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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1889)
OMAHA , THURSDAY. MORNING. FEBRUARY 14 , 1880. NUMBEK 2 NEITHER MAN KNOCKED OUT , Sixty-four Bloody Rounds Fought at North Judaon , Indiana , THE MYER-M'AULIFFE BATTLE. * Jiotli Pugilists Hiully Itattcrcd Up , Hut On mo to tlio Tlio GrealcHt Tight uf Tlie KlKlit l > y Hounds. Ciitru.o , Fob. ii.--Tho : W.OJO a side world's lightweight championship light be tween Jack McAullffo and Hilly Mujers , at North Judson , Ind. , ended to-day in a draw in four hours and thirty-live minutes. It was n sixty-four round affair , consisting ehiolly u uf light sparring seasoned with iho most accurate science ever seen \i \ in the ling. The blood-thirsty gentlemen were nil disappointed , Hirhoflho contest- nuts in the battle satisfied his hackers , mid people most interested seemed to consider this achievement the height of modern at tainment in the ring If , however , instead of from fctO.iOJ to $ : > 0,0lo ( hanging upon thci icsult , there had been n pmso ol * . ' ( X ) or so , general opin ion dppcurs to bo that there would have licon a gonlilno light , and , as talk goes , Mvers would have stood a good chance of winning. Dick Hoche , the backer of McAulllTe , openly congratulated Myers in thorin'nnd agreed to back him with * 300 ( ' against anybody In the world. The light Boomed badly mnnnged , about the onli mastcily strnkoof policy uppnrcntbcing l'io miming of Michael C McDonald , the cll known gambler of Chicago , as rcf- rrec. It was past 7 o'clock in the morni ng when the light began. Upon ruachmg Judson the lighters went at once to bed , mid nil the tlmo from midnight until morning outsiders were en during the cold in tramping the streets or riding up and down the railroad to carry out the various pretexts on which the public of- llcials had allowed themselves to bo "per suaded" that cveij thing \\ns in accordance with law. Hotting was seldom so spirited on any 'if similar event. "Odds were even" in almost ovciy wnger. Ono stakeholder had $11 , . * > UO , another $7'JOO , and there uoroenough others to foot ill ) a certainty of (31,000 , besides the original stakes and gate mc.iey of over 541,000. Just as the light bciran , Hoche , McAulIffo's backer , bet WOO on first blood and ? 500 for the llrst knock down for "Mac. " A few smaller bets were made on the same issues , and Mycis' backers won both events. Mjers scored Hist blood in the tuentj-ninth lound and the knockdown in the forU third. This is the only mono.v of the thousands up which changed hands on the light. The fatreator people had been saying that Myers would almost at the very stall bicak McAulIffo's neck , and the smart eastern fel lows claimed to be sure that McAulllTe would win In "one bloody punch. " Neitho assertion was any miiwheie near coricct. The style of lighting was usually a lead by McAuliffe , which was either couiiteied siuirly or double by Myers. McAuliffc's up- pourauco * and action was superb , while Mvers showed nn awkwardness anu lack of llnlsh that wouht have been fatal but for the marvellous quickness ho was scon to possess. The high state of training in which both men entered the ring caused a blow to red- dc'l the skin instantly , but the mark faded almost us suddenly as it cauie , and on the way homo neither inincipal could bo picked out by the crowd by the marks ho bore. Twice during the light Mvcis failed only by n hair breadth to knotk McAuliffo out , but the lattci's science checkmated the strength and quickness of Myers , just as those two qualities saved the btrCator boy Jiom the powerful Jabbing and rapping undercuts of McAuliffe. The two contestants Joked each other con tinually during the light. MoAuliffo would say , "Why tion't yon light ] " and Myers would retort , "I'm only nn nmateur and you're u professional , " etc. Thus it pro ccodod. Men got wcaiy and wenl to hreakfnst only to como back and find the llg'it in the same innocuous desue tude in which they loft it. There was too much money up , it was evident to everybody , to allow either man to rush the light and run the risk of nn accidental knockout. At the opening of the sixty-fourth round Uoferco McDonald announced , nppaiently much to the lighters' sururlse , that ho would dccido It u draw. Each had a few moments previous declined to acknowledge that such a settlement would lie acceptable , but it evidently was , novel thelcss , if not to the lighteis them- bclves , nt least to the men who contiollcd them. Hefetco McDonald said that each man had succeeded In keeping the other fiotn winning. The following Is the light by rounds : FustlilUmnd MeAuliffo led with his left , forced Uilly to the ropes , landed his left on the nose and right on the ribs. It ciittod in favor of McAullffo. Second Koumi An exchange , in which Myer landed on his opponent's neck , getting in return a stinger in the nose. McAuliffe slipped at the ropes , saving himself from a terriulo light hand blow. A foul was claimed , but not allowed. The loutid ended with cautious spairlng. Third Hound McAuliffe led lightly and then landed heavily. McAulIITo rushed , but It was an oven exchange , Hilly getting in n good right hand blow full on McAnlinV's face , which stnggcicd him. Hoth men now became dilutions , neither evidently dating to risk leaving bimsoll unguarded. The most of the lighting for the next ten rounds was at short aim , with little oxccu tion , fcovcial times ending in a clinch. Fourteenth Hound Mae rushed Mycr , landing with his left on the nose and receiv ing two stinging nlows on the face and nook. In rushing a second time Mae slip ) ed and fell with Myer on top. M > er then com ! menced forcing matters and lushed. Fifteenth Hound This was a ropititlon of the fourteenth. Sixteenth Hound This opened with n heavy oxi-hango of Wows. Mi or caught Mac with a vicious right hand swing full in the face. Seventeenth Hound MoAuliffo led with his loft and icached Mier'n eye , but was heavily countered on the body. Klghtceiith Hound Mj nr's right eye showed closing , otherwise both men were in good condition. Then followed another sea son o ( cautious work and spairmg for wind , neither holng anxious to fouu matters. Twcnt\-tlrstHouml MeAulilToopened the round bi a rush , landing lightly on M.