Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    THff OMAHA DAILY BEE : 8.'lS80
No Advertisements will lie taken foi
tliOKo colmiiiiH nflvr ttJO : ! | > . in.
K CaHli In rulvnnee.
AOvertiRemrntB under inn head 15 etntspe
line for the llrnt Insertion , 7 rents for ich mil :
itnquent Insertion , ml II. ' 0 a line per month
Nomlvct tlM-tncnt token tor Its * tlinn&'icent
tlio Ural .nsertlim. Seven \forcls w tl I be countei
to ( ho line : they nnint run consecutively MII
must be paid in ADV.ANCK. All iulrertl
ments must behnnOcd In before is : ! * ) o'clock p
m. . and under no clrcumntnnccs will they u
tnkcn or discontinued by telephone.
1'arlle * advertising In those columns and Imv
Ing tliclr nnswcre niltlreined In cure of Tim IIBI
will t > leao ask for a ebeck to cn blo them to ge
Ihclr letters , ns none will lx > tlnllvored except 01
TircKctitntlon of chock. All answers to tulrez
tlncincntu MmuM be enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvcrtl.'fnitnts in thes < columns nroput
Halted In both morning find evening edition * o
TIIK HKK , tlie circulation ot which ORRrcgnte
morn than If ,010 papers dally , and elves the nd
TcrUicr * tno benefit , not only of the cltyclrcu
IfUlonof TIIK UKR. hut nt oof Council niuiri
Lincoln nnd other cttle * and towns throughou
tblasectlon of the country.
AilvertlMnR for these column * will be takt i
CD the above conditions , at the following bust
nem houses , who ttre authorised accntu for Tin
JlKKnpcclnl notices , nnd vlll quota the sum
rat on KB rim Lo hnd at the main olllcn.
OIIN W. 1113M * J'hannaclst , KM South Tontl
CltAHKi iiIV : ) ) , Stationers nntl Printers , li :
South Ifith mreot.
II. 1'AUNSWORTH , X'harlimcl tyllBCum
iTfT TTUGHKS. I'harmncUt. ffil North lotl
T > . street.
Gi:0. : W. PA lilt. 1'harmaclHt , UMlSt. Mary' !
TVANTIJU-Hliunllon with Boinu banking 01
TT wholesale house or any position of trust
best of city references. Address I'd llco ofllre
mi ' . ) *
_ _ _ _ _ _
\ \ TANTr.Iinmcdlatisly by a widow lady a :
' yenrsol ngo , t < omo kind of work she cm
earn an honorable living at ; Is a good hoitic
keeper , ncconipllshncl In miiftlc , Is notntrald tt
worn , la more nnxloun for a good homo thar
1'cti llooolllco. 7i > * . > 7 *
"V\7ANTKO Sltiuitlon by lady ns Ktenogra
phcr nnd typan-rltar ; lu or out of the city
Addles * JI. A. L\ , lucK box 81 , MaiUifum. la.
711 10-
_ _ _ _ _
PHAHMAnST ( llrst-clnn-i ) desires position ,
References or security given. Address I1 - | (
llco olllce. OB - , *
"IIMHST-CLASS tiuiior for Hinall town , one
J. ' umlerstnnillnK shop work and rootling.
Write- with recommendations , stating wanes tu
1' (17 ( lleo olllce. 81IP7
Mim permanently to superln-
Tl t nd liram-h of our largo Chicago linn ,
81JMO.IO salary Ilrst year , } Ui0.iid eiiltnnd : hust
references ru'iulred. Address W. J. Itn lo ,
Clarence , In. Sl0-7.i
\\7ANTKD a good men cook.s , $30 and 810 ;
TT nlso , "d and ! ld cooks ; good waller. W.
Mrs. llrega , 3I4M S. IDtii. 7FO 7 >
" \\rANTUn Man and wife on a rnnch. No ol )
Tt jectlon to children. - men to cook for.
Mrs , llrega , 3I4VJ S ICtli. 771) ) 7 *
" 1/VANTKD / Cleric In drug , pnlnt and wall
TT yaperstore. CHvuaKe. experience , salary
expected , otc , W. J. Warrlck , I'liittsmouth.Ncb.
.7' U *
"lATANTi : ! ) A llrstcla.13 cigar salosiimn for
T T city trade. Only experienced mun need
apply. Application must bo accompanied with
rofere nee or will not bo considered. Address I1
01 , lice olllce. 7658
\\T ANTRD-Mcn for railroad work in Wash-
T liigton Territory , at Albright's Inbor
" " " " " * " *
ngciicy. 1120Frtiuamst. 710
Wo wish u few men to soil our
goods by sample to the wholesale and retail
trade. Largest manufacturers In our line. En
close 2-cent stamp. Wages S ! per day. I'm man-
cnt position. No postals answorml. Money ad
vanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial
MuirTg Co. . Cliiciiinatl. O. TUVmlUt
\\7ANTED-Actlvo man with J10.C03 cash to
T take managing position lu bank dolm ?
good business , with very high prospects. Ad-
clrcas P. O. Hex 75B. Omaha. 701-11 *
\\fANTED-Agents for Mitward's calyx-oyed
T T self-threading needle ; preserves failing
Bight ; a help logood sight ; perfect bonanza for
canvassers ; sample package lOc. Sena for
circulars to headquarters , Staynor & Co. , Pro-
Tldonco , It. T. Oi | m2 *
WANTED First-class butter tubmaker.miiit
furnish tools. Apply to JI. Tcrrlor.Suttoii.
Clay Co. , Neb. uj5 8 ?
WANTED Man to solicit , salary $75 po * ,
month , must deposit J25 for samples an11
give security for money collected. Addres
corgo S. Clme , Ml. First National Hank build
ing , Onialia , or Wagner blk. , DCS Moines , In.C20
B OVS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
VT7ANTED Man , to take the agency of our
TT safes ; slzo 28x18x18 Inches ; v/clght500 Ibs ;
retail prlcof 13 ; other sizes In proportion. A
rare chance nnd permanent business. These
safes meet a demand never before supplied by
other safe companies , as wo arc not governed
by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinatl. O.
_ _ _ _ _
ANTE D Curpontorto build a house and
take good bunlnoss lot on Saunders street
ns pay. Enquire 2223 Plurce Bt. _ 45'J
\\f ANTrtU Live men nnd women to enguglTin
T T an easy , paying huninosi at noino. Can
worl : daytlmuor oveiilng nnd makoJOoto $3
per hour ; sure thing ; samiilo and complete In-
etructlons wont for luo. Address , World Supply
Co. . Itiitland. Vt. _ 4lfl-lf--8 >
WA NTED I''iiergetlc moil and women uvorv-
whore for a genteel money-making busi
ness. fin ) weeklyprollt guarauteBd oawier than
| 6i ) monthly otlienvlse. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and nxcluslvo
lerritory nssurod. S2.00 sample free. Write for
particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill M'f'g
Co. . 11.5 ! ) , Chicago. tttitatt-
WANTED Oood men in every locality as de
tectives under our Instructions. Send Defer
for particulars. Uklahomu secret service ,
Wichita , Kan. Hfl f 13J
_ . _ _ _
WANTin : A Klrl for Konornl housework ,
washing and ironliu ; . tj'.l Eolith J7tli street.
M)4 )
"IXT'ANTRU A Itohomlan glvl for housowork.
T > ( Cjoaotith ITthst. . lloniherKQt's. stw 8
\\7ANTKD-Noat industrious ( lornian
T womunas housekeeper , must bo fond of
children , good wages. MM. Iti-ega. ilMii S 13th.
_ _ _ _ _ _
WANTKU Uood girl for jeuoi-alhoiiso\voi-k.
Must ( in peed cook , ( loodwagej. llofor-
arencos loqulred. Mrs. J { . IHenvcr , KM soutli
SBth at , Blft-lU
ANTii-A : competent , girl Ir. tamlly ot
two. Mrs. I ) , ll. wiieelor Jr. , uul Slhst. .
