PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAtf. OMAHA. MONDAY MOltNESTG , FEBRUARY 4 , 18SO. NUMBER 234 ; HOW IT KILLS REAL ESTATE , Prohibition's Deadening Effect on Vnluos at Marshalltown. AN OLD CITIZEN EXPLAINS IT. Hlio\vlr > K tlio ItcniitlcB or tlic 1m\v SV'lth Which It is I'roposcd ( o ntirdon the Hlnte ui * N'ohriiHku. Onlng Marshalllown. on the line of the North western , Is principally famous for being the tioiuo of Anson , tlio Chicago base bull king. Four years IIRO Murshnlltown wan ix bright mid flourishing llttlu city of over nine thous and inhabitants , rind wns rapidly crowing , but to-dny a deathly quint reigns thurc , and the population lias shrunk to about eight thousand. There Is but llttlo business ac tivity noticeable In the place , while there la n surprisingly largo nuinbnrof vnonnt store rooms itnd private residences. The manu facturing ItitorcslH of the city have narrowed down to the Kctchcm Wagon works , im extensive concern , two or three wagon ntid carriage manufactories , and u glucose factory , whcro four yearn ago the place gave promise of be coming a busy muiiufucturlng mart. Of course there arc a nuuibor of smaller cstab- lishmenlx In addition to those named , buj , they do not abound with sufficient frequency to give thu city any unusual prestige on this source. Mar.-Jhnlltown , despite all draw backs , Is vet a very attractive town , and her citizens arc ranked with the very best in the state. It has it magnificent court house and elegant new opor.v house , bosldus several other Imposing structures , and the citizens nro nil prudlctliiR bettor times for the place. They seem to think that the dillleultios that urono out of the prohibitory law are about ridged over , and that a new era of peace and prosperity is about to dawn , not only in Marshalltown , but the whole state of Iowa. However , notwithstanding the roseate view being taken Jover hero now , there are but few indications of business activity about the city , and real estate is way down. I had a long talk with Mr. T. D. McElroy , n well known and well-to-do citizen. He re sides in one of the handsomest dwelling houses In the city , which was built three years ago by Colonel .1. It. Howler , president of the National Hotel Keepers association , ut a cost of SU.OOO. The structure is a beautiful one , with all the most modern im provements and conveniences , and was bought by Mr. MoKlroy six months since for $5,300. "Thai will give you some sort of an Idea , nt least , of Murslialltown real estate valuations. Then I have another house which cost mo $2,500 , for which I am now unable to get $1,000 , and my property Is no exception to the general rule. What became of Colonel Uowler } Ho went to California. Why , in the last sixteen months , some seventeen or eighteen as good families as wo have In the city have removed to California , and from the county there was a veritable exodus. Now , I am a resi dent of Marshulltown and would bo a man of llttlo judgment alul foresight to spoilt do- relatively of her. Hut facts are facts , and the people are entitled to them when search ing for the cause of the depression that holds sway In nil Iowa towns. This condition of things was brought about by this alleged prohibitory law , anil nothing else , and there is not n man , woman or child In the state but what knows It full well. Is the law en forced hero ! They say It Is , but you see we have oxporionxod no trouble in getting- what ilrinks wo'vo wanted. A great deal of both beer nnd whisky are sold on the sly hero , nnd this was one of the great original package - ago cities that is beer and whisky was peddled about the streets for a long while after the enforcement of the law , done up in neat packages , and sold for medicine. In deed it Is still possible to obtain these orlgl inal packages , although the authorities are- 'onto the racket now. ' Hut let mo toll you of one of the gravest evils that has hail Its origin In this prohibition , and that Is the organization in every city or town of note in the state , of social clubs by grown boys and youngmen. . These clubs are called through out the state 'the Kid clubs. ' It Is Just like this , you see. Twenty or twenty-five young boys get together and band themselves into a club , and rent rooms on the sky lloor of some bulldlnc , where they will be freer from observation and molestation , and then congregate at night , and not only debauch themselves with beer and whisk/ , which they have no dillloulty In purchasing by the quantity , but they pass the hours until late In the night over the gaming table. Yes , sir , it Is making gamblers and drunkards , too , out of many of our boys. There are tbrco or four of these clubs In Marshall- town , nnd It Is my actual belief that this prohibitory law In Iowa has made uioro gamblers in the last three years than would be created In Nebraska under her laws in t'vonty. Everybody knows what gambling loads to It Is oven a greater curse than in temperance , No , I do not think that drunken ness has decreased to any appreciable measure hero under the law. Anybody that wants n drink can got it ; nnd I sen about as much drunkenness In the streets to-day as I did three years ago. So far iw Marshalllown is concerned , I can't say anything In favor of tlio law. " A It ; tl KNtnto Preacher. ST. .lowi ! , MO. , Fob. : i. [ Special Tele gram toTni : Ui : . | J. T. Wilson , for many years n sucnisHful Unptist revivalist , and Inter pastor of the Second llaptlst church in this city , Is thu central Jlguro In u big real estate scandal. Ho has caused to bo platted nnd placed on the market an addition to the city known ns Woodland Park , situated In a swamp four and a half miles from town. This property Is worthless , but by some moans farmers in Kansas and Nebraska have liccn induced to trade small farms for It , and the county ri'rordor in receiving loiters dally making inquiries regarding the vnluo of the lots. Siicikvlllu'H IVoOulilu Successor. Loxl > ox , fob. 8. It is assorted , but not ofllelally , that Sir Julian Puuneefoto , per- niauicnt under secretary of state for the foreign oflleo , has been appointed llrltlsU minister to the United States , The appoint ment is creating intense excitement in Hrit- ish diplomatic circles , as u departure from from