Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    p-r * $ fc
Wheat Averaging Higher In Price ,
.With Trade Dull.
1'oor GrnilliiK Still O'oiHlmics to lie
n Unit Font tire Ontn More
Active I'rovlnlonn 12 J III bit
n MlroiiK Front.
CnifAno , Kcb. IS. [ Special Toleeram to
Tun HKK.I Wheat averaged higher In price
to-day not only here , but in all other
domestic markets , but tnulo wat dull most
of the time. The local market seems to be
pretty well evened up , and there Is Httlo dls-
Ignition on the part of cither the bulls or the
bears to renew the risks In the May delivery.
The leading bulls do not appear to have
changed tlioir position , and they give it out
that they have not materially reduced their
holdings. On the other hand , the stalwart
bears have undlmlnlshcd confidence In the
correctness of their position , but neither
party Is doing much In the way of aggresslvo
action. This leaves the market dull and
narrow. The llrst Impulse was given to the
market to-day by the covering of July wheat ,
the rain and sleet and cold wnvo that Is be
hind It causing sumo alarm as to the safety
of the coming crop. July wheat opened at
We , and was rushed up to lC > ' ( , c. Hy the
time the price got to ' . 'Jo ' mor.tof tlio more
nervous among the shorts were ashore , and
the market started on the back track. The
bulge in July started good buying In May ,
which opened at § 1.0" and advanced to 41.0S.
Tlio fluctuations thereafter were from tl.03
to fl.OSV , back to * l.07 ; < , down to . * 1.07 } @
* l.07 ? < , up to ? 1.07 f , back to SI.07-Y , up to
* 1.0 % down to $ l.07 > , up to Sl.OSV. olT to
? 1.07'4 ' , up to fi.orx , off to $ i.ur , up to
* 1.07Ji , closing at 81.07 % just J < c above yes
terday , .fiily closed at 4c , which
was a gam of lo from yester
day. The occurrences to-itay were not
of an exciting character. Experienced
operators express some wonderment that the
market should hold so steady at so near the
lot ) of the recent advance. With general
trade so light they naturally expected to see
a continuation of ( lie reaction under such
circumstances , and the steadiness that is dis
played has M\\ \ \ , them to Htudying. The truth
seems to bo that the bears arc reluctant to
inako aggressive drives at tlio market behind
which strong parties arc firmly entrenched ,
and that the "toilers , " ( hiding the market
steady , are picking up their wheat again ,
thus preventing the settling back of values of
their own weight. Tlio bull leaders liavo de
clared that they would not light a decline ,
but the bears somehow seem Indisposed to
take advantage of the freedom of the move
ment so temptingly offered. They have not
forgotten the experience of the past two
weeks. July being free thus far of the
slightest taint or suspicion of manipulationIK
getting attractive to speculators , and trade
in that delivery is daily becoming larger.
The continued heavy exports , the strong
cables and the lower occun freights giving
assurance of a continuance of thu outward
movement , were the ostensible causes which
gave its strength to tlio corn mariict to-day.
There was also the oft-repeated and ever
present bull feature , from n speculative
Htaiidpoiut , of the poor grading of the daily
receipts , which was threatened to bo further
continued by the softening weather which
prevailed. The demand from tlio shippers to
the domestic and foreign markets was good
and was sccmlmrly uninfluenced by the fact
of 25 cars moro in the du.v's receipts than
was estimated yesterday. There were clear
ances of 21,1)00 ) bushels from New Orleans to
Liverpool yesterday in addition to the heavy
nmntiKv frnm the Atlantic seaboard. A
llrmcr feeling was shown at the opening and
was well maintained throuchout , with May
closing practically at the lop price of the
day , as only a few sales were effected at IWio ,
there being for the most part sellers at that
price all the time. There was some improve
ment in the amount of business for .outside
account , and taken altogether a moro hope
ful feeling amongst holders.
Oats were much moro active within a
higher range. As for some time past , the In
terest centered in May , which was in good
demand on the part of some largo operator * ,
together with purchasing by shorts. As a
result prices were advanced /c , with a
subsequent easier tone prevailing. The re
ceivers Hold liberally for May delivery , and
the other months were In some favor at rela-
Provisions exhibited a strong front. In a
general way there was some reaction from
the late steady depression , and the market
commanded a better support than was np-
imrontly expected. In the actual condition
of affairs , hownver , there was no improve
ment. The cash buyers , as usual , wore ion- :
ncrvativo , and in line of speculation trading
was almost wholly on local account. In nark
the day's fluctuations covered n range of 20c ,
in lard lOo and In short ribs TJtfo. The initial
trades all around wore made at the lowest
prices quoted , while the closings approxi
mated the highest. Uuslncss closed with May
future 15o higher for pork , Be for lard and
2 } e for short ribs than yesterday's lost quo
CHICAGO 1,1 VE srooa
CIUCACO , Fcl ) . IS. | Special Telegram to
TUB UEU.J CATTi.n The market was weak
to-day and most unsatisfactory to owners
and sellers , Prices were aot quotably lower ,
though buyers tried tholr best to force a
Miarp decline. There was n liberal volume
of business done , but salesmen had to work
very hard to sell out. Shippers paid as high
as f I.GOic4.iO ( for three cars of cattle , but
there was loss demand to-day for export
cattle , such as 6lil .yesterday at 84,00(114.15. (
Clioico to extra hooves , l.40u ( > l,50 ; medium
to good stmrs , 1U50 to IClh ) Ibs , JJ.COOSI.IO :
1200 to 1H50 Ibs. | : i.W0.1.60i 9JO to 1'JOOlbs. ',40 ; ; mockers nml feeders , i2.Si } ( < r3.40 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , tMOot.1.10 ; bulic , S-M3
(32..10 ; Texas cattle , corn-red steers , 050 lo
1050 Ibs , ? J.SOusJUS.
Hdus Uusincss brisk , with a down turn
of about a nickel , the bulk of mixed and
packers soiling at $ l.40@l.4 [ > , and boat heavy ,
together with assorted butcher weights , at
51.50. Light sorts sold at * UiO.f4.05.
Toward the close the general market was
steadier , und in some hibtaiices a shade
New .VoiiK , Fob. 16. [ Special Telegram
to TUB llmi.j STOCKS The stock market
this1 morning opened strong. The Louden
houses had buying orders in specialties. The
llrst prices showed a firm tone , being VCOM-
than last ' closing
erally slightly higher night's
ing llgurcs. Chicago , Hurlington & Quiiuiy
titartcd off % per cent lilflicr. Advices from
liofitoi : were of a moro hopeful character ,
und large buying orders in their specialties ,
Durlington and Atchlsou , were apparent.
The decline In New Knglaud stocks at Hot.-
ton yesterday was attended with little or no
excitement ; thu sales were all In Hinull lots
of live and twenty shares. Thc o sumo se
curities were all up from 1 to 3 per cent this
inoniliiK. Hock Island was weak during the
first hour and declined I1/ per cent , but re
covered all the loss on Chicago advices to
the effect that the presidents' agreement
would surely bo signed by all thy lines. Tliia
news gavu thu market a fresh Impetus , and
IJurllngton advanced U per cent from the
lowest point of the murnintr , The profcs-
( ilunal boars are discomfited at the change In
the situation , The commission houses con
tinue to advise thulr customers to hold ou to
tholr purchases and buy move whenever a
bear raid occurs. Thuro hus been consider
able buying ot Heading by foreign concerns.
