Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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1 , _ | A Rather Otilmor Phaao Assumed
By Whout.
UntN Firm-Provisions ilia I
ccitl m < > r I'ork niul Sliort
nt Lowest I'rlccH
Yd , Touolietl.
CIIICAOO , Feb. 14. [ Spcclnl to
i'lin UKB.I The Bpcculatlvo opurntiuns In
ivlicnt to-dny were on a soincwhat rcstrlctcil
icnlu nnd the untried assumed a rnthcr
calmer phase. 1'ricct uvcrnt-od lo\vcr tlmn
ycitcrdny , but tlio general feeling wns not
Unit of wcaltncfls , though the temper of the
local sculping crowd xvns favornblo to n still
further reaction on the down track. Cablcn
I /
; \\cro Indicative of tin easy feflin abroad ,
and n deeltuu In prices In some ipiarterH is
noted. IJornbURuh , In u carrfully prepared
nrtlelc , estimates that Kuropu will have sup
plies to last until the next crop , allowing for
nji exportation of 4,000.003 bushels from the
Allan I io ports from now on. The domestic
news was , on the whole , cncour.iiinir. It
tins diivulopcd that during the hist wouk or
ten days millers , Jobbers and ntfents huvo
been dolnj ; a largo business in Hour in cver.y
section of the couutry. 'J'hu reaction in
wheat bus called a halt , in the demand for
Hour , but the holders arc llrtnly refusing to
do business at confessions. The milling de
mand for wheat keeps up well. A HtflTalo
correspondent writes that moro than 100,000
bushels of N'o. y red wheat had been sold
there for Immediate shipment to Cleveland
mills , and that a part of the grain had been
loaded. New York advices were bearish as
a rule BO far as any expression of
opinion goon , but the facts look the other
way. During the last ton dn.ys something
lllio 200,000 bushels of the Iwst grade of
wheat to bo hud there has gone to the in
terior mills , so an apparently well-informed
broker wires Chicago parties , nnd inquiries
arc mailing for Hio next ocst grades. St.
Louis was about as IIrm us any nmrltel in the
country to-day , and the holders of the lim
ited amount of wheat nt Hint point liavo
awakened to the p'oaslng ' fact that then-
property hns a value , nnd that it is wautcd.
The news from the northwest was moder
ately bullish. The greatest dilllculty is being
CX | > orienccd up there in getting good wheat
to keep up the standard of the special brands
of ( lour , and in ono case , at least , a merchant
miller of some prominence announces his in
tention to hhut down for the remainder of
the year , preferring that to the further risk
of injuring his orand by the manufacture of
flour not up to the old standard In color and
quality. The northwestern Hour trade lias
been hurt nbroad by the pressure ot cheap
Hour , which has been worked off at low
prices during the last three or four months.
Trade in th pit was not oxtciihivo as to vol
ume , though the scene was far from being
ono of stagnation. The business around the
opening was done on a basis of $1.0" ( < f 1.0'Jg
for May , with a good many trades tit the in-
hide. The market sold up to fl.07-\ ,
down to Sl.Oli-/ ! , un to fl.07 > ,
ncalii back to ? I.O ( % . The undefined and
unconfirmed war rumor alarmed the shorts ,
und caused the market to advance toS.OS ; ' ! , , .
It worked hack to * 1.II7 ; < nnd rallied'to
tl.CBIj. From tncn up to within half an
hour or so of the close the prices fluctuated be
tween fl.or * < and f 1.08'j ' , , but the market at
length gave way and broke to $1.1)0 ) % , and
closed at fl.OC.J . July wheat opened at
03 > 4C , ranged between IttJi'o ' and VM > o , anil
closed ut t'c. ' The closing quotations
show a decline of l > \o on May and no
change in July.
Thorn was a good shipping inquiry hero
for cash corn , nnd considerable confidence
displayed in the bidding for May at about
35bga5 ] ! ( > 5C. The otitsido markets were
steady to llrm , winch was an assistance to
receivers in disposing of their consignments ,
and there wus less talk of ti bearish char
acter mixing the local operators. The
amount of business wns small , as has re
cently boon the case , with little interest
shown by the outsiders. 1'ricocnungcs were
insignificant , but final figures generally
showed a slightly improved feeling com
pared with the closing quotations yesterday.
Oats were firm with a fair inquiry for
May , and the interest extending in a loss de
gree to the two following months , while near
deliveries were ns dull as recently. There
was moderate trading early in May around
2r ? fc , with light sales at 2T e. though few
selling orders nt that point could bo executed ,
and n slightly easier tone subsequently pre
vailed. The receipts and estimates were
moderate , and car lots to go to store sold at
25.&C , or a Jfc ( improvement.
Provisions sold at the lowest prices so far
touched durlngtho winter , though lard closed
at yesterday's ' Html quotations and short ribs
2 } < ; < 't.5o ; higher. In pork , however , the day's
trading ended with thu market ? @lji ! o
lower. Another decline in hogs , which wore
in good supply , continued the weak feeling
lately witnessed in that uroduct and thu
bear side had the call , and whenever so in
clined raiders had no trouble in depressing
the trade. The shorts were throughout tlio
principal buyers , nnd the business trans
acted in the pit was mainly on local account.
For cash delivery 1,760 tierces of lard were
sold at Jt.55( ! ( ; ; The cash movement in
meats was restricted for this season , Ss.lllX
being paid for 1XS ( ) green hams , and fo for
New York green shoulders.
CUIOAOO , Fob. ! . | Special Telegram to
TUB UEK. ] CA.TTI.K Business was again
Blow nnd prices about the same ns yester
day , or say 10gl5c ( lower than the lowest
prices of last week on the ordinary run of
steer stock , snob ns the shipping , dressed
beef and export trade usually buy. Native
butchers' stock , especially prime heifers and
cows , were generally quoted n shade firmer ;
common nnd canning cow stock unchanged ;
bulls nnd other rough stock about the same
ns for the past eight or ten days. The stocker
nnd feeder trade presented no now features.
The demand WHS light niul prides were ex
tremely low. Choice to extra beeves ,
f4.SS@-l.SO ; medium to good steers ,
VJ50 to I.BOO Ibs , V3.tl5ftJI.10i 1,200 to
l.ittO Ibs , t3.40ft3.73j 050 to 1,200 Ibs ,
W.00@l.0 ! ; stockers ami feeders , f2.tOt : >
13.85 ; cows , bulls and mixed , ? l,45Sa.lot
bulk , f3.006IS.40. '
Hooa Lute yesterday afternoon , when
nearly every prominent buyer had filled nls
orders , severnl trains arrived , all too Into
for the regular trade , and as there was little
or no competition , the salesmen had to take
what they could got , nnd the bulk sold a
strong lOo lower than at the opening iu the
Nnw YOUK , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tim IJEB.I STOCKS There was a bolter
feeding exhibited at the opening of the
lock market this morning. The first prices
were generally higher , the advances extend
ing to % per cent. Uurllngton , Kichmond
Terminal and Chicago Gas Trusts were the
features. The former , after u sudden break
to 1)9 ) , gradually Improved to 100 % Gas
Trusts were very strong nnd advanced"X \
over last night's closing figures. The buying
was of nn exceptionally good character , bused
on Inside In formation. Uroad street brokers
nre talking very bullish on these securities
nnd say that the Chicago people have very
little Intercbt on the long side and that they
will look cheap nt 50 before many weeks.
'Xbe.llquldatlon In Uurllngton seems to be
over for the present , nnd the bears llndlng
no long stock pressing for sale , were obliged
to bid the pneo up to secure stock to cover
their short sales. St. Paul wns also firmer ,
and commanded a small premium for use in
Iho loan crowd. People who have really
peed Information on railroad matters say
that in their Judgment all differences exist
ing among the western railroads will bo set
tled very quickly , and iu less than a week ,
and that all roads , including Turlington , lilt-
nols CcntrM anil Chicago , IJarllngton &
Northern , will luwo slcned the agreement.