770 H
WANTKO A neat ciri for general house
work , aa So. lUtJi.NK corner. 7V7-b *
"A OOoUelrl lor iouso\vurk. Jlra. llumlvster ,
J-J-Nortlicast corner " 1st and Cam st. 7ia 7
* V\7 ANTKD A lady to solicit , must come well
T rrconiinonded und pay $10 for ampU-s ,
ealary JUj per month. Addros.s UUOI-KD S , cllnv.
Ml 1-li-st National Hank building , Omaha , or
yragaor block , Dc.s Moliiea , la. 631
COW 1'liTHNT Klrl for lioiiHuwurlc. Mrs. Thos.
K Hall. 1007 Sherman avo. uj |
yvarx. Mcut reliable lu cltv.UH
VTIHJ. Employment OlIlco-317 N. ICth st.
J- > C7'J r gat
CANADIAN HimiloymeutOHIec. Mrs. Hreca ,
Jll'-5 ' U 15th. ItelWuce Ouwluv National bank
M3 mlt
> OAUDINU and ruriiUhod rooim , gun. bat ,
Jfuniaco heat , L5U a week at 1323 N 17th 8t.
12 *
_ _ .
V ALE.NTINli'S Sno'rtlumd iiml TyTinwrlting
Inalltute , uew 1'axton building , Omahn.
Tht only cxchislvo horthaad school lu the
Hate. Over ona huudrud graduates In good
eltiuulons. The school is uud or the muuage-
inent of 0. r. Valentine , olllclul stftiiournphcr of
the ; ird Judicial district of Nebraska , and Prof.
II , II. lloyloa , , ui exnorlenoid teacher ami ver
batim reporter. Day nnd evening so.islonu. Stu
dents can enter iu miy time , t > eud for circulars.
STANDAUD Shorthand School. 113 Bheeley
block tt'iu-h-'a ntandard
, syslumi aud nc&
Hflinlnglon lypowftterrt. Circulars free. 7U : !
WA NaDKverybodTto 'know t haTuave
removed my olllce to rooms SIT and UIB
1'lnst Nutlonal bank bulldtnir , wliorv I shall be
ideased to mest them. U. .1. BteruRdorff. lleal
ltftftti > , Ix > an , Hxchangti llrotcr anil Heutut
Agent. tat
_ _ _
EWJ8II to borrow KOQ to n.-soo on llrst morT
gagv. good Bdcurily. D. D. riiu utou. Itoom
13 , iiarktr clock , Oman * . 7UVU
- , ) women to nto "Wlleox's
Fancy Componrid Pills. " Perfectly safe
nnd always effectual. Send for 4c "Woman's
Safe Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. . Philadel
phia. _ IUAI'J'80 _
V\7 ANTED -Some cottages b ullt for rash and
V > real estate. Pain , lnua Farnam at. ? W
i Voting ladles and gentlemen to
know i hey can obtain a thorough and
practical knowledge of telegraphy , lilting
themselvei in n unort time for good paying
positions at the Electric Telegraph School.
lnom < irfift and G21. ' , Parton blocs , cor. 1 fith and
Farnam fits. Mini *
" \\rANTUII-Two nlrely fitrnUhcil or uiifur-
T nlnhed rooms , moilcrn convonloncps , good
location , for gentleman and wife , lleforencoa
exchanged. Address P ( SI lleo olllce. 7P2-8 *
\\TANTUD- fl or 4 unfurnlsncd rooms , cen-
> trnlly located with modern conveniences ,
Miiltablo for housekeeping Address Kahn
Ilros. , stating price nnd location. 771 8
\\7ANTIiD rnfurnlshod rooa with moilorn
> i improvcmonts not morn than 12 squares
from 12ih ana Howard uts. Prlro must ho rea
sonable and lejisa given for a year. Address
room nil S mnst. , Omahn. _ 7ffJ 8t
G ENTLEMAN nnd wlfo want two rooms ami
board lit private family , best of references
Jilresa I'M llco. 15.S 18 *
_ _
sC1 7ANTITl To rent cholco 12-room 'house' bo-
1 tw con Chicago. Faniam and 2rtth streets ,
west. Apily | to D. V. Sholes , 210 Hrst National
bank. M
HEXT Now 10-room Hats , nil modern
Improvl-mcntB , 1 block from' .streot curs , or
15 minutes walk from wholesale CPiittT. only $ fi
per monlh to good party. Fearou , Cole &
KohortKoii , 310 So , 15th st , W
THOU HKNT Iloiiso , Brooms , tfi'iS. SMth , no.xr
-L1 LeavenwortH. Furnace , gas anil hath.
"fillJinn-JNT 4 rooniTTouso nnd ham. also t\vo
-LA orthreo furulshod rooms. Inquire 8i7 H.
Sid 31. 71'1-S- '
TTlUlt HKNT A live roomed rottuirn yw , nnd
J ? furnlluto for sale Call or address 1" > II
California st. 745 11
17UK ) HUNT Nice fi-room house- , east front ,
JL1 half block of cable cars , 112 9. - stli st.
7.11 m 4t
171OK HUNT l-moni houso. 1012 Howard at. ,
-Linear loth. B. Lehman. -717
UOO.M house neiirTTlKli scnool. Hi'liTMoT lt\-
( HiiroJ.4\JlurtonaiIOJjailtolavo. _ (14 sin I *
TrToit HKNT ( room house utaw N 13th st. 0-
JC. ' room house at V.ui N r > th st. ( III 8'
BKAPTII'lTj 8-room house , gas , city water ,
bath room , hot and cold water , on paved
streets with utreet car , near a coo.l school , only
f > 'i per mouth. Tlio hou e is now. Apply at
once. C. K , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bunk.
fig.1 }
FOK Ill-INT AVhen you wish to rnnt a house ,
store or olllcn call on us. II , 1 ! . Cole , room tl.
Continental block. HJ'j '
"I71OH HKNT House and barn.llansrom place.
E Harris , room 411 First Nafl bk bldg.fi27
T71OK HKNT D-room modern Improved house
J-1 A 1 locality. Hunt moderate. Apply M. Kl-
gutter. 10)1 Itarnnm fit. 629
" 1T10H HUNT CottaRoa. r > rooms , S7J-I Charles
L ! st and Ij-'l So 5th st , Tnti'iltd K 212 , Slmcley
block. CT )
_ - HKNT Klght ( ) room Hat , modern roll-
venlencoi. Iuiiilro OUS l.'lthht. BJi
Foil HENT Cheap , n nnd fi room house , IS. ! ! )
S2l8tet betwcou Center and.Dorcns. ItOinlf
" 171OK KKNT 10-room house , steam , Ras , bath ,
JL hot and coin and cistern water , t'ood cellar ,
and nice yard , KU , WJ S Sltli. lno.ulre 07 S2Uh.
1J1UK HUNT ID-room brlob house ) , rent low.
JU are very complete. Apply on promises. lr. )
V. Swirtzlandor , 2tHl ) C'npltol ave. ai\Mt \
POU HKNT A-room house on street car line ,
1711 N. ISthst. , with modern improvements ,
JIB. Inquire 11SJ Douglas st. , room 2. ail
| j"OH ! Iti\T-0-rooni : brlcK , 111 Srith st ; mod-
Jeru ronvonicucL's ; near cable lino. J. W.
Urilllth. IT..I' , lu-adniiartura. Coj
OH HKNT 7-room Hat at BOSS. 13th. Inquire
J. U llrandels it Son-t. H47
FOH HKNT Largalli-ontsfurnl.shed room In
ono of the most desirable locations in the
city , aultaulu for two gentlemen. Ktiiiilre | at
Kooiu 4U , 1'axtoil block , 10th and Farnam.
I7IOK HENT A desirable room for two
Jgcntlemeu. . Steam heat , bath and gas.
