Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Answer to This Question to Decide -
cido Hia Foto.
Odd Fellows Celebrate Their Third
Anniversary Another Victim of
the Asylum Accident Finds He-
llof lu Death.
LINCOLN BCHCAB or Tnn O.vtAnx Han , i
1020 P SniKRT , >
LINCOLN , Feb. 7. )
The testimony In the celebrated Beers case
closed to-day about noon. As has been
Rtatcd , the defense set up the plea of insan
ity , nnd the fight has been fought upon tins
lino. It has been nplcy , vigorous nnd
iwlntcd , the state doing Its level best to con-
Viet nnd the defense to save the man from
the gallows , llcers lins been seemingly In
different thus far In the trial , and If unsigned
n part to play In the drama , ho has played It
well. The state Is fully conversant with the
story of the crime , It is us familiar to the
readers of the press ns though it were com
mitted yesterday. There is therefore no
reason for repetition.
Louis Mo.vcr testified to-dny that the pris
oner hud told him nt some time during the
past that ho once fell upon n stone nnd re
ceived injuries that affected him peculiarly
Blnce. Prisoner's actions at times since con
vinced him that ho had told him the truth.
I. Lansingtestllled that Beers had fre
quently told him since the tragedy that ho
didn't care to live ; that his sweetheart was
dead , and that death would unite them In
the bettor world.
Policeman Ireland testified that the pris
oner had frequently nsked him for n knife
with which to kill himself ; that his actions
had been strange on many occasions , and
that ho believed that Hccrs was not mentally
Bound , Judging irom his actions nt divers
limes during the past.
Many other fragments of testimony of this
class were Introduced during the trial. Drs.
Hlnokley and .Simmons wore called In re
buttal. They testified Unit they were well
acquainted with Beers , but that they hud
jiovor scon any indications of Insanity ; that
they believed him to bo mentally sound.
County Attorney Stearns addressed the
Jury on the part of the state just after din
ner , and nt this hour ho Is in the midst of his
argument. J. II. Strode and t. W. Lansing
will follow In the order named , and the defense -
fonso will again bo given to n Jury ; guilty or
not guilty again tilings In the balance.
Judge Klold was on tuo bench In the equity
court room. He was greeted this morning
with a complaint from the members of the
bar. It Rooms that the facilities and conven-
iencesof the room Unit has been occupied are
inadequate to the needs , nnu the complaint
sot up the fact In very plain terms. There
nro 200 coses on the civil docket , and a-1x4
room certainly wns a little small to accom
modate the attorneys necessarily Interested.
Bllllngsley , Webster and Magoon were ap
pointed a committee to wait on the county
commissioners to see what could bo done.
This resulted in the transfer of the court
room to the sheriff's ofllce. Mclick kicks ,
and asserts that ho Is now crowded out. So
It goes , but the fact that this world Is full of
trouble and annoyance is again verified.
Jerry Hnrrington is again in a bad way.
Ho came Into court this morning and stated
that Mary Brenncn was causing him moro
trouble ; that she had again disregarded the
order of the court , came to his house and
vowed vengeance , nnd that ho wanted her
taken into custody. Mary is after Jerry , and
it seems that she won't bo contented unless
her name is changed to Harrington. This
chestnut is a familiar one in court circles. It
is understood that the court has ordered
Mary tr > bo taken Into custody.
II. M. Bronson , ot Albion , states that ho
Is engaged in the business of selling agricul
tural Implements ; that the Union Pacific
railroad company Is a corporation organized
under and by virtue of the laws of the United
States of America , nnd owns and operates a
line of railroad within this state ; that the
railroad connects Humphreys , Gcuoa.'St. ' Ed-
xvards and St. Paul with Omaha ; that the
distance from Omaha to Albion is 134 miles ;
to Genoa , 11 a miles ; St. Edwards , 123 miles ;
Huunmreys , 117 miles , and St. Paul , 175
miles ; that the rates charged for the trans
portation of goods of the Ilrst class by the
classification in use from Omaha to Albion
nro unreasonable , unjust and too high ; that
the respondent discriminates against
Albion by charging more for the
transportation of goods , wares and
merchandise , shipped under what
are known ns flrst class rates by quoting
rates and fixing rates on the class at lower
figures , to places situated at a greater dts-
tauco from Omaha than Albion Is from said
To Illustrate the unreasonableness of the
rates charged the following comparative
table is submitted :
To Genoa , 113 miles , 47 cents per 100
'pounds. '
To Humphreys , 117 miles , 50 cents per 100
To St , Edwards , 133 tulles , 53 cents per 100
To Albion , 1H ! miles , 59 cents per 100
To St. Paul , 175 miles , 53 cents per 100
Wherefore , recites the complainant , the
honorable board of transportation is asked
to sit to investigate the allegations , and
furnish such adjustment as equity and Jus
tice may demand.
The Odd Fellows of Lincoln lodge , No.
188 , celebrated the third anniversary of its
organization last night. The lodge organized
January 82 , 1S8U , with but ton members , but
it has grown Into ono of the strongest nnd
most energetic lodges of the city or stuto.
Visitors from all parts of the state wore in
attendance and commended the work of the
degree teams. The lodges of the city were
well represented by oflleers and members.
At 11 o'clock n committee of Indies of
Charity lodge , No. 2 , Daughters of Kehoknh ,
were introduced into the lodge and surprised
the brotherhood with nn invitation to par
take of a banquet prepared by them nt the
corner of Eleventh nnd M streets , but it is
needless to say than it was accepted and
furnished the most enjoyable fcnturo or the
occasion. The service was line. Words can
not inuko it stronger. Toasts and responses ,
happy In effect , enlivened the hours and
added much to the gononil enjoyment.
Wahoo wns represented by H. E. Ducks-
worth , Marcus Schmidt , H , F. Blunk , P. B.
Moose , F. H. Shed , Oscar Lent , J. C. F ,
Firth by D. E. Champion. C. M. Witt-
struck , Charles Fllckingon , O. T. Brudon ,
John Alhurs , John Harms , John Ernst , U.