\er's forehead , followed by n clinch. Mycr landed heavily on Mao's ribs with his right. There was careful sparring to the end of tha louiut. Twenty second Hound Holh moil eatno up fresh and strong. Mjer's eyes weiu black- culm. , but otheiwisu neither showed signs of punishment. The louud was but n repetition of their past tactics. Twenty-thlid Hound MeAuliffo opened with a rush , landing heavily on Mycr's nose , The lighting which followed resulted in u clinch , Mao led with Ills loft again and lauded on Mver's face , getting uw y without return. Mjor baielj missed a vicious right unit loft lunge by MuAullffo , which would Imvo settled the alfair. The next ( luce rounds were Ineffectual , Hoth men worn in grout condition. Time was culled for two minutes by the rofcioe to Bliow the sheriff that It was a boxing mutch uud not a tluht. The shorltT then loft the tin ! ! , promising Hint If ho heard that either of the Him was hurt he would nrreat every- ona in tha room , Twenty-seventh Hound Mi er opened with n stinging loft-handor on M.IC'H 11050 nnd fol lowed U up with u wicked ns'ht-lmml upper cut. Hoth uicu wcro strong , with honors oven. Twenty-eighth llound The round hud Just opened when ona of tlio town mursliuls in nnd said ho would not IMVO it uny longer , as ho understood It was not * boxing match , Dutn light. After n ilol.iy ot twcnty-l'.vo minutes the Jicht w.w resumeJ. Twenty-ninth Hound Time was called at 0:05. : Both men were fresh r't r their rest. Mao ruiihod , and fulling chart In his blow , v/ns heavily countered. ll'uirlloth Hounil Myer Jumlcil a right- hand swinging blow on Mac's lip and was al lowed first blood Then followed cautious tnctlrs for several rounds With no results Then follotvod n long series of eompara tlvolj harmless round" , both men placing the cautious dodge , though In a different way. MeAulilTo did nil the lending , whllo Mjcr was constantly on the lookout for n chnnco to counter. A nuii'bcr of pretty good blows wcro struck by both , with honors about even and the men equally fresh The ciowd grow tired of the tame work nnd began to call on the lighters to do some olTci live work. Forty third Hound In this round the light ing became sharper and in the forty- fourth M\er secured the llrst knock down with a swinging loft-lrindur. MoAuliffo began to rcall/et hat it was impos sible to tiio his opixmont outnml commenced hitting near the belt in order to break Mcr's wind. Hoth men wcro equally fresh , nnd tlio betting will even. riftj third round Uoth began to show signs of weakness , and another tire- seine season of sparrlm : followed. Fifty eighth Hound MeAulilTo snul : "I can't light a man that won't star.d up " M\er \ replied"I am no lighter. 1 am a corn- busker to ! to i our corner. " Klft.V ninth Hound No blows wcro struck The light had lasted fourhotits. Sixtieth Hound Mjcr landed with his right on McAulilTo's ear , the llrst good blow In sixty rounds. Hoth were buck nguln at the old tactics. Sixty sccondiUound old admirer of Mycr called out : "Don't bo afraid of him , Hilly. Ho can't huit jou. " The answer was : "Tho devil ho cant. " 'Iho plan of Mycr's campaign was evidently to stay for a diaw , and so protect his backers. SUt.v-thiiil Hound Hothjfollowed the old tactics , and not a blow was struck Sixty-fourth Hound The llcht had lasted four hours and thirtj llvo minutes McAu llffo cnmo up stiong mid fresh and took up his plan of winding Myer. His blows were diteeted at Mior's stomach. At the conclusion of this round the fight was declared n draw. Myers' KriendH D STIIBVTOH , 111 .Teb 1 ! [ Special Telegram to Tin : HKI : ] A more disaupointod delega tion of sports never returned to Streator than the "favoicd few" that arrived by special train from North Judson , Ind. , nt f > 10 hist night , via the Indiana , Illinois & Iowa railroad. They wcio not disappointed because tholr man did not win , but because thorofciee , as they claim , unfairly decided the battle a draw , when Myei s for the hist six rounds had the best of the light and could lm\o easily won the contest in the next ten rounds , had he concluded to force the lighting There were fully two bundled people at the depot to meet Hilly Myers and extend their congratulations. Aback awaited his in rival and ho was quickly hustled Inside ami driven to the Plumb house , whore a leception was tendered him. Mi ers claims that ho could have won the light if he hud taken chances by rushing MoAulnTe , but having la view the met that many of his friends had staked all their eaithly possessions on the result , ho would not under ciicumstunccs run a nsk of losing the light in the hitter portion of the contest. Myers had McAullfle's phenomenal "loft" chopped and biuised up so badly that he could not strike a blow hard enough to knock out a canary bird. M > cis told McAulitTo before leaving the battle ground that if he would face him In a twelve-foot ring and lock thcmsehes in a loom ho would light him for stake money to- moiiow. The gate money taken in the Noith Judsou fight this morniiik' is border mg closely on frlO.OOO. A telegram fiom Hloomiimtoa , 111. , arrived at the scene of the battle a few moments before the contest , stating that $1,000 awaited Myers m Hloom- uigton piovidmg ho won the light. Myeis , with the exception of a pair of deep mourning c.jes , is in excellent condition. niciViillfle's Kccord. Jack McAuliffe , the "Tornado , " was born in Cork , Jteland , March 24 , 1S ( ! . His father was a steeplechase jockey and his mother a lady of a well-known family. She was dis- inhoiitcd owing to her marriage to the jockey. McAuliffe , sr. , by reason of his calling , was small of stature , but for all that was noted as a clever man with his hands. When Jack was ten months old his father became a Fcninn nnd raised a company. Forced to leave Iicluml , the father came to Amciicaaml enlisted in the ai my , being a sergeant under Koao. In IS ? ! } ho was ugum n civilian , living at Haugor , Mo. , mid it was hero that the family weie reunited. Jack being six yeais of ago when ho crossed the Atlantic. At Brooklyn , N. Y. , six years later the boy was apprenticed to a cooper , nnd soon learning the trade , was in four years known as ono of the best of workmen and was engaged in making sugar barrels. It was about this time that Charley Mitch ell showed Uillj Edwards up in so poor a light , and all the boys tooic to boxing. Moio especially about the cooper shop because Dcmpboy , then first becoming promi nent , was a graduate of the concern. Jack had a brother who was given to bov ing , mid the little follow ( not a bit inter cstcd ) saw brother and a frierd sparring one day in the garret , nnd when the older lads loft the house ho wont in and put the gloves on One day his big brother caught him ut it , rallied him to "put 'cm on , " and m consequence Jack won his lirst victory Naturally n hard hitter , ho soon gave his antagonist enough. Hilly Madden once gave a boxing tourna ment in Now Yoik city for light-weights. Jack heard of it , and the night before the tournament Jack and his brother took n loaf down the Bowery. Thou thoio were many places whcio boxes by volunteers occurred nightly. Tncy