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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY J3EB : SUNDAY , FEBEUARY 37. 1889-TWELVE ECHOES FR011 THE ANTE-ROOM Doings of the Week Among1 the Mystic Orders. OUSTER POST ON BRINK'S BILL. A MnMcr Mason's School of Inntruc tion 1'rlnco of the Orient to Con * ccntrntc nt Oinnlin Ilnpld Growth oftlic ScotHsli Kite. A master lodge of instruction , with Grand Lecturer L , P. Glllcttc.Oeputy Grand Muster John Mercer , and Grand Senior Wnrden Hobt. French in charge , was in session In this city Monday , Tucs- flny nndVednciday. . The report of the Brawl custodian indicates that the fraternity is inn ( lourishinR condition. Ihero Is a membership of nearly 10,000 in the state. The Masons having no written ritual errors tn work nro apt to creep in , and to punnl ncninRt this tendency and Insure uniformity of exposition , this school of Instruction was established. In an addrc s to a Glai ow Lodge of ! roc- unisons. Kov. A. T. 1'ullin , of that city , traced evidences of M.isonir brothurnood in the writings of the Apnstlo John , who , ho ( leelnrcd , was mndo president b.y the craft ol Masons at Lphcsus after Ills return from Palmos. At the close of his locturc , Mr. Pullln pointed out that the religion of the fatherhood of ( Jed and brotherhood of man , with tlio watchwords of and unity , formed a religion that could bo world-wldo and embrace within its bounds and fuitb the adherents of eveiy creed on earth. A. & A. H ? ft. , U. S. A. This bodv evidently found favorable conditions of growth in Omaha , the member ship of to-day including 115 names , and giv ing promise of rauid expansion. New para phernalia is opening the way to work of n very satisfactory nature. This rite covers all degrees of Masonry , from the fourtli to tliirty-sccond inclusive , and In the advanced stage of the orpini/.Uion in this city the power to elect , out of each additional fifty thirty-twos , a member to the honorary de gree of tblity-third. * A. O. U. W. A ledge was organized in Oh Iowa by De puty Grand Recorder Wolf , of Crcto. The lodge starts with a splcndiJ membership of young menand it will be a great social Dcno- llt to the town. Onicors were elected as follows : L. H. Corbin , master workman ; J. W. QuInlan.P. M. W. ; Oorgo Oould.fore- innn ; Abe Fulton , I. G. The charter members r : A. I. demons , S. II. Harvey , Dr. Stradcr , L. II. Corbin , J. W. Quinlan , H. E. Larimer , W. K. Patterson , C. J. Stover , G. Gould , A. Fulton , D. Conner , W. Poling , S. MnthiiiR , P. J. Quinlan. G. Tyncr.U. Dunkin , W. Garrison , I. Steel. Lodge No. 10-J , Str.itton , had a crand en tertainment and oyster supper nt the Con gregational church. The Hev. J. G. Tate , 0 ! . M. W. of Nebraska , was present and do- Hvered an oration. Mr. Tate is no doubt one of the most eloquent orators in the state , anil his presence , together with his able speech , was a great and satisfactory attraction. Late statistics reaching up to the 1st of V'cbru.iry show a grand total membership of 21U/H.2 , S.llTi being contributed by Nebraska. At the banquet in Echuyler there wcro present none but Woodmen and their fami lies , or lady friends. On about sixty platesu splendid supper was served by the W. C. T. U Indies. The tables were decorated with twigs of evergreens and the axe , beetle and wedge emblems of the order. 13y way of im parting character to the affair some woodcn- licurtcd but ingenious member manufac tured with an axe a supply of tempting looking sugar coated wooden cookies and caused them to bo served with the other viands. An orches tra furnished excellent music and the grand march immediately preceded the supper. The Woodmciib' quartet : Messrs. Plimpton. Goodc , Plielps and Fletcher , with Ado Hoincckc at the organ , supplemented the or chestra's efforts. An hour or two of danc ing was indulged in. At the regular Wednesday meeting inti mation was received that there would bo six candidates for initiation at the noxl PCSin. . At their meeting the Select Knights of Crcto installed the following ofilcers : Past commander , W. L. Lovcll ; commander , H. P. Hovey : vlco commander , S. Uochm ; lieutenant commander , K. A. Durric ; junior workman , L. Clark ; senior workman , T. Specdlim ; ; standard bearer , W. H , Fry ; marshal , H J. Tumbling ; guard , JooShabatn. O. P. At their regular meeting Monday , the Odd Fellows will ork the first degree on Brother Dave Kaufman. At the regular meeting - ing of Hamilton lodge , No. 00 , of Aurora , the following o fll c o r s were in- PAX AtF BE.LLUM.t. . lled : N. G. . W. E. Kobcr ; V. O. , Frank Hush ; H. S. , L. W. Hastings ; P. S. , M.W.\\ralsh. The retir ing ofllccrs were : N. G. , now S. P. G. , L. W. Shunmn ; V. G. , W. E. Hober ; K. S. , W. W. Liobhart ; P. K. , Frank Kush. The order is in a henltti.v and prosperous condi tion , possessing good city real citato and a bank account , and it will probably add n number uf names to its membership the com ing reason. * * Modern Woodmen. The Omaha delegation assisted In the working of the Oriental degree at Council Bluffs last week as per programme. The gentlemen repoit a session of nn instructive fhi'rncti'r. The anatomy of the candidates received considerate attcntiounnd it will pass tlio Insurance inspection with the essistaneo of time. 4r * * K. or P. A petition has been received at the ofllca of the grand keopcr of records and seal for a new lodge at Schuvlor , that was worked up by Major W. S. Spencnr. Trojan division No. 18 , U. It. will meet Monday evening nt the hall of Nebraska lodgn No. 1 In full uniform for Inspection and the election of ofilcers. The ofilcers of Omaha division No 12 , U. H. , at the election held In their armory at Twenty-second and ( timing streets , wcro re tained for tun ensuing term. The wlfo of C. C ) . Ifoomer , P. C. Park lodge , who was thrown out of a buggy at Mxtconth nnd Davenport a rhort liuio ago , U near recovery. M. nt A. .1. J. Dunn , uf P.irlc lodifo.hnsjluft Omaha and taken up his residence at Al bany , N. Y. I3ro , Cnas , G. tiurton , chairman of the Invitation comuiittoo of tlio "Lincoln lodges , has Invited the lodges of the utato to partici- p.ito in the colubratlon of the silver anniver sary on the 1'Jth at Lincoln , The programme comprises a intrude of uniform ranks in the , followed by addresses from prom inent members of the order , nnd In the evening a bull nnd bnnquot. This action of llrot Uurtcm is based upon the expressed desire of the grand chancellor that tie twcnty-flfth anniversary of tlio Institution of the ordur bo appropriately observed , The uniform rank at lirokcn How elected ofllccrs as follows ; C. 12. Wilkinson , captain ; 11. K. Martin , llrs-t lieutenant ; George W. Trcfrcn , second lieutenant ; U. 8. Lilly , treasurer , and F. -Autcrson , re corder. About nfty couples wcro present at the ball in the evening. Several wcro la attendance from Ansloy , Cullaway , and Mcrna. On February 21 , the regular meeting day , at Fourteenth and Dodge streets , Oriole lodge will endeavor by a musical nun llto.rnry entertainment to express Its appreciation of the twenty-live years of usefulness Unit bavo L\ been vouchsafed Pylhlanism. A dnnco will conclude the cvonlnp. Mt. Shmtn No. 71 , Nebraska No. 1 nnd Viola No , SO , lodges , Knichts of Pythias , will celebrate the twenty-fifth nnnlversnry of Pythlnnisin Tuesday cvcnlne , February 19. 1W , nt Nebraska ledge No. 1 null , An elaborate programme for this Ion has been arranged. Members of these lodpe ; nnd their Indies are requested to attend. All tickets will be complimentary nnd can bo procured of the following committee : \V. F. Stfletzel , 1021 Howard : M. Toft , southeast corner Twelfth and Farnatn ; S. M. Sadler , lfX)5 ) Parnani street. .V Tlio Silver Anniversary. Next Sunday evening at Trinity cathedra ! the Hev. W. \Vhltmarsh , rector of the Episcopal church at Norfolk , and acting chnplaln of the Nebraska brigade , U. It. , will preach a sermon to Pythlans , nnd It is hoped that Hishop Worthlngton will be present. Sir ICnihts In full uniform will enter the church In a body. The uniform di visions nt Fremont , Columbus , Ashland anil Council Uiuffs nro bidden to appear , Only uniformed knights are expected to band to gether before reaching the nlnco of worship , and the knights of this city and their fami lies who nro all asked to bo in the audience , can sent themselves in the ordinary way. All onirers of the staff * of the major general and of the brigadier general in the city , the colonel and his stnff of the Omaha regiment , the line nmVcrs nnd all uniformed Sir Knights will meet nt some place hereafter to b named and march in a body to their seats nt the cathedral. A prominent Sir Knight says the indication * am that the obsurvnnco of this anniversary will demonstrate the re ligious sentiment of the order nnd exhibit the benefits of social concourse , and in his contemplation of the grand results to follow ho linds expression of gr.ititndo to the church authorities nnd to Urothor Whitinarsb , who have made possible the arrangement of the programme announced. It is probable that Mt. Shasta No. VI , Ne braska No. 1 nnd Viola No , M ) will uiiilo in an entertainment for thu evening of Tuesday , February 1 ! . Owing to limited quarters the attendance will be restricted to the members of the lodges nnmcd. their fam ilies and personal friends. In order that ample time ninj bo allowed the ball the toasts nnd responses set down for the earlier partof tlio evening will not be based upon a banquet. The tickets , which are complimen tary , will be provided for No. 1 by M. Toft , for Mt. Shasta byV. . F. Stoetzel , nnd for Viola by S , M. Sadler. At Sunnnck .t Ivuca's ' hall on South Thir teenth street , Jan Hus No. 5 , nnd Pythago ras No. 5'J will celebrate. n Knights. The regular Tuesday night assembly has been postponed one week bir the excellent prior in deference to the celebration of the Pythian silver anniversary. * * * Koynl Arcanum. Tuesday was n busy daj with Union Pacific Counci No. 1CC.9 . and Antler Council No. lOiil , for there was not only a consolidation of the lodges effected , to bear the name of the former council , but the follow ing ofilcers who will serve the new combina tion were elected and installed : .1. 1C. Cham bers , regent ; J. F. Coykendnll , vice regent ; Sidney Smith , past regent ; James Preston , orator ; I. L. Kioliarcls , secretary ; William Geycr , treasurer : J. L. Craig , collector ; J. I ! . Sheldon , guide ; II. \ \ * . Snow , chaplain ; J. K. Sutton , sentry ; J. U. Twiford , warden. Deputy Supreme Regent J. W.Scott directed the blows that brought about the amalgama tion of those councils. The new Union Pa- cin'c now has u membership of over sixty , winch will be increased to seventy- five when the flic of implications for membership is acted upon. The three councils nt Council Bluffs furnished about tbiity visitors , wlnlo a few members of Pioneer Council were present. The fusion of councils requires inoro room than formerly accommodated Union Pacific Council and there is headway being made toward the securing of Quarters adequate to Hie demands. Union Pacific council will probably go to Lincoln soon for the purpose of installing a council at that point. In the hall of Fidelity council at Council Bluffs , March 1 , the workings of the ritual recently dispensed by the supreme council will bo watched by Union Pacific council It is expected that the ritualistic performance will bo an improvement on the present method and the order is on the qui vivo. Pioneer council is showing nu increase in activity of late. < t rriiico of the Orient. On Friday at the hall of Foresters' lodge , No. 13 , with the assistance of about twenty princes from Council Bluffs , the Omaha council conferred this rank upon fjulte a number of applicants. The ritual work is beautiful nnd impressive , and Its study and application tone up the moral side of man , imparting higher principles to bis earthly en- do.vvors. The committee on constitution nnd by-laws met after the adjournment of the council and made preparations for admission under the laws of Iowa and Nebraska. There are councils in Missouri Valley , Council Bluffs and other points in Iowa , in Omaha , South Omaha and various other cities of Nebraska. The idea uppermost in the minds of the committee is the formation of a head council meeting once a year , and consisting of delegates elected from the dif ferent councils , that will subordinate the councils