E. Locker and ( J. A. Poguo.
Cortland by E. W. .Smith , L. A. Simmons ,
C. E. Axtel , J. P. Aighbort , F. G. LaSallo ,
J. F Prcntls , J. T. Niiylor , II. H. Sprnsruo ,
13. A. Grotjmi , E. C , Harmoro , W. E. Chit-
tendon , I. M. Scott , Jacob Bond.
Fremont by Joseph Klllott , E. W. Thomp
son , Joseph Soely , George Wolr , C. W.
Stevenson , C. A. Marshall , John Ynn Andn ,
C. O. Hanson , A. P. Nelson , W. E. Smalls ,
J , W Love , F. L. Burroll , Hov. 13. U. Curry ,
Jack Leo , Arthur Gibson , P. B. Cnminlngs ,
T. D. Black , W , J. KullookV. , . B. D ay , O.
H. P. Shively.
The governor to-dny npiralntod the follow
ing Nohrnsknns notaries public :
Charles W , Brooks , Benklemnn , Dundy
county ; William K. Morris , Omahn , Douglus
county ; Lowls C. Parker , Beatrice , GDJJO
county ; N. W. Van Osilnl , TocumsRh , John
son county ; John M. lloughton , Ognlluln ,
Keith county ; Charles A. Plorco. Dennett ,
Lancaster county ; Jacob S. Kiff , Mirage ,
Sheridan county ; Willis S , Bellows , Lincoln ,
Lancaster county ; J , H. Harris , Bartlett ,
L. D. Holmes , Esq. , wa.i admitted to prac
The following cases were argued and sub
mlttcdi Grinith vs. Smith , Fifth Natlonnl
bank vs. Edholm , Sloan vs. Cobiirn. Alns-
lluld vs. Mooro.
13. Kosownttir , editor of TUB But : , was in
the city to-diiy. und took a lively Intercut hi
the Douglas county contest.
Colonel S. II. Morrison , Jeweler , Nebraska
City , nmt Thomas Hanlon , of Dunbar , were
Capital City visitors to-day.
John J , Jenkins , deputy commissioner of
the bureau of labor , wont to Omahn to-day
on personal business. Ho has hU work fur
tils uecoud term of ofllce well outlined.
A upocial election htu been called m Liu-
coin for February 9 to rote upon the ques
tion of granting franchises t3 the Standard
street railway and the North Lincoln street
railway companies. These questions nro con
sidered important hero und a heavy vote is
The death of George S. Cahoon yesterday
swells the number of deaths nt the
asylum , a result of the explosion ,
to four. They were nil committed
to the grave to-day. George \ \ . Davis , as
sistant engineer , nnd A. D. OlfTord , n pa
tient , are improving , and it is believed that
they will get well. It has been decided to
hold no Inquest , but this announcement Is
not altogether satisfactory. A number of
citizens think that n rigid Investigation
should be had. Cnhoon , the last of the In
jured men to die was twenty-eight years of
ace , nnd a patient from Howard county. His
Injuries wore of an Internal nature.
City Mnrclinuts nnd CnpltnlUtH Unto
( UK lor the rity.s Bout-lit.
The city of Onialu , throughout all her In
dustriul und commercial tributaries , Is again
engaging in that activity Incidental to the
opening of another year of prosperity. The
merchants nro turning over their stocks , the
artisans are getting ready their tools , build
ers are preparing to erect the buildings they
have contracted for , and money fro.n abroad
is beginning to swell in the volume In which
it has hcrclotorc been blowing Into this city.
This is n season which oueht to bo Im
proved. It Is not too early to prepare for the
spring , summer nnd nutunm work. It is not
too early to make provisions for n material
and permanent advancement mid develop
ment of the city , In keeping with these
features which have thus far dlstln-
inilslio.l the city abroad. Omaha wants
manufactories of all kind * , because
manufactories , when well placed ,
arc a source of wealth and power. She
wants more business houscs.moro residences ,
nnd moro citizens. She can accommodate
nil of those who come , and indeed nil who
may come for many years. To these facts
the attention of our people tins been for
some time directed. Everybody agrees that
n great deal may be done , nnd that this year
will sec it done under the Inspiration of tlio
prosperity which dawned upon nnd blessed
the country surrounding us.
The mnnufucturer's bureau of the board of
trade is composed of C. F. Goodman , Otto
Lobeck , Edwin Davis. Thomas F , Tuttle
nnd T. C. Brunei- . With regard to the
course to be pursued the coming year by this
body , Nason , secretary of the board of trade
was spoken to. He said :
"The new manufacturing committee , or
the one chosen since the last orgiuilrutlnn ,
has held only two meetings , mid ns yet hn.s
not fully disclose. ! their plans. Their pro
ceedings , however , have boon characterized
by it spirit which Indicates that they are
fully awake to the necessity of securing and
fosteringnll enterprises that will assure par-
nianent employment to labor , and thus In
sure the continued growth and prosperity of
the city.
' The committee , I think , " added Mr.
Nason , ' 'will follow out the line of policy
adopted last year that is , they will give
prompt attention to nil .applications received
from parties Indicating 11 desire to locate
here , ana to furnish assistance so far ns they
have the power to all those they deem
worthy of aid. An effort will bo made to
nvoid nny Inducement to those who would
not bo likely to succeed. It must bo under
stood that this is no easy matter. Of thn
subjects already presented for the consider
ation of the committee , quite " > per cent are
from parties known to bo in impecunious
circumstances. There is quite n number of
proposals for tlio establishment of In
dustries , only a small proportion of
which nro considered worthy of attention.
Tim bureau is of the opinion that it is detri
mental to the accomplishment of a result to
publish anything in relation to the applica
tions until the industries nro secured.
Other cities learn of their work through the
press , then serious competition sets in and it
becomes n matter of the biggest bonus to get
the Industry , whatever it may bo.
