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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1889)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , FEBHUARY 16. 1889. r.i THE CITY. Collections of internal revenue yes terday wore $7,07i5.&l. Dr. Sivcdtng lins boon fincil $7.60 for rcfuslnp to roinovo n dead liorso on his promises. William Doyle , a Imcltman out of work , was nrrostod us n suspicious char acter lust night. Mnjor T. S. Clnrhson has been ap pointed as one of the aids in the Iniiu- Burnl partido In Washington , March 4. The first annual entertainment and ball by the I-iidies' Aid society will bo plvcn in Washington hall on the lOtli instant. L , W. McOrow received a permit to erect a two-story frtimo dwelling .houso in Lake View addition , tit u cost of $1,000. Thieves entered a barn at Twcnty- ii I n th and Knrniim Thursday night and stole a ttiiurlo and double harness and a black bear lap-robe. Charlie Molt carried a concealed fclungshol in the log of his boot , and Judge ilcrkn thought the privilege was worth ? < i and costs. U. .T. Crcodon , a respectably dressed yonng man , was run in last night on the verge of the deloriuin tremons. Ho win eo noisy that he bad to bo chained down. A. H. Pall , secretary of the Nebraska Detective association , with headquar ters in Lincoln , was in the city yester day. Negotiations arc being made for the removal of the headquarters of the association from Lincoln to Omaha. Kev. Sam Jones , the Alabama revival ist , has leased the Colosseum building for the month of May. It is said that there is no other building in the city largo enough to hold the crowds ho usually attracts. Ho is now in Califor nia. Martin Lindsay , a twelve-year-old boy , throw a lump'of earth at a scliool- inato , but bauponod to hit a full grown man. The latter swore out a warrant , charging tlio boy with assault and battery , and he spent last night in the cells. Personal A. II. Sctmfortof Ord , is at the Millanl. Police Ofllcur Vnnco Fields is cm tlio sick list. list.A. A. 11. Stowe , of Kcd Cloud , is at the Mur ray. ray.Francis Francis Loncy , of Dccatur , is nt the 1'ax- ton. ton.D. D. L. Martyn , of Columbus , is at the Pax- ton. ton.C. C. H. Tnlbot , of Lincoln , Is stopping at the Paxton. C. K. Hall , of Fremont , was at the Mlllard yesterday. E U. Weeks , of St. Edward , Nob. , is at the Paxton. H. L. Graves , of North Pluttc , is a guest at the Paxton. A. K. Nims , of Nebraska City , is stopping nt the Millanl. Frank Sliarpcof Atkinson , Neb. , is a guest at tlio Millunl. L. A. Urandhaefcr , of Ogallala , was at the Paxton yesterday. E. O. Leo , of Sidney , was n guest at the Paxton yesterday. J. G. Wliite , of Kearney , registered at the Murray last night. H. II. Uoblnson , of Klinball , Is among the i-ucsts at the Puxloii. J. Crcalmn , of IJeentur , Neb. , registered at the Mlllnril last night. A. W. Alhro , of Gretna , Neb. , registered at the Pnxton last night. 13en V. Hildobraml , of tlio Pawnee City Press , is stopping nt the Murray. A. W. Albio and Theodore Van Alt , of Ellthorn , were in the city yesterday. H. H. Scliolbcrg , Thomas J. Dickson and Eugene Woorner , of Lincoln , are registered at the Murray. Judge Dundy Is recovering from his recent indisposition , but is not yet able to attend to his judicial duties. Mr. Mike Corl , city editor of the Council Bluffs Nonpareil , was in Omnha yesterday , and otaycd for the theater In the evening. Committee Meeting. The board of trade committee appointed Inst Saturday on railroads and union depot , will have a mooting at 4 o'clock to-dny and It Is Importuiit that every member uo present. Public Works I-Jstinmtc. At the meeting of the board of public work ? yesterday an estimate of $7,709.82 was allowed J. Hyan & Co. , for construction of n sewer on Thirty-second street from Cass to Hurt street and llrst alloy nortn of Cass street. _ A AVotild-Iie Assassin Itolnnsoil. Georco Williams , who attempted to kill his wlfo last month and was sent np for thirty-llvo days on the charge of discharging firearms , Just llnlslieil his term and was ro- arrestcd on the charge of assault with intent to kill. There being no witness to appear against him ho was released. Vnmilco Kclcnseil. . i Mr. W. A. Vunnlco , who was arrested a few days ngo on the charge of obtaining money under fnlso protcnsos , having given in payment of a bill a check on a bamc where ho had no money 011 deposit , was arraigned and on lack of