Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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' nnd the Hamburg hotel. The American nnd
Kngllsh residents , among the former being
United State * Vice Consul Blncklock ,
fought the lire , which was only doUroying
German property , until tnoy were
nearly exhausted. Tlio American and
English sailors worked uutll over-
coino by the heat , carrying water ,
using ncs and snvlng property. Several
stores , the court house , jail , etc. , wore also
While the fire was In progress Knoppe do-
clnred that ho thought the occurrence w < v
entirely nccldcntnl. Within five or six hours ,
however , ho expressed the belief that the
American nnd Kngllsh residents of Apia
tvero implicated In the matter.
On the afternoon of January 15 n boat be
longing to ox-United States Vice Consul K.
lj. Hamilton , manned by two natives , was
seized by nn armed boat from the German
waters of Apia harbor. The boat was nftor-
Avards released , and when an explanation
was demanded by Consul Blacklock , Consul
Knnppo replied that It was because the boat
Iind not displayed any national flag.
The Knglish merchant steamer Hichmond
arrived iu Apia harbor shortly before darken
on the Mil. At 1 o'clock on the morning of
tlio Kith the Hichmond was boarded by an
nrmed boat's crew from the Adler. The
ofllccr iu command informed the captain of
the Richmond that war had beeu declared by
Germany against Samoa ; that the harbor
liad been blockaded nnd martial law declared.
The captain was further told that no freight
would be allowed to bo taken from the Richmond
mend , unless taken directly to the wharf of
the German Trading nnd Planting company ,
\vhoru it would bo opened nnd the propriety
Of admitting It bo passed upon by
Ilcckman , manager of the German
firm , and a person who xvnt In no way con
nected with the German government in mi
official capacity. This proceeding on
the part of the German war ship
verified the belief tlmt the German consul
had received important news from his gov
ernment. Soon after 0 o'clock In the morn-
Jng the following proclamation printed In
Kngllsh nnd Herman , but not in Satnonn ,
was issued by the Germnn consul , proclaim-
itiK n state of war for the Samonn islands :
"Any assistance to the rebels will be pun
ished by martial law , Irrespective of any na
tionality. The introduction of contraband
of war is prohibited. All vessels nnd
boats are llnblo to search by our authorities.
The police of Apia henceforth will act under
instruction * ! from the imperial German gov
ernment. "
An hour after the document had been is-
hucd a boat belonging to H. S. Moore , an
American merchant , which had gone along
side the Hichmoiid to obtain freight , was
aoited by the German guard boat. When the
elzuro was reported to Vice Consul Black-
lock ho at once communicated with Captain
Chilian , who wrote to Captain Fritz
Of the Adler , demanding nn explana
tion of the seizure and asking
that the boat bo nt once relented.
The German captain replied that Germany
had declared war against Samoa , nnd that
the boat was seized bccauxo Moore refused
to land his goods at the Gorman wharf. At
3 o'clock in the afternoon the German cap
tain gave nis consent that the boat be released
leased , nnd allowed Moore to land a few
head of cattle and sheep at his own wharf ,
but insisted that all other than live freight
bo landed nt the wharf of the Gorman firm.
Consul Blacklock addressed a letter to
Consul Knappo , requesting him to explain
whether Germany had declared war against
Samoa , aud also if martial law existed.
After several hours the German coimul sent
& reply , sr.ymg : "By order of the imperial
government the Germnn consul hnd pro
claimed martial law for Samoa until further
notice. " No reference was made In the
letter us to the declaration of war. Captain
I Mullan thereupon called upon Cap
tain Fritz and Inquired if war
hnd or had not been declared
by Germany. The German captain informed
Captain Mullan that war hud not been de
clared by Germany. Later Captain Fritx
Once more changed his statement , and told
the American ofllccr that war had boon de
On the afternoon of the 20th the British
ship Longfellow arrived in port from
the Pnullnu Islands , bound for Queens-
town with guano , having been
obliged tto put in for provisious.
She was immediately seized by the Germans
but after heir papers wore found to bo clear
the commander of the English war ship uo-
manded her release und the Gertnun guards
loft her.
On the afternoon of the 20th a proclama
tion was issued by the British consul notify
ing British subjects that , notwithstanding
the German proclamation , they were stilsub- ! |
ject only to the authority of the queen's rep
resentative. An hour later thu Gorman
captain issued u proclamation notifying the
British that , notwithstanding their consul's
notlix ) , they were under martial law , nnd
phoiild they in uny way interfere with the
authority they would be seized and tried ac
cordingly. That evening John C. Klein , the
American newspaper correspondent , who
has attained much notoriety in connection
With thu troubles , received secret informa
tion that Cautain Fritz and the German con
sul had decided to arrest him under the
martial law , try him and either execute or
deport him to thu Marshal inlands.
At 7 o'clock the following morning an
armed guard went on board the English mer
chant steamer Richmond and arrested nn
3Sngllsh tourist named Glllan , taking him on
board the Olga. They claimed Gillan was
arrested because ho was believed
to bo a spy. The Kngliub consul
> und thu captain of the English war ves-
BOl protested ngulust the arrest und notified
the Germans that Glllau would be tnUcii
back by force if necessary , Ho was then re
leased. A proclamation was Issued on Janu
ary " 1 by the American vice consul , Black-
lock , notifying the American citi/.ensof the
German proclamation of war , nnd forbidding
them to take part in any hostile operations
on either side , telling them that as long as
they remained nun combatants they would be
entitled to personal immunity and proteo
tion , That afternoon Captain Fritz notified
Editor Cusaok. of the Sumoan Times ,
that his paper had been suppressed from
tlmt date , because of the publication of cer
tain articles offensive to the German authori
ties , On the .Ud the German consul ,
ICnopiH ) , wont to Mutiaf ! ; H camp and was re
ceived by his chiefs , Mutaafa not appearing.
ICnoppo tojd them of the declaration of war
and of the establishment of martial law ,
which 1m said was directed against the
' American aud English residents , who hnd
been giving Mutuufu bad advice. Thu Ger
mans were only anxious to bo good fricnJs
with all Sumoans , but la case Mutnafa
refused to iiuiku pcauo the Germans
.would summon all the force necessary
to make war , The chiefs Informed the con.
ul that they would make no terms of pence
'unless ' u promise wns given in writing , in
tbe presence of tlio other consuls , that Tutu-
nseso und Brandels would be scut out of the
country and assurances given that Germany
would not take advantage of Mataafa and his
government , Nothing canto of the confer
John O. Klein was Ultcn on board the
Nlpalc 'or safety. A few days later Captain
Fritz snnt n letter to Captain Mullan , re
questing that Klein bo delivered to him for
trial fur his participation In the battle of
December IS. Captain Mullun replied brlclly
that the alleged charge * against Klein could
'bo ' settled only by thn governments nt Wash
ington und Berlin , and tlmt ho ivmUivcly ro.
lusiM to Uelluer him up. Klein was then
taken by the Nlpslu to Tutulla mid placed on
board Uia steamer Morlpoiu.
