Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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I ellcred bv enrrlrr In Any 1'ntt of lie City n
TV cnty Cents 1'crcok. .
HrstNFPS O KICK No. 43.
NIOIIT Diinoii. No.St.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Council Hlurts news on Second page.
Coaland wood. K.H.Mnyne , 019IVway.
The P. K. O. society moots this alter-
noon at . ' ( o'clock with Mrs. Horace
The rogolar monthly meeting of the
school board will bo hold next Monday
A marriage license was issued yester
day to.T. II. ICullov and Clara Harbour ,
both of thiHcity.
This item was written with one of
"Hroohotttt Cuvln's No. SI" onu of the
best pencils o t. *
Mr and Mrs. II. S Ross , living near
Miuiiuva , are rejoicing over Iho arrival
of a bran new boy.
Mr. Charles IJaetcns gives another
Btudonts' recital at the Congregational
church on Monday evening.
Unity guild will hold a meeting at 3
o'clock'this afternoon at the residence
of Mrs. Harris , South First street.
Them will bo a meeting of the Coun
cil Hluirs lioallng club next Monday
evening at the olllco of Dr. Soybort.
Mrs. . .1.V. . Pcregoy entertained an
enjoyable progicssive high live party
Thursday evening at her homo on First
Mrs. N. W. Williams entertained a
number of her lady friends yesterday
afternoon ivt a ft o'clock tea. The occa
sion was a most onjoyoblo one.
A pair ol hnndeullR wanting an owner
were found behind a box at the corner
of IJromlway and Bryant yesterday
morning , and turned over to tlio police.
C. K. Ayers was the only victim pro
duced for the inspection of the police
magistrate yesterday morning , and was
assessed $8.110 and 11 red back into the
cooling box.
The funeral of Leila Ilancy , the
twelve-year-old daughter of Mrs. W. H.
Rue , toolc place at : . ' o'clock yesterday
afternoon from the family residence ,
1110 Third avenue.
Mrs. K. A. Norling , wife of the well
known fresco painter , was yesterday
presented with a gold watch as a re
minder of her blrthdav. Friends and
relatives joined in the pleasing remem
The case of Kxaiis vs White was on
trial all dav yesterday in the district
court. Attornov Flickinger , for the
plaintiff , made his argument , and At
torney Sims will close this morning for
the defense.
Kov. D. P. Franklin has been called
to Stuart , In. , to dedicate a now church
there. The pulpit of M road way Metho
dist church will bo supplied , to-morrow
by clergymen from Omaha , so the
services will bo hold as usual.
G. T. Archie , who has boon confined
in the county jail for some time on the
I'hargo of insanity , was yesterday or
dered released by the board of insane
commissioners and found sane. Ho was
brought in from the country. Ho was
suffering from dementia when incar
cerated , but his mental trouble has
worn off and ho is now perfectly ra
Jake Washington and Dan Simpson ,
a couple of colored individuals , filled up
with certain inflammatory lluids on
Upper Broad wuy yesterday afternoon
and started out to run the town regard
less of city ordinances or city officials.
Olllccr Kemp viewed their antics with
a disapproving eye and proceeded to
gather them in. The patrol wagon was
in use by the mayor < uul aldermen , and
an express wagon landed the hilarious
darkies at the station , where they made
things jingle for some timo.
The little mishap which occurred as
two motor trains were passing on the
bridge , referred to in yesterday's Bun ,
proves to have been a trifling affair.
The fact is that a now motor man run
his train a little too far , so that the
other train in passing pushed one of the
the cars off the track a few inches only.
It did not go up against the side of the
bridge , and there was no occasion for
tiny scare , much loss was there any
jpopardixing of lifo or limb. The motor
trams arc run with special caution ,
osnoeially ever the bridge , the speed
there being slow , and every possible
precaution is taken torcndorany serious
accidental ! impossibility. The construc
tion of the line is such Hint no serious
accident can occur in nnv event.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , hoiscs , buggies or anything
of value nt low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
and Main , ever Amoricun express.
J. G. Tipton' real estate , 527 B'dway
All grades soft coal. O. B. Fuel Co.
