Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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A Dcspornto Fight Agnlnst the Vftl-
uod Policy System.
OHio Pollen Holler Fiiml nntl Plinr
mncy aicafliircfi Itohhcil orThclr
Tnll.H mid I'nssctl ty tlio
Tlic Vnlucil Policy Kill.
Ltsrniv , Nob. , Pcb. 13. fSpecmt to TUB
Jlr.r.ilutcrralncd \ fight is being mmlo
ognlnst the Hansom valued policy bill by the
insurance interests. Tlio houao corainittoo
on Insurance gnvo the representatives o ! the
insurance companies an nndionco tills mornIng -
Ing ana Invited them to slate their objec
tions ,
Chm-lcs Allen , Insurance cleric in the olllco
t > f the auiiilorof public arnounU , read ex
tracts from the Insurnnco reports of several
Btatcs where the valued policy bill has been
In iorcu , nnd found that the Insui'.inco com-
inlsslonuis In i-acli of these states ndviso its
repeal. In Ohio the law has boon In force
flvc years nnd the commissioners ndviso its
repeal on tin- ground unt , it tended to In
crease tlio number of Incomllnry Ores , nnd
CODBcnuOnlly had a tendency to iimUo iimur-
nnco rates higher. The reports from Wis
consin anil Now Hampshire both contained
the sumo recommendation and gave similar
Mr.Vheedon. . of Lincoln , addressed the
committee at length. Ho mild he was a
stockholder in the Farmers' and Merchants'
company and appeared in his own interest.
There are only three stoci : companies organ
ized under the laws of Nebraska , and
this bill , If it becomes a law , will seriously
Immper their business. Ho clnims that these
companies i\ro not now making any money ,
nnd that their future prospects in contem
plation of the proposed legislation are very
gloomy. He also gave as an illustration of
the injustice tlm bill would work , tlio case
where his own company had insured three
houses in process of erection , each for $300 ,
nnd they had been destroyed by lire. On the
indemnity plan they were only compelled to
pay about } 1.0uU , when , if this luw had been
in force , their liability would have boon
Hpecht , of Uouiflns , replied that they had
no business to insure houses that were not
under roof , and that this wus very poor argu
ment ngainst the bill.
Mr.Vhccdon continued , and dwelt at
length nion the fact that this bill was cer
tain to Increase the number of incendiary llres.
Ho also strongly objected to that feature of
the bill which piovldes for an attorney fee to
be collected from the company where tlio in
sured party is compelled to go into the courts
to obtain his insurance. Ho could not see
-why the iiisuianco companies should bo
singled out by this bill to pay the
nttornoy fees of the opposite parties ,
nnd asked why should not the law also apply
to railroads and other corporations.
Mr. C. P. Harnard , of Omaha , special
agent for the Queen Insurance company of
jLondon , was the next speaker. ' Ho gave a
. full history ot the insurance business nnd
frankly admitted that the value policy plan
was first adopted , but when some cntorpris-
iug and unscrupulous person scuttled a ship
that carried a largo policy , the companies , for
self protection , dropped the "valued policy"
nnd adopted the indemnity plan , and had
conducted their business on this biisis over
since. lie also dwelt largely on the encour
agement the law would give to arson , and
inudo the alarming statement that one-third
of the losses of the insurance companies even
now could bo traced to this source. He
stated that the losses in Ohio under the old
jlan was 55 per cent , of the premiums , and
under the valued policy law it increased to
( JO per cent. He did not fear the law as far
us his company was concerned , for no did not
think any honest man would accept from an
insurance company moro than the property
destroyed was actually worth , no matter
What the policy-might call for.
Mr. Richards , of the North American
Insurnnco company , claimed that the sena
tors did not understand the nature and scope
ot the bill or they never would
have Missed such a measure. "In
order to reduce insurance rates , " ha said ,
"we1 want to stop incendiary lircs , and the
effect of this will bo to increase them. Who
wants n bill of this character 1 No ono ex
cept lobbyists and cranks. There is no gen
eral demand for it among the pooplo. " Ho
frankly confessed that the insurance com-
panics would make less money under this
law than they do at nrescnt.
Mr. Hortls , of Clay , a member of the com
mittee , wanted to know what remedy they
would suggest , if any , when n company sent
n "slick tongued" njjcnt out into the country
nnd persuaded a farmer to allow him to write
n oolicy on his buildings for moro than they
wore really worth ! Tlio insurance man
thought that the farmer , for being over-
persuaded by the agent , should bo put in jail.
The representatives of the insurance In-
-toresls agreed Unit the companies should not
collect premiums on a larger sum than the
'property is worth , and would agree to a law
compelling them to refund the uifferenco. No
conclusion was reached by the committee.
