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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1889)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY UBE : FKOJAY , FEBRUAKY .15. 1889. THECITY. _ _ Clinis T3oucr will Icnvo Omnlia to tiny , for n visit to friends In Gor in tiny. The Pnxton fe VlerlltM , ' Iron works Imvo Increased their stock from $1125,000 to $1200,000. The brldpo motor compnny is run nhig nine trains between this city tint ; Council mulls. J. 1) . J. Kynnn well-known nowspa * iior mnn of thi3 city , is lying seriously ill nt his homo on Walnut Hill. Mngtfio Norton went visiting friends " \Vcilnesiluv afternoon , and durinp the visit brok'o several ptuius of glass $7.50. The first annual entertainment am' ball by the Ladles'Aid society will be fflven'in "Washington hull on the 10U instant. Charlie Molt carried a concealed filuntfshot in the lotf of his boot , and Jmlfjo Hcrlm thought the privilege was wortli So and costs. Only ono building permit was gran tec" yesterday. It was to II. IX Dwcllcy , foi repairs to n dwelling nt Thirty-second and Western , $100. P. 1' . Theabidean was accused of beinj , drunk and denied the charge. After hearing his story Judge Uurka chargeil him $7.00 to square it. Charles Adams will spend ten days ii the county jail to provo that ho cat work and is not a vagrant. Judge Uerki mid so yesterday afternoon. The friends of neorgo Carrel , late jailor at Cumlng street , are thinking of ghing him a benefit , in the shape o a ball , lie is an old timer and has many friends in Omaha. The marriage of Mr. M. L. Koedot and Miss Polly Goldsmith tool plane last evening at 5 o'clock at tlu residence of the bride's parents , Twen tieth and Dodge street. Wednesday afternoon ono of the OITV ployes of Unas , the llorlst , in decorat ing the west wall of the o.xpohitior block for the Conconlia ball , slipped or his ladder from a height of about twentj feet and fell heavily on the lloor , re ceiving a bovcro gash over the left eye. Personal Paragraph1' . E. H. Lane , Ivmw * City , is at Hie Paxton. C ! . H. Simpson , of llulcna , Mont. , is attlio Pnxton. GoorRO Qulglcy , of Kansas City , is at the Millnnl. II. Curtail , of Lincoln is registered ut the Murray. A. H. Uitrgwln , of Payctte , is reRistercd : i the I'axton. J. M. ICdimnson , of Lincoln , Is a guest of the Millnnl. A. U. Hoyd , of Lincoln , 111. , wasattho Mil Inrd yesterday. J. S. Pundoll , of Kansas City , is stopping at the Murray. I ) . C. Howard nnd daughter , of Kearney , arc registered nt tlio Millnrd. II. W. Reynolds and Charles H. Winsliip , of Lincoln , are ut the Murray. A. S. Garrctson , .lames K. Hoogc , Edward Holikiiison , of Sioux City , are nt the Mil lnrd. lnrd.W. W. P. Tibbots , general passenger acent of tlio Denver & Klo Grand ruihv.iy , is at the Paxton. _ A Hill of Sale. Stor/ & Her took a hill of sale yesterday , from Dan Buckley , the saloon keeper at ill- South Fifteenth street , for fo,4M.70 ( , and to them he luis conveyed his entire outtlt. AVantH n Meeting. Secretary Hnrkncss , of tlio Council BlulTs- binaha ChautauQini association , wus on this Bide yesterday consulting the Omaha trustees He wants to arrange for a public meeting Bomo Sunday evening at which Dr. Uurycn , Hevs. House , Scott and other prominent ministers will spcuk. $2tOO ( ) in Wednesday the Omaha & Grant Smelting nnd Kofining works shipped twenty-three pigs of pure silver weighing about eleven hundred ounces each , to the United States mint at Now Orleans. The value of the lot Is about J3UOO. Klllliic "Witli a Veiitrenricc. A Twelfth street butcher near Capitol nvo line , owns a Jim Crow bulldog which ho al lows to run at largo. The brute spends its time killing much smaller dogs than himself , nnd yesterday added another to the list of cinline fatalities. Knil or a -liginii8 Illor. Ed Jusklnd , M. L. Gilensky , M. L. Crash fsky , A. Huhcnsteln and M. Horrvich , all arrested for being principals In the riot nt a Hussian Jewish synagogue over the advance mcnt of a now theory concerning Christ's crucifixion by the rabbi , were iltmlly ar raigned in the police court , and at the insti gallon of Aunuu Uernstcin , the main prose ciiting witness , the case was dismissed with