Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Hews and Gossip of the Knights of
the Grip.
A Country Mr reliant' * Fuel I'lnys Out
A Joke on "Ilml" Tlio Humor
of it Samples From the
Grip uncle.
An Old Timer.
It is strange If with nil the talent engaged
In ourranus and our facilities for gathering
news , wo can not give you the material to
make Up as entertaining u column as any
talent you may employ or interest In any
other department of your very enterprising
und Justly popular pnt > er.
Some of u hnvo been on the road in nil
parts of the land for twenty-flve years , and
In our travels and experience with thu people
ple and the clinmto and in our struggles to
locomoto by horse ixjwer , loot power , steam
and otherwise , have laid tin a fund of Information
mation that would enable us to spin out a
column of intcrc. rtltiK matter once n week
for several years. To the amateur of this
day with his palace car nnd othoroncoml-
tants , n horseback tour through n winter of
severe weather among his customers with
only n pair of saddle bags for baggage and
hm own horse to attend to and almost con
stantly liccp his eye on , would seem to re
quire un iron constitution and tne nerve qf n
polar bear.
Wo did have fun In these days , though ,
compared with which thu diversions of this
day nro tame and exceedingly ibin. The wel
come extended In those days to n
missionary of the road was as thoroughly
cordial nnd enthusiastic as could bo
Imagined , while he was looked on as n trav
eling encyclopedia of knowledge. At BOIIIO
future day 1 will give you some of my trav
elings on horseback , experiences In a snow
storm and other Incidents. But there nro
inoro important subjects. Wo are called to
flll a more Important position in relation to
our homes nnd to form combinations for
inoro uniform prices and a more careful
lion Iling of credits and extend ing safeguards
ugnl.iit los-tCH ,
Well , wo are competent for all these , and
can nnd will discuss this matter very fully
until these ends tire accomplished. M.
Kliort < > ! ' StalemcntH.
Many of the merchants these times can ap
preciate the following told by ono of the
cang with many mtservations as to its gospel
truthfulness. A grocery man a few weeks
ago stopped oil at ono of the western Dakota
towns. It was a regular Dakota winter day ,
blustery nnd cold , nnd the drummer lost no
time in getting to the store of his Intended
victim. On opening the door ho discovered
the merchant with chattering teeth and
pinched lips hugging the stove.
"Helio , John"shouted the man of the grip ,
"what's tlio mutter ! "
John turned a face as blue as indigo and
"o Id I"
chattered laconically , o o
"Well , no wonder , " saiil the drummer ,
feeling the stnve , "why don't you lire uuI
"What nro you burning , any row ? '
" 1 have been burning statements lately , but
the trains are blockaded und my daily supply
has not come in. "
It is understood that John has smco re
A Joke on Dad.
Tlio boys had a good joke on "Bad"
Blogutt last week. Don't know "Dad ! "
Why , ho Is one of the best and jolliest land
lords in the state and runs the "only" house
at York.
Our drummer arose early to catch the B. &
M. oitst. Ills bill was $ 'J and "Dad" was
slipped what ho thought were two silver
dollars. You can imagine his amazement
when making up cosh he found ho was short
ono dollar and had one white poker chip too
many. It spread , of course , and the boys
finally made him acknowledge. Santa Kosas
all -around.
The Httmor of It.
"Speaking of hotels , " said an Omaha
drummnr , "you know old Smith , who keeps
that rocky house at A ? Well , I said to him
not long since , 'Smith , old fellow , you are
getting too old to bo In the hotel business.
Why don't you sell out or rent ! ' 'Well now , '
said he , 'I have been thinking of that , and I
will sell whenever I can get a purchaser that
I think will keep up the reputation of my
house. ' To fully appreciate the humor of
this , you will hnvo to spend a night at A.
and stop with Smith. "
A Bind Prohibitionist.
A grocery man made Elgin the other
morning on the 4:45 : train. Finishing the
remains of u half pint , ho deposited the bottle
in a pocket of ono of the overcoats hanging
Jn the ofUco. The overcoat belonged to ono
of the loading prohibitionists of Antelope
county. After breakfast ho put his coat on
mid , putting his hands in his pockets , drew
forth the bottle amid the jeers of the crowd.
Now there is u wild-eyed prohib. laying for
tlio grocery man.
Why ?
A traveling man inquires why it Is that the
secretary of the T. M. P. U. docs not notify
the members of additions to the list of con
tract goods , Ho also suggests that the
houses of this city publish a detailed state
ment of tlio penalties attaching to cuts In
combination commodities ,
Onuilm'H Stmdny GIIL-SIH.
At the Murray : II. T. Pratt , Chicago : F.
E. Eldridgo , Chicago ; C. F. Fogarty , Crete ;
CTT. Smith , Cedar Kapids ; J. S. O'Connor ' ,
New York ; C. K. Jennings , Detroit ; J. G.
Jackson , Minneapolis ; F. C. Alexander , St.
Louis ; E. K. Stnpp , DCS Moincs ; F. E.
Ally n , St. Louis ; John Kcnnau , St. Louis ;
AV. F. PuriU'e , Syracuse ; C. A. Simon ,
Philadelphia ; C , U. Hodman , Chicago ; F.
McCarthy , New York ; S. Lipp-
man , St. Louis ; J. E. ' Nelson ,
Chicago ; J. M. Hamilton , Chicago ; G. B.
Mullen , Now York ; C. M. Jobson , Now
York ; C. B. Carpenter , Now York ; G. T.
Leako , Now York ; J-S. Knox , St. Louis ;
II. E. Hackman , St. Louis ; F. W. Pholan ,
St. Louis ; A , J. Ashlecn , Chicago ; James A ,
Smith , Baltimore ; S. Jones , Chicago ; S.
Foldonholmcr , Cincinnati ; S. B. Eastman ,
Boston ; E. B. Wolf , Chicago ; P. B. Hell-
man , jr. , Milwaukee ) , and J. M. Stanley ,
At the Paxton : II. N. Bodwell , Cincinnati ;
John Flindull , Chicago ; H. L. Lawrence ,
Chicago ; W. H. Eitman , Atchlson : J. B.
