Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collections nt the internal rovcuuo
department yesterday wore $7,123.33.
Mrs. M. C. Ilasmussen dlod tit her
residence 1710 Hurt street , Februarys ,
1K89. Funeral notice hereafter.
Sftlcs nt the postolllco during the
hionlh of January were stamps , $1 1-
4IKUI9 ; envelopes , $3,537.62 ; news and
jjorlodlcnlg , % 1 ,331.10. , _
The majority of" the pupils in the
public bchools who went through the
ordeal of examinations last week learned
their fate Yesterday.
Charles Godsavo , while drunk , In
sulting ladies and usinp language-
variance with his name , wua arrested.
Ho was fined SU7./H / ) .
The Y. M. C. A. will glvo a reception
nt their hall Thursday evening to St.
Andrew's brotherhood , the Younp Pee
ple's Society of Christian Knilcnrornml
other kindred organizations.
As Mr. 13. C. Smith was driving north
on Sixteenth street near the viaduct ,
Saturday night , a drunken driver
allowed "his vehicle to collide with his
throwing Mr. Smith out and breaking
his arm. The drunken man lashed hin
herded and drove olT.
Dave Reed , a hopeless victim of the
alcohol habit , was arrested Sunday
for being drunk and brandishing a
hatchet with which lie threatened to
brain his aged parents. Ho has been
arrested a number of times for similar
ofTonscs , and Is said to bo a dangerous
man when intoxicated. IIo vas lined
87.60 and was sentenced to work on the
streets lor" forty days.
Personal I
H. K. Frecmun , of Chicago. Is nt the Mil-
P. Tmihy , of Nortli Platte , is stopping at
the Miltii-il.
K. C. Harris , of Norfolk , is registered at
the Murray.
Major F. M. McIConurick , of the nnn.v , is
nt the 1'axton.
O. W. Uuvls ami , T. 1 . Johnson , Kearney ,
nro at the Mlllard ,
Fred Nye , proprietor of the Republican ,
left for Clilcu 0 last nicht.
J. H. Weson , J. D. H. J. Kilpatrick , of
Beatrice , are at the Paxton.
E. H. Appoint mill H. U. Totnson , Lin
coln. tue stopping at the Murray.
M. IhTilton and W. -Humphrey , of
Lincoln , arc guests of the Mlllnrd.
"Hilly" Moran will KotoSt. Louis to-day ,
accompanied by his friend , Charlie Kosters.
Captain F. M. N. Kcndrick , who has been
nway on a four months' leave of absence
from his .station nt Koclc Springs , is in the
city on route home. He spent the most of
his vacation In St. Pmil , having expected to
enjoy hlmsolf at the ice palace festivities ,
but the failure to get ice knocked the sport
Out , consequently his fun was spoiled. The
captain says that business has not boon so
dull mid money so scarce in St. Paul for
years as now. Merchants nro complaining
bitterly and the people nro buying very
closely , and only such necessaries as they
absolutely have to have.
Ills Tlilril Call.
Charles Williams culled twice at the col
ored M. K. minister's homo and called the
preacher nil the vile names in the rowdy's '
vocabulary. The third tnno ho called , a po
liceman who lay in wall collared him and
marched him to the police station. Ho was
lined $ l .5U.
A Kolkcnny Fight.
Dennis Uiirrett , Jerry Sullivan , John
Morlnrty and Con Connors all appeared
before the police judge with badly disfigured
faces received in a row in Kclkenny's
saloon. The ofllccr making the
arrest was In bed nslcun , and as the other
accusers of the boys , failed to appear the
Judge released them.
England vs. Ohio.
Senator Morgan , the English champion
cycler , and Clmrllo Ashingcr , of Cleveland ,
O. , posted a ? . " > 0 forfeit with Frank Parmaleo ,
of the Collins Gun company , yesterday ,
for a fifty milo race , to talto plnco on Saturday -
day evening , the Kith , at the colosseum , for
$200 a side.
Shutting OlTtlio "Water.
The thirty days' grace to delinquent pat
rons of the waterworks company wore up
last Friday , ana the company extended the
time up to Saturday night. About 150 sub
scribers paid up in the additional time , but a-
largo number are still delinquent ? nnd yester
day a squint of men wcro detailed to com
men co shutting off the water supply of these
Hound Over.
The case of Mary Lillie Williams , the mar
ried woman who was found in a compro
mising position in the Fnrnam stroct lodging
liouso Sunday night , was hoard before Judge
. .Borka yesterday afternoon. The evidence
was conclusive and she was bound over to
appear at the district court in the sum of
1400. Her paramour. Givaus , was dis
"Will Clear
The conference of Mayor' Broutch , City
Attorney Webster , Ctiiof of Police Saavoy
And Major UiUcombe , chairman of the board
of public works , in regard to the working of
prisoners on the streets , has resulted in
Major Ualcoinbo writing an ofllclal commu-
plcntlon to Chief Seavoy requesting him to
ot nil prisoners sentenced in the police court
to work on the streets from this day until
April 1 , kcopini ; the crosswalks clean.
Vordn Koturim the Watch.
The prostitute Venlu Jenkins , who stele a
gold watch from a man named Rath who
lives near Ninth and Jackson , has returned
the stolen property by express to the chief of
police hero/ While the oftlcors wpro on her
track , her stcp-fathor , Mr. Maxon. who lives
eight miles south of Nebraska Citv , promised
to 100 that slio returned the article provided
they would not arrest her. Tlio ofllcors.
agreed to this with tlio nbnvu result. She ls
aid to be in u Kansas City bawdy liouso.