"Omaha lias certainly boon a profitable
field for the laboring classes , during the
building boom she has experienced the past
two or three years , which has hardly u pui-
allol in tlio history of any city in the country.
The enormous bulk of grading.of laying pave
ments nnd putting down streets , the digging
of sewers nnd water mains , the building of
cable and street railway nnd motor lines , and
the hundred and ono other gigantic works ,
have nil furnished occupation for many
thousands of hands , skilled and unskilled ,
nnd made Omaha one of the most active and
bustling cities in the country. But every
day the city is becoming moro and moro
finished and the labor growing out of this
building era will fall off. Thence It behooves
all appreciative citizens to lend every effort
toward securing permanent industries , which
will furnish employment for our largo labor
ing element. This board is alive to tlio im
portance of its duties nnd good results
uro certain to .iriso from their exertion.
They will always be found ready to take
prompt action on such subjects as may from
time to time present themselves for consider
ation , nnd they may nlso bo rolled upon for
nn earnest effort to secure the best attaina
ble results for the general good of Omaha. "
Other members ot the board thought that
a public mcctincr , called to consider tlio best
incnnB of fostering manufacturing interests ,
would bo n ( rood thing. This would produce
a now support for the bureau and develop
the enterprise of our capitalists.
Advice to .Mother. * .
Mre. Winslow's Soothing oyrup should al
ways be used for children teething , Itsoothci
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
curcsjwind colic , and is the boat roiuody for
llarrhoa. i5c ! a bottle.
From n German I'oiut of View.
HAMiifjio , Feb. 7. A Hamburger corre
spondent publishes a letter signed "Otto
Hicrich , " which gives an account of recent
uvonts in Samoa from a German point of
view. The letter says that the whole light
in Samoa occurred on German private prop
erty. The writer asserts that the United
States steamer Nipsie supplied the "rebels"
with ammunition through Captain Clcary , of
the United States steamer Adams , nnd bo
deplores the fact that all efforts of the Gor
man consul to stop the sale of war munitions
to the natives have proved futile.
Tlio Winter Wheat Mlllors.
IxniANAi'OLi ? , Feb. 7. Attho winter wheat
millers' convention a committee was appoint
ed to visit Washington and endeavor to
secure such action by congress us will re
sult In reciprocal tariff duties by the United
States and countries thatu&e American flour.
A resolution was adopted requesting the
winter wheat millers to run their mills dur
ing February to only 50 per cent of their
Down nn Kmlmnkmont.
INWANAOMU , ind. , Fob. 7. Late hist night
a freight train on the Monon route struck n
broken rail near Qulncy , Ind. , and five rear
cars with the oabooso were thrown down an
embankment. Brakemnn Corey wns killed
nnd Conductor Wilson and Brakomun Bur
nett were dangerously injured. The former
will probably die.
Torn to I'locoK.
Sifi.T Srn. MAUIC , Mich. , Fob. 7. A horrible
rible murder was committed nt Little Cur
rant , Out. , J.W miles east of here , on Satur
day , Christiana Tugos , a half-breed , was
outraged by live Indians nnd then brutally
torn to pieces. Two of thn murderers were
brought to L'uimda See and lodged In Jail.
Cardinal IjudocliowHkl Dead.
LONPOX. Feb. 7. The death Is announced
nt Koine of Cardinal Ledoohowskl , formerly
primate of Poland ami archbishop of I'oson.
He was Imprisoned by Bismarck , but ru
le-used on a promise to reside abroad.
Tlio Ohnmlior of Torture
is the apartment to whioh the unhappy suf
ferer from Inflammatory rheumatism is con
fined. If , crn the crisis of puin is reached ,
that tine preventive , Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters , Is used by persons of a rheumatic
tendency , much unnecessary sufficing is
avoided. Nervines , anodynes and sedatives ,
while having none but a spcolllo effect , arc
yet very desirable nt times. Vet can they
produce no lasting effect unon rheumatism ,
bcansu they hnvo no power to eliminate
from the blood the rheumatic virus. Hos
teller's Stouia'th Blttnrs docs this , and
chocks at the outset a disease which , If al
lowed to gain headway , it is next to impos
sible to dislodge or to do more than to re
lieve. Rheumatism , it should bo remem
bered , is a disease with a fatal tendency
from Its prononcss to attack the heart. A
resort to the Bittnr * should , therefore , bu
prompt. Dyspepsia , kidney complaint , ma
laria and uorvousuoss ore relieved by it.
Notes CohccrulnR the Heoetit Acci
dent nnd It-t Victims.
The work of tearing down the ruins oc
casioned by the Meyer disaster wa con
tinued yesterday , the force of men being In
creased to nearly forty. The walls of the
two-story brick building which was occupied
by Boycr & Co. nnd D. C , Dunbar , have
been torn down to the first story. Teams
wore employed hauling nwav such lumber as
it was thought worth the lubar to save. The
balance will be given to the poor. A number
of men wat working wit hln the interior of
the Meyer block yeaterday , removing burnt
timber anil flooring. This work is attended
by Hindi danger and great care has to betaken
taken to avoid further accidents. As soon
as these timbers are removed nnd work in
the building can ha done with moro safety ,
n force of seventy-live men will bo put to
work tearing down the walls until the second
story Is raachod. From that point down the
walls nro considered perfectly safe. Williams
& IIolTstcad , the contractors , estimate that
It will take two weeks to complete the work.
Messrs. Dnnbur & . Co. have not yet de
cided when they will resume business , nnd
where they will locate. The firm lias boon
so busy looking after their dead and wounded
employes and sorachlntr for the books nnd
papers connected with their business which
are burled under the ruins , ns to bo unable
to pay nny attention to the future.
The men employed to look nftor the cITects
of Peter Boyer have recovered many valua
ble papers from the ruins ,
D. C. Dunbnr yesterday received a letter
from C. H. Silver , who was sent to his homo
at Siousc City after the disaster. Ho is suf
fering much from the pains of his bruises
and nervous prostration.