costs. Crclghton Guard Ijlterary Society. The following programme will bo rendered at the meeting to bo held thi s evening' nt the rooms of the Edward Croighton guards in the Ware block , by the lltcraryso- cicty connected with that association : Duct , Mcssrfl. Wcllmun nnd Paul ; ' 'The ' Hattlo of Winchester1 Captain C. J. Smith ; recita tion , "Tho Polish Hey , " Miss Maud Hussio ; vocal solo , Mr. C. 10. Chcrmohlcn ; paper , Mr. P. H.Carey ; recitation , Mr. Lou Unchr ; character song , bnnja accompaniment , Mr. Charles Hrcnnan ; instrumental solo , Miss Ello Iloean ; "Tho Question Uox , " mouibcis. An liiNtino Attorney. Jailer Miller has in charge at the county bastilo a very sud case of insanity ono that calls for the sympathy of everybody. The unfortunate Is a young lawyer , John Flynn , whojias been for some tlmo been employed In Powell Clayton's oftlco and was always considered a bright follow. Recently ho commenced to Imagine Unit u gang of dos- ponuloes was pursuing him to tnku his lifo and at times his ravings uro very pitiful. Wepnesday evening , the jailor accompanied ' by Deputy Sheriff Grebe , went to Fiynn's v boarding place at SM13 Cumlng street nnd brought him to the county Jail where ho Is now confined. _ tin MI To ItiillilincH. A building belonging to the Packard holrs at 1314 north Sixteenth street has been deemed unsafe nnd the Inmates ordered to vacate. The liousa was built on tilled In ground and the dirt under tha boards on which the brick foundations are built got washed out by water from a bursted pipe. This caused the building to settle ana crack on ono side. Tim recent dis.mtrous gale caused the building to crack In otticr places and the superintendent of buildings believes that it Is unsafe to live In , A private meeting has been hold in the onlco of the superintendent of buildings concerning - corning the safety of the Holluiau block on .the corner of Thirteenth and Furuam , but Mr. WulUoclc refuses yet to divulge tlio re- A I/OKII ! Point. Stephen S. Pclkor has entered suit In Jus tice Krocger's court against Constable Churlcs W. King to recover fifty cases of brandy , a safe and other articles seized by thut ollicial on an attachment. Pelker claims that the way the goods were seized Is illegal. The original case came up In Justice Heed's Court , and on tha day sot for the hearing Pollier , who was then defendant , appeared. but the justice did not. I.ntor , Hoed sent word to I'olkcr to i appear at another tlmo , but he infused to do so , and tlio goods were turned over Into the hands of the constable on the date chosen the second tlmo. As Heed failed to thaw up the first tlmo , Politer claimed the suit wus subsequently out of Ins jurisdiction nnd the present suit Is on the ircngtU of that belief , AN KJjKOANT OIPT. ClerKs of Hie HcBlnter's Office Are tlio Donnrft. Iteglitcr of Deeds Megeath nnd his wife celebrated their crystal wedding yesterday. Seventeen clerks of tha oBIco said Mr. Me- gcath an elegant compliment , by presenting to him and hU wife ft magnificent silver fruit stand , ujxm which was a largo crvstnl bowl. There n et of silver fruit knives , which accompanied the stand. At first the em ployes of the register's onlco Intended to visit Mr. Mcgcoth's residence , corner of Park and ICJ Creitfliton avenues , and surprise the couple on their fifteenth anniversary , but after the present was purchased Deputy English learned that Mrs. Megeath WAS ill , nnd the visit was postponed until Saturday night , by which time it is expected that she will bo able to receive them. The present , however , was sent last night. On the plate of the stand Is engraved : "Compliments of the Clerks of the Kcglstur of Deeds to Mr , and Mrs. T. A. Mcgoiith , Feb. 14 , 1851V1 Pleasant to the taste , surprisingly quick in effect and economical in price no wonder that Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup is the leading preparation of its kind. "Oh ! woman In thy hours of case , uncer tain , coy and Inrd to please. " With chil dren hurt , long hours she's spent. Do try Salvation Oil , the liniment. . - Can't Afford H. Prank Murphy , of the Omaha Gas works , was questioned with regard to the ordinance which was passed to n second reading