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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1889)
HE ILY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING. FEBKUAKY 10 , 18S9. NUMBER 24 ( > FIFTY THOUSAND STRONG. The Escort of President Harrison to the White Houao. GEN. VAN WYCK CONSIDERED. llnrrlhim Bnld tu Look Fnvor.thly Upon the NohrnHkn Ktntcsmnii For the Intnr-Htiue Coin- incroc CoiiiinlKHlon. WABIHKOTONBUItmuTlIROMUU BRli , ) Ill 51,1 F HKJ'TflSTIlSEr , > WASIIISOTOX , D. C. , Fob. 15 , I " .Teffcrsonlnn simplicity" will notcharcter lo Iho inauguration of President Harrison , Hi ! vi , tint ride on horseback to the eapitol , hiU'h : ild marc to n tree and go into the BCtiaU . . uinberto lake Iho oath , us It Is said his Illustrous predecessor did , but ho will bo accompanied to the platform \vith all the i- pomp a ml parade possible. The preparations sire very -arly completed , and if the day Is Jlno , the demonstration will bo moro Impos ing than nnythlngof the kind the country has over snon. The size of the procecsion will bo limited only to the width aud length of Pcnns.vlvanla avenue. Fifty thousand sol- llor.s mid members of civicorganizatlons will be In line , and under the rules of the commit tee of arrangements , they must be uniformed There have been few great parades in tills country , and the Intention has been to innku Ihls one lo surpass all the rest. The limtiirii- ral proceedings lake place at 13 o'clock on the eastern portico of the eapitol. General Harrison will bo accompanied from the white Iiouso to tlio senate chamber by President Cleveland and his cabinet , by committees from both houses and by the citizens in charge of the inaugural proceedings , and the escort of the party will bo composed of 1,500 troops of the regular army , cavalry , Infantry , and artillery and by the national guards of the District of Columbia , who comprise about eight hundred men. The Immediate personal escort of General Harrison will bo the members of the regli.icnt ho commanded during tlio war , the Seventieth Indiana. Arriving at the HCiinto chamber the presi dent-elect will see the vice prer.idcnt-olect sworn in , and then accompanied by bolh houses of congress will proceed lo Ihe east portico where the oath will be administered to him by Chief Justice Fuller. Ho will then deliver his address , got into the car riage and bo escorted buck to the white house by a procession of nu.OOO men. This procession will be in five divisions. In the llrst division will bo the regular troops under the command of General Scholield and the militia of the District of Columbia , number ing aboul twenty-two hundred men , and the second division will bo Iho National Guards. of Pennsylvania , commanded by General Hnrlraufl , 8,000 men. 'J'lio third division includes the other military organizations , numbering about ten thousand men , who will bu commanded by Governor Fo raker of Ohio. Thu fourth division will bo composed of the Grand Army of the Republic , under the command of Representative William Warner , of Missouri , us Commander-in- chief , 5,01)0 men. The fifth and Sixth divisions will bo composed of civic organi/ations , under thu command of Miram M. Parker , of Washington , and Kdwin S. Stuart , of Philadelphia , respec tively. The reports received at/ the inaugural licadquiirlers show that civic organizations numbering 18,000 men have already indicated their purpose to bo present and participate in the procession. As soon as the formal moccodlngc uf. Dm rupitol arc concluded President Harrison and ex-President Cleve land will bo escorted to ttieir filaccs in the procession , which will then pass down Penn sylvania avenue lo the white house , where tlio two presidents will take Iheir places In the reviewing stand and the column will inarch along Pennsylvania avenue as tar as Twenty-second street , where 1C street inter sects the avcpue and forms what is known as Washington Circle. The procession will pass around this circle and proceed down K Htrect for two miles , when it will bo dis missed. Pennsylvania avenue and 1C street are to be elaborately decorated for the occa sion , and there will bo a show of bunting such as never has been seen hero. In the evening there will bo another procession of flambeau clubs , u prize having been offered for the bcht display. There will also bo 1,000 , or $5,000 worth of fireworks exploded in the park south of the white house , and there will bo private illuminations on the principal clreuls. The ball lakes place in Iho pension buildimr , where there is floor room to accommodate 1U.OOO people. The committee In charge of the ball propose to limit the sale of tickels to that number , which it is quite probable they will bo ablu to do. This will bring them a fund of 5(50- ( 1)00 ) , which will very nearly pay all the ex penses of the inauguration. A guaranty fund of $50,000 has been raised and placed in n bank , which will bo returned to the sub scribers after all the bills are paid. VAN WYCK COaSlUEHKP. A Washington special in to-days Now York Tribune nays : "The expected retirement ol Mr. Walker , of the intor-slato commission , to accept a more lucrative employment , has reminded several eminent gentlemen that ttiu vacancy will bo a desirable one , and that n salar.y of $7,500 par year is not a thlm ; to bo despised. It ix reported that ex-Senator Van wyek of Nebraska lias boon considered by Prusidont-olect Harrison for the placo. Representative Darlington of Pennsylvania , who occupies General Van Wyck's Wash ington house , expects to vucuto it before March 10. having received notice that the owner desires. to resume possession on that date. From this it would appear that Gen eral Van Wyck feels pretty confident of ob taining olllcu under the incoming uumlnistra- tlon. " ornoK'SncKiMifl. Nearly all of iho men who hold oflieo un der the last republican administration have turned up as candidates for places under thu now one. Most of them want to go back into their old seals , but others aspire to promotion. If they nro all gratified there will be very few appointments loft to dis tribute among the nist of the republican party , mid this fact has occasioned a good deal of caucusing among thu senators and representative- congress who will have the patronagn to bestow. It lias been in formally decided by them , after consultation with Goncral Harrison , that tlio fact that a man was turned out of otllco by Presi dent Cleveland shall not bo held us a claim to restoration , and that thu old olllclnls shall have no bettor chance of receiving appoint ments than Ihotiu who never hold a commis sion under thu government. This decision was caused by people , who thought it was only necessary to knock at the uoors In order to bo