On tlio other hand , tlio bears insist thnt they
have not been rcsjwnslblo for the break in
the market and claim that the wcnlincss 1ms
hern largely duo to the liquidation , of which
they expect to sco much more. They confess
that for "siiccinltlcs" the market shows great
strength , but this , they sty , is simply manip
ulation. The commission houses arc more
conscrvatlvo In their views , and odviso pur
chases of Union Pacific , Northern Pacific
preferred , St. Paul. Richmond Terminal nnd
Lake Shore. H i * expected that the Hleh-
mom ! and West Point plan will bo forthcom
ing in a few days. Everything Is now ar
ranged. At noon the market was nctwc nnd
firm at nbout the host prices of the morning.
There Is no change in money rates , and It is
in abundant supply at 13jit.2 ( per cent. Tlio
market was firmer during the nltcrnoon.
The announcement of a 1 nor cent dividend
on Chicago , Jlurlincton it ( Juincy started
the snorts to covering , nnd induced some
long buying for the turn. The last prices
show gains for tlie day as follows : Illinois
Central , IJf j Chicago , Hurlitifiton & Qtiincy.
I,1 if ; Hcclc Island , ! , ' „ ; Northwestern , ? f ;
Atchison , ( ? , nnd Missouri Pacific , ? f. The
balance of tlio lUt clnsos nt nbout the open
ing prices , Hx'crythliiff considered , the day's
transactions liavo been satisfnctor.y to the
bulls. The total sales of the day ngerpgatcd
210,000 shares , including St. Paul , 11,000 ;
Lnckawann , 'jr.OJO ; Michigan Central ,
1.000 ; Krading , 15,000 ; Northwest , 10,000 ;
Ilurlinuton , " , " > , ( K)0 ) ; Cleveland , Columbus ,
Cincinnati ft Indianapolis , 7,000 ; Illinois
Control , 2OOD ; Kichmond Terminal , 11,000.
Thofollowing wore the elosinir quotations :
IT.H. 4i regular..IXHVNorthcrn I'rtPlflc.'T1 *
tT.S.4soouncns . .j ! ( cloprofurroil K'4
r.H.49reKllliir..KI7'i C. k N. W lOfiM
U.H.41i cotipotH..jOU iloprofarroil , . . . .IHi'i
1'nclllcBsnt TO. . . ! * ! N. V. Central 109 ? *
Central I'tirltlo. . . . : ' I' . , I ) , & i : -7'1.
Chicago tc Alton..ri5 ilock Islunil IB'.i
nilcago.llurllngton U. . M. .VSt. I * . . . . fil'i '
AcUiilncy Ifll'S < lo pruforreil W +
I . , I..VV l ' 4 St. raul&Oinnhn . ill
Illinois Contra ! lus'il ' ilopmfnrroil W )
1..I1..V.W 11' , UnionI'-xciHe t > i
Kiinsns &TOJC03. . . K\w..8t.r ; , . .t I1 WU
I.nkcSlioro Hll'i ilo prcforroil. . . . i7 !
MlrlilKiui ( ; ciitrui . Ul'i ' Western Union to , '
Mlssonrll'dcino . . . 7l' ; '
MoNKroN CAM. Kasyat4 \ } < ti" per cent.
PIIIMB MEitCAxrii.cPAi'nn V,5t5 par cent.
STciti.i.vo EXCHANGE Hull but steady ;
sixty-tiay bills , fl,6'i ' ; ncmand , i
CITIC..OO , Feb. M.Vheat Lower ; cash ,
* 1.0t' : ' e : May , Sl.UUJfu.
Corn Steady ; cash , 3lc ; March , 3IJ < fc ;
May , 35'c. , ,
Oats Steady ; cash , 25c ; March , 25 0 ;
May , 27 7-l(5c. (
Uye 40c.
Hurley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothj f 1.4C ( 1.47.
. .
Whisky f I. m.
Pork \\Vnkcr ; cash , ? IO.S5 ; March , f 11.00 ;
May , Jll.22'4. '
Lard Steady : cash $0.57 > < f ; March ,
$ rr,7 > ; May , w.t K.
Flour showed no change in price.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , { o.SlXR.I.WW ;
short clear , ? < 3.123 ( ii.25 ; short ribsl J , " > .S3
flutter Unchanged ; creamery , 197J29c ! ;
dairy , lC@25e.
Cheese Unchanged ; full cream cheddais ,
; flats , lldjll c ; Young Americas ,
Unchanged ; fresh , ii@ltc. :
Hides Unchanged : Heavy and light green
salted , r Ke ; green , -lc ; salted bull , 41.40 ;
green bulls , Ilj e ; green salted calf , C > c ;
dry Hint , 7 > f ftCSc ; green salteil kip , 4c ; dry
calf , 7fASc ; deucoiis , 253'JOc each ; dry
salted , 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1. solid packed ,
4 ( if5c ; No. 2 , KVjIJ o ; cake , jgn c.
itccciDts. bhipments.
Flour , bbls . 8,000 8,000
Wheat bu . 25,000 : ? t,000 )
Corn.ou . 13'J.OOO 335,000
Oats , bu . 10(5,003 ( 02,000
Now Vork. Fob. 14. Whe.U Receipts ,
none ; exports , 31,000 ; spot dull ; K@fo lower ;
No. 2 red , 'JK ( < ! l7o in elevator , ' . 'So ' afloat ,
97' < ! @ JSKo f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , b'Jc ;
options fairly active and lower ; February
closing ut We.
Corn Receipts , 23,000 ; exports. 82,000 ;
spot , weaker , fairly active ; No. 2 , 43X ( 43Vo
in elevator.14 Jf@45Ke afloat ; No. 2 , white ,
45c ; ungraded mixed , 40@45c ; options mod
erately active ; February , 44c ; March , 44 > fe ;
May , 43tfc. !
( Jots Keceipts , 44,000 ; exports , 20D ; spot
quiet , weaker ; options dull and steady ; Feb
ruary , 0j.fc ; March , HUtfc ; May , 32' ' 'e ; spot
No. white. 33J4@33J c ; mixed western , 2S , '
@ 33c.
ColTco Options opened quiet , closing
barely steady , 5@10 points below yesterday ;
sales 29,000 bags ; February , $15.ti5 ; March ,
$15.70@15.80 ; May , $15.05(315.80 ( ; spot Kio
quiet ; fair carcoes , JJ17.50.
Petroleum Crude , stronger ; United closed
at ! llc.
Eggs Weaker ; dull ; western , 14 @ 14 > jC.
Pork Moro active ; now , $1.IJO : } ( ( 1-.J.75.
Lard Steady ; western steam , $7.00 ;
February , ? O.G'J. '
Uutter Steady ; western creamery , 13@
32c ; dairy , 18iC20o ( ; Elcms , 3I@)2e ; )
Cheese Dull ; western , 10.'i ' ( < ( jliijc.
Ijivcninnl. Fob. 1-1. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB IJcR.J 3:30 : p. m. close. Pork
In poor demand ; prime mess , eastern ,
07 ( Id , steady ; do , western , 57s Cd , easy.
Lard In poor demand ; spot and Febru
ary. 84s Od , dull ; March and April , 31s Dd ,
Wheat In fair demand ; new No. 2 , win
ter , 7s 7d , steady ; do spring , 7s Od , steady.
Flour In fair demand at 11s ild , steady.
Corn In less demand for spot , with poor
demand for futures ; spot , 4s Jjfd , dull ; Feb
ruary , 4s ' , d , dull ; March and April , 3s
lljfd , dull.
St. r < ouix , Fob. 14 , Wheat Easier ; cash ,
07Kc ; May , OSc.