South front. Hoferences rocjulred. A. C. Hay-
mer , corner 10th nucl Jackson sts. Hardware
store. 810-12
O110 Hartley. Furnlsliell room , Js a mouth.
* J 817-12 *
TfMjV.OANTLY furnished Biiltof frontrooms ,
Ji wlth use of piano , private family , 1055 Pare
nvo. 770 13'
AVENUE Hooms At 1013 and 1015 Capitol ave
2 blocks from P 0 , newly furnished , privats
boarding house.pleasimt rooms , all couvanioncee
775 1H *
Foil HENT Two furnished rooms , one largo
front south room with alcove for two or
three goutloiuen.oue small room for ono or two ,
all conveniences , prates , furnace , etc. liefer-
cnco required. 2214 Farnam , 7liO
LA11UK front room , ulcoly furnished , suitable
for 2 gentlemen , Ib23 Farnam. 715
TjltTHNISIIED or unfurnished room , with gas
JL1 and bath , uoard If desired , Bl'J ' S2flth st. ,
opposite All Saints' churcn. 737
NICELV furnished' rooms nnd board. 1C.-0
Douglas. 733 10 ?
NICELY furnished rooms. " 103 Douglas st.
870 'Jf
ALAHGE.southroom ; also small room nicely
furnished , lovely lot-atlon and every modern
convenience. 2107 Douglas. two
FDHN.I8HKD rooms for rent , 1701 Capltolnve.
005 7 *
THOi : HENT Furnished rooms In Gruenlgblk ,
JL1 cor. 13th nnd Doilgo sts. Inquire of Oeo. 11.
Da-vis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 533
HENT Nicely furnished room , with
JL ? board if desired , gw , heat and bath-room ,
1707 Dodgest. _ ml
T7KH HENT Two dcmrablo rooms , suitable
-L for gentlemnn ami v.-ifo or two gentlemen ,
with board ; references required. Apply 1321
Dodge St. .183
k NiCELY furnished rooms , steam heat , gas.
i bulb , etc. , on same llcor , flu per mouth. 207
S. 21th. noiiat. 4-j )
"M"lCELYfurulshod rooms , also front and
-L > back parlor ; IWJ Douglas st. Bll
TJOOMSuud board , 1S1' . ' Chlcaitost.
KOOM suitable for houscseeplng. C23 S 15th.
no tm
NICE rooms * l per week at Peaboay house ,
bouthwesi corner 14th uud Jouus Htn.
. 7ti2 f 1W
t > FUHNISlIEDrooms-1811 Davenport st.
POU HKNT Furnished rooms 1810 Hoilce.
FLHN1SHED 1-001113 , 113 S30th st.ncnr Dodge.
23) F ! *
_ _
IjlUHNlSIIEl ) room for gentleman , inquire
K A. Ilospo's , 1513 Douglas. U74 IS
FUIiTfiFlTEDlloiiuis-niTiT To3g st. , ' $3 and
upwards , 1 doublu room for light house-
ioopliii ; , Imiulro 112:1 : Douglas st , , Jtoom 2.
riWO front rooms unfurnished. 310 N 15th.
t C 107
POH llEwT Front and back parlors iintur-
nlslu-J with board , i'JA' ' Capitol .ave.
I7IOH HUNT l-'lat of 4 i-nomn uufurnlsheJ ,
I. Bultahlo for houbekeepln ? . Modern 1m-
) n > vemunt3. rrlcojIH. 17il Websler st. 701
: > 1100MB Suit , nlilo for housoKeeplng price
J10. UU . I'lcrcest. Wi
POll HENT Suitable for liotmekoeping.
8Uite.i of from 2 to 4 rooms in all parts ot
he city , at lowest rut . . Inquire lliitis Kent-
ng Agency , 1501 Farnam st. 057 f ICr
filOH HENT The Ihrco story brick store
M building lutuly occupied by Crap X Stirling
in 15th near Dodge , lllcku , room 40 , llnrker
ilock. 815-10
Poll HENT-Two stores. 621. and 623 North
16th at. Inquire ut tUe bullilln . Henry
Jalhoir. | K
I710H HEN'T-OlllcoHUlte a month , 2ningle
V olilces $15 each , all froutlug 10th st. lliuli-
nun block , n. e. cor. Idth and Uouglas. W. M.
lushmup , 1311 Ijeavenworth. ' 635
13 HICK utoro room with basement , all modurn
IJ improvements , cplemlld location for feed
tore or bird warp , scovcs , etc. , being In the
icart ot the moit desirablerotldoncrt portion of
he city. 1207 Park ave , Tuos. F. I lafl , 311 Pax-
on blocg. 63d
BAIfEHY for rent at I3W Park avo. Thl Is a
brick store room uud liusouiout. Including
ivena , countors. oto , lu the most tin-
liai le roildoiic/i romii.uiilt.v In thu city ; water.
* wnr , ami gas connection * . 'Jlioi. I' . Hall. 311
axtoa block. W7
STOHE 1J17 Dodge fit. Inquire ftt A. n. lit
bennan. jeweler , 13th ami DoiigUs sts.
"fjTOH ItENT-A few offlco roonw left fo
-1 rental. Ale a well lighted room on secom
Iloor , 40x80 , In Hamge biilldlog. _ 1S1
TM P HO V ED IU ncros. near cltyTcxcelcnt gni
J-acnlng. H. Stttrgci < , C Crclghton block. _
7 7 7 ?
17MJU HENTA warehouse with high baio
J. ment , centrally located on ( dependent trac !
from which cars can bo unloaded and loade <
Intoandfrom building. Immediate possession
gam J. Howoll. 217 3. 14th at. Omana. dr.
FOH HENT-Good basement , ' . ' . ' .f-Xl. 151
Douglas st. _ 4ii3
TJIOH HENT-Part of llomls b'ld'g. IncpUrdol
-L1 flee lleuils Omaha Hag Co. , on viaduct.
G' ' . 1-M
KMj it TALHOT , room 321 , Kamc
G EO. J. Paul Hottsoi. etc , , to rout , llent
collected , lOQj Farnam st. Hi2
G EO. J. T AtJU Muo Farnam St. , house !
_ stores tc. ttor rent. OJfi
J 1ST your houses. Hats , stores , etc. , with 0
- . StoriisdorlT , roomi 317 ami MI8 First NH
tlonalbault building. Special attention gtvoi
to rent lug and rents collected . 0.52
\\rE give special attention to routing nnd co
TT Icctlng rents , list with \\t. \ H. E. Cole , 1-001 ;
fi Continental block. 5'PJ
rented place then
wttrt llcnaw.i \ Co. , 15th. opposite postoillcc
rplIE renting season is hire ; bring on vou
A hollies ; I have the customers. J. It. Pat
rotte , lfl Chicago. 4'W ' t23
PHYSICIAN of this city can accommodat
a few pitlcnts at his home. Addros
Doctor. P 52 , lleo olllce. _ 743 1SJ
LEGAL papers carefully drawn nnd ncicnowl
edged by ( ! . J. sternsilortr , rooms 317 andni ,
Mrs ! National bank building. _ jivi
fPIIK banjo taughtns an art by C3eo. F. Oel
JL Icnbeck , 3il s , luthst. 542
H'OHSE or team mules wanted to imply ai
llrst paymcut on house and lot. or ruslileuci
lot , b.ilanco immthly payments. Write or cal
on Selby , 1521 Farnam. r 13
IF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
callon or iddross , (1. J. Sternmlorir. room !