walked right Into the place they held on the 4th of March , 1SS-I. President Harrison risen has several times said to senators who addressed him on this subject , that ho feels under no obligation whatever to restore ofllcors who were ejected by the presidential election In 1SSI , but the fact that they have on co hold olllco will have no weight either for or against them , Kvcry back number will have to take his place In line with the rest. OMAHA'S rosTomcnsiri : . Senator Mumiorson will leave for the west to-morrow evening reaching Lincoln on Monday evening , barring accidents. The senator called ou the assistant secretary of the treasury , Mnynurd , this morning in reference to the Omaha postofllco building , hnd it was agreed that the mutter should go forward at once , not awaiting the incoming of the next administration. Pursuant to this understanding tha notice for proposals for the situ will go forward ut once for publica tion , and a treasury export will then proceed to Omaha to examine and report. Senator Mandorson to-day culled on Sec retary Vllus In reference to the proposed abolition of the Bloouiingtoii land otllco In Nebraska. In consideration of the showing made tlio secretary divided not to discon tinue nor to consolidate It with the oftlce at Lincoln , KXTHA SESSION. The prevailing opinion among the republi can senators and members of congress is that the admission of thn territories will have no weight whatever upon the probabili ties of an extra session ; that It simply re- IJijvcs the uoxt congress from a ccrtunl : i amount of work which every one supposct it would have to do , but that the territorial bills wore not thn strongest arguments In favor of an extra session. It is thought not only necessary , but absolutely imperative , because of the small majority on the repub lican side , that the organization of the next house should be perfected as soon as possible as there Is almost a certainty that the demo crats will filibuster ngnltist tno ejectment from his scat of any person on their side , no matter now strong the claim of his contest ant. Taking the case of Breckinridgc , for lnstanc.0 , it has been shown already that there Is sunicieiit evidence of fraud In the Second district of Arkansas to thrown cloud upon the title of Mr. Brecklnridge to his seat , and the murder of Mr. Clayton , who was contesting it , has emphasized the fact Mr. Breckinridgc has been advised by some of his best democratic friends to resign and submit the question again to the people , but as ho refuses to do so , the republicans will nttcmpt to prevent him from taking his seat. On the other hand tuo dem ocrats will lillibuster to obstruct all pltior business until Mr. Breeklnridgo Is admitted , unit thus at the very outset of the now con gress tlrjro will bo a struggle between the two parties. Then an even creator struggle will comn when an attempt Is made to amem the rules. As the rules now stand , us has been demonstrated repeatedly , ono man cat obstruct legislation indefinitely , und may defeat - feat the passage of any and all measures ho deus not hanpea to approve. The constitu tlon of the United States provides that a ma jority shall govern , but under the present rules of the house of representatives one man can defeat the will of the majority. A dead-lock may occur at the beginning of the session that will last for months , and so it is deemed necessary by the republican leaders that the organization shall take place as soon us possible. Major McK inley of Ohio , who is at the head of the lepublican members ot the committee ou ways and means , In speaking of the effect the passage of the territorial bills would have upon the necessity for mi extra session , said : "Thoro nro two reasons why an extra session of the Fillty-Ilrst congress should be called : " 1. i'osccuro organization of the house , which is likely to bo long und dilllcult , as a lengthy debate and probably a dead-lock will grow out of the adoption of the now rules , und the southern question will bo involved in the seating of members elected from that section. "a. There can bo no revision of the tariff lit u regular session. It will take nine mouths to dispose of legislation other than the tariff. " General Brown of Indiana , another mem ber of the committee ou ways and means , said : "Ono of the strongest arguments in favor of an extra session is removed by the adoption of the omnibus bill , un 1 I do not believe - lievo that if an extra session is called it will meet , before the 1st of Octo her. " Mr. Burrows of Michigan , a republican member of the eommitlc-o on ways and means , said : "This is but one , and 1 may say the smallest argument in favor of an extra session , whum has been removed. To my mind nn extra session is inevitable , and I think it will bo called in April. " Tin : cowi.r.s HIM , . Chairman Randall attempted to report the Cowles free tob.icco bill , from the committee on appropriations , to the house to-day. Ho asked unanimous consent and itxras objected to by Chairman Mills , of the committee on ways ami means. Mr. Randall said to night that he would report the bill to-morrow. Tlio democratic members of the committee on ways and moans intend to filibuster against it. When Speaker Carlisle begins to call the committees tor reports , the committee on ways and means will b > i reached before the committee on appropriations , and it 13 ar ranged that all of the ono hour which is de voted to the call of the committees shall bo consumed in filibustering tactics. Mr. Ran dall can only report the Cowles bill at the certain times when it will be in order , and it is the purpose of Mr. Mills and his followers to defeat the report Doing made at least until the bill which Mr. Mills will report from the committee on ways and means lias been debated - bated in the house , and when it is .expected it will bo too late to act upon the Cowles bill. Constitutional ; ( lawyers in both branches of congress laughed heartily to-day over the agreement made by Chairman Mills in his report against the senate substitute to the house tariff bill. It has been clearly demon strated that the senate , under the constitu tion , may concur in or amend revenue oills created by the house , and that there Is no limit to the extent to which the senate may go in amendments to these bills , The sub ject of the tariff as provoked by the Mills re port will como up in thu house about next Tuesday , and whenever there are no ap propriation bills before the house general speeches on the subject of the tariff bill will bo made by the mcmbets of the committee on ways and means. There will bo no voting ing on the bill , however , and there will be no legislation growing out of it. Jt is very probable that when the committee