent.
Pickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib-
bitts' , ! U5 Brimdwny.
Money loaned at L. 15. Craft's ft Co.'s
loan olllce on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal properly of all kinds ,
and all other articles of 'value without
removal. All business strictly confi
More. Children Than Kvor.
"Mind you , I don't State that Council
BlulTs is growing , but J do bay tins-
there are a great many more children
in the city than there wore a year ago ,
but whether or not this rule holds good
as far as the grown people are con
cerned you can judge for yourself. "
The speaker was Prof. MoNaughton ,
superintendent of the public schools ,
and the reply was in answer to a quos-
regarding the attendance in the public
schools of the city.
'Our enrollment is fully 800 more
tlfnn it was a year ago , and our average
attendance is considerably over 200
greater. This represents an actual in
crease in population of at least 1,600.
"When the question of erecting a now
school building was being agitated , sev
eral of our citizens thought there was
no need of an eightoon-room building ,
but it was built , anil now every room ,
with a single exception , is occupied ,
and , that one will bo before very long.
Xhoro are a great many children in the
city just about to start to school , and
new schools must ho opened to accom
modate them , It keeps us busy prepar
ing for them , but wo are very well
fixed at present in the way of oulldings.
Still the rapid increase is one of the
straws that show which way the wind
blows.1' '
Bond all ardors for bottled bear to L.
M. Finkolstein , Omaha.
Dr. O. C. lla/.un , dentist , Opera house
block. .
Have our wagon call for your tolled
clothus. Cascade Laundry Co.
Parties having temperance billiard
balls and restaurants will do well to
take the exclusive sale of my temper
ance boor , L. M. FINKKLSTKIX ,
All t'lT.dns hard coal , C. I ) . Fuel Co.
ToBtod in the Highest Court By a
Council Bluffs Case.
81. I'nul's lleclor lo Ho llelil Here
Missing Ilcrumls round The
l ) y In the District Court
No Toxnnn Nerd Apply.
The state of Iowa has a law making
a port-on having in his possession any
Texas cattle , which have not been win
tered north of the southern boundary
of Missouri and KatiMis , liable for any
damages that may accrue from allowing
them to run nt largo , and thereby
spieading the disease known as Texas
A suit was commenced some time ago
by 1' . C. Kimmish against ,1. J. Hall and
lienry Tienkon , claiming about $ -5,000
damages for loss of cattle , which got the
Texas fever on account of Texas cattle
which Ball and Tien ken had brought
into this state and allowed to run at
largo in Union township , IlarrUon
To their petition the defendants de
murred on the ground that the state of
Iowa was undertaking by this law to
regulate and interfere \\itliinterstato
commerce , and that the Iowa statute.
was in conllict with the constitution of
the United States relative to the privi
leges and immunities of eiti/.ons of the
bcvoral states.
Judge Love , of the United States cir
cuit court , whoa the case came up here ,
Mistained tile demurrer , and the ca o
was then taken to the United States supreme
premo court. Its decision as now given
reverses the decision given by .ludgo
Love , virtually deciding that the Iowa
law is valid.
The court , after touching lightly
upon the numerous theories ns to what
is meant by ' 'Texas" cattle and what
cantos the ' 'Texas' ' fever , said :
"That cattle coining from those sec
tions of. the country ( Texas. Mexico ,
Arkanias , Indian Territory , etc. ) dur
ing the spring and summer months are
often infected with a contagious and
dangerous fever , ib a notorious fact ; as
is is also the fact that cold weather.
such as is usual in the winter north of
the southern boundary of Missouri and
Kansas , destroys the virus of the dis
ease , and thus removes all danger of in
fection. It is upon the-io notorious facts
that the legislation of Iowa for the ex
clusion from their limits of these cattle ,
unless tlio have passed a winter north ,
is based.
