Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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AtJIcytnnn & Deletion , Commencing
Wo shnll Imvc on special sale the fol
lowing goods at just about one-half
The Wonderful , nil sixes , -10c.
The Fashion , all sixes , -10c.
Fifth Avenue , 7Cc.
London , 75C.
Madnin Mora's ' OSc.
J. 13 , satin corset , $2.75.
M. C.,85c.
Corset royors , 2-5c.
KmbrohloreJ corot covers , ! )5c. )
Nicely trimmed corset overs , 45c. cilgo corset covers , 05c.
Lace etlgo corset covers , OOc.
V shnpcd yoke , lace trimmed , $1.00 ,
Embroidered rulllo nnd insorllng ,
! . : .
Embroidered rufllo and tucks. $1,10.
Embroidered rulllo nnd very fine ,
Embroidered rulllo nnd tucks , 7oc.
Embroidered rulllo nnd tucks , 7oc.
Hum nnd tucks , Me.
Horn nnd tucks reduced from 05o to
Tucks and rulllo reduced from OSc to
Extra width reduced from $1.25 to $1.
Embroidered rulllo and tucks reduced
from 81. CO to 81.20.
Deep rtilllo and lace edge , etc. , re
duced from $2 to $1.00 ,
Deep rulllc , Inco and tucks reduced
from $2.2.5 to $1.75.
Extra wide lace buffet tucks reduced
from $ to $2.2.5. '
Embroidered yoke and embroidery re
duced from $3 to $2.50.
Tucks and embroidery reduced from
$2.2r tol.l)5. )
Tucks nnd embroidered yoke reduced
from $2 to $1.00.
Robe , V shaped neck , reduced from
12.25 to $1.75.
Tucked yoke reduced from $1.40 to
Tuclcs and inserting reduced from
Tucked yoke reduced from $1 to 85c.
Tucked yoke reduced from $1 to C5c.
Great reduction in all wool under
wear. Full line of French hand em
broidered underwear.
1518 and 1620 Farnam St.
The Fair commences the great shoo
lire bale to-morrow.
Mr. A. II. Rule , evangelist , will
preach the gospel of the grace of God in
the Knox Presbyterian church , corner
of Ohio and lth ! ) streets , Sunday even
ing. February U. Mr. Rule will also
hold a scries of gospel meetings every
evening the coming week in the Plym
outh Congregational church , Kount/.o
place , corner of 20th and Spencer its.
All are cordially invited.
The Fair commences the great shoo
flro sale to-morrow.
Roger's best plated knives and forks
only $1.60 per sot. Van Cott & Co. ,
diamond parlor. 14th and Farnam.
Boycott Pago's Union Soap , because it
is the best.
Try it.
For sale by all grocers.
Ueo no other.
The funeral of Charles Ilarkison will
take place to-datv at 1 o'clock p. m. ,
from his late residence , 1'llS N. 25th st.
Two weeks ngoMux O'Rcll's brilliant
criticism of American institutions ,
"Jonathan nnd His Continent , " was
given to the London public. The Now
York World , the llrst American caper
to print it , mm for this part of the
country the right to publish has been
bought by the Omaha Excelsior , from
CaBsoll it Co. , owners of the American
copyright. The Excelsior began the
articles yesterday , which will run for
Blx weeks. This is enterprise with a
big E.
Don't miss the great fire sale of shoes
to-morrow at The Fair.
N. M. Ruddy , optician , fits glasses for
nil forms of defective vision. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. 211 South 15th street.
ICerr's thread the best. Ilnydon Bros.
Another Hiuyola Unco to Hughi ToMorrow -
Morrow Nl ut.
To-morrow nltdit the imich-tnllrcd-ubout
throo-honr-a-night , six-dny ruco will begin at
the Colosseum. The entries will DO Knnpp ,
Prlnco , Morgan anil Heading , Ashlngcr 1ms
been declared out , by the riders nnd the
Binnncomcnt of the establishment alike , J ,
3. Hnvdin , spcultmg of Aslilngor's case yes !
tcrdny , Raid that he would back cither
Knapp , Prlnco or Morgan against him uftor
this race ,
Messrs. Hnrdln , Potty nnd Woods shot
Messrs. Purmaleo , Hrcwor nnd Ketvhum a
match at the grounds of UioOnmlm Gun club
yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Hnrdln , Petty
nd Woods won t > y the following ncore :
Ilnrdln , 24 ; Petty , SI ; Woods , 20 ; total , 05.