Charles HIaKc. ono of Dunbar's men , who
resides in Council Bluffs , nnd who was in
jured In the head nnd over the loft eye , was
reported In a dangerous condition.
Miss Oliver , nt the Esmond , nnd Charles
Caesar , n t the s'uno place , suffered con
siderable from n relapse.
The funeral of Edward Olcson was held nt
2 o'clock from Drexel & Maul's nnd a long
line of mourning friends followed his re
mains to Forest Lawn cemetery , Uov , Mr.
Hondrickson. pastor of the Norwegian Lu
theran church , conducted services both nt
the Moaguo and grave. The pull-bearers
were Peter Klmr , Samuel Burgstram , A. H.
Sovoiidbcg , Henry Jackson , It. Hassmusson ,
nno O. Johnson.
All the victims of last Monday's horrible
affair liavo been buried , except Samacl Lum-
b.ird. His b9dy will bo forwarded to-day
to Brunswick , Mo. , where his parents
and relatives live.
Peter Ilnyer'H Funeral.
The funeral of Peter Boyer tookplaco yes
terday afternoon. His remains were placed
in n heavy cloth-covered casket , nt Drexel &
Maul's , and convoyed to his late residence.
710 Pierce street , nt wnlch point the funeral
took place nt'J o'clock. Tlio body had boon
badly disfigured in the accident , nnd the face
had many cuts in it , but after being dressed
and prepared for burial the features looked
calm nnd natural. A largo concourse of
sympathizing nnd sorrowing friends followed
the remains to the grave. Among the mourn
ers wore many leading men of business und
professional life. The deceased having been
nn honored nnd Influential member of the
Odd Fellows , the ceremonies were con
ducted under their auspices. n
largo representation from the lodges
of the city being present. The pall-bearers ,
Messrs. David Ilarpstor , II. C. Lewis , Jacob
Bcnistimi , F. Herman , J. F. Shooley and J.
A. Johnson wore selected from the members
of the lodge to which the deceased had be
At the residence , Rev. . J. S. Dotwoiler
mndo n few appropriate remarks , taking his
text from the tenth verso of the fiftieth chapter -
tor of Isaiah. The music was furnished by
the choir of the Touth street Methodist
The sobs of the widow nnd children , when
the time had arrived for thorn to take a final
look Into the casket that contained the re
mains of him who had noon so much to
them , were heart rending and made strong
men weep. Ono of the llttlo boys throw his
arms about the casket und cried as though
his heart was breaking. "Oh , don't takoi
away my papa , " ho begged. It was with
the greatest difficulty that ho could bo led
away from his father's bier.
The remains were interred at Forest Lawn
cemetery , the ceremonies nt the grave being
conducted by tlio Odd Fellows according to
their funeral rites.
The remains of S. B. Snowdcn were taken
tothc B. & M. depot yesterday afternoon , and
forwarded to Waterloo. lu. , for burial.
They were accompanied by a brother of the
deceased , who arrived hero Wednesday
The funeral of John Howard , who died
last Monday evening at South Tenth street ,
was held yesterday afternoon from Droxal &
St. Paul's Social.
Wednesday night a social for the benefit
of St. Paul's.Episcopnl church was held at the
house of Mr. Herbert Pcckham. There was
a largo aUondanco.and all were highly enter
tained. Too much pralso can hardly bo
given that remarkable musical family , H. V.
Powell , sons and daughter. Master Powell ,
the llttlo drummer boy did nicely , nnd sweet
llttlo Blanche In her song of "Uock-n-by
Baby , " accompanied by Dolly , was a de
lightful treat. Mrs. Powell displayed her
natural ability and cultivation in handling
the improved harp. The music also rendered
by Mrs. R. V. Sfncum will not .so'on be for
gotten. Uev. Withcrspoon was present and
assisted lu welcoming and entertaining
strangers. These sociables are held once a
month at the house of a member of the
church. _
A handsome complexion is ono of the
( jrcalest charms n woman can possess.
Pozzoui's Complexion Powder gives it.
Mr. Croiv Will i\plnlii.
Yesterday afternoon Chief Galligan swore
out a warrant for the arrest of a mnn named
Crow on the charge of arson. It appears that
lie claimed to have n quantity of butcher's
tools In the barn at the corner of Twenty-
eighth nnd Dougln streets , which was de
stroyed by fire Monday night , and had an in
surance on them in the Long Island Insur
ance company for . * 300. No trace of tools of
any description could bo found in the ruins ,
nnd Chief Galllgan accordingly applied for
his arrest. On the lith of November last
Crow was the occupant of a store in Bohm's
block , at the corner of Twentieth and Loav-
onwurth streets , which was also burned.
I'olloo Court CulprilH.
Tim Carr appeared in court to answer the
charge of being dead drunk. His nose wns
the main witness against him , It being badly
cut and disfigured with too frequent contact
with thn sidewalk. Ho was ilnod fl.riO.
Sam Bayard was charged with being
drunk and disorderly. On his left temple ho
had a frightful gush tnat ho could not ac
count for. Ho was nssessoU $7.50.
Thomn * Williams was caught by a B. &M.
detective stealing coal from thoB. & M , Hull-
way company ut their transfer trui-ks near
Chicago street yesterday , and was ar
rested. Ho was fined $ ! 3.5" .
The value of thought can not bo told.
Just BO with the best of everything.
Tuko Dr. Uigolow's Positive Cure for
all throat nnd lung troubles , if 3011
npprccintu a speedy and thorough euro.
Ploaaitnt to tako. 50 cents and $1.
Goodman Drug Co.
Tlio bigamy case of Mrs , Dora Stairs
against Dor husband , Maurice H. Stairs , of
Omaha , has assumed n now phase.
The attorneys for the defence , together with
the county attorney , asked to have Justice
Levy dismiss the case. Justice Levy re
fused to have anything to do in the mutter
till 1) ) o'clock Friday morning , the time ad
journed to for the hearing. Complaint wus
then mndo before Justice Reed , of Omaha ,
nnd Mr. Levy was arrested on a charge of
libel. W. A. L. Gibbon , of tbo Savings
bank , wont Justice Levy's ball for his ap
pearance Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Catarrh cured , health and sweet
breath scoured by Shiloh'd Catarrh
llomcdy. Price 60 cents. Nasal In
jector free , For sale by Goodman
Drug Co.
