Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUKDAY * ftEERTTARY 16. 1880. fi SPECIAL NOTICES. Advcrtjoements nndei this hrad 10 cents per line for the first Insertion , " cents for carh sub- noqtifrit Insertion , and 81W ) per line per monllu Nomhcrtlsement tnkcn for less than 2 , " ) cents iho llrst Insertion. Seven words will lie counted to the line ; thfj- must run consecutively nnd Itltist , bo paid In ADVANCE. All adv.-rtl o- incnts mu , t bo handed in before 12:30 : o'clock p. in. , and tinder no circumstances Vi 111 they bo tnkr-n or discontinued by telephone , forties advertising In those < olumns and having ing- their answers nddrcssed In care of Tun UGH will please ask for n check to enable them to get thplr letters , as none will Iw deliveredrxrepton presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should be cnclosea In rnvflopcs All advertisements in these columns nre pub- 1l hcd In both mornln ? nnd r-Vimlng editions of TliU 1IKK , the Llrculntion of which aggregaton morfl than IH.tmi ) pnpern dally , ana gives the ad- vortlfors the ijptii-llt , lint only of the c-lty clrru- Intlon of TUB III ! , but also of Connrll HltifTs , J.lnc'iln und otlir-r cities and towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thcia columns will bo tnkcn on the uliovo conditions , at the following html- iicBH houses , who uro nnthorlrud agents for Tin : llr.K upcrlal no'l o ? , mid will quote the same rnte nn can bo had at the main olllce. OHN wTllii : , Htreet. O llSK & RlinV. Stationers anil Printers 11H Fouth Street. 811 FAHNHWOH'l'll , I'hnrm.iclst , 3 111 film . ins Street. W.I. liroiir.8,1'hnrmaclst , 031 North . Htrcct/ G150. > W. I'AUU , I'hnrinnclst , 1800 St. Mary's AM'imo SITUATIONS WANTED. \T0rNOmnti. 17 years cilil. nldhes situation .L 111 wholnsalo liousn ; ome Knowledge of bookkeepings city rolareuce. Address , II. I , . 01 Fnrnam At , 175 10J SITUATION wanted ai bookkeeper or entry . _ clerk. Address 111)7 ) , lire. 17 ! ) Iftj ADVKUTiyuU With three years' experience us H. H. drnimnc < nan , debiting to lu.trn nrchltucturtf , Is willing toork In oltico for small salary. U. 1' . M. , N. Y , llotol. rremont. IW 15 * WANTED Situation In a drug store uy n ynung man , spoak.s Ucrman , one year's ox- ticrlcnco , with reference. Addruss HIK , Hee. OTj icr " \\7ANTf.D Hv a middle-aged lady , n posl- TT tlon as cnnhlor In restaurant , experienced nnd best of references. Address U " * , Ilca of fice. 97118 * WANTED MALE HELP. WANTHD Agent for on ? new patent Hie- pioof sates , le VSxlHxlL' , weight WXJlbs. . ' retail price Mo , others in proportion. Highest , nwaid ( .silver medal ) Cvutonulnl Kxposltlon : rare chance ; permanent binlnoss. Our prices I1' lowest. Wo are not In tlio safe pool. Kxcluslvo territory given. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati. O. t (500D bnruor wanted nt ouco , 13S lath , I > 171 10J OOIHhoemaki'rwanted aspartncr Imiitliu I under 1'nxton hotel. 181 inj i1 "IT ANTKD A coed caudj'-inakor. Apply nt U 120 North 15th st. , Omulia , Neb , 17J 17t Wi A good gardener. Apply Ifc27 N. . , oetween 1. ami 2. lCO-10 " \\i ANTED A good man to BO on the road ; T ? must bo wldo awake , full of energy , glvo Bectirlty for money rolle < ted nnd deposit $ . ' 5 for BMiiples. Call on ( leorgo 8. Cllno , Itoom 511 , 1' National bank bullulng. Oinalm , Neb. i)7 ; ) \\7-ANTED-A llrst-clasH window dresser nt Nebraska Clothing Company. 1JJ2-1C " \ . \ ANTED "clothing salesmen on comniis- T > slon. Mrs. Hrega. 141-15 * \\rANTKD-3 or I good ngnnts to canvass , V > good soiling article. 31S N 15tli. 13H5 * T ANTKD-Laborers for lllnck Hills exten sion.Albright's Labor Agencyll-'O Ininnm 101-13 \7'ANTKD A stenogi-uphnr \ > ho has some T > knowledge- bookkcoplng. Must bo a { oed penman. Address , with references , P. O. drawer 47. Ubj V\7"ANTED I'lrst-class coat maker. AppH at T > once to II. L. Cohen , South Omaha. Nob. U2I-1 AGENTS wanted In every town and city in the west for the Harden Hand Gnuiade Fire Extinguisher. Apply to 1' . G. Ci und all. : ) 10 South liitll St. 870 WANTED Agents in every city and town in the west to sell the Toy Calliope , the great est seller on earth ; send 20 cts foraample. 1' O. Cranrlall , 310 South 15th st. 87l > \.T7"ANTE1 > 500 men for Washington tcrrl- T tory ; good wages , steady woik , long JoO. Albright's Labor Agency. 1120 Fnrnam st. 834 SALESMEN Wo wish a few men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trude. Largcstmanufacturersln our line. En close 2-cent stamp. Wages $ J per day. Perman ent position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wages , ndvoi Using , etc. Centennial Mau'f'gCo. , Cincinnati. O. 70Vin 18T WANTED Agents for Mllward's calyx-eyed Eelf-threadlng nerdlo ; preserves falling Bight ; n help to good sight ; perfect bonanza for canvassers ; sample package lOc. Soiut for circulars to headquartcis , Stayner it Co. . Pro- yldenco , H , I. CaiinVi * B OYS-Ain. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. 531 Carpenter to build n house nnd tnko good business lot on Saunders street ns pay. Enquire 2223 1'lorco tt. 4M WANTED Live men and women to engage In an easy , paying business at nomo. Can Work daytime or evening and make Mo to f3 tier hour ; sure thing ; huiunle and complete In- tructions sent for luc. Address , World Supply Co. . Rutland , Vt. 44tf-F2a ' \\rANTED f.norgetlo men mm women every- T where for n genteel money-iualcliig busi ness. ? < X ) weekly prollt guarnntoed oawlor than IffiO mondily otheiwlso. Experleiica absolutely unnecessary. Porinnnent position and exclusive territory assured , S2.IO ( naiiiplB froe. Wiltefor portli-ufars. Address , with sump , Merrill M't'g to. . 15.VI. Chicago. J2t'Ot WANTED"FEryiALE HELP. A Gormnnglrl forgouera housottork. tra Bauuders st. IW nj \\MNTED-A good girl to go to Cflntrnt City , f T Nobj Mper-week. Apply nc J23 Hurt st \\7 ANTED Middle ngsd woman ns child's T T nurse , also 2 second glrlB , 1 uico neat nurse girl. Mrs. llregn. 314i ! S lutli. _ irn 10J | tlHL ] wanted for general housework , must bo vjguod rook , Dune prefcrrtd , ftl.50 per week. 1710 N With t. 182 15J OOJIPKTKNT gli ) for general hotisuwork , good wages piilil. 214 H Both. inn 1HJ GIUL wanted for RoucrAl housework. Must bo good cook. I.I.MI per week. Dane pro- feireil. Apply 1710 NortliL'Ctli st. 17015 * . ) A gill for general housework ; T T ( iernian preferred. I'lUSo. 1'lth .si. IM : . " 1\7ANT1JU Woman cook for restaurant. JIO : T ? Snt JW ) : 3 glils for olUrer'H families $11) ) ami Ka-t filrl for linen ipnm , : t dining room girls for llnntlngH ; launuiubs for Nebraska City ; ! , " > tn .M L-ood romputent girls for private families. Mrs , llruga. 3IUJ S Ifilli. uu'-15t \\FANTKD At the Pnxton , i uoinan to hike V charge of tua linen room. Must bo nn Aiiierli-nii. Apply to Urn lioiisekef-pt'r. 151 15 /'IKL-018S.17tll. W ANTICD-GIrl totako earn of oltildicu nt 2514 : Douglas. 