tit the last meeting of the council , providing that hereafter the cost of as shall not bo greater than ono dollar per tliouinnd , except In cases of default , where an additional S."i cents may be added after tun days. ' He stated that bo did not expect that the ordinance would pass for the reason that it was unreasonable. It would bo utterly Impossible for thcrr works to bo run at such n rnto. They had Increased the sl/o of their gas holder , put in a largo number of mains , bought new property , and expected before the end of the year to spend perhaps about f'JOO.OW ) . If the price of gas should be re duced future expenditures in this direction would have to Uo curtailed. Ui > to the pres ent tlmo hut u slight return on the capital invested had been attained , and if the ordi nance were passed , to protect themselves , thny would have to go into the courts to have determined whether or not the proposed - posed Price might bo considered under the charter as reasonable. An Unclaimed hagac- . Joseph Drukkcr. manager of the diamond department of Max Meyer's store , has re ceived a note from u friend in England to the effect that for the last thirty years a bequest to the Drukkcr family has been lying In the vaults of tlio Batik of Kngland. The bequest was that of a wealthy namesake who died in Holland some forty .years ago. The friend who has notified Mr. Drukkcr informs him that a .strong presumption exists that his family is interested in this bequest. Mr. Drukkcr has accordingly written the Hank of England for particulars. Imimiimcl Hospital. Extensive arrangements arc being made for an entertainment for the benefit of the Immanucl hospital which is to take place in Exposition hall on the evening of the 82(1 nnd iiu. ! ) Prof. W. Dahlborn will arrange a number of tableaux. There will be vocal pieces and recitations. Model Way of Curing ; a Cold. A. A. Aycrlll writes from Salem , Essex Co. , Mass. . Feb. 11,1SSO : 1 'About ten days ago I took n severe cold , which settled in my chest nnd buck nnd caused me great suffering. I immediately procured three AI.I.COCK'S Ponors PI.ASTCICS ; two I applied to my chest nnd ono to my back. In n few hours my pains sensibly abated , and in three days I was entirely well. I take great pleasure in recommend ing ALLCOCU'S PlASTKUS. " Want At their last meeting , the Soldiers' Monument ment association took stops toward having the legislature pass an act under which they inu.v incorporate. Investigation seems to re veal the fact that there is no provision in the statutes authorizing the formation of an or ganization such as is required. At the Point of Do.ith. John W. CInrk , a long resident and popu lar attorney of Weeping Water , who has been suffering for u long time with Hright's disease of the kidneys , " is in Omaha under treatment of n skillful .physician. A telephone - phone message received by Mr. Clark's rela tives this evening says ho is just aUvo and is not expected to live through the night , Shocking Accident. So rend the headlines of many a news paper column , and wo peruse with pal pitating interest the details of the ca- tastrophy , and are deeply impressed by the sacrifice of human lives involved. Yet thousands of men and women are falling victims every year to that ter rible disease , consumption ( scrofula of the lungs ) , and they and Ihoir friends are satislied to believe the malady in curable. Now , there could bo no greater mistake. No earthly power , of course , can restore a lung that is entirely wasted , but Dr. Piorco's golden medical discovery will rapidly and surely arrest tlio ravages of consumption , if taken in timo. Do not , therefore , despair , until you have tried this wonderful remedy. Tlio Newspaper Vandal. There nro many degrees of meanness. Men may bo mean in great things , and in lesser things. Hut a little bit of meanness Is moro contemptible than a great , overshad owing aggregation of cusscdness. The stealing of n newspaper off the door-steps of a subscriber has been often characterised us an act worthy of the meanest man on earth , So it la. Complaints are numerous among sub scribers of Tin : HBB that the paper Is stolen from tlio front yard or porch by some soul less culprit , who perhaps knows nothing of the dead certninty of retributive Justice. THE HEU has received tlio follow ing complaint from u very distinguished lady. It voices the sentiments of thousands of people , to whom the loss of oven one Issue of this paper is irreparable : TIM North Nineteenth street. Fob. iStlr To the ICditor of Tun Uin : ; The day 1ms dawned bright and boantiful. 