Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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J.'cllrcrtd br carrier In Any Tnrt of ho City a
'IwontyCcnts I'crWceV.
. No.
f NUIIIT r.niton , No. si.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Coal and wood. E. E.Mayno , 010 B'way.
A nmrringA llconso was issued yester
day to J. O. Smnmitt nnd Miss Mattie
Koush , both of this county.
There was n largo nudionco at the
song recital given by Mrs. Wyman at
the Presbyterian church last evening.
The entertainment was of high merit.
Charles Wilson , of Atlantic , has boon
bound over to tlio United Stales grand
jury by United States Commissioner
Hunter , for violating the internal reve
nue law.
The funeral of Mrs. Norman Green
will take place at 2 o'clock this after
noon fioin the residence , corner ol
Pfcrco street and Franklin avenue , anil
not from St. Paul's church , as stated by
some of the city papers.
At a meeting of the board of health
last evening , a number of smallpox bills
were presented and certified to the
board of supervisors. Those were .John
Short , $11 ; L. Hammer , $5t. ; 17 ; Dr.Cook. .
$ 2'2itwelve \ gutirda & 5U each.
Mrs. Mayor Hohrer gave n 0 o'clock
tea last evening. Among the gue&ts
present were Mrs. Mayor Broatch.
Mrs. Fnnnio Kcllogg-Bachnrt , of
Omaha , and Mrs. Hubert Mullis and
Mrs. J. N. Casody , of Council BlulTs.
Ono drunk was the only candidate for
police court honors yebtorday morning.
He was assessed $8.10 , but had to ask
for credit. The court informed him
that Ills credit was good for four days'
board , and the victim waa trotted back
into the cage.
Complaint was made yesterday
ngainst Kimball & Champ for maintain
ing a street sign which the marshal
claimed to bo in violation of the city
ordinances. The Ilrm insist that the
sign shall stand , and liibt evening se
cured an injunction to prevent itb re
Several saloon keepers have been
| JP , served with notices Unit applications
ita for temporary injunctions have been
' -4 tiled against them , and will shortly bo
considered by the court. An abund
ance of evidence has been scoured , and
when tlio hall opens there will bo lively
times for a while at least.
The ladies who are preparing for the
bazaar for the benefit of St. Bernard's
hospital gave a quadriljo party at Mn-
bonio temple last evening. There was
n largo attendance and the evening was
passed very onjoynbly. The ladies
netted quite a respectable sum to bo
used in purchasing articles for the ba
Tlio now carriage factory of Koyes
Bros. , in the western part of the city ,
is completed and a part of the machin
ery is in place. Work has already been
started up in some of the departments ,
and several skilled mechanics are nt
work. By the end of the present week
it is expected to have lifty men at work ,
and this number will bo increased to a
100 as soon as all arrangements are com
It is now stated that every saloon now
running in the city has complied with
the order of the mayor , and the $2-5 fine
has been paid. Those who refused to
| v pay were arrested and their places
t , closed. The mayor has undoubtedly
f been dieting for'tho past month , and
? the result shows a decided stiffening of
the spinal column. It is possible that
it may last , but the saloonists are al
ready betting on a relapse.
"Old Put , " the veteran fire horse
P which has been doing duty on the single
- reel for the past eleven years , has been
* assigned to lighter work on the big
truck , "Jerry"one of the truck horses ,
being exchanged to the reel. The
truck docs not go outside the business
part of the city , making the runs
shorter nnd less frequent for the vet
eran. It is almost time to pension the
old follow and put him on the retired
Tlio funeral of Miss Amanda Jcr-
inuohlon took place at 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon from St. Paul's church ,
Rev. T. J. Mackay ofllciiiting. There
ivas a very largo gathering of friends ,
nnd the floral offerings were very beau
tiful. The Hill school , where the de
ceased formerly taught , was closed dur
ing the afternoon , to give the teachers
and pupils nn opportunity to attend the
funeral. Tlio pall bonrors were Harry
Bowman , J. L. Paxton , James Bowman ,
George Damon , Alexander Malmroso.
