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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1889)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEErHFIUDAY , FEBRUARY 15. 18S9. DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , OI'I 1CK. NO 12 I'KARIj STUKBT. Tellvcred by carrier In Anv Part of he City n Twenty Cents I'er Week. . _ . , . . 11. W. Tl I/TON . . .MANAGER. TKLKI'IlONKSi IlrpiM'.sR Omrr. Vo. 41. KHIIIT IIIITOII. : No. SI. MlNOU aiHNTlON. N. Y. Plumbing company. Conlmid wood. K.K.Mnyno , 019 B'wny. Thcro will be a special mooting of the city council this evening. A building permit was issued to llenrv Carter for i $1,100 residence to bo erected at the corner ol Sixth street 'and Twelfth avcmio. The young ladies who participate in the trades diplny will meet for drill ut Armory hall on Saturday evening , Feb ruary ili , ut 7iO : : sharp. All members of Council IllufTs Lodge No. 127(1 ( , A. O. U. W. , are requested to bo in attendance at the regular meeting to-night. Business o ( importance. A now pinto glass front for the build ing occupied by Sargent & Kvans is ono of the projected Broadway improve ments that will f-oon bo coinploted. The new racing cart for the Kiseman hoio team has been placed on exhibi tion at the Manhattan , where it is greatly admired by all who see it. The store pier blocks for the columns of the Ki.-camn block have boon placed in position , and Contractor Chris Boscn will begin to put In the Hour joists next Monday. This afternoon Mrs. N. W. Williams will entertain her lady friends at a / > o'clock tea. About sixty invitations have been levied and the affair prom ises to bo a most enjoyable ono. Little Xellio Hnwnrth , who is only five years old. will sing a solo at the Little Old Pouts' concert this evening. She is a ( 'harming song-bird , for one so wee , and is an attractive feature of the programme. The conductors on the motor line wcro yesterday supplied with breast registers , and the indicators in the cars are being taken out. The now style resistors are much more easily handled , and are appreciated by the conductors. The M. V. Ilendry adultery case was bet for a hearing before Squire Schurx. yesterday , but the prosecuting witness , his wife , failed to appear , mid on motion of Colonel W. K. Sapp , attorney for the defense , tbo defendant was discharged. The jury in the case of Knopher vs. Burohard returned a verdict yesterday for the plaintill for $ ( ) . ( ! . Suit was brought lo recover $ . ' ! ( ) for rents. The case was tried before Squire Sohur/ , and it was during its trial that Attorney Lundt was lined for contempt. A marriage licence was issued yester day to John W. Weston and Nellie A. Roman * , and lust evening the couple wore united in the bonds of matrimony at the residence of the bride's parents , about four miles south of this city , by Rev. Dr. Cooley , of the First Baptist church. The children's concert promises to bo a grand allair. More than four -hundred tickets have already been sold , it is safe to say the anticipations of the purchasers will not bo disap pointed in the pleasure they will de rive from this evening with the little singers. The statement in THE finu yesterday morning that there are but four gradu ates of the university of Michigan in this city , was incorrect , as George II. Gable , osq. , who has been here about ono month , is entitled to be ranked among the Ann Arbor alumni , and his iiarno is added to the quartette pre viously published. Dr. Cooley was surprised after prayer meeting at the Fiist Baptist ohurch Wednesday evening by the members of his church , who presented him with a handsome bible of the Oxford edition. The reverend gentleman was highly pleased as well as surprised , and thanked the donors in a , very fooling manner. Charles Thompson and J. El. Page wcro yesterday lined $7.00 each for drunkenness and Gcorgo Dclahaycs was soul to the county jail for thirty days for vagrancy. Dolahayes is the fellow who was arrested _ n few days ago. but was discharged with a scorching repri mand by Judge Aylcsworth , and given two hours to get out of the city. Ho failed to go and was again run in. Yesterday afternoon ono of the motor trains , in passing another on the bridge , mot with a slight accident. The brake failed to work for