HI'H InniiuiirnClon.
The Wabash Western railway an
nounces that tickets will bo sold from
nil st.'itloiiB to Washington and return ,
for tlio inauguration of President liar-
ribon , at half fare.
Unto for round trip from Council
muffs , la. , JttO. Ticlcots will bo on trnlo
February 127 to March 2 ; good return ing
until March 10 , 1881) ) . For further par
ticulars apply at the Wabash Western
ticket olllco , 421 Hroadway.
J. C. MITCH'HU , , Agent.
Houses and lots to soil on monthly
payments by 1 < \ J. Day , 39 Pearl St.
I'oi'soiinl I'aruttrnplifl.
Mr , J. 12. llarknoss 1& visiting sonio of
the Iowa towns in the interests of tlio
coming Chautauqua assembly. Ho will
bo nbsunt several days.
E. Dickinson , asslbtunt gojiornl man
ager , and W. II. Ilolcombo , superin
tendent , of the Union Pacitlo railway
company , were in tho. city yesterday ,
visiting the transfer 'and Uroadway
depots during their brief stay.
Mr. John T. Olivet * surprised many of
his frloiulf by appearing on the streets
yesterday for tlfo lirnt time since his Ill
ness. Ho was down town on the 31bt of
Dot&mbar , but passed Now Year's in
bod. Ho had trouble with an ulcerated
tooth and sulTorcd excruciating agony.
The muscles of nib face and neck l > o-
catno BO atToctod that ho could not open
his mouth , nnd his life was despaired of.
A hole was out through } iis ohook to
allow the ulcer to discharge , and his
condition speedily improved. lie is now
fust recovering , nnd will BOOH bo able to
attend to business. It was u close call ,
but ho managed to pull through , and re
joices accordingly.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Pickled trlpo and pigs' feet at Tib-
ltts\ } a 15 Uroadway.
Money loaned at L , B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , hort > os ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal , All business strictly con 11-
< loutial.
The Llttlo t > kl Folks Entortnln Their
Friends With Music.
Trouble O cr n I'nrtncrslilp A
Score ) ! An Klcgnnt llcoc-pt-on nt
Mrs. John N. lluldxvln's Need
of n Street Cleaner.
Ultlo Old Kolka.
The entertainment given lastcvening
at the Masonic temple hall was ado-
oldedly unique affair. It was given by
little folks , arrayed as old folks , and
thov took their parts' well that older
people could hardly have done better.
The programme was a bright and varied
one. Music , recitations and impor-ona-
lions were spicily interspersed.
There were several very creditable
choruses given by the children , who
ranged in ngo from IIvo to twelve
Miss I dmi Snyder served as accom
panist upon thu piano , and acquitted
herself well. She gave , with Miss Klsio
Sehoentgen , a very pleasing piano
A duet on violins was given by Masters -
tors Hnlph Mueller and Harry James.
Five little fellows , arrayed as terrible
Indians , madomucluimusementby their
concert recitation. They wcro Kddio
Harkncss , Horace TTavcrstock , Thomas
Tipton , Harry Ogden and Willie
Troxoll. *
Miss Belle Snyder and Miss Medio
Kirkland gave a uuut. With the aid of
Edward Duquette and Charlie .loffries ,
a quartette was formedwhich gave some
charming music. Miss Hello Snyder
also jravo some vocal solos , which were
among the best numbers on the pro-
grammo. She also showed talent us a
Miss Winnie Mclntire told "The First
Settler's Story" in a manner which
greatly iutorouted the audience.
Master William L. Murphy pave a
cornet uolo. which was remarkable for a
boy of his ago.
Charles .loffries gave a song , "Put
Your ShoulUer to the Wheel. " Ho sang
it well.
Four little maidens personated the
sunllo.vers , it being a novel picturing of
tho'-o flowers , and a recitation accom
pany ing it , with appropriate motions.
Miss Nellie Ilaworth , only live years
of age , gave a very pretty song. AVhioh
caused the audience to be duly enthusi
Another remarkable number was a
violin solo by little Albert Xcrkowsky ,
only four Beat's of age. Helms evi
dently caught some of the artistic spirit
of his father , as well as had some of the
Misses Gertie Gleason and Maud
Gavin gave a piano duct which was su
perior to those given by many older
A vocal solo was given by the youngest
of the company , Miss May Snyder , who
is only four ycais of age.