the rule of succession In appointments according to rank In tlaservice. : Kir Julhm 1'uuncofoto Is u lawyer , not a diplomat , and was never attached to any embassy. Ho was appointed to his present post on account nf Ins extensive. knowledge of the legal learnings o ( treaties. A Tcrrllilo Knllroiul Accident. Bitussnj. % Feb. a. A tsrriblo railroad no- cidcnt occurred to-day near Orooiienuull. The train struck a pillar of n bridge near tbnt n'nofl ' , rnimlnrr thn liridco to t'ollapsa. THU CljKAUANCU KUUUIID. Tlio Financial Tr.insactlom > r tlio Pnsi Week. HOVTONMass. . , Peb. 3. [ Rpadnl Tele gram to the HUB. ] Th3 following table compiled from dispatcher to the 1'ost from thematia.OM of the lolling elcaring-hoincj of the United SMtes , shows the gross ex changes for the week ended February 'J , ISSO , with r.ttJiiMi * cent of iucnuio or de crease as comp.ireJ with the amounts for the eorrcs | > omlingweck in ISVi : r SulcldcH HntlictTlinu 1 ' ( > ( : ( ! ( lie CiinscqiiuiiacH. Pun.ti > r.i.i'iiu , Feb. It. The llnaing of a murdered woman in the northeastern section of the city with a bullej , wound in her head at nunnight last night , has led to a terrible tragedy. About 'J o'clock this morning Henry Klaus , becoming alarmed nt his daughter's absence , went to the police sta tlon to report the fact. He was horrilled to Hurt that the murdered girl was his daughter Anna , aged nineteen. Inquiry among Miss Klaus' fricmls revealed the fact that she had boon keeping company witli a street car con ductor known ns Tom Linn , but no such person could bo found. Further inquiry revealed the identity of "Linn" ns Otto ICnyscr , twenty-live years of age , who lived with his wife and two children at Kensing ton and Leliigh avenues. The police sus pected that ho was the murderer , and went to his house to arrest him. As no reply came to their repeated knocks , the olllcers wore about to break open the door , when it was hastily opened anil they were met by a woman in her night clothing , with blood streaming from her throat , and n baby In her arms. In the bedroom , stretched on a bed , with a razor at his side , lay ICnyscr , the blood pouring from a fatal wound in his neck. The circumstances surrounding the case were fully convincing that Kayser was the murderer of Miss Klaus , nnd when ho saw the otllecrs coming to arrest him he seized the ra/.or , and after making un ineffectual attempt to kill his wlfo ho ended his own life with the same wcauon. The most plausible story of the affair Is ttiat Ivavscr , who passed himself off as an unmarried man , has been keeping com pany with Miss Klaus under an assumed name , and she had discovered the truth , and having met him while on her own way homo from a bakery last night , threatened nim with exposure. Ho thereupon shot her , and rather than submit to arrest , killed himself. Mrs. Ka.vsor's wounds , though dangerous , arc not necessarily fatal. A NOVKlj SCHEME. An Illinois Ijcclslutor'H Solution oftlio Snlcxui Questions. Si'iiiNOFJEi.i ) , 111. , Fob. 3. The prohibition lobby hero is thoroughly organized , nnd will bring inlluenco to bear in full force on the 13th instant , when the joint resolution comes up for consideration In the senate. They claim to have a majority of the senators on their Hide , and express full contldcnco that the resolution will bo passed by the upper house. In connection with this question Senator Hamer , of Fulton , thinks ho has a solution of the Mtloon problem. Ho argues that the best way to stop the sales of saloons until the prohibitory law ns enacted is to deprive cities of the revenue derived from saloon licenses. With this object in view , ho has prepared a bill which amends the dram-shop act by providing that when a sa loon license Is granted , the fee , instead of going into tlio city , town or village treasury , shall bo paid to the county. Ho has many plausible reasons why such a step would bo successful in narrowing down thn saloon nuisance. He assorts , also , that such a law , while it would greatly decrease the revenue of cities , would also lessen the need of po lice duties , for , with the abolishment of saloons , other lawless elements would seek more comfortable quarters. A Revolution In Fob. y. A letter has bosn re- coiveu hero from Machay , missionary at Usamblro , dated November 'JO. The writer nays that no direct news , cither of Stanley or ISmln Hey , has been received. A fresh revolution hud broken out in Uganda. King Kiwlwa has been deposed nnd Ills younger In-other raised to the throne , Kiwlwa having killed two of the principal Arab instigators of the expulsion of ICngllsh missionaries. There is much indignation auiontr the merchants in consequence of the action. The Gorman consul It pressing the sultan to cede r.amu and the adjacent islands 10 the Gorman company. The trade of those. Ulamls has entirely in LJritisb bunds. An Irlwli IiiHpcotor Killed. DUIII.IN , Fob. 3. 1'ollco Inspector Martin was killed at ( jlvccdoro , County Donegal , to day , while trying to arrest Father MisFud- don. A party of police under Inspector Mar tin surrounded Father MoFadden's chupol during service this morning , nnd when the priest appeared at the door they made a rudi for him. Tlio people came to hU rc.scne , mid Fnthor McFaddeii escaped , l/o had nearly reached the dour of his own house whun Inspector specter Martin caught him by the coat. At the same instant the inspector was struck with a stone on the back of the head. The inspector fell , and dlnd soon afterward. Father McFadden was subsequently av- The nmlcot HhoivH n Dcllcll. HOMB , Fob. : l. In the chamber of deputies yesterday Shrnor Poruz/1 , minister of the treasury , minouncad that notwithstanding the constant Improvement in economy , the portion nf thu country and the development of the national wealth , the budget showed n dcllclt of nearly f lO.OOO.OW. Ho proposes to ineul this deficit with funds nt the disposal of the government for civil und military pen sions. He said that it was estimated that thu budget for IS'JO would , show u dcllcit of flS.uOO.OOO. r > | nv < > | 'inn Will Prunilro haw. \ , . . , . . . . , - . . - < . . will return to the state of New York to reside - side on the expiration of his term of oQicc , and will , on March 5 , resume the practice of his profession