some reason and the train ran off the switch and up against the side of the bridge. Luckily no more serious damage was done than the splintering ; of ono end of the roof of the motor car. It was a lively scare for the passengers. Raymond , the seven-year-old son of Robert and Eli/aboth Currio , died Wednesday morning at his homo at Underwood. Ho fell from a lior&o Sun iljiy , but it was not supposed that he was seriously injured until shortly be fore ho died. Death resulted from in ternal injuries. The funeral will take plnco at " o'clock this afternoon from the residence. The remains will bo in terred in the Crescent City cemetery. The business men and merchants on Upper Hrntuhvny are making a most vigorous kick against the use of that thoroughfare1 for a driving park. For a long time O. W. Boynton has used cer tain other streets us well as Broadway as a breaking ground for colts. About two years ago ho was prohibited the use of the streets for this purpose by the police , but of Into has diuregardecl the police order , fto the serious ineonvon- lonco of thn traveling and business pub- lie. Complainants tlm.-atcn to put their kicks in a more tangible form if the matter complained of is not discontin ued at once. Parties having temperance billiard halls and restaurants will do well to take the exclusive sale of my tompor- mice boor. L. M. KINKKLSTUIN. AH grades hard coal , 0. B. Fuel Co. L. K. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over .lacquomlii ft Co.'s jewelry Htoro. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ollii'o on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and ( ill other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. The Day In Court. . , Ill the district court yesterday morning - , ing the case of Owens vs McCarger to recover wages was on trial. In the divorce case of Burns vs Burns the prayer of the petitioner was granted and a decree issued. During tUo afternoon the case of Evans vs White was on trial. The action is brought to compel the fulfill ment of a contract to pay a mortgage on certain land in Dakota. It is the ilrst jury case of the term. It occupied the entire afternoon. o Heating stoves at cost to clous out , Odoll ft Brynnt. S. B. Wadswoi'th & Co. loan money. The Care Qlvou the Sick nml Surfor- intf at St. Barnard's. DOINGS OF THE DISTRICT COURT No Police Protection nt Nnoiiilny A Cliani > c ! In tlic Tclnpliono Helios Social Untlicr * I'cr.Monul , SI. Hornnrd'fi Hospital. The Sisters of Mercy have just com pleted and laid before the public their llrst annual report of St. Bernard's hos pital. Tlie facts stated bhow the insti tution to be in a most nourishing condi tion. They are given briully by the sisters as follows : Kind Friends and Benefactors Wo present to you our llrst annual report with feeliUL's of gratitude to Almighty God , and to you , that we have beonablo to struggle'successfully through this year of trials : refusing admission to 'none who aski-d It. Besides taking care of and providing for our sick , wo ha\e fed at the dour during Hie past jour about two hundred pot'sons. Wo have paid during the past year $1,000 on our $15,000 debt ; also paid * 2IO ( insurance for live years ; $1,001) must bo paid on the IIwt payment ( ? o,000) ) this spring ; also interest on the other $10,000. The present properly was secured - cured by the payment of $ " 00 down May 1M , 1S87 , and W.bOU was paid on the M of Juno , IfeSH. During the year UW patients . have been received at the institution. Of these ninety-two were males and forty females. The results of the treat ment received rolled great credit upon the corps of self-sacrificing men and women whoso lives are given for tbo hone lit of others , as well as upon the medical attendance fur nished. This latter embraces many of the leading phvsicians of the country. They are C. li. Pinnoy , M. D. , presi dent ; J. M. Barstow. M. D..I. II. Clea ver , M. D. , C. Deetken , M. D. , John Green , M. D. , II. W. Hart , M.'D. , F. W. Houghton , M. D. , T. B. Lacey. M. D. , Donald Maciac , M. D. , F. T. Se.v- bcrt , M. D. , F. S. Thomas , M. D. , J. F. White , M. D. . secretary. The medical staff assumes the best treatment to bo secured. Taken as a whole the results accomplished arofully up to the expectations of the most san guine friends of the hospital. Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos , ( liuinontls , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Claris & Co. , ollice cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. J. G. Tipton' real estate , 527 B'dwuy All grades soft coal. C. B. Fuel Co. Now Hello * . Important changes are now being perfected at the telephone exchange that will greatly improve the service. For Rome time complaints have been made to the effect that subscribers are not promptly disconnected when through talking. This was sure to re sult when subscribers on different sec tions were connected , as the operator was unable to hear. As soon as the&o changes are made this will be entirely done away with. The service may bo a trifle slower , but it will bo more uni form. Heretofore , some of the connec tions were made almost instantly , while for others the subscriber bad to wait ten or twelve seconds. At the central oflico subscribers are grouped in sec tions of 100 , and numbered consecu tively. The first section consists of Nos. 1 to 100 , the second 101 to 00 , etc. After these changes are completed , the subscriber calling , up central will give only the number of subscriber wanted. If this subscriber is upon the same sec tion the operator will repeat back the number and make the connection. If the number asked for is upon any other section the caller will bo instantly switched to that section , and the oper- tor there will say "Number , " upon which the caller will repeat the number desired , and bo connected. This will do awav with the echo of ' 'forty-three on six , ' ' 1258 on four , " and other simi lar sounds that are familiar to the average - ago telephone subscriber. Connections with oulsido towns will bo called up by "No. 901. * ' The changes will bo com pleted and the now order will go into effect on the UOth of the present month. JInrriMMi'H Iniuiuiirntioi ) . The Wabash Western railway announces " nounces that tickets will bo sold" from all stations lo Washington and return , for the inauguration of President Harrison risen , at half fare. Rate for round trip from Council Bluffs , la. , $ : ) . Tickets will bo on sale February 127 to March 12 ; good returning until March 10 , 1880. For further par ticulars apply at the Wabash Western ticket ollico , 421 Broadway. J. ( J. MiTuiiiiLL , Agent. Stop paying" rent and buy a homo or. monthly payments. C. 13. Judd , COU Broadway. Short on Star * . Yesterday noon a drunken man was creating a disturbance at the Kiel hotel , and a call wns turned in for the patrol wagon. Neither wagon nor a policeman appeared , and the police station was called up by telephone. It was found that the call had been re ceived all right , but there was no one there to drive the wagon. The regular driver had gone to dinner , and there was but one olllcor at the station , and he could not leave. No ofllcor could be found , and tbo fellow abused the patrons of the hotel to his Heart's con tent nnd created quite a disturbance. Ho was twice ejected fiom the build ing by the proprietor , and dually placed under arrest , but had to bo released as no policeman appeared to take him to the station , The comments that were hoard on all sides were not Muttering to the police system that leaves the head quarters almost descried during the noon hour , and throws the patrol wagon temporarily out of service. Houses and lots to sell on monthly payments by F. J. Day , 39 Pearl et. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and Blurts by Cascade Laun dry company. Pickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib- bills' , S15 Broad way. Try our XXX bottled beer , Special rates on all orders from Iowa. L. M. FJNKI51.5TK1K. I have moved my ollice to Omaha , at which all orders will be received and Irom which all deliveries will bo made by wiigon. L. _ M. FiXUlil.STiil.V. How to euro money ! Buy one of'C. B. Judd's new homes on montlilv payments. Olllco COO Broadway. Send all orders far bottled beer to L , M. Finkolblchi , Omaha , Personal PnrnitrAilifl | , R. A. Benson , of Mlnden , wns in the ciiy yesterday. j Sheriff n'Nolll was attending court at A voca yesterday. I W. J. Smith wont to Omaha yo&lor- 'dav morning to try a case , and will not return uiiHf to-morrow , Mrs. J. N. Bradley , of Idaho Spring ? , who has beon'visiting with the family of H. B. Gardiner during the past two months , left for her homo last evening. W. M. Evans and mother , DCS Moincs ; Mrs. Johnson , Atlantic ; J. C. Bryant , Griswold , and II. L. Cook , DCS Mollies , were among the lowans at the Ogden yesterday. H.Slephenson. of the Star Union and the Council Bluffs lumber companies ol this city , has just returned from the south , where ho haspurchascd at bottom prices over four million feet of lumber. Judge Dcomor left yesterday morning for Harlan , where ho will hold an ad journed term of court for two clay- ' , after whi'-h ho eoes to Atlantic to open a six weeks' term. Ho will return hero to open a term on the I2d of April , and will remain hero thrco 1110111119. K. A. Wickham returned yesterday morning from Clinton , whore ho wont to bid on paving. He was the lowest bid der on brick and granite paving , but was beaten on cedar block. Ho states that n committee from Hint plnco will shortly visit this city and ( lalesburg , to inquire into tbo respective merits of brick , granite , and block paving. AVatch for the announcement of the Trades Display , which will occur on the 1'Jth inst. . at Temple Hall. Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , Opera house block. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascudo Laundry Co. Elegant spring goods. New styles throughout. A. Keitor , 910 Broadway. The London "Tailor's" is the place to get your clothes made. 037 Broadway. SUIIUUHAN XKWS. Hooper. J. W. Plielpa bus moved from his town residence to liis furin , just southwest of town. Miss I ottio Kcobc , who lias been visiting friends in Wayne for six weeks , roturncd last wook. Mr. A. V. Button lias returned from his prospecting tour through Kansas and wes tern Nebraska. Our jeweler , Mr. Strahlo , has accepted a IKisltion with Max Meyer and is selling oil his stock at cost. Mr. G. S. Peyton has returned from Chi cago. He expects to tike u trip lo Utah with his family in a few clays , Hon. George Scott of Sutton , lectured at the Presbyterian church last Tuesday even ing in the interests of the I. O. G. T. Kmtnett 11. Hand , Mr. IJorn's former clerk , has returned from York state and will re sume his lonnor position when Mr. Hebcr retires. Frank Kcbcr , the head cleric at Senator Dcrn's elevator , has bought out a business at Elkhorn , and has advertised his farm and chattels for s.Uo. "Jle'i" Calkins has been compelled to leave his livery business with his hired men while he sits on a jury at Fremont and listens lo llio solous of the law. Tne lown has been full of learns of late and n fabulous quantity of corn is stored away in every nook and corner , besides what is being fed and shipped. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Uurdett S. Taylor , aged six mpnihs and six days , was buried in the Christian church cemetery , February 6 , Ilov. Warner preaching the fu- ucrul sermon. Mr. H. H. Loosehen has completed another hall over his warehouse and furnished it with a line carpet and upholstered chairs. The Knights of Pythias have taken posses sion , and they may well feel proud of their new quarters. Pleasant Vnllcy. Mr. Jnmos Millikcnhas gone to Illinois to be present at his brother Dave's wedding. Mr. William Porter has been very sick for the past few weeks , suffering from inllauia- tion of the bowels. Mr. Charles and William Burin have ro- lurned from Illinois , where Ihey have been making a three weeks' visit , William Dunker , who went to Omaha for medical treatment awhile ago , has returned homo uncured , and with no hope of recovery. Mr. John Emaniiel mot with quite n mis hap last Friday while working on a bridge. Ho accidentally stepped nn a largo spike , which penetrated his foot to the bone. The Webster and Glencoo lyccums met in a joint debate , last Friday evening , on the woman suffrage question , Webster debating in the aflirmativo and Gteneoe on the nega tive. The decision was made iu favor of the negative. _ Itlair. Mrs. Pace is quite sick. Mrs. Natter is sick with cancer. Mrs. S. Hunt is very low with consump tion. Marshal Arnold captured a United States prisoner last week. Hon. M. C. Cameron , Watson Tyson and R. Ulaco were in town Saturday. The Free Methodist are holding iuleresling and successful meetings in Dutowills. There has been so little weather that Ihu farmers are doing a good deal of coming lo lown. Mr. R. C. Marshall and Miss Mollie Sharp , of Arlington , were married at Blair on Thursday. The ice men are making the most of the ice on the river. It is excellent , being nbout eighteen inches thick. Mr. Martin Balhird , formerly a Blair at torney , died recently at Cbadroa and was brought to lllalr for burial. The drama "Nevada" was well rendered to a full house on Saturday night. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was played Monday night. The Baptist people held a very intcresling praise service Sunday evening. They will have a goldea rule service next Sunday. . . On going up lown Saturday morning what was left of a burned cfllgy of Hon. M. C. Cameron , was scon hanging to a telephone guy wire. The following pedagogues visited town on Saturday : Mr. J. M. Keating , II. II. Henry , J. H. McSpaimn , J. C. Christcnsen , F. M. Williams. The now time schedule took effect Sunday at ( J p. ra. The through "limited" from Chicago goes through at 0:1)3 : a. m. uiul to Chicago at 4:25 : p. m. The Young Men's Prohibition club was orgaiili-ed on the ! M hist. They are working for the prohibition uuicndmcnl. Mrs. Gou- gur will speak uml organize u Young Women's club on the 23d. SOUTH OMAHA Ni\V8. foreign Missionary Nnws Clilt-Clmt NewH ol' llio Miixlu Oily. A Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the South Omaha Methodist Episcopal church has been organized with seventeen members , Theoflleers are : President.Mrs. li. M. Richardson j vice president , Mrs. L. II. Eddloblutoj secretary Miss Mabel Silver ; treasurer , Mrs. C. Coo. The society meets the llrst Thursday of each mouth uti \ o'clock in me afternoon. NOICH Aliout the City. The lire company transacted routine busi ness , Sidewalks are being laid In all parts of the city. city.Mr. Mr. and Mrs , K. O. Mayliold have gone to flrccnllold to altcnd the weddlnir of .Mrs , Muylluld'a ' sister. Bruno Strothinan has purchased from Mlllspough , t I'cui-bon the weighing bcates on Twenty-sixth street. Miss Jessie Savuio. daughter of Colonel E. I' , savage , was ut homo to a select party of Uioiuls Wopnessny nlt'ht. Albert E. Brlgham , late of the Drovers' Journal force , yesterday bougtit Muytleld's jyb and Boomer printing ontco , Thronga the ki mine's a of Cashier II. C. Uostwk'ic , the Kiuy'a daughters will hold their supper Frld.ifidvcnlnp in tl > 6 basement of the new National bink bulldln ? Chicago loses : } J < WJ of the 070.0X ) fewer lio9 ; slaughtered tfih yo\r than for the cor responding period l.iat year while South Qnm'ia shows a fulling off of nearly Oil , > 00. Sevcutojn nnmp.i wore enrolled for the new lodge of Dnurtlrer * of UubeccM nt the meeting Wednesday oveninc. As soon ns the ch.irtcr is received the lodge will bo or ganized nnd iimitujed , Cnplaln .Tessa O Smith addressed the Oklahoma colony 'uicJ'tlntt ' in A. O. 11 , hall Wednesday evening. About ono hundred people were present. The local organization has thirty two members , Harry , Henry nn-1 Albert Palmar arrcstoil ns vaes. were discharged vestcnlay by Judge Routhcr , ami Michael Hjst nnd John Fiibey , trumps , were given a day each In the city ) all.uid are scrubbing out. The A. O. U. W. lodge is In n flourishing condition. At the last meetiair three now members wcro initialed , and four applica tions wore received , while three now mem bers wore taken In the oriental degree. Owing to thn f.nlnro of the auditing coin- mllleo to report , oftlcor.t were not elected at the Loan nml Building association meeting Wednesday evening. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and showed a gratifying condition of the association's affairs. At the last directors moduli ? of Ihe Kmiuion , Messrs. Arthur W. , Dr. C. K. C. Smith and / . Cnddiiitftoti were appointed the room committee. 