THE OMAHA' > AITVY BEE.SATURDAY. ? 'FEBRUARY 10. THE CITY. Collections of internal rovcnuo yes terday were $7,073.51. Dr. Slvcrling 1ms boon fined $7.50 for refusing to loinovo n dead horse on his premise's. William Doyle , rv hnckman out of work , was arrested 113 n suspicious char acter last night. Mnjor T. 53. Clarkson has boon ap pointed as one of the aids in the inau gural parade in Washington , March . The first annual entertainment and ball by the Ladies' Aid society will bo pivcn'in Washington hall on the lOtli instant. L.V. . McOrow received a permit to orcct a two-story frame dwelling Jiouso in Ltiko View addition , at a cost of 81,000. Thlovcsentered a barn at Twenty- ninth and Fiirnam Thursday night and stole a sintrlo and double harness and a blaolt bear lap-robo. Charlie Mott carried a concealed blungshot in the log of his boot , and Judge iJorlui thought the privilege was worth ? 5 and costs. I ) . J. Creedon , a respectably drested young man , was run in last night on the el goof the d''lorium tromons. Ho was en noisy that hu had to bo chained tlown. A. 13. Hall , secretary of the Nebraska Dotcctlvc association , with headquar ters in Lincoln , was in the city yester day. Negotiations are being made for the removal of the headquarters of the association from Lincoln to Omaha. He % . Sam Joncslho Alabama revival ist , has leased the Colosseum building for the month of May. It is iaid that there is no ether building in the city largo enough to hold the crowds ho usually attracts. IJo is now in Califor nia. Martin Lindsay , a twelve-year-old boy , throw a lump'of earth at a school- unite , but hatinoncd to hit a full grown man. Tlio latter swore out a warrant , charging the boy with assault and battery , and ho snout last night in the colls. Personal ! rngenjilis. A. II. Scbafcr.Jof Orel , is at tlio Milliml. I'olico Ofllcur Vance Fields is on the sick list. list.A. A. 15. Sterne , of Hcil Cloud , is at the Mur ray. ray.FintiL'ls FintiL'ls Loncy , of Uccatur , is at the Put- ton. ton.D. D. Jj. Martyn , of Columbus , Is at tlio Pax- ton. ton.C. C. It. Tulbot , of Lincoln , is stopping at the Paxton. C. 1C. Hall , of Ficmont , was at the Millard jcstorday. B D Weeks , of St. , Neb , is nt the Paxton. It. Jj. Crnvcs , of North Pintle , is u guest ut the Pavton. A. V. Nuns , of Nebraska City , is stopping at the Millard. Frank Slmrpeof Atkinson , Nub. , isaffticst nt the Millard. L A. Urandhacfcr , of Ogallaln , was at tlio Paxton yestci day. B. O. Leo , of Sidney , was a guest at the Paxton ycstciday. .1. G. White , of Kearney , registered at the Murray last night. II. II. Robinson , of Kitnball , Is among the quests at the I'.ixion. J. Cieahan , of Uccatur , Neb , rcgistoicd nt the Millaid last night. A. W. Albro , of Gretna , Neb. , registered nt the Paxton last night. 13cn K. Hildcbrand , of the Pawnee City Press , is stopping at the Mm ray. A. W. Albio mid Theodora Van Alt , of Elkhorn , \\cio in the city yesterday. II. II. Sclmlberp , Thomas J. Diclcson and EiiRcno Woorner , of Lincoln , are registered nt the Murray. Judge Dundy is iccovering from his recent indisposition , but is not yet able to attend to his judicial ilutieb. Mr. Mike Corl , city editor of the Council Bluffs Nonpareil , was in Omaha yesterday , and stayed for the theater in the evening. Committee Meeting. The board of trade committee appointed lust Saturday on railroads and union depot , will have a mooting at 4 o'clock to-day nnd it is importune that every member uo picscnt. i'tiblio Works Ultimate. At the mooting of the board of public works yesterday nn estimate of 7,709.82 was allowed J , Itvan & Co. , for construction of a sewer on Thirty-second street fiom Cass to Hurt sticet and llrst alloy nortn of Cass street. _ A AVonlil-Uo Assassin Itclnnsctl. Gcorco Williams , who attempted to kill bis < wife last month and was sent up for tbirty-llvo days on the charge of discharging firearms , Just finished his term and was ro- nrrcsted on the charge of assault with Intent to kill. There being no witness to appear against him ho was released. Vnnnico Released , . i Mr. W. A. Vannico , who