Mr. Horace Evorolt has received a
letter from Coronado Beach , Cal. , stat
ing that Dr. N. D. Lawrence , of this
city , had about concluded to purchase ti
homo a few miles south of San Diego.
The condition of his sen Frank is
greatly improved. Ho has lived on nn
exclusive milk diet for the past two
months , and is now nearly well. This
will bo very acceptable news to his
many friends hero. Although Frank
K may remain on the coast , it is not
I thought probable that tlio doctor will
remain away from Council Blull's.
Tickets for the masquerade ball of
the Kisoman hose team have been placed
on sale , and are going like hot cakes.
The boys will undoubtedly nut a largo
Bum to help them through the tourna
ment. Tlio now nickel-plated racing
cart has boon shipped from the factory
of the Silsby'manufacturing company at
Seneca Falls , N. Y. , and will bo hero in
about ton days. It is a very handsome
ono , and will bo on exhibition nt the
bull during the ovoning. On the after
noon preceding the ball the racing
team , on masque , will make u parade
through the uity with the cart.
Alderman Lacy yesterday received n
letter from Aberdeen , Dak. , stating that
a drill company from that place desired
to attend the tournament in thU city in
Juno and would bring with them the
best band in the territory if any induce
ment were oll'orcd. A company from
Mitchell will also attend. It in proba
ble that some provision for teams out-
Bide the stntn will bo made , and that
suitable prizes will bo offered. Ample
inducements will bo olTerod to all and
nothing overlooked that will tend to
make the coming tournament tlio great
est ono over held in this section of the
See G , Paul Smith at the Masonic
temple to-night.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's ft CO.'B
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of till kinds ,
nnd all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly uonll-
Pleklod tripe and pigs' feet at Tib-
bins' , ! l 15 Broad way.
AH grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Parties having temperance billiard
halls mid restaurants will do well to
take the exclusive sale of my temper
ance boor. L. M. FlNKULSTEIN.
Heating oiovea at cost to close out ,
Odell & Bryant.
The Gambling Devices Stored A.way
Until the Grnncl Jury Quita.
A lcM > ornilo Cleverly Cnplnrcd The
Meaning of the HI * : Itrn ) Kfj-
tntc Denis Young Ilnrkc'n
Cnsc ,
the Ginnd Jury.
Thcro was no gambling going on yes
terday at any of the places , nnd all of
the owners had virtually shut \ \ \ > shop.
Why it was done or how long it will
las > t are matters of conjecture. The
general impression is it is simply
a repetition of the move made last year
to throw the errand jury oil the track.
The gambling lioubeq and saloons were
all closed until nftor the grand jury
adjourned , when they wore reopened ,
and were boon running as openly and
boldly as ever.
For the past two days the grand
jury has boon investigating the com
plaints against the gambling houses ,
and a large number of witnesses have
been examined. Whether or not this
alarmed the gamblers is not known , but
certain it is that early yesterday morn
ing every gambling house in the city
was closed , that is , all cards , checks and
other appurtenances mysteriously dis
appeared , the tables were pushed back
against the walls , chairs piled on them ,
and everything presented a most for
lorn and lonobomo appearance.
Tills move is only tried when Judge
Thornoll is on the bench , and ho is evi
dently held in wholesome fear by tho.
violators of the law. The grand jury
has not yet reported on these cases , and
the result of the investigations of that
body will bo watched with interest. In
tho'meantimo the gamblers arc stand
ing qutotjy in the background , anx
iously awaitig ! ) the turn of the die.
The best entertainment yet : G. Paul
Smith at Masonic temple to-night.
Send all orders lor bottled beer to L.
M. Finkclbtoin , Omaha.
Have our wagon call for your coiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
In the District Court.
The case of. J C. Her vs Henry "W.