In Now York City , having as sociated himself as counsel with the law linn of Hangs , Stetson , Tracy & MacVcagh. A Denver .Motor Accident. DK.VVF.II. Feb. 3. A serious accident oc curred this afternoon nt North Denver oil the Hcrklcy motor lino. A car going down n long and high gr.ido bccamo unmanageable anil dashed down at the rate of forty miles an hour. When near the bottom It Jumped the track nnd was completely wrecked. The cu. " wns nearly tilled with people , nil of whom nro moro or less Injured. The recovery of two is doubtful. * A SINOOljAI FATAIjtTY. Four Glilnninuii Hcnldcd to Dentil by a CC.THIH- . CiinvRXNR , Wyo. , Feb. 3. News was re ceived hero to-dny of a most singular fatal ity , by whlcn four CHlimmcn lost their lives. They were at Canyon City , near Yellow stone park , and Yet Sing had established a wash house in n tent directly over the boil Ing springs. Ho had hot water constantly , and was doing it Rood business. On Wednes day ho and thrco other Mongolians , who came from adjoining camps , cclcor.itcd the Chinese Now Years. They burned lire crack ers and offerings to Joss , nnd wound up by getting drunk. Yet Slug had been cau tioned about the boiling spring , and told that it might bo a slumbering geyser. For this reason his wash tubs were kept on the other sldo of the tent , so that no soap might disturb the qmct boiling water. No ono knows how Yet Sing's box of laun dry soap got overturned Into the spring , and it Is more than probable that some mischiev ous miner emptied the soap into the slum bering goysor. That night there was a sud den spouting of the boiling water , a tent Hying through the air and piercing yells. The miners rushed up nnd found the geyser pouring water to a height of over u hundred feet. The bodies of four Chinamen , scalded to death , were found later at some distance from the scene. The go.vscr spouted for three hours and then .subsided. THE DI3A1) PHINOK. Kmjieror William Sij nltles 1IU Inten tion o ( ' Attending the Fiuiornl. VICSJTA , Fob. ! ! . Thu king and quean of Hclglum prayed for a long time this morn ing beside the bier of tlio dead crown princa. Afterwards their majesties received a visit from the emperor nnd empress und several members of the imperial family. The body of the crown prince was removed to-night to the church , where u priest blessed the ro- maiiis. A family council will bo hold to decide whether the Princess Stephanie shall return to Helcium. Hr.iti.iNFeb. . 3. The Vosslcho Zcitung sa.\M that ISmporor William has lolcgraphod to Vienna that it is his intention to waive all etiquette and attend Hudolph's funeral. In reply , Kmperor Francis Joseph telegraphed his most sincere thanks for this evidence of the German emperor's kindly feeling , but repeated the hope that Emiicror William will forego carrying out his intentions. Another Viennese Sensation. tCopyrfo/t / ; ISSOlin Jama dnrtlnn Hewlett. ] VIENNA , Fob. 3. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : HEE. ] A great sensation has been caused here by the death of a beau tiful young baroness. The event occurred during last Thursday night , the night of Crown Prince Rudolph's death. It was not known until to-day that the young victim took poison , not in her father's houso. not in Vienna , but at Moyerling , where the crown prince committed suicide. The two acts seem to have been almost simultaneous , and RO to strongly support the rumors that Rudolph's suicide is duo to an unfortunate liason. White Cap Outrages. MASON CITV , la. , Feb. 3. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBE.J White Cap outrages are becoming quite numerous hereabouts , mak ing their appearance nt Manley , Spencer , Osage and other points. At the two former places constables have been intimidated and threatened , and at the latter place a card was attached to the dcor of E. L. Rice's bookstore , on whioh was written in red ink language too insulting'to bo reproduced. It is the general opinion that these outrages are pcrpotratud by persons seeking private re venge. Public sentiment is fully aroused to tl'o necessity of stopping this disreputable work. _ _ The Street Car Strike. Nmv Voiuc , Feb. 3. Matters uro practic ally at u standstill in the Brooklyn strike on the surface roads to-day. No cars were run. run.Nnw YOIIK. Fob. 3. A gang of hoodlums gathered at Twenty-eighth street this after noon ana began throwing stones nt the Twenty-third street cars which were pass ing. A largo crowd soon gathered , and the roughs began dumping garbage and other obstructions on the truck. Many cars were derailed , and the stone throwing continued for some time , until a squad of police ar rived and dispersed the crowd. Nobody wns injured. _ _ Protest Against O'Orieii'8 Treatment. DUIIM.V , FoK 3. Lord Mayor Sexton pre sided nt a mass meeting at Phoenix park to day , called to denounce the treatment to which O'Brien is subjected. Sexton an nounced that a memorial had been signed by four archbishops and n majority of the bishops of Ireland , calling upon the govern ment to discontinue proceedings which en danger O'Urieu's life and imperil public peace. Davitt and Healy tnudo violent speeches to the same effect. An JMitirn Family Drowned. llisMAiiciv , Dak. , Fob. 3. Yestordny n family , consisting of Mr. and Mrs. John Olscn and thrco ciiildron , were drowned while to cross the Missouri river in a wagon. The team broke tlfrough the ice , and the swift current carried them away before ) a man , who witnessed the accidaut from thu shore , could reach them. Storms On ? thu Kn H" ! ) Coast. LONDON , Feb. 0. A great wind and snow storm prevailed to-day on thb English and Irish coasts. The Cunard steamer Sorvin , which Arrived at Qucoiistown to-day , was un- nblo to transfer her mails. A tender sent out to receive them was forced to run back to the inner harhor for shelter. Several buildings ut Queenstown were unroofed by the wind. No Danuoi' o ! ' Indian TrnubluB. SAN FIIAXCISCO , Feb. 3. A telegram re ceived from the sheriff of Mono county , this afternoon , states that there is no Imme diate danger from an Indian outbreak in the Antelope valley nnd troops are not needed at proseni. Tlio Witnllior Indjcntloiifl , For Nebraska ; Kiln , turning into snow ; colder , northwesterly winds , i For lowas Uuln ; colder ; wlnda.bocoming- northwestorly. For Dakota ; Snow ; colder ; winds becom ing northwesterly. A Suspicious Circumstance. Lot'isvn.LU , Fob. n. Schultz Leach , city treasurer of Miiysvllle , Ky. , has not boon scon there since Thursday , and it is believed that ho has left to escape trouble , The city council lust night discovered nn apparent An Kilitoi- und an M. I1. Sentenced. DUJIUN , Feb. 8. Joseph Cox , M. P. , nnii Tullv , editor of the Hoscommon Herald , . . ' / r r NEW MEXICO IN THE WAY , The Outcome of the [ Oklahoma Bill a Llttlo Dubious. MORE CABINET SPECULATION. New York Men Still Looking Will Kycs oil the Treasury- ship No Compromise Tariff JBIU , WASUINOTON HUHEUT TnnOMAttA 510 FoirnTBEHTflSrnnET , WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob. 8. Some of the most persistent dcmocratl opponents of the Dakota features of the pro posed compromise on tbo territorial state hood omnibus bill uroihroatonlng to boh Air. Springer down to the caucus Instructions which put Now Mexico. : ln the bill and gave only enabling nets to North mid South Un kotn , believing that thoirlcnds of the latter territory nro so anxious for division that they will concede almost anything to pot it. If the caucus instructions nro to bo strictly followed , an agreement' cannot bo rcachct by the conference committee , and , of course , that is n prerequisite to sue cess. Unless the conference committee reports , final consideration cannot bo had. The gentlemen hero from Dakota working for the success of tho'omnibus bill , say the house will vote all that'Is asked in the way of division nnd admission , but acknowledge that it is doubtful if ow Mexico can bo stricken out of the omnibus bill , owing 'to caucus Instructions to.kecp It In. The demo crats conlcnd that thojrpnly way the defect ive land titles In Ncw/jMexleo can bo made perfect is by giving the ; territory statehood so that state laws mn.yihitcrveno. There nro a largo number of .prominent land cases pending In congress froiu that territory ; but the republicans will mot concede statehood for New Mexico at thli Jimc. The outcome of the omnibus bill lain little dubious just MOW. F * OAIIINET SPBCUI.ATIOy. Cabinet talk is still'tho ' order of the day , and since Senator Allison has determined to remain in the senate , speculation turns to the tilling of the secretaryship of the treas ury. A number of nauies are suggested , nnd the Now York men nra nguin to the front with Pintle nnd Miller1 , nnd if neither of them can get it , withsHiscock. MclClnlcy has been suggested. buthc , said to mo to night that ho would oir.tio condition take the place. Of all those notv mentioned the pres ident-elect would profor,3ohn C. New , nnd if ho is not selected , it will bo because other Indiana men light him. } .New was Ilrst as sistant secretary nnd was a first class ofllccr , nnd would bring experience to the ofllco. If Allison had accepted , .the election ot his successor in the son ta'would have caused a bltlor factional light , hi Iowa that would have injured the republican party. There is no wnrrautffor the widely pub lished statement thuttho democratic mem bers of the house coqimlttco on ways und means are nt work uponin compromise tariff bill or that they havo.njny notion of proposing a compromise. Mr. Bymim. of Indianapolis , who is ono of the representative majority members of the committee , said this evening on the subject : "Wo Jintond to report the senate substitute to the Mills bill back to the house , but it will , iioti be within n day or two or a , Aveck , . It will bo after wo have receivod'a report from the treasnry department of to the effect of the measure , if it should .become u law , and when wo have hifd , tlmo to analyze the bill and write a report. It may bo within two weeks. Whether there will bo time then for final action you know ns well as I da. There has boon nothing said any where about a compromise. How could n compromise bo effected" where the two houses nro so far apart ! " "Could it not bo based upon the internal revenue features of , .the Mills and senate bills } " t ' 'No , " was the ready answer , "and 1 will tell you why. I , for ono , und many others occupy the same position I do , nm opposed to reducing the revenuo'tyy ' the abolition or re vision of the tobacco iax. I want a reduction of the Import taxes. JMy constituents want cheaper clothing , cheaper manufactures gen erally and cheaper things to eat , not cheaper tobacco. The internal , taxes must bo main tained till wo have lower-priced imports. While the republicans may bo willingto keep up the present Import dues and to abolish tobacco taxes , reduce the income of tbo government , I am not , nnd I nm quite sure that there nro .enough of the members on the committee of the same frame of mind to defeat u compromise on the two bills. Why , we could effect1 a compromise on the present laws easier than on the two tnriff bills. No , n compromise is altogether out of the question. " OF INTHIlCSt TO SOI.DIEIIS. During the very first days of tbis congress Representative Sujelo Introduced In tbo house a bill to remove the charge of deser tion against soldier ? .in the union army who were technically marked as deserters , but who really should hiivo clean records in the war department. Mpjor Stcolo succeeded In getting the bill through the house , nnd it went to the senate. Whore it wus amended and was afterwards thrown into n conference committee. All attempts to get It out of this conference committed have proved useless , and the bill still hangs between tbo two houses. There [ is one old soldier - dier connected t with the regular army , nnd who ) is in the war department , who opposes all measures lookIng - Ing towards clearing up the records of voung men who \vcre cjiarped with desertion , through ignorance of the law , and this man has succeeded iu inducing Senator Cockrcll , a member of the conference committee , to prepare a substitute ) to the Steal bill , which , through the onerous provisions attaching to It , practically defeats the measure from the outset. Mr. Cockrdll has submitted this bill to the war uopurtiii nt for Its approval , and if ho can get favorublo action there he will try to have it ado. ted as the conference fommitleo's substi , ute for the Steel bill , The idea is to keep the records of