Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Dcllurodhv carrier In Anv 1'art of heCItyn
Twenty Cents 1'erWcck.
II. W. T11/10N . . . MANAOK1L
TF.MI'IONIS ; | : :
IlrnNF.f s Orncr. No. 43.
NlflllT IIIllTOIt. NO.ZI.
N. Y. Pluinbintf company.
Conlnnd wood. K.K.Mfiyne , 010 H'wny.
The city council moots thin ovenlnff
and the electric ll ht ordinances wil
rccoivo a thorough ovcrhnuliiitf.
The funornl of O. A. Htnvoly took
pluco ycstorduy from tlio residence , ot
Knot 1'lerco Htreot , 'Hev. Hi * . Phelps
I ) . McCullom wns nrrestcd Saturday
nifjht for passing a forged chock. IIo
was towed in by OiHcora Fowler and
Jbon border.
The funcrnl of the Into Mrs. .1. B. Rue
will bo hold to-morrow afternoon atH : !
o'clock nt the family rosidcnco. Al
friends are invited without further an
Miss Wilson and Miss Orilllths , two
Iowa ladies who are on their way to oc
cupy misiionary Holdin China , wil
Bpealc ut the Hrosidway Methodist
church thisovenini , ' .
Ed. Glenn wns raising a disturbance
on llroadway ycHtorday afternoon Ivy
unlnij profane and ob cone language
when Ollicer Thomas happened uloiif ,
and kindly toolc him in.
JSJThursday evening next the Metho
dist ladies and others interohted wil !
meet at the home of Mrs. Allen , corner
of Mynator and Seventh slruot.s in u
hocial. It is gotten up in the interesl
of the colored church.
The musical part of Hie services at
the Congregational church yohtordaj
was furnished by a male ( lunrtet , con
stating of Messrs. Wchtcott , Ogden ,
Allen and MfDormid , with Mr. Do
Normnndie at the organ.
There was a mooting of the Prcssj
club at Uio parlors of the Ogden hoitbo
at 100 : yesterday morning , but owing
to the small numhu" pro-sent , no busi
ness was transacted and an adjourn
ment wn taken for two wcoks.
Every member of the board of trade
should bo on hand lo-morrow evening
to consider the proposed amendments to
the constitution. It is a matter of great
Importance , and it is desired to have a
full attendance to act upon the question.
The ladies who are engaged in get
ting np the bazaar for the benefit of the
St. Bernard's hospital wllljgivo a quad
rille party at Masonic temple Thur&dry
evening , February 7 , the proceeds to bo
devoted to iiurclmhiixg arVicles for the
ba/.aar. It is hoped that there will boa
, largo attendance , to encourage these
'charitable ladies who are working for
fee worthy nn object.
The grand opening of Messrs. Foth-
cringliamjWhitolawiS : Co. , on Saturday ,
wns , in its way , a revelation to the people
ple of Council UlulTs. The taste and orig
inality displayed in the arrangement
of their elegant stoi'lc is not surpassed
outside of the largest cities. Possessing
to many ud vantages which will bo re
vealed from time to time to the purchas
ing public , there is no doubt Jbut that the
Boston store will become at once potm-
Inr and a household word to the people
of the twin cities. Head their tul. in
another column.
Travel on the motor line yesterday
was fully as heavy as on any day since
the line has been in operation. The
cars wore crowded and it was almost
nn impossibility for tlio conductor to
pass through. The platforms wore
tilled , and during the entire day
Omaha's citizens poured in and out of
the city. Hundreds of the Blullitesalso
crowded the river , and the constantly
passing throngs of pleasuro-sookors and
Bight-seers made it the liveliest Sunday
the city has witnessed in some time.
Pickled tripe and pigs' fcot at Tib-
bitts' , 345 Broadway.
Dr. C. C. Iliizen , dentist , Opera house
S. B. Wadsworth fc Co. loan money.
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
got your clothes made. 037 Broadway.
L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
over Jncqunmin & Co.'s jewelry store.
All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co.
Miss Allio Lyon is visiting friends in
St. Louis and other southern cities.
