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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY FEBRUARY 15. JSS9. 7 ' fr SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ntlTcrtlHcmctitH will liatnkcn Tor tlifHc cnliiiniiM nftcr lUiIH ) j > , in. Terms Cnsli In advance. AdvcrHoeincntsiimJor this head 10 cents p r line for tno first Insertion , 7 cent * foroacli sub sequent ln ertlon , and Sl/fl prr line per month No advertisement Ukon for Its' * tlmn 2. " > cents tJio first Insertion. Hcvcn word * will be counted to the line ; They mint run consecutively nnd limit ho p ! l l in AWANCH. All advertl'o- inents limit be handed in before Kin o'clock V. in. , mid under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In iliettt ( oliiinns and Imv * Jug thclrnnvwcrs addressed In caie of TIIK linn will please ask for n check to onublo them to Ret llieir letters , as none will bt-dollvcrwlexcetaon presentation of ( heck. All answers to iiilver- llnements phouh. lie onelo enln [ envelopes All advertisements in these columns uro pub lished In both mornluir nhd evening editions of 'Jfm IIHK , the circulation "f which nggregatcw morn ttmn lu.Un papers dally , utiri gives the ad vertise the Ucnellt. not only of the. city clrru- Intlon ( if Tim MRI : , but also of Council llltur.s , Lincoln tiiul othur cities and towns throughout this section ot the country. BRANCH FFICES. _ Advertising for those columns ulll bo taken on the Hlinvo conditions , at thn following bust- HOBS liounis , w ho nro authorized agents fur TIIK Itrf : tpeilnl notice" , nnd will quoti- the same intcs ns can bo had at thu main olllce. JOHN W. lUII.Ij , I'liarmasUt.'KW SontL"ivutU Street. C II ASH Jt IIDDV , Slatlont-M nnd Printers , 113 South Kith Street. II. PAHNHWOHTII , Phnrmaclat , Sin Cum- i inaStruot. Krt. , GJI North loth G IX ) . W. VAUU , I'iiiirinncst , IB'rt ' St. Mnry's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. \\rANTKD-Mnnanil wife with cxtioilence , good mhnnui r. would like to tnkachnrgo onn much ; reference given , llox It , " , Craig ilurt Cu. US Mf ADVI'.ltTISKn-Wlth three jnars' oxperlenco ns It U. drnugntsman , doslrlng to loaru Orchltecturc , Is willing to work In ollico for jmallsnUiry. II. p. M. , N. V. Hotel , Fremont. i-ji ir.t I ! , VOl'Nd man fiom tlio east wishes a place to Work tor his Iward. Addrens U M , Hue. 10.-I1 4t " \A rANTiD : Situation In n drugstore by a young nmn. speaks Ucrman , one year's ox- , with reference. Adclross JIUlieu. . 9i > . - . Wt _ _ AdKIlMAN Hlrl wants sltuntlon In prlvnto family to du general Housework ; speaks n llttlo F.ngllsh. Address JIIss Auny Mnke. JU30 So. Kith Ht. - < - AVOl'NO man , ( lerman , who does not speak Ilngllsii , seeks employment In a drug Btoru or pnlnt business , retail or wholesale. In city or country. The same was In a Her man drug mid paint business. ( looil references. Is willing to work tor small wage-i In thn begin- ping. Address , H7 , Ilee olllco. WW 14t WA NTUDly ) ii middle-aged lady , a posl- tlon ai cashier In rest.Mimnt , experienced and best of reference- " . Address H " .s , lice of fice. H74 18 * WANTED MALE HELP. Apply rter Jlth st , , between 1anil \ ' "VI , ANTRD A good man to go on the rend ; T ? must bo wide nwnke , full of energy , glvo Security for money collected and deposit Ii5 for Hnniplm. Cult on ( ieorgo 8. Cllno , Itoom 511 , First National bank building , Omaha , Nob. II7 ! WANTKU A window diesscrnt Nebraska Clothing Company. 1SMO "VVTANTKI ) Young mnn to nsslst In janitor TT w ork for tuition nt Valentine' * shorthand Institute. IK ) W ANTED 2 clothing salesmen on conimiS' slon. Mr.s. llrcga , lU-lfi * ITANTKI ) .1 ! or I good agents to canvass , T good soiling article. . ' 118 N loth. lIfi \\7 ANTI2D 8 young men nt once , } lBn week T paid. 13 security rciiulrcd. Apply. 1U1U Bodge , east side entrance. ID to 4. 184-1U ITANTED Laborers for lllnck Hills exlou- T slon.AlbrlBbt'H Labor Agency , ) ! " ! ) 1'arnam > O\'wanted to do errands. Apply at Chase > & Kddy , 113to.lBtU. ) 107-I3 * WANTED A stenographer who Una seine knowledge of bookkeeping. Must be a Seed penman. Address , with references , P. O. rawer 17. US3 ITANTKn A young man for rtnlryworK. > full at U N filth st. Bl m ITANTKD First-class coat maker. Apply at oncu to II. L. Cohen. South Omaha , Nab. 1UM AGENTS wnutod In ovary town nnd city In the \\est for the llnrdcn Hund ( irnuado Flro Bitlngnlsher. Apply to F. G. UrandaU,31U South 10th el. 87U " \jf7ANTKD Agents In every city and town In T > the \vast to hell the Toy Calliope , the great est seller on earth : send " 0 cts for sample. 1' O. Criuiaall , 310 South llith st. B7U VITANTKO- > men for Washington tcrrl- T T toryj good wages , steady worn , long Jou. Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 I'nrnam st. ' Wo wish a few men to soil our SAMCSMEN' to the wholesale nnd retail trado. largest manufacturers In our Hue. Kn * close Itrent stamp. Wages $ . ) per day. I'ormaji- nt position. No irastals answered. Mono } ' ad vanced for wages ) , advertising , etc. Centennial Wnn'r'uCo , Cincinnati. O. 70Vmll ) WANTKD Agents for Mllward's calyi-eyod nrlf-thrcadlngiieixllQ ; preserves falling Igiit : a help to good sight ; perfect bonanza for canvassers ; sample paclcnge lOc. Sena for circulars to headiniartcrs , Stayner & Co. , Pro jrldoncc , It. I. { OYS-Ain. Dlst. TeiTCo. , 1301 l > oiigias. 621 TXT ANTED Man to take tno ngencyof our ' safes : slr.oUBxIijxld Indies ; weight f,00 lb ; Jretall price KI5 ; other sizes In proportion. A rnro chance and permanent businrsx. Tlioio nrtfet meet H demand never before supplied by other Hafo compjnlw , ni wo ni-o not governed by the afo pool. Alpine Safe Co. , Cmclnntl. O. i-a V\7"ANTKU Carpenter to bnllil a house nml T tnlce good bllHlne s lot on Saundorsstroot as pay. Kminiro'J ± J Pierce t. Vi'l \\rANTKD Mvo men and women to ungngo In T T an easy , paying business at name. Can wort duytliuo or evening and make We to Kl per hour ; mire thing ; eamnlo mid complete In- Ktructloiis sent for luo. Adilreg. " , World Supply Co. . Itntland , Vf. 4n-PA \\r ANTUD Encrgntio men mm women every- T when * for a gpntcel nioney-mnktng biihl * ness , ( mi weekly prollt ciiarnntoed easier than NX ) monthly otnmwlsc. Uxperlcnce nbsolutely unnecessary. Permanent postilion nnd nxclnslvo turrltory assured , W.LO nauiplo free. Write for particulars. Atlilress , wltliKtainp. Merrill M'f'g Co. . 1JM , Chlcaco. SSIM WANTED--FEN1ALE HELP. Olrl for general hon.-ework nt T I SUB NO. 3(1 St. VlfJ H * WANTKD A girl for general housework : tiernmn prefeiTed. 1313 .So. nth bt. I'M n. ' TIMNTKl ) Stout young girl to cure for chll- dieuntllOiS ( 9tli st. I'Jt ) lit WANTKD Woman cook for rustaurnnt. ? l ( ) ; J nt tOOt a girls for olllcer'H families i'M and "i' < ; Klrl lor linen loom , : i dlmng room glrlx for Ilnstingx ; lanii'lrons for Nebraska City : 1A to 'M KM ! competent ghu for private families. a r . llroga.il4 | BK.tll. I4S-IM 'VV"\NTii ; > At tlio Paxion , awomautotuka > i ohurgo of the linen room. Must bo an Ameilcan , Apply to the housekoi-per. 1M 15 rjTii.