8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 13. 1830. THECITY. _ _ Collections of Internal revenue ycslor- flay amounted to $3,727.02. Tlio funonil of Mixbel Cnmbcll will occur to-dny nt the Pnrk avenue church nt 12:80. : The clmrgoof nrson prefoi red npalnst } ' . J. Crow wits dismissed by Judge Bcrka ycstordny. Sheriff Jackson , of Cheycnno , is In tbo city on his way to Jollot , 111. , with ti prisoner convicted of larceny ns bailee. Martin Alexander , a colored man who rofubctl to plvo an account of himself , wiw nricsted aa a suspicious character yesterday. .Tuil RC Ilnvcb paid ychtordav that pninobody had offered ilM.OOO for the old ecliool and site and that ho waste to raise it to 10,000. Mnrj Mnury , a sovcnteon-ycar-old Rirl , otiino from Duvid City to Omiilui ten wt'oks nye and since then has not been hoard of. She is of fair- complex ion , blue ojos and light hair. Tlio charge of txUoinptliiK to poison nn inmate in the Open Door homo , ] > ro- fcrred njrnitiHt Cni-do Weiss , was dis missed by Judge IJorka yesterday af tor- noon. Colonel Mostiy , the colored man who was charged with finding a diamond and refusing to return it to the owner , was bound over to the district court yes terday in S700. A still alarm by telephone came In JiomlT > it ; Davenport street yesterday afternoon. Tlio endangered building \vita \ owned by .1. D. Crcighton and oc cupied by 1) . l < \ Masters. The Mro was caused by a ui'focthe Hue , but no ma terial damngo was done. ' ' ' . I'ciflonnl I'arncpnu'iH. r. I. Fossot Cioto , Is at tlie Millnril. 11. Moore , of Lincoln , Is at tlio P.ixton. C. H. Applofjate , of Lincoln , is at the Mur ray. ray.C. . H. Peck , of Trenton , Neb. , Is at tlio Pnxton , Watson I'lcUrell , of Uoatricc , Is at the Murray. S. U. Tnylor , of Ul.iir , w.is nt Uio Murray yesterday. I ) . L ! . Perry , of Crete , was at the P.ixton yesterday. Eli Jloshcr , of York , Neb , can bo found at tlio Piixton. Honort Cox , Jr. , of Ynnkton , Dak. , Is at the Millnnl. K. A. Clurk , of St. Joseph , is registered at the MlUnrd. K. G. Writ/el , of Lincoln , is icgistorcd at tbe Millard. W , Enhnnk , of Sidney , Neb. , is stopping H the Pnxton. A Yardlnce , of Auioy , China , is registered U the Pnxton. H. W. Halrd , of Kansas City , is registered it the Murray. T. W. Delicate , ot Nebraska City , is a guest at the Millard. 1C. F. Warien , of Nebraska City , is stop ping nt the I'axton. 0. D. 1'ssegof Sidney , Neb. , registered at the Paxton last night. Charles West and I. W Lowrey , of Lin coln , are at the I'axton. 1. N. McConnell and C. G. Dorscy , of 13e- Btrice , are at fie Murray. U. Moore , of Lincoln , \\\s one of the Paxton - ton house quests last night. W. T. Pei kins , of Nebraska City , icpis- tcrcd nt the P.ixton last night. H. W. Oliver came in ftom Kearney and registered at the Paxton yesterday. George W. Mcada nnd Henry Schacht , of San Francisco , mo stopping ; it the Paxton. George Mead , proprietor of the Hoogo hotel , Sioux City , was at the Millard yester day , Captain Cormaek , of the police force rc- tuincd yesteiday from a month's trip to California , looking greatly roficshed by Ma trip. " ' * * * * * J , A. Matthews , formerly business man ager of the Herald , is nowpiosnccting in the oil Holds of Wyotnlnir. Ho will return to Omaha within thico weeks. O. N. Davenport , who has been connected with the Mlllnul hotel for several yeais , in the capacity of steward , and to whoso judg ment in buying for the table and goneial management is duo much of the SUCCORS of that houso. handed in his resignation last evening. He has accepted a similar position at the Uooge hotel in Sioux City. Saratoga Ijjcetim. The regular weekly meeting of this society took place last evening at the residence of Mrs. Shlpman , confer of Twenty-fifth ave nue and Shalor street. The following com mittee had charge of the piogrammo : Mr. G. W. Craig , Misses Jones , Thompson , Me- Kev nnd Craig , aided by Mr. R li. Thomp son , Mm. L iko nnd Miss Lake ns a special inusio committee. The prohibition question CAine up for debate. Firemen Will Dance. April 2't is the ilato fixed for the second an nual ball of the Omaha Firemen's Benevolent association , and tickets aienow being offered for sale. As the object is a good one , and as the association has expended a largo amount among Its members during the past year , tlio canvassers will no doubt meet with u warm wolcomc , especially with the iccoul the Oimiha lire brigade can snow. For the Jlrst twelve daj s of Tebi uaiy they have been called out twenty one times. Sectircit II IN Creditor * . Jaacob E. Trolel , dealer in hardware and hoxiBO furnishing goods at STO'J Loavonworth street gave chattel mortgagcson | his stock and fixtures to his creditors who took possession at 11 a. m. .yesterday. The principal Oinalin firms interested are Douglas County bank , $1,000 ; J. J. HunniB.in , pluinhor , SSUI.2S ; L. C. Cuawold , $ ' 300 ; Montgomery & Jeffreys , Trolol has been in trouble for some time , but It was hoped ho would pull through , but poor collections prevented this and he seemed his creditors with all ho hud. DcNt motion ol' A telegram bus been received in this city from HulTulo , to tha effect that Mai- vlu Sidenburg , the representative of the Merz Extractor company , would reach heio to-day. This company is walking under an Australian patent which enables them successfully to accomplish the