. but another meeting will be held soon and
'some definite action taken. The Indications
ere that there will bo a warm contest over
this bill on the 11 OOP of the house.
* Umlorliamlctl Work Suspected.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB 15in.l On the 18th day of Jan
uary the Hansom insurance bill , which
passed the senate with only one dissenting
Vote , was referred to the houao committee
fpn Insurance. For some mysterious reason
. tbis bill was not called , up by the chairman
' until Monday , having laid in the pigeon hole
, tweiity-flvo days. During all this time the
insuratica lobby , of which S. J. Alexander is
reputed to bo the llnanclal agQiit , has been
actively at work. This lobby has been
reinforced within forty-eight hours , and
opened up headquarters in elegant
parlors at the Windsor hotel , wlioro
refreshments nro nerved nnd the members
entertained in regal style. When the insur
ance bill came up in tlm committee to-day
, tlio insurance lobby was given full swing be
fore the committcio , and after an all day
wrangle the committed agreed to report the
bill buck to the house without recommenda
tion ,
It is currently reported that the chairman
of the llsli committee , Tom Majors , who has
become an active member of the antimonopoly
ely farmer1 association , has been enlisted
by Financial Agent Alexander to rope In the
farmers against the insurance bill. Mujors
and Alexander have been close friends evur
Btni'o the memorable scandal ever the bogus
certificate of tlm contingent congressman , is
sued from the bocrotary of state's ofllco. Tlio
friends of the Kunsom bill are beginning to
suspect underhanded work by the intmranco
, lobby , and an explosion inayttbo u.xpccted
: ' that will bring on -staiapeilu from the
' Wmtsor licail'jUiirtors.
Reported Without Keooimiiomlniinu.
LINCOLN' , Nub. , Fob. 13. { Special Telegram
gram to TIIU HUB. ] Tlio house insurance
committee held it lengthy session this even
ing , unit , being unable to agroc. reported
IMOK the Hansom valued policy bill and two
other measures of , the same toner without
dny recommendation.
Kcuntc ,
LIKCOI.N , Neb. , Fob. 13. | Special to Tun
I3iG.-riu ! ] > senate put in the morning pass
ing the bills already approved In commlttuo
of the whole , The only ono to provoke any
discussion was Senator Ijams1 bill for a po
lice relief fund In cities of the metropolitan
Senator ICeckley opposed Its passage. He
admitted the worthlhessof the object , but ho
thought thu method wrong , Itwwld take
moil's property without duo process of law ,
Which the constitution forbids. It would cs-
, Jtabllsh a bad precedent , that would be used
iu the Interest of other classes.
Senator Lindsay championed the bill with
the st'itctnont that such xystoms arc in use
in largo eastern cities , and experience has
proven them highly beneficial. The luw will
apply only to Omnlin policemen , -They are
Vrlulnit o contribute to a fund that will ben-
out tliciuselvof , and. In the future DO man
noea join the force if ho object to the slight
Senator ICcL-Uloy asked If other cities were
not conducting their relief funds under city
ordinance. Ho objected to the state compell
ing men to pay such a tax.
Senator Lindsay replied with the state
ment that the state is not imposing it cbiss
tax. The bill merely Invests the police
board with , authority to make certain
rules and regulations for the gov
ernment of members of the pollco force.
Senator Ransom argued that the legisla
ture might M well tax hod-cnrrlcrs for a re
lief fund. There could bo no objection to a
voluntary organization of policemen to cro-
nto nnd sustain n relief fund , but if any tax
Is to bo levied let it bo upon the whole pee
The vote was 21 nycs and 11 nays , which
failed to carry tlio measure , as a bill with
nn emergency clnusonocds n two-thirds voto.
The emergency clause iViis then dropped nnd
another vote taken. It stood 'Jl to 11 ngain ,
and the bill was declared carried.
QHnrding'fi house hill amending the phrtrm-
ncy law was also robbed of its til in order to
got it through.
The senate also pasnod Nosbltt'a bill giv
ing tha Tenth district two Judge * , Manning's
bill , permitting persons to associate to insure
their own property , and I'opa's bill , making
counties liable to an individual who may
sufTor damage by reason of a defective bridge
or highway.
Cornell's resolution for n constitutional
amendment relative to the investment of the
permanent school fund was defeated. It
received eighteen votes , two short of . the
ncr-Mssry throe-fifths. This is the measure
that was otieo passed nnd then recalled from'
tlio house. It Is identical with Corbin's bill
now before the house.
Senator Cornell introduced a resolution di
recting the judiciary commitioo to frame n
bill for the Investment of the surplus in the
sUite treasury. Laid over under the rules.
riuthrrlnnd's resolution requesting the
board of transportation to make a schedule
of freight rates that will prevent discrimina
tion came np as n special order.