Ilicknmn , Kansas City ; W. L. Wagner ,
Now York ; C. A. Broekway , St. Paul ; D.
Jrt. Uumniuck , Plorco City ; JUeorgo F. Link ,
II. D , Saylor , Chicago ; A. Corson , Pitts-
burg , Charles Opponhelmor , Kansas City ;
J. A. Snyder , Chicago ; Charles W. Hume ,
New York ; C. Townsend , Leavon-
worth , Kns. ; L. Androson , Davenport ;
J. II. Brundimoro , Chicago ; J. T , Worts ,
Boston ; G. W , C. Gillette. Boston : H. U ,
Wctmnro , Chicago ; Joseph A. Bennett ,
Philadelphia ; H , II. Hpcosiuan , New York ;
M. C. Dignntl , St. Louis ; A.M. Bullon , Bos-
Ion ; F. A. Pond , Ctiirago ; I , Liboruian , Chicago
cage ; E. F. Miller , Chicago.
At the Mlllard C. Cmnmings , Chicago ;
N. Guethol , Chicago ; W. M. Wadeworth ,
Cblcaifo ; Walter Woollcott , Kansas City ;
"W. Arneuiun , Now York ; James Shaw ,
Providence ; M. Harris , St. Louis ; Hurry
iCuffal , New York ; D , H. Klrkputriok ,
Chicago ; L. Brock , Cincinnati ; Julius
Lyons , Chicago ; H. I. Mentr , Chicago
cage ; W. P. Hoblnson , Jr. , St.
Joseph ; A. W , Ware , Now York ;
II. G. Atkins , Tinln , O , : O. W.
Mitchell , New York : .1. liadomnkor , Grand
Kansas City ; John W. Murder , Chicago ;
Cbnrlcs K Seltzer , Milwaukee ; L. L. Big.
cins , Tonokn ; A , A. Hewlett , Now Yorlc ; W ,
Odenwald , New York ; Frank A. Ward ,
- Boston , und D , G. Hurdtncr , Boston ,
At the Barker N. J , Morris , Nmv York ;
Frank T. Mittaur , Now York ; N. T. Connor ,
Uoone , la. ; W. E. Wood , Chicago ; E. E. Hi'
land , Chicago ; E. H. Morrlck , Sioux Civ ; E.
! . Pitch , Council Bluffs ; P. W. Foeuey ;
Lincoln ; K. W. Kink , FalU City ; A. D.
Btllca Falls City ; L. C. Balton , Atlantic ,
la. ; .7. W. CoaU , Wlotarln. : Q. DoVmtx , Chi-
cnpo ; J. W. JamesonVloto , IiM k , C.
Cutnpboll , St. Louis ,
Aronnd Town.
Samuel Host Is also porltfrlnntinit In Utnh ,
Which Is his regular territory.
W. A.Vllvm k Co. : W. 1C. Mtirtln Is driv
ing a good trade la the Black Hills.
Gcortfo Schwezcr , ol David City , was ono
of the buyers from the country la t week.
John Pnrrlsli , trnvnllnff on the 11. ft M. to
Grand Island ami on the branches beyond ,
was in Friday.
William A. . Gray , Into with Schlllinf * of
San Francisco , will RO into northwostoru
lowft and southwestern Uukotn.
Churlcy Owen spent Sunday In Grand
Iiluml. Some of the boys wonder If ho re-
rcmcinbuis golno to Mindontosso the plnnot.
Frank I ) . Howe soils ( foods as far Into
Eastern Dakota as Onkes , the most northerly
point reached by the Northwestern system.
Trade Is coo ; ! , notwithstanding the atrcntrth
of the foft'co niiirltct. Tie | reports from the
east nro on the bull order , and prices arc ex
pected to Jump.
II. M. Meyers has boon at Lincoln In at-
tcmlmiuo upon his wife who was tlnwn with
typhoid. 'J'ho boys will bo glad to know that
she has recovered.
Hector , U'illielmy & Co. : John Hnrborp ,
on the main line of the Union I'acillc and
Missouri Paclllc , was in town yesterday. Ho
reports luisincs * good.
Consolidated Coffee Commit } * : C. M.
RtiBlovlio was bo.imau's city man for n
number of years , is covering southern No-
br.iska und Houtliern Iowa ,
A. II. Granger has returned from a suc
cessful tour of lov.M. Ills legs , however , uro
HUH wandering about the capacious folds of
his John Wnnnamnkcr trousers.
O. It. Allan , who lives at Kearney and
tniikcs the Union 1'aclllc territory , was at
headquarters yesterday to uncertain if the
house had stock enough to supnly his spring
Allen Brothers : J. M. Ferguson , covering
the country between York nnd Broken Bow ,
was lookiiiR over thu shoj ) nt Omaha on
Saturday , but left for York In the evening to
sun his wife und babies.
QI ? . 13. Ciowloy ( no relation to the deceased
cliliiipatuo ( if Central park ) , lias mustered up
courage to le.ivo his North Omuha girl und to
skip out ior n few weeks' trip In the southern
pnrt of the state. Ho Is u young niuti full of
tiromlso and will malic a good salesman ,
William Fish lias left his Colorado stamp
ing grounds to observe tne workings of the
high cut shoes that his llrm plaucs among
the Mormons. Ho is at Salt Lake City , aud
the last heard from him was that the Mor
mons used Uio stockings. It might bo well testate
state that whilu thirteen buttons satisfy the
Nebraska bcllo eighteen of thuin cannot grip
the shanks of Utah beauties too hard.
\V. N. Morse & Co. : J. E. McCrackcn ,
"John , " ho loves to bo cn'led ' , perhaps the
landlords oil the Burlington system Know him
through his parciality for rocking chairs , Is
mooting with good success. Bis peculiarity
is so marked in John that his friends say he
is pleased when trade is "rocky , " and that
his best humor would be developed lu un
earthquake. But John docs not allow his
trade to Interfere witli his labors on behalf
of prohibition and he is making converts who
who will work either for or against the
measure. _
SauiplcN. _ _
J. A. Stevens , of the Merchants' Criterion ,
is in Kansas City and St. Joseph this weolc.
J. N. G. Hart , Max Meyer & Go's , leading
man , is in for a Jew days , but will soon bo
on the roau again.