Simon Kiseman , of the firm of Henry
Kisoman & Co. , will leave the latter
part of tlio present week for Now York
and other custom points to purchase
goods for the spring trade.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Houses and lots to sell on monthly
payments by F. J. Day , 80 Pearl bt.
All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Homo l ii
The Entertainment Bureau just
started in Council BlulTs is meeting
with great encouragement. It in a
monthly devoted to giving outlines for
homo ontertainmentH for churches and
Eoeioties , pastimes for the homo , help
for Sunday schools , otc. It also gives a
prominonlplaco to thoCounell BlulTs and
Omaha Chautauqua assembly and
novoltlo ? for Chautauqua students. It
lays claim to boinir the only paper of the
kind in the United States , and it cer
tainly meets a felt want.
Churches and societies all over the
country are asking for now entertain
ments. This little monthly gives thobo ,
and suggests many other amusements
nnd modes of raising money for charita-
bio and religious purposes.
It has subscribers in almost every
state in the union , and at only $1 a year ,
it serves as a standing committee for
every church and society , reporting
promptly all now forms of cntortuin-
The Entertainment Bureau also fur
nishes costumes and properties for such
entertainments as "An Evening With
Art , " the "Quiz Sociable , " otc. It also
publishes "Tho Old District School , "
with full details at $1. Samples are
font at 10 cents , All orders should bo
addressed to Entertainment Bureau , J.
K. Ilarkncss , manager , Council BlulTs.
Parties having temperance billiard
halls and restaurants will do well to
tnko the exclusive sale of my temper
ance lieor. L. M.
Heating stoves at cost to "close out.
Odell ft Bryant ,
Send ull orders for bottled boor to L.
M , Finkolfitoin , Omaha.
Gas In Cliuap !
And gas fixtures are cheaper at the
N , Y. Plumbing Co. , 1H Main st. A
discount of thirty per cent from list
price will bo glvon.for thirty days.
Try our XXX bottled boor. Special
ratea ou ull orders from Iowa.
The Work Already Stivrtod nnd
Great Changes Promises ,
An Old Settler | ) | CH In Jnll Funeral
ol'Nell VonrliOH Vnrlcil
Items About v
tlio IllufTH.
Improving Mnnnwn.
A nutiibor of Oniahu gentlemen vis
ited this side of the river yesterday ,
and in company with novcral of the
LJlullitcs took a trip to Lake Miinnwn lo
loolc over the ground and diccuss pro
posed improvements , 'llio plans , a ? nt
present laid out , will make a very de
cided change in the appearance of the
lake. A part of the work hna already
been done. A trench has been dug ,
turning Chautauqua creek into the
south lake , thereby cutting off from
Mannwn the heavy deposit of mud that
is washed down by the creek. Work
hiiH al o been commenced on the dam nt
the outlet of the lake. Among the
many moves to bo made immediately
is one to cut down nil of the willows on
the islands , and the water will then bo
raised siifllclcntly to Hood the islands at
least two foot deep , giving a broad un
interrupted sheet of water , not only
increasing the size of the lake , but
greatly improving its appearance.
Aside from the lake itself , the sur
roundings and accommodations are to
bo greatly improved. The motor line
pervico is to bo greatly increased.
Colonel Kocd has just completed nego
tiation with the other interested parties
and has given a bond for $ oW)0 ) that ho
will put on additional motors am"
coni'hos an soon as the season opens , nnil
will run them daily the year round. In
consideration of this , the other parties
give up all their claims on the road , and
Colonel liecd had an unrestricted fran
The drives to the hike will bo greatly
improved , and Eighth street will un
doubtedly be paved to the city limits ,
as tlio majority of the property owners
along that street are anxious to have
the work done. Tlio money necessary
to prosecute all of this work to comple
tion is not yet all raised , but the greater
part of it hna been subscribed. It will
require about $1UOOD , and of this
amount Colonel Keed subscribes $ -oOO ,
the Electric Motor company $2,000 , O.
P. Braslan $1,000 , and several other
parlies $500 each. The on tire work
will be completed in time to give the
resort an early opening.
