Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1889, Page 10, Image 10

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No n < leitlscMiirnlB will l c tnkon fo
HIPHP columns nltrr 11M > p. in ,
1'crinn Cnsli In nilvnnce.
Advertponunts under this head lOcentspc
line for tno flist Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
rmtiHit Insertion , nnd J1.W ) per linn PIT numtli
No ndxiirtlsemcnt Inkon for less tlnn "i rent
thn first Insortlon , Seven xvords will bocnuntei
totlio line ; they mint run conscriitlxcly tini
must bo puld In ADVANOH. All adxertlMi
menu must lie lmnilc'1 tn before 12 : { > ) o'clock n
in. , nnil umlcr no circumstances will they to
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties adxcrtlslnglntlipse columns nnd tax
ing thplrnnsxrirs addressed In enroot TUB Ilf I
will picnic ask for n tliock to ennblo thoin to ge
their letters , us nonn will bo dollx cred except 01
presentation of check. All nnsxxirs to ndxer
tlsemetits should bo enclo oo'.ln envelopes
All ndvortlsenients In tlies * ) coliiinns nre pub
llshod In both morning nnd ex-cnlng editions o
Till. Ili'f , the circulation of which aggregate *
tntirc thnti 1"M ( ) papers daily. mm Riven the ml
vurilMM-Ntho nemilt. notonly of thn tit } rlrcu
latlonof TIIK tin , but also of Coumll IHniT *
Lincoln iind oilier cities mid low us throiighou
Mil * section of thecounlrj.
Adxertlslngfor tlieso columns \xlll bo tnket
on theaboxo toiulltlons. at the following bnsl
ncMlioiiHio.xhWroauthorl7nl agents for Tin
llr > Kjicilal uotlies , and will ipioto the sunn
latex as can be had nt the muln odUo.
* jHN ) > \ . IH' , I'lumiiadst ,
TTsr , \ m ) .Stntloners nnd Printers , II ,
0 ' outh Ifith tirot.
II rAt.VS\\oHTnri'Tiarnnc.Tst.anJ ! Cum
T\r .1. liroill . I'hBrimicln.TsT'North Ibtl
. Stuct.
" KO W PAIIH , lUmrmiicIst , liouTt. "
good iirrnil and take linker x\aiits a situn
A tlon. AddiissChurlusStill , Joliot. 111.
22 ! ) 17 ?
" \VANTii > situation lly xoung xvtdow xxltli
TI a bnb ) to do light xxoik In nice fam
ily. Address Itri H.-oollice , 1'Jfl-lS'
' AllHSr-el.iHs diesHiiiukir xxlth nil easten :
'I experience xx Ighns pinulox'inotit hv the dnv
In good fnmllles. Call or address in IN isti
Bt. ell ) . 205'J2'
\\7A.V1 IIDllv n middle-aged lady , n posT
Ti tloiiascasldoi In restaurant , experienced
nnd best of references. Address H 2H , lice of
tlco. U74 IK
"V\rAN'II3D Salesmen everywhere for 0111
T adjustable iloor plates ( can sell nnd de
llx er at once ) , four styles i f door bolls , metal
nnd xx bite i iinmol letters , liouso number , i tc.
Samples , circulars etc , fieu. Nexv Vork Door
Pinto Co. Allinnx , N. V. SV ! }
A(5iNTs ; xxanted to tack cards ntidshow snm.
pies In stores and public places for ono ol
tlipbnxt soiling nrtlt IPS used m ex ery house
hold ; ? - daily mid commission on sales In
lluenced. Fond r > cents for postage on sample"
nud particulars. Addioss 1'rlde , 1 * . O box MO ,
\ork .M 17 *
"VirAN'l ID ! Agents In exeixIt ) nn oxxnln
T > the I iilteii Stales to solicit Mibse'iptloii'i
for the handsomest and most popular Jl.ixin
your mngi/ine published ; liberal limiiioinonts
in commissions , and hnndsoino premiums , Ad <
dtess Mnga/Iue , P. O. llox 177" , New Yoik City.
iil'i ] 'i ' ;
\\rANTHD A competent hat salesmnn , ouo
T T thoiouglily acquainted xxlth Oinah i trade ,
nnd can comn with undoubted rcforenci s us to
nbllltx and habits. It xvlll be nsclusi foi any
other to applx. Address llox 22' ) , clt ) . 21018
WANTI1D F.xpcrienccd lodge organl/er for
bonox-olentorder. pnmg living anddeatn
benelllsi. Hoom CJ , Ashland block , Chicago. 111.
WANTKD Snlosintn. tiaxolmg In either
loxxn , NebrasKa or Knnsis , to tarry a Hue
of wool hosier ) nnd miltciis for old established
factoiy. Addtoss W , H. Putnam , LaCiosse , x13. .
ANTRD-At smelting xxoiks In tha east , a
thorough and practical smelter , and un.
dorstanding tlttflng and Drop u itlonof slag for
gold sulphides andsllxer load ones Address.
Mating experience. < | iiillllcalion- , reference ,
nnd salary expected , P. O. box , 7J7 ; Haltlmore.
Md. 212-17 *
"V\rANTiD : Photoijinpher. Hist class printer.
T > at once. Appl ) at Plct , 1400 Fai mini st.
211-17 *
W AN rnU-DInlng room girl , 1001 N 10th st.
2--'l 1' )
WANTRU Cnrpontcr to do the xvork on sex--
cral houses to be built and take house and
lot ns part pax mont , A. W. McLiugblln , Iloom
618 1'avtou bldg. 215 1
WANTIJD Agents for oui noxv patent fire-
pioof sates , slo i.8xl8xl8 , xx eight fiOtllba. ,
retail price Wi.othois In proportion. Highest
nxxard ( Hllxor medal ) Centennial l\pofcitlon : ;
rare chance ; permanent business. Oui prices
lowest. Wo aio not In Iho safe pool. Kxclualxo
ten itory fixonlplno Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O.
A good Cindy-junker. Apply nt
ISM North Ifitli st. . Omaha , Nob. 173 17t
" \ \ ; ANTKO A good man to go on the road :
T must bo xxldo axxnke , full of enoigy , gi\o
ecurlty for money collected and deposit r for
Knmnlos. Call on eorgo B. Cline , Hoom on.
Iflrst National bank biillalng. Omaha , Neb. 1 17
T\7"ANTii ) A stenographer xxho has some
TT knowledge of bookkeeping. Must be n
need penman. Address , xvltn references , I' o.
drawer 17. 1)85 )
"W7ANTKD Klrst-class cent mnker. Apply nt
T I once to H. L. Cohen , South Omaha. Nob.
AdRNTS xvnntod In every toxx n nnrt city in
the west foi the Harden Hand ( iraundo Tire
Extinguisher. Apply to 1' . G. Ciandall.UlU South
16th st. _ 87U
"ISfANTHD Agents In ox-cry city and toxx n In
T T the xx est to sell the Toy Calliope , the great
est solloi on earth ; send 20 cts forhamplo. 1' O.
Crandall. 10 South 15th st. HTlt
T\rANni-fiO : ) men for Washington tcrrl.
tory ; uood wages , stendy XVOIK , long Job.
Albilght'a Labor Agency , 11JU i'nrnnm .
. _ . _ KI4
SALIiHMlIN-WoxxIshafow m n to sell our
goods by snmplo to tliexxhoiosnloand retail
trade. Lnrgestmauufactiiioislu our line. Kn-
close 2 cent stamp. Wngcs if I poi day. I'oiman-
ent position. No postals answered. Money ail-
vnmed for xxagos. adxertlslug , oic. Cuntcnnlal
? UnTg Co. , Cliidnnatl. 0. "aimiut
WANTKO-Agents for Mllxvaid's calyx-oyod
Bclf-threndlng iieedlo ; presorxos falling
eight ; a Intlp to good sight ; peifoct bonanza for
ram assent ; snmplo package lOc. Send for
circulars to hcadqimi tors , Stayner iVCo , Pro-
Vldcnce. H , 1.
B OYS-Am. IlUt. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
- build n house nnd
take good ImMness lot on fcaumlers street
nspay. Uiiiuiro222U'loicost. : 45'J
WANTHD Llx-o men and xx omen lo engage lu
an eisy , pa ) lug luihlnuss at homo , Can
vrork. dajtlmooi oxenlngand make Wo to $ j
porhoui ; euro thing ; hamnln ami complete in
MrncllonsHint fur luc. Add rtss , Worla Supply
Co , Hutland , VI. < HM"8J
\\T ANTUD Isnorgetle men nna xvonicn over ) -
T > wheio for a genteel money-malcliig biml-
noss. fiidxxooLlx piollt t'liariuitned easier than
MO monthly otneixxlse Kxperlenre absolutely
iinniHesfary. Permanent position and exclusixe
terrltor ) assured JJiK ) sample free. Write for
imrtkularfl. Address , xxlth bUmi > , Men 111 M'l'g
to , . IIVI , ChUago , at.'f.'Of
irANTr.l-llri ( to soxv caipot. tChiis. Hhlv
V el K k , 1204-10 raiiiam. Sol-
\\rANTii-Woman : ) cook , JIO ; 0 six dining-
T room girls out of city ; 4 llrat class cooks In
. prlxalo famillus , ( Jj fo ti'i ; nki > , nensiblo
woman as housekeeper , only txxo children , VI ,
noxxashlng ; 2glrU for Choenno , 1 forblonx
City , IXJIH of new tilacos for general honso
work exeiy day. 'lliico expoueiuid eecoiul
( 'Uls ; mlddlu-agod worn an as child's 11111-30.