Wants tlio Ph-Ht Whack ,
There wore four suits of attachment en
tered in Justice Wnilo's court yesterday
against John Hestelmoyer for moneys and for
poods. The plaintiffs tire Ami Goslin , John
Pearson , W. N. Hndgti and Strode & Mnrx ,
and the total amount Involved is f.'OO. The
sUtncluncnts ware Issued , and the plaintiffs
filing nflldavits that the property was perishable -
able , an order of sale was issued and tlio
property sold. Bridge now socks' to inter-
vcnp on the other thrco cases , claiming that
onio of the property sold under this order
was hid , mid consequently ho has tlio right to
Intervene and claim restitution out of tlio
nionoy In the hands of the court. Justice
"Wrulo will render his decision this
The J. J. llnrilln IJInze.
A flro that occurred In John J. Hnr-
din's sporting goods depot , corner
Thirteenth and Dodge streets , Sunday
morning , turns out to have been much
more disastrous than was at llrst supposed. A
hn ty appraisement puts the loss anywhere
from 13,600 to fd,003 , in goods In the base-
jnent storo-liouso , damaged uy both lire ami
water. Mr. Haulm U fully insured , as ho
holds policies for f3,000 in each of the follow
ing companies : Ktim , of Hartford ; Fire In-
urunco Association , of London , Knglaml :
Manufacturers and Builders' Insurance
company , Now York , and VVilllamsburgCUy
Fire Insurance company , Now York.
A Now Contempt Question.
YestoriUy was the day Judge Shields
Cf tlio county court should have
appeared before himself to answer
demand of a summons garnlshco-
Ing certain money In his possession belong.
lug to Hodson & Habcock , collected by him
on a Judgment obtained In his court ucaliui
Parsons & Johnson. In too mcanlluio the
Union 'National bank secured judgment
salnit P.V. . Hoilscm tcr fJOO. An cxccu-
tiotf was Nsucd and placed In Constable
Carrol's hands for collection. Ho returned
the process endorsed ' 'no property found.1'
The bank at once commenced proceedings to
pet possession of Hodson's portion
of the Parsons ft Johnson judit-
ment held by Judge Shields. Ho
accordingly Issued a summons for himself ,
and had it served by the constable , com
manding him to appear before himself to-day
and show cause why the money in question
should not bo turned over to the bank.
The judge left Omaha last Friday evening ,
and sent back a dispatch yesterday stat
ing that ho will not bo homo until Wednes
day. Now the question arises , is ho In con
tempt of his own court ! Suppose lie fines
himself , who will collect the ilnel
This U probably the most novel suit ever
commenced In n Douglas county court.
Byron Heed , administrator of the estate of
John Campbell , deceased , brought suit yes
terday in the county court to recover ? 10"
from II. A. Cherry , claiming that the amount
is duo for rent of the premises at 1709 Dodge
Advice to Mother" ) .
Mrs. Wlnslow's Sootmng o.vrnp should al
ways bo usudforchildrcn teething. Itsoothoi
the child , softens the gums , allays nil p.tin ,
ctirosjwlnd colic , ami is the oost remedy for
liarrdojii. We n bottle.
District Court.
The case of Elliw B. Kimcll ngainst the
Homo Insurance company , was appealed
from the county to the district court. The
plaintiff sued to recover ? 500 on Insurance ,
and a judgment was rendered for the com
pany In the lower court.
An amended petition In the ? . > ,000 damage
case of Johanna Christcnscn , deceased ,
nmilnst James C. Brcnian. was llleit yester
day in the district court. Tlio plaintiff's hus
band was killed Dec. 10 , ly > 7 , by bomb
crnshod to death by an embankment.
Lust March F. L. Thompson leased the
Glebe hotel from Luclen WooiUvortli , agree
Ing to pay $ : ] ( ) ( ) a month rent , payable semi
monthly. It is alleged that he only paid fJ. > 0 ,
und as there is now duo $1,150 , Woodworth
brought suit to recover that amount from
Cntnrrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of suffering
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known remedy ,
at last found n recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease send
ing a solf-addros-iod stamped envelope
to i'rof. , T. A. Lawrence , S8 Warren St. ,
Now York City , will receive the recipe
free of charge.
A largo majority of the discriminat
ing public prefer to travel by the Bur
lington Kputo. Its Vohtibulo E.xprcts ,
with dining car , free chair ears , and
Pullman ljahico cars leaving Omaha sit
; 5oO : p. m. , arriving Chicago 10:00a. : in. ,
is the best train for the east. It is the
only line running 3 daily express trains
to Chicago , 1'coria , St. Louis and the
cast , 3 daily express trains to Lincoln ,
Denver and the west , and "Z daily express -
press trains to St. Joseph , Kansas City
and the south , direct from its own
depot in Omaha. Ticket olllco , l'2'2i :
Fnrnam street.
An Impression That It Will Go l > y tlio
There seemed to be some doubts among
railroad ofllcials yesterday about the so-called
"Gentlemen's Agreement" being exactly
what it has been represented to be , and tlio
matter is eliciting considerable discussion.
It is learned that very few nf the presidents
have signed it except conditionally. Adams ,
of the Union rPaciflc , is probably the only
ofllcial wl.o stands tooth and too nail for the
scheme. That , doubtless , is duo to the fact
that he is virtually the father of the plan
and is most' sincere m his advocacy of its
adoption. While a goodly number have sig-
nifleil their intention of signing , they sconi
to manifest nn indifference that indicates
suspicion and coldness. Up to date
the Illinois Central has stood out
as boinir heartily opposed to the agree
ment , consequently neither the Burlington
nor Alton consent to surrender and como
into camp. An ofllciuk of the Milwaukee
said yesterday that under existing cir
cumstances ho considered the issue as
knocked out and thinks nothing moro will
bo heard of it nf tor this week. Two or three
general managers and as many passenger
men wcro seen , but they refused to express
their opinions. It was noticed , however ,
that each man , when tlio question wcs put at
him. met it with a peculiarly significant
smile , as much as to say , chestnuts.