Corn Dull ; cash , 2Slfc : ; May , 30Xc.
Onts Steady ; cash , 2k'c ; ) ; May , 27 > ' c.
Pork-Dull uttl.7S.
Lord Quiet ntS(5.45. (
Hutter Firmer ; creamery , 24@2Cc ; dairy ,
Feb. 14. Wheat Sample
fl.21 ; on truck , $1.03 ; No. 2 northern ,
February , O'Jo ; May , $1.02 ; on track , J1.03
© 1.04.
Kansas City , Fob 14. Wheat-Stronger ;
No , 2 red , cash , OOo bid ; May , 07o ; No. 2 ,
soft , cash. IMo bid ; May , 05o bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 cash. 2I4C ' asked ;
May , 27 { c bid : No. 2 white. May , 27 'e.
Onts No , 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May , 23 c asked.
Cincinnati. Feb. 14. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 rod , ? 1.00.
Corn Kasiur ; lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33J @
Oats Heavy ; No. 2 mixed , 27 < 3' . > Sc.
Whisky-Steady at $1.03.
Milwaukee , Feb. H. Wheat-Ncglected ;
cash,92o ; May. WJfc.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3. 20 o.
Oats Inactive ; No. 2 white , 28c ,
Kyo-Stcady : No. 2 , 45 > < c.
Harl'jy Weak ; No. 2 , 5So.
Proyisions Slcady ; pork , f 11.10.
Glilcngn , Fob , 14 , The Drovors' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Kccolpts , 13,000 ; market slow ,
weak ; choice to extra beeves , f4.2'i
( il.0 ; steers , S3.00S410 ; stockers and
feeders , f2.3033.35 , cows , bulls and mixed ,
Hogs Keceipts , 2(1,000 ( j market weak , clos
ing 10d lower ; mixed , * 4.40@4.f)0 ; heavy ,
U.mHMlight \ , M,50-i4.76i ( pigs , | 4.00
( < i5.00.
Shcop Uecolpts 10,000 ; market slow ; clos-
5o to lOolowcr ; natives , f3.50 ( < | 5.15 ; westerns ,
corn-fed , | l.-10g4C5 ( ; ; lambs , * 4.yo < R0.25.
Nntionnl Stuck Yards , l-Jnst St.
LoulH. Feb. 14.-Cnttlo Kct-clpts , 1,300 ;
shipments , l > 00 ; mnrket steadychoice ; heavy
native steers , J3.bOtf4.30 ; fair to good , IJ.OO
(43.75 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice ,
fi40d3 10 ; stockerx and fccdeis , il.75a2. ( 0 ;
rangers , corn-fed , 3.00ii3.40 ( ; grais-feil , fl.SU
Hogs Receipts , 4,100 ; shipments , 1,800 ;
market steady ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , .30 ( < ? 4.n5 ; packing , $18001.50) )
light grades , $4.50 4,05.
Kansas City , Feb. 14.-Cattle-Re
ceipts , 4,100 ; shipments , 3,000j luarliet slow ,
beef Mcors. steady to lower ; cow * nbout
steady ; good to choice corn-Jed. f.l.Tu-n'4,15 , ;
common to medium , $2.SOaV.Vistookcrs ( :
and feeding steers , $ l.GOf.WU . : ; cows , $1.2Vi9
Hogs Keeeipts , O.TOO ; shipments , 2.700- ,
light weights nbout steady ; mixed nnd heavy.
5c lower ; closed n shade stronger ; common
to choice , $4 13C/4.40.
Slniiv City , Feb. 11. - Cattle-necclpts ,
175 ; shipments , none ; innrkct strong and un
changed ; fat steers , fJ.Mii3.50 ( ; fender * ,
S2.20.2.90 " ; stocker * nnd fat cows , fl.W ) ®
3.t'iOi "canncrs and hulls , $1 Ui@I,75.
Hogs Receipts , 1.IOJ ; market lower ;
light und mixedl.25 ; heavy , Sl.25ft4.3o.
Thursday. Feb. 14 , 1SSO.
The market has been In pretty bad shape
for some time , but to-ilny it wus decidedly
the worst yet. Butchers' stock , which was
in liirht receipt , sold well , that is fully ns
strong as yesterday , but the market on nect
steers was rotten nnd fully lOc lower. While
tlio trade wns slow nnd the market was pro
longed throughout the xvholo day , the bulk
of tlio cattle chnnircd hands before the close.
Cattle weighing ever I.HOt ) pounds sold as
low as fi.2o : , while the bnst enttlo here. ' ,
which were good , thoupli not very heavy ,
sold ut $ : l.W. The bulk of the beeves changed
hands at f3.10i.rf3.1 o. Feeders sold at steady
The hoc market wns Sc lower nnd f.ili-ly
active at thu dot-line. Thu triulo was a little
slow nt thu opening , thu buyers trying to
lake off Kit : und thu snlesmen refusing to soil ,
but all tlio hogs WPI-O sold before mid-day.
Shippers have been rushing in tlio liirht hogs
so rapidly of Into on account of the high
prices paid for that grade that tlio market
has been going lower moro rapidly even than
the market on heavy hogs. Light hogs did
not sell nny higher to-dny than the best
Tlicro were no sheep hero to make a mar
C-'ittlo 700
HORS 4,200
IVovnltini :
The follow-In ? is a ribleof prioJi p.xM in
this marnQt for lho gr-Uji of stoa'.t inoti-
I'nuio stoara. 1303 to 1.7 Iba. . ? n.25 (3:3. ( : W )
I'rimusteors. 1100 to 133J ib * . . 3.03 ; m3.CO
Native feeders 2.SO &D3.IO
Common to good cows l.ftO fa)2.25 )
Choice to fancy co wa ' . ' .HO C43.00
Fair to choice bulls 1.73 M2.60
Fair to cnoico tignt hoes 4..i5 ( i2l.35
Fair to choice noavy tiozs 4.25 ( cM.HO
Fair to choice mixed nogs 4.20 ( .4M.35
Fair to choice western sheet ) . , 3.75 ( j 4.25
Fair to choice Ncbraskns 3.5U ( . 1.15
HciircHuniiiltvu Sales.
, CATTl-b" .
No. Av. Pr.
1 bull 720 Sl.yi )
2 bulls ii45 : l.'JO
1 bull lolO 2.00
1 bull lOiO 2.00
i bull mo 2.00
1 cows 1130 2.05
JCOWH 11 0 2.05
Ocows 10T1 2.05
22 cows 83'3 2.05
2 cows 1030 2.15
0 bulls 15SS 2.15
2 bulls 1250 2.15
37 cows 1001 2.17K
-cows 9.3 2.20
Scows IOS8 2.20
32 cows 1073 225
1 cow 1230 2.25
3 heifers 033 2.25
2 cows 1160 2.25
2 cows ! i. > 0 2.25
20 cows 10SU 2.1)0 )
'Jcows 10T7 2.
1 hull .1410 2.30
Ibtlll , 1MIO 2.35
18 cows 8."i 2.35
17 cows 1117 2.35
1 COW -1120 2.35
7 cows 1115 2.40.