317 ami 318 First Nutlonal bank building. < 52
.1. STEHNSDOHFF. real estate loans imi :
rental agent , has removed from room 0
opp. P. O. , to rooms 317 and ills. First National
Imnk building , where ho will bo glad to meel
nil his old friends and many new ones. r 52
3'JEHSONAL if you want 1st class help , male
- or female- , apply to Mrs. liregiti nor rooms
are always full. : il ( j s 15th. _ [ 807-81
AYOI'NCi dentist wishes to correspond wltli
some nice , good looking vountrilaily , aboul
2) yeais old. P. O. IJox Us , York , Neb.
rADlES Join : gentlemen join : adrtl-oss wltli
Jstamp. WeattrnCortespondeuce club. C'omv
ell mull's. Iowa. . - - , i7 ! U *
T. STEHNSDOHFl'T Heat Estalo ami
Exchancu llrokor. has removed to Hooms
317 and ; iliFIrst National bank building
E LEO ANT life slzo crayon portraits free ot
cliargo forshorttlmBas an ml from photo
graphs brought to the Vandyke Portrait Studio ,
1412 Pierce , near llth ; portraits also lu pastel.
' .7K ) t II ?
OST'-IFetwoen California restaurant , ou iTth
J between Farnam and Douglas , and 10th
nnd llarnoy streets , a pair ot beaver plovos.
Finder will return to llea odlco and be liberally
rewarded. 521 S *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 110 N ICth St. . rooms" and 3. filt
TTjIOHTUNE Teller Mrs. Lonorman can ho con-
JL1 suited on all affairs ot llfo. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No. 313 N 16th at Eti5 f 1,1 *
FOH SALE I-'lrst class barber shop , U chairs !
doing a coed business , flood reasons for
Belling. Call or address 1437 O htreut , Llucolu ,
Neb. 7US-10 *
djCCO will buy the furniture of a 11-room house ,
tp3 blks from P. O. , house rents for J15 per
month , Sl'XJ cash. Address P 57 , Hoe. 7t 12-
T71OH SALE A number ono horse , buggy nnd
-1 } delivery wugou. Call or oddrosa at 1511
California st. _ 7477J
FOK SALE Hopes and ladders. Good chance
for u painter. Very cheap. Call or ad
dress 1511 California st. 740 7J
IJIOH SALE On terms tosult , the noatcottage ,
JJ 2 2tl Charles st. Telephones ! " , or W. T. Sea'
man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wagons ,
frc. , cast side 16th st. , north ot Nicholas st. 453
TJ10H SALE Furniture of a 9-room house and
A ? house for rent , 3 blks from P. O. H. 30 ,
Chamber of Commerce. 231 f 20t
OHSALE Omaha's largest variety of sleighs
ut very low prlces at Seaman's , east side ,
ICth su. north of Nicholas. iso-
OMAHA Abstract company , 151 ! ) Pnrnum st.
Most complete and carefully prepared set
3f abstract books and plats of all real property
in the city of Omaha and Douglas county.
ATIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1503 Far-
iTluam. Complete abstracts furnished & titles
.o real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed
_ _
A11STHACTS Llnahaii & Mahoney , room 500 ,
Paxton block. 645
S TOItA E-At low rates at 1121 taraain St. ,
Omaha Auction & Storage Co. C47
T1HACK.AGE. storage. lowest rates. W. 31.
JL Ilushuian , 1311 Iiuavonworth , 5 13
IS/\NTEI ) To buy n 5or 0 roomed cottage In
T > South Omalui that nan bo moved. C.F.
larrlson. 103 and -1'Jl Merchants' National bank ,
75' ' ) 10
WANTEDFiiruHure , carpets , stoves nnd
household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc-
[ on ft Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. 5IJ
IA7ANTED Tobuy good commercial paper ,
W 11. C. Patterson.3U S 1MU st , 32U
IX7ANTED To buy good commercial paper ,
T V H. C. Patterson. 313 S 15th st. IKU
[ , \TANTED-To tmy old silk hats 1510 Dodge
W st. 832 F K *
\I"ONEY1 Money ! Monoyi In any quantities
'Lon Improvnd or unimproved city property ,
.owuijf. rates ot interest , No delay. < ] . J , Storm.-
onr , rooms 317 & 3IS First National bank build-
ilg I'fU
po LOAN A upocial fund of J10.000 in sums
i. from $500up , ou unimproved lots in Omaha
f not situated too fur om.OJoll llrothors.\- .
12 S. 10th st. ICM
IJEI1HASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
. \ loan ou household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
flno Jowoiry or securities of any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
lloom 7 , Howk-y block , South Omaha.
Itooms Oie-51'J Piixtou LlK. , Omaha , Neb.
3EE Sholes. 210 First Nat'l bank bftforo'mak-
ing your loans , cm
11ONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with.
'Loutdelayand purchase good commercial
apur and mortgage uot s , S. A , Sloman , cor.
ith nnd Furuam. eft )
iTONEY to loan onlraproved propertynt llrst
'lhandri. No application sent away for np-
roval. Becurltyaiid titles examined free of
nargo to borrowers. Lombard Investment
) mpany , : MX ) S. izth st. 551
ifONEYtoloan. Harrl , R. E. ft Loan Co. ,
IIroom 411 , First Nat. Hank. Cpj
iTONUV advanced for llrst-class real estate
U-mortgages , Call on J. II. Kiiony & Oo.Hoom
a , First National bank bulldlns. " 00 F25-
51IILADELPHIA Morlgage & Trust Co. ,
cheap varieru money direct to borrowers.
Bko building loins , Urge or email ; perfect
llus ; accept loans In their western otUce , Ueo.
' . I' . Coates , representative , 13 Hoard Trade.
r HIST mortgage loans at low rates , and no
delay. D. Y. btioles , 210 , First National bank.
65 < i
, f ONE Y to loau ou Omaha and South Omaha
U. property , also on farms. C. F. Harrison ,
3 and 401 Merchants' National bunk. 755
f ONE Y to loan ou furniture , horses , wagons
U-etc. , or on any approved security. J.V
abblns , U. 200 , SUeuly blt.lith and Howard.
I > BOPLF.'S Hnanctftl ttfthftnge-Tlid fairest
quietest , most liberal money exchange li
the city zloan * made without delay or publicity
In any amount large or , egiall. at the lowes
rates of lntero l. on nti ? available security
loans may bo paid at ann time or renewed a
original rates. O. llousciircu , mgr , lloom 68j !
Darker UkJ&tlMi < l V gMn , piv ,
DO Volfwant toTjorrow money ?
HcadtiT | :
It will snvoychi tlmo.
H will save you money.
You can borfonr from
II. F. Mailers ,
auccossor to wi > It. Croft ,
room 4 , Wlthnell bliVc. 15th and Harnay sts.
* 10 , W ) . WX * IO.I , JAW. * V . 51.000. * .5,000 , tlOOJl
In fact , any sum you want on furniture
pianos , horses ninlM. wagons , etc. . on easle
terms niul at lower rates , ihan any other onici
In the city , without puMlcity or removal o
property from your poss'MMon.
If an instalment Is due on your property nm
you cannot meet it , call and coo me. t wll pa ;
it for you. If yon have n loan In any otho
olllce , call and get my rates. 1 will take It ]
nnd carry It for you.
I make loans for ono to six months , nml yoi
can pay a purl at any time , reducing both prlti
clpnl and intereit.
All loans renewed at original rates , and m
charge for papers.
All business strictly conlldenllal. Call am
see me.
Don't forget the number ,
lloom 4 , Wlthnoll b'.ock. G53
$ .1,00) , $1,501 % I1.0U1. J-10) . Spoclal fund to
ou cholco Improved property. D. V. Sholes
210 , First National bank. [ M
MONEY to loan ; cash oh hand ; no dolav. J
W. Squire , 1219 FiU-nniu st. , First Natlona
bunk building. 657
" \rOt * can deal direct with the Provident Trus
1 Company , room 303 First National Haul
bulldlm ; , Omahn , If you wnntn loan on rcales
late. Loans on Inside business property spo
daily desired. Represent al o the old and wel
known New England lx > au & Trust Company.