Mr. George M. Borrow , of the firm of
Burrow & Logan , has gone to .Now York to
place orders foe his house.
Mr. Bonn Werlemnnn , of New York , rep
resenting the Gassner Dry Battery company ,
-was among our callers last weak.
Tt , is reported that Frank Bucheit , with
McCord , Brady & Co. , haso-oalized u hand
some sum out of Kearney real estate.
E. A. Becker No. 2 , adjuster for the Farm
ers nnd Merchants' Insurance company of
Lincoln , Neb. , was in the city last week.
Phil Garrettaon has Just returned from n
very prosperous trip through California and
Idaho. Bo is selling syrups for Farrell Jc
E. A. Becker , with Kirkcndall , Jones &
Co. , cnmu in from his Horn trip a week ago
( lushed with success , and is agalu on the
Warner E. Ball , representing the whip
house of I'omerqy & Vnnduson , of "tVestlleld ,
Mass. , was visiting the trade in Omaha for
his linn ,
Mr. L. Mendelssohn has returned from
the east , where he has boon in the interest
of the new storage battery which he is intro
Mr. M. Dee , who for the past two weeks
has been laid up with the rheumatism , is re
covering , and will undoubtedly bo able to
resume his travels shortly.
The Northwestern "travelers' " association
last year paid out over $100,000 in death losses ,
.necessitating assessments against each of its
members aggregating $30.
Cosh Mead made the Pacific Coast terri
tory for the Omaha Rubber company last
year , but this year ho is "enjoying" the fine
weather of Dakota and Minnesota.
.T. F. Huntzlnger , formerly with R. K.
Grotto , \vill hereafter bo found working the
state in the interests of William Durst ,
wholesale liquor and cigar dealer.
S. V. B. Bolloway , who had the misfor
tune to fall while getting off a train in mo
tion and break his loft arm , is able again to
bo at his post of duty for the Omaha Uubber
company ,
J. C. Koesling has succeeded G. H. Mack
& Co in the retail cigar business at 1313 Far-
nam street. Mr. Uocsling also Intends to clo
a Jobbing business , and will soon have men
in this und adjoining states.
C. II. Jackson , being for the past ten years
with Bibbnrd , Spencer , Bartlett & Co. , of
Chicago , has taken n change of base , and
from now on will represent the Lee , Clark ,
Anilrcosen Hardware company in Nebraska.
The late John F Dy > all , with Poycko
Bros. , who resided at Twentyjslxth and Pop-
pleton streets , nnd who died about sixty days
ago , was a member of the Northwestern
Travelers' association. His widow will soon
receive 5,000 from that organization.
"WValc Back and Weak
The world is full of persons alllicted with
weak backs nnd weak luncs. In the follow
ing letter Mrs. I. T. Crockett , of Mnx
Meadows , Va. , tolls how she was cured of
those troubles :
for ten years or more for weak back ( spinal
affection ) and weak lungs.aml I can say with
perfect truth that I have been greatly bone-
fitted by them. In fact , I don't believe that
I could got along without them ; certainly not
for any length of time. I have bean the
cause of innny others wearing thorn , who
have been greatly benelltted. "
If you happen , to moot three little
miiirts , nil exactly nlilco in size , feature ,
coloring tmd dross , nil llvo yours old ,
nnd nil in a row promoimding- Fifth
ixvonuo , you will know Unit they uro
the triplet daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan Crydor , u youu- , ' arid wealthy
couple , says the Now York Morning
Journal. They nro their only ehildron
and uro the prldu und delight of the
401) ) , bailiff the only triplets known in
"society. "
An AliKoliun Cure.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an nbsaluto cure fur old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively earn all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goudman Drug Co. , at 25
cents per box bv mail 0 cents.
Now York Journal : The photogra
pher la about the only man who is not
afraid to toll u lady to shut her mouth
and try to look pleasant.
Everybody who hag once used Br. Bull's
Cough Syrup Invariably resorts to it again
for colds , eto.
"When vice prevails and Impious men boar
sway , "
When cuts , kprain , , bruises torment Ell the
day ;
Then ease from pain from care and Uisrt is
By great Salvation Oil , the standard llni-
They Co mo From Hftnfins City nml
Open McotliiRs Here.
The well known evangelists , Hcv. D. "W.
Potter and Uev. E. F. Miller , began n scries
of revival meetings at the Flr t Methodist
Episcopal church yesterday morning ,
Messrs. Potter nnd Miller have been en-
paged In revival xvork together for a number
of years and have visited all the important
cities of the United States. During the last
nine weeks they have been conducting ser
vices nt Kansas City , whore they converted
1,500 persons. Mr. Potter conducts the
prayer and exhortation portions of the ser
vices , while Mr. Mlllor , who has a very good
tenor voice , nbly assists him by leading the
singing , Mr. Potter Is a niliidlo-ngeil gentle
man , while Mr Miller is still a young man.
They will remain In Omutm ono month nt
least nnd perhaps longer. If the ntlondixnco
nt the services warrants it , a tabernnclo will
bo built. During their stny here they will
hold services daily at half-past 2 In the after
noon and at half past T In the evening.
Ml- . Potter selected as a text for his dis
course yesterday morning the llrst three
verses of the llth chapter of the Gospel ac
cording to St. John , and tus theme )
was "Heaven. " The points touched
upon wore : Whore Is Heaven ?
What Stlnd of place is Heaven I
\VhntIstho character of the Inhabitants t
\Vliat Is their employment ? Slmll wo know
each other there I
The inscription given of heaven by the
oloiucnt | man was a glowing ono. Where-
over it might be , all could bo assured that
there would bo perpetual joy and peace there.
JNoncbnttho pure and holy would bo al
lowed to enter its sacred portals , and us the
Inhabitants would bo perfect , life thcro
would bo an eternal Joy. The friends and
kindred of this earth who so lived as to merit
an anode In the heavenly land would bo re
united and would know and enjoy sweet
communion with each other there.
The preacher closed with nn appeal to all
who had not already accepted Christ to BO-
euro a title to citizenship in hc.iven through
his atonement.