Senator Paulson reatt n speech , in which
ho argued stint the republicans were pledged
to support such a measure as this. Tlio
resolution is intended to correct unjust dis
criminations. The people demand such re
lief , nnd In the theory of the gentleman from
Ncmnlm that the people ought to have sub
mission If they want it , ho o'ught to support
this resolution. Mr. Paulson made a com
parison of freight rates in Nebraska , Iowa
and Illinois and maintained tliat the charges
in Nebraska are unjustly high and discrimi
Senator Hsymond took the lloor nnd
reveled in llgures. to show the inequalities
of the freight tariffs.
Senator 'Conner thought no fair minded
person , not even a railroad man , could object
to the spirit of the resolution.
Senator Wolbach said both parties had
made anti-election , pledges that should bo re
deemed. The railroad commissioners have
agreed to do something if assured
of the support of the people , nnd the resolu
tion is Intended to stiffen their back bones.
Senator ICeckley stated that the railroad
committee were unanimous in recommend
ing the passage of the resolution. Now , one
of these gentlemen wanted to indefinitely
postpone. He would like to know why this
change of front !
Senator Lindsay , who was referred to ,
said the bill was considered in about a min
ute and n half and ho was busy talking with
a gentleman on the Hide when the committee
agreed to iimlco its favorable report. The
members of the board of transportation are
under oath to do the very thing indicated in
this resolution , and this proposition to "re
quest" them to do their duty is buncombe.
Senator Woluach retorted that if party
platforms are buncombe it is about time the
people should know it.
Senators Manning and Heardsley spoke for
the resolution in behalf of the farmers.
Senator Council thought Kansas was out
stripping Nebraska because railroad agita
tion lias been quieted in tlie former.
Senator Raymond replied that Nebraska
had as many miles of road proportioned to
her population. He also asserted that sev
eral railroad resolutions arc before the Kan
sas legislature , so thai agitation is not
quieted down there.
On motion of Lindsay , the resolution was
indefinitely postponed by a vote of 17 to 1-4.
Nesbitt's special committee reported n list
of the clerical employes in the executive otll-
ees , and recommended ono more for the
treasurer , two more for the auditor and two
more for thu public lands oOiee. The report
was ordered printed.
. House.
LrxcoiANob. . , Feb. -Special [ to Tun
Ilii.I : : Reports on a largo number of bills
wcro sent up. The following ware reported
for passage :
House roll'213 , A bill to insure a moro
speedy trial by limiting the postponement on
the motion of ono party nlono and prescrib
ing the conditions on which trials may bo
House roll 217 , A bill incorporating home
stead associations to loan each member
money to purchase land and make improve
A bill to punish any body with a 2 > or
$100 ilnu for selling Intoxicating Jiquors to
habitual drunkards.
House rDll 173 , Hull ; Amendment to the
Lincoln charter.
The following were recommended for in
definite postponement :
A bill by Uurnham , providing for county
option in respect to the sale ot Intoxicating
A bill requiring n two years course of
study as a prerequisite of admission to , ho
The house went Into committee of the
whole to consider special orders ,
The bill authorizing the mayor and coun
cil of cities of second class , having over live
thousand inhabitants , to borrow money not
to exceed 5 per cent on tlio valuation to aid
in building or repairing the court lioufcc , was
recommended for passage.
Xho South Omaha charter bill was taken
up. Lines 113 in section (58 ( of printed bill ,
which authorizes the mayor and council to
pave sections of streets where property own
ers objects , niri pay for the same out of the
city funds , was stricken out ; also lines 147 to
151 in same section , which prohibits any
court from enjoining or in nny interfering
with the levy of special taxes , whether il
legal or otherwise.
Thn bill ns amended was roooramonded for
A bill was Introduced by Hill of Butler ap
propriating J,100 to pay the damages caused
by Millings in his experiments to prevent
hog cholera. Tlio money is to bo distributed
as follows ! II. H. Muss , $ ! , yu : Edward
Hinkloy , W80. and Louis Linden , & 1U. All
of these parties urn residents of Butler
county and have lost swine through "lunocu.
lation" by Hillings , aggregating the amounts
The now Lincoln charter und thb amended
charter bills were placed on tlui general ( lie.
Tlio housa went iuto committee of the
House roll 4o , HalH ; maximum tariff bill ,
was taken UP.
IJaker moved that the bill bo indefinitely
Seed of Sewnrd hoped the motion would
not carry. He said tlm bill hhould be thor
oughly dlfcciiKhcd and thril the railroads had
b'een fnUciilnjf at the oxpmifiu of the farmer
long enough , and that some measure of this
VIml should by passed.
Gilbert also opposed thu motion ,
li.iicer professed tc ho densely ignorant of
the whole subject , but wnn willing to lUlcn
to further argument. If 1m could be con
vinced that the measure was u fair and just
ono ho would support it.