5H ( )
MONEY loaned for : W. 00 or .Hlday.i. on auj
kind of chattel security : reasonable Inter
est ; business coulldenllal. J. J. Wilkinson
1417 Farnam st. Ml
M ONKY to Iioan IjOWCHt rates. Loans cloiei
promptly , II. K. Colc.UO.Contlnental blocK
MATJi loans made on Omalin nnd Soutl
Oomahu property. Clias , it. Woollcy , roon :
53.11'axton block. m si
T.r K. COM : , loan agent.
GTEIl CUNT money to loan-Cash on hand.
W , M. Harris , vonm s.0 , 1'rcnzer block , op p.
p. o. a'o
QVUlO.OiO to loan at tt per cunt. I.lnahan it Jta
Phouoy , llooin SKI. 1'axtou block. CiW
MONKVtoloan. O.K. navls Co , real estate
and loan agents , 150T Karnam st. 667
T OANS made nn real estate aim mortgages
JLJbouglit. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
M ON'RV to loan til largo sums at the lowest
rates ; no delay. It. 0. Patterson. 31H S. Sth ,
M ON KV to Loan Wo are ready ror applica
tions for loans in amounts from MO to $10-
W)0 ) on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
esUite. Full Information ns to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
liy us. Call tiuoii us , or write. The McCaguu
Investment Co. 130
rillST aud second mortgages made on city
pioperty by 1) . E. Johusou. S35 1'axton blk ,
TVTONHY to loan on chattels byD. E.Johnsou ,
J.U-5M 1'axtoc block. U38F15
T OANS made on Improved real estate secur-
JUlty. 3 and 5 years time' : notional payments
nml favorable terms nun rates. Klmball ,
Champ Ac Hyan. room 0 , KrS. Nat. uauk.HM
HM F13
n K. COLE , loan agouti- *
WANTED Several gopilj llrst-class loans at
onco. Mutual Invobtjjieut Co. , lloom 1 ,
Darker block. ' COO
MONKYto loan on rcat estate ; no delay ;
mortgages bought. John V. Hammond ,
room 3111'axton building. ' 224 f2l *
BUILDING loans. D. V. Slioles , 210 , First
Nnt'l Uauk. 3iK )
' borrow money on furniture , horses
wagons , etc. . until vou have seen 0. It. .la ,
cobs , room 410 , First National bank building
Cor. 13th and Farnam ' 31
T CAN make a few loans oil first-class chattel
J-secmitlos at reasonable rates. W. K. I'otter ,
room lu Barker blk. * ' 7U5
"PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Largo nnd
A small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Dou't fall to call If you want fair
and cheap accommodations. O. Ilouscaran ,
Mgr. , room COH , Uarkor blk. , 15th and Farnam.
BUILDING loans. LInahan & Jlahonoy. Mid
FOH BALE at 00 per cent of cost , ( not for
trade ) . A general merchandise store and
stock situated in a growing railroad town. Has
best trade of the town. Sales 823.000 last year.
Cost of store ami stock about S5.UJO. Address
P CO Hoe. 782 17 *
T71OH SAljR Two printing olllcos Innastern
JL'Nebraska ; one In a socond-ciass city , the
other In a good town. Both worthv attention
of printers. Terms ( Jeasy. J. S. Stidgor. Grand
Island , Neb. " 1 7
OH SALE Good hotel In a town ot 1,200 , all
well furnished , for hulf cash , balance o n
time. Address box 5(1 , Albion , Nob. 783 lot
TT1OR 8AL13 W.IHX ) stock of clear now dry
JL goods and furnishing goods In u live town
with two railways. Flno chance to step Into
established business. No agents. Address
owner , box30 , Harvard , Clay county , Nob.
781-10 *
M HAT market for sale.paylng J-JOu per month.
Price Sl.OOO cash. Address P 68 llee.
701 12 *
"I71011 BALK First-class restaurant nnd saloon
JL ; best location in the city. Long lease on
property. Address PM Ueo olllce. 74211
TOOK BALK A well established grocery busl-
JL ? ness in this city. Inquire 1) . M. Steele &
Co. . 13tu and Harnoy. 711 mlj
TOOK BALK Or exchange , two thousand dol-
JL1 lar stock of drugs. Part cash. Also. buildIng -
Ing If desired. Lock box 2tl , Stuart , Neb.
72j 13t
THOU SALK Tlio Union house at Norfolk
JJunction. . Neb. Fourteen rooms. Well
furnished throughout. Three lots noxl3U go
with house. Good patronago. Immediate pos-
seislou given. Call on or address .Thomas For-
gusonNorfolk , Neb , 727.1U *
FOH SALK Or trade. A choice nursery SIOCK
to sell at a bargain , or tradn for gooil No-
braskalanu. Address , 7. . Waterman. Crete , Neb ,
C01 14 *
1T1OK SALK Light , lucratlvii business , suit-
J- able for lady or gentleman , with patent and
itock of goods. Address P 27 , lice ullk-e.
Bh3 6t
T7TOH SALU General store , bhort horn ranch ,
Juna lumber yard ; no opposition , cheap ousy
terms. N. C. Myers , Somerset , Neb.
505 7 *
POH SALK Hoard of traue , memborshlp
worth * .VX ) , very cheap : what will you give/
iVddress P10 , lleo , ' ' ' 3 8 *
IJ1OU8ALE A well-established , paying pro.
L1 ( luce commission Inulr as , owner must at-
: end excluatvuly to ottitwlmaluess. lunulre
julckof Fearon , Cola JtHfttortsoii , 31U S 15th st ,
E * ? 319
POU THADli-iKnewlraaner top buggies , at
* HO each ; S3 flrst-clasajSWoll-body cutters at
S22 each ; f > u doz. pateiit fitotiry-Jacks at ilOper
ioz ; ) acres uleartlmber Bfoliiineaota at 110 per
icro ; US acres clear nralrVfTluml In Wisconsin
it fia.W per acre. K < iulpjin the entire lot ,
ly.lli.CO. tooxchango for iKlce Omahaproperty
> r clear Nebraska laud , SK
A JobprlntliiKotlico , onfioridiiig business st ,
n Omaha , with prossesfilypo , etc : , etc. ; in-
, -olces about : W.UW ; will tifij MOO to l,000 cash ;
julance in trade for land nfc-Jots ,
* 10.l ) to $15,0)0 ) In shunWiw stock , paying 10
> ercent dlvidendtoexcne for choice Omaha
iroporty. * 5S
8 live-roomed cottages iiMtllby place , 50-ft lot
lach , lisht Incumbrance , to * exchange for va-
: ant building lots.
il houses on 1Mb , near toavenworth. I'rlco ,
" .GUI. Mqulty. M.UOJ. To trade for vacant lot ,
d mortgage nnd some cash.
! 12J acres clnar land , Thayar Co. , and cash , for
i line residence.
" llve-roomad cottages on 31th , near Farnam ,
quity K,5W , to tradu for clear vacant lot.
W. U , Gnttton. 1121 UoimlasHt.
Sia iu
r 10 EXCIIANaK-tJO.000 worth of good Omaha
property to trade forllrst class farm land ,
r stock ranch. Oeo. N. lltcku , Darker block.
mCR FAUM-WJ acres In Hatlor county ,
- 1 Neb. cloie to town anil railroad. Wood
iome and well improved , can be exchanged for
inproved city property , Ueo. N. Hicks , darker
'lock. ' J 6U-7
[ 7UKMS to exchange for goods , groceries or
t ! hardware preferred. llojcJJWHebron. Neb.
[ X7ANTBD To trade land aud some cash for
TT stock ot Hardware or general mercliuii-
Isu. . AQdrwas 11 , A. Darner , Cozad , Neb.