hereabouts for their better govern ment. There will be a beneficiary fund , calling for not inoro than 10 cent or in cent contributions each month , which will bo available for the needs of sick or otherwise temporarily em barrassed princes. * V. A. S. A well versed fraternity man , speaking of this body , said : "It is a benevolent and mutual insurance organization of high char acter , admitting only men of genuine worth nnd physical ability , giving 53,000 to the wife of a deceased member. It also looks after fatherless children , takes care of sick mem bers , furnishing nurses and other necessa ries. And all of Mirso cares and duties , noble and dltruillod in their nature , are beautifully and impressively bymbolizcd in thy ritual. " 4 C . A. K. The following resolutions were passed by George A. Cumer Post No , T , Dcp.irtmcnt of Nebraska , G. A. H. , r.l their regular meet ing ; Whereas , Wo well remember when , sur rounded by war's fearful desolation , the cheering news from tho' chief executive of the nation , endorsed by the people's repre sentatives , ramo to us , an assurance that umld the lire and brunt of battle wo were not forgotten. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed , "A grateful pcoplo will c.iro for him who bcuistho bruntof battle , and the widow and orphans. " To-day wo Und In thousands of instances men who dured death for their country arc now dependent upon others or loft to want , man.y widows and orphans who now need the liberal hand. The cause * of want nr.d can bo ac counted for largely from tin ) fact that their best days. In the first named , nnd their earthly helper in the other , having been given that the nation might llvo. The * olalcrs of the union know how to sympathize with disabled comrades and the families of those whose tics with us were wcJdrd In'tlui Jim of battle. Into that lire the Epii it wlncn led & was loyalty. Tl.o union aoldlers did not stop to uslc for ado- remuneration ; the country was in uoril ; our lives wcro offered. Now , when the nation is prosperous buyond our fondest hopes , wo nskttint our dependent comrades , auil the willows and orphans of those fallen bo cared for by n grateful people. There fore , when house roll No. 142 , In troduced by Hou. A. P. Hrlnk , n bill for the relief of union soldlcnt , sailors , \ud marines , nnd the Indigent wives , widows and minor children of Indigent or deceased union soldiers , sailors and marines , cair.o to our notice , wo recognized It nn just , and it ut once enlists our sympathy and support , and wo urge its pass.iga Therefore , bo it Heiolvcd , That wo , as old soldiers , sailor and members of Ouster post No. T Q , A , U. department of Nebraska , of the city of Ouinha , heartily approve and endorse this measure looking to the assistance aud relief of needy mm whoso best dny wuro given in suving the lifo of this nation , uuu ts the I widows and orphans of those who fell on the field ; nnd Kcsolvcd , That wo use every honorable means to secure the pasago of this bill , and urge the honorable members of our legisla ture to carry out the golden words of the Immortal Lincoln , and see to It thut "a grate ful pcoplo will care for those who bore the brunt of battle , and their widows and or phans , ' ' Hcsolved , That wo express our hearty anil earnest thanks to Hon. A. P. Brink for the Introduction of so meritorious a lull , anil we call on all ex-soldiers , sailors nnd marines of Nebraska , and all members of the O. A. H. In this department , to strengthen his bands by all honorable means In their power , to the end Iliot this bill may become n law of our state. Ucsolvcd , That the newspapers of this state bo urgently requested to publish these resolutions , or such ns may be adopted by cx-soldlcr.s , siilors nnd members of the O. A. K. In their respective localities. Itr-solvrd , That an engrossed cony of these resolutions bo forwarded to the Hon. A. P. Hnnk for presentation to the house of repre sentatives ; nnd also that they be spread U | > on the records of this post. Attest : J. U , SJUMIIU. , Post Commander. EDWIN Snuim , Adjutant. PKPPKHM1NT DKOPS. On his last legs the kangaroo. A ghost of a show the living skeleton. The latest thing In men's furnishing goods Is the night-shirt. The grocer's right of weigh is one of the most important adjuncts of his busmest. The sunilUE of pirls is cited ns nn excuse for so many young men going to waist. A Texas cowboy , who was defendant In n breach of promise suit , said he was hiss-sued. The pig iron trust Is the latest monopo listic combination , It Is controlled by hogs. The longer an embezzler's accounts arc in vestigated the "shorter'1 they usually be come. Next to waiting for n verdict , the most soul-harrowing employment is keeping the baby nsleep. A fellow who was pitched into n gutter , where garbage Is thrown , describes it as an "offal" fall. There are many eminent American states men who would be pleased to sit for cabinet photographs. A glass eye has one compensation every body else can see through the device , if the wearer c.m't. Operatic artists are probably the most cheerful persons on earth. They always sing nt their work. When a wife tells her tipsy husband to come straight up stairs to bed , she asks something impossible. Sir Isaac Newton earned fame by seeing nn apple fall. Some pcoplo make money b } keeping nn apple stnnd. There is a ninn in the Kighth ward who is so stingy that hu won't allow himself to bo weighed because ho would have to tip the beam , A man can marry comfortably if he has sufllciont money to procure a license and pa.