Ibull 1010 2.-10
3 cows 1 50 2.40
Scows 1010 2.40
3cowB 1170 2.50
icow 1UOO 2.50
icow 1200 2.50
12 feeders 1103 2.50
1 feeder 1170 2.50
2lcows 1111 2.50
7 cows U14 2.55
34 cows 1104 2.150
Scows 1254 2.150
2oxen Ki75 2.05
1 cow 1220 2.05
lOstockcrs S50 2.70
0 feeders ' . 1100 2.70
5 feeders 1120 2.75
Scows lltr > 2.75
47 cows 1237 2.00
23 yearling heifers 717 2.90
3 feeders 1030 2'JO
1 feeder 1000 2.UO
JSstockers DOC , 2.90
8 feeders J140 2.00
Sfectlers 'JH 2.00
4 feeders , WO 3.00
IU steers 10H 3.00
1 steer ioiO : M.oo
IU steers 1215 3.05
Gsteers 1001 3.10
3 steers 1033 3.10
30atcers 1110 3.10
2 stocrs 1300 3.10
10 steers 1242 3.10
21 steers 11UO 3.10
1 steers 1114 3.10
20 steers 1117 3.15
35 steers 1210 3.15
fi steers 1225 3.20
20 steers 1131 3.20
U steers ll'JS 3.20
13 steers 1223 3.20
1 steer 114'J 3.25
10 steers 1223 3.25
20 steers 11403.25
20 steers 1312 3.25
3'J steers 1109 3.30
lOstcers 13'J1 ' 3.35
22 steers 12 Hi 3.35
19 steers 1308 3,35
19 steers 11SO 3.35
lOsteers 133S 3.40
8 steers 12'J1 ' 3.50
17 steers 137li 3.50
ISbteers. , 1342 3.S5
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
,2'JO , 320 { 4.20 110. . .242 400 1,25
10. . . .315 4,20 5'i. . .227 ICO 4.25
08. . . .253 200 4.20 09. . , .233 40 4.25
50. . . .311 100 4.20 03. . , .227 100 4.25
03. . . .373 40 SO. . , .310 120 4.25
57. . 100 74. . , .200 4.25
! IC'oo 120 4.25 fid. . , .287 120 4.25
. .352 40 4.25 09. . , .202 10 4,25
55. . . .270 SO 4.25 93. . , . 03 4.25
77. . . .257 120 4.25 53. . . .251 SO 4.25
72. . . .277 SO 4 S3 01 , . .202 SO 4.25
CO. . . .254 SO 4.25 00. . , .50'J ! 100 4.25
OX. . .253 100 4.25 07. . .237
01. . . .400 120 4.25 70. . SO
r.7. , . .211 100 4.25 51. . 40
C5. . . .2s9 80 4.25 03. , .253
01. . . .27(1 ( 200 4.25 5J. . , .313 SO 4.30
00. . . ,315 SO -1.25 43. . , .300 so 4.30
74. . . .240 240 4.25 52. . .290 4.30
57. . . .281 4.25 07. . .319 80 4.30
51. . . .322 200 4.25 1)9. . , .210 SO 4.30
03. . . .223 bO 4.25 51. . , .313 4.31)
77. . . .223 bO 4.25 41. , , .424 4.30
74. . . .23U 100 4.25 Cli. . , .242 4.30
55. . . .308 40 4.25 00. . , .30J 120 4.30
40. . . .291 120 4,25 (11. ( . , .300 120 4.30
5S. . . .2S4 4.25 70. . .199 120 4.30
47. . . .340 240 4.25 53. . , .211 40 4.30
49. . ' 4.25 01 . , .205 100 4.30
m. . ! .257 bO 4.25 04. . , .230 4.30
03. . . , 'JM 100 4.25 4I > . . , .372 ICO 4.30
03. . . .300 4.25 57. . , .300 120 4.30
( VS. . . .203 40 4.25 50. . , .203 120 4.30
01. . 210 4.25 43. . , 373 UK ) 4.30
69. . , ,27U 4.23 52. . , .293 300 4.30
217 - 4.35
Jjivo Stock Notes.
Cattle all sold.
Ueef entile the lowest yet.
No sheep to make a market.
Hog pens cleared early in the day.
Uutchcrs' stock sold at strong prices ,
The bulk of the hog ) sold 20o lower tlmn on
Light hogs do not bring much if any moro
than choice heavy.
Fruits , Produce , Ktc ,
HuTiBit Creamery Fancy print , S-ii
- - - - 0j (
® 14o ; low pradcn
CiiEKSt : Full cream cheddars , choice , 12
12jt'c ; full crcatu flats , two Ui hoop ,
Iflc : full cream Y. A.fMu-c. IS'.onSc ' : fllt
pradcs and skims , uiti'fr : lunburgcr. 12 ( < g
12 > c : brick nnd SwiS-V.14 ( ' < 15c.
1JStrictly ( ( fresh , ll-iiKV.
Live Pol t Tin -ChiukquA , per do ; , fJ.To ®
n. 00 ; ducks per doz , fi 7o < i3. < K ) : pccse , per
doz , tb.MKuti.OO ; turkeyv'l'or ' lb , 7 < $ c.
Uiu : cii POT i -Chickens , per lb.
c : turkeys , | cr lb , tii/llc ( : geese , per lb , 80C
lOc ; duck , V10c. ? ,
VK.U. Heavy prassers , 150 to 200 Ibs. 7 o
" ' jCj inferior calves , 50 to 00 Ibs , 5'iiV ; mji )
tlluui to peed , 70 to M Ibi , 7 ( Sc ; choice to
fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , 0jvlOC. (
Vr.nnTAin.nPotatoes , Colorado und Utah.
70o(73c ( : Wyoming. 50\8 \ ? > 5c ; Nebraska nnd
lowit , ciiolco large , 35n ( > lWc ; common , JHVgWc }
sweet potatoes , Jerseys , HIT bbl , | -J.7Viil.OOi :
beets , per bu , 55f < ( . ( Xci ) cnrrots , 35oflOc ;
cabbage. California , per crate , $2.25 : par-
snipj , 50iioOc ; onions , red choice , 50if55c ;
silver skin. 00n.75c ; turnips , 20Jf2.'c ( ; rutn-
bap at , ! )5W40 ) < - ; cnulltlowpr , choice large , per
dozen , H.25t < rl.50 ; good , Jl.Wgl.25 ) ; radishes ,
ale ( ) ; lettuce 25 20c ; cucumbers , $1 50 ;
string beans , per box , $1.75fi2.25 ; celery ,
25 ( ! ! 0c ; spinach , 1. 50 ( 1.75 per bbl.
UAMIMallard : , per doz. 2.5@.1.00 ; red
hrail. per doz , $1J.60 ( i3.00 { tcul , per doz. S1.50
( 1.75 ; canvas back , per doz , fl.UO/4.50 , / ;
common small , per doz , * l.HMl.M ( ) ) ; rabbits ,
per doz. 75cWl.JO ( ; jack rnbbits , per doz ,
$ ; jtXT3.50 ) ( ; sipnrrclH , per doz , 7ociiSUiO. (
Ai' Per bbl , fancy New York nno
Michigan , $253 ; choice , * J.hii2.25 ( ( ; cholcd
Missouri , . * 1.75ii2.00 ; good , * 1.50@1.75. Fin. ' ITS Malaga grapes , kegs , 40
to "i Ibs , lOc pellb ; biinnnns , per bunch ,
$1 .50i 3.00 ; Iciiions , fancy new , 30J to iltHI s ,
$3.7.X < v4.50 ; choice old , ili'it ) , , f .50 ( 3.lH ) ;
orange ? , Florida , Innc-y bright. per Dox , ? 3.50 ;
l-'lorlda russctts , ft.25 : ; Los Augelt-s , $2.75 ( i
CiiANiiniiun- : ) Capo Cod , choice , per bbl ,
flO.OOCti 10.50 : fair , ? 9.00 < ( ' .l.)0 ! ) ; Hell & Hugle ,
choice , ili.UOdiy.S5 : fair..50iC.75i ( ( Hell fc
Cherry , choice , jS.IXiS.25 ) ; fair , $7.25'n 7.51) ) .
NITM Walnuts , 50K.iiOc ; peanuts , bC'iS'jC ' ;
clipstnuts , 4@5c : cocoanuts , per 100 , i5.00u ( )
0.00 : hnzeliiuts , 'K'Mc ; hlcKorynul , small ,
$1.25di l. . " > 0 ; large , ( i0 i'5cpecans ; , plain , 0tf (
be : polished , 0 ( 10c.
