Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Judge Mason's Argument Before the
Nobraaka Legislature.
Ho Tldnlcn Good Nfttiiro and , n
Flexible SyNlcm of Kates iho
Trim Solution of tlio
llnllroad I'robleiu.
fudge Mason' *
LN , Nob. , Feb. H/ [ Special to THE
Ur.R.JIn response to thn Invitation of the
house , Judge Mason , member of the railroad
commission , appeared and spoke as follows :
"J am not in favor of the maximum tariff
bill proposed by Mr. Hall. I believe the law
already on the statute books is amply suf
ficient to protect the people of Nebraska from
railroad extortion. What Is needed Is the
cfllcient administration of that law. Maxi
mum ralo laws have everywhere proved a
failure. The Potter law m Wisconsin and
Urn Granccr laws In Iowa would not stand
the test of time , and they wcro repealed.
But there are decided merits in the Hall bill ,
and If I were compelled to choose between
the present rates and the present classifica
tion nnd the rates and classlllcntion proposed
by the Hall 1)111 , I would take the maximum
tariff. Hut If youmlopt the maximum taritT
the railroads , to got rovcngo , will Increase
their through rates , and make the people of
the state howl.
"Ninty per cent of the business of Ne
braska Is through tralue , over which the
legislature of this state bus no control. I am
in favor of allowing the railroads to collect
extortionate rates on the local traffic , If by
that moans we can seeuro n cheap lomj haul
to distant markets.
"Quo feature of the Hall bill Is worthy of
special notice. At present the rate from
Chicago to Omnlm on a certain class of
freight is HO cents per hundred , and Irom
Omaha to Grand Island li'J ' cents. Now , the
rate from Ohlcauo to Grand Island is only
DO cents , which Is n discrimination of 9 cents
per hundred against the wholesale dealer In
Oinahii. The same discriminations prevail
between Chicago and other Nebraska points ,
nnd Unit city can successfully compete with
wholesale dealers in this state by reason of
those facts. The Hall bill will remedy this ;
and it will do more. It will j'ivu a decided
advantage to the wholesale dealers of Ne
braska , but 1 aui not in favor of going to
cither extreme.
"It is impossible to say Just what would bo
a fair ra'.o at till times , because conditions
change. What would bo a Just and reasona
ble rate to-day might bo an extortionate and
oppressive tariff to-morrow. A system of
flexible rates should bo maintained , and the
power should bo placed in the hands of n
commission able and willing to protect the
people from discrimination and extortion. I
believe the through rates from Nebraska
points are too high and should bo
lowered , and I base this state
ment on n careful comparison of
the rates that prevail iu other states , taking
the volume of business and every other item
in consideration. The Chicago , Burlington
& Northern , a fairly profitable road , trans
ports grain from St. Paul to Chicago , a dis-
tauco of nearlv live hundred miles , for 7
cents per hundred , and shipments are made
from Chicago to Dakota points at much less
rates than ore charged from that city to
points In Nebraska.
"My policy is to hold the power of the com
mission to fix rates os-or the bonds of the
railroads as a club , and tell theoi that if they
will give us reasonable through rates wo will
not interfere with local tralllc ; but if they
do not , Y.-O will cut the rates on those ship
ments to the lowest figure. "
Hall asked if the present rates in force in
Nebraska are reasonable and Just.
Judge Mnson No , I don't think they arc.
The rates on cattle , hogs , sheep , coal , lumber
and hay , should bo lowered ! ! 0 per cent. I
am not iu favor of cutting down the tariff on
classes B , a , 4 nnd 5 , in which groceries are
included , for this will only bonullt the wholo-
aalo merchants and not tiio consumers.
Hall again asked : "If your board con
sider the rates on .stock and the other arti
cles you mentioned too high , why don't you
lower them ! "
Judge Mason Experience has taught mo
that moro good can bo accomplished by work
ing in harmony , and by mutual agreement
tliau by brute force. Wo have endeavored
to got along with the railroads with us little
friction us | Msaiblo. If wo can persuade the
railroad managers to adopt our suggestions
and recommendations , wo would much prefer -
for that they should do so rather than to
force our rates upon them. I think this pol
icy is better for the body politic , that wo
should all keep good naturcd and work to
gether in solving the railroad problems.
Cady wanted to know how ho know the
prevailing rates wcro too high on the articles
mentioned ,
Judge Mason By comparing the rates that
provull on the same classes iu other states
under similar conditions.
Johnson of Phelps You say that rates are
excessively high now. What is the prospect
of the ueoplo receiving any relief from rail
road extortion ?
Judge Masou Well , the railroads have cut
rates and then wo Just stand by and look ou.
I don't think it is so important , as I said be
fore , that local rates should be very much
lower at present. Give us cheap through
rates nnd the puoplo ought to be satisfied.
Johnson Did you not adopt rates making
a radical reduction , and afterwards recon
sider It I
Judge Mason Well , on July 5 wo adopted
a formula in force iu every western state ox-
ccpt Kansas , and submitted it to the rail
roads and they declined to adopt it. We met
and found that if it wore put la force the
rates on classes C , D and E would bo in
creased , aud for this reason we did not insist
upon it.
Whltehead-.Wliat effect do you think the
passage of this bill will have upon the buildIng -
Ing of now lines 1
Jadgo Mason None whatever. That argu
ment is too transparent to require nny con
sideration. Wherever u railroad is needed it
will uu built , and where the business will not
support a road It is adding a noodles * burden
to the people to construct a lino. You can
have too many railroads us well as not
enough. No , there is nothing iu that argu
Cudy What rates would you regard as re
munerative I
Judge Mason That Is a problem. Some
railroads arc capitalized at $110,000 per mile ,
and such roads can bo paralleled for , say ,
915,000 par nillo. In my Judgment the per
cent of profit should be basud on th amount
it would require to duplicate the line , uud not
on the fictitious value.
Hayncr If we should adopt the maximum
tariff bill , will it have u tendency to decrease
the earnings of the railroads , uud if so , how
much I
Judge Mason The enactment of this meas
ure would certainly Increase the business of
the roads nnd , I think , of the receipts also.