1C. T. Karnsworth's ' resignation as a member of the board of directors was accepted and Dr. .1. Smiley was elected to till the vacancy. INGERSOLfS TRIBUTE. Tin : Orntor'H Kulony ol' ( lie lmto Mnry Following is the oration recently de livered by Colonel luirersoli at the fun eral of Miss Mary Howins Fiske in New York pity : "Friends : In the presence of the two great mysteries , lifo and death , we arc met to say above this still , uiu'onscious house of clay , a few words of kindness , of regret , of love and hope. "In this presence let us spnak of the goodness , the charity , the generosity and the genius of the dead. Only Mowers should bo laiu Upon llio tomb. In life's last pillow there should be no thorns. Mary Fisko was like herself. She natlerned after none. She was a genius and put her soul in all she did and wrote. She cared nothing for roads , nothing for beaten paths , noth ing for the footsteps of others she wont across the fields and through the woods , and by winding streams , and down the vales , and over the crags , wherever fancy led. She wrote lines that leap with laughter and words that were wet with tears. She gave us quaint thoughts and sayings tilled with the pert and nimble Spirit of mirth. Her pages were llecked with sunshine and shadow , and in every word were the pulse and breath of life. Her heart went out to all the wretched in this weary world , and. . yet she seemed as joy ous as though grief and death wore nought but words. She wept where others wept , but in , her own misfortunes found the food of liopc. She cared for Hie to-morrow of others , but not for her ovn. She lived for tn-day. "Homo hearts u'rp like wavolcss pools , satisfied to hold the imago of a star , but hers was full of motion , life and .storm. She longed for freedom. Everv limita tion was a prison'ei''s ' wall. Rules were shackles , and forms were made for serfs and slaves. : She gave her utmost thought. She praised all gracious deeds , applauded the struggling ami oven those who failed. She pitied the poor , the forsaken , ' , the friendless. No ono could fall below her pity , no one could wander beyond the circumfer ence of her synrnathy. To her there were no outcasts they were victims. She knew the inhabitants of palaces and penitentiaries might change places without adding to the injustice of the world. She know that circum stances and conditions determined character ; that the lowest and worst of our race were children once as pure as light , whose cheeks dimpled with smiles beneath the heaven of a mother's eyes. She thought of the road they had traveled , of the thorns that pierced their feet , of the deserts they had crossed and so instead of scorn she gave the eager band of help. No ono appealed to her in vain. She listened to the story of the poor , and all she had she gave. A god could do no more. The destitute and struggling turned naturally to her. The maimed and hurt sought her door , and the helpless put their hands in hers. She shielded the weak , and attacked the strong. Her heart was open as the gates of day. She shed kindness as the sun sheds light. If all her deeds _ were flowers the nil1 would bo faint with perfume. If all her charities could change to melo dies a symphony would fill the sky. "Mary Fisko had within her brain the divine lire called genius , and her heart the 'touch of nature that makes the whole world kin. ' "Sho wrote as a stream runs , winds and babbles through the shadowy * Holds that falls in the foam of Highland liable , and laughing joins the sea. " Dootl ) , Barrett and Mod.Jo.slcrt. The alliance between Messrs Booth and Barrett is not to bo dissolved , says a Boston dispatch. Mr. Barrett said to mo to-night : "Mr. Booth will bo entirely under my management ne.xt year , as he is this year. That has all been Bottled. " When I mentioned Mine. Modjcska lie added : "Mine. Modjoska will bo Mr. Booth's leading support. She will appear in his plays and will bo underlined equally with him. " In further conversation Mr. Barrett said : "Our plans for next season are fully matured. Mr. Booth and I will open the season together , playing as now. Then Mr. Booth and Mino. Mod jcska will start out together under my management , while I , myself , shall pro duce a now play. Then wo Khali come together again and llnish the season with anew play .entitled 'Ganclon , ' a play of the time of Chfirlemngno. " Mr. Barrettvas indignant when it was suggested as n reason for the re ported intention T0fSMr. Booth to scpa- : 'alo from him that ho had proved an artistic drawback , "I wish , " said ho , "yon could able Mr. Booth about that , .Sir. Booth is my lear , loving frionl. ( " There was pathos in this last sentence