finally dtoppcd into aplaco whoio alight-weight , young Mace , waste to knock out a follow. The youngster didn't show up and McAulilTo doiined tlio inits for the tlrst time in his life. It took him two rounds to do up Mace. In Maddcn's ' tournament the light weight class took in men up to 110 pounds , but Mc- Aullffo's Hist opponent was a man named Leavy , who scaled I'.n. Jack at 112 But Jack won just the same. Mi Cimt.vcaino next , and after tour rounds both Madden and Jack Denipiioy told McAuliflo that it was a bhauio for him to go on with a man twenty pounds heavier than he , and that if ho would draw out , thus giving McCiinly the medal , a tour nament for men of his weight should bo got up. McAulilTo acquiesced , and afterward won the medal offered , boating Kline , Wil son , Harris and O'Neal. Ho v/as still working In the cooper shop , and In the summer of Ibvt fought his llrst finish light with ono of his fellow-workmun. Thotmmoof the mun was .ItiKo Kaichor , a ( icunan , and he was the bully of the shop and had been when Jack Dempsey worked there. Although ho weighed 170 , McAulttTo knocked him out in seventeen i mm els. Soon thureaftar ho w.iu tlio Douipsoy and Madden medal lor 100-pound men , boating Hoguti , White , Thcisor and Dovlo , and In March , lYtf , no became amateur light-weight champion of America through winning a tournament given by the Now York Athletic cluii , In which ho defeated William and Joe Klllnsworth. Then ho mot and defeated Spurry , Stevens , Manger and Mlko rushing. Now Hilly Madden challenged vouug Mitchell in .lac ! : ' * behalf for $1.000 u side , and signed the challenge "Jack MeAuliffci , the light-weight champion of America , " and by this act Jack became u professional pu gilist Ills Hi st light as a professional was with Jack Hopper six rounds , and ho bested his man , and .iftenvnrd knocked him out m hU flret llnish light with "akin tights" in seven teen rounds. Hdly Fnuer was the next vic tim , lustlnc twenty ono rounds. Then Harry Cllmoro fet In and was knocked out in twenty-eight round ; . Jem Carney c.iUin over , nml In the light for the wet Id's championship Jack proved us good as his master , the affair I'ading in a draw ut the end of poventy.four rounds. Within thn last few months Hilly Dacpy wan knocked out In cloven rounds , Sum Collyer In the second round nnd Jack Hyams in nine rounds. Such Is the history and rccoidof Jack MeAuliffo , H Hecord. Mjer , tho"Ciclono , " llrst fought fnrstakcs with I'uddy Welch , n noted Chicago light weight , September JM , 1885 , for * 150 a nlde. Myer stripped at i)0 : ) pounds , and at iho llrst blow knocked Welch out over the ropes uud - * j4.rAaw off the platform with his right , the Chicago man catching it squarely on the Jaw In a second light Welch was sent to sleep in the third round , Myer strlppmt ? then nt 111 piumls. This was Jim tt , 10 Dci'embor liS of the same iicnr MMT had his nose broken by Clmrlev Paly of M Louisbut Univ himself was knocked out hi the thirty-llrst round , both men being horribly biuised. The light was for $1,000 a side and gate re ceipts Myer stripped at 131'j ' piunils. Octo ber I1. ) , | ss7 , Hurry Oilmore , of Minneapolis , champion light-weight of the northwest , was whipped bv MjerntSt CroixWis. . The stakes wcro 51,000 a side , and about $1'JOJO changed hands. Cliltnoro was knocked out in the llrst round , but thinking Mycr had beaten him b.n . chance blow , the two men mot again ut North Judson , Ind , January 18 , l ; . Mi er weighing 1.IJ'4 and Gllmoro liW pounds Mjer put Gllmoro to sleep at the Hist punch. An "unknown" of Buffalo was whipped by Myer. Juno T , l sS , the lluht being for MOO a Bide. September lath last Dan Nccdhuut. of Indianapolis , chal lenged Mver for $1,030 n side , both men strip ping at abo\t one hundred nml thirty pounds , Needham was knocked out in the twentieth round. Myor sending in his right on his op ponent's ' Jaw. THK NA/iUKAM/ATION Ij.VWS. An Urgent Demand lor Their Immed iate Hovlslou l.v Congress. WtsnivoTov , Fob 13. Representative Gates of Alabama , from the committee on judiciary , to-day icportcd favorably to the house a bill to amend the nuturuHzatlou laws of the United Slates. The report accom panying the bill ticuts of the existing uat- uralirution laws in a critical spirit , nnd calls attention to the abuses that have spiung up under them. It says : "An alien may bo a notorious thief , mur derer , outlaw , anarchist , polygamlst , leper or a hardened criminal , and yet our law al lows him , by making nn ufthlnvlt of intention before a clfirk of the couit. nil the bencllts of cltt- 7cnshlp within the United fetates. So dcllcicnt is the present law , and so careless - loss is the piactlco of judges , with but few exceptions , that an alien , however bad his character or Ignorant ho may be , can become a citi/on of the United States. 1 hero is nothing In the law to deny citi/onship even to idiots , insane persons , paupers or others who have come into the United State in flan- unit violation of our immigration laws , " The ropoit concludes with a synopsis and a\pl million of the piovisions of the bill , which are , In brief- Limitation of classes of foreigners who shall bo eligible to citircnship In the United States , including Indians adopting civil ( roil life ; pt ascription of form of application require ment that the district altoi ney shall defend the government against improper npplicn tion and that application shall bo corroborated upon point of residence ; restriction of Jurisdiction to high state and federal courts ; preservation of the rights of aliens who have already declared their intentions ; an allowance of the right of bonn lido applicants to make homestead en tries , nnd to receive pitents after nnturnliro.