It is not the extortionate rates that till the
coffers of the railroads , but the volume of
Corbln Do you think our roads can haul
our products ns cheaply as the Chicago , Bur-
Iliigton , t Northern I
Judge Mason I see no reason why they
should not.
Cady Do you take the capitalization of the
roads in confederation I
Judge Mason I take into consideration the
amount it would cost to duplicate the lines ,
but not the watered ntook. Neither , by the
way , do I consider thu fact the Union Pacific
received donations la lands and bonds and
other securities nufllcicnt to build three such
lines , | Laughter. ]
Kelper Id your report hero you say In a
certain place that -JO cents per 100 would bo u
fair rate , and I find the tariff is 03 cents. IB
not that extortlonl
Judge Mason Yes , it looks like that , but I
will oxumlno it fully and BOO If the right com
parison is made ,
Seed In case this maximum tariff bill
should pass , woul l not the commission atlll
have ( tower to lower the rates so established )
Judge Mnxon Yes , if the bill so btatod ;
but they would have no povftr to increase
tno rates.
Seed Wo don't want them Increased.
Tuoy are high enough now.
Judco Masou was listened to with the live
liest Interest by all the members of the
house , ami at the close of his remarks a vote
of thanks wu * tendered him.
Tlio KxperlmfMitnl Farm.
LiKoat.K , Nob. , Foo. U. [ 3xsclal | to Tnu
BBB.J A Joint meeting of the ieimto ami
lieu o investigating committees gave J , I ) .
Courtney , foreman of the university farm a
chance to toll what ho know about that in
stitution , mingled with opinions of Dr. Bil
lings and hcg cholcrn.
It appeared that there are thirty-throo cat
tle , sixty-live hogs nnd fifteen horses on the
farm , which gives employment to six or
seven mon. The receipts from farm pro
ducts are estimated nt $300 to Jl.OUO < i
year , and Treasurer Dales , nt a former meet
ing , said the annual loss of running tlio farm
was ftiDOO. The money from the sale of pro-
duett Is not turned In to any state fund , but
by order of some of the officers , Courtney
spends It in improvements , No report of
such receipts and expenditures Is published.
Mr. Courtney Is a young man , but hut
spent all his life on a farm. Ho receives frt.t
a month , or $760 a year , for which ho pivos
his whole time , manages five or six other em
ploy os , directs nil farm operations , handles
the funds , assists In making experiments ,
etc. That Is all ho gets , while several gen
tlemen with fat salaries from tlio university
have drawn two-thirds as much for an all
but nominal connection with the experiment
Asked to name some of the valuable re
sults of the work and experimenting on the
farm , Mr. Courtney was unable to do so. Ho
had not kept the "Hold notes , " which , it
seems , wa * done by another salaried gentle
man known us "tho agriculturist. " Tlio
foreman know thers had boon experiments
wltlfgrassos that wcro satisfactory. For ox
iimplc , alfalfii had been sown nnd had pro
duced a yield averaging four tons to the
acre at Its first cutting. In pursuing the sub
ject it was learned that only one-fourth of au
aero had been planted with nlfalfannd It was
cultivated. In the line of grams , the ex
periments had not been satisfactory for
the reason , Mr. Courtney explained ,
that the learned professor In charge
had sown the seed too thick.
Three or four hinds of wheat were tried ,
about two sixty-foot rows of each. Mr.
Courtney admitted that this was hardly a
fair basis for Judging of results in largo
farming operations. In his opinion only
about ten of the Ti > acres In the farm had
been used for experimenting.
Mr. Courtney has unbounded confidence
in Lr. ) Billings and his cholera euro. . Ho
believed the otnor university pcoplo in any
way connected with the farm were firm bo-
Hovers m the "hog professor , " us Billings
is jocularly called that is , all but 1'rof.
Wing. This gentleman hud charge of the
farm until lust July , and refused to lot
Billings inoculate the swiuc. The foreman
thought the uutlpathy was personal , how
Submission lllU'-t Constitutionality.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Feb. U.-Special [ Tule-
gram to Tun Hun ] The supreme court will
take up the submission question , as indi
cated by Dempster's house resolution , uud
will hear and determine upon the constitu
tionality of dual submission on next Wednes
day. Briefs will be submitted and the hear
ing will be of regular order In every re
Senator Cornell , whoso constitutional
amendment for the investment of the pormu-
nenfschool fund was defeated yesterday , in
troduced a resolution this morning asking
the Judiciary committee to frame such a
measure. The senate spent the whole morn
ing threshing old straw , and finally tabled
the resolution.
In the house the insurance bills were all
reported without recommendation and placed
on the uencrul file. An effort to make them
a special order for 10:30 : to-morrow failed.
Dempster offered a resolution requesting
Attorney General Leeso to appear at the
hearing on Wednesday , February 20 , and
argue in favor of the constitutionality of the
submission bill. The resolution was adopted.
Gilbert's usury bill came up and was or
dered engrossed by a vote of 43 to M.