The Now Time Table.
Two division superintendents and half a
dozen helpers sailed into the now time
table work nt Union Pacific headquarters
yesterday in order to got the document
out before next Sunday , when it goes into
effect. At that time the Union Pacific and
Northwestern deal , by which the latter will
run through trains between Chicago and
Denver , also becomes nn established fact.
It is reported that these trains nro to bo tlio
equal in point of luxury nnd , to any ever
sent out here. There seems to bo an exist
ing impression , too , that this combination
which is made in opposition to and affects
the Burlington , has much to do with killing
the "gentlemen's agreement. " The point is
plain enough and needs no discussion.
Ticket CoiiiiiilHsioiis.
The Omaha general ngcnts of eastern lines
received a circular yesterday from Com
missioner J. N. Abbott , of the Western
States Passenger association , giving thorn
the new schedule of commissions allowed on
ticket sales. Between Onmhu and St. Paul ,
Chicago , Pcorla , Bloomington and St. Louis
the commission Is llxcd at ? 1 ; to interme
diate points , a pro-rated per cent of that sum ,
I& undoubtedly caused by lactic ! acid in
the blood. This acid attacks tho'flbrous
tissues , and causes the pains and aches
in the back , shoulders , knees , ankles ,
hips mid wrists. Thousands of pco-
plo have found in Hood's Snrsnparillii a
positive euro for rheumatism. This
medicine , by its purifying action , neu
tralises the acidity of the bloud , and
also builds up and strengthens the whole
li'Olt UOmtlNG Tlllj MAILS.
Capture of H. N. GlllcHpIo After a Two
Yearn' Chaso.
Henry N. Olllcspio wus arrested at Seward -
ard , Neb. , Saturday by a United States
marshal and brought to this city yesterday ,
CSlllcsplo is charged with the ombo/-.lomont ;
of n number of registered letters wlillo act
ing us a mall carrier between the small
country towns In Missouri over two years
ago. The case wus put into the hands nf a
defective at the time , but ho only succeeded
in running his man to earth on Saturday
The prisoner was nrraignocl before United
States Commissioner Gustavo Anderson yesterday -
torday , and ho was hold to appear before
thu United States court this afternoon in the
sum of $1,000. GIUcsplu'H attorney seeks for
an order of removal , to transfer the case to
Missouri , where the crluiu took place ,
The Ex-Governor of Ohio write *
a * follow * : "Indoru the val
Oil Jar Rheumatism
and other
Cbiilet A Tone lor Co. ,
Wlmt Into Ho Voted Upon nnilVlioro
It Is to He Done.
To-liny has boon sot nslilo for the hold
ing of n special cloction , nt which the people
will be called UIKMI to vote upon the follow.
Ing propositions :
Shall n city Imll for this city bo croctocl to
cost not to exceed $500,000.
Shnll the proposed hall be located on the
slto known as Jefferson square or on lots 6
and 0 In blouk 110 , the slto nt the corner of
Kightcoiith nnd Farnnm streets originally
selected , nnd on which the foundation of the
proposed hall now stands.
Shall bonds of this city in the sum of
$ ; tOl ( ) > r0 ! , to become duo In twenty years , nnd
bear interest not to exceed 0 per cent per
nnnuin , to bo used for no other purpose than
for do fraying the cost of con struction of the
proposed Imll , bo issuod.
Shnll ST ,000 in bonds bo issued to pay for
pavlnj. ' , re-paving ami mnc.idaiul7.lni ; thu In
tersections of streets nnd alloys , to run not
more tlmn twenty years.
Shall StOO.OOO in bondn bo Issued for the
construction and innlntunnnco of sowers.
$50,000 ot which is to bo used on sewers in
North nna $30,000 on sewers In South
Shall $100,00:1 : in bonds for the renewal of
outstanding bonds of the city heretofore Is
sued for the purpose of paying for the noc-
nssary right-of-way nnd depot grounds of
the Union Pacific bo issued.
Those who favor Knrmun street vote thrco
tickets , namely :
Proposition for ratification of city ball or
dinance Yes.
Proposition for location of city hall on lots
CnndO , block 110 Yes.
Proposition to mithorUe the issue of city
hull bonds In thu sum of 100,000 Yes.
The polls will bo open on Tuesday nt 8
o'clock In the morning , nnd continue open
until il o'clock In the evening nt the follow
ing places :
rinsTVAtin. \ .
First District Corner of Jones and Tenth
streets , barber shop.
Second District Sixth street , between
Pacillc and Picreo streets , Alvln's barber
Thin ! District Corner Elos'cnth nnd Dor
cas streets , engine house No. 4.
bCtOXIi WU'.t ) .
Tlrst District South end Sixteenth street ,
viaduct , Gibson & Hartman's building.
Second District Corner of Seventeenth
and Vlnton streets , Arnot & Co's. store.
THIllI ) WMlll.
First District No. KKXJ Davenport street.
Second District Corner Tenth and How
ard streets , Occidental hotel.
roriiTH WAII : ) .
First District Planters' hotel
Second District No. 1803 St. Mary's av
rirrii WAiin.
First District No. ( i'JI North Sixteenth
Second District Corner Sixteenth nnd
I/ard streets , engine house.
SIXTH wutn.
First DUtiict Twenty-fourth street , Sixth
ward republican club rooms.