-ei8 ! e. litiT. ' losi ivr.A.NtKD--O.lrl lotnko'enroot'cuyiilrairBt _ Cilrl to nmko punts anil vests , 4.18 H. 10th. } l , llrodkuy , mercl'i.nttnllor. ' lIoiiMtkoojier In Chpyfiine , only a l tuuorkfor , Hnvdc. Dane or .Sonu't'lun prof ci rod , tJO. Mrs. Jlrrga , JU H.j tii. i 2 gooj women cooks for anmo hotel , f--0 uach. Mrs. llrcya , ami ti. 1Mb , 131 lit G1 Ir-rJI 8 10th. 978 OOMPHTKNl rlforlioiisewjilt. Mr . Tho& K. Hull 1007 ht-rmaii nyo. WANTED-RENT _ : l\rANTKi-Two"front roomTana boariJ with TV prlvato family for gentleman ana wife , lo cation west of ISth nt between Kurnum nnd Cal ifornia als , Must bo llrtt-clas * references ex- Changed. Addroas It SI. Ilee olllec. 1)1)1 ) ) 17 * GBNTLBMAN and wife want two room * and hoftrd In pilviue family , iwutof references lyen. Address I * 51 Ilee. ' MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. _ _ _ ' > NU'Klt-V 0 twin. Albrlfhl'a Labor Agoncr , MU ) iaruuin etrcet , 105-15 A drnunUt ( to romm tif rtrnB more , nlio barber to commence shop In a nmclnf-s location In South Omahn. 1'or Information mation addresi Herman Tombrinck , south Omaha 1' . o , 1M an ANTI'.K-PhyslcInn desiring n location in gixxl ifefo , town. Address Uoom 10. 710H North IBth Pt. 13S 15 * VIM dirt Whntcvl. th nnd Douglas , Hiilchlnaon k Wead , 1MI Dodge at. U7 IT ANTii-Kverybody : to know that 1 tiovo removed my omce to roomi 317 and 318 rirst National bank building , whore I shall bo pleased to moot them. 0. .1. Sternsdoru . Jtonl Kitato , Ixan , Kxthaugo llroker and Hcntal Agent. _ Ji > : L _ \\7ANTKD- 10.liU | women to use "Wllcox's T > rnncy rompound 1'llls. " Perfectly snlo and always etTectuul. Send for 4c "Woman a Safe tlunrd. " Wllcox McUleal Co. , I'hlladol- phla. 114A18't3 SHORTi ANJI ANO rypfeWRjTij < q ; " TAMlXTlNr/s" Shorthand anil 7rypnwriling laitltuto , uew Piixton building , Omaha. Thaonly exclusive shorthand school in the mate. Over ono hundred graduates In Bond situation * . The school Is under the tnnnntco- mentof r. C. Vnlontlne , oHIdal stenographer of the ilrd Judicial district of Nobraskn. nntl 1'rof. 11.11. lloyls' , < n exnorinnced teacher nnd ver batim reporter. Day nnd evening sessions. Stu dents can enter nt any time. Send for circulars. IH" > t7 ! QTAN 1)7 * HI ) Shorthand Schooir"4l3 SliFo"ley n block , teaches suuidaid systems ana uses IteinliiRton typewriters. Circulars freo. 7JJ EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. MA if A Kmp.'llvrrau. II ! " N. 10th st. Kstab- O HshcdSyeais. Most reliable In cltv. 1311 I > < 8 VJ iuriinploymcnt : : onico-ill7 N. lOthVt. JL.\ fiTU f S * ANAD1AN ninployment Olllco. Mrs. 1144 ! H mill , llufeieuco Omnha National bank BOARDING. OOl ) ooardwllh room $1.00 per week , V--J5 G N Jth on cable line. ttST * FOR RENT HOUSES. TjlOlt HUNT New Tirooui cottngo In Hnnscom JJ place , tit ] i > er month , C. K. llurrl-son , Mer- ' bank. US-Ill chnnt's Nnt. _ _ 171011 HUNT 1IVB S ICld st. corner houvc. f J looms , barn , city water , largo j ard. Call or nddiess llUS S SDth st. _ 1:1L"1 : * _ _ " ( ) fr"uKNT-i-room houso. Silii Caldwell s/ / . Kent I easouable. Apply 1HU7 Izitrd ht. 1-7 3 j : FOll HUNT Nice now six-room and base ment house und barn very cheap , ut Albright. Enquire room ' , Hoard Trndo. Oninhn. 108-17 _ TjtUHNISHKI ) house for lent In Park Terrace , J opposite Ilnn-scom Park , all moilernn con veniences. Kmiulre , Ieo Jr Nlchol , 8sth ami I.enveiiworth. Ot ! " _ ' HIINT-'lO-room brick nouso with nil Foil modern improvements , 11 Douglas st. lleunwa \ Co. , 15th Bt. , opposite P O. U33 111 HI5NT--Nlce cottairoiUrd and Cass sts. , FOIl per month. C. K , "Harrison , Merchant's Nnt. bank. tUl-lii , , . . . . . .ui : . funilshed nicely , for rent ; 3 rooms , Vj'cloie ' to business , price $28 ; references ro- qnlind. 11. li. Cole. Continental lilock. HM 15 * KENT One o-room house , US. Infjulro _ IM J _ Douglas. tt > 0 F I Oil IlKNT Nice 5-rooin house , east front , half block , of cable curs. 112 S.'Slh s > t. 751 in 1 ? . house near high scnool. Kent t M. Inquire - 8KOD.M _ quire .1. F. llarton. 8H1IJ Capitol ave. li4Hml BKAl'TIKUL 8-room house , gas , city water , hath room , hot nnd cold water , on pnvod streets with street car , near a need school , only $ . " " 1 per month. The bouse Is now. Apply nt once. C. F , HurrUon , Merchants' Nat. bank. _ f > 8 , " _ T71OK HRN'f When you wish to rout n house. JL' store or ollico call on us. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block Kti TJlOlt HUNT House and barn.IIanscom place. -K Harris , room 411 First Nat'l bk bldg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i)87 "ITIOH ItlINT 9-room moilern Improved house JA 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply M , El gu ltcr.lp01 Fnrnnm st. _ 588 FOIt HUNT Cottages , fi rooms. 27J1 rharlei st and 1381 So 3th st. Inquire U 818 , Shoeley block. _ KE ) FOR IlKNT Kight (8) ( ) room Hat , modern con- venloncea. Imiulro 01S 13th at. _ Kti FOR KENT Cheap. I ) and 0 room house , 15.'i ( ) 8 gist at between Cull tar and Dorcas. 4hOml ; T71OH 118NT ID-room house , steam , gas , bath. JL. ' hot and cola nnd clstein water , oed cellar , nnd nice yard , 850 , 8W S 84th. lnqulre.807 S8ltli. _ , V)1 ) "TT1O11 IlENT Id-room brick houses , rent low : JJ nro very complete. Apply on premises. Dr. F. Swartzlander , 3001 Capitol ave. FOH HKNT 9-room brick. 114 82otb st ; mod ern conveniences ; near cable line. .1. W. Urllllth , U. P. headtjuartora. K' ) FOB KENT 7-room Hat at DOS S. 13th. Inquire J.L. Drandels & Sons. 847 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. PUKN1SI1KD room for rent. 1701 Cap. avo. 13420 * NIOBLV furnished rooms.large or smull.very reasonable. J41U Dodge. Ike ( I ulll. 115 20 ? "VTlCKhV furnished rooms , all modern con- JLl veutencos , price ti nud sio. 10 North 17 st. 14:3-20 : * SHALL Room , at 130- Douglas st. 3rd floor. US'J FOR KENT A dining room nnd kitchen in private boarding bouse , luqnlic 1GIW Doug las. W817t furnished front room , with board , sullalilo for 4 Ecutlcinou. two blocks from itJ. . , 17U8 Douglns 01 . 109-17 T7IOH IlKNT Large furnished front room. -C tyff Dodge bt. lOd IUltNI8HEI ) rooms for lent. All modern - * - ' improvements , bath furnace , etc. , 2314 Farnam. 1 la P III VATK Family nave several choice fur- nlBhod room * for rent with bo rd. All modern convenience. ! , Cars paftithodoor. 6ID north JMth street. 117-15 ; 1710K KENT Two rooms , furnished , for light X1 housekeeping , 113 , bOll Howard , cor. HlKlith. I7IOK HKNT Parlor nnd parlor bed room , J- ' suitable forgoiitlomau and wife - , or two gen- tlcmen , ruforcnce. HIO 8 27th st. Uo8 15 ; "IfOKHKNT Two well fnrntihed roonis.slnclo Jor en Milto ; steam heated , liiiu Douglas , tllW 14 * AGUNTI.EMAN with references cnn nud nice room and room mate at 1813 nmmlas , in-.7'14 ; _ WIiV furmsht'd rooms 212 per month up , 1211 Uonglaa. m | < "VTlCi : rooms , * 1 per week , at the PcaDody , i > lith nud Jones streets. PTUnilU JAUOE fron.1 room , nicely fuinlshed.biiltablo Jfor 2 gentlemen , ifel I'arnam. 