In un interview to-night Klein demos that
ho wus other tuna a ptuulvo spixlutor of the
battle In question , and say.s that the attempt
of the Germans to arrest him Is duo to their
hatred of any onn daring to state the roa
fuels regarding their aggressions , This was
illustrated In the case of Editor Cusaok.
l-'H"Tlimi CONGIUJ33.
Feb. 10. The senate bill to
place Major James BolRcr on the retired list
as colonel In the regular army was passed.
The senate resumed reconsideration of the
resolution reported from the committee on
privileges and elections as to the outrages in
Washington county , Texas , and Mr. Cole
proceeded with his argument , quoting exten
sively from the testimony to prove the bad
reputation of the three memorialists , Hnck-
worth , Moore and Sehutzc.
Mr. Cole yielded the floor to permit Mr.
Sherman to present the conference report on
the direct tax bill.
The house provision in relation to lots nnd
lands at Beuiort , S. C. , is amended so ns to
appropriate $500,000 , to pay for town lots in
Beufort ut a rate of half the value ussessed
thereon for taxes by the United States tax
commissioner for South Carolina , nnd nn
ntnount of W per acre for lands. The report
was agreed to.
Mr. Colto then resumed , but soon yielded
ngaln , in order to allow Messrs. Blair and
Edmunds , who were not present when the
direct tux bill was adopted , to express their
views In opposition to the bill. Mr. Colto
did not with to complete his remarks to-day ,
and the senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON ! Feb. 10. In the house Mr.
McCrcary of Kentucky , submitted thu eon
fcrennu report on the diplomatic und cousu
lar ap proprintion bill , Agreed to.
Mr. McMillan of Tennessee , from the com
mittee on ways uud means , reported a bill to
reduce taxation and simplify the laws in re-
la lion to the internal revenue.
Mr. Brcelduridge of Kentucky , from the
same committee , rccortcd a bill to reduce
taxation and for other purposes.
Mr. Kecil of Maine , uskcd that the report
on this bill be read.
The speaker stated that the Dili was not
before the house for consideration.
Mr. Uecd--Is there u report !
The SpeakerThere Is a brief report.
The bill was referred to the committee ol
the whole. The effect of the report on these
two measures is to pluco them upon thu
calendar iihcud of the internal revenue bill
to be reported from the cominiUeo on appro
priations , and to give thorn right of way , un
less the friends of the Cowlcs bill can muster
sulllcicnt force to set them aside.
Mr. Breckinridge of Arkansas , from the
ways und means committee , reported a bill
amending section ! i,50i ) . revised stniutos , re
Inting to the duty nn lumber.
Mr. Randall , from the committee on ap
propriations , reported the Cowles bill amend
ing the internal revenue laws , which was re
ferred to the committee of thu whole , to
gether with a minority substitute report , by
Mr. Forney.
The house then wont into committee of the
whole on the postofilco appropriation bill.
Thu pending amendment increasing the ap-
proprlation for the compensation of poitoftice
clerks -300,000 was defeated by u vote of
SO to 87.
Mr. Holman offered an amendment provid
ing that the ngarcgato salaries of postotlico
clerks , ns fixed by the new classification ,
shall not exceed the sum appropriated by
the bill ( jir)50,000. ( ) The amendment was
adopted after a brief debate , in tlio course of
which Mr. Peters of Kansas characterized
the civil service the froth of political
economy , the morass of political honesty , and
the excelsior of political hypocracy.
Mr. Kerr of Iowa moved to strike out the
clause relative to assistant postmasters.
Pending a vote the committee rose aud the
house adjourned.
Kent EtitntR and liiiilUing Business
liejiliiniiiK to Look Up.
There has been considerable of n revival iu
the real estate business during the past
week. For thrco days the totals raugcd
from forty-five thousand to seventy thousand
as follows :
Monday . $ 15,51
Tuesday . HG2l
Wednesday . ftt.179
Thursday . 44,77. >
Friday . ( ( ( ,
Saturday . 23,602
Total . . - . $ i2S,51
The building permits , us usual for the
season , are low. Following are the figures :
Monday . f I.IBO
Tuesday . 50n !
Wednesday . , ' . ' : > ( )
Thursday . 100
Friday . 1 , COO
Saturday . -
Total . $10,800
The bank clearings , as usual , register well
up on the .scale. The fi gurus are as follows :
Monday . $ 721S00.5C
Tuesday . ( il-l44,7i5 ! )
Wednesday . foO.ri'JO.-H
Thursday . ni'J.'Jity.'i
Friday . ( ild.OtM. 18
Saturday . SBH.SfiO.'U
Total . ? 3)33 ( ) , ; i.0.- ! ;
Increase 'J\,0. !
IMU000,000 ; : in uuiaiu ! n.
Last Sunday , TIIK BEI : published an esti
mate from seven of the leading nruhitccts of
the city of the valuation of now buildings to
be erected in this city for which they nro pre
paring plans. The figures aggregated $ ' . ' 10-
000 iu business blocks nnd manufacturing es
tablishments , nnd (545,000 in residences.
Vusturday three additional architects
were scon nnd the figures they gave
aggregated ? : > ; l < " > , ( i03 in business blocks und
manufacturing establishments and $ ? 00,000 in
residences , being a total of $ .VU'OUUfor these
three. Tills sum lidded to the lUniros given
last week gives a grand total of M/J'.M ' ,000
worth of new buildings , for which ten of the
architects of the city nro now preparing
In detail the estimates given yesterday
waru as follows :
Fowler & Biendorf are preparing plans for
the following buildings :
A four-story store room for I. Brown , to bo
located on Douglas street ; three throe-story
residences for C. S. Montgomery , Hurney
street ; four stores and flats for A , H. Glad
stone un Thirteenth street ; two stores uud
Huts for B , I'1. Troxel , Saunders street ; n 130-
foot hotel ouThlrtcoiilh ttlrcot ; three thrcii-
story store rooms for Bauiuum , Kram it Co. ,
Sixteenth street ; residences for A. M. Weir ,
Seymour park ; N. Shelton , California
street ; J. Uols , Locust street :
E. A. Benson. Brings' Place ; for the Mutual
Investment company , location not given ; for
the Missouri , Kansas und Texas Real Estate
nnd Investment company , location not given ;
block of six residences on Webster street ,
three stories high ; u fouv-story mill near Cut
OlT lake , the wliolo aggregating in value
' '
McDonald ft Ogilvy have on hand orders
to draw plans for a warehouse to ha built by
Edwards & Cromo on the corner of Eleventh
nnd Nicholas streets , at u cost of f ' 20,01)0 ) ; for
a $ tO,0H ) store building , to bo erected by John
EivliR , on tlm corner of Sixteenth nnd Web
ster another waroliouso to coat $ ' ' 5,000 , ; a
block of French flats to cost $ : IO,000 ; three
residences to cost ? 1OIX ! ) each ; two other
residences to cost $1,000 nnd S'.i.OUO respect
ively , the whole representing u total value of
$ lll,500. !