' ' unable the
'We are to appreciate
force of the objection , that such legis
lation is in conllict with the paramount
authority of congress to regulate inter
state commerce. Wo do not see that it
has any tiling to do with commerce ; it is
only levelled against allowing diseased
Texas cattle , held within the state , to
run at large. The ease is , therefore.
reduced to this , whether the lame state
may not provide that whoever permits
diseased cattle in his possession
to run at large within its
limits shall be liable for
any damages caused by the spiead of
the disease occasioned thereby ; and
upon that we do not entertain the
slightest doubt. There is no denial of
any right and privileges to citi/.ons
of other states which are accorded to
citi/ons of Iowa. No one can allow dis
eased cattle to run at large in Iowa
without being held responsible for the
damages caused by the spread of disease
thereby ; and the clause of the constitu
tion declaring that the citi/cns of each
state shall be entitled to all the privi
leges and immunities of citS'/cns in thu
several does nonresident
states not give -
dent citizens of Iowa any greater privi
leges and immunities in that state than
her own citizens there enjoy. So far as
liability is concerned for the act men
tioned , citizens of other states and citi
zens of Iowa stand upon the same foot
ing. "
Rooms to rent in the Mcrriam block.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. , 2ili ; Alain street.
Elegant spring goods. New styles
throughout. A. Holler , 310 Hroadway.
Tie ! Chlni"s ol the
The following announcements are
made of religious services at the several
churches :
Ovcrton Mission Preaching services
at lUli : ( ) a. m. and 7 : 0 p. in. Sunday
school at 2 p. in.
Presbyterian Preaching as usual ,
both nforaing and evening ; Sabbath
school at 12 o'clock. Voting people's
meeting at ( ! : . ' { ( ) p. m. Strangers and
others cordially Invited.
Congregational Services morning
and evening. Preaching by the pastor.
morning subject , "ThoChristian'sJoy. "
Evening service , "Tlio Minister's Mis
sion. " A cordial invitation is extended.
St. Paul's Church Divine services
to-day at 11 a. in. and 70 : ! p. in. Sunday
school at 12:15. : Sermon topics , morii-
ing , "Cod's Truth Like Mountains. "
Evening sermon , "Heroism. " an ad
dress to men. Young men and stran
gers cordially welcomed lo those ser
vices. T. J. Maekay , rector.
First Baptist Church Preaching by
the pastor at 10 : ! < 0 a. m. and 1'M : p. m' .
Sunday school , 12 m. Y. P. meeting ,
0o : ! ! p. m. All cordially welcome.
Boraan Baptist Church Pastor , Rev.
T. K. Thickstim. Place of mooting in
the morning , on Pacific avenue between
Fifth and Sixth avenues. Sunday
school meets at 11:15 : a. m. The even
ing service will bo held in the Shubert
block on Uroadway and Twenty-fourth
Services at the Presbyterian Har
mony mission to-day at 3 o'clock con
ducted by Mr. Allen. Sabbath school
at 4 o'clock ; prayer mooting , Thursday
evening. Topic , ' 'Repent and Hollovo , "
Acts it , 1H. Everyone cordially invited.
Broadway M. E. Church Rev. James
Ilaynos will preach at 100 : ! ! a. m. and
Rev. George M , Brown , of Ilanscom
Park church , Omaha , will preach
at 7:80 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12 m , ;
class meeting at 0 ; . ' ! ( ) p. m. in the lect
ure room. A cordial invitation to all.
Bethany Baptist Church , corner of
BlulT and Story streets Services at the
usual hours , 10H : ! ) a. in , and 70 : ! ! p. m. ;
Sunday school at H p. m. ; youiigpoonlo's
meeting at 0:30 : p. m. Rev. E. N. Har
ris , pastor. _ _
Money loaned on fmnlturo , pianos ,
diamonds , hordes , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark < fc Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Ht. Pnul'H Uc'otor Will Htny.
"It looks now as if St. Paul's church
was going to keep its rector , " remarked
Rev. J. T. Maekay as ho handed in the
usual church notice.
