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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , r.SATURDAY. . i EBKTJAllY 10. 1880 , Useless Employoa In the IIouso tt Bo Woodocl Out. THE RANSOM INSURANCE kBILL. Botno IttillottlotiN Kenttircfl of 1ho Jjaw Governing AdinlsHltiiis to the Soldiers' Home LOR- Iwlatlvo GosHlp. llsoloss , Nob. , Fob. in. [ Special to THE Jim : . ] Mr. Hampton , of Franklin , clinlrnmn at the coinmlttco appointed to examine Into the number of employe * required by tlin bouso , says ho proposes to do his duty with out four OP favor , uml to do it thoroughly. He docs not think that nnyono should ho kept in the employ of the state merely us an ornmncnt , nnd If the house needs forty two janitors , custodians nnd employes about the hall , twenty pages , twelity-threo committee clerics and thirty-tnrcopnrollir.Kand engross ing flerlis for the remainder of the session , lie will favor keeping this number , but if the Bcrvie-es of any or nil of thorn may bo ills- penscd with without retarding tk < 5 business of the house they will have to go. Ilnnsom'H 1 it in rn n co MonHiire. I-ixe-oi.x , Nob. , Fob. 16. [ Special to THE Hun.-Senator | Unnsom's latust insurance lilll increases the taxes on insurance com panies by re-enacting the old law. Its aim is to tax them on their gross receipts in Ne braska , Instead of tins nut business , after de ducting the losses. Kiinsoin tried this morn ing to liavo the bill put directly upon the general Illo , to avoid Iho delay ot printing it through committee , but was overrulod. In explanation lie .said ho wanted to draw the lire of the Insurance lobby , in order to re move the pressure from the house and Rive It a chance to p.vss some of the Insurance bills bcforo it. Hansom's bill for punishing city officers who are Interested in contracts made with their respective cities , provides n line of $1,000 to * 5 , < )00. ) The Soldier * ' Homo. LtxroLV , Nob. , Fco. 15. [ Special to Tin : BKE.J The soldiers' homo committees have decided to offer an amendment to the law governing admissions to the soldiers' home. Senator Hoover , In speaking of the matter , said : "Our law seems to have been copied from tin old law passed shortly after the war in some parts at least. It throws the home open to the children , if under fifteen , of a soldier who died in the service. You see bow ridiculous it is when you remember that the war has been closed considerably over fifteen .years. Why , our law is so framed that , if Implicitly followed , woula make it t > rctty hard for a soldier to pot into the homo unless ho had u family. The managers of the homo have put a liberal Interpretation in the statute. Hut the most important change to bo proposed will bo in the method of gainIng - Ing admission. At present if u man gets a little discouraged he uacks up and moves Into the home. His application goes through the commandant and the advisory commit tee , who may know nothing about him or his worthiness , nnd they admit him as u matter of course. Now wo propose that applica tions shall be made to the commissioners or supervisors of tno county in which the appli cant lives. The people among whom ho lives can learn readily whether the appli cant i s worthy and whether ho is uimblo to take care of himself. The commissioners or supervisors will make a report of their findIngs - Ings to the advisory committee , who will thereby secure data for intelligent notion. A bill is now being drawn up by Iluprcscn- tativo Scovillo , to make these changes. " Tlio SlcopiiiR Car Kill. LIXCOLK , Neb. , Feb. --lSnccial to Tnu BEE. ] Linn's bill taxing sleeping cars , which passed the scuato with little opposition , is brief. It makes it the duty of railroad com panies to report the sleeping and dining cara used by them , but belonging to other corpo rations , together with their monthly mileage in Nebraska and their total mileage in and out of the state. The bill concludes with this provision : "Tho state board of equalization shall at the time of tbo assessment of railway prop erty , for taxation , assess for taxation , against the owner or owners of said cars , the aver age number of cars used by said railway cor porations each month , and the assessed value of said cars shall bear the same proportion to the entire value thereof that the monthly nverngo number of miles that such cars have been run , or operated , within the state shall bear to the monthly average number of miles that said cars have boon used or operated within and without the state , such valuation Bhull bo in the sauio ratio us the pioparty of individuals. " Senator Church Howe explained hia votu with the statement that ho would vote aye in the belief that therbill would not hold water , but would give the suprotno court a , chance- to inulto a ruling for Nebraska. Senator Linn thinks there must bci somu way of. reaching the sleeping car companies , and ho wants to keep trying until that way ia discovered. Secret of a Chuck. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 15. [ Special to Tun Unu.l "Jf the $100 check which Church Howe gave Mr. Ucchul of Omnhu could toll its story it might disclose nn interesting chap ter in politics. " The speaker enjoys the con fidence of Mr. IIowo nnd was in reminis cent frame of mind. "Howo was in Omaha a short time before the close of his congressional campaign two years ago , " bo continued , "and in consulta tion with the pin ty managers it was decided that ho should address u mass meeting at Exposition hall a few nights bcforo the elec tion. Church offered to pay the o.xponbcs of the meeting and asked how much it would bo. No one scorned to know. 'Will 8100 bo enough ) ' 'Oh , yes,1 was the response , and Church wrote u check for that amount. I don't know to whoso order it was made , but 1 understand Hcchcl is uaid to have objected to having such checks written in his nanto und I presume this cue went to some one eUe. At buy rate the chuck was handed to Mr. liechcl and if not in his name was probably to thn order of the republican committee or some member of it. l-iOtig uftcrwnrd Howe learned that Senator Manriorsn uml Mayor Hroatch paid for the hall for this meeting. Just what be came of the money raised on the check Is an interestingmystory.butthcro is an Intimation that it went toward the payment foracity lot owned by an Omuha politician. If one check went that way It probably Imdcompanlons.und that's why 1 think thcro Is an Interesting bit of political history associated with thai chock. " The gentleman was In a confidential spirit , and needed littlJ urging to continue his talk. talk."Howo baa good reason to feel sere at JSechul , and J don't wonder that ho thinks the Ouiaha man sold him out. Jlcro is , ono incident that came to bis knowledge , Thn illgbt before election Hcchol was walking with