was arrested n few days ago on the charge of obtaining money under fnlso pretenses , having given in payment of a bill a check on a burnt where ho had no money on deposit , was arraigned nnd on lack of evidence to convict , was dis charged. Ho says the piosccution was caused by spile. _ Don't neglect a cough and lot it re main to irritate your lungs when a safe and speedy remedy can bo had for CO cents in Dr. ] ? ioglow'a Postivo Cure. Goodman DrugCo. Not Kiitou Up. Deputy Sheriff Houck was nil broken up , Irritable and cioss yesterday. Too much Pennsylvania banquet got away with him. Ho is also mad nt some of the newspapers for rcpoiting that all the grub was oaten up. "With enough for 7,000 people how do you suppose , " s.iicl ho , "tlmt 100 could dispose of the last scrap. I Imow that every family cairied home a big basket full nnd t'icro was etlll enough left to feed un 'army of hungry trumps. " Will lie Mmlo to Work. Jack Hawkins Is a negro who has been In Omaha four months nnd Is not known to have done a ploco of work In that time. As this Is not In keeping with tno spirit of the people of a progressive city and as ho Is a constant babltue ofluwdy houses aim othi'r dives , ho has been arrnstcd u number of times for vagrancy , but each time has fulled to reform , The Judge this time gave him twelve days and told him It was to bo do- votcu to hard labor. A New 'i'ruln. The connoctliuj link between Ne braska and Kansas has just boon placed in horvico by the Union Pacific railway. This train leaves Council Blulls daily at 4:16 : a. in. ; leaves Omaha at 0:05 : a , in. , and runs through without change to Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con nections there with the Kansas division of the Union Puciflo railway for all points in Kansas and Colorado wobl- It- bound , nnd for Topeka , Lawrence , Knn- 6n City and points cast ana bouth via Kansas City. Returning , train leaves Manhattan tit 12:2-5 : p. in. ; arriving at Beatrice at 0:25 : p. m. , Lincoln at 7:60 : p. in. , and Onmlm ut 11:20 : p. in. , Coun cil UlulTs 11:40 : p. in. , making direct connection with Kansas division trains from ICunbus City , Lawrence , Topeka nnd the oust , and from Denver , Sulina , Abollno and all points west , enabling passengers to visit the principal points in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest possible time. Those trains have first- clasa equipment , consisting of smoking cars and first-class dav coaches of the latest pattern. The now train will 1111 u. long foil \u\nt , and is bound to ue popular. - ' i : THJMR It BASON QONU. of Inrmnltr In the Central Stntlon nt thoSnino Time. J. lI.'Colo , of the firm of Pnydoti & Cole , snloon-Uecpori , was found lying on the side walk nsleop Thursday night. He was taken to the central station. His actions and talk were peculiar nnd the onlcors were convinced that ho was insane. Ho was brought before Judge Berka nnd nskud why ho got drunk nnd lay on the sidcwnlk to sleep. He claimed ho was not drunk , nnd ho had lain down because - cause the hotels were all full. He snld ho had been out of town nnd had Just returned , Oniccr Johnson icmlndcd htm that ho bad been back for three or four dnys , when ho replied : "Well , three or four days then. " Otherwise ho spoke very rationally. The Judge unwillingly released the prisoner , nnd told him ho could go. Instead of leaving , he returned to thu front of the cell ho bad Just vacated and began pcotinu through the * bins , when , in reply to nn ofllccr's question , ho said ho was looking for his sister. The oill- cer called the cltv physician , who cxnmlncd Cole , and pronounce t him insane. IIo was Immediately locked up nnd sent to the county Jail to await an examination by the com- niissloncis. Hosic Caspar , a i\r > ll known character , who has been in the county Jail for n number of tlajs , because she was not rational , was re leased Thursday and returned to her home , as was supposed having regained her reason. Thursday night she was sieved with n raving lit and hns boon violent over since. She was taken to thu police station Just at the time when Cole wasniralgned