'lOT OMAHA DAILY BEE : JtONDAY1 , FEBRUARY 11. 1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under ttin Heart 11 llnr for the ntM insertion. ' ccntl for icli "b- Rpnuent Insert icti , and ll.Wa line per month NtintlvntlFenunt taken for lets tlinnKiccntt lhofr-,1 .nscrtluti Seven words will be counted to the lino- they nitiat run consecutively Mid must bo paid in ADVANCE. All nrtrcrtua- mtliti tntift tie handed lu before li'MI o'cloct p. m . ntnl undrr tin Ircumstanrcs will they betaken taken or ill-rniitin .cd by tvlephnno. I'nrMosntlvm sing In thf-p ix > lumns nnd hav ing iliolr nnnx crsi mf-lrc-siid in cnro of Til r. list xxlTl til'.i'pabk for n chock oonllo ) them to get Ihflr letter * , KS tioi will be delivered oxr pt on prfftditaifnn of rheck. All answers to ndyer- llw menu Miould bo enclosed in envelopes. All itdtertl'cment * In Miesi < olutnni ure. pub lished In both morning nnd c enlng editions of TIIK HKK , circulation of which Bggragntoi nornthan WOO tinprri dally. and elves the art- r rlM ( > rsth 5 turnout. not nnly of ths rltvclrru- Iflttoiiof Tun HKK. bi't til nof Council Ilium , Llnrnln nnil ntlinr rltl nnil towns throughout till tifctliin of 'lie ' country. BRANCHOFF1CES. _ Advertising for UIMO columns wl1lb tfxk n en tli" nbove conditions , ' thn following busi ness hou es , who nro niltlinrl7 'il ixgnnts for THK Dvi fpcfbil tiotlrrs. nn'l will quote the Ramo mten en ran be hail nt the main ofllco. J OIIN XV. IIKLL. Pharmacist. b20 South Tenth Btrfi't c KA' i : Si KDDV , Stationers und Printers , 1U South IGth Mrvot 8 Ti 1 AHN8\\ofaTr i'linriiiacl'iC-'ll"'tum- Inc Ktrcct. .1. Ill UII1.S , Mini mitclst. 621 NoithlCtti ftlftlt _ iTlV i ; I'Altlt. I'hnrmai .st. IWJiH. M.iry'a venue. SITUATIONS WANTED _ Jll \HMACIST imst-clnHsi ileslies" pniittim. Inferences or security nlv on. Ailili tiss 1' 41 llcoollleo. ' " \\r A VI HIMiiiatlou xxltaVonfn hTn'xinir or T uli.ili'gulo hnuso or miv position of trust ; best of uty till fences. Addiesa I'lil HcpolnVe. NTi It * WANTED ? flALE HELP. A ( MINTS xxiintuil Inmriytoxxn nnd iltvln ti o vxt'st fur the llaribn Maud Oiannde Vlio i\tliiKiilslier. : Apply lu P. (1. ( Cinndnll.'J OSotiCi 16th ' . _ H7'i \ \ rAM'KDAgnts In everv c'.tv mid toxxli lu il the xxest to i'll I ho Toy Calliope , tlio great- < nnller on etuth ; send 20ets forKampli' . P ( i , Cratulall.illO South P > Ih st m > " \V A N'l lil ) , V ) men fur Wj oming. Albrlaht'.s il Labor Agency , IIM Farnam st * > 7J II AV -i\perlonceil I : slilpplng clerk , $ JO and Ijonrd. Mrs. Iliogn , : illiS ! t.'tii. " \\rANTIU ! An expel lenced grocery dilx or , VV iiiJS. : iiihHc. ts 'J lT\rAVniI > Clirk in ding , | ) iilnt and xxnll f pnperstoro. ( IHr'atrc. rxperb-ure. ( try oxpecti'd , etc. W. ,1. Wairlck , I'lutUiiioutli.Nol ) . 777 B * \\r.\NTii : > - ( ) men for Washington tcrrl- i' ton ; good xxnpus , steady xxork , long lot ) . AllulBht'H Labor Agowy. 112U I artinni at. at.Wj TlMNTlin-HiitosmtMuto neil fillers' trim- i imiigs on commission In Omaha nud xi est- crn tpiiltoixI I Irst-chi'H lefeiome required. Address ICallmoyer & Co , Cincinnati , O.SJI SJI lt ! "VXrANTi ; ! ) A fexv bright , actlxo young men IT x\ho mo xxlillm : to xxork for Wipe i xxeck. Apply at room 132 , Puxtou block , P. A. ( axlti.L Hi ) It . Wo xxish a few men to sell our 8ALP.HMKN courts by hampla to thoxrhoicsaloiind ret nil trade , LargcstmauufactuioM In o'lr line , lln- close 2 cent btaiup. NX ages fi per day. Peiinan- cut position. No post ils ani.vxored. Money ad- xiinted for xxages , adxeitlslr.g , etc. Centennial Jlau'f'K Co. , Cincinnati. O. 70Vml'.r ' ? WANTI'.l ) Aitlvo man xxlth J0. ! iO cash to t iko mnungltig position in hank doing good liualneHs , with \en high prospect" . Ad dress P. O. Hex 7W , Oninha. Wl-ll' "l ANTED-Agents for MIlxxaril's catyr-eyod T helf-threiiiilng uei'dlo ; presurxos falling sight ; a help lo good .sight ; perfect bonanza lor cnux'asser.s ; sample parkaco lOc. Send lor circulars to headiiuait f3 , Staynor i Co. , Pro- VltloiiC" , H. I. "SS ANTKO Man lo solicit , salary K5 po > month , iniibt deposit Si'i for samples nun glxo bccurlty for money collected. Addios ( JeorgeH. Mine , nil. First National Ilauk build ing , Uma ha , or Wagner blk. , Des Molues , la.KO KO OVS-Ain. lUt Tel. Co.nOI Douglas. t21 II ' \\'ANTKI-Mau to take the agency of our I'V wifes ; Hlzo2U\It'\-S | inches ; weight , ' , IK ) Ibs ; * retnll price J.I5 ; other sizes in piopoitlon. A rare chance and permanent busiueHS. These snfCH meet a demand nuver before biippllod by other Hafotompaules. asa aio not govcruod by the safe pool. Alplno Safe Co. , Cinclnatl. O. " \\TANTi : J Carpenter to build a house nnd > tnlio good burilnoss lot on Saundcrsstieet ns pay. liiujiuvoKUM'lorcoht. 46U % /lrANT15l / ) I.lxomeiuTud womentoougnge lii an easy , pnjiug business at Home. Can work daytimoor cxonlugnnd make WV to B ! per hour ; sure thing ; nample aud complete in- Ftiuctlomi sent for lue. Address. World Mipidy Co. . Hiillaml. Vt. _ 4 411KM * \ \ T ANTED linerffptlc men aim women overv- T > xxhero for a gc-nteol monoj-iiuiking lm l- ness. SiHixvockly prollt guaranteed easier than (00 monthly otnoixxlse. Kvporlenca absolutely linuocoisary. Permanent position and exclnsix'o territoij ussiucd2.M mtuplo free. Write tor particulars. Address , with. sump , Men III M f'g Co . > ( . Chicago. _ WANTUDGood men in evciy locality as dc- tectlxes under our Instructions. Send tm for iinitliulars. Oklahoma sectct borM e , Wichita. Kan. H > 7 f I.1J WANTED--FEMALE HELP. " \\7 ANTKI ) Pii.st-class coat innkor. Applvnt once to 11. L. lohen , r-outh Omaha. Neb A 7A NTI'.l-i2dlulnF"room glrls nud 1 dish V > xxashcr. 1001 N. IGth. KIV12 "VfTANTKTT-lliambTrnialil. 111 ! ) "llcixx-iird HI. \\7ANTKD Nurse ulrl ; good xx gos to right VY party. 212 synth stj tiDi u l7ANTKl--Compjtent cook. Apply at 1721 t Capitol ave. ' . 'in ' II \\rAN'l'ED Pour oxperlPiicnd bindery gills at C. F. Wtdlnoy a , llSlPuruam bt. VAiNTKDAll Intelligent joliug lady to tit- f tend inception room ; must bo good mles- lady. Apjily ( liuud Central g illory , 217 N , 1Mb Ht. IIW- _ " \A7ANTKD Young girl for light benne xx-oi k , TT DIIIIO prefeirod. ( lO-.i S , IHh st. * 1U * GOOD iitiMo girl xvanted at 52) Virginia nxe. bc"t | \\rANTKD-A llrst glil , x\ages $1 per xxrek ; good rofeienco roiiuirod. AdilroiH box ' 3. Omaha , or call at Hooni IS , Continental building , Jiti ! nnd IJiouglas sts , Kil " GUHLfor gcnurnl hoasoxxoik , UUJ C.illK.i" ula ot. m Ut * AY L7.\NTHl-iotid dlulng-room girl nt HttJ ' "glas t. , Callfginla liouso. 22 VV LTANTi ; ! ) A girl for general liousoxx-ork , washing and Ironing. ii2t youth 17th btreet. VVr Mil \\r A NTUU-A lady to solicit , must come xxell TT locouu'iondcd and pay 111) ) for s unities , naliirx till per month. Address ( leorgo S , ( line , fill 11 rut NatioiiRl Hank bnilduir ; , Uiuaha. t > r Wagiiei block , Dei Mollies , la , fi2i OMPKI'KNTgf ? ) for housework. Mrs F. llnll. 