the union soldiers as full of c 'rors as possible and to especially make the nf show many deserters. There Is a confeder i o clement at the baek of this work. niiu.M's JOITJIIUMUNT. The curly retirement of Adjutant Gcncinl Drum has started ithu applicants for that position to ro'nowo : } efforts. The light has narrowed down to Hjtwoen Generals ICelton , McICeover and Wh uplc , and their chances are about even. .VKIIItAllICA A > BOHOIIUM Sl'OAII. At the Ilrst sessic niof the present congro s there was nuproiirii ittd eiOO.OJO to enable the commissioner of agriculture to make tests und experiment Ini the sorghum Industry , aim that olllciul pursued the mailer ut Fort Scott , ICun. . with results which will bo fully set forth in 11 forthcoming bulletin to bo known as No. ' . ' 0. Among others who pushed this mutter were Senator Mumlerson und Congressman Lnlrd-who have determined to enlurgo'tho scope of the Industry so us to > include tests and 'experiments with the ' sugar beet , Nebraska being , perhaps , u little too far/ north to promise the best results from"sorghum. Of the sum appropriated < 0),0'JO remain , nnd this will lupso Into thu treasury soon unless the ap propriation Is extended , which Senator Mun- dcrson proposes to ask , the special object being to have the tests made at points in Nebraska. The senator recently addressed ( a letter to Commissioner Cole on the suoject , ' to which ho received the following rejilv ! To the Hon. Charles S. Mandcrson , United States Senator Doir Sir : In reply to your letter of the yo'lh'liift. 1 bci ; to muko the fol lowing statement : 'Quite n largo umount , nbout ? CO,00 : ) , of the appropriations made last year for experiments in the manufacture of ) sugar , still remain unexpended. This ap propriation , if , not used py the 1st of July , will ceaao to be available and will have to be returned to tl > q treasury. I can therefore make no arrangements looking to the USD .of this innney after that period , unless author- . ' , , ' . . . ' l. 'I ,41 - - r # - ( V manifestly-useless to undertake n seriesol experiments In the manufacture of sugnr , nnd then bo compelled to abandon them be fore they wcrfif wcjl under way. I have had Rome conversation with Mr. Laird on this subject .also , nnd would bo cliul to do All 'tn my power to aid In the establishment of the sonthum sutrar industry in your state. I desire , however over , to call your attention to the fortncom ing report bulletin , No. SO of the fchomtcnl division on the subject of sorghum sugar , especially that part of It In regard to climatic conditions. It npponrs fiom our experiments that Kansas is the most northern state for sorghum sugar. Further north than this the early frosts appear to bo very dangerous , cutting short the manufacturing sonson and rendering uncertain the saving of the crop. Our exnoHinonts have gone far enough now to demonstrate the fact that under proper conditions nnd with proper machinery , sorghum sugar can bo made nt n prollt , There Is also another point to which I de sire to call your attention , and that is , that some partlons of your state appear to bo well united to the culture of the sugar Sam ples of boots grown at Grand Island , Nob. , nnd analyzed In the chemical division of the department during the past season , showed over 1IJ jmrU of sugar , indicating a boot especially well suited for the manufacture of sugar. There are so many dangers of failure in attempts to make sugar , that every condition should bo carefully con sidered before private capital is Invested In the enterprise. This careful study wo have endeavored to make In bulletin No. 20 , and the results of this study , wo hope , will bo of great benefit to intending Investors In the sugar Intcrprlsc. Hoping the information contained In this letter nnd the bulletins which I will send will prove satisfactory , nm yours respectfully.WOIISIAN WOIISIAN J. Cot.MAJT , Commissioner of Agriculture. M1SCKI.1.ANEOU3. Army odlccrs in this city , especially on duty nt the war department , nro expect ing a froncrul shaking up before Secretary Eudlcott goes out of ofllce , and there nra rumor * that lightning may strike the ofllco of the Judge ndvocato general of the army , because - cause the members of that corps were par ticularly effective in trying to thwart the wishes of the president regarding the retire ment of General Swnlm. t-Scnator John Shornum secured n building- permit on Saturday for the construction of thirty houses on Capitol hill. 1T.KSONAI , . Miss Hmma S. Smith , of Nebraska , has been promoted from $1,000 to $1,1)00 ) u year in the pension o Iilco. Miss Edna M. Ilcaton , of Lincoln , is the guest of her uncle , G. M. Hcnton , of 1115 U street , northwest. Mrs. Senator Manderson has with her Mrs. Mntherson. as n guest from Omaha. William K Leonard , of Iowa , has boon appointed to n $1,000 clerkship in the war department. The postmaster general has appointed S. M. McMillan , of Iowa , from f 1,008 to a f 1,300 position. PUIIIIV S. IlCATK. A DEATH K1 > CONFRSSION Fnrnl.slies Another PUJJO In tlio HB- | - lory of a. Train Kobliory. CIIIOAOO , Feb. 3. The death bed confes sion of Ella Schwartz , wife of the brakeman now serving a long sentence in .Toilet for complicity ; in the great Hock Island train robbery and murder of Express Messenger Kellogp Tichols , Is made public to-day. According to Mrs. Schwartz , her husbnild gave her$13,5yOof the stolen money , which stio concealed by rolling the bills up ono at a tlnio nnd packing them in cartridge shells. This money , it is ollcgo'd , was subse quently , on an order from Schwartz , turned over to Colonel W. P. Bow man , of Philadelphia , Schwartz's lawyer. Anint rviaw.Jwith Detcetlvo W. A. Pinkerton - orton Is printed , relating conversation's in prison with Schwartz and the latter's com rade , Newton Watt , which , if true , would corroborate in a measure the charge against Lawyer Howman. Pinkerton is also quoted as having accused Bowman of receiving the stolen money. The lawyer strenuously do- iiied the charge. Mrs. Schwartz was some time ago repudiated by her husband. She died of consumption within the past fetv days. The expenses of the funeral were de frayed by the Pinkertons , who saw that the woman was cared for up to the time of her death. PiiiLinCLViiiA , Fob , 