- tion , and requirement of would-be citlrcns that they shall have resided five jears in the United States and bo able to icad the consti tution in i nglish , AT IIAUIUMJ.VS HOMH. The Ijnst Itcc'ption of the Next Mis- tres of iho White House. IvnuNAi' , Ind. , Feb. 13 Hussell H. Harrison returned from Now York this morning and had a long conference with his father. He leaves to-night for Helena , Mont. The Associated press bulletin this after noon announcliig that congress had formally declined Benjamin Harrison elected president \\as the Hist information the gen- 01 al received on the subject. It is under stood that the president-elect has boon hold ing back his cabinet appointments until after the count of the cleutouil vote , and it is. therefore anticipated that several impoitant letters containing cabinet tenders will leave hcio in a few days. Kx-Govcrnor Gilbert Pierce , of Dakota , was among to-day's visitors. Ho passed an hour in conversation with General Harrison and Secretary Hal fold. It is thought that the ex-governor is a candidate for his old position in Dakota. This was Mrs. Harrison's last reception day , and the parlors wcro Ihrongcd with ladies who came to say farewell to the next mistress of the white house. Not loss than .100 ladies , and n goodly number cfgetillcmon paid Iheir respects. To-night the republican members of the lotfislatwo paid tholr lospocts to General ana , Mrs. Harrison in a body. No spooch- makmg was Indulged in. THK IJAIUJ W"UK PATENTS. Au Important Discovery AfTectint ; 'Jhelr Arallillty. ST. Louis , Mo , , Fob. 13. A most Import ant discovery has boon raado hero that the control of barbed wire patents is not vested In any American firm or corporation , be cause the device of the barbed wire was pat ented hi Franco by Louis Jancn on April 19 , iwn. The law of this country , as decimal by the United States supreme court , is that "a foreign patent for the same thing or a description of a thing in a foicign publica tion Is us elfcctuul to void a patent as If the patauteo had .seen the prior invention , notice to him not being important. " If this decision holds , und there is no appeal from It , the claims of certain persons for royalty under the Gliddoa and other barbed wuo patents are void , and all money paid to thorn by barbed wire manufacturers who had interest in the Glidden patents is believed to bo sub ject to iccovery. Patrick Mnlloy'f ) Trial. LONDON , Fob. 1 ! ! . The hearing m the ease of Malloy , who is charged with bavins testi- lied falsely before the I'arnoll commission , was resumed to-day. Walker , managing clerk for a Dublin solicitor , testified that the London Times employed him to collect evi dence. Malloy , after much pressing , hud told him that ho joined the Fenian brother hood when sixteen years of age , mid detailed his late experiences. Malloy had told him him that Patrick ICgan was present at a meeting when the murder of Judge Lawson was discussed. Appointed a ICcoclver. CIUCAQO , Fob. 13 A number of stockholders - holders of the Chicago Consolidated Bottling company Imvo applied to the circuit court for a iccelver for that corpoiatlou , alleging that it has become hopelessly Insolvent through dissensions m the dlicctoruto. The capital stock of the company is ifUOO.OOO. William Ilufnor was appointed iccalvcr. Architectural Sheet Metal Works. KIAKNT.I : , Neb. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE Has 1 A company was organ ized hero to day for the purpose of manu facturing architectural sheet metal work , with J. A. ICummerland , president ; W. J. MeHurnoy , vice president ; W. K. Ayres. treasurer , and W. H Hoe , secretary and general manager. * . CoIcman'H Nomination Confirmed. WASIIIMITON , Feb. 13 The nomination of Norman J , Colcmun , of Missouri , to bo secre tary of agriculture has boon confirmed. The following postmasters have boon con- 11 nilcd : Isaac ; Connor , Ponca , Nob. ; William J Hrcnnun , Sidney , Neb ; Charles 11 Alkcn , Brookings , Dak. The Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Fair , followed by light snow or ruin , colder , variable winds. For Dakota. Light snow , colder , northerly winds. For Iowa : Light rain or snow , warmer , followed by colder , northoily winds , Died Thin Morning. KC.AHNEV , Neb. , Feb. 13 , [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Bii.J : : Hiram Handle , onn of the pioneer busln'iii men of Kearney , died , this uioiulufc' . Harrison and Morton Formally Do- clnrocl Blootocl. CLEVELAND WAS INVISIBLE , No Member ol the White House Pniu- Uy Nor Any of the Cnhlnet OIHccrs PrcHcnt AIIIUN * IIIR Incldonty. WASTIIXOTOSHuiinvu Tin : OMUU BBC , 1 D13 FOURTEENTH STIIBCT. V Wvsuisorov , U. C. , Feb. 13. I Benjamin Harrison , of Indiana , and Lovl P. Morton , of New York , were to day finally elected , respectively , president and vice president of the Unilcd States. The finish ing touches of this great republican victory wcro given by the joint session of the two houses of congress In the hull of the house of representatives before ns largo a body of people as it was possible to congregate there. Admission to the galleries was obtained only by Iho courtesy of members of onclof the two houses of congress. The long series of tiers of scats on the north side of the hall of Iho house , which are usually occupied by Iho colored population , w.n given up to the white people , mostly women. In fuel , the gentler sex monopolized nearly all of the sentlnjand standing room in every nook and corner. The women and chi'dren ' of senators and representatives were located around over the lloor of the house back behind the curtains which sepa rate the members1 scats from the lobby and cloak rooms , nnd throughout the upper gal leries. cos i'icuor8 nvAiisr.\uE. A noticeable feature of the attendance upon the pioccedliigs was the entire ab sence of any members of the white house family or nuy of the cabinet ofilcers. The front seat in the executive gallery , set aside for Mrs. Cleveland , and which she has so frequently occupied during the past jcar , was vacant , the doorkeepois were instructed to admit no one to it , nnd although every other available inch of space was occupied no one was in Mrs. Cleveland's seat during the afternoon. There was a brief morning hour in the two houses , when they took n recess for the joint convention. The house was a scene of swiftly moving bodies and a roar of voices between half past 13 and 1 o'clock. At the latter hour Speaker Carlisle announced the time for the mooting of the houses , for the purpose of counting the electoral votes for president and vice-prosiiioiitof the United States. The senate now iippeircd. It came in in double file. Leading the column wcro Scrgeant-at-arms Caimdy nnd his deputy , Jim Christy. Immediately behind them walked ths venerableBossoU , door-keeper of the senate. Ho carried in either hand a walnut box about fourteen niches square. In those were the precious documents which have boon under tuo combination lock of a largo safe and the charge of special guards ever since they wore delivered by the messengers sengors from the various states. Behind Bassctt walked the two special police from the senate , who have acted as guards of the votes. Thou came the senators arm in arm , double file. Mr. InfralU , president pro teui- pore of the senate , m tbd lead. In joint con vention Senator Ingalls presided eVer the joint convention , and us ooti as ho took the chair announced that the ' law of March , 1837 , which directed the couu'ting of the electoral votes under which the joint convention of the two houses "vould to-day act , provided that the senate shouldfslt on the right hand ( democratic side ) of pho' presiding ofllcer. Scats