1007 WANTED-TP RENT. GKNTLI'.MANand xvifo want tvxo rooms und board In prlvuto family , best of references * 't n. AdtUuss Piil lleo. "Oh ] ! > "Y\rANTKI > To rent cholco 12-room home bo. tt txxceu t'liluago , I'ainnm and 20th strect.s , Avest. Apply jo U. V. Sholc-s , 210 First Nutloual bank. < IW MI8CELLM1EOIIS WANTS. \\rANTI' ! ) 'Iho ladles to ml ] and buy a mat - > t chliiu for cash or time. Olllco 11' ) N , Iktn fct. 'JhoNow-JlonioHowlus Machine Co. Mr U WANTKD-P.x-crybody to knoxv that 1 naxe lomoxed my oillce to rtxuns 017 and ni8 1 ( rat .National bank building , x\huio 1 shall bo ii.i-U ! > ril tomestthem. 0. J. fternsdoiIT. Heal 3 Mali- , Loan , Uxchango llroier autl Hoiitul A sent. iu2 \y ANTKO-10 , < J xxomen to use " \VHco ' 11 Fancy Compound 1'llln. " l' iectly g'lfo anil nlxrnys clff 'tuiil. fend for 4c "XVoman's bafaOuaid.Mlco3t Medical Co. , Philadel phia. lltAlU'K ) " \T/'FNTKI Vounu laitieT and cciitlonieu to Y 1 knoxv i hey c.m obtain a thorough and practical knowlodnu of tolojrupliy. tlUlntr thenuflvoa lu a short time for goad paying positions at ilia Electric Tvloxrupn School. Jtoouuiy and ftN Partou lloet , cor. I nth and V ru w kit , ' * T WIPIl to borrow J.VJ3 to il.WX ) on Ant mort- 1 Rti ; ? , ( to < xl 8 # > c'irlty. I ) . 1) Sinmtsn , Un 41. ll rk < ; r nlock. . TYPEWRITING. VALKNTINK'8 Htiorthand ami Typewriting Instltuto , n xv PAX ton building , Omaha. Tmoulv exclusive shorthand ncluwl lu the Mate. Over ona hnndred graduates In good Munitions , 'i he school Is umlur the manage * ment of C. C. Valentine , ofllr lal stanoirraplier of the anl Judicial district of Nobrasica , and Prof. II. H. lloylo < . an exnorli-nco'l ' teacher and vcr- tiitlni reporter. Diy nnd evening sessions. Ptu- dents can enter nt any time , feud for circulars , QTANDxflDMinrtliand S ( TvSoI7 41. ! Sheelny k ' b'o ' k , tomb s standard systems midlist's ltemlngtrm l.xiiexulleiN. CHculnrs free 72.i EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS O MAII \ Kmp. llx-rcau. IIP N. ifith st. KstabT llabpd H years. Most reliable in cltv. t "NJKH. KtuploynieTit Otllconi ; N. IhthsU ANAlilAN liiiiploymont Oil ! -e. Mts. llroci , Jll't S Pith Hetoieuc e Omaha National bank tUtnlt QOAROINO. turiiishwl rooms , gas. bath , furnace heat , 8l.it ) axxeek at KUI N Kth st. FOR RENT-HOUSES. _ _ _ lOirilUNr Vroutii cottage , Wi. < 'aslilor Nfliruska Clothing ( o. ! > I-1P ( ) _ FlOTT U1K. furulihed nlcoly. f i rei't : r > rnutn V.A ln e to biHlness , prli o fJ.s ; references re quliul. ILJi. O > li' . t'ontiTiental Dim ! c. _ Hi ill Ij " "irioit HKNT-t nxun liotisn nnd iTiirii , also two J. or three Inruiahed rooms , liiirulro 8.7 S. ! 2M St. _ 7IH-S' ' ho'is * 0 N Ith st. I/lOlt HLN'I1room at Ij I JL1 loom liouso ut l.'il N - itli , at. i > ll H * _ rpUN mam bilrk boanllnit house , nnxv full of J-boirdorsj blocks nxv of ] O. runt i"4 > , fur- nlturii Jl non monthly payments ; nl--o7 other houses , nil < vntr illy lucntod and furniture for Mill ) . Co-opiuatiiu Land \ Lot Co. , ai'iN _ liith. r | il 11 T Ones-room house , $13. Itniuiro jc J"ia | Ilnuqlos. M * ) . 111OH HKNT Now 10 room lints , all modern JL Improvement ! ! . 1 block from street curs , or 1,1 i.diiiiles xxulk from xx hole-sale center , oulv J-fi per muntli to geol patty. Pearmi , Cole & Holierlsoll , 1110 Ho , Pith t. HH 1711) H HK.VTNice .Vroom house , east , front , JL1 naif bloi.s. of cable cai i. 112 S. i-'slli st. Itonxi house near bigli si noeL Hcut SliCfiT ipllie. ! . P. llarlon , 2nlrt Cnpltolavo. Ulsinl' IDKAl'TII'PL 8-room lions" , gas , city xxnter. Jbath 10nn , hot and cold xxnter , on pnx-etl streets xx Itli street' ar , near a goo 1 HChuul , only $ " "i pur month. Tlie IIOUMI Is uoxv. Apply ut ome. C. P , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bunk. "I/10IS HUNT When you xx ish to rnn ( a house. JL ) store or ollicn e.ill on us. H. K. Cole , loom ti , Continental block. _ MO _ ItP.NT Housp anlbaru.Ilnnsrom place. s , loom 411 Fiiat Nat'l bk blilg. "I7V1H Itl'.NT Broom modern Improxod liottsn X A 1 locality , limit moilmito. Apply M , 1.1. gutter. 10.11 rainnm t. _ fry _ ITIUIt Itr.NT Cottasos , fl room > . 27-V. charles * stand IV.'I So 5th st. lunulie K 21. , Bhfeloy block. _ . _ Mi HUNT Light ( S ) room Hat , modem con- ienios. _ lintilrp [ _ 12SJ Ith st. _ r.ii FOH HUNT Cheap , n and ! i room luniie. IVtl S2l lst st bctxvo'jn tVnter and Dorcas. 1'Oinl ? "lilOlt IIENT 10-ioom house , htenm , pa" , bath , J hot and cold and cistern xxnter , ijood cellar , aud nlcp jaict , * W , .IWH 2 Ith , liupulre.2U7 S 'lUi. IjlOlt ItKN'l ill-room blink liotisos. rent lowl JL ; nro very compli'to. Apply on piomlses. Dr. 1' . Sxx-aitzlandei , L'nUl Capitol ixxe. JAMf-Mf FOlt UiNT : fi-room lioaso on street c.xr line , 1714 N. ISthf-t. . x\lth modern linpiovumcnts , J1K Iniulro 1I- ! Douglas st , ioom2. Ml TTIOIt HUNT ' . ) room bricK , 111 S 2.ith st ; mod- Jem coiixemeui'e.- , ; near cable line. J.x' . ( Jilllltli , r P. lioatlmiartors. Ml FOK Itl'.NT 7-room Hat at 5 S S. 13tn. Inqnlro J.U liiaudeis & f-'ons. M7 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. 1i ( ) HUNT NPXX h furnished rooms for gentle men. 1110 Howard. t'M Hi | | > lKNIMIP.n loomsxvith boardlngood loca- JL/ lion ; modern cuuvenleuce . 22-0 Le-iveu- worth. Wt ! 101- 1 > OOjrxTFirsTox c1 , 47. ! > ( , South 22d bt. J - 'in l' > O l'Li.V ; ? A NT , nicely furnished looms ; most < desiralilii p.ut of eitx7 blocks from lO3t olllco on fable line. 2010 Davenpoit. iija iu < - Ti ; lamilv have several beautiful JL bright f in ntslied rooms for rent xx Itli boartl. Cabli-and horse cais pass the door every mln , ule Illii N 2dth st. Bbj II * 1T1UHN1SI1KI ) loom. 2017 I.eaxouxvortli. JL1 b 7 lit FOH HP.NTTxxo well furnished rooms.singlo or 0:1 : suite , bteam heated. 131J Dougla- , , btl lOf FOIt HUNT Largo Iroutsfurnlshod loom In one of the most deslrablo locations in the city , .suitable for txvo gentlemen. Kmiulto at Itoom 111 , 1'axtou block , 10th and I'arnnm. NICKLV furnished looms. 2105 Douglas st. d70 ! ) f 1" > ( KMS and boaul , 1SU ridcago st. ffua * IjlOHHUNT A desirabni loom for txxo JL1 gentlemen. Steam heat , bath aud isns. Soutli front HPfetMices required. A.C Hay- mor. cornel ICihand Jackson ala. Haidwara store. 8IU-I2 OHO Hainey. Purnlshcd room , fe a mouth. M7-12 * EI.KH ANTLV furnished suit of front looms , with uao of piano , prlxate family , 10"i Park axe. 770 Vlt AVP.MJi : Hooms-At 101.1 and IC.nCapltol ax-o 2 blocks from 1' O , newly furnished , prix'ats boaiOlughouso.plPasantroonis.allcoiiveuleuceo 775 in * " 171011 HUNT 'Jwufuriilbhed rooms , ono larg" JL1 front Foiith room with alcove for two or thieo gentlemenono small room tor ono or two , all conveniences , gratc-H , furnace , utc. Heler- emu ronuired. 22111'uinim m JAHCU front loom , nliely furulsheil.bultublo JforU gentlemen , lv-.i Pnrnam. 711 1/U'HNlSIIUDor unfnrnlshiid room , xxlth gas J and bath , noaul if deslied ' . ' , fill ) a. 'Dili at. , oppu-lto All Saints' churcn. 