3. In relation to tha story telegraphed from Chicago implicating Colonel Wendell II. Bowman , of this city , in Bomo manner with the money secured by Schwarz , one of the Hock Island express robbers. Colonel Howmnn to-night entered a general denial of the charges. Champion's Natural Advantages. CHAMPION , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ Special to Tun BEC.J If there is a spot in Western Ne braska destined to bccomo a city of no small magnitude , that place is Champion. Lo cated as it is in the very best farming re gions of the state , with an enterprising farming public on either side of it , its busi ness men and citizens generally u go-ahead pushing people , and with a water power cer tainly inexhaustible In its very midst , it backs up the assertion that Champion is destined to bccomo a city of no small magni tude , and that , too , at no very distant day Champion , though yet in her swadllug clothes , a llttlo more than ono year old , is recognized as ono of the loading business points In southwestern Nebraska. And what will it become in n few years more * Let ono go to the head waters of the Frenchman river nnd follow that stream down the dculino to the easl , winding and twisting in every conceivable direction , like u huge silvery serpent , receiving liuro nnd there its spontaneous tribute of multi tudes of never falling springs , besides the sheet water it gathers on its craiiKy way. Lot him follow this stream until it reaches Champion and forms n lake , covering over thirty acres of land , with a depth of some twenty feet ; and If ho is not thoroughly convinced of the grand future in store for this place , his judgment is poor. And it is hero on the bank of this beautiful body of water that the Champion Holler Mills company have erected u substantial mill building 84x4(1 ( feet in hi/.e , three stories high , which is now being supplied with a comnlcto set of the latest Improved- mill machinery by thu Cockle Separator Manufacturing company of Milwaukee , Wis. This will bo In complete milling order within the next thirty days rcady to manufacture a goodly portion of southwestern Nebraska's wheat crop iuta ho llncst quality of gilt edged Hour. And 'besides this immense waterpower with which Champion isso favorably blessed , It may justly boast of and pioudly point to , the farming lands with which it is sur rounded , as rich and productive as ever mi- Lura gave to man for transformation into a voritnUo garden. "Tho Little Giant City" needs have no fear as to her future. Wo have a thorough going , pushing class of people , and our members uro constantly Doing augmented by enterprising men. The hummer and HIIW are constantly at work , lew structures being built , others moved from adjoining towns , while others still uro jclnc repaired. With all that nature has done for Cham- > lon , coupled with the energy and enterprise t her citizens , is it not reasonable to look 'orward to the building of ono or moro of the ireat railroad systems now wending their vay we. twardlnto this wonderfully blessed ilace. A I-'lro at liiirllncton. HUIILINOTON , la. , Fob , 3. A llro to-night Icstroyed tr.o boot and iihoo factory of the Vdains estate. The loss is estimated at from 70,000 to ? 100,000 : insurance about SO'J.OOO ' , MrH. I'YellnKl > nynn Dead * WASHINGTON , Fob. U. Information was eeolved hero tills evening that Mrs , Frc- inghuyHon , widow of the late ox-Sccrotary f State Frodiirlok T. FrclinghuyHCn , died o-duy at Newark , N. J. A Chicago ( toy. Theodora Johnson , a powsboy from Chi- ago , was run in last night on the charge of IM" drunk nnd broiiklnir windows , Ho WHS COMING WI2KIC IN CONGUIiSS. Important Monsutvn 1'endlng In tlio House nnd Senate. WASHINGTON , Feb. n. In the cnixto the lefiUlatlve , nxecutivo ami Judicial appropria tion bills will bo culled up for consideration on Tuesday , nnd the naval bill will probably bo reported by the end of the week , If , Indeed , It bo not passed by that time. When the np propriatlon bills are out of the way , Mr Halo will call up his census bill. To-morrow afternoon the Pacific railroad funding bll comes up as unllnlihod business. Amoni , other measures pending Is Mr. Sherman's anti-trust bill , which will likely bo called up nurlng the week. The committee on foreign relations may nlso bo expected to report In some form , n declaration of Its idea of what Is necessary and riitht to bo douo by the United States to maintain the dignity of the government nnd fulfill Its obligations under the treaty with Samoa. This will doubtless lead to n debate of some length , probably In secret session. From present nppoarancos the weeks busi ness In the house will bo tuado up of patriotic oratory mid routine hard work the former to bo called forth by Mr. Edmunds' Puunina canal resolution , nnd the latter occasioned by the necessity for disposing of the remain , ing appropriation bills. Strenuous oftorts will bo mndo on Monday by various member * to got their measures before the house under n suspension of the rules. NHHKASKA NHtt'S. Gnrllnlil'H County Scat. WII.LOW SfiiiNiis , Neb , Fob. 3.--Spcclnl [ toTun UcK.l Gnrllcld county Is situated nbout two hmulied ami llfty miles , by rail , northwest of Omnhn. It Is twenty-four miles square , nnd therefore contains 3IS.lVIO acres of ns fertile land ns can be found in the glorious state of NcbrasUn. The center of the county is known as the "tableland. " The neil of this , "table" is very fertile , and all kinds of grasses And grains that can bo grown at this latitude nro grown hero. The famous Loup river wends Its way through the southern part of the county , giving the benellt of its valley lantt land that can not bo beaten In the world for fertility. This is a natural farming countrv. Laud can bo purchased for cash. There is n good class of citizens , good schools , plenty of walor , plenty of good grass , which makes an extra quality of bay , and la fact every natural facility of a No. 1 agricultural aad stock country. Willow Springs , the county scat , was laid out about four years ngo , and continued to thrive ns the "umin bay tree , " until the ad vent of the H. & M. railroad to Hurwoll. This almost destroyed the plaeo , as every business man , except C. H. Jones , removed to the railroad. Jones staid , and still con