153 in ? CJiltL-72l : 8 lUth. 978 OOMPirrKNTnlil for housework. Mis. Thos F. Hall 1007 Blu'rmaii nve , 2li WANTED-TO RENT. YOUNG man ut 113 U 17th flt ilcsiros n room- innto. lei : I7J " \\7ANTiD : A Inrgo furnished room nud llrst- ? > i'U8 bonul inagiKxt prlvnta family for lady and uontlcnmn. fctnto teuns. Addru3.s , K 04 , Leo olllce , 17J m IjJfrANTKilMUImble German inir/ie girl , I'STo ? T lri years of nga. Mrs. It. C. I'attorson. 2j3 | yarnain. It's WANTED Two front rooms nnd boani'wYth private family for gentleman and wife , lo cation wrst of 18th at between Fttrimm und Cal- Iforulnitv , Must be Ural-class inference * ex- changed. Address it 33 , Ilee olllce. W ) | 17 ; GENM'LIIMAN and wife want two room * and board In private family , best of reference * plven. Addrtis P nt Hue. .M 18 * IVIISOELLANEOU8 WANTS. ) 101116 one who iraT a"nlc < rhoma to taken 8 months old baby , 110 a mouth , ttra. Itregn , 314 H ISth. 18U luj W ANTKD Phyilclnn tleslrlni ; a locution In peed Neb , town. Address Itoom 16. 7IO1 ! Hortli Him st. iu ; is * _ \K f AmKn-tO U-sms. Albright1 * Labor , Vl , lift ) 1 ruaui street , 191 \VANTRn-A ilniKc-liit t-to commcnco rtrufj li store , al o barber to commence shop In n first class location In South Omaha. For information mation address Herman Tombrinck. south Omaha P. O. 123 ! * iviiii V'DS dirt vrhntod. S-Jtti nd Iougla ? . Hutclilnson A Wead. Iffll Dodge st. U7D 17 \VANTr.H-Kvtrybodr to know that 1 unve T > removed my olllco to rooms 317 nnd 313 First National bank bulldlntr , whore I shall bo pleased to meet them. 0. J. Sterusdorif , Heal lIMate , Loan , Exchange llroker nnd Rental Agent. J MS - , ) women to use "Wllco.r's Fancy Comitotind Pills. " Perfectly safe and always elTcctudl. Send for 4o "Woman's Safe Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. , Philadel phia. 114 A10 'to SHORTHAND MtP. ' siioKhand and"Typowrltins VALENTlNE'S Institute , new Paxton bulldlnp , Otiinhn. Tlisonly wxcluslve shorthand school In the rtfite. over one hundred graduates In Rood situations. The school Is under the management - ment of C. P. Vnlontine , olllclal stenographer of the 3rd Judicial district of Nebraska , nnd Prof. II. II. Hoyles , , n experienced tearborntid ver batim reporter. Day nnd evening sessions , Stu dents can enter at nny tlmo. Send for circulars. OS5 11 " " C5TANTMHI ) Shorthand Pcliooi. 4l2"8hoeley n block , toafhes Ftandnrd systems nud'usc-s Remington typewriter.1 ! . Circulars free. 72J EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. MA HA Ktnp. rivrcau. llu N. Ifith st. Fstab- O llshcd S years. Most reliable in cltv. H18 I * 8 N' Employment Olllco 317 N. Ifith st. * " " * I3t Kmployment OHlce. Mri. Ilroea , CANADIAN . UeforoU'-o ' Omaha NationalbAnk MUmlt FOR RENT-HOUSES. HUNT -7-room Hat. cor. 10th and Jones , 0 , 1'oucll. 1 )1 ) riirnam 1 1 17 OOD housi-s , centrally located , are In do- G innnd at J. H. I'&rrotto. lUUU Chicago. _ TjlOlt URNT l-robiu cott KO. yutli atii JL1 on cable line , J15. Hoggs tc Hill , lIDSKarnam- "JjlOK HUNT Now fi room cottage In Hanscom -L1 place. | , Jt ) per month , 0. K llurrlsou , Mer chant's Nut. bank. 143-1'J T7\OU \ HUNT 1KI8 S Sid Et. corner house. 8 JJ rooms , barn , city water , largo yard. Call or address 1108 S Bath Bt. 131 ! il * TTIOirilKNT-irroom house. 2512 Cnldwoll st. JD Kcia reasonable. Apply 1W7 Iznrd st. 127 IHAV i ; Improved farms and town property , rent from S to ID pur cent , will trade for good city property. Address U 3 * . lice. 187 17 * FOH HUNT Nlca now sis-room and base incnt house und barn very cheap , at Albright. L'nqulro room "J , lioard Trade , Omuhu. 108-17 TjlUKNISHUDliotiso for rent In 1'nrk Terrace , JL1 opposite Hnnscom I'ark , nil nioderun con veniences. llii'iuire , Leo K Nlchol , BHth and Leavenworth. FOR HRNT10room brick house with all modern Improvements , 'J-JII Douglas st. llcnaw.v & Co. , 15th st. , opposite P O. . ' > o Hi 7 = 1xn3A(3lCfurHl8hod ? ( nicely , for rent ; 5 rooms , V close to business , price $23 ; refoi-euces re quired. H. K. Colo. Conttne'ntal block. Hiil lii * jlOH KENT OnoS-room house , 818. Inquire 151.1 Douglas. S > ) FOH KENT Nice fi-room house , east front , half block of cable cars. 112 S. 28th st. 7. > 1 m 4 * 8HOOM house near high school. Itout10. . In- ( [ Hire J. V. Itarton. aim Capitol ave. Otsml * BEAUTIFUL B-room house , gas , city wator. bath room , hot nud cold water , on paved streets with street car , near a good school , only 8I" > per month. The house Is now. Apply nt once. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. rer , TjlOU KENT When you wish to rent a house. JP Htoro or olllco call on us. H. U. Cole , room U , Continental block G2d TjlOIt HKNT House and barn.Hausrom place. X Harris , room 411 First Nafl bk bldg. FOH KENT 9-rooni modern Improved house A 1 locality , llent moderate. Apply M. El gutter , 10U1 Faruam st. 528 FOH 11ENT Cottages , 5 rooms , 2728 Charles st and 1524 So 5th st. Inquire U 212 , Sheeloy block. KM TjlOK KENT Right (8) ( ) room Hot , modern rou JE " vonlences. Inqulro niii 3 13th .st. _ 612 F OH KENT Choap. 3 and 5 room house. I.Vij ) 821st st between Center and Dorcas. 4Kml ) } : TjlOK KENT 10-room house , steam , gas , bath , JL hot and cola and cistern ater , < oed cellar , nnd nice yard , S5U , 203 s 2ith. lmiulre.207 S24tli. Foil KENT 10-room brick houses , rent low : are very complete. Apply on premises. Dr. P. Swartzlandor , 601 Capitol ave. SOlUOt T71OK KENT 0-room brlcfc , 114 3 25th st ; mod- J em conveniences ; near cable line. J. AV. Grilllth , U. P. headquarters. G8J poll UENT 7-room flat at 508 8,13th. Inquire j , L , Drandels & Sons. hi7 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. TfOlt ItENT Two well funil.shed rooms.slnglo Jor en suite ; stonm heated. 101J DouglnB. 000 17' A GENTLEMAN with references can llnd xxulco room and room matu at lull ) Uouclns. U87 17 * FURNISHED room for rent. 1701 Cap. ave. 131 20 * N IOBLY furnished roonm.largo or small , very reasonable. 14IU Dodge. Ika Guill. 15320 * NICKLY furnished rooms , all modern con veniences , price S3 and J10. 010 North 17 st. 143-20' SMALL Hoom , at 1303 Doaglas et. 3rd Iloor. l > 89 T31OR IIKNT A dining room and kitchen in -1- private boarding house. Inquire low Dona- ins. 99817t NlCEfiV furnished front room , with board , suitable for 4 gentlemen , two blocks from P. O. , 1703 Douglas st. 10U-17 FOR RENT Large furnished front loom , 2227 Dodge St. 100 FntNIBHED rooms for rent. All modern Improvements , batli furnace , etc , , 2214 Km mini. uu Plin'ATU Fiunllv tinvo several choice fur nished rooms for rout with board. All modern conveniences. Cars pass the door. BID north "tth btreut. 