THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAJL OMAHA , FRIDAY MOKtft'NG. FEBRUARY 15 , 18SO. NUMBER 245 OMAHA'S ' POSTOFPICE SITE , Proposals In Order Till Midday , February 23. A CORNER LOT IS PREFERRED. Propositions Should Ho AriilrcxiGil to the Secretary of the Trcannry NctiraHkn'ri Undrawn Prop * crty Territorial Matters. \VASHINOTOJ * lltmmu TunOMATU HUE , 1 1 513 FoUllTBnwl ! STtftRT , > WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob , 14. I Senator Mnndcrsoii was in receipt to-day of a teply to his recent letter to Supervising Architect Freret in regard to the selection of n site for the Omaha postofllcc. The in quiries concerning the method in which the location would ho made nnd when It would tnko place were so numerous that the sen ator determined to mnkc the earliest possible discovery of the Intentions of the govern ment m regard thereto , nnd to make public Ills information. The answer ot Architect Frcrot is as follows : WAbins'oTON , Fob. M. To Honorable Charles F. Mamlerson , United States Senate Sirt I have the honor to iicknowlcdge thu receipt of your communication of the 12th inst. , with reference to the proposed public building at Omnhn , Neb. , and in reply , I desire - sire to inform you that . .he advertisements Imvc neon authorised for insertion In the Onlly newspapers published in Omaha , invit ing scaled proposals for tlio sale of property Huitnblo for a public building site. a copy of which Is enclosed herewith for your information. No coin- mltcioncrs will be appointed to locate the I , , i site , ns this custom bus been dispensed with | j 1' by the department , and In lieu thereof an I' ' " ngent from this ofllco bus been selected who will visit Omaha on thu 'jU : Inst.with n view of Inspecting the different properties offered for sale. It is expected to obtain a suita ble site by purchase , and not to resort to condemnation , but this question cannot be I' ' determined until after the proposals are opened. Any suggestions you may wish to make in relation to this subjeot will J > o grate fully appreciated , Kospcctlully Yours , W. A. FKIUIKT. roitM or ruorosMj. The following is the form of the proposal referred to in tno above letter : OITICI : or TIM : Po-miAsmi , Omaha , Neb. . Feb. , 188'J Sealed proposals will bo received until li ! o'clock noon , on the ! 23d day of Feb ruary , 1SSI ) , for the sale of property suitable for a site for the public building authorized to bo erected in your city. A corner lot is preferred , and the dimensions should not be lens than ' . ' 00 feet by ! J"iO feet ; if not u corner lot the dimensions should bo not less than 200 feet by SOI ) , the ! > ! )0 ) feet to bo street frontage ; any building on the property selected to bo retained and removed by the owner. The department reserves the right to reject any und all proposals. Propos al ! ) should bo marked "proposals for the sale of property for a site for the public building nt Omaha , Nob. , " and should bo addressed to the secretary of thu treasury. This information mation will doubtless relieve the minds of the anxious real estate people in Omaha , and indicates that there is to bo no delay in push ing the work. NKIIltASICA'S UNPHAWN I'llOrnUTr. Under two old statutes , passed in ISKrt and 1871 , each state on its admission is entitled tea a set of the customary nnd metric standards , nnd they are very valuable , Nebraska never secured these , and Senator Manderson has recently applied to the secretary of thotrcas- urs for the same. The reply is that they will bo delivered to the state on requisition of the governor , when provision shall have been made for their safe keeping. TWO fiovr.itsoits. The reports from West Virginia indicate that there arc likely to bo two governors in that state from and after the adjournment of the legislature , which soon expires by limi tation , and President Harrison will bo com pelled to recognize ono or the other of them. There is very little probability that any one will bo elected to the senate , in which case each governor will fill the vacancy by ap pointment , and two sets of credentials will bo sent In. Thus the titles of the governors ' will bo submitted to the senate of tlio United States for its decision. TUIIItlTOllIAL. Chairman Springer has made a miserable "list of It" in all of his work on the omnibus territorial statehood bill. Ho has been com pelled to buck truck and vacate every posi tion ho has taken on the subject of creating now states. In the first place , ho attempted to have Dakota admitted as n whole. Then lie proposed To submit the question of ttivis- on to both the north nnd south half sepa rately. Then he proposed to permit South Dakota to come in under proclamation of the president , and the north half to bo given an enabling net , provided the territory as a whole voted for division. Then ho proposed that thu submission of the question of divis ion to u vote of the people should bo loft out , nnd nn enabling net should bo given North Dakota and an absolute admission , by the president's proclamation for the southern half. Each one of these concessions , coin ing nearer and nearer the position taken by the president , was forced upon Mr. Springer by pure popular opinion in the house of rep resentatives , which Is democratic. As Mr , Springer evacuated each of the positions hu had occupied , he ucgan to hedge. Hu llrst demanded that Utah should come in with Dakota. Then he dropped Utah and took up Now Mexico , which was to come In with the two Dukotas and Washington and .Montana territories , To-day every element of Spring- crism was thrown out of the omnibus bill by thu house and republican ism was substituted. Sunset Cox , who has proven himself to bo the most liberal minded democrat in the house , led the principles fought for by the republicans , and succeeded in securing oven more thnn the republicans hoped to got. It was agreed by thu republican conferees , on the part of the two houses , that the question of division and admission and the election of new states and federal officers should bu again submitted to Dakota. Now Mexico was to bu thrown nut of the bill , The democratic conferees con ceded that New Mexico would have to go out , but they contended for further voting in Dakota , lor thu sole purpose of securing further delay for statehood. When thu re port was laid before the IIOUFO. Mr. Cox moved as n substitute to the republican pro- pysitlon.u resolution Instructing the conferees to ugrro to strike out Now .Mexico , divide Dakota , and admit to statehood North and South Dakota , Washington and Montana territories upon proclamation of the presi dent. This was a little farther than the re publicans hud hoped to