The South Omahft Prosa Ennquot at
the Paolflo Hotel ,
Iionn nnd HtillilltiR Association Moot
ing Donation Party at Hov ,
Wheeler's Knljchts of Honor
Unll-G. A. It. Muster
Tlio South Oinnlm Press Itntiquot.
The ilrst banquet , given by the South
Otimliu newspaper mnn nt the Pncitlc hotel ,
Wednesday , was up to every expectation.
13y the tluio tiio Omnlnt friends arrived the
parlors were fillet ! wltli faces smiling with
satisfaction. At 10:30 : the doors wore
opanod , nnd following the president nnd his
guest , twenty-live surrounded tables ns
tastefully nrraugod nnd ns well laden with
Inviting1 mid palatable viands ns epicure
could wish or ntniRry newspaper men could
eat. Tlio menu was : Oysters raw .
nnd stowed ; celery ; Queen ollvos :
cold tin in anil tongue ; boned turkey , chicken
nnct duck with Jelly ; llommi punch claret
nnd Kellcy Island Untnwba wines ; cold sluw ,
mixed plcitlcs , tomato soy. horse radish ;
Jolly cake , white cake , chocolate cake , crackers -
ers , cheese ; green tea , I'offee.
After reaprcndmg the cloth Mr. Samuel P.
Urlglmni , the president called the meeting
to order nnd uftor n short address of wel
come announced the toasts of the pro
gramme ns follows : Omahn Journalism , Mr.
U. A. Ufcli , of the Stockman. Liquid toast.
Hespondcd to by all present.
of tlio City Council.
Mnyor Slonno nnd nil the councilmcii ex
cept Messrs. McMillan and Fenno were pres
ent nt the adjourned meeting Wednesday nf-
lernoon. minutes were read nnd ap
proved. The lire and water committee re
ported In favor of n fire alarm system , nnd
the report empowering the committee to put
same In nt n cost not exceeding $1,500 was
adopted. The llnnnco committee reported
favorably on thirty-nine bills , aggregating
S2.1W.OI1. The mayor's report that ho had
accepted the resignations of Police Oftlccrs
Ncls A. Luudgreon nnd J. Hlivcsnlcht , was
adopted. An ordinance wns directed to bo
drawn prohibiting stock running nt large.
Ordinance No. 1'Jl , relating to a city physi
cian , was tabled. Thomas Hcgan's offer to
dedicate land for n certain street on condi
tion that the city would pay his special grad
ing on Thirtieth street wns declined. The
board expense for the city prisoners wns re
ferred to the police committee. Adjourned
to meet Saturday evening , the lOtli.
Iioim n > ul ltiillilin < ; Association.
The annual meeting of the South Omaha
Loan and Building association was hold In
Secretary Cook's ofileo Wednesday oAonlng.
Four hundred dollars were cold at 0 per
cent. Tlio secretary's ' annual report was
read , showing total receipts , $0,930.80 ; loans ,
$1,037.03 ; earnings , $1,103,21 ; redeemed
shares , ? 013.-ld ; balance on hand , $51.81.
There are eighty shareholders and 329 live
shares of stock. Messrs. C. M. Hunt and
Frank II. Dewey were elected directors.
Messrs. 13. Frank Crlttendon , W. It. Sngo
and William A. Schrelwero elected auditors.
Secretary W. S. Cb'ok's resignation wns
read. Adjourned to moot Wednesday even
ing , the liith , at T o'clock.
Gooil Will IjOtlRO No. JJ ISO 1C. of H.
One hundred and twenty-live couples fol
lowed Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nelson in the grand
march at the tlrst annual ball of Good Will
Lodge No. 3430 , Knights of Honor , in A. O.
H. hall Wednesday evening. Hofmann's or
chestra , of Ouiuha , furnished the music , und
Schenck , the restaurateur , set n most pal
atable spread. The committees were all
alive to the wants of their guests , and those
present were satisllod in every want and
pleased to the full. ltwas , one of the most
successlul society events ever held in the
city. _
Notes About the City.
Masterworlcman C. W. Miller Is in Beatrice -
rice , as representative of local assembly No.
8,010 , Knights of Labor , attending the
fourtli annual session of the state assembly.
Mrs. J. W. Cress is ill and confined , to her
The religious revival In the Methodist
Episcopal church , will bo continued every
evening this week. The Itov. Eddleblutc is
doing a very successful work.
Charles Miller , of Columbus , has boon
appointed Pacific express acont vice Will
iam C. Wood resigned. Mr Miller will
arrive the lust of this week to take charge of
the olllcc , In the meantime the ofllcc is
in charge of route ngrent G. D. Patterson.
William C. Wood , formerly Pacific express
agent , has charge of one of the shipping de
partments at Swift & Co.'s packing
H. U , ICelloy , of Cheyenne. Wyo. , is nt the
yards visiting his son , Night Watchman
Ucnjnuiln Kolloy.
W. E. Itich , ot the Stockman , Wednesday
afternoon received n telegram from Jackson
ville , Flu. , that his mother's brother , W. II.
Chase , Pana. 111. , had died.
Bo of worthless imitations of Dr.
Jonos' Rod Clover Tonic. The genuine
cures hcndncho , piles , dyspepsia , lUfuo ,
mnlnriu , and is u perfect tonic and blood
purlllor. Price 60 cents. Goodman
BIn.or | Porter In Baltimore ,
I3Ai.Ti.MOHE , Md , , Feb. 7. A gentleman
who has been hero for the past two days
told n reporter that ho was Major David
E. Porter , whoso departure from New
York for Hayti to take command of Legit
imo's force , was mentioned u few days ngo.