Hints Oecn salted , No. 1 , 5c ; No. 2 , 3cf (
3' c ; calf , r > ' 5'jc ' ; dry flint , fries ? .
HIHNS Navies , hand picked , per bu , $2.10
( ftl20 ; good clean country , Sl.75 ( 2.00 ; olT
or poor stock , $ l.Uin ) ( 1.50 ; California , JS.Kif ( ) (
Cmnu-Michigan , perbbl.l.50@o.OO ; Now
York , per bbl. $3.00(1/5.50 ( : half bbl , ? 2.75oj >
FiHTliniis Pcrlb , prime II vogccso white ,
35iUOc ( ; mixed with gray , SoOiWe ; damp anil
musty , 10it',0o ( ; pi-nno live domestiu duck , 20
( ir.i5c ' : ; wild duck , 15i(2Jc. (
'S.uiu ; : KIUI-T Per bbl , 30gnl , choice , $4.50 ;
per half bbl , ? 'i.oO.
POI-LUKN Per lb , rice , IJu'SSc ; common ,
lloxiv : 1-lb frames , choice white , 15@lc ( ;
dark , 13 ( ; i4c ; strained , 10 ( , lSc.
.liiMns 10' IJu'c perlb ; preserves , 10@12c
per lb.
LAUD Sc In 50-lb
Orooers' LUt.
Revised jirices nro ns follows :
HAOC.INOStark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
Itcap , seamless , 17' c ; Lewistown A ,
less , 19c : American , seamless , 17e ; burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu , ll ( < nio ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gun
nies , double. 2'2c ; wool sack , 42c.
TWINES Flax , : iSc ; extra sail , 20fl21c ( ;
sail 13 , 20it2t c ; cotton , 22c ; Jute.Oc.
Uuiin FitlTrt- Figs , in boxes , per lb , 90 ?
lOc ; dates , in boxes , " ( ojlOo ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , , $3.5UdK.70 ) ; Malaga
loose raisins , i2.tO(8 : ( < 2.531 .new Valencia rais
ins , per lb , Sc : Californli { loose muscatels ,
per box , $ 'J.OOdi2.10 : California Londutis ,
1SSS , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , per Ih , Ibc ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , ipr lb , 12 ( ' 13c ; driud
blackberries , per lb , 0(370 ( ; dried raspberries ,
per lb , 24 ( < i23e ; evaporated apples , OQC c ;
California sun-dried peaches , 13c ; California
unparcd evaporated peaches ,
PICKI.K- ! Medium , . ) n bbls , $5.00 ; do , In
half bhls , $3.00 : small. In bbls , SU.OO ; do , in
half bbis. S3.50 ; glicrX'ius , in bbls , . < 7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , J-I.OO. ,
COI-FE ( ireen Mocha , 25iJ30o ( : Kio , good ,
lS@19c ; Mandnhlinir , . .UOjWc ; roasting Kio ,
17t < 31Se ; O. G. .lava , 2iw.2ic ( ; Java , inferior ,
S2@2uc ; Kio , fancy , " 2,1 0 S2o ; Santos and
Mnrnculbn , 170' 19c ; CJcriian , 23c ; McLaugh-
lin's XXXX , 23c. ,1 ,
Sun.tii ( Jranulnted , 7)40 ) ; conf. A , 7j'c ;
white extra C , 0 'c ; extra C , GJ c ; yellow
U , 0'4c ; powdered , 8@Sj c ; cubes , 3(4 ( S , ' e.
BEESWAX Clioice yellow , 20yg22'i'e ; dark
colored , 13i 14e.
TOIIACCO Plug , 20@33c ; smoking. 10@90c.
SALT Sl.35f ( 1.40 per bbl.
Rope 7-10 , 14Hc-
MAI-I.I : SuflAK Bricks , lli12c ( per lb ;
penny calscs , ] S@13o per lb ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
TCAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18d7 >
25o ; Young Hyson , good to fnncj , 30@55e ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22/f25c ( / ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40 ( .05c ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15cz20c ( ! : Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@45o ; Oolong , common to good , 25
@ 4 < ) o ; Oolong , cnoico to fancy , 5ffl70o ( ) ! : Im
perial , common to medium , 25S35c ( ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40C ,50e.
CIUCKUIIS ( > ( i7c per lb ; assorted cakes , S
@ 25c per lb , as per list.
CANDY Mixed , 9 ( gl2 > ; e ; sticir , 9' @
lie ; rock candy , 10' 13c ; fancy candy , 7 ®
Hoi.i.ASn IlRiintN'o 90c.
Con 0) ( ( 7. ' c.
STAHCII 3J. Sie ; per 11) .
Dry Goods.
COTIOX FiANNni.s 10 per cent discount ;
LL , 5ic ; CC , ( IJi'c ; SS , % c ; Nameless , 5c ;
RK. Ibc ; K , 19o ; No. 10 , S c : No. 40 , 10''e ;
No. 00. ISJtfc ; No. SO , 13He : No. 30 , colored ,
-c ) ; No. 50 , colored , 12o ; No. 70 , colored ,
ISKo ; Hristol , 12c ; Union I'aciilc , 17c.
U.\Hi'ivr WAIIP Hid , white , 19o ; colored ,
HATT Standard , Se ; Gem , lOc : Beauty ,
12' e ; Hoonc , He ; H , cased , $0.50.
PIIIXTS Solid colors Atlantic , fie ; Slater ,
Cc : Berlin oil , HJ e ; Garner oil , ttdt'c.
PniNT.s I'inlt and robes Allen , OJ c ; Rlv-
crpoint , 5V < jC ; Steel River , Ojfje ; Richmond ,
OKo ; Pacilic , 7c.
d Dress Charter Oak , fij-fc ; Kam-
npo , 4Jac ; Lodi , 5.i'o ! ; Allen , ( ! c ; Richmond ,
Oc ; Windsor , li > Jc ; Kddystono , 0 4'c ; Pacific ,
Ui.EAcnun SiinnTiNd Uerkloy cambric ,
No. GO , 9 c , Best Yet , 4-4 , Cc ; butter cloth ,
OO , 4140 ; Cabot , 7'jfe ; Farweli , half
bleached , S)4c ; Fruit of the Loom , 9c ;
Greene G , Oo ; Hope , 7 , ' . < c ; King Phillip
cambric , Ilo ; Lonsdaie cambric , I4 > c ; Lons-
dulo , 8Kc ; New York mills , 10Ja'o ; Popper-
ell , 42-in , lie ; Popporell , 40-ln , 12e ; Peppor-
cll , 0-4 , lOc ; Pepperoll , 8-4 , 21o ; Pepperell ,
9-4. 23c ; Poporoll | ) , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 ,
jj c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wnrasutta , lie ; Vnl-
ley , 5c.
FI.AXXKI.S Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Goshen ,
22J e ; Clear Lake , 30Kc ; Iron Mountain ,
FANNEl.s-Whito-GH , No. 2 , % . 22 } o ;
Gil , No. 1 , % , 2 c ; BH , No. 2 , ; tf , 22tfc ;
BH , No. 1 , f , ! Wc ; Qucehco , No. 1 , } { , 42c.
COUSKTS JIIAXS Androscoggin , 7 c ; Kear-
sargo , "J/c ; Rockport , Q5/c ; Conestogu , OJ c.
TICKS York , ! ) -inh2 > .fo ; York , 32-in ,
13 } c ; Swift river , ,7G/e ; Thorndike OO ,
syc ; Thorndiko , BE. , sVe ; 'J'horndikc , 120 ,
9 > jc ; Thorndiko , XX. 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
9Ko ; Cordis , No. 4 , 10 > c. .