go , It was what they wanted , but tnoy were afraid to nsk font , Mr. Springer antagonized the propo- Hltion ns bitterly ns possible , and was seconded ended by Hrceklnridge of Kentucky and other ultra-untl-statehood democrats. As BOOH as the debate was over it was evident that Mr , UOX'H proposition would bo adopted , ns twelve or fifteen democrats had indicated that they would vote for it. Hrccklnrldgo of Ifentucky asked for a division on the question , so that thu house might lirst votu upon the proposition to. strike Now Mexico out of the' bill. This was carried by a vote of 185ayu'3 to 101 * nays. Hreckinridgu changed his vote from no to nyu , so that he might move to re consider. As the vote upon the motion to re consider was being taken , Hrcckinriugu , Mc Millan , Springer , Crair.e , and others , rushed over to the democratic tide , asking the mem bers there to stand together. Others hurried around the i-npitol to drum In the absentees. Their labors did no good , 'j-ln | former vote was unstained by a vote of ii" : ayes to I Oil nays. Then a vote wan taken upon the latter claiifcinf the Cox proposition to grant ad mission upon the proclamation of the presi dent , without any further expressions from the people in the territories. Tills also car- rlcd , Then Hrcckinridgo changed his vote and moved a reconsideration , Mr. HaUer , of New Yurk , moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table , pending which the house adjourned with nn under standing that the question would uo finally disposed of at 1 o'clock to morrow. There is now no doubt that Springer has been effect ually "turned down , " and that there xvlll bo four new states admitted to the union by act of this congress North and South Dakota , Washington and Montana. Mr , Hreckin- rldjo in his filibustering was not supported by a single republican. The object In laying the question itxm | the table over nictit waste to drive Into line the refractory democrats , who voted with the republicans. There is no indlruthin , however , that Mr. Springer nnd his crowd will meet with any degree of success. isniAV roMMiisiosnu onniu.v , Kvidontly Indian Commionur Oberly is nfrald of being removed from ofllco for in subordination. Ho said thu other day to your correspondent that thu law was being grossly violated , und orders disregarded In the cutting of timber from certain Indian liinds In Wisconsin ; that his requests for the removal of Indian Agent Gregory had boon refused by Sccrntiry Vllns , who know that the iigunt wan permitting the law to be out raged , and that ho would expose the whole business when called before Senator Chan dler's committee on Indian depredations. To day Mr. Oborly had nn opportunity to make the expose , but ho refused to do so , and evi denced a strong desire to shield Mr. Vilas. He said to the committee that the only thing that was being done which hu diil not approve of was the reten tion of Agent Gregory , who win n llowing the timber to bo cut without the approval of the secretary. Evidently Mr. Oberly was reminded since his announcement of an In tention to tell nil ho knew about Vilas of the summary treatment of Land Commissioner Sparks and Civil Service Commissioner Kdgerlon , who wcro summarily reliovcd for Insubordination mid talking about their su perior officers. Oborly did a good Job of "crawling into his hole and pulling the hole m after him" to-day. As n reformer hu has proved a dead failure , MIHI M.MNKOfS ANTI ITIISOX . . Carroll D. Wright , of Hoston , has been confirmed us commissioner of labor. C. N. Dcitz and wife , F. Colpctzcr and wife and C. H. Gulon and wife , of Omaha , who have been at the ICbbitt for a couple of days , will leave to-morrow for Hichnioiul and other sections of Virginia. S. II. M. Hyers , of Iowa , author of "Slier- mnn's March to the Sea. " and consul atCeu - rieh during the administrations of Grant , Hayes and Arthur , is Iu the city , stopping at d03 F street. Gnorgo C. Hiiker and K. A. Kobertson , of Des Molnes , are at the Ebbitt. Hon. J. P. Dollivcr , congressman-elect from the Tenth district of Iowa , is at 1)24 ) Fourteenth street. Mr. Dollivcr will bo the youngest member of the Fifty-first congress. Alt.MV OlilintlS. Leave of absence for four months , to take effect en or about March 1 , is granted Second end Lieutenant Charles D. Clay , Seventeenth infintry. First Lieutenant G. S. Young , Seventh United States infantry , on leave from Fort McICimio.v , Wyu. , is at present with his pa rents , Captain and Mrs. D. J. Youmr , at 1320 Corcoran street. Pimiv S. Hi.mi. COMMISSIONER OBKIUA" . His Statement. Up-ardinH ; the Timber Contracts on the Iia Point Acc-ncy. WASiii.NOTojf , Fob. 14. Indian Commis sioner Oberly , before Senator Chandler's special committee on Indian traders to-day , submitted correspondence relating to timber cutting contracts in the La Point , Wis. , agency. On March 13 , last , 731 such con tracts were suspended by order of the com missioner. On January 29 the operations under 50'J of them wcro ordered resumed by the commissioner under instructions from Secretary Vilas , who suggested , in view of the imminent danger of loss to both contractor and Indians by delay at that season , and because of the largn expenditure to which the contractor had gone in prepar ing to carry on his work , nnd because the work.done under contracts has not yet been approved , that the commissioner approve such contracts as hud been made with the owners of allotments approved by the presi dent. dent.As As to the removing of Agent Gregory , the secretary wrote that ho ( Gregory ) had nskcd several times to bo relieved , but until the nomination of his successor was confirmed by the senate there had been no change made. Agent Gregory's replies to Commis- missioner Obcrly's communications regard ing illegal cutting , were very unsatisfactory to that official , and finally the commissioner telegraphed him as follows : "Your evasive replys to my telegrams have convinced to met hut you have been very direlect in regard to this mutter. " In one of hi % replies the agent said , in effect , that ho presumed cutting was still going on , despite the orders to stop it ; that the camps were . so far apart that ho could not reach some of them In fourteen days. Hoforcjthu committee last year Gregory testified that ho could reach any point In the agency within twelve hours , On February 5 Mr. Oborly recommended to Secretary Vilas that Clerk Allen , in the commission ofllce , bo detailed to visit , the agency and investigate the condition of tilings , but the correspondence does not disclose any action on this recommendation. The examination of the commission was concluded , and Senator Chandler will now