Mr. Dewey , of Dcwoy & Stone , and said ho could not support Howe. Dewey was surprised nnd Indignant to hear such talk from the chairman < ir the county committee and the treasurer of thu Plato committee. Ho remonstrated with Mr. Ucchel , but that , gentleman turned it off with n remark that hu was under too many obligations to the other side , referring to John A. McShane. You cun't bhunu him , can you I" nnd ho watched the smoky ringlets - lots from his cigar with thu air of u wan hi u inodltutivo mood. "Hut Church doesn't forget n fellow that ( toes tmck on him , " ho continued. "It waa nome of his money that helped to nominate Whcolor for ttio city council of Omuha In ] lectiol's place , If JJrchel KOCH Into the tight , for the mayoralty , Howe may take a hand , too , I don't know , though , como to think of It , that Church would do that. He's not ono of those vindlctlvo fol lows who never let up. That campaign was nn expensive luxury. It cost him about $ HXW. ( Ho was bliHl on every hand. Jlo ordered printed matter from a republican concern In Omuha at Intervals during the campaign. The Invoices footed up about bu ; the printer 119111 bini u bill after ejection for W30. Ho knew ho was beini robbad. but ho paid it. He had n queer no lion that II would pay him In the end to slam solid with "tho boys. " About 1'oslolllce Sites. Lm'oi.v , Nob. , Fob. ! . " > . [ Special to Tin HCE.J When Senator 1'axton's bill for tin Omaha postoffico slto was up yesterday Senn tor Hansom raised the point that a genera law had boon passed severalyoars ago cover ing such cases , nnd it was not necessary t < pass n special act. On examination It wni discovered that ttio general act only codev jurisdiction to the United States over post onico sites , while the Paxton bill seeks nisi to empower the government to condemn hint In Omaha 1C necessary. Mr , K msom thei withdrew his objection , but Senator Taggnr' ' told him Hastings wns working for a govern ment postofllce nnd might need such n meas euro. Mr , Hansom thereupon suggested tha1 n general nut bo framed to cover nil sucl cases in the futuro' and do away with the necessity of numerous special acts. Tlu Paxton bill wns withdrawn without furthoi consideration with a view to making Its np plication general , Tin ; Koovlllti Committee. LiNCor.M , Neb. , Fob. 15. [ Special Telo. gram to Tnn Hr.u. | The Scovillo Invest ! Rating committee held a meeting this morn ing and now think they nro on the track o some crooked woric in connection with tin vote on submission. The sergpaiit-at-nrnv has boon sent to Culbortson for two parties who , some witnesses tc.stlilcd , had the hand lingof the "boodlB. " Ho will arrive In the morning , and it is thought ono of the wit nesses will give the thing away nnd innke r clean breast of the whole affair. A hall dozen members nrc on the nnxious scat , though It Is believed that so far only twc members are implicated. The doors of the committee room will bo thrown to-morrow il those witnesses furnish anv positive proof : otherwise the committee will likely close its labors und its Investigations end in smoke. To Hellovo the Police Jiultce. LINCOLN" , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special to Tiir linn. ] General Smith , of Otnalm , hnsnrrivei with n little bill two ot them , In fact. One of them is an amendment to the Omaha char , tcr , raising the salary of the police Judge from § 2,000 to SJ.fiOU. The other bill is for the relief of the police judge. It creates the oillco of clerk of the police court at n salary of $1,500 a year. II empowers the clerk to administer oaths , tc issue warrants , subptunns and ether pro cesses of the police court , nnd to accept ami receive bail in city cases. This will relieve the judge of much clerical work. It Is nlsc intended to put a stop to the practice of dls- turbing tbo jndirout all hours of the night to get , orders for the release of prisoners whc happen to have friends or money enough tc put np their ball. Due to C.ii-jle'.s9netis. Neb. , Fob. 13.--Special [ to Titn 15cis.J The senate committee examining the cause of the explosion ut the insane asylum have about concludeel their labors. The opinion seems to be that some one carelessly allowed the water to run out of the boiler nnd that the engineer lillcd it with cold water without drawing the lire. The boiler was old , but Inspector Wilson testified that it was in good condition. Xho OH Inspectorship. Lisrot.X , Nob. , Fob. 15. [ Special to Tin ; Hnii.l The senate committee on miscellane ous mutters agreed to recommend the indefi nite postponement of the house bill abolish ing state oil inspection. The committee will recommcnel Ilnnsom's bill with amendments. It raises the test for common oil to 105 de grees and for headlight oil to 125. It also adopts the Now York tester now in use in Iowa. The amended bill provides for live deputy inspectors , as now. Willing to Sacrifice Hilling. LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 15. [ Special to Tin ; 1JKB.1 Dr. Billings and bis hog cholera operations are the' target of an increasing number of criticisms. The oftlcers of the stuto university have become sensitive to the odium , and the intimation has been thrown out that Dr. Hillings will bo sacrificed if that will satisfy the general clamor. Tlio Ballot Box Measure. LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 15. [ Special to Tin : Bir.J Senator Church Howo's bill for glass ballot boxes will probably bo brought back soon with an amendment making it applicable to citle.s of 5,000 or over , or perhaps to coun ties having such cities. Senate. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 15. [ Special to Tiir. Bnn.l Tbo senate labored manfully this morning with the three bills for the creation of Thurston county. Ono took u slioo from Wayne county , the ether robbcel Burt of a patch and the third Joined them with the Omaha and Wmnebago reservations to make territory enough for the proposed county of Thurston. Senator Manning made a gallant flght to prevent the spoliation of Wnvne county , and read un elaborate , carefully prepared paper. While most of the senators sought the ease of cushioned sofas , the liberty of the corridors or the enjoyment of newspa pers , n few bravely attacked the problem. They dived eleep into ancient history , un earthing national , territorial , state and county acts of great variety. Thcso wcro more untractablo than the pieces of n crazy quilt , and after a long , tedious discussion the senate gave up the job. The bills were made n special order for Tuesday afternoon. The senate passed Llnni.s bill for taxing sleeping cars , Uurton's bill increasing the aggregate limit of school taxes in cities of 1,000 to 5,000 from 20 to 25 mills , and Hoov er's resolution calling on the secretary of state for a bill of the telephones in stnte institutions nnd their costs. The committee on public lands and buildIngs - Ings reported favorably on Polk's bill re quiring' executive oftlcors to report annually to the governor the personal property In their ollices .and n statement of any such property as may have boon disposed of. AITEIINOON" sr.'SIOX. The secretary of state reported llfteon-tel ephones In state institutions at n yearly cost off.ifll. Three of them cost J100 each The others range from ? 