An oppoiUtility was tlicu given all those
who so desired to declare themselves on the
Loml'n side before men , nnd many men ,
women and children responded. Services
weroheld In the afternoon and evening , and
a number of conversions were m.ide.
Our citizens hnvo been profltlne by the
freezing weather of the last week In Jnnunrv ,
to till their ice houses , besides supplying till
the Ice required for the village. There have
been many carloads shipped south aud east.
The ice hauling and wood hauling have given
the town quite a busy appearance ,
The college people observed the day of
prayer for -schools and colleges by holding
Hcrviccs in the Presbyterian church. There
wore present Uevs. Kcrr. Wilson , Honilcr-
nnn. Gordon , Lodge and Martin , of Omaha ,
besides the faculty of the college , and they
each made souio very interesting remarks to
the students. Friday. February 1 , they were
tro.ited to a very interesting and instructive
lecture by Kev. W. J. Hursha , of Omaha , on
the subject of his recent visit in Italy. All
wore very much interested ,
Mr. J. M. Parker went to Blair Friday.
Mr. John Clotz was a pleasant caller Sat
Mr. Dick Blaco shipped one oar of hogs to
Omaha S iturdny.
Mr. F. 1' . Vonwinkle shipped one car of
hogs lust week to Omaha.
Mr. James Thorndike nnd John Jap wont
to Blair overland Saturday.
Mrs. Frank , ! ahnal is quite sick , and tlio
doctors despair of her recovery.
Miss Jennie Allen went to Blair Saturday ,
and from there she will KO to her school.
Mr. Thomas Wright sold forty-one and
one-half acres to Mr. Nelse Miller for $35 per
acre , cash in hand.
The M. E. people arc holding a protracted
meeting at the Colby school house , und re
port good success.
Our temperance saloon closed Saturday
for want of customers. Mr. Jacobson wi4l
go back to Arlington aud rusticate ir. that
There was a birthday dinner given nt the
Christian church on last Wednesday in honor
of Mrs. Anna Fay's sovcnty-llrst anni
versary , and it was one of the plensuutcst
gatherings of the season.
Henry Stavlouson , of this place , is build
ing a largo warehouse for farm machinery ,
nnd the Hour mill of Clans Oft is about
ready for business. Ho aims to make Jluo
Hour , as ho has the roller process.
Benniugton keeps on improving. Paulson
& Pearnian , of Washington , are removing
their largo . blacksmith and wagon shop to
Bcnnlngton. This is quits an improvement
to this village , as Paulson & Pearman are
energetic business men , and run their os tab-
lisUmout on quite > a large scale.
Herbert Gorman has been laid up with
typhoid fever , from -which ho is now recover
Dr. Person has been driving night nnd day
for two weeks grappling with some serious
cases of sickness in this vicinity.
Edward M. Kelly and Emma Moslcr wore
married January 2J at the residence of the
bride's parents. Pev. S. Pearson otllciuted.
Curt Mays , Mrs. PhiUon and the infant
daughter of Mrs. Hefloy , all of whom hnvo
had the erysipelas , are now pronounced out
of danger. .
A brother of Mrs. Thomas Starinan is on a
visit from Oregon to these parts , nnd wants
to sec n genuine blizzard before returning to
his sunny land.
llcv. Mr. Pearson has been engaged in
special services at , Howells. assisted by the
Itovs. Parko of Pierce , Traviss of Lelph ,
and Warner of Hooper. The meetings wore
of deep Interest and service.
The funeral services of the Dodge Courier
have boon accomplished , and under a now
name nnd numugomont Dodge is favored this
week with the light und influence of n newsy
and attractive paper , styled the Dodge Ad
Married , at West Point , on the 29th ult. ,
Mr. E. W. Scholdo and Miss Olvina Pob-
amry. After the happy couple had met for
the lirsi time two days before the marriage ,
they succeeded in uniting for bettor or
worse , making the third brother who has
married thn third sister. Thcro are no more
girls nun no more hoys in either family , else
their marriage in unbroken order would bo
only a question of time.o
Bccchuui's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills
; \ Hold DoHc.rter.
Prlvato Byrnes , Company K , deserted
this morning from Fort Omaha. Bo
is the recruit who was recently tried by a
general court-martial , charged with burglar
iously entering tbo quarters of the mall-man
Lazarus and the market-man Bauors. Bo
was found guilty , and sentenced to bo dis
honorably discharged from the servlcennd to
servo flvo years In the penitentiary.
Ho effected his escape while under guard
In the enlisted men's bath house , breaking
one of the windows and leaping out. The
sentry announced his oacapo by discharging
his musket.
A detachment was scat out immediately ,
but at 7 o'clock ho baa not boon apprehended.
The guard that was mounted this morning
under command of Lieutenant Chnsman ,
were dispatched after the deserter with two
days' rations , anna now guard was mounted
lu their pluce.
HIiulI Women be Allowed to Vote ?
The question of femnlo aulTraso has
njfitatod the tongues and pon'a of re
formers for many years , anil peed argu
ments have been adduced for and against
it. Many of the softer BOX could vote
Intelligently , and many would vote
as their husbands did , and give no
thought to the merits of n political IHSUU.
They would all vote for Dr. Piorco'a
Favorite Prescription , for they know it
Is a boon to their sex. It ia unequalled
for the cure of lucorrhoa , abnormal dis
charges , morning sickness , and the
countless ills to which women , are sub
ject. It is the only remedy for woman's
peculiar weaknesses nnd ailments , gold
by druggists under a positive guarantee
frpm the manufacturers , that it will
give satisfaction In every case , or money
will bo refunded. See guarantee oa
wrapper around bottle ,
Another Llfo Ornahod Out By the
Modern J.uggornaut.
A Cortlnnil Mnu Commits SiticUlo on
tlio KvoorJIlH WetliliiiR Ony
Lincoln News
ami Kotos.