\ the parson. The hitch comes when the knot is tied. "Arc you a boodle alderman ) " asKed the visitor kindly. "Indeed I'm not , " said the prisoner , drawing himself up proudly. "I am u wife beater. A set of snirt studs Is made to represent three green ueas. They should rest on the breast of some lumb who is making his first season in society. One sweet potato furnished a meal for two large families In Ohio tlio other day. In the production of potatoes and politicians Ohio soil is hard to beat. The sheriffs of Maine are becoming exclu sive. They have formed an association. Crowds at hangings in that state will hence forth be more select. A pair of shoes constructed for Mr. HarrI son are on exhibition in New York. The colored brother should not despair ; ho may yet be needed to black 'cm. ' AVe do not know much about the ancient Egyutians , perhaps , but the granu old Sphinx with Its bllent woman's head shows that they worn u sarcastic people. The lute Oliver thtson left 513,000 for the founding of a homo for poor singers. Hut the sum is appallingly inadequate. Fifteen millions wouldn't bouse half of them. There is no more sense in hating a man be cause ho is rich than there would be in lov ing one because ho is poor. Girls understand this soil of thing better than hoodlums. The shoes made for Mr. Harrison bi ll crack Now York shoemaker are number sixes. This is consoling to tlio oftlccsoekcrs , who feared that the general wore elevens. An Albany snowshoe club kept themselves In practice during the open winter by put ting a lot of spring beds in a circle , covering them with canvass , and.tramplng over them to slow music. TheMeaguo of White Caps at St. Paul one Sunday night gave M. d'Henzcl , a French teacher , a terrible drubbing for reasons best known to themselves. Possibly he had been teaching Canadian French and omitting the accents , A Pennsylvania paper says : "The Shatt ers are among our longest lived citizens. " An instance trongly corroborative of this assertion is furnished In the ease of a native Mssi"sippian ! , who boasts that he has bad the ague twenty-seven consecutive years and still weighs 150 pounus. EDUOA.T10MAU The C-itholics of Philadelphia arc building n line structure for a high school , and will probably plan to add manual training to the course of study. The Providence , U. I. , school committee arc considering the advisability of introduc ing manual training Into the course of study into the high school. A movement is now on foot in Chicago to transfer the kindergartens to the control of the board of education and thus render them a part of the school system. The woman's annex of Columbia college has been more fortunate than the Harvard annex in finding an appropriate and graceful title. It has become ' 'Harnard college , " in honor of President Haruard , while thu Har vard school is still looking for n fitting name to take the place of its cumbersome otlleial title. In Germany , after a girl graduates , she ii sent into the country to the house of some notable housewifewhere she remains n year , learning the most approved methods of household work. Some towns have started schools for this work , notably Hamburg. In Kngland there is a training college for Kng- llsh housoivivcs , at "Cioodrest , " near ICcnil ! worth. In lbS3 for the llrst time tlio examinations for admission to the college wore conducted exclusively on the now plan announced in l bl ! ; and it is Interesting to observe that the Rccondnrv schools , and the private tutors who'prejiaro boys for college , have already responded in a fair measure to the new sug gestions , ofTcrs and requirements of the faculty. The University of Vermont has just begun its fourth annual scries of twelve winter lectures for farmers. The lectures nro en tirely free and special inducements are of fered by railway lines , to attend. The course was designed primarily to meet the wants of young men wbo are unublu to take a full col lege course , but who renllzothat a knowledge of the principles of scientific agriculture is indlspunshbli ) to Intelligent funning. According to an English authority there are this year7.70 ! ) students in the four uni versities of Scotland , which is just twice the number recorded in 1602. Thorn are no Tc-wor thui ) 3,4'.U ' ) students ut Edinburgh , and Glasgow comes next with 2,200 ; then Ahor- Ocon with tUS , and St. Andrew's with 2'Jl. 3f all thn professorships those of the Edm- jnrub medical faculty are considered the most valuable , some of them being worth neniiy 1,500 A year , Thn chairs of 3rcok , Latin and mathematics are worth i'l.MXia year nt Glasgow , and nverngo .t'MOO at Kdlnburgb. Columbia receive * annually rJ-47,000 from ! 5.5UOKX ( ) of productive funds , 180UOO , from tuition fees , and f 17,000 from other sources : or a total nf 1353,000. Of Cornell's annual receipt ? , amounting In nil to n quarter of a nlllion , by far the largest portion is derived from its great endowment. It has In pro- luctivo funus SI,2S2,000 , while HH tuition fees vlcld { 30,000 , and thu state grant * it ? 19,000. n the south , Vandcrbllt university , at Nash ville , Tenn. , has a total laconic of f'JT.OOO , of whlcli amount fcH.Oyo is derived from the fees of 025 student ! ' , nnd the balance from an endowment of tflooHi ( ) ) . The international convention of the Young mien's Christian assoolntlons of the Unjtea States and Canada will be held May b to 1U u I'UilaUelhla. ) j OMAHA ; SOCIAL CIRCLES , A Qlnnco at the "Various Doings of the Dollo3iand Boaux. HOW THE EVENINGS ARE SPENT. j i A Continuation ofOne of the Most Brilliant Social Seasons IJvcr Known Hi ( he Gnto clty. Matrimonial. At-1:30 : p. m. Tuesday Miss Llz-lo Hello Dickey , daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Dickey , was married to Mr. William Pike , of Portland , Ore. The ceremonv occurred at the homo of the bride's parents. 211 $ Dodge street , and was presided over by Kov. Dr. Williams , of St. Marimbas church. .Miss Shears , of this city , and Miss Jordan , of St. Louis , acted as bridesmaids. In the evening the happy couple left for their future homo in Portland. Miss Edith Bowman Olmstoad and Mr. Fred S. Kobblns wcro married Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. mid Mrs. F. E. Olmstciid. Mr. and Mrs. Kobbins will bo at home after February 27 at 10.15 Park nve- nuc. nuc.On Thursdny , at 1 .HO p. m. , Mr. M. L. Hoedcr and Mi s Pauline Goldsmith weie made man and wife , the Hon. Judge Wakele.v pronouncing the magic words. The dinner and reception wcro held nt the Metropolitan , and proved a most brilliant event. Mr. Frank Werdo and Miss Mary Wcbcl- haus , both of this city , wcro married by the Kov. Father Glauber , of the German Cath olic church , last Wednesday. A reception in honor of the event tendered the young couple in the evening at ho residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Arnoldy , Davenport street. McAnlli'-MuShniic