The bulls ay the boare have played their
la t card and from now nn a stronger nnd
tetter market may bo looked fur. The declar
ation of the usual 1 per ccut dividend by
" , Uurlhigton & Qulucy cannul fall to
have a reasoning effect both on the homo nnd
the foreign Investors. The old bull party in
Luckawanna nro talking much higher prices
for that stock , and brokers who arc closely
identified with the Vnmh-rbilt interests arc
advising their friends to buy Northwest fern
n good rise. Money continues ensy at 1JV < f2
per rent , notwithstnnling that sterling ex
change has advanced almost to the gold ex
porting basis. Stocks worn more plentiful
In the loan crowd this morning. At 1 o'clock
the market wan moderately active nnd strong
at the best prices of the day. The afternoon
transactions were confinol mainly to
grangers , nnd the last priors on those stocks
xvcrc at about the best llgurcs of the day.
The Chicago houics were buying largely.
Specialties were neglected to-day , nnd with
few exceptions , closed lower than the open
ing figures. The net advances for the day
show Chicago , Hurllngton ft Qumcy , 19j
Northwestern-1'4 ; St. Paul , f : Union Pa-
cltlc , ? $ ' ; Atchison , ? „ , nnd Rock Island ' 4 ,
while Oregon Improvement lostl IV , ' . Chicago
tas ! Trust nnd Cotton Scrd Oil aij , nnd
Richmond Terminal nnd New Knglund ' ) , ,
The total sales for the day amounted to 230-
OKI shares , Including Chicago. Uurltngton ft'
Qumey , IIO.OOO ; St. Paul , 20.WX ) : Rcadlnir ,
10,000 ; Northwest , 1.000 ; Uichmond Ter
minal , 0,0(0 ( ; Rock Island , 10,000 ; Lackn-
wanna , 17,000 ; Oregon Transportation , 5,000 ;
Canada Southern , 5,500 ; Texas Paelllc , 0,000.
The following worcth-j i'.O4in2 quotations :
IJ.H. 4s regular. . . IKMjlNorthprn I'Acinc. . 27'p
U.S. 4scoup < ms. . . .r,8'i Oniirvferrud I1-1 *
II. S. 4ifir < ! Milnr. . 1071 C.A.N.W 1071 ,
IT. H. 4 'iscxjupons. ' . lOJ dnpreforroil , HI
I'acUlcCsof 'M . . .r.M N. V. Central 1WJS
Contrnl I'aclllc . . .15
Chlcnco & Alton..114 Itock Istnnii . . . . . . t'T'n ' '
UhlcnKo.lliirllngton C. . M. .VcSt. I1 H4'i
AQnlnnr 101 do preferred IIX' ' !
D..IJ..IC W. . . . . . . .142'8 ' St. Paul.V Omaha . JC-'U
Illinois Central. . . Ill ) tlotireferred V
1..I1..VW ll'j UnionI'acitlo Cfi
Kansas AToxus. . . . . I. .
l.nkuShoro 101'4 ilo preferred. . . . .T'l '
MlrhlgnnLVntral. . ltl' Western 1'ulou tu'8
.Missouri I'acitlc
MONDT ON CAM , Kasy nt IJi'/IS / per cent.
PIUMB MciiOANriLit I'APBH T'JS pJr cent.
Siiiti.ixo : R.VCIHNOE Hull but linn ;
sixty-day bills , $ t.S6i demand , f-I.SSJf.
Cinc'.oo. Feb. 13.heat Shaflo higher ;
cash , $1.0lV ; : May , $ l.lir5 < o ; July , 0 ? ie.
Corn Firmer ; cash , 31 c ; March , -ta c ;
Jluy , ! WV.
Oats Firmer ; cash , 25'i'c ' ; March , UOc ;
Aluy , 'J7 ID-lOo.
Kyc lOc.
Hurley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothj $1.47.
Klax $ l.Mt.
Pork Htuady ; cash , $11.02 ; March ,
$11.2' ; May. $'i.
Lard Steady ; cash IC.G2'.j ' ; .March ,
$ rtf.2J $ ; May , $0.72KlO.3. ( !
Flour Unchanged.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , Sri.50a5.02J ( f ;
short clear , JO. 12 @ 0.25 ; short ribs. $5.83
( < ? 5. ! ' ! > .
Huttcr Unciianged ; creamery , lO.fl'J'Jc ;
dairy , Iig2. ) ( > c.
Chccsu Unchanged ; full cream choddais ,
10-iC'llc ! ; Hats , lldOU c ; Vouny Americas ,
s Unchanged ; fresh , 13gMc. (
Hides Unchanged ; heavy nnd light green
salted , 5 } c ; grcon , 4o ; sultod bull , 4'4c ;
green bulls , : i > iigreen ; suited calf , ti. 'u ;
dry flint , T.tbu . ; green salted kip , 4c ; dry
calf , 7@8o ; deacons , L'jW'JOy each ; dry
salted , 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4 4ifSo ( ; No. 2 , IG&i. c ; cake. o ( < Z5 > c.
iicccints. tJhlpmcnts.
Flour , bbls. . „ . 10,001) ) 7,000
Wheat bu . 28,000 10,000
Corn.DU . ISD.OOO 1'iO.OOO
Oats , bu . 101,000 73,000
New Vork. Fob. 1 ! > . Wheat Receipts ,
.Vil ) ; exports , none ; spot strong but dull ;
No. 2 red , 07(3030' ( In elevator , ' . " 'Jo alloat ,
US'A'g$1.00 ' ( f. o. b. ; No. 11 red , .We ;
options stronger and moderately active ;
February closing at ! l7c.
Corn Receipts. f,7i 0 ; exports. 06,000 ;
spot , fairly active , stronger ; No. " , 4'i } , ) '
in elevator , 44o alloat ; No. 2 , white ,
4i > U'c ; No. 4 , 40 i < 1t\c \ : ungraded mixed ,
40 ( < f4c ! ) ; options fairly active ; closing ' linn.
Oats Receipts , 33,000 ; exports , 3000 ; spot
quiet but llrmcr ; options quiet but stronger ;
February , aoXc ; March , Jil' ' e ; May , y @
8-'ie ; ; mixed % ycstcrn , S > (3.i2c. ( :
Coffee Options opened steady , closing
llrm , 15 ( i20 points ubovo yesterday ;
sales CG.yso bags ; March , $ in.7.r15..IO ; May ,
fl5.05@15.S5 ; July , $15.00f < il5.'J5 ; spot Hio
quiet but Jirm ; fair oarcoes , $17.50.
Petroleum Firmer ; United closed
12ggs Qiuot and easy ; western. 13
Pork Frm , but quiet ; new , 1 12. SO © 12. 75.
Lard Stronger but quiet ; western steam ,
$7.10 ; March , fr.07.
Butter Steady , for choice ; western , 13(3 (
Cheese Quiet ; western , l0.l. @lH e.
Liverpool. Fob. 15. [ Special Cablegram
to THE HKE.J 3:30 : p. in. close. Pork
In demand ; prime mess , eastern , CCs 3d ,
easy ; do , western , 57s 7d , easy.