13 to fit , the six in the state house being at the latter figure. The report was Hied and no action was taken. Senator Hoover's resolution was pro.niilcd by a report that $150 was being charged. Tim committed of the whole approved Sen ator Piokott's bill allowing newspapers to charge regular legal rates for publishing tux notices. The rate now Is f I , although many of them are worth three or four times that sum. Senator Hansom being In the chair , Sena tor Paxton seized the opportunity to call np his bill for the Omaliii postoflloe site , and it was recommended for passage. Senator Conner's abstractor Dill , which had been under tire sove-ral times , was dis cussed at length and killed. It made ab stractors liable under their $10,000 bonds for errors in their abstracts , and llxed penalties lor violating tha act. Subsequently n similar bill by Senator Shannor canio up and throw tha scnato Into u lit of filibustering. A motion to recommend the passage of Shannon's bill was lost by a tlo vote 15 to IS. Kxhuusted with the struggle , the senate adjourned. lloilHC , LINIOI..V , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special to Tun UKIJA ] lurgo number of coinmlttco reports were handed in und bills placed on pci.crnl tile. Bills providing all employes shall have the tirst lien en thu product of their labor for their wages , compelling all abstractors tnlllo a bond for 810,000 before commencing busi ness , and to prohibit civil officers from prac ticing law In the county of their residence ) , wo'o favorably reported Hampton Introduced n. resolution reciting Lhut whereas the house had 1ST employes , u laroer number than ever bofort ) , therefore a committee consisting of Johnson , F.liiott , I Jerry , Hannii ami Farley ho appointed to ox- II mi no tha mutter and report to the house the names of those , If any , whoso services could bo dispensed with. Gardner ottered an amendment , starting out with tbo declaration that the house huil too many employe. * , nnd naming Johnson , Kobb , Majors , Cady uud Outthluj ; us the com- milieu. Hampton accept tbo amendment on the ground that , he did not know whether the house had too many employe * or not. He simply wanted Information on the subject. Olmttuiid regarded the resolution us , n At' reel thrust at the committee on otimlo.vot , ol which ho Is a member. Ho had no friend ; on the committee and did not care how soon every employe was discharged , but thouQlii the house was entitled to us many as the senate , and enough to do the neceasnrj labor. Hamilton said that twj years niro only eighty-one persons wore employed , and there nro now 137. Hurnham thought the resolution was Introduced - troducod merely for buncutnbe , and moved 11 bo tabled. Dehinoy demanded n roll call and the mo tion was lost by CO to 8.V MeBrido moved to strike out the names ot the ooinmtttoo , and thought thla should be loft to tbo speaker. The nmemlmont was accepted by Gardner. Dempster thought the house was wasting its tlino ovorn trilling matter. Koippp thought this legislature would cc down to history as the most extravagant one that over convened In the state. Olmstead submitted nn umendmcnt , In- ftlructmif the committed to discharge the relatives cf nimnbors first. Gilbert thought the house could nfford to spend the necessrry t'.mo to correct all abuses of this character , Huj nor paid the house could not afford to wrangle longer over this question , and moved to table the resolution , The motion was lost. The resolution as nmcndud was adopted. The speaker appointed the following ns members of this committee : Hampton , Johnson , Berry , Hanna and Cushlng. Swe'ct offered n resolution providing that the Seoville investigating committee bo re quired to conduct the examination of wit nesses with closed door.s , or the investiga tion bo carried on in committee of the whole. Whitchcad said the committee diel not want to blacken the character of anyone , and If nuy direct evidence was produced the door.s would bo opened. Cady opposed the motion , and said his ( treat dcsiro was that no member should bo founel guilty of any wrong-doing , nnd did not want their reputation injured by more rumors. The resolution was withdrawn. Johnson offered a Joint resolution quoting the pledge in the state republican platform in regard to the matter , and instructing the railway commissioner to adopt and enforce such rates for the transportation of freight as well relieve the people from the extortion of which they complain. The following were the most important bills introduced : By McHrldo To prohibit treasurers of counties , cities , townships , villages , or school districts from loaning or depositing in their own name , o * in ttie name of any otlici person , nny of the public funds coining Into their possession , or under their control , und to provide for the safety of any public money loaned or deposited , and to provielo for uun- Ishment for the violation thereof. By McBride To provide that nil persons shall be entitled to the same civil rights and to punish all persons for violation of its pro visions. By O'Brien Providing for a clerk of the polijo court in cities of the metropolitan class , and prescribing his duties. By Specht To repeal the law creating a bureau of laoor. By Specht Regulating salaries of po lice judges and assistant city attorney in cities of the metropolitan class. By Johnson To establish a board of printing , and to appoint n state printer nnd regulate his prices therefor , and to establish u system for contracting for the material for the public printing used by the stato. By Berlin To amend section 13 of chapter S'J of A of the compiled statutes of Nebraska , entitled , "Soldiers and Sailors. " A resolution by Gilchrist to have wires stretched across the hall to increase the acoustic properties was adopted. The house went into committee of the whole to consider n bill requiring the county court to direct nil processes ti the sheritl. The bill was passed at the request of Mr. Kobb until some future time. A bill appropriating $20,000 for the pur pose of sending' a delegation to.tho centennial celebration of the Inauguration of President Washington , at Now York , on April 30. was taken up nnd donated at length without reaching a voto. Ijcii4lniivo Gossip. LINCOLV , Neb. , Fob. 15. [ Special to Tnn Buc.l Consideration of the bucket shop