Ularrlniro. At the Holy Family church Tuesday inorn- iug , Miss Maggie MeShanu married to Mr. F. J. McArdle. Precisely at S the bridal party entered the church and marched at once to the altar , led by their attendants Miss Kntio McSlmiu- , sister of the bride , and Mr. T. J. Leon. The ceremony was perlormcil by Uev. Father Koopmans. S. J. He pre faced the intcicsllng performance with a few friendly but impressive remarks relative to the responsibilities of the married sUto from n material ns well as u religious point of view. Mass then celebrated , during which the bridal party partook of the holy communion. The bride was attired in a rich dress oi golden brown silk , with bonnet to match. The whole party were a profusion of ( low ers. ers.An elaborate wedding breakfast was given by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Fumy , at their residence , where , upon the arrival of the happy couple , a largo gathering of friends greeted them. These present were Very Hev. K. A. Shaffel , S. J. . Kov. Father Koop- mans , S. J. , Mrs. Alice McShane , aunt ol the bride , Mr. John A. Crcighton , Mr. anil Mrs. J. H. McShano , Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mc Shane , Mrs. K. C. McShane , Mrs. T. A. Me- Shane , Mr. and Mrs. M. Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lee , Air. and Mrs. C. Furay , Mr. nnd Mrs. P. McArdUyMrs. S. G.union , the Misses Alice and Mupple Gannon , Miss Mary McArdle , Miss Cornio Jackson and Mr. Tom Cannon. At 2:30 : the festivities were brought to a close by the doparuinyof the newly married couple and their attendants .for their now home on South Eighteenth street , but not until the ancient custom ol throwing the old slipper was indulged in amidst much excite ment and merriment , .Home Circle Hop. The Home Circle gave the last of their series of elegant' ' parties this season at Ma sonic hall Friday cvpning. Many of the ladies' costumes were elegant , the music was charming and the event in every way a delightful one. Those' present wcro Mesdames - dames C. M. Uutlcr ; F. L. Uridpman , B. F. Kedmond , W. O. Sloane. G. W. Shields , E. E. Bryson , and Misses Hughes , Burn , Bowie , M. Butler , F. D. Bridgman , Charles Blackman - man , Thomas Bowie , Air. Bixbv , Frank Bar- nctt , W. E. Combe , C. M. Chauiplain , C. H. Courtney , .1. H. Conrad , O. K. Coombcs. W. C. Deardoorf , W. D. Dcnett , Arthur East , K. J. Friz7Pllc , John F.illoure. J. C. Guck- ert , Charles H. Grattnn. K. HutchenB , G. B. Hengen , J. Hodges , B. D. Hong , H. Hossio , M. Hos.oie , W. J. Huchcs , Frank H. Kosters , T. P. Ivelley , Oscar Knrboch , W. H. Latey , E. E. Moffot , E. J. Murphy , J. H. Ncilson , K. M. Patterson , F. W. Pickcns , B. F. Ked mond. W. O. Shane , G. W. Shields , Byron Smith , L. S. Singer , William Tukoy , T. E. Van Buren , J. C. Wurth , U. E. Zimmerman , E. E. Bryson. The BnckeyrH Organize. Not to bo outilono by the Pennsylvania so ciety In Omaha , the natives of Ohio , now residents of this city , have also resolved to form an organization. Among those who have already enrolled arc the iollowing : H. 1C. Galbraith. M. D. , chief surgeon Union Pacific railroad , formerly of IJoss county , Ohio ; Orville J. Nuve. post chaplain Fort Omaha , Delaware , O. ; F. J. MeShano , New Lexington ; J. Van Pearse , the Herald , Marysville ; Albion M. Dyer , Western Print ing company , Hamilton ; C. W. Cathcart , Adams Express company , Springlleld ; Will iam F. Beclifl , Pacific Express company , Canton ; J. B. Casey , Mansliold ; J. J. Gerrv , Toledo ; S. P. Guin , Fremont , O. , S. D. Culdwell , auditor's ofllce , Union Pacific rail road , Cleveland ; William Warren , Noble county ; A. B. Benson , Mt. Vernon ; N. A. Kuhn , Hauovcrton. Imperial Plunmiros. The Imperial club gave another of its pleasant parties nt the Imperial hall , Saunders - ders and Spencer streets , last evening , and the usual good time was enjoyed. These present were : Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hcnsh.iw , Mr. nnd Mrs. J , C. Luke , Mr. nnd Mrs. Noil. The Misses Jones , Lake , Swiler , Hose Sidner , Mary Sidner , Annie Gould , Jones , Kridlcr , Hubbard , Grant , Satsch , Fox , Barker , Har- lour , Clevldencc , Hattlo Swiler , Johnson , Chibion. The Messrs. Argo , Hunter. Mc- Crory , Littloflold , Anderson , J. B. Cruick- shank , Chalfiiro Gould. Cogley , Burke , ICruso , McGregor , Hair , Hocii , Phelps , Whitney , Thompson , Crow ) . Golden Ilulc Socialite. Probably one of the most enjoyable affairs of this season , was the second .inniial sociable given under the auspices of Castle Omaha No , 74 of the order of Knights and Ladies of the Golden Kulo , at Omaha dancing academy last Tuesday overtlnc. Every foot of dancing room was crowded during the evening. The largest attendance * \vas an assurance that this order is becoming one of the popular orders of the citjv The sociable was a grand success In ovnry particular. At 12 o'clock iv splendid supper was furnished by the ladles of the order , after which dancing was resumed - sumed , nnd not till 2iO : ! a. m. did the largo crowd disperse to jlho music of "Home , Sweet Home. " , Modern Grcokfl. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor , of the First Congregational church , gave a scries'of ' Grcok tableaux In ho chapel of tljoChurch Friday ovcnlng- The participants ycrc , Misses Mildred and Jean House , Miss Ida Boycc , Miss Ninu Marshall , Miss Dolllo MuMuster , Miss vlaude Staler , Miss GuadioCoburn and M ss Lllllo Durncll. The young Indies succeeded In pleasing ho critical uudlnnco present so wall that a request was mndo that the entertainment bo repeated In a more suitable hull and this will undoubtedly bo done. Women's Heller Corps. All wives and daughters of ox-union soldiers and the wives of sons of veterans vho are In favor of the organization of a 'Women's Kollef corps" In this city , are rn- qucstdd to meet nt the G. A. K. hall , 18U Douglas street , at 2 o'clocK p. in. . Feb ruary 21 , Literary Crelehton Guards. The Crcighton guards literary society gave n most commendable entertainment at their rooms In the Ware block lust evening , Mr. P. H. Curey's verica on the "Battle of NVnhoo" pave n , iticaslnc account of what was done by the guards on that historic occasion