7lfi IjlUHNISHUDor unfuruHhod room , with gas X1 and bath. Do ard If desired , B1U 8.20th at. , opposite All Saints' chnrcii. TJ7 171011 HUNT Ilirnlshcd roomi , lu Ornenlgblk , JJ cor. I'lth nnd Dodge stu. Inquire of Geo. It. luvls , Mlllard hotel bllUard room. _ KU _ TTtoii KE.VT Nicely fiirnlshed room , with * * -J poaiilir desired , gas , heat and bath-room , ITOTDodSost. un "fpOlt ItKNT Two desirnblo roonin , suitable J. ' for gontlijman and wile or two gentlemen , with board ; rsfeiences icqulred. Apply l' ' l Jss _ t ) NCiiV | ; fnruUhnd roonia , steam heat , gas , J bath , etc. . on snuia iloor , 110 per month. 207 H. 21th. no Hat. t NinrlLVfiirnlsheil roonii , niso fronfc nnd buck parlor ; IQUi ) Douglas at. bll _ BOOM suitable Tor housoxeeplui ; . t Tl .S lotli. _ ; _ nans i ) KUllNlSIIUDrooms-lbU Davenport Ft. _ _ .t.11'15 * . ' ' 'IJHJ'U 1IENT Furatsh & _ _ _ fp ( ) KKNT Nnwly fTiriiUIU'd ropms for gentle- Jliiyn. . l.'ili ) llouui-d. bl HI | 7 IIKNIBU Kit'nioni * , with board In KOCH\ loc - -L tlon ; modern convenience * , 2220 Leaven- % j ortli. _ WlCt _ _ ELKOANTM * furnlalieil biiltof front looms , with UBO of piano , private family , ( OVi 1'nrl ; ve. 77U Ul * _ AVEXL'IJ Hooiiid-At lC13 iil IGUC'apltol avu y blocks from P O , newly furnished , urlvate boan'iughouso.p'.easantrooms.all conveniences _ _ 77610 * TTIUUNIBIIKD rooms , 113 320th st.noar Dodge. J : _ _ SMI l'Si A LAHOV ; oulhioomi'alaoBtnall room nlco'ly f iiriilihed , lovely location uud every modern convenience. S1Q7 Douglas. cai FOR REN TROOrV18 UNFURNI rTEoT 8 A WltKU" , funTacB , batU , t'au , all tewTialo N. latu , ' J Ll'L. _ _ _ . OUOOMR-Sult nblo for UouicKeeiilne prlca 10. MW , I'.M-Wbl , VK , 'ITIOR RKNTSulUbl ( Mr K sttltos of from 2 to 4 room * In fill parts o { ti city , at lowest rates Inquire lluu ? Kent * Ing Agency , 1.101 Varnain st l 57 f IK FOll HKNT- Store room with basement and lc house In rear , at 1714 Hurt st. Apnly to P. O Urlnu. B70 N 26th avenue. _ 1M 20 * ITIOIt HENT-Two store' , ral , and 523 North -L1 it , Inmnro nt tlio building. Henry . KM OsthoJT. _ _ _ ITIOll KBNT-Onice suite J2..n month , 2 single J-1 otllecfis cnch , nil fronting inthst , llusli- mnn block , n. e. cor. ICth nnd Douglas. W. M , lliishmar. t'tll Leftvenworth. _ KK 13HICK store room with bniemcnt , all modern JJ Improvements , uplondld location for feed store or hardware , stoves , etc. . being Intha heart of the most desirable rosldoncn portion ot the rlty. 1307 Park ave , Tnos. F. Hall , 311 Pax * ton block. n.R ) HA K Kit V for rent at 1303 Par ! ; ave. This H n brick store room and basement. Including ovens , rountars , showcase , etc. , In the most dc- Mint lo icsidoiico ' omti.untty In the rlty ; water , sewer , nnd gas ronnortlons. Thai , F. Hull , 1111 Paxton blocs. M7 UTOlti : 1317 Dodge st. Inquire at A. II. tin- O berman , Jeweler , Uthaud DouyUs sts. FOR HUNT A few olllco rooms loft for rentnl. Also a well Hunted room on second Iloor , 40xO < i , In Haingo building. Itll FOR RENT-MISCELANEOU5. 17IOH IlKNT-IVentv neros of Innd with 2 -L' hniisLH , burn , \c. Suttnblo for market pnr- ilenlng. close to Omaha. C. F. Harrison , Mer * chnnt s Nnt , bank. 145-lii _ 'iriOH HKNTIlnsement. . suttnblo for a plum- -L ber or barber , cor. 13th nud Jackson sts. VM "I/1OH HKNT-A warehouse with high bnio- Jmcnt , I'antrnlly locntedon Idcpondeut track from whlrli cars can be unlo.ided ami loaded Into nnd from building. Immediate possession. Sum J. llonell , 217 S. nth at. Oiimim. r/V > OlHNTlood bascmont , 2-.xH : ) . Douglas st. 4'.G RENTAL AGENCIES. OWNERS of bouse ) , stores , flats or business blocks who wish the same rented nnd prop erly cared forshould lUt with us. P.utlos w Ish- Ing to rent will find our list complete. A.I * . U'ukcy. Hill's block , IBth nnd Douglas. Bh * CA.MPI111L1. \ TALI1OT , room 'JKRnmgo \ building. G4i > ml GKO. ,1. Paul Houses , etc. , to rent. Rents collected , IQlM Farnam at. cm GEO. .r. PALM , , liKJO Farnnm st. , houses , stores , etc. .for rent. KM LIST your houses. Hats. Mores , etc. . with ( I. J. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and ; I18 1'lrst Na tional bank building. Special attention given torer.tlug and rents collected. ttt5 WU give sporlnl attention to renting and col lecting rents , lUt with us. II. I ! . Cole , room B Continental block. Ml r VOU wnnt your houses rented place them I wltn llonuwn , V Co 16th , opposite postolllcc. & 11 rpllKrontlm ; season Is hero ; bring on your J-liou.'os ; I have the customers. J. H , Pnr- rotto , IBM Chlcngo. 4(18 ( f2S MISCEUANEOUS. A MALIA NIELSEN.c.xamlnod midwife , oHlco xXcorner of 8th nnd I'nclllc. 140 20t WELLS dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and repaired. F. W. Urosjenn. 2710 U urt st. 167 27 ; OKLAHOMA Oulde Hook and Mnp. contain * llig full Infornintlon as to the new teriltory. Mulled to nny address on receipt ot 50 cents. Tyler A : Co. . publishers , 621 Wyaudotte street , Kansas t'lty. ilo. 14727 + LEOTUH' telegraph school ; rooiiis7 > 2S Jt Kll I'axton blk. , cor. llith A : Farnam sts. ; send for circular. w.i-rAi * TilASFinTElmJM.-Mine. STinTfoli"the ; young Swede , tells full names of culloi& ana the full unuie of your future husband or wife , with dale of marriage , and tells whether the one yon love Is trun or false. Not it fortune teller , but u young spirit medium. Mndnmo coes Into n perfix-tly dead trance. Will lulng back the parted husband or lover , no matter U they be 10,000 miles uwuy ; will guarantee to settle fnllmy quarrels. Parlors up stulrs. 4U3 North Sixteenth btreet. third Iloor. UI4 18 * HAVE yon n honso and lot yon wish to sell ? 1 f no. please send f nil particulars' to ( Jeorgi ) J. Sternsdortr , rooms 1117 .t J1I8 First National llank llulldlng. who -will ilnd you a purchaser. Telephone. 4tU. M5 . A PHVSICIAN of this city cnn accommodate xV n few patients at his homo. Address Doctor , P 62 , lies ofllco. 743 13J LEGAL papers carefully drawn and ncsnowl- edged by G. . ] . Sternsdorir. rooms U17 und 313 First National bank building. B52 fTinE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gel- JL Icnbeck , 333 S. 10th st. 542 t " 1JTORSE or team mules wanted to noply ns J \ payment on house und lot , or residence lot , balance monthly payments. Write or call onSelby. 1521 Farnam. 643 IF VOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange , call on or xddress , u. .1. Sternsdortr , rooms ; 117 nnd 818 First National bank building , ttii 7 J. STERNSDORFF , real estate loans nnd VJ rentnl ngent , has removed from i-oom fl. opp. I * . O. , to rooms 317 uud :11H : , First National bunk building , where hu will bo glad to meet nil his old friends and many now ones. 6Ji2 PERSONAL. pERSONAL-Letter nnd package for Matilda J. aolllnger at 1107 Douglas at. 123 Ifrf TF YOU Intend to marry or only doslro amuse- -Iment join our club. Address with stamp Western Correspondence Club , Council IlhiUs , la. UiJBmllt G3. STEllNSnOUFK lleal Estnto nnd Exchange llroker , hits removed to Rooms U17 and 1)18. ) First National bank building. ti5'2 T7ILEQANT Hfo size crayon portraits free of oltcliargeforshorttlmeaB nn ad from photo graphs brought to the Vandyke Portrait Studio , 1412 Pierce , near 14th- portraits also In pastel. TIP tut LOST. LOST A solltulro diamond ring between C. , II. A : Q. depot nnd Cuss ana 2ith ) fts. Ho ward will be given for llmmimo nt 2Uil Chicago st. 12i-lb : T OST or Stolen from my residence , 51(1 ( So 21st XJ st. ; large pug dog scar on back. Llbernt reward for his return. E. R. DoVolt , A. llooth Packing Co , . 