bill was delayed at the request of Omaha parties who wanted to bo heard before committee. The interested gentlemen have not been heard from since and the committee may get tired waiting. Senator Ijams has been excused until next week. Senator Paulson tias boon favored with a penny horrible valentine , and has been the center of an admiring group most of the day. In the discussion of Howo's bill for glass ballot boxes Senator ijams facetiously moved an amendment making it applicable only to metropolitan cities. To appreciate the sar casm of this move one should witness the solicitude of the nvorago senator to ceusuro the peace and purity of wicked Omaha. Senator Paulscn Insists on having every thing' open and above board. Ho wanted a committee to trace n few important words that had been knockeel out of a bill in com mittee. The gentleman from Omaha was in earnest , but the senate persisted in treating him as a sly joker. Senator Paxton throws a bit of the pictur esque into the dignity of the senate chamber by occasionally strolling in the lobby and reveling in the solid comfort of a bnerroot pipe. pipe.Kegistcr Mcgoutb and County AeontMaho- aoy were capital visitors to-day. They profess to have no special mission "just ran down for a little trip , und to see the boys. " The senators wore called to the lieutenant governor's room ut noon and each received ; i copy of the congressional directory with Sen ator Manderson's compliments. Senators Norval nnd Hansom guided the committee of the whole to-day. Several senators have been made nervous jy n rumor that the boiler In the basement unucr thnir seats was carelessly managed yesterday und put in danger of exploding. Senator Raymond's memorial to Nebraska's congress urging an appropriation for a deep water harbor on the Texas coast will bo fa vorably reported from committee. The Morrissey investigating committee tiavo found some snioko , but don't know where it comes from. MoNieklo of Gage was before the committee this morning , ihough what ovidoncj ho gave Is a profound secret , liven the witnesses are sworn not to repeat their testimony. President Angoll , ot the Michigan uni versity , called upon Speaker Watsoii and Uopresontativo Haynor , of the housa. and Lieutenant Governor Mclklojohn und Sen ator Non-nil , of the senate , this morning , who are the only members of the alumni of .hu Michigan university in the present legis lature , and expressed great pleasure nt the ! tno appeamico of the legislative body and iho splendid appointments of the capitol DUlldlng. President Angoll Is nn ox-mlniRtor to China , emu of the late fishery arbitration commission , and one of the ablest diplomats of this country. Ho lectures this evening in the state university. Sweet's resolution to have the investiga tion of the alleged bribery cases curried on lioforc the whole house brought the mom- Ijcrs of the Scovillo committee to their feet in an instant. White and Whitohcad both clalmod that the purpose of thu committee ; In conducting u star chamber Investigation was simply to prevent the character of niombori being Injured by the repetition of mere hear say. say.Cities of from 2,000 to 10,000 Inhabitants will hereafter huvn to pay $1,000 license un less the Hall bill passed yesterday fulls to become u law. No ana seemed to notice this provision while it was under consideration. Thu plucky light mudo for his usury bill by Gilbert of York Is u subject of general comment. A loss stringent bill on this sub ject , judgini ; Dy the test votes taken , would bo ulmoit certain to pass thu house , linker and Olmstoad had u lively tilt over the nuitter'nf whtithortho process of a county cause should run to any peace oftlcur or to inn sheriff. Olmstead thought the con stables bhould bo authorized to servo papers , whllo BaUcr strongly insisted thut the foes belonged to the officer. . "The sbccp and the goats nro now being separated , " said u quiet inombar to-day , "i can take a roll call and almost tell how each member will vote on any question. " The I'lsur.uieo men arc going to down thu Hansom bill If poddlblo. They nucccodod in defeating thei motion to make n gucclal order of tuese bllU , but according to the. ruling of the chair they may bi > called up at any clmo. Adam w.-.u perhaps the flrat man wlo thought marrlngu < i failure. Mills Objects 'to the Sonata's Action on HiS jEiriff Mottsuro. TERRITORIAL ! BILL SENT BACK. " 4 -I KcsolutliMiq Expressive of Sorrow at tlic Dnntli of ilcpru otitsitlAo Hob- rrtson PosloHlcc Aiipii tldfU'Ol-iCUSSCll. Hcnnto. N , Fob. Ifi. Among the bills re ported to the sennto to-diiy from committees nnd placed on tbo calendar wns the house bill to provide for the allotment of land It severally to the united Poona and Mlam Indians In Indian territory. The credentials of William D. Washbun ns senator from the Btato of Minnesota for the term beginning March 4 next were presented sented , road and placed on file. Mr , Halo gave notice that on next Monday bo would nsk tbo senate to proceed to n con .sieloration of the census bill. The sonata bill to ratify nnd confirm the agreement with the Muscogeu ( or Crook ) nations of Indians In Indian territory , open ing to settlement unasslgnod lands In Indian territory , the consideration botncr $ ' 4,21,000 , wan taken from the calendar and passed. The house bill authorizing the president to appoint William English second lieutenant in the regular army was taken from the calen dar and explained nnd ndvocated by Mr , Daniel , who claimed that the sentence ol court-martial under which English wns cashiered was unduly soverc , und that a se vere reprimand would have been quite suffi cient. The bill wns passed. Among ether bills taken from the calen dar and passed were the following : The senate bill authorizing the president to place General William Hosecrans on the re tired list as n brigadier-general of the regu lar army. House bill granting a right of wav to the Fort Smith , Pans & Uaretanollc railway com pany from Fort Smith , Ark. , through Indian territory to or near Baxter Springs , in Kan sas ( with amendments ) . The senate then took up the individual pension bills on the calendar und passed nil of them , forty-one in number. Consideration of the Texas outrages reso lution was resumed at 2:15 : , nnd Mr. Coke proceeded with an argument against the resolution. His speech consisted largely of extracts from testimony to prove the bad character of the thrco principal witnesses Hnckworth , Moore and .Schultre whoso statements the committee had chiefly relied upon in making its reports. He expressed bis astonishment that the committee would have touched "s'o loathsome n creature" as Schult/e , nnd yet , ho said , "that monster of immorality , that moral leper , " had been put nt the bend of the republican ticket for the highest judicial honor in