By request of the house Judge Mason ap
peared and spoke upon the railroad question ,
lie opposed Hall's maximum tarifl bill on
the ground that the commission had full
power to regulate the matter and that a re
duction of rates would have a tendency
to increase through rates. An effort , was
made to get the \Vcstovor bill to provide for
reassessment of certain railroad taxes back
to the judiciary committee in accordance
with a request of the B. & M. railroad , but it
Among the bills introduced to-day was
ono by O'Brien limitintr- the number of in
surance agents of each company to ono for
any town or city.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special to TUB
BKE. ] For the third time the satiate had a
pitched battle over the prooositioa to en-
lurgo the means of investing the state's
permanent school fund. Senator Cornell U
a fighter who doesn't seem to know when ho
ls whipped. Ho met his second Bull Hun
this morning over the following resolution :
Whereas , According to the published re
port of the state treasurer to the governor of
the state , there wore balances in the state
treasury on the following dates , each In
amounts ns follows :
November SO , 1835 , f810,707.74 ; November
30 , I860 , $ U1453.70 : ! ; November 30 , 1S37 ,
f 135,12:3.95 ; ! : ; November DO. 1833 , ? ' .ia0.293.73 ,
au amount out of all proportion to meet the
requirements of the state , and
Whereas , This largo cash surplus is earn
ing not ono cent of revenue to the state of
Nebraska , but U loaned to urivute individu
als and corporations for private gain , and
Whereas , The now outstanding school
land sale contracts in the amount of $3.VJ- ! )
203.-11 , which can be paid into said state
treasury at any tiuio increasing said cash
balance to an almost fabulous amount , and
Whereas , The policy of all safe , judicious
business ( commonwealth as well us individ
ual ) , is to find safe investment whereby said
surplus can bo invested , and
Whereas , There is now nearly $1,000,000
of school district bonds of the districts of this
state held by the money loaners of the east ,
the interest on which , $70,000 , we are sending
cast annually , which Is a total loss to the
state , and
Whereas. It has boon asserted on this floor
that our school districts bonds have boon re
jected at the money centers of the east , also
that our school bond laws wcro defective to
such an extent that almost any school dis
trict could successfully repudiate its obliga
tions , aud
Whereas , The present safeguards against
the accumulation of this largo surplus are
not sufllclcnt means for its safe Investment ;
Hesolved , That the judiciary committee of
the senate are hereby iustructed to frame
nnd present to this body such form of consti
tutional amendment us will permit the judi
cious investment of this surplus ; also that
said judiciary committee bo instructed to
frame and present such amendments to the
statutes , UB , in their judgment , will insure
the sato investment of state funds in school
district bonds , to the end that that the over
burdened treasury may bo relieved , nnd the
money turned to earning nn income for the
state , thereby turning back to the taxpayers
the hundreds of thousands hi interest mouoy
annually paid to eastern investors.
Several senators thought the preamble re
fleeted on the state treasurer and would
spread u bad Impression abroad. They urged
a very short substitute without a sting.
Other senators than thought the tall of the
resolution needed shortening. These several
propositions were fought over Inch by inch ,
and after consuming the entire miming the
resolution was tabled , There are throats of
bringing It up ntraln.
Senator Hoover offered a resolution catl
ing ou tlio secretary of state /or the number
nnd cost of the telephones in the state insti
tutions. Laid over.
Senator Funck throw u bomb shell into
the camp by offering n resolution directing
the commlttoo on publiu lands and buildings
to prepare a bill for the removal of the
Homo for the Friendless to the experimental
farm. The resolution recited that the homo
netidb enlarging and the adjoining land ia
very rxponsive. The resolution called for
the sale of tno present homo aud the use of
ten acres ot the farm ,
Senator Haymond was up In arms at once ,
nnd laid stress upon the inconvenience and
cost of removing the home. Ho said the
lots adjoining the institution could bo bought
for ftUOO ) , which ho thought uot exorbitant.
Senator Funck said the ladles iu chargeof
the home hud u chuuce to sell it , aud they
would lllte to go out to thu farm where the
children would have room to turn around ,
HSenutor Connor said the farm , was ob.
taiued from the general government for ex
perimental purposes , nnd he doubted if it
could bo diverted from that purpose.
Senator Itausoui believed tbo state could
sell a part of the farm without broach of
faith , uud could us well take tcu of the 820
acres for a state institution. The owners of
the lund adjoliiuig the homo art ) holdluc it at
n high prloo , knowing It must bo luul by the
atato , They have not been able to role any-
thine ? on the farm heretofore , and maybe the
ladles could raise the children out thoro.
Senator Howe urpod the senate to mane
haste slowly. Ho did not bellovo the state
could divert the farm from agricultural uses
or experiments. Then there was the danger
of Dr. Billings inocculating the children for
hog cholera.
Senator Cornell expressed the opinion that
the conditions imposed by the national irov-
eminent would not bo violated by the plantIng -
Ing of the homo on the farm , The result
would bo baby farming , and it would be
moro or less experimental , too. The resolu
tion was adopted by a vote of 15 to 10.
The committee of the whole took up Sen
ator Pnxton's bill , giving Nebraska's con
sent to tlio purchase or condemnation of a
postofllco site in Omaha , nnd ccdlntf Jurisdic
tion thereover to the United states.
Senator Hansom suggested that n general
act of this kind bo passed , In order to do
away with the necessity of n special act
every time the government wuuts to build a
'postofllco In Nebraska.
The bill was passed ever for n time. .
An hour was spout filibustering on Howe's
ow ballot box bill. Under the leadership
of Hansom's fatal amendment , dilatory mo
tions followed thick nnd fast , but the bill was
approved In committee. When reported to
the sonuto the light to Indefinitely postpones
was begun , and to save it the bouse con
sented to have It recommended with n view
to making it apply only to the larger pities.
Senator Linn's bill for taxing sleeping cars
was recommended for passage.
LINCOLN , Feb. 14. fSpucial to Tni : Unn.1
- House rolls 1-1 , 83 , 101 , and senate tile 3. all
bills of a similar character , regulating Insur
ance companies , wore reported back from the
committee on insurance without any rocoui-
mcndatloii. A motion to make a apodal order
of these bills for 10:80 : to-morrow was lost
by : ! 3 to-II.
Among the few bills Introduced was ono by
O'Hrlcii , of Douglas , to limit the number of
insurance agents in a town oi- city to one for
each company.
The Gilbert usury bill was called up and
ordered to a third renting by u vote of 43
to 33 ,
A communication- received from the
supreme court stating that on Wednesday ,
February 20 , at 2:30 : p. in. , n hearing would
bo given to both sides on the constitutionality
of senate Illo 31. the submission bill.
A resolution introduced by Hampton iva *
adopted , requesting Attorney General Leoso
to appear and flic a brief in defense of the
On motion of Hall , Judgq O. P. Masou , a
member of the railroad commission , was re
quested to address the house on the railroad
A lively debate was precipitated over a
motion by Bukerto recommit to the judiciary
committee house roll 4li , a bill by Wostover ,
providing for the reassessment , of cjrtain
railroad land In Valley. Grouly , Webster ,
Franklin and ether counties.
Baker said the bill was requested to be
sent back to j > avc time" ; that the committee
had not tully considered the measure , and as
it involved a largo amount of money , both
sides should bo heard.
Hull said the bill had been fully considered
already , and this scheme was simply to delay
its consideration ! .
Olmstead denied that he wore o railroad
collar , but thought the company should be
heard before the committee.