Second District Twenty-fourth street and
Belt railway line crossing.
sivisru WAUD.
First District Corner \Voohvorth and
Park avenues , Thompson's building.
Second District Twenty-ninth and Sliirley
streets , near Quuley's schoolhouse.
moiiTii w\ui > .
First District No. 2IOS Ciiming street ,
Hurdiek's Imrncss shop.
Second District No. 210u Cumintj street ,
barber shop.
First District Twenty-ninth and Farnam
streets. C. .1. Johnson's store.
Second District Corner of Lowe nvcnuo
and Mercer street , Uyan's olllce.
tlie Jcfl'urHoiilnii nar'I.
"Givo tlicm all of tlio First , Second and
Seventh , iitul half of the Third anil Fourth
wards and still win. It looks awfully suaroy ,
but Pat says it'sso and I guess it'a all right. "
Tlie most august secretary of the Jeffersonian -
nian combine , McArdlo the great , was sitting
alone iu liis snnctuin when : i reporter dropped
in about 9 o'clock yesterday morning ,
and so deeply lost in meditation wus he that
the entrance of the visitor , for a time , passed
unnoticed. The most potent secretary had
evidently been reading the lurid declaration
made by Ford a few days ago to the ef
fect thut if the First , Second , and Seventh
wards should BO nearly as a unit in favor of
Farnam street as the site for the city hall ,
and half of the Third nnd Fourth w.irds
should go the same way , the Jeffersonian
boodlcrs would yet carry the election. Tlio
only McArdlo evidently found the dose a
difficult ono to swallow , and was trying to
case its passage by frequent readings of the
The sachems wcro late in arriving nt the
wigwam. J. U. Puray wandered in abuut
9:80 : , and was followed half an hour later by
Jim Creighton , both looking as though the
drowsy god had ceased to visit their couches.
The injunction of the second communJmunt ,
to remember the S.ibbnth day anil keep it
holy , was not obeyed by the sichems of the
wigwam < U1 day and far into the
night they were together endeavoring to devise -
vise schemes by which they hope to tiirottlo
the public will at to-morrow's election.
Yesterday they have been busy giving out
iinal instructions to their strikers.
A uioro motley crow than was gathered in
the halls and entrances leading into
John and Jim's sanctuary , waiting
their turn to bo ushered into the
presence of tliu supreme council , could
scarcely bo imagined. Italians struggled
with negroes for n choice of position , while
representatives of other nationalities either
took a'hand in the general push or looked on
in moro stolid indifference , according to tlieir
temperament. Hut they were for revenue
"The ammunition must bo getting low , "
suggested a reporter to a negro who was
leaning against the door with n look of
mingled disgust nnd despondency over
spreading his ebon hucd countenance.
"There ain't been enough of it Ubeu down
our way , sartin. i kaint git them fellows
down there to vote right widout some thin1
to kinder grease the wheels. "
"Whore have you been working ? "
"Down in the Third ward. "
"Do you think any of the colored people
down there will vote for .Jefferson square ? "
"Wot many of "em unless do mosses grease
do wheels. "I'so been workin' ' anil n-workln'
wid ono ole man down there who has a toler
able lot of influence un1 ho says ho kain't
whar's lore's it fur
see ( nnytlng in him.
Dat's what I'm up hy'ro to see "bout. "
Leaving thu crowd about the sachems'
door , the reporter started.ou n visit to the
Farnam street site.
"Lordy , " said the elevator boy as ho pulled
the rope and started the elevator down , "but
won't I bo when is
glad to-morrow over.
I've nearly pulled my arms oil the past week
carrying people ) up to room Si : ( the wigwam ) .
That's all you hear now. They're a cranky
lot , too. If I don't run the machine from thu
bottom door to the Ilfth in a second when
they're waiting , they raise u howl. "
Up at the Fnrnam street site a half dozen
parties of from two to live persons each were
examining the foundations.
"All I've got to say , " said ono whoso dross
betokened the worklngman , "is that If the
people of tills town don't vote to build the
city hall hero it will bo a shamo. That's to
all-llrcd good a foundation to bo wasted. "
"How nro the laboring men going to vote
for the greater part ? " inquired thu reporter
of the same speaker.
"Well , I've talked around amongst then } n
great deal , nnd I think Unit nearly all of
them see now that Croighton , Swift and all
these folrows are scnrcly what they have
boon cracked up to bo as friends of tlio workingmen -
ingmon , und thut It U giving UH all the 'taffy' '
they have been piling on lately , their object
was simply to capture our votes In aid of
their big uchemo. I think they will get fooled ,
mid that you'll llnd the workingmun on the
right side to-morrow. "
About noon Furay and Croighton , who
were in consultation in room" ! in the Ware
block , were Joined by Pat Ford and I' . W.
Hirithuuscr und the two wont into close con
ference. The rooms , which had been opened
to the publlu during the curlier hours ol the
morning , Were cleared and guardians placed
at the entrances.
The JefTorjflnlans are making desperate
efforts to capture thu colored votes of the
Third wurti and wcro devoting mucli
attention to that district yesterday.
Thu colored people as a rule
refuse to listen to thorn , but ' occa
sionally a weak brother will be captured by ,
if the negroes are to bo believed , u moro po
tent argument than moro words.
An Uvrnlns Wi7h ilic Irish.
An evening of unusual Interest was that
afforded by the last proK.rutnino at Park
Plnec. The subject undtr' ' dlscus ! on
ono of great and absorbing Importance , viz.
