0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BUND AY FEBRUARY 3. -TWELVE PAGES. THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. NO 11 : BTIUSIIT. J illu red by carrier In Any 1'nrt of ho City n ' ( wf-nty Cents I'crWeek. II. \ \ . TII/ION MANAOCll. TKUiM10Ni:3 : : : HVM.MOH OKFHT. No. 43. NUIIIT r.niTiiii. No. si. MINOR MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coal nnil wood. K. lO.Mayno , 010 B'wny. Two drunks comprised the full grist In i > olico court yesterday. There will ho a incollnjr of the W. C A. Monday uftoriioon nt U o'clock sit Mrs. .J. P. Cnwidy's. The loc.il lodge of A. O. U.W. , No 271) ) , lins MjlfM'lod T. T. Snow us Us retire bfiitnllvo to the grand lodge , which moots tit Mnrslmlllown February 112. The Ladics'Ald society of the Ucruan Baptist church will give a supper ai their church homo Thursday evening February 11. Oystcis will ulbo be tcrvc'd. A tombola will bo given by Mr ? . Oauli and .MrH. F. A. Conovoron next Tuesday evening nt MM. Conovcr'n , No. 811 Third uvomie. All friends of St. Paul's church nro cordially invited. Adiniu- fcion CO conls. The mooting of the board of trndo next Tuesday night IB for the purpose of adopting important amendment- the constitution. and all members are requested to be present to consider tlio matter , which is of sulliciont interest to all to mnku it a special object to attend. The German Hclmet/cn vcroin of this city will give their lirst masquerade ball "Wi-dnobday evening , February (1 ( , ntMn.sonic Toinplo hull. A noveltj will bo introduced presenting line , pU'iibing , Hhort theatricals between the regular numbers of thoMnneos , at differ ent limes during the evening. K. T. WiNon , the young follow who was brought back from I'lattsmoulh a few dajs atro , was yesterday arraigned for forgery before .ludgo 'Aylcworlh. lie was clmrgcd with forging the name of Jacob Neuina.\er to two orders which he deposited with Olllcer Ptisey. Mr. Pusoy failed to identify the man , and he was discharged. The only case called in the superior court yesterday was that of Hudie vs "Wesley and Phillips , to ireovor dam ages , duo to siu/ing property belonging to piaintilY and selling it for the debt of another , to whom the property previ ously belonged. A motion for a con tinuance was overruled and the case eot for trial at 10 o'clock next Thursday morning. Soyeral names have been made public , as bnmg among the aspi runts for the postmaster's position. Another one is added to the list W. O.Virt. . no petition hns been circulated in his be half , but it is understood that a strong pressure in bis favor , is being brought to bear by the business men. with whom ho has been bo long and prominently associated. Nebraska will bo welcomed with open arms to the Iowa lircincn's btate tourna ment to bo hold in this city in June , and liberal prizes are ottered for the teams. The committee oilers i'MO for hose teams , and $1 50 for hook and ladder teams. No entry fee is required , the only condition being that three teams shall enter , and thib is assured. Uotb these races will occur on Wednesday , the second day of the tournament. There is grief for another innocent sucker. Ho went into "The Turf" yes terday afternoon to "buck the tiger" in his lair. Before ho came out 7io felt the animal's claws. He lost what little money ho had , and then wanted to whip everybody in the house. In the midst of his demonstrations ho was tapped over the head with a club and his scalp laid open. The crowd which auickly gathered was dispersed by the policol but no arrests followed , The report that there is any danger In allowing the man Carter , recently one of the smallpox victims , to go at largo is denied by the city physician. Ho and his children arc now at the res idence of Mrs. Iluntloy , on Ninth av enue , and the citi/ens in the neighbor hood yesterday surrounded the place and ordered the inmates to stay inside " for fear of being shot. Their "fears of contagion were allayed , and they then allowed the parlies more freedom. The recovered patients have had all their clothes tliQ"oughly fumigated and dis infected , and the authorities say all danger is past. Alderman Knepnor and Dr. Cook had a lively tilt at the citv building yester day regarding the allowing of a bill presented by the latter against the city. Ho insinuated that it would have been allowed had it neon in favor of Kuepher , and the little alderman promptly re- eon led the insult in Queeiibborry style. The parties clinched , but were promptly Beparatod by Alderman Lacy. Expla nations followed , and it was decided that there was a mihundcrstanding and that no insult was intended , and the pugilists shook hands and the brco/.e was over. It was warm while it lasted , and quite intorcbting to the few specta tors. P Marriage licenses were issued yester day to Nels C. Chribtonbon and Chris tiana Nelbon , both of this county , nnd William E. Baldwin , of Saunders county , and Anna E. Armstrong , of Lan castor county , Nebraska. The lat ter couple were each seventeen years of nge ; and came to this city to obtain a license because they could not obtain it at homo unless one of the parlies was of ago. They were armed with alllda- vits from their fathers , giving their consent , and tha necessary permit was granted on that account. 