Hall declared that investigation of the
merits of the bill revealed oue of the most
brazen and barefaced schemes ever devised
by n corporation to escape paying its Just
dues , and was absolutely without a parallel
iu the history of the state.
Cady strongly opposed the commitment of
the bill , and some hot cross-firing between
him and Baker followed.
Hanna of Greely opposed committing the
Hampton of Webster said that his own
county and Franklin were both interested in
the bill , and hoped the motion would be voted
down and the bill remain on tlio general
Baker replied that the railroad company
did not own a hair of his head , but it had re
quested to bo heard in opposition to this bill ,
and the request in all Justica should bo
The motion to recommit was lost by a lurue
majority , aud the house udjournud.
The house went into committee ot the
whole to consider bills ou generaLlilo.
House roll 124 , a bill by Hall , provides that
at each election iu cities or JJuges , the ques
tion of license or no iicousu Vill bo submit
ted to the voters. If n majority vote for li
cense , the city council or village board shall
issue licenses to all who comply with the
provisions of the statute , and if tr.o majority
vote no license , tht-u the sale of intoxicating
liquor sha.l bo unlawful m city or village.
The bill was amended to make it necessary
for the applicant to secure the written con
sent of each property holder adjoining the
proposed location of the saloou , before a li
cense shall issue.
O'Brien of Douglas moved nn amendment
exempting cities of the metropolitan class
from the provisions of the bill.
Hall opposed the amendment and It was
Delaney proposed an amendment exempt
ing parties who own the building in which
they propose to open u saloon.
Tlio license Is fixed at § 300 for all villages
under 2,000 inhabitants , and $1.000 for all
cities of a larger sb.o Efforts were made to
increase the license fees from $300 to 51,000
nnd from 51,000 to 82,500 , but they wore not
The bill was reported back with the rec
ommendation that it do pass.
A bill by Cushmg , authorizing a judge to
grant an injunction or restraining order , was
formally reported.
The following bills were introduced :
By Mr. Specnt To provide for the letting
by contract for all priutiug or stationery used
by the state of Nebraska , and all societies
and institutions of the state whore the bills
for printing and stationery are to bo paid for
by the state.
By Mr. Corbin To provide for the uni
formity of text books for the public and com
mon schools in the state of Nobrasica.
The house enacting clause of the bill pro-
vidinir for u geological survey of the state
was stricken out.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special to
BKE. ] Senator Hansom appeared before the
house committee on insurance nnd explained
the objections to his bill. White of Cass
vigorously opposed the bill and insisted that
such a measure would work untold Injury to
the business interests.
Much complaint Is made by members uud
others ou account of the condition of the wall
of the house. The wind whistles through
the building to the discomfiture of every one
Speaker Watson proposes to follow the
precedent not by the house in making special
orders by n majority vote , Tlio decision of
the speaker that it required a two-thirds vote
to put the submission bill at the bead of the
general Illo having boon overruled , the action
in that case will be followed during the rest
of the session , uud as a consequence a bill ,
no matter what position It may occupy , maybe
bo taken up at any time by a majority vote.
Tlio MorrlnHoy Investigation.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bun. | The committee ap
pointed to Investigate Morrissoy'a cliargds of
bribery put padlocks on tholr lips , but
enough has leaked out to lead to the belief
that the investigation will end in smoke.
Two witnesses have been examined. Frank
Morrlssey learned of the alleged bribery by
hearsay , and referred the committee to John
Sahlor , of Omaha , as bis authority. Whou
Snhler was put ou the stand ho developed a
severe attack of "I don't recollect. " Other
witnesses could not bo found \Y'th a sub-
ptuaa und the committee talk of throwing up-
the Investigation to-morrow in disgust.
The Assessor Dill Killed.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 14 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BEE. I The judiciary commit
tee to-night killed the bill introduced by
Sn.vder providing for only ono assessor for
Douglas county ,
Senate File No. 1O.
LINCOLN , Feb. M. [ Special to THE Bsis.J
The governor this afternoon signed senate
tile 10 , the bill permitting tbo consolidation
of street railways.
What is moro attractive than a pretty
fuco witli a fresh , bright complexion ?
For it use Pozzoui's Powder.
Oitizona Qlvorf to Nebraska By the
Land"of Poiin
A. Pleasant KVonlnsr Full of Good
Cliecr , of nlarty ( nnd llcinlnls-
concc Stnulj- Hens of a
Sturdy CotJummweaUIi.
The Pcnn Society.
"Oh , wo fixed on to-nlilit for our banquet
because It xviis St. Valentine's day , unit there
Is an old Pennsylvania ! ! saying' tliat the 14th
of Fcoruury is nbout one-half way through
the winter. If you'd been hero In 7 > 7 you'd
have wlsliod it was true. Wo lived on corn
meal nud sand tlioso days , and used burnt
corn for coffee. "
So said a gray haired son of the Keystone
state last night , as ho looked over the
crowded corridors of the Masonic hull , and
answered n reporter's query as to why the
Pennsylvania1 * hail chosen that night as a
llttlne one on which to hold their ttrst an
nual banquet In Omaha.
"It was a time when the speaker had to go
'heeled' ' in order to keep the members of the
legislature in order , and I remember BOIMU of
them got so noisy that they adjourned to
meet in Florence. Hut that was some time
after 1 left Pennsylvania , " ho added , and
the reporter settled down to business.
The bill of faro was in marked con
trast to the "corn meal and sand"
diet spoken of , and all the
delienclcs 6f tlio season were offered to the
I'eimsylvunlans of to-day who utalto Ne
braska their homo. Flvo hundred of thorn
were present in resj'onso to the invitations
issued by a society the Pennsylvania society
of Nebraska that is but n few weeks
old , and the enthusiasm displayed ,
as well as the successful manner In which
the programme was carried out , proved that
the bracing nir of Nebraska had infused now
life and vigor Into the veins of tlioso who had
elected to become her sons. The tables
wore xmablo to accomodato all the
guests at any one time , and
again and again they were reluld only to be
cleared out by the visitors. As unch sur
rendered a scat , ho found h's way to the
main hall , where the well-waxed floors ,
the brilliant lights , pretty part
ners anil the "music of the
band" enabled all to wlillo the hours
away , until at half past 10 the regular busi-
of the evening speech making commenced.