Griswold , trustee , ct al involves the
title to forty acres of land near Manawa ,
that was sold by Isham Wright during
the boom , to O. P. McKisson for $ : { ,0)0. (
The latter organized a syndicate that
purchased it for $8,000. Before the deed
was completed it became somewhat com
plicated , and a misunderstandim' arose.
The syndicate claims that they were
not to pay 8,000 for the land , and Mr.
Wright 'took a mortgage for a part of
the amount. The claim has not been
fully settled , and there is now trouble
among the members of the syndicate.
The attorneys for the plain tiff are Bartlett -
lott & Cornish and Scott & Scott , of
Omaha. Mr. Bartlolt and Colonel Scott
are attending to the case in court.
John N. Baldwin anpcars for the de
The grand jury reported when the
court opened in the afternoon , and ic-
turned the indictments against Will
iam Mahcr , obtaining money under
false pretenses ; Ira McCollom , forgery ;
Charles Perry , forgery ; G. II. Wallace ,
See Susan B. Anthony at Masonic
temple to-night.
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
got your clothes made. Gu7 Broadway.
L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
over Jacquomin & Co.'s jewelry store.
Houses and lots to sell on monthly
payments by F. J. Day , 3 ! ) Pearl st.
A Pespcrado Taken.
Sheriff O'Neill nnd Deputy Sheriff
O'Connor yesterday morning arrested
Ilicks Odcn , a notorious desperado , at
his homo nine- miles south of this city.
Hicks is the man who shot al Mr. A.
Louie , as the latter was returning to
this city from Lake Manawa ono even
ing in the early part of last September.
Hicks was returning to his homo from
this city , and had hcen drinking enough
to bo unusually ugly. Ho shot a line
bull belonging to Mr. Jenkins , which
was in a pasture by the roadside , and
also "held up" Mr. McGarry , south of
Manawa. Mr. Louie ascertained who
ho was , nnd an information was filed
against him. An indictment was sub
sequently returned against him by the
grand jury at the September term of
court , but Hicks had skipped out. Ho
returned homo a short time ago , and
the sheriff , hearing ot it , affected the
arrest. As Hicks was known to bo n
desperate character , the arrest was
made just at daylight. The desperado
was found in bed , and pretended to be
sick , but ho yielded to the persuasion of
the shorilf and came back with him.
The residents in that locality are
greatly rejoiced over the arrest , as the
four Odon brothers tire u tough outllt
and have completely terrorized the
neighborhood for a long time. The
trial of Ilicks Odon will como up at the
present term of court. There tire two
counts , assault with intent to commit
murder , and assault and battery. Ho is
unable to give bail , and is confined in
the county inil.
Exhibition of trick and fancy skating
at roller rink to-night.
S. B. Wadsworlh & Co. loan money.
Notice the beautiful finish urivcn col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
What Moan TlicHo Dcnln ?
The Minneapolis syndicate , repre
sented by Mr. Braslan , yesterday closed
another largo deal. They have pur
chased of Mr. John N. Baldwin eighty
acres lying just south of the Union Pa
cific transfer grounds and just outside
of the city limits. The consideration
was $19,0.00.
What do nil those deals moan ? There
are a good many asking that query.
The purchasers are rather reticent , but
Intimate very strongly that "Council
Bluffs will "hear something drop"
which will cause a general waking up.
By a glance at the city map and a com-
parifioii with the deeds on record , it ap
pears that this last purchase completes
a perfect linkBO that the Union Pacific
can easily have the right of way from
the transfer clear to Lake Mnnnwu. It
naturally confirms the theory that these
largo deals , so quietly made , are based
on some contemplated improvements to
bo made by the Union Pacific. What
these Improvement ! : are to bo is n matter -
tor of still further conjecture. It is
evident inat there is moro going on
than the elti'/ons realize , for men are
not putting such largo sums of money
into land in that vicinity without hav
ing extensive plans prepared by which
the , land is to bo made even more .valu
able. 'Whatever it may bo , it doubtless
means a wonderful change of Lake Man-
awa and other changes which will bqii *
ofit the city at large.