bcloio Judge Uerkn , wheio she I shrieked , moaned and wept , declaring demons were after herself nnd her son nnd were seeking to destroy thorn. City Physician Kalph advised the oillccrs to ictaln her in custody and shu is to bo sent loan asylum. Hood's Snrsiiparllla is peculiar to itself and superior to all other prepara tions in strength , economy , and medical merit. _ _ TIII3 I'OIjlCKMKN'S HKljIHR Members of tlio t-'oree Aio Not in I'livor oltlio Hill. Members of the polica force aio altogether opposed to the bill now before the house , providing for u police relief fund. One of them said : "If the city or the legislature wish to pen sion off an old policeman who has done his duty for fifteen years , why don't they ilo it without drawing on the saLiry of the men themselves ) What right have they to say what wo shall do with our pay ? It is ours , wo earn it and prefer to save it up ourselves. Suppose a man wants to leave the foico be fore the end of the liftcon years , or suppose ho has to leave whether ho wants to or not , what docs ho get back for the money drawn from his pay ! Nothing. And then , legis lating away one-fourth of the rewards n man may earn at tile risk of his lifo. It's too tliin , altogether. If they want to pension the policemen lot them do it , and If they aio too poor for that , let the matter drop , for the po licemen don't asic for it. If tlio city sets apirt any sum for the nuijwsc , thcio would bo no hat in in turning over to it the lines im posed for breach of discipline , or the money arising fiom the sale of unclaimed or con fiscated goods , but it ought to : > top right there. " Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnam st. , telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc. MOllGAN VS. ASHING Kit. A $100 1'Mltj-Milo Uiicc Saturday A largo crowd gathers daily at the Colos seum to see the practice spins of C. W. Ashinger and Senator Morgan , who ride their 400 tlfty-milo race Saturday evening. The men , who have been in the hands of competent trainers , are in the very top-notch of condition , Norman Stewart , the senator's imported llnglish trainer , says bis man is riding the fastest of his lito at present. The two men nro in dead earnest over the match , and much money is sure to change hands , ns both have solid support among their specula tive friends. Manager Prince will select the referee and piesent tlio winner with a hand some gold medal if the record is biokon , which is possible. If the breaking down tactics are resorted to. Senator Morgan leaves for Chicago Sunday to see about the great May tournament , in which several of Omaha's amateurs and pro fessionals will take part. IIo then intended to leave for "Frisco , hut at the request of ICnnpp ho will remain and assist Fred Tufllold in looking after the Denver man in his race with Ned Heading , of Fort Omaha , commencing the 2 , > th. The Pedestrian Match. Manager Prince of the Colosseum desires to announce that all entries for the six-day go-ns-you-pleaso pedestrian race , booked for March 4 , must bo In by the 23th of Febru ary. If the number of entries is under ten the race will bo declared off. Cowboys VH. Ulcyolcs. Owuu , Fob. 14. To the sporting editor of TiiE.13ii ; : : My attention has been called to Mr. Prince's challenge in your issue of this evening. I am authorized by Col. Cody to make a matcti ns follows : Wo will back two cowboys , using twenty hoi&osand relieving each other when they please against any two champion bicycle riders Mr. Prince can produce. The race to bo ono of eight hours per day , for six days , and to bo for the wliolo gate iccoipts and a bet of $1,1)0' ) ) n suio. The race must com mence on or April 1. Yours , x BOOTH. It is by copying after nature that man gets best results. Dr. Jones' Kcd Clover Tonic is nature's own remedy , is purely vegetable , can bo taicou by the most dollcate , Cures all stoinichkidnoy and Ihor troubles. 