The speakers wcro limited to 5 minutes , and
though the programme was somewhat
lengthy , it was gone through in good
shape , and at the close the guests
left the hall fully satisfied that
they all had spent a pleasant evening , that
Pennsylvania was at one time the banner
state of this union , and that she had grace
fully surreadered that honor in favor of her
younger sister Nebraska.
The success of the banquet was
altogether due to the committees
on reception and > introduction , and
siippn . On the. ' fqimer were Dr. O. S.
Wood. , , W. O. Shrlyjjr ; ' Samuel P. Brigham ,
Kieha'rd S. Berlin W. F. Falls , Mcsdames
T.son C. Bruner. J. Jr. Larimer , ll. C. Itobert-
son , W. F. Falls and'MisB Lou Leisearinir ,
and on tlie latter Jpspbh Redman , Dr. P. S.
Lcisonring , 'ClmrJ&s : Gumming , Dr. F.
Swartzlander , Alb" ' T. C. Brunnor ,
Mrs. P. S. LoistoiHnp , Mrs. H. J. Wit-
man , Mrs. .losctlh'Uedman , Mrs. Dr.
F. Swartzlnndcr , lrs. Adam Klliott ,
Mrs. Alice CuimiUtfgs } Mrs. M. P. Holick.
Mrs. D. B. llouclc , Mrs. John Maus , Mrs , II.
Lingafclt , Mrs. Jamcs'SnOwdcn , Mrs. W. G.
Shriver , Mrs. J. B. LJhmer , Mrs. H. C. Pat
terson , Mrs. Dr. J. F. Larimer , Mrs , B. C.
Smith , Mrs. O. P. Fen nor , Mrs. .J. W. Cross ,
Mrs. George Crngqr. Mrs. N. A. Page.
H. C. Patterson Wag appointed toast mas
ter , and called upon T. C. Bruner , who
opened the progrithi'me by apologizing for
the absence of Senfftqf Manderson , and then
bidding a hearty wotcdme to tho.w who had
come to dohonor , the-Keystone state. , ,
Mayor Brouteh followed in response to the
toast "Omaha. " Ho'tliQUght Pennsylvania
was one of the best states in the union , not
even barring his own native state , Connecti
cut , and referred to the old war tunes , when
the ladies of Pennsylvania kept an open
house at Cumden for the benefit of soldiers
who wore tlia blue , either singly , in regi
ments or brigades. Ho spoke of the Penn
sylvania "Bucktails , " a regiment that v enl
into action the day after their term of" ser
vice had expired , and left many a comrade
cold in death , as an evidence that the } ' wore
willing to die as they had fought , for the
defense of tncir country.
Kov. John Gordon spoke of the "churches
of our ancestors , " and went back to the
days , when the meeting houses of Sharon.
Beulah and Bothleham were the churches of.
the people. Ho told of the days when \Vil-
lianl Pcnn , with the streets of London for a
meeting house , preached the truth , unpala
table as it may have been , to England's king ,
and then on this banks of the Delaware
made a treaty with the Indians that
never yet has been broken. The church of
the Keystone state is still perpetuated ,
though the log meeting houses of the curly
days , have in many canes boon supplemented
by costlier edifices of marble and stone. Hu
suid there nra no words in tbo English lan
guage morn musical than the "thcc" utid the
"thou" coining as they used to come in boy
hood's days , from the placid faces enshrined
iu the gray satin bonnet.
William N. Nason brought up "Our Old
Homos. " In his memory wai the picture of
the little white cottage , the old school , the
village with its public square , and that pic
ture was one framed with plcasautost of
recollections. The old village church with
its hlghbackcd scats was there too , and itas
well , was one of the memories that to him
was sacred.
James C. Brunei- spoke to the toast of
"Tho Pennsylvania Dutch , " and said the
same was a misnomer , There were Pennsyl
vania Dutcli in eastern Pennsylvania , but
they bad long Hince forgotten even ' -o speak
in the language of the Dutch. Ho spoke of
Pennsylvania us it now is , one of the most
picturesque , romantic and fruitful states in
the union. It was in that state the llrst pub
lic school was founded under the rule of
Governor Wolfe. In its number of colleges
it stands among the Jirst , and its medical
colleges uro recognized among the llrst in the
land. Its merchants in muny instances came
front the country boys , who learned in their
country homes the lessons of honesty that
were the foundations of their successes ,
The Ponnsylvnnia Dutch are known as
levers of the hoinos they so regret to leave ,
when about to venture for the .first time on
the uncertainties of tbo world. He spoke of
the old Christmas days , Now Year's eves ,
corn huskings and other similar social feast
days , and \7ith'iljgloivin ; ! { ( , ' peroration In
favor of the Pennsylvania Dutch ladies , lie
advised the yauiig'me'n of to-day to seek
among thorn for atjlu'lp-mcct If they were
seriously considering' .an attempt to commit
matrimony. *
Mike Maul was down1 to respond to the
toast of "Tho LadiosV'.JJut was unavoidably
detained through illijbsfc so the toast master
said and in his placd W , I. Swopo gave un
excellent humorous recitation on the same
subject. '
"Tho Medical PrdfWslon" was tlio toast
set apart for Dr. P. S , LoiBonring Few states
had as many Drltfhtf'Jllghts ' iu that pro
fession , as the Keystone state. Some of the
most brilliant had misled away , but among
the younger practluqui/rs / wcro names known
in their specialties throughout the civilized
world. It was PfehVpylvumn that lirst
founded n hospital , md ( it was from her colleges -
logos cumo the gradwues that oven in Omaha
are urescrlbmg for fne ills to which man is
holr. May their shadows.never grow loss. "
Majhr T. B. Clarkson talked of Pennsyl
vania in the war. It-was a beautiful idea ,
this devotion to our birthplace. Who has
not had his blood stirred at the name of the
grand , great , staid , old state of Pennsyl
vania ( In thrco days from the l.r > th pf April ,
1SU1 , the tlvo llrst companies wcro raised ,
and during the days of the rebellion the
state had fed and eared for 1,130,000 men.
Within her llnev was fought ODD of
the hardest battles of the war , and
18,000 of her SOUK Un in the only cemetery
over consecrated in a northern state , with
the blood of the bravo who had died on the
flold which they sought to win , and in which
they slept their final sleop.