7117 IJ OH HUNT furnished rooms in flriionig blk , .1. cor , I Jth and Doilge vts liuiuiioof ( ioo It. Daxis. Mlllard hotel billiard loom. .VSI IJ1OH HKXT Nicely furnl'ihed room , with - - ' board If dcslicd , gas , heat raid bath-room , 17U7 Doilge st. fi'Jl FOH HUNT Two desirable looms , HUllable foi Ruiitlomau and xxtfeor two goiitlemon. xxlth board ; lofv'iouces loqulred. Apply PJ.'l DodgnNt. < ? j l ) N'ldlLV furnished looms , steam bpit , gas. bath , etc. , on same lloor , 110 per mouth. 20 > S. 21th , no Hat. 4M rooms , uiso irout and back parlor ; 1'JW ' Douglas si. bit suitable for liouso&ecplng. KZl S Pith. i llOlls > FCHNISIIKD rooms-lMl Davenport jL HENT-Pmnlshed tooms-iaiti fiodgo. rtNISIIUti rooms , 11,1 SUOtli bt.near Dodge , Sn > PS ) * ALAHCH t-outhroom ; also Hinall room nicely fin niaheil , lovely location and ovciy modem convenience.H > 7 louilas. ) ; fioO I rHNISIIKIlHooms-urj Dodge St. , n and 1 uuwardM , l doubla room for light hoiuo- keeping , liuiulio 1IU Douulai ut. , Hoom 2. Tni FORRCNT-ROOSV13 UNFTIRFUSHED. li OH HUfiT Front nud bid : psrlors untur- JL' nlsiicd xnth board , VAU Capitol axo. 811 O KOOMS-Snlt able for houscKeeplnsprlco > 810. lilJ. Pierce nt. f 3 1310H HUNT Suitable for housekeeping. J. niiitos of from 2 to 4 looms in all pnrts of the city , at lowest lutes liujiiUo Hulls Hunt ing Agency lDOi Karnaiiist _ Wf ! f lo ; FOlTltKNT-l'lat of 4 moms unTurnUhed. vultabU for Iiousckecplu ? . Modern 1m- jirovomuuts. 1'rlcotlii. ITUl Webater St. 7 1 RENT- STORES AND OFFICES. 1710It HUNT-Dc-stk room , leal estate man or JL ? money loouer preferroJ. BIO North ICtli si. MOD * OR HUNT-Two storw. SJI , und 6SI North Kth ( t. lU'iutro at tlii ) building , Henry Oithoff. Wl _ Tr.OH lIKKT-OlUco aultot. a month , S slnglo J ? ollkcsllocacli , all fronting I lit li Bt. Hush , nan block , n. e. cor , lUtb and Douglas , W. M , llushwar , Ull Le vt > nnortU , 63 } " 13 HICK cloro room Vx Hh batomcnt , nil modern Improvements , splendid location for foei More or hardxMlre- . stoves etc. , being In the h < art of th * uioU deMra-b1pre ldcncp port Ion o therlty. t'H7 1'flrk avt % Tnos. P. llnll , 311TAX ton block- . 6. * ) _ BAKKItY for rent nt HOI I'ark ave. Tills li n brick store room and basement , Including ox-pns , cotintsr * . shoxvcaso. Ptc , lu the most do- PltaHo residence fomii.uulty In thscltvs xxnter few pr , nnd gas connect ions. Thos. f. Hall , ,11 1'nxton blocR. 5-17 i : 1117 Dodge st. Inonlrc nt A. II. Ilti O beruiau , Jeweler , IJtli and Douglas sts. " 131011 HUNT" A few odlro rooms loft for J rental. Also a i > h Ilirhtod room on Mconi ! lloor , lOx'K in Hamgo bulMlDg. 101 FOR REHT-fVIISCEU.ANF.OU5. 1OI ( HKNTllascment. . silitible fnr a plum Jbcr or barber , ror 1 Kit ati 1 .lacks > n SH. " 20 "IJ'OH ' IMINr Part of llctnls b id'i.- . -L lice llemls Omaha Hag Co. , on xl.uluct. O'JS PJ o IMvf"-\ : xxar.-'hnuss xxlth high IwnT - uiont , i cntrally located on ideppiident track from xvtil.h . cars ran ba unloaded and 1 mdet Into and from bull ling Immodlato possession. from Jl. Iluivoll , 217 S. llth st , Omana. Mi " " OH Il'.NTHood Douulasst. -ll RENTAL AGENCIES. O\\NDHSnf liousot , store ? , Hats orbvsttipss blocks whuxxlsb the same reutod and prop crly i-arcil for should lUt with ii . 1'ai ilos wh \ Imitoront xMH llml our list complete. A. I' TuUey. Hill's block. 1.1111 aud Douglas. M7 riAMl'IIIILL \ TALIIOT , room 3SI. llaiugo Vbuilding. . Cl'Jiiil ' GPO. . ! . I'nul House * , etc. , to rout. Hents colic-clod , MiXl Parnaiil st. G'J ' ! _ r'P.o. J. I'APU TKO Pal-nam st. , houses V stoics , ok1..for rent. T > iS 1 lSTjoiirlmitvc , Huts , stores , etc. xvifh ( I J J.I , Stomsiloril. rooms Hi ; and JIIH I'lrst Na tinnal batik btilldlucr. Spe'lal titteiitlon given toitullug ixndiont3iolloaod Kii \\ri ! glx o spo lal nttcnlloti to renting nud col IT li'ctiiijjients.list xslth us. II. K. Cole , loom nContiuonral block. fkJi II'YOl * vant jourliousm routed place them wltn Ilenaxva i. . 15th , oppoalte poatotllre. Oil rplll ! renting season Is here ! bring on your J- houses ; 1 haxo the customers. J. II. 1'ar- rotte. Ill * Chicago. 4 < Wf2s NIISCETLANEOUS. } em Y'DS tllrt wanted. 2'ith oiiil Douglas. iHutchlusim 4 Weail , I5.M Dodc-o st. b'l 11 IJ AVI ! you n liouso nnd lot you xvlsh to sell ? 1 JL ir so. please send full particulars lofieorgo J. torusilorir. looms , ! 17 \ fllS first Natlomil Hank Ilulldliig. xxho xxlll Ilnd you a purchaser. Telephone , Ibl. Ml BIDS xxnntuil for all kinits of material ami xxoik nt 0 city houses of U looms each. XX' J. Paul. 1GUJ Parnam 8i2 AI'IIYSICIAN of this city can accommodate a fexx pitlonts at his homo. Address Doctor , 1 . ' ,2 , lleo ollleo. 711 1MJ JKOAL papers carefully tlrawn and ucKuowl- Jodgod by ( ! . , ! . Stcrnsdoilf , rooms ill" iiudJIlS PliRt National bank building. iki2 taught as an art by Goo. ! ' Oel- JL lenboek , a , ' 1 tf. lUtli st. filS HOHSK or team mules xxMiitod to imply as llrst payment on house and lot , or re-ldouco lot , biluuco monilily payments. Write or call oubelb.x. I5J1 fnriuin fill IPYOUxxauttobuj , sell , rout or exchange , t-ill on -iildross , < ! . ,1. Sturnsdortl , rooms ; i7 and 3\H \ Piist. National bxnU building. BU J. STKHNSDOHPf. real estate loans nnd .rental agent , has removed from room fi. opp. 1' O , to looms SI. and IM , Klrst National bank building , xUteio no xxlll bo glad to moot nil his old frluuds aud many new ones. LV > J PERSONAL. r.\ DIKSjoln ; gentlumnu join ; addres- % with Jstamp. Western Conespondeuco club. Coun cil Illulls , lo\xa. 0701) ) ' G.l. STiKXSnOHPl' : HoU itato : ad Kxchaiiire Ilroker. h.n remox-od to Kooms 17 nud . ! lu , first National bank building ( j"2 "IT'LKOANT ' life sl/.o crayon poitraits free of Jli cnargo for short tlmn as an ail from photo- giaiihsbtouglit to the Vandyke Portrait btudlo , MU i'lercu. nv.-M-llth ; poitialts also in pastel. 71 > y f 14J CLAIRVOYANT ATI ! YNCK .MiDMTM.-Miiio. : Sandnll , the young Sxxede , tells full names otculleis ana the lull name of your future husband or xxife. xxith date of manla e , and tells whether the OUB you lava 1 tiun or.ilse. . Not a fortune teller , but n young spirit modlum. .Minluiuj coes inton perfei llv dead trance , XVliI bring back tliu paited husband or lover , no matter if they bo IUW miles away ; xMll guaiunten to Fettle family iiuanels- can also causa speedy marilttges ; glx-cs 1m ky uumbL'r.s In lottery. I'arlor room I , up stairs , 40b North Sixteontll street , tliiid lloor. HI ! ! ) ATTHNTION-Madamo Wellington can bo consulted dally ou all altalr > of life ; best test medium m the xxoilil ; lorato < dlseiuos aud cures them xvith messigo aud alcoliol baths , Call andinx'estlgatoparlor ; < ; , I17t-outn P.leventh htioct , up stairs. Consultation on Sundays , ' DH. NANNIfi V. Wairen. clairvoyant. Modi- c il and business medium , female disease ] a specialty. Ill ) N 16th st. , rooms 2 and J. rn "I71OHTIJNK leller Mis. Lenorman can ba con- -L siilttid on all nlTalrs of life. Satlsfaotloa gimrauteed. No. 318 N Idth at ! " f n FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. IjlOH HHNT or Sale Purnitnre of 12 loom -L house ; the house foi lent ; liiquiie 171s Cnss stieet. , IL'l-l , ' 71OH SALK A phnetona'udlnlr'pyotinsrhorse , - woven x-oars old , a gentle family liornu ; cheap. D. l.'f hornton , 121 N 1.1th htreet. Tele. phone 43U. U13 11 IJIOH SALE A fexvimchlnes that are slightly JL damaged in shipping , but are x\airaut d good and cheap for cimli. Olllcu Hi N. llltli St. , the HoiueSexxiug Macliliio Co. 8SO II ITIOH SAM ! Pony , bat ness and cart , ctioap. K Sill Chillies st. Ml lit "ITVlltSALiHestauraut : at > om oxvn price JL ? H 14 , lice ollice. t'l.'j 1OH SALK-l'nll pauot , grand talker. 