Washington county. Without finishing his speech , Mr. Coke yielded the Hour to Air. Gibson , who offoi-od a resolution expressing the sorrow of the senate at the dcatb of the late Representa tive Hobertson of Louisiana , and proceeded to eulogize thu life aliel character of the de ceased. After appropriate remarks by Messrs. Eustls andJlcgan the senate , as a further mark of res'pect , adjourned until to morrow. , , n 1 Hbuso. ' ' WASHINGTON' , Ejq'b. 15.In the house , the committee on ways and means reported back the Mills tariff bill with the senate amend ment , and by dirccticm of the speaker it was referred to the comiihttce of the whole. Mr. Mills also reported jtho following resolution , which ho saiel he would ask tbo house to con slder Tuesday next ! . ' Resolved , That the substitution by the senate , under the form of an amendment for the bill of the house ( Mills bill ) , of. another nnd different bill containing a general revision of laws im posing import duUojaud internal taxes , is in conflict with thei true intent and purpose of section T , article 1'of ' the constitution , and and that said bill bo returned to the senate with the respectful suggestion that said sec tion vests in the house of representatives the solo power to originate such measures. Mr. McKinley of Ohio said that the consti tutional objection raised by iho majority of the committee to the reduction of the reve nue had been called to the attention of the couimiiteo of the whole this morning. Ho therefore reserved to the minority the right to file their views. Mr. Ueod of Maine reserved a point of order against the resolution. The speaker said that the resolution would remain upon the tnblo with the pointof order reserved against it. The committee on foreign affairs reported back the senate bill approm-Iating $250,000 to enable the president to protect the interests of the United States in Panama. A point of no quorum was raised nnd the yeas nnd nays were ordered , but pending roll cull , the hour of L'J Mi ! arrived and tha matter was laid awny temporarily to enable the house , under special order , to consider the resolution instructing the bouso con ferees on the territorial bill as to the method they bhould pursue in arriving at an agree ment. By a vote of 114 to 100 the house tabled the motion to reconsider the vote bv which the conferees on the territorial bill were instructed to consent to the admission of South Dakota by proclamation and with out another-voto on division. The remaining Instructions , relating to the admission of North Dakota , Montana and Washington by proclamation , word agreed to without division , and the bill" was again sent to a conference after the adoption of preliminary instruction clauses by n vote of HU to 101. The house then passed the senate bill ap propriating $ ! WO,000 for the protection of American interests in Panama. The fortification appropriation bill and the icnslon appropriation bill were sent back for a conference. Mr. Browne of Indiana called up the sen ate bill granting a pension of $100 a month , with a house nmendmont reducing the rate to 75 , to thu widow of Brigadier Gonernl Mummer. The amendment was ajjrocd to and the bill vas passed. The senate bill was passed granting a pen sion of jT > 0 n month to the widow of Hear Admiral Nicholson. On motion of Mr. Nelson of Minnesota ho sonuto amend meats were concurred In to the house bill granting a right of way through the White Earth reservation , Mln- icsota , to the St. Paul , Minneapolis & Man- lobii railroad. The house then went Into committed of the vholo on tha postoftjco appropriation hill , i'ho pending amemUprjjtt ottered by Mr. Can- ion , of Illinois , increasing by fc00.0)0 ! ! ) thu ippropriation for yjorjts in postofllccs , was discussed at some length. There was a ma- orlty in ravor of jbo amendment , but Mr. Jlcuiit raised theppjnjtof no quorum and the " commit ten rose. "y. II The bill was passed for the payment of 'Fourth of July claims. " The amount in volved is $10,0)0. ) .0 / The house thdn tqukta recess , the evening session to bo for tbo consideration of private Kinsion bills , At the evening sasslon of the house Mr. Hmgham of Pennsylvania , called up the bill granting u pension to Jrono Kuckcr Sheridan , nit finding it imposHiblo to get a vote on no- rount of the objections raised , ho withdrew t. The house then- passed thirty-three irivato pension bills'Uild adjourned , Kfcnnd l > yttfo I'ro.iilent , AV. 8HiN < ) To.v , FotfjS. The president to- lay signed the commission of Norman J. 2olcman to bo secretary of agriculture. The president has approved the act author- zing the Mount Carmel development com- any to draw water from the Wubush river mil its tributaries , and act * for tha relief of Jeneral William F' . Smith and William K. ilalccslue , and a joint resolution making an ippropniuion for the payment of the local representatives of Jumos I ) , Euda. Will 811111111011 the PreHlelont. WABIIIXOTOX , Fob. 15. The Star to-night nays that the complainant , Dr. Rogers , in the > an-electric case of Hogors against Garland , ntonds to summons President Cleveland after the 4th of March to testify as tostate. . nonw In regard to the pun-electric oompdiiv alleged to have boon moUu to the president by Garland , Casey Young , Senator Harris md otuurt ) . ADDITIONAL COONOILBLUFFS Oily Coutiull Pr A special tncotlnp of the city cornicl last evening brought out a full board c aldermen. Mayor Kohrer wns nbspn niul I'roalQpnt Lney occupied tlio elmli Petition for side walks niul crossins on South Tenth street , between Sis tpotitlmntl J'hlrty-second avenues , wop referred to the committee on streets tini alleys. The potlllon of Doll G. Morgan & Co for permission to continue their sign which * is just inside the curb line , wti referred to Iho judiciary eominittoo am city attorney. Colonel Dnlloy presented a verbal pe ttlion on behalf of Matt ITarlo with ref creiieo to Iho same matter. lie snjj posted that the council defer anj further action in the removal of sitrn' upon the streets until the iujuneUoi case of Klmlmll tt Champ apainst tin city marshal be docidoti. U was so done A petition from the Omaha \Vorli company that Mr. Orlinm be allowee aeeess to tbo city records wns reform to the eity attorney and judiciary com milieu. Petition of properly owners 01 Eighth street that that felt-cot bo placet' at the Biima grade ns Main street wai referred to the city engineer. Petition of prop'ei'ly owners for the removal of curtain buildings owned bj iTuinc-a Wallace on Thirteenth strcof was referred to the city engineer ant marshal. A similar petition , relative to buildings occupied by Jens Christian' son on Thirteenth slreot , between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets , fol lowed the same course. A communication from the countj auditor