"Is the debt provided forV"
"No , not fully , but enough hay boon
raised to give-1 assurance that the
needed balance will bo secured , "
A meeting of the vestry was hold
yesterday afternoon. ( t was reported
that 97,000 of the desired $8,000 Lad
been pledged , and there is little doubt
but that tlio rest will bo secured. A
communication has boon sent to Rod
ham , Mass. , asking the church there to
release Mr. Maekay from his acceptance
of the rectorship of that parish. The
vestry hero has reconsidered its action
by which his resignation was accepted ,
and the church machinery is being re
versed as rapidly as possible to put the
relationships hack to .their former and
desired condition.
Relieved somewhat of the financial
burdens which have rested upon him ,
Rev. Mr. Maekay will doubtless bo eon-
tent to remain here. IIo will bo able
to devote more time and strength to
other departments of church work , and
thus matters will bo adjusted more sat-
isfactorially to all. It will bo gratifying
to many outside of the church , as well
as in accordance with the desire of the
church folks themselves , to have Mr.
Maekay remain a resident of Council
J. O. Tlpton' real estate , 627 B'dway
All grades soft coal. C. 13. Fuel Co.
Tin- District Court.
The argument In the Evans vs iVhlto
case was completed in the district court
yesterday morning , and the cliso was
submitted to the jury about 1 1 : ! ! 0 o'clock.
In tlio afternoon a motion to reopen
the squatter eases was argued , and
taken under advisement by the court.
Dllonry Wagner , who was lined "KSOO " for
contempt a few dnysago , andannounced
his intention of laying it out in jail , be-
eame siek of his bargain , and on peti
tion of his attorney was granted a stay
of judgment and released on bonds. Ho
will pay his line in preference to board
ing it out at $ ; t.5 ! ! ! a day.
The contempt ease of Jerry Meyer ,
which was continued until yesterday ,
was again continued until Tuesday. It
is understood that Meyer will plead
guilty with the understanding that ho
shall receive a line of foOO and costs.
Court adjourned at ! ! o'clock , as none of
the other law cases come up until Mon
day. and there was nothing to come be
fore the court until that time.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cults and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company. _
Ilurkc'H Slut ) Hooks.
"Those two missing stub books are
found and their hiding place was not
quite so mysterious as some of the local
papers intimated , " .said an olllcial at
the city building yesterday.
Tlio books to which reference was
made , wore receipt stubs dating from
May , 18S7 , to May , 1S&8 , and wore not
to bo found at the time of the investiga
tion of the books and accountsbf Deputy
City Clerk Burke , after ho had disap
peared. Onooflho local papers , that
lias been trying to make a great deal of
political capital out of the altair , an
nounced that these books had "di -
appeared is some unaccountable and
mysterious manner , and it is impossible
to tell how much of a defalcation is
covered up by their absence. " it also
stated that "it will probably never be
known how much money Burke getaway
away with , as those missing stub books
represented a large amount of money ,
and tlio share appropriated by tne de
puty could not bo oven surmised. "
Tlio long lost books were found yes
terday by Deputy Cleric Frank True , in
the boolc rack in the superior court
room , where all the city records are
kept. They had been placed in one of
the compartments , and had been pushed
back by larger volumes , and had not
been noticed in the hasty search through
the record case. Tlio investigating
committee immediately went to work to
cheek thorn up , and found thatalthough
the stubs represented over $1,000 paid
to the deputy , there was missing but
$27. The kielcors watched eagerly for
the result , ahd wore unable to conceal
their disappointment when it was made
known. It put an end to that mystery
thai they had found so pleasant to talk
about , and .supplied the missing link
necessary to establish the exact amount
missing. No books or iupor.s are now
wanting to interfere with a complete
checking up of the affairs of the ollico ,
and the exact amount of the missing
deputy's defalcation can bo definitely
The report submitted by the investi
gating committee is to the ellect that
the shortage is nearly $2jOO. ( Clerk
Burke will have the privilege of ap
pointing a competent man to again go
over the books to see that the report of
the council's committee is correct. It
is understood that this work will bo
performed by Mr. William Siedentopf.