Urs. llroga , yi4)i ) So. 15th. 21118
" \T7ANTr.D-Sxif dish girl xxants place to do
T T general homework , cannot snu.ik IHiglKn ,
/ippry2-i2l _ Cass. _ | _ _ SH lit
" \\7ANT1II ) 1 cook and second girl , bamo
TT Xiimily , Jl xveek , ( ieimnn pniferreil-.1 cooks
lu prlx ate family , jriXM'olc ; . I waitresses for Lin
coln , flB month ; 1 dlshxx asher , I'ullerton. 1 150
vrcok ; Ueimun girl to learn reeking at lilkhorn
Btutlon ; faroiall paid ; J xxallressevchambci -
Innhls , 2 dUhxxnslieis. 1 laundry i'lrl , 20 girls
housework. uuiHliu Kmp. Itnrean. nil
211 17t
lOMPKIKNf Blrl for general housoxxorl : ,
'Kood-wa ' I os paid. 211 B Unh. 100 18J
QIHL-T2 \ a 10th.
COMPETENT girl for housexvork. MM ,
K , Hull ) (4 ( > 7 Sherman ave. s
Illack walnut IOKS , uuy iiuautlty ,
for cash , Address , alntlng prices , etc. ,
" box J4W , postolDce New York.
15I-1J *
) A ilrugnlst to commence dm
store , also barber to pommenco hhnpln
first claims location In South Omaha. 1'orlnfoi
matlon address Herman Tombrlnck , Sent
Omaha P. O \ iTS
TS tllrt xxhiited , 2ith annoiiBli' '
Hutclilnson & Wend , 1V.M Dodge st. 078 17
ANTKIKv7rbwliytolcnow ) lliaT 1 tiax
rcmoxed my olllco to rooms ,117 and 111
First .National bunk building , xx hero I shall b
pleased to moat them. O .1. Sternsdorir. Hen
Kstatp , Ix3an , Hxchange Itrokcr and Ilentn
AffonU _ _ _ Qa _
\\T AM III ) loW ) vomon to use " \\llcox
T > Fancy Compound Pills. " Perfectly saf
nnd always elTictnal , Send for 4c "Woman1
Safe Guard.S llcox Medical Co. , Phlladcl
phln. lUAIH'sW
' / Fhorthand and
VALllM'INI'/S , Pnxton building , Oinnha
Tlisonlx- exclusive shorthand school In tin
M to. Oxer one hundred graduates In gooi
situations. The school Is under tha management
mont of C. C. Valentino , olllclal st nogrnpher o
tho.lrd Judlclnl district of Nebraska , nnd Prol
II , II. lloyles , AH experienced teacher nnd x-er
batlni repoiter. Day and evening sessions. Stn
dents can enter at any tlmo. Send foi elrcubirJ
< JTANlA HO ShortTumT'f'chooi. 41J Shoeloi
O b'ock , teiclus yinndntil sxfctems ami use :
Itonilngloii lpewrlters. I licnlius free 72J
Knip. lIxreau.lriN IBIh t. F.sfab
OMAHA 8 ycat s. Most reliable In city.
018 I 5
\TiiI : Umployraent Ollice317 N. Wtli si.
ANADIANIImploymontOdlce. Mrs llroga
.IH'i S 1'ith. Hefercnco Omaha National bank
TJlOll HIINT-J-room hou e and barn , 17
I1 llurtst r"S-- ' _
171OH HI'.NT-Sexeii room house , 4f,8 Soutli
J Jltli axe , , lu good lopilr. gis , xxater and
bath. 'Ihonias I''luttle , loom 211 llrst Nat
btinic bldg. 2011
TOH HUNT 7-room Hat , cnr. Idlli and .lonos
JL1 A. C. Powell , l-'Jl Parnam 181 17
001) houses , centrally located , art ) 111 de
G mand ut.l. II. 1'arrotlo , KiOil Chlcnso.
TJIOH HUNT l-roomcottngo. SJth and Dodg8
J on cable line , $15. Hoggs \ illll , H"s r.iumnv
IWl 17
IJIOH UKST-Nexv B room cottngo In llanscom
J ? place , SJO per month , G. i' . llairlson , Mui.
chants Nat Dank. HVl'i '
1J10H UBNT HSU S Sid St. corner house , !
4. ' looms , barn , city xxnter , largo yard Call 01
nddross IIU3S Jlthst. _ 1.11 ! iJ * _
TTIOH ItKNT-frioom house. M12 Caldwell si
-L1 Kent reasonable. ApplxIsur
FOH KENT Nice new six-room and base
mmit liouso and barn x ory cheap , ut
Albright , inquire room ! ? ) , lioiril 'Jrndo ,
Omnhn. ma 17
in rHN'ISIIHD liouso for i cut In 1'at k Torrice ,
A. oppoaltu llansconi I'ark , all modeinn con
xenluicos , Kiuuilie , I , to i. Mchol , sth and
Le.ix onxx ortli. IbJ
IilOll IlKNT-Ono 5 room house , $18. Inquire
1 nil Douglas. _ Sit )
I71OII HUNT Nlco 5 room house , cast front ,
JL1 half block of cable cars. 1111 S. Mthst.
_ 7jl in 4t
house near high scnool. Kent * 1 1. In-
qulro .1. r. llqrton. ailii Cnpltolavo filsml *
13IIAlrTinJIi 8 room house , gas , city xxntcr.
I J bnth loom , hot nnd cold x\ntor , on pixod
streets xx lilt struct cur , ne.n a good school , onlx
? > "i pet month. The house is noxx' . Apply at
onco. C. K , Harrison , Meichnnts' Nat. bank.
f >
IjlOU HUNT When you xxlsh to rout a house.
JL ! store orodlco call on us. II. U. Cole , loom 0 ,
Continental block CJO
fTIOIl Iir.NT House and barn.Haiiscom place.
JP Harris , room 411 Hrst Nat 1 bk bldg.
TJV3H Itl'NT U-room modern Improved hotisn
J.1 A 1 locality. Hont moderate. Apply M , 111
guUerJOOl 1 nrnain st. _ 5J1
P OH Itr.NT-Cottages. B rooms. J720 rharlo ?
st ami 13 , ' ! So 5th St. Inquire K 21J , Sheeloy
block. _ M )
FOH IIRNT Klght (8) ) room Hat , modern con-
xenleaces. Inqulie ( U S nth st. _ 6.C.
FOH HUNT Cheap. Hand fi room house , ivn
8-lstbt between Center and Dorcas. 4HUmU
"I7IOR HKNT 10 room house , steam , gas , bath ,
-A- hot and cola and cistern xxatai , good cellar ,
and ulco yard , KO , iX S a4th. Jnoulre.-'UT S2lth.
TT1OH HENT 10-room brick houses , rentloxv :
J. ' arc x ery complete. Apply on premises. Or.
T. Sxxnitzlnnder , 2AI ( ) Cnpltof ax"MltXit
TT1OH URNT 0 room brlclc. 114 st ; mod-
Jein conx'cmences ; near cable line. J. W.
Uilllith , U. I > . headquarters. MJ
OK HRNT 7-room Hat at 603 S. 13th. Inqulro
J. L. llraudels AKons. . 847
TT1OK HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms , II
J. ' to 8S per month suitable for two or more
ptrsoiis. Apply UOI N. Ibth SI. 2SM7
( jIUHNISHEDiooms xvithboird , good location ,
-L1 modern conxonioncos. 2220 Leax eiixx-ortn
TJOOM8 for Transients Hot and cold xxator.
JLVmodern conx oulences. Addiess or call upon
Mr. Uodlu drugstore , llth and Capitol ave. ,
23 M7 *
) OOM suitable for houseaoeplng.
118 tlE *
T71OH HKNT TivoS room brick cottages , only
X1 txxo blocks from IT. I' , depot , city nna cistern
xvatoi ; pax ed streets. Mead \ Jamlcson , Jll
bo. 15tnst. 2J1
I71OIC ULNT fiirnlshea rooms , 1107 . N 1'ith.
j.1 -JJ.J yj
OH HBNT A plonsant , fmnlshed front
room with gas and pi h liege of bath , at W
8 25th ax o , ii oat rarnam. 1'JI ' U
PLEASANT f nrnihlied rooms 1017 Cipltol ave.
HI'Miilj ' *
_ _ _ _
TJIOH IIRNT Single or ensulto , handsomely
Jfiiinishod rooms : steam heat , bath ; rates
reasonable. Apply 11U1 N Ibth bt. mat Hat.
_ _
OOM8 to rent fOl S 13th it. , ' 'ud lloor.
I'umllv imxo choice fur-
nlshud rooms torrent xxlth board. All mod
ern conxenlontes. C15 north 20th slreel. 117-1W
TT'OH HUNT 'ixxoxvoll ftirnlxhcil rooms.slnglo
-L' 01 on suite ; Htoain Heated , loll Douglas.
OOP 17 * .
A U15NTLKMAN xxlth references can llnd
il-ulco room and room mute at 1U1J Douulas.
U'j ' ? lit
FUHNlSlir.I ) room for lent. 1701 Cnp. nxo.
I'll 20'
NICHLV fiiinishod ioomslargo or smalLxery
leasoiiable. Ulvi Dodge. Iku Hulll. lu Mt
N'ICKI.V fuinlshed looms , all modem con-
x-enlencos , prlco f5 nnd $10. 010 North 17 st.
11(20 ( *
S MALLHoom , nt 1303 Jouglan st. 3ul lloor.