The bill was finally i-SJisud over , to bo
called up at the pleasure of the author.
Gilbert's usury bill was then taked up ,
Wifttonur'a motion to Htriko out the enact
ing clnuso was lost by n vote of 41 to li" > .
Coioman of Antelope , ir.ovoil an amend
ment , fixing the penalty at n loss of 10 per
cent of the principal.
Caldwell opposed the amendment , and
thought tliatsucH a law wculd be only a trap
for the lender.
linker said fourteen states had no ucury
law at all , and cited Kansas ns one of the
states In which no complaint comes on this
score , He thought that no honest man would
plead usury , and tlio'dUhoiicst scoundrrU
would reap a rich harvest.
Majors defended the bill. Ho said that ttui
onctern money realized from 5U >
0 par rent for his money , and was satisfied.
The sharks nnd miJillo uiou uro the ones this
bill Is intended to roach. "Talk about
houor.1 hosald. "What U more ilUliqjinrublu
than the action of a money shark , xvhostnntit.
at the house of u sitd house and takes advan
tage of the necchslty of tun poor farmer to
churgo him four priccn. " Ho though ! 10 pur
cent is all.that money is worth. "If yen uuvu
a law on the uooks that Is Just and
right , uinKo tin ) penalty sulllclenl to prevent
Us Violation , " Isaid. ) .
( J'lbcrt still further defended his bill , and
nnothcr effort to defeat the bill \VM lost.
A substitute proposed by Mr. Colemnn of
Antelope , v , as lost.
A motion to strike out section 1 was lost.
Uurnham moved that the bill bo reported
back with a recommendation that it bo in
definitely postponed. Carried 41 to 40.
The committee arose and Gilbert moved
that tlio motion bo amended , recommending
the passage of the bill.
A call of the house followed and before n
vote was reached the house adjourned.
Tlio College P.irm Investigation.
Lixcnt.N. Nob. , Feo. 13. [ Special to TUB
Ucr.J The second meeting of the senate
committee for the Invostigatin of the state
farm an-l experiment station was devoted
chlolly to Treasurer J. S. Ualo. Nothing
startling was developed ,
From the treasurer's statement it appears
that the state's fancy farming Is costing
about -'Jr > 00 per year. The net of congress
called for an "experimental farm , " but the
stnto law provided for a "model farm. " The
legislature set aside two sections of Saline
land for a big farm , but the soil was found
to bo unsulted. The property was partly
traded and partly sold , and by adding about
flr ) > ( X ) tlio present farm of 3JO acres was so-
cured. Tlio managers started out to run a
farm for dross parade , but it gradually
dawned upon them that the business was not
profitable. They aio now changing the char
acter of their operations with a view to mak
ing the work wholly of an experimental
Chairman Connor asked if tno farm could
not bo supported out of the $15,000 allowed
by tlio government for the experimental sta
tion.Mr. . Hale said that this was done In other
Btates. Ho believed the state1 could , in good
faith , apply a part of the 815,000 for the pay
ment of such farm expenses as might bo in
curred iu the line of experimental work ,
The probable outcome of the Investigation
will bo that'ttio committee will advise the
sale of blooded stock and other Rllt trim
mings of fancy farming , and urge that fur
ther operations be limited to experi
ments in line with the work demanded by the
government of the experimental station.
The commit bee is composed of men who
don't believe In running a farm at a yearly
loss of ? V > 0 ( > . They will probably favor its
use for experiments If the expenses can bo
paid out of the station's ttind.
Tlio SoUliorn' Ifninc.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Feb. 13. [ Spoeial to Tun
I3m : . | Tlio senate and house committees on
the Soldiers' homo hnvo been holding Joint
committees to agree on an appropriation to
be recommended for that institution.
Colonel Hammond , commandant of .the
home , has advised with them. The requisi
tion In Ills report was for about ? ! ( } , 0'H ) , ex
clusive of ? 1S.03 to pay dollcicncics ot the
past year. The cominitceo have reduced the
former sum to about * i ; 5,000. The fund for
wages lias been cut about § < , OOQ , subsistence
and clothing , $11,590 ; furniture and bedding ,
; : ) , ( XJ ; two wing * to building , $5,001) ) ; twen
ty-live cottages , § r,503 ; engine house and
laundry , S3.0JO ; barns and outbuildings ,
$1,500. Other funds have boon reduced in
smaller amounts. The following items have
been cut out entirely : Commandant's resit
donee , 85,000 : irnard house , WOO ; store house ,
? ' , ' , r > 00 ; poultry house , $500 ; lire escapes ,
$ oOW , ) . The committees increased the allow
ance for sewerage from SI , 500 to $2,500 , and
put in one item of $1,000 for an elevator.