For Snlo nt u
Hotel property in Council Bluff , cen
trally located , doing good business. H.
P. Ollleer. solo agent , No. 12 N. Main
St. , Council Binds.
_ _ - .
The Growlr-i-i.
"Stir up the animals , Charley , and
bring out those that growl , ' " said Judge
Aylcsworth yesterday morning to Jailor
White , as hu took a parting whill of a
"Senator , " and opened the police docket
with a grace and dexterity born of long
and continued practice. "Charley" did
ns directed , and every inmate of the
cage was evidently a growler , at least
eacii bore evidence of having "rushed
the growler" to a very considerable de
gree , as they wore marched out und ar
ranged in line for judicial inspection.
ThomaH II. Jones had growled times
almost without number , and had made
biich a racket that ho svas lined $7.00.
R. link or was another who had
growled indelinltely , but ho insisted
that his mutterlngs were all with bated
breath , and stated that he had created
no disturbance. The court was of the
opinion that his breath was whisky-
tainted , but nevertheless continued the
case for additional evidence.
Charles McBrldp was a vagrant who
had emitted one single , solitary growl
and ho was ordered to make tracks for
Nebraska jungles as fast as his logs
would carry him.
Dan Rhodes and Jake Washington
brought up the rear of the possession.
They were locked up for disturbing the
peace on upper Broadway. Jake was
somewhat disligurod when the ofllcor
arrohlod him , nnd his appearance was
but little improved yesterday mot ning.
A portion of his right cheek was miss
ing , and his nose resembled the back of
a dromedary. Ho was fined $8.10 for
submitting to such injuries , and Rhodes
wiw fined W.OO for inllicting them. The
latter was able to liquidate , but Jacob
had to meander back into the box ,
The full programme for the mammoth
trades display at Masonic temple Tues
day evening will appear in these
columns Tuesday morning. Watch
for it.
Look out for the trades display pro
gramme in Tuesday morning's Issue.
Thi ) TrnilcN DUpluy.
The ollowing merchants and young
ladies Cpartieipato in the trades dis
play Tuoeday evening , February 10 , at
Armory hall : Cook well , Miss Phelps
and Mis.s I3assott ; Friedman , Miss
Dickey : Mueller , Miss Cuss ; Boston
Store , Miss JDK'koy ; Dolt G.Morgan ,
Miss Sutler ; Bacharaen. * Miss Shnrt-
cleft ; Mrs. Louis , Misses Lo > 7' ' fum
Wesnor ; Lout/lngor , Miss Stimpson ;
James & Havorstock , Miss Brown ; J.
Tomplolon , Miss Wright ; Beno & Co. ,
Misses Louis & McCloud ; Dreisbach ,
Mis ? Roper ; Wolsoy & Long , Miss Dick
inson ; Lund Bros. , Miss Roper. Foarons ,
Miss Emorrcno ; Smith & Co. , Miss
Goodchlld. Rollector , Miss Northropo ;
Brezoo , Miss Kalb , Swansea Music Co. .
Miss Sherman ; Sargeant fs Evans , Miss
McKenzie ; Palmer , Miss Royor ; Adams ,
Miss Troverton ; Louie & Mot7gor , Miss
Ogden ; Parks & Son , Miss Atwood ;
Cole & Cole , Miss Woodborry ; Gorhatn ,
Miss Arkwright ; Mrs. Gillette , Miss
Rhodes ; Cook & Lautorwasser , Miss
Emorino ; Carpet Co. , Miss Mcrklo ;
Motcalf Bros. , Miss Teal , Foster Bros. ,
Miss Britton ; Bracicott As Cavin , Miss
Kirklnnd ; Probstlo. Miss McMahou ;
Oliver Graham , Miss Casady ; Casper ,
Miss Crofts , and many oilier" . Wateh
for the programme Tuesday morning.