Edwin McCrary gave an excellent
rendering of Pickwick's celebrated
Parties having temperance billiard
halls and restaurants will do well to
take the exclusive sijlo of my temper
ance beer. L. M.
All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co.
L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
over Jucqunmin & Co.'s jewelry store.
For Oil mid Coal.
The articles of incorporation of the
Ilawkoyc Coal and Oil company wcro
filed yesterday with the county recor
der. The incorporators are M. M.
Marshall , .1.1. Leas , Wells Cook , J. B.
Wood , F. S. Thomas , R. M. Wilbur , C.
C. Hamilton , J. W. Chance , A. P. Lang-
made and F. C. Reed M. M. Marshall
is president , and F. S. Thomas secre
tary. The capital stock is $ (5,000,000. (
The object of the company is the trans
action of a general mining and refining
business in Wyoming and elbowhere.
The company own ? -1,100 acres in Car
bon county , Wyoming , and will develop
the mineral resources of the same.
Try our XXX bottled boor. Special
tales on all eiders from Towa.
L. M. FiNiciifeTiix.
I have moved my olllco to Omaha , at
which all orders will bo received and
Irom which all deliveries will be made
by WHgOIl. L. M. Fiyi
Only ti Noorch.
The fire department was called out at
5:20 : last evening by an alarm from bo\
28. The llames were just issuing from
the roof of the building occupied by
George Meschondorf at I27 ! Broadway.
The lire was distinguished witn a few
buckets of water and n garden hose.
The cause of the bla/.o was a defective
Hue. The damage was very slight , a
hole about six feet square being burned
in the roof.
Send all orders for bottled boor to L.
M. Finkclstoin , Omaha.
Dr. C. C , Ilazcn , dentist , Opera house
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
An Dlcuant llccoption.
One of the most enjoyable society
ovonls of the season occurred i/jbtorday
afternoon at the residence of J. N. Bald
win , esq. , Ill youth Sixth stroot. Mrs.
Baldwin gave a reception from 3 to U
o'clock to nearly one hundred lady
friend , many of whom ivcro from
abroad. The parlors wcro beautifully
decorated with llowcrs , and an Omaha
orchestra discoursed sweet music. The
hostess was assisted in receiving by Mrs.
T. J. Mackny , Mrs. Waddell , Mrs. J. L.
Stewart , Miss Mary Haas , and Miss
Laura Baldwin.
The Indies received In different rooms ,
two in each room , instead of collectively.
The afternoon p.issed most delightfully ,
and tnore wna nothing lucking that
could have added to the plea uro of the
occasion. _
Rooms to rent in the Mcrriam block.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. , 2S ( > Main street.
Klegant spring goods. Now stales
throughout. A. Reltor , ! UO Broadway.
A Street Cleaner Needed.
The mud question is again agitating
the average Blullltc. This matter comes
up periodically with astonishing regu
larity , and thu same ground is gone
ever each time. The papers devote
much valuable space to lengthy exhor
tations , beseeching the city olllcinls , in
the naino of the dear people , to abate
the nui anco. But the nlllclnls do not
abate worth a cent. The mud is hereto
to stnj until Old Sol comes to the relief
of a long suffering public. Then the
council is attacked with a sp.ism of some
Iiiul. quite late in the spring , and the
dirt that was the principal ingredients
of thU sea of tilth , is hauled away , after
torturing the souls and nnuldjing th
footgear of thousands of pedestrians for
The center of the street is kept it
very passable condition by the strut-
car company , and the matter that ac
cumulates there is swept to the sides o
the street , eventually making ti most
disgusting collodion in the gutters.
These warm dnjs transform this accu
mulation into a veritable pond of the
filthiest kind , through which everybody
wishing to cross a street has to wade , as
it is impossible to keep the crossing
clean. Knch spring there is talk of pur
chasing a street sweeper that will kec ]
the streets clean , but none has yet ma-
teriali/cd. The Council Bluffs eitjyon
has three alternatives. He can sink ,
swim or stay at home. Hero is
chance for the great improvement
council to do something that will be ap
preciated , and the question is , will they
do it , or continue in the same old ruts.