evidence to convict , was dis charged. Ho says the prosecution was caused by spite. _ Don't neglect a cough and let it re main to irritate your lungs when a safe and speedy remedy can bo had for CO cents in Ur. Uloglow's 1'ostivo Cure. Goodman DrugCo. _ Not Mat on Up. Deputy Sheriff Houck was all broken up , Irritable and cross yesterday. Too much Pennsylvania banquet got away with him. Ho is ulso mad at some of the novvspauurs for reporting that all the grub was oaten up. "With enough for 7,000 people how do you suppose , " said ho , "that 400 could dispose of the lust scrap. I .linow that every family carried homo a big basket full and there was Btlll enough left to feed an 'army of hungry trumps. " _ Will Ho Mnclo to Work. Jack Hawkins Is a negro who lias been In Omaha four months and Is not known to liavo done a piece of work In that time. As this Is not In keeping with the spirit of the people of a progressive city and as ho Is a constant habitue of bawdy houses and other dives , ho has been arrested a number of times for vagrancy , but each time bus failed to reform. The Judge this time gave him twelve clays and told him it was to bo do- voicu tohaid labor. A New I'm I n. The connecting link between Ne braska and Kansas has just boon placed in sorvlco by the Union Pacific railway. This train loaves Council mull's daily at 4:46 : n. in. ; leaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. in. , nnd runs through without change to Manhattan , Kan. , making- direct con nections there with the Kansas division of the Union Pacific railway for all points in Kansas and Colorado west bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan sas City and points cast ana bouth via Kansas City. Returning , train leaves Manhattan tit 'J:2-5 : p , m. ; arriving nt Beatrice at 0:25 : p. in , , Lincoln at 7:60 : p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : D. in. , Coun cil Uluffa 11:40 : p. in. , making direct connection with Kitnens division trains from Kaunas City , Lawrence , Topokit nnd the east , and from Denver , Sulina , Abolino and nil points west , enabling passengers to visit the principal points in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest possible timo. Thcso trains have llrst- class equipment , consisting of smoking curs and first-class day coactics of the lutost pattern. The new train will ill ! n long felt want , and is. "bound to uo popular , . ' TllblU IIEASOX OON13. Two Cn en of luHiinlty In the Central Station nt ( ho Saino Time. J. H.'Colo , of the firm of Paydcn & Cole , saloon-keepers , was found lying on tlio side walk asleep Thursday night. He was taken to tlio central station. Ills actions anil talk were peculiar ami the ofllccrs were convinced that lie was Irmtic. Ho was brought before Judge Borka and asked why ho pot drunk nnd lay on the sidewalk to sleep. Ho claimed ho was not drunk , and he had lain down be cause the hotels were nil full. Ho said ho had been out of town nnd had Just returned. Oniccr .Johnson reminded him that ho hud been back for three or four days , when ho replied : "Well , three or four days then. " Otherwise ho spoke very rationally. The Judge unwillingly released the prisoner , and told him ho could go. Instead of leaving , ho returned to tht > front of the cell ho bad just vacated and began pcorlnj : through thif bars , when , in reply to an ofllccr's question , ho said bo was looking for his slater. The ofll- ccr culled the city physician , Who examined Cole , nnd pronounco.l him insane. Ho was Immediately locked up and sent to the county Jail to nwalt an examination by the coin- mlssloncis. Kosle Caspar , a well itnown character , who 1ms been in the county Jail for rx number of days , because she was not r.itloiinl , was re leased Thursday nnd returned to her home , as was supposed having regained her reason. Thursday night she was sieved with a raving lit niiu hnsboen violent over since. She was taken to the police station Just at the time when Cole was nrrnlgned bcloro Judge Herka , where she \ shrieked , moaned and wept , declaring demons were after herself and her son and woru seeking to destroy thrmi. City Physician Halpli advised tlio ofllccrs to retain her in custody and she is lo bo sent loan asylum. Hood's Snrsoinirillii is peculiar to itsc'lf nnd superior to till other m-epar.i- tioiiH in strengtheconomyand medical morit. ' i.lllj ' * t v/lJllylj.'l * lj.1 * , fy Ivl.IJIIjl . . Mcmhct-H of tlio Koree Are Not In Favor