Mr. Carey' * happy talk on "Women" WHS nlso well received , Captain O. J Smith rei.d Iho "Battle of Cedar Creek ; " Mrs. Atwood delivered a declamation , nnd pretty songs were rendered by Mrs. Harry Buckley urn' C. E. Chcrmohlcn. Dancing runty. A most enjoyable dancing party was given last Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. T. A. Foley , nt 210-J Douglas street. It was given by the Misses Delia , Vigil , Agnes Clnroy nnd Julia Mullen , who proved them selves delightful entertainers. A select pro gramme of sixteen numbers printed in gold and handsomely decorated was suspended from the wall. The spacious parlors were canvassed nnd delightful music was furnished for dancing , card playing was iudulgcd in in the library. Kefreshments were served dur ing the evening , nnd all departed at a late hour with many expressions of the pleasant evening they had spent. The Umiuion Plmnlom Dance. The ICinnnon rooms never looked f nycr nor more Invltinr than they did nt the phan tom party given Friday evening. An excel lent supper was prepared and served by the Kings daughters. Forty couples wcro pres ent and the verdict is unanimous that it was the social event of the Magic 1'ity. Among the guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Sidney Miller , Captain and Mrs. W. B. Bell , tlio Misses , lcs- sioGoff , Ella O'Kcllley , Catherine White nnd Jennie and Kosc McCann , of Omaha. Cnril Party. Lnst Wednesday evening Mrs , Peters nnd Mrs. Morns gave n vcr.y cnjo.v able card party to a number of friends. Among those pres ent were Mr. nnd .Mrs. Washington , nnd the Misses May Hnrtle , N. Hurt let M. Hurtle , L. Paxton , Gordon. France , Chase of Papilllon , Osmond , Alma Peters , Anna Peters. The Messrs. Benson , L. Woodnmiise , Wood ward , Elliott , Peyton , Forby , B. Kuhn. An Kn.joynUle Surprise Party. A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Stricklmg by Mr. and Mrs. AV. C. Kelley - ley , at their residence , No. 1001) ) North Eigtcentli street , the occasion being tlio an niversary of their thirteenth wcddinir dny. The evening was spent in playing cards , and a general good time enjoyed by nil. Lunch was served at 10JO. : ! A goodly mini- ocr of line presents were presented. Social Co-tslp. Dean Gaulner has returned from Colum bus. bus.Hon Hon John M. Thurston nnd wife hnve re turned from the east. The ladies social club gives their next puity this evening at Metropolitan hall. The Good Samaritan society gives a ball nnd banquet nt Masonic hall , March 0. A humber of young people civo n dunce at Forest hall next Saturday evening. The second annual ball of the Firemen's Benevolent association occurs April 23. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kob- ert Earson entertained the West End club. Miss Magrano KIVCS a select social at Koynl Arcanum hull , Council Bluffs , February 10. The lifth monthly party of the Crescent society club occurs next Thursday at Halt- mann's ' hall. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Miner gave a delight ful card p.irty to a number of their friends Tuesday evening. Mr. L. Lcvi celebrated his' birthday Mon day evening with an elegant dinner to a number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Stuht celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their wedding'on Wednesday evening. Miss Grace Allen entertained a number of friends at cards Friday evening , nt her home 2100 California street. The masquerade b.ill of the Union Pacific b.xnd nt Exposition hall , Friday evening , proved a great success. The Cottage D.incingelub g.ive a phantom party at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall on Monday cvcnine. Miss Clcano Daniels gave a St. Valentino's party at her homo , Iftls South Thirty-second avenue on Thursday evening. The "Bon Amio" whist club mctat the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams , in Kountze Place , on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Strirklingwero treated to u surprise party Thursday evening , that day being the date of their wedding anniver sary. sary.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Roberts gave a pleasant dinner party Wednesday evening in honor of their daughter Sophia's twentieth birthdav. Mr. J. Furth will be married to Miss Sophie Dreyfus on the 24th inst. Ceremony and reception will take place at the Metro politan hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Freyhan 'returned homo from their wedding trip Tuesday even ing and are now at home ut 110 South Twenty-fifth street. Dr. Edward Sloman left for DetroitMich. , last Monday , where ho will lead to the hymeneal altar , on the 10th Hist. , Missdirrio Mandcibanm , of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Van Buren cele brated the twonty-liith anniveisary of their marriage Wednesday , and royally enter tained H number of their friends. Thursday last the de.if mutes and their friends gave a big pound party to Mrs. Daniel B. Swiler. They enjoyed many novel games nnd refreshments were served. Next Tuesday evening the Hebrew Ladies Aid society will give a dramatic entertain ment and ball at Washington hall. The two act drama , "Among the Breakers , " will be presented. Mrs. T. Churchill and niece , Miss Ethel Geist , gave a St. Valentino's ' party at their resilience , 1814 St. Mary's avenue , Thursday evening. Cards and other things were tlio order cf the evening. The date of the Fisher-Bloom wedding is set for the 1Kb prox. , and will take place at Iowa City. A largo number of invited friends from Omaha will leave on a special train to witness the ceremony. A birthday party was given to Paul Kobin- son on Tuesday evening , it being his seventh biithday. Twenty-four children from seven to ninn years of ago did honor to the occa sion. After refreshments wcro served the evening closed with a magic lantern perform ance , which was highly enjoyed. About twcnty-flvo pupils of the eighth grade , Long school , got up n very pleasant btirpriso for one of their members Friday evening , nnd repaired with various sued packages and bundles containing the where withal for an ek'gunt lunch , to tlio homo of Frank Kobinson,2ill ! Cnldwcll street , where the evening was spoilt in fun and merriment. The ladies Quartette and