beijin the preparation of his report. THE YOUKTOWN'S TllIAIi , It Proves Kininciitly Sattaiitctory in Every Particular. Piui.AiinM'fiiA , Fob. 11 , The United States gunboat Yorktown returned this morning from a trial cruise down Delaware bay and out into thu ocean. Commodore Fitzhugh spoke generally in high praise of the craft. On Wednesday a run was made straight away out to BCU , nnd in coming back the Yorktown made the run in four hours with a forty knot brecvo "dead on , " and behaved admirably. Captain Stcelu says that she did not roller pitch , and he- never had a vessel that was moro plumb and steadier. In uuothur four hours run she mtido an average of lfi.83 Unots per hour , or about twenty miles , thus proving her to bo a very Ileot ocean craft , as well as a remark ably steady ono. The engines of the Yorutown proved to bo perfect marvels fur hteadincss and jiower. liauh engine on its regular test recorded "j , revolutions per min ute , .implying a horse power far ahead thu contract requirements , but thu exact sum of which cannot bu given for some days , or until all the imlicstois can bu com puted and differentiated. The ship was tried in every cotifU'yabln way , in river , bay and ocean , and WUT par ticularly maivjuvrai by Cuptuin Stco'.o under the direction of Commodore Fiuliugh us If engaged in battle , She answered every movement of thu helm promptly , nnd moved with the most satisfactory celerity , nil the tlmo steady and solid so that guns might be used with the very best effect In action. Onu of the marvels of thcso maneuvers was starling the Yorlctowii ahead ut full hpci'd. ThU feat was uccomplishcd in ono minute und fifty-seven seconds , mi extraor dinary result under any circumstances. While at sea the sails were tested and it was found that in this particular the hhlp was ns trim and complete us in any other. The olllccrs and cruiv , from tlio commodore dawn to thu stokers , are loud in their I'rnlbuof thu YorKtown , and believe that she will nrovo the pride of the now American navy , at least until the mammoth cruisers Hiillimoiv , Philadelphia nnd New Voric shall co mo forth to hear thu American Hug. Commodore FiUhujrh promptly announced thu general result to thu secretary of the navy. ' 1 hero seems to ho no doubt that his report will bu entirely favorable , and the gunboat Yorktown will bu accepted and prepared - pared at once to receive her command. Protidt-ntlnl Noin I nations , WASIIINOTO.V , Fob. 14 , The president today - day sent the following nominations to the senate : Commodore George 11 , Helknnp , to bo rear admiral ; Captain John (3. ( Walker , to bo commodore ; Commander L. A. Casov , to be captain ; Lieutenant Commander .lames to bo fouiuiuuUcr , HAS SILENTLY STOLEN AWAY Superintendent Chase , of the Indian School. HIS ACCOUNTS WERE CROOKED Tin ; HhorlnKO Kstlnmtcd at. About $ U.- , OO ( lly the Government In- Hpector He Kohhud liven , the Children. A Chnso For Canada. Gnsov , Neb. , Feb. 1-1. ( Special to THE Uiii : . ] As the investigation nt the Indian school progresses , it becomes more nnd more evident that Superintendent Chase com menced to swindle the government from the very llrst of his administration , four years ago. His methods have been varied , and , in nearly ovcry transaction ho has madeslnco hu became superintendent , he has managed to rob the government of sums ranging from $ , - to S200. Inspector Mollctti * authority for the state ment that g2 * > ,000 will not cover the steal ings , Chase has even robbed the Indian children of their little earnings to the ex tent of several hundred dollars , and nlso pocketed nearly ail of the t per month which tha government allows the children for spending money. In nearly every case whcro parties have been employed to dr > work for the school they have been presented with blank vouchers , which they have carelessly signed nnd which now turn up in the hands of thu government for , in many cases , ten times the amount of their bill , The case Is reported of one man who signed a voucher for what lie supposed to be ? " . He was somewhat astonished when Inspector Mullett presented him with one bearing his signature calling for f 150. Some of the citizens have aUo been sur prised to learn tnat they have been drawing salary as regular employes of the school. Chase's personal indebtedness in this town is estimated at $1,000 , winch taken to gether with the S OOO ho has stolen from the government , and S'J.OOO salary himself and family have drawn , makes a uicu little pot.Thcro Thcro is a rumor on the streets to-day that , in the temporary absence of the inspector specter yesterday , Chase seired his grip and quietly stolu nway to parts unknown. Special Indian Agent Whltu arrived yes terday and took charge of the school. Cattle Thicvo * Captured. AIVSWOKTII , Neb. , Feb. H [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hr.c. ] The vigilant ? * , about live hundred strong , have c.iptured six or eight leading members of an organized band of cattle thiuvos. Some of the captured ones have made confessions implicating many others , and dcvolopcuients are awjiited iin- uaticntly. The has infested this p.irt . of the state for three or four years , stealing cattle and shipping by the cir load. The vigilantes are quiet but determined , and it is not known wh-jttnr they will hand the cap tives over to justice or to Judge Lynch. Dr. Kelly's AHsailnntfl. NOHFOI.K , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tun 13ii : . ] The preliminary ex amination of Soudicr , Uarno nnd Oliver was commenced at Madison before Judge Dun can , yesterday , and concluded to-day. Se'v- cral of tlie witnesses introduced by the gov ernment saw more or less of the shooting and identified the prisoners. The jlcfcnso called no witncssss. Oliver was discharged. The two others were held in the sum of $2,500 for their appearance at court. Indian Payments. - OMAHA AGENCY , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special to Tun I3in. ] Judge Crawford , of West Point , is hero to-day taking the census pre paratory to paying the Omaha Indians ? 