800 S linlist. moms. wn o "IJIOH SALU-Prcsh lull ! : coxx-ii. 2llJCummlng Jat fc2l * xxlll buv the f multure of a 11-ioom house. , $000 liom I' . O. . liouso tents for St'i ] ior month , M'JU ca.sh. Addieas 1'67 , HOB. 7iit ) 12' "IjlOH SALU-On terms to Htlit , tha neat cottage , -I ; 2Aii Charles at. TulephonosiT , or W , T. t-ea- man , Oinaha'H largest x'arloty bitgglei , WSCOIIH , . , c.iht aide IGtU ht. , north of Nicholas st. 4V ! RAI.1J Purnltm oof a 0 room housa and house tor lent , .1 blks fiom I' . O. H. ao , Chamborof Commurce. 2-54 f 2 > jf " 1 710IISA .I3 Omalu'a largest variety Jut x ery loxv pri'-e.s nt Snaman's , east side , Mtli Bt. , north of Nicholas. Ibo- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. O A Abstractcompanx' . I&19 Parnam at Most completti aud carefully prepared sot of abstract boons and pints of all leal property m the city of Omaha aud Douglas county. 170 MIDLAND Uuarantea & Trust Co. , IVtt Par- mini , Cnmmntauh tratts furnlnhod & tltlo.s to real estate oxanilnod.poifoctod i. guaranteed * - HID A HS > TK.\ < T3Huiihaii k .Mahohoy , room 1'axton block. M5 STORAGE. QTOHAflE-At loxv rates at lU'l larniuu st V ) Omaha Auctions .Storaao t'-o. M7 rpHACKAGK. Htoragf. lowest rates. wTil Hushmaii , Ull Lcavoinvortli , CIS WANTED TO BUY. uy hoiMosand lots laiiKbn ; front tljm to t.'O.OJil. ; 'ioperty oxxiiora , please HCIII ! mo a full deacnp- tlon ot xxliut you hax-c forale. U , J. Strum- lorn , rooms fin A. Jid PlHt National Hank lulldlnc. Telephone , wi. M5. _ WANTUH A coort rosldouce lot on suitable terms xvoat of 21th bet. Cumlni ; and Lciiv- enxxoitli Curtis & SacUtt. room Uv P. \\7ANTED riiiullurc , carpets , stox-ea nnd honbchold poods of all kind ? . OmnUa Auc- Ion \ Storage Oo. , 11-1 Parnam. M3 _ "tXTANTKU To buy coed coin mervlal paper , V > it. o , Patterson. Jls s istti st. W WANTED To buy uood commercial paper. Jt. C. Patterson , fllS S Ifltli M. _ j.-j \X7ANTKD-To Duy old silk li ts lilt ) Uwlga > > t. t-a v is * MONHV 10 loiin on cbkttels by U , K.Johruou y& Puctou blort. KI9F P\O you vrant to tt | < 5rrow money ? " Jjfo. O. J. Stornstlorl. ( rooms 317 and .flit , First Nnlttvial bank Trtjlldltw. xxlll loan you any amount from Kt.nn to tJO.CWO , on im proved or unimproved Omsha property I/OXT- e rates of Inivrost. Noimieces ar } delay , Improrad central lni ltlMS proiiortj1 loans B T tn' " - speil lty. Iephone addition. Hl'inbalY.'chamir.VilynVi.T niteii States National bank building , l0j Fnrnam st. 2" ! ( ksi 15 rpllK Central I an & Trust Co. , No , 1P.I1 Par- L nnmst. xxlll nnoto nmnitally loxx rntoson choice cttv loans lu onviba or Council HlulTJ , C. A. Starr , manager. CIM-IS 4- < \\T A N TUDnrt classnslde tats. T > lutes , ( all and see tra Mutual Inx-est- ment Co , HI llarker blk , ( ) | th nnd Painam. ( H\ MONKV to loin on Improved real estate bj North\xe tern Mutual Life Insurance Co Lo\xe t latos ; no commissions. Address lloxv aril Kennedy , spoclaljoan agent , Omaha , Nob. 7 \\T-AI.NP1 IIIMr-riiolor loansxvnnled lu this uiUllllon. Klmball , Champ \ Hyan. Vl 13 DO Vof xxnnt money ? Loana made on hotisn- lioltl furniture , piano * , hor-ips. etc. , xslthoiil ib laj nr lemoxal , Persons xxlHiilnea loan of this kind xvlll do xxell toi all nt our iilllio before dealliiRclsexxliiTe ; btnlnoss atrli tlv coutlden ttnl A. E. ( IroiMixvood * Co , Hocm I , Ciinnlni ; bam block , 1'lth and Jarks.m its. Mil M ON IJV advanced for first-class real estate inortsnBi's. CallouJ.lt Kumiy A ( nnom | ao\ First National bank tmltdliiif. iiw 1'23 " \IONKVto loan on furniturehorses , xx'aoin , i' eti. , or ou any npproxrd security , .1. W. Hobblns , H. 200. rfhecly blit. , ith and lloxvard MS JOKOPLK'S Pliunclnl t-xchnnue The fairest , qnk'ti'dt , most liberal money exchange HI tueclt } ; loans made xx It bout delay orpubllcltx- , lu any amount large or ai-ili. : at the lox > eit lull's of Hit'rest , on any availably .sennit ) ; loans may be pild at iiuv tlmo or rouvxed at ot lymal rates O llouscaieii. mcr , UODIII .Vl'i , llarker blk , Pith and Puriiam , H'M ' 111 ( To S 1'1A'I- ( ? ( lir Vnlo"itiq xvaiited In tills mtdltlou. Klmball , Champ & H > ali. J 8M 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ DO VOU xx ant to borrow money ? Head this : It xslil sax-ojoit time. It xvlll save you money. Vou can bonow from II. P. Masters , successor to W. H. Croft , room I , \ \ Ithni'll bid a. Inth and llarnoy sts. * IU , S,1) , ftIO l , J.'iXI.K , $ l.l > JJ. * > , UXl , 110,0) ) ) . lu fiii-t , nuy sMiu you xxnut on turnlturo , pianos , horses , mules , \x IIKOIIH , etc. , on easier terms nnd at lower rates than any other ollice In the city , xxithout publlcltj or renvoxalof liroperty from your possession. If an instalment Is duo on your propnrt v nad you cannot meet It , call and see me. I xxil pay it for you If you hax-o a loan In any oilier ollicc , call and Rotmj" lutes. 1 xxlll take H up aud carry it for you. I mike loans for ono to six months , nnd you can pay n pi.rt at any time , leduciut ? both pi In- clpnl uml Intelost. All loans reuexx-oil at original rates , and no charge forpjpeis. Alt business strictly conlldentlal. Call and see me. Don't forget the number. Itoom I , Wlthiicll lilocl ; . 553 rilO LOAN -A special fund ot ? IO,00 < I In Hums L fiom fup , on uulmiuoved lots In Omaha If not sltmted too far out.Odoll lrotherti.\ ) . ; ii2 f. liith st. < r:3 D UNDP.P. 1'I.ACi : Choice loans wanted In this addition. Klmball , Champ i llyan , C31 15 FIHyTinoitgico loins at low rat-s , anil no delay. D. \ . Slioles , 210 , Phvit National bank. MONP.Vtoloanon Omaha and Soutli Omaha propel ty , also on farms. C. P. Harrison , 40. ) nnd 4U1 Merchants' National bank. 75 K1OPNTP I'LACII-CliHlco loans xvantod In this addition. Klmball , Clump \ , Uvan b-1 15 VTP.llHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. xvlll inalro you a JL\ loan on household goods , horde" , xvagous , land contracts , fluojexvolry 01 securitlesof nnvklud xxithotit puliliutty , at leasounblo rates. Itoom 7 , Hoxvloy block. South Oimiha. Uooms 018-Sli ) I'axtou blK. , Omaha. Neb. SP.K Sholc' ' ! . 210 first Nat'l bant before mak ing your loans. liM \ \ ONI'.V- Loans nogotlatod nt low rates with- J--l out delay , nud purclmso good commercial paper and mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor. J3tli ami I'aruam. 