1020 P STIIKKT ,
I.INCOI.X , Fob , 3 ,
Only a tramp I Perhaps j but the seal of
certainty will never be set upon his life or
death. This morning at 8 o'clockan ununown
mnn was discovered lying by the side of the
Burlington track , near ilavoloclc , seine four
miles east of the city , who had just given up
the warmth of the body In death , but from
what cause no ono will probably over know ,
tisklo from the marks upon his person that
evidenced that the wheels of the cars had
iigaln pormoruiod a deadly work. The vic
tim was very plainly attired. His clothes
were much the worse of wear , and the out
ward evidences go to show that his posses
sions wore b.iroly suftlcleut to keep soul and
body together. The body of the unfortunate
man was llrst discovered by some section
men , who at once notified the coroner , and as
soon as possible thereafter the remains wore
placed in the hands of Undertaker Hoaton ,
in whoso ofllco they now lie awaiting the ac
tion of an Inquest. The Jury will bo im
paneled to morrow.
A largo number of railroad nmu have
viewed the corpse , bJl no ono thus lar has
been able to glvo ony clue that promises to
toad to idcntnloation. lie was apparently u
br.iwny fellow , broad-shouldered and lull of
health and vigor when Iho awful summons
came. A pint bottle of pure alcohol was
found on his person. This furnished some
evidence ho had boon dissipated In
habits , and furnishes another test for the
totnpotanco reformer. It is the general
opinion that the victim was a railroader , but
1C so ho will probably bo Ideutitlud before Ills
boJ.V is committed to the grave. Aside from
a few marks about his head there are no ex
ternal evidence's ot serious injuries.
"Ilotook his own life , " says Coroner Shoe
maker , who returned from tlio scene of the
Cortliind tragedy lastuventng , "but the cause
of the rash net seems to bo wholly unknown. "
The testimony ut the inquest showed con
clusively that Frank Verbsky had placed the
muzzle of a revolver to his own temple and
llrcd tlio iaiiil shot. The why Is
a uro found mystery. He hud just
returned from the western part of the state ,
where ho had proved up oa a.linmcstoad , and
was on the eve of marrying Mids lizzie
Altorinan , to whom ho had been ongacrod for
several months. There is no evidence that
there had been a break between himself and
his nlilancod ; on thu contrary , everything
went to show that they wore both anticipat
ing the happy day. It seems , however , that
the wedding day had been postponed from
Tuesday until Sundayyesterday. . Frank was
well connected , and had collected together
considerable of this' world's goods , and a
prosperous .future seemed to open out before
him. But lie was fduud lying by a barn Fri
day morning , some ten miles out from
Cortland , bre.ithlng his last. Medical aid was
summoned , but ho was beyond human help.
Coroner Shoemaker > ventto tlio scene yes
terday morning un this is the story glcanod
on his return :
" 1 know Fr.uil ; wpll , " remarked Georco
Stillborn of this city this morning , "and I bo-
licvo that ho committed the deed in a mo
ment of insanity. I 'was with him nearly
two years out west , and at times he was the
picture of despondency nnd gloom. His
friends there ofteti remarked that ho was
going crazy. There _ is nothing in the story
that there had beljYr a break between him
and his girl. I was'not at the inquest. I did
not hear of the tragoBv until it was too .late
to got there. When himself , Frank was a
good fellow and well'llked. "
A. TAT 1AK12.
"The fattest take among the state positions *
of which 1 have any knowledge , " remarked
a gentleman to-day , "Is that of clerk of thn
supreme court. I tell you it beats the salary
of the three supreme judges all put together.
It strikes mo awful hard that it will boar a
little reirulating as well as some other things
the Nebraska legislature is after. Thu aalar-
ies of the deputies and reporters are llxed by
law. So also is the salary of the cleric. Now ,
this is the only ofllco in the state that downs
the 'fees' of tbo olllce , und they amount to
more than any of you imagine. This is too
much , and 1 think the 'fees' or salary ought
to bo cut off. , A turn through the books and
a glance at the statute foes allowed , by a
committee who won't take everything for
granted , would result in an eye-opener that
might do some good. I am willing servants
of tho'stato shall have bread and butter and a
dollar for a rainy day , but I am
opposed to giving them u perpetual cold
mine in which the state ought to have an
abiding interest. Just jot this down Mil.
BEE and see what will come from it. I am
of the opinion that no one thinks the oflico
of clerk of the supreme court very great ,
while I know it to bo the best position at the
state houso. "
Miss Lou iso Imhof starts for Nagasaki ,
Japan , to-morrow where , with three other
ladies from Iowa nnd Mllnois , she will en
gage in missionary work. The party will
take the Union Pacific train from Council
Bluffs to San Francisco , and from tnero sail
direct to the point of destination. Miss
Imhof was tendered u farewell reception
last evening at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Iinhoff , which was very largely
attended by friends and members of the1
Methodist church.
Hon. Patrick Kgan and Secretary Sutton
will attend u meeting of the executive coun
cil of the Irish National league of America ,
ut Cincinnati , nnd will leave for that city to
morrow. John Fitzgerald , who is now in
Michigan , will Join them In Ohio's metropo
lis. The gentlemen will bo from home about
ten days. At this meeting of the council the
time and place for holding the next general
convention of the league will bo determined
upon. It is understood that the mooting
will bo hold In March , or .April nt the latest ,
and that Washington will bo selected as the
The Knights of Pythias will celebrate the
twenty-llfth anniversary of the order on tlio
tilth ol tills month. Invitations have been
sent to nearly or quite all of the uniform
rank divisions of thu state , und speakers of
national reputation will bo In attendance.
Thu parade , which will take place during the
the afternoon , promises to be one of the lead
ing features of the celebration. The ball
and banquet nt night will bo the finest and
most elaborate over given by the order in
this city. It goes without saying that the
Knights of Pythias/- hand ono of the
great events of its history in the stato.
tl :
Humphrey Moynlhnn Thinks It l-'ol-
lowed Itiin toChloairo.
Humphrey Moynihun believes ho was
followed hero from Omaha by a hoodoo
of some description , says the Chicago
Herald. Ho has hard luck lately.
Last week ho hired his men to plane off
and polish his mahogany. AVhon they
finished the job the foreman loft a can
with Humphrey , saying"Hero : is eomo
oil , sir , nnd you should oil the bar tit
least once n week. " The other day ho
told ono of his purveyors to do the oil
ing. Ho did bo and ho completed the
job before ho learned that the man had
loft shellac , Instead of oil , by mistake.