The total decrease from the appropriation
asked for is about $57,000.
in Coiifureiico.
r.N' , Neb. , Feb. 13. [ Special to THE
Bui ; . ] It is learned from reliable sources
that the forty-live farmers in the house are
holding frequent conferences. They met
last night at Carder's hotel to discuss Hall's
freight schedule bill. Three or four mem
bers from western Nebraska opposed it from
fear that it would stop railroad construction
in their section , but an overwhelming major
ity favored it. These meetings are not
caucuses and the opinion of the majority is
not binding. The conferences arc held for in
formal discussion of the effect of various
measures upon farming interests , but while
no gag rule is applied , the disposition is to
accept , the judgment of the majority when
tlmt majority "is pronounced. I > ist night's
meeting also considered the proposition to
adjourn for the Q. A. U. encampment at Nor
folk. The farmers are said to have pro
nounced themselves opposed to the vacation.
Another Measure.
LINCOLN , Feb. 13. [ Special to Tun Unc.l
Senator Kuusoui has introduced another
bill aimed at the insurance companies. .It
directs the governor to cancel all policies In
force on state buildings and to demand a re
turn of unearned premiums. If the insur
ance companies demur the attorney general
is directed to briug suit. It is said the house
Ihianco committee has decided to omit the
appropriation of S'Ji,000 ' , for insurance. Sen
ator Hansom says the state can make money
by carrying its own insurance.
After Federal OfliccH.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Feb. IU , [ Special to TUB
Hun. ] The crop of aspiring patriots is some
thing surprising. A day in the legislature
now is not complete without the circulation
of two or three papers recommending-
appointment of as many men to federal po
sitions. To-day'H installment consisted of
John lioslcky , of Omaha , who wants to bo
consul to J'rnguo ; Judge I tea vis , of Falls
City , who would like to crowil Senator Nes-
but out of the race for the United States at
torney ship , and Thomas Brant , of Seward
county , who is willing to superintend the
Indian school.
The MorrlHsey IiivoHtijiiulon.
LINCOLN' , Neb , , Feb. lit. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBN.J Tlio Scovillo investi
gating committee is holding its sessions with
closed doors with the members of the committee
mitteo sworn to sccrcsy. Morrissey was
before them this morning. It is understood witnesses from Omaha have boon sum
moned. Morrissey says that some have left
the state 10 avoid giving testimony Iu the
bribery cases ,
IicciHlntlvo Gossip ,
LINCOLK , Neb. Fob. 13. [ Special to THE
Um.J : Thn senate rejected the house resolu
tion for UP. adjournment on account of the
O. A. H. encampment at Norfolk.
13y request of Senator Connor the antl-
Imeket shop bill was returned to its commit
tee iu order to give interested parties a hear
President Angoll , of Ann Arbor , will make
the charter day address at the state univer
sity Friday evening. Ills subject will bo
" .Stnto Universities. "
During thu consideration of Sutherland's '
railroad resolution u stenographer , at the nod
of Senator Church Howe , took down the
speeches In favor of the resolution ,
Senator Ilunl was in the cualr while the
railroad tight was on.
Dense ignorance provades the legislative
halls just now. The Hull maximum tariff bill
is before the house und the members who uro
full of information on all other subjects , pro-
fcHK that they don't ' know how much the
railroads arc making , or how much they
ought to make , A few of the lawyers express
the opinion that the enactment of n maximum
turlfl' will take the power of fixing rates
away from the commission , and this they
rear would ho a most deplorable clamlty ,
Gilbert of York is making a hard fight
for his usury bill. A test votu this afternoon
showed that , there are 41 members in favor of
the measure to only US opposed.
Hoi-tin of Clay made it somewhat uncom
fortable for the insurance men in the com-
mittro meeting to-day. Ho could not see
why the public should be compel leu to insure
the honesty of insurance agents.
The Idea advanced by ono of tno repre
sentatives of the insurance interests that
the farmer should bo put in jail because some-
agent persuaderlin ! | to Insure his property
for moro than it is worth , caused u smile to
spread ever the features of everyone pres
ent. A number said that if fanners are to bo
jailed for every offense committed by inaur-
uucy agents , jails enough could not be built
to held the crowd. ,
( Jivll Horvluo Uot'orTunrH.
, Md , , Fob , IU , Tlm Civil Sor-
association , of Maryland , has
expended u call to reformers In various parts
of tlio United State. , to attend a conference
in this city on February 23 , There will bo u
general discussion as. to the policy of thu
civil service reform
South OarolltuVflL Contest Proolpl-
tatos atffuuiult.
Severn ! I > Rmociynin Speeches on tlio
Negro I'roblomVJilcl Open
With n iluqr nnil I > lo
Away liL'Kcliocs.