Madrigal club give n concert ut V , M , C. A. hall to-morrow jvening , These taking part are : Mrs , C. 13. Squires , soprano ; Mrs. J. W. Cotton , so- ( uano ; Mrs. II. D. Estnbrook , contralto ; Miss ElUabet Penncll , contralto ; Mr. W. B. Willtins , tenor ; Mr , Thomas J. Penncll , bass. They will bo assisted by Mr. Hurt Butler , violin , Mr , Max Lent ? , violin ; Mr. Kcit/en- stein , viola ; Mr. S. Hcyn , Violincello ; Mine. Slazucatu Yuung , accompanist. JMP1KT1KS. A Plttsburg lady makes more money teach ng whist than any preacher in town makes caching religion. Captain Alison's ' determination to play a gama of base ball in Jerusalem will surprise nobody , Ho may stop in that region long enough to challenge the nr.onlts on Mount Sinai. Mayor Gleason , of Long Island City , has written to Ira D , Uankcy , offering to build a church If the revivalist can convert the board of aldermen of that city. If Mr. Snnkcy ac cepts the proposition ho may be considered engaged the rest of his lifo. At a hugging bee for the benefit of the church along the upper Hudson u few uvcn- ngs since , u man while blindfolded hugged ils w'fe ' for several minutes without knowing vho ho was hugging. When ho did Und out ho wanted his fifteen cents back. The clergymen at Now Haven express the conviction that what that town most needs Is an Anthony Comstock. Wo fancy that they are correct , and we hope that they will get ilm. Our understanding 1 that Now York vould bo very willing to give him up. Loud ring at the telephone. "Hello 1 Who's hero } " "Is that Sunday Scandalizor onicol" "Yes. " "I'm ' the Kov. Elijah Jehoshuphut. " "Woll , what Is U ! " "Plcaso tate In the religious notices of your Sunday ssuo that Kov. Elijah Jehoshuphat of the lalleluluh church will deliver a sermon on he 'Iniquity of the Sunday Newspaper. Sunday evening at 7:30. : Huvoyou got III' Yes. Thanks. " THE HEADLIGHT PORTFOLIO , Filled With Miscellaneous Items Re garding Rnllrond Men. AN EMPTY FLASK OF WHISKY. How Union Pnelllu Mammies Hull Atnnml In ! Snn-Prodnctho Palatial Cnrw Valued nt $ r.OOH ( ) . Interest In K About two weeks njjo three Onmlia mil way olllcinl started out on a junket- in jj tour for Kansas City. They boarded an evening train , and not boliitf prepared - pared to pre-empt tlieir compartments in the sleeper , took up quarters in the drawing room of the ear. Along in the night they began to hanker for n little nutriment. All of them subjected their satchels to a rigid search nnd the result was that two empty half-pint flasks and an apple were discovered. It is need less to state that the countenance of each man collapsed and one peered into the others' eyes in ama/.ument. Hut on the way , one of the trio had been pre sented , by an acquaintance , to another traveler , and the latter shortly after ward nourished a consignment of the ardent , lie narrated this to his con stituents. but tlio nutriment was still ns far oil as ever. Finally one of the otllcials aroused his companions from a heavy slumber nnd asked him if he had any 'hot stuhV The latter replied in the negative , but stated that the man to whom ho had boon Introduced had a half-pint Hasu untouched , also that he was lumbering in booth No. S. One of the officials touched tlio alarm bell , and the Dorter responded promptly. ' 'Bring us the grip in No. S , " remarked one of the number. The porter unsuspect ingly repaired to Xo. S , and grabbing ii ] > the grip restored it to the coterie of ollleials. It was opened and the invit ing essence of rye was found. Kven a railroad ollluial lias some compassion for a fellow being , and enough was left in the llabk for the occupant of booth No. S to change breaths the next morning. The satchel wan returned , and when the man in No. S arose the next morning he invited his friend to recuperate with him , but upon opening his valise he was surprised to find that only enough to moisten a postage stamp was in the bottle. Turn ing to his old acquaint ance he said : "I3y jove that friend that you introduced to mu mud bo a bummer. ' ' Tlio "friend" who unfor tunately occupied a booth opposite to the incensed traveler by this time arrived and overboard the conversation. Ito- the pcrdicniuent he was placed in lie explained the situation , tellin'g how the ' 'precious' ' evaporated. The man with the IliisU was enraged , and evidently would have been given special rates on the roads with which the ollicials were connected , had he en countered them upon learning of the peculiarities of the situation , but talc ing a second thought , and concluding that immaculate gall was' something to bo kept mid nourished , he viewed the matter in a joking manner. While the directorate of the Union Pacific are imploring the congress of the United States for liimneial relief , fourteen subordinate ollieials arc being whcolud from one point to another , and all over the continent , in a private car sot aside for their accommodation and enjoyment. At present 03 is pre empted by W. II. Ilolcomb , vice presi dent of the system. Another notch lower and UJ is reached , which is the private palaceof Thomas L. Kimball , the general manager. The vehicle Do is that utilized by Assistant General Manager Kimball. while tlio ambassa dor from Harvard college Assistant General Manager ( Jummiiigs , rolls about the country among the cowboys in 00. O. F. Kossoquio , superintendent of the Nebraska division , occupies Oil. while las assistant at North Platte , I1. Touhy , rests gently in OS. J. M. Uarrsup- orintendcnt of the Wyoming division , rides about in Oil , and Bob Baxter , his able assistant , is wheeled about in Oo . The superintendent of the Idaho divis ion , .lohn Itapcljo , reposes in OH I , while J. P. Gilolirist , of the Colorado divis ion , reclines his angular form in 0 ( i. J. O. ] trinkerholTbiipcrinlondont of the Kansas division promenades the aisle of 01 , and his -assistant throws himself in the scat quite dignified in 07. The president , Charles Francis Adams , and tlio board of directors have car 010 set aside for their service. This is the most costly of any of the private cars , and cost in tlio neighborhood of $10,000. The other private coaches will avorutro about iKi.OOO each making about $ .50,000 tied up in that class of rolling