on ways and means begins its filibustering against Mr. Randall's report on the Cowles bill to morrow that there will bo some lively pro ceedings. It Is expected that Messrs. Mills and Randall will have an opportunity to light out the battle , which lias been raging be tween them for many years , aud it will bo a surprise if they uo not indulge in some per sonalities. Kaoh of thcso men holds a grudge ugalnsi the other. It will be remembered that when Mr. Randall made his great tariff speech last summer Mr. Mills objected to unanimous consent for an extension of time , and this objection on the part of Mr. Mills was a public declaration that ho was willing to begin his light openly , and now Mr. Randall will take up the gauntlet. If a vote could bo had upon the Cowles bill there is no doubt that it would bo adopted , but knowing this it is the determination of tlio Mills men to defeat any opportunity to vote upon the Cowlcs measure , 1XSTIIUPTRII TO OMIT NEW MI5X1CO. Chairman Platte , of the senate committee on territories , is very much pleased with the action ( if the house to-day in instructing its conferees to agree with tlio conferees of the senate in striking New Mexico from the om nibus bill and admitting the two Uakotas and Montana and Washington territories to statehood upon proclamation of tlio president. Ho says It Is perfectly satisfactory to him , and that the bill will bo finally adopted. It was just what the senate wanted , and yet it was no moro than was sura to bo given by the next congress. It Is not expected that the democrats in iho house will try to defeat it , as thu house has instructed Its conferees what to do , and It Is In honor bound to stand by tfioso instructions , Since South Dakota has a constitution , and federal officers already elected , it is believed that she will ! > the state of South Dakota by thu 1st of May. The other three territories will have to form constitutions bcforo they can bo ad mitted. Senator Voorhees is also very much pleased to night over the action of the house. Voorhees has worked us hard as "Sunset" Cox for the bill in its amended form. Sen ator Voorhees' son , now u delegate from Washington Territory , was defeated for re election. A republican was chosen In his stead. But there will now have to bu an election fur a congressman in the state of Washington , aud young Voorhees will have another chance. The senator believes that the people out ttuirt ) should reward him for his work by making his sou the first con- DKI.AVnn CEIITinCATIIS. Of the ! tt.i certificates of congressmen- elect , which should bo on Hie with the elork of thu house , only ! "I4 have yet been pro- banted. But seventeen days remain before the terms of the members of the next con- ECI-OSS begin , Neither Nevada nor Now Hamp shire have been heard from , but of the thirty- ono districts which are yet uncertified only Lhreo aru claimed as doubtful , Of thcso ; here HIT the Third and Fourtli West Vir ginia districts and thu Chattanooga district in Tennessee. If all those go democratic , und It Is not Improbable that they will , the republicans will still have a majority in the iiouso. Even if an extra session Is called before - fore all the districts not yet hoard from re- jKirt , their majority by the present returns Is isaurod. In some of the states , suoh us Cali fornia and Ohio , the certificates are for warded to the clerk or the house uy thu see- rutury of these Mates in bulk , but the com mon practice is for the members to neml them u themselves. U would simplify matters u grout deal If the states would confirm to a uniform practice , and not have the certifi cates dropping In at any time from the mid- lie of December to the 1st of Marrh , with , lie chances of some of them poing astray through carelessness or accident , A COLLISION AT ASHLAND , Thlrtoon Mon Orawl From Bouoath the Dobris. NO ONE SERIOUSLY INJURED. A Following FYelRht I'lungcs In ( < Another Smashing tlu ; Cahnosa ninl Tliroivlni * Severn ! Cnr.s 1-Yoin the Truck. Wreck at Ashland. AMH\NI > , Neb. Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram to TUP. Hnr. . ] An oxtrji fast stoc ) train , nt-t o'clock Friday morning , rnu Into the end of the regular freight train standing 01 the track hero above the dcpol. The engine of the fnst freight was almost demolished The caboose of the train run into was totalb destroyed , and several cars thrown from the track and piled on top of each other Thirteen persons sitting in the caboose a the tlmo of the wreck escaped by crawling out from under the debris and sustained serious injuries. How they escaped I miracle. The wrecking1 train is hero with i full force of men who have \vorted ! all the forenoon in clearing up tlio track. Regular passenger trains nro compelled to go iirouiu by the sldu track. The fast train was i largo ono loaded with cuttle , sheep and hogs , i.ATine. Trio trains were tivo regular freights that pulled out of Lincoln ono after the other The llrst train had orders to pick up stock cars along tha route , and be I ore starting the conductor told the train following to look out for it. The train was standing on the track here , doing this work , when the secouc train came on and plunged into the llrst. Tin ; men who were In the caboose knew nothing of the second train's ' approach , as the windows dews were curtained. Death.of Actor Clifford. HASTIXOS , Neb. , Feb. 15. | Special Tel.c- gram toTnn Hii-Edwin : | Clifford , of the Clifford dramatic company , died hero last night of paralysis of the brain. His last up pcaranco on the stage wns in this city two weeks auo in the drama of "Dr. .fcckyll and Mr. Hydo. " The real name of Clifford was Acker. Ho began his theatrical career in Washington , D. C. Ho was forty-five years old. Ho was -a Knight Templar and that order of Masonry in this city took charge oi the remains , which will be sent to Clifford's ' homo at Oshkoah , Wis. He leaves a wife and four children. His wlfo aud one son wcro present at his death. Deatli of.IumeH A. Wallace. PAWNIII : CITV , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special to TnnHKK. ] .Tames A. Wallace , a prominent citizen of this place , whoso attack of pa ralysis was mentioned in TUB lice Wednes day , died at his home , adjoining the city , yes terday morning. Mr. Wallace has been in the furniture business In this city for some time , has been county surveyor for a number of years , and was one of the prominent par ticipants in the building of the First United Presbyterian church in this city , the largest and finest church in this part of the state. The funeral takes place at 230 ; p. ra. to-day. The Committee at Beatrice. BEAT-HICK , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tiir. BEn. | The house committee on