1308 Leavenworthat. 120-11 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH milk cows with young cnlves. Apply 120 N UHli st , Jotf erson Sipinro burn.Ml . Ml 18 TjlOlfsALF. Home nml bugaty. JI23 ; delivery JL1 wngon and furniture of ft-rooin cottagu ; cottage rents torW. 1511 California st. U7I ItU T710H SALE-Ontennstosnltthoneatcottnge , JJ 262(1 ( Charles st. Telephone : . or W. T. Suu- man , Omului's largest variety buggies , waioiis. &e. , east side 18th St. . north of Nicholas st. < M 'jrioil SALE Furniture of aO-room house and a.1 house tor rent , U blktf from P. O. R. HO , Chamber of Commerce. 2)1 f 20f TTlOltHALE-Omaha's largest variety of slelgns Jat very low price.s at Seaman's , east side , 10th St. , north of Nicholas. 1KO- ABSTRACTS OF'Tm.sT OMAIIA Abstract company , Ifdit I rnamst , Most complete nndcarefully prepared set of nbstrnct boons nud plats of all real property in tuo city of Omaha ami Douglas comity. 470 inLANP Guarantee & Trust Co. , two Far- num. Complete abstracts tnrnlshed Sc titles lo ivul estate oxamlnodpeftectud i ; guaranteed f'lU _ _ _ _ ' "A IlbTllAOTS I.lnahan ic Mahoney , room CUD. -n-1'nxton block. 616 S'lORAXii : Al low rates nt 1121 tlCruam st , , _ OimiliaAuctloi.i _ . Jt StorftaeCo. 647 riTRACKAQU , storage , lowe t rules. W. M. lluahman , UU Jxiivouworth , 61S WANTED TO BUY. T have several ciutoiners who wnnt to buy 1. houses nnd lots ranging from ! I , < JO ) to 120,000 , 1'ioperty owaere , pleaao soiul mo a full descrip tion ot wlmt you have for tale. O. J. Sterna- lortf. rooms U17 & 318 First. National Itauk llulldlng. TelepUone. 461. Bai. - , _ " \\7ANTKII A good residence lot on suitable T ? tcrmfi west of 4th bet. Cnmlnuund Leav * ( tuwortn , Curtis it Hackett. room 14 , art H. 16th. ICUU WANTED Furniture , carpota , stoves anil liouiehold goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc * Ion & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. 8 13 _ xrANTItD-Tobnjr Rood commercial pap er. V T It. U. I'atteHon , yl S IJth st. It--/ WANTKD-To buy good commercial paper. ll.C.PnUeMuu.JlsrsWhBt , ttW MONEY TO LOAN. LOANs on business property , 15,100 to wanted. lrorin > nt S'rttst Compnny , room Stxs , First Natlooal IlanlfTJuildlng. lou LARfJE loans on ltrtiVrAv d r al estate In Omnlm. No dolay. on Hood security. K. S. lilsbee. First National liAnk ll'Id'g. vai 13 TVTONEV to loan on cnalfqls by D. F..Tomison , 1U&3J Paiton block. . UI3F15 t DO you wnnt to borrow money ? It so , u. J. Sternsilorir.ujoomR a7 ! and 3JK , First National b nk.Uuildlnir. _ will loan you any amount from Ww/i to * . "iOfVW. on 1m- 1)ro\cil or unimproved Onttiha property , low est rates ot Internal. Net unuocesinry dolay. Improved centrnl business property loam a specialty. Telephone 40) . * " " OHCHAlin HI LL Choice loans wanted in this addition. Ktmhnll , champ , V Ryan. Tinted States National bank building , 1203 Fimmmst. nMir. Contrnl Loan A Trust Co. , No. 1(111 ( Fnr- JL nam st. , will imote unusually low rates nn choice city loans In Omaha or Council IlluCfs. C. A. SUrr , manager. 8iii-is \ \ ANT1U ) First rlnss Inside loans , lowest into- , , ( 'nil and son us. Mutual Invest ment Co , Rt liar kur blk , loth and Fninuni. 0 > X ) MONF.V to loan on Improved real ostnto by Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. I < owest rates ; no commissions. Address How. nrd ICenuedy , special loan agent , Omahn , Neb. \\rALNCTHlLIr-Cholcoloaiiswautedlnthls > t addition. Klmb.ill , Chump & Ityau. SS4 la DO i'Ol' want money ? Loans made on house hold furniture , pianos , iiorsns , etc. , without delay or removal , Persons wishing n loan of this kind will do well tocnll nt our ollice before dealing elsewhere ! business strictly contlden- tlnl. A. 1C. Greenwood .V Co. . Uoom 1 , Cunning- 1mm block , lath nnd Jackson st.s. r > ' > . ) M ONI.V advanced for first-class real estate morlgngos. Call on J. II. Knony t/o.Koom 30" ) . First Natlonnl bank building. 000 FM * MON15V to loan on furniture , horses , wagons etc. , or on nny approved security. J W , Hobblns , H. 298. Shoely blK.,15tli nud Howard. KiS PKOPLK'S Financial Exchange The fairest , quleteat , most llbornl money nxclmngo lu tno city : loans made without delay or publicity. In nny amount Inrgoor small , at the lowest rates of Interest , on nny nvailnbla security : loans mny bo paid at any time or renewed Ht original rates. O. Itonscnren , mgr , Itoom "I'l'i ' , Hnikerblk , ICth and Fnrnnm. dlS PLACI3 Choice loans wanted In tills BUKiaS ndilltlon. Klmball. Chump & Ityan , 881 IS D It ) YOU want to borrow money ? Head this : It will save you time. It will snvo you money. You can borrow from Jt. F. Masters , successor to W. It. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell blil'g. Pith and Harnor sts. IU , * JI. $1) . * 10I , JAUI. XM , 11,000. fi.OUO , ( Ill.OW. In fact , any sum you want on turntture , pianos , horses , mules , wngotis , etc. . on easier terms and at lower rates than nny otherolllca in the cltv. without publicity or removal ot property from your possession. If nn Instalment Is duo on your property nnd you cannot mnet It , call nnd see me. 1 wll pay It for you. If you nave a loan In any other olllco , call and get my ratus. 1 will take It up and carry It for you. I make loans for one to six months , nnd you can pay n part at nny time , reducing both prin cipal und interest. , All loaim reuowed at.-original rates , nnd no clmrgo forpupers. " 'I All business strictly confidential. Call and see nio. Don t forget the.number. Itoom 4 , Withnoll block. Ml " ti mo LOAN--A special rpnd of 110,000 In Hums JL fiom J.'AW up , on uulmurpved lots In Omaha If not situated too far oiu.Odell llrothors.A : Co. D UNDER TLACn-ChqUy ) loans wnnt d In this addition. Klmbiill , Chump & Kyun. " 831 IS MIlSTmortiiaeo low rates , and no delay. D. V. Sholes , ' 1D. First National bank. 538 MONKV to loan on OmJjux nnd South Omaha propeity , aNo ou fniaus. C. F. Harrison , 4ttt and 104 Merchants' Nntlonnl bank. 755 KOtTNTZP. l'LACi-Cfiolco : loans wanted In this addition. Klntlnill , CUampItyau. . Of 115 "VTEfntASICA Mortg. Loan Co. will mnko you a JJ > loan on hoiiachold goods , horses , wagons , land contracts. flne Jewelry or securities of any kind without publicity , nt reasonable ratoa. Koom 7 , Howley bloc ! : . South Omuhii. llooms 618-51'J Paxton blk. , Omahn , Neb , 555 S EK Sholes. 210 First Nat'l bant before mak ing : your loans , 600 MONEV Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase good commercial pnner nnd mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloinan , cor. Kith and Fnrnnm. 013 MONBV to loan onimproved property at first hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security nnd titles examined free ot charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , : J S. 13th st. Bit M ONEY to loan. Harris. II. E. & Loan Co. , room 111 , First Nut. Hank. C19 MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. W. Smilre , 1219 Farnam St. . First National bank building. 