1. and I. Hodgson , jr. , uro preparing plans
as follows. For u residence to bo built nn
West Farnam street by O , M. Carter nt n
cost of $ 'JO,000 ; residence und tints for Mr ,
Creigh , value not given ; warehouses on
Lenvenworth street , between Seventh and
Eighth , nnd on Jones , between Eighth nnd
Ninth , for G. M. Troutman , of Philadelphia ;
for a residence to be built by Captain Marsh
cast of Hrowncll Hall , and for numerous
other storerooms , Hats and residences , the
whole aggregating u valuation of fJOO.OO'J. . '
For Iininunuel Hospital ,
Next Friday and Saturday the Immnnuol
hospital will nppoul to the charitably dis
posed citizens of Omaha for aid. The man
agement , however , offers value received to
the contributors , uud will give un absolutely
moral entertainment , entitled "Tho Lifo of
Joseph , " nt the Exposition hall. It will bo
Illustrated with twelve living tablnaux , mid
the vcrnl und instrumental recitals in uccom-
pnnlment will bo in chargu of Prof , J , K.
Butler und C , A. Jitcobson , Thu fact that
the entertainment is under the patronage of
thu Uov. Messrs. Fogolstroin uud Harslm
sj > ? .ils for stsolf.
It IB Bolng Ooneldorod By Commit
tees From Both Houses ,
An Intel-view With Mr. Jowctt on tin
Ouster County Division Question
LiCKlslntlvo Notes nntt
Thn Bun kin it Committees.
LINCOLNNob. . , Fob. 10. | Spocal ! to Tin
BIK , 1 The banking eomraltteei hold severa
Joint meetings at the Windsor hotel , ilstenci
to the opinions of a largo number of bank
era , nnd read numerous nnd varied bills in
troduccd _ Iu the present legislature. Tin
purpose was to secure light mid n solid basis
for a law for the bank regulation , of whiel
Nebraska is In such great need , but then
were so many conflicting opinions nmoiif
both bankers and legislators that no agree
mc-iit was reached uud the committees sepa
Senator Raymond had a bill prepared tlia
seemed to como nearest to the general oplnloi
ns to what was needed , but ho became impa
tient nt the delay nnd Introduced this meas
tire. Since then ooth committees havetnkei
the Raymond bill ns a basis for a now uieas
urc. The committees nro working scpa
rntely , but by exchanging opinions nro nr
riving at similar results.
The bill mnkes it unlawful for anyone tt
engage in banking unless ho hnve the capita
iiitllc.itcd in the followluc scale : In phioes
ol less than 1,000 inhabitants , $5,000 ; 1,000 tc
l.fiUl ) , $10,000 ; 1,501) ) to ' . ' ,000 , S15.000 ; 2,000 tc
3,000 , ? - > O.Ol > 0 ; 3.0JO to o.OOi ) , i > ,000 ; 5,000tr
10,000 , ! 0X)0 ( ) ; 10,000 to ! iO,000 , $ .VOJO , ; 20,001
toaO.ODO , $ 1,000 ; ill cities of over 40,000 ,
S UK ) , IKK ) . Quarterly sworn reports must be
made to the state treasurer showing the fol
lowing facts :
"The amount loaned upon bond and mort
gage , together with the list thereof ; the pat
value ami estimated market v-aluoof all stocker
or bond investments , doslRiiutmg each par
ticular kind und uuiouut invested in each ;
the amount loaned upon thu of securities ,
with a statement of the securities beta ns
collateral forsuch loans ; the amount loaned
upon notes , bills of exchange , overdrafts ,
und other personal securities , with the esti
mated market vnluo of such securities ; the
amount of rediscounts and commercial paper
past duo ; the amount invested in real estate ,
giving the cost of the same ; the amount of
cash on hand and on deposit in banksor trust
companies , with their names and the amount
deposited in each ; the amount or all other
assets , including acruod interest , not
enumerated above , and such other informa
tion as the state may require. " '
Commercial paper six months overdue , and
not in process of collection , may not bo In
cluded In the resources. The nflluavlt to the
statement may not bo made before uny one
connected with the bank. The statements
must be published. The treasurer may call
for special reports at any time.
The treasurer must appoint n person or
persons to examine every person at least
once each year. The examiner must malse a
thorough investigation , and is empowered to
administer oaths and compel the attendance
o * witnesses. The examiner will bo paid 510
n day while employed , but not to exceed
$2,000 a year. He must give n bond for
* 10,000.
A penalty of $50 is fixed for each day the
quarterly statement is delayed beyond a ten-
day limit from its date. The penalty for
nny statement , book entry or false exhibit
intended to deceive the examiner shall be a
Hue not exceeding $10,000 and imprisonment
in the state penitentiary from one to flvo
Each banking concern musthnvo on hand.
in lawful money , including sight exchange
nnd deposits iu other banks , 15 per cent of
the amount of its deposits. If the reserve
fall below 1. per cent the bank may not in
crease its liabilities except by acquiring sicht
exchange. If the deficiency continue thirty
days it shall be sufllciont cause for the ap
pointment of u receiver. The total liabilities
tor money borrowed may not exceed W per
cent of the capital , but the discount of bills
of exchange nnd commercial paper , made in
coodTaith , shall not be considered as money
borrowed. A bank is prohibited from re
ceiving deposits when insolvent. Such of
fense is made a felony punishable by a line
of not exceeding $10,000 or by imprisonment
not exceeding live years , or both.
If , any time , the state treasurer learn that
the interests of a bank's depositors have become -
come jeopardized he must notify the attorney
general , who must ask the supreme or dis
trict court to appoint a receiver. A state
ment of the faots In this clause will bo sufll-
cient for the appointment of the receiver ,
The Raymond bill miUtes depositors pre
ferred creditors , but the committees will
strike out that featurr. A provision will
probably be added covening savings banks.
National banks ure not ullccted.
Won't Tamper Witli tlio Statutes.
Li.vcoi.x , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special to THE
Bii.J : Senator Jcwett , of Broken Bow , has
a. little newspaper clipping stowed away in
his pookotbook that may came handy for
future reference.It was cut from Tiiu BEE
und contains an interview with Mr. J. Wood
Smith , of Cullaway , that reflects up6n Mr
Jewott. These gentlemen live in Custer
county. It is forty-six by fifty-four miles in
slzo , and there is a considerable clement in
favor of dividing it into four counties. Mr.