public buildings was hero to-day to inspect the institute for the feeble-minded. In com pany with prominent citizens they looked over the buildings and grounds , and were , dined by Dr. Armstrong , the superintendent. They wcro afterwards shown about the city by the mayor and other citizens. They re turned to Lincoln this evening. The Genoa School. GUNOA , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram to THE BUE. ] The newspaper accounts of Superintendent Chase's trouble have been greatly exaggerated. I have heretofore auth orised no statements on the subject. Mr. Chase is here , having returned after a brief aosence. EDMONI > MAM.UTT , Indian Inspector. THE IN'TKU-STATK AGREEMENT. Its Originator * Now Very Confident ol Ultimate Success. CHICAGO , Fob. 15. It now seems probable that the inter-state commerce railway asso ciation agreement will soon go into effect by having received the signatures of the roads embraced in the territory covered , Presi dent Hughitt , of the Chicago & Northwest ern road , received advices from Boston this afternoon that President Perkins , of the Uurlington , had finally signed. President Cable , of the Rock Island , who returned from Colorado to-day , told an Associated press reporter that the agreement had also been signed by the president of the Den ver , Texas & Gulf road ( formerly the Donvcr & Fort Worth ) . If this report is correct , there yet remains to sign only the Burlington & Northern , Illinois Central and Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gulf , and it is considered probable that the llrst named road will follow in the lead of the Chicago , Burllnglon it Quincy. The adhe sion of the Illinois Central and Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gulf is not considered so im portant. It is definitely understood that the Illinois Central will comply with the terms of the agreement. President Cable is of the opinion that all the roads will eventually sign , as , in his opinion , they could not afford to stay out oT the association , The contentions of the Burlington & Northern , that the "Soo" and other northern lines must bo included , ho did not think , would bo insisted on , us the association could protect the Burlington & Northern against them if necessary by united action as mill us , that line could pro tect itself acting independently , Favor a CIIICAOO , Feb. 13. At the morning session of the western packers of canned goods' as- sociociation much enthusiasm was created by u speech by E. S. .liulge , of Baltimore , recommending that the association form a trust.Villlain Boulter , ex-president of the Canada packers , also niado a speech attract ing particular attention. He wanted free tin plato , out did not mean by that that ho was in any bonso in favor of free trade. After a great deal of discussion it was agreed that a coijimitteo bo selected to go to Washington to endeavor to have the tariff on tin removed. This is to apply also to cases exported and to nil food products encased in tin am ) intended for homo consumption. The committee hav ing under consideration the subject of over production reported that they could devise no adciuato means of relief , and a resolu tion was adopted that tha association in no way restrict tills year's pack. Cutting the tirnin It-.ites , CHICAGO , Fob. 15. It Is charged that the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road has violated the agreement of the West ern freight association , by making a rate of y/i cents per 100 less than the tariff on 000 cars of grain shipped from Omaha to Duluth. The penalty prescribed for every Infraction of the agreement to maintain rales IB u for- felt of the revenue accruing from Jho cut ate. I'rl/o Fight in Chicago. CHICAGO , Feb. 15. Thomas Morgan , the champion amateur light weight of the north- vest , and James Manning , a local pugilist , fought , to a finish last night in the southern mrt of the city , Morgan bud the best of the Ight from the start , although Manning secured lirst blood. Manning was knocked out In the elevcutli re und , THK HASH B.VI.U TOURISTS. Stilt Trying to Secure th Colosspnm , In Jitme * Oiirdon Bennett , ] Feb. 15. [ New York llerali Cable Special to Tun' Br.n.J Spaldlng' party of American base ball teams arrlvoi nt BrlndUl this evening per steamer Stcttii too late for the train for Naples. The voy ngo across tlie Mediterranean was a stormj one , and nil were gliul to cutel sight of land. This morning letters tors and newspapers from America wnro eagerly received by the players , thc.v having been forwarded by Spnldtng's Ion don agent. Mr. Spuldlug loft to-night to joii his wife at Naples , and the balance of th party will follow him to-morrow morning The mail brought a letter from Secretary Bayard , requesting the American consuls n nil European cities to nxtcml every eourtosj to the touring players. Some dlfllculty was experienced by the jiarty In getting their baggage through Brindisl , the cus toms olllciuls regarding the truul full of base balls with special dls favor and suspicion. Their objections wcr finally overcome , but not until Mrs. Ansoi had consented to pay duty on a two pouni box of candy , and the captain himself hai liquidated the tariff charged on n dozen Turk ish fez caps. President Spaldlng's agent it Koine has not yet secured the colosseum fo the games in that city , . but the base bal magnate declares his Intention of arranging for n game within the historic Inclosuro i It costs him IOOi ) . The teams play 11 gam nt Pompeii on Sunday or Monday and wil then proceed to Koine. _ _ - Of A CANNED GOODS TRUST. The Western Packers Cauticil Goods Association Advlsi-d to Komi Ono. CmrAco , Fob , 15. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BBC. | The commodious convention 1ml in the Sherman house this morning rant , with shouts of approval when E. S. Judge of Baltimore , recommended that the Western Packers Canned Goods association form 'i trust. Mr. Judge is the editor of the Haiti moro Trade , n journal devoted to the eon canning industry. He talked for a half houi at the meeting of the association this morn ing , but ho never mentioned the word trust , although ho outlined a plan for tin iron clui combine in the trade.Vo haven't a market for all our product , " said Mr. Judge , "am the question is , whore tire we going to liml iti There nro hundreds of packers who , to meet obligations arc compelled to cut prices. Now , : v great many of these have sold so close that they llnd themselves nearly bankrupt , and some of them will KO out of business ere long. I hope they will , but that will not widen the market or prevent vent this deadly competition. We want an association that will govern prices. A sys tem of warehouses where the surplus pro duct