667 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. . chenp oartorn money direct to borrowers. Mnko building loans , largo or small : perfect titles : accept loans In their western olllce. Oeo. W. V. Coates , representative , 13 Uoard Trade , Ml MONEY loaned for IJO , 6U or 00 days , on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter est ; business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Faruaui st. Wl M : ONEY to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed ! promptly. H. IX QleH ( Continental blocic. 6 PER CENT money to loan-Cash on hand. W. M. Harris , room 20. treuzer block , opp. . _ T K. COLK , loan agent. JL1 g < 7 0 > rjOO,000 to loan at a cr cent. Llnahau & Mn- 'Pboney. Uoom oou. Paxton block. GOD ONKV to man. O. F. Oavls Co , real estate and loan agents , 1605 I'urnam st. f > G7 MONEVtoLoan We are reedy for applica tions for loans In amounts from * 3K > to $10- ( JUO on imiirovrd Omaha or UouglOH county real estate. Full information as to rates. LoaiiB promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call uuon us , or wrlto. Thu BlcCaguo Investment Co. I'M FIKST and Hecond mortgages made on city pioperty by J ) . IS. Johnson , 535 Paxton blk , I ( JANH made < m ri'iu u.iiiuo ana mortgages -LJbought , Lewis 8. Reed A : Co. , 1521 Farnam. 6t ) _ _ _ MONEY to loan In large sums nt the lowest rates ; no delay. K. C. j 'atterson , 318 8. Klh , LOANS made on tmprdVM ronl estate secur ity , 3 and 5 yearn tlmii nDtionnl payments and favorable , terms und rotes. Klmbull , Chomp it Rynn , room (1 ( , U. . . Nat. uauk. MONEY to loan on roalj'cstnto ; no delay ; mortgageD bon < ; ht. 'John F. Hammond , room 311 1'uxton building , u 224 f21 * T CAN mnko n few loam on1 llrst-olass rliuttel 4-securltlBs at roixsonaulanitos. . W. K. Potter , room 10 llnrker blk. > . 703 _ DON'T borrow money ttn1 furniture , horses wagons , etc. . until yoiinbavo soon 0. II. .In cobs , room 4 10. First Nuftwal bank building Cor. 13th and Farnam ' ' S | _ _ BUILDINTTTonna. 1) . " , V. ' Srioles , 210 , First Nat'l Hunk. I A' U5'J nl PEOPLE'S Financial KKchango Large and small loans for long mid abort time , ut low est lute.s of Interest. on real estate mortgage nottsH , rhattols of all kinds , dlnrnonds , watches uud jewelry. Don't fall to cull If you want fair und cheap accommodations , O , llouscnren , Mgr , , roomfM } ; , llarker blk. , 16th and Fariiam. fyi6 _ BUILDING loans. I.lnahan & Mahonoy. sao _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BUSINESS CHANCES. 9 ROOM brick lH > ardlng house for rout , . furniture for tnle , iloO.Oi ) ; S1UO cash ; bal. monthly ; also a 10-room boarding house and good stable , runt fJO per mo. ; furniture , } 5uii.iii ( ; rJJO.OO cash ; bal. 25 pur mo. ; also u good 10- ooni brlct boarding house house noailynew ncludlug steam heat and all modern con venience , rent$55.uopermo. : furniture , iW ) ; ji oasli : also a U-room frame nouuo , now full of > onrdcrs und roomers ; rent ( UO ; furniture , ttM ; I.JW ciisli ; bal. oaxy ; all these houses are within i few blocks of ttie P. ( ) . , and are well located n good neighborhood. Co-Operutlve Land aud IxH Co , , 2JU N. loth at , 14D-I7 EORSALE l'luulnK mill inacUlnory. cheap. J4W U T uport atroet. 16320 * TpOR SATiK The Atley eoal mint , located Rt JL1 Alloy. Marlon Co. . Ia with 5)5 ) acre * of the best coal lands in Iowa , 7-foot vein of coal , fix * ttires nnd machinery llrst class In erorj- respect , railroad switch connected with work * , will be sold nt a bargain I flatten within 111 days. For particulars aildrcs.s M , J. Ward , or .1. W. ( Ifiioser , care of SUto Savings bank , Dos M nines , la. 138 33 " 1 jlOlt SA L i ; First-class restaurant nud s aloon. Jbe t location In the city. Long lesso on property. Address I'M Ilee olllce. IP-AMP T710U SA LlV-Or trndo. restaitrnnt doing n Ut * JL1 elsss buslnes * . In ns good a location ns there Is In the city. Address , H W , Ilee otllce , FOIt SALi : Light , lucrative business Mtltn * bio for mdy or gentleman , with patent nud stock ot goods , Address P s ; , Ilee otllce. ! l * * * 1 * IF you Imvo a Httlo ready money or desire n paying business , call room "i , Darker iilook. pllH'lvY.\lllfor solo with tools nud Improve- .IJ menu ; location y7th and ( Hondo sts. ; also a brickyard to len e , south of Florence , oil North S4th street. Apply to llcorge Ittner. No. a7taLakoslreal. U51 If 1IMK 9 A MI Sly harness shop nud stock of JL' goods : falling health reason for selling ! have good trade. Deuuls T. Snow , Dorchester , Neb. u14t $ l,70ii , linlf cash will buy ICO ncro tnnn , im proved , 1 4 miles from lioug Pine , N ) b.gooit house , host wnter. J1.50I ) cash for 2 four-room homes renting for till per month. Urosideut nnd ; t business lots all hi Long l'lm > , | , < ) M Inhabitants , : i churches , brlcKschoolhouse , waterworks , railroad divi sion , ( footl farming country. Very cneap , must be sold. Long Pine Kxclinng Hank , Long Pine Neb. 4-H K7 * I neil SALK-W.001 to JIO.OOJ will buy nn estab lished nnd jirolltnblc banking business In southeastern Nebriis.Ua , . Address , R 12 , rare of Omaha lleo HX1 14t FOR HALK Onodhotel In n town ol I.IMO. nl 1 well furnished , for lulf cash , balance o n time. Address box rl ) , Alblmi , Neb. 7S1 13t "irOR SALE nt W ) per cent of cost , ( not for JL1 trade ) . A general merchandise store nnd xtoclc.situated Inngrowlng lullroad town , lln.s best trndo of the town. S.tiotSS.'V.OtUl ln > t year. Cost ot store unit stock nboul Ji.OJJ. Address P CO Ilee. 782 17t I710U S/U.E-AWell established grocery bus- ! JL' nuss In this city. Inquire I ) . M. Steele & Co. , IRili and Ilnrney. 741 mlj FOR SALE Or trade. A choice nursery stocK to sell at abnvgnln , or trade for good Nu- binsknlmm. Addrei.s , 'i. Wntormuu. Crete.Nob. ( Ml 14 "I710RSALK A well-estiblUhed. paying pro- JL1 duce cominlsslon buslnsss , owner must at tend exclusively to other business. lumitro qulckof I'earon , Cole Ac Robort3ou. Illi ) 3 15th st. Uiu FOR EXCHANGE. ONE hundred nnd sixty ncres good laml to exchnugo for work horie.s or mules , with or without harnessnml wagons. Address llil'ijlee. Kn IB * rpo TltAIlK for stock of goods , business J-property In Contrnl City , Nob. , with or without Ktoek of groceries. Address LOCK llox 4i. : Central Cltv. Nub. I4'l Kit HD--'Jo lot'in Council IHniTs for \\fAN1 - ' - triide gooasnfe. Shea > V Gulvln. rpu TKAUn UlUncres Hist choice Improved JL Innd or restaurant building In business cen ter. To trade for merchandise. Address , ! . C. Herbert , box't ! > 3 , Jlme Springs , Nob. ll.1-lot POll TJlADi : A llrst class drug stock for Omnha property. Park , 1'owlor & ICon- imnl , IfO * rarnnm. 