Parraalco , 22 ; 13 rower , 20 ; Ketclium , ! ! ' . ! ;
The match was for S100 a sldo at twenty-
five blue rocUs each , eighteen yards rise.
Two sweepstakes matches , live Hvo birds
each , ontruni'o fco fcj , ware then shot. The
core of the llrst was as follows ;
Ellis , II ; Parmiilco , 5 ; Gulnn , Ketclium. 5 ;
Ilm-dln , 4j Hunt , 2 ; Woods , 4.
Second Mutch Kills , it ; Pnrmalco , 5 ;
Gulnn , 4 ; Ketclium , 4 ; Uurdin , 4 ; Hunt , 3 ;
Woods , 4.
Uohmis Plnrio , of Port liobmson , has ac
cepted the challcngo of I , J , Wilson , of Craw
ford , to wrestle a match , mixed styles , for
1100 a side , provided Fort Uoblnson Is agreed
Boon as the place the match shall bo
The base ball directory bold a meeting last
ul/fht / in Prealdhnt Mv'Jormlck's onicc , and
decided to advertise for bids for score card
and booth privileges. The association will
lvo the ladles a day this season. Wodnes-
$ sy is promised for them , and once a week the
lair NOX ran have things their own way at
the ball gamo.
Korr'a thread , black fast dyo. Huyden
Poycott Page's Union Soap , because it
fc the beet ,
fry t sale by nil grocers.
BO no other.
Great flro snip of shoos to-morrow at
, * ho Fulr ,
Great Fabrimry Sale of Ladles'
Muslin Undorwoar.
Not Chcn | ) , Poorly Made Artlclr * , Hut
Direct From the Itest Known
. Mnmtfaoiitrcrs of Such
Every article cut a perfect shape , and
made for honest wear.
We quote some prices , but this is a
poor guide for such values as wo are of
fering. The goods should bo scon ami
handled to get an idea of their worth.
mndo and finished as neatly as best cus
tom made work , and of a good quality
muslin , trimmed with narrow , neat em
broidery , and perfectly finished , all
bi7.cs , Unit wo shall make leaders of , al
2-jc , Me , 57c , OOc , U5c , 75c , 85c , $1 , $1.25
and $1.50.
inade to correspond in every way , in
material and workmanship , with the
chemise above , tit 2ou10o , 45c , 60c , ( JOc ,
C5c , 75c , 85e , UOcniidSl.
Material and make will Do found equal
to goods costing double our prices , that
will be marked in this sale at10c , 6lc ( ,
( ! 0c. 75c , DOc , 81 , 81.15 , $1.25 and $ l.i5 !
Including a do/on good styles , plain
and llumburg rulllos , narrow and deep
embroidery , regular , 2"c , -15c , 60c , 75c ,
$1.00 , $1.25 , $1.6(1 ( , $1.75. $2.00.
All of the best value that has evet
been placed on a counter. The goods
are iicrfect In shape and flue quality
cambric , trimmed in embroidered or
lace edge. Prices made on these nro
25c10c , 60c , OOc , Ooo , 7c ( ) , 85c , OOc , $1.00.
In addition to the above wo have a
largo assortment of lace and embroid
ered trimmed goods at our usual popu
lar prices.
Also a largo assortment of infants
long and short slips , r.uiging in price
from 60c to $ ( > .0 ( ) .
These goods will bo displayed on the
second floor
And nn examination of what this de
partment is doing will well be worth a
visit , whether as a buyer or looker on.
Our spring purchases of embroideries
and medici laces have just arrived and
will bo placed on sale Monday morning ,
when an examination is earnestly so
licited. Just received a full line of
Jane Hading veiling and other laces.
Cor. Dodge and 15th Street.
Boycott Pago's Union Soap , because it
is the best.
Try it.
For sale by all grocers.
Use no other.
W. S. Collins , of Bonanza , Johnson
county , Wyoming , has just arrived in
the city. Ho is the recorder of the
famous Bonanza Oil Mining district in
the Big Horn Basin.