could bo stored and , kept out of the market would solve the problem , and we could get our prices. If any section of the country not in the association attempted to cut prices wo could threaten them with a bigger cut , and they wouldn't dare to go be low us. It must be done , the Inevitable tend ency is ruination if a , combination of this Kind is not formed. It would not cost much , "Us the goods stored would bo ample security , and a guarantee of good fajtu. Men are prejudiced against any such action , the public and the newspapers cry out Against such combina tions , but when your pockot'bdtties into con sideration the dear public must pay. There are several associations of this kind In the east , notably in Virginia and Maryland , and we of that section soon expect to have a con vention to consider ths | subject. This asso ciation ought to take some decided stand in the matter. " ( Applause. ) The convention linally adopted a resolution this morning leaving the question of over-production to bo decided by each packer individually. TJIE COWIjEH TARIFF IJMjIj. 11 Is Amended By Striking Out the "Moonshine" Sections. WASHINGTON' , Feb. 15. The house com mittee on appropriations to-day resolved to report favorably a substitute for the Cowles internal rcvcnuo bill. 'Tho substitute pro vidcs for the repeal of the tobacco tax and omits the "moonshine" sections of the Cowles bill. Mr. Forney says ho will report n substi tute to the bill , removing the duty on uinnuj tacturcd tobacco and snuff , but not on cigars und cheroots. Representative Sayers of Texas said ho in tended to prepare a minority report. Ho said : "I am opposed to reducing the surplus by taking oft the tax on cigars , cheroots and cigarettes , until wo have llrst reduced the custom duties on the necessaries of life. In the shape in which the Cowells bill will be reported , it provides that after July 1 , next , all laws now in force , whereby fanners and producers of tobacco are respected in the sale and disposition of the same ; and all laws rclating'Ho internal revenue taxes on manufactured tobacco , snuff , cigars , cheroots and cigarettes , and the special taxes re quired by law to bu paid by manufacturers of and dealers in leaf tobacco , retail dealers in manufactured tobacco , peddlers of to bacco , snuff and cigars , and manufacturers of snuff and of cigars , shall bo repealed. It Is provided that also a drawback equal to the tax shall bo paid on unbroken factory pack ages in the bauds of manufacturers and deal ers when the law takes effect. A redemption at the pro rat a valuation of special tax stamps is provided for. The second section provides that nil Inter nal revenno laws limiting the restriction and regulating thu manufacture , sale or exporta tion of tobacco , Bnuff , cigars , cheroots and cigarette Hhall be repealed on July 1 , next , but that no drawback /shall bo allowed upon such articles entered for export on or after that ( Into. A proviso declares that all laws now in force shall remain and have lull force and effect In respect to all offenses committed , liabilities Incurred or rights in- cruing or accrued prior to the date when the repeal of the taxes shall take effect. another section provides for the abolition of of minimum punishments wherever pro scribes for violations of'tho internal revenue laws , with leave for the court to impose any line or punishment within the 'maximum. The remaining sections forbid the mutila tion of seized distilling apparatus and author ized the United Statcsjjudges tomako proper orders for the comlort-of persons whoso llfo or health are endangered by close confine ment. A provision Is innally made for the abolition of all oftlces far tliu collection of revenues which are cut off by the bill. The Personal RlKhtH Oil it'Aoo , Fob. 15. TJho organization known us the "Personal Klghfs League , " which was organized last summery and which has as ono of Its cardinal subjects a resistance to the irohiuitlon movement , which Is character- zed as a menace to citizens' rights , 1ms Issued in impassioned address to the citizens of the United States , warning thorn of tha dangers hrcatcnlng thgm in ! the prohibition move- iicnl , and calllng.011 all opposed to it to join u the work of fighting them by forming ocnl assemblies under the plan of the parent organization in Chicago. Murdered 'liy Italians. Wii.KnsiiAiimj , Pa , , Fob. 15. Early this nornlng the town of Plttston was thrown nto u fever of excitement over the finding of ho dead body of a .citizen of that place. The joily had thrca gunshot wounds on it. The nurtler was committed by Italians for the lurpobo of robbery. They buvo made their escape , but officers are in pursuit. There ire threats of lynching' the murderers if aught. H For Divorce. LONDO.V , Fob , 15. The Star says Lord Salisbury has begun suit for u divorce from its wife , who , before marriage to the mar- julsva known us Dolly Lester. FROM THE HAWKEYE STATE , Prisouors Club a Jailor rmd Muko Their Escape. A LAWYER INDICTED FOR FRAUD. IV lint the Estnhllshnictit of n Xuw Ijint : or Mississippi Stcninert ! Means to the Itlvcr Cities. River Cities .Jubilant. N , la. , Feb. 15. ( Special Tele- ffrain to Tin : BIE. 1 The announcement that n new line of stc.imcrs will bo established on the Mississippi this year by Minneapolis anil St. Louis capital , carried moro of ineanini' than was at once apparent. It means the re opening of the old light between the rail roads and Chicago on one hand as against every Mississippi river city. This struggle wns made once , years ngo , and the railroads won it. The result was to injure beyond wil- dilution Burlington , Davenport , Dubuque , and every city on the river. Possessed then , as It appeared , of the united advantages of both rail mid river transportation , these cities seemed bound by their location to grow rap idly , but througn the railroads' desire to wo- cure the long haul on every community , oven though its natural und cheapest channel wns south by the river to the sea , and in their consequent successful endeavor to kill tno river trade thcso cities have practically been deprived of both. But now comes the now line of steamers and an evident determina tion by the twin cities to throw off Chicago's yoke by shipping their ilour direct to New Orleans by river. This one step taken and others are bound to follow ; consequently river cities nre Justified to this extent in as serting that their turn will come soon como with the re-establishment of freighting by river. A Postmaster Uollnvoil. WATCIII.OO , la. , Feb. M. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bnn.J Postolllce Inspector F. M. Harris , of St. Louis , relieved the post- ortlcc at New Hartford , la. , of the incumbent , Thomas Houlihan , who was short $ . "iX ( ) in his accounts with the department. Houlihan was-running a general store and used the re ceipts of his oftlco in business. Ho made the amount up and was relieved , the bond holders appointing as his successor II. M. King. An Attorney Indicted. Four DOPOK , la. . Fob. 13. ( Special Tele gram to Tun Biu.j ; Tlic announcement made to-day of the indictment of John A Pedcrson for defrauding his clients , returned by a Pocahontas county grand jury , creates great surprise. Pedersen is ono of the prominent attorneys of nortliwest Iowa , and a leader of the Pocohontns county bar. Ho was at onetime time editor of the Qilmoro City Gazelle , mid moves in the highest society circles. A Jail Delivery. AXAMOSA , la. , Fob. 15. [ Special Telegram toTin : Bni : . ] Last night the notorious burg lars , Banks and Winters , in jail here under indictment for burglarizing a jcwlery store , and also under indictment for robbing a dry goods store in Cedar Rapids , and Smith's store in Ml. Vcrnon. knoekod the jailer down and escaped. The jailor was very seriously injured. _ Secretary Kndicott TellH Why It Was I -sued. WASHINGTON , Feb. 15. In response to a resolution calling for information relative to the issuing of the confidential order of Jan uary 5 , ISS'J , by General Benet , chief of ordnance , instructing the commanding of- llccrs of national armories and arsenals to favor democrats , other things baiug equal , in appointments and discharges from the service , Secretary Endicott to-day says that during the year 1SS5 there were numerous applications made to him for umployinont , coming mainly from persons who claimed that they had boon hitherto excluded from such employment because they were democrats. In conversation with the chief of ordnance , the secretary suggested that as a majority of tne places in the arrnorics _ and arsenals were held by republicans , in mak ing changes preferences should bo given to democrats until the members were substan tially divided between the two political parties. The chief of ordnance approved the suggestion , and issued the order men tioned in the resolution. The secretary says that ho did not see the order itself until two or three months after it waa issued , but it was not intended to include the discharge of workmen on account of po litical opinions , and was not so construed by the officers to whom it was addressed. No removals , the secretary continues , have been piado on account of the orders , and no meas ures taken by the war department to learn the political opinions ot women and children In its employment. General Benct states that the circular was made applicable to thorn because it had boon found by long ex perience that the disputes over politics wcro is prevalent among tins class us among their husbands and fathers. "BljACK HAIIT. " The Lone Hitjlnvaymaii la Arrested In i7 < ! iise's Old Domain. KANSAS CUT , Mo. , Fob. 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hi:1 ; . ] One of the most sensa tional arrests over made In tills city was con summated here to-day , when II. L. Gorton , better known as Black .Bart , the notorious California lone highwayman , was taken Into cu stody. It seems tiiat como time ago , shortly after the beginning of this year , Gorlon quiolly came to this city , .visited his old haunts in Missouri , and then wont to Leneva , Kan. Postofllco Inspector J. B. Johnslon , of St. . had received private information that nil Jiorton was In this vicinity and followed ilc ilm to Lcnova. To-day Gorton returned (1c that placn and John c mm , to-night on ston's orders ho was arrested opposite 11I 11I ho union depot and committed to jail , I charged with the robbery of u stage couch at c tignim'H ranch , Momlocino county , Cull- u brnia , December 4 , when ho obtained # 'J3i ( ind the Wells , l-'urgo & Co. express treasure > ox. Gorton , who is a perfect Dlondo In appear ance , claims to bo a stationary engineer and p have been In Lenova on n visit to his 'nther. Ho acknowledged having rot'enily omo from California , but would say nothing moro , Prmninm , Fob. 15. The Grand Lake Coal company , one of iho largest coal linns in this city , lias confessed Judgments for f 10- b 000. The sheriff made a levy to-day on three of their tow boats , and they will bo sold next : Friday. The extent of the failure Is not known , but the opinion Is expressed tha't the " h amount Is not heavy. Tim firm's property , vhich runs up into hundreds of thousands of dollars , is distributed along the rivcr from his city to the Gulf of Mexico. The cmbar- asbinent dates back from last August , when ho great storm at New Orleans dcbtroyed u urge amount of the compuny'u coal und raft. The Ooldon ( Juti : Special. SA.N FitA.vcisco , Feb. 15 , Beginning to- narrow the Golden Gate special will carry touches for Chicago und Now York mull on ts weekly trip , making the time to Chicago Ighty-four hours and Now York 118 hours. Die Southern Paclfloolllulu ! * expect to short- .v put ou u second vestibule train , making of emi-wet'kly trips and eventually d'jily. In TIIK PAHNKljtj lK1 t'ljlt , Solicitor Sonnies Tolls How the Times Scoured Thoin. LONDONFob. . 15. Pariiolf wns present to day at the session of the Parnell commission Sonnies , solicitor for the Times , was further cross-examined. Ho denied that no hiul hoard that Pigott and the league clerk ho Interviewed torviewed in Ireland had a grievance against Parnell. Pipott , ho said , had mtulo n statu tory declaration that Solicitor Lewis hnd offered - forod him , CllK)0 ) If ho would swear ho had forged the loiters said to have been \\vltton bv Parnell. The Times paid Piirolt A'40 or Col ) , Witness had Pigott watched and traced him Into the company of Laboucbere. He paid Houston , secretary of the Irish Loyal and Patriot union , altogether l''ltXH ) . Upon direct examination Soames said that no bar gain was made when the letters wore llrst brought to the Times. Their genuineness was to bo tested before payment was made. Soames said that Pigott told him of the in terviews ho had with Solicitors Lewis mid Lnboucherc. The latter sent Pitott several 10 notes. Pigott showed the witness a let ter from Solicitor Lewis , accusing him ( Pigott ) of having admitted that ho forgot the loiters , and his reply , whereupon the Witness required that a statutory declaration be made in which Pigott detailed the uniu- uiunicullons between himself and Solicitor Lewis , including an offer of .C1OIK ) by Lewis on Wolmlf of L-abouchoro if ho would swear that ho hud forged the letters. This stato- mmit caused a sensation in the court room. Continuing , Soamessaid hehad never prom ised Pigott a six petico , but know that Pigott had asked Houston for i'5,000 on Iho ground that it would be