Lard In poor demand ; spot and Febru
ary , a Is Oil , dull ; March and April , 31s Oil ,
Wheat In fair demand : new No. 2 , win
ter. 7s 7d , steady ; do spring , 7s ! ) d , steady.
Flour In fair demand at MB 3d , steady.
Corn In gpod demand for spot , and fair
dcmanu for futures ; spot , 4s Ufd , steady ;
February , 4s Id , steady ; March , 4s # d ,
steady ; April , 4s , steady.
Mtlwnulcoi ; , Fob. 15. Wheat Dull ;
cash , ' .13 Wo ; May , t'SS ' c.
Corn Steady ; No , H. 29'4'c.
Out s Steady ; No. 2 white , 27Vc.
Rye Dull ; No. 2 , 45 > , V.
Hurloy Weak ; No. 2 , fi < } .fc.
Provisions Firmer ; pork , $11.10.
Kt. Louis. Feb. 1.V- Wheat Higher ; cash ,
05 0 ; Mu.V , 'JS > ; ( i50SXc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 2So ; May , uO c.
Cnits Nomiimi ; cash , : i3 c ; Mny , 'J7 c.
1'ork Firm at f 11.75.
Lard Hotter at $0.50.
Whisky Steady at f 1.03.
Hutter Quiet ; creamery , 2-l@2Cc ; dairy.
Olncliiiintl. Fob. 15. Wiieat Quiet but
llrm ; No. 3rcd.51.oa.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , mixed , 82@33e.
Oats Qulot , but bteady ; No. 2 mixed.
Whisky Steady at * 1.03.
Mliiiinnpolit ) . Fob. 15. Wheat Sample
wheat dull and about steady ; receipts for2S
hours were shipped out. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
February , tl.l'J ; May , $1.2 K ; on truck , $1.1U
@ 1.24j No. I nnrthcrn , February. tl.UU ; May ,
fl.l2a ; on ti'iicU , fl.JOrCl.ll ( : No. 2north. .
ern , February , 9'Jo ' ; May , # 1. 02 ; on track ,
KaiiMiti Clly , Fob. 15. Wheat-Wcakor ;
No. 2 red. cash , Hio bid ; May , 05fcfc bid ;
No. 2 , soft , cash. ! ' 0o bid ; May , O.jc bid.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 cash. IMJiJc ashed ;
Mav , bid ; No. 2 white , cash , -M o bid ;
Mtiy , 2iijfi ! .
Oats No. ! } , cash , 2' ic asked ; May , 2'u
Cliicn-'o , Fob. 15 , 1'ho Drovers' Jour
nal reports us follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; market slow.
weak ; chaii'o to extra beeves , J-J.40
@ -I.70 ; steers , ! .00 ( < ? 4 10 ; stockers and
feeders , ii.iOiui.-iU : ; ; ; cows , bulls nnd mixed ,
$1.40rfU.10j 'I'oxus corn-fed steers , J2.SOC5
. ,
Hogs Receipts , 2.5,000 ; market opened 5o
lower , closed lost regained ; mixed , $4.35(7 $
4,110 ; heavy , W.U.VSW.Ms light ,
bhoep icccolpts 0,000 ; market slow ; na-
lives , M.OOj'5 00 ; wt > stcnm , corn-fed , < 4.10c < fl
4 70 ; lambs , f4..7D ( < t0.25.
Niitionut Block YarJi , East St.
Louis. Feb. 15. Cattle Rccoipts , 400 ;
uhlpmcnts , 20J ; marl.'ot steady ; choioo heavy
native steers , f3. < r ® 4.30 ; far to food , fa.OO
( it.SO : ; butohero1 steers , medium to choice ,
JJ.5liifi.'JO : ; Etoekets nnd feeders , fair to
good , | 1SO | 2.7S ; nuiyere , corn-foil , tJ.OOvil
M ; grass-fed , l.70 J.i > 0.
Hogs Kocelpts , 4,60. ) ; shipments , 700 :
nuirkot a shadu lower ; cholco heavy nnd
butchers' selection * , t4.0@4.-j ! ! | ; iiacUinu' ,
fl.WC'JMVi light tn-adcs , t4.40 4.SO.
Kansaa City , Feb. 15. Cattle He-
coipti < , 2VOO ; tihlpmcntH , 1,0 < H ) ; beef steers ,
Avoak niul fi ( < J10u lower ; best cowa steady
nnd others u tttmdo lower ; good to choice
corn-fed , VW.' ) ; common to medium ,
< -.SO.i < ; t.50 ; stocuura nnd feeding' steers , $1.00
< jU5 ; ; cows , * 1,2. > Q(2.76. (
Hogs Receipts , U.700 ; shipments , 2GOO ;
] ) : g3 ana light weights stcud.v ; mixed uiul
heavy , 5ci lower ; peed to cholco light ,
4.10 ; mixed and heavy ,
Hlotix City , Feb. 15. Cattle Receipts
400. shipments. 125 ; market steady nnd unchanged -
changed : fnt steers , * J.WK j3.50 ; feeders ,
f2.2032.03 ; fetockcrs and fi t cows , $1.50 ( < $
S.iiO ; c.inners nnd bulls , tl.0.i ( < ! ! . ? . * > .
Hogs Receipts. 2.500 : market < V lower ;
llirht and mixed , M.I5C41-0 ; heavy , W.OOfi *
Friday. Feb. 1ft. ISSO.
The trade In bee.f cattle Was again slow
nnd weak , and closed lower even than yes
terday. The buyers appeared In no hurry to
buy the steers , but they took them about nil
before the close. Hutchcrs' stock was In
more liberal supply , nnd while the prices
paid were about steady , there was n weak
feeling among some of the buyers , which Is
quite apt to result In a decline on the first
day of liberal receipts. The fact is , cows
nro selling higher In nroimrllon than steers.
The bulk of the stc-crs sold n1 W.00 ( t3.40 , nnd
the cows at f2.20 ( 2. < i5.
There was not very much change Jn the
hog market to-day , which was cenerully
quoted about steady , but the alcs would
show a shade hlgner , there being n good
many more Bales at $4.27)4 ) nnd W.30 than
yesterday. The buyers wore willing to tnko
the hogs nt the nioncy nnd everything xveiit
with ready sale.
The receipts were heavy , but n good many
were not offered on the market , and the
trade was rather slow nnd weak
Cattle 1,200
.Sheep 1WO
Live Stoolc Not38.
Heef cattle still lower.
A good many sheep received.
Hutchors' stock holds Its own.
Feeders In fair demand nt steady prices.
Hog market active nt about steady prices.
While the receipts of hogs hnvo been the
this week for .sumo ilmo past , there
have not been hogs enough to till all the
Fruits , Produce , Ktc.
I3UT1KI1. Crenmery Fancy print , 24@20o ;
choice iirint , 20if22c ( ; fancy solid packed , 1'J
( it' 0v > choice solid packed , 15ffl7ij. ( ! Dairy-
Fancy roll , I'C ll'o ' ; choice , 15c lOo ; good , 12
@ 14oj low ( irailes , 10@llc.