Money loaned on fuiniturc , piano ? ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rales of interest. No
publicitv ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllcc cor. Bronilway
and Main , over American express.
find Kiul ol'n
About / o'clock yesterday morning
Jacob Smith , an old resident of this
city , died at the county jail. The deceased -
ceased had reached the advanced ago
of eighty-one years , and was not eon-
fined in the jail for any crime , but.
him ply ho was homeless and
had no whore else to go. Ho had spent
considerable time there , and was sup
ported by the county. His family lived
' '
on Harrison street , 'but his only' child ,
it daughter , married and moved into the
county , and as the old folks could not
agree , the property was.- divided , and
the wife wont to live witfi the daugh
ter. The head of the family had sev
eral hundred dollars , ami boarded for
years at the various hotels of the city
until his money was gone. Homeless
and penniless , ho could do nothing at
his advanced ago but become a public
charge. Ho was sent to jail several
times as a vagrant from the police
court , and spent his last years behind
tlio bars with hardoncd criminals. Ho
was not seriously ili , but his appetite
failed , and ho passed away , worn out by
old ago. The remains wore taken in
charge by Undertaker Morgan , and
yesterday interred in the potter's field.
This case again draws attention to the
need of a county poor farm. No pro
vision is made for the maintenance ! of
the public poor at a suitable pluco , and
they are lolt to the care of the county
jailor , and end their days amid the
cheerless surroundings of prison walls.
Citizens think it is time some move was
made to change this condition of things ,
and hope that the county board will
consider the matter.
Blanl ; books made to order. Can fur
nish patent binding for parties wishing
the same. Call and see samples at room
1 , Evoritt block , Pearl street.
Tli Now Mutlioiliht Church.
The Methodists living in the south
western part of the city , which is rap
idly tilling up with new residents , have
therefore organized themselves into a
separate church organization , which
they have named the "Trinity Metho
dist Church. " In oroor to centralize
the forces there nnd awaken new in
terest a borios of special services began
last evening and will bo continued dur
ing the evenings of the present week.
This organization has grown out of the
religious gatherings which have been
hold in Lucy's block for some weeks
past , and hero the meetings ot this weak
will bo hold. A Sunday school and the
various phases of distinctively Metho
dist organized work nro also supplied.
When the organization shall have
gathered a little more numerical
strength an olTort will bo made to erect
a church edifice at a point best suited
lo the demands .of this rapidly increas
ing portion of Council BlulTs. It is
probably that this effort will bo made
during the present year.
I have moved my olllco to Omaha , at
which all orders will bo received and
irom which all deliveries will bo made
by wngon. L. M. FlNKUr.STKlN" .
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Tlio Funcrnl of Nnll VonrliU.
The funeral of the late Neil Voorhis
will take ' o'clock this
pluco at 2 after-
loon from St. Paul's church , Rov. T.
J. M licit ay ofllclating. Friends wishing
.o view the remains will do EO at the
house , as the casket will not bo opened
at the church.
All members of the Volunteer fire
department of Council BlulTs are re
quested to moot at Rescue engine
louse , corner North Main and Bryant
streets , Monday at 12 p. m. sham for the
mrposo of attending in a body the
unoral of the late Neil Voorhis , form
erly a member of Rescue engine com-
iany No. 8 , All old firemen are cor-
ill ally invited to attend.
IJy order of committee.
The members of BlutT City Engine
: o in puny No , 1 nro requested to meet at
To. 8 engine house Monday , February ,
1 , nt 1:30 : p. in. sharp for the purpose of
attending the funeral of the late Neil
Voorhis , of engine company No. ft.
F. II. Gr.vxKMiA , Foreman.
All member of the Pirn-nix Hook and
Ladder company No. U are noroby noti
fied to report at No. . ' ! engine houbu
Monday , February 4 , at 110 : ! p. in. sharp
for the purpose of attending the funeral
of the late C. D. Voorhlsof engine com
pany No. 3.