decomposi tion of gnibago without the creating of any odors. This company is now successfully working a largo plant In Buffalo anil it Is their intention to erect n similar one hero on icolr own responsibility , charging n certain reasonable late for the amount of garbage decomposed. Mr. Sidenbuig will call upon the bounl of health npun his arrival nnd luy his plans and the natuio of lib patent befoio thorn. Illu'li In the Interest of our thcntor-goors wo give the text of a hill recently Introduced in thn Nevada Icglslatmo. The men Iment and brilliant Hashes of wit , which its discussion in committee of the whole are reported to have evoked , only go to show tlio frivolity of the Nevada Icglslatmo , and its ptononuss to make lU-ht of serious subjects. Following is tha hill ; An act to promote the pleasure of the people ple In public places of amusomont. Bucnov 1. It shall bo unlawful for any spectator lu any pluco of amusement to wear a covering for the head which shall leich morn Uian tliroo Inches abo\o the crown of the head , and any person wearing such a covering for the ho.ul shall bo lined In n sum not loss than ? 3 nor more than $10or impris onment in the county Jail not less than Ino dnvs nor uioro than llyo days- provided , that this net shall not apply to women over tblt ty- live years of age. Sno. 'j This act shall take effect on and nftor t'ebiuary i.5 , 1SVJ. Held For Libel. The ohurgo of criminal llhal preferred Against Mrs. Kanny Uurthnlcinow by Mrs. "Webber , was hoard at the police court yes terday afternoon , and resulted in. Mro , Bar tholomew being hold to the district court in ft WOO bond. Tito uvUciicovnt to bhcvv that MM. Wobberhnd been n llttlo Indiscreet In hercholcnof company , nnd that licr Inis- bnml hail received loiters reciting certain llttlo episodes ot n spicy nature. It nlso Rhowcd thnt Mrs Hurtliolenicw hnil previ ously tnkcn her to task on the subject , nnd lirul asked lior whnt slio would do In c.iso some ono should write the husband nnd toll liltn nil about It , This , in connection xvlth a slinllnrlty In the writing of Mrs. Bartholo mew , nnd the llbclotis letters received , led the Judge to infer that n jury should dccldo the case , nnd ho accordingly gave his decis ion us above. MAKSHAlj HIEKUOWEIl. lie U'lll Ilo IIIn Uwn Successor In Olllfc. .fust now the district of Nebraska is roll- Ini ; nlong with tha United Spates marshal's olllcc empty. Ellis Hlcrbowei's term expired nt llio solemn , ghostly hour of midnight , February 10 , nnd slnuo Pivsldcnt Cleveland saw lit to take no action In the way of sup plying the vacancy , Nebraska lias been ijolng two days without n marshal. It is under stood , however , that Mr. Hlcrbowor will bo his own successor. Where the president falls to net in such cases tlio Cir cuit Justice Miller , of the supreme coin I , t.ikcs nuttois In hiinil , nnd he has nlieudy forwarded tlio papers renppolntin , ? Hlor- bowcr. They nro expected hero tomonow or next day. In the meantime ho c.iu do nothing moio than servo such pipers ns wore in hH hands nt Mio expiration ot his term Now business must , bo looked nftcr nnd nttcmlcd to by the district Judge , who hns the power appoint spoei.il ofllecM nnd order papers served by them. A parallel case to this oc- cttrried xvlth HJorbowoi's immediate prede cessor , Dalli. His term expired. .Instiee Millur ruippointcd him nnd ho continued In ollloo about six months. All of the deputies under Hierbowcr , nlso rotlred to private llfo with tlio end of his four jc.irs In nearly all the ofilciil positions the incumbent continues to hold until his successor ser is ( | u.illlled , Init such is not ttio cnso with the United States mnrshnlshlp. In this the appointment is for four years nnd no longer. Keep the K'no ' t 1'iiic. Impure blood , however generated , h nl- wnjs picscnt in the body when pain is felt ; it spreads nnd fcimcnts wheicx'or n we.ut spot exists. T.xUo Hiuvmi.Tii's PILLS to mike your blood pure nnd expel nil that Is hurtful to the siotem. They are the ono RIcat nnU nnfnll- iiiff remedy. They clcnnso the bowels nnd restore equal circulation throughout the body. They preserve the vigor of youth nnd often save life. Till : liUUjDHItS' EXCHANGE. Steps IloliiH Tiilcon to Rcor nnlzj it for tlio Year. The Builders' exchange , which was organ- bed lito lust fall , is taking steps to icorgjn- i/u for tlio coming season. This nssjuntlon is composed of builders and dealers in build ing material. It will hive u coin men place of meeting at which material will bo ex hibited , nnd in which both dealers , agents and builders , may meet to purchase goods , make contracts and otherwise operate as may inure to the advantage of all the meni- bois. Tlio orgaimntion is the out- giowth of last year's building strike , the aim of the organizers be ing to protect themselves , if possible , ng.ilnst a recurrence ol Mich a disaster. The llrst president elected was Louis Bradford , but ho declined , John F. Coots , beincr elected in his stead. D. J. Collins , of the Nebraska Tile and Pottery company Is vice president. There are seven diieetors , among whom aio John Field , Harry O Kourko , Arthur John son , James Mnrtln nnd Henrv Llvcsey. 