35,000. He expects to pay them some time this month. This $ : . ' ! i,000 is half of the bal ance of $ ro,000 , duo the Omahas in seven equal annual payments. This is to be divided among 1,250 Indians , giving them about 5,7 or WS each. The Omahas have been prac tically self-supporting for many years. Stores Knrjjlnrlzccl. DAKOTA. CITV , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegram to Tne 15uu. | Uurglars entered Schrieter I3ros' . and Stinson & Hcnweg's stores , gaining an entrance to botn places from tno cellar doors on .the outside. The booty secured was trilling. While many be lieve it was the work of parties acquainted with the town , others pronounce it profes sional work. Skipped Justin Time. UEATniciNeb.Fob. : 14. [ Special Telegram toTiic Uiil Gilbert , alias employe at the sewer pipe works , skipped yesterday. To-day parties from Shclton , Neb , are herewith with Underwood , deputy sheriff of Uuffalo county , looking for him. Ho is said to have committed forgeries of notes und mortgages amounting to $1,000. Ho is supposed to hare gone to Hockford , 111. An Occnn Steamship War. Nnw YOHIC , Feb. 14. In regard to the war between the ocean steamship companies , the evening papers say that the lirst blow at freight rates has been struck by the Whitu Star companies. It Is the same with the steamship lines ns with the railroads. They have had an understanding with each other to maintain high rates , but one of the companies has kicked over the traces nnd broken the tacit agreement. The repre sentatives of the Union , Anchor , Inman , and National companies are prepared for the light. If oil is not speedily thrown upon the troubled waters the public may expect to witncss'tho most bitter warfare that ever broke out between trans-Atlantic lines. There are indications that thu trouble may extend to passenger traflic also. Hud. For thu Agreement. CHICAGO , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram to THE HIC.J : The main toplo of conversation among the railroad men to-day was the mooting of thu presidents next Tuesday , . at which the famous agreement will again bed d c'j sed. President Ilughltt , of the North western , ana Hoceivcr McNulta , of the Wabash - bash , are as certain as over of tha ultimata adoption of the agreement , but a protracted search disclosed the fact that they were nearly alone in their opinion , Seven out of the twenty-two roads have refused , at least temporarily , to sign the agreement , and it is thu prevalent opinion that not moru that fif teen will bo presented at the meeting. Now Mexico ZtlcmnrlalH. \V\fciii\OTo.s , Fob , II. President protein Ingall to-day laid before the snnato two peti tions of the citizens of Albuquerque , Now Mexico , denouncing as misleading- und false the allegations contained In the memorial re cently presented to the senate protesting against the admission of the territory us a stato. A memorial from the legislative council of Now Mexico was presented to the senate to day , praying that all agricultural lands in the territory bo opened to settlement ut $1.25 an acre , and the price of coin lands within llftesn miles of a railroad bo llxed aero , For Protcotlon at Panama. \V43iiixoTo.v , Feb , 14. The house committee teeon foreign affair * to-day Instructed the chairman to report favorably the senate bill appropriating $250,000 for the protection of American interests nnd citizens at the Isth mus of Panama , In view of the fact that work on the canal census tomorrow , the committee resolved to make 11:1 : effort to se cure ImiiK'Jiato action by the Uouse. TICK HlCfeo' lt\W. CIlizcnH nl' Sioux 'County Strongly Favor IjOCnrOptlon. Humi oy , Neb. , Fobi4. : [ Special to Titn rtcE. | The bill in the state legislature known ns house roll 03 , killing that part of the existing statutes leaving it optional for counties to decide for themselves whether herd or fence laws shall obtain within their boundaries , has awakened interest. In Jan uary of 1SS7 this ( Slou.x ) county , availing itself of the privilege accorded by the laws , suspended the herd law. At the last election the county commissioners granted n petition for a now vote on the question of suspension , nnd it was again carried. There were polled in the county at this election 501 votes , and the majority in favor of suspending the herd law was nearly a hundred , The people here nro formers , combining stock raising with tilling thu soil , and thu vote maintaining the suspension of the herd law was a fair index of the sentiment of the majority. Hut the question having been raised has since served ns n topic for agita tion , and efforts have been miule accomplish by net of legislnturo what the majority of the people Imvo discountenanced. To effect this , avowals have been made that the county is overrun with range cattle ; that stock from Wyoming nnd Dakota Imvo made aggressions upon the crops grown in this county , and that the United States land laws relating to timber culture cannot bo complied with by reason thereof. Such avowals are not in harmony with the facts In thu case. Thcro are no range cattle in the county. The day of range cattle Is over in this county , and stockmen in Wyoming nnd Dakutu have line riders Who restrain the cuttle from entering tlie state along the line. Divided among the residents of Sioux county , as indicated bv the total vote last fall , are about ! t,40U cattle and 2 , il horses. The county contains 2,100 square miles , and of this area there are cultivated about 2,000 acres less than one acre to the square mile. mile.Tho free range existing hero for the past two yours hits proved acceptable to the pee Clc , who corroborate the opinion expressed y Mr. Hurnhnm , ofICeyaPnhacountywhen the bill was being discussed in the house , he afllrmtng that a fence law was to the host in terests ot his county. There aru rough portions tions of the county unsulted to ngrieulture , but affording good pasture , and the large areas of uncultivated , land nro utilized in this way , farmers fencing their Holds. The canyons yens ami bunks of streams abound in timber , furnishing posts free : for the taking from government land. Sioux comity is receiving a goodly influx of settlers from tile east , who unite with older residents in .protesting against the killing ot the optional herd law now in our statutes , desiring to determine for them selves whether the law bo suspended or re vived. Tlie action to bo taken by the senate is looked forward to 'with ' considerable in terest. At a meeting of the > epublican county cen tral committee , resolutions wcro adopted con demning the action of L. W. Gilchrist , repre sentative from this district , in advocating the repeal of the optional'tierd law , and censur ing him for his insulting language toward one ot the citizens of- this county. SOUTUKUX feOhOKEn MEN. They Ilohl an Impartial Conference nt Indianapolis. INDIAXAPOM : ? , Fob. lj. An moortant conference of colored men was held here to day. It gathered at the instance of Prof. , T. M. Lanu'ston. Seven 'states ' wcro represented by the delegates pte ent , South Carolina , Georgia , Virginia , Tennessee , Kentucky , Florida , nnd Missouri , and letters wcro read from other southern states , The conference jfwas held with closed doors , and'an address to General Harrison was formulated. In