stock commonly termed "non producers. " A railway otlicial in speaking of the matter several days ago said : ' 'If tlie board of directors and stockholders that liayo boon imploring aid and denounc ing governmental oppression , would turn their attention to tlio extravagance gance- resulting from olliclal aristoc racy , that is being not only practiced but cultivated in thu otlicial ranks of the Union Pacific , some financial bone-lit might result. " There is a boliuf existing in the minds of several individuals on the in side in railway circles tt the elloct , that J. H. Tebbots , general passenger agent of the Union Pacigc , and who will in the near future assume the duties of assistant general freight agent of that road , is the coming man for the head of Lho .system at this place. The fact that lie will , ut an early dato. supplant J. A. Munroo as ironoral freight agent is con ceded in olllciai circles as a possibility , with good grounds on which to rest , ft is stated that Tobbcts springs from aNew Now Kngland circle that has a big lov- crngc on the managerial powers of the Union Pacific , and that , wore it not for tils youth and inexperience , ho would liavo been basking under the title al- otted to W. II. llolcombo at the iires- out time. It is well known that no in strongly favored by President Adams , ind that the latter will advance him in rank as fast as possible. * - * "If Tom Potter wore alive to-day , " remarked a Union Pacific olllcial , "ho certainly would appreciate llio promo- .ion of E. L. Lomiix to the position of general passenger agent of the Union 1'aciilc. Did it over occur to you that 10 was Potter's choice for the place at the time the passenger and ticket do- Kirtinontc , wcro consolidated ? Well , luch is the case , and while Potter wioldcd a powerful influence with the directorate , he was slightly balllcd in llling the positions of general and as sistant general passenger agent. You see , Potter wasu'Q1 was I.omax. omax is a good passenger man , and Jotter know it , and for this reason he vantcd him at the head of the passen ger department. There wore ether chances that Iho great railroad man ue- uired making at the same time , and one of those way todl.iinlssG. M. Gumming * , then operating us asi-lstant general nanagor , and in this cuso , ODD of the Boston man's favorites would bo retired to private life. Tobbets was then con nected with the freight departmunt'al Kansas City . Adams endeavored- persuade Potter to retain Cym mlngs , but llnding this futile ( ho then asked that his next nearest favorite bo put at the head of the as- Fcnger department , from this Po\tor \ dissented , but , after a struggle for su premacy , the gentleman from 'Hean- town' gained his point , and under n compromlso.Tobbets was made the ht'ad ' man and Loin ax his assistant , but the difference in salary was onlv fill per month. As to Cummings , Mr. Potter did not take a dlsliko to him as much1 as he did to certain others , but being a thoroughly skilled railroad man , Potter at once discovered that Cumtiiings * inexperienced , and nt once requested his resignation. ' ' For llrnln l''n . Ute llorsford's ' Add PhoHphnto Or W. 11. KIMicr , I.oSneur , Minn. , says ! " 1 Und it very serviceable In nervous debility , x-xual weaknets , brain fin ? , exco ivo use ol tobacco , an n drink In fevori , nnd In soind nrlnnry troubles. It is a grand good remedy In nil cases where 1 have \isod it , " Co me to Nicoll's ' , Isn't it reasonable. The title page of next season's business is pretty clearly written by what's gong on now. Nobody expects to be when buy time is past. Unless they're ' willing to do something uncommon. We'll ' do it ; we arc not 9 daunted by losing present J profit. But have we any J thing not commonplace A to offer ? 9 We have Trousers made to measure , $5 a pair. Compare the styles , the 9 cloth , with those about town | at double and treble price. J Whicn is your choice ? | They're clearly in favor jof ours. J Will that have weight on ? the opinion of others. 9 We shall see ! ilk I Hundred are w e a r i n g f 409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , REWARD. Chailcs KOSP , residing nt No 1113 Jones St. an englnrui by trade , but lately uorkliigl'i gonenl ) work , Imsllvi'd hero aljout two jeara , lias been ilenf moi e or less for twenty jcnrt ? , and ( jultp deiif for some ttnii' . has had uitnrrh , ultli UN nsnnl hyiiiptom < i , Mii.h .m stopping up nfno-i' mid accumulations of muciH in lit throat ; bo complained of linking nnd biu./lng in his vnih , wl.lcla ; a iinnovnncoto him Ho rvndh theilally pipcrx , nnd through them \\iis Indui'fd to cull on Dr. .Ionian , In tliHtiungo Iluildlng , to si-i' If Ills nose , throat nnd tinrn could bi < bciu-fltled lie was lulil tlioy ronld be. an-1 huroinoiencud treatment He rommc'iict'il' to Improve In a short time1 , nul niter a roll IHO of about tin CD iiiontlif , mm ifw.inlcditli a return of Ills U < uiliif. , so much so that hc'Cau noinuar the slightest vhlxpcr Ho linn no ringing < hn ! earn , and his now and throat hai rra'fd to tioiunu mm untlri'ly. llubayn "Ican , now anpii'cfatu whitt nuforo Mas r , tola ! Ulanlr , and I cunr.ot sp > . 'Hk too highly of the DocVor'a anilities. " DOCTOll J. CRESAP McCOY , ( Late o : llfllovtif ) Hospital , Now Vork ) tfutxued''d Oy DOCTOU Charles M , Jordan ( I < ati of ilia 1'mverslty of Now Vnrk City anil llouard Uulvi-rxiiv , Wuhliiftou , li , 0. IIA3 OI'KICCS No. 31O and 311 Ramxo Building Corner I'lIUenin nn4 Mnrwysts , Omaha , Neb. , whvio all rurnblo cayei urn ti fulfil HUCCfHS , N'oto flr. Chat lei M. Jordan has been n-il. dent phyolclan for Dr. McCoy. In Omaha , fur the piul year anil U thu physician wliohai niudn tnu IMII-IM tlmt luwo U-eii pubUshixl \\bekly 111 till * paper. MeOhul < UsfHBe8UfUe.ilKlllfilly. : ; Doaf- I1OB8 , Consumption , lirouUiitUisthnin , Dys- pepsli1 , HhuumatUm and ail Horvoua nntl UONDUI/rATJON ftl n'llce or by mall , II. Ullico hourhW ! ) H a. m , Mto 1 p. m. , 7 to Up. m , Kumltiy olllcu hour * troin V a. in. , to I p. in , Correjpondrncit rvculviM prompt utlentl-Jii. MunvdUeamM , intru.itrd Kticce > < fully by Dr. Jorilon t. 'iron KM the nullH.nnd It Utlm * i > o siula for these iiniibln to innko u Journey to obtain ' '