Muulo followed , and after a short Intermission -
mission II. H. Ualdridgo responded
ou behalf of the legal profession , J. It. Bu
chanan "For William Pcnn , " S. P. Brigham
"For Valley Forge , " Paul Charlton , "Tho
Hluo Juulata , " John Hcdnmu , "Early Life
in Nebraska , " Alexander iMcIiito b , "Our
Now Home.1 * David Anderson , "South
Omahn , " nnd C , M. Jackson on "Hard Cider
and Sftur Kraut. " Muslo again followed ,
and then ended ono of the most pleasant
evenings overspent In Omaha.
Steps Taken to Counteract Trntlc
ITnlon Legislation.
PmLAnm'im , Feb. 14. At the session o
the National builders' convention to-day sev
crat papers were road by the members. J
resolution was adopted declaring that , 1
having come to the knowledge of the board
that strenuous efforts are being mndo on th
part of labor unions In this mv
other states to have the conspiracy
laws repealed , the delegates bo urged tc
use their inlluonooto sea that the conspiracy
laws bo uot tampered witli.
Several resolutions reported by the com
raitteeon resolution * wcro acted upon. One ,
recommending the association louse its Inllu
euro for the passage of laws making It a fel
ony formiy person or organization to prevent
nny American youth from learning auy trade
or handicraft ho may desiro. was adopted.
A vote of thanks was tendered by the con
volition to Congressman Bntterworth for his
defense of the rights of American citizen * in
tlio hall * of congress. St. Paul was selected
ns the place for the next annual mooting on
January 20 , IS'.Ki ' , and the following oflleors
were eld-ted for the ensuing year : President ,
Edward K. Soribner , St. Paul ; Ural vice
president , John J. Tucker , Now York ; second
end vice president , A. McAllister , Cleveland
secretary , William II. Sayw.ird , Boston ;
treasurer , Gooi-jjo Tappon , Chicago. A board
of directors was also elected , among whom
was Frank Clark , of Sioux City , In.
M/Vllll UO\V.
Tlio Ilaytieiis Losing Confidence In
the Government.
PoitT-AU-PniNci : , Ilaytl. Feb. II. [ Spe
cial Telegram to Tin : BII : : . ] Great efforts
hnvc been made by the authorities to inspire
renewed conlldeiice in the stability of the
government , as the chance of raising any
more money has disappeared. The news
wan given to the surprised inhabitants that
General Aitselmo Prophcte , the minister of
war , had taken Ilinchu , Vallierc , Erou , and
oven Fort Libcrto. There was a battle on
January SI nnd Prophcte was driven back
with the loss of 150 men killed nnd 300
wounded. Every battle that the minister of
war has tnkmi part in has resulted disas
trously to the cause of Lcgitiinc , his armies
being defeated , nntl'thosc who were not
either killed , wounded or taken prisoner , deserted -
sorted the ranks and fled to the woods.
General Piquant , minister of the interior ,
has become discouraged because of his futile
attempts to reaoh Mount Houts , and bus sent
strict orders here to shoot all volunteers who
deserted from the nrtny upon their return to
Port-nu-Priiico. Piquant landed Irom Le
Nouvelle Noldrogiio , at Grand Salinee , Jan
uary 21 , with 350 men , and had an encounter
wltii the guard in charge of that military
post. The thirty men hold out for four hours ,
but were forced to retire. Their general , an
old man named Colas , was taken prisoner
and marched to the market place and shot.
There is a feeling hero that the lauding of
Piquant at Grand Salines will result disas
trously to the cause of Legitime and hurry
bis downfall.
They Discuss tlic Question nt TypeSetting -
Setting 3i\clihit' .
NewYoiiK , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegram to
Tan BEI : , ] The principal paper read at the
meeting of the American Newspaper Pub
lishers' association yesterday , was a long
treatise on typesetting machines by W. W.
Parks. It was mainly statistical and favored
Lhc adoption of such machines in the compos
ing rooms of ncwspawr.s. A general dis
cussion of the paper followed. The conven
tion held a secret session in the evening , at ,
which the question was further discussed.
Some of the more prominent members wcro
opposed to the adoption of such machines on
the ground that their use would ultimately
so cheapen typesetting that the capital iicc-
essar.r for the establishment of newspapers
would bo so diminished as to materially open
a field tUat has hitherto been narrowed by
.he necessary expense. It was hold that on
this account the great iiuwspnners of the
country should oppose the introduction of
A Terrible Uliy./.aril Now
Throughout Canada.
MoXTitnA.1Feb. . 14. The bluzard which
started in last night and is still raging Is the
worst so far this season. The snowfall has
not been very heavy , but the wind has been
errillc and the dry snow has been whirled
nto great drifts , making travel exceedingly
difllcult in cities and in outlying districts it
s totally out of the question. Huilroad travel
s thoroughly demoralized. Outgoing trains
arc cancelled and incoming ones are hid
away in snow drifts somewhere , some of
bom having been reported and others not.
Several people are reported frozen to death.
An Improved ( Jiaiii Mnv.-mont.
BUIIMKOTOX , In. , Fob. II. ( Special Tele-
jram to Tim Bun.J The grain of tlio west
and southwest held iu reserve for months ,
o the great detriment of all lines of trade ,
s moving to market now with unprecedented '
rapidity. Hundreds of cars ofgrain and ice are
and for a week past have been , received hero '
Tally. All ttio ice is shipped from Burlimr-
on , via the St. Louis , Kcokuk & North-
vestcrn , to Hannibal , uud tlicuco to St.
Louis. Chicago gets the greater part of the
grain , and a part goes to Puoria and St.
-ouis. The increase of business on the St.
ouis , ICookuk & Northwestern has taxed
he capacity of the road to the utmost , and a
lozcn extra crews have been sent from this
city for duty there.
Tlioir Intention * are Honorable.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 14. It is said ut the
state department that there is not the slight
est wish on the part of the president or Sec
retary Bayard to embarrass the incoming
administration with respect to the Samoau
> olicy. It is not ut all likely that the pros-
Mil administration will arrogate to itself the
selection of un American representative at
ho proposed conference at Berlin , or that It
vill take any steps whatever that might tend
o commit the administration.