stated that $1 7.8 : ! had been received coived from the Union Paeillc road ami placed to the credit of the city. This is the amount duo the slate from the county on railroad tax. The city attorney reported with ref erence to the Hall addition dilllculty that the addition in not n forty acre tract ; that avenues D , E and V arc short two feet on the east side and twenty on the west side ; that they are .ill of onual width , and that the shortage mils mainly upon the property owners on the north sielo of Avenue 0. The report of the city engineer was substantially the same. The reports wcro referred to the committee on streets nntl alleys. The city engineer was instriicjcd'to go into court antl have a competent engineer appointed to adjust the lines in ques tion in Hall's and Mullen's additions at once. An ordinance providing for the city's acceptance of ground donated to the city for street uses , was read and re ferred to tlic committee on streets and alleys. On report of the roinnnfctcc relative tote to thb settlement of the claim of Sophia Easel , the president appointed Alder men Kuopher , Maver "and Motcalf to malfc such settlement. The committee report that the ordi nance regulating the orerition of poles in the street for the use of electric com panies should be passed. The ordinance was then road aim passed. C. R. Mitchell refuses to comply with the terms of the sidewalk contract , and the street supervisor was instructed to notify Mitchell to proceed with the work or suit for damages will be begun on his bond. Petition for water mains on Sixth. avenue between Seventeenth and Twenty-first streets was referred to the water committee. Petition that the bridge across Indian crook bo moved from Thirteenth to Fourteenth street on Sixth avenue , was referred to the committee on streets find alleys , The judiciary committee reported in the investigation of the Burke defalca tion. It shows a very irregular manner of transacting the business of the clerk's oillco , and suggests several changes to preclude such occurrences In the future. The report was rofoivod and concurred in. Tlio city clerk was instructed to employ a competent accountant to go through the books and make a report at the next meeting of tlio council. The shortage reported amounts to 82,533.35. The council then adjourned and con vened as a board of health. The matter of allowing amallpox bills was taken up , and several minor claims were- audited and ordered sent before , ho county board e f supervisors. The eueslion | of raising the quarantine at , he Compton and Sears residences was then discussed , and the marshal was in- fctructcd to rai&o the quarantine at the 'ormor place to-day. The Soars rcsi- lonco was carefully disinfected , and nero work in that direction will bo done , o-elay. and the parties quarantined .hero . will be allowed to go. Passeel Away. Died , at the homo of her mother , near jogan , yesterday at "I'M o'clock , Fan nie , daughter of the late John A. Orr , at the age of nine years. The funeral vill take place at the homo to-morrow it 1 o'clock ) ) . m. Tlic interment will > o in Harris' comotory. This is a sad ) low to the now doubly stricken mother , md in her sorrow she will have the incero sympathy of her many friends. TIL 1113 K NISW QUACKS. Ilcv. C. AV. Savidjie , of Grand IslntuI , Tel In What U'licy Arc. "Grace , Grit , and Gumption , " was the subjeetof an excellent address delivered be- 'oro the students and faculty ot the Omaha Commercial college last night , by Hov. C , W. Savidfre , formerly pastor of the Sownrd street Methodist church of this city , but now a resident of Grand Island , After congratulating tlio faculty of the college upon the successful Rrowth of the In- titution , Mr , Havidgo went on to say , "Wo ind ourselves in the wqrld without having > ycn consulted , and it becomes a question , lot whether wo shall lake up the Journey of ifo. but how wo shall Kct through it. Shall vo bo numbered amongst the vnmiuishcd or cnnited amongst tlio victors ) " "Somo men sit down without ono honest ffort to got along , whllo others will mnku u rial or two like a lulky horse , and them give ip , Then there are othnra who talco life , is u oUo ; others crow desperate and take their Ives with their own hands. "Grace , gumption and grit nro the three [ ualitlos that go to malto up a man , Noth- ng will stand in the way of the man who ins thorn. Do not bo like the man who vailed for the river to run by , but got un and , 0 to work , God is on tlio siilo of tlio ustlcrs. ' 'Grace is the niottt Important of the trip- ct. Grace gives llfo ; It means salvation , /or by grace are yo Mivod through Christ.1 Draco does not st , nd on the mountain top ind call to sinners to climb the heights , hut t comes down into thu vulloy in quest of hem. It docs not offer to pay W cents on the .lolliir of thp runners debt , but pays the vholo dollar. "Gumption U the mother wit , level-head. ( idness , horse-House. Without gumption an educated man is culled a fool. Gumption nouns capacity , shrewdness and address. If ou have gumption you will ba saved from ho vioos of tobacco ami whisky , and you von't live alone and cheat some good woman nit of a bread-winner. Marriage boats blnglo Ifo. I can tell you. "Tho thlrel quality Is 'grit. ' ' That means und and bull dog hold on. You huvo OMUU- lies of what grit can do all about you , Young men , elon't let the women ou in grit , "God bless you , " The thcatro-t-'olng people ot Omaha have > con imposed upon rather heavily this season > y Inferior attractions , but. nothing quite so deserving of condemnation as "Terry the Swell " As produced nt tbo Grand open bouRo last night , and In the presence of largo autilcnco , It certainly fulled to create favorable impression. That fact is duo toi to a very poor company of actors. Asld from Hurry H. Hell , who assumes the prii clpal role , and Anna Helmont , ns "I'oll Terry , " the members of the cast are in poin of dramatic ability hardly supoi lor to the average amateur. Mi IJell was clover enough and hi acting pleased thei audience , but Ilnvr Kich , who is supposed to represent "Samue Hartratn , " an Kngllsh more'liant' Gcorg Koss , Charles K. Foreman , W. J. Coono , and ono or two others in leading p.u-ls hnv apparently mistaken their calling. Mis * Hoi inont is n vivacloui and excellent little act res ? , She sings well nnd dances nicely , Tb play Is well supplied with scenery and mechanical chanical effect * . It has the three-borso tun doin cart , the steam llro engine , Hrooklyi bridge and streets of New York , nil In gooi shape. A iimtlnoo this afternoon and performance formanco to-night will close ) the engagement Md Goodman , last year treasurer of th Grand opera houie' , ii vlsitintr bis Omnb friends n tow days. Ho has drawn out of th Crawford circuit and expects to cngngo