Prof. C. H. Hamlin on Fnicyclcs or
the ono whoeskato at the roller rink in
Council Uluffg Saturday ovoning.
All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co.
Young Hurko'H Account * * .
The work of examining the books of
Deputy City Clerk John Bwkcvas con
tinued yesterday by Alderman Weaver ,
who is chairman of the finance commit-
co , nnd John Wagner , an accountant.
It is claimed that the shortage is about
Young Burko's friends say that ho will
bo back within a few dnvs , and then the
other side of the case will bo made
clear. Thus far only ono side has boon
given , nnd the cxaminationof the books
and accounts has boon wholly cxpario.
Burke is haid to bo only temporarily ab
sent , nnd on his return some , if not all ,
of these alleged shortages may bo satis
factorily accounted for. If a thorough
examination of the books by disinter
ested parties shows that any errors ex
ist , by which the city is the loser , this
loss will bo made good. The young man
would probably have been back before
this but for the sensation oxcited.'and
the natural fear which a voting , inex
perienced man might feel as to the terrible -
riblo consequences to follow bitch seri
ous charges. Ilia friends justly ask
that public opinion bo held in 'abeyance
until by his return and by an unpreju
diced and careful examination of thonc-
counts , the exact facts may bo learned.
If the statement is correct that there
has been no systematic nnd thorough
checking up of accounts for porno time
past , it indicate ? a looseness in the
methods of conducting city business ,
which would innko mistakes liable in
any department. It docs not seem that
all the alleged discrepancies can thus
bo accounted for , for until a chunco is
given the young man to state his side ,
it \ ) felt that there should not be too
speedy a verdict of guilty.
The greatest sympathy is expressed
by all for the father who has for over
thirty years ' ervcd the public in va
rious' municipal olllce.s. mainly as city
clerk. The very fact that at llio close
of so long a service in olllco ho has no
property to show for his years of labor ,
is proof'sullieient that ho , has not been
improving the opportunities given him
of tapping the puhlictill. There is not
a citizen who doubts 'Squire Burko's
honobty , and it therefore boems pe
culiarly hard that such a charge should
rest against his son.
No warrant has yet been issued , and
no attempt is beinir made by the author
ities to hasten young Burko's return.
Xnchnriah Spicor will bo at Masonic
temple to-night.
Dr. C. C. llazcn , denli&l , Opera house
J. G. Tipton' real Obtnte , fi'l' B'dway
City Council
The city council met in regular ses-
bion last evening. The mayor and a
full board of aldermen , except Bel
linger. were present. F. F. True acted
as deputy clerk.
The commitees of the various
churches and religious organisations of
the city were present , and through
their chosen representative , Dr. Phelps ,
of the Presbyterian church , presented
petitions requesting an enforcement of
the laws relating to the haloons , gamb
ling and bawdy houses of the
city. The organization ! ) requesting
were , the Presbyterian , Baptist , congre
gational and Methodist churches , Y. M.
C. A. and Methodist Sunday school.
Tlic petitions were referred to the
judiciary commiUeo and city solicitor.
John M. Baldwin , Esq. , presented a
petition of abutting property owners
asking that Eitrhth street bo paved to
the southern limits of the city. Reported
ported to the committee on stre'cts and
alloys , with instructions to report at
the next meeting. The city engineer
was also instructed to take levels and
give a grade at the next mooting.
The matter of establishing the grade
of Angle and Commercial streets came
up by petition. Referred to the city
engineer to draw a now grade ordi
P. J. Day's Real Estate and Loan
oflice , on West Broadway , will bo open
afternoons , in charge of F. I. Billiard.
Mrs. W. B. Tanner , of Lookout ,
Wvo. , is visiting her brother , Mr.
Morris C. Stewart.
Mrs. A. Marks , living at 221 North
First street , loft last evening for the
cast on a visiting tour.
Try our XXX bottled beer. Special
rates on all orders from Iowa.
Money loaned on fmnituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Twenty-Four Sii KCstions na to the
Course to Itc I'lirsiied.