The samples of petroleum that ho has
just brought in beats the record so far.
lie is enthusiastic over the prospect in
the basin. Ho reports that the weather
is still fine but a little snow in the
mountains , and says the cattle are in
splendid condition and that it is the
finest climate in the world. Anyone
who is thinking of investing in oil
lands would do well to call on the gen
tleman , who can bo found for a fcwda.vs
at the ollieo of Hon. L. H. Bradley ,
Rooms 4 and 0 , 1511 Farnam street , as
ho lias the choice oil lands nnd they
can bo procured from lirst hands. Ho
will cheerfully furnish any information
desired in regard to oil , coal and des
ert lands , country , hunting , fishing , the
best time to visit that country , etc. , etc.
We note with pleasure that the firm
of M. Ilcllman & Co. , clothiers , have
started a new era in placing before the
public special bargains in men's and
boys' clothing , overcoats , etc. In an
other column this firm place before the
public a list of bargains which appear
phenomenal , and but for the fact that
this firm had been so long and favor
ably known in Omaha and actively
identified with its growth and inter
ests , we should think it wore impossible
to dispose of poods at such mnrvelously
low figures. But it is a well known and
recognized fact that their word is as
good as their bond , and they will do ex
actly what they promise and offer. It
therefore behooves" intending pur
chasers to carefully examine their list
and they will bo wiser and wealthier
for it.
The Fair commences the great shoo
fire sale to-morrow.
Kino Ktclnwny 1'lnno
At a big bargain and easy payments at
Moinberg's , 1510 Dodge st.
Via Oinnlin and Council Bluffs , v
Short line to Chicago and the oast.
Finest dining oars in the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago ,
The route of the first "Golden Gate
Special. "
Best line to Washington for the inau
guration of President Harrison.
Only direct route to the G. A. R. en
campment nt Milwaukee.
Everything first-class.
First class people patronize first class
Ticket agents every where in the west
sell tickets over the Chicago , Milwau
kee and St. Paul railway.
Ticket olllce 1501 Farnam street. F.
A. Nash , General Agent.
Boycott Pago's Union Soap , because it
is the best.
Try it.
For sale by all groenrs.
Use no other.
Go to The Fair for the fire shoos to
Auction Tuesday.
At our salesroom , 1121 Farnam , 10 n.
in , , handsome bedroom suits , folding
beds , parlor furniture , carpets , crock
ery , lamps , show cases , etc. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co.
"Jonah and the Fish Story" will bo
the theme of Rev. J. B. Johnson at the
Walnut Hill Christian church this
Go to The Fair for the flro shoes to
morrow ,
Boycott Page's Union Soup , because it
is the host.
Try it.
For sale by all grocers.
Ueo no other.
| MnenlilccntJOO Upright Piano
Not used six months for only $250 easy
payments at Meinborg's 1610 Dodge st.
Union Bonn 7 bars 2oo ,
Puns White soup 7 bars 25c.
Water Queen 7 burs 25c.
Domestic 7 bars 25o.
White Rusblnn 7 bars 26c *
Opening Snlo of Now Spring Wnsh
Dress Goods ,
Linens , etc. , on Monday. 80-in. wide
now spring batiste , 1 lie yd. Now styles
of challics on our counter Monday , 7c
yd. Yard wide percale , now spring
styles , at lOc yd. New styles of sateens
are now arriving at 12ic , loc and 2oc
yd. New spring stvles in dress glng-
ham , Toile do Nerd's , Scotch zephyrs ,
Amoskcng , X.anzibars , etc. , at ( He , 8c ,
lOc , 12jc , 16c and 20c yd. The best
assortment of indigo blue prints in the
cltv. In all the different widths and
grades , at 7c , lOc and 125c yd. Wo
have the largest stock of whlto dross
goods in Omaha , and new novelties are
arriving as fast as the mills turn them
out. Wo will show some bargains in
this line on Monday at 5c , 8c. lOc , 125c ,
15c , 18o and 25c yd. Buying all these
wash dress goods direct from the manu
facturer and in larger quantities than
any house in this city enables us to sell
thorn cheaper , and at the same time
give you a better selection than you
will And anywhere in this state. 6(5 (
do ? , knotted fringed fancy borders ,
Gorman nil linen damask towels , worth
I'.lc to 25cslightly soiledon Monday only
loc each. All our'towols which have been
soiling at 26c , : $5c $ and -lc ( ) on Monday at
lc ! ) each. Among these you will find
some Inco bordered , knotted fringed
and broehot borders. These two bar-
trains in towel you will find only at llay-
den Bros. Wo have the largest assort
ment of table linens you will find in the
west and you cnn't ntVord to pass them
by if you 'are In need of any and wish to
save money. 1'articular attention is
called to our line at 15c , 25c , 'lOc , I5c ! ,
15c , 50c , 600 and ( 5c a yard. Our $1
napkin i si/u 1ms no equal in Omaha.