1 am in un 1 usual health , feeling at pcaco with all man- ( kind , until I asked for the morning Hen , but nlns' it was not to bo found. Now next to my cup of coffee , the Hr.n Is ono of my morn- In ? munltics. When I no not got It my eonll- ibrlutn Is disturbed for all day. This depri vation so frequently occurs that 1 fear my natural amiability nnd patience will be en tirely exhausted. I have given divers nnd sundry Intimations to different messengers from the oftlM of Tim HUB to have my paper placed in tno letter box under the plarrn , and under the door mnt on the piazza , but still It is thrown to the winds , falls Into my neighbors aren , It is seized by some thief , then I am obliged to send down town for another. Can this bo remedied ) Yours truly , EI.IZUICTII Ctnv STVN-TON' . That hacking cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. A Crystal Wedding. The homo . of Mr. nnd Mr < < . Ernest Stuht was nlivo with merriment Wednesday evening , the event be ing the crystal Wedding of that happy pair. Many handsome gifts were presented. The following were present : Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Woolloy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hunt , Mr.imd'Mrs.J. Standoven. Mr. ami Mrs. Jos. M. Heck , Mr. and Mrs , William Osborno , Mr. and Mrs. Silas Wright , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Hiunlin , Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Lewis , Mr. W. 1 { . Hurgess. Mr. J. A. Johnson , Mr. it. E. WaUgh , Mr. Will Peterson , Mr. L. E. Kncnle , Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Smith , Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus Hnmcl , Prof , and Mrs. Toozor , Mr. and Mrs. Jackson , Captain nnd Mrs. Wo ds , Mr and Mrs. W. U. Wiles , Mr. nnd Mrs. 1C. C , Cooper , Mr. and Mrs. George IJennett , Mr. and Mrs. Morgan , Mr. and MM. James Hit ter , Mr. nnd Mrs. Niels Matson , Miss Ame lia HHimer , Miss Anna Pntcrson , Miss Eva Parsons. ' _ Thoii anls of Dollars are spent every year by the people of this stuto for worthless medicines for the cure of throat and lung dlsoiiscs'Whoii wo know that if they would only invest 81 in SANTA AUII ] the now California discovery for consump tion and kindred complaints they would in this pleasant remedy find relief. It is rec ommended by ministers , physicians nnd pub lic speakers of the Golden State. Sold nnd guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co , at SI a bottle. Three for kM. . The most stubborn case of catarrh will speedily succumb to CALIFOKNIA CAT-K- CUUE. Six months' treatment for $1. Hy mail SI.10. _ Dan Is Finally Pnnlslioil. An examination of the ground on Cut-Off island where John Nelson handed n $10 bill to Dan Cntnpboll which the latter offered to get change for but failed to leturn with , shows that the transaction took place just west of the old river beil and was beyond all dispute on land insidoof Nebraska. Accord ingly n warrant was sworn out for Campbell in tills city and Me was arrested on the chnrire of larceny us bailee. Ho admitted on nr- ralgiuncnt that he had appropriated money to his own use , but attempted to palliate the offence by claiming that ho was drunk at the time , The court held , however , that a man who wilfully gets intoxicated is responsible for any act lie may do while in that condition , and without waiting to hear nnyfuithcr evidence than Campbell's con fession , his honor sentenced him to twenty- live days. Campbell , who is better known ns Ited Dan , is ono of the most cunning and unscrupulous of crooks and has been ar rested a number of times before for petty thefts. A Terrible Misfortune. It is a calamity of the direst kind to feel that one's physical cnercies are failing in the prime of life to feel moro nerveless , more dispirited , weaker every day. Yet this is the unhappy lot of hundreds who sur