of tlio 1)111. Members of the pohco force are altogether opposed to the bill now before the bouse , providing fora police relief fund. One of them sulil : "If the city or the legislature wish to pen sion off an old policeman who has done his duty for llftecn years , why don't they do it without drawing on the salary of tlio men themselves ? What right have they to say what wo shall do with our pay ? It is ours , wo earn it and prefer to s.ive it up ourselves. Suppose a man wants to leave the force be fore the end of the llfteon years , or suppose ho bus to leave whether he wants to or not , what docs bo got back for the money drawn from his pay ! Nothing. And then , legis lating uway one-fourth of the rewards a man may earn at the risk of his life. It's too thin , altogether. If they want to pension the policemen let them do it , and If they are too poor for that , let tlio matter drop , for the po licemen don't am : for it. If the city sets ap.irt any sum for the purpose , there would bo no harm in turning over to it tlio lines im posed for breach of discipline , or tlio money arising from the sale of unclaimed or eon- tisc.itcit goods , but it ought to stop right there. " Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Furniiin st. , telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc. MOR.GAN VS. ASHING Kit. A $100 Fifty-Mile Unco Saturday Evening. A largo crowd gathers daily at the Colos seum to see the practice spins of C. W. Ash Ingot- and Senator Morgan , who ride their 400 Hfty-milo race Saturday evening. The men , who have been in the hands of competent , trainers , are in the very top-notch of condition , Norman Stewart , the senator's imported Knglish tr.xincr , says bis man is riding the fastest of his lito at present. The two men nro in dead earnest over the match , and much monny is sure to change bunds , as both have solid support among thulr specula tive friends. Manager Prince will select the referee nnd present the winner with a hand some gold medal if the record is broken , which is possible , if tbo breaking down tactics are resorted to. Senator Morgan leaves for Chicago Sunday to see about the great May tournament , in which several of Omaha's amateurs and pro fessionals will take part. He then intended to leave for 'Frisco ' , but at the request of ICnapp ho will remain and assist Fred Tuftleld in looking after the Denver man in his race xyith Ned Heading , of Fort Omaha , commencing the " 5th. The Pedestrian. Match. Manager Prince of the Colosseum desires to announce that all entries for the six-day go-as-you-please pedestrian race , booked for March-I , must bo in by the 23th of Febru ary. If the number of entries is under ten the race will bo declared off. Cowboy-H VH. IJIcyoles. OMAHA , Fob. 14.To the sporting editor of Tiic.UiiB : My attention has been called to Mr. Prince's challenge In your issue of this evening. I am authorized by Col. Cody to niako a match as follows : We will back two cowboys , using twenty horses and relieving each other when they please against any two champion bicycle riders Mr. Prineo can produco. Tlio race to bo ono of eight hours per day , for six days , and to bo for the wbolo gate receipts and abet of $1,00' ' ) asido. The race must com mence on or before April 1. Yours , " ij { 1JOOTII. It is by copying after nature that man gets bebt results. Dr. Jonos' Red Clover Tonic is nature's own remedy , is purely vegetable , can bo UiKeii by the most delicate. Cures all stomachkidney and liver troubles. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. _ The Switchmen' * * Hall. If the throng that crowded the exposition hall to bo present nt the switch men's ball Thursday night bo any criterion , that order miibt bo ono of the most popular associations In Omaha. Every foot affiancing room was crowded during tlio evening. Sitting room In the galleries was at a premium. The ball room was decorated as railroad men can decorate it , and , in addition to the ever greens and bunting that festooned the walls , strings of signal lamps wcro.stretched across Iho hall. There was the while lamp for "extra , " that mcnat an extra good time , and the blue lamp for the inspector , which told that the programme was being carried out in a way that would stand the closest inspec tion. Thogrcen light , to coma slowly , referred to the last dunce , and the red danger signal warned tlio dancers to keep close to tholr partners or they would loose them In the