impossible for him to live in Dublin uftorgiving evidence for the i'iiiics , and that he wanted to iimke some provision for himself. Witness told him ho would not listen to such snirgestioiiK , but that he ( Pigott ) mmlit ivst satisfied that the Times would never see him ruined through his honesty In testifying to all ho knew. Soumos said that a man c.illtni , ' himself Wilson wrote to him offering to givu in forma tion. He recognized thu writing as that of u man named O'Brien , who was an emissary from Kjriw to Luboueliero. Tlio offer to furnish information was simply a plant. Witness knew O'Brien was a man who was known in America as Robertson. It was Robertson who deluded Detective Mosor with lott'jr.4 whluh had since been admitted to be for ( . .cries. Kirby was paid i'W to go to America and procure from Sheridan the original PuriicU lelicr. n fao simile of which was published in the Times. Soames said that if the Parnell letters were forgeries , then the writing of the others signed with the names of ICgau , Campbell , IXivitt , and O'ICelly ' , of Tyrone , must huve been forged. The bodies of the six disputed Parnell letters were In the writ ing of Campbell , Macdonald , manager of the Times , deposed that in October , IShO , ho got live I'arnell and six Kgan letters. Ho stipulated that their authenticity must bo tested before the pay ment of tno price that Houston said ho gave for them. When the O'Kelly and Duvitt let ters were tested lie gave Houston jtl.TSt ) , the exact sum expended in gaining possession of them. Witness had asked about the differ ence in the body of the letters and the signa tures , and Houston told him it was a practice of the leaders lor one to write a letter , another to sun , and a third to address the envelope. The bodies of the Parnell letters wcro all more or less written In a disguised hand , oxeept one letter dated at Kilmaiiihum. The witness had heard that Iho letters were offered to Lord Burlington before being offered to the Times. The witness was con vinced that the letters were genuine. A SAMOA.VVII1TK BOOK. Forty-four Ducnmjiitu Coviirini * a Period of Over Two Yearn. Bi'UMN , Feb. 15. In the reichstag to-day a white book in reference to the Samoa matter was introduced. It comprises lortj- four documents , extending from December 3 , 1SSO , to February 5 1SS9. Among the documents Is the report of the German ' consul at Apia , du'lecl February ; .M , 1SSS , de scribing Ihe endeavors of the Americans and Englishmen to provoke conflicts. A dispatcli dated September , 1SSS , deals with the revolt of Malaafa and the sppport given to him up Captain Leary , of the United Stales Navy. After ail ] account of the attack upon the Germans on December 18 , comes a telegram from Herbert Bismarck dated January 1 , IS H , to the Gorman ministers at Washington and London , directing them to inform Secretary Bayard and Lord Salis bury in tqis respect , and ordering Iho minis ter at Washington to complain to the United Stales govornmentthattho Amer ican Klein was prominent in tlio lighting On January S Herbert Bismarck tele graphed Iho German consul ut Apia that on account of an agreement with tlio United Slales and Great Britain the annexation of Samoa by Germany was out of Ihu question. A document dadod February 2 , which was sent by Count Herbert Bismarck to Admi ral Baron von iler Gotz , chicf'of the German admiralty , says : "Germany is not at war with S imoa , as the terms uro understood by mtu'-national ' law , but she regards Tumasese as the right ful ruler and Mataafa us a rebel , against whom aud his followers retaliation must bo enforced. Any one standing byticinis a promoter of thy conflict between t'lcm ' and the Germans , and must talie the cense quences. " Count Herbert concludes by declaring that nothing is changed In Ihe legal portion of Iho forolili subjects In Samoa. The white book ends with a long report dated January 4 , from Ihu German CU-IHU ! at Apia. Thu report has thirteen appu.uliees , dealing with events from December 4 , IbSS. Those record that on December 10 Malaafa , in an Humble letter , sought lo open negotiations with thu consul , but would not surrender himself , although pledges were given him Uml his life would bu spared. In a subsequent letter Malaafa promises to Hill-render ui Ihu pres ence of thu British and American consuls , The German consul declined to LUtertaitithu offer. Comment on tin ; P.uus Feb. 15 , The opportunist and moderate journals , in commenting nil thu vote of the chamber of deputies yesterday on the motion to indefinitely postpone debate ou thu bill for the revision of Iho constitution , hay that carlo blanche has been given Presi dent Caniot to oxcrciKO perfect Illiurty in the construction of a new cabinet and to form ono according to his own choice. The radi cal papora assort that Floquot's overthrow is possible. Thu conservative organs do-dare that the dissolution of the chamber of Uopu- , tic-sis now moro than over necessary. The clumber , they say , can no longer bo rolled upon. PassniiKtM' ftulo CIII < 'ACIO. Fob , 15. Tlio general passenger agents of lines in tha western states passen ger association to-day decided thai no re duced rate shall bo made of less than a fare and one-third for any number of people under r.'jlt , ami thu minimum nito for any iiumbur of jieopla over 5JU shall not bu les.i tlmn one fare for the lonml trip , A PariiiHi' * ' JiiMilnto Provision , WASIIIXOIO.N , Fob. 1C , Tlio bill introduce , ! by Mi * . Spooner to-day provides that u sys tem of furmurs' JiiHtitules .shall bu maintained | tained as part of the agricultural depart ment. The annual cost of this system of in stitutes is not to uxceeil : f5lji,0 JO , exclusive of permanent salaries and printing reports of Institute meetings. Quelled hy the Military. PESTiiFcb.l5 The disorders occasioned by the htudonts who arc opposed lo the urm.y bill were quelled last night by the military. c Forty-eight persons were arrested for taking u part in tlio riot , Forty of them were re leased. _ In Minnesota. b Ai.EXA.NiiiiiA , Minn. , Fob. IS. John Leo bJ \ was hanged hero this morning at 10:01 : for Ju Jv the murder at Brandon , Mum. . July IS , IS * , u Charles Clielalno.ovor a girl that Lee was lia love with , a Report of the IIouso Wnyo find Menus Commlttoo. ITS VALIDITY IS QUESTIONED. They Declare It a Violation of the Ijaw VrNtlnjt the Power of Originating Kovcnua BUN. A Constitutional Quest Inn. \Vismxmox , Feb. IB. The re-port of the Rommlttcu on ways and means upon cuato amendments to the tariff bill lias raised a constitutional point. The bill , as It cnmo from the SomiteIs a violation of Iho provis ions of thu constitution allowing thu housa power to originate revenue bills. The re mainder of the report