T. W. Cooi'Hll , Foreman.
All members of the David Bradley
company , hook , are requested to join
with us in attending the funeral of , our
deceased comrade.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway
TlioiinnmlH of the Wiry Ijltllc Hcnsts
UclnifUftcd In .NcwYorlc ,
The time for the degrading slavery
of the wild western mustang has come ,
says a Now York dispatch to the Globe-
Democrat. Within a few months ho
has been brought to this city in droves ,
and at present , on the Third Avenue
Surface railway , at least , ho outnum
bers the eastern horse in the ratio of
nearly five to 0110. They may bo soon
on most of the cars which run from the
stables at Sixty-fifth street to the city
hall , scarcely larger than a good-sized
pony , with rough coats and an evident
distrust of the elevated railway trains
which go thundering along overhead.
They have been tried , and unwittingly
passed their trial successfully. They eat
less than a big horse , they keep in
better condition , they are less subject
to disorders , they have much more en-
durnncoand after they are ouco trained
they work together with quite as much
ease as their more civilized brothers.
But before they are trained they are
not Inclined to peace , and are K > famil
iar with their hostlers that the latter ,
in order to keep whole clothing on
their backs , are compelled to endow
their olwges with muzzles of the
wrought Iron order. The mustangs nro
purchased in the west , particularly in
Texas , by agents of the company , which
no longer depends upon the horse trad
ing talents of llrms in this city. They
are sent here in batches of twenty and
forty , and are as wild as a Manitoba
bliz/.ard. Their training is done in the
stable on Sixty-li flh street. For a con
siderable time they won't eat , but by
and by , as a driver describes it , "they
git so hungry that their insidcs git ail
knotted up and they cat thor stalls.7'
As this ib not particularly nutritious
diet , the mustangs begin to show a
longing for hay , but what they really
delight in is bran. When this main
dilliculty of eating is overcome the lit
tle horses are harnessed to cars , with
old , sottlcd-dowu car horses as their
mates , and , with poles , are driven
around the stable. They have a par
ticular fondness for climbing posts and
trying to irot on the top of the cars , out ,
by means of well-administered hirtts
that such conduct is not tolerated in
civilized communities , they manage to
cantor around a little. Two days are
generally hullicient to convince the
mustaugh that there is a point
where obstinacy ceases to become a
praiseworthy attribute. But there
comes another dilliculty. Despite their
utter detestation for till manner of
tamed horses , they are harnessed to old"
stagers and begin their trips down
town. At the appearance of every train
they endeavor to climb up the pillars ,
but being restrained by the other horse
and the repeated e\idcneca of disastis-
f.iction from their driver , they settle
down to endurance. Two weeks of this
sort of thing and a set of tired drivers
generally brings a consignment of mus
tangs into an appreciation of the dull
realities of eastern life. After that they
are harnessed to one of their own race ,
and pass their lives inoxchanging mem
ories of the Texas plains and drawing
the cars.
The nnstlo Must Go.
Many well known women in Now
York are now issuing their manifestoes
against the bustle. Several of them
take great pains to nrovo that they ob
jected to bustles before Mrs. Cleveland
said anything on the subject. Mrs.
Ella Whcoler Wilcoxsayssho discarded
the bustle long before Mrs. Cleveland.
Colin Logan thinks fchogavc Mrs. Cleveland -
land her tlrst idea of abolishing bustles
when she wont bustlolcss to a reception
at the white house two years ago. Boivn
Lock wood has _ always considered bus
tles "dress distorters , " and Lillie Dov-
oroux Blake has disliked them over
since she put on long dresses , years
and years ago. Kate Field says : "Tho
bustio is an invention of tlio devil. "
While showing her dresses to a friend
a few days ago Mrs. Brown Potter saia :
"If you can find a dress pad or a springer
or a steel tucked away in any one of
thorn T will give you the whole ward
robe. Tlio back , if one has a good back ,
has a lovely contour , and it's that one
wants to display not an artificial back
of cotton , wool and sawdust. The bus
tie is barbarism. " Though opposed to
big bustles , Mrs. Frank Leslie likes "a
very little one. " She says : "A woll-
formed woman can hardly dispense with
a little fullness at the back of her
gown. I can't agree with Mrs. Potter.