Ctiunsi : Full crenui Cheddars , choice , 12i ( }
12 > fo ; full cream Hats , two in hooj ) , 12KC4
13o : full cream Y. A. choice. 12j < ® 13o ; off
Krades find sklmn , 50'o ) : limburKer , 12@
12Koj brlek untl Swiss , 14 ( < \15c.
Eocis-Strietly fresh , ll@12c.
UIVK J'oui.Titv Chickens , per do ? , ? 2.75@
0.00 ; ducks per doz , $2.75 ® 3.00 ; geese , nor
doz. S.50 < g'J.OO ; turltoys , per Ib , 7jf8c. (
Dtissci ) : > POIILTHV Clilckens , per Ib , 0@
So ; turkei'ft , per Ib , l@llo ) ; geese , per Ib. 8C'g
10c ; ducks , S@10o.
VCAI , Ucuvy L'rassors , 160 to 200 Ibs , 7 o
7it'o ; inferior calves , 50 to OOlbs , 5@0o ; m ©
ilium to irood , 70 to b5 Ibs , 7@Su : choice to
fancy , 100 to 180 Ibs , 0@10c.
Vjo ETA ni.ns Potatoes , Colorado and Utah ,
70@r5c : Wyoming. 50 < i05o ; Nebraska nnd
Iowa , choice large , 35 ( < 40e ; coinuion , ! SO < 35o ;
Bvvvoi potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , 12.750(3. ;
beets , per bu , 65(3COo ( ; carrots , 35 10c ;
cabbngo , Calllorniii , per crate , $2.25 ; uar-
snips , WJOj ) ; onions , red choice , Wl 55o ;
sliver aliin. C0yi73o ; turnips , 20@2oc ; ruta
bagas , SSCtlOc : cnuliilower , clioico largo , per
iln/cn. fl.'JSdM.fiO ; KOOdl.U0 1.2.rirauighcs ; ,
! W(3 ( c ; lettuce 25@20u ; cucnmber , $1.50 ;
strum beans , per box , jl.75i.2.2o ( : celery ,
25A30c ; sphmcli , 1.501.75 per bbl.
GAKE--MiUlnril , per do/ , $2.75@1.00 ; red
head , per doz , f..BOM3.00 ; teal , per doz. 11.50
( 1.75 ; cauvus back , per doz , ? l.lKQi.60 ) |
common omall. l > or iloz , SljW < in..V ) ; rabbits ,
iwrdoj. 7Sc ( il ( Oj Ji\ck fnbbit.i , per iloz ,
f3.00fi3.r ( > 0 ; s < | inrrels , per doz ,
At'M.ESPer bbl , fancy N'uw York nno
Mlchlpan , I3.M ) ; choice , -fa.Oi > M2.25j cholol
Missouri , $ l.75ftiJ.Hij ( RnoJ , SI .fKK'1.7n.
KOIIKIIIN Fnt'lT"Mamgii grapes , krps , 40
to & . * > Ibs. lUc- per Ib : liinaiia ) < > . ] icr bnncti ,
tl nOr(3.00 ( ; lemons , fancy new , 30. ) to 3ii ( ) .
$3.754.jO ( : eboleo olil.i SIX ) , s , IJ.i0cj3.00 ;
oranccs , Florida , intiry brlpht.pcr DOX. f.0 ) :
Florida russctts , fH.25 ; Los Angeles , $2.t5 ( < < '
CiiANiinitHir Capo Cid , choice , per bbl ,
NITS Walnuts , 60c < t.e ) ; potmuts , 5 * ( S'iC ;
cliR.stiiuts. 45e ; iwoantitSj nor 100 , * 5.Kiii ( ( )
0.00 : har.olnutt , 3i-4c . ; lilcnorviuitn , small ,
fl.25iil.M ( ) ; largo , iXKiciiSc ; pecniiR , plain , Gii ( >
Se : polished , tXjdOo.
Hinns-Orccn salted , No. 1 , IVcNo. ; . 2 , Wt.
3'je ' ; calf , u < & % Sit' ; dry Hint , f.Cn c.
llB xs Navies , hand picked , per bu , $2.10
( S2.20 ; good clean country. $1.75 ( 2.00 ; offer
or poor stock , Sl.OOOjl.M ) ; California , J2.00rif
2.10.Cinnii Michigan , per bbl , (4.no3.H ( ) ; New
York , per bbl. fj.00 ( o.50 : hulf bbl , < 2.7oy ( >
FnATiiriis Per Ib , prime live geese wlille.
.Ti lOe ; mixed with gray , 2.it3Uo ( : damp nnd
musty , KK'KOc : prune live douiestlo duck , ' , ' 0
( y25c ; wild duck , 15 ( < c20c.
Sui'.iiKu\i'T ; Per bbl , 30 gal , choice , 14. fiO ;
per half bbl , 82.50.
Porcoiix Per Ib , rice , l ijiSe ; coinuion ,
.T 1-lb frames , cholco white , li > @lio ( ;
dark , 13uHc ( ; strained , I0f 12c.
JKM.IIS : li.4.ljC ( jcrlb ) ; preserves , 10G 12e
pc rib.
l Aitn Se in 50-lb pkps.
Oi-ocoi'.s' I list.
Itevised prices are as follows :
llAnuiNo Stark A , seamless , 22o ; Amos-
licag , seamless , 17 ' c ; Luwistown A , seamless -
less , lllc ; American , seamless , Ifc ; burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu , lli.'fl-k' ; gunnies , single , Mo ; gun
nies , double22c ; wool sack , 42c.
TWINKS Flax , 3Sc ; extra sail , 20u21c ( ;
sail H , 20.J2Ie ; cotton , 22c ; Jute , He.
DiitKit Films Figs , in boxes , per Ib , Qit (
ICc ; dates , In bnxos. 7iflOc ( ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per bdx , $2.50 ( . ' < 3.0 ; Malaga
loose rnlslns , S2.80ii2.50 ( ; new Vnlcnciii rais
ins , per Ib , So ; California loose muscatels ,
per box , $2.00r 2.10 : California Lomlnns ,
1SS8 , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , tier Ib , ISc ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12ul8c ( ; dried
blackberries , per lbG@7o ; dried raspberries ,
per Ib , 2lu25c ( ; evaporated apple1) , 5aSo ( ;
California sun-dried peaches , 18c ; California
unpared evaporated peaches , lOfti 12o ; evapor
ated California apricots , 17c ; currants , 40 ' 7c ;
Turkish prunes , 5@5 > < c ; citron , 22 ( 24c ;
orange peel , 15c ; lemon iioel , IGc ; California
French prunes , ll@10c.
Picui.ns Medium , in bbls , $5,00 ; do , In
half bbls , $3.00 : small , In bbls , $0.00 ; do , lu
half hbis. $3.50 ; gherkins , iu bbls , J7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , $4.00.
CoFi'E Green Mocha , 25i30e ( : Rio , good ,
lS@19c ; Mandahllng , 2C > ( A28o ; roasting Rio ,
17 ( ISc ; O. G. Java , 2l@2c ( ! ; Java , Inferior ,
22@2 ! > c ; Rio , fancy , 2lM22c ; Santos nnd
Maracaibo. 17 ( > 19e ; German , 23o ; McLaugb-
lin's XXXX , 23c.