117-15T I71OK RUNT Pnrlor nnd parlor bed room , L1 suitable for gentleman nnd wito , or two gentlemen - tlemen , lefdi-ence. 810 S27th Ht. 1)5815 ) ? N' UlK rooniR. iFper " "woolT nt the TIeni)6dyi llth and Jones streets. UTOmllf LARGi : front niom , nicely furiilshodsuitable for 2 gentlemen , 182J Farnnm. 715 IjTl'ltNlSIIUDorunfurnishod room , with gag X1 and bath , uonrd If desired , 611) ) 8. 'Mill Bt , , opjiosito All Saints' churcn. 737 FOR HUNT Furnlsliod rooms lu Oriienlgblk. ( or , 13th anil Dodge ts , , Divh. Mlllard liotelTillllurd room. f > T3 " F OK RKNT-Niccly furnlshod room , with board If desired , gas , heat nnd bath-room , 170" Dodgost. MI "I71OK RUNT Two dt-Mirable rooms , suitable J-'for gentleman nnd wile or two gentlemen , with board ; references rcimlrod. Apply 11CJ1 Dodge st. fe ( ) NKiiiV | : fnrnlalied rooiim , steam hont , gas. -J bath. etc. . on tame Hour , $10 per month. ! W7 S.Sllh , no Hat. 420 NICF.LYfurnlshud rooms , also front and back parlor ; 10/J Douglas t , 811 T > OfiM suitable for liousetoepliiB. 023 S 15th. it 118 m > rUKNISIIHDrooms-1811 D.ivenpoit st. Ht IIKNT Furnished rooms 1810 Dodga SJ6 F22t HUNT Newly furiilshtd rooms for gentle- i'ii. 151'j Howard. ( < n 10 I7IUHN1SHF.D rooms , with board In good locu- J. tlon ; inodcru conveniences , szio Lea von- wortn. M/J io > ELEdANTLl'funilslied Bull of front room , vvitli uba of piano , priveto family , JOj.1 Park avo. 17013 * VF.NUI5 Uooms-AtHilSaiidlBlSCapltol ava S blodcK from P O , newly furnished private boari'lng huusu.plonsaut roomsall conveniences 775 iM * TjlUltNISHKD rooms , 113 a SOth tnear Dodge. ALAlUiEnouthroom ; also ainnll room nlculy fiirid h d , lovely location aud every modem convenience. aiOT Douglaa. OJQ FORRENT--ROOW8 UNFURNISHED. ] ( b3 A WUEIC , furnace , bath , BBS , nil 'IOH llllNT Biuwbldi for hoiisekoepiiu ; . J- states of from a to 4 room * In all parts of the city , at lowest rates , Inquir * Untts Kent- Ing Agency , 1501 Farnam t 857fl 3KOOMS-Sult able for Uouseiceiilns prleo 110. Ill * , PUi-cost. U i * AjMD OFF ICES. - Store room with basement nnd --1 Ice house In rear , nt 1714 Hurt st. Apply to F. tl Urlnil , B70 N 25th avcliue. 1M 3i > t 1710U UHNT-Two stores BI1. nnd 523 North. --1 16th . the . - - it. Inquire nt building. Henry Osthoir , KU FOR RRNT Office sulto jr.n month , S Mlnglo omccs $15 each , all fronting I Oth * t. Hush- mnn block , n. o. cor. IGth and Douglas. W. M , liuahmnr , 1311 LenvonwortU. 635 1 _ > RICK store room with basement , all modern J-Jimprovements , splendid location for feed store or hardware , stoves , etc. , being In the hcnrtof tno most desirAble residence portion of the city , l.wr Pnrk nve , Taos. F. linn , 311 Paxton - ton blocg. KM BAKKKV for rental 11011'nrk ave. This Is n brick store room and basement. Including ovens , counters , showcase , etc , lu the most do- slia ) le residence comtuiinlty In the city ; water , sexrer , nnd gas connop.tlons. Thos. F. Hull , nil Paxton blocK , f > )7 ) STOItn 1317 Dodge st. Inquire nt A. It. llu- berman , jeweler , 13th nnd DoilgHs stsv FOR RUNT A few omro rooms left for rental. Also n wi'li lighted room on second Iloor , 40x \ In Ramgo bulldlntr. 1C1 FOR REHT-rVUSCELLANEOUS. TT1OR HUNT Tweutvncros ot land with 2 A houses , barn , Ac. Sultilble for mnrkct gar dening , close to Omaha. C. F. Harrison , Mer chant s Nnt. bnnlc. U5-1'J iflOR RUNT Hnsemont , suitable for n plum- * bcr or barber , cor. 13th and Jnckson sts. WO "I710K RUNT-A warehouse with high baso- * ment.i'ontrnlly located on Idopondont track from which cars ran bo unloaded and loaded Into nnd from building. Immediate possession. Sam J. Hottcll , 217 S. 14th st. Omalia. fr5 ! FOR HUNT-Uood basement , S2x < ia Isn Douglas at. 4 RENTAL AGENCIES. OWNKKS of houses , storc.s , Hats or business blocks w ho wish the same rented anil prop orly cared forsliould lUt with us. Parties WishIng - Ing to rent will find our list complete. A. P. Tubey , Hill's block. 15th nnd Douglas. 887 PAMPIIILL .v TALIIOT , room 321. V > bulldlng. C4ilml GK0..1. Paul Houses , etc. , to rent. Rents collected. 1600 Farnam st. 602 KO. J. PAUL , 1IKI9 Fnrnam St. , houses , stores , etc , .for rent. 638 1ST your houses , flats , stores , etc. . with G. J. Sternsdorll. rooms 317 aud 318 First Na tional bank building. Special attention given to renting and rents collected. ( IV ! WK give special attention to renting and col lecting rents , list with us. H. K. Cole , room C Continental block. r > IFVOU wnnt your houses rented place them wlta Ueuawa & Co 15th , opposite postolllce. ( rll ri"1IK ! renting season Is hero ; bring on your A nouses ; I have the customers. .1. II , Par- rotte , lOJt ) Chicago. 4BSf2d MISCELLANEOUS. A MAMA NIKLSKN.examined midwife , olllco cXconierofathnud Puclllc. 140 iOt- WKLLS dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and repaired. F. W. Orosjenn , 271011 urt st. 18787 * Kansas City , Mo. 14727 + TT'LKCTRIO telsgraph school ; rooms 528 J : 62 ! ) J-H Paxton blk. , cor. luth Si Farnam sts. ; send for circular. 100-20 * TitA'NCirTfE'DlUM.-Mme , Saudall , the young Swede , tells full names ofcallors and the full name of vour future husband or wife , \ > 1th date of marriage , and tells whether the one you love is true or false. Not a fortune teller , but a young spirit medium. Madauio goes Into a perfectly dead trance. Will bring back the parted husband or lover , no matter It they be 10,000 miles mvny ; will guarantee to settle fallmy quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 408 IJorth Sixteenth street , third Iloor. 1)14 ) 18 * HAVK you a house and lot you wish to sell ? If so , please send full particulars to George J. SternsdorIT , rooms 317 & 318 First National Ilauk Uulldlng. who will find you a purchaser. Telephone , 41)1. ) 805 A PHVSICfAN of this city , can accommodate" XV. n few pitlonts at his homo. Address Doctor , P 52 , Uee olllce. 743 ISj LEGAL papers carefully drawn and acknowl edged by O. J. Sternsdorir. rooms 3J7 and 318 First National bank building. 052 rpflK banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gel- JL lenbeck , 323 8. IDtlist. 542 HORSRor team mules wanted to an first payment on house and lot , or residence lot , balance monthly payments. Write or call on Selby , 15-21 Farnam. 513 TF YOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange , J-cnll on or iddress , O. J. Stornsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 First National bank building. 653 GJ. STRUNSDORFP , real estate lonns nnd rental agent , has removed from room li. opp. P O. , to rooms 317 nnd 318 , First National bank building , where llu will be glad to moot alt his old friends and many new opes , (152 ( PERSONAL. PERSONAL Letter and package for Matilda JL Solllnger nt 1107 Douglas st. 128 15t IF YOU Intend to marry or only desire amuse * nic-nt Join our club. Address with stamp Western Correspondence Club , Council Bluffs , la. g5Umllt G.1. 