Ho learned this when a customer laid a
dollar bill on the bar , and It finally had
to bo removed with n chisel. The
sholliio destroyed the varnish nnd the
iiar had to bo'planed again. Then the
other night tlio arc light in front of the
Hhice foil to the sidewalk. It really
began to look like n hoodoo , sure.
The climax was cupped Tuesday night ,
though. Mr. Moynlhnn was there-
alone. In obedience to the midnight
ordinance ho had dismissed his aids
nnd turned the key in the door at IU
precisely. Then ho wont behind the
bar to euro for the day's receipts. When
ho completed this task ho put on his
overcoat and started for homo. He got
as far us the door. The key absolutely
rofiibcd to work. He could not got out.
Ho worked and fussed for half an hour ,
but it was no go. Then the watchman
came along , Hashed his lantern into the
plifcc , and , suolng a man inside , ho
started oil'as if to call a patrol Vagon ,
Humphrey , divining his intention ,
yelled at him , mtiuo himself known ,
and explained the situation. The
watchman suggested that ho open the
transom mid throw out the key , so that
ho could try it on the outside. Humph
rey tried this , but found the transom
could not be opened while the door re
mained shut. Tlio big plate glass win
dow swings down from the top on
heavy hinges. This was his
only chance , Humphrey thought , so
ho lowered It carefully. LUit ho had for
gotten about the statute that holds the
incandescent lights in the window.
When the big window cnmo do\ui upon
it it was thrown to the floor. The head
broke olT und rolled into a corner , and
the arm dropped into a neighboring
cuspidor. Humphrey regarded the re
sult of his accidental clinic ruefully ,
and made a few remarks which would
not look well in the columns of u family
newspaper. A crowd of nighthawks
guthorod in front of the place and
olTorod suggestions. Any ono of thorn
could have broken open the door , and
the safe beyond , for that matter ,
but they did not care to give themselves
away. Humphrey could not roach high
enough to put the key out of the window ,
and was forced to remain there until a
locKsmith could bo found. The lock
smith released Humphrey with a chisel
and a pleasant smile , and all day yester
day people kept him busy answering
questions as to whether burglars had
entered his place. "I wouldn't have
cared , " ho said in speaking of the ufTiiir ,
"but there wasn't u single pint of cham
pagne in the house. " lie still believes
that ha is being pursued by an Omaha-
The Chamber of Torture
is the apartment to which the unhappy suf
ferer from inflammatory rheumatism Is con-
lined. If , cru the crisis of pain is reached ,
that flue preventive , Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters , is 'used by persons of a rheumatic
tendency , much unnecessary suffering is
avoided. Nervines , anodynes and sedatives ,
while having none but n specific effect , are
yet very desirable nt times. Yet can they
produce no lasting effect nnon rheumatism ,
becanso they have no power to eliminate
Troin the blood the rheumatic virus. Bos-
tetter's Stomach Bitters does this , and
checks at the outset n disease which , if al
lowed to gain headway , it is next to Impos
sible to dislodge or to do more than to ro-
liovo. Khoumatism , it should bo remem
bered , is a discaso with u fatal tendency
from its proiuuiess to attack the heart. A
resort to the Bitters should , therefore , bo-
prompt. Dyspepsia , kidney complaint , ma-
.luria and nervousness are relieved by it.
Hon. Levi P. Morton has five pretty
little daughters , between the ages ol
eight and fifteen. The second girl rides
remarkably well and is her papa's girl.
All five are export swimmers.
A Natural Product of California.
It is only found in Butte county , Cal
ifornin , and in no other part of the
world. Wo refer to the tree that pro
duces the .healing and penetrating gum
used in that pleasant and oiloctivo cure
for consumption , asthma , bronchitis ,
und coughs , SANTA ABIIO , tlio King
of Consumption. Goodman Drug Co.
guarantees and sells it for $1.00 a bottle
tlo , or $3 for 82.00. By the use of CALI-
FOItNIA CAT-K-CUilK , nil symptoms
of catarrh are dispelled , nnd the dis
eased nasal passage is speedily restored
to a healthy condition. $1.00 a pack
age. By mail $1.10. Circulars free.
Mayor Grant wears a suit of sky-blue
pajamas and swings Indian clubs an
hour every morning , being a good Tam
many man.
More substantial benefit can bo ob
tained from a 50 cent bottle of Dr. Bigo-
low's Positive Cure than a dollar bottle
of any ether cough remedy. It is a
prompt , safe and pleasant euro for all
throat and lung troubles. Goodman
Drug Co.
Kyrlo Bellow has become hopelessly
addicted to the use of cod liver oil. Ho
first took it upon advice of his physi
cian , and cannot break the habit.
Ladies who value a refined complexion
must use Pozzoni's Powder it produces
a soft and beautiful skin.
Mrs. Langtry will build her front
yard fonoo ton foot higher in the spring
for tlio benefit of curious neighbors
across the way.
# * > is * -"fiti * xs 'fon.
| SS sssl :
_ * ue cufc ° oy . . -jgci , 7 > tu'e ° ' shouW6 * cpratchc * w
i . .i * nt ° * . ow V < ori"f PntUe. So * cutln-
is ' < "tAlc ' laiarj
Thus the 1' Mustang" , conquers pain ,
Makes MAN or BEAST well again !
Fail * white hands.
Bright clear complexion
So t healthful skin *
" 'PEABS'-Tto Great English Cofiiploxion SOAP.-Sold Eveiywiioro *
HAMVAY'S PILLS are n euro for this complaint They tonn up the Internal secretions
to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable It. to perform Its functions ,
Price ! i > e per box Sold by all druggists. UAMVAY & CO. , New York.
li entirely n ro otnl > Io r-rpn-iratlrm. con
taining no ilerciiry , Potath , Anouic , or nthoff
poisonous lubstnucuJ.
Has curort ImmlroJi of riucnof rplthrtlo-
Bin or Cancer of the Skin , Uiimsnnds of easel
oCaJcpma ? , tttootl Humorfr i\ntl Kln ! Disease * ,
Knil hniiilrctU uf thoiiRanua of cases of Uorol-
ula , Dloixl 1'ulkon anil BlooU Talat.
Una relieved Hiounnndi of cnic * nt Mcrca-
lial Polsonlnj , RhoumatUm and StliluoM of
tli JuluU.