17IOH HUNT A dining room and kitchen In
A. ' prlx ate boarding house. Inquire in U Doug.
las. UJJ 17t
VUCIILY furnished front room , xxlth board ,
Li suitable for 4 gentlemen , tx > o blocks fiom
I' . P. . 17H3 Douglas st. _ 10'J-17
IT10H HUNT Largo ftirnlahcd front tooni ,
JL' 2227 Dodge st. 10:1 :
PtntNlHHlin rooms for lout. AH modem
luipioxomeuts , bath furnace , etc. , 2JU
NlciUooms , $1 per xveok , ut the PruDoilyl
14th iuidJone-j streuts. U'Omllr
rAltdi ; front room , nlit-ly fiuiilslied.uultablu
-tor 2 ycntliimen , l 2J l arnum. 715
LIUltNIKIIIIDor unriirnUhod room , xvlth gas
K and bath. oonl If desired , 61Js.2'.tn ' ht. ,
ipposite All Saints' cliurun. 7J7
IT1OK III'.N'IV-l-'iirnUhod rooms In ( liuenlgblk.
7 ' ' " . 1 Ith and Doilge ts luqulru of Gco H.
axj.s , Billiard hotel bllllnid room , fwj
JWOH lUSNT-Niceiy furniahod room , 'with
L .board If dealied.gai , aud bath-room.
i07 lodgcst. tfil
HKNT Two desirable ioums , > suitable
for gentleman and wife or txxo gontltmcu ,
, Ith board ; iofi > ron.C4 teiiulrod. Apply 1W1
J NCELY furnished rooms , steam heit. ,
bath , etc , pu BJUIB lloor , 1U per month. 207
.2Itll. liollftt. 4JO
, _ , - . , rooms , ewe front and
- < back parlor ; HkM Douglm t. BU
IJ10H HUNT Furabhcd rooms 1310
VBNUK Hooms-At 1613ami IfllSCapltol ave
rV2 biooks from P O. uawly ftirnisheU prlvuto
oftriilut'lioiuo.ploasaiu roomsall conxoiaeucod _
l room i ,
A L.\llJII ( south room ; also smalt room nlcol
fiirnlshed , lovely location and x-cry moder
ronvenlfticc , 2107 I > ouglas. tn < l
- - - _ _ _ - _ _
tp\V O rooms , unfurnished , xxlth hard and sol
JL xx children. ! ) per month.-NIl Clinrlc
3HOM8-Sult ( ) nblo for houie Keeping prlci
* 'lerco t. Usa
\\71LL rent half of myoillcoto gootl part ;
TT modern conx cnlcncts. Hoom O ) HaniR
block. gl7-l ; *
FOll HKNT- Store room xvlth basement nn
Ice honso In rear , at 1714 Hurt St. Apply !
r. (1 I'rlnil , U70 N 2Mh nvcnup. _ IMJJt
iJflOH lIUNT-Two stores. Gil. nnd 5a Nottl
- * - ' Ilith at. Inquire at the building. Ilenr
Oalhoir. 631
ITtOH HRNT Olllco suite Kn month , 2 slngl
J.1 ollUcsir > encli , all fronting Kith st. Ililsli
man blot k. n. o. cor. Ifith nnd Douglas. W , M
Iliislimnt' , 1 1 11 1 Leavenxx ortli. > r >
CJTOHi : 1117 Dodga st. Immlro nt A. II. Ut :
kJ berman , jeweler , IJthandDoiigU ? sts.
TTIOIl HUNT A foxv odlce rooms loft fo
-l rental. Also n x\ lt lighted room on secom
lloor , < 0x \ In Hmnge building. lai
FOH HIINl''lxventxncros of laud xxllh
houses , bainc. . Suitable for mnrket gai
ilenltigclose to Omnhn. C. r. Hanlson , Moi
chiiiit s Nat , bank. US-Ill
"IT'Oll ' Itr.NT llasoiiicnt , suitable for ft plum
* - ber or b irbor , cor. 1 Itli nnd Jackson sts. 112
" 1J10H HU.N'IA warehouse xx-lth high base
J-1 mont , i ant rally located on Idopondont tracl
from xx hlch cars can bo unloulod and loadoi
Into and from building Immodlito poisossion
Snm J.JJowell , 217 S. I4th st , Om inn Uu
FOH 1 lTN : r-Uood bisemcnt , 2'x'K ' ) . Ki :
Douglas st : 4'i3
O \\MIHS of houses , stores , lints or buslnos
blocks xxhoxxbh the snuo rented and proii
crly circil forshotild 11U with us. 1'aitles wish
Ingtorent xxlll llnd our list umiploto. A.I'
Tukey. Hill's block , loth and Douglas. B37
pA.Ml'lir.LL 4. TALI10T. room ; c.M. Hnmgi
VybulKllnK. Clilml
_ _ _
G iO. : J. 1'AtTli. 1W19 rainam St. , houses
stores , etc. , for rent. 5.IS
"I , lsTour houses , ilats , stores , etc. , xxlth (1 (
AJJ. Stornsdorir. rooms u7 ! and ,118 Plrst Na
tlonalbank building. Special attention gtxei
toiei'.tliig aud rents collected ( > .V !
\\TK glxo spo-ial attention to lontlng and col
T f lectlng routs , list xxlth us. II. K. Cole , loon
ncontluentnl block. Wj
IP VOUxant ) our houses rented plice then !
xxltn llouaxxa X Co lith , opposite postolllco
ryilK loiitiug season Is here ; bring on join
J- houses ; l hax-o the customers. .1 II. Par
lolte. 18)d Clllcigo. _ 4'S t'S
NG man at 111 U 17th st desires n room
i mate. ihj 17J
" \\fANTr.D-A largo furnished loom and Hist
TT dnss boaid Ilia good prlxnto Inmlly foi
lady and gi ntlemaii. State toims. AddiosB , II
.11 , lice olllco. 17J nt
\\TANT1JI ) Hclmblc German iiur o gill , 1tr
T T 1ears 1 . of ago. Mis. II. C. 1'atteison ttiU
rarunm. 10 *
T\TANTLI ) Tixo front rooms nnd boird xxltli
TT prlx ate f mull ) for geiitleman and xvife. lo
cation xx est ol 18th st botxxeou Pimmm mid Cnl <
Ifornlnils. Must bo Hist-clnss references ev
changed. Address It XI , lloe ollice. PH 17 *
GKN ILKMAN and xxife xvant txx-o rooms nud
boaid in pi Ix ate family , best of iiferoncos
given. Address 1'iil Itee 'M 18"
ACOUHTHIUP ; nexv Idea ; 7.00D.OOO people to
select fiom. 2uo chances for lOc ; .1000 for
Hi. CllmnChicago. . 111. 2iO 17 *
ALL parties Interested in cutting and lilting
ladles1 and chlldien a garments call at 201U
Webster st. Mi3. A. M. Cump. JSU-17 *
A MAMA NI F.LSHN. examined nildxxlfe , office
- -corner of 8th and Pacific. 110 ' 0t
WKLLS dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and
rcpalied. F. W Gioijean , 2710 Hint st.
157 27t
OKLAHOMA Ouldo Hook nnd Mop. contain-
ill full Information as to the noxv terrlloiy.
Mailed to any address ou receipt of 50 cents.
Txlnr If Co. , publishers , 621 Wyandotte street ,
Kansas City , Mo. 14727 +
ELKCritlC telsgraph school ; rooms 533 i 529
Pnxton blk , cor. loth X Fainam ata. ; send
forclrcnlni. OT'J-.W *
THANCr : Mr.IlU\I.-Mme. Sandal ] , the
\oungSxxcde , tells full names ot callers nna
the full nnmo of your futuio husband or wife ,
xx 1th date of manlage , und tells xvhcther the
one ) ou loxo Is true or false. Not a fortune
tellei , but u ) oung spirit medium. Madame
goes Into n perfectly dead tiauco. Will bring
back the parted husband or loxer , no matter If
they be ln.000 miles nxvay ; will guarantee to
fiettle fallmy quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 408
North Sixteenth street , third Hoor. Oil 18 *
HAVI3 you n house nnd lot you xxlsh lo sell ?
Itso. please send full particulars toOeorgo
J. Stemsdorir. roomn 117 .v 118 llrst National
Hank Ilulldlng. xxho will flnd you a piuclmser.
Telephone , 4dl. 8&r >
A PHYSICIAN of this city can accommodate
-fl. a foxv patients at his home. Address
Doctor , P 53 , lleo olllee. 741 18J
LEGAL papers carefully araxvn nnd acKnoxvl-
edged by ( ! . J. Sternsdorif. rooms 017 aiidH8 :
First National bank building. iv'jj
rin i : ban jo taught as an art by Goo. F Gel-
JL lenbeck , 3.-1 S. 10th st. 542
HOHSIIor team mules xvantod to nnply as
tlrbt pn ) mint on house aud lot , or residence
lot. balance monthly payments. Write or call
on selby , I5il 1'uru.un 61J
TV 1'OU xx ant to buy. sell , rent or exchange ,
call nn or iddiess , 0. .1. Stornsdoill , rooms
JI7andJia First National bank building. 05J
.1. STKIINSDOHKF , roil estate loans nnd
t rental agent , his rcmoiod from loom fl.
opp. P O . to looms317 nnd Us , ricst National
bank : building , xxheio ho xvlll bo glad to moot
all his old filends , 'iid many noxv ones , oij
A I I M' gen lie horse , light xxngon and har
ness , a nice appearing rig ; Just the tiling
for light xx 01 k. or city solicitor , cheap. Call at
a0.s-tiQ | North IBth street. 835 1 >
AJUOI ) pony foi bale cheap. 2030Chicago ht.
1-.CI-17 *
Pni ll mllK cows xx Ith young cilx 03. Apply
iM N Kith st , Jclfoidon bqunro bain.