WASHINGTON , F b , 13. The chamber of
the house presented a lively scene this morn
ing. The galleries were filled nn hour before
noon by an eager crowd to witness the cere
monies attending the counting of the elec
toral vote. About 1 o'clock ' , nfter some un
important business had boon transacted ,
legislative proceedings were suspended
nnd n few minutes afterwards tlio
Rcnnto was announced. The representa
tives remained standing till the senators
had taken the seats assigned to them , and
then Senator Ingalls called the joint assem
bly to order. Ho said :
"Tbis being the day and hour appointed for
the opening of certificated nnd counting the
votes for president , the senate and house of
representatives have met together , pursuant
to ttio constitution and laws of tlio United
States , If there bo no objection to
the electoral vote of the stnto of
Alabama , the certificates will bo read by the
tellers , who will make a list of the votes
thereof. "
The presiding onleial then broke the seal
of the certificate front Alabama nnd handed
it to Senator Mandcrsnn , one of the tellers ,
who read the document , The certificates of
the other states were read in like manlier
nnd the count having boon completed , Harrison
risen nnd Morton were declared elected
president and vice president for the term he-
ginning March 4 , 188'y , and declare that this
announcement will bo entered , together with
n list of the voters , on the journals of the
senate and house of representatives.
The count of the electoral votes huvincr
been concluded nnd tlio result declared , the
joint meeting of the two houses dissolved.
In live minutes the senators had retired , and
when order had been restored the house re
sumed consideration of the Smalls-Elliott
contested election { ease , Mr. Homptull of
South Carolina taking the floor. Mr. Hemp-
hill spoke at great length and In a sarcastic
vein. All this talk about an unfair election
law in South Carolina was nonsense.
The people of South Carolina believed
that the negro should have his rights , but
they did not believe that ho should have all
his rights and the white man's , too. If col
ored men were so dear to the people of the
north , ns indieatcd by the speeches of some
gentlemen on this floor , why did not some of
the northern states elect n colored man to
congress , and make u living example of his
fitness to make laws for the people of the
United States ? There were n number of
states in tlio north which would not have the
shadow of n chance of being carried by the
repuulieaus except for the colored race , and
yet not a single instance had thcro been ol a
man elected to wlio had a tiugo of
color in his blood.
Mr. Hopkins of Illinois asked Mr. Hem-
phill If ho knew of a northern state where a
colored man aspires iathat direction , and if
ho did not lcno\V | tbujt colored men were
taken care of in the. uorlh by white men.
"I know that , " cried llcuipliill , sarcastic
ally. "I know that , , . I , have never known a
colored man in a northern slate who had the
presumntion to supppso that they would
elect him to an ofllco even if ho did aspire to
it "
* ) 1
This aroused the republicans , and Messrs.
Choadlc , Funston. Qwcu , Howell and others
were on their feet mmcdiatoly , plying Mr.
HemnhiU with ( picsfjoqs which neither ho
nor anyone else was al/lo to hear on account
of the great confusion in the house nnd a
persistent demand fpcj the regular order.
Finally Mr. llowojlje vpjco , was heard above
tiio rest , dcclariugyjlhatj in' Illinsis colored
mon had been olec' the legislature.
Mr. Hemplnll respoilded that this was so
common m South Carolina that ho would not
think of mentioning it. Mr.Hcmphill con
tinued to cite incidents to show bad treat
ment of the negro iu the north , telling
of colored men employed in a tobacco ware
house in Marion , Ind. , being ordered to leave
the town , on pain of summary punishment ;
colored children turned out ofawhite school ,
nt Fort Smith , Kans. , and white people at
Oxford , O. , protesting against the admission
of colored children to white schools.
Iu response to th's ' last assertion , Mr.
Williams of Ohio declared that Oxford was
a town with 2,100 democratic majority.
( Laughter. )
Mr , llcuipliill continued , by saying that ho
did not know any people moro Interested in
u free ballot and u fair count and some just
solution of the negro problem than the people
ple of the south.
Mr. L.a Follotto of Wisconsin said
that Mr. Hcmphill demonstrated ono
thing clearly that in the center
of democracy and ignorance in the
north , behaviour toward the negro was
just the sarao as in the south-
He warned the gentleman on
the other side that the majority would ulti
mately control in every corner of the union.
What would the gentlemen think if the
turned and said "The
colored man , villainy |
you taught us wo will exqcutc , and it will go '
hard if wo do not hotter the instructions.1
From the bloodhound und the rawhide the
South Carolina election law was but a little
step.Mr. . Ledge of Massachusetts , said that
Mr. Hemphill's arguuipnt was the old argu-
meat , that "your another. " Ho wont on to
review the methods which lie said were
practiced in the south to stiilo the voices of
the majority , referring to the Clayton case
in Arkansas , the withholding of certificates
from congressmen elected on the fneo of the
returns in West Virginia and Tennessee.