60 cents. Goodman Drug Co. The .Switohiiicn'H Hall. If the throng that crowded the exposition hall to bo present ut the switchmen's ball Thursday night bo any criterion , that order must bo ono of the most popular associations in Omaha. Kvory foot of danclng loom was crowded during the evening. Sitting joom In the galleries was nt n premium The ballroom - room was decorated as railroad men can decorate It , and , in uddition to the over- gicons and hunting that festooned the walls , strings of signal lamps wcro.stictchcd across the hall , Thoio was thu whlto lamp for "extra , " that meant an extra good time , and thu blue lamp for the Inspector , which told that the progrnmma was being carried out In away that would stand the closest inspec tion. The green light , toeomoslowly , referred to the last dnnco , and the red danger signal warned the dancers to keep closu to their paittieisor llioy would iooso them in the ciowd , Tlio headlight of engine bftl beamed complacently from beneath a regulation amokc-stack , and nbovo n pilot hidden In bunting. Dancers took their places to the sound of an oneliio bull , and altogether it was a genuine railroaders entertainment. At inUnlglit thcro wiib n silver water service drawn for by the ladles present , and Miss May Murphy held the winning ticket , No. 101. Dancing was then resumed , and not until afteri ! o'clock did the last set form , dance nnd disperse to the music of 'Homo , Sweet Homo. " The credit of the bull was altogether due to thu hard work of the coin- mlUtcs. Dai-row Afc Are now prepared to' fill all orders from their now stock. Temporary location 1107 Hurnoy street. on I ho Move. A reporter of Tim HER was Invited up Into the dftlco of Mr , Joseph H , Lohincr yes terday for the purpose of witnessing the workings of the Monarch car and engine mover , of which ho has exclusive control for this territory. ! A very handsome model of the device was first exhibited , after which the mode of operation was fully Illustrated , demonstrating nt once its simplicity Its util ity , Its practicability nnd effectiveness as a labor-saving contrivance. The possibilities of this mover are almost without limit. Hy 'Its aid ono man can mpvo four loaded cuts with the case , either on upgrades or curves , nnd pan keep the ears in constant motion M long ns desirable. It will move dead engines In round houses or repair shops , nnd U in valuable in ense of accidents for separating cars In wrecked train * . The utility of thin device as an cconomlror of time nnd expense will suggest Itself nt once to any ono who lias the moving of cars to contend with , anil Its modcia'.c price places It within easy rcael : of nil. Mr. Lelimer cordlnllv invite parties Inter psted to call at his onlcc , room * 10 nnd 'JO Chamber of Commerce to Inspect the model , nt which time they will bo furnished with any further Information they may desire. What Is more nttrncttvo than a pretty fncfl with u fresh , bright complexion ? For it use Pozroni's Powder. A Unify rinetl. Patrick Folcy , n brawlnp , powerful fellow 'nbout ' six feet high , was arraigned on the clmrgo of choking nnd boating Philip Hriuly , n diminutive and weak-looking man , The trouble appears to bo over Toley's bois who nio said to bo almost Incorrigible. Hr.nlY Is n special policeman nt the city dump , nnd has much trouble with them , because thiough their nntici they Imncrll their own lives and these of the people at the dump. Ho has thro.itciicd to arrest them and this 1ms raised Foloy's Ire nnd on everv occasion the latter bullies the little man. shakes his powerful list in his face and makes direful tin cats about "licking" him , On ono occasion ho went to Hrady's house and tried to coax him outside lo get a whip ping. Thmsdnv evening , while the ofllcor was enjoying n quiet jtaino of cards , To ley ramo up nnd without any provocation jet 1ml him from his scat , tore his collar , ticck-tio n'ld coat , nnd closed Ills brnwnv lingers over his tin oat until LJrady was black in the face. Folo.v was about to strike him whoa n mini her of men mtcrfcicd. After thcso facts ncro brought out In court Judge Herku gave Foley n lecture for such contemptible con duct nnd added thereto a line of $1" 51) ) . BINPREOBDENTED ATTRACTION U o\iu : A MIILIOX Disi'itiiii'iiiI : Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated l > y the IcKlslatute In I'd" , for IMiicatlotial mid dmrltiililu purposes , nnd its franchise ma lo a pint of thu present State Con stitution , In IblU , b ) an oveiwheltnliiK popular \0tc5 Jts MAMMOTH lift \\VINCiS take place Scml AnnnallrrJnniMiml Dt'cnmlio'inml itsdKANl ) Nl'MllIIU JlltAWINCS take pinto In cich of thu otht't tun months of the yo.u. and Are all in nun in public , at tlio Academy of Music , Now Orleans I.n. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , I'or IntcgHb or is ( Dnni Ings , and Prompt ' it ofJ'riyes. L'a.ui c . vn > sini AS OM.OW < S : " \Vo \ do hereby cortltj- that uo MiporvKot nrrnugeniontB fArnll iho MoutlilJ anilKoml-An- mini Drawings of The Louisiana Stnte Lottery Company , and In pel sou manage ami control the Drawings tliimii'lvt'i , and tlmt tnu Mime aio conducted nith honesty , r.ilrnti" , nnd In jjuoil faith toward all pirtles , nnrt wo iiutlioriyo thucompany to use 111 s eeitltluito , with fac simile s of oun blgnntuiLS att ichud , In Us .ulver tiitmentu. " COMMlcSIONKItS. We , tlin nnilerslBiioil IlanVs nnd Hunkers , v 111 pay nil Prizes di.iwn lu 'llio I.ontilana btnto I.ot'otleshlch may bo iiresunteil lit our conn- t ri. U. M. WALMSLlri' , 1'it-s.L Hiisiiina Xat. Hank. 1'iKUIti : LANAt'X , Pro. St.vtu'l H.uik. A. IlAUnviiN. Pros New Orleans Nnt'I Hunk. CAHL KOHN , Pics , rnio'i National Itanb. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , At tfio Aonilomy of Music , New Or Iciins , Tuesday , March 1- , CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100.COO Tickets at Tv/cnty Dollars each. Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen tieths , $1. i piuxn orsTon.ooois . . " 100.000 /.n OK loo.ocois . jojioo ( 1 1'HIXK OK fllIKJlH ) , 1 IMtlXIi Ol' COODis i-iO ( ) a pttixi's or iw.ooJnio a ) , w n 1'iuzr.s or nooiuro - ' . " .ww 31 I'UIHKS OK l.oOOaro r.,00) ) 100 PHIXKS or nouato rowi 200 Plltxr,3 tK ) ITOaie dl.OOO 5W PllIZKS 01' XJaro lOO.WJI ) AIMMIOVIMVIION l'lll.K , 100 Prizes of J.VX ) me . f.Vl.OOO lOOl'ilzcsot lirflaio lOOPUzoaof OJJmo Tl IIMINAI , PlllZkS. OM Prl/esof JlOJiuo . JOV01 SJOPrlzcsof lOOaio . tc.i.y 0 3 , lit Prizes , amounting to . tl.ini.SOO NOTE. TIckoK Drnwlni ; Cniilliil 1'rliosaro nut entitled - titled to tcnuliuil prl/i'S. ! 7f ton Ci. I'll Hris or unjr further Information dcBln-U. write loulbly to ttio untcrhltpnetl. ck'nrly Btillnu your resident a , vt Ith btitte , roi.nty. htr etund Ntiuibcr. More rapid return mull delivery will be ns. purcltiy your enUo liu nn encloslni ; bearlUKyour lull mldrCB * . t-en 1 1'OsTAIj NOT15S. Kxpresi Jlonoy Or.lori , or Isework KxcluuiKJ In ordinalletter. . Currcno by Kxprc ii ( nt our expense ) mlrtirssi'd. ' ' ' OrM. A. DAUPHIN. Now Orlc.ins , la. Wu9hluBton , I ) . C. Address Registered Letters to Nl'AV OHLUANS NATIONAL I1AN1C , New Ol loans , La. TliBt ilm imympnt n't pntes l aUAHANIKi : ! ) nVIOLUNATIUNAI.IIANKh uf New Drleann. nnd tlui tickets nru xl nuil by tlio President of nn liist'tu- tlon who u ( luiriereil rlRlitn nro ri-cnunlred lu HID lilKhc. l courts ; thcrcforo , bcnureof uli linltntloiiior iinonrniouM bclieiuoH " ONI ! IKII , All Is thn price of the smulloM pnrt or fr.irllou of H ticket I.UKII IIV US III liny ili-awing. Anitliini ; In our iiume orfercU for Icsi. tliuna Hjli In itftnlmllu. .ir CALIFORNIA ! TIIK LAND OP DISCOVERIES. CflTrmnVlLLECAL ABIErlNCMCnicD.flroyiLLt.CAL Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure For Sale by G-oodman Drug C6. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never vnrli's A marvel of purity stictirtli nnd vrholoiomeness. Mnro economical than the ordlmirj kinds and cannot 1 > n Bold In comm > tltlon with tni > nmUltndu * of low cost. Hhnrtueight nlnm or phoiphati1 pouclris bold only In cans. Hoyni llnkiui ; l'o\Mli > r Co , lai Wall street , New Vork State Line. To ( ilavgon. Hclfnst , Dublin anil Lhcnirol From New York Every Tuesday , Cnljln pnsiniw Wi nml M , noconllnisto location ot st\to loom Kxcutslon ii ( to i'.W. to nnd fiom Ilniopo ut Lowest Hntes , AUSTIN 11AI.OW1N & ' ( ) . , ClPll'l Agt'iiti. , lit llroiuUMiy , New Vork. JOHN IILir.r..V , llen'l WVstuin Ap-nt. llll Hiitulolpli kt , l lilcnBO. 