DPI lb
FOH SALR llorso and buggy. J121 ; delivery
xx agon and furniture of 5-room collage ;
: ottaee rents forfiJ. 1511 Calif in nla st , 071 18t
tflOH SA LU On terms ti suit , the neat cottage ,
1 2SM Clmilosst. Tolophonori' , or W. T , Sea-
nnn , Omaha's laigest x-arloty buggies , xvaaons.
xc. , cast s'doJCth ' bt. , north of Nicholas bt. 4M
FOH SALK Fiirnltiuoof a0 room house nnd
house for lant. ,1 biles from P.O. H. M.
Chamber of Commerce. 204 f 20
V\/ANTii5 : To buj a lot In Orchard Hill ;
VV must bochnap. CIi , Holier , loomfi , 8w !
: ornor lith and Douglas. 2lri'l8
r have sex oral customers xvho xxant to buy
L houseanml lots ranging ftom II.BW to tJO.OOO.
'loperty oxvneis , pleitso solid me a full dosciin.
lonot xxhat you liaxo for isalo (1 ( , J. Sterns-
lour. looms 1117 A. .llh First Nattoual Hank
lulldlng. Telephone , 40l. ea. * > .
V\7ASTI'D Fiuultiirc , carpntu , stoves and
T household goods of nil kluds. Omaha Auc-
lonbtoi.igoCo. . , 1121 I'anuru. 5I'J
W'WWP ? 'lo ) ? 01,1 .Commercial paper.
T ) ItC. Patterson.113S 15thst U.-J
lVAIk/"J'.l.rTo ' ml'y coed coinmercltii paper.
> > n. u. I'atifrbon.iihH 15th it. ! ra
VfllS. LKNOIIMANcnn bo coniiiltcd on all
fintralrsotllfo tnrough the maglo mirror ,
atltfaitlou guaranteed. 418 N ICth t. Upstulra
1C5 28"
311. NANNIJJ V. Wairon , clftlrvojant , Medl-
ell und business medium. Female diseases
specially. UP N ItHUat. . rooiiis2and J , fu
5'10HAOi-At loxv rates at Il''l I arnum St. ,
Omaha Auction A. Storage Co. 547
liltACKAUK. storage , lowon rates , W. M.
L Uuslunan. Ull Luaveiiwortli , MX
DKLLHHOS , .t Co. NorlllJ "SoTlCtli s
Chamber of Commerce hulMluu , lidninoui
nt 0 , ( P. , 7 , 7'S ' nnd H iitrrint , nccordliig to loc
tlon of property. I'nsumisscd facilities fi
placing Inrge loans ou Instdo business piopert
A special fund of soxeral thuusund dolliirs i
loan on unlmprox-ed lots. : T
MONKY to loan on' furniture , pianos , horse
xxngons , etc. Cltv Loan Co.llSS nth a
opposite Mlllanl hotel. 17tl
OANS on business' property , JVUH ) to fV'.W '
Jvi anted. ProxuUnt-OliiRt Company , rooi
30S. 1 Irst National ll nk building. 100
Central Loan A Trust Co. , No , 1011 Pn
imtnst. xxlll ouoto unusually low rates r
choice city loans In Omaha or Council Illult
C A. Starr , tnanagor , 391-11
IAH015 loans on liViilroxacl real estate I
JOmnlin. No delay on good security. K f
Illsboo , Hrst National Hank U Id'g. WU 18
DO you xxant to borroxv money ? I
so , (1. ( J. StotnsdorlT , rooms 317 and 31
First National bank butldlnc' . xxlll Ion
you any amount from to JJO.IXW. ou In
proxed or unlmproxod Omaha propertx. lov
est rates of Interest. No iiiinccessaix ileli ]
linprovod ci-ntral business property loans
specialty. Telephone 4(51. ( N < 5
WANTKD First class Insldo loans. Lowes
into * . Call nud see UR Mutual Investment
mont Co. HI llarkor blk , 1'th nud 1 aiuam. IV
MONI1Y to loin on Improved real estate b
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Cc
Lowest rites ; no commissions Address Hoxx
nrd Kennedy , special loan agent , Oinixha , Nub
DO YOl' xxnnt money ? Loans made ou house
hold furultme , pianos , horses , etc. xxlthou
delayerremox-nl , Persons xxlshlngn loan o
this kind xvlll do well to mil nt our olllco bofoi
donllngelsexxhcro ; business strictly conlldeii
tlnl A. i : . ( Ireenxxood A. Co. Hoom i , Cunning
liiun block , 1 Hh and .lackson sts. .ViO
for Ilrst-class roil estat
mortgngi's. Call on .1.11 Ktiouy X ( o.Hooi :
! W > . FlistNntlonal buik building , ww V M'
MONUYto loan on furniture , horses , xx-agons
etc. , or on tiny approxed soiurlty. J. W
Hobblns , H.200 , Sheoly blk. . 15th and Howard
PIJOPLF.S Financial Kxchnngc-'l ho fairest
Jqiiletert , most liberal money oxchaugo n
the city ; lonns madoxxlthout delay orpubllcltx
in any amount In go or small , at the lowov
intes of Interest , on any nxnllnblu aecitrlty
loins nmybapild at nny tlmoor lonowed ai
orlglnnl intes O llouscaren , mgr , Hoomfii1 ; }
Darker blk , 1'ith nud rarnam , Oil"
DO YOU xvant to borroxv money ?
Head this ;
It xx 111 sax o ) oa tlmo.
It xx 111 saxo ) ou money.
You c in borroxv from
11. F. Masters.
successor to W. H. Cioft ,
room 4. Wlthnell bld'g nth and Harnoy sts.
io. $ A ) , jjj. jio ) . WAI , j-xw. , nuuo. * mon
In fart , any sum you xxunt on lutnitiiro ,
pianos , hones , mules , xvngons , etc. , on easlei
terms and at lower rates than any other ollice
In the city , xxlthout publicity or ol
property from your possession.
Jr an instalment Is duo on your pioportv ami
you cannot meet It , call aud see im * . I xx 11 pay
It for you If x ou hnvo a loan lu nny othei
ollice , call and get my latos. I xxlll take it ur
and carry It for 3 ou.
I niako loans for ono to six months , and jon
can pax n at any time , reducing both prin
cipal and interest.
All loans renewed at original rates , and nc
charge forpapeis.
Alt business strictly confidential. Call and
see mo.
Don t forgot the number.
Hoom 4 , Ithnell block. 531
rpo LOAN -A spoclnl fund ot $10 0-X ) In HUIIH
-L from f < 03up. on tiiiluiproxod lots In Omaha
If not strutted too fni , out-Odell Urotliors , V Co ,
.IU S. llith st. _ u- )
_ _
TTMHbT mortgage ibins Ht loxv rates , and no
JP delay. 1) ) . VTSUoles , 210 , First National bank.
i 550
- - ; -
. to loan ou Omaha nnd South Omaha
property , alsoiqu firms. C. F. Harilsou ,
40.1 and 4U1 .Merchants1 National bank. 755
vrKUHASKAMortB. Loan Co. will mike you a
J _ > loan ou household good.s ,
horses , xxagons ,
land coiitracts ,
fluojexxelry orisecuiltiesof nnj kind
without publicity , at icisonablo rates.
Room 7 , Hoxvley blQck , South Omnh i
Koonis 018-51H Paxton bis. , Omaha. Neb.
s Eh Sholes. 210 First Hat'l bauk before m-ik-
lug your loins. 6Ty3
MONK Y Loans negotiated nt loxv ratcS xx ith-
out delay , and purchase good commercial
piper and mortgage notes. H. A. Sloman , cor.
13th aud Farnam. 5U1
MONKYto loan onlmprox-od property at llrst
hinds. No application sent axx-ay for ap
proval. Securlt ) nud titles examined fioo of
charge to borroxxers. Lombard luxcstment
company , ,101) ) S. l-th ! st. 5r > l
MONI3Y to loan. Harris , U. U. 4 Loan Co ,
room 411. First Nat. Hank. niO
MONRY to loin ; cash on hand ; no ilolny. J.
XV.Suulro , IJ19 Fainam St. , FUst National
bank building. 557
pHILAOKLPHIA Mortgage & Tru't Co ,
_ L cheap eirtorn money direct to borroxx-ers.
Make building loans , large or small ; perfect
titles ; accept loana In their xx extern ollice. Geo.
W. P. Coates , representative , U Uoaid Trade.
MONEY loaned for TO. CO or 90 days , on any
kind of chattel secnrltx ; reasonable Inter
est ; business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson ,
1417 Famain st. 5ol
MONKY to Loan Ixixx est ratos. Loans closed
promptly. H. B. Cole.H O.Contlnentnl blo K.
GPKH CENT money to loan Cash on hand
W.M.Harris , room 20 , 1 render bloc' * , opp.
P. O. j'o
F. COLI5 , oauagont.
. U"
GJr > OO.Ot)0 ) to loan at (1 ( per cent. Llnalmn k Ma-
Phoney , Hoom 6J ! . 1'axton block. t A
MONnY to loan. O. P. Unvls Co , real estate
and loan agents , 15Ki rarnam st. 507
MON13Y to Loan We are leidy for applica
tions for loins In amounts from { .DO to J1U-
(100 ( ou Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. lull Infoimillion as to rates Loans
promptly closed. Good notes xxlll bo purchased
by us. Call iinon us , or xx rite , The McCa uo
Investment Co. 1JO
T.OANS made on real estate mm mortgages
JUbought. LoxvlsS. Heed A , Co. , 1521 Tarnim.
MONRY toloan Inlaige sums at the loxvest
rates ; no delay. H. C. Patterson , 318 8. 15th.
TT E. COLU , loan agent.
MONKYtoloan on real estate ; no delay ;
moitgages bought. John F. Hammond ,
loom Jll 1'uston building. i'l f.'l *
T CAN make a foxv loans on first-class chattel
J-secmltlesat roisonablo rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 Darker blk. 705
DON'Tborrow mouay on furnltuia. horses
xvagons , etc , until you have saon 0 II. J a
: obs , loom 110. First National bank building
"or. l-ithaml laruim Ji !