tinues to stav. The people of the county have never deserted their "Ilrst love , " al though often requested to do so , even by guns , and Willow Spring * rotiuins the county seat. It being the best town site in the state , and ns the Springs is slowly but surely getting on Its "S'cond logs , " It is destined to be ono of the b it towns in No- araskn. With the advent of a railroad in the spring , of which citizens nro sure , the Springs will boom and boom in earnest. Affairs at Knirbury. FAIIIIIUUY , Nob. , Feb. 3. [ Special to TUB I3ir..1 : The indications for a boom in Fair- bury , this spring , are very encouraging. At least ton business buildings will bo erected around the public square. The following men will almost certainly build $5,000 struct ures : Cross , Arnold , Hr.iinard , Christian , Spcenburg , Hurry & Shclton. The four business buildings destroyed by. the recent flro will bo replaced nt once , In addition to the above. Messrs. Gribben and linker will build costly residences. The waterworks are now ready for opciyi- tion , and such disastrous tires as the recent ono will probably not occur again. An elec tric light plant will doubtless be put In next spring. Atumeotingof the board of trade instruc tions were forwarded to the representatives to use every effort to accuru the locution hpni school. Liberal donations of land and money will bo inndo by the city and citizens. T. T. Uerry and George Fornoff tire pros pecting for coal , and from the best informa tion available , there have been some paying indications. They have leased for coal nnd gas purposes nil the land above and below she city for several miles. The insurance on buildings and .stock re cently burned has nearly all been adjusted , nnd is about as follows : G. M. Price , on building ? 2,800 C. F. Steele , " , . . . 4llO ! W. H. Lotton. " 3,000 Walter Hales , " 3i > W ) Will & Colin , on stock -I.TOO Uerry Bros. & Clark , ( not adjusted ) insurance on stock 'JAOO White & Son. ( not adjusted ) , insur ance on stock 10,000 G. A. Peuso , on slock 1,500 Thoj-Klna'stotal loss w'isabout,000. The Phwnix's ' loss was nbout $ > ! , OOJ , and the re mainder distributed nmpng several com- imnics. The total loss was about $ ! )0OflO ) , , and the insurance aggregates about 10,000. Good Collins From MiHf' < > rtuiic. Mn.roiiD , Neb. , Feb. 3. [ Spsclal to Tun lliiu.j "Nebraska's Summer Hesort" Is lothing if not peculiar. Like other towns It ms had n bank failure , but , unlike them it takes advantage of it to build itself up In stead of rushinptlnto the courts and civing the lawyers fat livings. The nominal assets of the Northwestern are $40,030 , and the Ha- jllltlcs are ? 'M,000. Its fund , however , nro arh'cly tied up in the Loup City flouring nllls , and if this and the other properly can ic properly handled it is probable Unit cred- tors will bo puid in full. The depositors and creditors have nearly all signed article * of agreement forming a now banking company , mil. with some now capital will start up stronger liimncially than the old bank over was. was.Tho store of Cy. F. Wynndt & Co. is not njurcd by this trouble. Cy. is cashier of the bank , but ho sold hi * Interest in the store ( jomo time ago , and the present linn and the stock will care for the coinparulivoiy small ndebtodnoM without interfering with the transaction of business. The Crete ChiuitniiUl. | ! CIIKTI : , Neb. , Fob. 3. | Special to THE Jtii.J The management of the Nebraska Chiiutauqua assembly uro maklm ; every ar rangement possible for u grand success for ho year ISM ) . Ono of the principal features of the assembly will bo its musical depart- nont. Prof. II. H , Palmer , of New York , will have charge of the .same , ami has pro- mrcd some music especially for this nssem- il.V. His plan Is to notify all tlm musicians n the Btoto that he wishes to augment the issembly choir next year , and prepare them > oforohnnd for much boiler work than ever before , and for that reason he makes tins proposition : In order to accomplish the do- hired result , ho will forward the inuslu free of charge to all who will pledge themselves to study it ( inriifully , and attend the nsst'in- bly from Juno 2S lo July 10. The music In prepared by him , and selected with the greatest care , nnd is , pcrhapi , thn ctiolcost selection that Iras over been put together. The musicians nf this state have nuvur before - fore had such un opportunity olfi-rcd them. Any ono can obtain full informali'in regard ing the muna by writing to tno president , F , I. Foss , of Crete , Nob. ' Muni : In Knixy. Wn. 111:11 , Neb. , Fob. 3. [ Special to Tim Uiiis. | Senator POJJO and He present- utlvo Mc.Nicklo were hung in ulll y hero late last night for voting for submission. A Ulnoilloss French Duel. PAIIIS , Fob. ' .i , Osputlos Lngtiorre nnd L.KTuix fought a duel this morning with pistols. Neither of the combatants was in jured. The challenger , Laguorro , claimed Hint Lin-rolx offensively Interrupted him THEIR HOPES ARE BLASTED * Bright Dreams of Power Enclod by Allison's Declination. HIS WOULD. BE SUCCESSORS Premature Kxplostnn of Several lliul- illiiK llooms For tlio Iowa Senntor- Blllp JmlRO Urcxvcr'fl DootBloil A Pioneer Dead. Their nrnnin Is O'or. DCS Motxns , In , , Fob. 3. [ Special to Tin : HUE. ] Senator Allison's declination ef the treasury portfolio 1ms upset several budding booms of Iowa aspirants for oftlco. When It seemed llkly that ho would accept , n great many wheels were started that were intended to roll their owners Into ono posl < tlon or nnothor which they had no hope of reachingwithout. . There wus , first of nil , the siiccessorfthlp to the ootmtorshlp Itsolf. A year or two ago about the only nnmo that would have been heard mentioned n * llkoly to succeed Allison would have been thntof Colonel Henderson , who lives in Allison' : ! town , Dubuque , nud represents thnt district in congress. Hut shieo the mitl-mouopoly feeling has tukcn such root It has brought .to the front other candidates of a different ) order. A grunt many of the nntt-monnpollsts would have preferred Governor Lnrrabee himself , and it was suggested that if ha would call an extra .session of the legislature to hnndlo the railroad question It would promptly elect him. Or , If this wore not done , and he would appoint some person of medium ability nnd little prominence to Illl out thu unuxpired term , tha next loiml.