She says her form is so pretty that she
doesn't need a bustio. Now if she
doesn't need one that is proof on the
face ( or the back ) of it that her form is
not good at all. " Mrs. Langtry regards
bustles as "hideously ungraceful , " and
Mary Anderson speaks of thorn as "es
sentially unartistic. " Fanny Daven
port also declares that the bustle must
The Indiana Skunk Farm.
James Clark , living bouth of Colum
bus , Ind. , near the little village of
Perry , is engaged in the novel enter
prise of skunk farming. About one
ncro of ground is inclosed with a tight
fence constructed out of thick boards ,
nnd in this in closure are over throe
hundred skunks. Clark takes great
ilolight in the peculiar occupation , and
lakes great pains to make his visitors'
calls as pleasant us possible under the
circumstances. In the lot whore the
bkunks are confined a long trench has
boon dug , into which the animals have
carried nearly a ton of hay and made
nests , whore they raise their young ,
tvhich average- nine or ten at a litter.
The business has proved a profitable
DUO , as the animals are raised for their
tur and oil. There is only the expense
Df the land nnd fence , as the skunks
feed on dead sheep , horses , cows. apples ,
fiotato parings , and refuse of all1 kinds.
They breed llko rabbits , and the furs
ire taken off in the winter and shipped
; o Iho Now York market , where tiioy
jrlng I ) apiece. Clark takes grout care
.o weed out all colors but black from his
lock. The stench which is emitted
rein the enclosure makes it a dlsugrco-
iblo place to visit.
IIIu Jacct I'nor llmv-AVinv.
A ludy in Dumbartonshire , England ,
vhos'j pot dog recently doid , was much
ifllictcd by the loss of the creature , and
ho manifested her grief by having its
amiss placed in "an elegant mahogany
ollln with brass mountings , " which was
Icpositcd in the family burying ground
u the neighboring cemetery.
Our Horvnntv.
Paris Figaro : Marie , these chairs nro
ovorcd with duotV
That Is not surprising , mndamo ; no-
lody has sat upon them to-day yotl ,
To tlio'-e ' of our cH cus who nro unac
customed to the fik\flhltninod \ by east
ern merchants in tnonrrnngomentsnnd
exquisite decorations of mammoth stores
the spectacle presented to them at the
No. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , by
Fothoringhnm , Whitelnw Ar Co. will bo
now , novel and well \\orth the tiino nnd
attention to view.
These gentlemen have both boon
reared , us it wore , behind the counter ,
nnd arc thoroughly acquainted with
every detail of the business. They
have shipped u inammoth block of dry
goods , comprising the Intest novelties
in all the bronchos , to our city and pro
pose to sell the same at ridiculously low
prices. Ono price will characterize the
store from ono cud to the other. Noth
ing will be given away , but everything
will be s-old on its merits. Following
will bo found a few of the many bar
gains there in store for you :
The stock of Ladies'Coats will bo sold
at $1 , $1.1- ! ) , $1.50 and $2 , formerly sold
for $15 to $25.
Very handsome Silk Brocade Velvet ,
Dolman ; old price , $175 ; Boston store '
prices , S47. < 50.
Everything in this department has
boon reduced 50 per cent , and you
should not fail to examine our special
bargains , marked 85c , 12jc , 17c , 23c , 3 < Jc
and 68c.
Our elegant list of ilrcss patterns are
to bo closed out at5.50 , $0.75 and $7.75 ,
tlio old prices ranging from $10.50 lo
Twenty-five inch , double warp , Black
Faille 1'Yanenis ; old price , ? 2.60 per
yard ; Boston store price. $1.39 per yard.
Wo have also n full line of colors at
$1 and $1.25. An inspection is all that
is necessary to prove the worth of this
r ,
A most beautiful line of all shades.
Old price , 50 cents ; Boston store price ,
29 cents. "
Two full cases , fullsizG _ honey comb ,
worth $1.33 ; Boston.sioro price , $1.
Ladies' all-wool underwear in camel's
hair , natural wool and scarlets. Old
price , $2 ; Boston store price , SI.25.