OITILDINU loans. I ) , V. Siiolos , 210 , I irst
IJNat'l Hank. 3UJ
pr.OPLK'S rinanclal Uiohango Largo and
L small loans for long and short time , at low-
< st latos of Interest , on real estnta mortgage
lotos , chattels of all klmlu , diamonds , xvatches
md Jawolry. Don't fall to call 1C you want fair
md cheap atcommod itlons. o. llouscaron ,
* lgr. , room Mis , llarkor blk. , 15th and rarnam.
B UILUINO loans. Lluahan & Muhonoy.
store Nol J location pro ont owner
makes 410J per numth ox-or all expenses ,
rko J.AW. J.nOuiHh.tbal.if.H per month. Co-op-
ralho Laud Sc Lot couip tuy , Mi N Ibth ut.
200 18
POIl SALU-rorlifiO , cash only , a small Job
olllco , suitable for Hinall work or ucard of-
Ice ; Just put in. Home Job Ollice , Walnut , lu ,
Poll tiALn-An establlfihed commission ami
butter uud egg packing hou e.wlth cohldtor-
gu In connection. Addivss , Lock llox Jo ,
Imahu , 17) ) 17 ;
J HOOM brick boarding house for rent , 140 00 ;
'furniture foi vale , iJ50.liO ; $100 cash ; bal.
lonthly ; also a ID-room boarding house ami
oed stable , tout -JMiiormo. ; furniture , f5u.uo ;
JOOOi ) cash ; bal. tit per mo. ; also a irood 10-
30111 brick boarding hoiue-tiouse nearly new
icliidluu steam heat and all modern con-
emenif , rent fc' > 5.oo per mo. : furniture , JJOOj y
ash ; also a U room frame house , noxv full of
oarderu und roomers ; rout iOO ; furniture , $150 ;
W cash ; bal. easy ; all those house * are within
few blocks of the P. O. and are well located
i good neighborhood. Co-operative Land and
ot Co , 20T N , 16th at , Hu-1
71011 HALK-Llght , lucrative business outta-
-bin for lady or iuntlomun , xvith patent uuU
lock ot jooasi , AildroM P 27 , lleo oillco.
, "J IS *
FOHSALR Kirs t-elnssreitaurant and saloo
best location In the city. Loii lenso c
tiroiierty. Addrssi PJH lleoeince. ll'/l-lli
1 > HICK YAHU for sale with tools and Improv
J > incuts ; locution ,17th nud Illondo sts ; al-
n brkkxanl to le.a o. south of I loronco. c
North -Ith street. Apply to Ooorge Ittner. N
27C2 I .oke t reel. _ DM 17"
. Plaiilm ; mill innchlnery. chen
I U'S Davenport street , 1" J AI *
171(311 ( SALK-T lie AtTey"co"aT7illilP , locnted i
-L1 Alley. Marlon Co. , la. , xxltli fin acres of 11
best coal lands in loxxn. 7-foot A eln of cr.n.1 , 11
turns and machinery llrst class In ex ery respec
railroad switch connected xxlth xvorks , xxllll
.sold nt 11 bargain I f taken within ] i > days IV
particulars addresa M. J.nrd. . or .1. \ \
( line-ier , care of State Savings bank , li
Molnc-3 , Jo. KB 2s
IK you haXDix little roa ly moliej or desire
pa > lug business , call iooiu24 , Marker bloc :
147 17 *
$1,700. halt cash xvlll bur 100 acre tarm , in
proved , l i miles from Long Pln < 5 , Neb , goo
house , host xxnter.
$1.100 cnsh for- four room hotisjs reiitlmt fn
Jin nor month. I ) readout and , l biHlnoss lot
all In Loan Pine , lmJ Inhabitants , I churche
brlcK school house , xxaterxxorks , railroad dix
Blon , oood farming country. Very cheap. nm
bo sold. Long I'lno ll.xclinug Hank , Long Pin
Neb. 4.'ii t-7 *
OH SALF. Oood hotel In a toxxn ot 1'iHl , ul
xxcll furnished , for hnlf ( ash. balance o
tlmo , AmliiMflhutiill , Albion , Neb 7s.l in :
IrOll SALF. at IK ) per cent of cost , ( not fo
trniloi. A goneiul mnr < hntidi' < o stoiunti
stock sltiintod lu n groxvlng railroad toxx n Ha
best trade of the town. Siloii'i.OiJ hist xeai
Cost of store and stock about M.OJJ. Addios
PWJIIee. 7W17 *
1710H SALI ! A xxell established grocery bus
JL1 ness In this illy. Impure D. M Sleolo iCe
Co , llth nnd Ilnuiey. 711 mlj
"IT10HSALU A well est ibllshod , ptxlng pro
JU'dnco co'iimlssloti business , ownoi must at
tend exclusively to other business , Inqiiln
qnickof Fearon , Cole .tHobortson , ,110 S nth. st
,111) )
T > nHSONAL-.iH'wlll bii ) u combined xxnll
Ihand and stnnd lamti ; Just the thing fo
kllihui useat Mood's china store , JC N. Pith
I Kit ON XL JTixxlll bux nn Uiiglhh detoialu
-I toilet net xxlth J u , all complete , at Mnoilx
WKNoitll lUthst. 211117
TFH * ONAL Flio pioof ten poUs , lmtidiimil <
JL decoiutcd , at Moody s , ; ii N. Idth 211.17'
Tin UiiudsoimMToi"oT
pIUISOVAL-TflJ will ) a
J in ml dinner set of 101 pieces , x ory best ling
lUhxxurc , s [ iiaro shapes , at Moody B , , KKN Kith
'IH 17
pHlf-ONAL-Table tumblers , lu new nm
J- artistic designs , nt Mood ) s. Jff' N. Ilith st
T > KH80N A L Wanted to lentgoodSoi I'lroon
modi in h nise , xxlth bun , tor one year 01
lonrer. 01 would c-Nchnngo house and lot on Till
Kt , , In business part of city if Milted. Kount/i
place profeired. Addrois T , nc.of Cltl/eiis
bank. 2 { > - . ' !
ANYp'rson xxlshlng to adopt a male infant
pltn-,0 uddiess 1140 llee oilico. ru-ls ;
TTF YOl" Intend to matryor onlydeslro Rinuse <
J meut loin our club Address xxlth M.imr
Westem torrespondenci' Club , Council Illulls ,
In. lijo mil' '
G.i. TIKVSD : ) iiFi . itoai Lstuo ami
nxclniugo Hrokor , has iemo\-oil t > Hooms
J17 and ,11" , 1 list Nation il b ink building
OMAHA Abstract compiiix1 1 ) ! ' ) Ininimst
\lostcompletu and cuomllv prepired s t
ot abstiuct books and plats of all leal piopoily
in the city ofOmiha uul Douglacounty. .
MIDI.ANDGu.u-antOd A. Trust Oo , I'M Fai-
nain. C3mu oto abstracts furnished & titles
to lenlostato imlneil , perfected & suirautoml
A ltSTHAPTS Llnnhan \ Mahouoy , loom w
Paxton block. 545
EXCHANGE To n.utv who xxlll moxe on
3.1 ! ) n res in Holt county , Neb No Int. 01
taxes ; pi lie * -,000 Address H. 11 , Hi ebonite
Pro F.XC HANUn-llouses anil lots , fnrm
JL lands , merchandise , hoi ses , cattle , xxa on * ,
etc. Call or xxilte O. F . Hciter , loom D , Scoi. .
l" > tli and Douglas. 215
rpo'l HADE Acie property SouthOmalTT
Jclem. .
Scxetnl pieceof Impioxod business piopeity
in good location.
Clear land in Iowa and Nebraska.
Coiner In Omaha VIexv ,
CIi ni lota lu South Omaha and In lltissett. the
new countv seat of Uock countv. Nebmska.
Houses nixl lots in all parts of tno city.
M anted houses , lots , stocks of goods , llxo
stock , fai m % and money.
If ) ou hax e anything good to tr.ido give mo a
call. Groxer Stoxens ,
221)21 1" 21 Farnnmst. Telephone 1U5.
2lincros Improxod Innd. xxitnln tluee miles
of county seat , toxvn In tiado for gro
ceries , genoial merchandise , or hnidxxaie.
Address box 4 B , Shelby loxxa. 0211 20 *
TIO nXf'HANGi : Toxxn lots in South Chicago
foi n good , speedy single dilxet. or a team
of roadsters , trotters or picers. H H Helm ,
Harlan , In 19022
WAN1RD Stock of groceries for Impioved
loxxa and Nebraska Und , part clear. Ad
dress ll.Vi , Hoe. ] f ) 17J
W lo trade lot in Council Illulls foi-
good ; safe Shea iV Galvln , 1J1 Mt
XHAVi ; Improved farms and toxvn propeity.
rent from 8 to 10 per cont. xx 111 trade fet good
city property. Addiess II . ! * , Hoe. 187 17 *
UU A line improx-od farm with
some cash for good Omaha propotty. xacant
lots proleired.osteia Lind \ . Loan Ux
change , 117 South Ilith st. U77 18
T71OH KXCH ANGK 2 < 0 acres iinlmprox-od land'
- L1i mlle fiom Thummell , Morrlck countyd
Neb , to tiade for stock mercnaiidlso. Address
liox 1 02 , Central City , Now. 9.17-1
ONI' sci tiou ( Bio at res ) or lioixy timber Iind
In Iltnko county. North Carolina , clear ot
incumbianeo ; good title. Wh it hixo you to
ollei' 0. .1. Stormdorll , looms ,117 and llh ,
I'list National bank building. Telephone 404.