-i- turo , which meets ncxt"winter. . would , choose him for the full term. In this way il was the hope of the governor's friends that sooner or later ho would be sent lo the scimic , though they had llttlo hopes that ha could go if Allison would remain In thu senate - ate and wanted to sueoccdjhluiself. Hut thnt plan is upset , and that ends it. The next candidate who wanted lo warm a clmir In the senate for ono winter wns George L ) . Perkins , of the Sioux City Journal. Ho had nn idea that this was his opportunity. Ha has been conspicuously defending the gov ernor and saying nice things nbout him for the last month , nnd lost no opportunity to win his favor. Naturally such cheerful ad vances were reciprocated , nnd it Is thought that the governor would hnve looked twice at least toward Sioux City In case ho had tha appointment to make , The friends of Per kins at Sioux City were pressed into service , and un elaborate memorial , netting forth the weighty reasons why ho should bo appointed was prepared , nnd forwarded to the gov ernor. Hut that budding boom has nlso been winterkilled , for Mr. Perkins railUu * that his lust chance has gone , as ho would not ex- poet to be elected to the position when a light with other oiindldaUjs would bo re quired. Candidate the next was Judge Heed , at present chief justice of the supreme court , and conirrossnmn-clcct irom the Ninth district. It might ho supposed that n gentleman thus favored would" not wunt the earth , but some of the Judge's mod est friends were willing that ho should hnvo it. They promptly started , or tried to start , a boom for him for tbo senatorahlp , although hu had Just been elected to the lower house of congress , and hadn't yet seen the ci < pltol building. The key to tbis liltlo scheme was In the bauds of the Judge's friends , and not apnarent to the general public. The judge Hvos'in Council Hluffs.So does' the Non pareil. It was the hope of the luttur that it ; hc governor would appoint Heed to the HOII- itc , nnd thus create a vacancy for congress , ic would also appoint Mr. Stedman , the edi tor of the Nonpareil , to the vacancy. That explains why tlio Nonpareil so promptly took up the cry , und proposed Heed for the senate. Mr. Spencer Smith , railroad commlfsioner , and partner of Stedman , In the Nonpareil , Is credited with this pleasant little plan for taking care of the family. It is probable that the judge himself was not pushing- , though , like UarlciK. ho was undoubtedly \villing Iq suffer a promotion of that sort. Now cornea Allison , mid with a stroke of his pen , upots all these bright hopes , and loaves half n do/.cn mon disconsolate , though , the rest of the two million population are very well pleased to have him continue In the place of great Inlluenco and power which ho harf h onorcd so long. Wlicelcr. Dns MOINKS , la. . Fob. 'I. [ Special to Tun Jii : . J The death of Colonel Lori tig Wheeler it DoWitt , last week , removed ono of tha ildiioors of Iowa , and ono. of the oldest polltU clans In this western country. Ho wns born in Now Hampshire ) in 17 ! > ( ) , but came vest when a. young man and settled In Iu > uiue ] at the close of the Black Hawk war. About that time he received from the ( { over * lor of Michigan territory.of which Iowa was hen u part , a commission as chief Justice o ( Jubuque county. Ho was elected a member f the Wisconsin territorial logisiatiiranftoi ; hat territory was detached from Michigan ind the latter became a state. When Iowa vas organized as n territory , Colonel Whcoloo van elected a member of its lirst legislature , nd as ho used to say , represented tlio whole ounlry north to the Urltisii possessions. Ha vas elected the Ilrst senator from Clmtoq : ounly after the state of Iowa was organ lzod hiring tlio gold excitement ho wunt to Call- ornia and took a prominent part in affairs hero. So It fell to tlio lot of this mun to bq a territorial pioneer in the rocions now com iri.sed In four states Michigan , Wisconsin , ovva and California. Ho commenced his po Ilical lil'u an a whig , and In duo tlmii helped > rgani/o the republican party in lowu , and Hilongcd to It in long as ho lived. Ho was nu of the class rapidly passing away -tho linneers who laid the foundation of the future ommonwe.ilth of the west. Strong and turdy in every characteristic of manliness , hey wore examples for all those who came ftw them. Uroxvc.-r'H Dr. & Mow.s , la. , Fpb. 3. [ Special to in : UI.K.ilndgo | llrower' * decision rofua. ng the temporary Injunction r.raln ; t tnu rail- oad commissioners and removing thu order entraining them from enforcing their chcduly of rates , Is regarded as a great Kstory for the anti-monopolists. Many ot hem believed It was foreshadowed , by his recent decision remanding to the ntate courts what , arc Known as the penalty HiiltH , Uu | douutodly the commissioners will proceed now to begin proceedings in ull parts of tha stain uguinsi tlio railroads If they rofiiho td adopt and use- the commUsloncrH hchedulo of ratoB. Just what COIII-KO the railroads will tile : is not known , but it Is presumed that ihi'.v ' will innki ) tin ( iltempt ut the May term of the futl'iful court in HUH city , to hava Jndgti UriiiYcr hear the case mi u question of ovliicnco and grant thorn a permanent hi ] Junction. A Kll'-UI < ! IiHMIHI ) . Onf ) MUI.STS , In. , Fob. a-Spe [ Ial DTiin Uii.j ; : A curious kind of disease hut been reported to the state board of health fioni Dnnkorton , Uluok Hawk ceiinty , Ituvlsted in the family of Michael Huohnor , iittuckfni' his wlfo and thrco of his children , ityus siioscd | | at first that the sickness was duo to having eaten meat of a ulcer that Invl been affected with what is known us lump jaw. J Uut after considerable htUdy of the ca in : , * M thu local physician thinks that the tru'ublo in ti kind of lypho-malarlul fever , caused by drinking iiinvholesoino witter. Two of thu family have recovered , but two at lust report * wore danguroiihly III , Trio iieoiilo gniu rally are ijului iilarmnd , as they think that all tin water In the vicinity must be equally un wholesome and dangerous. No other ciue4 * ' * i'rt iit > n o Itnvn 1'iM I/ " > M * > nnA rniV * " ! ' ' ' - . ' AMMg'jifir\cn-1.1 ty ]