1IAHIIY K. MOOltKS , ARi-nt. Umnliii. lieduc'itl Cnbin Kates to Glasgow lix- hibltiun. DR. ALFRED SHCPMVN , Physician and Surgeon I'LATTS.MOUTIl , - NKIJHASKA. COMING , Wo are done vritli tlio past season. Wo have nearly sold out our winter goods , and have not enough loft to make any noise about , and Iho incoming spring goods require all our attention. During the past few weeks wo have boon renovating our store , and made several changes by which AVO gain more room for departments that have heretofore boon badly crowded. The first which needed more room was the Hat Department. Our lint business 1ms grown to s ich proportions Ihat its quarters were entirely too small. Having now enlarged it considerably and arranged it in better shape , wo are pleased to announce to our patrons , thai it is filled with an entire new stock. OUH NEW HATS ARE IN ! And wo open the season with ono of the largest and most complete assortments of atifl and eoft IJats , comprising the makes of the best manufacturers in the country. It is needless to say much about the prices , livery body knows that wo are selling- hat' ? at about one half what other dealer * charge. But aside from this wewant to empha- * si/.c the fact and wish it understood that we are handling only good honest hats , su.-li as are guaranteed to us from reliable makers , and such as wo can warrant to our customers , Every hat in our establishment matter how cheap is sold with this understanding- , hat , if any imperfect on or damage is found , even after the hat is worn we take it back if returned within a reasonable time , and give either a new hat or return the money What othe.1 establishment will make such an oiler. ' To inangii ate the season we place on sale to-day 7fi dozen elegant Cassimoro Hats , new shapes , at 95c. These hats are of a quality which are usually sold by other dealers for $2.r)0. Our Spring Overcoats are now coming in. We shall have this season the handsomest line wo have ever shown , and our prices will be as low a3 usual. PLAIN FIGURES AMD OHE PRICE ONLY. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. z * . A. WITH ' GENTS' WITH SPINAL No , 4 SPINAt APPLIANCE BELT , APPUftMCE ATTACHED. ATTACtUO. ' ahanlo Holt nnd 5ia.pon.orr Dr. OWHN'S Klcctro- . inp discascBnndnll others of a nenoiH clinr.iLter-lllioum.i : Sciatica. r.iral > 9H , J3i > l- Jiscaac , I'llcs Heart lls- aJza i ea c8 , l.titnungo , mi"t' - mnrmrTr.i ir if the lloiiv all tiveneis Kidney Illscnecs " VmUllmnfrarncdl dNc.ihCB , caused f i om In- J d-"etlra.V ! | . ! l.\linustlon KcinnloCorn- , - \ ' " - ' . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . " - . . . . ' ' ' ' Win Id to produce a IKK -.i- ran ho raado mild or Snu-einorj. _ 'sTrdnB t em1 I liny < uiiipuuiii : ; iiiia . utuiui. . V ° u ! " , % . , " , ' , ! , ' v - ' - , amlflancca , connected to tlio . att ' h9dlh iOBo ! ' .Iju.tcdtlmtly Su-pc'iforj forwcakncssof mciilsconncitcddnecliytotiio.Battorj' , ! _ ; i"u , "T"J''iV,7 T Tlip T AiA.f and - - ' Sir SifiS iSfi j'i----"f _ " " r , . , " Tuo't-rf * n 1 lYtlirtiMVV 1st 18b9. l\CrV IJUJ Cf Of i * ut-ji. _ . . - - . . . l.I | " f/fffiS * Tim iTviev. . . .tv-u pT 2 Power vrafe i i.T \\ants the hostanil tliis huvillllnd tlio Oi\cn to he. . . . _ a - S , ' J l . te o KBrrr.rFSBsa ! ' - ' ' " - i SPECIAL SALE. AND SPECIAL PRICES ON MEN'S T1IOU- Kspcclany at this se.ison , Wo niostiro yon will appreciate what wo are doing. Look atourwindow and yon can hco a fowof the butuuiiiM. Come In anil vo will show you with pleasure. NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital . 8-100,000 Surplus Jim. Ibt , 188 ! ) . 