"Tho Irish Question , " not however , In Its
popular sense , but vloiveil.frfcni a purely lit
erary nnd historic standpoint. The seven
essays wcro panoramic BUetches from the
Druidical period of the Jlrst flvo centuries
down to catholic emancipation anil the land
ngit.itlon of our own times. The Introduc
tion dealt mainly with the diniculty of treat
ing n history besot with sflch distracting
problem * , bristling with euoh thorny contro
versies. It was a long , drirk * oud with many
blind alleys , many sudden turnings , many
unaccountable crooked -portions , disclosing
tlio strangest and most perplexing chapter of
liumnn history nnd human destiny. The
other essays treated of the Invasion of the
Northmen , the passionate thirst
of the Irish for knowledge , Strongoow's
invasion of Ireland , and the
Kngllsh dominion dating therefrom.
Miss Leo , of Fremont , Nob. , dilated iu
graphic language ou the period of persecu
tion and the penal laws.
Miss Mollugh told of the brief period of
national llfo uf which marked the latter half
of the eighteenth century. The snatch on
the Irish leaders was a remarkably able
summary of the work nnd Influence of CJr.i-
tan , Flood , ICinmct nnd O'Counell , and the
reading did credit to Miss Habcock'a appre
ciation of ht'r subject.
The music , both Instrumental and vocal ,
was qulto in keeping with the essays. The
national music of the land of song was
brought Into requisition on harp and pianos.
Irish airs , which played so largo a part in the
strengthening of Ireland's sons and In the
conciliation of Ireland's most bitter enemies
found voice In the teudercst and most thril
ling of Mooro'H melodies.
Hcllnomcntand good taste wore tlio special
characteristics of this onjo.vablo literary and
musical feast , which closed n very successful
session nt the academy.
During the past weelt tlm pupils have un
dergone their scmi-nnnual review and exam
ination in English and mathematics , and
begin , on February 1 , the second term of
their scholastic .year.
The programme is as follows :
Druidical Period Miss Shelly
Conversion of the Irish MissC'.rcgg
StrtigglcH Against the Invaders..Miss Otlts
Knglish Dominion In Ireland. . . .Miss French
Persecution and Penal Laws Miss Leo
Helaxat'n of Kclig'sPer'cution.Miss McIIugh
Thu Irish Leaders Miss Habcock
The musical Interludes \ \ < ro as follows :
Overture , Whispers from Krin..Uockstroo
Misses Pundt and Lowe.
Vo'cal Solo , Kathleen Mavotirnecn..Crowlcy
Miss McNuughton.
Inst. Trio , Lus Trois Amateurs Corny
Misses Mc.ver , .l.uiss and St. Felix.
Vocal Duo. Meeting of the Waters. . . .
Misses Hrown and M'uIIii h.
Inbt. Duo , Fantalsio Irlnndiso Labarre
Harp Miss McShanc.
Piano Miss Dowllng.
Vocal Solo , The Minstrel Hey
Miss Habcook.
Inst. Solo , Lovo's YouncDream.Willie Pope
Miss McCroary.
Vocal Solo , The Harp of Tnru . . .Stevenson
Miss liobcrts.
Pat Ocsmnnd Converted.
"I nm in favor of the present site , " said
Pat Desmond Sunday , "for the reason thu :
it will end in no small amount of litigation. 1
nm lotl to believe that thuro will bo govern'
injunctions served against Jefferson snuurc.
On that account 1 have decided to cliango my
vote from Jeltcrson sijuure to Farnam Direct.
Finest TraiiiH toVii liinitiiii.
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad is the
only line running through trains froir
the wust to Washington , nnil they have
recently improved the scvvico by put-
tint'on two vestibule trains , one of
which leaves Cincinnati daily nt 70 : ! !
p. in. , and the other leaves C'liica ' < ro
daily nt 7:05 : p. m. All oars in these
trains arc vostibulcd , including bn u
CUM , day coaches and Pullman IJulTot
slocpors , thus wholly overcoming the
swaying motion imparted to ordinary
trains when rounding curves at high
speed. The trains arojieated by stra
drawn f"on : the locomotive. Porters
are in attendance in the day coaches
as well as in the sleepers to wait upon
passengers. In accordance with its
loiig-astablishcd policy , the B. & O.
exacts no extra fare'for passage on
these trains.
J > nnic at This.
All kinds of morctiandiso and per
sonal property wanted in exchange for
improved furins and wild land. Foreign
Emigration Co. . i2 & ! 5 1502 Farnam st.
Itoutiiic Work Include i the Allowing
of Ho-ivy Hills.
At a meeting of tlio board of education last
night all members wcro present except
Messrs. Saville , Spalding nnd Spore.
Secretary Piper reported that ho had given
orders for the purchase of slate slabs for
urinals as directed by the board. Ills action
was approved.
Superintendent James submitted a monthly
report of the special teachers and principals
lor the month of January. It was referred.
A petition from citizens of North Omaha ,
asking the board to provide a school near the
North Omaha depot , at the intersection of
Scrman and Uurker avenues , was refused.
Cituens of Windsor Place , in a communi
cation , stated that their school facilities weio
inadequate and prayed the board to improve
them. The matter was referred.
Miss Laura M. Bradford was appointed
assistant principal of the Dupont school , on
recommendation of the committee on teachers
and text books.
The same committee recommended the In
troduction of Anderson's ' new grammar
school history of the United States. The re
port was adopted.
Hills to the amount of ? 35I-lfl.29 were
allowed nnd the secretary was instructed to
draw warrants for that amount.
Ity tlio pussago of a resolution , the com-
mittco on rules , forms and printing was In
structed to prepare n blank form on which
the principals may make reports of the vis
Its and sessions of the various special
ni in. :
I3REDEMEYEU On the -Un inst. Aniun-
dus , son of Oscar Hrcdemoycr.