'I wo attempts have alicady been made to hold meeting * , but owing to the fact that many of the members wue : out of town , the attempts were not successful. factories , fmoitlon. Harmony. "I will toll you what O iuna needs , " said Mr. H. 13 Cole , "not only needs , but mu-t bavof in orJcr to inaintiin her present rapid growth , and that is factories. Such as boot and shoe , stove , card-board , furniture , and particulai ly n mammoth box factory ; And thunvlicn wo got those desired ma'iufac- tuies wo should p.itrom/c them give Omaha poods the preference In ovary possible case . This , I regret to say , is not done to the ex tent that it should be. Take , for instance , our cigar factories , ot which wo have but two or thieo of any note , omploving perhaps sixty live or seventy men , and we should have at least n do cti factories , cm- ploying fioin live hundred to a thousand men. The reason that wo have such a few cigar factories is very apparent , because , if ono goes into any of our principal cigar stoics nnd asks for an Omaha cigar in almost every instance ho will bo informed that " \\e keeti no Omaha cigais , but we have plenty that are much better. " This is but a , small Item compared with many otheis I could give and is used only ns an illustiation. "The geographic il location of Omaba .should make it the lineal and best manufac turing city in the west. It is true \vo nro getting iv few factories , but not as rapidlj as wo should. "Another highly essential thing to pro- pojly ailvertis' ) the city. This investigation reveals to mo is very pooily done , especially in the east , even as far cast as Chicago If ono explains that Omaha is a city of li,00 ! ( ) inhabitants , and states the number of miles of street railway , the miles and miles of paving , describes some of our new buildings , show the amount of our bank deposits , the stranger would loolc at you In wonder , as if meditating on Just how much of your story to believe. But th it is the kind of city Omaha is , and her grcathpss will speedily Increase when this is once understood nmong the big capitalists of the wealthy east. "Another thing , when any public improve ment is proposed , tha business men of the city should all work together Tor their best Interests , which lies in the promotion of the interests of the city , and not make personal considerations take lirst place and the city's second. In this way , truly , Omalia can bo nmdo the Chicago of the gio.it west. Not Itoniii lull Solid Growth , P , L. Perinc , of the O. P. Davis Keal Es. t.uo company , says : "There Kinou , than a fair prospect for business another year , but not in the sense of a boom , as the term Is generally under stood. 'VVo have advertised a great mtmy diiVorent patent medicines , but have never taken the pains to editorially "piilt" ono. Wo are going to do it now for tlio first time. Chnmlwrlain & Co. , DCS Moiuiih , Iowa , m.inufactnro a cough remedy wnich is absolutely tlio best thing _ wo have over seen. "Wo have used it in our family for the pa t year , and consider it imlisponsibic. Its ef fects are almost instantaneous , and there is no use talking , it is a dead shot on a cough or cold. Wo don't say this for pay , but because we consider Cham berlain's Cough Homody the best made , and wo want the people to know it and use it , Lewis Iowa Indupondont. Following , are thu marriage licenses issued yesterday in the county court by Judge Shields : Naino mid Kf stdonce. Ape. Uoorgo 1C. Sclnntdt , Omaha . S3 Ur.gor tSrliinfdt , Omaha . 'Jl Charles II. Ilcndilrksnn , Oinahii . ' .M Louisa Anderson , Omaha . ly , Itobcrt Ashburn , .South Onmh.i . 'Aj Lucy Davis. South Omaha . W William Dola , Omaha . - | Nellln Brown , Omuhii . is Ilemy Carter , Muscutlno , In . t\4 \ Mis. Surah U'lilto , Council Bluffs . , ' ,7 Wilson XJimner , South Omaha. . . . . . . . ,2) Mary MoUiido , South Ouuhu . , , 'Jl The Western A 'vooato. The Western Advocate , a monthly journal , published in the interest of thoao seeking homos in the west , which , for the pust thirteen years , has been published In Kansas City , Mo. , will bn Issued henceforth from this city , The Advocate Is a handsomely Illimtruted paper , descriptive of tlio btato ol Nebraska. A he.u tv wolcotno is extended to Mr , Camp nnd thu Adv euto. Beeclmnrj , 1'ilU act Hko mac'c ' on a weak i -i. . fir ANOT11EH COMBINATION. The Union rnclflo nml Clilc c > * Alton Form n Tie-Up. The Union Pacific it about to conclude negotiations for another combination , and it Is stated that arrangements Imvo already been completed save as to n few details. In this combination It ties up with the Chicago t Alton , and will have a through train ser vice bcUvccn Cheyenne nnd Chicago in the very near future The plan Is similar to that under which n combination was entered Into between the Union Piiclflo nnd Chicago & Northwestern. The terms of the Alton agreement , it is stated , Is to run through trains between Chicago nnd Choi ennc , via Kansas City nnd Denver. The trains will bo furnished Jointly by both roads An ofll- cial , In spoaidngof the matter , said : "The Union Pnclllc Is now doing about what It should have done years ago Of course , in early days , It had no compftltor In the western circuit , but nt the time the Burlington crossed tbo Missouri It must have been evident to the Union Pacific management that In the Huillngton a dan gerous competitor existed. Had the Union Pacille then cnteied Into a combination with any of the Iowa roads , It would h we been a death blow to the Bui lington road for the reason that by having tluough service the trafllc of the Burlington