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
get your clothes made. 037 Broadway.
S. BVWadsworth & Co. loan inonov.
of the Concert.
Mr. Charles Baotens has the pleasure
Lo announce that his next students' r
cital will take place at the Congrega
tional church , Monday evening , Feb
ruary 18 , at S o'clock.
( Selection Enmni Vculi
Str.ylc-cn-blanvlust Club.
j a Xcjjcr Tanz L. Gtirhtt
Qiiatrcmainsj -j bSpanischo Tmi/o. . . .
( M. MosrltowsUi
Missc Annie Hint and Holla Nile * .
Duo for clarionet and coruot Normu-
Puritam Licllim
Messrs. Arthur Knrbduhunu 1'orry Uailollut.
Solo Violoncello cav.ilinn I.itf
Mr. .lolm Hroun.
Quartette for four violins Radons
Messrs. II. KoRcrs , P. Tullejs , G. Williams ,
K. Kurilich.
Traumbildcr Lunibcy
( With solo for guitar b } Mr. J. Brown. )
Duo for violin ami violo Huetcns
Miss Cluire Chamberlain , uid Mr. li.ictens.
fa Wnldvoglein unil JUin-
E. Harniston
l > iinn iln
I solo , <
b Xcinirg , do Ma ,
I. Francis Hohr
Miss Laura Couuh.
Solo riute tarantella Uactons
Mr. Frank Kadollct.
Strlnprauartette Larpo Handel
( For two violins , viola and violoncello. )
Messrs. H. Uocers. P. Tullcys , G. Williams ,
Emu Karbacb.
"Visions'1 F.uioonicr
Stryk-cn-blaas-lust Club.
Blank books made to order. Can fur
nish patent binding for parlies wishing
the same. Call and see samples at room
T , Everett block , Pearl street.
Momnoi"i ; : & Co.
Heating stoves at cost to close out.
Odcll & Bryant.
Partnership Trouble.
Arthur W. Cowles , who has been n
partner in the firm of Tlarlo , Haas &
Co. , wholesale drn ggists of this city ,
has filed a petition in the district court ,
through his attorneys , Burke & Tinloy ,
praying for the appointment of a re
ceiver , in whose hands the business of
that firm shall bo placed. The plaintiff
alleges that he became- member of the
firm in 1881 , and that ho was to'receive
$2,200 a year independent of all profits ,
in consideration of managing the busi
ness of the firm.
Ho slates that on or about the 15th
day of January , IfaS'J , the defendants
took possession of all books , accounts ,
stock and property of the firm and re
fused to allow him to examine or have
access to them , and have avoided any
conference with him regarding the co
partnership. In fact , ho charges the
defendants with misappropriating the
funds of the firm and with defrauding
him of his interest in the business.
The defendants were seen yesterday
regarding the mallei' , and stated that
they had received no official notifica
tion of the move of Mr , Cowles.
They had heard of his charge ? and de
nied them in tote , branding it all as
spite work. They stated that the plain
tiff had put in $1,001) ) and drawn out be
tween W,000 and iO.OOO , and started in
at the first of the present year to in
crease on his previous fast method of
drawing out money , and they shut down
on him. They allege that ho has drawn
out all the money that ho had in the
linn , and state tluit they are ready to
adjust any legal claim that ho holds
against them. g |
The matter creates considerable snr-
priso , as the firm of Hurlo , Hans A : t'o.
is an old one and well known through
out the west , and ranks as one of the
leading ones in that lino.
G * LoneoSsjg ! * < ? ssS SS , ishf sV
Thu § the Mustang1 ! * conquers pain ,
Makes MAN or BEAST well again !
On hand for city'loans ; lowest rates
of interest.
Fine farms close \6 Bluffs tooxclmngc
for city property.
Western liind to exchange for city
Hitf bargains in Ui-ondway lots.
Fine business property to e.\clmngo
for well improved farms.