CnArr.ixnooA. Trx5. , Junn JT , lS3S-Stvlft'
Oni-ollli- . , , ( It'lltlrmsii ! In thn
arln ) of thn uiaixut yvnr , K l > iul caio of
blooil pulrfaii niwarotl upun ino. I bch'an
tohlng h. II. 3. undnr advlco of nunther , nnd
to liny 1 reel Bfnntly linprnved. I nm mm
tAklDK the lundlclnn anit sh ll continue lu < lq
10 until I am perfectly " -ell. I hpllt o U U !
Kuct n pel r ot cure , Vour truly ,
iJoa. 1' . HoWARt ,
III West BlsthBt.
Cor.cunu , B. O. , July 7 , 1 H-Tho Rwlf
Bpoclrta Co. , Atlntitn , On. Omitleii'CM : 1 M
ft KrwAt sulTt-rcr Ironi iiiutouhir rbvumntlfini
for two yearn. 1 euulil ffbt no poitnunrnt nv
Ilcf from any intullclna ijreiu'll.oil liy my
pliytlrlan. 1 took ovrr B Unztui lxltfi ) of
your S S. S , nml nnw I am lui WL-ll fc-s I i-\or
was In my llfo. 1 nm vuru ynnr in < f'lk'lno
cnrctl niLMinil X wuuhl rocommuinl ItKiupy
ono suCcriug from auy blooJ ilUt-iiso. Vuuu
ttulj , o. K. lluuiirn ,
Couilnutor C. & 0. II. K.
Wico , TEXAS , Stay 0 , ISSS-Oontlomen : Th
Win of onrt of my cuitomerHvns tnrrlhlr
ktlllcleil with n loathsonio skin illji'jsc.thul
covereil hir whole body. She wus confined
o h hed for Kpvnrnlycari by this ntlllctlon.
kna coulil not help hnrnilf at ull. Bhn could
ol clcep from a violent ttchlue ami allnglng
( the ( kin. The disease liatflcd tlio klllof
fi l > h ) lcl ns who treated It. Her liuibond
fcsrnu flnnlly giving tl wife awlft' Sncoltle ,
ml Ahe eommencKl to Improve nlmoit iin-
DCHllately. and In few nooks iho wan ap
parently well. 8h U now a hearty fin * ,
fcolilmj laily , witli no trace of IhonlillctlOB
lift. Yours very truly , J. K Smug ,
Wholcealo UnigKlst , Austin Aveuuo.
I Trcatlso on mood unit Skin Dltcuuco mailed
tree. Tim Swirr Ercctno Co. , Drwer I ,
Atlanta , On. ; I'o\v YorV , * : s
Is !
Guaranteed by using
National Automatic
Gas-Saving Governor ,
Secure * a sto.ifly nnrt uniform degree of illu
mination , resulting from regular pressure and
co'nseqiient perfect combustion of the KUHUH ,
InsurliiK n pure and healthful ntinospliuru. und
obviating the Booty deposits of iinconsnniPil
carbon upon frescoed walls , paintings nnd
Proventa the disagreeable wliistllns. wowlm-
anil smoking of burners , aud avoids th fre-
iiuent ilunttar uncl expense of broken fl ° l > es.
Tlio ( Jovernor r."stn the consumer 1'HACTI-
CAtiltY NOTHING , us the navltifj In gas Mils
( Whfio full capacity of metar Is uwtl ) will re-
Imto'cost of Governor In every throe or four
months' gprvico ami In lar e ImlldlnKS every
slxtv cla > s , thus retmnliiK K1JOM MJ to ( ,00 , PEll
CENT , annual dividends on the Investment.
& ' NOTICE ! jm
We uill .itladioiirtins-Saviiiff Machines
to any inelci * upon llic Imsls of ono'liulf
( ho uilui ! of monthly Siulu .
I'ltiUlcjl tests nuide at our ulllcc. I'ubllc In
.Agencies distributed In all cities.
S. E. Corner Kith and t'nnmii : Sis. ,
MKN and WOMEN successfully treated ,
Fuffcrlim from the efforts of youthful folllo orln
( lliHU'ilon.or nru troubled with \Veakno i , Norvnu *
Debility. I. " i of Mrmurjr , I > Cftinnileiicr , Aversion to
Hciclrtv.Kldney Trouble , or liny dtmiasu ( if thu lienllo-
llrlnurj iirKiiii.i.e-iin horntliidn nnfauivl speedy cure.
Cliuricos rrabunublu oiiiocUHjr to the poor ,
There are many troulilnd with lee freriiuniit nviic-
untlima f the bluddur , often uocoiiiiiauleil liy it slIKlit
MiiurlliiK or buriiliik' ftuntmtliiu , n-i-.l wii.ikculiu of thu
nynti'in Inn inniinar Iho imUoiit o.uinot ucuutmt for.
( in iiJTUiulnlnK thu urlimrv doi > w > IU u tour niiiliiiiuiit
will niton bo luiind. nnd tnruutlrnot nnmH jmrncliMOt
ulhiinicn will mipiinr , or the color will bout a thin
nillklnh huii. uuulii ihuiiKlni : U n duric or lunilil IIP-
iiKiuancu. Tlinruarn tunny mull wliuillo of tills mill-
nilly , lunorunt of thu diusu , which In Ihu COB mi )
itHuuof uomlniil wcnknoHa. Vho doctor will KIIIU
million iivrliiitouru In nil mifh cutui nml u hii.illhy
rckloratloa ot Ihu veiiUo-urlnnrv urifuiin ,
tlon free. Hcnd tor 'i emit t iui |
"Youns Man's Friend , or Ga'do to Wodlosk , "
N.K. Cor , Ifitli A : JoiiKlim 81s , , or .National Dis
pensary. corner litli anil Mull ) , Kansas Ulty. Mo.