The Now York Evening Sun makes
the following suggestions to the fond
pnpa whose offspring 1ms just cut its
first tooth :
1. Telegraph at once to his grand
father and maternal aunts.
2. Ask the baby if lie really has it ,
taking care not to address him in Eng
lish umlofilod.
! i. Send word to the olllce that you
will not bo down to-day.
4. Avoid any jest which requires you
to say that baby is now old enough to
chows for himself.
6. Make nn entry in your diary to the
effect that a tootli is born unto you.
0. Do not temper your joy with such
pessimistic thoughts us dentists' bills
7. Swonr off letting the little one
chow your watch unless you like your
limiting case to have ilcntn in it.
8. Do not ask the child's mother if
she doesn't think it strange that the
other tuoth don't appear.
I ) . If you are a poor man don't buy the
youngbtor a silver-backed tootli brush
on the strength of the first molar.
10. Do not tell nn cxporioncoi.futher ]
that you think it is a wisdom tooth. Ho
will know better , and will probably go
liomo nnd tell his wife what an unso
phisticated cow you aro.
11. Do not insist upon feeding the boy
on beefsteak right away.
12. Do not imagine that that is the
only tooth in the world , and eschew
undue port'omil vanity because of the
lowcomor. You didn't grow the tooth.
Leave conceit to the baby.
1 ! ) . Remember that there are moro
teeth to come , and do not lavluu too
much enthusiasm on the first.
14. Make the younstor stop biting the
> iuno logs and newspapers ,
16. Never give theater parties in
lionor of u first tooth.
10 , Got the baby a toy to mark the oo-
cuBion , if you like , but do not move
Into a moro coiqiijodious house because
Ofit. f ,
17. Do not wrtsto your money on news
papers to see what they have to sny
about tlio newiirrivnli
18. Do not tell vour friends about it
more than oigh't-limcs a day.
10. Do not I'hor'pro admission to ladies
who want to see it , or overestimate its
drawing attractions by taking U on a
starring tour tjirough the suburbs.
There nro somir things that suburban
residents won't ' pay to sec , and ono of
them is the first tooth of another man's
- 2u. K you deposit $100 in the bankin
the child's imn'io as a reward for his
gallant feat , do not draw it out again
under six months if you want to get in
terest on it.
21. Do not ask your wife to lot you
tnko the tooth down to the club with
you to show to the boys. You'll have
to take the baby with you if you do ,
and if there is one thing that is moro
out of place than another in n club it
is a one-toothed baby.
22. Do not overtax the tooth , and sec
that baby does not bite oil moro than
he can chow.
22. If the tooth is loose don't pull it
out and have it set in a ring , nor must
you fasten it in moro llrmly with stra-
tinn. Let nature take its course.
24. Do not be disappointed If the first
tooth conies without gold filling in it.
By n judicious observance of these
two do/.on vital regulations your baby
may have n tooth without .subjecting
the world to any undue excitement , and
without disturbance to the slock market.
I have moved my olllco to Qmnhn. at
which till orders will bo received and
Iroin which all deliveries will bo made
by wngon. L. M. FtXKii.snix. :
Ilie Proncliarsaved Tholr XcckH.
Two negro murderers would have
been hanged by a mob at Rock Hill , N.
C. , the other day if it had not been for
the timely appearance of the Hev. Mr.
White , pastor of the Presbyterian
church of that place.
The negroes wore Bob Lee and Henry
Tnte , ami they were accused of killing
W. C. Abornethy. Lee confessed to the
jailer that ho and Tate had murdered
Abornethy and robbed his btore. A
great deal of feeling was aroiibed
against the prisoners , and soon a good-
sized mob , with ropes Hying in the air ,
started for the jail to swing up the pris
oners. When they were within a few
yards of the jail a man came running
U | > , and jumping on the porch of a store ,
cried out : "Hold on ! hold on ! " ' The
mob recognized the Rev. Mr. White
and stopped to listen. He urged them
to allow the law to take its course.