hud been vacated by the members nearest the speaker's chair on either side for the semite , and upon this- announcement the democrats moved over to'givo place to their faupcnor legislators. rOUlt QI.D STATE8MEV. "All but Senators Pluinb , Paddock nnd Hansom wore seated.on the democratic side. The three named were opposite on the re publican side. Directly in front und to the right of the presiding officer wcro two lounges. On these were seated Senators Merrill , Hoar , Oawos and Sherman ( all re publicans ) , a quartctto of the oldest men in the upper body of congress. Thoircombined ages aggregate S81 years. On the next lounge were Senators Blair , Payne , Gibson nnd Coke one republican and three demo crats. Ex'-Sonator Ferry , of Michigan , with his great Hewing beard , came in with Sena tor Wilson , of Iowa , and sat down with the active statesmen- . Blinked up around the speaker's desk were the page forces of both branches of congiess. ' There were almost a hundred of the littlq follows , nnd it was with some difllculty that their chatter was suppressed. f COUNTIVO fain VOTES. There was celerity in every movement of the proceedings. It vyns Just two minutes past 1 o'clock when Senator Ingalls arose In his scat , and striking the desk with the gavel , announced Iho purpose of the Joint convention in a clear ringing voice. Scarcely had u do/en words escaped his lips when Iho roar of voices subsided , and there was per fect stillness. Senators Manderson , of Nebraska - * braska , and Harris of ' .Tennessee , nnd Repre sentatives Baker of Now York , and Ermon- trout , of Pennsylvania , were scaled In the chairs of the reading clerks. These were the tellers selected by the presiding ofllcers of the two houses to examine and read the votes. Senator Manderson took the llrst turn nt reading. Ho read the certificate of the stale of Alabama. Although he Is a splendid render , iho long cerlillcnto became monoto nous before it was finally completed. Then Senator Harris began to read the returns from Arkansas. When thu reading from this slate was ubout half through Senator Edmunds strolled in , alone , and as ho walked down the central aisle attracted considerabloutlcntlon. This astute statesman was president pro tempore of the senate just four years ago , and presided at the joint convention of the two houses that read the vote which elected Cleveland and Ilcndrlcks. TUB WOUK , As soon as Senator Harrison had com pleted the reading { or Arkansas , Senator Edmunds arose and aslfuil unanimous con sent that Instead of reading the returns In full that the tellers be permitted to make an examination , and that wherever the returns were regular nml duly/ certified the results should bo announced In a tormal way. There was no objection , and the1 proceedings moved twenty times faster. Instead of occupying about llftcon minutes in the reading of u cor- tlllcato of n state less than a minute was re quired. There wore slioi intervals of delay between the unnouncemonis , owing to com plications In thoccrtiileatlon of state officers. A I.UIIICllOUa JNCIDUNT. It required some originality on the part of the tellers to make thu unnouiK'emenU under Iho now order of things , and there were some ludicrous Incidents connected there with. For instance , wbon Senator Harris took up Indiana , lie announced that the fifteen electoral votes pf tie ) state had been cast "for Grover Qlavolund. " Ab soon us the words "Grover Cleveland" escaped his lips the house burst into'a roar of laughter. Then the venerable senator wont back to the beginning and commenced to make the an nouncement-again , and made thu llrst name read "Benjamin CluYdJund. " Finally , however - over , ho managed tos * y that Indiana had cast her fifteen votes for Beujumln Hurt ison and Lev ! P. Morton. Evidently that old gen- tlomun could not reconcile himself to Uio fuct that Indiana had gona republican , When Senator Munflersou announced that Georgia hud cast her vote for Grover Cleveland - land and Allan U. Thurmun , and upon giving the size of the vote , added , "Being all the votes cast for president and vice president of the United States , " there was great laughter , but it'quickly subsided , ns the cor- icctncssof the statement was readily eccn. Mr. Ermentrout , wbo is a democrat , In an nouncing the vote of Florida used the name "Lovl P. Thurnian , " und It took nearly u inlcuto to bccuro ord r. The house was In coed humor and was ready to laugh at any of the mistakes It Dually became necessary for Senator Ingalls to reprimind the house nnd to Insist that thcro should be perfect order , ns the proceedings wcro of the highest importance. vssoi x-i ixo TIM JnrM-i.Ti. When nil the votes of the thirty-eight states had been announced Senator Manderson road the giand totals without announcing the result. Thou Senator Ingalls , ns presiding ofllcer. In duo form stated tlio result of the election held on the ( ith of NovembJi last , for president and vice president of the United States for the four i ear term beginning March I , l bO , de claring that no further announcement was necessary than that n majority of votes wcro SiU.nml that Benjamin Harrison and Lev ! P. Motion had revolved of the tH ( votes i , au for president nnd vice president icspect- Ivcly. and Drover Cleveland , of Now York , uud Allen G. Thurman , of Ohio , 1C > votes each. Thcro was u moment of silence In the house. Then the senators and represent ! * lives arose to go , nnd as thej did so the galleries lories gave forth n burst of applause Unit was almost deafening SOMI : coxspicfors riacurs. Quito n number of faces which have been familiar hi one or the other houses of con gress showed up to-day. Ex-Kcprcsentntives Thud Pound of Wisconsin , Willis of Ken tucky , and Wilson of West Virginia , wet o prominent on the floor dining the counting of the votes , Mr. Smalls of Caiollna , ( colored ) , whoso contest of the scat of Elliott , a white man , has been pending for tlueo dnjs , nnd who was later in the day voted out of the house , stood on a chair on the icpublican side , and leaned against the mantel piece ? over the giatc , making thu most pi eminent , and the only black llgtito on the lloor. Representa tive Dick Townshoml of Illinois carried u chair down in thu center aisle , and Bearing himself nnoii it , sat alone for some tlmo as If In deep meditation. He was probably reflecting upon the shortcomings of the democratic paity , which had brought about the result soon to bo announced. Finally n little girl approached and crawling upon his knco offered him some consolation Till VSPIlllNOCAX'miUTnS The "Big Foui" candidates for the spenk- orship of the Fifty-llrst comiress were all prominent in their scats Messrs Heed , MolCmney , Burrows nnd