RAVnNWOIli'H Street. 1 liaxo n xeiy de-
slrable plecoof business property ou this
stieet that can be tiuded for good farming
land not too far from Omaha nnd p irt cash. It
Is xxoll rented and will pay ) ou to Inxostlgate.
U. .1. Sternsdorll , rooms 111" & .118 1 Irst National
Hank Building. Telephone , 4'Jl. 800
M PROVED and unimproved pioporty In the
groxvlng town of Croston. la , to trade foi
Omuhaionl estate. O..I. Stornsdoill. looms
117 and , lit ) . 1'lrst National bank building , Tol-
liphono 4H4. _ Bfi.j
ADA.MB county , Iowa ; eignty ( Si | ) ncios
choice land noui lallroaii ; all fenced
nud under cultivation ; clear of Incuin-
liranco ; want Onialm proport ) ; house and lot
[ iicfurrod , (1. .1. Sternsdorir , rooms JI7 nnd ,110
rlist National bank building Telephone
SGVKHAL meichntidlso stocks to trade foi
good Omnhn property or clear fnrm lands.
'J. J. btuinsdorir , rooms J17 \ : I18 1'lrst National
jank building. w ;
| 7nMT iXCIIANcTi-iight-irc7os : : : of the lliTost
I1 timber land In Wisconsin , cloir of Incum-
irance. What hnx-o you toolfor' (1 .1. Sturns-
lorll. lootiu J17 A , J18 , rirst National bank
mildiiig. Cl i
riOOD farmsclear or lightly Innimborod. for
LTmeich mdlse , llvo sto < k or clt ) propirt ) , H ,
. Cole , Hoom 0 , Continental block , 5fj
I710H TIlADK-Councll llluiriTaml bmaiinreaT
L1 estate for faims , hoi sen , cattle or morchau-
llso. Host loth between Omahi and Council
llulfd. ( - . I' . May nt' , Uth und Hartley ,
2IJViHAL ; x-ory line rosldences in ICount/e
Jl'lnco to trade , Wimt ! mxoou to oiler0 ,
l. Sterusdortf , rooms JIT&.llH , I'list National
tank building , 'M
moil HXCHANOlI-Ior tlucliiiKlu reildonco
L' propeity In Oinnha. any or all of following.
40choice liisldo lesldonco lots lu Histlngi ,
1U ) lots In Lincoln.
, iilOuciiH line farming land , Lancaster county.
1 Ino leHlilenco pioport ) . Lincoln.
( ioodriintul property , Llnu > ln.
CnoKo fancy rtwlilouce. coinar. Lei Augcloi.
A neat rosmonco piopeit ) In llansconi 1'laco ,
Also , soma good mortgage notiM.
Address , giving location and.prlca of ( aop
rl.I.K II , care II mm lion Go , 1217 I.eivon-
i ortli , Ml
l\TllKNyou haxo anjthlngtor oxchnngn call
V i onorxvrlto us , H li Cola , lloom < > , I'outl-
ontal block. 57J
TTOH lXOHANilC-Iilcola. ) Hand count ) .
- What haxe ) ou to oilor for u good fnrm
ere , tllghtly ennimberi At Dakota laudn are
Islug in xalno , ami Its dcatlny cannot bo ills.
utud. Will tale vuuiiH lot or Impioved prop-
rtv nnd asbumo some Incumhrnncii < . .1.
teiusdorir , looms ! H7 and .119 , 1 Iwt Nation il
ank building W >
OST A Bollt'.ilro illamond ring between 0. ,
-Jll. A. 0. depot and Oust ana 2)th sts Hu <
aid xvlil bo given fur thu uumo at'Oil
"ITWHl17TT Tliihipillaiolfi Tonr-rooln coTtni
- * ' cost ing } .M i , on leased ground , xvlll sell f <
} 1V ) It snhl nt once , owner must leaxo city , Ii
( pilie on premises , cor. list and .Inckson st.
is.1 17J
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
171OH SAlil ? or ovchango tine farm c
1110 acres In Holt Co. , Neb ; xxlll evihuni ;
for horse and pheiton nr tiilr of ponies nn
phcnton. Addre s H .11. lloe oilier. 101-IOt
"IJ10H 9ALR or KxclintiRO (3ood ( resldenco.coi
* - xeiilently locited. h uidy t > cnr Hues. Woa
cm l.uul > V Loan Exchange , 117 South tilth st.
t'7713 '
_ _ _ _ _
R. . cor. In I'lnlnvloxv KW ) csih ) , Jl.iW.
DntiRlnsneir l.'th. 2JftU ( cash ) , 17,01(1. (
w fl on Douglas nonr U'th iper foot ) , J1J ) .
PoiHli ft out col nor. Orchard Hill , i.V.i.
lllltclilnson A W oad , 1WI Dodge st 07ft 17
"VT"-1I5 IotH ( clour ) for personal propert ]
1 > Ilinchlnson Wend , Kit Dodge su ; a 1
FT > TT 87IiKo7tt - tle. lot ( l. biock P. lledfor
place , a corner , xxlll sell cheap for cash , t ;
trade for fnrnltuii * or nn\ personal proportj
Omaha Auction & ftoingoCo 1(14 ( . " 0 :
AIIAIUI VIN-SilxllOon Hith st south" tn
xladliet , xxltli small housi Mill barn , till
liioperty In the market for n short time only n
tli < M\troMt < loxv Prlro of Jt.r.H ) ' 1 bis Is tl.m
lets tiiiin Itsnctunl x-alun. ( J ,1. steriHilorll
rooms JI7 aiidJIS llrit Nutlonr.i buik Inuhllnt
( VJ
BlISINii"'piopPUy. : Cnpltol axe , lot fl , blorl
71 ! . bet. llemiett fdnck nud Ilith st 1'nk
porno li ulo. send offer to on nut , .lohn M. Taj
lor , Glluclld ave , Clox eland O. 4iWl'AI >
II1OU HAliK-1'ho llawloy nouse , Nortl
JL 1'liitti1 , Neb , or xxill tradn for good Im
prox-ed farm or illy piopoity , Tholinusel
turiilshed md In running older. I'Uco K"00
subject to I'licumbriiiio of ii.ojj Aildroi'
ortli I'litte.M)2 )
\\rAVF.HLY Addition , riilspioportv adjoin-
' Pane aud Monmoutli
Park additions. 1 hax-oa nnmbi-r uf lots In tin
aboxo addition that cm be sold on terms ti
suit Spi'ilallniliuomontsoireiod to these \\lii
xxlllbtilid. It xxlllpnv xou to luxestlgite G..I
Moinsdorlf , looms ,17 and .11 : ) I'list National
bulk milldlng. uv !
$100 cash , bnlanco W" > not- month , xx III buv n six
7-room lion'on st near L-iUo st. Price
t-Vel ) l. I ; . Hailei , loom 5 , s. xv. cor IMh am
Douglas. 471) ) ml
p .1. SI'HHNSDOHIF. looms .117 A. MS Fhst
V r. National Hank Itullding , has sox oral ploce-
of tluo icsldonco nud business piopertx tc
mile Also several fuimsunai Omaha.rlelo
hone. l j | . "tin
llomi's' Homes1 I
Carthage Is Omaha's most beautifully slttl <
ated suburb.
It Joins nlinit \ Hill ou the west nnd Dundee
Pla-oon the. not til.
It Is xxlthlu easy distance of the licit Line
It 13 xx ithlii .a fpxv blocks of pax oil streets.
'IhoMi'tiopolltnn table line la being built to
Dundee Place. -
\ \ o x\ \ ill soil lots here for J70J. 4.
Terms :
To paitlcs xx ho xx 111 build. Onu-tcnth cash ;
balance at the end < f ten ) ears.
Wo Imxo I 01 Undo
goodunlnciinibeic'd pioppityfoi business lot
xxlll assume moitg.i'je or pax i ush.
lllegint noxx cottage tor any Kind ot good
real estate.
A great bugiln , the S. W. loinoiof IPth nud
( allfouiln stieots , xxlth tliieo houses , 1-111,0011
lakes It.
Iho northxxost coinci of 'ith nnd Dodge ,
$2. > , ( WO. xciyeisv terms.
t.OXJauesof I md In Nobi.a k.n and Kansas
l elegant unlncunibi'ii'd resldutue lots lu
Two new bilck residences andlots with small
Incnmbiance , in the bostpaitof the city , xxlll
trido all foi improxcd bu-tno- ] iiupertx.
Hi ennui \ Co ,
Chamber of Commence. ' 1 olopliono "Ofl.
1J KA l > Sholes specials Head.
js.500 HuB elepiut noxv house ou Geoigla nud
Poppletons nx-es , east front and nil
conxeuleiices , fuiuace. Choice.
SV > 00 llu > s tluo 8-ioom house on Loxxo axe ,
nil convloncos. Pait e.ash nud good lot In
jr,501 linxs good honso and lol ou Paik nve ,
ncai roppleton. U looms nud nil conxon-
loncos I tirnaco.
$0,500 01111111)noxv house. H looms , furnace
nnd all eon\enl < Mice < . lu llnnscom place.
Hop ou to this quick.
HWHuys a good 4-room cottage and full lot.
id.MX ) llnxsnu elegant honso in l\ount/o Plnco
on \ \ Irt ht. Part cishand part Hade.
J5.000 llnys nn elegant house In Kouutzo Plnce.
Furunco and all conxonicncos.
Hesldoiicebaud lots In all pans of the city.
For 1 ride.
Three cooa buck dwellings near Park , tine
house and lot in l\ount/u I'laeo , line house and
lot in Hanscom PI ico.
S1IC > 00 eiiultx In Knov comity farms foi good
cleai lol or lightly encumbered house and lot.