Ask to bo shown our 60c and Hoc table
damask with napkins to match. Thos > o
are our own Importation and considered
extra good value. Look over our lines
of white bol spreads at > V.c ) , 75c , 83c ,
OSc $1 and $1.25. You should sco those
Immlhonio dado window shades which
wo nro offering at ode each. Bargains
in remnants of table linen , white dross
goods , crashes , llnuncls and ginghams
on Monday.
Remember our wall paper department
on our third lloor. Now patterns arriv
ing daily. HAYDEN BROS.
Boycott Pago's Union Soap , because it
is the best.
Try it.
For sale by all grocers.
Use no other.
Fine Welicr Piano $15O
As irood as now and easy terms at Moin
berg's music store , 1510 Dodge st.
icture Rrauio" ,
Wo arc now prepared to regild old
frames at half the price of new ones ,
warranted to bo good as over. A.
Uospe , Jr. , lolii Douglas st.
I ) II IN 1C
Sn\c'H Celebrated KoumyR.
( Fermented Milk Wine. )
An invaluable drink as an appetizer
nnd food. Unequalled as it stomachic.
Indisponsiblo to invalids and convales
cents. An excellent appetizer in small ,
nnd unequalled as n food in large quan
tities. Mothers and infants need no
patent nostrums. It strengthens the
lacteal glands , thus increasing the How ,
being converted into milk almost in
stantly. The contents of n quart bottle ,
which is equivalent to four ounces of
solid food , and accepted by the most ,
sensitive stomach , should bo taken at
intervals during1 the day. It makes
flesh and strength , and in'v igoratcs the
entire system.
Recommended and prescribed by the
following well known lending physi
cians of Omaha : Dr. E. W. Lee , Dr.
Geo. B. Ay res , Dr. V. IL Coffman. Dr.
Goo. Tildcn , Dr. P. M. Chudwick , Dr.
G. E. SussdorlT , Dr. Moore , Dr. W. II.
Ilnnchott , Dr. Robert , Dr. J. B. Ralph
and many others. Price per enso of 1
do/ten quarts , 35.50 ; price per half case
of half do/on quarts , $3 ; price per
champagne tap ( if required ) , $1. Send
P. O. order or draft ; otherwise will for-
wnrd by express C. O. D.
Manufactured by D. W. SAXE.
Opera House Pharmacy , 15th and Far
nam streets , Omaha , Neb.
P. S. Send all orders direct to ubovo
address as we do not sell to jobbers.
Union soap 7 bars 2oc.
Paris White soap 7 bars 25c.
Water Queen 7 bars 25c.
Domestic 7 bars 25c.
White Russian 7 bars 25c
A largo majority of the discriminat
ing public prefer to travel by the Bur
lington Route. Its Vestibule Express ,
with dining car , free chair cars , and
Pullman Palace cars leaving Omaha at
8:50 : p. m. , arriving Chicago 10:0ia. : ) in. ,
is the best train for the east. It is the
only line running . ' ! daily express trains
to Chicago , Peoria , St.'Louis , and the
cast , H daily express trains to Lincoln ,
Denver and the west , and 2 daily ex
press trains to St. Joseph , Kansas' City
nnd the south , direct from its own
depot in Omaha. Ticket ollieo , 122t ;
Farnam street.
! \IINC ! for Ilic . Million
At Moinborg's two music stores , 15M ,
1510 Dodge st. _
c. n. MOO UK & co.
Are soiling the best Hour in the market
for $ : i.-10 per 100. The finest quality of
buckwheat at fiOo per sack. Fine Sara
toga chips , , ' { 0c per Ib. Elegant Mncinn ,
Mexican , Florida and California seed
less oranges , from UOc to OOu per dozen.
The rock bottom prices on toilet soap.
Call and inspect our goods and prices nt
1015 Dodge st. Telephone iiao.
Boycott Page's Union Soap , because it
is the best.
Try it.
For sale by nil grocers.