SUIIAII Granulated , 7'ie ' ; conf. A , 7'je ;
white extra C , GJ < e ; extra C. Ojjfo ; yelloxv
C , O'jjc ' ; powdered , SOPSV e ; cubes , SdtS c.
I3ir.swA.Choico : yellow , 20 ( < i22l.j e ; dark
colored , 13i'l4c. (
Ton.ii'co Plug , 2G(785c ( ; smoking. lGc ( 90e.
SUT $1.351.40 ; per bbl.
Rope-7-lii , 14)ic. )
MATI.E Hrick.4 , 11 ( il2c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12 ( ( 13c per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
TKAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 1S'S >
25e ; Young Hyson , good , to fancj , 30055u ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22T ( > 25e ; Gunpowder -
powder , choice to fancy , 40 ( G5c ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15@20c : .Japan , choice to
fancy , 30n4f > c ; Oolong , oommon to good , 25
( i40c : Oolong , cnblco to fancy , 50ffil70c : Im
perial , common to medium,25 ? 35c ; Impcrlnl ,
good to fancy , 40a50c.
Cit\CKiiii : ! < i$7ii ( ! pur Ib ; assorted cakes , 8
@ 25c i > or Ib , ns per list.
CANDY Mixed , 9.J. ; ( 12 > ' . , 'c ; sticlc , 0 @
lie ; rock candy , 10' frpl3u ; fancy candy , 7@
COD FISII H ) ( y7J < fc.
STAKCH 3j < JytSj < c | > ev Ib ,
Dry GopdH.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent discount ;
LL , 5 > rfc ; CC , ( ijSj'c ; SS , 7 ? c ; Nameless , 5c ;
RK. ISc ; R. 1'Jc ; No. 10. 8 . < c : No. 40 , 10'rfc , ;
No. GO. 12J e ; No. SO , 13) ) e : No. 30 , colored ,
9c ; No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored ,
12 } c ; Uristol , 12' c ; Union PaclHc , 17c.
CAHI'UT WAKIUid , white , 19c ; colored ,
IJATT Standardise ; Gem , lOc : Beauty ,
12)o ) ; Hoone , 14c ; H , cased , $0.50.
PIIISTS Solid colors Atlantic , Go ; Slater ,
Gc ; Uerlin oil , O'fo ; Garner oil , G@7c.
PIIISTS Pink and robes Allen , G e ; Riv-
crpoint , 5Uc ; Steel River , G c ; Richmond ,
G' ' . < fc ; Pacillc , "e.
I'm NTS Dress Charter Oak , 5Jfc ; Rani-
ape , 4 e ; Lodi , 5'4'c ' ; Allen , Cc ; Richmond ,
Gc ; Windsor , G c ; Eddystonc , 0/i'c / ; 1'acillc ,
UI.IACHID SHEF.TING Berkley cambric ,
No. 00 , OKc. Best Yet. 4-4 , 0cs ; butter cloth ,
OO , 44'c ; Cabot , iyt < iFnrwoll \ , half
bleached , 8 > ic ; Fruit of the Loom , ! lc ;
Greene G , Oc ; Hope , 7 > .fc ; King Pliillip
cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , 14)c ) ; Lons-
dale , 8 > < fc ; Now York mills , lO' o ; Popper-
ell , 42-in , lie : Pepporell , 40-in , 12c ; Popper-
ell , 0-4 , lOu ; Popporoll , 8-4 , 21e ; Pepperell ,
< .M , 2lc : : PcDpercll , 10-4 , 25e ; Canton , 4-4 ,
S c ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , lie ; Vral-
loy , 5c.
Fi.ANNti.s Plaid naftsinen , 20c ; Goshen ,
22) ) c ; Clear Lake , 3li } . c ; Iron Mountain ,
FANNBI.S White OH , No. 2 , ? { . 22 c ;
GH , No. 1. y , 2l5u ; 1JII , No. 2 , X , 22 e ;
UH , No. 1 , % , 'Mo ; Quochce , No. 1 , % , 42c.
COIISIIT.S JIAXS ; Androscoggin , 74'c ; Kear-
sargo , tc ; Itockport , ti c ; Conoatoga , ( l-ic. )
TICKS York , 30-in , 12 > ic ; York. 82-in ,
13kc ; Swift river , 7.fc ; ! ; Thorndilcc OO ,
8''e ' ; Thorndike , Kli , b c ; Thorndike , 120.
9'e ; Thorndike. XX , 15e ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
9 , ' < jc ; Cordis , No. 4 , 10) ) < fc.
DISSIMS Amoskeag , D-oz , lfi ) c ; Kverctt ,
7-oz , I3j'c ; York , f-oz , 13) ) c : Haymaker ,
SJ c ; JaiTroy , XX , ll'i'c : JnlTroy. XXX ,
12i o ; Heaver Creek , AA,12c ; Heaver Creek ,
HH , lie ; Heaver Crock , CC. lOc.
KINTUCKV : JIASH : Memorial , 15e ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27 u ; Hercules , ISc ; Lcam-
iimton , 22J c ; Cottiwoltl , 27)-ic. )
CHASII Stevens' H , ty.jC , Stevens' 13 ,
bleached. 7c ; Stevens' A , 7)4o ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , 8 > 4'e ; Stevens' P. 8 > c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , OJ u ; Slovens' N , 9 } < ; c ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , lll c ; Slovens' SRt , \ ' a.
MIXCIII.ANIOUM : : Table on cloth , S2.50 ;
plain Hollnnd , Ol c ; Uatlo Holland , 12 u.
Hitow.v SiiKKTisfi Atlantic A. 4-4 , 7H'c :
Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlantic 1) . 4-4. OJfc ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oe ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Gc ; Au
rora C. 4-4. 4 c ; Crown XXX , ,4-4 , il c'J
riooslor LL , 4-4 , GcIndian ; Hend , 4-4,7fe ! ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Gc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
rJ o ; Poppcrull R , 4-4 , 7c ; Poppercll O , 4-4 ,
< % c ; Pepperell , S-4 , IS o ; Peppe el ] , 9-4 ,
21c ; Pepperoll , 10-4 , 23c : Utlca C , 4-4 , 4 = i'c ;
Wuehusott , 4-4 , 7k"c ; AHlVora R. 4-4. 7c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , OKe. ' " '
Dtroic West Point. S ! ) In , 8 oz. 10 , ' e ; West
Point , 29 iu , 10 oz , 12KC1 , West Point , 29 In ,
12 oz , llio ; West Polnf.MO In. 11 oz , IGc.
Fi.ANNii.s-Rcd : C , 3'f In , 15Kc : K. 21 in.
21/o ! ; GO , 24 in , 20c ; HAF , > , 25c ; JRF , ,
GixniiAti Plunkott'cHccks , 7K < ! ! Whltten
ton , \ a\ \ York , 7'jo ' ( ; Normaudi Oress , 8 , ' < jo ;
Renfrew dross , h ) ( iil2J < iC.
UAMiiniUH Slater 5ur'Woods ; ' , 5o ; Stnnd
urcl , 5u ; Peacock , 5c.