Smith imputes bad faith upon Mr. Jewell's
part by insinuating tlmt the latter is back of
u bill introduced in the house and intended
to throw obtac-les m the way of county
division. Representative Whitehead , of
Cubter county , made this explanation :
"Mr. Jowi'tt lives at Broken Bow , the
present county Boat , and is naturally opposed
to division. Representative Sergeant and
mysoll are for division. Tlmt issue was en
tered into in the early nurtottho canvass.but
for the sake of harmony nnd In the interest
of the party , the republican candidates
uurced , if elected , not to interfere witli the
existing laws relative to county division. I
urn confident , from the information I have ,
that Mr. Juwett is innocent of doing any
thing contrary to our agreement. "
"Mr. Smith's Insinuation is unjust , " replied -
plied Senator Jowett , in answer to a ques
tion. "I Imvo had nothing to do with the
house bill ho refers to , and did not know o *
its existence until nftcr it was printed.
I announced publicly' that I would
not t HIII per with our present sta
tistics govern lug county division ,
and tlmt i > o itiuti I still hold. If division
was thu issue , ' ' thu senator added with a
Binlli ! , "I think Custer uounty imfst bo very
nearly solid against it , for I had u majority
of 1U3 , * over Smith. His own prucinct gave
me n majority , and in n democratic precinct
adjoining I got 10S votes to his 5 , " und the
Kcnator's manner conveyed a suspicion that
Ills democratic ! opponent hnd personal reasons
for misrepresenting him. In this connection
it may be said that Mr. Jowctt is one of the
influential mouibors of thu senate. Ho does
not talk much , but when ho does he ex
presses himself tersely , clearly and force
fully. Ho is a faithful worker , nnd person-
illy is ono of the most highly respected sen
ators of this session.
The house bill referred to was Introduced
jy Uuprcsontatlvo Feuton of Richardson ,
It requires n threo-llfths vote to divide u
county , and provides that a proposition for
livlsion shall not again bo entertained until
.hreo years nf tor such a vote has boon taken ,
I'lio bill is said to have boon introduced to lit
.ho desires of certain residents of Holt
county ,
Fnrmei-ii' Institutes ,
Lixcoi.x , Nob. , Feb. lG. | .Spoolal to Tun
JUK , | Mr. Whitehead Of Custer introduced
a bill to-day , appropriating the sum of
2,500 annually , for the next two yearn , to bo
expended In holding farmers' Institutes. Ac
cording to thu provisions of the bill the
ircsident , tecrotary and board of rogauts
of the state university , the president and
secretary of the stuto agricultural society ,
ilorttciiltural society , Dairymen's assocla-
ion and SUUo Farmers' alliance are cons ti
nted a noard to superintend the holdiui ; of
the institutes and expend the money , They
ire required to nuine ouu of their own num
ber , who Is to receive a salary of f.(00 ( a year
ind expenses , to act ns special agent of the
ward in arranging for the meetings.
The bill further provides that no part of
.ho money shall bo used to pay local expenses ,
hat the Institute ahull continue from ono to
hreo days , nnd not ever $109 be expended at
any ouu i&cctint ; , Thu bill al o specillo *
that the purpose Or the mensuro Is to dl ;
pcnso "practical knowledge on topics pci
tninlng to the fnntf tfn agriculture , stock an
dairying nt the least , expense , to the people. '
Tlio ScoVllte ? Committee.
LIXCOLK , Neb. , . Feb. 16. fSpeclal Telegram
gram to THE B f.-jTho sergcnnt-nt-nrm
of the house returned this morning from Cul
bertson , bringing the two parties implicate
In the bribery busilicsa. The committee hol <
n very short session totday , as several mem
bers wished to go tjoni ? . H Is intimated thn
the doors of the pommlttco room will b
thrown open on Monday nnd the reporter
admitted. This means either that nothlui
tangible has boon developed , or that th
guilty parties have been named.
The statement published In nil Onmhi
paper this mornlnir that McNIcklo , of Gaac
has testified that money had been offered bin
to vote ngnlnst submission Is entirely with
out foundntlon.
Thcro is a rumor nflont that John A. Tny
lor had put the committee on the wronj
scent and hurried the nfTuir off on a wilt
goose chase to Culbortson , while the real par
ties who have knowledge of the transaction !
have got beyond the reach of n subpoena.
Ltscoi.x , Neb , , Fob , 1C . [ Special to Tut
Bmi.J The senate opened this morning will
eight members absent. Hansom also left
and Senator Paxton's bill for tha condemna
tion of n postolllco site nt Omaha was put on
its passage , going through without opposl
sltlon. Senator Howe also Improved the op
portunity to bring up his bill for globulin
glass ballot boxes In the committee of the
whole. It was ntuonded so ns to apply onlj
to cities of 5,000 or ever , and was approved
In committee of the whole ,
Tlio senate spent the larger share of the
morning In wrestling with tlio Fuuck ballotl
bill , which was explained i\t length in Tin :
BKE n few days ago. It rcnulatcs the size ,
color , type , paper , and method of voting
election tickets , The bill was cut and
slushed without mercy , und in despair of
getting the disovered pieces together the
senate put the bill back on the general file ,
It will probably mnko another try next
Senators Ncsbltt , Howe , Paxton , Uobin-
son , Norvnl , Hoehu , and Pope , were ap
pointed to meet with u house committee and
arrange a joint session of the legislature to
receive Senator Manderson. The senator has
sent word that ho will bo in Lincoln next
The senate adjourned at noon to meet Mon
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 10. | Special to Tun
BHK.J Many members of the house wore ab
sent this morning.
Mr. Rhodes of Pawnee offered the follow
ing , which was unanimously adopted :
Whereas , Hon. Charles F. Mandcrson ,
United States senator , will bo in Lincoln ,
Monday , February 19. Therefore , be it
Resolved , That it is the sense of the house
that the legislature meet in Joint convention ,
for the purpose of receiving Charles F. Man-
derson , senator-elect.
Hesolvod , That a committee of seven bo
appointed to act with n like committee on the
part of the senate'to provide for a suit
able reception in joint convention of the sen
ator , j
The speaker appointed the following as
members of the above/ committee : Rhodes ,
Berlin , Winters , Truesdcll , Sovedn , Crugen
and Larson.
The house wont into committee of the
whole to consider bills-oil general file.
A bill declaring dogs to be "property , " and
providing for their.taxation . , was finally or
dered to'a third reading. Also a bill prohib
iting county couftsfrom directing their pro
cesses t.v any peace ofllter : except the sueriff.
Mr. Whitehead introduced a bill providing
for the holdinc of county instiutes and ap
propriating $2.500 annually for two years for
the same. The bill makes it the duty of the
board of regents of. 1119 state university to
appoint a superintendent , xvho shall servo at
a salary of 8300 per scar , and hold meetings
to discuss all farm , problems at such points
in the state as t lion'may bo a demand.