IJiixiMs Amoskcoe , Oj.oz , lOJ c ; Everett ,
7-oz , 13Kc ; York. 7-.o > , 13J o : Haymaker ,
3Xo ; JatTroy , XXIJ&o : Jnfl'rey. XXX ,
12 > < Je ; Beaver Creek , JVA > 12o ; Beaver Creek ,
BH , lie ; Beaver Creek , CC. lOc.
KENTUCKY JKANS lemorlal , 15c ; Dakota ,
18o ; Durham , 27 } < o ; Hercules , ISc ; Leam
ington , 22 > e ; Cottswo\d \ , 27 } < fc.
CiiAbit Stevens' U. Slovens' B
. , fiZa } , ,
blenched , 7c ; Stoveni.A , 7Kc ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , BJ o ; StovqiP. ) . * > < icStevens' \ P ,
bleached , 9 > ic ; Stovcns'iN , 9Kc ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , lo c ; Htov-ens' - SKt , IStfo.
Misnr.i.i.ANEOus Tublo on cloth , -2,50 ;
plain Holland , 9'ic ' ; pa < jo Holland , 12K" .
BHOXVN SiiKETixii Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7)50 ) :
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7Ji'c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OJ4'c ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Co ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oc ; Au
rora C. 4-4. 431'c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , fijfo3
HoosiorLL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 'o ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Xo ; Pepperell K , 4-4 , i'epperoll O , 4-4 ,
I5c ; Pcpiieroll , 8-4 , ISKo ; Popperell , 9-4 ,
21c ; Ptpporoll , 10-4 , 23o ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4 u ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7e ; Au
rora B , 4-4. OHe.
DUCK West Point , 29 In. 8 oz. 10Vfei West
Point , 29 In. 10 oz. 12 > ao , West Point , 29 in ,
12 or , 15o ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
Fj.ANNii.i-Hcd : C , 21 in , 15Kc ; E. 24 In ,
Sl'/oj ' GG , 24 In , 20oi HAF , , 25c ; JKF , X ,
GINOIIAM Plunkctt checks , 7Ko ; Whltton
ton , 7K i York , 7 40 ; Normundi Oress , 8 > jo ;
Konfrow dress , SKOj-lS o.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5o ; Woods , Co ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
PKIXTS , Isnino HLUC Arnold , OUo ; Amor
can , OV/o ; ( Gloucester , ll 'o ; Arnold C , lonr
cloth , 9o ; Arnold B , long cloth , 10 > < fc ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lO c ; Stelfcl A , 12ij ( Windsor ,
Gold Ticket , lutf. .
Hemlock solo. 2on i3o per lb ; oak ole ,
r c per lb ; oak harness , (3cvcrlb. . se
lected oak and trace , ! M ( f35c per lb ; oak and
hemlock upper , SWirfSio per foot ; hemlock
calf skin , No. 1 , MVWc per Ib , according to
weight : o.ik cnlf skin , No. 1 , I'Ocycjl.OO ' per
lb ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , tUXVrfl.10
per lb ; hemlocK k'p ' skin , No. 1 , C0i70c ( per
lb : onu kip skin , No I , SUMSoe per Iu ; Phila
delphia kip skin , cxtrn , SO@Wc perlb : French
cnlf skin , ( according to weight nnd quality ) ,
* l.irifi.7S ( | per lb ; French kip skin , do , bOcOjj
ft. 10 per ID ; Cordovan russet , 18c ; satin
finish , 20c per foot ; welt leather , M.50i3.00 (
per side ; moroccos , ( pcbblo gout ) , 20i30eper ( ?
foot ; moroccos , boot lep , 25i(30o ( ( per foot ;
glove calf skins , S0 ( < l30o per foot ; Donsoltikid ,
3D@40o per foot ; kangaroo skins , 40if ( 50C per
foot , nceordinc to quality ; toppings , fcUH ) ©
10.00 per dozen : llnlnir , K'.OOyW.OJ per dozen ;
niiron skins , $ IO.OOuM2.0 ( < i per dozen.
First and second clear , 1'4 In. . .f49 00@5l 00
First nnd second clear , 1'i in. . . 47 ( Hrf50 ) ( 00
Third clenr , I In . 43 00if45 ( ( H )
A select , 1 > 4 ( $ ! > , , in . 3700
B select , l o/l's'ln . ! 00
A stock boards , 12 ( 10 ft , 12 in . . 40 ( X )
H stock bonrds , 120U ! ft , 12 in. . 41 IK )
C stock boards , 12c < 10 ft , 12 in. . TO 00
1) Mock boards , ISdlW ft , 12 in. . 23 ( H )
Flooring , tirst common , it in. . . . 34 ( H )
Flooring , second common , 0 In. . 31 ( H )
Select fencing lloorlug . 19 ( HI
Siding , first common , 10 ft . 22 ( K )
Siding , second common . 19 00
Common boards . 13 COM9 ( 00
Fencing , No. I , 12ii20ft . lit ri'IS ' ( H )
Fencing , No. 2. 12. MeMO ft . 14 Uil5 ( ) ( 00
Joist nnd scantling , 2xi , HoHOft 10 UOiM7 ( 00
Timber , 4x4 , Sx . 12 ( 10 ft . 17 IK )
Pickets , 1) nnd II tint . 2000
Pickets , 1) and Hminorc . 20 ( XI
Shingles , extra A . 2 80
Shingles , staudnrd A . 2 fit )
Lath . 2 50
O n Halts , 2 } , ' in . " 0
O ( J Bntts , I'j.v't ' in , S 1 K . 41) )
3-tn well tubing , 1) and M bov. . 22 00
Molnl niul Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , smallpig . $ 28
Block tin. bar . - . . 29
Copper , planished boiler si/cs . 34
Copper , cold rolled . 31
Copper , sheeting . 'ill
Copper , pitts . 29
Copper , flats . 30
Cinl. sheet Iron , .luninta , 50 , 10 and 5
per cent discount.
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A . 10'-.J
Pat. planished iron , 21 to 27 B . ! l'-j ,
Koolbig , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheet * . 0.00
Roofing , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Koolbig , 1C , 20x2S , IIU sheets . 11.00
Roofing , IX , 20x28 , 112 sheets . 14 .50
IiiNtruinents IMnco.l on IlccurJ Dnr-
injr Yesterilay.
J Kllno and wlfo to .1 W Ilnrtosv 41) ) ft
of W ft , lot ! * , blk i' , Campbell add , | w d . . $ 2'AIO
I * W Williams and wlfo to Ci 0 liver , lot 'J ,
bU : ! , Clovuriliitc , wa . 400
W 11 Jtubltlns to O 1) Duck , n ' of w ' 5 ,
Iot47 , ( ilsu's udd , w d . 2,100
1 M tit John untl husbnnil to AH Meredith ,
lof.'l , blk fi , Munmouth park , wd . 2 , 00
W A Saunder.s to Jl K Hoe , lot K , blk A ,
Siiundurs .V Illmrlinugh add , w il . 5" > 0
1) I , Thomas and wlroto J Ilaty , ' lot .labile
C. Orchmil hill , wil . 4M
1) U Pattunonnnd wife to N J Ilrowii , lot
10. bile II. Patterson park , w il . 3M
OSleniSbon. irustiM * . to II Taylor , nndl-
vldud u. yd lots in Brighton lltnchv d , flHW (
J C Wllcox nnd wife to il Stefiici-li , lot II ,
blk 11 , Wllcoxndd , wd . ono
Wm C Albright nnd wile to M A Mnrtln ,
lot 4 , blk ill , Albright's unolco to & > outh
OmiUia , w d . " >
I'M llouard to M K Howard , 3l > 3.\liV > ft
at no cor lot 1 , 1'olmtn's sub , w d . fi.OOO
M K Howard and husband to A Nelson ,
S)1 ) ixirr > ft nt nc cor lot I , roburn's sub ,
wd . 0,00)
I , Si-lirooder , triiiitec , to W II ( irvun. lotC ,
blkil , llrowu park , w d" . 5"5
1 , .1 Auccvillufj V H I lender , lotC , blkC.