as it was uttered , Why Allison. Declined. Lislon MoMillbnt of Oscaloosa , la , , reconlly wrolo td'Sonator Allison urg ing him toaccopt.tho treasury portfolio. The following reply from S6nntor Alli son was received by him , which shows Lhat the question iof the presidency in 1892 bus nothiug todo with tho&onnlor's decision : "UxiTJco STATUS SJJXATI : , WASHINGTON - TON , D. C. , Feb. 4. My Dear Sir : I liavu yours of the 1st inst. and note con tents. I thank you heartily for your advice. I do not expect to enter the cabinet of General Harrison and the suggestions of your letter have had no inlluonco upon my mind. I am * not a candidate for the presidency cither now or in the roinoio future , and that quotation has not inlluonced my mind in the slightest degree. There are many reasons why 1 could riot accept the p ilnco , but that is not one of them. V ory truly yours , W. B. A i.usox "To Libion McMillan , Oskaloosa. " A I'reaulicr DOSOJ ilios tbeVnf ! / . During the recent crusade against tbo charity ball at Ho- : ! : Island , 111 , , Hov. W. S. MarquiH , of the Broadway Pros- SAPRkOt r\M\j | I O ? Fuel.Merchants. WatchTheSlGNS , ; No,3l South.MainSt -TIMES' _ ur , OUftcouS fltff.ntinnj&33iW pR.O o E : Fi i . . ' 7 * i-- ! j' promptoeiivfry > ° . EB.GARD We invite your patron age. - . i N 104. BROA D WAVV NOS.II&I3 Pearl St,7 COUNCIL BLUFFS. I3 > t ° / - ' & ° rfik\G \ > WtfAj * Wr * K" g S ftiS & M , bytorian church , gave the following graphic description of llio wait/ : "Ills no accident , " ' he Miys , "that the dance is what it is. It mingles the sexes in such eloMMiess of pcrionitl approach preach and contact as is nowhere else tolerated in respectable sociclv. U does this under a complexity of circum stances which conspire to heighten its impropriety. This picture may bo sei'n : It is evening , The hour is late. There is a dolieioiis intoxication of motion and music fiorhapt. of wine in Hie blood. There is a strange , confused sense of being individually observed among ' o many , while yet the natural , lioblo shame which guards the purity of man and woman alone together is absent. Such is the occasion , and still hour uflor hour the dance whirls its gay kaleidoscope around , bringing hearts so near that they almost beat against each other , mixing the warm breath to gether , darting the lire of electricity between the meeting lingers. Mushing face , and lightening the eyes with u quick language. " THE COUNCIL BLUFFS MONEY On hand for city loans ; lowest rates of interest. Fine farms close to Bluffs to exchange for city property. Western laiiu to exchange for city property. Big bargains in Broadway lots. Fine business property to exchange for well improved farms. Good fresh stock Groceries to ex change for city property and one-third cash. cash.Houses Houses and lots on monthly payments. Small payments down. Prices ranging from $77.5 to1,000. . Cheap lots in Kvans' , Wright's , Coch- ran's and most all additions to city. Fine aero property for sale from $100 to $500 less tlfnn present worth. Xo. 10 IViirl St. , Council IMnfTs. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. T17ANTKU _ At28 Pearl street. One lady cook. 0. II , Dexter , room . A NTKD Compel snt abstractor of title ? . W J. W. Squire , Council lllutls. AIjl parties wishing a situation can secure one by culling uml ict'lslerliiK at thu em ployment ollice ut " 3 Pearl St. , room 'i , T7IOU KENT The three-story urlck store room JL1 No. 407 Hroadwuy. The location Is one of the best in the city , llio Imlldlni ; has bcun oc cupied fey the last twenty yi'iirs by Miller & Co. , hardware , and would be a very desirable loca tion for a hardware business on that account. John Ilennett. WANTKD City property In exchange for Iowa farms. Johnson It Van 1'atton , 'J'J Main .st. of dissolution of co-part- - iier.ship. Notlco Is hereby given "that the co-p.irtiief&hlp heretofore e.