8TEKNSDOKFI' ' , Real Estate and Exchange llroker , has removed to Rooms 317 and318. First National bank building. LOST. LOST A solitaire diamond ring between C. , II. & Q. depot and Cass ana 20th sts. Re ward will bo given for the same at 2024 Chicago st. 121-10' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. "I7IOR SALF A small , gentle family horse , 8 JU years old ; nny lady can drive it. Grocery store , 701 N 10th st. 17731 FUKBII mllK cows with young calves. Apply 420 N ICth st , Jefferson Square barn. DUl 18 * FOR SALE Horse nnd buggy , $125 ; delivery wagon nnd furniture ot ft-room cottngo ; cottage rents for * * ) . 1511 California st , 'J71 W 1710H SALE On terms to suit , the neat cottage , JU aa ) Charles st. Telephoned , or W. T. Sea man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wagons. Jiec. , east side Ifltn at , , north of Nicholas st. 453 FOR SAL15 Furnlturo of a 0-room house and house for rent , 3 blks from P. O. It. 30 , Chambero ( Commerce. 201 f 2'JI1 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. OMAHA Abstract company , 1510 Farnam st. Most complete nud carefully prepared sot of nbatrnct boons nnd plats of all real property in the city of Omaha nud Douglas county. 470 TIITIDLAND Guarantee ft Trust 0o. , 1505 Far- -lu.iiaui. Complete abstracta furnished & titles to real estate examlned.perfoctod & guaranteed MO A llSTHACTS-Llnahau A ; Mahoney , room 500. . /.vi'axton block. 645 STORAGE. STOKAGR-At low rates at 1121 I'aruam ' st. , Oiuuhn Auction & Storage Co. C(7 rnilAOKAGE , BtoragoTToweTt rates. wTTl. JL ilusliman , UII l avouworth. 648 " WANTED TO BUY. A"NTI'D ! Tobuv seconiMiaud grocery fix- turi's Inuiilut 1103 B nth. Ib7 10J T have several customers v/ho want to buy L houses nnd lots ranging from H.SO ) to JSO.OOU , Property owners , please Heml me a full descrip. tlou of what you have for kale. G. J. Sterns- dorlT. rooms 317 & 318 First National Hank Uulldlng , Telephone , 401. 805. \TTANTEO Furniture , carr > nts , stovea nud household goods of till kinds. Omalia Auc- tlon & Storage ( Jo. , 1131 Farnam. C4'J ANTED To buy good commercial paper. U. 0. Patterson. 3W 3 Kth st. k."J WANTED To buy good commercial paper , It. O. Patterson. iilB B 15th st. it/ / MONEY TO LOAN. MONUV lo loan on furniture , pianos , horses. \\ngonx. etc. City Loan CoJlSS 13tn at , opposite Mlllard hotel. 170 OANS on buklneis property , tS.000 to MO.MX ) , ivanWHl. Provident Trust Company , room SOS. Flrat Nutloual Hank building. 10) IIP. Central Ian Si Trust Co. , No. IBM Far- uam st. , Mill quote unusually low rates on clinlco city loans In Omalia or Council muffs , 0. A , Starr , manager , 8U1-1S T\fONHY to loan on cliatteU br U. B. Jonnsou , J116M i'axtoa Wock , LAROl ! lonns on IW&roved r * 1 cstsl * In Omahit. No delay on good security. K. 9. Hlsbce , L'lnt Nktlonal Dant li'ld'g. V IS DO you want loJ ( borrow money ? If to , U. J. Stetnsaonly rooms 317 nnd 318 , First National bnnie ' bulldlntf. will loan you nnv amount from * 3OW ) to r.Vooo , on Im proved or unlmprovod/llTnnlia property. Lowest - est rates of imprest. Wo unnocos nry delay. Improved central business properly lonus " specialty , Telephone 401 , . , W5 rVlCHAKDHILt , Choice loons wanted In this \J addition. Klmban > Champ * Ryan , fulled Stntcs Nntional bank building , 1205 Fnrnnm st. , CSI 15 claw inside loans. Lowest intes. Call nnd rte us. Mutual Invest ment Co , R t Jiarksr blki I5th nnd Farcam. CfiO MONF.V to loin on Improved renl estate by Northwestern Mutual Life , liisurnnce Co. Ix > est rates ; no commissions. Address How nrd Kennedy , special lonn agent , Omaha , Neb , 827 At.NUTHILL Cholco loans wanted In this addition , Klmball , Champ & llynn. 8M 15 DO VOtT want money ? Loans made on house hold furnlturo , pianos , horses , etc. , without delay or removal. Persona wishing n lonn of this kind will tto well to cull nt our olllco before dealing elsewhere ; business strictly conflden- ttnl. A. E. Greenwood ft Co. , Iloom I , Cunning- hain block , 13th and Jackson sts. 5VJ MONEY" advanced for first-class real ostnto mortgages. Cull on .1. II. Kuony .V Co.ltoom ! > , Plrst National bank building. OOJ F''S * MOKUVto loan on furniture , horses , wagons etc. , or on any unproved security. J. W , . llobblns , K. 200 , Sheely blk..l&th nud Howard. PEOPLE'S financial Exchange The falroat. J. anlelest , most liberal money exchange In ttiocltyi loans made without dolny or publicity , in any amount largo or small , at the lowest rates of Interest , on any nvnllabta security : loans may be. paid ntanytlmoor ronowcd ut orlfjlnat rates. O. Homenren , mgr , Iloom fiiiJi , llarkvr blk , 15th and I'arnam , Cti5 ( UU1QS 1'IjACn Cholco loans wanted In this ' addition. Klmball , Champ & Hyan. DO YOU want to borrow money ? Head this : It will navoyou tlmo. It will save you money. 1'ou can borrow from II. 1' . Masters , sncoossor toV. . U. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell bld'g. 13th and Hartley sts. eiu. M ) , MJ. mJUD. . joe , $1,000. w.uoo. sin.ow. In fact , any sum you wnnt on furniture , pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier terms and at lower rates than any other olllce in the city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. If on Instalment is duo on yotir property and you cannot moot It , call and see mo. I wll pay it for you. If yon have a loan In any other office , call and Ret my rates. 1 will take it up and carry It for you. I make loans for 0110 to six months , and you can nay apurt at anytime , lecluclug botli prin cipal and interest. All loans renewed at original rates , and no cliar/jo / for papers. All business strictly coulldcnttal. Call nnd see me. Don t forgot the number. Itoom 4 , Wltliiioll block. KXI rpo LOAK'-A special fund of J10.000 in sums JL from $ "iOO up , on unimproved lots in Omaha If not situated too fur ouc.Odull Urotnors. & Co. ; i2 S. 16th st. ft-'S D UNDER TIiAGK Choice loans wanted in this addition. Klmball , Chump & Hyan. 8& 15 FIHSTmortcatco loant-'at ' low rates , and no delay. 1) . V. Slioles , 810 , Flrbt National bank. MONEY to loan on Ofiiaha and South Omaha property , also on { arms. C. K Harrison , 40T1 and 4U4 Merchants' National bank. . 755 KOUNTZR PLAOE-OTblce loans wanted In this addition , ifinlball. Chump k Itynn. bH415 NEUltASKA Mortg. Lonn Co. will make you a loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , fine jewelry or socjiHtiesof any kind without publicity , at reasonable rates. Room 7 , Rowley block. Smith Omaha , lloonis 018-51 ! ) I'axtoujf blK. , Omaha. Nob. ' _ & Cii5 SEKSholos. 310 First Nat'l baufe before mak- ingyour loans. 550 Y" Loans negotlatad'at low rates with- ut delay , and" purchase good commercial paper and mortgage' notes. 