substance , the address says that they are loyal to the re publican party and [ residents , of states in which a fair election would give the elec toral vote to the republican party by a largo ' majority , but such 'undue influences and frauds are brought to boar against the vwtcrs that scores of the republican masses are constantly defeated. "Wo cannot doubt that you agree with us that the fifteenth amendment should bo maintained with .fairness and vigor , and that you desire that such object shall bo ac complished in the incerest of seven millions of American citizctisjwho to-day in the south are practically disfranchised , and whoso cause wo represent and plead. In view of o.ur present and prosperous condi tion under your administration of the government , wo are profoundly interested in the construction of your cabi net , especially as concerns the attorney gen eralship. The importance of the absolute ne cessity for the appointment which wo name of a man who , in addition to great learning in law , is free from undue feeling and bins , becomes apparent iu a single moment's re flection. Such being our opinion , wo have ventured to bring it formally and earnestly to your consideration. " During the afternoon it was presented to the general. It was' supposed that the conference ferenco would oppose the appointment of General Mahono to the cabinet , but nothing of the kind was done. The general had' n number of callers , Among them were Dan McCauley , Senor H. F. Guzman , Nicaragua ! ! minister nt Wash ington , and Milton Ji. Hutler , who was pres ident of the electoral college of Nebraska. Missouri Railroad jKn-EiisoN Cur , Mo. , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKE. ] There are pending , both in the senate and the house , n number of bills proposing to reduce passenger fares in this state over main lines from U to 2 cents per mile , and on branch lines from 4 to ! $ cents per mile. The committee oh railroads und internal improvements of both houses met this afternoon and listened to an argu ment in opposition to the pro posed reduction by Mr. P. S. Kus- tis , general passenger and ticket agent of the Chicago ; Huriington & Quincy. Mr. Kustls reviewed at length the passenger business of all the roads in the "Q" system for the past three yeiirs , and contended that the business had been done at a loss. During 18S7 it cost 20 per cent more cr mile to carry each passenger than the rate In Hie proposed bill , which , if passed , would prove opprcs fllvo to the roads and make a corresponding entailment of expenses , facilities and wages necessary. This address will be printed and bo ready for dcliver/to the members of the committee next Wednesday. The commlttoo will moot again to-iriprrow. of Naval Ofllccrs. Fob. 14 , Captain F. Ham- soy was to-day ordered by the secretary of the navy to duty as cpmmandunt of the navy yard at Now York. ' ' Secretary Whl tnpi1 to-day issued nn order detaching CominodoreCcorgo Hulknup from Ills duty ns coinmatitmut at thu Mnro island navy yard , Gal , , andTordcrlng him to duty In command of thu Asiatic station , to take the place of Hear Admiral Chandler , who died last Sunday. i- - - - Western Postal ChnnucB. WASIIIXCTON , FolifH. [ Special Telegram to Tun HIIK.J L. K. Stitton has been up- pointed postmaster dt Puxton , Keith county , Neb. , vice John , T. Onrtright , resigned , an Luvum U. KtUiy atQoshcn , Uinggold county , Iu. , vlco M. P. lUuison , resigned. A post- ofllco has been established at Lakcport , Woodbury county , la. , with Hobert L. Hum- inon as postmaster , f Denied hy governor AlK ? ' , Mi.VNKiroi.ifl , Feb. 14 , The Journal's Gladstone ( Mlcti.j ) special says that Gov ernor Alger denies J that hu Is connected in any way with the proposed Twin City & Ubcunaba railroad , us has been affirmed. S Ut liOIIIIC' . HOONB , la. , Feb , ' 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB HED. ] The residence of George W Harnett was enjorad by burglar * yesterday and property , .constating of Jewelry and other valuables to the amount of fJ50 , was tnkmi , The robbery was not discovered till evening , and in the meantime the t/urylnis escaped , probably by tub afwrnoop train , No clue has yet 'jcou fouud. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS A Dlsnffrooniout Reported On the Territorial Dill. ANOTHER CONFERENCEORDERED With Instructions to Kvelmle New Mexico From tlic Provisions ol the .Measure A Prohlbl- tluii Argument. Senate. \VASIIIXOTON , Feb. 1-1. Tim resolution hcrutoforo offered by Mr. Stewart for tlio se lection of u cotninlttco of seven senators on the irrigation mid reclamation of arid lauds , with a clerk nt ยง 0 per day , was agreed to. Senate bills granting a right of way to the Cherokee Central railroad company through the Indian territory , and to the .lamustown & Northern railroad company throughout the Devil's ' Lake Indian reservation , were reported and placed on the calendar. The house bill for the allotment of land In severally to Indians on the Hlda reservation , Wisconsin , was reported back adversely and placed on the calendar. Mr. Morgan offered an amendment to the resolution reported from the committee on privileges and elections , which was laid on the table and ordered printed. U instructs the committee to frumo legislation on the subject of elections , that it .sinil 1 not apply to any state whoso constitution and luws provide ample security for the honest exercise ot the right to vote , for a Just and impartial count and return of votes , aud lor a Just , impartial and true ascertainment nnd certification of results in those slates where these requirements have not been honestly complied with. Mr. Wilson , of Iowa , addressed the senate in support of the bill relating to imported liquors introduced by Mr , Fryo on December " 1 , 18bT , and reported back adversely from the judiciary committee March 18 , ISbS , nnd then placed on thecalendar. Tlio bill ruads ; "The consent of congress Is hereby given that the laws of the several states relating to the sale of distilled and fremented liquors within the limits of each state may apply to such liquors when they have been imported , in the sumo manner us when they have been manufactured in the United States. " Mr. Wilson dwelt at considerable lengthen on tlio bcnollcont effects of the'anti-saloon laws in Iowa , quoting opinions of the Judges as to the reduction of crime since the law had gone into operation. Ho quoted ouc of the judges as saying , in regard to his judi cial district : "In many counties the jail is an almost unnecessary bulhting. In the last three counties visited there is not an oceu- pauc in the jail. " He spoke of the illiteracy of Iowa having boon brought down