\i ( > t- Ini ? between the undersigned under the llrm naiuo of l ar.sons A : ICcller , for the purpose of dovelujilriK and operating a SMiil and gravel pit near fllntou. lu M11K county , Iowa , is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Wltne-ii our hands this lUtu day of January. A. . . ISM. (3. K. PAUSONS. V. I , . KKU < ii : ( . WHAT IB IT ? A stool : of Clothing. Iloota and .Shoes Halt and Caps , ( louts' Kur- nlshlng ( leeds , Dry ( JoocH. Invoice J10.IKX ) . What liuvo you to otter t Itil Uroadw ay , Council lllulla. la. la.O. O. R.X3ILBERT , TAXIDERMIST -.IKII nr.Ai.iiit IN- NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS , Orders tilled for all kind ? of inammalH and bird Hpoclinous. Mine fit I H nnd fo ils on baud. llnllalohoiiiH , Door uml iil : : antler * . I'liranil DeiTHklnriics , artificial oyiM , etc. Taxidermy woik done lu all ItH brunches. Kend for catu- What a Shirt LOOK AT IT. If yon hndtakfu U to the ( Ity Bteam l.numUy H wouldn't look mi lit Main .Street Telephone 141. D.H , McDAtiaO & GO , , lllijhesl marxet prices. 1'roinpt ret unit. StfO uud &S Mala rit. , CuiiiK-ll lilutr , Imr.i. An old established Boot and Shoe business in Oounoil Bluffs. Iowa. The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at 413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will be rented. Best stand and trade in city. Nearly thirty years in one location. Present stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further particulars apply to OK D. Phillips , at the store , or to N. O. PhilliDS , one of the execu tors of the J. M. Phillips estate. N. P. DOD&E , Executor. THE ! SIZES FROM Especially Adfiptod tot 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC NORSE LIGHTING , NORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Els/stars. Fpcclflcntlon' ! nml estimates furuhlioil for complete steam plants. Ilrsulatlon , Durability Oimv- nntecil. Can s > ho\v letters fioni uiersvlicre fuel Economy H equal with Corliss Non-Comlcmlng. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Bluff WHYSHOULD YOU BUY A HARDMAN PIANO ? . It is the most durable Piano icade. " . It improves under use. i ) . It iius more volume of tone than any other instrument. 1. It stands in tune longer than nny other 1'miio. 5. It is the only Piano with the now patent harp-stop. It is t he only Piano with the new metal key support. T. It is unequalled in action. 8. It leads all others anioncr the best people. 9. It is the handsomest Piano made. 10. And uiobt important of all it is sold a .8qOOOF TBI KM _ _ IX UC ! MUELLER MUSIC CO. , NO. JOS MAIM STRUIiT , BLVFPS , IA. MERCHANTS Who Will Save You Money IFYOU BUYof THEM. t/3 . . ADAMS > V. & CO.'S . SHOE House , K ; i2 117 Ilroadwuv , Ul s- U i Council IllullM. THE BEST. tx.s o § _ _ IS AlUHJ'H if CHEAPEST CM o.i7i prove by | | | 03 JETS fcH I m ml ted * . * ? * s eEj" * ' bd * ! * f 1 * * O < > Lanzendorfer & Sirohbelin , \o. ! 2 < 21 g ! ? Si MAIN STKKKT. ? ' 3 00 FIELD & ESTEP , PUBERAL DIRECTORS. Particular attention given to llmbalnilns' . \o. \.nialii SI , , Council Itliilft. I'uriiitiiro rcpalr'HB neatly dono. Olllco callw attended promptly day and nliht. ; GO TO THE LONOON - TAILOR , Ami ( ; < ! llio lnxl ! UltiMK Suit you t'.mi' had. had.Council CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THE FRONT ! V.NT1T , FI < IITII1U ! NOfJf II 1 WILT. fiKI.t , BEEF , VEAL & PORKer or ji v OW.N i Iowa Cattle Fedoi Iowa Corn ! , Anil will meet any lioni > < .tcnmpQtliiononi > rli'oi First-Class J. M. SCAETLAN , 1UO Ilrondwny. - - Telephone 2O1 , TKV OUII A1IJHII. II I W I Novel , plcasiiiK and practical. For th j parlor , the chuivli , the ( 'liuutaiiua ( | circle , firfle , the bouMy hall. The only monthly ol its kind In the Cnltcil SUlc.s. Only 1 n year. J-iamples , 10 cents , Htsrint ICMIII.CM SiJivifc : Very nuUiuo , No rehearsals la-cilcd. Only flO cents for n sup ply for any school , of any si/i ) . Address lONTKIlTAlN'MKNT Council Bluffs , Iowa , .1 K. Hurkness , Mann- Kcr. I'liblishei-B of "Old Ilistrict School , " "Qui/ Social , " "Evening With Art , " etc. c. B , iuiu : A. n n it UNO no r BELL & BERLINGHOF , Architects , Dcsigre anil Sapcrintciiilciits of Mr. UprlliiBliof nns seven jcars with MondrlHSolin , I'lshcr k I.owij , nnd lias dcsiirii'il ( many ofllio llnosl blocks In ( liniilui ami Council Illiill's. Plans and Specifications Preparoil and Estimates made on Application , fittnllo , Itottm Opera Jloitaa JSlocli THUS , tirricr.u. w. Ji. M. OFFICER & P11SEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and llroadway. COUNUIIj IIMJI'M.'H ' , IOWA. I ) & 1er4 In forctpn nnd domestic exehanite. j U ' % lloiwniftleuua s i < i > ( p li ( on tlwed * .