between Chicago and the Missouri river would have been soil- onsly unpaired Hut it Is too late now to look at the situation in this light. The fact of the mattei Is that by combining with the the Chicaeo it Noithwostorn and the Chicago cage & Alton n largo volume of valuable trulllc Is secured that otbeswlso might revert to the various competitive lines ' ' In other souiccsltis le.uiu'd that should the interstate - state commission institute n uniforn classifi cation , the combine will evidently bo ar- i.mged so as to include the freight ns well ns the passenger trafllc. It Is conceded that the nioto "districts" that c m bo formed in conveying freight under the classification method the gi eater earnings will result. But ns to the second combination of thu Union Pucitle the officials connected with the deal declined to stiito the terms of the deal and even refused to say ainthnig aside from the faet that the terms for such service hid been agreed upon by the Union Pnclllennd the other load mentioned. It is stated that the combination trains will likely be put on via tlic new touto about Match 1. Tlmo on the 11. At M. The Burlington Is prcpirlng for quick ser vice between Chicago and Denver In order to off set the combine of tlio Union Pacific nnd Chicago & Northwestern in that direction. While it now makes the run between thcso two points in fifty-live minutes less time than its competitors , it is preparing to still shorten the time by Improving time consumers at certain points along the line , the piineipil point in this dheUion being the location of water tanks in close proximity to the depots , so that while lo iding and handling baggage nnd passengers the uigineer can eupply his locomotive with water and be icndy to pull out when the cargo is arranged. Jn Omaha n tank is being placed within 100 feet of the passenger depot , and connection with the water main will be made , so that -\\hilo handling tlio baggage the water foi the en gine can bo hutl without uncoupling from the tram. Tills toimtiln will be used for the passenger trains only , and saves fifteen minutes. At other points along the line the same improvement is being inaugurated , and from this souice alone the Burlington antici pates the saving ol about Unco hours be tween Chicago and Denver. It is stated that when tins change is complete some fast time will bo made by overland Burlington Uains. Kor Gi'ner.il 1'nrclinnini ; Ajjoiit. It is state I that in the near future C. II. McKIbben , acting general nurdi-ising agent , will either be appointed to that position or be made assistant general pui-cliising agent. The position is consideio 1 ono of responsibil ity , anil is at present licld by General Trafllc Manager Mellon. The board of direutois of the Union Pacific , it Is stated , lias placed the limit of expendlUiios m connection with the load at S1,20)OOJ ) annually. Per several ycais back the limit has boon over-run m some instances , leaclnng over # 2,00),00l ) ) . In view of this President Adums put at the head of this depirtmcnt C. S. Mellon , now the general tralile man ager. Mr. Mellon , it Is stated , at once started out to remedy the matter , and it is said has outlined a policy that will result in the cxpendituio for the year lbV > falling shoitottho limit by about * 2JO,00 , ( ) Upon being appointed assistant general manager , Mi. Mollen entrusted the depirtmcnt to Mr. McKibbon who , it is stated , has can led out the economical policy of Mr. Mollen so well that the latter has recommended htm for ap pointment to that position , and it is general ly thought that ut an early date tho'appoint- ment will bo made. Welching Iiive Stock Abandoned. The system of weighing ; live stock and billing shipments on the scale of 100 pounds , is no more , in having been abandoned by the various loads ccntciing in Omaha and South Omaha jestcrday. The old system of shipping1 in car-load lots has been re vived. The weighing system has been in existence about ono month , and it U said thatshlppcis wcro becoming accustomed to the new form and began to appreciate it. But as was stated in Tin : BUR sovcr.il d iys ago , the action of the state railway commission in Kansas ordering the weighing syctcm to bo discontinued , would most likely result m its being abandoned hoic , has turned out to bo a fact , and Monday night the St. Joe & Grand Island issue ! an order abolishing the weighing of live stock and to ship D.V car load , which was followed this moiniiig by the Union Pucillc , Burlington and other loads communicating with Omaha. FastcHt Time on Ilocord. The first "orango train" of the season ai rived at 13 o'cloc'c Monday night on the Union Pacific direct from Californa The train was made up of twelve freight cars loaded with oranges and consigned to various points in Minnesota , Dakota , Iowa and Illinois. Some fast wheeling was Indulged In between Ogdcn and Omaha. The distance is 1,033 miles , and the run was made in thiity-cight hours and fifty minutes , which would bo on an average of over twenty-six miles per hour , a rate of speed which railroad men state is somethingextraoidinary for freight trains to make , and especially m tlio winter time. Last summer the inn was made In thirty-two boms , but at this period o the year the trip Just made excels all previous iccoids by several hours. Ice Going /Vliron / I. A largo quantity of ice is being harvested In Omaha , not for local