A Very Small Dividend.
Feb. II. At a meeting of the
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad di
rectors this afternoon u dividend of 1 per
cent was declared.
Dentil of Uoor o IlotTiiiun ,
George HolTinuu died at midnight last
nlcht at the corner of Ttvelvcth and Wll-
lams streets. The funeral will occur Sun
A Boy's llorolo Act.
Shortly after o'clock yustorday aftot-
icon iv party of boyK wcro skating on
the rivur near the mouth of Indian
Ji'oolt , says the Beatrice ISxprcsn. Ono
ad , a little more venturuKomo than the
ho other * , undertook to Hkato uortiBg
some tint ) ice ut the mouth of the creek
and broke through. Ho pluekily hold
on to the edge of the ice but would liavo
'ono uudof in a few momenta but lav
ho heroism auu prcsonco of mind of
young LoHtor Hewitt , son of H , A.
lowitt , engineer of the waterworks.
Young Hewitt HU\V liia companion's
danger , and being an expert Bkatur ,
> roparod himself /or / a uig spurt a c rod a
, ho troaohorous Ice , grasping the unfortunate -
tunato boy's hand as ho pansod him and
lulled him out on the stronger ice ,
.horyhy saving him from an almost in-
ovitublo drowning , The thin ice bout
langoronaly under their united weight ,
> ut before ft could give way they had
cached a place of safety.
Furnished house for rout in Park
L'orraco , opposite Haiiscoiu park , all
nodcru conveniences. Inquire Leo &
Nichol , 28th uud Loayenworth ,
Magnificent Toilets .lust Completed
ftir tlio Now First I/ndy.
Ah , but they tire boautlful ! And nil
In such perfect taste , too.
tf out- coming : lirst Indy is ns wise in
nil things as the clioico of her gowns ,
what rt lucky people wo sha.ll be ! ex
claims the New York Morning Journal.
The little Indy 1ms hold to her prin
ciples regarding low-cut corsages.
"Such a shame , too ! " said ono of
Ghormley's pretty drapers , "for she has
the loveliest nock ana arms you ever
saw ; as white and smooth as a girl's ) . "
The great dress , which will probably
bo worn at the inauguration , is of poarl-
white brocade , made with a long train ,
the front of almost solid gold om-
broidery. Tlio corsage opens a little at
the throat and shows a full ruche of
real old point. Tlio sleeves roach the
A wtdo sash of heavy silk is passed
round tlio waist and knottoit loosely on
the left side , falling to the bottom of
the skirt , wlioro it ends iu broad gold
A magnificant French reception dross
is of gray silk made with domi-train
and draped with the finest of Marquise
laco. A sash of the same laeo is passed
over the corsage up to the shoulder.
This dress is elegant in its simplicity ,
the materials being of tlio very finest.
Thin , too , is made to open just n little
nl tlio throat , and had at least a half-
A Greek dinner dress is a creation at
once unique nnd beautiful. The ma
terial IB of the heaviest Nile-green
moiro. H Is made with a moderately
Jung train. The corsugo is i-utsquiiro
iu the nock , but not low , and finished
with n Grecian border. The sleeves
are of true Oriental design , and finished
in tlio same way. Around the lower
part of the Kmp'ire waist a heavy cord
is passed , knotted carelessly on the
side. It fulls to the bottom of the skirt ,
whuro it ends in heavy tassels. It is
presumable that with this dross the
hair will be , worn in u Grecian coltTurc ,
bound about with the traditional Roman
band ,
A beautiful house dross is made of the
heaviest armuro cloth , in black silk nnd
wool. The long , straight oyorgarment
which is of the most exquisite design
and finish , is heavily embroidered in
black silk , the outlines of tlio pattern
being traced in gold. This dross is per
fcctly plain , falling straight to tlio feet
without n particle of drapery , opening
just a little at the si > 2o to show a panel
heavy witli hand embroidery.
A house-dress is made with a plain
redingote , in cigar brown , the material
being some heavy Persian fabric in
wool. This garment opens in front to
show a vest and petticoat , of the color
called in France cafe au lait which is
covered with hand-ombroidcry in col
ors. The sleeves of the over-garment
nearly reach the wrist and are finished
in wide cufTd of dark blue plush. The
wide rovers and poclcct laps are of the
same material. This elegant costume
is finished with immense buttons of
smoked pearl.
Ano her costume , d'Interieur , is of
white , in the most severe Greek btyle.
The costume falls from the sh nuldcrs ,
plain to tlio edge of tlio short train. It
is fitted with plaits at thu back , and
under the arms is confined ! it the waist
by embroidered pearl bands. Around
the neck is a Grecian handkerchief fas
tened witli a pearl ornament , while the
long Greek sleeves fall from the shoul
der straight to the hem of the skirt ,
being open nil tlio way up on one side ,
uiinornoath which is a close-fitting
sleeve reaching to the wrist.
There is a handsome costume of
black velvet , made walking length. It
is high at the throat , tin. ' sleeves reach
ing the wrist , the skirt of which is
draped witli a netted material of almost
aolid jot.
A beautiful dress of brown silk is pro
fusely trimmed with ornaments in silk
braid , and opens on the side to display
an underskirt of golden brown plush.
A dress of black satin is very elabo
rately draped witli steel embroidered
lace.Many of these costumes have bonnets
to match , and Mrs. Harrison has bought
gloves by the dozen , silk hosiery , lace s
fans , and all the other little accessories
that go to make up a lady's toilet.
Other orders will bo given. Ono dress
is talked of that will be elaborately
trimmed with ostrich features and a
beautiful tea gown will bo in heavy
white faille , the front being of softly
draped eropo du chcno cameo pink.
A peep into Mrs. Harrison's quarters
at the Gilsoy house showed an elegant
litter of all the dainty paraphernalia
which ladies delight to buy. The apart
ments Nos. 2 and ! , which are occupied
by Airs. Harrison and her daughter ,
have been newly furnished throughout.
"That furniture's th' finest Now York
kin turn out , mum , " said the man in
waiting , "and jist luk at Unit carpet ;
'faith yo go most up to yor knees in it.