The house then .ftdjournod until 2 p. m.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Feb. 10. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] To-day was pay day and a largo
number of employes appeared ut the desk of
the chief clerk and drew their little war
The whole house is gradually settling
down to the opinion that Tom Cooke , first
assistant clerk , is the right man in the right
pluco. He has charge of the journal , und
in every case the record has beeu found cor
rect to a dot. Tom is a decided success.
The house was unable to do anything to
day. The temptation to spend Suddny at
homo nnd save some expense is too much for
the nvcrauo legislator , and the minority ,
after voting down two or three motions to
ndjourn , yielded tothoincvituDloand allowed
the resolution to carry.
Shall dogs bo taxed J wns the problem that
the salons in the house were endeavoring to
solve to-day. They finally concluded to lot
a man keep all the dogs ho may desire and
pay taxes on their "value. "
The Hampton committee Is doing thor
ough work and cannot help weeding out at
least one-third of the employes of the house ,
especially in some d"partmeuts ,
Mullnno's Co.irnu Approved.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. When shown the
Snmonn advices received from San Fran
cisco to-day , Secretary Bayard to-night said
that Captain Mullnn , of the Nipsic , hnd acted
sensibly in Inking care of Klein , tlio corre
spondent. Quito naturally exasperated by
the killing of their countrymen , the Gcr-
muns had fallen into the error of suoposing
that Klein was the leader of the native
forces and had wished to punish him. There
fore ho was glad that Klein had gotten
back safely to the United States.
Of the other events chronicled in the dis
patch , the seoretury pointed out that since
this data the telegraphic advices showed that
martial law hnd beeu abolished , so far ns it
applied to foreigners , and that the Gorman
oftlcjals had been rebuked. Ho hud noticed
in the newspapers , although ho had no offi
cial Information on the subject , that German
consul Knnppo nnd Hcrr Brundiss , Tamas-
scu's adviser , who , according to some
accounts , hnd been responsible for foment
ing strife , had boon ordered homo by the
German government. If this was true , the
htalo of affairs promised to bo much relieved.
Altogether , the secretary was hopeful that a
speedy , peaceful and satisfactory settlement
of the Sauioan affairs would bo reached. Ho
had , ho said , received no news from Samoa
later than that sent ) to congress and already
published. n
V. M , P ! , A. Brio ft.
James Hllborry , formerly stenographer at
thoY. M. C. A. , has rusignod his position
thcro nnd engaged .with the Pullman Palace
Car company in a like Capacity.
Physical UirectoV Kerr , of the Sioux City
association , was a guostat the rooms yester
The membership' ' Is rapidly reaching 500 ,
the limit of the number of gymnasium lock
ers , . , , |
State Secretary Nu t'Waa a visitor ut the
hall yesterday , |
The monthly mop ting ; of the reception com
mittee decided that tliq.r.oxt reception shall
bo given to railroaders ;
Thn mcmbership 'co'rfimittoo met with the
reception committee nt tea at 0 o'clock. This
committee U doing sbmo earnest work in its
line , and at this session considered the sub
ject of "Ways and Moans. "
Xew Switch Ynrdw.
The Union Pacific will , in the near future ,
commence the construction of a now switch
yard at Summit , to be used for storage of
freight received , uud will also extend the
spur trackage in the yards ut Twentieth
street , necessitating the laying of over three
miles of side track.
Special Sorvlofs- .
Yesterday arrangements for carrying a
mall pouch on the Golden Gate special on
the Union Pacific- were completed , and here
after that train will convoy nmil matter dis
tributed to points east of the Missouri river
from Sail Francisco. Chicago null New Vork
mall in the iuain will bo handled. This move
la brought about in thu i.itorosM of the com-
uiorcial circles of San F
Iowa OommlBsloiiora Asked tc
Grant Cortalu Concessions.
A I'oRtofllce llumcd The \Vlnonn A
Southwestern A Prominent Koo-
ktik Attorney Dcnil Otticr
Him key c New * of Interest.
Hnllrond Men In Conference.
DBS MOISTS , la , , Tob , 10. [ Special Tel
egrnm toTne HiE.l A number of proml
nont railroad men , including President Per
kins , of the Burlington road ; Genera
Freight Agent Bird , of the Milwaukee , nuc
Judge llubbnrd , tlio Iowa solicitor of tin
Northwestern , liiivobeen In conforcuco with
the railroad commissioner hero to-day
They frankly stnted to tlio commissioner tlmi
they bail como to ask for some relief fron
the present schedule of rules. Their alarn
at tlio situation was not duo simply to the
expected reduction in revenue in Iowa , but
they any that if tlio present low rates were
sustained in lown the same would bo de
manded in Illinois and Nebraska and other
states , and all of their interstate rates
would Imvo to bo cut down correspondingly.
This , they snid to the commissioners ,
meant a great cripullug of the service
in order to lesson expenses or Inevitable
bankruptcy. They snm that whllo the road
mil-lit do business at a loss in this state , the
proportion of their local business was only
about 'M per cent ol the intor-stato business ,
and if the present interstate rates wore al
lowed to remain the roads could keep their
heads out of water. Hut such a result would
not follovv if the Iowa rates wore sustained.
These rates are 15 per cent lower than the
Illinois commissioners' rates , and Illinois
would Insist on having the Iowa rate mid so
would all the other states. For thin reason
they urged the commissioners to change their
schedule anil give the Illinois rates. The
commissioners giivo them no direct reply ,
though Commissioner Day states that in his
opinion some changes ought to bo made and
will bo made.
Olosctl by Die Inspector.
DES MOIXKS In. , , Feb. 10. - [ Special Tele
gram to Tim lliii : . ] Most of the coal
mines of this stuto have been running nt less
than half their capacity. The mines have
been , as far as sanitation is concerned , in
good condition. In a few instances only
have the inspectors boon compelled to Inter-
fore. One of those instances was at
the Fishvillo mines , Mahnsku county. Inspector
specter James Gildroy has been compelled
to close down on this mine because the man
agers had refused to comply with his recom
mendations ns to ventilation. Three thou
sand cubic feet of air was tmulo to do duty
for 117 miners , eight drivers , three roadmen
and n motley collection of mules and don
keys. Ho says they ought to have at least
18'H)0 ) cubic feet. The managers , as soon as
the mine was closed , went to work to con
struct the necessary air shafts , etc. Mr.
luildroy states that when ho closed the mine ,
a step only to bo resorted to in extreme
cases , many of the men who had been suffer
ing raised objections because it would com
pel a cossatson of work for a few days for
The Intor-Stato Con vontlon.