Cannon. They nat urally attracted very much attention from the struugcis in the galleries. Klchclleu Hobiuson of Brookhn , the long white haired and smooth faced Irishman , who , as a mem ber of the Foity-soventh congress , used to twist the Uritisli lion's tail and pummel John Bull , but who luft the democratic party last j ear ami contiibutod largely to the succ'ss of Harrison and Morton , occupied his old seat down near the fiout low m front of the sneaker's desk. The senators as a body showed up in sharp contrast to the members about them They are older men as a rule , and have boon used to much gi eater dignity in their proceedings. Very few of them con versed nt any time duimg the counting of the votes. From the very moment Senator Sherman sat down upon the lounge and the tellers began gan to road the returns ho never took his eyes off iho pi Deciding. Sherman is one of the best observers and most careful listen ers In congress. Ho never loses sight of what is going on about him The counting of the votes and all ot the incidental pro ceedings occupied exactly one hour and ttneo minutes. OIIIVIIISOCMIN. . Within fifteen minutes after the result of the decision was announced the two houses wore both engaged in discussufg incidents uftecting the franchise of votes in thu south the senate , on Mr. Evart's proposition to investigate election outiagcs in Texas , and the house closing the debate on the Smalls- Elliott contested election in South Caiolma. THE Tviurp HIM. . Chairman Mills to-day placed In the hands of the republican /numbers / ol the house com- ' ' iiilttoo on ways and moans , the report of the majority against the senate tariff bill. The minority have asked for time in ivhich to ex amine the majority rcpoit nnd prepare what they will have to say upon the subject. The minority icpoit will probably bo put into shape oy next Monday and will bo laid before - fore the full committee on ways and means on that day or on Tuesday , when it is ex pected that the bill will bo reported back to the houso. Tlio majority lopoit was written by Chairman Mills. It occupies twenty-seven printed pages , regular execu tive document form , and by froa traders is regarded as "n slashing nnd exceedingly strong argument" against the republican proposition on the tarirt. It attacks viciously the republican proposition to increase cer tain duties while lowering others , mid char acterizes the republican tariff principles as being m the inteicst of the monopolists und manufacturers , The bill , when it goes back to the house , will contain about all of the es scntial elements of the 01 iglnal Mills bill. It will have in it fico wool , the original Mills proposition regarding sugar , woolens , Internal revenue , etc. It is believed the bill will bo taken up for debate some time next week , nnd it will bo discussed whenever appropriation bills are not before the house. Inasmuch as the majority of the committee on ways and means do not recom mend non-concurrence or ask for n confer ence committee , it is not at all probable that a conference will bo ordered on thu measure or that u ilnal vote will bo taken upon it. The bill in its amended form is to bo simply reported buck to the house , and thu chances are to bo taken for debate and liual action. PEIIUI S. THIS COSTA lUOA KAUTUQUAKliS. A Terrible I JOSH or Lille and Property Iteportud. PVVAMA , Feb. 13. The details of the re cent earthquakes In Costa iilca , us published in the Costa liican papcis , which have reached hero , corroborate the rcpori sent out in Iho Associated pi ess dispatcher briefly several weeks ago. 1'ho city of Sail Jose and oilier cities were tcriibly damaired. Whole streets are blocked with ruins , railroads uro blockaded , churches closed , etc. For weeks people living in the cities camped in thu streets and public squares , fearing lo re-enter the Bhattoied houses on account of the constantly iccarring shocks. The monetary loss in the city of San Jose alone is over fcJ.OliO.OOO. . The loss ot life is not yet acouiately known , but is behoved to bo great At Luguna nn ex traordinary geological phenomenon took l > lace , thu caith assuming thu appearance of n rough sea , A father and four children we're buried alive in n crevice , while the mother and ono child wore tin own a dis tance of a thousand meters. All over the dislnct the hills have eh mgod tholr position , and the ground is full of cracks. Irazu volcano is in a state of eruption. Trouble on the Tniiuln | Frontier. SAN FICANCISCO , Cal , Fcb 13.The steamship - ship Kio Janeiro arrived from China and Japan to-day , bringing Hong Kong advices Lo January 10 , and Yokohama to January 23. Serious trouble Is reported on the Tonquln frontier , and frequent skirmishes between the natives and Fren 'h troops nrc icportod outside of Honphom ; liuner and the coast [ torts , The French uulhoritius , It is con tended , have little hold upon the country ut Moult ay , on the Chinese fi ontior. A baud of 1,000 recently attacked thu French and Imvo piactlcally driven the French out of Monkay. It is claimed that the rebels wcro rcinlorced by troops from the regular Chinese uimy ciu'iimpcd opposite Monkay In the Debt three French soldiers were killed und llvo wounded. The English governor of Hong Kong has lieen petitioned by the Chinese of Hong Kong to request the UnUsh government to nddross the American government with n view to the withdrawal of the exclusion bill The peti tion contends that the notion of the United States und Australia Is coutrury to Interna tional treaties , and if persisted in will rctult in the commercial ruin of Hong Kong , A Chlonuo Millionaire Dead. CHICAGO , Fob. 13A dispatch from Hous ton , Texas , says C. J. Hull , of Chicago , died thcro last evening of Brlght's disease. Hull ciimn to Chicago ubout forty years ago ana up to ten yearn ago was uni/aKed In the real estate business. Ho Is reported to ho worth MXX,000. ( ) Ho hus been In Texas since November. wnsrinix PACKING ISTUUKSTS. As Compared With Last \Vt ok nu In- oreasn In Output. Cisci.vsm , Fob 1,1 [ Special Telegram to Titn Br.c ) 'lo morrow's Price Current will siy : The week's packing in the west has been approximately 20,000 lioifs compaicit with 'J 10.0 X ) Iho prccoding week , making n total of about 4i > ' . 