/ 1 n U H V < ! ill urinary troubles oaslly.q ulcfe
ML ) II ill ly andaafelycnre r.iy DOCTUHACap.
rJuvera.1 cisc curort lnnuven . < lnyn. t-oul
( l.ttjper box , all dru Kl tu , or by mail from DIM
cutu JUf.Co ] ia\Vhltu8t..N , Y. I'lill Dlretitloiu
A RUCDttUfully u-axl monthly by nver 10,000
v. T dlm. ATuKa/e.Kjff'ectudlwuU'leanint
' "w SI per box by mall , or at drupelets. Renlctl
* .l > articulart S i > o tafu KUtmpa. Ailrtrcns
for sale anil by mall by Goodman
Dritft Co. , t ) iuhn , 2feb.
For Inventions
_ _ Proourod Prprnpl'u. '
K. lKMi > N. Allnrimnt lM\r ,
. , wXsmm.ToN. i > . u.
BitablMeii jhCS. Sena Jar cr-l'umjiMet , Jrtt ,
Chicago , Ills. 1 Clark Ot.
The Regular Old-Established
U still Treating with the Greatest
tonic , Ncryons anfl Private Diseases ,
NERVOUS DKniLITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , ISxlinustlnc Drains , Tcrrlblo
Dreams , Head and Bnch Ache and .ill llic cffccll
leadmR to curly dccny ami pcilups Consumption ot
Insanity , treated scicnlific.Uly by new methods with
ncver-failinK MICCCU.
oar SYPHILIS nnd all bud Dlood xnd Skin Dlj-
enscs petninnently cured.
air-klUNEYandUUINARYromplanUQleel ! , ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocele anil ail diseases
of the Qctilto-Unnary Oigani cuiedjnroniptly without
Injury tnSloinnch , Kidne ) > or oilier Gleans.
Bg-Ho experiments , Age and experience im *
portant. Consultation free itnd Bticred.
aS- Send 4 renti IKQI.IIJC for Celebrated Wdibsoa
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
* 3- Those conlcmiihtlng Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated Riildc Male mid Female , each
II cents , Iwth as Cents ( siamps ) Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallniay savefuturcsuflTer.
inn ami shame , ami add uoldeii yean , to life. CSHtook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soccnts ( stamps ) . Mediclns
nnd writings sent cverywhcie , secure from cxpoiure.
Hours , ti to 8. Sunday * 9 to 13 Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
180 So , Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
20 to 60 DAYS.
This Is n discaso which his : hurptofura
Balllcd nil Medical Science.
Wo luvvo a Hoincdy.unknoivn to anyone lu the
World outside of our Company , and ono that Ima
to cure thn most obstinate ejutJiJ.s. Ten days In
rooout ctisus docs the work. 1 1 Is the old chronic
deep hcatod ruses that wo solicit. We have
cured hundreds who have buen abiimlijuod by
Physicians , and pronounced inourablo. mid wo
clinlliMiiro thu world to bring us a etwu that wo
will not euro In loss than alvty days.
Since the history of inudlclno a true specific
for Syphilis lus boon sought for but never
found until our
wnsrtUcovoieU , nnd wo are Jnatlllad In saying
It Is the only Remedy luthe World Hint will pos
itively euro , bouanso thn latest Moilicul Works ,
published by the best knowp antniirltles. Bay
there was never ulrni * spoclllc before. Our rem
edy will euro when ovorythlui ? else hna failed.
Whvwastu your tlmo uud money with patent
inedlclnei that never had virtue or doctor with
ph vslolans that cannot euro yon , yon that have
tried everything else should eomo to us now and
Bet permanent relief , you never can iet ; it else
where. Mark what wo say , lu the end yon
must take onr n tnedy orNUVKK recover aad
you that have been allllctod hut a short tlmo
should by ull means come to us innv not one lu
ten of now ruses over K"1 pernianoiillv cured.
Many Ret help nnd think they tire free from tno
disease , but In one. two or tfiroo years at tor It
appears : iyal'i in u more horrible form.
This is a blood Puriilor tiuU will Guro
nny Skin or ] 31ood Diboaso when
Everything Else Falls.
Room 10 nnd 11 , U. H. National lianU
building , ' , Oiualrn. Noli.
And Chicago ,
A ninny H tvw of tbo riumurona points of niincrlcirltr
"JW1'll' ' > r thvpitriminf this road betwuau OmnhJ
Mili . J'i1'SBI\.Bf0 ' ' " * tlir"n ' " 'I' " u r of IAY !
which nro HID ( most that linmnn Tnrt nnil
" tJT "i"1 CW10' u > 1'AI.AOBHIiKKI'lNII CAIta
rnnJ P'11.1. ! ' " ? "ot ' " ' ' " ' " "I eli hoie. * i
-i S ! ! ' " ? ' * " * " . ' * tllfl "nl0n ' ' "HI KMl"
! " c""flllc1l1'nnnlol 'l I > ot witli tboio of Iho Chi.
fSffn * ft"f'l" ' ' t''rn llj. In riilcaco the trntnii at
iWjt'J ' ? " I"1 cloia con cctlun wltlifho.oof all other
/VlHllTtl UnUSt
ri.'Wi"1 ' ? ° .V1lnbV,1. 'ndlananolli. Clnelmmtl
? ,
r . . , lluiraln , , . .
f.lasura Jnlls rittuburir , Toronto , Montreal !
onton. Now York , rmiaiivlphiii , JlnUlinura , Wnib !
Inxtou , nud all points lu thu Hnst , Aek lot tlcLitta rl
11. nuniHIT. I. I' . WII ON.
Gon'l Manngnr. dtn'l l'a r Acent
, , ,
\v. nt MAJSCOOIC , ' .on 1 WeHtt ]
I ) . K KIMHAI.UTIo , . . Aiient.
< m , , . " WKaT. curnger / / en
' < OI Parnnio atOuiaha. . Neb ,
Fresh Raw Oysters ,
Beleutcd aud jiitc'rfd wit ) , cloanllncbs & car. ) liy
0H , PEARSON & CO , Daltimorc.Md .
They are the be i. Ask your Grocer for tiiin
II a Sliceluy Itloclc , Omalia.
G.I rulTrrlnir from th *
tVtnorf , i rly dp
my , lot laanriora : , < n. I vlil w ml u vKlial > v
> rt'atlu ( W | IHI ) rnntftlmiii ; full | rtlo.iUu I fut
IJJNI * eiirK fiiMi nf clisri ; ! ' . AiMin * ,