DBS MOINE& , la. , Feb. Ifi. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BicGovernor ] Larrabeo has
been ofllcially notified by Governor Hum
phrey , of Kansas , that the inter-state
convention to take action against pork and
beef combinations will be held in St. Louis
on the 12th of March. The scheme for this
convention originated witli the Kansas legis
lature , and has received the endorsement of
the governors of various western states , and
they have agreed to see that delegates to
represent the respective states w'lloo in at
tendance. Governor Larrabee has not yet
appointed the Iowa delegates , but will do so
in the near future. The purport of the con
vention will be ID agree upon some line of
action for all of the western states to follow
in the hope that a combined opposition of
these states inuy succeed in overthrowing
these gigantic combines. Governor Lar-
rabeo is in hearty sympathy with the move
ment and will see that Iowa is well repre
sented. _
The \Vinona A Southwestern.
Four DOI > GC , la. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bni.j Jt was learned in this
city this evening from the Winona & South
western ofllcials that a continuation of the
construction will bo commenced on that road
within the next thirty days. Preparations
uro being made rapidly to begin grading.
The ofllcials say that the work of construc
tion will bo pushed with the same vigor and
promptness that marked the construction of
the first twenty miles. The location of the
road has been dolinitcly determined , and
will build to Oiaahu and Sioux City , via.
Fort Dodge. _
Kuilroad No ten. .
Thomas W. Leo has resigned the position
of genera ) passenger agent of the Luke Erie
& Western in view of taking his position
March 1 as assistant general passenger agent
of the Union Pacific.
The Atlantic express on the Union Pacific
was one hour late yesterday morning result
ing from a Heavy train and the stor in.
W. H. Holcomb's private car " 100" has
just emerged from the shops with now sets
of wheels manufactured out of compressed
The now rotary snow _ plow for the Union
Pacific will be wheeled into Omaha ever tlio
Hock Island about Tuesday next. 'Ho who
laughs lust laughs best. '
, T. S. Tubbets , who will step from the general -
oral passenger to the general freight depart
ment of the Union 1'acitic March 1 , is de
voting a portion of his time at present in the
freight department.
A Pnlicninun Healing.
Last .night Mayor I3roatch und Messrs.
Gilbert and Smith transacted the business
usually ulbttod to the board of fire and
police commissioners , the other members of
the board being absent. It was decided that
applicants for position on the force should
appear for examination April 13. Officer \V.
K. Adams bunded in his resignation , which
was accepted. Superintendent George A.
Coulter , of the lire and police alarm system ,
nskod for an increase In salary. The ap
plication was loft over. Officer Frcoland
was given lenv < j of ahsunco until March 1 ,
and after contracting with the ( iutta Perchu
& Hubber company for 2,000 feet of hose , at
cost of SJ.OOO , to be delivered in twenty days
and paid for Juno 11 , the board adjourned ,
Dully Veatllmlo TvnliiH.
The Union Pacific and the Southern Pa
cific have entered into a combine , and about
Aprlf.l n daily vestibule train service Will bo
instituted between Omaha und Sun Fran
cisco , The now combination will require HX !
vestibule trains und the same will be fur
nished jointly by the two companies. One of
the thrco to bo furnished by the Union Pa-
cllic will bo tlio Golden Gate Special , the
schedule time of which will Do changed lor
the occasion. It is stated tliut this deal is
made to cut in oil the Burllngtoii' tranio to
Denver und that of the other transcontinen
tal lines to the coast.
nt Headquarters.
General Tralllo Manager Mellon has boon
assigned the quarters formerly occupied by
Thomas L. Klmball , when no was at the head
of the traftlo donartuiont of the Union Pa
cific. The rooms occupied by Mr. Mclleii
will bo occupied by the general manager. D ,
O , Clark , of the fuel department , has boon
assigned a sullo of rooms on the second floor.
Joe Jtyun HloU.
J , II. J. Hyan Is lying dangerously ill at his
residence , corner of Lowe uud Mercer aven
ues , Ho contracted a severe cold about ten
days ano und it is feared that It may yet re
sult fatally.
Tim Weather Indication ! * .
Nebraska mid Dakota : Clearing , colder
northerly winds.
Iowa ; Generally fair , much colder north
westerly wind * .
MorRntrs Kail ,
The fifty-mile race between Senator Mor
gan , of London , Knglnud , and Charlie Ash
ingor , nt the Colosseum , attracted a crowi
of 8,000 people. The race was close nnd OK
clthi ? up to the forty-fourth mile , when Mor
gnu , who was trailing closely , made a mis
calculation and ran into the polo and turned
a complete somersault over his wheel , falllnf
flat upon bis back upon the turf track
Morgan was badly stunned , but quickly recovering
covering himself , mounted his wheel nnd
plucklly continued the race. He inndo fre
< iucnt efforts to recover the lap ho lost by the
accident , but they were unavailing. Ash
inger was too oveuly matched , und It was
evident that ho was the winner. The mlslini
robbed the race of much of its Interest , ami
although Morgan rode heroically , it was nc
use. Asbinger won the race by otio lap In
It was thought by ninny spectators that
the fall was a deliberate attempt to throw
the race.
The female byeiclists who have been en-
irngcd in nslx days' race at Mailison Square
Garden , New YorK , during the past week ,
will bo hero fo' * n rnco In the Colosseum , IK > -
ginning Monday , March 11Hilly O'LJrien
has telegraphed Manager Prince to miikn all
arrangements. Among the starters will bo
M'lle. Arnmindo , Hulda .Swallow , Kittle
Hrown , Jessie Onkes , Jcssio Woods , Lulu
Hurt , B. Von Ulumeii , Lizzie Stanley.
Minnie McSbane , Louise Fox , ilattle Lewis
uud Kuiily Baldwin ,
A Ohnllongo.
OMAHA , Neb. , Fob. 17. Sporting Kdltor
HRG : It 1ms always been my plan to receive
defeat , as well as victory , in the proper
spirit , but owing to the accident which be
fell me last night , it is no moro than fair nnd
in justice to my supporters to challenge Ash-
ingcr to a race on next Saturday night , of
from one to fifty miles , for $ , " > ( ) or { 100 a side ,
winner to take all receipts. Yours ,
' Sr.N-A.TOIl" . J. MOWIAN.
Have deposited fr > 0 with Johu.J. Hurdin to
bind the match.
Diamond I'Mnshes.
Manager Seleo was very sensible in con-
clutllng to hold on to .lack Nuglo , Ho is u
great catcher , nnd a great favorite , here.
Catcher Sami Trott has drifted out of the
Western association again. Ho will manage
the Nowarks , of Newark , N. J" , , tills year.
Tug Arumlel , with the St. Louis Whiles
last season , has gotten himself Into jail nt
Auburn , N. Y. , for beating up a policeman.