consumption , but for points miles away. At the picsenttimo them mo about one thousand five hundred men cutting ice , and the profiles of the Union Pacific show Unit on an avoingclfiO cars loaded with Ice are shvpjnlrtlout of here each day. A largo perccntart of the ship ments Is destined southward. > llnllrond N A newly designed doublo-Jerrlck wreck ing car was received by the Union Pacific from the Wells-French Car company , of Chicago cage , ycstordny. It is a ponderous piece of machinery , nnd will bu usoO.ln the service on the lines of the Oregon Hallway & Naviga tion company. The west-bound passenger train on the Burlington went out In two sections yes- terbay. Assistant Ooncrnl Manager Dickinson , of tbo Union Piicille , has roturnbd from Chi cago. Ho states that whlio thcio arrange ments for carrying the mulls wbro nmdo sub stnnthilly the same ns appeared In Tin : Ur.r. of Monday. Two cars of merchandise that were con voyed over the Merchants' Dispatch fast freight line from New Yoik to Chlc.igo , and from the latter place to Omaha over the Bur Hngton , arrived hero Just 105 hours after leaving Now York , beating the fast ficignt record by twenty -four hours. Two grout anemia1 * Hood's arilla and impure blood. The latter is utterly defeated hy the peculiar medi cine. One ol'Onmlin'H Popular Voiinc Imdlcs CnpttiK'd Ily I'mllnml. At4'0p ! ! in. icstoiclay Miss Li77lo Belle Dickey , daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. J. J. Dickey , was married to Mr. William Piltc , of Portland , Die. The ccicmony occuired at the homo of the biido's parents , .Mi's Dodge street , nnd was presided over by Rev. Dr. Williams , of St. Barnabas church. Miss Snenis , of this city , and Miss .Ionian , of St. Louis , acted as bridesmaids , The brldu was nttired In a heavy white bilk , with heavy gold trimmings and point luce , and cat riud a bouquet of lilies of tbo valley and white roses. Miss Shears woio a dress of white china silver , tiimmed with silver passamcnteric. Miss Joulan wore a white silk , with Incodrnpeilcs. Both brides maids can led La Fiance roScs. The house was beautifully decorated with lloweis and liopical plants , In honor of the event , and wax candles fiuntshed the light , making the scene n very charming one. I ho wedding was a very quiet one , only lohitUcs : md a few intimate fi lends being picsent. In the evening the imppy couple left for their future homo In Portland. Mr. Pike was foiinerli n lesttlcnt of Omaha , having been an employe in the Union Pacific hcad- qimitors hoie. The biide is a well known and prominent young society lady. Sleepless nights made miserable by that turriblo cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remcd.\ for iou. For b.ilo by Good man Drug Co. Notice. There will bo a mass meeting of the prop- city holders and ttixpijers ot Lowe's , Lmd- saj & \Visu' , and Purmelee's additlons.Pios- PC ( t place nnd Walnut lull , at the ball of the Sixth Wind Non-Puitisan club , Thlity-llftb i and Pianklin sticots , tonight night , for I Hie pnrposa of considering and discussing loj.il improvements , unit other nutters of interest to nil concerned. All aio xvclcome. Come and briiiff jour neighbors. Tlio meet ing has been called by John P. Dalcj , the I pi esidcnt of the club i The club dcsiics to secure tbe opening of i Tbiity-tlind from Cuiiung to Lake , to make i Scwat d passable to Thirtieth , and also to grade Pianklin sticcts. Durrow Ac Are now prepared to fill all orders from their now stock. Temporary location 1107 Ilarney stieot. Droj ) . The committee on paving , after a great deal of consideration of the su bjcct of re pairing paved streets , will send a report to the council suggesting the payment of 8 cents per jard for the keeping in repair of all usplialtuin payed streets. The asph.il- turn company , under its ogi cement with the city , is willing to j keep the sticots it had paved , after the cx- ! piration of the live years' guarantee , in re- j pur at the late of 10 cents par yard. This price , the committee consideicd excessive. There are now. or rather will be aftci the guarantee shall have exnired , 200,000 vauls , which at ID cents per yard would cost SW- 000. At the reduced price , the ex penses would ba over f 20,000. The members of the committee Messis. Bailey , Chaffee and Snyder say that if the Barber Asplial- tuin company is not satisfied to repair for S cents a yaid , they will iccominend the coun cil to advertise for other bids. It is by copying after nature that man gets best results. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic is nature's own remedy , is purely vegetable , can bo taKen by the most delicate. Cures all stomachkidney and liver troubles. 50 con Is. Goodman Drug Co. THE HEAIjI'V M-miC&r. Instruments. I'la < i > ii lljo.irl Dur- ins Y 'stTi-diy. P C Ilimebangh ut nl , trustees , to I ) Gonily , lot V6 , blk 15 , Omaha heights , v d. . . . . . $ 270 11' Hoe and \\ife to 1' Muuun , lot U , ulk 1 , Hudlek park , w il 2.0JO J It .McCnguii nnd wife to i : Olsui , lot 17 , blk I , W'tst Gaining add , d . - , . . . aH J A Doiljjo and wife to J Tohiy , lot " 0 , 1 lodge's add to Sontli Dm ilia , w d . . . . 509 Kobort Major to .1 I VciliH lots It , 4 , J8 nml ) . Uiavet'park , w d 1,500 J 1' Verfes and vffu to W N Verles lots 18 an < 12J , ( IniTflV park , wil 750 J T U'llanlon to I , II Miod rass , lot a. blk : i , Central p irk , w d 2.5CO Nels Amloisonctnl to I llodluail , pt lot.s 2 nnd J , blK IV , Kountze .V HutH'n add , ( load 1 N A Knhn , trnstoo , to C 1" Heed , lots 7 and 8 , lilkl ) . Cruighton heights , w d . 