Ii the dramatic business nt Denver. Til 13 I3VANGIOMSTS. They Continue ) to Garner tlio Blirnvo nuel Blicckols. "It you expect to secure a sc.U In tuohous of worship Sunday night , " remarked Hvan pcllst Potter la his nnmmnccmcnts last nigh at the armory , "you will have to com early. " Preceding the declaration , however , livan gellst Miller sang "Tho Lyon of Judcn. ' Several other hymns which nave boon sun ; heretofore nt the revivals were employee again to excite enthusiasm. The collect ioi was duly taken. Mr. Potter then announced that ho am his colleague , Miller , would hold service : Sunday morning nt the Hanscom Pan Methodist church. At ! o'clock In the af tor noon they will preach to men only at tin Young Men's Christian association rooms. "If wo bless Gou , " said the evangelist 'wo will die right and happy. I want to asl Mr. Miller to sing 'Sweeping Through the Gates.1" The soloist then proceeded to sing the psalm. Mr. Potter took his text from the book ol Mark , chapter 10 , verses 4'J to10 Inclusive. His theme was the restoration to sight of i blind person by the niuno ol Hartimanis. This is the man who , whllo begging , heard of the cominy Jesus along the road and , despite the olTorts of other people , ran to Him and asked for eyesight. Jesus told him his faith had made him whole , and Hurtinwus was so rejoiced that he Joined the company and went with the Saviour. The blind man the type of the unsaved person in the house last night. Ho was similar to the sightless man whom you meet on the streets every day , and says , Sir , will you ple-aso help a blind muni No man , nccoreiing to the spo.iker , could bo in dependent of God. The blind man tlio true type of your condition if your soul was unsaved , homeless nnd friendless. The evangelist asked the audience if it hud anv nity for the blind beggar when ba knocked nt the kitchen door for alms. If there were nny sympathy for sucti there should bo for the one who was blinel anel could not see the road to salvation. If the sinners wanted to know how to go to .icsus honestly the evangelist stated that he wanted thorn to bo interested in what ho had to say. He was of the opinion that most of them wanted to banish tlio thoughts ho pro duced. If they were interested MI salvation they should pattern after Uartimiuus. If sin ners wore , honest in the mailer all they hud to do was to make a start. They should think of death , of destiny and of the Judg ment day. Alter asking the Almighty to help the con gregation to be honest with its souls Mr. Potter requested those who butt cried for Christ to stand. Thcro was a provision with this invitation. Ha did not want any one to rise unless honest in the matter. Several hundred people arose. "Now , don't rise unless you have given your souls to Christ , " was tbu further plead ing oi' the evangelist. "Those who want prayer come up to the niter , but ba honest about it. Let everybody stand while wo sing. Conic quickly if you want to be saved. " They , or a few of the sinners , boweel at the alter. Among the converts was a number of small girls. Several other songs were sung aud the audience was dismissed. ANOTHER B < YLIj. This Time tlio Union 1'acillc Hand Ku- tertnhiH Its Friends. Fairies anel llcnds , monks and nuns , sailors and gypsies field the floor of the Exposition hall last night at the first annual masquerade ball of the Union Pacific band. The costumes wore both tasteful and varied , the cavaliers of the olden times dancing the latest wait ; with the lady in the widows' weeds of to-day. Clowns found their partners among the peas ant girls of Europe , and the minstrels of the stage were apparently enamored of the rag pickers that nro scon every dnv. There were jockeys male and Jockeys femalo.bull fighters from Spain , representatives of night and of St. Valentino , and there w.w the little Iced Hiding Hood of nursery rhymes , as well as Cinderella and Prince Prottywotz. At midnight nil unmnsksd , and alter enjoying - ing a supper equal to the occasion , took to the floor once more nnd danced till weariness brought the entertainment to a close. An Alleged Pistol [ 'lay. Last night a traveling man giving the nnmo of Shaw engaged a hack to take him to the Union Pacific depot. Hoed , the etrlver of the hack , claims that the pussonger dis played a pistol threateningly , presumably under the impression that ho was not being taken to the proper destination. At any rate the driver got scared , and hud Shaw arrested. At the station the latter was found to have several hundred dollars. From this it is surmised that lie was as much afraid of the driver .is the driver was of him. Kiroit tlio HInfTrt. Shortly before midnight a flro was discovered - covered in tbu Chicago & Huillngton yards of thu Hock Islanet road. It broke out sud denly in the oil and supply house , a frame building about SOOxUO , which , from the nature of its contents , burned rapidly , and was totally destroyed. Three or four empty freight cars were also burned. Tlio loss , amounting to sqverul tlioiisiiml dollars , Is fully covurcel by insurance. It Is believed that the flro was of incendiary origin , A Dainty Slipper. Some ono tooic n pair at ladies slippers number two's from the dressing room at tha Switchman's bull Thursday night , ami as It was evidently by mlstnko , the person can Ind the owner at It , J , Maury's , Republican ofllco. Hi-forming t lies'Civil Service. W-imii.Ne.TOX , Fob. 15. Senator'A'oorheofi to day introduced the following as a proposed amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill ; The soldiers and sailors In the war of .ho rebellion who were honorably ills. chargcel from thu militury or naval sen-loo of tno United Stales , and widows and chil dren of deceased holdie > rs , shall ho eligible ) to iippulntmeiiit , transfer and promotion , sub jcct only to such examination as may bo pre scribed by the heads of department * und without competitive examinations , Positively Cured by Little rills. I They also rellovo Uls j trcs < from Dyspepsia Indigestion and To- Hearty Hating. A pot-I feet remedy for Ulzzl-l Dcc0 , Nausea , Crowd- ] nesa , ] ! ad Tacto In thtl MouthCoatedTonuel ; 1'alnlo the Side , TORPID - PID LIVER , Ac. Tlieiy reeulato the J5owei ! , | nd preri'tit Constipation aud l'ile . Tbt nialle t and eneleit to take. Only one pill ( dos . 