Good fresh stock groceries to ox-
chnngo for city properly and one-third
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Small payments down. IVlces ranging
from $77o to $ tX ( ) ( ) .
Cheap lots in Evans' , Wright's , Coch-
rnn's and most nil additions to city.
Fine acre property for snlo from $100
to $ .300 loss than present worth.
No. 10 Prnrl S ( . , Council IMnfTs.
\ \ . \ ; > . \tM ! I'wul street. Ouolailyiouk.
C. H , UeMer , loom " .
\v LrANrKD-Compcleiit nbstrnctiT of Htlos.
. .1.V , Squire , touiifil Illnlts.
FOH ItKN'T Tlie tlirce story nrlck ttororootn
No. 40T llroul\Miy. Tlio louitlon Isonoof
the lnnt ta tlm Uty. 'I ho bitildlmt Ims lu'un oc-
L-iipk'il fay the lust twenty years l > v Mtllcr.V Co. ,
Ii.inlunrc , and \xoitlil bu u vury deilrnlilu locu
tion far a Inmhuiiu bacilluson Unit account.
.lohn Dennett.
\\r.\N ' : ) - > - pr"P''t.v in WcnaiiKo for
low. i farms , .lohnson t Vnn i'ntten , ! 3J
Main it.
"VTOTIl'U of dl olutlon of co-jmrt-
J- > noislilp. Notlco Is hcroliy K'VOII '
that the co'iiartnurililii hcretoforo uxl t-
Inu between the nnderslRiied unilcr the
llrni mime of 1'ni.sjiH A ; ICcller , for tlm piuposo
of iloxclnnliiK ami oputatltiK a sntul ana gru\cl
pit innr Illnion. In Mltli county , Iowa , Is this
ilny illssohed by iniitnal consent. Witness our
tiamls this IWlli ilny of January. A. I ) . . f < l i.
\\71IAT IS ITA stock of Clothing. Hoots
T nud Slides , Ilixtsaml C'aptJents' 1'tir-
iK Cooils , Diy Goods. Invo'to ' iIUK ( ) .
\Vliatliu\uyoutootlcr ? 1(11 ( Ilro.uliiy , Council
llluirs " , la. J _ _ _ _ _ _
I ) 1 ? A T POT ( TI ? DD HT/17 D
liliAL liMAlli DaOKIln ,
COUNClIj liljUFKS , : : IOWA.
I'rlvRte watchmen tarnished nt any and nl
Special attention Kit en to collection of chat
tel niorlKnm'M mul noteni
Money to loan on K < > < 1 chattel secmlty.
Itefeienco Any bank , uttoiney , or business
man In tlio city.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool& Furs ,
Highest ninikct prices. 1'iompt K'tnCns. KO
and tJ Main St. . Council lllutrs , low.u
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
. II. .VUI > I > ,
Council 111 11 ITs la ,
t'.NTlt. H'llTMUt NOTICBI Mlt.t. SUM ,
or MI OWN nut s
Iowa Cattle Fedoi Iowa Corn !
And will meet nurliono t competition on prices
for First-i Inss .Moats.
l OIrondwny. - - Telephone liOl.
Novel , plcasiiiK ami practical. Tor tlio
parlor , tlin churcli , the Cliautmuiua circle ,
circle , the society hull. The only inontlily of
Its kind in the United Stntos. Only * 1 a
jcnr. Samples , 10 cunts.
K\STIU : KMIII FM SEIIVK n Very unique. No
lehcnrsals needed. Only 50 cents for u sup
ply for any school , of any sbe. Address
Council Hinds , Iowa , J 15. Marlines * , Mana
ger. Publishus of "Old District School , "
"Quiz Social , " "EvcniiiR With Art , " etc.
c. K. nru < . o. A. nKiiriNiiioF (
Architects , Designers and SupcrinlcnucntJ
of Construction ,
Mr. llprlhitfhof was M-\en jcnrs nith
Mendelssohn , FMicr & Low ry , and has
designed many of the finest blacks
in Uinulin and Council Bluff- .