850 I , It Hnodgruss and hunband to K I ! Fiench , lot J. blk. ) , OnU-iil p irk , w d . r > 00 Ten transfers , amounting to 58.W1 ItuiUtint ; fcrinitH. Thofollowing building pjrmlU WJM Issued ypstoidav : B 0. btovonson , ono-story frame barn , T only-ninth and Jiick on . . , $ ] 50 ThomiiH Halt , lep.urs to burnt bain , Twonty-ulghth and Douglas 100 N. Fiiaker , onu-itoiy frame addition to dwelling , Twonty-nlnth and Dupont 100 K. .M , lo ( > co , two-siory frame dwolllng , llmmett , nnar i'Hi'iity-llrHt 4,750 Four pel mils , aggregating ; $0,100 Tuo Men Killed. EAbTBiunv , Pa , , Fob , 12. A loaded coal car dashed down the InclinoatGrow s mines above town yesterday , instantly Killing Kd. M. Baker , a miner , and fatally injuring KobcrtB. Criswell , wolghuiastcr. MUSTANG MEXICAN LINIMENT ol W V/orm / , * > Tattle , Sc * c " . -n. - . * , O ' " t- a 'the ' ' " ! ea Thw 'Mustang" conquers * „ Wakes MAN or BEAST well again ! Tills iiodcr never varies. A nmrol of purity , Btrpiirlh nnd wholoiomi'iiest Aioro ucoiioinlcal than the ordlnun kinds unn innnot bo sold In competition \\1IU tno multltinlof of lou cost. Miortnulcht ilium or plinMilintu liowdBn Sold only In tans. Itoyai Ilaklng l'o\Ml r Co. , 1 1 \ \ all struct , Now Vork. \\liich-woro awarded r/ir/iitflioliifsffiiflfnii / / hvii medlciilluiy nt the Inteiiiatlonnl Exhibition at lirtisseHlmxu pioMd to bo a Ural class remedial agent in nil ( 'atarihs of the organs of losplratlou .mil dlgcs- SO N mmtAJ ASTII.j.rs nro pie- scrlbod by phjslcUns indlMsisos of the lungs nnd chest and asthma. 'Ihulonollt di-ilveil fiom tlii'lrii'o Is nnsiiipas-ed , and even In the most chronic cases they soothe , e.ise , und stimulate. SODKX MlXUItAI. TASTIU.KS arc prcfeia- ble to all simil.ii prvp.ir.itlons , because they aio n naturnl lenicdx , an nnadultcrati d product of tlieypilUKs , i ontalnliiK In an nndlmlnlshed de- of all san.ithe pilnclples of these cpilngs PODKN MINT.llljPASTIhLlIS nre pro- piled e\rlti le'j ' under the pel son il ciipcr\ Is le n and Lontr.il of W. SIOUM'/INU , M. I ) . , 1C. 1C. Sanltaiy Councillor. SODKN MlNiitAI : < I'A TIM.nS nro unc- cjnalled usii nohtnt in ( .u.iglisniul cnt.irilis.cvun In the most clnonic eases. Their success H un- rSOliNrMlN'KUAl. ) : 1'ASTIl.I.r.S are a super- loriemi'dv In uhooplnR cotnh and dlplitlmi lu ; in the foi mer they lessen thu p.uoxyxm oftlm iittnt k , v hllo jn entltiK the latter dl--caM'\\ h cannot take hold in n thioat not directed by catanli. SODKN MINKItAt. I'ASTII.IjVS dcilvo In cleaned viilnti from the fiut of huIng \oiy fa\oi-ible liitlncucu upon Hie orijiim of diges tion. lUFy.jjii ' iii.ivviyj. .v.r ouen * to - . . / . . . . be kept lue\eiy home. All mothers are iccom- mt ndeil to urge theii rhlldien dmliiK the cold CMsun to allow .1 pastille slo ly to melt In their months \ \ lille out on err inds or Kolng to school. bDDlIN .MINUUAIj I'ASTll.HS mo for silent nt niMiilvnlldincKistsiitii'cn box. bhould join .otkcep them , kindly address the bot.i ACLNH Kin am UMJI.II STVTL , Soden Mineral Springs Company ( Limited ) IS Cedar Street , New York. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION W Oviu A Louisiana State Lottery Incorpoiatel by the lejjls'atiire ' In ISR3 , for rMucational uid Charitable purposes , nnd Hs fi.mchlse made a part of the pt osent State Con- Mltutioii , In IBIlt. by an ovei whelming popular otc. Its MAMMOTH DHAWJNijPtakq place Scilil- AnnuallvJuno ( and llprcmhi-r ) nnd its GHAND SINUU : NL'MIIHIt DltAWINOn takoplacelll cncliofthe other ten months of the jeai. and aio till ill an n in public , at the Academy of Music , l ew Ol leans , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , 1'or Integrity of Its Drawings , mid rroinpt I'aj input of J'rI/cs ArrisTHj AS tor.i.o\\s : "We do hereby certify \\oai.per\lKetho nrraiiKemeuts tor all the Monthly and beml-An- nual UiawliiKhof 'J ho Louisiana State Lottery Company , und in person mnnajjo nnd control theliuiulnKs themselves , nnJ that the same aie conducted with honesty , fairness , nnd in Kood faith ton aid all parties , and ne aiithorlyu thecompany to use this rertltleate , nith fac- himiles of our HlBinituros nttached , in its adver tisements " COM M ISSfON IUtS. We. the undersigned Hanks and IJankcrs.uill pavall i'lizc-b dinwii in The Louisiana State potteries which nuij bu presented at our conn- It. M. WA'f.MSI.nV , 1'res. Louisiana Nat. Hank. I'ltniltKI. XNAt'X. I'ros. btiito Nat'l Hint. A. IIALDWIN , i'ru-i. New ( ) ileans Nat'l Itaiilc. CAHIi KOHN. 1'ies. I'nlonNational Hank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , At llio Academy of Music , New Or leans. TH"Hdny. Mnruli 111 , 1HHI ) . CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each. Halve : , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen tieths , $1. . MHTOP , „ , „ , , K orjroj.oois r ) .o3i i'iti/.i : or i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i i'ii'r/.i : cil1 'niuiiiiis . . . . . . . wjloxi ' ' ' ' B I'KI/.lisOP lil.UOOaio . , , . . . ft 1'KIXINOr r > , < kl uro . . . . "ri j'Hi/.isoi' : ioxnr ) , IU ) I'KI/.KSOK WMIare 'M ) I'HI/.iSOK JtfOaro . , . MI.IKIl coo i'iii7isor : 2oj r 10U.IXX ) API'IIOMMXIKIS I'ltl/BS , 100 I'rirenof JVHJaie ,000 ] 001'ii7osof : iiiilnre . . . . IUU J'lizesof KXJiuo . . TMIMINAh rill/lH , ! K I'rizes of JKIO nro t'Kl.JOG VN 1'rUesof 100 uro . , a.nil'ri/os. amoimtliiK to J ori > . 