Use no other.
The sixth annual masquerade ball of
U. P. band will take place Friday , Feb
ruary 15 , nt Exposition hall.
Dr. Parsoll , 1716 Davenport , 453.Tol ,
A Kotv Timely JtciimrkH.
Chicago & Northwestern R'y
To Chicago
All Points East.
Three trains a day.
Vestibule cars.
Steam Heat.
Superb Dining Car Service.
The Inlest and best Sleeping Cars with
Trot and cold water , and all
Through cars * Omaha to Chicago ,
No ehango at Council Bluff ? .
Ticket ollieo , 1401 Farnam St.
Telephone 601 ,
W. N. Babcock ,
Gen. Western Agt.
A reliable place to buy diamonds and
vratches. Van Cott& Co.'s diamond
parlor , lith and Farnam.
Boycott Pago's Union Soap , because It
IB the best ,
Try It.
For Bale by all grocoro ,
UBO no other.
"What Tools Wo Mortfils no. "
Would you believe the Grocer's asso
ciation hnvo "boycotted" the Ilnydon
Sonp M'fg Co. , oj OmMm because it
sells Ilnydon Bros. Omahn made soap ,
nnd now the same association threaten
to "boycott" the great puckers of South
Omaha if they sell Hayden Bros , hams ,
or anything else in the line. Ilnydon
Bros , do not wish to offorid the associ
ation , but they will join no combine to
extort unreasonableprnflta from the
people who favor them with their pat
Any one who has been at Haydon's '
may know what a pleasant grocery de
partment they have , and how useless
the same space would bo for any other
purpose. The Grocer's association is
making so much ado about the prices
that few people would suppose the gro
cery the best paying department in
Haydon's business. There are no roin-
nnnts to take big losses oiinnd no goods
going out of style , and if the reckless
strife for trade continues in dry goods ,
Hayden Bros , will adopt the grocery
business exclusively. knows that dry goods mer
chants have been advertising to give 20
to ftl per cent discount nil hist month to
inlluoiico trade. Who can live in the
face of such competition. Not oven
"Smith , " in his wildest efforts to win
trade , with nil the peculiar superiority
of his own methods ol discount and his
matchless skill In buying , ever resorted
to such ruinous practices. Ilaydon
Bros , have been obliued to rnfu&o oven
the dressmakers the" customary it per
cent discount , so cloio have the prices
been cut In dry goods. How would the
grocers like that kind of business ? Of
course it don't seem quite HO trying at
present , because most of the dry goods
merchants are advertising to discon
tinue the-MJ ruinous discounts and poo-
ole who buy of thorn cannot dee well.
This is tht ! chief eneoiirn eni-Mit to
stav in the dry goods InisinorfWo *
will cither directly
or indirectly and may reasonably hope
for an increase of trade.
Drc s ( iiiiiils.
We will pliiec on sale Monday moni-
inij the largest and most complete- stock
of dress goods \\o have over shown.
Wo will display nil the now st\lc.s in
plain and fancy weaves consisting of
cable cords , satin berbers , wool Henri-
otttiH. tricoliiios , Froimh surges , chocks
and plaids , also black and while in com
bination suits. So much paitis has been
taken to got all the new styles thai a
visit of itisiVK'tion is worth while oven
if n person is not ready to purchase.
The goods , the styles mill the prices
will bo more attractive than any simi
lar effort in many a d iv. Wo will men
tion n few prices only. Do.iblo width
cable cords 12jc , worth iMc ; double
wjdth. Henriettas 20c. worth IlOo ; double
width satin berbcrs 25e , worth . ' ! "c ; , ' ! G-
iuch Henriettas 2.1o to 'toe , worth lOc to
50c : 4-i-inch Hunriotla cloth -lo ( ) , would
bo cheap at ( ! 0c. These goods will bo
shown in all the lineal grades and
Bear in mind that -our display of
standard silics at 05c yard has never
been equaled in any market. Every
yard is warranted to give satisfaction lii-
appearance and wear. In colored
hurrahs , colored trros grains , colored
satin rhadames , colored faille Franc also
von will find the linest line in the citv.
More interesting. At 76u , 8Sc , illu and $1
per yard you can buy silks worth $1.05
to $1.55. This Mile may not receive I lie
attention that our efforts mi ht lead u > i
to expect or hope for , but ilio styles ,
quality , the variety nnd the intrinsic
values have rarely , if over , been
equaled in this or any other market.