711 W
" \\7TLIi Irade house Knd tot for clonr stock '
T groccriM worth from $ -,000 ton . A
d-ess 1' & 5 , Uco Olllco. _ 7K1 7 *
SKVEllAti mcrchnudtSA jtocw to trade f
good OmMis prox > rty or clear fftrm land
O. J. Stcnudorff , rooms 317 * 318 First Nation
bank building , 053
\\rANTED-To excminge equity In 2JO nen
TT lownUud for stock of hardware. Haul I
. , Wlllpayll.lXMto H,0 i CMh. P. K.I
lllsely , Shviianlonha. _ _ KO-b
T7IOH EXCII ANMfE-r.iRhty acres of the nno
J.1 titnlxT land in Wisconsin , clear ot incut
brance. What have you to oircr ? (1..1. Stern
donr , rooms an & HI ? . First National ban
building. C4
GOOD fnrm . clear or lightly Incumbcred , f <
merchandise , live stock or clly property. 1
B. Cole , lloom 0 , Continental block. 67J
SEVEltAI , very fine resiliences In ( Counts
i'lnco to trade.Vnathivvoyouto offer ? (
.1. PternsdorlT , rooms ; H7.t3lJ , First Nation
bank building. tV > 2
1J1OU EXCHANOE For desirable rcsldom
J ? property In Omaha , any or nil of followlnj
40choln > Inside residence lots In Hatting * .
100 lots In Lincoln.
D UO acres tine fill-mine tnnd , Lancaster count ;
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
( lood rental property , Lincoln.
Cnolno fancy residence , corner , l.o * Angeloi
A neat residence property In llnnscom 1'lao
Also , some good mnrtgngo notes.
Address giving location and price of pro ]
rrty. J. K. 11. , cnro llaum Iron Co. , 1217 Lcavci
worth. 571
TUADK-Councll Ulutrs and Omaha re :
-1 estate for farms , horses , cntllo or merchai
disc. Host lots between Omaha and Comic
Ilhllla. C. K. Mayue , l.ith and Harney.
_ M7 m I
\ \ > flKN you auythliigToFexchatigo ca
> > on or write us , U. H. Cole , Urn ) m , Cout
neutal block. C7J
T710H KXCHANOKimprovo and unlmprovo
J. ri'sldenco prop" 'ty lu Omaha and Oounc
llliltrs. Call aud set us. Western Land V Loa
l.'xc-lmiiKO. 6ICf *
and Nebraska land to exchange ft
KANSAS property. Cluis. 11. Woolloj
room 533 , I'uxton block. CM W
"I7AliAlNS ( Choice 10-acro tract with con
JJfortnUlo house , barn , splendid alinde tree :
etc. , cloe toclty nud Holt Line r.illwayjust Hi
placu for line fruit aud vegetable garden1
Can matte UUs n big bargain It taken nt once.
Ilujtness lot \\lth ne'.v 2-story store bulldliu
on M near 27th at. . South Omaha. Will rt-ii
for 12 per cent on the Investment. Call and s o
it. I'rlce JI.MW.
One of tile tlnost buslm"s ; lols In Souti
Omaha for a few days nt W , ( X ) .
Lot 4 , black 5t , South Omaha , 00x15) feet , ncn
J and 27th sts. , only Jl.SOO.
Nine lots near F and 2Hh sts. , South Omaha
tlio biggest bargain In South Omaha , at JO.tW'J.
Thrt'i ! nice lots , on a comer , near C.Uholl
church on 26th St. , South Onmlm , for $ . ' , ' - " " .
Nice little cottage and full lot , tii'xln ' ! " . In Soul
Omaha , near 2 < th and (1 Rts. , for saio at Jl.Ktii.
04(1 ( ucres cholco land lu Howard coil uty , clos
to two railroads , for sale at n bargain.
Hicks , room 40 , llarkerblock. _ Ml I 7
171011 SALE or Trade Lot nnd 4 houses I
-U Omaha , houses rent for $13 each. What Imv
you to oirev ? All'lress 1' in lleo olllce. Mkl Kf
OKSALK-M fi-et on Sixteenth , near Far
uau > , for n few daysnt llgures It will pay yo
to Investigate. Hicks' , Itoom ID , llarker block
Mil 7
_ _
LL and see tlio 'bargains wo oll'er in Han *
OA com I'lace , the llnest rusldenco part o
Omalin. I have the agency of the llnest lots li
this addition , at prices mid terms that It wll
Day you to Investigate. Hlt-ks , room V ) , Itarkc
block- . _ aiV10
rpKN ACliKS , * IOi , street curs II blocks. II
X Sturges , a-elghton block. _ 7S3 7"
irSALE 110 acres of land. If you want n
rich deal drop n lluo to I' 5 ! > , care Ilnooftlce
7KMi *
SALE- Vacant lot IHxlSB , near the Mil
ton Hogers property on West Fnrimm st
$7 , " > 0ni Fast and south corner. C.F.Harrison
40J and 101 Merchants' National bank.
15 ( i 10
" 171011 SALE 4-room house , full lot , Omahi
X1 Vlow , HhJblil cistern , fenced , sidewalks , otc.
price -fl.12.-i ; W > 0 cash , bal. 4 years. Oeo. L. Ed
wards , i31'J ! Miami st. _ 741 7 +
LOTfi , block 4 , Dupont I'lace. a-room house li
good repair , Jl.'JJJ. $ rOU casn , balance easy
will take team of horses ai nart paymeu t. ( ! . J
Sterns Jorir , rooms yi" and 31S First Nutlona
bank building. C. 2
jlOll SALE Three nice lols , on a corner , nca
F ; Catholic church on Twenty-sixth street
South Omaha , for J2.250. Hicks , Room 40. or
kur block. 811 7
A VEIlliY Addition. This property adjoin1
W the famous Central Park and Monmoutli
Park additions. 1 have u number of lots In tht
above addition that can be sold on terms t <
biilt Special Inducements offered to these win
will build. It will pay you to investigate. 0. J
StornsdorlV , rooms 317 and Ulii First Natlona
bank building. _ r i2
OH SALE 5VJ ncres , Hamilton Co. . Neb
land. * il per aero , one-third cash , balance al
0 per cent. Address W. J. Wlldmanlenver.Col ,
" hundred aad forty aerocholco land li
Howard county , to two railroads , foi
sale at a bargain. Hicks , Room W , Darker blocl
' 811 7
_ _ _ _
SALE 7 roomed house and full lot , goo <
mirroiindiugs , on a street car lino. Wll
take in exchange Nebraska or Kansas farrr
iroj > erty with some ineumbrance , or vacant lol
In Omaha or South Omaha. Call and invest !
gale now. C. F. Harrison , 403 ami 401 Mor
chants' National bank. 753
OMAHA I have a number of good
SOUTH various additions that muse bo sold
nt once mid can bo bought nt prices that wll ]
milt you. G , .1. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 and 316
First National Dank building. C53
fl 800 buys a full lot and good 4-room cottage ,
Peasy terms and good cation. I ) . V. Sholos ,
room 210 , First Nafl bank , cor 13tu and Farnam ,
Aa5 MAKES first payment ou nice 6-room
3)liouso. good louatlou , H , E. Cole room 0 ,
Continental block. 3t8
SALE-A nice llttlo home on 8. 18th St. ,
FOIl 4 rooms , all In good repair , well ,
cistern , cellar , barn , Ao. Tills property can ba
sold on a small payment down , balance $15 per
month. Why pay rent when a golden opportu
nity llko this bturcM you lu tha face ? U. J.