And jist luk at thim decorations , Yoz
may bo sure , mum , there's none loiko
'om in the city. Cut they're none too
good for lh' lady what's ' in 'em , bless
her. "
Mrs. Harrison did no shopping yester
day. The afternoon was given up to 1
receiving callers , of whom she had a
largo number.
She dined at the hotel. She is some
what fatigued by the amount of shop
ping she has done , but tiho has evi
dently enjoyed herself.
Couldn't Stand
"Grotflieii , " said the man of the
house , putting Ills head in at the
kitchen door , "I have no objection to
your friondfa smoking Connecticut ci
gars or outing Liinburgei1 cheese in my-
house , but when the two llavors an
nounce thombolvcs simultaneously I
kick. This reception will como to an
end in exuctlv three minutoH by the
watch or I call the police.
Floquot nnd Ilia Minister Toutlor
Tholr RosiRiiatlouQ.
Debate On the Question era Itovtultm
Of the Constitution Indefinitely
A'ostponed Hoiiln user's
Manifesto ,
P.vms , Feb. K The chamber of deputies
was crowded to-day. The Prince ofVilo *
und Lord Lytlon , the British ambassador ,
occupied seats In the diplomatic gallery.
Huron Macken , president of the fight , moved
to adjourn debate on the question lor
ono week. Ho declared that the right
desired a complete revision as well as n dqs-
solution of the charter.
Premier Floquet refused to entertain the
motion , stating that the government could
not consent to dissolve the chamber.
Karen Mnchen's motion was rejected iVM
to ITS.
Count Do Oouvillo-Miullefou , in moving nn
Imlcllmito postponement of the revision debate
bate , said , "Tho electoral period virtually
begins to-day. Lot us leave to the pcopM
the duty of Indicating what kind of revision
they dcsiiv. Let us not lose tiiuo in di < <
mission of n question that Is in no wise
delinltc. Instead of pursuing a policy of
egotism , let us return to a policy of common
sense. "
Flotiuot , replying , reminded the house that
the government was pledged to nmuo the re
vision proposal the Immediate order of the
day nf the scrutin d' arrondlsscmoiit bill.
At the conclusion of Floiiuct's remarks a
division was taken and Count Danville-
Maillefeu's motion was adopted no ? to 21S.
Premier Floquot thereupon announced
that the ministry would immediately resign.
Immediately alter the announcement all the
memltors of the ministry sent their res-
itrnatlons to President Carnot. This was a
complete surprise to tlio chamber. Floquet
had said nothing implying an intention to
make a motion to adjourn tlio cabinet ques
tion. Both the left and right were unaware
how the ministry would regard the vote. The
majority Included members of the right and
members of opportunists.
After adjournment thoredical left and ex
treme left held a meeting and sent delegates
to Floquet to express regret nt the fall of the
cabinet , and congratulated the retiring pre
mier upon the firmness of the position he had
President Cnrnot , after the ministers ten-
dr.ral their resignations , sent for Mflinc ,
president of the chamber of deputies , and
subsequently had a conference with the presi
dent of the senate. A rumor was current
this afternoon that Mllino will bo asked to
form a cabinet , but to-night it is stated that
President Carnet has as yet intrusted uooio (
wirh the task.
Oenflral Bonlanger , immediately after the
adjournment of the chamber of deputies , is
sued a manifesto to the electors of the de
partment of the Seine. In this IK ; claims
credit for his party for "tho over
throw of a discredited ministry , which
was attempting to ensnare the country by a
comedy of proposals to revise this constitu
tion. If passed by the chamber , the minis
try well knew it would bo rejected by the
Semite. "
Ho proceeds : "Wo would notallowtho
cabinet thus to deceive universal sulTragu
and to consecrate its usurpation by doingtho
worlc of the constituent assembly The fall of
this ill-omened ministry , which had already
planned laws for the restriction of liberty ,
will ho a relief to tlio public conscience , it
is a stop further toward the dissolution of tlio
chunihcr and the convocation of a constituent
assembly. After the vote on thn scrutin
d'arromllssomcnt bill , which , in its author's
mind , was nothing more than a blow ( leult at
vniversal suffrage , the electoral ponod has
commenced. It is for the country to speak.
Vive la HepubKque.
He ! ' ' < > unl Out.
Chicago Tribune : Amateur singer
( who has evolved a scheme for getting
his wife's unbiased opinion of his own
voice ) Emily , what do you think of
Kiljordun's singing ?
Wife It's perfectly wretched. It sets
my teeth on edge to hear him.
Amateur singer ( some weeks later )
Emily , young Kiljordan wants mo to
take his place in thutduot at the Grind
stone reception next wook. Do you
think that I could sing it us well as , lie
could ?
Wife ( hesitatingly ) Y-yes , Cyrus , I
don't know but you could.
Nothine to bo Alarmed About.
Chicago Tribune : Wife ( waking her
husband ) John , there's an awful noise
in the street.
North Side Husband ( lihtonintr a mo
ment ) It's nothing but a cubic car run
ning into some otnor car. Do lot 1110
Wife ( waking him again in great
alarm un hour or two later ) John , I
heard something that sounded like u
gun. Maybe there's-8
Husband ( fiercely ) It's ' nothing but.a
north side car-heater exploding. If
you disturb me , again , Muria , I'll go
but and finish my nap in the coiiluhodl
Had SoiiiRtldiiK to Hay.
Kew 1'inlt Telegram.
"Prisoner , " said the Judge , have
you anything to say before the sentence
of the court is passed upon you ? "
"I have , your Honor. " ( .Turning to
his lawyer ) "You Hlick-llngored ,
smooth-jawed , puddin'-hcad ! You billy-
bo-dad-Hlammod hunk of soap-fat ! You
said you could clear me for § iQ ! , and
took your money in advance. You hain't
got sense enough to bo assistant janitor
You don't ' know much
of a corn-crib. as
law as a Toxus horned frog , and you
haven't the moral principle of u blind
owl ! Go ahead , Judge. "
A llcijiilur Kreore-Out.
Life ; Traveler Say , hey , what are
you sitting there for ? you'll frcoxo to
J3oy ( lotween his chattering teeth )
Why , de ole man tolome for to take dor
up out an' drown him ; but do ice on do
rook is two feet thick , so I thought I'd
et hero an * free/.o him to death.
. , .
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