8. A. Sloman , cor. latnand Farnam. ' 5C3 MONEY to loan ouimprov d property nt first hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge -to borrowers Lombard Investment company , 3fX > S. 12th St. 551 M 'ONKY to loan. Harrii , R. E. Sc Loan Co. , room 411 , First Nat. Uank. 019 MONEY to loan ; cash pn hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire , 1219 Fnrnam St. , First National bank building. 557 "PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trnst Co. , JTchfapeartern money direct to borrowers. Make building loans , large or small ; perfect titles : accept loans in their western olllce. Geo. W. P. Coates , representative , 13 Board Trado. 651 MONEY loaned for SO , OD or 00 days , on nny kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; busldess confidential , J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fanmm st. Wit rONEi' to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed Lpromptly. II. E. O.Contlnentnl bloctc. 6 PER CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W. M. Harris , room 30 , Irenzer block , op p. P. O. 3,0 E. COLE.l oan agent , i 247 OJ.VW.OOO to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma- Phoney , Room 308. Paxton block. 5 a MONEY to loon. O. F. Davis Co , real estate aud loan agents , 1505 Farnam Bt. 5fi7 MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for applica tions for loans In amounts from 1300 to $10- 000 on Improved Omnha or Douglas county real estate. Full Information as to ratoa. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased by u.s. Call uion ) us , or write. The McCnguo Investment Co. 130 F IRST and second mortgages made on city pioperty by D. E. Johnson , 533 Paxton blk. T .OANS made nn real estate and mortgages JLJbought. Lewis S. Reed & Co. , 1521 Farnnm. 6C8 M ONEY to loan In large sums at the lowest rates ; no delay. R. 0. Patterson , 318 B. 10th. HE. COLE , loan agent. 347 _ _ T OANS made on unproved real estate socur- AJlty.3 nnd 5 years time ; optional payments nnd favorable terms and rates. Klmball , Champ Is Ryan , room U , U. S , Nat. bauk.illQ illQ 1' li ) MONEY to lonn on real estate ; no delay ; mortgages boii'cht. John F. Hammond , room 3111'uxton building. 221 f21 * T CAN make a few loami'on flrdt-class rhattel -Lsccurltles at reasonabia.rato3. W. K. Potter , room 10 Harker blk. , 705 DON'T borrow moiioi on furniture , horses wagons , etc. . until ypu. have seen 0. II. Ja cobs , room 410 , First NStlpnal bank building Cor. Uthaud Fnrnani M * U J JIHLDING loans. Hi a 5V. StiolCS. 210. First > Nat'l Hank. 30'J 'pKOrLB'H Fliinuclal Erehango Largo and J- small loans for long and short time , at low est rates of interest , on real entata mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and jewelry. Don't fall to call if you want fair mid cheap accommodations. O , lloim-uren , Mgr. , room M ! , Darker blk. , IGth and Farnam , fiOO UILDING loans. LUialian & Mahcney. BUSINESS CHANCES. SALE An established coininlBulon nnd JL.1 butter and egg packing houfeo.wlth cold stor age lu connection , Adilre.-u ) , Lock Hex " 'M , Umulia. 171 I7t | 9 ROOM bnck boarding house for rent , 140.00 ; furniture for sale , & 150.U ) ; I1UO cash ; bal. monthly ; also a H'-room ' boarding house and oed Ntabte , rent J50 tier mo. ; furniture , I5uuo ( ; Riuu.00 cash ; bal. a per mo. ; iilso a irocnl 10- room brick boarding house house nearly new Including steam beat nnd all modem con venience , rent S55.UO per mo , ; furniture , IJOO ; J5 cash : also a U-room frame House , now full ot uoanlcra nnd roomers ; rent too ; furniture , $450 ; CAW caati ; bal.-easy ; nil these houiex nre within a few blocks of the P. O. , and nro well located In good neighborhood. Co-Operatlvo Land and LotCo.aou N. lathat. ne-n FOR SALV. Llglit , lucrative business sulta. ble for lady or gentleman , with patent and stock ot gooub. AddroM P 27 , Uee olllce. O KICK YARD for gale with tools and Improve- JLJ mi-ma ; location 37th and Ulondo sts. ; also a brickyard to leaaa , south of I'loronco. on North 2ith strait. Apply to Gu-jrtjo Hiuor. No , T6a Lake street. SJli ; T710R SALE PlunlnR-hilll mnchlncrT'i''hnp JLM4U3 Davenport street. 152 20 ' ' ' TiTOn SATlFAThe'A'tle'fcoM mln located nt JL1 Atlpy. Marlcra Co. . la..xrlth 518 noros of tlie best coal lands in Iowa , 7-foot vein of coal , fix tures nnd machinery Urst class In every re.xpcct , railroad switch connected with works , -will bo sold nt n bargain Iftnken within 15 dnys. 1 or particulars address M. J. Ward , or J. W. Genoser , enro of State Savings bank , DCS Molnc * . In. 133 2S THOR 9A LE-First-clnssrestaurant nnd anloon. JL1 best location In the city. Long lease on property. Address P 54 Heo olllco. 1Ullg IP you have a m o"r7alFnionc > y or desire n paying business , call room 24. llarkor block. I'l ' , 11 * $ l,7l \ half c3h v/ill buv 100 aero mm , im ptovud , IS miles from Long Pine , Neb.good house , best water. $1.5011 cnsh for2 four-room Houses renting for J1R per mouth. 3 resident and 3 business lots nil in Long Pine , 1,000 Inhnbltants , 3 churches , brier school house , waterworks , rnllroad divi sion , good fnrmlnn country. Veryrhonp. must be sold. Long Pine Exchang Hank , LOUR Pine Neb. 43ti f27 * TT OK SALU-Oooilhotel In n town of l.soo. nl 1 JP well furnished , for hulf ensh. bnUncc o n time. Address box 5U Albion , Nob. 7S.I lot FOR SALR nt HO per cent of cost , ( not for trade ) . A general merchandise store nnd stock situated in a growing rnllroad town. Ilns boat trade of the town. Sales ? 2)O.W . last year , Cost of store and stock about SJ.OJO. Address PGO ilee. 782 17 SALH-A well established grocery bust ness In this city. Itniitlro 1) . M. Stealo St Co. , 13th and llarncy. 714 inlj THOU SALH-A well-ostabllsUed , paying pro- JU iitico commission business , owner must at tend exclusively to other business. Inquire nuickof Fearon , Cole V Robertson , 310 S IMti st. 3 ID FOR EXCHANGE. _ _ . tn South Chicago for n good , speedy single driver , or a team ot roadsters , trotturs or paccts. H H Helm , Harlan , la. 190-.M \\rANTRli-8took of groceries for Improved T > Iowa and Nebraska Und , part clear. Ad dress KiKi , Hee. 1UI 17J ONK hnndrod and sixty acres good land to oxcliange for work horses or mules , with or without harness \\agons.Addrcss ltr ; > , Itco IWlo * ri O TIIADH for stock of goodn , business A property In Central City. Neb. , with or wlthoutHtock of groceries. Address LOOK llox 4i. ! Central City. Nob. lliIBt ! _ irANTKD To trade lot In Council Bluffs for > goousafe. Shea .V Onlvln. Kl'Mt rpo THA DC WO acres first choice Improved JL land or restaurant building In business ren ter. To trade for merchandise. Address .1. ( J. Herbert , boxSCJ , llluo Springs , Nob. ! U-15t EOll TUADK A first class drug stock for Omnha property , 1'nrk. I'owler & Ken- nnrd , Itm Farnam. 