Porter says that his engagement with Min
ister Preston was broken olt by a misunder
standing ; that two had boon made since and
that ho thinks now that the original one will
be carried out.
_ _
A Negro Brute Ijyncheil.
Nr.\v \ OIIUUNS , La. , Feb. 7. Tlio Times-
Domocrnt's special from Sutnniitt , Miss , ,
says : Mrs. Sallie Gordon and her fourteen
your-old daughter were outraged by three
neproos yesterday. The cominunityls | | wild
with excitement. One negro has been caught
nnd was immediately dispatched , Tlio others
are at large , but every effort Is being made
to catch them.
A Vordlnt For $2O,000.
iMiM'iiiA , Pa. , Feb. 7. Tlio trial of
Charles T. Orbann against the Philadelphia
Traction company ( street car line ) , for per
sonal injuries rccolvod. terminated In n vcr
diet for the plaintiff for fJO,000. Orbann
was a newsboy , nnd wns pushed or fol
from the traction car nnd had n leg cut
IHcil Krom Prltfit ,
Nsw YORK , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram
to TIIR 13KC.J-Funnlo Moore , the cloven-
year-old daughter of Assistant Appraiser
Daniel Moore , while returning homo from
school with several girl friends , a week ngo ,
was attacked by n train p. The other girls
ran , but Funnlo was too frightened to run.
The tramp shouted that h& wns "Jack the
Kipper , " and threw his arms nrotiml 'her.
She fainted. The tramp wns frightened
nwuy by a policeman , who carried the un
conscious girl home. When she regained
consciousness she was delirious nnd Monday
she died. The tramp who caused her death
1ms not been found. The same man fright
ened several other little girls and some of
them nro sick from the nervous shock ,
A Wlilte Cap Tjitw.
IXDIAV\rous , Fob. 7. The scnnto has pas
sed a "White Cap" bill , making It n riot
ous conspiracy for three or moro persons to
combine for tlio purpose of doing any unlaw
ful act white wearing white caps or being
otherwise disguised , and fixing n penalty of
& ! , UOO und imprisonment in the state peni
tentiary for not moro than two years.
Ci u ed by n Widow.
Arwoon , Kan. , Feb. 7. [ Special to THE
DKK.J lu a light between Philip Puroell and
the Stark boys Pnrccll , who Is an old mnn.
wns stnbbcd in the side with a large pocket
knife. The wound is dangerous , but may
not prove fatal. The trouble was caused by
a widow.
Those lllookn or Klvo.
NEW YOKK , Fob. 7. Lawrence Gadkin ,
representing the Evening Post , made appli
cation in the supreme court to-day for n com
mission to examine Colonel W. W. Dudley In
Washington In his suit ngninst the Kvcnmg
Post to recover damages for libel. The ob
ject is to ascertain whether or not ho wrote
the famous "blocks of live" letter.
Fatally Injured l y
KOMI : , Gn. , Feb. 7. George nntl John Lee ,
two Clilnamuii having a laundry in tlio center
of the city , were discovered In n dying con
dition nt noon .vcstcrdny. They hat ! been
fntnlly Injured by burglars.
They All Come to Time.
CIIICAOO , Koli. 7. All railroads interested
in Iowa traffic have followed the lead of the
Burlington , nnd either put tlio commis
sioners' schedule of rates into effect or htivo
Riven notice timt they will do so 119 soon as
they can issue their tariffs.
Ilolonn Newspaper Chnncc.
HIUNA : : , Mont. , Fob. 7. The Daily Kccord
ciianged ownership yesterday , passing Into
the Hands of the Journal company , of which
Hnsscll 13. Harrison is president. The paper
to-day appears for the first time with the As-
elated press reports.
niltllonnlrn Arliucklo Appeals.
New YOUK , Feb. 7. Millionaire Arbucklo
has taken an appeal to the court of appeals
from tlio general term of the supreme court ,
which continued tlio verdict ol $45,000 ob
tained by "Huntiy" Campbell against him
for broach of promise.
A Kntul Quarrel.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Fob. 7. At Edlnburg ,
Johnson county , in a dispute over a game
of cards , George Fender drew a revolver
and shot and killed Charles Winterborg.
City Marshal Adams , when arresting the
murderer , was dangerously cut by him ,
Heavy Dry Goods Failure.
IlAiiTFoitn , Conn. , Fob. 7. Caleb M. Tnl
cott , nn extensive dry goods merchant of
this city , has made an assignment. The lia
bilities are said to bo nbout two hundred
thousand dollars ; assets unknown , hut it is
said the 11 rm will pay 100 cents on the dollar.
Ktlnukct Mill Destroyed.
Cr.r.vcr.AXi > , Feb. 7. The Northern Ohio
blanket mill , occupying two three-story brick
buildings in this city , burned early this
morning. The loss on tlio milt nntl machin
ery Is estimated at 8100,01)0 ) : insurance & > 0-
Earthquake Sliooks in California.
SAX FIIAXCISCO , Fob. 7. Light earthquake
shocks , occurring nt J:20 : last evening , are
reported from Los Anceles ' and San Bernar
dino. At Colton , Cal , , two distinct shocks
were felt.
Insurnnun Accnt Suicides.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Feb. 7. Walter J. Gib
son , a well-known insurance agent , commit
ted suicide nbout 1 o'clock this morning by
shooting himself through the head. No cause
Is assigned for the deed.
Scwall Asked to Resign.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 7. This morning
Harold M. Sowall , consul general to the
Samonn islands , received notification from
the state department that his resignation
would bo acceptable on the ground that his
views were not in harmony with those of the
The Sumo Old Story.
EASTON , Md. , Feb. 7. Eva Burroughs ,
npod fourteen , wns nccidoutly killed lust
night by Mr. A. K. Huwson , who snapped a
pistol in her fuco which was supposed to bo
Hack nt Washington.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 7. President and Mrs.
Cleveland nnd Colonel Lament returned
this morning from New York. The presi
dent gives a dinner to the Justices of the supreme
premo court this evening.