Look Out To-Morrmv.
Fothcringham , Whitolaw & Co. have
prepared for a special s-ilo of sheetings
and llnony , to begin at their Boston
store to-morrow. They will in tomorrow
row morning's BII : : make announce
ment of some of the prices offered.
Watch for their advertisement in the
sunimiiA N MOWs.
Albert Hess still continues to improve in
The friends of Huv. Shinn called ut the
parsoiuiKc and made a donation one ni ht
last ui'ck.
Ki'v. Thompson was at York Ci-nter and
preached Saturday nliht and Sunday inoin-
\UK. \
The Misses Wood of Areca lire visiting
their sister , Mrs. Graham , of this place.
A child of .1. W. Davis living southwest
of Oaulaiul , died suddenly MomUy night of
last week.
The members of the G. A. It. post of Onk-
lund hold a campllro ut thu opera house on
the niKht ol Mtli and 15th inst.
Mis. Hopper , wife of the i-x-postinaster , is
alowlj recovering.
Mrs. Thomson is gradually improving in
A child , eight months old. of Mr. nnd Mrs.
lilack.imoic.dlud February "of brain tioublo.
A f-'irl of eighteen , named Sar.ih Calkins ,
died Kubiuaiy ( i. blio lived several miles
northeast of town.
His rumored that Mr. Kelley , of the linn
of ICi'lley , ICrlngul & Co. , has imi chased the
residence of Mr. William Hopper , on Maple
The lecture on the subject of "Character , "
February b , by Dr. Phelps , of Council
Bluffs , was highly entertaining and well at
The band ball February S , was well at-
tcndud and netted a neat sum.
Mr. Cliituto Mitchcltrce is clerking m the
drug stoic In the absence ot Mr , Kos- < .
Mr. A. Klliot has returned from his trip
cast. He leports a good mne
L. Y. Snanglcr is now laying in a supply of
ice. '
Hev. Stewart , of AvocJi , filled the jnupit
of the M. H church two niglit recently.
Mr. and Mis. Il.urU h.ivo moved to their
new homo in Om.ilm.
Mr. H. Poplmm , who lias been visiting
friends la the cast for the ] > aj.t live months ,
has returned. He looks .is though visiting
agreed \\itli him.
Pi chiding Ijldcr Hloiigett pleached one of
the lluest sermons that was over hoard in a
Hancock church.
Mr. Thomas Ucclc , of Npnp.iricl , Neb ,
spent n few days with his. pnqlu ami friends.
Hemg one of Hancock'sujjbusinoss men , bo
is known by every oiiq. IIo reports Ne
braska ahead of anything .vol.
The family of Mr. I. G. Carter is improv-
vcry slowly.
The Teachers' association of this township
met on Saturday afternoon , with a very
small attendance.
Hov. Hill , of Mcnlo. the second Sam Jones ,
is helping Hev. Lippmcoit In his protracted
effort nt this place.
The Chicago Tr.lninc Ijouturon thu
AII-Ainr-ricaH on .Decorum.
The members of the Chicago Base
Ball club , both as Cliicagoans and ball
players , have no reverence for anti
quity. When iSnpoleon was in Egypt
be stood in awed failonoo before the
solemn majesty of the forty centcry old
sphinx. The members of the Chicago
club , when brought into the presence
of this impassive mystery of the desert ,
throw hard balls at it ami hit it in the
eye. Tlio successful marksman was ap
plauded. The sphinx has scon and suf
fered much. Tlio Persian , the ,
the Arabian , the Turk , have swept past
her. She has over had to stand the
eritieislinspoction of the British tourist.