'Later in the day Jens Thomson , of this county , and Ingor L. Hanson , of Humboldt county , nnd A. C. Luke and KllaTroninino , both of Omaha , were issued the necessary permits. Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tel. 147. Song recital by Mrs. Wyman next Thursday evening. Admission 60 cents to all , except members of the Ladies Musical society who use membership tickets. The London "Tailor's" is the place to got your clothes made. 037 Broadway. Ilr.vo our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. \V. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city property , No. 130 Main street. IIouscs and lots to sell on monthly payments by F. J. Day , 80 Pearl st. 1'orsoiiiil I'nraeraphs. 6. P. McConnell leaves this evening for Chicago , to bo absent about a week. Master Eddie S. Togall lies very 111 of ( over at the residence of Mr. Ferry McCollum , 812 Avenue E , Council Bluffs , la. Charles P. Braslan will return to this city to-morrow from Minneapolis , with his family , nnd remain hero until the Manawa improvements nro completed. Mrs. John Llndt , who was called to the bedskloof her father nt South Bond , Ind , , about three weeks ago , sent word yesterday that lie was failing fast , and could survive but a short time , THEY ALL TALK BUSINESS , Prominent Citizens Express Tholr Faith in the Bluffs. THE CALL OF THE CHURCHES. s Nell Voorhls Drops Dcn't A Needless Fire Scare Dig Deal In Dirt Ihc llcnlili of the City. Tlio Testimony Aeommilnf 01. Testimony as to the ultimate supre macy of Council Bluffs is not lacking. Gentlemen whose associations with and knowledge of the city give them un usual opportunities for estim.itiiig the certainties of the future , continue to give their reasons for the faith that is in them. The following interviews present important points as showing the advantages of the city in all the directions indicated. * * * N. A. KIYI : , of Keys Bros. , who are just completing one of the largest carriage factories In the west , was asknd : "What were your reasons for moving from Ucd Oak to Council Bluffs1:1" : "Well , we have several reasons. Our business bad grown so that its necessi ties required a change of location. We visited Davenport , Keokuk , DCS Moincs , Sioux City and other places in Iowa , besides largo places in other .states. Our decision in favor of Council Blulls was not without carefully looking over the ground. What do wo gain by the change1 ; Well , all the railways which reach this wo'itorn and northwestern territory terminate here. Our ship ping expenses on raw material and mnnufaturod goods are loss than they would bo .my where else. The cost of living hero is very low , which is a ma terial point with employes , Hero wo can got just such help ns wo want , and when wo want U. Why , sir , as a desir able point for manufacturers Council Bluffs leads the entire west. I have conversed with the members of many agricultural implement linns , and I am sure that within two years many of the companion , which now have warehouses here , will move their factories to this place. Yon .see wo are in the center of a rapidly growing territory , and here is wlioro eastern as well as western manu- fnctnrorb will come , at least those that depend upon the west for the consump tion of their goods. " * * * i : . A. WIUKIIAM , of Wickhatn Brothers , contractors : " \\Xiiid live times the business in 1J-88 that we did in 18S2. Since the hist dale there has been a steady increase , and last year wo did a big business. I tell you. There was tin immense amount of building done , but not so much as there will bo this jcnr. The contracts wo luuo already made , and the work in sight convinces us that Council Blufls will improve more this uar in its busi- ncsa blocks and residences than it has overdone before. " * C. It. IIANNAN , cashier of the Citi/ens' State Bank. "We st.irted here eight years ago with a capital of § 76,000. This wo have in- crcasod to $150,000. nnd have