Funeral at 2 p. in. Wednesday , February
0 , from S-l-l South Eighteenth street.
Horn ,
To Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Jones , February 2 ,
ISS'J , a son ,
Taken to Clio I'onn.
Sheriff Coburn went to the penitentiary
yesterday with Mrs. Nelson , the woman
convicted of stealing $ ' 17 , und sentenced to
penitentiary for ono year.
AbsoButely Pure.
Tlilg nowder never varies. A marvel of purity
fctronctn uml wholuHOnionosa. .More rconoialcal
than tlie ordinary klml" , and cannot ba sold In
competition with tlie multitude ) , of low cost ,
tuort welglit alum or phosphate powders. Bold
only In cans. Uoyal Malting J'owler Co. 11
Wall 0treet , New Vor *
Our spring goods are already OH the way and wo must make room for thorn.
The balance of our winter goods must bo closed out roGardlosa of cost or value.
We shall offer for the next few days unheard of bargains iu all departments. Yon
cannot inako a bettor investment than to buy of us anything in the heavy-weight
line , even if yon should have to put it away for next winter.
The greatest bargain to which wo draw attention this week is a lot of odd suit
Pants. The immense sale wo had on suits the last two weeks has left a grqiit
many odd pants on our hands. These are offered now at prices which make them
the cream of all bargains. Elegant C'assimere Pants , of neat and tasty patterns ,
which will match well with most any coat and vest , at $1.90 , $2,25 , $2.5O
and $2.75. Regular these pants would cost more -than double. In our Boys'
Department all goods and garments of a wintry character must absolutely bo dis
posed of and the prices are cut so as to clear thorn out as speedily as possible.
AVe offer this week our entire stock of Winter Caps at almost "giving away"
prices. We have to do this in order to get rid of them , as the unseasonable
weather will not move them. Several hundred dozen excellent ICnit Caps for Men
and Boys , which under ordinary circumstances should sell for yfic , will bo sold at
15 CENTS. A large lot of genuine Imported Scotch Caps in different colors ,
high and medium crown , at 25c. The regular price for such caps is fiOc and OOc.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
The Grandest Triumph of Electri Science Sci
" " Ma | Appltod.
' dj llcaly
Gentlemen's Pelt - fff to * MtntiGe
8TT1 1OD B n tT l 3 PS ) E. ? V C O HIWP you I'ntn * In the * lliicL , llli > * , Itrnd or I.lmb" , Nerv-
D a VZ/S&et a U UV.ktf O L U nun Ueblllty * l.timlinco , ( ifiterul I i > blHtj * Ithvtimntlfini ,
. lurul > li f Acuriilff.B , Uflutltn , Jtlrvcn c * r Kldnry * , Hplnnl IM-i-nnt-rS Torn til I.l\i > r , Clon ( ( I"xliiiu tlnnv
'f 1'rulMltmAM'miut llrnrt lllrva t' . lj-fitetMUi Cut.itllpQtlntt. l > y lt < ' * IiHllifrnllniiraliiniA i lin-
v T.otcnrT , Vat nr pit , IMIcn. KpUr | > f > IJinal * A cur , l > iabrvm lltdrocolr * Illuod HU. iu. * . llrn y. i-tc. , lltt ti
d thlfl l rlt U Jii L whitl suu nrvil. Electricity . . . . Instantly Hut Cnn > o ajipllwl to ftnr | nrt of thu lnnly.
, .
on. HimKR'8 niBcrno-nia.
NKTIC I1KI.T ixi'lllvi-ly cun-l
, combined. Uuanuitrotltlia
only ono In tlio world Fcner tln Ell , R1D1I.T and cilmuttlKir
ocontlnuous Elcctrio& M
currmr. Scientific , Powerful , Ut Contains Kloctriclty. 23 to UUAUiNTEBUtha I no degrees of
npept , sel ntltl ( powcrrul.dll *
rti""viiYr"rtr,4l . > . 'AHtrRl . ( . rnnif. nru > > vs'ttuocttroS1EIUClljELELTKIUniLTln : th J
n i mi. noi..ioiLD.
minij ) . Eitctrlc Suipccsorlos free nlih Halo IJclts.
; Any bant , commcrclnl apenry or Avoid botrus comnnnles Hhm nr nllami and worth-
. _ houto liiClilcaBoj wlioU'B.iludnigbi t , uaititlons. KLKCiniC IKt'fSEiJ FOU Itt'riL'US.
KraiicliroondClilcaBo. U.X)0 ( ) cured Send stamp for Illustrated pamoblct.
DR. W. J. MORWE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.j
3S2SH g5S332SSi S2SSS
This is a , disease which has heretofore
Untiled all Medical Science.
Wo have n Heniedy.nnknown to nnyono In thoM
M orkl outsldo of our Compituy. and ono that haste
to cure the mo'jc olntinata CIBS. : Ten days In
recent cnsaH does the work. It Istlio old cliroalo
deep hoiiteil cn-Bt that we solicit. Wo have
cm ed hundreds who have been abandoned by
I'liysleiaus , nnd pronounced mcurablo. and wo
cliallcnco the world to brim ? us a ci-o that wo
will not euro in less than sixty days.
Since the history of medtclmi n true spcclflc
for Syphilis has been souglit for but never
found until our
wns dtscovo. ea , nnd wo are Instilled in saying
It is the only Homedy intho World that will pos
itively cure , nocaiihu tlio latent Muilluitl Works ,
piihllshtMl by the best knotvi' autnorltles , say
there was novorn true specific boforo. Our rem
edy w ill cuiu when overythlns ilse lias failed.