A new and complete stock of Ladies' ,
Gents' , Misses' and Children's. E.xam-
nmine bargains marked 12 } , 1U nnd 25
Gents' Unlauiuiricd Shirts , 35c , 60 o
Too and $1. These goods are all worth
33 per cent more.x It will pay you to ex
amine the above goods.
Special bargains in ribbons , handker
chiefs , gloves , embroideries and cor
Fifteen thousand gross of all the latest
novelties in buttons , ranging in price
from 5c to 75c per dozen.
In addition to these wonderful bar
gains there are hundreds of others just
as good in the
to bo found at the
as well as low prices in
A most complete and de&irablc line of
Dry and Fancy Goods at the
No.-jOl Broadway ,
| /UW KENT The tnieostory hrlclc store room
-I ? No. 4071lroail njr. The locttlon Is ono of
thrljest In Hit-city. The l > ulldlaij has been oc
cupied fey tJw l.iit twenty years by Miller , V Co. ,
hardware , and Mould l > o u very iloalrntile loca
tion foralumlnnre business on tnat account ,
John Dennett.
LOST At the opera homo , nmlnk boa. 1'leaRo
return to Sw anson Music Co. , No. RSI llroad.
wny anil ix fclvc reward.
WANTIII ) Two coots nnd dining room pltl.
( IJj. Dextur. room 2 , No. 'M 1'entl M.
WANTKD ClFy property In pxchatiRO for
Iowa farms Johnson .V Van I'litten , aa
Main st.
of dissolution of co-part-
nerxhlp. Notice Is hereby lveu
that the co partnership heretofore exist ,
tni ; between the underslRticd under the
( Inn name of 1'aiHons > V Keller , for the purpose
of iloeloptnu nud operating a sand and urnvol
pit near Million , In Mill * county , lown. Is this
day dissolved by mutual lonsent. Wltneis our
hands tills l th dny of January. A. 1) . , istji.
0. K. 1'AUHONS.
V. 1. . KlU.liKU.
OU HKNT-Dwolllnj : liouicTor n rooms. No.
I7U7 Ninth nvenue. north of I'lnntcrs hotel.
A. .1. 8lopncn on , J'I S. Main st.
ITU'lt.S'lHIIl'.l ) front room to lor : ) gent lumen ;
* ? N'o. lo.Tfith nvenue. n-ar transfer.
SA1.K HorJio'fnTieirin\\ryomliiK. \ Three
1 Hundred hend of horaos , mares and colts ,
linnet' facilities lint class. As part pnyment
will take Council Illnlls property. Oeorjt ) Mot-
WHAT 18 1T-A stock of ClothliiR. Hoots
and Shoes , Hats nnd Capx , dents' I'ur-
ntshtiiK Goods , Dry ( loads. Invoice ? I O.I HO.
What have yon to oiler ? llil llro.idway. Council
llluirs , Iiu _ _
" 171OH SAI.B My house and lot , corner Second
JL' nvennonnd Ninth street ; nlso lumso nnd lot
fCT Sixth uvemio ; toims unay. 1. A. MlU.lilt.
On hand for city loans ; lowest rates
of interest.
Fine farms close to BlulTs to exchange
for city property.
Western lanii to exchange for city
Big bargains in Broadway lots.
Fine business property to exchange
for well improved farms.
Good stock of groceries for sale , not
for trade.
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Small payments down. Prices ranging
from $775 to $4,000.
Cheap lots in Evans' , Wright's , Coch-
ran's and most all additions to city.
Fine acre property for sale from $100
to $500 less than present worth.
No. 10 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
-110 imOAUWAY ,
Private watchmen furnished nt any nnd nil
Speclnl attention given to collection of chat
tel mortgnecs unit notus.
Alowy to loan on K"f > 'l chnttel security.
Inference Any Iniuk , iittorney , or business
inau In thu cltv.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors -
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
C. B. JUI > I > ,
f'miitcll ItlulTs , In.
C. E. IiniL. O. A. nnilMNGHOF
Architects , Designers and Superintendents
of Construction ,
Mr. Berlinghof ivas sotcn years with
Mendelssohn , Tislicr & Lowry , and lias
designed many of the finest blocks
In Onmlui and Co u null Bluffs.