ciowd. The headlight of angina 601 beamed coinnluecntly from boncath a regulation smoke-stuck , nnd above it pilot hidden In bunting. Dancers took their places to the sound of an onclno boll , and altogether It was a genuine- railroaders entertainment. At ml'lnight there was n silver water sorvlco drawn for by the ladles present , and Miss May Murphy held the winning ticket , No , 101. Dancing was then resumed , and not until after ! ) o'clock did the last set form , dance nnd disperse to the muslu of "Home , Swoct Homo. " The credit of the ball was altogether duo to the hard work of the com mittees. narrow & Ijoirnn Are now prepared to' fill all orders from their new Block. Temporary location 1107 Ifarnoy strcot. Lclinier on llio Move. A reporter of TUB HL-E was Invited up Into the ( ifllco of Mr. Joseph It , Lohmer yes terday for the purpose of witnessing the workings of the Monarch car and engine mover , of which he has exclusive control for this territory. A very handsome model of the device was llrst exhibited , after which the mode of operation was fully Illustrated , demonstrating nt once its simplicity its util ity , Its practicability and effectiveness as a labor-saving contrivance. The possibilities of this mover are almost without limit. Hy Its aid ono man can inovp four loaded curs with the j , either ou upgrades or curves , nnd can keep the cars in constant motion n long as desirable. It will move dead engines in round houses or repair shops , and IB In valuable In cnso of accidents for separating cars In wrecked trains. The utility of this device as an economizer of time and expense will suggest Itself nt once to any ono wlu has the moving of cars to contend with , ani Its moderate price places It within easy react : of all. Mr. Lchmer cordially Invite parties Inter cslcd to call at his ofllcc , rooms 10 and " ( J Chamber of Commerce to Inspect the model , nt which time they will bo furnished wltli any further Information they may desire. What Is more attractive than n pretty face with n fresh , bright complexion ? For It use Poz/oyl's Powder. Altnlly Klned. Patrick Foley , a brawlng , powerful fellow about six feet high , was arraigned on the charge of choking nnd boating Philip Urady , a diminutive and weak-looking man. The trouble appears to bo over Foley's bojs Who are said to be almost incorrigible , llrndy Is a special policeman at the city dump , and has much trouble with them , because through their antics they Imperil their own lives and those of the people at the dump. Hollas threatened to arrest them and this has raised Foloy's ire nnd on every occasion the latter bullies the little man. shakes his powerful list in his face and makes direful threats about , "llclcmu" him. On ono occasion ho went to llrady's house and tried to coax him outside to get n whip ping. Thursday evening , while the ofllcer was enjoying a miiet game of cards , Folo.y came up and without any provocation Jerked him from his seat , tore his collar , neck-tio arid coat , and closed his brawny lingers over his throat uutll Urady was black In the face. Fole.v was about to strike him when a num ber of men interfered. After these fuels were brought out in court Judge HerUa gave Foley n lecture for such contemptible con duct and added thereto n line of $17.51) ) . BBNPRECIEDENTED ATTRACTION U OVKK A Mil LION Dls'l'lllUfTKOl Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated by the Icclslaturo In ] ( " . for I'ducatiotml and rinxrltliblo purposes , nnd Us franchise ma lo u van ot tlio present Stuto Con stitution , In 1BVJ , by an in LTU helming popular volo. Its MAMMOTH IM.VW1NV.S tixko plnco Semi Annuall vi.liini'mid Di-combo-i nml itsillANl ) Nt'Mttllll DKAWINtlS tnko phuo In cacli of the other ten mouths of thu year , nml flro nil drawn In public , nt the Academy of Music , New Orleans I.a. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , For Integrity of Us Drawings' } anil Prompt L'ayii o it of I'l-ixc * . \TTKSTKD AS FOLLOWS : " \Vo do heroliy certlty that we stiporvlset arruiiKeniouts fo.