60,1 MONIIV to loan oulinprox- piopertyat llr.st haiidi. No application scut axxay for ap- proxal. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , ! iO < J S. 12th st. Oil M ONKVtoloan. Harris , H. 13. 4 Loan Co. , room 111 , Flist Nat. Hank. OH ) $1,001 , J1.10P. $1,000 , &J0.1. . Special fund to place on cliolcolmpioved property. D. V , Sholes , 210 , Kiiat National bank. r > .10 MONI3V to loan ; casli on hand : no delax" . J. XX'.Squire , 121 ! ) Pain.im St. , I'lrst National bank building. 057 A7"O1T cnn deal direct xvith the Provident Trust 1 Company , room : W Plrst National Hank building , Omaha , if you xxaul a loan on real es tate. Loins on lusido business property es ] > - clally desired. He-present also the old nnd w ell known Now England Loan i : Trust Companx- . PHILADKLl'IIIA Jlortgngo & Trust Co. , cheap eartoni money direct to boiroxxers. Muko building loans. Large or small ; perfect titles : accept loans in tholi wo-.tnru olllco. ( Jeo. W. 1 * . Coatoa , rcprcsentatlx-e , li Hoard Trade. ( ill M ON IJV loaned for .TO , W or 00 days , on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter est ; business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Kariiam st. 5M fONKV to Loin Lowest rates. Loans closed Lpromptly. II. li Cole.lt " .Continental blocic. II.E. . COLII , loan agent. . 217 GI'HH CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W. M. Harris , room 2J , 1-rcnzer block , opp. I' . O. au ; ( JJWiO.OTOtoloanatnporcent. Linahau A , Ma- Phoney , lloom .W ! . I'axton block. 1W ! MONHVtoloaii. O. P. Davis Co , ical estate and loan agents , lVr Parnam st. . " > 'I7 ' LOANS mude tin real estate anil mortgages bought l.oxvis a. Heed .t Co. , 1521 Parnam. CuS MONKV to loan ill laiea sums nt the loxx-pst rates ; no delay. H. C. Patterson. UltiS. liith. ' MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for applica tions for loans In amounts from MO to f ! , - (00 ( ou Improved Omriha or Douglas county teal estate. Pull lufoimatlon as to ratoH. l.ouiis iromnllv closed. ( Jood notes xvlll bo purchased ly us. Call iiiion us , or xx-rlto. The McCngue Inresttnont Co. IM F IHST nnd second mortgages made on city pioporty by I ) 13 , John-uin. Wi I'uxtoujjlk , I/iANS made on improved real estate Jlty.a and d years time : ootional pavments nnd favorable terms and rates. Klmball , Champ A ; Hyan , room u , IT. tJ. Nat. bauk. ! 0 P15 n , K COLE , loan agent. MONP.V to loan on real estate ; no d lay ; mortgages bouitht. 'John ' P. Hammond , room 3111'iixloii uulldliig./ su f.'i * 1CAN imkoa foxv loans on tlrst-clnsi cliattol securities at roisonablo rates , W. K. Potter , oem 10 llarker blk. > 7dJ UILDINO loans. ] > . V. SJioloi. 2W , Plrst Nat'l Ilauk. 3oa DON'T borrow inonoy cm furniture , horse ? xvagous , etc .until you"bavo .S RII i > II. .la cobs , loom ) 10. Kirnt National bank bulldlni ; 'or. IJUiand I'arimm uif ) J l'.Ol'LK'S Pinanclal ITH-clianse Lirgo und hmall loans for long und. abort time , ut low est rates of Interest , ou rpal nutate moiuauo liote.s , chattolhof all kind- ) , ' diamonds , xx-atchi-H mil Jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want lair mid cheap accommodation , O. HouMcareu , ilgr. , loomOU1 ; , lUrker blk. , l.'tlianj Puriiam , BUILDING loans , UnnUan & Mahoney. BUSINESS CHANCES. [ TiOH SALK An established conimlshlou , J- pacKIng , butter and i'gg business , xxltli cold torugo lu connection. Address lack llox 2.'iO , ) maha. Neb. bIJ u _ mo It BALK- HUM to SIO.OOJ will buy anebtab- J- Hulled nud profitable banking business in outheastern Nebraska. AUdrcas , H 12. care of ) maha lleo W13 lit _ [ TiOH HALP llobtniirant centrally located , J-1 easy tcrmn , 117 B. llth st. , Omaha , tttl 11 * 7OH SALK-dood hotel In a town ot l.'JX ) . all - well lurnUhetl , for liulf cuili. balance o n line. Address boi fit I , Albion. Neb. 7sJ lot MliATmarket for sale. paying KMU per month. Frlce II.VJO cash. Aadrots ! 08 IJee. TTOH SAIjK nt Mpor cent of cost , ( not fo J tr d ) . A csncrsl merchandise store MU stoct sitiiMtPil in a Rroxvltig lallruad tovx-n. Has bc t trade of the toxru. Sales 2M > fl l sl yenr Cost of store and stock about * 5.0\W , Attdross I' CO Hoe. 7S.M71 _ TTIOH SA 1,1 : First-class restaurant and naloon JL1 best location In thcclly. Long lease oa propeity Address I'H llec ollice. 74311 FOH SALK A xx-oll cstabllshcil grocery liusl ness In this tlty. Inquire I ) . M. Steele A IV ) . . l.lth and llnrnny. 7 < 4 tu4J " SALK Or exclmmc. ; txvo tliottsixnd tlol Ur stock of drugs. Part cnsn. Also , build Ing If desired. Lock box 20 , Stuart , Neb. 73."i IJ * FOH S A t.HOr tr.idc. A choice uurseiy stock to sell at nlurgnln , or tnvb1 for good Nebraska braska hum. Address , 7. . Wiueriuun , Cret , Neb 001 U' _ _ "ITIOHSALK A nell-o t.\hllshftd , paving pro JL1 dtico commission buslnass , owuei must at tend exclusively to other buslno . Imiulro tiuickof IVaron , Cole A llobjitsoti , 111) S r > tb st. FOR EXCHANGE. TICK lots ( clear ) for persona property , i llutchlnson A.oml Iii2l Dodge st. 871 11 Oi Nil set tlou ( filO acrt-s ) of heax-y timber luiiil - Ill Ilurke c utility , North Cat ollua , clear of Iticmnbraiii'o ; good tltln. Whit lu vo you to oiler" ( ! . J. Sternsdorll , looms ' 117 nnd 3n | , Flr t Natloual bank bnlldin . Telophoue 4 l. Mtt . THA I llousontid tut on ninths ; st. , Patrick's addition , ii .VIMIIK milros ; nome foi KtocK genrtal morclianilHo or stock rlea. W. P. Miles. Plyses , Nt'b. h'ij 11 I Tit A HE I' ) acres in northxxesteriiloxx A , Incutnbr.im o only f lot ) , for clear lot. Ad- tiic-is , n s ( Hoeollico. Klilt \ J' KAViINWOHTlI Sttoet. i Invo n x-ery do- -1 strnljlo pliv e of business property on tills Kticct that tan l > , i tmded fur good faimliig hind not too far fiom omahn and part cash. It inxell renti'd and xxlll pay > ou to lux-ostlgato. (5. ( ,1. Steinstlorn , moms 1(17 ( A Mis I'lrst National Haul : Iliilldlug , 'J'olephoue. 411. Si > 5 rMl'HOVIII ) and ntilmprnrpd prtiportv In the KrnIn ; ? town of I'roslon. In , to truilo for Omaha t-iMi v tati1. O. .1. btcrimlorll. rooms 317 and II" . PlrKt National bank bnlldiiifr. Tul- I'phonu Ifil. MM ( B-IUkotn. Hand county. What liaeou . to olli-r for u peed farm hcrp , .sllglitly t'tu'iimberi'd ? Dakota lands ntu ilslnir in Mil up , anil Its dritlny cannot bo ill- putud \ \ ill tnko vii RJ nt lot or Inipiuveil prop- oitv ami nsHUtui1 imo ImiiiuliriiiKa. 