The styles in wall paper are superb ,
and almost undlcbS in variety. Our
prices are the lowest.
Great fire sale of shoes to-morrow nt
The Fair.
Boycott Pago's Union Soap , because it
is the best.
Try it.
For sale by all grocers.
Use no other.
Cheap Excursions t > Sntliarl'ind
The second excursion to Sutherland
will leave Omaha via the Wnbabh rail
way on.Mondnv. February 11. For rates ,
tickets , sleeping car accommodations
and full information , call on or write
G. N. C'l.AYToN" ,
1502 Farnam st. , Omahn , Nob.
Don't miss the great lire sale of shoes
to-morrow at 'J'hu Fair.
Boycott Pago's Union Soap , because it
is the best.
Try it.
For sale by all grocers.
Use no other.
A Dollar Show for a Dime !
Or , Tlic Lims That Loied n Sailor.
Spo 'lal Pconnry , K'eKant Costumes , Su-cot
Singers , Jolly Jack Tun Ono \\vak only.
l > B li : AIMIITS TO
A IIni ) ) > y Orcot Inp to All.
Did you know Mint meats nro very
ohcnp tins winter ? If not , then no to
E. A. Marsh , nt Washington market ,
WS ) North Sixteenth , just north of Cum-
inp street.
Mnrsh 1ms nlwnys and always will
glvo to the public who will pay cash for
meat , the honoflt of low prices. Begin
ning with Fohruary 1,1839 , ho will poll
you for cash anything in his line nt the
following low prices :
Surloln nnd porterhouse steaks , So to
lOc per Ib.
Round atonic , 7o to 80.
Chuck stoivk , 6c to Co.
Choice rib roast , 7c to So.
Chuck roast , Go to 7c.
Uoiling beef , fie to 7c ,
Soup meat , lie tole. .
Pork chops , Sc.
Pork roasts , ( le to 8c.
Pork shoulders , Oc.
Pork steaks , Se.
Pork sausage , Sc.
Mutton chops , Sc to lOc.
Logs of mutton , lOe.
Mutton steak , 6e.
Choice kettle rendered lard , lOc or
12 Ihs for $1.
Loaf lard. ! lc or 1'J for $1.
Itump of beef , fie per Ib.
Corn beef , ! ) c to < 3c.
Beef tongues , I0e uuch.
Whole or half hog , ( He ,
Salt pork , He per Ib.
Pickled tripe , < ! c.
Choice HUgnr-curcd hams , lie.
Slicc'd ham , l"e. .
Boneless hams , lie.
Bacon. 1'Jc.
Dried beef , lOo to U'.jc.
Lnrd and sausages , all our own make.
Bv buying input of Marsh for cash
you'will snvo about 41) ) per cent , of your
inoiH'.v.aiid by trying our incuts you will
llud Unit wi > handle ! irt class ( ( Utility ,
( iooilh delivered to uny part of thu city.
Telephone onlerrf promptly attended to
from thu Washington market. Tel.
Xo. 701.
Union soap 7 bars iMf.
Paris White -oap 7 bars We.
Water ( jucon 7 bars .Me.
Domestic 7 bars iI"C. )
While Kubsiiin 7 bars i ! " > c
IonU at Tliis.
All kinds of morcnnmliso and per
sonal property wnntol in oxishnngo for
improved fnrins and wild land. Foreign
Kmignition Co. . r U & ! ! l" > 0ii Fimwm st.
A Mllllll lll/.c. !
A flro last nlplit at , the corner of Twenty-
second ami Hurt streets destroyed a small
frame resilience.
( triti < : < .
The county commissioners held their regu
lar meeting yesterday afternoon.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Christian association will be hold
in the Y. M. U. A. lecture hall Sunday ,
J : : ! ( > ! > . in.
.Mrs. Susie M. Burr , president of the
Women's syndicate of San Jonqulii county ,
California , for tlu org.mi/.Jtlon of colonies ,
addressed nn audience of about u dozen ladies
in the Young Men's Christian association
building yesterday aitornoon.
The jewelry linn of D.V. . Van Cott & Co. .
was yesterday dissolved. Mr. Van Cott will
continue in business at the old stand.
Michael Kili-y , nn employe of the smelting
works , severely burned yesterday by u
burst of llumo from an open furnace door.