to 1 'J-10 per cent , Iowa being thus placed ( ho said ) "at the head ol the educational column , not only of this country , but of tlie world. " Such a state might hopefully ask congress to remove a judicial construe Jon which alone stood as an obstruction in tlio way ot the rightful exercise of her police powers , by which removals slio could successfully sup press crimes within her borders. No action was taken on the bill , which still remains on the calendar. A conference committee was ordered on the legislative appropriation bill , and Messrs , Allison , luwcs and Uockrcll appointed as conferees. Tne senate then resumed consideration of the resolution reported from the committee on privileges aud elcoti < jns and was ad dressed by Mr. Caico. He 'declared that the committee was unjust , one-sided , nnd par tisan. The senate and country should recol lect in reading the report that it was politics. It was based , principally , on the testimony of three memorialists Hackworth , Moore and Suhutzo and took no note of the testi mony of twenty-seven witnesses to the effect tlmfHuchworth and Schutzo were men of Infamous character and unworthy of credit , and tbat Moore was about as bad as the other ? . These three tried to make it appear that they wore forced to leave the county because of their politics ; while the fact was that they had left it because they wcro re garded ns moral lepers , unlit for the decent as sociation , lie declared that when memorial ists lost the public oillce which they had held in the county they had been covered all over with indictments forotlicial malfeasance. Mr. Coue sent to the clerk's desk and had read aloud a counter-memorial of the citizens of Breham. painting in very dark colors the characters of Huckworth nnd Schutzc , deny ing all their material allegations , and pre senting tlio democratic side of the troubles in Washington county. Without concluding , Mr. Coke yielded for other business. After a brief executive session the seuato adjourned. HOUSO. WASHINGTON , Feb. 14. In the house to-day the senate amendments were non-concurred in to the legislative and executive appropria tion bill , and conferees were appointed. The bill to divide ft portion of the Sioux reservation in Dakota , and to secure the ro- linquishmentof the Indian title to tlio re mainder , was passed after various attempts at amending it. The committee on appropriations reported back the fortification appropriation bill with senate amendments , and asked for its pres ent consideration , but on : i point of order raised by Mr.-Townslicnd of Illinois , it was referred to tno committee of the whole. Air. Springer of Illinois called up the con ference report on the senate bill for the ad mission of the state of South Dakota. The report , which reports u total disagreement , was agreed 10. Mr. Springer moved that the house insist on its amendments and ask for another con ference. This motion having been agreed to , Mr. Baker of New Yoric offered a resolution giv ing the IIOUBO conferees the following in structions : First , to exclude thu territory of Now Mexico from the bill. Second , to amend the bill so as to provide for the admission of South Dakota by procla mation of the president under tlio Sioux Falls constitution , to ho rusubmittcd to the people of South Daicota , with a provision for a new election of state nnd federal ollleers nnd without a new vote on the question of divisision. Third , that the proposed states of North Dakota. Montana and Washington shall bo admitted on the bamo basis , cither all by proclamation of the president or by formal acts of admission , Mr. Cox of Now York offered a substitute for the resolution , differing only from Mr , Baker's proposition in that it provides for thu admission of North Dakota , Montana and Washington by proclamation of thu presi dent. Ho earnest ! / favored immediate ad mission of thu territories , Mr. Springer InMstcd on retaining In the bill a provision for the admission of New Mexico. Mr , Symcs did not see why the people of Now Mexico should be forced into the union by having tlio provision tacked on to the Dakota bill for political purposes. Mr. Hreokinridgu of Kentucky , nrgucd against the exclusion of New Mexico. Mr. Joseph of Now Mexico , spoke for ad mission Mr. Huker accepted the Cox resolution ns a substitute for his own. Mr. Hrecklnridgo of Kentucky , demanded a division of the instructions , and a vplu.was llrst taken up to that portion of the resolu tion instructing thu conferees to eliminate New Mexico from the bill. It was agreed to yeas 135 , nays 100but at the last moment Mr , lirccklnridgu changed.his votu from the negative to thu aftlrmative for thu purposu of moving a reconsideration. A motion of Mr , linker to reconsider was laid on the table , The next clause of the resolution which was voted upon-was that Instructing the con ferees to so amend the bill ns to provide for the admission of South Dakota by proclama tion without further vote on the question of division. Ay rued to. Motions to reconsider und lay on the table were inado'by Mr. Ilaker , and the yeas and nays wore ordered , on the latter motion , Mr. Urecklnridgo interjected a motion to ndjourn , but this was voted down. Mr. Maker appealed. In the nninoof the ap propriation bills , to > Ir. Urecklnridgo not to filibuster ucralnst this measure. Mr. McMillan of Tennessee , then inter polated another motion to adjourn , mid de manded the yeas and nays , which were ordered , but the motion was voted down. Mr. HroeKlnridjro followed it up with a motion for n reces * until 11:30 : to-morrow , nnd raised a point of no quorum , Messrs. U.ilcernnd llroeklnndgo then at tempted to reach an nrrangenu'iit by which n vote on the motion to table the motion to reconsider should bo taken now , hut n de mand for the "regular order" from .tho re publican side cut short any agreement , nnd Mr. McMillan again moved adjournment. The motion having been voted down , an arrangement was affected whereby a vote on the resolution shall bo taken to-morrow at 12:13 : , and thu house adjourned , * THIS PAIlNKIilCOMMISSION. Another Times Placed on the Stand. LONDON , Feb. H. Soames , solicitor for the Times , testified before the Parnell coin- mission to day tnat ho visited Dublin In May , ISSS , In quest of evidence. He interviewed a person who was introduced to him as a for mer employe in the ofllce of the league , and who produced a slip bearing the signature of Anna. I'arnell , specimens of Patrick ICgan's handwriting , and a bundle of documents. These documents wore brought to London in ISSS and embodied In an nflldavit in O'Donnoll's suit against , Walters for libel. ' Attorney General Webster. In arguing In favor