115-lfl TOKXCHANCE A fine Improved farm with some cash for peed Omahn property , < vacant lots preferred. Western Land .t Loan Us change , 117 South Ifith st. 1177 IH FOH nXClIANQB240 acres unimproved laud1 1-4 mile- from Thnmmoll , Momck countyd Nob. , to trade for stock merchandise. Address Hex M)2 , Central City , Nour. U37-1 . $ ' , , imo stock of goods to exchange for good building lot , apply nt once. U. F. Harrison , Merchant's Nat. bank. lUi-10 $1,030 cash. millardB. pool , liquors , llxtttres. beer agency , good trade , llest town and best chance in the state to make monoy. Will more than pay for Itself before license expires. Address R , 22 , lleo olllce. K1S-15' ONK section ( WO acres ) of heavy timber laud lu Ilurko county , North Carolina , clear ot incitmbrance ; good title. What h.ivo you to oiler ? 0. .1. rUrrusdorll. rooms ! U7 nud 3IH , First National bank building. Telephone < UI. ) T EAV13NWORTII Street , i linvo a very do- JLJ slrable piece or business property on this street that can be traded for good farming land not too far from Omaha nnd p.irt cash. It is well rented nud will pay you to Investigate , (1. J. Sternsdorir , rooms J17 & ! 11S First National Hank Building. Telephone , 401. 805 rMPROVKD and unimproved property in the J-growlug town of Creston , la. , to trade for Omaha real estate. G..7. Slenisdorir. rooms aj7 and ; 118 , Flist National bank building. Tel ephone 404. 801 ADAMS county , Iowa ; eighty (80) ( ) acres choice laud lionr railroad ; nil fenced and under cultivation ; clear of Incum- branco ; want Omaha property ; house nnd lot preferred. O. J. Stornsdorff , rooms 317 and 318 First National bank building. Telepliono404. _ SCVEKAL merchandise htoclts to trade for good Omaha property or clear farm lands. G. J. Sternsdorfl , looms 317 A : 318 First Natioual bank building. C52 FOR KXCHANUC-Klghty acres of the finest timber land In Wisconsin , clear of Incum- brance. What have you to offer ? O. J. atoms- dorII' , rooniH 317 & 318 , First National bank building. &li > GOOD farms , clear or lightly Incumbercd , for merchandise , live stock or city property. II. E. Cole , Room t ) , Continental block. 57J TjlOK TRADE Council ilhlffs and Omaha real JP estate for farms , horses , cuttle or merchan dise. lots between Omaha and Council Hlulls. ( J. K. Mayne , 15th and Harnoy. M7 m 1 SEVERAL very flno residences in Kountze Place to trade. What have you to offer ? O. .1. Sternsdorff , looms 317 & 318 , First Nntional bank building. 52 FOR EXCHANGE For desirable residence property In Omaha , nny or all of following : 40choice inaldo residence lots in Hastings. 300 lots in Lincoln. LIIIO acres tine farming land , Lancaster county. Fine residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice f&ncy residence , comer. Los Angeles. A neat residence property in Hanscom Place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , RVM | location and price of prop erty , .T. K. U. , care IJaum Iron Co. , 1317 Leaven- worth. 571 BN you have anything for exchange call on or write us. II. E. Cole. Room 0 , Conti nental block. 572 TTIOK EXCHANGE-Dakota , Hand county. JL' What have you to olfer for a good farm here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are rising In value , and its destiny cannot be dis puted. Will take vacant lot or Impioved Prop erty nnd nssume some incumbranco. G. J. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank building. 885 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. " 1T1OR SALE Immediately , four-room cottngo X1 costing fJOD , on leased giound , will hell for < MrO If sold at once ; owner must leave city. In- nulro on premise * , cor. 31st nud Jackson st. 1SI 17J "K1OK SALE or exrhnngo A line farm of JV 10(1 ( acres In Holt Co. , Nob. ; will exchange for horho nnd phcntou or pair of ponies and pheaton. Address R 31 , Hee olllce. 101-lUt S. W. cor. In Plalnvlew ( J3V ) cash ) , $1.200. Douglas near 12th , 2J ft C-j cash ) , W.OU ) . 88 ft on Douglas near 12th ( per foot ) , $ U0. ! South front corner. Orchard Hill , $750. Hutclilnson & Wend , 15'M Dodge st. 970 17 "VTICE lots ( clear ) for personal property. 1Hutchliibon to Wead , I5.4 Dodge Bt 1)78 ) 17 THOR SALE-Or trade , lot B , block u , Hedford Ju place , n corner , Mill sell cheap for cash , or trade tor furnlttiiK or nnv personal property. Omaha Auction Ic Storage Co. 101 IVJRenlEstntoAgentH ! Lots 4 nnd 5 , block D , Lowfl'H mill , are withdrawn from the market. II. F. liromi. 1U1 15J IIARGAlN-CHxHOon IBtti nt south of the viaduct , with small house and barn. 'I his property In thn market for a short time only at the extreme low price of * 4.5')0. ) This Is JJ.tV ) ) lens than Its actual value. G. J. Sternsdorlf , rooms 317 and 318 First Nntlour.l bank building. fiftj TQUSINESS property. Cnpltol avo. lot 0 , blook JD'U , bet. Hunmstt block and loth st. Take come trade. Sena oiler to owner , John W. Tay. lor , 5 Euclid ave. Cleveland. O. 4UOF2Ut _ 'IjlOK BALI-TiIe Hawley nouse , NorTh" JU Platte , Neb. , or will trade for good Im proved farm or city property. The house Is runrished and in running order. Prlco ? 8IOO ( , subject to encumbrance of 31,00) * Address John llnwley. North Platte. Ki'J 22T _ A VP.KLY Addition. This property nrtjolns the famous Central I'urK and Monmoiitli Park Rddltlons , I nave a number ot lots in the above addition that can be sold on terms to suit Special Inducements offered to those \\lio wltlbnlid. It will pay you to Investigate. O , J. Stornsdorir. rooms 417 anil 318 National bank ouUdintr. ( > 52 $100 cash , balance | U5 ner mnnth , will buy 7-rooui house on 2Hn at. near Lake Nt. Price. K.400. C. K. Heltci , room 6 , a. w , cor. 15th und Douglas. 479 ml _ G J. 8TEI1N8DOKFF , rooms 317 & 818 First National Hank Itulldlng. has several pieces of Una residence and uuulneas property to rntle. Also beveral farms near Omaha , O'olo- Ulius. _ _ fo4. _ B65 TTIOK SALE or Exchange flood resldenci'.con. X1 venlt-ntly locnti-rt , handy to car lines. West ern Lund fe Loan ilxchuugu , JIT South leth it. V77 IH _ _ _ 7710R SALU Improved clear farm ot IW acres - I1n Mower county , Minnesota , ft' ) per acre. 3vvner deilrlnjf to move to Omaha ; will exchange - change tor a homa here. C.f .Harrison , Mnr > eUauU' Xiat'l Uoalc. 1U T > HKNNAN&CO. . JLJ Hoincsi Hem II . . . , Carthftgu Is oniAhn's most boautlfully situ ated suburb. . H Joins Wolnnt Hill on the w t and nnndco Plncoon the north , it is within easy dtstiuico of the Itelt Line depot. It Is within A. few blocks of paved Mr > et * . The Metropolitan Cnble line 13 being built to Dundee Plnco. \Vo 111 sell lots hero for ? ; OJ. tli Terms : To parties nbo will buiuli Ono-tcuth cash ! balance at the end of ton years , Wo have rnr Trndo goodiuilnrumboted property for business lot will assume mortgage or pay cash. Elegant new cottnge for any kind of good lent estate. A gro.U bnrgntn , the P. W. corner of 10th nud ( .nllfornln streets , wllh three houses , $10,000 takes It. The northwest , corner ot Oth and Dodge , $ Z\000 , very easy terms. 