The Ues Molncx club has released Pitcher
F. U. Smith from reservation. The Prohib *
uro trying to purchase Monk Cline of Kansas
Big Wilson , the back-stop , Is nt his home
in Brooklyn , and writes that he is willing to
try Omaha another season , and ut a reduced
M'limger Selee and President McCormick ,
as well as Secretary Brandt , are all confi
dent that omaha will finish butter than last
St. Joe has signed , the supple
little backstop of last season's Syracuse
Stars. Shellhasso Is a weak batter , but an
excellent catcher.
Young Freeman , the last pitcher signet
by the St. Louis Browns , is in the icily , Hit
pucst of Dr. Hughes , corner Sixteenth ani
Webster streets.
The captaincy of the Omaha team has not
been touched upon yet , but it will likely bo
left to a vote of the players , Andrews would
make a good man.
No Western association pitcher * will si/io
up the Omaha team us u anap after they once
face Lelghton , Canavan , Cleveland Cam-
pana and Andrews.
All of the Western association teams , this
coming season , will bo backed by men of
wealth and business reputation , which in
sures their success.
Ted Kennedy says ho will pitch better
ball than ever this year. Ho is anxious to
come back to Omahu , but as yet Willis is the
only pitcher signed.
Alainazoo Jennings , of Cincinnati has ,
made application for a position on the umpire
start of the Western association. Alauia/oo
must be disappointed.
Charlie Willis , the New England pitcher ,
has been suriicd by Manager Selec. Ho
pitched for Portsmouth last season , and was
generally a sure winner.
Headers of Tim Bun the base ball organ
of Omaha should derive some satisfaction
from the fact that all its news has more or
Hess of a local application.
All talk about Pittsburgh wanting to sell
Staley , the old Western association pitcher ,
is bosh. He is one of tlio most promising
rotators of the National league.
Manager Selee writes that his present
team is the strongest aggregation that lie
ever succeeded in getting together. Ho lias
sent J. ,1. Hardln an order for thirteen pairs
of shoes.
"Patsoy Oliver Tebcnu , " savs the Globe-
Democrat , "has at last succeeded in raising
a moustache , and ho glories iu a few seattur-
inu hairs on each jaw which he calls his
"Hurnsldes. " Let 'em grow , Pat , they'll
hide your cheek.
There may be such r. thing as Omaha's
holding Canton to its deal for Crooks. Ahonu
fide sale was made , but Canton refuses to
come to time. The best thing Crooks ran do
now Is to sign u contract with Omaha ut
Omaha's pric ? ,
A friend writes TUB Bmi that Omaha will
bo pleased with Dig Cleveland , and adds
that ho was not well all through his engage
ment with the Pittsburgs , and tlmt when iu
condition he is one of the surest and prettiest
hitters in the country.
The arbitration committee will have its
hands full this spring , and no mistake , Joe
Ardner , ttio spcond baseman of the St , .foe
team , lias jumped his contract and gone to
California. This case , with that of Alvuni ,
Vouch and others , will maUo lots of work.
The Milwaukee papers are filled with ac
counts of their gilt edge team , nnd intern ! to
tear tlio lining out of the stilt-legged jays
uud young blood hams of this city. Mil-
waulccu has u severe case of swelled head ,
nnd the OmnhoKs will have to jump upon
them with both fcot when they couio to
Old John Caiiipana , the fumrms long-dis
tanco pedestrian , and father of Camnana
who plays third hero this season , was iu the
city a few days since en route to San Fran-
Cisco. Old John called ut ihe Colosseum and
gave Messrs. Hurdin , Pnui'o , Morgan and
others a sample of the Btylc of his boy's
play. If the sire's word goes , tlio sou is a
Questions nnd Answer" .
Will you please inform us of the niiniborof
miles in the last oluhtcmi-hour bicycle rare
won by Princof Miner Bros.
Answer Three hundred and fifty-four.
To decide a bet pleasu slate wh i holds ilm
ISnglish records from four to twenty mile. * '
Ans. S. G. Whittalcer , an American , and
well known iu Omaha.
Please state in Tin : UHU'S Sunday sporting
department whom Paddy K.yuu won the
championship from. 15 , 'J1. Hall.
Ans , No one. The only time ho fought
for the championship was when he mot Sulll-
van at Mississippi City. His light with old
Joe Goss wax not u championship battle.
Will yon plenso write mo whether a
Western iiKsooliition player can bo held for
next season ut u reduction of salary Horn
what he received lust year ( J. 'i. C. , Chi-
Aiis. Tin : HII ; : answers no question : ) by
mail , Ho can.
When will the playing schedule bo pub
lished in Tin : Hin : I-Amateur , Omaha.
Ans. As soon as ratHR-d by the associa
tion , which will probably bo the llrst week
In March.
To settle n dispute , will you please state
the fastest time mudo in a flfti-milo bi--ydo
race , und obllgol 11. < t M.
Ans. By F. F , Ives , against time , ut
Springfield , Muss. , October 1" " , l.-Wl.
Will you please decide the following bet ?
I bet George W. Williams $ ) that there
never was a stake of $10,000 fought for Iu
Ainurioa , U. J. Cohen ,
AIIS.- You lows , Tom Hyrr and Yuiikeo
Sullivan fought at Hock Point , Md , , Ftibru-
iiryT , 1WO , for f 10,000 , H.ver winning ,
Can you state in Sunday's UIK : the lurgeht
number of liming' over played iu u iwmu of
huso ballf - K. T. Milieu , Union PacUk head
Ans , Twenty-four , Harvard vs. Man
chester , Boston , Mass. , May 11 , ISbT.
R L. Loinux , of thu Uulou Pacllic , is In
New Vork.
For Young Wllllnm D. Moou , Who
Has Flod.
Anil 1IU Ilnnmirut Hcnl.ikln Over-
ooat Quito Turned tlio
YOIIIIK lrullos'
A Society Darling.
, Nob. , Fob , 10. fSpivlal to Turn
BIK. : 1--W. B. Moon , who has boon elo.-kim ?
In various stores In Toknumh for the past
live years , indulged iu seal skin ovonvwU
and diamond studs and went in the very bnu
society , lias been requested to leave town by
the Indignant merchants of that burg , wh. . m
ho has robbed In sums varying from SLOW to
$ l. . " > 0t ) each. Ho was a great favorite among
the ladies , and many fair maidens are sup
posed to bo woepmg iu silence for a form
that has vanished ,
Tlio Kcyu I'nlm Vl ltiuito. .
LONO Pi xn , Neb. , Feb. 1(1. ( [ Special Tele
gram to Tins HKK.J There is more alarm
about the Koyn Palm vigilant eommittiu1 tluin
tlioriJ is any necessity for. The peoino liv
ing along the Dnkotu line in that county have
been losing hundreds of cattle and IIOI-.SM
this lust summer , and now they nave appre
hended the parties who have boon instru >
mental in taking them , and a body of law
abiding citizens , who nro the losers , Imvo
talion clmrgu of the men captured and are
holding them till they find out for sure
whether the ntnto of Nebraska or the Torn
lory of Dakota has jurisdiction ever thorn.