115-10 rpo EXCHANOU A line Improved farm with JL MI mo cash for good Omaha proporty.ivacant lots preferred. Western Land & Loan Kx change , 117 South ICth st. U77 li ) FOIt r.XCHANCE 210 acres unimproved land' "k " mile from Ilinmmell , Morrlck countyd Neb. , to trade for stock merchunillse. Address llox . IK. Central City , Neor. ' . ' 37-1 * c : $ \flM stock of goods to exchange for good bulldlnc lot , apply nt onco. C. 1' . Hairisoii , Merchant's Nnt. bank. Wo-lfl flM/wOcash. llllll.irds , pool , llquor.s Ilxtures , I * beer agency , good tradn. Host town nnd best chance In the state to make money. Will more tlmn pay for Itself before license oxplros. Address It , 88 , Ilee olllce. ONK section (040 ( ncicslof heavy timber land In Ilurke county. North Carolina , clear ot tncumbrance ; gooil tltlo. What ha vo you to ollor'J. J. J. Stornsdorir. rooms : 7 and aiP. First National bank building. Telephone 401. LKAVKNWOHTH Street. 1 nave a very de sirable piece ot business property on this street that can be traded for good farming land not too fur from Omaha nnd part cash. It IH well rented and will pay you to Investigate. G. 3. SternMlorir , rooms ,117 Jtil : First National liank llulldlng. Telephone , 4H1. 863 JMPHOVED and unimproved property In the growing town of Croston. la. , to trade for Omaha real estate. 0 , .1. Sternsdorlf. rooms 317 nnd 31 . First National bank building. Tel ephone ICi. 8(5 ADAMS county , Iowa ; elgnty (80) ( ) acres choice liind near railroad ; nil fenced and under cultivation ; clear of Incum- branco ; want Omaha property ; house and lot preferred. U. J. Stornsdorll , rooms JIT and 318 First National bank building. Telephone 4C4. SEVCUAL mercUanillse atncts to trade for good Omaha property or clear farm lands. G , J. Sternsdorfl , rooms 317 & 318 First National bank building. C58 oEXCHANOE-Elghty acres of the llnost timber land In Wisconsin , clear of Incum- brance. What have you to otlor ? O. J. Sterns- dorlf. rooms 317 & 31. , First National bank building. Cll ) GOOD farms , clear or lightly Incumborod , for merchandise , live stock or city property. H. E. Cole , Koome. Continental block. 27J WANTKD To trndo for anything of value , stocks nf goods or real ostnto : good oilers made. Curtis & Sackett , room It , Hill block 808 S. 15th St. a9 ! 14 TTtOll TltADU Council Uluirs and Omaha real JD estate for farms , horses , cnttle or merchan dise. Itest lots between Omaha and Council llltin's. C. E. Mayne , loth and Haruoy. tlf in 1 CJKVUHAL very flue residences in ICountio Ollaco to trade. Wnat have you lo offer ? G. J. SternsdorlJ , rooms : U7&3liJ , First National bank building. ti.C TTtOll P.XCHANGK-For desirable reshlanco JO property In Omnha , any or nil of following : 40choice Inside residence lots In Hastings. UK ) lotu In Lincoln. C.040ncrtis line farmlnirland , Lancaster county , Flno residence property , Lincoln. Hood rental property , f.lncoln. Cnolco fancy residence , corner. Lo3 Angoles. A limit residence property In llnnscom I'luce. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location nnd price of prop- erty. J. E. . , care Damn Iron Co. , 1317 Leaven- worth. 571 \\rlIKNyouliave nnythlngfor oxchaiign call it nn or write us , H. 1' . Cole , HoomO , Conti nental bjock. 678 FOlf IIXCHANG K-D\kotn. Hand counry.- What hnvo you to oiler for u good farm here , slightly encumbered1 ! Dakota lands nre rising In vuliiu , und its destiny cannot be dis puted. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop erty nnd assume seine iurtimhr.incii. 0. J. Sternsdonr , looms 317 and 318 , First National bank building M5 " " "FOR'SALEREAL'ESTATE FOUHALF.-4 < xir > ft on Cuniini ; htreet. with 7-room house. This Is buslnuss propeity anil Is oircred nt 40 per cent loss than adjoining lots Imvo Bold for. If you want a euro Invest ment , let us Bhow you this property : prlco , JUD , Amos llcul KbUto Agency , IM J'linmm _ J lin 15 TfJIOH SAI.I ! In Osccola , Iowa , property In JL' tlmt-clubs condition. lot eiiclosnu by good feme , house has six rooms , good collar , well ut door ; sniull barn , with yard , hennery , hog houseetc. Address C.Marlon Flench. I'lutta- inoiitli. Nob. I1U-I3 ? ' IIAUtiAl.N Hxl4oTm"TlJtH"at soiltli"bf tno viaduct , with small house and barn. 'Ibis property in the market for a short time only at the extreme low prlco ot JI.5KI , This 1st : , M > ltnn tt.nn lu actual value. U , J , Btwrnsdnrlf , rooms 317 andUIH Flwt National bank building , ti' T > ITSINKSS property. Cnpltol nve. lot 0 , block Jjo , bet. Jlennott block nnd loth st. Take Mime trade. Sena oiler to owner , John W. Tuy- lor , fi l.uc'lil avB. Cluveland , O. 4 < IXtit 1J10U SALF.-Tho Hnwley iiouTe , North JO Plutto , Neb , , or will trade for good Im proved farm or city property. Thu house Is hiruUlied and In limning order. ! . . . . Hiibject to oncumbraiico of (1,00) Addreb John lluwley. North Platte. KJJ'Jt ! VV"A VIIHLV Addition. This property ndjolns the fftiiious Central Park and Momnoiitn I'urk additions. I naveaniimburof lots In the uliovo uddltlon that cnn bo sold on terms to Hiilt Special Inducements olfere'l to those who will linlld. It will pay yon to Inve tlnato. n , .1. HttirnsdortT. room i Jl7 and Uh First National bank outMlng. 01. $100 ciuii. balance- ' ) per mouth , will buy now 7-room house on " 7th fit. near Lnkn it. Price. t-VCU C. i : . Keltei , room 8 , n. w. wr. 15th aim Douglas. 47'J ml rt J. BTKItNHDOKKF. rooms aiT&aiS Flr VJ. National Hank * leveral places of Hue reaUeiico nml business property to t ie. | Also several farmsuetrOmaha. Tele- bone , Vai. BOj THOU BALK or oxclianco A fine farm ot J.1 inOncrolu Holt Co. , Noli. ; Will cxchantn for horse and phcaton or pair of poiil s ami phcntdn. Address H 31. Hoe ofllce. 101-lit ) 07ft 17 "VnCK lots ( clear ) for persons ! proper ! } ' . -L\lUitchln on A Wenu , 1WI Dodge st. 1 > ; 6 17 IjUMt PALM or K.xcliange Oood reslileuec.pon- JvenH'iitly located , liandy to car linos. West ern Land A 1-oixu ixch : nge , 117 South Ifith st. U77 la _ SsMl ! of the choicest clear property In ( lien- wood , Iowa , II. .1. Sternsdorif. room * ill" mid ! U8 , first National liixnh bull.llng. ( * tt * | ? 01i SALK Improved clo.vr farm of 100 acres JL1 in Mower county , Minnesota , $ * > per aero. Owner destrliiR to rnovo to Omnlm ; will o * . * rlinuge tor n linino liore. C. P. Harrison , Mor * chants' ' 1 bank. US IilOK SALU-To those who will build homes. ' elegant acre lots ! surrounJtni , ' property Is e sold In city lot * mid < nor ono hundred houses iinxa been Imllt In this neighborhood during past IS mouths. It you build a house to cost KOO on one of these lots 3011 need not mnko nny cash payment at all , but we give I , " and it years In which to pay for your laud at tf per cent In- torobt. This Is nKrandchnucutoget your home , nnd aero lota located us these are , you can't cot every day on ourjenns. Come ami { heiher our oiler is w orthy consideration or not. Now la tno time to act. Ames , 1J07 rarnam St. 1 y liAU-Slioles specials-Head. fWX > Huys olerant now home on Oeorcln nnd I'opiuotoni nvi't , cmt front uutl nil couvonii'iices , turnace , ( 'liolcc. fj.WW Htiys flno ji-room housu on Lou a ave , all convleiico.i. 1'art cash and KOUI ! lot in inivinent. J7W ! liuyi ( ? oed hoii'o nnd lot on 1'nrk avc , near I'opvloton , ti rooms nnd all coiiM'ii- lences , I'lirimco. $ rtoCO-r ; > n buy now house8 room' , furnace * anil nil convenience * . In Himscom place. Hop on to thin quick , { SOl iinyM aKOOd 4-rootn cottaRoniid full lot , 48,500 Iliiyjt an t' houau in Kuuntzo I'luco on Witt St. I'nrt civshnnd part IniJe. JB.OOJllnyi an decant housw In ICountzc Place. I'mimru nnd all convetiloncoi. lt'ldunct'.siuul ( lotH In nil tmils of thoclty. KOU TKAIIU. Three ( rood brick dwelling * near 1'urk , line house Him lot in Kouutzu I'laco. Hue house nnd lot In llnnscom I'lacu. } \ I.HXI citilty in Knox county farina for Rood clear lot or lltlitly ; eiicitmborcd hoiito nnd lot. VHlvud W.WXi. This Is niaro tnulliiK uhaiuc. I handle nil KunlB of property nnd pu > h it bargain. l.lit your property vlth mu. Ilitslncsi Is poiiic to hn uood thH year nnd I w.xnt a Rood iNt for HiiritiK. Send In your lists. U. V. Siholcs , ilu rim Nntlonnl Hank. HI TTioit SAI.U Kast front lot. M\1V1. on South -I ? IHhst. . ono block from Cuslellar xt scnuul , with tour-room houtc : lot on ijiadi1 ; larpe ahmlu trees ; pilcu f , 'i < M. Ames Itenl K.