'J IrkcU iliiiw liw Cupltul l'rUe uro nut en- illo.l in tcnnliml | irl/u lirioiiCl ( TiilUTts , or itny fiirllicr Irifiirtnntlna ilcslri' < l , illo k-Hltlj lu llio un Icrnlunwl , clearly stnlliiK jour resliUnte.wltli find' , Coiiiuy. htrucl unit nuinltr MoruruiH I return mall deliver ) will b in hiin.lhy your inciiivliiii an cnvulupu licurliiK your " " ' "b | | ' ( ) M1IPS KiprpM Minify ' Or lorn on New \ork K\tlinni ; In unllimry letter , t'urrcney \ > f Kiilireiis UU our ivptiuoj iVll9'V'1lI.niW 1 A IIAI i inn , Or31. A DAUI'IIIN , ewprluans , I.j. Wu luiii < lun , I ) C Ailtfross ReEiistefeif tellers to > 'J'lmt llio imvincnt of \ ) t U ( , rAllAMKi : 11V KIU11NAIHI.NAI. IIA.NKh Or I uw Orluini , anil . tliu'lkkelXru ulifiied by llio i'roiildtiit til mi IIIHU. union wbo oclmru.riul rlKliU ro rc-t-oiiiilfKl In tno lilnlicst iuru ; thcrcfure , boituro of "II umtntluin "rolsKBffllilAaSll.1lI8SVi1r ! . nmHlli-it - part or | . ' | ol .Ha , fruclloioriVtkket'iSrilJKUHV Unln Blijr ' > " ' 'f ' ; AiiyllilnK In uur immu oncrud lor lc tlinu u llullar U uuwliiillu. SteekPiano tie towtWiM * nctlan und WOOOBR1DOEB SPECIAL SALE. ANDSl'lHMAI , I'Ull iSOS : MKN'STHOU- Hl'HS Mas Mojcr-EstabHshod 186S"AJolph lleyoi ax Meyer roa , SIXTIETH AND TAHXAM STUKETS , Cicucral AprnlN fur STEINWAY , CHICKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARS Slory & Claft and Shoiiinicr-Bell hl'KCIAI. TIIK'LS AMJ ' 1HKMS. yrlte foi Catalojne DAYS. This is a disease \vhich has heretofore Dallied all Medical Science. Welme a ltcmcdynnkno\\n to anvono In tlio Woihl outside of our Company , timl ono that haste to ciuo the mo-it obstinate cases. Ten dix's in recent casss does the ioik. . It Is the old chronlo deep seated cases that xvo solicit. Wo liaxo cuied hundieds who linxo been nbiiuluiied by I'hjsiciaus , nnd pronounced inriirablo. nnd no clmlleiiL'o the \\oild to biln ; ? ns a case tlr.it wo xIII not < nru In less thin l\ty days. Since the history of nii'dtcliio.i true spec-Hie for faxphllls has been sought for but never found until oui IMAGffC fitS .r.OV nnsdtecoxoioil , and xxo iuu instilled in saying It is tlio only Itemedy In the World that will pin- i'lxi'lycure , bor.iu e the latest Jlcdli'ul XX'oiks , published by the best Icnoivn antnoiitlcs , say ibiio was iievi-i u tuio specific before. Uuriciu- edy uillcuio wlfen everything ulso IIIH failed. Why \\aste jour tlmo and money with patent multeities that uoxer had virtue or doctor Ith phxslclans that cannot cm Jim , jou th it li.uo tried ovet ythiim else should corns to us now and got permanent relief , you nexoi carf get it clso- xiht'io. Mnik what wo hay , in this end \oti mu-ttakooui mnedv orNKVLIt reco\er nad you that ha\o been mulcted but a shoittline ' 'lould by all meaiib como lo us now not one In ten of new cases ovei get ptimnnently cured. Many get help and think they are free from the disc ase. but lu one. two ortfuou xeiis aflor It appears again in a more horrible foi m. This is ablooJ Purifier uncl xvill Cure any Sldn or Blood Disease xvhen Cverythiiiff lilhc Fiils. THE COOK REMEDY CO , Jtoom 10 nnd 11 , U. K. National It.inK Oiimlnt. S'cli. J. E McGrew . . , , One of llio Most Snrccsjfnl PECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe cial and Private Diseases , LOSS OF MANHOOD , SS ? SeMial Ortrans , absolutely ( Mircil. PRIVATE DISEASES , aIlcio\M(0br0 , , ; \ , ( , a.c ? nntoLd. CI/IW HI7CAQPQ his treltniniit for wlil'li OMM UIOtAOUOi Klvea llio most bn.uulf ul complexion , mid u perfect. SKln. CONSULTATION FREE : K , Vi : bond Mump for leply , Office Bushman Bloc * , 16th and Uouulau bts. Omaha. State Line. To ( jlnstr < ) u , liclfast , Dublin nnd I.hcrpnol From New York Every TuesJay , Cabin passage H'innd ? VP , riCtoidltiKto location of nil" loom llxi iimloii } IH lo t'ici. Steerage to and fioin Hinopo at l.ouust Hates , AU.sTIN IIAIIIN & ( O . ( IrnM AfiPnlH. 51 llio.ul ay , New Voik. JOHN IIt.iiiCcn : ( ; \Uslun 1 \ AKfiit , Illl Itaniloliili M , ( hkafjo. IIAHUV K MOOHIIS , Asent , Onialia , Hcdiicod Cabin Rutcs to Glngfjow Kx- hlbUion , YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS it JJ BALTIMORE Fresli Raw Oysters , Hulutfiluiiil tmikiilMtli rlt.inllncs'i.V tui by GH , PEARSON & 00 , Baltimore , Md Uhoy are the pu t. Ahk your Umc r from thuin Haiford MEATS FOR , TabSe SOUPS FISH , , GIUYIES , Saucen c'vO , and 'J unor * vurctl , WG ycurft * > | ierlrnrc. An Kiilfi. lluult I'm. l.K.UrMH 111 ! I..H.II , U IUIMbu.l. . Al. , < l.ln.toIII. PEERLESS DYES * ? UX 15 TO 40 PER CENT SavinginCas Guaranteed by using TUB National Automatic Gas-Saving Governor , Secure * n Mcmlv ami uniform acgico ot Illu- munition , rcsultlim from regular pressure ana rnnsiMiuout pi-rfoot roinbustlon of tlio Bases. Insnilim a V re nnd healthful ntinospJicre , nnd ubvlntlim tin- sooty deposits of uncniiMtmod rnrbon upon fiescoeil walls paintings nnu ' " ° ' 'ri"iPo vems tbo dln.iRioeiblo whistling , blow Inn nnd smoking of burnt ra , nnd a\olrta thn frc- ( incnt dixiiKi-r niul cxpon/o of InokMi l-'iobcs . Tlio (5o\rinor ( ( osts the coii'timer 1'HAtTI. CAI I.V NOriUNtt , ni tlio suMng In gas bills iwlieio full capacity of nu-tci li used ) will ic- Imlocostof ( ioM'inoi In < noiy three or four mnntlii' norvlco nnd In huge imlMltigs cyorv MXH dins. tlin-ueininliiK lltOM WMn ) ( W PEii ( . i.N' I' , mutual dIMdendsim the eminent , OVER 10,000 MACHINES IN SERVICE. CJT NOTICE ! „ & $ 'c will nllui'liourdiis-S.nlnp Jlut'liliips io mi } nii'lciupon ( In1 hip-is of unolinlf tin1a"IiiMif immtlilj Sinim. . 