Plans and Specifications Preparsil anfl
Estimates made on Application ,
Studio , Itoom 2 Opera Iloiine llloclc
- or sir OWN I > IIISMM : : -
Iowa Cattle Fed 01 Iowa Coin !
And will meet nny honest competition on prlcui
for 1 Irht-i'lftKS ' .Moats.
1O Ilrondwny. - - TrloiUtono HOI.
I'lios. OITICTII. \v. \ u. M.
Tomer Main ami Hronclwny ,
Drillers in foroiffii ilomestlo exchniiKO.
Collections made mid interebt paid on time tie-
-r , "
H and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
.Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. IJrown
Huililing , Council 13 in ( ft , Iowa ,
JiiHice ot the Pence. Onice over American Express , No. 419
OV/nUn . Uroad way , Council Mills , low a.
QTHIMF Xi QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the Stale anil Fid era
O I UnU Ot OIIYlO" Courts. Olllce Ilooms 7 and 8 , Slmgart-Heno Hlock ,
Council Dlulfn , Iowa.
Vi TIWI CV Attorney * at Law. Room 10 , Shuj-art Block ,
Ot I IINLC.T Council Hlnjni ,
Manufacturers and \\Miolosulo DQiiluru in
Orders Promptly Fillpd and Dollvercd.
No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
PIANOS a oiGis { / \
tjCofCrlIiariilicCli ) < ; oK
ways the owcsr. Noll4MamSf.
S A Pierce , Proprietor.
. furnitura & Stoves
W.W.BIL9ER. on wctltly of Best
I N -
/VO. 326 BROAOWAN. * w
7 * Laundry Work A ec\a\\s \ >
An old established Boot and Shoe business
in Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location.Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. C. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate-
N" . P. DODG-E , Executor.
SIZES FROM Especially AilaptoO ( as
POWER , Mills and Els/alors. /
Fpeclllcations mid estimates furnished for complete Fteam plants. Itrfriilatlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Cauahow letters from liters where fuel Economy Is with Corliss Non-Condonslnff ,
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Blulfu.
This space is reserved for C. J. COL
BY'S Real Estate advertisement , wliicli
will appear in our next issue. Look out
for bargains.
. It IB tlio mout ilni'.iblo Piano ir.sulc.
" . It in , proves under nsu.
; i. it hub more volumu of tone than any other Instrument.
) , it btunds In tnno longer tliiiu mi.y otliur Piuno ,
5. it Is tliu only Piuno vMi UK ; now patent liini-stop. :
U Is t ho only Piano with tlio now metal lioy supjiort.
7. It Is unequalled In action.
b. It luailBull others am on tr the best people.
' .i. Jt IN tlm ImndHOineBt Piuno made.
10. And most important of nil It Is r.old a
jf7q 0 _ Pi' TIIIiM IX
vo. 10.1 MAI.V HTIIIT ; ; , < : < > ! / % < ; ! I , ItM/ITS , I A ,
JA1II ! I.NUri'.ll 'lO ( , AII , A1 (
Ami fcrit lirr ilno line of Hair ( iooils. I'l.VJiST HAIR
< ) Jt.\A.Mi.Yi : S in tlm city.VI \ s , ItciinLetc. ) . ,
Cor Kent or Sale.
< ; MJ'jrn A.M > < : OVM : AM ) 3iviics ;
CJHKJ-ISK I'AINX.S , IIAIU l > illhhl.G. HTO ,
\o. a MAI.VST. , : < : < HIA < ; II. HMJITS ,
iiv MII , IUXKIVK rtioMc
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
ET ' NoitU Cth hi. , oio | ) < ltB jiubtolllctf , on
y. Motor I.lniCouncil niiillH. la.
lllrds and nnlinuU ir.onntui naturally and In the bent method ot
- . , , . , . . . , , jjv vtty the ait. Warranted to preserve for years. I'craonK wudluif ortlerg
ssuied of perfcot natlsfaction. FururcMtne ubpcclulty. VYi'ltu for particular * ,