'i.iXX ) since November. Last > ear the packing for the week was x-M.OOO nnd the tolal { i.V > 5.0H ) . compired with which the past week shows n gain of 50,000 nnd the season n decrease of 070,000. Packing. Nov.ltnlato. | is-o. | I'- * : ' ' * . _ _ Chlciiw l.MO.UUI Kansas City (0 ( .11X1 Omtihn ' -MO W St. l.ouls i. mm liidlnu.ipnlls ! fl 8 HI au.00) ) Cltidmmtl SMtWl 2-1. VI III Milwaukee 23"T - * MH.OiW ( Vdar Ituplds t2 I..1II1 Clovt'liml 70,010 loul < \ Ilto , 14 MM ) ISM ) HI Mouxt'ity. In 10D,0K ( ) Oltiimun 57,112- Neb 7l'r'41 ' (11 ( , Mill IC < o' ' < nK 4i , : n 41,000 St Josppli B,0 U ANOTJIUU iMlOilllliriUN HAII ) . An Attempt Made to KtiPorco the Imvv In Fort nodjje. Font Donor : , la , , Fob -Special [ Telegram - gram to Tin : Hi n. ] The llrst movement for Iho euforccmcnl of prohibition that lias been miido hi this county for two years was m- nuguintcil to day. There mo thirty open sa loons In the couut.v. ono of which does a wholesale business of SJO.OOD per year. The saloons in Badger , Duncombo , Lehigh nnd Barntim were rildcd to day nnd the Illinois spilled. Nothing has yet been doii's in this city , vvheie there are thirteen open saloons , but active measures are to bo adopted at once to make the thiity "dry " This city is the anti-prohibition stronghold of Iowa out side of the river towns. TrnuklnK 'lie Ortivi * Hohhers. Dn-i MOINK * . In. , Fob 13 [ Special Tel egram to Tin : ! ; : . | Jacob Randolph , post- mistcr at Kidgedale , Jefferson township , in this count.v , was auestcd and gave bonds before fore Justice Johnson in this city to-day , charged with receiving a portion of the cloth- me stolen from the grave which was dese crated there This is the grave of Mis. Grove , whose body was stolen some time ago and has not yet been found. Some of the articles taken from the corpse vveio found in Hr.udolph'shomu Ho does not deny that thov weio In his possession , but ho says ho found them on the gi live ; but ho had them in his possession for two or three weeks be fore the fact was uiiidn known. It is now thought that the lobbery of the body was committed by i * young man residing m the country near Kidgedale , who is attending a medical college in this city. Others were implicated with him , and the officers are now following those clues. A Frightful lluii'iw ly Accident. Vr.s Moixcs la. , Feb. fi - [ Special Tele gram to TUB HII : : . | L W. Hastings and wife , of Capital Pack , had a limhtful run away experience this morning. Thov were driving a spirited her o to a reid cart and were goimr west on East Walnut street. NearEist Fouith and Walnut the horse took fright ami blurted to lun at n terrific speed. Th e vv heel soon caught in a sti eet car tiaek and the cait gave a violent luich throwing Mr. Hastings to the L-iouml. The cart wheel was crushe 1 and the hub struck his head , cutting several ileap gashes and slunniuR hlm.'Tho horto then whirred hnd Mrs. Hustings was thrown ouUlaer foot catching- the cart spring so tlrft she was dragged over a block and palfifuliy bruised. licit Oak l'ro > iilItloii. REnOur , Li , Fob. l8 ; . [ Sp33ai ! to Tin : Hi-.c.J A day or two ago ono ' 'Buck" Fisher , who resides hero with his parents , went homo minus his Slii.fA ) His father made inquiry about the missing nrti clo , and llually Hue' : confessed that he had put it up as collateral for u whisky bill. This stirred up the father's blooJ. Ho found the dlsponsarof liquids weiring Ins son's over coat , had him arrested and jailed , ivhero ho languishes at present. The tnal is set for Fiiday , and some rich developments aie ex pected , as the prisoner s lys ho can name a car load of parties hero who are implicated in the trafllc. Tlic A. O. U. W. WtTEiu.00 , la. , Feb. -fSpaclal Tele gram lo Tin : Bc . ] The excculivo nnd financial coininiltco of seceding lodge of the A. O U. W. have boon In session nt this city for tne last two da s. It was presumed that Rome proposition would bo received toward reconciliation from the grand lodge , now in annual conclave at Marshalltowii. Nothing lias been loccived yet. The litigalion has cost the defeated grand lodge nearly ? 10,000 , and they are slill full of lleht. The recent decision of the supreme court of Iowa , favor ing the rebel faction , makes It necessary for the loyal lodge to come to terms or suspend the insurance clause. Shot By n Policeman. Dns Moivcs , In. , Feb. 1U. [ Special Telo- giam to THE Bun. 1 Tnu night watch ut New Hampton , while attempting to prevent the escape of n man by the name of hie , whom ho had Just arrested , shot and prob.ibly fatally injuiod him , hist Monday night Ho was nccomuanied by a young woman , a cousin of Horace Greeley , and ho was chuiged with a small theft from a hotel in liassctt. It was also reported that ha was securing girls for a Wisconsin don , CriiK'icd In a Hay I'reHl. Dns MOIM.-J , la. , Fcb , 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hii : ! | Monday afternoon J. M. Johnson , a young farmer lesidlng near lieltnont , Wright county , vvhilo engagud in feeding a hay press , attempted to push some nay Into the press with his foot , when ho was caught by the machinery , dragged into the piess mid his whole body crushed lo a pulp. He was a single man , They Disturlx-d Meet I HUH. Ooncv , la. , Fob. 1) ) . [ Special to Tin : BKK.J Yesterday a request came from Moiimonu for an ofllcer to arrest some mis- croanls there for disturbing revival meet ings. A constable was scut from hero. Ho returned lust night , bringing with him six young rascals who have been disturbing meetings. They were arraigned before Jus tice Colvln and gave bonds u. appear for Inu Pebi uary iiJ. The Supreme Cinrt. DE3 MOISTS , In. , Fob l.'l.-fSpjdtil Telegram gram to Tin ; Huu.l The January term of the suptoimi court has practically closed , and all the judges have gone home. Hut there has been no adjournment mid there probably will be none till u few days before the begin ning of the May term. It is tlio policy of the court to keep the session opsn. so that It can sit at uny time when it Is neccsiary. Oiiuinvvn'N New Depot. OTTUHWA , la , Fob II ) . [ Special Telegram to Tim Bun J The now Union depot Is to bo thrown open to Iho public and occupied tlii- > evening. It is 3H213 feet in dimensions , two stories high , and Is constructed of St. Louis pressed urlek , trimmed with ted took stone. The general style of urchltcctiiio Is Queen Anno. 