a surplus of $ 5,000. You know we do a strictly commercial business , and we are doing three times the amount that wo over did before. " 'How did your business last year- com pare with former vearsV 'You know last year was an 'oft" ' ono , but our bu.sine.ss showed a steady and healthy increase throughout. " "What about the future prospects of the city ? " "Tho outlook for the city is first class. From what I know of the future prob abilities as well as the present condi tions , I believe there is no place which jives so good promises of financial suc cess as Council Bluffs docs. " * * * K. A. UKXSOJT , of Benson & Carmichacl , Omaha : "We jegnn investing in Council BlulTsrcalty list two years ago. At that time there , verc very few buildings of any kind be- , wcun Sixteenth street and the river. That entire tract has been platted and ) laccd on the market. Yes , much has jcon sold. Most of the purchasers xiught to build on , and now this entire tract is dotted all over with cottages ind other buildings. With Broadway paved to the river , and the electric notor line in successful operation , one ins easy access to either Council Bluffs or Omaha. " "Of course you have made some nonoy ? " "Certainly. We put our money hero , o realize on it , and the prospects have icon more than realized. " "Then you think Council Bluffs prop erty .1 good tiling to have ? " "I don't believe any locality , east or west , presents the inducements to in- vottors which Council Bluffs docs. Wo ire buro to have an East Omaha on the own side , or a west Council IHulTs , just ns you wtah. There is wlioro themauu- acUiring plants will bo. Some tire ilready there , and othcrx will follow. " * * * 1. Jf. TIIKYXOK , ) f the Council 1 ! hill's Carpet Com jinny : 'Council Bluffs is sure to trot thoro. I itivc always had fath in the ultimate riumph of energy , push and porbover- cnco over tlio old-fogyUin and slothful- iebs of a few doubting Thomases , who mvo been hiding their money in a Blocking and their light under abusbol , earful that the miirch of progress and ; enoral prosperity would rob them of , lioir coveted title of 'leading citizens.1 "Wo have boon charged with almost unucy for our belief in the ultimate success of an exclusive carpet lioiibo in so small a town , presuming that a half nilliou people were necessary to make t a success. Hud wo taken their ad vice we would have closed up long ago. jut wo had faith in Council Bluffs and ts people. They havij patronised us Ibornlly and the year just elobod bh'ows in increase in our sales of over to ! per sent. The prosperity of the city will ncroaso. Mark it. All the indications joint that way. JUDOK W. C. "I am a firm believer in the future of Council Bluffs. Why ? Moro reasons , hau I can now ntuno. First and mnln- y , on account of the btabillty of its luslr.cFH men and business institutions. Men who have been here any considor- iblo length of time have mndo monoy. J'lio advantages of the city as a mauu- acluring and distributing point ; the ow price of real estate as compare'.1 with .hat of other western cities ; tlio desir ableness of the city as a homo , and the character of the people are some of the reasons of my faith in Council Bluffs. Wo have a great future before us. It cannot bo otherwise. % K. J. DAY , dealer in real estate : "Why , sir , the ) ooplo who como hero to buy property ire actually imrnribod nt the extremely ow prices iiHked for it , and really , I am surprised myself. But these prices won't lust long ; there is v marked ad- rnncc over the prices of n year ago , ns well ns in the number and amount of Miles. There Is n mint of money to bo mndo in Council Bluffs realty , and these who invest now will , of course , icnp the grrntcst benefit. The year opens splendidly , nnd the city's record of 89 will not only eclipse all previous rec ords but will exceed our most sanguine expectations. My sales for January ex ceed these of a year ngo. HON. OnOHOi : K. WIUG1IT , of the linn of Wright , Baldwin & Hal- done , attorneys : " 1 firmly believe In the ultimata supremacy of Council Bluffs. Tlio outside world is just be ginning to understand and npprocinto the advantages the city presents for In vestments. The business record is phe nomenal. Failures ? Why , there are nono. In ton years the percentage has been less than one-sixtieth of ono per cent. 1'ouucil Blufls cannot help but grow , all kinds of business is conducted biifcly and profitably. Manufactures are sure to come. This is the center of the great northwest in which a vast empire will develop. Council Bluffs will bo its market and center of supplies. The future of the oHy ? Whyi sir , it cannot bo estimated and we will live to tee its greatness. " .MlHTAT.r , member of the city council and board of health : "Yes , I have had a good opportunity to watch the progress of the city closely. Us growth has been won derful. In the ube of the people's money 1 bay most emphatically the council lias been both economical and judicious. Improvements are going right ahead. 