l.owv's add , w d . 4M
N A Kulin to A M nr. > linll , lots 18 , 1 ! ) and 2J.
blk ( i , ri-ulghtnn heights , w d . 1.3M
H S Ilcc-iluy to S llrltt , lots 1 and 22 ,
blk 4. Moninoulh park , \v d . 5,000
Sou til Onmhu Land company to I' A Iliir-
rot. lotti , bit 110. So Omulm. w d . 22j
1" A IJam'tt and wife to C C Clifton , lot C ,
blk III ) , So Omalm. w il . 200
S II II Clark to N 0 Nlolson. loH , blk if ,
West Side , w d . ! Eu
Jl'lloyd ft al toN Mulcnhy , lot 111 , blk 4 ,
lloytl Sc Sharp's add , w d . I , BOO
1) H Ashi > r und wife to W II Uobblns , s
iai ft of o lOT.K. . lot tuii. IIIsu's add. w d. 7,500
1) HAshcr nnd wltu to W H IlobMns , und
l < In eight lots In Phornmn pjirk , anil
und ! 4 In blks 1 and ' . ' , Cuttairu home , w
d . ! . . ! . . 1.000
U Jiarkur : nnd wife to K U Hume , lot ' - ,
blk I , Orchard hill , w d . 775
FT Grnhnm and wlfo to ( i ( ! Wallace , lot
If , blk I ) , Wvbt ( 'timings add , wd . 750
Twenty-four transfers amounting to. . . .tM4,75 !
Wo have advertised a great muiiy
different patent medicines , but huvo
never taken the pains to editorially
"pull" cue. We are po5nj ; ( to do it now
for the first time. Chamberlain & Co. ,
DCS Moincs , Iowa , manufacture a cough
remedy whieh is absolutely the best
thing we have ever seen. We have
used it in our family for the past year ,
and consider it indisponsiblc. Its ef
fects arc almost instantaneous , nnd
there is no use tiillcing. it is n dead shot
on a cough or cold. Wo don't say this
for pay , but because we consider Clmm-
berlain's Cough Remedy the best iniidn ,
and wo want the people to know it and
use it. Lewis Iowa 1 ndependent.
Ginvc It Huck to the Cliurcli.
The Baptist church of Albion , by
their pastor , tendered the cashier of
the Albion Stute bunk S25 last Satur
day , to replace the money that Wm. C.
Braithwaitc donated the church the day
lie stole the $1,000 from the Albion
State biinlf , says a Nebraska contem
porary. While there was no evidence
to show that the money that Hraith-
wiiito gave that day was stolen money ,
or that it did not properly belong to
him , the church did not feel as though
they ought to keep it. Mr. Ifuah was
informed thnt bank- dirt not know that
it was their money that tlio church had
received , that any claim that they have
to it would bo waived , and they re
quested the church to accept it as a
donation from the Albion State bank ,
at least as far as the interest the bunk
had in it extended. A great many people
ple believe the church was oversensitive
tive in tlio matter.
An Almnlufn Cure.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure fur old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped bauds , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles ,
MEwT. Sold by Goodman Drui ; Co. , at 25
cents per box bv tuuil 30 cents.
Mna'H DOR Kit , Him.
John Itvan , , of 3(50 ( Illinois street , ac
companied h.y his ton-year-old ton , wns
walking homo from church along
Huron street , near Rush , yesterday ,
says the Chicago Herald , when Miss
NiimVnn JCandt , followed by her throe
bluek and tan pet dogs , cumo tripping
iilong. The dogs made a raid on the
lad , ono of them biting him savagely on
the log. Dr. Cunningham was called
and treated the injury. Mr. Ryan
applied at Chicago A venue station last
night to have the dog killed. When
the ofliccrs called to annihilate the
canine Mies Nina protested , saying the
dogs were young , jocund and healthy.
Her father also objected to the hlangh-
tcr , but Ryan declares the canines must
. .u , rAi.xEii , v. r. itic'ii.MA.v. .1 ii. \.scii.i.i
Live Slock Commission Mercliaiils ,
Offlcu - HOOIU 21 , Opi'uilln Kxclianyo Iliilldlnii , l/uloa
block Vtmlt , Houtli Oumlm , .Nut' ' ,
Live Stock Conimission ,
[ loom 15 , J xcb nici ) llulMlii ; : , llnlaa ttocU Yarrti
Huutli Uuiulm , Neb.
Of Ooialia , Limited ,
. 'I II I'll !
_ impTomohts.
Dealefln Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CarrUcts mil HncRlr * . .l < iic ? lroot.tctirccnStIintn
_ lWbOiu li , Ncbrnrkn ,
AgricnltnralImplemontsWagonsGarriages , ,
\YlioU'nlc. Omnlia. Ncbritukn.
\Vliolpn > li > Ik'alfrs In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Boggies
UftO. W6 ni > .07 Jcnrt Street ,
p. p.
Mannfactnrers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CultUntnrt. l ! r JUkon.Clrtfr NHIc unit l.ubnn 1-ul-
vrrlirrt , Cur. Illhaiul NIcholitiMrt'i'ti.
Agricnltural Implements , Wagons &Bu gies
_ Ct npf t J'h > Vlrhol ytrfl't * _
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. .McM.Mnn ! ; fr. ISU IfHTunwoith t.
MnnufxcturvrsaMitJobbrrt in
Wagons , Buggies , RaKes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. ( Hli nii.l I'ncltlc KtrcoU. Orimlm , Nrti.
Artlato' Mntorinla. _ _
A HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
ouclni Stroot. dnmlin. .Nc
Booksollora end Statlonors-
H. M. & S. W. JONES/
Succc ser to A. T. Kenyoii A'Co. , ' .Vholnilo A llctntl
Booksellers and Stationers ,
KlneVoilillnn SlBllonerr. Ciimmcrrlal Stntlonrry
lir ! liouf ! struct. Oumlm. .N'ul ) .
Boots and Shoos *
( Succciiort Iu lltoJ. Jones A L . )
Wholesale Manufacturer of Boots and Slices
.AKtnttfor llutUin llutiovr Shui > Oo. 1102,11U & lll
llnrucr St. . OiimbB. Nebrsnka.
W. V. MORSE .t CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
1101.1103-1106 Douglas St , Omnlin Manufactor ? , Sum <
mcr St. . UiutLHi.
Coal , Coke and Llmo.
o M AHA" 6 A iir c o K E &T L i M E c"o. ,
Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal , '
am ? < nitli ISIIi fllrcft. Omalm , Nehrfiiktl.
Shipners of Coal and Cote ,
S14 Pouth 13lh Si. . OmnVn. Noh.
J. t , . JMUfSOX A CO. ,
Manufacturers of Lime ,
nil shipper * of , Coak , Cement , l'lH ti > r , Mine
Drain Tile anil Sewer l'ii | < . onici5isy. . 13tU
St. , Oiutilm , Sc\j. \ Telcpliunohll.
Coffees , Splooe , Etc
Omivba ColTt'O end Hplce Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
KitrnctD. l.i-.uinlry llluc. Inks. Ktc. lilt
1116 llnrntT Street. Om ba. M braakn. _
Crockery " and Claoswarjo.
Aftnt for tli Manufacturers nnd Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliimneys ,
Ktf on ce. 317 S. 1.1th HI. , Omaha , Nebnmka.
IiuDoricrtt Atid Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 131 * Fnraitu St.Kcw fasten Building.
Commleelon and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
SpcclaltlejtHuttcr. . KKCA , C'hro p. Poi'ltry , < iamc ;
111- Howard Street , Omnlia , Neb.