When this is determined they will bo turned
ever to the proper authorities. Tlio ontllo
belong to citizens oi Nebraska and were
herded In Dakota. One of the parties turned
over fifty head of cattle and ijoOil m money ,
but the people in this neighborhood don't
fear that any mob law will be put Into execu
Klra ,
GIUNMI IM.AMI , Nob. , Fob. 10. - [ Special
Tologrnm to Tint Bin : . ] The most disas
trous lire that has visited this city within the
[ last three years broke out to-day iu thu
Thummel block , occupied by Withers &
Kollsnsn dry goods house. The building
was of frame , veneered with brick , und tlio
! lro spread very rauidlv. The lojses uro.
George H. Tliummel , building , fo.OOO , ffl.OUt )
iisuraneo ; Withers & Kolls , stock , $20,010 ,
$14,000 insurance ; Dr. Miller , dental olllce ,
NVKI ; Or. Finch , dental oflloe and furniture ,
< , " > ( > . Thu origin of the lire is unknown , but
it was probably caused by u stove.
For the Maiulerson Reception.
LIXC-OI.X , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Bini.l The committee to ar
range for the reception of Senator Mander-
son met at the Windsor hotel und agreed on
a joint session of the two houses at half past
o'clock Tuesday. The house will he cleared
of eyerybodv at noon , and admission will be
by ticket. Each legislator and state oflicer
will bo allowed flvo tickets , including one for
himself. Senator Nesbit and Itcpruscntutivo
Uhodes are thu committee to notify Senator
Mandcrson of the arrangements.
Short in His AocoiinlH.
GRXOV , Neb. , Feb. ill. ( Special to Tint
Bui : . ] Quito a .sensation was created
throughout this county yesterday by the re
port of n committee of the county board , ap
pointed to Investigate the books of ex-County
Clrrk Shumakor , to the effect that hu is
short JS50. Slinmaker was cK-oled three
the "reform" issue raised
years ago on on
the discovery of u small shortage in the ac
counts of J.V. . McClessaud , county clerk ut
that time.
V. HI. C. A. Convention.
BE\TIICK , Neb. , Fob. 10. ( Special to
Tin : BUK.J The male choir of the Ue-itriea
Young Men's Christain association , of
twenty-four members , together with about
fifteen other members of the association ,
went to Pawnee City this afternoon Lo attend
a district Young Men's Clirlstain nssocirtiou
Seriously Siahlioil.
WII.IIEII. Neb. . Fob. it-- [ Special to Tin :
BKI : . ] Joseph F. Rudil was seriously stabbed
Id tin ? neck by Ben Chesnoy lust night , Thu
affray took place in .Miko Jloltuf'h saloon.
Radii is at the hotel very low and Chesney
has loft town.
Tno I'poplc I'roposo to Prolpct Thorn-
nclvjr ) AK'ilnot Tliicvcs.
MI-XT , ICoya Paha County , Neb. , Feb. 15.
[ Special to Tin : Bin : . ' The statements
made In the columns of Tan BIE : relative to
tbe stealing of cattle in Koyn. Paha county
are calculated to give the people living at a
ilistanco a wrong impression of this county
and people.
Bordering , ns this county does , upon the
Sioux reservation , the running of cattle upon
the same lias been the principal souri'iof
revenue to the settler * living upon the ICoya
I'aha river. Until within thu last two yenru
they Imvo not bec-n moU'.sted nor put to any
Inconvenience , except the pa.Miiont of small
sums to the Indians. Since tlmt time cattle
liavi' mysteriously disiipponrud ut itilervila ,
ind during the cummer aud fall great ,
lumbers have been taken , entailing great
loss ami vexation to the farmers who owned
ihcm , That they were Ktolcn theru was no
loiibt , but mieh was the ingenuity of
the thiovuH that until ( | tilto recently no clno
could bo obtained.
A few determined mnii set to work to fer
ret out the thlcviM and succeeded in finding
; hat there wns a well orgiinUi'd band on-
'aged in the ncfimouA biisinens , and that
Huong the mcmbors wiiro MIIIIO who figured
rather prominently in society.
'I'h. ? thefts bofomliiK more mid moro fro-
intuit and the perpetrators out of the reach
> f Nebraska law , the cattle having boon
uUcn while on the iv.sunMlirni , the poophi
.ei'imii' fuliy aroused mi. ] vigilance commit-
oes Imvo bc''N formed with the avowed In
cut inn of ini'tmg out nummary Justice or
Irinng tlio thieves out of the country. Up
o present writing no derisive measures hnvu
( O''ri taken , but thu ueoplo mean to protect
licinsulvci from sueli lawlessness
"Huin. . "
Tin ; Gnrhnite ( . 'notion.
The city council met as a committee last
ilu'lit nn , I devoted its time to hearing the
Merits ol thn MorU garbage destroyer , dis-
! iis c > d by Mr. Soidenborg , the ugont of the
Jiulalo company. Tlio system has already
icon dcs nln'd in Tun BISK , and the company
ilaims U > be wilUng to put In $ T&.WX ) or
; SO,0 W plant ut their own expense nnd do-
troy the garhiiu'e as cheaply pur ton as any
irori'ss can do. In this case It would wnvo
ho city llio cost nf the cremator. They
ilium a capacity of from ten 10 five hundred
ons pur day , ns may bo required , und citu
ho contract made tor a term of three u-ar.H
vlth the city of Milwaukee , whom they nru
mid ? l ! > , r > iH ) per annum and the city delivers
ts imrhiigo at the works. It was decided to
ut Mr. Soldunborg make n definite propo.ii-
Inn to the council , which would then cou-
Mer it.
llooinnrti ,
A meeting of .ho Nchrur.lcu branch of the
Jltluhonm colony association wn held nt
CiASHlor'B hall on South Thirteenth btrcot
us ! night for thn purpose of selecting a com-
iiittoc to go to Oklahoma and lomto the
Cobraskn colony ut once. The couimiUcn
iiipqintuil Is composed of Cantab ) J , 1) ,
Smith , J. B. West und Danlol O'Niilll. The
ait mimed gentleman Is of South Oinn'm.
Twenty now inornbcrs were reroivod.
Untlior meeting will bo held Wednesday
light ut the Bamu place.
Henry 0. Clioui-y , who foe i\ long time has
icon chief cleric of the general passenger
epiir'mcnt o ( the Fremont , Kikhorn & MU-
ouri Vnlloy , was yeHttrdny appointed nsfUl-
nt general passenger ngont of that roul ,
fjth hciidiiuurtcrs in Omaha , tlm npnoiuV
iicut having iaiuicdintcly gaiic lute uffuot-
" - "
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