round us. A bourco of renewed sUength which science approves , in behalf of which multitudes of the debilitated have and arc every day testifying , and which , in count less instances , has built up constitutions sapped by weakness and infirmity and long unbenetltted by other means , surely com mends itself to nil who need a tonic. .Hos teller's Slomoch Hillers is such n medicine pure , batonic , soothim ? to the nerves , pro- motive of digestion and"a fertilizer of Iho blood. Dyspepsia nnd nervousness , the first n cause , the second a consequence of lack of stamina depart when a course of the bit- trcs is tried. All forms of malarial disease , rheumatism , kidney and bladder trouble , constipation nnd biliousness are annihilated by this standard family medicine. An Insane Jeweler. Martin Mlnckler , n watch-maker in the employ of Max Meyer & Co. , lias been la boring under the delusion that everybody ii Omaha were lelcphoncs nnd that Ihey wore circulating bad stories about Him. He triei to be a "telephone" himself and told pretty tough stories about the ladies with whom ho boarded on Cass street , nnd mixed up sev eral prominent Jewelers with them. The man was supposed to bo in a demented con dition , and yesterday the board of insanity made an examination of the case. About n dozen witnesses , includidg Julius Meyer , John Haumer , and other jewelers for whom Mincklor had worked , were summoned and testified to his insanity. Mincklor related some delusive and weird stories during the examination. After the testimony was heard the board adjudged the man insane. Ho will bo taken to the asylum at Lincoln. Darrow & Are now prepared to fill all orders from their new stock. Temporary location 1107 Jlarnoy stredt. Will Go to St. Jjouls. President Martin , of the board of trade , appointed Uoiijaiiiin Gallagher yesterday as a delegate to attend the national convention of the representative commercial bodies of the United Slates which will bo held nt St. Louis , Feb. S3. The invitation to the local board was extended by the associated whole sale grocers of St. Louis , nnd President Murtin accordingly delegated an Omaha grocer to represent the board nt the conven tion , which will bo hold to formulate and submit to congress an equltu'blo ' bankrupt act. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize ! * is guaranteed to euro you. For sale bv Uoodmun Drug Co , " .Hy Valentino. " Following is the only marriage licenses is sued yeslerday iu the county court by Judge Shields : Name and Residence. Age , Daniel Murphy , Omaha ; Mary MeCnnn , Omaha k " 4 CREAM U F < CTl EXTRACTS Fi fUTURAL FRUIT FLAVQAS I Pscil by the United Slates Rovernmeut. Kndorsed by the Jieadi of the Ortat Universities and rutillc lfoo < l Aualytti , ns the BtrouReit. Viireet and most Healthful. Mr. I'rlce'n Cream Uaklog Powder does not contain Ammonia , I.luicor Alum. Ir , 1'rlce'a Dcllcjous I'lavorini : Ex tract , Vnuilla , Leiuou , Orange , Almond , Xose , etc. , do not coiitalu 1'olsonoua Oils or Ciieiukala , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , NtwYork. Chlcogo. 81. Louis. Absolutely Pure. Till ? powder m'verMU'lP' . A iimrvcl ot purity , slrciiFtli nnd ivholpsolnvllM . .Mnro economical than the oidlnim klnilx , nnd rntinot bo sold In coiupt'tltlonvitli tun iitultltitdut of Ion cost , shortwelfc'ht nltitu or plioMphiiti' powdora Sold only In enns. Uoynl HnktliK I'uwdvr Co. , l 'i ! Wailstrcet , New iort Qnrn fiirflcll ESTADLISHED 1 06 1 riSO So. jjuroiuresij chCnBo | , ins , i lufl Regular Old-Estahllshefl PliVSICIAN AND SURGEON Is slll ! Treating \vllh the Grostesl SKILL and SUCCESS Chroiiic , Neryons and Private Diseases , C3-NERVOU3 DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Foiling Memory , Exhnustlnp Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache nnd all ilic cfTecli lending to early dccwy and pcihaps Consumption ot Insanity , treated scientirically by new methods with ncter-failinK success. Kv SYPHILIS .ind all bad Blood and Skin Die- ens:3 permanently cured. d'KIDNEYRnd URINARY complaints , Gleet , Oonorrhoca , Strictu re , Varicocele and all di-caics of the GcnltoUrlnarjOrgans cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organ * . 