Sterusdorlf. rooms 317 ami 313 , First National
bang building. _ ! i37
SALE Farm of IliO acres bottom land
FOIl Douglas county on line of U.P. It , It. , OHO
mile from station ; llrst-clas-j improvements. J ,
J. Hobblns , Paxton hot'jl. _ 5MC *
GtixllOon lUt.1 t houth of the
viaduct , with small house aud barn. This
property in the marKct for a Miort tlmo only at
the extreme low prlco of jl.510. This ls8.i J
less than Its actual valin ? . 0. .1. Sternsdorir ,
rooms U17 and 318 First National bunk building ,
$101 cash , balance $2i per month , will buy new
7-room house on SJItli nt. near Lake st. Price ,
(2,400. ( C. U. Itcitci , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and
Douglas. 47 ! ) ml
T7IO It SALK-Lota II , 15 and 10 , blook 11 , West
13 Side addition. Tnnsa lots uro 5'xl29 ) each ,
lay very pretty , and the three can bo bought
tor $1,001) . Thvyaro uctually worth twice that
iimount. ( ! . ,1. Stcrusdorlf , Hounis 317 and 31H ,
Klrst National bank building. : r > S
I HAVE real and personal property of all
kinds for tr.ido , Cull ana hau me. OoorgeJ.
jtonisdorff. Hooms 317 and 31 , First National
.mult . bull ( ling. _ M'J
i'SINESS property. Capitol avo. lot n , block
TU , but. Henuett block and IGth Rt. Take
'ome trade. Send oll'er to owner , John W. Tay-
or , 6 Euclid ave , Cleveland , O. 4'JOttttt
171011 HUNT New 7 room house , all modern
L1 conveniences , centrally located , will rent
rory reasonable to tenant making good lease.
. -room cottage S 17th t > t , 1 1C. 8-rooin house ,
i'Jii Howard st. 3-room Hut 112i ) N 17tb. sultuble
'or ' light housekeeping , f 12. Apply to 0 roon i ;
Vllllamii First Nut. bank bldg. Bll
DA11QA1NS in acre property. I can olfcr for
L > the next thirty days live choice 10-acro tracts
if land in West Omaha , close to tlm city and
lear regular stations on Hell Line rallroudxuh- ;
irbun trains now running alTord quick and easy
ransit by a twenty-live minutes' rldo between
his property and Wehtter streut dopot.
You take no rink In buying a live or tcu-ucre
ruct ot land If well situated. Vou can live ou
his land , have n uli'tihant nnd comfortable
tome free from city tuxes , and got to and from
our work lu townqulcker than to moat places
n our city , whcro u single lot would coil on
nuch as the ten ncrns I oiler you.
Vou can raise enough an live or tea acres to
nero than mipport your family , and In two or
liree years thu rapid growth of our city will
liable you to plat the land into choice lots that
fill sell for three and four times what you can
iuy the land for to-day ,
Don't let thti chance slip but call and BOO
vhnt wo have to oirer. llvmembtr there are
nly live ten-acre tracts , and I will sell either
Ive or ten acres , as parties prufer.
It will pay you to call early and secure a
If you have good property to sell , exchange
ir runt , cull and llfct it ,
George N , Hicks , room 40 , Uarkor block.
[ > l,7onhalf cush will buy ISO acre farm , lm <
P proved , IU miles from Long Pine , Nub.uoocl
ouse , beet water.
$1.50Ucutdi for 2 four-room houses renting for
la per month , 3 resident and U business lots
1 1 In iong Pine , LOW inhabitants , 3 churches ,
rtcjcschool house , waterworks , railroad dlvl-
Ion , irood farming country. Very cUeap , must
a sold. J , H , Uivbioa , CaaUlor , Long I'luu
. Imprownl Lands to Sell o
Itarte-WO acres of land. In 4 quarter t\6 <
tlonsi , In central Nebraska , for sale at HO pc
acre. Incumbored to $3.Xxi. ( M 7 per cent.
will sell or Undo for good , clonnxtockbootsnn
ho < > , hardware or goncriU inorchnndl < o , o
will nmko roilnctlon for cash , or will trade fo
Improved Omahn properly. Whnthara you t
otter ? Address utouco to P 72 , Uco olllco.
* IOll SAT.ii Cheap-Not for trailo : Mi.70 : acre
JU land ( Sec 5-12-6) ) two miles from Mnnpit'ttc
Hamilton county , Nebrnsica. l-"ramo hoine.stn
ble , iO acres under oood harb-wlro fence
round cedar r.oits. two stays ; living water. 8'
foot channel ; ! ! welK : -bairol tank , corral
self-feeder ; a natural stock ranch ; m a line cor ;
I'rlco ( nbotitJl 1,50 per ncr < > > . W'i"
Cash down . 3H ( )
2 and M years' tlmo 6 per cent . 3i' .
Ho and IOOK over land. Addrcst owner , K K
Atkins , 1VB Larliiiorsl Denver. Col. 5"il
SALE or Exchange Improved stoc !
farm of 80) acres In eastern Nebraska , iiea
market ; nl o now 12-ronm house with nil con
venlencos , lu dcslrablo residence portion o
Omaha. Andrew { levin * . Attorney. 4 ! nud 4,2
Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. _ 270
OjTi CASH and W5 monthly , IncluillnV IntcreJt
tplmysiilcoO-i-Qom house am ) lot , well located
II. B. Cole , room ( i. Continental block. * ( *
"KIOll SALE Or exchnngn for Omahn prop
J orty , M ) ncroj.Biilt.ihln for plattluc ; wll
make 4i lotsnllcli > .ir ; big money In It for som
one who can push this ; located juntoutsld * the
city limits ot Council IllulTs. Inqulro ( leo , .1
StciiiBdortl' , rooms 317 aud ill ! * , nut Natloun
bank bulldlm ; . _ 5.l
IjlOllSA f.K-On easy tornn , f-room nouso , hot
' anil cold \\ntel , b.tth , all modorii improve
meiitM , also largo burn , 1) ) . U.Joiin mr > Ti
ton block
SALE 51 foot with good 0-room home
furnace , gas , bath , sewer , hot and cold water
barn , and everything complete , on pavement 01
I'liricnvc. llest b.xrgaln In Omaha at * 7,5tW
Easy terms , Investigate this , D. V. Sholos , 21
First National bank. 18t7
ITHMl SALE Improved clear farm
-V lu Mower comity , Minnesota , fli ) par aero
Owner deblrlng to move to Omaha ; will ox
chaugo tor a homo here. C.F , Harrison , Mor
' ' . 112
chants' Nut'l bank.
HnnninffbetwcenCouncil Uluir.and Albright.
Inaddltloii to the stations msntlonad , train ?
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streoU
and at tlio Summit In Omaha.
Leava. I Arrive ,
. 2 0 : ( p. m. A No. 1 . 7:00 : a.m.
9 N , ° - 1 . : OU a. m. C No. 5 . 5:50 : p. m.
A No. 4 . UMOa.m.U . (5:13 ( : p.m.
A No. 4 . UMOa.m.'A ' No. 5. . . .7:3' ) a , m.
A * No. 8 . 6:3.5 : p.m. A * No , 7 . 5:30 : p.m.
A No , U . 0V : ) p. m.l A No , II . B:5'l : n. m.
A No. n . UiOam.iA : No. 3 . 7 : 10 a.m
A No. 4 . 0OJ ; p. m..J ) No , 1 . 7:0. ) a , m.
No. 2 . 8:10 : p. m.lA ; . . : . . . , ; :
No. 2 . i :40 : a. m.lA No , 1. . . . .0:50 : a. rn.
No. 4 . 7OU : p. m.A | No. 3. . . .U50 ! p , m.
A No , 2 0:25 : a. m.'A ' No. 3 0:30 : a. in.
A No. 4 Oi'Ju p. m.lA No. 1 il:3'J p. m.
A No , 10. . . .7:03 : a. m , A No. u R:55 a. m.
A No. 12 7UO ; p. m. A No , 11. . . . 'JOJ ; p. m.
A No , 8 . . .4:35 : p.m.'A ' No. 7 13:00 : m.
A dally : li daily except Saturday ; O oxuopt
Sunday ; 1) ) except Jionduy ; ' last mail.
The time given above U for Transfer , tnerd
being from live tu ten mlnulus between
fur uud local depots
TansilPs Punch Cigars
were ehlppod during the paat
two yours , without a drum-
fn . . . Noothor
house lu the world can truth ,
lully make such a Bliowimt.
Ono agent ( dealer oulrl
wanted la each town.
R.W.TANSILL& CO.,55 Stats BLChlcano.