Did tlio gentleman suppose that the people of
the north wcro going to submit to atich a
thing as that.
After further debate by Messrs. Taraney ,
Cutcheon and others , Mr. Howell closed the
debate for the republicans , saying that not
withstanding all the assaults | made upon It ,
Hobort Smalls' majority of 13U votes still
Mr. Crisp , in concluding the argument for
the majority , said that there was nothing
about southern elections that wus not as fair
and as well calculated to secure an nntram-
meled expression of views usIn nny other
Mr. Johnson of Indiana , tried to Interrupt ,
but Mr. Crisp told him that in n state where
they resorted to "blocks of llvo" porhaus
they had better look at homo before they
went abroad.
This remark hrouirht tho.Indiana republi
cans to their feet in an indignant protest ,
but Mr. Crisp declinedto permit interruption
und In the midst of , .tio | uproar his lluio ex
Then a scene of intense tumult nnd confu
sion ensued. Tho. unitn isle was thronged
with members from botii sides , wlio kept up
an Incessant domauil.for the regular order ,
whllo Mr. Crisp attomptpu to have his time
extended , und the foiitmnu republicans con
tinued tliclr demand ; fotr an ouportunlty to
reply. .1 i <
The speaker pro tarn ( ilcCroaryj attempted
vainly to quell tlm-utunililt , and was finally
compelled to call tuo soflgcunt-ut-arms. Then
Mr. Crisp ashed leave to extend his remarks
in the record , but Mr , .Johnston of Indiana
objected , uules's heould bo given thy same
Leave was finally granted Mr. Crisp to
print , however , uua TOte was taken on the
minority rosolutioj ) , jdecluring Smalls en
titled to a soat. ItjuWjUi rejected by u party
vote of ISO to 14 ? , jwtyh 'I'0 fxcoptlon of
MuEsrti. Wilson of rtjll/jucsotu , mill Hiibsell of
Massachusetts , who voted with Ihu ropubll-
The uinjorlty resolution scaling Elliot was
was then agrcoil to without divUlnn , and thu
house adjourned.
WASHINGTON' , Fob , 13. In the senate to
day Mr.'lTnlo presented the conference re
port on the diplomatic and uouhulur appro
priation bill , whicti WKS agreed to.
The houHQ bill granting to the St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Manitoba railway a right-of-
way through tlio White 12arth Indian reser
vation In Minnesota wus reported and passed ,
with one formal amendment on which a non-
ferenco was uaked ,
Oil motion of'Mr. Hoar it was ordered that
at 12D5 : to-day the senate shall leuyo its
chamber nnd proceed to the hall of the house
of representatives , there to tivko par ! In the
proceedings for the ascertainment and count
Ing of the electoral vote. After further un
important business was transacted the np
pointed time arrived and the senators there
upon , headed by the ofllrers of the body
proceeded to the hall of the house of repre
sentatives. The senate returned to
its own chamber at 2:2 : : > , when Mr.
Mamlcrson , on behalf of tlio scunto
tellers , reported the result of tlio counting
nnd Ascertainment of the electoral vote for
president and vice president of the United
States. The report was ordered to bo en
tered nt length on the journal.
The resolution reported from the commit
tee on privileges nnd elections , Instructing
that committee to revise the existing election
law regulating the election of members of
congress , was taken up , nnd Mr. Kvnrts
spoke in its support. The great question
came , nt last , to bo whether there was to bo
tolerated in this country nn authority and
persistent power that was to sot aside the
government of the constitution and Its laws ,
If there would prove to bo an irreconcilable
conflict between public opinion In Texas erIn
In Now York and public opinion in the
country nt farce , his opinion was that the
opinion of the whole country must finallv
Mr. Coke obtained the lloor , and after nn
executive session the senate adjourned.
Western Postal ClmiiKC < t. '
WASHINGTON , Feb. -Special [ Telegram
to Tun HIK.J Ada C. Delano has been up
pointed postmistress nt Lee Park , Valley
county , Neb , , vice ? . O , Young1 , resigned.
lown postmasters appointed : Amelia A.
Hayes , Humboldt Park , Cook county , vice
William J. O'Brien , rcsium-d ; Annie M.
Newcoinb , Sliipman , Macoupin county , vice
L. Nowcomb , resigned ; Grove W. Looinis ,
Swaledalo , Cerro Gordo county , vice John
Barosley , resigned , and Alvin CJ. Sendamore ,
Wayne City. Wnync county , vice C. V.
Wright , resigned.