47tF * No experiments * Age and experience 1m * portant. Consultation free and sacred. AS-Send 4 centt post.iKC Tor Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. B"Those contemplMinc Marriage end for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both 25 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor , A friendly letter or call may sax efutuiesulTer. ing and shame , and add golden ) ears to life.49KIlook "Life's ( Scciet ) Errors , " socents ( stamps ) . Mcdicin * and writings sent everywhere , Secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays g to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. ClarU St. . CHICAGO , ILL , 15 TO 40 PER CENT Cas Bills ! Guaranteed by using THE National Automatic .Gas-Saving Governor , Sccxtro-5 a steady nnd uniform uegrco of Illu mination , resulting from regular pri'hsuro and consequent perfect combustion of tlio Insuring u pun ) and liaalthful atmosphere , nml obviating tlio sooty deposits of unconsuined carbon upon frescoed walls , paintings nnd draperies. 1'rovi'nts the disagreeable whittling , blowing and smoking of burners , and avoids thn fru- * ( titi-nt danger and e.xpenso of broken globes. The Governor cists tlio consumer PKAfTI- CAMiY NOTIIJNO , as the .saving In gas bills ( Where full capacity of motor N ii'-eil ) will rebate - bate cost o Governor in every threu or four months' scn-ico and In largo buildings every slxtv days , thus returning rKOM MI to COT PEk CUNT , annual dividends on tlio Investment , OVER 10,000 MACHINES IN SERVICE. NOTICE ! We lull attach our ( Jus-Sin iiifr Machines to any niclor upon the basis of one-half the viiluo of monthly Sining * . Practical tests made nt our olllcc. Public In vited. Agencies distributed In all cities , THE GAS SAVING GUARANTEE CO , , S. 1' . Corner Kith and Fariium Sis. , OMAHA. NEK. "Patented Aug. 16,1887 iMnnnvEn JUNE 20 , 1888. Dr. Owen'8 Elec tro Galvanic Body brltand Suspensory , are guaranteed to 'Ccuro Hie following diBcafos natnclriall . Illicumatio O o m- C'v plaints , I.uniliago , 4v General and Nerv ous Debility , Costlv- ' ncia.Kld. r.-,7ney Diseases , Nervousness , trembling KT * Sexual Eihanetlon , wnntlng o f body , UISCBBOS oaitBCd from mdls. crctionaln Youth or Married Life. Infactall diseaeci pertaining to tlic womb or genital or. gnna of male or female. Sent to re-poii lljlo parties on 30 clays trial. Electric Ineolee 81.00 Send fie postage for free Illustrated pamphlet , which will be sent you In plain ecnlod envelope , OWEN KLECTUIC HEI.T & 1PFMARCU CO. Mention ( 8OO North Ilroaclwfly. this paper. I St. Louis , Mo. Rupture. fleclrlc Belt and Truss1 COMBINED. on. IHHAEF/S ELECTUO OALVA- Ml ) TKUbS with Dr. Owcn'a Electric licit Attachment. This truss is worn with case and comfort. Tlio . , current can bo made mild or etronir. Tills Is tha only combined electric truss nnd belt over made , ft will euro ruptuioinSft to no days. For full des. crlptipn of l > r , Oivcn'a Electro.GMvnnic Kelts , fipfnal Appliances ! , Trusses nnd Insoles ncnd Co for Irco ill lustrated pamphlet which will ho ecntoii In scaled envelope Sold only by tlio . ( WBN ItECXIUUBELf & Al'I'lIA WCO Mention ( 300 .North Jiroadway. this paper. ( 6t. Louis , Uo , SANTALISOY I Arrests dlsclmrgps from the uriiirr } ' ° r- Ignna In either hex Ui < lS luuirH. 3 U Is Etipcnor to ropnllu. culiclis or llnjeotloiis , and fren rrotu all rniell I or oilier Incomenleiiees. YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS Use "Paerless BALTIMORE Fresh Raw Oysters , Selected and packed with eli-anllnei > s ii euro by CH , PEARSON & GO , Baltimore , Md Tliuy uro Iho bunt , Ai > k your Grocer from tliom 8uccuj3fully used monthly by OUT 10,000 Ladies. AraKafc. Kfftctualawl J'leaiant J8U irboxbyiiiallorBtclrUKjrn't8. Krnltd -Partlculart 3 poatngH tUimps. Address TUB Evnuu CinmuiL Co. , DUTHOIT , Uicu. For snlo ( intl hy mall l floodnma ) ? Prim Co. , _ Oinnli < i , I ua < ! rirur from the I elfocta of youthful _ error * , early decay , will send a valuable treatise ( aealcd ) containing full for homo cur * , free of chatira. Prof. if. 0 , i'OWXJJU , MOOIJUB , CONM. DR. ALFRED SHIPMAN , Physician and Surgeon ' NEUHASKA. BOYS' DEPARTMENT. Extraordinary Inducements to Purchasers of