52,000 on-i'iiin : AND mmcroiis : ; II. W. VATJM. Pimiilent liLW is S , UlJhD. Vlca I'rcBliU'iit , \V. II , S lludin s , Cashier. A . K. To uri N. \V. V. M ( ) 1 1 s E. Jens B , COI.U.NH , J. N. H PATIIICK , It. C' . THE IRON BANK , Coiner 1'thiurnl 1'arnam His. A Qonvrul llanktiii ; IluslnehS Transacted. YOUR BANK ACCOUNT , If 51111 ck'Hlro to oii'n | > iin or maU < ani tlull 1)0 iiltoAul to rniiliT llh ) ou un all H In I'Ktt on 'llino l ] > ( IUi , DlMoinit lliiHliuss 1'apiT , ISKIIU Drnriiiintliu Clilm of Kuropc , ulso littrn of Cn-illt , nnd' transact an > biislncbs In tlio SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES If suunUli to Ini ) or INVESTMENTS.If k'ood , . .Holionl or Jl H. HlioMiHuml . otlivr t.ife sccurltl ; ; ! , no chall lie iilemcil toMuorrurre- H'diul nitli joii. An Dupfrlinix of tninl-n < i > ) ( .irs Cl\is ns aih.mUuu 111 ul tlliKtlio litM lii\mtliiintil , * oth as to leK-illl ) IIIH ! Unanilal htatiilliKi ) alsu deal In L\.MI VAICHA.NTM AMI ht'ltll' , SAKE AN 6 e BANKERS , CHICAGO J C55ft iTONKtflN6s. ( N. V. Office : 2 Wall St. .cor. Broadway. PKNNYHOVA1 , tVAFEnS ara § ucce8 fully liked monthljr by ever 10,000 I dlea. MoSafe. bftctunlantt J'leaiant y $1 IwrtKix liy mall.or at ilrugKlsts. Kraled fartlc-alar * S poctage etaiupn. Addresi TUB owii. Cuuiiou. Co. , JJuritoiT , MJOU. For sale and i j mall b// / Geode o , , Onitttia , Neb , INTO 2O to 60 DAYS. This is n Qiseaso wliicli bus heretofore Bntllcil all Medical Science. Wo have a Itcmi'ily , unknown to 11115 one in tlio Woild outside of ourCoinp.iny , nndouo tliatluis to euro the most obstlnute c-ises. Ten ilnj s In ioccntciib s clous tliowork. Itlstho oliltlaonlc ileep seated cases that wo solicit. Wo have rurcilhuwli oils who luuo been ab indoneil by I'hyglclnn * . nml pronounceil Incurable , anil wo challento the world to brlnpusu cao that wo will not cure in less than Hlxty ilayx. Mncothti lilutorvof intulclno a true specific for Sjphills has been sought for but na\or was illscoveieil , amlwo are liutlllod in it In the only Hemeily in the Worlil tnat w 111 pos- ltl\clv cure , bnciinse the latest .Meillcnlorks. . pnbliblieil by tlio best known authorities. ' say \\n8norcrntruosveclllcbotora. . Ourrotn- edy wllltuio whi-n HVeijthliiK else hiis fallvil. Why wnste jour time nml money with patent medicines that no er hail Urtuo , or doctor with phjMUans that cannot ctir JOH , yon that ha\o tiicil overj tiling else should conio touanowanil K 't permanent relief. 3 ou ncer tan get It else- where. lark wliat wo wiy , In the end yon must take our icmoily or NUVKK lecovtr anil jou that liavo been ullilcteil but a phoit time xhouhl liy all means como to us now , not one In tenof new oases over jji-t permanently cm oil. ilany tfetholti and think they at-Dfteo from the ( Unease , but In one , tw o or tlneo jeurs after it appears a .iln In a more horrible form. This is a blood Purillor and will Cure any Skin or Blood Disease whou Everything Else Fails. THE COOK REMEDY GO , Itooia 10 anil 11 , T. S. National Itiink HiiililingOmalia , The TYLEE SYSTEM of BANK COUNTEE8 Cannot be Excelled. They ara Elegant in Detign and very Low in Trice. AIio , Court Home Furniture , and Some 100 Styles of Office Deik > , Chain , Tablet , Etc , 100 Page Illustrated Catalogue Free. Postage 7 Cts. TYLER DESK CO. , St. Louis , Mo. , U.S.A. T. E. CBLPIN , INSURANCE. BROKER , Itooiii 03 Trailers' CH6CAGO. GOLD MEDAIPAKIS , Ifffe , EAIOSR'S Cnroa , from which the eicen of Oil lias fxcn removed , llliatmoro than tltrte tlmei the ttiemjth at Cocoa mued with Starch , Arrowroot - root or Sugar , and it therefore far more economical , cost l 'j leu Ilia H one cent a cup. It Is delicious , nouritliinp , ttrenctlieuinr , eaulydi- Ketted , and admirably adapted for in. validt aim ell at f or pertont in licaltb. bold bjr Oroctri ererjirljere. W. BAKER & CO. , DoScster , Mass , l iinuury troubles oallyiilct. | uf > ) lycureatj'lH > l'IJItACUn. tules , casua cured In seven lUys. Hold per box , all tliuirxIsM , or by mull from lo- . , , V. i'till Ulrectloni NUUVOl'S , CIIUOMO and I'HIVATi : DISKASsKS of MKN anil WOMEN aucccs'fullr trcatoJ. YOUNG MEN SnUorlnc from the pfferls of youthful follies or lndl rrct'ons , or nrt > tronhlfil wllli Wonknc . Nervous lcblllt ! > , Uiss of Moiuon. Despondeno. AYPrMon tu boclftj , Kidney Tionhli s or nny Ulsciisu of the ( lent to-UrlniiiyOriiiiii' ' , inn hero llnd a i ifo niirl epocdy emu UinrgesrMi3oiiable , c inclailj lo Hie poor. MIDDLE-AGED MEN - . Wmlloik , lice to .ill. Al.lross DR. SPINNEY & CO. , Main nml 1-tli St.Kiiisiis