40 In a rial. 1'uroly Vegetable. I'rlc SS ctuta. OAETER MKDIOIHB 00.fropVi.H gYoritj THERE IS ART IN OMAHA Aa Well us Bonutoous Exponouta of Its Charms. YOUNG LADIES AT THEIR BEST. An Kntrrtnlnmcnt Which Delighted n Imrgo Hut Very Sclcut Audi- cttoo Imst Night nt the Kir .it Congi'CKHtle > iial Church , Tnhlciiii Jl'Arl , Eight more beautiful or moro graceful young ladies than those who elmrminl n largo audience ) in tbo presentation of a series of Oroek tableaux at the First Congregational church last night , cannot bo founel In all Omaha. They were Miss Mildred House , Miss .lean llouso , Miss Ida Hoyco , Miss Ninn Marshall , Miss Dollie McMastcr , Miss Maude Staley , Miss Gunelle Coburn anil Miss Lllllo Durnoll. The tableaux wcro given for the benefit ot the church , under the immediate direction ot Miss House , assisted by Mr. C. Abbott Mtss Anna Young acted ns accompanist , anil during thu cntcrt alnincnt plnyenl no less than fifty eliffcrent airs , appropriate to the tableau being presontcel. Miss House opened the entertainment with an aetinlmblo presentation ol thu forty emotions of nmn In illustrative gos turns. Tlio young lady received prolonged and well de-served applause from the appro- dative audience when she had completed her difficult task. The same gesture's wore ) then repeated by all the young ladles in unison , Twenty-six tableaux in all wuro present ed by the young laelics , The tableaux and thu central figures inoarh wcro ns follows : "Tlio Sun Worfllilppora , " MKi .lean IIouso ; "Tho Odallsiiue , " Miss Mildred IIouso ; "Klght for the Standard , " Miss Me- Masters : "Flower ( ! lrN , " omnls : "The ) Slumbering Princess , " Miss Staley : "Tho Soldier's ' Dronm , " omnls ; "Tho Lon er , " Miss Coburn ; " .Tepthn'a Daugh ter , " Miss Marshall | "Tho Sculptor'M ' Studio , " presenting the "I'lireo Fates , " Mlssos SUley , Hoylo and Durnoll ; "Apollo , " Miss Marshall ; "Clio. " Miss McMiutcra ; "Terpsichore , " Miss Mildred House ? , and "Tho Oiadliitors , " Misses Coburn and .loan House ; "Tho Captives. " The first part of the programme was then concluded with a number of illustrative gestures including "Waves of thu Ocean , " "Tho Storm" and "Catching Huttorflics. " As an Interlude be tween the fourth and fifth tableaux of the first part , Mrs. C. E. Seiuires sang "Tho Fairies' Dance1" cxiptisitoly , the young Indlos in thu meantime going tlirouij'i ' stately , yet graceful measures in rjthm with tbo music. Tlic tableaux of the second part and thu figures wore : "Tho Captives , " Miss .lean IIouso ; "The Fountain , " oninU ; "Laocoon1 omnis ; "Tho A'aio , " Miss Mar- Bhull ; "Itoe-k of Ages , " Miss Mildred IIouso ; "Tho ISivnls/'MissesCoburiHiml.lean House ; "Fliiiht of the Falcon , " Miss Marshall ; "Liberty , " Miss Joan House ; "Fate of Vir ginia , " the Misses House , Atiss Staley und Miss Coburn ; "The Cross , " omnls ; "Nlobo nnd the Children , " Misses McMaslers und Staley : "I'ho Republicomnis ; "D ath of .lulius Cicsor , " the Misses House and Miss Coburn. Sucii were the tableaux which were so faithfully presented by the young ladies. As ; nn interlude between the third and fourth tableaux of the second half of the pro gram mo , Miss ( luneiic Coburn recited the following humorous selection in such a niiiunntu ami charmiii'manner ! as to com pletely capture the audience. TIM ; VASI : . Far from the crowd they stand ap.irt , The maidens four and the works of art , Hut none might teill from sight alone , In which bad culture highest grown ; For they all loved art in a seemly way , With a soulful hoill and n capital A. The Gotham maiden fair to see ; The Pliilade-lphian pedigree ; The Hoston maid of nr.iiro blue , And the soulful soul of iCulunmeoo. Long they worshipped , but no ono broke The sacred stillness until up spoke , The western one from the nameless placb\ Who blushing Mild , "Whntnlovoly 'vnce. ' " Over thrco faces n sad smile flow And they edged away from ICnlamaxoo , Hut Gotham's mighty soul was stirred To crush the stranger with ono small word. So , deftly hiding reproof In pr.ilse , She cried , " 'Tis indeed a lovely 'vn/o. ' " But brief her unworthy triumph when , Tlio lofty ono from the land of I'onn , With the consciousness of throe grandpapas , Exclaimed , "Ah , mot what a lovely 'vaso,1" Anel lookeid around arounet with un anxious thrill , Awaiting the word from lloacon Hill , Hut the Hoston maid smiled courteously And softly said , "Ah , pardon mo , I did not catch your remark because , I was so enchanted with that charming 'vavvs.1" A western girl came tripping by , Who dwells 'neath ' Omaha's sunny sky , And cried , "Whoop ! Goll ! what u Jolly Jug. " Hctwocn the seventh nnd eighth tableaux "Melpomenio's Wedding March" was given. The young Indies were nil atUrod in appro priate Grecian costumes , of loosely flowing white robed , the arms bare , addimr to their natural beauty und presenting a most at tractive picluro. All of the tableaux were nmstorpioe-cs , but ( Hpccml mention should ho inuelo of "Tho Leper , " " .Icnthn's Daughters , " "Itoek of Ages , " and " The Cross , " and of the "Forty Emotions , " as given by Miss Mildred Houso. Tlio tableaux were all ( Srucluti but "Jcptlm's Daughter * , " that Doing biblical. Tlio r-xe-ollenco of tlio entertainment and t ho to talnbsunco of those ) little hitches and ] jrH that generally mar the pleasure of such ex hibitions , showed that the young ladles had drilled faithfully nnd to all of them , and es pecially to Mlbs .Mildred House , who dlrcctoel them , belongs much credit. Tlic cnturtnlnmmit will bo repented In the near future in a more ) commodious hull , IlemoriMl IIy tin ; Union. Last nifiht the members of the Hricklnyori Union met and complated arrangements for tno burial of their late brother , Thomas ( jnuih. ; Tlieiy will meet at their lodge roqm , Font toenth and Douglas sti cots , to morrow afternoon at2o'clnrknnd with the plasterers attend the funeral in a body. Other labor rrganlzntlons arc also expected to 1)0 ) pres ent. Denli ! of Cli.'iH. Hhnrnii , Chas , D. Sharon died Thursday at 4:10 : p. m. , ugoil 23 , Thu funeral will take placa Sunday nt ! isO : p. m , from the rihldcnuc , 723 Hanrroft street. Friends urn Invited. If you have in.idn np yniir mind to h'.if Hood's Sarsnpnrlll.ulo not bu inilnce-il to take any other A Hoston lady , whoso example U worthy Imitation , Iclls her oxpmlcnco below ; "In ono btoiolioii ) I weint to buy II odd's 8artiimrllM | the cleiik tried to Induce mo liny thclromihiMcndof Hood's ; hotoldmotliclr'n would last longer ; thut J might tuko It un tea To Get daj'V trial ; that If I did not Ilko it I nccel not pay anything , etc. lint ho could not prevail < in mo to change. 1 told him I had taken Hood's Hnrsnparllla , knew what Itva > < , wai fnthlK'dMltlilt.ainl did not \vnnt any other , When I bogiin taldng Hood , ' * 8artaparlll.t I was feeling real miserable wllh dyspepsia , anel to ucalc that at times I coul'j hardly Hood's stand. I looked lilco a person In consump tion. Iloon'a Barsaparllla did mo no niurii cnod that I wewilor at myjoif soinellinen , and my f rle-nds frequently speak of U. " Has. KI.LA , A. Ooi'r , OJ Terrace Blrcot , Ilntlun. Sarsapariiia 8utJLy llilrin : lit . S ! , lrfori3 , rrepueil onljr by t' , I , HOOD & ( .U , Ai > otb carlei , I/wII. M . JOO Doses Ono Dollar