Children's Clothing ! We 1 lave mai'lfod down povorat lines of children's Suits , ages ! to 14 , Prices : $2 $ , $2.75 $ , $3.50 $ and $4.50 $ , We will not attempt a description of these loty. They are simply the best value vro have evei oll'oro.l. Many of them being less than half price. MEN'S DEPARTMENT. Price , S3.5O. We have displayed in our show window n line or Men's Fine Pantaloons which we hnve marked down to $ O.SO. We are determined to close out our heavy weights this month. Many of the styles in this line have boon marked down from $6.OO , andjhe lowest grades hnve sold all season lor $5.OO. Everyone knows that a Mark Down at the "Contin- ental" is Bona Fide. MAIL ORDERS. Send for Self-measurement Blanks and Samples. Goods sent to any ad dress , nnd if not satisfactory , may be returned at our expanse. OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co. NEW YORK - DES MOINES Proprietors ; ' SPECIAL SALE. AND SI'KCIAIj PIUCT.S ON MEN'S THOU- biits Especially at this season. Wo arc sure yo u \\J11 appreciate what \ve nro doliu ; . Loolc. at our window and you can see a few of the Kinrains. Come in nnd wo vlll show you with pleasure. | lias Meyer-Established 1855-AdoIph Meyer Max Meyer & Bro. , SIXTEENTH AND FAHNAM STREETS. General Agcnti Tor STEINWAY , MUCKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR PIes , Story & Clark and Shoningcr-Bell Organs Sl'KCIAI , 1'KICES AND TUU.MS , Wrlto forC'atalofiiio Dr. J. E , McGrew , Ono of ( ho Most Sncccsiful SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe cial and Private Diseases , LOSS OF MANHOOD , SSS Jexuiil OrBons , absolutely cured. PRIVATE DISEASES , inteed , lfIU niCCAQCC hlstreatmnnt for whlui Mll UIObAokOi KlVL-H the moot beautiful oniploxlon , nnd a perfect tKlii. CONSULTATION FREE : 255JSSffi ! S onil hlainp for reply , 3ffloo Bushman BlooK , 16th and Uouulna Sta. Omaha. Neo * " " ToiTihrouf h tirort or l/IPHD mm if V uUHi i u i > i > cn > , m > y > > > MA nil I e ' * ' ! ' " " > -r I * " ' " ' . ill Hll 1 u I . beslon-Duprenemed , . , . . . . , . . . . , ? ! , Jjy HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , Mechanics' roofs , Flneliroiizc Builders' Gomls ami Iluffnlo Scales. 14O5 Douglas St. , Omaha. OMAHA MEDICAL a-"SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W , Cor. ! 3th & . Dodffo Sto. FOIl Till T ttATJU.Sr ! or ALL Appliance : for Dofcrmlties and Trusssj. nest facilities. ppratua and remedies for ucc ri ful treatment at orery form of dlioane.rcqiilrlui Medical or Burvlcal Iroitmont. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; best Hospital accommoda tion * in the wuit. WHITE roit CiKCUi.Aits on Doformltlpi and Ilrico , Trusipfltub Foot , Curraturo of the tjplno , IMIca , Tumor * . Canrar. Catarrn , llronchllli , Inbnlatlon , Kli'Clrlclty. I'arnlruli , Kpllepir. Kldni'r. Hlnclilcr , Eye , Enr , Skin nnd Illood.and allSuritlcBl operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. llooi ; ON DiHKAsns op WOMEN I'IIKK. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE IMKIXO A t-PKCMl.TV OP PRIVATE DISEASES. All niond Il5ca e Bucccssfully tre itfd. Syphilitic Poison removml from the syplum nlthout mercury. Nun re'torutlvo treatment far tons of Vital Power. 1'cr.vmsmmblo to vlnlu | may bn tri'utocl nt liomn by rorrc'siMmUcuce. All communication ! cOMliiU'ittlul. Moclkhiej or Instrument * cent l < y mull or oxpre , Bi'curuly packed , no marks to Indicate ciinlcnti or onder. One | iuraonal Intcrvlnw pnifrrri'd. ( 'all uml consult u or tend history of your disc , and we will send In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ! Upon I'rhntc , hpcclal or Nervous l > l onses , Imno- Icncy , Bvplillls , Ulecl unil Vorlcocclo , wllli qiioilon ruBi Medical anil Suryical Institute , ot Cor. 13th and Uoilgo Bts. , OMAHA , NKII. DRUNKENNESS C tbn I.lauor Habll. I'lmlllrrl ) Cured by AdinlnUicrlne l > r. llaluc * ' Uoldcn Hpcclflc. Itciinbe ulveiilnii cuii of coffvo or In mil clcs of fooil , ullliout Dm Kiio ledKtiof tlio pa tient ; it In itbsoliui'ly JiarnilosH , anil ulll el' frtt 11 iiernumi-iit and hjiecdycun1 , wli tli r I lie imtlont Is a inodcr.ito drinker or nn nlcohol wruclc IT Niviit : : 1'AII.S.or ) IOO.OOO dniukiirds Imvo bfi'ii inndotiiinjierato