is devoted to an expla nation of the polntsof difference between the senate mid house bills , and an argument In tended to prove that the sennto till i.s In HO sense a proper amendment to the house bill. The committee , ut a meet Ing this morning , practically decided to report n bill making tin estimated reduction in the revenues ot nbout $ ; 0OIHIHH ) > . After readln - the report ou the scmito tariff bill submitted this morning the committee touK tip for c msldenitton the revenue reduc tion bill offered by Mr. McMillan , of Ten- nessoe. Thu bill was rend through , but pending n vote tlio commlttcu adjourned. The bill is mthsi.iuthilly thu same us the Mills bill , with Iho exception of the cotton mid chemical HChcdules. The latter nro stricken out , as is also the iron schedule , with the oxo.eplinii of the provisions relating to pig iron , railroad tics , structural iron ami tin plate. The free list In the bill -la almost identical with that of the Mills bill. Thu report of the committee in referring to thu senate llnunco commlttoi * says , in part : "Tho policy of thu party represented by the finance oomiiiittee is a policy of rji.strie- tion. not only against the importation of products , but restriction against the distri bution ot wealth among thu masses by per mitting them to buy where they can buy the cheapest and sell whore they can sull the highest. It is a restriction against tlio em ployment of labor a restriction against the demand for employment mid hotter wages. It is contended by them that if we oxoluda foreign Imports our own iimaufacturor.s und their workmen will supply them , and that will give employment to our own people. " The report then adduces Dgurus and .statis- lics of the operation of the tnriu' law in past years to meet the senate to lent on , and de- claret , that those years which showed a de creasing importation was among thu darkest in our industrial history. It is contended that reduced duties means larger exportations - tions , und that increased importations means increased prosperity , and that Hi ) per cent of the goods consumed hi the United States'aio irodtieod at a lower cost tlmn in foreign countries. It is said that a reduction in rates will increase the importation of articles now imposed , con- stituling less tlmn * i per cent of consumption , but it would not bring to this country any irliclcs now produced ut home , because they can bo and are produced mid sold hero cheaper than they can bq produced abroad , imported and sold hero in competition with : > urown. The lowering of duties will not increase the importation ol'anyot thoartlcles which wo manufacluro at homo , but it wjll lower the price of those articles to the consumer. The committee say Unit Iho policy defined and declared by the tiiinnco committee is destructive to nil American in terests except that of buildni'up piivllegcd classes , who nro to bo on r'ched ' and kept so by a prostitution of the taxing power of the govern merit. Thu report says there is no good reason why thu sugar bounty provis ion in Iho senate bill should be adopted , and concludes witli the stutcjiiicut that there will really bo no reduction in the customs revenue under thu provisions of tlio senate substi tute. tM.VN AND < ALGKH. ! The Latter Will Doniand an K tion 1'iom Iho Former. WASHINGTON' , Feb. Ifi. [ Special Telo- gratn to Tun Bni : . ] A dispatch from Col umbus , O. . says General A Igor , of Michi gan , who was at. the Lincoln birthday ban quet Iho other night , was quoted as saying lie had written Senator Sherman demanding un uxplanallon of the charges ullributod lethe the latter. These charges , which circulated very freely when Algor was spoken of as thu possible secretary of war , were tiut | Senator Sherman had notified General lliuv risen that liu certainly would oppose Gen eral Alger's confirmation if nominated. The reason was said to bo that Algcr's inonay had purchased the votes of southern dele gates away from Sherman at the Chicago convention , Goncral Alger i.s said to have been very indignant when ho heard all this , and said at Columbus that he would have a satisfactory explanation or know why. Senator Sherman was asked this mornli'g1 ' what ho know about Die miiltcr. Ho replied coldly tlml.lio. had not received any letter from General Alger , and had nothing to say nbout newspaper stories of alleged Thee < t Virginia Deadlock. iTox , W. Vu , , Feb. , 15. There was great excitement In the Joint assembly to-day. President Carr of the senate an nounced that ho would , from now on , cast his vote for General Goff for United .States senator. Kirk , who cast his vote heretofore lor HOIIIO union laboriti' , also declared him- Rolf for Goff from now on. Burr , another laborite , cast hl.s vote for Senator Kcnnu , and will remain with him hereafter. Door still refuses to vote for ICoiina. The follow ing ballot was taken : Goir , 42 ; Kcnnu- ! ! ! ; W. Tico , 1. The election now hangs on Dorr , who is a democrat , but who Is bitter against Kcnna. The Pin ; Itouord. Cmi'i'invA , Win. , Fob , , 15. About midnight last night Uro bfoku out in Gliii-kmau & Hol ler's block. The flames spread rapidly and three buildings wcro consumed. The loss on buildings was 50,000. liisur.meu unknown. Othiir losses were Iho Gluokmun dry goods stock , fl.r,0t'0 , insurance $ iiiXI : ( ( ; A. Moses , variety hiore , loss $ . ' 15.000 , liiHiiraiico f lil.OflO ; L. 11. Heller , dry goods , tfil.XX ( ) , Insurance SI'U'H ) ; Rusk ft Uoliiud , law oniccflfi.OOO , insurance ( MIX ) ; Times Printing office , ci.oi'0. insurance * 1,00. The ( J. A , 11. post mid ether lodges lost all their furniture ; In sured. The Western Cnlon telegraph com pany have put up Instruments in toinpor.'iry quarters , The fire stariod in Mosus1 collar , ' whore a quantity of powder was itorcd. IlloodMhod In I'Viired. ' ROI.M , Dak. , Fob. 1.1. Special Telegram to Tin ! Bin : . ] Bloodshed In the half-breed settlement Is expected at any moment. Com pany A , N. N. ( ! . , wont to Dmiseith with ti.o fihcriff and POSBO last night , unit to-day moved upon the recalcitrant breeds. News will bo brought hero by courier if u battle occurs , VlHcoiinl lUoro A SAN FinNi'iffo , Feb. Ifi. A ro coived from Toltio announces the ntiou there of Viscount Arrnorl Moro , minis ter of education , who was minister from Japan to Washington about JisVO. The iisHUH.iin was u religious fiumlii ; , und the trim u In considered lo huve no political sit- iiilicnnco , Abandoned fo HIM Niw : HuiroiiD , Mans. , Feb. 15. The Lis bon nowspnpcni state that the whaling bark Mary Fru/ler , of Kdgurtown , the oaptulu ot which wai lined heavily ut Westmvi lelnml on bogus charges of violations of thorovciiuo laws , h.n boon abandoned lo the Por.uguosi * nuthuritms.