Plans and Sneciflcations Prepared and
Estimates made on Application ,
Studio , Jivom 2 Opera House Itlock
Tnos. ( Jrurr.n. \V. 11. .M. 1'usnv.
Corner Main anil Hroailwny.
Dealers In foreign domestic e\cliaii p.
Collections made and Intel e t pnhl on tlmmle-
To any regular physician who desires to locate , I have to
offer a thriving Iowa city of 8,000 population , the home and
practice of the leading physician of the place. He has resided
in said city for sixteen years last past , and his books will show
a annnual business of $6ooo per year.
For reasons personal to himself he proposes to change his
residence to another city , He will sell his home , which is a
comfortable frame house of eight rooms , heated by furnace ,
and with all necessary outbuildings and conveniences , for
$3,500. He will turn over to the buyer his practice and good
will , and will remain with his successor some months pending
his settlements and collections.
Any reputable physician desiring to make a change will do
well te correspond with the undersigned , who is prepared to
verify the entire bona fides of the whole business.
Room 522 Paxton Block , Omaha , Neb.
Kspeclally Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER. Mills and Ele/ators / ,
Specifications and estimates finnlslioil for complete steam plnnti. IlPfrulfttlon , Durability Ounr-
nntetd. Can show letters from users where fuel Economy Is eiiualvltli Corliss Noii-Condemlni'
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Ululls.
JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St.
IELEPHONE 2240 Estimates K
CorfCBpoiidonco Solicited. On Application. 1
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
f3a/u.3agre ? of u * ll 3H iinLcLf3 ,
Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered ,
No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
and Naturalist.
'Permanently located nt No. U North fth fct. . omioilto postoilico , on
Motor Line , Council lllulliOu. '
Birds ami animals mounted naturally and In the best method of
the ait. Warranted to preserve for } ears. Foreign birds aujijillo
m hpit notice. Highest price , iaUI for owls and nawks of all kinds , rersons leiullutr oiil *
i aurod of perfect tiUlsfactlou. t ur Orfsnug H epeUalty , Write tot vartlculws.
HRIRI IIMRIMC Hydraulic nnd Sanitary Rnglncer. Plans , Estimate- ! ,
i DiniMllDI ML. " Specification * . Supervision of Public Work. Hrown
lluilding , Council lUtills , lonn ,
lustice ol the Peace. Oillcc o\er Aincricnii Kxprc < , No. 419
. OL nUn/L" " 'Uroadway , Council niull's , Iowa.
QTHNIT St QII\/1C \ / Attorneys at Law , Practice in tlic State and Kedera
O I UllC. ( X OIIVlO" " Couils. Onicc Kooms 7 and 8 , Slnigarl-Ueno IJIock ,
Council , lown ,
BURKE& Koom 10 > s""Rnrt
& VOUN KEtf/W/4/VC
o < AtPicrceProprietor. the1 No.ll4MainSf.
Furnifuro 8e Staves
on y/cc/V / ( OA n
Ao rnf/lfS BCSt
Selections. Lcncsi
pncts. Liberalditctunt
/7 > ? e Laundry Work A
Black and Colored Silks ,
Satins , Velvets , Muslins ,
Sheetings , Tickings
Flannels , Shirting ,
Table Linens ,
Crashes , Towels ,
Table Napkins , Sateens ,
Seersuckers ,
Ginghams ,
Calicos ,
Hosiery ,
Handkerchiefs , Underwear ,
Ribbons , Corsets ,
Laces , Gloves ,
Embroideries ,
Notions , Etc. , Etc.
You who have bought must have told the glad
some news of our
To your friends , and they in turn ought to join
the great throng of buyers which
throng the Boston Store daily.
4-01 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
An old established Boot and Shoe business
n Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
U3 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
3e rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $18,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. O. Phillips , one of the execu-
; ors of the J. M. Phillips estate.
N. P. DODG-E , Executor.
- UIIB INMfll ) ' 10 I AM. 1 ( -
MBS. C. I , .
Anil sro lier line line of Hulr ( Jooils. I'l.MlSl1 HA III
( W.NUn.M'S : I" Hi" flly.VI | > , IIcnnN , flu. ,
for { ( nil oi1 .Sale.
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