Henry Olson , alias Meimdden : | , was ur-
rested lust night on n charge of using pro-
lane langu..go on the streets : md resisting an
ofllcur. ili ) nmdo the nluht hideous in the
police station. Charles Williams was taken
on the siime charge.
Collections at the oftlco of the internal rev
enue department yesterday , § 11-77.'s- .
William Green was locked up lust night on
the clmrgo of stealing a pair uf punts , u ring
and oilier nrticlcs from the Occidental hotel.
Complaints are made of a gang of loafers
who haag around the corner of Sixteenth
and streets , insulting ladies In broad
dayliflit. Yesterday an irate husband
knocked one of them down , and then re
ported to the police.
The Omiiha Debating club meets Tuesday
evening nt 7ll : : ! in room No.l , Murker block.
The question for discussion is , "Hesolvcd
Unit America Has Never Produced n
Greater Novelist than Nathaniel Haw
thorn. "
Three NtototeCofflfficaciii , Monday , Fell , 4
Gi nnd Stun' nil MnHncf
The ( 'harming Comedloune ,
In her two Highly Successful Comedies.
3IiinJny ilinl 7'ncmlnXtjlitu ; and \\'ct\ncsdii\i \ \ \ \
Milliner , tlir llrllltiint A'cic Oiinrdy ,
1'iirchasod from Dcnman Thompson , Esq.
WiitiiCMlnu Xiulit , The Iliimiiiitlc Cutncilu-Drama ,
NOTK. Kvcry lady attending the Wednesday
miitlncu will receive a handsome Cabinet 1'hoto
of Jibs Hvnns.
Commenclnc Monday , I'eii. 4 , nt 7.30 nnd end-
IUR at ItUH ) p. in. every illicit.
Great Six Day Bicycle Race
1'iin for all. Tliroo hours oacli nlgbt for the
18 hour clmiiipkm > Iilp.
Kutrixuco fee fciX ) each. Winner to take sweep-
stake" .
Knapp , Morgan , Reading , ( the
unknown ) and Prince are sure
Admission 2Bc. Reserved seats
2Bc extra.
Music by the Musical Union.
In Adolph Mueller's Beautiful Romantic Opera ,
1O8 - - 1O8
Gorgeous Scenery.
A Bewilderingly Beautiful March.
Dazzling Electrical Effects.
A Cascade of Real Water.
PRICES Pnrquot nnd Parquet Oirclo , 81.60 : Balcony , $1.00 ; General
, ion , 76o and $1.00 ; Gallery , 25. Mntlneo 75o and $1.00.
Entire MoDonnkl Olonk Stock
Bought by Stonohlll.
Wonderful Slaughter To-Morrmv
IMusli Glonkn , Nowinnrkcts nnd
ClilUlrm'M ClonkR Nearly
Given Awny.
I hnvo this day fold the McDonald
cloak and underwear stock to C. A.
[ Signed. ] Sio. HAn' ,
Agent for Soigol Bros. , assignee.
This entire stock will bo placed on
sale to-morrow nt prices that will aston
ish the public. Wo uurchnsod the stock
nt lee on the dollar , and nro going to
sell it at from 1 to J of the actual cost.
Children's wrappers lOc , worth $2.00.
Ladies' wrappers at 250 , worth $ ; ! . ( ) ( ) .
Children's cloaks at Toe , $1.00 , $1.2o ,
$1.60 , S2.00 , $2.50 , $2,05 , worth $1.60
to $10.00. Ladies plush clonks nt J.10.JW . ,
SH.lVi , $10.05 to $2(1. ( ! ) . ) , worth from $20.00
to t O.OO. Ladles' ncwmarkets at $15. ! > " > ,
$1.05. $0.00 , $7.60 , $10.00 , $11.60 , worth
from $8.00 to10.00. .
Children's woolen underwear at ! 'c ' ,
16c. llc ) , 2'Jc to 5'Jc , worth from 25o to
Ladies' ividorwcnr at 2-"je , ; { oc,50c and
75c. worth from 60c to $2.00.
( Tents' underwear at 2-"ic. . ' ! 3c , 50c and
75c. worth from 7oc to $2.00.
To customers who nro not acquainted
with the Mi-Donald stock , wo will sav ,
we bought the stock at 211 S. 15th st. ,
Omaha. ' STONEHILL- ,
110-118 10th st.