Pin NTS , INDIGO UI.UK Arnold , 0 } < o ; Amor
lean , OKe ; Gloucester , ( IJio ; Arnold C , long
cloth , 9c ; Arnold H , lonir cloth , lo ; c : Arnold
Gold Seal , lOJ c ; SteUol A , 12c ; Windsor ,
Gold Ticket , lOJfc.
Hemlock solo. 25@2itper Ib ; oak solo , 3-1 ®
0o pur Ib ; oak hum CHS , 30ft3Jnper ( Ib ; se
lected oak and trace , U4 ( ( 15o per Ib ; oak and
hemlock upper , 20 ( < i,22u per foot ; hemlock
calf skin , No. 1 , SOdt'Mu per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , U0c@fl.00 per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , * 1.1MJ ( ! < 1.10
per Ib ; humlocic kin skin , No. 1 , OOQTOc iior
Ib : oak kip skin , No , 1 , 805185C per lu ; Plilla-
delphla kip-skin , oxtrn , 80 ( 1) ) 0 per Ib ; French
calfskin , ( according to weight nnd quality ) ,
* 1.15@1.75 per Ib ; French kip nkln. do , 80c@
$1.10 per lu ; Cordovan russet , ISc ; fiutiu
limsli , 20o per foot ; welt leather , $ a50 ( < i > U,00
per aide ; moroccos , ( pcbblogoat ) , 20&i300 per
foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25W3o ( ( ) per foot ;
glo vo calf skins , 0 ( 30o per foot ; Dongola kid ,
8J@40c per foot ; kangaroo skins , -lOfiiSOo per
foot , accord in ur to nualit.v ; toppings , JS.OOi ( §
10.00 per dozen ; llniiit' , JS.OOOtO.OJ per do/en ;
apron skins , $10.00Ql2.00 per dozen.
First and second clear , \ } ( la..f < 9 00@31 00
First and second clear , Itf in. . . 47 00ft550 00
Thlnl clear , IJ4 Iu . . . . . 43 OOftfMG 00
A select , 1'4@1K m . T 00
11 select , l4'@li ) In . 33 00
A stock Iwards , 10c < i 10 ft , 12 In. . 4 < \ 0(1 (
H stock Itonrds , 12c-ilrt ft. 13 In. . 41 0(1 (
C stock boards , 12 10 ft. 1" ' In. . Tfl ( HI
D stock boards , Ky ID ft , 12 in. . 24 00
Floor I nc , tlrst common , 0 in. . . . 34 tH )
Flooring , second common , 0 In. . 31 ( Hi
Select fencing flooring Id ( Hi
Siding , llrst common , 10 ft W IXI
Hiding , second common 1 ( IH )
Common boards 13 < XV < " l ! > ( HI
Fencing , No. I. 12 ( < f20 ft 1C , MHJSI8 00
Fencing. No. B. 12,14W10 ft 14 OOoMft txi
Joist nnd scantling. 2x4,14 , ( < iHi ft 1C. ( HV&IT ( HI
Timber , 4x4 , Sx . 12c-f 10 ft 17 ( HI
Pickets , D and H Hat aUHl
Pickets , D and H square 2 < 1 ( HI
Shingles , extra A 2 SO
Shingles , standard A S l
Lntli 2 M
O G Halts , lixilii : , SIS 40
3-ln well tubing , D mid M bev. . 22 00
Jlctal niul TtiinerK' Stouk.
niook tin , smnllplg $ M
Block tin , bar 2U
Copper , planished bailer sizes ! M
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , sheeting 30
Copper , pills 20
Copper , Hats 30
Gat , sheet Iron , Junlata , 50 , 10 and 5
per cent discount.
Pat. planished Iron , 24 to 27 A 10 tf
Pat. planished iron , 21 to 27 I ! U'j
Hooting , 1C. 14x2 ; ) , 112 sheets C.KV (
Hooting , IX , 14x21) ) , 112 shoots 7.Ml
Hoofing , 1C , 20x2 $ , US sheets 11. W )
Hooting , IX. 30x28 , 112 sheets 14,10
Sheet iron No. 20 3.N )
Shoot iron No. 27 3(10 (
Solder l.hW7 > j
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 2i5 sheets fi.7. %
IX , 10x14,225 sheets S.23
Tin plate , coice
1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets 11.25
Steel nails , per keg 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg 2.W
* .
IiiNtriimcitta 1'lnuutl on Hector. ! Dur
ing Yostordtiv.
William G Albright nnd wlfo to I , It sted-
man , lots 'M and 2J , ( ilk , ' ! - , .Albright's
clmlcH to South Omaha , wd if 700
J I'Thomas and wlto to.M S.Moral ) , lots 111
and 20 , blkL' , HlKhlntid Vli > wrd . . . . " ( j.X )
I' M Hiclmrdsun an.l wlfo to A I' Miller ,
lots 1 to Hi. und lots W to 21 Incl. blk 11 ,
West Albrmht , wl
J I , WhlttlnKlmm und wlfo to II .M I'ullur ,
lots 17 mid If. - -
J II I'erres anil wlfo to It Kouls , lot 1. blk
1.1' K Muymi'H 1st ndd to Vnlley , cicil. . . . 1
0 U Sccly to Willlnm Klnnagan , H e 1 i-ia-ll ,
< jcd 1,000
.1 ! 'Hack to public , Flack's sub of n K1.75
ft of o 1U7.W ft lot KK1. ( ilsn's mid , pint. .
,1 V I'lnck to the public , Klaok's sub of
lots U nnd 10 , Ulk 7 , 1'atrick's second
n l < l , pint.
A I' TtikPK ct nl to FV Illnckfonl , Jr.
Iot24 , block l.i. Clifton Hill , \v d BOO
A V rhallbergniKl wlfo to ( ! Carlson , lot
23 , blkU. Wet Albright , wil COO
ESM nnd K 11 Wooilbrltlco to 1'M Ar-
buckle , lots 7 to 12 inclusive , blk IB , city
of Omaha , w it i.oyi
K Heller to ! 'II Dovrlcs , lot ( I. blk 4. In-
utlttitn 1'lni'O tl
, w 100
A I1 Miller nnd wife to F > l Hlchurdson.
lot L'O , blk (1. ( K S Itopcrs' ndd , w il C 0:0
A Uoll nnil wlfo to A Moore , lot 11 , blk
471 , Ornmlvlow , w d 5" > 0
Otto Ix > bvck and wife to J II Vnn Clostcr ,
lots B nuil 7 , blk , Lincoln 1'lace. w d. . 723
> I Morohousuto W II Morohoiibo.nll nrop-
ort \ - . will.