But never during the long years for
which she has ga/.cd upon the yellow
sands has she boon hit in the eye
"plugged , " the ollendor would call it
by a Chicago ball-player. One would
think as love turned Galatea from mar
ble to llesh , hate would have changed
the stouo sphinx to a living and
vengeful woman. But no transformation
mation came , and the vandals escaped
unharmed asot. , . But while it may bo
safe for ball players to amuse them
selves thus with antiquity in the desert ,
it will not do for thorn to play such
merry games when they have reached
Europe. The playful pastime of pitch
ing a ball at the statue of St. Peter's at
Rome , or the bron/e which commemo
rates Arminius , might lead to disagree
able complications involving the need
of much diplomatic skill. It is to bo
liopjd that tlio kindly olliccs of the secretary -
rotary of state will not have to bo in
voked in a month or so to rescue from a
French or English dungeon a merry
Chicagoan who has been pelting the
imago of Napoleon or of Kelson. Besides -
sides we do not want the reputation of
this city utterly ruined abroad ; wo do
not wish to bo known as a place whoso
residents can beef and pelt the aged
Sphinx , and do nothing elVio of special
note. The ball club mi sttjo on its good
behavior during the restj of its stay
abroad. i
All the Bophomores of Xa/uyotto college
( Punn. ) , have been HUsppijdcUjby the faculty
for hazing. ,
On Imntl for city loans ; lowest rates
of IntoroBt.
Fine furins close to BlulTs to exchange
for city property.
Western lima to oxclningo for city
Hit ; bargains in Broadway lots.
Fine biiBiiiOHS property to c.xulmngo
for well improved farms.
Good fresh etoclr irrocorios to ox-
chungo for city property and one-third
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Small payments down , Prices ranging
from $776 to $ i,000. ,
Cheap lots in Evans' , Wright's , Coch-
ran'a and most all additions to city.
Pine aero property for sale from $100
to $5 < X ) less than present worth.
No. 10 1'eurl St. , Council lilufft.
Watch TheSlGNS
; . . , i T : from/or / ucu ti r * : 2f
We invite your patronage. P. C. MILLE E.B.GARDINEIR.
NOS.II&I3 Pearl S. , \
'tiamt > erefCt > nnerte//03 Peatt t.
OfltQflQowcil oMrf , y
Who Will Snvo You Money
co. *
> , 'P ' g ' House ,
-5 < j 5 * ' milronilwny.
CXJ V COU1K.I1 HllllH.
I * Always i e * *
" "
I .
As 1 can prove by
< = > 5 | HIPS
Lanzendori'er & * q IPS
Strohbelin ,
\o. 221 S3.
MAB.feTItEKT. . 00
I'Riticular attention given to
Ao. M X IHsiin M. , Council 15 In If * .
I'lirnltuie rep.iirhitf neatly ilonu.
Ullice ( .alls uttumk'd promptly day ando
r in *
Z . . "
-1- "T ± 4 tx * ; n
- - Jr - SOS'S Lowest Prices !
5 * " fL/ * * j
O 2 " 1 5t l' < mltry of all kinds
" drexsi'd to order.
lVi : MB A OAI.L.
R Ha | 8'E. Mottaz
| Xo. 11 HHrondn'y
Hie best lining Suit
jou ever Inul.
- Council Bluffs
c. n. o. A.
Arcbitt , DesipBK and SnperintciiflcntJ
of Conslrflctioa ,
Mr. Uerlinghof was seicn joars nlth
Mciulclbsulin , Fisher & Lou ry , and lias
ill-signed many of the finest blocks
in Onuiliu and Council Hliill's.
Plans and Specifications Freparsd aufl
Estimates maSe on Application ,
Studio , lioom 2 Oimrn House lilock
? AL liMAlli
GOUNrilj lihUPKS , : : IOWA.
1'rlvaloMitcliinen ' turnlsheil ut nny utiil nl
t-pecliil nttentlon Klven to collection of chat
tel moitiM.rea ( anil notes.
Money to loan on jjooil rlmttul scrurlty ,
Hufeienco Any bunk , iittornuy , or business
Hidesjallow , Pelts , Woo
Highest market prices. Prompt returns. KX
ami K.-J Main tit. . Council lllutls , Iowa.