When ho had talked fifteen minutes the
mob began to cool down and finally
some ono called out that the lynching
should be positioned until another timo.
After a little wrangling this proposi
tion was agreed to and the mob dis
persed. Lee and Tate were rushed olT
by the authoritjc/s to safer quarters.
On hand for city loans ; lowest rates
of interest.
Fine farms close to Bluffs to exchange
for city property.
Western lanci to exchange for city
properly. . '
Big bargains in Broad \\uiy \ lots.
Fine business property to exchange
for well improve'd farms.
Good fresh stoclc trroceries to o.x-
change for city property and one-third
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Small payments down. Prices ranging
from $775 to $1,000.
Chen ] ) lots in Evans' , Wright's , Coch-
ran's and most all additions to city.
Fine aero property for sale from $100
to $ oOO less tlian present worth.
No. 10 Pearl St.- Council Bliifts.
_ WANTS. _
ANTKU fiooil girl forpreneral housework.
Mw. IA. . Uevlne , yiu I'lutuor st.
FOK KENT The bnrliorshop find bath room.
nil ready furnished , of the now 1'aclllc
hotel , .South Omaha.
ALL panics wishing a situation can secure
0110 by calling ami registering nt the em
ployment ollloo atd Pearl St. , room ' - ' .
WA N T Klt . \ "goocfBli-f for cookuiK na a jeu-
oral house work. Anply at residence. L.
U. Crafts , cor. 7th and .Mill wt.
TT1OH KliNT The tliroo story urlck store room
JL No. 407 Ili'OiUlv.-ay. The location Is one of
the'ooitlntho city , llio building has been oc
cupied toy the la-it twenty years by Miller Ac To. ,
hardware , : md would he a very desirable loca
tion for n hardware business on that accotiut.
John Dennett.
WANTED City property in exchaiifto for
Iowa farms. Johnson Si Van I'atten , Si
NOTICE of dissolution of co-part
nership. Notice Is hereby given
tlmt the co-partnership heretofore exist
ing between the undersigned under tlio
llrm name of Parsons Keller , for tlio purpose
of developing and operating a Hand ami Gravel
pit , near IIlnton. In Mills county , Iowa , Is tills
tiny dissolved by inutmil consent. Witness our
hands tliH I'Jth U.iy ot Jauuary. A. I ) . . 188' ) .
0.rB.l A SON8.
F OH HKNT Dwelling house of C rooms , No.
1707 Ninth nvenitc. north of 1'lanturs hotel.
A. .1. Stepiienson , "JO H. Main .st.
SAU2 ranch In Wyoming. Three
Hundred head of , marus anil coltH.
ItaiiKu facilities first class. As part payment
will lake Council Illiiirs property , Oeorgo .Met-
calf. H 1'earlht.
WHAT IS 1T-A stock of Clothing. Hoots
and Slices , IIittKand Caps , ( louts' I'nr-
nlshliif ; CoodH , Dry Coed ? . Invo'cu JlfK ( ) ' .
Wliat have you to olleri 101 Hroadway , Council
llluira. la.
1T10H SA1.B My house und lot , corner Second
JU1 avenuuand Ninth street ; also house and lot
K.7 Sixth uvcuuo ; terms c.isy. 1. A. MIlliit. :
Who Will Snvo You Money
House , c-
41" llroftilwny , W g
ca Council mull * . 2
Is Always W
* * t
f * * ll
tr < GS9 <
| M-
CHEAPEST as ta ? " * "
r E * t H M
As I can prove by
Lanzendorfer & CD In
Slrohbctin ,
E. So eo"
I'nrtlcnlar attrntlon given to V.inbalinlil ? .
\o. t-l \ . luln St. , Council Ithslls.
rurnltnro rcpnlrlUK neatly done.
Olllco calh altcniU'd ] iiomptly dny and night.
AiKt cl llio best HttliiK Suit
you ever had.