of the admission of the loiter alleged to have been written by Parnell , let slip the fact that they were received from a man named Phillips , said to be the accountant of the league. The court refused to admit the letter. Soames , continuing , produced live letters , including the letter , n fae-similo of which was printed in the Times. The witness submitted genuine specimens of Parnell's signature. Soames said ho had obtained specimens of the writing from Honvy Campbell , Parnoll's secretary. Soames said that ho boliuvcd the body of the letter was in Campbell's writing , while the signature was Parnell's. When he dis covered tlie Parnell letters ho also came across documents which he supposed to be Egan's. Three of Kgan's letters wore found in Carey's house , whcro two letters m Cam- bell's ' writing wore also discovered. The wit ness produced these letters , together with others , as specimens of Kuan's writing. Sir Charles Russell said : "We are only to give these documents cursory glances. The court must rot assume that all will bo un questioned. " Soames further tostillcd that Hichard Pigott gave the Parnqll letters to Houston , secretary of the Irish Loyal mid Patriotic union , who handed thorn to MacDonald. On cross-examination Soamcg said he was not consulted regarding the publication of the articles on 'Parnellisin and Crime. " though he knew they were buing prepared early in 1SS7. Mr. Flanagan , son of an Irish Judge , co-operated with gentlemen on the staff of the Times in preparing the articles. Up to January , 1SSS , twelve letters had been ob tained from Pigott. Later more letters , written by Kgan , O'Keilly nnd Davitt were obtained , making n total of seventeen. Ho did not know precisely what was paid for the letter. Probably whatever was paid passed through him. The first payment of ? 1,000 was made to Houston. It was partly for his expenses in going to America and partly for payment to Dr. MaGuire and other assistants. The successive subsequent payments to Houston were rJOO , : , JMO , l'JtlSO , . 550 , i'342 and 100. Witness paid Mosers about 2,000 , Kirby .W50 and another agent named Thomp son i'-oi ) > . Touching Dantt's letter , witness said he took pains to form n conclusive opinion , and he decided that it was genuine. TJIK SAMQAX CONFKltRXOR A Probability That It Will Not BeHeld Held Under the Cleveland llccinic. lUi.TiMoaiFob. 14. A Washington special says : It looks now very much as if the Samoan conference at Herlin will not be hold by representatives of the present adminis tration. Count Arco-Vallcy , the German minister , called upon Secretary Hayard yes terday and informed him that the latter's answer to Uismarek's proposal for a confer ence had been sent to Horlin by mail. It will reach Herlin about the 20th. The Ger man foreign office will probably take several days to consider IJayard's suggestions , and its answer , If sent by mail , would hardiy reach this'country before the beginning of Harrison's regime. There would scorn to bo no good reason why the correspondence should not have been conducted by telegraph. The assumption is that Hismarck's resort to the mails is simply n trick to gain time in which to punish the Samoans be fore negotiations at Herlin will bo- gin. In well Informed quarters bore there is n suspicion that Germany has al ready sent a reinforcement to Samoa to re venge the killing of n number of men in a recent light witn Mntaafa. and it is not at all unlikely that wo will ultimately hear of an other bloody battle. If , however , Hlsmarck is playing fair and accepts Hayard's proposal of a truce In good faith , a commissioner will be sent by Hayard to represent this country at Horlin , provided , of course , Bismarck's reply is received in time. It is thought to bo quite'possiblo that Hismarck will insist ui > on reprisals by way of asserting German prestige in the Pacific- and satisfying national pride , which has been touched in a tender spot by the defeat of the Gorman landing party by Mntaafa. Hayard , however , has made a most vigorous protest against such a course , aud has already hinted that it would bo scarely worth while to hold n conference unless Germany gives practical evidence ol a sincere deslro to promote the restoration of ponce in the Islands by forego ing her desire for vengeance. Tlio Situation Unchanged. AUCKLAND , Fob , --Litest ( advices from Samoa Kay that there lias been no change in thu situation since the hist report. There has been no lighting and Tamnseso and Mutaafa remain in their strongholds. The Hritish consul has warned Hritlsh subjects not to supply the natives with arms , and to maintain strict neutrality. The Hritlsh warship Calliope has replaced thu warship lloyalist. The German and American war ships remain stationary , llcrr Hrandoro , thu lending partisan of Tanmseso , hus been recalled to Herlin. Notes From Cur.STOX , la. , Fitb , II. j Special to THIS Hnn.l Miss Kate Vincent , of Omaha h vis iting heru. Mrs. O. S. Morrow , who has had n pro longed illness , died at her homo in this city at 4 a. m. Tuesday , of heart diaauso. The re main * wcro taken to Greenwood , Mo , , for burial. There are several c.ises of sourlut fever and diphtheria in thu city. Kxtra precati- lions linyn boon taken to prevent a spread of these dreaded diseases , Prohibition or no prohibition , all the "Joints" are running just the same , the mayor ami the common council , thu citizens and the state of Iowa to the contrary not withstanding , Mulloy Committed for Trial. LONDON , Feb. 14. In the How street po lice court to-day , Patrick Molloy , who is charged with committing perjury when tes tifying before the I'arnell commission , plended not guilty mid reserved his defense. Ho was committed for trial. Never * Hoard of I < i > t'nrnn. OTTAWA , Out. , Fob. 14. In commons last evening , MoMullcr Inquired whether there- | ) ort In the newspapers was trim that Lo Ca- ran , the Informer.had received secret Horviro money from the dominion govern meat for several years. Premier McDonald , in reply , said that the dominion government hud been unaware of the existence of l.u Curou until he appeared before the Purucll commission , THE CHARGES UNFOUNDED , Result of the lown University In- vosUgntioii. A VICTORY FOR THE REGENTS. . c. llinrichs' Pntnphlot tlio Croat nro of a Disordered liiii ; iiuntoti--'l'lio Monti Atmosphere n Tcltlo Ont of Order. The ITnlvri-riity All Dr.s MniNi:4 : , In. , l-Vb. 1 1. f.Spi'dnt Tola- gram to Tin : HuiThe : ] legislative commit tee appointed by the last general assembly to * Investigate the aff.ilrs of the state university nt Iowa City is in session here , and this even ing 1ms about llnished its repot t. The committee mitteo consists