A Now Iowa I'ostiniiHtor.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 7. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : 13r.i.l Matthias L. Donovan has
been appointed postmaster at 13cruurd , Da-
buquo county , lu , , vice S. H. Banman re
The Ciu-dlir-.JaokHoii Fight.
SAN FUANCISCO , Fob. 7. April 20 has been
fixed as the date for the Cardiff-Jackson
Norton Sues For Divorce.
ST. Louis , Feb. 7. John W. Norton , man
ager of the Grand opera house , to day filed
suit for divorce from his wife , Emma
Stockman Norton , on the trrounds of adul
tery nnd abandonment , thus reviving Inter
est'in the Moore-Norton scandal.
nttelWU . - v.lei. V3"1ivpLlCA11" . aheeV * .
Thus the Mustang' conquers pain.
Makes MAN or BEAST well again !
Fair white hands.
Soft ; healthful skin.
"TEARS'-Tto Great English Comploslon SOAP-Sold , EvarjwtorOi"
Hardware and Cutlery ,
Mechanic * ' Tools , I'lncllronsc JJ tilt tiers' ( ! ontli and HHff'alo Scale * .
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
11) ) TO 40 PER CENT
Saving in Gas
Guaranteed by using
National Automatic
Gas-Saving Governor ,
SocunM n Rtouly : ami uniform uogroo ot Illn-
liilimtloii.a-osultliiR from rcpilnr pressure iiiul
pniisi'tiiiont perron combustion of tlio gases
InsnrltiK a pnro und healthful atmosphere , nnd
obviating the sooty deposits of iitironstiniod
carbon upon frescoed walls , paintings nntl
I'rovoiilH tlio disagreeable whistling , blowing
and smoking oC bimuT.s , anil avoids tin1 fre-
( incut danger and expense ot broken globes.
Tlio ( Jovernorsts the consumer ' 'HAITI
CALIiY NOTHING , us the saving In gas bllK
( where full enpai'lty ot motor Is nsi-d ) will te-
bate cost of ( Jovornor In every throu or four
months' service nuil In lurpo imlhllugi every
Mxtv days , Urns rotuiulnK 1UOMOJ to ( WO I'Ult
CHJtT. nnniiHl dividends on tlio Investment.
W ulll atliu'hour ( Ins-Savhifr
to any nirliT upon tlio basis of one-half
tlio viiluc of monthly Saving.
Practical tests ninrto lit our olllcc. Public In-
Agencies distributed in nil cities.
S. 1' . Comer Kitli anil I'immm Sis. ,
20 to 60 DAYS.
This is a disease which has heretofore )
IJafllcd all Medical Science.
Wo have n Itomedyunkuo\vn to nnyono lu tlio
World outsldu of our Company , and one that has
to euro the most obuinato cunei. Ton days In
recent cases docs the work. 11 Is tlio old chronic
deep seated cases that wo solicit. Wo liavo
curoil hundreds who have been abandoned by
Physicians , and pronounced Innurablo. nnd wo
challenge tlio world to bring us a cnso that \vo
will not euro In les.s than Hlxly days.
Since the history ot niudtclnoa truenpcclllc
for SyphllH has been sought for but , never
found until our
was discovered , and wo are .Instilled In saying
it la tlio only Itomody In. the World that will pos
itively cure , because the latest Medical Works ,
published by the best known nutnorltlo.i. say
there wns never a true sponlllc before. Our rem
edy will curu when everything ti\no \ has failed.
Why waste your time and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything else should rome to us now nnd
Ket permanent relief , yon never can get It else
where. Mark what wo say. In the and you
must tnko our remedy or NKVKH recover and
you that have been mulcted but n shorf time
should by all moans coma to us now not one In
ten of new cases over got permanently cured.
Many get help nnd think they are free from the
disease , but in one , two or three years af tor It
njipeaM again in n moro horrible form.
This is n blood Purifier tincl will Cure
luty Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
Room 10 anil 11 , U. S. National Bank
building1 , Onmlia. Nob.
MEN ami WOMEN successfully troatoil ,
fuffprlns from thn effects or youthful folllui orlu
illtrrollun.orura troubled with WmtknosH , .VorvoiM
Debility. I"f Memory , I > i smn > liuicy. Avcrnlon t )
Society , Klilney Trouble , or uuy ilhoaao nf thu ( lunllo
Urinary orunna.cnn here tlndu gnfuanil fipcoJy euro.
Charlies reasonable especially to ll'u ' poor.
Thproaro mnny trouhlM with too frecTiiont erne-
uutlonsof thu lihulilor. oilen accoimmnluil hy a nllxlit
sniurlliii ! or Lurnlnu pcnimUnn , nnd ivuHkonlnu of the
oytti'm In u manner thu patient cannot account for.
On examining tlio urlmirv dopoilts a rnuy nwlimont
wlllollun I'O ' loiind.Hiid nnmctlmus ginaM particle * of
uliMiinen will nppeHr , or the color will hu of u thin
inllklsh huu. aiiiiln chniiKlnx ton ilarit or torulilup.
licarancu. Thiirc nrn many men whoillu of tiiUailll *
cully , limorant of the cuusu , which In tlio second
ela o of nominal i'aknosi. The doctor will CIKU
iiiili'iin perfect euro In all such cusui and u heullhy
restoration ot tlio iiantto-nrlnarr oru'nnt , C'jiiiuHU'
tlou Iroo. Htiml tor 'I cent etarap
"Young Man's Friend , or Quldo to Wcdloslr , "
Htr.t : TO AI.I
N.K. ( ' .or. IfitH & Douglas fits , , or National 1)1 ) *
[ innsary , corner I'UU iincl Main , Kiinsos City , Mo.
Use "Peerless Brand"
Fresh Raw Oysters ,
tjulectotl anil packuil with rluiinllneh.s It care by
CH , PEARSON & CD , Baltimore , Md
They are thu bc.-jr. .Auk yourUruclr froiutiiom.
I ArroaU rtlsclmrBca Item the urlntry or
I gans in cltlior 6 x lt1H liourk.