'Highly-nino will bo the greatest year Council Bluffs has over bad. " "The health of the city ? Why , the death rate 1ms been less than ono per cent. Tlio city has novcr had an epi demic of any sort. This is largely duo to our excellent climatic conditions. The air is absolutely free from all ma larial inlliioncox. These and other ad vantages tire giving to Council Bluffs a reputation which will make her tlio first city in the state. " w * iX-AM > KUMAN AIiKX. WOOD. "I did not know my.solf until recently the amount of the horticultural pro ducts of this immediate country. Why , in three townships , contiguous to the Bluffs , throe hundred people are en gaged in this business. These men en gage from one to twenty-live perbons to assist thorn in their work. Their pro duct will aggregate $000,000 annually , all of which comes to Council Blulls. Their sales will vary from $1,000 to io , < )00 ) each. It is an immense bisiness and is growing constantly. I am now gathering statistics wb.ich 1 will publish after awhile , nnd if they don't burnriso tlio natives , then I am no prophet. " * V * OIIOIKU : itrnio. "I have just returned from visiting eastern cities. I found that there wore many eager to learn of _ tlio west , and especially about Council Bluffs. They all knew about Omaha , but mostof them have an idea that the Bluffs is only a little place , located somewhere near Omaha. They were surprised when I showed views of buildings here , and gave them the facts and figures. Coun cil Blull.s needs to advertise more. A live representative .should bo sent cast. All that is needed is to let the capital ists east know the exact factb , and thev will jump at the chanecb presented hero for making money. " All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dway Let every one attend the annual con cert hero of the Ladies Musical society next Thursday evening , at the Congre gational church. - The District Court. The district court was in session yes terday morning , but adjourned at noon until Monday morning , as Judge Thor- nell wished to spend Sunday with his family at Sidney. The squatter cases wci-c on trial , and will bo continued to morrow , when the final testimony will bo introduced , and the arguments com menced. The grand jury reported , and returned two indictments , after which an adjournment was taken by that body until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The indicted parties are Allen Price and W. II. Pontius , charged with ob taining money under false pretenses. The hibtory of the case appeared in these columns a few days ago. The pioseculing witness is A. B. Perkins , who signed n note for $5(50 ( for property bold by Price to Pontius , and which the witness alleges was not worth a fourth of that sum. Tlio bail of , the parties was fixed at $800 each. They secured the necessary amount and wcro re leased. All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co. S. B , Wadsworth & Co. loan monoy. . - . Boston Post : "Mrs. AVymoro mndo her debut before a Boston audience at the first symphony concert this season. She has a smooth , rich voice and sang with much bettor taste and express ion. . Sudden Death , About half past 10 o'clock yesterday morning C. 15. Voorhis , familiarly known as "Noil , " an old fireman and well known resident of this city , was stricken with heart disease while nt work on the Merriam block and died shortly after being , removed to his homo , " 51 Vine street. Ho was appar ently well up to the tlmo of his sudden attack , and tlio grim messenger came without the slightest warning. Tlio deceased was thirty-eight years of ago , and leaves a wife and child to mourn his loss. Ho had resided hero all of his life , and for the past twenty years had been connected with the fire depart ment. Ho was ono of the leading mem bers of the old volunteer company , and later passed into the paid sorvico. Until a few months ago ho was actively connected with the department , being for years ono of the most faithful and rcopocted members. The arrangements for the funeral are not yet complotjd , but the old Volunteer Rescue company will probably take charge ot it. Pickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib- bitts1 , 816 