11 , .1. Htfin-dorll , rooms ; I17 and JH | , rirat National bank building Wj.'i ADAMS county , Iowa : plphty ( Si ) ) acres choice limit nc.ir lailnnil ; all fonrud and nailer eultlvatlon ; iloar of inciiin- branco ; want Umalm pioppit ) : house and hit preferred , ( i. .1. bturusilorlf , looms .117 tun ! ills First National bank building. Tulepliotic 101. bfi'i STOCK W.NTiJIoil farm mid caih to OM hnnjfo foijtork of ilrv Roods or ppiiprul mviclianillso. btato 1/u nuii kind of tocK you h.ivi' . C. II , Hales , l'T.indieau ' , J.ik. 8JJ n FAH.MSto p\c1)inie ) for irooiK Krocerlei or Imrdwnro prefurrcd. llox "IB llobron. Nob. 7S.V1I' SKViniAI. merchandise stoi Ks to tinilu for peed Oinnlm pmpprty or clpirarm hinds. ( ! . J. Mi-rnstlorll , looms 017 & U1S I'lrst National bmk building. IVV- tltulirr land In \ \ iscouslii. clear of Inciiin- brance. What h.uo vou to olVorV ( ! ' hturi's- ilorll. looms 1117 A ; ilt , 1'irjt National bank building. ( i(9 ( G10OD fauns , clp.ir ov llKhtly liu-nnibcrpd , for Iniorchiuidlv ! . H\o Htocliiu city prop -rty. II. K. Cole , Uuom U , LontliiontuL , block. G7J "l\7"ANTii : ) To traile for anytlilnpof vnluo , IT .stocks nf poods or real ottitc : peed oil prs made. CuUls ij Suckctt , room U. Mill block aw s. 15th ot. s.i ) 1 1 _ _ TT1OII TUAUr Coiinrll IIUilH and Utunliarcal JC estate for l.uins. borsi's. i ittle or nn'rohan- illsii. Host lots beiwi'i'ti Omali.t and Council Illulls. C. K. MayiuIjth and lliunev. Min 1 ITMIH Til API- ' ) ; now IcMthnrtop biifwlM. at J1IU eaeh ; ii'i llist-class swell-body cutters at fJi i < arli ; W ilopitoM liint y-jnrks at tluppr doz ; MI acres clem tlmbi-r in Minnesota at JIO per ncrp ; Hi niros t'lenrpralrlo hum in Wisconsin nt $ IU ro per note , llqnlty In tliu ontlro lot , Sf.lK.ro. to e\rliaiiKe for t liolco Umaliaproperty orili'.ir Nebraska hind. A JobprliitliiKolliio , on leading business st In Omaha , llh pmsscs , typo. etc. . Ptc. ; in- \on-cs aboutJl. ( IO ; will takofctM to $ lOlW cash ; balance In trmle for land or lots $10,10) ) tn Jlii.O Kiln shares of stock , paylnp 18 percent Olvldund.to oxchanpo forcholcu Omaha property. 2 llve-ioomed cottage ? In Kllby place , . " > n-ft lot each , light inciimbrance , to oschango for Mi- cant building lots. Illioiises on IHh , near Lenvenu orth. Price , 9 jm. Kquity. * JUi ) ) . To trade for vacant lot. "d moi tgngo anil some cash. Ifcilariei clear laud , Thayer Co. , aud cash , for a line rosldence. ilHoroomudcottairi'sonaith. near larnain. equity SJ/jW ) , to trade for tlonr vacant lot. W. II , Oratton , 1121 DoiighnHt. H1L 11 SUVr.HAI. very line residences in ICountzo 1'lacoto tiade.Vimt havi-jou to offerJ. . .l.StcniMlortl , rooms ai" \ J18 , Hist National bank building. HM T710K UXCIIANCilJ Tor deslrablo rpsldenco -E propelty In Omiha. any or all of following : 40 choice Insldo rcsliloiiLo lotlu ill stings. 100 lots In Lincoln. LfilO acios line f.u mini : land. T.inraster county. I Ino residence piopprty. Lincoln. ( iooil rental property , Mntoln. Cnolce fnm-v residence , coiner , Ios Angelas. A neat residence property In llanscom rlace. Also , some good moitgagu notes. Addioss , RIng | location and prlco of prop erty..I. E. II. , care llaum lion Co. , 1317 Leaven- wort Ii. ' " ' \\rHiNyou : lm\e niiything ) or oxchangi ! call on or w'tltous. II. U. Cole , Room D , Conti nental block , r > " LOST. Lost A boy , Ilrt name Flank , about 12 BOV old , broxxn hall , lather curly , blue eyes , face nomoxt h it freckled Wore a light grey coat and vest , xxlth darker gray long pints ; checked shirt and no collar , ami brown round top hat. Information leading to tils ret ox ety will bo liberally roxxnrdi'tl. Address communi cation to Meicurj olllco , .111 S. loth at. UlvlO 3OST llmuhof key , on Ifith and Howard. -i Kinder will retui n same to loom > 1 Ilamije bldir and rocelvo luxxaul. ! MI lit FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. " | j10HSALI'--\cw : 7-room house , \\ollanilcls- JL tpin.fliii ) location , near licit line. I'rlce.W.nGO ; teniH , Slli cimh , balanoo to Hint On Orani .st. Just xx est of iiiuiler , on car line , good 'V-roum lionso and barn. 1'iiee , W.WIJj terms , f\Vl r.iili. or goodrfsl'li'iico lot nt ? ltKX ) as part pn.x. Ames Iteal llstntougoncy , 1197 i'atnun at. IxM-l- TTIOR SAIilI So'ith front lot on Chicago at. , J ? 1'opplPton pnrk : on ( , raiU > , line location , lor S'.liM. teimsH lUtasli. balanru i ID per mouth. on Ilanmy nnd ; > l t ave , corner lot , } J.VH' . nnd Inside lot fiv ? ' . ' . ' 'lU ; turnis oni'-thlrd casli , bal ance t'i hitlt , Amos' Heal llttato Agencv , ivi'i rurnam t. WI-U SAIl-On ! Miami htn-ut. on block from J ia"s , ucxv 9-story S-i oem house , both hot mid cold xx-atar , lot .thl t : ft. , xory tlealiuble homo : [ > iliolrXKi , Will take lu part payment , good ivshlPiiro lot , mortgagn notes , some peed liorsi'H am ) fSO to J ) ,0KJ , in cash. Amos' Iteal Kstato Agency , l."il)7 ) I'liniambt. UJI-I- [ ! J"KJ ilAKl.S llrst payment 0,1 nt'0 0-iooiu 5)notise ) , good loj'itton. II U. Cole room 0 , Continental bloik. S _ Foil SAM- ! Host bargain mi I'nik ave. , now < J room hoiiic , both hot and rold XMiter , lot nxliil , pietnlhpipi'ifcctordff , ' ? ) , ! ' * ' , terms ? ; ,0 c.i li. Ames' Heal IWatii Agency , 1W7 far- mm ht. lKl-ia ) _ rwif.Ij reiolxo ea'c'doIors ! to buy the sw " 2 \\U \ rui't of lot' ' , ( apltol add. to Omaha , up to ' . ' o'clock , Feb. i6. Tltln peifect and Indefuasl- ilo. Allotlewof not lest ttiftii JI.MH. within ! W lays , as first paviuctit111 ho consldeied bonii- liluaud ( onilduntliil. Tlio prlio olfr'rcd.tiniH of aj mcnti mid ratoH of Intel Bit xx 111 all bo con- Hlifcred In di-ti-rmliilng xxluch , If any , oiTc-r I no- cijit. 'Ilils Hives all arlian o to pet u UIIJ > ! > H'-H eton 1'HiiuuiKt. on their o n terms. If the n Ice nuitH. IlroUers must gt Ihelr cuninilxiiinn rom purcliassi . II , I Kmury , rouin J"nro ilock. fc'- ' " ! _ 1710 U SAI.HLea vcuw orth st. , n-iar I'ark ave , , DiixlJJ feet , for Siun per foot , H cash. I'luo roylilonco , location , block from I.eaxenxx'orlli t. , MI Mlii M. , u cornel lot , Mix I in , bouth front , lor i-.W ) . Ulifapppt lot In the lei ality. Tei ms M rash. Amt.s lloal Csiatu agency , I.'AI ? Karnaui ht , I Oit KKNT- New 7 room liousu. all modern J Cunx'ouioiii'i'J , centrally Iiit-atnd , vlll rnt eiy rensonabla lo tenant niuklng good la.uo , i-ronm cottaci ) S 17lh fct , $ r > . H-roora IIOIIKB , : t.'i Howard at. U room Hut 1O ) N ITlh , ultiblo lor li lit liou.soke idtii ! > iK. Apply totlreonA ; xx nil inu l'"irnt X t. bant bldg. Oil _ 1 0 U 8AI.H Cheap-Not for trad * : M 1,70 acres -L ) : uHlSucJ-l.M { ( > j two miles from ilaiquutte. Hamilton county , XebraiKi. I'rani4 ble. line acre * under oed barb-xvlro funce , lotiiid cedar i.oits. t\M > taxllxlng ; watsr , ill- foot channel ; 2 wulU , M-bm rel tauk , coir.il , heir-feeder ; a nnturul utocU rauclt : in a Quocoin 1'iit'efabout 111.60 per acre ) . 16,2V ) CixUidowu . . . IU0) a aiuHi years' tlmo per enut . . . . 