MICHvlio liavo taken ( ioldcn Hpt'cllle in tliflr cnllcu without - out tliulr Knowltiili ; . and today liolluvu tlioy inlt drlnkliiK ot tliela nun accord IS ) 'K jiocilc of imrllciilarH fron Kiiliu ifI'c , HKi'niH l.Uli and DoiiKliiHHtH , IKtJiriml Cunilnu htrcvts , ) iiiaia. ) Nub ; Council ill nils , louu : Agcntu , A , I ) . I'cBtrrA : llro. SteekPiano M aa > rfcable for powtrful ir ) tb Uc tone , pliably action anil | > M durability. M ytam' reo Ifca beat yuaranlea of ta lnc of toes * Imtrunienta. WOODBRIDGE8ROS. " aiid 1 umorft curtd , tf& eiperleHfr , Nu Kulfr. CANCER Itfl ( Vubvili At. , A Sure Cure OB IfcTOOB 2O to 60 DAYS. This isa ( libcuso wliieli lias horctoforo Dallied nil Medical Suinnce. Wo Huron Iti'ini'dy , unknown to nil ) ono Intlio World out.sldoofonrCompiiny , audonu tlmtlms MVIH ; FAIII to euro tlio most obstinate cases Ten days in recent oases does tlio work. Itlstliu old chronic deep heatfit easts that we Kolleit.'o Imvo cured liundiudsuho Imvo boon nbamlimril by 1'liysldans. mid pronounced Incurable , and wo challenge thn world to brlnir us u cat > u that w < J will not cure in k's.-ttlmn sixty dayH. Slncii tlio history of meuleino u true specific for Syphilis has been sought lor but never found until our JtlAOIC KIvMI'WV. was discovered , and wo are Justllled In saying it In thu only Hemedy in the World Unit will pos itively cnru , biH'uuso the latest .Medical Works. published by the best known authorltlos.csay there waHiioverntriioHpecllIc before. Onrreni- L dv will c'liro when everything olio ban failed. Why waste your tlmo and money with patent medicines that no\er had virtue , or doctor with physicians that cannot cum you , you that bavo tried everything olsn tdiould conic to us now and gi-t permanent icllef , you inner can get It else where. Jlark what wo hay. In the end you must take our remedy or NHV15H recover and yon that liavo been alllleted but u short time hhould by nil means count to us now , nut ouo In ton of new rase.s over get permanently cured. Many net help and think they nro free from thn di&ease. but In one , two or three jenrs after It appears again In a moro horrlblo form. This is a blood Purifloi1 and will Ciiro any .Slfin or Hlood Digoinovhoii Hvurytliing Klso Fails. THE COOK REMEDY CO , Itoom 10 ami II , U. S. Nut tonal Hank Itnil.liiifr . , Omiiliii , .Ncli. Health is Wealth ! ln ) H. C.'H NKIIVE INII llniiv TIIKAT- 'T iKiiarant < ed hpccli | | ! for lly.s | Uu , IM/.zl- a , ( Viiiviilidons , J'ltH. Norvtiux Ncii eaa''io.frvoiinrosr.ioiic'niHi-i ioiiHu ofulo ilii'l or tdliitiTo.Vaki < fiiln * is , Mental lie- proKtloii , Kotii'iilnuof the llraln n iiliin lu In- narilty and loidliiKtu mlxniy , dcray anil death. I'riiinntiiro Old Auo , liurrcniiuss , LOIS nr power In either KIIX , Involuntary I.OHSUH an I spurinuN oili < i'iic.ius dhyorixoilliin < if ihobralri.Hulf. nbiiHo or overlrnlulKi'iU' " . Knell box coiitaliiH one inniith'M treatnuint. ( l.Uii ( box , ornlx boxen forl'i.d'.neutby in-ill prepaid onretelpt nfprlco WE QUARANTBB SIX BOXES To euro any CASK , With each ordnr rucujved by UHfnrhlx imxoM , accoiiip.iuli'il wllli t' ixo will huiid thn purehaxer iiur written un.intnii'o to ru * fund tin.1 nionuy If the trcutniuiit dou-i not ullect n cure. ( itmrantecH iH-iued enl ) by ( Jooiliuuii JlrneUo. DniBBlHt , Hole Agenta , II1U Kuriiam ctreut Dnuiliu Nub , FOR MEN Vor LOST or FAILING MANHOOD ; ncneral and NERVOUS DEBILITY ! Wetkne. . of Body mil Hindi tffetU Btblll , R ( MIIKMI r.llf Itt.lurrd. M H to l.c.l.r , . Klrm ll.fl.HHklMllHHJll'HIlllcl , il.olul.lf fmltlllnf 1111X11 1ll 119ISr-llrnrnii U tit , B. tlldtj Item < bill. . , . . . 1 l. T.rrllDil. . IDI | Kur ! ( u I uvcltln. r uf . rll. Ilif" Cool , full. if > l > nlll , mi ) < , rin.lU4 ( . . .ltd I f.M. i MfOICAl CO , , WAIO , * ! . ROTTUKE | lYuilhcl > rur niiao lUj.EVlJr. ' ' . Jllurne'itl'lKlro.MuauilloIlrJl * 1 riiMcombined. Uuarnntefdtb. 'onj/ one In thn worldtencrAtljiii oeontlnuoni KlirtHoie llaantlla "V nvnl. bckfilldr.I'owerful , Tur tle , _ u , _ jfortAtlo and efliw > { rro. > yulu frauda. K OvcrUOfMJrurnd. HtnUKtouinforr , uipblet. AI.UO l'.UtJTnm1lKIT KOU iVl ICAkKI * . I * , HunfiE. iNVdiioa. 101 l AYE. , cmuco- PEERLESS DYES Are Ibn HK T.