ANTKI-Pltiiations for 6 girls. U. II. Dux-
Foil HUNT Cheap , two lundxome , new. HX-
room cottages , north of lifiiufer , Council
lIlnllH. Inijnlru Illanil Hlshtor , till a\o. anil
iilBt Bt.
W ANTKI-At 28 I'earl Htreet. One lady cook.
C. II , Dexter , i oum 8.
" \XMNTKD-Coiiipetent abstracter of titles.
V > J.V. . aqiilre. Council lllulfa.
FOH KENT Tlie throe-story orlck storeroom
No , 4U7 llroudway. The location U one of
the bent lu thu city the Imlldlm ; ha been oc
cupied toy tlio hint twenty yeura by .Miller A : Co. ,
hardware , und would be u \ ery doHlrnhle loca
tion forahardwaio bimtnusi ou that account.
John Dennett.
WANTisiJCfiy'property in cxthlinKo for
Iowa farms , .lohnoou It Van fatten , o"J
Main st.
NOTICK of dissolution of co-part-
nerhhlp. Notice U hereby ( 'lven
that the co partnerdhtp heretofore o.\ltt-
Inu between the imderHleiied under the
III m name of I'.irfloii * A : Keller , for the purpoie
cf'leu'lonliiK and ojieratliiK u xnud and gravel
pit neir Illnton. In MlilH county , loa. . Is this
tluy dUsolred by mutual couneilt.VHueas our
tiaiula this 10th Uay of January. A. n. . IW.
WHAT IB 1TV-A stock of Clothlne. lloot
und Hlioes , II ill sand Caps. Uenta' I'ur-
iilshlnu ; ( looils. Dry CiooiU. Involiu tlO.uw.
\Vlmt have you lo oner'161 llroadway , Council
lllutTs. lu.
This Week
An old established Boot and- Shoe business
in Couiioil Bluffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply wto GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. O. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate.
N. P. DODG-E , Executor.
SIZES FROM Kapeclnlly AduptoJ toe
POWER , Mills and Els/ahrs / ,
Fpcclllcixtlons anil estimates furnHheil for complete steam plnnM. Itrsnlntlon , Durability ( Jimr-
nutecil. Cuu bliow letters from iwrs where fuel Iteonomy Is cquul lth Corllb * . X
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Cntnlogno. No. 510 Pcurl Street , Council mulls.
JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St.
TELEPHONE 221. JMiiimteu Knrnirilii > d
Correspondence ) Solicited. On Application.
and Naturalist. North Mil xt. , opposltu poslolllcu , on
.Motoi l.lnt' , round ! JIlutlH. la
. -TO V Hlnls anil animals moimteil natmall } ami In tliubcht niethoil of
fWs < & s the ait. Warranti-il to prmen-o for yi'ins. Koieln | ; IjiiilH supjillo
on shoi tnotlco. MlKliPMt prlrepald for owln anil uiuvks of all UpilH Prrsonx at-iulliiK onla
ashiiroil of perfect satisfaction. I'ur ( lioassng a cpwlalty. VViltj for pnitltnlnrii.
Iowa Cattle Fedo lowaCoo : !
And will meet any honeittomptHUlononprfcoi
lor 1 lrUaHi Meats.
liiO Hrondwny. - - Tclcpliono til.
'J'lios. OKrirm. W. H. M. I'UHKV.
Corner Main and Ilros-luuy ,
DealerH In foreign cud domeitlc exriiauue ,
rolluctlonn made aud Interest paid ou tluiu do-
-AM ) IihU.UII IN-
Order * tilled foi .ill klnd of mammal * and
bird upeclmriM Mliicrule iiul foH iU on hand ,
llultulohoins Hour niMl antlcix. rnrniul
IJt'ir LIu HH.H , aitillcml oyi-x , etc , 'Ia\litimy !
work ilui.iMii nil lu lirjittien. Bind fur cuu-