1'iactlcil tests nindotu oui olllce. I'nlille In- Agencies aistulmttid In all cities. THE GAS SAVING GUARANTEE CO , , H. K > Corner KJIIi ami 1'ariiam S ( . , OMAHA , NP.I1. I OO So. Clark Ot , Ibe Regular Old-EstaWlsIicd PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is still Treating with the Grtuteit SKILL and SUCCESS - M / * . TT . Cfironic , Nervous and PrivatGDiseases , ' B-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , railing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Tcrrlbla Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the cfTccU Icidmit to early decay nnd peilups Connumptlon or Insanity , treated scienllfically Ly new methods with nevcr-failmc ucce5i SYPHILIS ami all b d Blood and Skin Dis eases permanently cured. Si-KIDNUYnnd URINARYcomphlnlsGleet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all dUeatet of llic Oenllo-Unnary Oigins cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Gleans. < j No experiments. Age andexperlencelm * portant , Consultation free and sacred , Wfaend t cents postnc for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate li < casc $ CB'lhosc contemplaling Marriase semi for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guMc Male and Female , each 15 cents , Loth 25 cents ( stamps ) Consult the old Doctor , A friend ! ) letter or call nny save futun suffer- init and shame , and add Roldcn j eirs to life J9BHoote "Life's ( Secret ! Errors , " socents.tamps ( ) Mcdiclnl and writings sent ever > where , secure from exposure- Hours , 8 to 8. Sundaji 9 to 13. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark. St. . CHICAGO , ILL. OMAHA MEDICALan"SURGICAL INSTITUTE sslh l N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodfiro Sts. Toil THE TIIEAT'IENT Or ALL Appliance ; far Deformities and Truno3. Host iRCilltlcs uppiratus imd romcdloi formicccsi ful troatn'ont of every form of dlsenso rcqulrlnt Medltnl or S irci ul Treiliui-nt FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard an-1 attendance ! best Uoipltnl nccommuila * linns In tUu wont , WHITE Fimnitcui APS on Deformltloinnil llrncri , Trusses , Club Kcet. CurvatJio of tlio biilno , I'llei , Tumor" . Cancer. C tarrli. ronohltl , Inuntatlon. ElectrUlty , l' rnlyslH , KiillaiiaT. KlJnoy. Ulnildcr , Kje , I nr. Skin unit Ulooil.anil nllSurclcnl opcratloni. Diseases of Women a Specialty. , DOOk ON IJISI ASKS O WOUhS UlEl. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKisn A prMM M.ry or PRIVATE BISEASES. All llluoil Dltuaso tuccessfullr trautaJ. bypbllltlo I'olFon ruinovoil from tlio mralu'iu wUliout nu'rcury. New rustorutlvu truatiuiMit lor Ion of Vltftl 1'otrer. Pen-unit tin ibla to VUK U8 inny On treated Nt nonin or corre noudc ncc. All cnmminilc < tmn coutlilcutlal. llcitulnes or Instruments tunt l > y mall ur oxi > rc , tecurcly parked , nn nmrks tu Inillrato conluiili or eni1rr. Ono iieinom'liilervliiw proltrntl. ( nil nn4 ( on'Ullus nr Homl liluory of your IHSC , nil J wo will tend in I'l.Hii ' wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREEI Dpon Private , Hnoclal or Nkr\ou * Il-e e , linp . tency.Hiphllls , Uleot and \arlcotole , wltU cjuealloa list. Amlrtss Omaha Mcdicnl owl tiwriicul Institute , or nil. flluJIalftAiUY , Cor. J3th and Doitgo ata. , OMAHA , NRB. Dli 1' . C. WEST'S Nriiv'K A si > lliuiN MINI i ( jimi.iuti od MiL'Uiir fet llyxKiiht , DI//.l- ness , < oiivuhloiiH , llts. NUIVMMS NmirulKla , | > aili he Nmonvl'tustr.itloiicruisulliy tlunisa otalo ihol ci tolnuto. Wik liilinis , Mcntul lu- ) ; irussloii. Sof'i-nln of thn Ur.iln irsultinifli * In- unity ami 1'iidln ; ; tn uilnnv , do ay and iU nth. I'lonnitiiruOliI lluironnim , l tiw otpo'\er iu'lthi'r , Involtintu ) l < < mi' " nn 1 Spennat- u IKIM ciiusod by o ui uxurtlon of the bratn.KUlf- abnso or ovpilndulii'ii < n. Carh box lontalnn film inuiith'n liu.ttin.'iit if I U ) a box , nrslx bo < ( ii forf i.U'iently ) null pi-ipild onii'c < > lpt < if pilco \VB GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To curu any case. With e.iUi order I o > nived b n for six lmx s , accoinpanlihl With fiW MO will semi the iiurflirnLc oui written ( -trtiiiiti : > n to refund fund thn nuinuy If the treatiiimit dee < not direct acute , duii.iiitt m IbHtii'il only by Coolimm liniKCo. , DmeeHts , Vjlo AiiJiiti , HID i'lunam ktrct.tUiii.ih.i N b. _ Nolriska National U. S. DEPCSITORY , OMAHA , USD. I'nltl Ui Ciijiilnl . 100,000 Surplus . 50,000 I. W , "i MKi. I'lOilllHIlt l < l- li B , IfKKU , Vlf ) I'l.HKll'Ilt A. U. I'ot/Ai.lN , . 'nd Vlcu I'loildcnt. W. 11. S lllldlil.s ( alhler. W , A' . MOKSI. , .loir. H. ( . ' ( H. i. INS , 11. W , VA'JI.J. l.i v. IHH , IthUD , A. H. J'OLWUN lanicli'i ; Ollico THE IRON BANK , Gomel l-'tli and I'm 11:1111 : Bin. ll.inKIni ; IlUhlnu-f } oilurylyi urnfinBo Ua ) IJVl r. orneVUli rlrv.MuBUi tlo IlrlU -rtiM.ocinLlnca. < lii ruulitcltb only ono In the wcrlilKenrratlnM aconttriuoui J-'Uftrfo & Mngnrtfa rrrnl. tclintinc.I'mierful , liuroLIf , 'orubto u < l tftllr . Avoid frauds . , iolHtnnipforpamjilileU . I.TH fllll DlxK 01. HORHE. ( NVEHTOt , IUI MA6ASi : AVE. DR. ALFRED SIIIPMAN , 3hysician and Surgeon 1'J.A'iTU.MOUJJI , NKIWASKA.