The postofllco at Jackson , Adntr county.
and Forest Home , Poweshoik county , will
bo discontinued from February 2 * , because
there are no candidates.
Ktcctinn Hill.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 13. Senator Marnier-
son to-day introduced a bill providing that
all citizens of the United States having the
qualifications requisite for electors in the
most numerous branch of state or territorial
legislature shall bo entitled and allowed to
vote at nny election for representative or del
egate in the congress of the United Stales
without distinction of sex , any constitution ,
laws , customs , usage or regulation of any
atnto or territory la the country notwith
VnriHHN ClinnseH in tlio Ijlen
Piiir.AKKLi'HU , Feb. 13. The National
Association of Builders considered
to-day re
ports of committees appointed at the last
annual convention. The report of the oom-
mittco on the lien law led to an extended
discussion , which finally resulted in the
adoption of the following resolutions :
Hcsolved , That this association send to the
legislature or governor of each state , district
or territory in the union , a request that ac
tion bu tuken to secure an amend
ment to the lien laws so that
they will only protect the actual
personal labor performed by journeymen and
laborers , upon property liable to ntt'jctitiiont ,
in an amount not to exceed the value of
twenty-four days' work for each individual
entitled to protection and claim , and tlmt
filial bodies be urged to secure in their vari
ous state legislatures the above desired re-
iiofore tlio session adjourned the Now
York delegation offered the following , winch
was adopted :
"That this convention use its influence and
recommend to tlio legislatures of the differ
ent states the passage of a law making
it a felony for any person or association to
prevent or hinder any American youth from
learning some trade or handicraft. "
The committee on permanent arbitration
reported a lack of willingness to enter into it
on the part of associations of workmen on
account of the clause discountenancing boy
cotting , and they recommend renewed efforts
to establish it.
The Mutilated I5ody of a Woman in u
Oliiciiyo Sti'col.
CHICAGO , Feb. ii. : On Butterflcld street ,
between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth ,
in a section of the city which is unpaged , a
couple of policemen this morning found in
the middle of the road a barrel that had evi
dently tiillen off n wagon some time during
the night. On examination it was fpuna to
contain the mutilated remaius of a woman in
nn advanced stage of decomposition. The
feet had been Covered from the legs. In an
old bloody apron or shawl were
the viscera. The long hair of
the woman was matted with blood
clots and lay in confusion over the trunkless
head. The trunk was nil chopped into
pieces. The fragments were taken to the
morgue. It was learned later that the re
mains were those of Linn Kucha , who died
at the county hospital January 15. The body
hntl been given to the medical college , ami
after dissection had been barreled , and had
evidently fallen from tlio wagon while belncr
I taken out of the city for burial.
An ICpidcmic Alining Indians.
Wixxirco , fob. III. The news received
last week of the breaking out of an epidemic
of a virulent character nmong the Indians of
Cold LaUo is being confirmed. An Indian
agent who has been up to investigate found
that up to date there had been upward of
thirty deaths , and on the day he reached the
affected settlement there were BIX inoru.
The Indians on the liattlo Klvur reservation
nro suffering greatly from an affliction of the
throat and neck which prevents tticir swal
lowing solid food. Complete extermination
is feared.
Viewed With Concern ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 1 ! ) . The secretary of
state has received n dispatch from Consul
Hainc , ut Herlm , in regard to the measure
now before the American congress making
Important changes in our Immigration laws.
The proposed measures are viewed with
much concern In Berlin In political as well
as national economic circles , us the fore
shadowing clmiiffns which eventually may
load to u total reform in the matter of
European Immigration to the United States
A Corporation in Trnulilc.
Coi.i'Miirs , O. , Feb. IS. A State Journal
special from Logan , O. , says the Boston Safe
Dcpost and Trust company illcd a petition in
the court prayltitr for the foreclosure of the
mortgage on the property of the Ohio and
Western Coal and Iron company given to
secure bonds issued in the sum of $1,000
each nnd to the amount of $ . ' { 00,000 to
150,000.and also praying for the appoint
ment of a receiver to take charge of the
mortgaged property in the case. James It.
Hull was appointed rrtceivor.
Too IilMi-al ) With IIU Money.
TmiiiB llAfTi : , hid. , fob. IU , William L.
Porter , who has just retired from the otlico
of county treasurer of Vcrmlllion county , is
short about 113,003 in his accounts. Ho lius
deeded nil his property to his bomlsmim.
Ills generosity to friends and loose methods
in conducting his ofllco are the cause of his
losses ,
Positively Cure il by
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WIIM.I1. Elictrlo Killion | ciTlifrru illll Mitlu IlelM.
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Goodman Drug Co.
ccuufnliy uttxl iiinntlily by on-r M.coo
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rrellontln Vouth or Wnriiod Mfo. Inlnctoll
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