- nil llio Monthly and Homl-An- mini Ilr.iwlngsof The I.onlilima Btate Lottery Company , and In person manage and control the Drawings tlic.melrM , nnd that tnuiinio are condlicti'd nlth honesty , falrnKSs1 , nnd In pnod faith towat d all pirtles , nnd we , ivuthonzo thocompauy to use til's eertltluito , with fnc- slmllcsof outiblgnatinesutt lulled , In Its adver tlsementB. " COMMIaSlONnitS. Wo , tlm undersigned Hanks nud Hankers , will pay all Prizes drawn In The f.oulHtarm Stnto J.ot eries which may bo presented at our conn- It. \VALMSLlrr , I'res. Louisiana Nut. Hank. I'iKltlti : LANAPX. I'res. Stttt Nat'l Hank. A. 1IALDWIN. Pros. New Orleans Nat'l Hank. CAUL KOHN , Pros. Pnlon National Hank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , At tlio Aontlcmy of. Music , New Or- Icuiis , Tuesday , March 1- , 18HJ > . CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each. Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen tieths , $1. i iMUZB or r.on.ono is . . - . . . $ .100,000 1 I'ltl/.K OF Kfl.liCOIS . JOJ , < XX ) 1 1'HIXK OF HI.OOJIH . > . > 1 PKIKB OF 25WDIS . 2.IK)1 2 IMtl/.l'S OF lU.Utuo ( ) ) . i-IUXXJ 6 1MUZKS OF fiiK tire . 25,00. ) 2- > ] 'KI/KH OF J.lWOaro . 2J,0W ( 100 I'ltiXKS or fioonro . rori 200 IMU/KS OF TO ) are . l ! ' > ,000 tOO I'HIXHS OF Ulflnro . 100.000 A1THOXIM VT1ON I'lllZKS. 100 Prizes of fiiio nro . J.W.noo 100 I'rizesof ISTOaro . 'tn.ixK ) 103 1'rlzej of art are . W,000 , 1'ltIZK . 999 Prizes of JlOJnro . 50V0.1 flaaprlzesor lOOare . Ui,8 ! 0 a , 131 Prizes , amounting to . tl , < Ki,80 Norn. Tickets Drawing Cupllal 1'rlzcsure uutcn- Illicit to terminal prices. fir"KoiiCi.t'n UATI : , or nny fnrllier Information deslnMl , write In lbly to tlin uiKlcrtslcneil , clearly st.itlntr > uiir rcsltleiifo , M Ith btiite , County , Mreetuiul Number. More r i > ltl return iiiuil di'llvery will be us- Mircil by your enclo-lnu nn enclosing buarlntiyour full addroj . yen I POSTAL NOTES , Kxprcsi Money Or.lcrs , OF Nen Vork KicInuiKJ Inurdlnury loiter. Currency by Express ( nt our expense ) nililri'sscd. M.A. IIAUIMILV , Or M. A. lUIJl'IIIN. New Orleans , La. Washington , D. C. Address Registereiflelters to NUW OHLEANS NATIONAL HANK , Now Orleans , La. HY roOll NATIONAL 1MNKS of New Orleans , iiiul tliu ll"kc'tnnro hlt'iin I by tlio 1'ru ldentof nil tnatltii- tlon wliono chartered llshts nro rccounlruil In Iliu lilcln' t cdiirtnj tliercfora , bewuroof till liultatlonsor aiioiiyuious hchiMucM. " ONi : DOM , Alt Is thn price nf tlio snmlloM part or fr.ictlon of a ticket I&SIJK1) IIV US In liny drawing. An > tliniK In ournumc offered tor less tlmn a Deli IB itenlndlu. ar CALIFORNIA ! THK LAND OF DISCOVERIES. CUr E TOR ATARRH LECA ] , . Abie and Oat-K-Oure Santa : ; - - For Sale by Goodman Drug Co" . Pure. Tills iioHderiiovcrvnrlc' . A intirvel of purity strenrtli fttul wliolctonienpss. Moro economical tlmn tlio ordinary klml , anil cnnnot Imsoldln coinoetlllon with tnc iniiUltiulo * of low cost , shortwelfjlit alilin or plionphati1 ) ) owilcia. i-olil only In cans. Hoyai Making I'owdor Co. , I'M Wall street , Now York State Line. To Glasgow , Hclrusl , Dublin nnd'rn ol From New York Every Tueslay , Cnliln pnitnRo Wfl ami W. according to location ot fi\lo room llxcurslon WS to JU ) . Htccrago to ami from Kuropo nt Lowest Hates. AUSTIN HAIiDWlN & CO. , flon'lg < -nt , , ft'l llrouilwny. New \ ork. JOHN lll.UCir.N , Ucn'l Western A 'iit , 1(11 ( lliiiutdlpli M. . ( lilcuKO. IIAUItV K. MOOKKP , AKellt. Omalm. leduc ! itl Cabin Hmos to Glusgow Ex hibition. DR. A-LFRED Physician and Surgeon it * nntnl-'v Trtltt V * T.s tl > \ t2 1 * A COMING , Wo are done with the past season. Wo have nearly sold out onr winter goods , and have not enough loft to make any noise about , and the incoming spring goods require all our attention. During the past few weeks wo have boon renovating our store , and made several changes by which wo gain more room for departments that have heretofore boon badly crowded. The first which needed more room was the Hat Department. Our hat business has grown to s ich proportions that its quarters were entirely too small. Having now enlarged it considerably and arranged it in bettor shape , we are pleased to anne unco to our patrons , that it is filled with an entire new stock. OUR NEW HATS ARE IN ! And wo open the season with one of the largest nnd moat complete assortments of stilt and soft Hats , comprising the makes of the best manufacturers in the country. It is needless to say much about the prices. Everybody knows that wo are selling hats at about one half what other dealer charge. But aside from this we want to empha- % " sixe the fact and wish ii understood that we are handling only good honest hats , such as are guaranteed lo us from reliable makers , and such as wo can warrant to our customers , Every hat in our establishment matter how cheap is sold with this nuclei-standing , hat , if any imperfect on or damage is found , oven al'tor the hat is worn we take it back if returned within a reasonable time , and give either a new hat or return the money What othe.