-Unlo Agency. IMi ruinuin ht 1 J 15 T710II SAI.i : rarmof 1R9 acres noltoin Innd Jin DouKias county on llnu ot I' . I' . It. It. , one milt' from station ! HiMt-i'luss Improvement' ) . J. J. Itobblns. I'HMon IiotuU wn IS1 rilAVU n K od UK ) aero farm In irooa locality , near railroad unJ uood town , w Ith gooil house , barn , orchard and nil Improvements , lliOncies under cultivation. tlVV Incumlirnnce. Address - dross for particulars , lt-4 Ueootlicu. No nRonta need apply. VM 11 FOIl SAM ! Cheap Not for trade : 5W.7G acres land ( Sec fi-ia-0) ) two miles fiom Maniuetto. Humllton county Nebrnsicn. I'Viune ' house.sta- ble , ! 0 acies under uoort b-irb-wlro feuc , round cedar posts , two stays ; llvliiR water. II I- foot channel ; 8 w lld. .U0-btirul tank , corral , Helf-feedcr ; a natural stock ranch ; in a flnecorn belt. J'rlco ( about $11.50 per acn > ) JS.'iV ) Cash do n II.OO.l 3 nnd \ \ years' time H per cent 3'A'O ( io and IOOK ovf r laud. Address owner. I' . K. AtKlns , r > U3 l.nrlmerst Denver. Col. 57rt FOIt SAIi : Choice past front lot on Virginia nveuup , one of the lluuit lots In that part of the city ; very cheap at J"50. ; ! Ames Estate Aguncy. 3107 rnnmm St. VKi 10 | JMK PArrK lly M. A. Upton company , JInvustnmnt llaukors uiul Ueuernl Itual llstnta Dealers. Southeast corner llith nnd Knrnam. llWxl" ) , south and east trout , corner l.owo arc. nnd Dodge streets. No liner resilience slto In OinaU'i ; M.&UO buys It. Dig barKuln ; take It quick. Hero 1 n good homo nt n very reasonable prlco : South front , 63-foot lot on .Maple street , just cast of Paunders and south or Kouutzu place ; news-room houao , go l burn , only $ IOX' ' . Terms to suit. Tlio best corner In Omaha foi flnotonemonts Is Ulth and Dodge. We have lOTvltll there , lioom for block of seven nouses $17,000.Vo think this Is sold , howuver. U'on'r you take advnntaeo of that corner In Paddock I'laco on Sherman avenue ? * 1IOO ( leas than It Is worth will buy It today ; perhaps not , to-morrow. The other WJ feet ot the lie , corner Ifith and Jonei , Is Mild.Sre otlered It for 0) davs at ii : > , u > 0. His worth llf.lMU It n nickel. jlS.WX ) will buy Itiiow , If taken soon ; otherwise owner will add ono moro to the half dozen blocks going up In the neighborhood this year Kounten 1'lacol Kountze 1'lacol Klegant homo In Kountze Place. U rooms , furnace , bath , hot and cold water , every convenience , good barn , nil now. nice und nobby , ? ( ! , BX ( ) : 81'XKJ ' CHKh , balance 1 , 2 , ! 1 and I yours. Hey ? Oh. yes , old croaker , you know a great deal about whutOmuhn will bo. You happened to homestead a fnnn that you couldn't got anyone to take elf your hands , mid by chance n city was built on ft. Now you are "fixed , " and n man of great Judgment and ability , and you know that Omaha real estate ( other than your own ) Is held too hlgli. Corns oil the porch. What do you know about the making of great cItle.iV what do you know any way , except to collect Interest ? 41 feet south end 16th ft. viaduct , cut down to gr ado , VOU. ! 1C you want It any cheaper take ft ns u gift. Wo'll pay for recording the de d. Vou fool away your day of grace when you don't secure Homo of the bargains we have. They are like the circus hero to day. but gone to-morrow ( New. ) 4(1 ( feet east front on 37th ( paved street ) , be tween ItogertT anil WltlmoH's elegant residences nud I'arnam St. , for $4.000. Wo have the largest list and best bargains In the city. M. A. Upton Company. Telephone Bat. 853 TjlOlt SAM ! NewlO-room modern house nud J ? good biiru. in KountM pluco. ThH IH ono of the line-it houses In thai popular addition and a great bargain at K7.00J. Ames Heal Instate Agency , 1507 Farnain st. 105 15 OMAHA I have a number ot good SOUTH various additions that num bo sold at once and can bo bought ut prices that will milt you , H , J. Stcrnsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 First National Oank building. CM _ A33 MAKES tlrflt payment on nice tt-room rDnouso , good locution. It K. Cole room (5 ( , Continental block. -MS _ " \VlMj receive sealed olfers to buy the sw ! I xl.'K reel nr lot 1 , Capitol add. to Omaha , up to 13 o'clock. Fob. 5. Title perfect and Indefensi ble. All oilers of not less than ilran. within 30 days , as llrst payment , will bo considered bona- ( lite and ronllclentlal. The prlco offered , time of nayinunta nnd rates of Interest will nil be con- Hldeix'd In det rmlnlng which , If any , oITer I ac cept. This gives all a rhaneo to got n mmlneis lot. on Karaiin st. on their own tunni , If the price suits , llrokers must got their < mmlHilon from purchaser , K. L. Jimnry , room in. Ware block. Bitl-81 _ OH HAI.K Kull lot , with good six-room honss and uraall barn , on Virginia are , near J'oppluton nvomio ; splendid location ; tM.GOU , Ames Itval Kstato Agi-ucy , 1U)7 ) rarnam LOT f . block 4. Dupont I'lace , 8-room nouso In uood repair , II.OU I. $ TOJ oasli , balunco uusyj will taku team of liorsej UH uait payment. ( J. J. fStcrnsdorir. rooms 317 ami UldVlrst National bank uullding. ( VJ HKNT Now 7 room house , all mortem conveniences , centrally located , ulll runt very reasonable to tenant making good lease. fi-room cottage 8 17th ht , $115. n-room hoime , Jtti Howard si. 3 room Hut 14AI N 17lh , nultnble /or Unlit housekeeping , J12. Apply to Hreeil \VllllaiiM Firat Nitt. bank bldg. Bll FOll SAI.IJ or Kxchaniro Improved atoct farm of H03 acres In onitern Nebraska , near market ; also now U-room nouse with all cim- venlimces. In desirable resldouco portion of Omaha. Andiew itevlns. Attorney , 42i and 4 l I'axton block , Ouialia , Neb. _ -'TO _ OtTiOASH iiiuHl' " monthly , Inchidlntr Interest , tpbiiysnlcoil-roum tiousu and lot , well located , It. K. Cole , room U , Continental block.IS imolt S.UjB-Oii ynsj' tnrnii. d-room nouso. hot JJ and cohl watei , bath , nil mojern liupravi- in nts , aUu largo baru. J ) . K. I'ax ton block Iil l''l.'i _ fjllill SAM ? rurmTto rloso an eitalo llest J. farm In Uooue Co. , Iowa , -B'l IKTCM , nouses , tarns , gror H , orohardx , sprlnKf , crook , fenro.s. lie. , coiupletn , II.I.WW ; encumbrance. 