3,2'0 Oo und lee * ox er land Address nxruor. V. 1C. Auii.4. VfU Larimer m Douycr , Col. UTO ll SAI.U lljr M. A. Uplon compftnf t invcMment H.i-i'cpra wirt tlonprnl Itenl istnto : Dcnlftrs. i < oulhfast cornpr inth and 1'nrniini , UXJxlM. otith mid ewt front , cornpr l fwo nxo. nnd Dodge stroets. No liner roildotict ! slta In Omntin ; } : . , kvi buys U IliR bargain ; taks it Here Is n good homo at * very rca enable price South front. M foot lot ou Maple street , just east of i-aunders and nuth of Koutitzo place ; ni > wrooin < house , good barn , only tl,6W. Terms to stilt. The best corner In Omaha for flu < > tenements is 2Uh and Dotlgc. Wo luxxo 107x121 there. Hoom for block ot seven houses -il',000 V e think lhl Is sold , however Won't you ti\ko adx'antnge of that corner lu Paddock 1'Is.ro on Sherman ax etiuo ? t\W \ ( less than It In worth xvlll buy It today ; perhaps not , to-morrow. The other ffl feet of the 133 , comer Itltli and Jones , Is sold , Wo otlered It for flJ daxsat $ n. ( * ' . Ills xxorth Js.0i | if n nickel , $1\UO xx 111 buv Itnoxx , If taken soon ; otherwise o\x tier will ndil ono tnoru to thti half dozen blocks going up In the nelghbothood this year. Komil7 I'lncel Kountze Plact1' lllogant luniin In Kountze Place , v rooms , furuafo , bath , hot and cold water , eveiy conxeiilenre , gnod bain , all noxx , uleo. and nobby , ffllVtt ; JI.IXV ) casli. balance I , 2. ; ) anil t } furs. 11 ey V Oh , yes , old croaker , you knoxx a great deal nbout xrhnt Otmilm xxlll be } ou happened to homestead a farm that you roulilu l get am ono to take elf jour hands , and by rliniuo u city xx as built on It , Noxv you nro "IKed , " and a man of great Judgment nnd ability , and vou kuo\x that Omaha leal t < stat > > lotherthnu your o nil held too lilgn. Come oil the penh. Wlint tliMoii hnoxx about the making ot great cities. ' What do joil Ktiow any xxay , except to collect interest ? 41 toet south end Ilith M viaduct , cut tloxxu to grndo , * . ' . Hi If Xou xxmit It nliv cheaper take It ns n KM * ! . We'll pnj for it-curding the ihod. Vou tool axxay jour day of graciMxhen xou don't MM uro sume of ttio baniaini xxo ha\e. They an-like the circus heio totbij.but KOIIO to mot tow ( Xoxx.l It ! feet east front on fl7tli ( paved sliceti , bo- txxeon Hogois' and \ \ tthncll'HolegiintK'stileiicos aud I n mam st , fur Jl.iKio. Wi' ha\e the largest list ami best b.ugnlns lu the city. M. A. I'pton Company. Telephone S.M. SM . . SALK-Cholco line of loslileiico Ints , houses and lots In all loeilltles ; ulso line , cloin grocery stock in pivlug neighborhood ; xx III take residence lot m-.ir 1'nrk uxo. in pav- ment Money to loan on Improved piopeilvat lox\ost rules Abstim ts of tltlo iiiailuiuiil guar anteed. Amos' Heal L'stato Agency , 1M > 7 Pnr- 11,1111 st. inll-U FOH SALK or KTclmngn Improved stock farm of sJ ) acres In o istorn Nobiaskn. near mnrkt't ; nlsonew U room house xxith nil con veniences , lu ileslrnblo rosldnuca portion of Omaha. Audiexx Itevlns. Attorney , li.'and IJ.1 Pa\.ton block , Oiunlia. Neb. 270 < J V > CASH nnd Ml monthly. Including lntoro t , tpbuys nice tl roum liouso nnd lot , x\ oil locatod. 11. K. Cole , room 0 , Uoutlneiit.il block. 21S lrUH8ALK Ou easy terms , < -tv iim noiiso , not JL' and colil xx-ntei. bsth , all modern ImpioxM- ments , nl o largo baru. D. K. Joliusim.r ii pix- lon bliKik UIJFIJ flfWbuys a full lot aud good l-ioom cottage , Peasy terms ami good locution. I ) . V. Hbolm , room 2U > , Firct Nut 1 bank , cor l.Uli uud I'ainalu. fi77 $ l,7i i , half cash xvill buy IBO new farm , 1m- proxod , 1' , miles from Long I'luo , Neb .good house , \\o-t \ water. * l./iMc.ish / for 2 four-roo'ii houses routing for fid per month. , ! resident nnd " btislno-s lota all lu l.onirl'iun , 1,0)1 ) Inhabitants , i ! ohm-elms , bi Irs school bouse , waterworks , i-allroad tllxl- Kiou , good Inrmliu country. Very clioip. must bo sold. .1 s. luvlsson , Cashier , Long I'luo Neb. lMti7 T OITi. block 4 , Dupont IMaco. 8-room lumso in I Jgond repair , f l.'JJ'l. J70J cast ] , bahincu o tsy ; xxlll tukH tumii of lioises asuirt ptymrut. ( > . .1. Steriisdorir , rooms 317 and JIS 1'Iiot Natlou.il bank tmlldlng. < "i'i Tjinit SAl.H filJ acre" , Hamilton < 'o. . Nolil JP lanil , f'l per aero , one-third cash , balancu at Ipercent. ! Atldiess . J. WlldmauDoiner.CoI. "I7IOK S.VfiK Impioxedclear farm of Hi ! ) acres JL ; in Mower county , Mlnnosota , ? W par ai-ro. Owner itesliing In move to O.uah i ; will o\-- chaugo ior H hume hore. C.L' . llairtt > ouMor - cliauts1 Nat'l bank. U- rPIIK best investment n Omaha to-day is x\oll L located act o propel ty. I tan ollc'i lor .sulo for the ne\t thiity days Ilvo t"ii-ncio tractf , closuto tlie tlty and only three to four bhn.cs Irom regular station on llelt Line railroad. ' 1 his hum Is .splendidly located xxllhln tweutv- live minutes ridu of the business venter of Omaha , nnd will mtiKo splonillil homes , or line flilltuiid M'getablo giiitleus , and oai'h tonutios c.in bo plattuil Into lirty choleo lots , that vlli sol ! insiilo of tliitioyf.u s tor lotirortlV"hundred dollars i-.ich 1 can oiler this laud In trnctM of Ilvo to ton acros. at pi Ices nnd teims it xxlll pr.j youtoluxestigate. Hem muer the hnfest nnd Hiiriist Inxestment nmilo liy peoiiln of limited iim.iHs In ( hlcago , St I'aul , Minucaiiolis nnil Kansas City , lias he-en made In xvoll-locateil aciopropeitj , and llmlaigcst prollts in proportion tion to tl.o iimounl Inxuntud have boon leali/ed on tills t nd of an investment. Vou t'tl.o no rlsR , You canhavo a pleasant home , and mip- port your family oil ot a Iho or ton-aero tnict , that xxlll cost you less than an oidlnarv city lot , or the/ bind can be rented , and used ror Irnlt nnd x'egetablo gardim purposes , at tlgures that XMll almost pay for it. Vou escape tin-high city taxes and numorouiiipcclal nsse.ssmentx , on tin Investment of this Kind , and the rapid growth of our city xvlllsoon imiko it double anil treble in value. Call and lot us show you this prop erty , and secure a choice of on P of th best In- xostmcnts now on the market. ( Jrorgn N , Hicks , Heal Kitate Agent , room Id. Harkor block , southwest coiner loth mid l-'aruam. JU 11 SW. cor. In I'laluvmw rf.no casln , Sl.'iX ) . Douglas near 12th. J ft ( W cash ) , $7,011) ) . 8S fi on Douglas Dem Kt'i ( per foot ) , if i-M. Pouth front corner , Orchaid Hill. tM. , llutchlnson & Weatl. ll.'l Dodge st. Ml 11 TfOU SAIiK 7 roomed housoaud full lot , peed JP hiiiioiiniliiigs , o'l a street car Hue , Will take in exchange Nebraska or Kansas farm property xxlth some Incumbranco , or vacant lot In Omaha or South Omaha. Call and Inx-ciitl- gattt now. C. 1' . Harilsou , 10J unit Ml Mor- i hniit. 