Win Muck and wlfo toT F Hall , lots n nnil
7 , blk : ; ! . ' , city of Omalm ; also 0 ft lot
II. blk V , Lowe's ailil , w il s..WO
K A llenson , trustee , to U J ( junior , lot1 : , ) ,
blk ' . " .I. llunoou , w d x')0
J J .Siii.'llnnui to U Ii Kpcllnmn , undlvlilud
' , } . lots , blk 181'i. city of Uinaha , wd. . . 1,000
M Itolchoiiberir ntld luixbaml to .1 Ivt'iulls ,
ii ' / , lotl" ) , blk U , Konntzo's 4tli ndd ,
wil 40J
A POlnnto.l U IVnbody. undivided i ,
lots Ifmnil IU , blk 4 , IlawUioinc , w d 2.BOO
O 1' nnil H CJ Halloa ct nl to J II Penbody.
lot Ifi , blk a. Atnblor place , wd 40. )
M K Chirk to K .1 1) 1'enboily , lot : . ' , blk Hi ,
city of Omnlin. n cd u
J Ainslow to T Yules , lot HO. blk a , W L
Solby's 1st ailil to bontb Dnialui , w d. . . IW )
K K Knton ot al toV F ChlttlcK , w ! j lot
III , blk 3I.CI ) Konr.tzu Plnco , wtl 7,000
C It 1'nttorson to public , FlncK's hub In
llonllcld plat
1) .McCoy and wife to A .McCoy. s37'.S ft of
w75of o ISO lot 17 , Kountzo's ! ! il mill ,
wil JI.OJO
J X.lmmcrmnn anil wlfo to J II M , lot Uj ,
Marlon I.nno , w il fo3
K II Corbott aim wife to O llouscarcn , pt
lot ll.olkX' , 1'ntrli.k's mid , q c il 10
Thirty-one transfers , aggregating ( ii7,5y.ri
An Alsolnt Curo.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped bands , and all skin erup
tions , will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEWT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23
cents per box bv mall 30 cents.
A 11\K \ llcinniul l 'or the Widows.
Wo dcsiro to nialcp a "i-ctractioii , "
sa 's the Cedar Rapids ( In. ) Gaxctto.
Our neighbor , Juelcelt , the lumber
man , pluccA it local notice in the
Ga/.otto of Satui'day , iu which ho at
tempted to say ho had a very largo
number of doors , windows , etc. for sale
very cheap owing to the damage done
them in passing through the recent lire
at his lumber yard. The compositor
loft out the letter "n" in tlio word win
dow the proof reader in his rush about
prchs time overlooked the error , and
consequently the Gazette announced
that Juckett had MO widows which ho
would neil at from 2-3 cents to $1 each.
Ho had over two hundred telephone
and personal calls to-day , and his mail
is full of out of town orders for widows.
The Salvation army and the ofliccrs of
thc-huniano society have called on , Iuuk-
ett to proti-st against this kind of busi
is "icd-hcadod" the
ness. Flo - over
matter and demands a retraction. Ho
ought to have it. Wo apologixo and
begliis pardon , and will do anything
else lie wants us to do in regard to the
matter. The charge that he had l'5 ! ( )
widows of all sines for sale from ' 'o cents
to $1 each , " is false.
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
tfao bMt gunrnntea of < "
tent * of tneao Umtmmrata.
Live Slock Commission Merchants ,
foniMliRW iSTEHFIEUp St MA-liV
Life Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , Kxcbcczc lliillilliiK. Union tocU
tioutU Oiu liu. Neb ,
Of Omclia , Li
DcalerinAgricnltnrallmplements , Wagons ,
afci iul HiirFli * " . .t
linh , Omulm _
L rfjl N G E R V M ET OA Lp'ooH
A TicnltnralIfflplcmentsfapnslCarriaiCii ) [
Humid , Etc.Vholdftl . Cnmhft.KcbriKkn
Wliolnno lic l r In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
ll .WO. ion i nJ 1V7 Jonci Plrcul , Umah * . _
" " '
P. P. MAST A CO. ,
Mannfactnrcrs of BncKeyc Drills , Sccdci's ,
Cultlf ntnre. Hnr tttikri. Ddrr Mill * unit l.utmn lul <
veilicri. Cor llth ( iml Mfholn "Irrpli.
Wholrl ,
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
i'i > r rr ' ' ' M * if I ' " % Strorlv _
' OMAI IA "fin A Nf IE
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine.
W. E. Me iM ! n er. liu : eaten wort Ii M. Omnliii.
MnnulKcturrrii unit Jcbtcn lu
Wagons , Buggies , Mes , Plows Etc ,
Cor , fill nnd I'ncltlc firct't : . Omnlin , Nuti.
ArtlBts' tflntorinln. _
" " "
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
IMS Dimulna Strocl. Omabn. N
_ Bookaollpra nncl Stntlonora.
" ' ' '
H. M.'s. W/JONES7
Successors Hi A. T. Ksnyon A Co. . Wluilctale Altctall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kir.p Wadillnii SlnMonerr. Conimordnl StntloncrT
lCJ Doiitfla ? Street. Uiunliu. Npb.
Boot * and Shoos-
( Succc ior to llecil. Jonoi \ lo. )
Wliolesalc Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AiitDtifur lloston llubhcr Shdo Co. I1CJ , 1104 MlWi
llnrnuy St. , Omntift. .ScliruakR.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
of Boots aiiuSflocs ,
1101,1103-llOii Douglas St. Omnhii Manutiu-tcry , Sum
mer M. . . llcatun.
Cool , Coke and Limo.
' ' ' "
. Jolite of Hal and Soft Coal ,
2U9 South IStli Street , Omr.lm , Nebrnrkn.
Snippers of Coal and Co
JH Sunth nth ! 'l ' .Onir.-- V i , .
Manufacturers of Lime ,
nil Miljipprs of Cu-il , Conk , Conu'iil , lln tor. T.lnio
umlu Tllu ami Sewer l'iP. \ . OHlpp , Slrt S. iJtu
St. , Oniatoi. N l > . Tclcphona ill.
Coffooe , Sploos , Etc.
Omalm CoBue nd Pplco Mllli.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring KitrnclB. I.r.uuilry lllue. Inks. Ktc. nil-
H1B lUroar tJtroc't. Omaha , f ilr ) iku.
CrooUory and Classwaro. " _
" " W. L. WRIGHT ,
Agent for the Manufacturer ! mill Imjiortrti ot
Glassware Lamns Cliimneys
Crockery , , , ,
. OD1 cc. Ill" S. Mth bt. , OmnUa , Xebraakn.
Iiuoortura and Jobbers uf
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 1514 KfrnamSt. cvrl'axtou Building.
Commlaolon and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
gpeciaitl"Dutlcr. . Vges , Chcc n. Pn'-ttrT , Unmix
1113 Howard Street , Omaha , Neb.
Bucetisori to McBliaoo A Rclirocdtr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
JOry Coodo ana Motions
M. E'srvflTH & Co ! ,
Dry Goods , Furnisliing Goods and Notions ,
1103 and 11M Uoualai. Cor. lltti St. . OmnUfl , Nut.
IniDorters and JoWers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' rurnlshlr.K CooIn. Curlier llth nnU HIUIIOT
Hl . .OiDnlin. Ncbraskn.