City. lo. tlili pnprr TIIK OF TUB Milwaukee & St Paul ' Chicago , , R'y. The Best Kouto from Omalia and Council lilulTs to ETHEEASTE TWO TllAtNa nAII.Y IlErWKHN OMAHA AND CUUNCIli 11LUFW fhtcngro , AND Milnnnkfc , St I'mil , Mlnncupolls , Coilnr Idtplds , Rock Island. Frccpurt , Hockrunl , Clinton , Duliiiuo | , Dnrcnnoit , Elfin , Madison , Jnni'svillc , Uo.'oK , Wlnonn , I.n Crosbc , Aodallutbir Important polnti Ent , Nortlictst and boutiicait. Kor throuah tUkoUcall ou iU ticket atent at 1M1 Farnam mreet. In Untlti Bloik , or at Uulou 1'aclUo UUJ1OI. 1' Blepera and thtrlneat Dlnlntt Car * In 111 * world are run un tba main line of tUu Chlcaiu , Mll < wakco 4 BU Panl lUlltiar. and atteulKiuliptld to pn oiufr < by couriocm muplo/mof inecoiupaaf , it. Mil l.Kll. iJeneial llauagar. J. K. 1 UUKKn. A alitant U ueral Man icr A. V H. CAIU'MNTKU , 6 a raJ I'aiiciJiiir tat Tlckot Aernt IJEO. K. 1IBAFFOIIO , A lnanl OwertJ Vtntnioi aud Ticket Aeiqt. J , T , CLA KB. UtnviU Superlctondsol. Hoaitii is Wealth ! Dn.B. P. WtsT'BNmvu AVI > HIIAIV TIIBAT. HKS'T u Kimraiueeit tiiucluofor llysurl | , Mte\ iiesa , fonviiUloiitf , 1 ltd , Nurvous Xeiirulgla , Ilt'iulachoN'i'r\oiisl1io'tritlonciustilbythiiuiie ofnlc iliol or tolmcco , U'.ikiifulncss , .Mental Do- jiresHlou , Koflentnirof Uia llrulii ivmiltliu In In. nullity and leullnc to mlxery , ( lucay and ilvnth , 1'reiiiHtnra Old AK , Il < irr iiiitti'i ) , l , < m uf power In eltliiTHiix , involuntiiry I.IHMUI nu'l SpBrnmt- 01 luitn c.iusoil liy ovur-uxertlon of tlio lirulu.bclf. Rlniso or o\uriululK | nco. Kacli box conlalin oueiiioiitli'n tioatinctit , ll.U ) u uox , orHlxboxei f or entity mall preimlil onrfCPlpt of pilco WE QUABANTEH BIX BOXB3 To t in o tiny oiso. With each OMler roroivcil b un for six boxcix , accomr intuit .ritli 1'i.UJ i\u'.ril ; nuiicl tb purilJtuer our written isuuniutee to ri > > fund the money If the treatment iloas not nn\M.t a cure , ( luuninlpwi Itnneil only by ' Jlrun Co. , OrugKlstK , hole ABVII'I. ' MM tltU Uuiaha , Neb. OMAHA MEDICAL . ' "SURGICAL INSTITUTE S KS iii ' N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodsre Qta . ' TOn THE rllEATMENT Olf Al I. ( ll Applltracei for Deformities and Trnasos. licit Incllitlet , apparutui and reurdli lor luccoft ful trentnirnt of ururr form o [ illscaio rcqulrlnt Medical or 811 relent Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard anil attendance ; best nospltal accommoda * tlnnsln thu well. IViUTC rim C'Mirunuson Deformities and llraccs , TriisuM , CluLi tent , furniture of tlio hplno , 1'llel , Tuinnrn , Cancur , Oalarrh , HrDncliltli > , InliHlatlcn , KIcclrlcltT. I'aral/iln , Kpllopar , Kmnnr , lilaJilor. Err. Kar.f kin rnd lllooil.und allSiirKlcal nperatloni. Diseasoa of Women a Spoolnlty. BOOK ON DisEA-'ii * or WOMEN HIKE ONLY BBLUBLB MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKING A hi-rriAwr or PRIVATE DISEASES. All lllood Iliea < es succatifulltroated. . I'olron removed from tba > r > tum wllliunt wif New rcstorntlvo trcatmvnt lor lei > of VIUI I'oncr. Pertoni unable to vlilt u > may bu truatoil at licmie b * rorretipomlcncc. All LOinmuulcitlons contldentliti. Medicines or InitruruonU > ent bt mnll ur nxiitad , socurelf iiackiul , no iimrks to IndUalti roulent ) ot lender. Ono in'reonallntervliiw prefurrril. CnllamJ tonsultUH or vo d bliturr of yuurcase , and we will end In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FRKEI Upon I'rtvatp. Hpeclal or Nnrvutii IJI uie > , ImpO' Icnojr , B/pbllln , Oleet nnd VnrKucolorltli iinciuon lint. Audrrsa Omaha Medical and Snrrjiml Tnstitute , or Cor. 13th and DoJgo Sts. , OMAHA , NEU. " CHICAGO ; \ Council BEulfs go , al lno numefoni poin ' l < ni , . ° " , < train i'fiif'iii'2 i . L .lnr 1u * a of OAT OACIIKS , which nr tin rineit that li iiKHiullr i n cr , ale , lu I'AI.ACKBI/KllNMCAlt : hi > equal of wlililiun not bi fouiiil eliowSiirB At Council Ulutl. tbulralni of tlio Uulori I'alino ii.iit way roourct In union Si } I dnpot with Itauia iho fffa \ Nimlntr.ieni Hj In ( raSS thS tiifni o * n " "NORTH WESTERN " " Kri , ATTO Nir. T.I.r. ri .ra M adrlcr C ict .1 rirar * tip. . t