Whvusto your time and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue or doctor with
plivslclniis that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything 'lso should come to UHIIOW and
Ket permanent relief , yon never can set it else
where. Mark what wo say , in thu end yon
munt take our remedv orNliVHK recover and
you that have been aflllcted but a shoittlmo
liould by all means come to us now not one in
ten of now rases over cot permanently cured.
Many set help and thlnl : they nro frco from tlio
e , Imt In onu , two or throe yours after ic
appears iigal-i in a moro horrible form.
This is iihlooil Purl flop and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Diboaso whoa
Kvcrytliiii } ? KlbC Fails.
Itooni 10 anil 11 , U. S. National liiink
linlldiii } , ' . Oiimlui , Ncli.
Nuiivnus , CIIII'.NIO nnd I'IIIVATI : Iisn\Bi'.3of
.Mi.N : nnd Wn.Mi.v : successfully treated.
Fuirerlnu from tlio otTeeli of yoiillifiil lollloi orln
illKcn'Mon.iirurn lionlileil wltliVcnUnoH , .Vervoni
Delilllly , l "i of .Memory , l > f i > < m < lenuy. Avaraliiii to
rxioltty.Kliliioy Troiilile , or any cllwinu nf the ( U-nllo
llrin.uj iirk'iuis.raii hero Ilml u nnlonint spceily cnro.
' rcnwimble cxpcvl illy to the pcrjr.
There nro lunny troubled with too frpoquont ovne-
uiitloiii ol tlio liliid < lcr , often ncrmmianlui ] by n sllulit
viiiHrtliiK ur hurnlnu MMIHIIIIOII , un 1 wu.ikiMilni ; ol tliu
M'tt'in Itia iimnniT Iliu patient ciiinot : iicmunt for.
UnuinnilnliiKtlieiirlniirtr iluiionti n rnuy xuilmivnt
will iillvn bo tounil. Hint Fnim'tlinu-i sni.ill particlus nf
uluiimvii will tliu rujur nlll buol u thin
mllklili line , iiitiiln clninKliu to n iUrk or torplil up.
pvarnnco , Tliercuiru tii'iny men wlioil o of tulsuini.
tulty , Ik'iioraiit nf tlie cau o. wlilcli Is tlio cucund
( UKU ol nrmilnal wt'Hlinoi * . Tliu doctor will ( ! U-u
onti-on iirrfort euro In all i iicli tnsvt nnJ u hcullliy
rcslorutlun of the ircnlto-urlnnrv iiivaun. Consults
lion lieu , bend lor t cunt minip
"Young Man'c Friend , or Guide to Wei'.o ' : ! : , "
N.i ; . ( kr. llith Sc Douglas htn , , or l\tolml ) Dis
pensary , corner 1-tli and .Main , Kansas City , Mo.
oartaMe for powerful ira
itlc Uinu , pllabla action and
iu t aur mlll y. H-i yeara' re
tent ( fuaranita ot ta ZMJ-
leaco of tnese instruments.
Di oiiUlM-A. ouomuuil ,
Uimrjorn Su , CMICIUOI 'il yi'nri
buiuivti nulotl/'una
N , W. Cor. 13th & Docifiro St3.
Appliances for Deformities and Trusses.
Host laclllilpn , apparatus und remrdlcB for MICCCM
ful treatmpnl of uvirr farm ot dlnoilJO rcqulrlril Treatment.
Board and attendance ; beat boinltal acrotuuioda-
tloni In ttia well.
\VuiTK run L'liicui.Aiis on Deformltlei and Ilracos ,
Trusvos , Club Keot , Curvature of tbu Hplne , Pile ? ,
Tumora , Cancer. Catarrh. Bronchitis , InlMlntlnn ,
KlecUldty. l'xralrli < , Kpllcpir , Kldnoy , lllaililor ,
Kjrc. Knr , Shin anil Illnod.and allSurfflcal opcr.illoiu.
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All Illood niscmos eucccMfullr treated. SyphllUlo
lol. on removed from tlio sjritam without inorciiry.
Ken reiterative tri < atmi < nt for loin or Vital I'uwnr.
I'crfont unable to Tlilt us mny bo treated at home uy
rnriutnondcnco. All communications romMcnttuI
Miullilnt" or InMnimonU tent br mall or express
securely packed , no marks tu Indicate contents or
srndvr. One personal interview preferred. Call nnd
toniultus or end history of your case , and we nill
tend In plain wrapper , our
Upon 1'rlvatp , Special or Nervous Il c'mci , Iinno-
li'ncy , SyphllK Olcet and Varlcocele , with qnestlon
Hit. Address
Omaha Medical and fiitryicnl Tnstitute , or
Cor. iith ; ana Dodge fits. , - - OMAHA , NKII.
Physician and Surgeon
lANDBIHX'IAI. l'll'is ( ( : ON JI UN'S THOU-
KMJtclnlly at IliU xniiKun. Wo arr > finio yon
will iippri'c'lutu u'h.-it we ant < lone. ! ( ,0011
utoiirnlndow und yon neu a few of till :
' ( , ' ui in nnd wo will jjtiow yoe
v.Itii pleuauru.