3.OH ) acres of land in Nebraska nnd Knnsaa. 12 elegant ttnliicumberril residence lots In Two now brick restdoncos nndlot.svlth sinull Incuinbrauce , In the bostpartof the city , will trndo all for luiiin ed business property , llrennau , V Co. , Chamber of Commerce. Telephone 7M. l * 3 21 _ "I > EAD-Sliole8 specials Read. Jj > ,500 1lu > s olegnut now house on Georgia nnd Popplctons nvcs , east front nnd nil conveniences , tttrnnre. Choice. J5,500 , liuys Hue 8- room house on Lowe ave , all cunvionees. Part cash and good lot In payment. 17,503 lluys good house nnd lot on Park nve , near Popploton , I ) rooms nud nil couven- Icncea. Furniicfl. $3,600 Can buy new house , 8 rooms , furnace and nil conveniences , in llnnicom place. Hop on to this quick. $ soi lluys a good 4-rooin cottngo nnd full lot. 4 600 lluvs an elegant house in Kotintzo Place ouU'lrt st. ratt rnshntul part trade. 16,000lluys an elegant house in ICouutzo Place. Furnace nnd all conveniences. Residences and lots In all imrts of the city. For Trade. Three good brick dwellings near Pnrk , lino" houvo and lot tn Kountzo Plaio , tine house nnd lot in Hanscom Place. M4UM equity In Knox county farms for good clear lot or lightly encumbered house and lot. Valvotl M.600. This Is n rnro trndlug cUanco. 1 handle all kinds of propnrty and push n bargain. List your property with me. llitslnoss In going to bo good this year nnd I want n good list for spring. Pond In your lists. D. V. Sholes. 210 First National Hank. 1 14 FOR SALC rarmof IRO acres not torn land In Douglas county on line of U. P. K. K. , one mllu from station ; Urst-class improvements. J. J. Robblns , Paxtoti hotel. 07.1 18 * FOR SALE Cheap Not for trade : M1.79 ncres land ( Koo5-12-B ) two miles from ilnnincttu. Hamilton county Nebraska. Frame houso.sta- blo , : HX ) acies under good barb-wire fence , round cedar posts , tno stays ; living water , 3J- foot channel ; 2 wells , 320-bairel tank , corral , Bolt-feeder ; a natural stock ranch ; in a line corn Price ( about Jll.GO per acre ) S0.250 Cash down 'WM ' M nud years'tlmo (1 ( per cent 3,2"0 Go and IOOK over land. Address owner. F. K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer si Denver , Col. 070 COUTH OMAHA I have n number ot good Olots In various additions that muse bo sold nt once nnd ran be bought at prices that will Bull you. O , .1. Sternsdorff , rooms 317 and 318 First National uank building. ii52 5T MAKES llrst payment on nice 0-rooiu iibuse , good location. 11 U. Cole room n , Continental block. 2 3 I WILL receive sealed offers to buy the sw 2J X1I12 a-ct of lot 2 , Capitol add. to Omaha , up to 12 o'clock , Feb. 25. Title perfect and indefeasi ble. Alloirersof not less thnn $1.100. within 30 dnys , as first payment , will bo considered bonn- lido and confidential. The price ollerod , time of payments and rates of Interest will all be con sidered in determining which , if nny. offer I ac cept. This gives all a chance to got u business lot onrainumst. on their own terms. If the price suits , llrokcrs must get their commission from purchaser. E. L. Kmcry , room it ) . Ware block. ' b'JtMl ' SOME of the choicest clear property lu Glen- wood. Iowa. G.J. Stornsdoiir , rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank building. M5 LOTfi. block 4 , Dupont Place. 8-room house In good repair , SI.K ( ) I. * 70J cash , bnlancu easy ; will take team of horses as n.irt payinen t. ( i. J. Btcrnsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 First Notional bank uulldlng. 052 _ _ T71OK KENT New 7 room house , nil modern J } conveniences , centrally locnted , will rent very reasonable to tenant making good lease. 5-room cottage S 17th &t. 815. H-room hoime , 202" ) Howard st. 3-room Hat 14 J ) N 17lh , suitable for llghthousekeoplng , 812. Apply to Green A : Williams First Js'nt. bank bldg. _ Oil TJ1OH SALE or Exchange Improved stock JD farm of 80J acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; nlso now 12-room house with nil con veniences , in desirable residence portion of Omaha. Andrew Ilevliu. Attorney , 422 and LU Paxton block. Omaha , Nob. 270 CASH und $15 monthly , Including interest , buys nice 0-room house nud lot , well located. . K. Cole , room I ) , Continental block. ! H3 FOR SALE ( HO ncre farm Wayne Co. , No- brnsku , Inotimbranco S5.niworth ) 810,40) ) . Want clear Omaha real estate for o.itilty. This Is to close an estate , hence can assume no In- cumbrance. For 10 day.s apply to Hoggs tt 11111 , 14U3 Fnrnam st l 3 17 FOK SALE Or exchange for Omixlia prop erty. 80 acres , sult-ibla for plattlnz : will make 4lXIotsallclear ) ; big money In it for some one who can push this ; located : ust outside tlio city limits of Council lllulfs. Inqulro Goo. .1. Stornsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 , Fust National bank building. 573 F "bit SALE-On easy terms , 8-room nouso , hot and cold watoi. bath , nil modern improve ments , also large barn. D. U. Jolnnon.5.1) Paxton - ton Foil SALK Farm , to close an estate. JJcst farm In lloone Co , , Iowa , 2fi acres , nouses , barns , groves , orchards , springs , creek , fences. Sec. , complete , J13.IJOJ ; encumbrance , JI.5UO. Take clear Omaha real estate for equity. Cannot nsHiime nny encumbrance. Must bo closed out in 10 days. Make your offers. Uoggs&Hlll , 1408 Fnrnam st. Cftl 17 FOR SALK 7 roomed house and full lot , good surroundings , on n street car lino. Will take In exchange Nebraska or Kansas farm property with Home Incumbranco , or vacant lot in Omaha or South Omaha. Cull and Investi gate now , C. F. Harrison , 40J nnd 401 Mer chants' Nnilonal bank. 755 Fs H SALE-Lots 11 , 13 and in. block II. West Side . addition. Those lots ureClt ii each , lay very pi tty , and the throe can bo bought for 11,003. They nre actually worth twice that amount. G. J. Sternsdorir. Rooms 317 nnd 318 , First National bank building. 3Vi T HAVE real nnd pftreonal properv of all JLklnds for trado. Call nnu f > oe mu. ( JoorguJ. Sternsdorir , Rooms 317 and 318 , First National bunk building. 5 J TTIOK SALU-A nice little homo onS. Iflth St. , -1 ; coutdlning 4 rooms , all In go.d repair , well , rlstcrn , cellar , barn , , VC. This properly can ba hold on n Hinail payment down , balnncu till per mouth. Why puy rout when a golden opportu nity llko tins stnros you lu the fnco'G , J. Sternsdorir. rooms 317 and 31S , First National bank building. 357 TT10K BAliK TiVl ncres , Hamilton Co. , Neb. -U laud , $9 per aero , one-third cash , balance nt B per cent. Address W. J , Wlldniaii.Donver.Col. 075 CLAIRVOYANT MKS. LENOKMANcnn be consulted on all affairs ot life through the maglu mirror. Satisfaction guaranteed. 