Hotii'inlan Hall.
1315 , ini7 and IHlf ) S. 13th st.
Re > liurant. : lunch and boor hall.
Lunch served day or tiiglit. Dance
every Saturday and Sunday.
Don't miss the great llro sale of shoos
to-morrow at The Fair.
Mnrriaii ; Ij
following are the marriage licenses issued
yesterday in the county coiirts by Judge
Shields :
Name anil Uosidonce. Age.
I .lames II. Cirahain. Elimvood. 111 . 27
I Louisa Lottlsslc , Peoria , 111 . 2.1
I Henry Weiss , Omaha . 2:1 :
} Anna Duo1 ! , Omaha . -0
i John Truinmcr , Omaha . 2-
| Lihby M. Dork , Omaha . 13
U'B 1'WO
151-1 and 1510 Dodge st.
Qront Spoolnl Snlo of Whlto Shirts ,
Laumlriod aiul Unlaunilrioci.
* _
Our Now Spring Purclinio of AVhlte
SlilHo , AVhlcli Wns Iiar cr This
Spring Tlmti ICvcr , linn
Just Arrived.
It will bo placed on sale Monday
morning at the following prices :
LOT l- : ) c. white unlnundricd shirts
with linen bosom and good quality mus
lin nl li'Jc ; worth ( Wo1
LOT 2 oOc.
200 do7.on white unlaundriod shirts ,
double rein forced front au.l back , all
linen bosom and o.xtru line muslin at
60c ; worth 76c.LOT
LOT 7flc.
200 do7on white unlaundrled shirts ,
double reinforced front and back , with
patent sleeve facing nnd hand-mado
nation holes , extra line linen bosom and
line muslin at 75e | worth $1.
LOT -1 $1.00.
100 do/.cn white uulaumlriod shirts
in ado of Utioa muslin , line all liucii
bosom , hand made button holes , patent
sleeve fncing , double reinforced front
and back at SI , worth $115. ;
Lot 6 , 75o.
60 dozen fancy trimmed night shirts ,
made of hotivv muslin , extra , long , at
76c , worth $1. Wo guarantee every
shirt to lit perfect.
600 do/.en English and Gorman cotton
half in fancy stripes and solid
colors. Regular price -10c , special
price 25c.KELLEY
Cor. Dodge and 15th sts.
Great fire bale of shoes to-morrow nt
The Fair.
Itcvcnuo Collections.
The total revenue collections for the month
of January amounted to ? 1IU.GU7. ! > 2. lu the
corresponding month of 1SSS , the collections
on liquor alone amounted to $242UM.2twhile ) )
this year tlmy arc only 5121) ) , 121.bO , a falling
off of J112Ui4.4l ( ) .
Go to The Fair for the fire shoes to
A 31 nu With a Cluh.
The Press club rooms will DO open at 3
o'clock this afternoon to all friends of the
society who wish to hear lien Harrows Ice-
turo on the subject of "A Man With a Club. "
Every member and all press men who do not
belong , nro requested and invited to bo
Our representative -will be nt the Pcixton Hotel , February 7 , 3
and 9 , and will take pleasure in showing our Spring and Summer *
selections for the several departments of our business , comprising
Ladies' Dress-Making and Tailoring.
Misses' and Childrens' Dresses and Garments ,
Boys' Clothing , ( To Order and Ready-Made. )
Ladies' and Misses' Millinery.
Fine Neckwear and General Furnishings.
Samples of advance styles in Dress Goods ( to arrive later ) , will be
shown , from which to take orders , or to sell by the yard.
L. P. HOLLANDER & Co. , Boston , Mass.
Evening , Feb. 4.
Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2:30 : P. M.
An Elaborate Production of C. B. Jefferson and H. S. Taylor 'sGrand
Aquatic Spectacle ,
With all the original company , scenery and realistic effects.
With real boats , canoes , racing shells and steam launches laden
with pleasure seekers on
GEORGE HOSMEK , ThopolUlur0Trrhaenffsheii. , ? ,
Oapt. WM. A. ANDREWS , In his
Prof , Neil Smith's ' Great Dog Circus ,
The Terrific Drowning Episode.
The Realistic Rain Storm.
The Vast Stage Flooded from Wall to Wall from Three'to Eight
Feet Deep ,