1 National l nnt . Tfu , JOiri'll OMAHA I hax-on number of good s : In various additions that must ! > < sold at once and can bo bought at piicosthat will suit you. G. .1. Murnsdnrll , rooms Ml" and ills First National Dank building. O.VJ TJ10H BALI ! Or excbango for Oinnhiv prop- JD erty , WJ acios. sultabln for plattluc : xvlll make -UK ) lots.all clear ; big money in It lor soma 0110 who can pimh this ; located just outilrio thn cltyllmltKot Coum il llluirs. Inquire Ooo. J. Stoinsiloitr , looms .HT mid iil4 , 1 nut National bank Imlldlns ' " " ' WANTKD-I4W cash 111 buy ini nci"s good laud. Including comfortably fiirnishod House , near town. If taken xxlthiii : tlayn. Coraoqulck , orxxrlto Addie.ss , ' Opr , " carosta- tloiiagoul. III ? Spring ! , Nob. > ROJ lit VlrAVI3KliY Addition. ThUpropcity adjoins the famous C'ontral PniK aud Moumoiith I'ark iiddltloiis. I liaxo a numbi > r of lots in the iboxo addition tlint can bo sold on terms to suit Hppcinl liiiliiromonts ollerod to thoin x bo xvlll bulitl. It will jiav j nu lo lux estimate U.J. Stnrnsdorir , looms : ) I7 aud Alii Flint National j.m'k nullillng , ' > " ri J. STKltNSDOHPP , rooms ! ! I7.VI1S ; Kirst Vl. National Hank lliilldln ; ; , bus noxcr.il pieces ot line luslUencit mid mildness propoity to tioile. Also several hums near Omaha. Tele phone , 404. Mii 'I710H BALK Or trado-Ni'XV 10-room hoiiHe , -1 } etc. . full lot , Kountzo Place , xvlll sell cheaper or trade for inaldo vacant juoiioity Imiulie Otto hloiubscn , N. W.cor.Cnlilorula nndjuh hts. QoMK of the choicest clear property in tleu- ijxood.Ioxxn. . ( J..I. Sleiiisdorlf , looms .117 and HIS First National 1 auk bull Hug , tv.i ! FOHSALK-Anlcallttloho'.nu on S. IGtU st. , containing I nnms. all lu good rup'xlr , wall , rUtmii , collar , bain , ice. 1'hls pruuariy ca i in noli ! on a sm'ill piyni'iut down , biliueo * ) " > pot mouth. Why pay rent xvhou a gil leu nppm in- nliy Hko tnl.s stares vou lu tha facn' O. ,1 Steinailoi II , rooms JI7 and : ) H , First National bank tmllillng. ! l' 7 AHAHiAIN-0 ( < ! \IOon ! l tS t so.itli of tlio viaduct , xxith email hoiisa and baru. 'IhH pioperty In the market for a short I line only ut thoexlrome low urlro of ll.ZM. This Is t,0)l ) lots than Its actual value. ( ! . .1. .Sternsdorir , rooms ill * aud.'lH 1'li-Jt National bank building. $103 cuaii , balance % .i'i pel month , xvlll buy ir-xv 7-room homo on 2Uh M near Inkn Hi. I'lli o , --Ui C , L , Heltei , room 5 , . w. cor. I itli mm ) < juglas. 17'J mj _ moil 9.TEMts It. Pi and 10 , b'.oiV II , XV < Ht L1 bid ii addition. Tanso Ion ure5lxUi D.U.II , ay x-uiy pretty , and the tlno'j can bo bought forfl.oiM. They are pctually x\orth twlrn that imonnt. ( ! . .1 Htorru > < lnril , Honmi.HT and J18 , 'Irat National banU building. U'n THAVHreal and personal proper ! . ' of nil Kind ) ) foi irjda. Call nud i > oo me. ( ienrgoj. itcriHdorir. I looms ; I17 and aij , Plrst National > ank building. Wi'J nl'81NI5SH pioporty. Capitol axlot f , b'oi k JOL , bet. Heunott block nnd IKth Ht. Talio oiiis trad . Honil oiler to oxviier , John W. Tay- or. 5 Hm lid are. C'lovuUnd , O. ijOKJOr _ fjirnTsATTfJ l'lTo Jlnxvloy house , " North' L' 1'lutto , Nob. , or will trade for good tin- iroreil farm or city property , The house Is urnlshpil and in running ordor. 1'ricii J-.iXI1) ' , ubjuct to unciimbiaiico of $ I'JJ ' Addioss ohn llnwloy , North 1'latte. HliWt DR , ALFRED SHIPMAN , Physician and Surgeon PLA'il'SMOUTH , - NEBRASKA. LETTER LIST. Iil'lofletlan r m\lnin HnMllot fjr In tha oniceforlho wopkpntllm Kcb 7.133. NotA-l'nrtlptcMlln fiir ti ! ( > ij litot | < will s .T"VUflrtMoV' lTlni thod tontl ! 9h9tt of th list , nllniulrotots at ttiii "billo ) ' Djllrerr Window. " TOAVOI.I mUnnkci h TD rourmilUUroMol Ufonr Btrpct mil uumlicr UK.VTI.VMI.NM IlJT A. Atirfihftni nn A Allen K U Aiiilcrvin ( ) An ler'on ' AiuliT nti 11(7) ( ) AmlrMon.1 Atitlorsiin I .1 Arnold " Armstrong V. ArlMicMo XV Austin C II Axou A t. B. Itmior W \ Htriin mrtlCtt 1 HinliM t UihHn i llnilev K llnokii * K Herii tt'ln i : lloll V N lloollol ) 3 noiM'iir Hell A lloll I' lllnlr.l ! Hln.im P Ilimle T 11 iyln \ - 1' Ittiylnnl II11 Itrjmi / llroirn A llriwii P Hnwh XV ( I llrpiiMorr t Ililll.l U UC. C. rsrnt > < I ) O Oilin ! A Hit tnrls.in . A P rnrtlii'iv O CdrtcrJ K t'nrllior , ! 1 Oitrk T I Cm T I'ornMi N | | 4'onppr K INiltiin K C .iii.er K U Col. ' II ) ( 'oilbont .1 f.ililll J t'onniell J O Curler XV > ( c\i * j r CVi.um II IID. D. Hirr.l A Horn ! K 1 > , IT M Diem I HtnkeXV ill Drnktfrt Hex incur It lIlllKUIl J II Pnrl 15 Kmtnl O nmlow O IJrlPksonO i : rr tlt' Kwntn.X It KtirnuiHii K K lU'kiiiioni L KlIglKMU K liilmnll P Krnnsli 1C llvnin XX I * F. P T A Pec r * Po ner A HelfherfJ lritflt < r X L Vri-iicli 11 I , union .1 IVninviiit. AY Voltmitl I' Pllut XV Put I , PrenWli It Pyjon Mr C ( Inrroll A Cllbnore 11 ( Jtivn < ' llll'tllHSil It IllhsoiiColJ A ( Jllioii'le ' ( l It ( Icnenonchl \ ' . liroro I. I.H. H. HoiiMnn.l M llnll XV I , llflrfkMl Hun-lulu I llHrlon XV It llnnitien 1C A IhitmimiM U A Iliuismi II 1 * limn' ) 15 Herbert Mr lll'IMl.TVHl . J limit U llenlor > i llellU r ' 11 cavil V lle.lninrK iit'tiTif1 Iliillimnv IC 11 ml co SS llOMO.I I ) IliitLhlmou U lliuficrlv.lt I. liwlos S Irvln II livliiWH R. IllilrllirA ltrni ! < ) \V lloinr J M' nit it ; Itnlirrls 1C tlo'iMiny IT Huberts.I II ; Itoy Ml ItutlicliilJ U UnpM" in 1'J ' lljl.iiul 11 P llyaii',1 r rS "aniiietion J Snunilor A SonttT T SeiuiT N HMillor 1 hhrilnlli lu .1 Q Mippler J \ ' Hi.iinwii.l W Mlxeniniti U ' Sniltli II K Mnllli i : II Sinllli K 11' Mlll.lkTOOIl N it Hpulnli mnrilO r < pniiil M ' ' ' Sliullcr It I , hliuni XV ) Mi'eiiihi'l'uj MetxurU XV f-leplienson XV J Mlnivoti DrJ tiUm L' 1 brcnssou A 1 ! T. miner n TlllllllHtl J Temploton F Thnrp XV II 'I lionlpinil I L Tlinciiuid Uout A TiKlm .1 Treitr II Trailer K T/lei K II U. U.V. V. ViiUKh G V.W. W. XV.ii l > t'rK C XVncncr A W WMiior A II XVnllatoj S XValllnii XV WohiberK u Wi'11.1 II II XVetl Ul ) XX'lille 1 > XVIiltlllKl'M .1 XXhilltik' Olf XVIiltliiK A XX tieull'r f H Willis A ! Wlil > ker mr VMllirfllxvxv XVI'tuiuH'iro J XVInch 11 11 XVIIILims I I , \XHUnn w \Vllc-s ! It XVIUiivN II Wooilllcl TB Wriner A II \xiifonr Z. /luiiacrnnm TAkers LADIK3 LIST. A. Akers mr t O Anderson inn CAmlor on H A&cliunin inn I ) Allen J Andcmon K AnilersiiiiN Aiitcaliclmcr I ! Adiimn mra 6" B. Iliixtcr I. Itirtlclt mrn II Hock A lloci.er A llol.'n mrs ! ' llnnil uirx M llrltliin inn L II lliiuilitirtiy A HunlitcrT lliiyen nirs 1 * Ilml.'r HUM II llennl inrs B. ItMKiier nirs G lluliun M Ilraia H jluiton II C. , M Turn * C'nttlen li Cirttfi I ! I ) Ciirlnin II C'liusonirflO I'hcckiiiriM ( 'ntilyl * ' < 'Giiinfn3 ) B C'onnellymralj Collins nir < I , Collins mr u CumliiL' U l.'ul.iHcIlmrn TJ UuttiiiK mraLi O. IU ls mrs.I D-XTls u A Dcrker H Di-nnlsO llunalil niinO Dc'l.iluiy m M llnll.irflin ! Iio/ l mrt I. IlnnnoxciiMJ I ) lonn ) Ii 1)0)10 ) III 13 51 A Dei ) er I , KnrlrIC ICclichcrtL lillmuru 1 irkk ; .in . II F. U. lUtcrbjclt mrs II K V. Van IturenruriJ Viiiron V Vtmlona mn U Vlvlau A W. XV.ijnor A XV.illnco II 1C Went I ) xxiduimrsS u WhlUemor * B.Jt WIlKOII il Wloliuun mrn L Woods mra A WooU J Walters rur K Y. founirnirsO Vork o oZ. Z. /.Imiaoruian Q III [ V ) Ml e < ICun .InnMlillrns J II Mathawi/tCa / IxiKiiuU Nvlioii 1121 lUrJorit JW llmrniif ยง 1 nii'l ' li iililnii HI ) HmUli fi Kroula I itiliiKi & ruttor.C'.jiK-ord llarncsi II il ll.irl \ Boa ami Kst lirllrant Afo XV JConpor Oo Uruii flora JTth ( rilHoulli liltlist tljjfuMi llailulon un-t iJiiu t UUck A , Mlukltt Jllton OiHX ) Oiiulu Union ITALIAN I.BTTRIIS. An.olo Clduila VlnconiaMnrncI Dk'laoorao Uo- l. 'rjiii | N'uc i ( lualilliuottu llueitjo. . ) V'laccusa Itslil * luoa V I.ulil rolUlo a V.aALLAUUBU.i'.U.