Impellers Mini Jobber" of
Woolens aniTailo' ' ? ' Tfiiaiims ,
317 South 15tli Street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karmiui Street. OmnLn v'-'irc ' .a.
Omibc ; , Nu
Groceries. _ _
j. GALLAGHEfnTco. .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706,707 , ,00 nnd 711 S. lOtli St. , Omnbu , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
} tli nnd J.erivonworth StroiUi.Omnlin , Nt
W. J. BROATci.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, Vi'flk'on Htork , Ilftnlwiuo , I.iuntor , Ktc.
mill IVI1 llarncy Btrocl. Omnlin.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
McchaukV Tool * ( mil IliilTalo Hculoa. KOD Douulu :
Htrcot , Onmhn. Nebrnikii ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
ttli and Ilnrnc t'ta. . Oinalia , Nub , Wvntern As nti
.ot Auvlln 1'owiter Co. , Jerfcrron Htecl Nallc ,
_ ' _ _ t'alrcunta tftuniiarxl Hc li' . _ _
Wholesale Hardware , Cutler ? , Tin Plate ,
Jletals , Klii.'ft Iron , cto.Kcnls for H < ixv < ' SculoH ,
L'ruudl.yniHn liiu-bed v/lro ,
Hardwnro. _
' " * " *
'M Am < S"Hnos. s A D DL EoVuor
WUoit : ilo .Miuliifactniur of
Saddlery & Jolliers of Saddlery Hardware
And J attivr. HU ) , llffii ami H'r7 llnruJy 8U , Omivlir. ,
Wholesale Hats , Gaps and Straw Goods.
_ Lumber.
" ' ' " ' ' "
, O'MAHA Lu'wifun coV
All Kinds of Building Material at Wlwi' 'i '
ISt.i jilrcft ml Union raeine Track. drn.J < .
Dealer in Liimlicr Lath Lime Sash
" "
, . . "L UMBER. _
I-'HtU "w.'uim v.
Lumber Lime Cement
Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Mb und
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Ultiniui Cftlitornla Htrcc t > . Oninlm , N umik .
LUMUUU v J. . *
To Dealers Only ,
_ _ Offlro.lMll Vnrnnm Street. Ora h .
" * *
Wholesale Luniocr , Etc.
lmi < ortiil ami Amprlpan IVirllninl Ccmont. Stall
Afiit for Xlllitnukpc 1lrilrnlloC iu nt tnd
\Vhll Limn.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carprti > nO I'atqupt Kloortn * . 91 It nd lVin t
. " " " Mllllnorynhd Notions.
lEiporlcrs & Johhersin Millinery & Notions
8ttf t.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
< l t imil4iViSMUIiigili SI . Omi\li .
Notions and Gent's ' Furnisliing Good ? ,
IKlMtirnPTPtiwt Omlhu.
_ Ovornlla. _ _ _
Manufacturers of 0eralls ? ,
Jems I'HliU. bilit ! > , Ktr. lllUnnd 1101 lK > uvl Street ,
Uiunliu. Ni > h
Office Fixtures.
.Mnutitiutiiin , ' ! ) uf
Banlf , Office and Saloon Fixtures.
Mnnllcs" . Slilcbmnls , Hook t'nsi" . UriiB KlxturoV U
t'B u , l'rirttlliin . Unllliius.t'iiuiiti'r" . llci'rniul Wlnq
Cn lt > ri , MlrniiK.ulc l-'iictnrjr nni' ulllrr , ITU ) nud 1TJU
boutli liili St..Oiualm , Tolciihuno Hit.
_ Ol8. | _
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils.
Ailo ( iriiano , Ktc. , Uninlia. A. II. lllfliop. Mimr r
Paints and
Wholesale Demurs In
Paints. Oils , Window Glass , Eto ,
1I1R ITurnam Street. Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
C rrjr n nice ultick of I'rlnUnir , Wriiinlnic . | nnil . Writing
I'K ' r 'infrtfl n'TMit > , ' trrm t < uf U .l / -
Storage , Forwarding & . Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Urnnc-U luiUM'iir tin ) lli'imi'y lluugy Co. HuKulrnnl
wUulcauluaiul retail. l. S l.llOnml 1.11'Iznnl blreot ,
N. > 7MI.
H. HARDY & CO. .
Toy ? , Dolls , Albums Fancy Goods ,
House KmnlMilriu- K ClilKlrcn'M Currlui.'C ! ' , Kla
I'.r.i b'urnum Slicut , Onuilui. Nub.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1KI North IClRthtccuth Street , Oioiilin. y
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
und motullc Pk.
JOHN Kl'KNiiii : : ( , rroiirlolor.
1U8 and llOSoutli itli street.
Printers' Matorlala.
luAuxiliary Pntilishers ,
lu . Prcurn nncl I'rlnti'ri' Hiippllca. WJ
uth Hill Street. Omnlin.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory.
No3. 1311 aucl U19 Dougliis St. , Oniatm , Neb.
_ _ Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
pit t'lotblue auU IxjEtlicr Coltlug. low 1'iimnm Btroat.
J3ish ; , Doors , Etc.
M. A DISBrfoV. ' / . CO. ,
tVhulRSula iMannr .ctnrnrH of
Sasli Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
\\t \ until , uf.lco , r.'th and Iwin ! atrcc ( . , Ouiiilm , Nub. ,
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
.Viulillni/H , Stnlr Work nnct Intorlor Iliinl Won I TQ. |
in. N. K. Corner lull mul l.cavuuwurlli btruutn ,
OtuaiiH. 1'ou.
FlttlngB Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Stuum , Water. Kn.lwny nnd Mining Kiippllos. lite.
KM , ' . nnil 1121 Hirnum hlrcut , Oinalm.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings ,
Jloam ( ind Wfttor Suiijo8 | | , trro'luiinrUTH tut Jlnot.
StGMi and Water Supplies ,
llalllilajr Wlml Mlll . OlSiind WMrnrimni St.Omuba.
H. r. Hois , Arum ; Muu'iKur ,
D R 6"W N E Lir&T C O 7. '
Inglnes , Boilers and General Machinery ,
boot Iron Work Htunui ' , .
I'limim ? < v MIKa. Kn-KU
J.c'iivi'iir.'orlh Street. Oujuba ,
Iron WorUs. _
' ' "
STE A M'BO'\ \ E ri vTdri KG ,
Cflitcr & MMI , rrop'k. Mniiufacturon of till kinds
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Iron Work
Works Roulli S'Jlh anil H. A. M. Crn ; lnit.
. .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorL
iind 17th htroot.Oninlia.
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
ilk Uilli , WlnUnw ( ! unrit . rinwrr KUiili. ; Wlro
Ktiin , Ktc. I'M North IIf ) Htr ut,0inuli .
Man'frs ' of Fire" & Borglar Proof Safes'
rBiilt . .lall Work. Irmi lui'l Wlrn Kunrlnil. Hla > , I'.lc.
O. Ainlrctu. 1'iuu'r < . ' r. Inh nnJ Jucsr n hi ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Rallto , Guards
; u I Hcrrcn . fur hiuikn. oni'o . < iiiri. . toilil meet , otc.
ovf.l Annluui. I ocktu.illi .Mi'-l.lnnrjr : imtl
IlivckiiuUI. W it'll. VI ) ! ' ih ! nj 't.
Fire and Burglar Proof SafiS
lei lili'b.jlil Hale a-rl l.ucU Couii > .injr'i
\ uulKittiJJallVTii , t.iri. Jjtt
MIC A V 3ta iii.Trrlnz from thu
WEArX j H , ctfivt * .cf jronlLful
. NXIII * ) o > | utrJiood , rt < 9.
I vrlll wn-1 rn1 u1jla trettlso ( ic-oUd ) cjntniiilpf Aill
p tlc..larii fur U ai euro , frco of elmrrc. _ , . ,
; iKU ( i-j-si. if. o. xowLKa , iiooum , COKM.