Vnli ed i.i f > 0. > .
'Ililsls.i laio finding clniuo. I handle all
kinds a bargain.
List ) our pioporty xxlth mo. lluslncss Is
going to bo fjoou this j oai aud I xvant a good
list for spring. Send in your llsls. IX V.
Sholes , J10 1 irst National Hank. 144
FOH SALE Farmot 100 .acres iiottoni land
In Douglas county on line of IT. P H. It. , one
mile from station ; llrst-cliss Impioxeinouts. J.
J. Hobblns , Paxton hotel. 7i ; lo *
FOH SALU Cheap Not for trade : - > W.7i ( acres
land ( Sec 5-120) ) two miles fiom Marqiietto.
Hamilton county Nebraska. Fiamo house"ta
ble. , > > 0 nciet > uudei good barb-xxlro fence ,
round codnr posts , txx o stax s ; living xx atcr. ,11-
foot channel ; J wellsujo-b.itrol tank , torrnl.
self-fcodoi ; a natural stock much ; in a line coin
Pricefabout 111.50 per ncie ) $0,1"iO
Cashdown .l.CO )
2 and ii years1 Union pot cent . . . ,1J 0
Go nnd IOOK oxel Innd. Addiess owner. F. K ,
Atkins , 1502 Lai liner st Denver , Col. 570
QO1TTH OMAHA-I hixoa number ot good
VJlots lu xnrlous additions th it muse bo sold
nt once and can bo bought at pilcosthat xxlll
suit xou. G , .1. Steinsdorll , room : ) .117 and fllU
1 Irst National uank liullilln ; : . bVJ
A35 MAIcns tlist payment on nice U-ioom
tilnoiise , good location. 11 U. Cole room i , .
Contliioutal block. 2IS
HOMI : of the ( holcostclcar iirop'ity in Olen
ixood. loxva. G. J. Stcinsdoill. rooms II"
and 11H , riist National bank bulUllug. W.'i
IOlTi , block 4 , Dnpont Plnco. 8-iooni House li
Jgood lepali , 41.0JJ. J70J cnsn , hilimo oiiHy
will take te un of noises as u irt payment O. .1
bternsjorir. looms Ul" amlJlS First Natlona
bank building. 15 !
HKNT Noxx7 room house , all mndnrn
' coineiiloncej , ccnfally loeatad , will rent
i ciy reason iblo to tenant miking good lease
i room c tt igo S 17th sl.itri. 8-room liomie
W2"i Howard st. J room lint 111 N I7ih , snltablu
foi lighthoiinekcopliig , $12 Apply toGieon
- - - First Nat. bank bldg. Oil
FOH SAM ! or Kxchauuo Impioxed block
farm of HO ) notes In uaitora Nobiaska , ncai
narket ; also noxr IS room house xxitn all ron
lcnl ncc ! < , In desirable roslden > e portion of
Dmnha Andrew loIn ! * . Attoinoy , I- . ' and 4M
'atton block , Omaha , Nob. " 7U
A MIW , Heal Tstato. 1W17 I nrnam Ht.
tV. Hero is a special baigaln , and Itnlllp.i )
ou to liixestlgati' .
I ull Lot on nth street ,
ilsim , on gtade , small house , for 11,00" ) , Vou
ind balance In easy pujiiiouts If ncro ar ) a
; eel tesldciico x\lll bo takoii In p ut pa ) invnt.
Anothei bugiln
s a now . ' * toi > liouso on Miami htreet , on
ilock fiomr.irs ; house hns modem Impiote-
iioutw : tut IK ili ft ft fiont ; our pilce , Jl.n l ; Is
ubjeit toamoitgagu of tl.'M ) , draw Ing ( l PCI
cut Intoiiihi. ; bilanci. wo xxlll take ai lolhiws.
HW unsli , a good rnsldtnce lot ot aocurod papiu ,
On Virginia axi uuo ,
. splendid lot. east tiont , nnd as handsome a
rt un theio Is In llansioni Place , lor f ! , ril ;
iTins. ji | ) KI cash ; this IN one of the bubl re l-
enco locations lu Omaha.
A " Itoom llousn
nd barn nn Vliglnla axemie. In good ordoi ;
plcndld location ; price tifln , X cnsn.
On Ciimlng St ,
lot 41 foot fiont. IC > lid deep , and 7-room
ouso foi J4,0'iQ ; tiilM Is the b'st oil.'i foi thu
lonoy In that pint ot Omaha , and It lakes half
ash to buy It.
On South llth ht.
tun bitya full lot xxlth d room hoiik'i and oiit-
Ulldlllgs ; IhH Is n bitgaln xvoll worth till )
icwj ) , and tnLea { . ' , OUO cash to bnj U , balantn
Jh'iit ,
If Vou Want
i bit ) a cliBiii ) home , cm ousy pnimenlx. wo
111 > Uou out .Nouistho ilmo tofatiii'ln '
nd j on not only buy on fn.'orable tirms , but
nu 6.1x0 xom nioiiox monthly and mnko ten
tnes thn mteiiut mj bank can piy > on , and
inn moiiuy U pi'ifoctl ) safe.
We have
i loan on city projwsty at Inn rates of Intereft ,
\\omukoguaranteoUAbstrartsif tltlcto all
ialeitato liiOmihn and Douglaficuuiit ) .
Coma and lieo I's
ir by so ddiirf you ma ) do ) t > ursel't > < > ma
> oil ; jot ; tan neil anil post xour < e'.f ou rval is.
it o and Ilnil out what is going mi hoi .
i onxtxaii'usalwaii on hand to Hhaxv j.roji-
't ) .
Ames , ! ft)7 ) Tarn un 41 UT 19
_ _
II AVi : reil nnd pnrso'i il ptopcitx1 of all
kinds foi trido. r.UI auu xou mo , ( leorge.l.
cinsdorll. lUiouis J17 and Jl" , I'lr&t NatlouU
inlc bulldln. . . MJ
' conuinlng 4 ro uiiH , ull i
ii , j. n , .Vc. T
la on a HIM til payment , b ibiucn il'i par
onlli. Why piy tout when n golluitopportu.
ty like tnli.Kt.aro ) xn'i ' In the fa-ji- ( I , J.
cnndoi'r ' , rojrm JI7 nuJ < ll\ nut
inic bulldlni : .
G ilcal K UI Column.
Hnrgalns this xxook In
llanscom Plixco Property ,
I'.legnnt house nnd lot In llansc ,
Imrn , furnace , bath ro > iu. city xx ater , nil modem
Improx-cMiionts , n tplondtd home , Can piv Iml
mediate possession big but gain It eumoooiu
Call nnd got nrlro.
Cornel. itu feet , ouIllttundPopplctonAvcmiQ.
pax ed street. soxxerngo. xvator and ons ; perfect
grftdonnd mngnlllcontxxloxv ; ono of the finest
residence sites in the city.
Cull nnd gotprhe.
Hun front lot. MixlfA on niit street , nonr Pop-
pleton avenue , llnnscom Plato. Just the plaoo
for a nice homo.
Double corner. 100 f ot , on Woolxvorth nronun
nud.'C-'nd street , facing ana overlooking Hau-
scorn Park ) perfect grndo.
.lust tbo pfnco for nn decant resilience block.
Ono of the nicest residence loin in llnnscom
1'lnre , on PopplMon a\onue , for saloon xery
small cash pa ) incut. Ions tlmo ,
Now eiblo line xx 111 make this the nnoat real-
dotu o property In the rlty.
Lot 3 , block 7 Kast front lot on Dolnxxnro t. ,
llntiscom Place. surrounded by elegant roil *
donees , splendid view. Uwtior Is out of toxva.
nnd must tia\o money.
Call and get prlro.
splendid corner , sonth front , rflxlOO fcot on
Popploton nxo , llnnsroin plnco ; first-class
neighborhood : Mtrnuts and Int nllgindcd ; new
t nblo line to llnn < ! i out parx will make this prop
erty ndanre at leist 5u per cent ,
lull and sco It.
Hotter Tlinn KMIroad llnnds or Stock.
Iliriialii-Siilondid business lot on M slrcot ,
neu r. P depot , torn foxx dnxs , nLJI.OOO
filO acres clioli e farm Inn 1 In Hoxxnid oouuty ,
close tot\MrnihOiuN , f or snloiU n b irunlii
lint class improved faun In eastern No.
biu.shii. siunll rush payment , long tlmo.
Call nnd get prices
( nuxAW feet on llelt I.lno Hallway nt junrtlon
iif two nmlti streets leadhiK out otthu elty In
\\o t Oniiihu. splmidld point for co il nnd luin
tier M\rili. Brnln nrd pro\lslouhouioor mllllnc
and eloMitoi bnslnoHs , all smooth and luvul
cumml and one or the tlnost piuous of trackngn
pinpcrtnunuul the clt > ; can otror for n tow
ln\snt jr > Xi.
This pi oporty will stand clo o InvcstlKntlon.
1 or Milo An Imonnt In ouoof tlio bo < t pieces
of limntment property In Omaha ; tan oiler
this for fU O rurcliasor inn realize * IOu l
outot thlspioperly \ > ltlitn tlneo > oarsi IM\111
pay jou to lUM'stlKiitn thin.
Aero Property
( holroton an e tract near Holt I.lno It. It. , In
\\eit omnhn , oiilv twentv IHo minutes rldo by
suburban trains rioniVulistur street depot :
iniiKnincunt MOpleisant and healthy loca
tion. r i c = angim
.lust the plnco for a nlco homo or line fruit
and \ crumble Kurdens This property tnn bo
platted into tlm iholee lots that \vlll fell Instdo
nf ; tilt ppyLMiis fir four or llvo hundred each.