Succcotors to McKhano A Hchroncr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Uninba. Nobra kr
JOry Copdaana Notions
' " "
'M. E SMITH & Co ! .
Dry Goods , Fnmisbing Goods and Notions ,
110 ! and 1104 Doimtm.Cor. llth St..Omaha. Neb.
Importers and JoMers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gcuts1 Kurnlihlni ! Roodi , C'ornnr llth and llunoy
8U.OraHba. Nebrutkn.
Importers nml JuLljnrs of
Woolens and Tailo.'s' '
317 Sou til l.rlli Sited.
" '
D E W E Y"'ST ONE. "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnara Street. Oraahn v-ijrn liB.
Omuba , Ncbrcsk.o.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
.06 , : tn , TO end 711 8.10th St. , Omnha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers
1 Hi and I. i Teowortli Btrcct.Onr. ! > n..Vel > rn ka.
Heavy Hardyvnro
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnci , W Ken Stork , Ilartltraro , Lumber , Ktc. 12Yi
uniljll \ llurney Btreut.Oinnbn ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tooli and nuiralo Kcalei , 1K > 5 Douclur
Htrcct. Umalu. Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
-fth and Ilnrner Hti. , Omaha , N'ubVeitrrn Aitcnti
( or Austin Powder Co. , Jerri-rum Htrul Nlillr ,
Fairbanks Standard Hcnlpa.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MetalH , Hheet Iron , fctc. Agents tor rinw Hcuh-K ,
illnmi l'o\vilcr nnd l.ymnn llarhcd wire ,
Omalm , Nebraska.
Wholesale Manufacturer ! ot
Saddlery & Moers of Saddlery Hardware
AnJ Lcutbur , 1I3J , l(0i end ivn IlaraSf bt.OLiaba ,
_ _ Hata , Caps , Eto. _
" " '
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
IHHIIariicyBUctt.Oiimhn.N'Sli. '
_ Lumbar.
" " " " "
& 11 Kinds of Building Material at Wno&M
UU Hirtelnuil Union I'ttclfleTrackOm. . ! ' .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
an.Aic. "f' ' ' * " ' ! " * '
LUMBER , _ _
liinilicr , Lime , Cwf H& , Elc ,
Cornert'lh trt _ _ I > mitli > < r.l . .Proud * .
" "
C. N.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
nihaml Cnlifornlft Street * . Omaha , Nebraska ,
. . . .
To Dealers Only ,
Offlro. \ Knnmm \ Strrrt. Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber Etc ,
tfulncr Wlillo Ume.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpctt dm ! I'nrqurt KloortiiB Wli niul l
Mllllnory nnel Notlonti.
' " " *
Importers & Jobbers in I'illinory & Notions
an. llamHiasiiitli lltli Strc.'t.
J ? T.lfoBiNsoN NofioVTcbiT
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
] niul < > V.H , iith IMIi SI. Otnnlin.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
Ovorall9 < _ _ _ _ _
Maniifaclnrcrs of Ovcralis ,
Jcatis I'uuts.SLIrU , I'.trIKUitmt not DutiKluStreet ,
Utimlm. N'l
Otflco Fixtures.
Mniiufmtiiro.'M of
Bank , dec and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle ? . Slili-bonnl" , Hook Ours , llnm Klxtnrv'.Wnll
< ' , I'mtltlniiK , UiiltliiEii'oiiiitor ( , Ili-rrnwl Whig
t'oolnr * . Mlrrorj'.oti' . KiuMory urn' onlrr , ITUUnuu Jta
South l.iili St. . Oumlm. Tolopliuno 1131.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo ( Irpane , KtcOmalm. . A. II. lllnhop. Mnnnvor
Paints nnd OB. | | "
' "
\VholoviIa Demur * In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
1116 Farnara Ktrocl , Oraahn , Nob.
" * *
Wliolesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry A nice utock of Printing.Vrnpplni : nnil Willlnc
lfc. r St > * * rlHl ttttondnn el vi n to ! lo * n-i -4
Storage ) , Forwarding & Commission
Storage. Forwarding and Commission ,
Brunch hoiiso , if the llcmiov ( JuKcy Co. IliiKKici nt
vrliulcsHlu unit rotnll , ! . ' ) IJlOiuxI 1.112 Itanl btroi't ,
Omrvhti. T 'lc-t > litm , N'o 7.VI.
_ _ _ _ Toys.
H. HARDY & CO. ,
' " '
Toys , Dolls , Aib'iiiiis" Fancy Goods ,
House I-'urnlshlut ; Uunil * . nillitrtMi'H fiirtln iM , Kto
UV.I Karnnin Hlioct , Oiiinlin , Nch ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1551 North Klcthtoontli Street. Omulm. Hch.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
iiml mufilli ! .
Jtin.v KI'KNI.TIMI , I'mprli'lor.
Kb mid llUSimth I2lli otn-nt.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary PnWiste
> . wa
JOHN L. wiiTkiE.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory.
Nos. HIT nnil 1 13 Doueliia St. . OmnUa , Nett.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
yil ClotblDs anil 1-oiuhcr Ilultliii ; . lM ( l-'uniiim Btr ot ,
Si8h , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV. ' t , CO. .
Wliolcsulo MannC : cturcrs of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Urancli Ufllco , mil nnd Iznnl Otrocla , Oumlm , Nob.
fJanufactiircrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
' . ruMliiKa , Hlnlr Work anil Interior HnnlVoal I'ln-
< n. N. It. Corner Mil niul l.t'uvuuwurtli titrccts ,
Uniaim. Nou.
' - ' 'I '
_ jstoam Fittings , Pumpp , Etc.
" " " " '
"A. L. STRANG CO. , " *
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Jtenni , Wntvr , Il .lw y nnd Mliilni ; Hupnlle. ' . Etc. nnd 021 Kuriiiini htrecli Oiinilin.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
'team nnd Water flu.npllps. Tlcndqiinrten for Mint ,
and Water Supplies ,
Halildajr Wind Mill" . ClSniuiraiFarnnm Bt. , Omaha.
_ CJ. K. Jloss , ActlnK .Miinuyer.
engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Klicctlron Work Jtenni rnmiif , HmMills. : . 1S15-1J15
ut. Omahn.
_ _ Jr9n
Carter h HOII , I'rop't. Manufacturers uf nil kinds
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Slice ! Iron Work
Works South i-TOh anil H. k .M Co'slntt.
.v & " viKirr.rNaTiwJj WOKKS.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worfc
Anilines , HrnnH Wnrk.Qoncrnl Knuiulry.MnalilnoaDd
JllackEiullh rk , onira unit \Viu L , U. I' , lly.
no J 1HU htruct. Omulm ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Mau'frs ' of Fire &Bnrgiar Proof Safes
fault" , J ll Work , Iron nmlViru Fi'm-lnu , Hiaii" , ICtc.
( ] . Ainlrecii.l'jiiy'r Cor. lltlmnUJacitxiin rlti.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
nuil Scrci-ni , for tmnVi , ontr , iori' . lotliliinc-oi. nto
pivtiJ Awiilnt's , l.ockmillli Mm-blnrr/
Itbu-kMnlili Worki. IUI hiiutli lull M.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Mi
Agents for Dlubolil rit'o : uu.t l iolt
Anultt uud . .lullVyrX , 4 1'Jti. 1'tli Street.
rrinUCVal > tt all iinimrytroutila Ka lly.ciu
MUltU I Iy util. ( , folycurea liy I > U ( ; I'll HA Can-
tulei. Hevwrul < ! * * ns cursil In MYtn ilayii , Kuld
U.WJ nor box , ail ilriJk'nUis , or by m ll from lo- )
tuin.Mfi-o ( IUWIiliorit.N. V. full Direction *