M ruai lift o.ntridaod HERVOU5 DESIUTyi
ft't fit Tl W kn i cf Body and MlndiEffocU
* - * V Xl > XJ efZrrortorEiceutilnOlderVoun ( . '
Hill , X' lf BiXllnou full ; UtiUrtd. llo I * bltra > id
BlrtxIkM \ Hk-- l > miU > l'm ) UlllUKI U l-lllTSof BODr.
ib.ejgl.l. Dirilllnt IKinx THXiTIUMT llll U \ ttl ,
MM lullImv 41 lUIti , Ttrrllorltf , u4 > < r > l ( > foiittrl .
T * CftB writ * Ifcra. Ho k. full ipU UoM , ftad iiroofi Hrll4
( M.l il fr.t.taJf.K H | { UC01CAI CO. . BUirAlO.M.T.
" "
Tlio Ancient .tnni'nnllst Kxtlnliis n
UnnsAH City MyRtcrj1.
The nnclont reporter oozed in nbuut
It o'clock last night nnd inndo himself
nl homo , ns votornns are wont to do , ;
says the luinsns Clly Times , llo hnd n ,
board , nnd Itvns gray nnd needed ton-
sorlnl attention. His Imlr wns n Httlo '
too long , liis pnnlnloons n trlllo too j
short ho bore ovldonco. In fnot , of j
htiving boon proclpltnlad into thnt liquid - '
uid iiourlslnuont which precedes the ;
tlsh. Hut ho wn * cheerful witlml , nnd '
the corps gimp , they used to enlt it-
took n fancy to him because ho hnd re
ported for the papers here when ctomo
of thorn were in frooks nnd pantnlcttes. )
"Hoon in Colorado , " said this journal- 1
Isttc ! Kip Van Winkle by way of intro
duction. "LJoon everywhere else , in <
fact , but Colorado last. Have done Well
there nnd thought I would look in on i
my old town on my way onst. I am going - '
ing homo to see the old folks nnd then i
back to Colorado , to remain there , per- i
hups , until Father Tlmo gives mo mv !
last assignment to Interview St. rotor.1 '
"Thnt bloke makes mo tired , " 1
interrupted the police reporter , who
hnd jut been holding a brief but nni- ,
muted conversation at the lolophouo. ,
The police reporter made Ills sUitoincnt
clearly , distinctly and Hlowlv , with tt :
heavy pressure on the "tlr-od' * as If lie
meant every word of tt.
"Favor us with the nanio of your
'bloko' nnd the reason bo fatigues you ? "
oskod one of his fellow toilers.
"llo don't glvo his name , " was the re
sponse , "but about once n week at mid
night or thereabouts ho rings up and
wants to know if this Is the medical
college , f can't find out who be is , nnd
central ollli'o doesn't seem to know
where the call comes from. "
"T have had trouble with the same
party , ' ' said another reporter. "And
so have 1 , " echoed another.
Silence fell like n cold batter cake
upon the aggregation of jotirimlistio
talent as the gray haired veteran slowly
nntelcseopcd himself and announced
thnt the mysterious caller was a ghost
and that ho could nrovo it.
"Permit her to proceed"said the >
irreverent and skeptical police renorter ,
and as with ono voice the remainder of
the assemblage said "Amen , "
Bitinir olT ti fresh chew and leaning
bnc-k in his chair in a position indi
cating a protracted session , the veteran ,
began his tale , aud this is the yarn ho
spun : "Away back in 18 , when this
was a town of some ; it,0l)0 ) ) inhabitants ,
ana a largo proportion ot those inhab
itants were about as lotiRh as human
beings often become , 1 was so unfor
tunate as to bo earning my daily broad
as a reporter , and as is your ill 'forluno ,
the 'dog watch' frequently fell to my
lot. On thi ) last night * of the last day of
the year 18 , I was sitting in the
waiting room of the only police slalion
the town afforded in those days
bewailing with the olllcers in charge
the dullness of the night.Vhon the
shrieking of whistles and the discharge
of lircarms were giving noisy warning
of the old year and discordant wolcoino
to the now , a hack rattled tin to the
door und two policemen dragged there
from the limp form of a , man and
stretched him on the station floor.
'Drunk' their laconic
was response to
the night sergeant's query , and 'BlufT
street bridge' their equally curt reply
to his query as to where they found
Discoveries Moi-o Valuable ilirui Gold
Are SANTA ABIH , the California dis
covery for Consumption and Diseases of
the Tliroat , Chest and Lungs , and CAL
guaranteed euro for Catarrh , Cold in
the Head and kfndrcd complaints. They
arc sold at 81 per package , or three for
$2.CO , and are recommended and used
by the leading physicians of the Pacillo
Coast. Not secret compounds. Guar
anteed bv the Goodman Drug Co.
tiot't $ 1OO.OOO to Undo Sam.
Surrogate Tuthill , of Now York , has
issued a citation of the will of M. W.
Mori-lam , the eccentric Suffolk county
schoolmaster , who willed his property
in bulk to the United States govern
ment. The oxccutor , C. 15. Ackorly. in
searching for the assets , found 881,000
in Morriam's room in Northport. It
wan tucked away in old letters , books
and corners of old trunks and valisos.
It is thought that when his money is all
got together it will amount to moro
than 51100,000. llo has a sister who is
said to bo worth $500,000. Ono reason
ho gave for willing his money to the
government was that it was rich and
could afford to light his sister if she at
tempted to contest the will. His sister ,
it is said , will not contest the will , as
there are some unpleasant family alTairs
which would necessarily come to light
in the controversy. Mr. Marriam was
a /.calous Ulnino man. He refused to
vote the republican ticket last fall bo-
can&o his favorite was not at the head
of the ticket , Whoi the KUCCOSS of re
publican ticket became known ho nt
once named Khiino as his choice for
secretary of state. Ho said that if
Blnitio was not appointed ho would
change his will and cut oh" the govern
ment , llo foil dead in his school room.
Ho was sixty-five years old.
The most soyero cold will soon yield
to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
does not suppress a cold but loosens and
relieves it. No 0110 afflicted with a
throat or lung trouble can uao It with
out benefit. Price 60 cents per bottlo.
Sold by all druggists.
Tlie Indian Wouldn't Apologize.
Patrick Buckley , who was said to bo
a striking stableman of the Eighth
nvnnuo line , mixed whiskey with his
already lioavy load of wrath on Satur
day , says the Now York llornld. While
breathing doflunco ho ran up ugninqt a
wooden Indian that guarded the
entrance to John Michael's cigar sloro
tit No. fit , ' ! Ninth nvonuo. Tlie Indian
wouldn't apologize , so Patrick started
in , as ho expressed it , "to knock do
stullin' out o' do blnyguard. "
The Indian hadn't any stuffiing , and
Patrick had n hard job of it , but
jDcouragod by the applnuso of n gather
ing crowd ho rained blows upon the
rtoical lilllgy until a noliconmn came up
ind led him gently to a coll. Ho had
Lo pay $2 for his oxorclso Ifi the JofTor *
jon Market Police Court yesterday.
Sleepless nights iniulo inlsarnhle by
.hat terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
: ho remedy for you. For eulo by Good-
mm Drug Co.
A ( id-man Interior.
Washington Critic : In an art gal-
orv :
Ho What picture IB thnt ?
She I don't know who did it , but it is
Gorman Interior.
Ho ( critically ) No , I think not.
She But the catalogue snya BO.
Ho ( hyporcritlcallyVoll ) , it ought
, o know , but i BOO neither beer or ftau-
> age in it , und I never heard of a Gor-
imn interior without ono or the other
> f these articles present.
An AliHolutPi Onrn.
t only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
aid Is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
ivounds , chapped hands , and all akin erup-
.lons. Will positively care all kinds of piles ,
V1UHT. Sold byUoudmaa Drug 0t
; ants per box by mall 04 cent * ,