of Senators Dodge nnd Mescrvcy and Uepresontatlves Wllber , Me- Farhind and Hotchklss. It will bo remem bered Unit the prohibitionists and some others stirred up a great rumpus ever the removal of three professors of the university , charg ing that their removal was duo to the fact that these men were active prohibitionists. Then Prof. Illnrtcht , the professor of chem istry , who had been removed for other rea sons , published n pamphlet nttaeking Dr. Peck , of Davenport , the dean of the medical department , clmrpiiig him with cruelty and indifference to the Interests uf poor patients in the hospital , etc. These charges were re iterated by ono or two unfriendly news papers , and so much fuss was mndo that the legislature determined to sift the charges to the bjttoiii. So ihis committee was ap pointed with full power to take testimony and prepare a h'eport to tlio governor and clear away , if possible , the atmosphere of suspicion that has been around tlio university so long. The committee sat continuously at lown City for ever sixty days last summer , then held another session in December , and is now finishing IN work. Thu report in gen eral fails to sustain the charges against the university or its individual otlh-crs. As to the charge that there was a bargain between the regents and certain anti-prohibition members of the Twenty-second general assembly to vote liberal appropriations to the university on condition that certain obnoxious professors wcro removed , the eommiltoo report that they Hud no evidence to sustain the charge. Tins was the great point on which tlio prohibitionists rolled. They claimed that the regents came to Dos Monies during the session of the legislature and madu a deal with some nnti-nrohihitioii members who wanted to see Profs. Follows , Leonard and Pnruer removed uccnuse they hud been very active against thu saloons of Iowa City , but the committee refused to sus tain the ch.irgi1 , and for the most part ap prove of the removal of the profe.s-.ors . , for other and valid reasons. It is understood that Dr. Wilbur , one of the house members of the committee , is dis posed to report that while thcru was no deal with the regents , yet prohibition was the chief reason lor their removal. Dr. Wilbur is a great prohibitionist himself , aud represents the radical views of the committee In thU respect. As to the charge that President Pickard had misappropriated funds belonging to the university , the com mittee entirely exonerated him , but severely cor.Meinned the system of _ parcelling out , frco scholarships , by which it was shown that a student from Indiana was getting free tuition on the credit of a scholarship from Mills county , Iowa. As to the spoclllc charges oE of Hmrich's pamphlet , againstDr. . Peek , the report in general refuses to sustain them. It admits that in ono or two cases more care should have been taken , but denies that the general management of thu medical depart ment has been brutal and cruel. As to tha cliargo against the ' 'moral atmosphere" of Iowa City , the committee find that there arq. morn oion ) saloons than there were last spring , and they recommend that steps bo promptly taken to close thorn. In general , therefore , they phew that the charges were unfounded and not .sustained. A 151 IK : Grans Convention. CnnsToN , Ta. , Feb. 14.-Special [ to TUB HUB. | There will bo held at the superior court rooms in tlie new court house in this city , February 20 , what is termed a "blue grass convention. " The object of this meet ing is to bring together representatives from all the counties in southwestern Iowa , to formulate plans setting forth moro thor oughly and uffuctivcly the superiority of the soil and climate and numerous other advan tages found in this portion of the state , which are nowhere elsu to bo excelled in the state. George Vim Houton , secretary of the State Agricultural society , will ho in attend ance on both days of the convention. Good speakers from hero and abroad will talk each ovuning and a general good time is an ticipated. The Huriington has madn a special rate of ono and a third faro for thu round trin for all attending who come within u ra dius of 100 miles. Fell Thirty Feet. FOHT MADISON , la. , Feb. II. [ Special Tel egram to Tins HUB. I George H. Wlicelhouso , wh'le ' employed in the improvements how being made at the waterworks reservoir , mot with an accident yesterday thatwhile it may not result fatally , will lay him up for several weeks. He fell a distance of thirty feet from he top of a ladder , striking nn his face and hip .His fac-o , eyas , sldu and hands were ter ribly bruised , but , nt range to say , no bones were broken , Ho bind profusely , and whoa picked up was supposed to bu dead. Ills feared ho will die. A Itrnknnmti Injured. CLINTON , In. , Fob. II.Spoeinl [ Tolo. gram to TUB Hr.i : . I-C. W. Uhinohart , u brakcmun on the Huriington , Cedar Kuplds Northern , running between Clinton an Iowa City , fell from a car of btonu whila .switching nt Kollils , and sustained a iuirlou fracture of tlie thigh. Ho was brought to Clinton and taken to his boarding house , whcro hu was made us comfortublu us poo- sihlo. His home is In Cedar Hapnls , where his family , consisting of u witu and two children , reside , Made Up and Ktasod. CitniTON , In. , Feb. II , [ Spoclul to Tin ? Hii--Tom : : ] Dare , who was arrest-id Satur day at Fulrileld , la. , and brought to this city , was arraigned before . ( iHtleoWIIlott and ploud guilty to the ehur > ; o of seduction preferred by Miss Mary Hnrgur , of this city. The case was settled by D.iro promising to marry the girl , which hu did. Justice Willutt per formed the ceremony , after which ' -Tommy" said : "Now , Mary , you uro iiilnu : give mo a kiss. " Mary compiled and a vi ry affecting und amusing scene WH wutohud by the by- blunders. > lnd < ; i ) Itiii' DBS MotN-iif , In. , Fob. 14. [ Wpoclal Tele gram to Tun llHi : . ] Judge ,1. li. Hoed , of tin ) supreme court , and congrosBinun-clcct from thu Ninth district , to day tendered his resignation to the governor , to take effect February 'is. There are twelve nppllcunts for the vacant position aim thu governor ex pects to huvOJIninlied louKlng ever tholr let ters of endorsement by flui last of next week when he will appoint atmucostor. The governor to-day accepted the roslgnn- tlon of Senator Swcnoy , congressman-erect from the Fourth dlbtrict , to tuUo effect/ March 4. Found Dead In Hed , ATMNIJC , la. , Fob , II. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; HJJ.J- ; Henry Tobin , aged flfty-slx yenra , was found dead In his bed hero Ihls morning , He Is supposed to have cam * nutted suicide , but thu cuubc of the act In nut knowu.