418 N IGth t. 1/pHtalrs JUS 2 _ _ _ ATTENTION .Madame Wellington ran bo ronsiiltod dally on nil nllnlrs ot life ; best test medium in the world ; locates dlseasns and cures them with message and ulcohol baths. Call and lnvi'stigatoparlor ; , 4l7South Eleventh street , up Mali's. Consultation on Sundays. 8'12-lS' _ _ DR. NANNI B V. Warren , clairvoyant. Medi cal and business medium. Ftiinalo diseases UBpeclalty. 119 N IQtli St. . rooms 2 and 3. fill Uihaoliitlon of I'nrtiiortfhlp. Hy mutual conbonl IK thlsduy the i-xlhtlng co- partnorsliio between A. N. Koar nml ( , ' , It. Hen- .lorf. dtstidved. 0. H. llendorf contlnuvs In the brick-yard imslnosH , and MM A , N , K < * nr , tha ttdminlutratrlx. collvctu all outstanding bills and assumes nil debts , up to January 1st , ! H * > . U. II. llondorf Mif , A. N. ICcar , Administratrix Entutu otA. N. ICmr. Omaha , Fubniary 12th. 18 U. M5-l-i.t : Notice for IJIds Stonm limiting. SEALED bids will bo rocolvod by the School Hoard of Crcto , Neb. , for he.itlng the now high school building with Htoam. tipi-clllca- tlons now on Iliu at the First National Uank , Crete , Nob. , und nt tliu olllco of Fovvlor if llnlu- dorlf , l.W , Fnrnam Htreet. Onmlm , All bid to bo accompanied with u certified check for two hun dred dollurx. Illds tnuut be handed In on or l > efor March 4th. 1& > 'J. ut 4 o'clock p.m. 'I'll.- lioard reserves the rlglit to rejctt any or nil Llds. ) W.T. iltlUHANAN , hcciptury. f4d5t ! _ Not lee , 8,3 , Newman will take notice that on the 7th day of January , 18v , DuolulO'Conuull , uJuntico ot the Peace. urOnmlu , Douglas County , Neb * u , issuud an order of nltnchraent for the sum of W2.0D. In n action pending before him , wherein Ryder Ullclc Ate plaintiffs , ituil K. J , Kevvmnn defendant. That property ot the do- indent coiinlDtlng of HI.W In the hands of h'inley W. 1C Ingle liiw lven Attached under said order. Hnld catuo WH.S continued to the 2btli day of February. WJ. at y o'clock a , in. Kvunt&Gr.iCK 4-25-M-8-15 * Plalutlirs. CnrnpnrAdl ESTABLISHED 18511 100 So. 0UrOWireSIchcng0 } | | | H8 , Icinrkat. Thfl Rfgnlar Old-Established PIIYSICIAII AND SURGEON It ill ! ! Treating with thoGrulctt andJUGCESS Clironic , Nervous and Private Diseases , ' WNERVOUS nniJILlTY , Lett Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Tcirlbl * Dreams , Head nnd Back Ache nnd all the cITccu leading to early decuy andr-ethapi Conaumptlonoi Insanity , treAttd cienitfic lly by new method * with never-foiling Kucreii , ,83-SYPHILIS ami Ml bad Blood and Skin Dls- eaitipetmanentty cured. * * KIDNEY nnd UKINARYcompUlntt.GUet , Oonortlioen , Strlctu re , Vatlcoccla and U UUeties of the Genlto.Uriniry OrgsM cured promptly wlthoul l&juty to Stomich , Kidneys or other OrR ni. SNo experiments. Age nnd experience lrn portent. Consultation free and Eacreil , * - Send 4 centt postac * for Celebrated Worka bo Chronic , Nervoua nd Delicate Diuatet , 41fThoic contemplating Matriace eml for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 13 centi , loth } ctnli ( itamin ) . Corault the olj Doctor. A friendly letter circall may av future uuer Ingnndshimeand add gal Jen ) tan tolife , JBJMiooh "Life's ( SecretErrors ) , " 5ocent ( iumpi ) , MedlclM and vulllngs sent \ety hete , secuio from expoiure * Hours , 8 lo 8 SuiuUysgto u. AJJtett F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So , Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. Epps's Cocoa. lllir.AKFAST. "Iljr n thnrntich VnowlciUo of I lie nnturitl Innri nlilcli mivurn the onornlloiu of dlaoMloii ami nutrl tlnii , nnd hv u ciiroful aitpllrntlmi o ( tlio Iliu * proper tlpsof n 'li-vloctc < irocii , Mr. Kt'ps linn provlclwlour lirnnkfHst table with HollciUelr Hnvoruil boronuto milch innr xnro us many liourr itoctor bills. Ills liy the Judicious < ne of sueli nitlclp of illi-t Hint i\ ooii'illutlon m > - l > o imiiliiiilljr built m > mull slmns pnuiiKli to ii'slut pvery toiiiknry lo tll i > a < c. Hun dreds of ( iititlo ninliulli's arc tlontlim nrouml s rendjr to ntuuk wliorartM lUoroin n vvnk point , Wo mar c-cni'0 lunnr n fnlnl 'liuri for keoiUnit our elvis welt forllllt'il with imioblooil mill n proimrly nourUUej Iranio. " Civil fcrvliv ( iimitto. slniulr with bolllnu watflr or milk. Sold cmlr In linlf I'oiind tins by Uroct-rn lauolcil thusi JAMES EPPS & CDV'Jmfec'ffli ' ? ' , DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John n. Jacobs. ) P ndertakers and Embalmer At the old stand 1407 Fnrnnin St. Orders by telegraph sollcltcil and promptly attended. Telephone to No. 22. TIE MLl OMAHA. tlJally Kxenpt Sunday. TUAINS. Westward. RunningbotwoonCouucU UluOT.iaml Albright. Inaddltlnii to the stations mintlonorl , truliu stop at Twentieth and Tiveaty-fourtii Btroot * andntthoHiimmilln Omnha. Eastward. Al- Mi tun Trans Ilro ad- Omaha. Bheelay depot. fer. way. A. M. X M. A. M. "ATM ? A. M. A. M. & :45 : 5:57 : 00" ; HIU : ni5 : 0iO : ! 6t2 ; 0:50 : 7OU 7:05 : 7:15 : 7:20 : 7:3. ! 7:40 : 7:5U : 7:65 : hil7 : 8:27 : Hn : : 8:5.r : > 0:07 : UJ15 0:27 : U ; . ' ) , ) ( i ; 10:07 : 10lii ; I0:2i : 10:3 : > 10-M 10:5 : 11:07 : 11:15 : 11:27 : 11:35 11:50 : ll : " P. Al. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. 12:07 : J2I5 ; 12a > 18:50 : 12 : 1:07 : 1:1 : 1:27 : 1:50 : 1:55 : 8:07 : 3:15 : 2:27 : JiiW : iU7 : ; iU : : i:27 : 4:07 : 4i in 4-.2I 4:35 4:55 5:07 : fi15 | fi:27 : r :8- 5:5" : ) rU7 : Cil'i 0:27 : 6-fl't ii:50 : (1:5. ( : ) 7:01 : 7(1 ( } 7:27 : JM 7:50 : 7M : KM 8:27 : 8:3 : > Bf,0 ; , 8:55 : W:07 : Uilfi 9:27 : 0:35 : 9:5U : y5'i ; 10:07 : KIllD 1027 ; I0a : > 10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : ar. 11:15 : 11:42 : 11:55 : | 2lhlani : Iv. 11:30 COUNUIh CHICAGO. HOOK ISLAND * PACIFIC , Mavo. Arrive. No. 2..8:00 : p. in. No. 1 7lW a. m. No. 0 fl00 ; n. in , No. li & : ) p. m. No. 4 'J:4fl : a.m. No. II 0:45 : p.m. CHICAGO. IIUHLINOTON A : yuiNor. No. 4 U10 ; n. iii.lA No. n. . . .7:30 a.m. A No. fiiUi p. in , A No. 7..BM p. m , A No. ,8V : ) p. m.A | No. 3 0:5'J : p. m. CHICACiO ANOUTHWESTKHN. A No. 0 1) : 0 u. in.jA No.a 7ilO , m. A No. 4 . , . . ,0:1 : * ) p. mil ) No. . . , , . . : , 11 No. 3 . , , SlO ! p. Ifl.lA No. 6 till p. ill. CHICAGO. MIMVAUICBK 4 ; BT. PAUL. A No , y , . . , .V:40 : . in.jA No. 1 6:60 : u. tn. A No. 4 , . . .7OJ ; p. m.A | No. a , . , , : ) p.m. KANSAS C'lTV , K" & COUNOlIj A No.a . . . , V:2A : a. m.A | No. 8 6:3) : a. m. A No. t ; Jp. m.lA No. 1 8:39 : p.m. SIOUX OUT Ac PACIFIC. rt' A No , 10 7:05n. : Iii.lA No. 0 . , , , .8:55 : A. m. A No. 13 , , . .7:00 : p. m.lA No. 11. . , .0:0gp , m. OMAHA & Bt1. UJIJIS. No. 8 4 : : | No. 7 13:00 m. A dally : U dally except { Saturday ; 0 occept tiiinday ; I ) except J-iondsy ; * last mall. The time glv n above U for Tranttar. tnara being from live to ten minutes botvrten Tf a * < fur and local dej > g'- .