Chicago , Milwaukee & SI , Paul R'y. '
The Ilcst Route from Omaha and Council
JMnfTs to
Chicago , - ANl ) Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar
Kork Island. Frccport , Rorkford ,
Clinton , DubiKpio , Dineinioit ,
Elgin , Madison , Juncsvillc ,
Itcloltf Wlnona , Ln Crosse ,
Anil nil other Important polnti K it , Northeast til
Kor tluougli tliketa , call on the tlckat Rgcnt nt i&01
> 'nrnn i tlruvt. In Unrkvr Block , or t Unloa l' cma
1' BloepeM nna the tlneit Dlnlnit Cnn in tbq
world are rnu on thu mala line of tbu ChlCAKO , Mllf
HHkco ft St. 1'nul lUllway , nnJ overultcntlimla r l
to imMenirors br rounuout oniplojesof tboo
U. MII.I.KIl , ( ioncitil .
J. F. 'lUCKKn. As l tiintU ocr l ll nn cr
A. V. It. ( JAlU'KNTKli. OtBoriU I'Mtviivor mat
Ticket A i-nt.
(1EO. K. lIKAFFOnp. A4lsUnt Cieaeril PnioUW
> nd 'Ilclut .Agent.
J.T. C1.AKK. 'Jtn iaiSuDermt r. < 3guv .
Dn.l' . 0. WKHT'S Nr.nvn * sn MIUIN TnnAT-
IK JT ivKiinranicoil Miecliicfor Ilj-storln , Dlzzt- , Ciiuviiltlons , I'lla. Norvnns Noitrnlgln ,
lIuadai'lio.Ni'rvoiisI'rostr.atloncansc-ilby tliousa
otalc ilml or tobacco , \Viikofiiltii'ns , AlcntuI Do-
liresstitn , Softening of thu drain resulting : In In-
Minlty and loadliiK to inliery , iloraiy ami dontli.
I'rematnro Old Aue , Hiivrenneii , LOSS of power
in either hox. Involuntary r.ossos mi 1 Spennat-
orlii'ac.iusutllyovei--t'\crilonortliubriilnsolf- ( )
almso or ovcrlnclnlKt'nrn. Kuril box contain !
ono month's truatm-nt. 81.00 n box , orNlxboxoa
for"i.0ispnlby mall prt > pnlit nn receipt of price
To cure any case. With each order received by
nsforslx Imxos , accompanied with * . 'iWwowifl
Kcnd the purolnisi'r our written Rtiarnnliio to ra-
fnivl the monuy If the treatment tloos not nlTcct
a cuio. ( lUiu-unti'O.s issued only InGoolmnn
DriiK Co. , DniKclsts , Polo Agouts. 1110
Etruvt , Uni.-iiii. Niib.
Norllieasl Corner Faniiiin anil 13th Sis.
1'ulil Up Capital. $500,000
.Surplus Fiuid 100,000
I'UANK MUUI'IIV. I'rcsidont.
SAM U Iif < M. HOQI3HS. Vice 1'resldent.
ItKN I ) . WOOI ) , Cashier.
U'TIIKIt DUAKK. Assistant Canhler.
Accounts colli Itodand prompt Mtontlon given
1 trusted to Its care.
For Inventions
Procured Prompt .
. . Alloriii-T ill .
015 nni'Kiilli ht. , WASHINGTON. I > . C.
JM , A'cml Jor CT'I'aiwMtl , Jrte.
Use "Peerless Brand"
Fresli Raw Oysters ,
Selected mid packed with ( leunllness & euro by
G , H , PEARSON & GO , Baltimore , Md
They are the best. Auk your tirocur for thm
all'-riorji , urly d (
"r.lo.t rnanhixxl. nn. I will wml jalimbl-
Irc'itlw ( nlol ) rnTilnlnliiK full | i1li'ilar ! tot
iMiiiM'riiri'.frriM'ri'l'r.ivO' AilillfM ,
Notice of Dlnsolutlon.
otlce Ishcrel.y Klventhiit tlm co-jiartnorshln
heretofore exlstlm. between thi > iimler lKriefI ,
niuUrtnonrmnaim ) of ilu ( Iiuir Manufiictur.
liiirl'o. , is this ilny illHiiolvi-J by mutual tonacnt ,
A. . I. Kulnrotliliit'iindtiikliiK ; clnirKo of jaloa
ileiiartinont. M. J , UoHrnlf rutiilnln the bust-
neK under the snmcj nuiiio us liuretnforo , nnd
\\lll bottle ull buolnojs portuirilntf to tlm llrm.
filt .1 UK II ItAri ,
A.J.KA1N ,
ii Nriilcc.
The linn of MorrlKM * Head 1ms this day dl .
kolvod pitrtiifrslilii by mutual consent. H. I.
Morrison , will nt the old xlmul , corner lillh nnd
.luckKoii , continue tlio biifiluexK ans'imlnn ' all In *
duht dncrt uml rollerlliiK all oiilMumtlUK ac-
uiuntK , oneiit bills lurnuil over to Iteud witb
.Monlson'ij nlfnatiuo attiicliod.
B. I. M/miiisox / ,
.1.0. KIU : ) .
Omiilm. J.iniiary.ill I8S3. _ fg-d-3-t.
Matter of Application of T. B. Foley fop
llimur llueniie.
Notice la licroby ( riven that T. 12. Foley
did upon the itluliiy of Januir : > . A. II. iwv ,
lllom.s uiiiillc.UI jii t Ihu miiyor iudclty : < oun >
cil of Omulm , fur ltuonntf to siill innlt. npirltiioiin
anil vliionu llijuorii , nt Nott. WH and \Mt \ Douflun
htrt'ot. Third want , Omnhii , Nob. , from the lut
day of .lumury 1WJ , lotJie Utduy of January
1 J.
If there bo no objection , remonntritnce or pro *
lent flleil within tno wwjks from January , tti ,
A I ) . li-W , the balU lltcnso will Im Krnntvtl. .
T , K , I'OJ.KV , Applicant ,
J. II , BOUTUAUU , Citr CJirk.