'Jhn Kxtrndltlou Troily. Fco , 18. The record of the proceedings of the senate in oxocutlvo ses sion upon thu British extradition treaty from July 8 , IbbD , until the llth Inst , when the In junction of sccrcuy wan removed , makes a very long document , but the substance of hiost 01 it has been made known from tune to time thiough iho press. MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD Whllo Ills Daaoil Drotltor Looks Ilolplossly on. THEY HAD BEEN QUARRELING. Util Apparently Hail Settled J'holr Tiouhli1'I'lie Kcnritwy Courier A llrakoumu Injured. Slim rh SMIOI-VT , Neb , Fob i : ( - | Special to Tim Un : ] Last evoiiitii ; Samuel Anhonj was murdered nt the homo of his brother , Kd- ward Aukciiy , tvvolvo unlos noithwost of Sargent , by Trod Pierce. Fuithor pailleulur.s iiro now at liniul. There h.ul been a quarrel between the Uvo moil during thoilny , but lute In thonfternoon they appeared to Imvo como to tin under standing , uud shook hniuls In lltinl settle ment of the dispute. It seems , however , Pierce was only tricking his vietlni , na ho soon after went to the homo of AnUeiiy's brolnor Lewis , where his wife and himself wore tempotarily making their home , and procured a largo revolver with which ho ictnrned to the seeno of the quarrul unit without fuithor woidH began Hhoollng Aitkouy , who was without weapons. Ho fired live shots , all of which took effect , though It is not known which one caused death The defenseless nun was shot down In cold blood nt the door of his brother's house , vvheio ho had been staying a few weeks , and In the ptojoueo of his brother and his broth er's wife The brother stood idly by during the shooting and watched the llendisli crime \\ltltout nuking an effort to stop the bloody work , although It is claimed that ho luidn levolver with him It hcoins that ho was too nadly scaled to do moio than feebly beg the assassin to desist After the bhootlng was over I'd- waul Ankonv , the brother , said to the mutdorer , "Well , jou have done it" to which ho replied , coolly , "Yes , 1 have done it , " and walked aw.iy. Samuel Ankonv , the murdered man , was about twenty eight > ems of ago , aad had been m.irrioil , but was divorced sonic tlmo up ) . Ho had been in this p.ut of iho tate some sit or eight months , during a part of which time ho worucd for George dim ming' * , who was well s.itislled with his woik and de.illngs , and gives him the reputation having been a-pe ico.iblc in an. Fred Pierre is a half brother of the wives of two of the Ankonv brothois , Pierre's mother being the mothur of the Ankonys' wives. His mothur Is also married to one of the Anhenjs , so that the iclatioii- ship existing ucivvocn Iho patties Is n 00111- plicatoil one. Tnu quarrel which led to the murder was caused by gossip in icg.ud to S.nnuul An- keny and ills affairs , ulnch 1'ieico's mother is said to have dispensed rather moio freely than occasion warranted. H scorns that the fatal quarrel was only one ol several of a similar kind that havu uiUcn place , some having oecui icd pievious to the tlmo when the pai ties moved to Nebraska. Pierce e.inie to Custor county only a few weeks ago , and with his wife , was toinpora- nlV living with ono of Ankony's ' brothers of \ \ liom thuio are four living in this neighbor hood. It is churned that ho boars a hard reputation , though DO dellnito clwrges , are made. 8 > * It was reported this morning that Piorcojf. | had given himself up to nh'pftlcor , but j'our correspondent is unable to learn whether the ropoit is tiuc. or whcio ho is. Since the time ol Its llrst scttlomcnt , Cus- tcr county has bcea noted as the scone of * many atiociousmuidors , of which those with which the Olivcis wore connected were the most hoi r'blo. By n strange chain of cnin- cidonecs , this county seems to have , of latp , surpassed every other county in the state in the frequency of its mnuleis and violent deaths. During the past U\o and one-half. .veais there have been sK minders anil four tni'ii killed uy ofllccrs while resisting arrest. Four of the tnurilois have occurred during the last ten months. The county is already holding two murderers for trial , and Pierce , if brought to trial , will make the third ono. The Aiiknny murder is the only ono that has occuned m the northeast quarter of the county , which part 1ms been loinurknbly frea fiom this crime. Huaruuy Courier Kiijoliied. KcuiNEt , Neb. , Fob. 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB UEE. ] Injunction proceedings were brought to-day In the county couit by citi/cns against one \V. C. Holden , of the Kearney Courier , enjoining the publication of the same. A temporary injunction was granted , and the case will bo caiviod up to the distnct court , which convenes next wool : . Last spring a purse of about $3,000 was raised and paid over to W. C. Hohlcn on the cxrncss condition that he would not pub lish nor write for any paper in Bufful county for the space of ten years. Th Courier has boon conducted under the super vision of Miss Cora Iloldun , daughter of tha accubod , for several months. The prelimi nary examination to-day gave evidence o assistant editorial work by the father of the editress , hence the injunction. HerloiiHly Injured. Nr , "Neb. , Fob 13. [ Special Tola- gram to THE Hui.l : Ed Smith , freight brakeman - man on the Chester branch of the H. A M. running out of tins plnoo , mot with a serious accident near Hebron this morning , " \Vlulo \ setting a brake the brake chain broke , pro- clmtatlng him to the around while the train u was iiiniihig thiity miles an hour. One of his legs was biokon and ho locolvcd other painful Injuries Ho 'was biought to this place and properlycaied for. lie will pro bably recover. ( examined tlio Illind AHJ him. NBIIHASI.V CITV , Neli. , Feb. IU , [ Special Telegram to Tin. Br.t : | The house commit tee of ten members , with S. P. Caldwcll , chairman , iin Ived In the city this evonmg from Lincoln , and inspected the blind asylum at a late hour to night , and took In the town nfterwaid. Tlmv reluscd to uxpiess nil opinion on the < onstim tion , hut acknowl edged that thtt walk was not as good as It might be. llowovcr , theio were , nnchors In the building every six feet , the statnmeiit of tha workmen and the s'lnerlntondunt to the contrary , notwithstanding. 1'aul Schrnhik accompa nied the committee and did the talking , de claring the asylum the best work In the stale. Ver.s little time was spent in tin ) In spection A report will be maihi after their return to Lincoln No architect accompanied thorn , as It was expected there would. The committee coos to Peru In the morning and then to Boatnoo , which completes their work. Criiblii'd Hli llond Into tlio Ground. HAIIJUSON , Neb , Fob. I ! ! [ Special to THIS Bi ! : . I A few days ago 1'ctor Holler was getting ovt log * In Soldier canyon , and whllo loading ono upon tils wagon Hlippcd mid fell. The heavy log rolled upon him , crush ing his head Into the giound and teirihly In- juiing him. He uiflured for thro uay , and died gn Monday ovenlnw. Wllh Ilitvinc Tour Wives. NiiuiA8KCnv : , Nob. , Fob. 1H , [ Special Telegram to Tin : IlKB.JOHIocr Sob Wilson . /v l and another man , of Sidney , In. , were In thin city to-day to arrest , Iume Simpson , charged with having two wives ! | \ Iowa and two more in Nebraska. They returned without tholr man and Simpson declnius thorn "drunken cranks. " . Voted .S'-i Cin , Nob. , Fob , 13.- [ Spools } Telcgiam to Tim Hii : : | I'ho city to duj veiled nt a special election iliO.UOO for u uc bUlOOl llOJSO. I