- establishment will make such an oiler ? To inaugu ate the season we place ou sale to-day 75 dozen elegant Cassimoro Hats , new shapes , at 95c. These hats are of a quality which are usually sold by other dealers for $2.00. Our Spring Overcoats are now coming in. Wo shall have this season the handsomest line wo have ever shown , and our prices will be as low as usual. PLAIN FIGURES AMD ONS PRICE ONLY. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. i'1-.A.j. j a.nuu \ OO. WITH GENTS' ' WITH LADIES' SPINAL No , 4 SPINAL No. 4 APPLIANCE BELT , APPllftHCE BELT. ATTACHED. ATTACHtO. will Cure Iho follow- OWBN'S lllcctro ! Galvanic Hell and Suspensory kind Pr. lihcuma- t ism of any , Ine diseases nml nil others vl a nervous character : * Dance , Ilrisht's St. MHifc Diseases , Sciatica. 1'aralysn , Kpl- lensy. caicV Spinal General and Ncrv- DUB Debility , I'os- Discase , I'iles , Heart lls- , l.nmhago. line Un-k \ lew i > f the llody. all llvcness Kiilney Diseases ' Personal Weakness or , Married l.ifc Xcrrons 1'rostration , tmu. * - - - 1i ciction in Youth or , dl cahcn caused fiom In- I alnti all diseases pertninhiK to Male or rcmnlc. Ao clinllensp to In f net nervous KNlinustloH , Female Coin- % v un.Tcr control of * . _ VhatTillcomimrouithlt. Tnecurrentls . the perfect 5f .J J Woild to produce a beR bo done with any otntr iicii. ' " can bo made mild or Duspeuso Is coniicolcaiHrcctly ) . Kfrniif , . ? i to to tlio Eiut Battery any complaint , ( ] 10 tii.i , < ; s this aie BO cannot ndjustcd thatbyineana ol " our applinncca Su-pcuporj' for weakness of men ' -Ill's ' | B ll'c ' Latest ami \virerc\cr the cll > caFO la located.Ill's ? * ' dTseatoor nsnicnieillaln . ihls f eVt'0c the Boily for the euro of e . buyer of a belt . 18S9. l.vciy l t. - . . . . . lias been patented Atienut IGtli . . , 188T . . , , Improved . . . . . . , IVIiruary . . . . N4 FlU fo . . . Ilody Hclt Just * N -4 0 - > - Front VI . Klcclro-Ualv.-.nic - - ' . .Y-r--"SYuBVwUK"t ! rr * i. il i. UK irm ilm i * TH nol Itill. l\U. 'A Jt I ? * A JK UWOA. Unt. m t.i4o * v. * ! . t\ . . - . * , 4n lin If .lilT/ird fi > rilll .H ritlllfrt. It I. A f-lfl " . omaini "Vlvo tlio cui rent can boic\crfied. . the boM/ad / . , will llud the O-onto JUMcr. J i gajterjr , Ojlv p oriUJalvnme W llattcrj fi illic curicntcnn bu Tested It\Mll : uro all complaints CnraMo lliis belt . by vill Klectriclty , buy nootherns It Is 1 Ifil tnr , ufii and hiipcilor to nil olliers ornlKlit. ; Alter examining yon to rotponBililopaiticB on thirty llc" co nnieio Bend Po'wor No. 4 ve\ill our Fall ; aml Apidiance , \ * ; pamphlet iMaKoforonrfieelllnstiated > in ' > - hcinl ( cents iMiiiiu lur 'iii ' iij | | 1'hvticians endorse the Owen licit us tha best , > p i , i. i. nr . Ai.,1 . . .n..Inl j l.i n e.tfilfcil r.nt'nlrtfto. trlllllCT illBtl HCtlonS SPECIAL SALE. ANDSI'KCIAL 1'IUCES ON MEN'S TltOU- bints Especially at tills .season. Wo nrosuro yon will appreciate what wo nro ( lolni ; . Look lit onr window nnd yon BCQ a tow of tlio uaraulns. Come lu and wo will show you with pleasure. NATIONAL BANK IT. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Cnpitul e-l)0,000 ( ) Surplus Jan. Ibt , 188 ! ) M.OOO OKKII'UIIH AND DIIIUCTOKS ; II.V. . YATT.S. 1'iosldent. J.uwis S. HIKI > . Vleo 1'rcsldimt. \V. U.S. Jluoiii.b , Cashier. imrECTOUS : A. E. Tou/.uiw. IV.V. MOUSE. JOHN a. COI.MNH , J , N. H. I'ATHICK , U. I * . CL'HIIIMI , THE IRON BANK , Corner l-thunil ; l-'arnnm Kla , A Qencrul llanktu Iluslnc-bd Transacted , YOUR BANK ACCOUNT , If > nu iUlro to < > | H-in > mi LI inaliti any iliaiik'eo thall liu jileaseilto confer "Mil > allnxv In- ti'ic-bt nn Tlinu IH'IioMts , DUcouut lillslncsa I'JIHT , Igbiiu Drafts mi tliu Cltli-a of iuru : | > e , also lA-licrs of ( 'mlIt , and ) transact any bunltiebs lu tlio llniiof IIAMU.VO. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT TOR LADIES. IIIWCCTMCHTO I I OiS "AgiS'iMuMK i ' 'irAhft cafe Dt'ciirltles , MO rball L iilra cil tokruorruiri ! * HXJIK ! nltli } iai. An e pcrlcni'u of t rut ) ! ! ejcars Klrc.H us advanlHeo In ( wlectlnn the best lii\cstini-im , hoth 113 In k-L-.ilit ) niwl niianilal MiinillMK. We also deal In I..V.M WAIUC.Y.VJ'M A.VH tiUJtll * . ANKERS , CHICAGO su y Pn 5TONKtflN6 < 5. N. V. Office ) 2 Wall St. , cor. Broadway. ATE > AC-C. BV JCMAYNEjf (0 Boyro MA , - ' 'in : oc E PBNNYBOVAI. WAFKHS ara mcceiiiifully Uktxl monthly by over 10,000 I dles. Ara Safe , Kffectualaiul J'leaiant V-i f I pwljox iiyroall.oratdrugclits. Sealed -fartlrularM S poeugn stoinpn. Adilreiw TBS OUCA CQUIKUI , Ca , JJBTHOIT , Uiou. Foraal6 < tiil ( by mall Goodnma X > rt'ot Omnftd , ' Ncl. 2O to 60 DAYS. This is ! i discnso which has heretofore Ballleil all Medical Science. AVe have a Kemi'ily. unknown to anyone in the \Vorlcl outside of onr t'oinp.uiy , nnd oue that has XEVEEl V\\\Ain to euro the most obstinate cases. Ten days In recent cases does the work. It Is the old chronic deep heated cases tlia > NO Bollcit. Wo have cured hundreds who have been abandoned by 1'hyslclan" , and pronounced Incurable , and wo challciiKo the world to bring us a c.xno that wo will not euro In less than sixty iluyx. Slnco the hlstorv of mt-cilulno a true ppocillc for Syphilis has 'been sottelit for ' > " ' never fonna until was discovered , and wo nro Ju tttlod In Faying It TH thn only Remedy in the World tnat will pos > - Itlvclv cure , bnciiuso the lateKt Medical \\orks , published by the best known authorities. ' say there was novcr n t rue hpecitlc before. Our rom- cdy will emu when uverythliiu " 'so ' lias failed. Why waste your time nud money with patent medlclnea that never liad virtues , or doctor with physicians that cannot cnrn you , you that have tried every thins else should come tons now and K 't permanent relief , you never can jct It else- where. .Murk what \\o hay. In tli. ) end you must take our remedy or NI3VKK lecowr nnd you that have been allllctfd but n pliort time should by nil means como to us now , not one lu ten of new rases over > ; et permanently cured. Many vet help and think they nro free from tlio disease , but In one , two or three years utter It appears aa.ilii In a more horrlulo form. This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cure any Skin or Blood Di.soaso when Everything Else Fails. THE COOK REMEDY GO , lloom lOuiiil 11 , r. S. NaUomil Hank IlnildliiB' , Onmliu , Nob. The TYLEE SYSTEM of BANK COUNTEH8 Cannot be Excelled. They are Elegant in Deilgn and very Low In Price , Al o , Court Home Furniture , and Borne 100 Etylo of Office Ueika , Chain , Tatlti , Etc. 100 Page Illuttrated Catalogue Free. Postage 7 Cts. TYLER DESK CO , , St , Louis , Mo , , USA , T. E. GILPIN , INSURANCE .BROKER , Itooin 03 Trailers' Jlitlldlne , CHBCACO. GOLD MEDAIiPABIB , 187B , BAILER'S Warranted absolutely yiire Cnroa , from ulilch the eicctt of Oil das Uen removed. It liai inora than three timei the etrtmjth. ( if Ccxoa mixed with Starch , Arrow , root or Sugar , and it therefore ( ar more economical , coitliiylcsi than one cent a cup. It U delicious , nourishing , ttrenethening , easily di gested , and admirably adapted ( or In- validt a * " ell as ( or ixnons in liealtb. liold bjr Oroctri oerjithcre. w , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass , VI nil C V anrt all urinary trou bios cmlly.imlclc- M UN LI ly andsufoly cured by IXJUTlJltA LUn- * ules. cases cured In seven dayM , Hold ll.Wiier box , all drufxlxts , or by mull from Ii > - , us MrR.'Co IK Wlirtu3t.fl. V. i'ull IJlrectloai NKUVOt'S , CIIItONIC1 anil I'llIVATB D1SKASK3 of MKN anil WO.MU.V succcesfullr trcatoa. YOUNG MEN SiUTcrlnc from th plfei'ts of Tmilliful follies or Indis cretions , or nre tront-li-il with Wrnkncn , Aervous Debility , Ixiis of .Memory. DespouiliMicy , Aversion to Society , Kidney Tioubles or nny dlaeiisi ! of the ( Ic-nl- to-Hrliiury OruHim , can licro Mini safu and speeoy emu. ChurBt'S roiisunublu , especially to the poor. MIDDLE-AGED MEN There nre ninny tionuloil with too f refluent evacim- tlonH of iliu b'nilik < r , oltun uicomininlLd liy a cllt-'ht snnirtliiK or ImriiliiK scn't.itldii. anil weukunliik' of tlio O'li'm In aruiiiiiivr thu putlont ciiuuut urroiint lor. On czniiiliilni ! tlio uiliinry ileposlts u nipv Kodlinunt will otlon tioloiinil. ttml norm-limes partluleof iilhu- men nlll nppi > ur iir tlio culor ba ot a ililn , mllkWi Inn1 , luiiln cliaiwInK ton dnrk or torpid npin'iirimce. Tliern nni manv lui-n who iliu of Hits dlnlculty , luiiur- mil of the muse , which IH the acc-on I tuie ofdoujl * nal c'ukiicTliu doctor will Riiiininti-u n perfect rurulnnll sucti cii-ns , iuid n lieiiltliy runtoratlon nf tlmuonltO'iiilnnry nrpnni. ( "onftillutlon frt-o. Hi'inl --cent Ktaiuiifnr "Voiini ! Mnn'a Friend , or ( iulilu