1.637 Broadway , Council Blifs.
Ordure tilled for nil kinds nt mammals nnd
bird specimens. .Minerals nnd fossils on hand.
Iliillulohorns , lot > r nnd Kile antlers. I'uriuid
ioer skin nips , artificial eyes , etc. Taxidermy
work done In all Its branches. Send for catn-
Architects , Designers and Snpcrliitcnilents
of Construction ,
Mr. IJcrllugliof was sc\cn joavs vitli
Mendelssohn , Fisher & Lowry , and luis
designed many of ( lie finest blocks
in Omulni nnd Council Kind's.
Plans anil Specifications Prepare and
Estimates inafle on
Studio , Jiooin % Opera House Jilod :
f.NTlL VL'UTIir.ll > OTJCi : I WILL
or.MVow.v iwnssiMi
Iowa Cattle , Fedoi Iowa Corn !
Ami will meet any honest competition on prices
for First-Class Mo.i'ts.
. " 01.
12O llrondwny. - - Telephone
Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WooU Furs ,
Hlclicst market prices. Prompt returns. fc20
and KTi Jfnln St. . Council lllutra , Iowa.
Tnos. OrricEit. w. H. M. I'USKV.
Corner Main nnd JJroadvvay ,
Dcali'.r.s In foreign r.nd domestic exchange.
Collections made uud Interest paid on time de
And pen IIPI- line line of Hnlr Ooods. FJXLST IIAIIl
OUNAAIEXTS in tlio clly. Vilg-i , Ucnnls , etc. ,
for Jlpjit or Sale.
NO. 30 MAIN ST. , : COUNCIL. HIll'FS. !
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
'Permanently located at No. U North fth st. . opposite postotllcc. on
Motor l.lnc , Council lllults.l .
Illrda and animals mounted naturally and In the best method of
tlio \Vurruntedtoin-eserveforycaru. . I'crsons sondlns order
assured of perfect satisfaction. Fur drcsssiig ahpecliilty. Write for iinrtlculnrs.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
Orders Promptly Filled nnd Delivered ,
No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
oston Store.
Ladies' Scarlet Wool Vests ,
former price $1.30 ; now OSc anil Si.IS
Ladies' Natural Wool and Camel's Hair Pants
and Vests ,
Formi'iinice ? 2 ; now ? 1.2
Ladies' White Wool Vests and Pants ,
Former price ? ! . ; 50 ; now OSq
Ladies' All Wool Hose ,
22c , 2C ; , 33c nnd 3"Ac ; nslonishing value-
Ladies' Circulars , Dollmans and Coats ,
Old price $10 to $15 ; Boston Store price -W , SJ.25 , $1.50 nnd J2. A little oUT
. fashioned , but almost giving them away at the above prices.
Two Cases White Bed Spreads ,
Slcnch ; worth $1.3X
200 Pairs Blankets ,
$1 , $1.23 , $1.50 , $1.73 , $2 , $3 , $3.301 and $5. The besivaliio to bo found
in blankets anywhere ; actually worth one half more.
75 Pieces Fancy Stripe and Plain Velvets and
Plushes ,
- ; former price .91,50 and $2.50
Harkne Stand ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Y. . " ; uin sf. raa'n ' sr ! < * fo"'t' M0li
CIOaCr | ] SSeWJfBEj31'
S A < Pie reej proprietor ! M.23 < ? VNo.II * -
. w tit r > II fC Q _ Furniturq & Stoves
teK5 MS.uefr
* /iC' ' Cfl' flji' ' -
1 x > rOP if B'V ' ZTJ t t
An old established Boot and Shoe business
in Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand arid trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. O. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate.
N. P. DODG-E , Executor.
Adapted ( ot
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Els/alors. /
specifications and estimates furiIMioil : for connote ( .team plants , Jiefiilntlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Caafchow Itucra flow uavi wbcio fuel Koononiy Is o < iuM tvlth C'orllbs Noii-ComUimliif.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Cata'.oeue. No. 010 i'eurl Street , Council UlulT * .