1 1.1'JO. ' Take clear Omnlm leal estate for ciiuliy. Cannot assume any encumbrance , Muit be closed out n in days. Make your oirars , iio s * v inn , ll'W ' Karn m st. ( Ml 17 _ _ iriOlt HAM- ; roomed house nnd full lot , good A ; surroundlngM , on a etrout oar llnu. Will take In avclmngu Nebraska or Kanfin farm ironerty \ > lth norae Incumbrance , or vacant lot u Umahn or Month Omaha , Cftll and Invent- ! Bate now. C. P. Harrison , W nni } ini Mer- Rants' National batik. _ 7M I i\nH \ B\itB lot If , n and nriJloo' U , WflsT Hldo addition. lots ureSlxiM each. ay vnry prbtty , and the ttiren can be bought forH.i i ( ) . They are tictlmlly viortti twlno that amount , 0. , ) . Htenmlorir , Itooms 317 and iliD , l-'lrtt Nntlo'ial bank UulldliiK , : I HAVR real ana ril ' ' " 'i' ' > l property of all Vlnds for trade. O.ill tun sea ma , Oeorgo.l. Sternsdortf. Itooms Jllaud 31 ? , Flrnt National bank building. C6 TJX K flAIiR ftlfl cr fann Wayne OiN - J.1 brusXs , InciitnbrancoM.a worth tlq.400 , Want clear Omaha real ejtato tor oipilly. Thl < 1 to clo e nnntat * . hence can nssumo no ln rumbrnnee. 1'or 10 day t apply to HOKRI Ar Hill , 11U3 Karnam gt IjlOH 3ALIS Or exchange for Omnlm prop- Jerty , to acres sultablo for platting ; will make UWlots.niiclear ; big money In It for sotuo ono who can push this ; locMod luitouttlite ttm city limits ot Council Ilium. Inquire ( loo. J. HteinsdoriT. rooms U17 nnd 319 ' lint National bank building. 57.1 ' T710H SAIiK-AnlceltttlnliomA on S. Ifltll st. , A- ' containing I rooms , nil In goftil topalr. woll. cistern , collar , barn. Arc. This property can bo sold on asm ill payment do\vn , bilnnco tlJ per month. Whv pay rent when ft Koldmi opportu nity like nils yon in thn face ? 0. J. SteiusdorlT. rooms ai7 nud 313 , First National bank , building. ; 7 111 AVi ; an ncro In Hanson that 1 will soil cheap toi cash ; wlmt will you give. Address US' , Hen olllce. " " > " Tnolfl -oli arres , Hamilton Co. , Neb. * Unit , i H > per acre , one-third cash , balance nt n per com . Address W. J , WlldmnnlonverCol. ) 575 _ CLAIRVOYANT AlTliNTION'-Mnilnme Wellington can bo consulted daily on nil atlnlrs of lite ; best test medium in the world ; locates diseases and rums them with message nnd nlcohol baths. C ill nnd Investlgnteip.irlor ( i , 4l78outn Kieventli street , up atnu-8. Consultation on Sundays. P\U. NANNir. V. Wnrrcn , clairvoyant , Medl- J-'cnl nud business nunlluni. I'emalo dlaeasoa n specialty. 119 N 101 h st. . rooms 2 nnd ; i. fi Not lee for IMdH Stcnin S i\I.ii : : ) bids will bo received by the School Hoard of Crete , Nob. , for hunting the now high school building Mlth ttoam. Specltlcn- tlniis now on Illn nt the llrit Nntlonnl linnk , t'reto , Ni-li. , nud nt the olllco of I'uvvlor V lloln- doitr. I.VK Km naiu street , Omaha , All bid to bo nrcompunledllliaccrtltled check for twohuu died dollars. Huis miiht bo handed In on or helorn March 4th. Ihy.i. at 4 o'clock p.m. Thn bonul lesoivos the right to rolec-t any or all bids. W.T. IIUCIIANANtecietnrp. . fUdSt Notlui * . SKAIiKO proposals will lie received nt the olllce of the County Clerk of Douglas Coun ty , Nebraska , until noon of S.iturdn > . the ! nl tiny of February , IPSI. for county ndvertlslug for the jenr IW , Including u > llniiicnt | tax list , nn- nual : trcnsuier's leport , seml-nimuni ; lo.vd and nil other lognl notlceM nnd commlsslonem' pro ceedings. A cci tilled check of K5.00 must no- company each bid ; nlso , a sworn HUtetnc-nt ot the proprietor , editor or manngerof each nowa- tcndurlugblils for said county udvertls- ng that It bus n circulation In Douglns county of not less t linn , IKM daily copies ami 5UU weakly copleanud that nmoimtof ciruiilntlon in Doug las county shall bo taken Into consideration. HlankM speelllcntlons nud foims enn bn ob- talniMl uu application nt the county cleric's olllco ( no other form nf bids lorelved ) , The roinmls > lcmers reserve the right to reject nny or all bids. M. D. Hocnn , County Clerk.V Notlco. I shall leave Omiilin Ajirll 1st. to open n b.iuklm ; biislue'iH in I tills' , Ti'xus. All cliuins to bn pirsentod ngalnit mu must bo bronchi Im- modlately H. W. HVDK. ( ilenwood OjiJiKiin please ropy. fKUUItp THE CHICAGO NORTH H Bcanm/a Gouncii Blulfs . Clinton. . . . Dlzoii , Clitcniin. Mllvrmikc * , pl of Nebra k .rolo irnilft , Oregon , wn h. uperlor advaniatfdJ Amonit a forr or the numerous polnti of nuportorttr nW ? " 7 the patroBi nf tlili ro J betwtou Omnlm fKt AJi\SSs \ ° \ . * te ttl Umi trnlna dor of DAY lUACiiKy , which are Ui finest Hint liumnn nrtnnd Ingonultr can crrnto. lu PAI.ACKSl.KKI'lNUCJLItS J > 1.E''S ' n.0 * * ' ! 1. ' " csn not bo foonrt olsewhorc. At ii i I T'1011'1" ' ot the U"1" " I'aclilo Hall. WBj connect In union clnuut with thoio of IJju Cbl- CRfO A Norlhwestdrn Hr. In Chlnuo the tralni of Kn-.J"- . ? > .eqo | connection with IhosooJnllotber For Detroit , Colnmbn * . Inatananolli , Cincinnati , Kl Kar Knll , Iluffulo , I'ltlsbarg. I'onwlo. Montraa loslon , Noir Voru , l > hllartelphm , Ilnlllmbru , VfKtb' jagton , aail all potati In tlio Itaol. Aik for ticket ) Tlk ' 'NORTHWESTERN"A" A" llckt u. utiuiim' . B. r. WILSON , aen'l sunosor. a n'l l > a 'r Acent , V.-.N. DADCOCK. . l > . B Ticket Agent. , , , u- KWK81' . Cllr I'A-fencor Area * n HOI Farnam St. Omalia. Nsb. OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. The Best Route from Omaha aiid Council Jlluffs to TWO TUAIN3 DAILT nKTWBKN OMAHA AMD COUNCIL BLUFF * Chicago. - AND - Mllrrnukcc , St Panl | Minneapolis , Cedar Ru . * ! Rock IslauOL Frecport. Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Darcnpoit. Elgin. Hadlsun , Jancsrlllc , Dclolt , Wluona , La C'rosse , And all other Importnnt polnti But , Norlhcaat aad For through tlckeU oall on t'ka ticket wjcnt t 1M1 Karnam tureet. la Uarknr Block , or * l Union l' onio vouui. l'ullruaofllc jier nnd tin flnett Mulng Cnn In tb world ar * run on th * main Uno of tba Chicago. Jlll wakoa & HU l' ul UjUlwaj , and orerj altvutlou It P I4 to unMongori lir courvtout niploroi of the coiupiufi it. MIl.l.Klt.iIoneritl Mtn g r. J. r. TUUKKIl. A > il9t > nt UeTueral Manager A. V K. OAUPKNTBU , ti ral l' i * Qir an4 Tlckcl Asnnt. , UKU. K. IlKAFKono , AWliUal Utaeral Pmtagtt and 'llokat Aooct. J.T. NATIONAL BAWK U. S. DSPCSITOBY , OlIAHA , NED. Cnpital . S100.000 Surplus Jnn. 1st , 168 ! ) . 02,000 OKUHKIIS AND IllllKUTOim ; II , W , V\TIS : , Prftildout. limn * H. UEKI . Vlc President. \V. U.S. llminurt , Caslileiv innitrroit.s { : . \ , K. TOMMK. . W.V. MOIISK , JOMN.H. t'ui.t.iNs , .1 , N. II PATIIICK , H. t' . ' THE IRON BANK. Corner nth nnd FMrnum Kin. A General Hanking liuiitneKii Transattod. Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were ahlppod diirlnctlio patl two youru , without a druta- mer In our employ Nootuor linunolu thn world can truth- lully make HUOU a eliowlDtr. Onu nuont dlonler only ) Wftiitccllutiuch town. _ SOLD BY UADINCI ORUCCDTI. R.W.TANSILL&CO..B5 State SLChicaao. Hut "Ifo was the lionoHtost boarder I over linti in my JIOURP , und ho only loft mu bocaiiHo ho could not got enough to out , " was the inuitnor In which a South Eighth strcot boardlng-housokooDor caino , to tlio I'OHctio of youiit ; Thonma Griflln , who wus on trial before Judge LJiddlo , of I'liilndolphln , on a uhnr a of Rtoaling nionoy from a follow-boi.rdop'a trunk. Ilor tortlrnony convuhod the court ; and materially assisted In scouring - ing Grlrtiti's acquittal.