J It Is superior to ( opalba , Uubebs , 01
I Injections , anil free troui all bail rmi'll
for other Inconveniences.
' ANTAL-MIDY ' "tconuine < )
| U | K , wlilrb Iwir ( lie ninio It
J black leltcm.Mtti'jUl wulcti uuaauru
/ iniiryand u" nrmnrytroubliueailly.riulcb
MUNCI lyamlsafdly cured by IKJOTUKAU.iii-
rules. Hovorul uasuti cured In Heron ilnyx. Bom
er box , all ( IrumtUtH , or by mull from ! )
112Vbito Mt..N. V. rull Direction l
Physician and Surgeon
Cnrrtpnrn5il ESTABLISHED 1851 I ISO So.
DUTUUJrCb ! } chlcngo , Ills , j ClnrkOt.
Tlie Regular Old-Established
litllllTrcallnc with the Greatest
Chronic , NCFFOHS and Pwate Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terribltf
Dreams , Head and Unclt Ache ami all lh < effect !
leading lo early dccuy .inI peilups Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new m-tlioJi with
never-f ibna success.
fl-SYI'HILISand allbnd UlooJ anJ Skin DIs.
cases permanently cured.
SB-KIDHEYand URINARY complain" . * " " * .
Gonorrhoea , Strlcture , Vnrlcocele iul all disease !
ottlic Gcnlto-1' Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
aff-No experiments. Ace and experience lm
portnnt. Consultation free and nacred.
B-Scnd 4 cents post RO for Celebrated Wotks on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases.
ea-Those contemplating Marriage tend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated nulJc Male and Female , each
15 cents , both ss cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or calltnay save futiiresufier.
Ine and shame , and add golden ycar > to life , JBS'Hoolt
"Life's ( SecretErrors ) , " 30centsstamps ( ) . Mcdiclni
and \nltings sent everywhere , secure from exposure *
Hours , 8 to B. Sundays 9 In 11. Addiess
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
106 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO ) ILL.
MI .Clinton. Dlion , Oblcaei ) , Mllfraukue ,
! n r , ntnb , Idabo. Novntln , Orctton. Wash-
obr .V Vl ' 'S Hncrlln" " SUPer' ° r BllV'nl'B0'
Amonirn fiiw of the nnmorous points of auportorttr ,
if o patrona " ' ttlls rf"1 between Omahi
--S , which are the flncut
r. - - Hint lirmian nrt and
Ingunully c n crcatu. Its l'ALACKyi.K15IMNOQAll3
.n oqriaior wlilcli can not tie fnuntl el owburo. At
nnect In union ilopot with thono of the Clil-
fhR. ° ni Nortliwsturn Hr. In Chtcniro tlio trnlni of
Kaltcrn ffnoV " oomiuc"onwltu tliowof nlloluer
vK nJ)1l-rlt'1,90laIubV'1 Indianapolis. Cincinnati ,
. ; J.5rn , row " York. * ' I'Mlailetphin ? ! ' " 'burn. , Tornnlo. llaltlmoro Montreal , Waab >
Ington , Olid all points In the Kan. Aalc fur UoLoU VI *
A" tlcke
a. P. WII.80N.
Q n'l 1'asaT Agent.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Route from Omaha ami Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Pnul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itn
Itoclc Island. Frrcport. Hockftinl ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Dnvcimoit ,
Elgin , Sludison , Jnncsvilli1 ,
Itclolf. IVInonn , La Crossu ,
And all oilier Important oolnti East , NortlionJt aal
For thrnuiih tickets , oall on tba ticket agent nt iWl
> 'arnatu trett. in Darker lllock , or ftt Union tactua
I'ulhr.nn Hle pcr > and th noeitPlnlni Cnri In tba
world un ruu on tb * mala lineof tba Chicago. Mil.
wukco A St. 1'aul lUllnar , anil arorj attention In pa4 !
to pnniengors lir courmous uiploroi of tnecompoun
H. Mir.l.Kll.denornl Manner.
J. K. TUliUKIt. AiiliUntCtoeral Manager
A. V. u. CAlll'KNTBU. Oiitral l' j ns r aa <
Ticket Aient.
( JKU. K. HKAKKOUD , A < litul Ueners.1
Paid Up Cnplla ! . $100,000.
in-plus . 00 ,000
II. w. VATKD , I't-poldont.
IiBwiH H. HKIIII , Vlcul'roslrtent.
A. 13. TOIV.AI.IN , ami Vlro I'rosldont1
\V. H. B. llumin-i , ( Jaililer ,
W. V. MlllK. ) JOltN S. t'Ol.t.lNS ,
A K. TOU/.AMN' .
llnnkliii , '
C'ornur 1-tlt nntl Piirniun fits.
A.Gcnfrul llankliu
80UP8 ,
_ _ ' ProeurTj Prowpllu.
iKOIKlK K. IKMOV. Attmm-r ut Law.
( lin I/irirfilitliHI. , AVAhlllNOTON. 1) . < 1.
ISC3 , Kinder lil-J'ainiitilel , Jrtt ,
/fty. / lort inAnhniwl , iti\ J will
llMt ( KAtah rortUlnlnir fttll
hflmn rui , free of tljirgr. AildrrM ,
PROF.r.O. FOWLER. MootlUB. Conn.
flfVlffft FOR MFN } " ! ' " , ' " f
KB'Hnail lull illl.l1 bail | > ricli > M. ing/tx
VD MBB P < rfocllr irc lni'Uif \ tli > new
QIlHflll bE&LON-DUpne Methpil.
. . .J" . aTMiaJ i rvitrfot uur nt * illuitiatej 'T.uiuvU
mBMtJeaaMBB Ilrulth. " Atisolnto tecrrry , ViiriCO *
Cole cured wiihrjut t > tii oroiwritlcn. Adurtii
Deslon-Dupro Cllnlquu ( liu Ticmuui b : . , J
Peerless " !
Dyes ftV"151M8T