to Wedlock , ' Ircctoull. A lilress DB. SPINKTEY & CO. , Mnln nnd liUh St.KuiibUs City , Mo. tl'-.Meiilloii tlilt pnpcr. THK OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' The Best Route from Omalm and Council to ETHEEASTE TWO TUA\N3 DAILY OMAHA AND COUNCII , ULUKKkl Chlcngo , - AN11 - Milwaukee , St rani , Minneapolis , Cedar Itnpldi , Itock Island. Frccport , Koekforil , Clinton , Uubuquo , Dnrcnpoit , EI'In ( , Madison , Jnncbtlllc , V 'lnonn La Crossc Ilclolt , > , , And all other Important polnti Kail , Nurthctol aid bouttieail. forthrouah tliketn , call ou tut ticket aftnt at 1M1 arnaui mreet. In Darker Block , or at Uuluu I'acldo upol. 1' Slcapen and th * Aneat Dlnlnx Cart la tin world are run un tba mala line of tUu C'btcagu , J1IU wBkco & BU i'anl Itallnay , and er atteullon Ii paid to [ mucus ? r by tourmcut eiuplujoi of thecooipany. U. Mll.reil.Ueneial llaniuvr. J. V. 1 UOKKrt. Anlitant Qcueral Manuger A , V K. UAltPBNTKIi , fliairal l'amug r ant Ticket Aeeat. OKU. K. HUAFFOIID , A' < 4litant OcaeiaJ aad Ticket Agent. j. T. CtiA KB. 'J o iaa KuBcrlntendeut. Healtii is Wealth ! 1)11.K ) , P. WlST'sNKItVB ANII IllUI.V TllCAT. MK.S'T , a ciinraiitteil Miuclnc for Il/Hturia , Di zl- uesa , 1'onviiUloiiD , 1 ltd. NurvoiiH NeurulKltt , lleiumc > iaNurrouil'ro tr.itl'mc.iiiHtlbytlioiHC < ! ofnlciliolor tobuccuViki > fiilntSti ! , Mi'iUul Jo- liroaslnn. Koflenlnu'Of tlm Hruln n nllln In In finity nail leidlnt ; to misery , ilec y anil death , I'renmtnro Old AKO , flHrreiinus-i , I.IHH of power In either MX , Involuntary I < o4sat and Kj'ornmt * orhciia caused hyovur-oxertloii of the Ijrulii.belf. or orerlndiilKonco. Hucli ljux < ntalin oue month'ri treatment. II.ODa uox , ornlx lioxe-i forl5lPtieiit1 > y null premlil | onrucclpt of pries WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXE3 To cure nny ciso.Vltll each o'dur roi-oiveil by im for six boxt-H , uccOmrt'ilud wall * "i.UJo.rl ) ! * ewl tha purclmier our written KUaraiili-e tn refund - fund the money If tha treatment doss not itiliM a cure. ( luurHiltrei Inued only by 'lnoilmi'o ' t'C" . . Urugid'U.'ole ( Ayvuti. 1UU 1'itru.iia vt Umulu , N'eb. OMAHA MEDICALft SURGICAL IN8TITUTI N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodare Sts. roil THE THKATMC.NT OK A 1.1. Appliance" for Deformities and Trusses. Hot lacllltlrs , apparatun unJ rciurdlei lor lucodfl ful trenlnirnl of ovary farm of dbciuo rcqulrlnc Medical orBurelonl Tru&tuicnt. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard Rnd attendance ; bcit lioipltul accommoda tlnnBln the woit. WHITE rnn cinronnson Daformltlii and Braces , Truanei. Club 'e t. Cur nturo of the Hplno , I'lles. Tumor" , t'oncwr , ( 'uUirli. Mrnnchllln , Inlntlmlon , Klectrltllj , rHralrili , KpllcnT. Kldiiny , Illnililor , Kye , Kar , Skin end Dlood.apd HllBiUKIcal oparallniii. Dlseaeos of Women a Specialty. llooi ; o.v DiscAfii.i np WOMEN KIIKK. ONLY BELIABLH MEDICAL IlISTITnTH JIAKl.VO A hlTCIAl.TV OK PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illood Dlicn'rj succoufully trusted. Srplillltla I'otton romuved fruni llio arntuni wiilioui mvrciiry. NIITT rosloiftlvo Uoiunifnt lor Inn of Vltnl I'uncr. Pcrioni unable lu vlilt u niny bo tr atad nt bnuiv by rorienpundcnro.Il fommunlollun * lonlHUntmi. Medlrlnvi or Inilruiuonti cent by mnll or cxpron , itocurelr uackud , no innrbs to IndlcuUi content * or eenrtcr. GiiBpereouallntervlnw piufurrfd. CRllanH ion > ultun or nonil bltuiry of yuui cas , and we will tend In plain H ruppcr , our BOOK TO MEN , FRBE1 Upon I'flrolp , Hpcclal or Niirvuu * Illwuiea , Impo lcncy.Bjrpblll , Gleet uud Varlcocolo , with question ll l. AdiTresa Omaha Medical and Surainil Institute , or nit. ni < iE : Cor. 13tn and DoJgo Sts. , OMAHA. NEII. And Oiiicago , _ Tlie only road to Ukn for Iea llnlnon. Mariliallnwa C d rll pldi. Clinton , Ulxoii , vhtStn. Mllwaiikco , tSan iffnf iff tTliHthi0 'V-1'1" ' Vibmiki 'uil r d ir. Otab , ld bo , Novadn , Orevon , y0nr.n . , ' . " . " of thu numcroua points nt nperlortty ? * * 1/1 tUI" rV"ul' tw un0 P 'ni/iiiJ2BO\ * ° lu lure train . .IIAUllKS. \ , , * n. iiat of IUT which are tin nnrit Unit linman arl and MKfiiully . l'AIAJKtlMVri iSir/iti tun crcato. lt > ' ( > ( .I * ' iu ] lol wliliJi n not bi 'found eliowboiJ A ? .ouncll HluOi. the Ira rn of tlio llulon I'aLlflo il ii. " ' VnrSBB'0fi ' " a"lc"1 , " l > ol Wllli tuoo Si tbo Ota * o NorlliiTnlorn Ur , In Chlravo tliii tralni "NORTH WESTERN UN. " ' * yoitCBA. .