Broadway. _ Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera house block. _ _ The Ilonul ol' Health. The board of health hold a short meetIng - Ing at noon yesterday. It was called to investigate the complaint of Mrs , Fonda that Mr. Carter had broken the quarantine in that section by going to his old homo near the transfer and re moving clothing. Dr. Soybort stated that ho had soon to the matter , and had cnubcd the clothes to bo thoroughly disinfected , and had given them to Car ter himself. As it was shown that the complaint wns groundless , the mooting ndjournod without taking any action on the matter. Send nil orders for bottled beer to L. M. Flnkelstolu , Omaha. , Tlio Chlmofl of tli Quarterly meeting services nt the Broadway M. E. church to-day. Preach ing nt 10:30 : it. in. by the pastor. Iov. W. E. Smith , P. E. , will preach nt 7:80 : nnd administer the Lord's supper. Quar terly conference Mondnnovcning. Love feast meeting at 0:30 : p. m. In tlio lec ture room. A very iutobesllng mis sionary meeting will bo hold at the church Monday eve at TWOJp. m. Miss Wilson nnd MfasGrllllth , outgoing mis- sionnries to C'hiun , will bo present nnd sponk of their cull to the work. The public cordially invited. Services nt the Probvtorlan Har mony mission todn.nt'.Il . ' . ( fclock , con ducted by Dr. llarluneo ; Sabbath- school nt 4 o'clock. ' Congregational Preaching this morning and evening by the pastor. Morning subject , "Tho Power of Faith. " Evening , "Tho Only Foundation. " A cordial Invitation is extended. Beroan Baptist church The pastor will preach at 100u. : ! ! m. nnd 7'HI : p. m , The Sunday-school moots at II : 15 n. m. Prayer meeting on Woduosdaj even ing. All are Invited. Bethany Baptist church , corner of Bluff and Story streets. Servicesnttho usual hours , 10:30 : a. m. and 7UO : p. m. Sunday-school at 8 p. in. Young pee ple's meeting at 0 : ! > 0 p. m. Rev. E. N' Harris pastor. First Baptist church The pastor will preach at 10tO : ; a. m. nnd 70 : ! ! p. in. Sunday bchool , 11 ! in , Young people's meeting , 0l0 : ! p. m. All cordially wel comed , Presbyterian Preaching ns usual , both morning nnd evening , by the pns- tor. Sabbath school nt 1U o'clock. Young people's meeting nt ( > : ; i ( ) p. m. Strangers nnd others cordially invited. Try our XXX bottled beer. Special rates on all orders from Iowa. L. M. FIXMI.STIIV. : : Boston Herald : "Mrs. Wyman has a voice of a singularly pleasing charac ter , thoroughly well schooled and ad mirably bulled to meet the bovorebt do- matidb of the concert stage. " " "CU ViJo Allnut Nothing An alarm oHlre wns tiTr'ncd" in about o'clock yesterday morning from box HI , at the corner of Main and Broadway. The call brought out the full depart ment in short order when it was found that the alarm was a falbo ono. It had been turned on by some of the Nonpa reil printers who were on their way homo , and supposed that a light that they saw on Main street was caused by a lire. The large bell at No. 3 hose house continued to ring until nine rounds had been sent in instead of four , us it should have done. This was caiibcd by a little defect in the box , that failed to allow the button to work smoothly. The continued ringing caused several people toM gather in the street , under the improghion that a largo lire was in progress in the busi ness portion of the city. The defect was remedied by the electrician who soon arrived at the box. ' I Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and bhirtb by Cascade Laun dry company. Gns IB Cheap ! And gas fixtures arc cheaper at the N. Y. Plumbing Co. , 114' Main fat. A discount of thirty per ecu from list price will bo given for thirty days. Death oT Mrs. Ilu Yesterday morning , , 8 o'clock- Mrs. J. B. Rue passed , away after a lingering and painful illness. For twenty-five years she had suffered from consumption , and this it was which ter minated her existence. She is ono o' the pioneers of Iowa , having come to Mount Pleasant in 1835. In 1870 , with her family , she came to Council Bluffs , ' where she has since lived. Her eighteen years of life hero have borne a fruitage of universal love and respect. She was married to Mr. John B. Rue on Juno 20 , 1843. Her husband and four children survive her. These arc : Mrs. C. G. Robinson , of Fcrnwood , 111. ; Mrs. George Motcalf , Mrs. F. .1. Day and Mr.'William B. Rue , all living in this city. Tlio sympathy of all ib ex tended to them in their allliction. The details of the funeral will be arranged as soon as absent friends can bo heard from. Parties having temperance billiard halls and restaurants will do well to take the exelubive sale of my temper