Can offer the whole tract for n shoit tlmo ut
n Cholco ton aero tract \ \ Ith comforta
ble liouso , burn , Hiilondld sluulo trues , etc.i lese
tontnnd Hell liluo it'y Just the ilnco for n
nlco homo or tluo Irull and scgjtablo gaideiu ,
Can mnko this a big b irgaln if taken nt onco.
-'t'l-ir Itoom 40 , Darker Hlotl. .
1 IOI'Si : rooms , 1 ) I Ciiss"st . .
I L Iloii"o8 looms , LNih nnd HlcKoiy
rmnl-liLd oouse , 4-'d and ( ' .illfurnla
KiKlit loom house , -117 ( Jlnrk
Two ( I room houses , buwuru nnd "Sill
No K.M South % iili .
liouso 4 looms , 'JDll Olark .
llottso n rooms. IUT N. Kith .
And a lingo list ol others.
JS7 I'l _ ( leo. J. 1'aul. 100-j rnrnum St.
0 Nitlist : class llnKliod , frroom Hats \\j\h
* uithtooin , unsMitir and sovvtr ; "stores.
loiner , hiittablo for dins store ; Ibisemont
Miitablii for bai her shop. LOI nor Ithniid I.eav-
uirnorthsts , lu < iuuo nt pieinlses. y's mi'
'Al.n-Atli saoiillce , I50M.M ft pasTaml
1101 th front , corner itli and Ilimaid tone - < .
ono block riom ItoKdX Coo's and ICIiKendall'M
tim lusldtiuus just thlnl : of It , ijUxl.'O ft , and u
iiiuiiM. t 10 , and onh JI.WM.
lol iiiSaundeis A HlmobaiiBli's add. 1'rlco
? 0i Noiushpajmtnt and bul to'siiil to imy
one who will build ,
Non 7 loom house , well and cistern , on ' . ' 7th
M. ion c ir line. I'l lu > S-/MKI. will take tloar lot
as llryt paMncnt , balniuo to suit.
II It bnsliiiss propirt ) Nltli two jjood" story
stole liiilldln s. iciitliiK for JUKI a year ; this la
a bircnln at $4WXi. f li Hotter , loom 5 , s.v. .
cur. lath anil Douglas sis. 17-
Foil SAI.K-llj M. A. I'pton Company ,
Investmuiit Hunkers and
Ceueral Heal Katato Uoalors.
Southeast corner Itltb and rnrnum.
luoxln , south and east front , cornel Iow
a\u. and Dod o sttocts No llnor roslilonco alto
In Oinuini : M niO buys It. Bijs bargain ; uke It
< ] Ul > k.
1 1 010 Is a good homo at n v ery reasonable
inlio : Scutb Iront , M foot lot on .Maple stroot.
just east of Satmdcru and houtli of Koiint7o
place ; new H loom house , good barn , only illiUO.
'Jenns to suit.
The best ( oinci In Omnhn foi line tencmotitl
Is J4th and Dodge. Wo ha\o lUTxlJI thoro.
Itoom for bloi k ot soxcn liousia J17.00U Wo
think this Is Mild , how oxer.
Koniit/o J'lacel Koiintyo. 1'larol Klegant
homo In Knmit'ol'hici * , Urooms.fuinico , bnth ,
hotaud coldvatoi , o\tiy con tnleiuo , coed
batn , all nonlco and nobl > y , $0,500 ; jl.WJO
ei h , bilniRo I , 3. ' , 'i nnd 4 jeais. lloy/
41 feet south i nd lull st. viaduct , cut down to
grade , M , W. It Militant It nnv cliuiper take
It as a Rltt , \ \ o'll pay for retorulUK the deod.
'Iho Ilcst HuiKuln
In business ] > ropnrty in Omaha to dnj Is en feet
iinUiu M toot alloy on loth street noitli of
leiMnwoitn , nt 1" i per foot. Tom stoiy
building : olng up on adjoining C6 It. In the
Von Tool
nwaj your day of unco when you donotscciuo
souieof tlu > buigalns no oiler. 'llioyatQ line
the ciicus noio to day , but KOUO to moirow.
1 U feet trackage on llth stieet. Just north ref
N'ltliolus foi J. ) , ! * ) ! ! . Nicholas stioct Is , and llth
ituot ulll bo mixed this year Hlir mouoy lu
libs line track. IHO propertx' ,
Kh ant Itesiuonce.
Docs anjouu want ono of the best built nnd
bifcly IralHhml honso nnd Imrn In the city ;
HoiHooC oloxon rooms , llai n cost oxer SI.OiJU.
House hasoxe.iv conx'tnlence , Kast flout lot.
mlle fiom court liousi * . Artllli lal stone ilrlvo-
vays mid walks. A complete and elegant homo.
'oui muntels and fnutes that inst oxer $ MX ) ,
tiiprox emeiits cost $ liWO. ) ( Lot , Is v 01 tli iiWWi * )
t of Armour's , Soutli Omnhn. The
Inost lOncros In that locality. Will mnko I Ml
ottaco lots J.1 ) S that will hell icadll.x at } " > 0
indfO ) . Will ollci this foi a few dij at a
South Omilui.
'Ibroo beautiful oust fiont lots , 4ftxl"0 cich.
iistnoith of summit I'atk , for 8I.WH. uorlli
louble th tt umoimt. ijj > cali quick if jou want
bis snap
Windsor 1'Keo
'llilswai will hpuiriiod liansprtatou ! f irlll-
les to Wmdhoi I'liu e. \ \ c cnu Ha | | iluu homo
n this olii , uit addition forpm cent livmhim
t cm bo bouglit foi utter Max 1st
I.oouat llils :
4 lenin mnisa , ( ( nuMited rtllnt , brlclc loiuiili-
Ion , tint , 'in. full lot , tn Oiiinha \ lew , all for
l.luu-i.'JU cash , b iLiiu.o f ll.tiu IILI moiitli.
An ado I'laio
Vast front lot on With sticd , Just houtli o (
.caxenwoith , lei * lMii. )
Illll-lih. ' No. i.
A niit'doublo ( ornii on Jlilli nnil fhk ice St. ,
list i ast of Vat eft1 mansion , foi tl'M >
Kllby I'hue.
Iot Mlxll'i on nth ht , Jiibt noith < f Dolue ,
l.i l fl (1 ( ( iisb , Iml nun ] . and I > cais If
oiibo H built to coxt not loss th ill il.Oon.
Missing It
OhI joiinic- missing It bx not piitcluisln ; ; bo *
J1V lllUNlllJllK 1 1(1 13 hi t.H III.
r x 1 1. .
houtli front on Sowmdstieol , In bhlnu'sJ
ddltlon , fl.'ioo. '
Cnrtliml I'lnce ,
A Mini homoxxltli nxny eonxonlnnro ; laiga
it , "i.oiXI ; J.ln ( ) i , ish biilnnoi 7 | ) i r cent ,
South llth StU'ct
I ot i\l'i7. good ii i ooiii liousii ; line iosldi > nca
n Lt , bain ; H U Hi Lot Is xvoith the moi.ej.
> rii til Hilh stuiiit
Wo w'll sell a jin HIM on li.ili anil
i > HJ , foi hss than an > Inslilolot cm uobougut
phi rnian Axenuo.
KM f ( 1 1 , a 1 01 nor , mi Illnucy st. for f,8) ) ) , or
10 t'vruu lot t i ji.OW.
llansioni I'lace ,
( "ablo llunto llrni'ioni I'laio this yenWo
ixo some of the best I'-hliloiiciii ami hltcn
101 o.
I'liinain Strict.
Money can bo doubli d In txxo xean liy buying
opt'il ) of nson rainam strcot betxxoun Mill
id * d
Wn Nevei Hold a Lot
. < t that IhopiinhuMr bus not m nlo morn than
Kiil.u Intunst on his liivostmi-ut. Tlint U
rauso xxedeal In nothlnt ; butllut clasi ptoi ) .
IK a ,
Mouman I'aik.
A beautiful cnit front lot , tiaiUd ; , foi Wfl'A ,
jithHIOK ) .
Mi feet east fiont on rithipnxedbtrei ti bo-
uen Honern' nnil Wltlmi.ll sokKauirnNldencos
id I'm mini ht foi .H , < > iU > .
rt'e linvu tin ) liuo.t list and bunt bargains lu
B cltj .
M , A. I'pton Coinpiny. Ttlcphoima'il. Sl )
1A"lr > on II. i ! Cull' , nut thoust coi m r of 15th
and Doiigliuots. , Omaha , for IIilulu K , Ali -
Co.'sdilaloguosof liiudsof California
"w *
_ _
MKU.\M hoiiHiiaml coinur lot ni'iu I.OIXIMI-
J xtoilh anil I'aik m Diiuo , only iUUJ > , woitll
\ nlcu building lot near MUIIO location at a
Oifivt tiackagu on U , 1' . 11. It , xvlthln mlle
e , f I.WM.
uoeluant ; bnildlni ; lots In Wevt Omuha ,
ioud hnslney. nnd residence piopeity ( null
lUof theilt ) .
( Irovur iteuum
. ' ( j-U'l JVil liunamt-t. 'Joluphonu IIJI.
JU A nUu H'tliknio lot east of 'iUh
ht. nnd bUx\crnCumlug iiud Loatimworth ,
f joii haxo any Omaha proiicity to o.iui at u
ialn ; bilug It around.
( Irovfi Btoun * .
: 'i'I'l'l | I'aroAm St. Teluphouo 1183.
UH KAliK 01 'Irade- now H-ioom
from llrst huiuls , luom ua Itani e blk.
l and Ti monthly. luUudln i luteroat ,
bn > s iilcod ruain houu an 1 lot , it oil
li. Cole , room o , Co.itlntuml