ance beer. L. M. FINKELSTEIN. Another K\K \ Deal. An immense amount of Boston capital is being invested in Council Bluffs re alty. A deed was filed yesterday , con voying to Samuel B. Pierce , of Boston , fifty-six acres of land between this city and Manawa. The consideration was $10,800. The Light guards have secured G. Paul Smith , tlio lightning crayonist and impersonator , for two evenings' en tertainment Friday and Saturday of this week at their armory in Masonic tomplo. The South Bond Times bays : "Mr. Smith has no superior in his line , and these who miss his entertainment miss a rare treat. " I have moved my otllco to Omaha , at which all orders will bo received and Irom which all deliveries will bo made by wngon. L. M. FINKII.STIIN. The School Board , An adjourned mooting of the school board was hold last evening for the purpose of electing three teachers and transaction of some business of minor importance. A full board was present. The following ieachors were elected : Mrs. Nichols , 'Miss Britton and Miss Melntosh. Tlip board then adjourned until the next regular meet ing , to Do hold Monday evening the 18th iiist. „ _ C L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over Jacqunmln & Co.'s jqwolry store. Bargains in real 0811110111 all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main btroot. t _ i _ „ . _ . . . . . "A Dark Secret" was presented at Dohaden's yesterday afternoon and evening , and the same grn'nd success scored us on the previous levelling. The house was packed at bothjpocformanccs , and the management reaped a heavy financial harvest. The pompany goes from hero to Omaha , whnro they play at the Grand the entire week. They will have many Blullitos in their audi ences , as three performances have not satisfied many of our theater goers. Blank books mtido to order. Can fur nish patent binding for parties wishing the biime. Call and BOO samples nt room 1 , Everitt block , Pearl street. MouKiioufei : & Co. Heating stoves at cost to close out. O'Doll & Bryant. The night transfer street cnr will leave Broadway , at the Methodist church , at 8:55 : nnd arrive nt Pearl street junction at 0 o'clock p. in. , arriv ing at transfer at 0:20 : jt. in. This change commences to-duy. JDL SAPP 8t KNOTTY Fuel Merchants. Watch TheSlGNS , _ No,3l SoufhMainSt , of the TIMES' ' Courteous Attention. * Painted by * rt , "in We invite - your Promptoettvery patronage. * RJ2. MILLER -f E.B.GARDINEIR . , /VO. 104BFfOAD N09.II&I3 Pearl St . \ COUNCI - wcU nps iWiW &mk rW , $ /XmBKto& & Sfito TO LOAN ODELLBROS. & & hamberofGomattcefOJ Peor/t. > Omaha THE OF THE . = - TO-DAY 401 BROADWAY , An old established Boot and Shoe business in Council Bluffs , Iowa. The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at 413 Broadway , is for. sale and the store will be rented. Best stand and trade in city. Nearly thirty years in one location. Present stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the store , or to N. O. Phillies , one of the execu tors of the J. M. Phillips estate. N. P. DODG-E , Executor. TIHIIE : Especially AO.ipto-1 for SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Elsrators , Specifications nnd estimates furnished for complete steam pl.ints. Ilofpilution , Durability Guar anteed. tauBhow letturs iioia uaeraJieio fuel Economy U equal with Corliss Non-CondeiHlns. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 510 Pearl Shoot , Council Ululf- } . Oakland. Mr. anil Mrs. John SIvoi-s stalled Monday tor Florida , whom tliov will sjiond two or three months visiting her parents. Mr. nines , n blacltbmith of Oakland , was so badly hurt by horse that ho has been compelled to wullc with crutches for several days. The teachers' mooting hold at the school building on the 20th was quito well attended for sucii n cold day and rough roads. Miss Mary Curse , daughter of James Carso , living southwest of Oakland , died on the 21st from tlio effects of fever , from which she had suffered since early In the fall. The f uncial was held at tlio house on Wednes day , the services being conducted by the I'r'esbytorian minister of Carson. Mr , and Mrs. Judd have returned from their tour to Now Mexico , Mr. C. Jordan , from Washington territory , visited Mr. and Mis , Orr. Money loaned on furniture , plnnos , diamonds , horses , bungles or anything of vnluo at low rates of interest. No publicity ; Mi * nnd honorable dealing. A. A. Chirk & Co , , ollleo cor. JJroaUwuy and Main , over American nxproas. Men with teams desiring 'work will report at Lake. Manawa Monday morn ing , at my ice chute. 1vill pay (15 ( cents per load for hnulinp from there to my ice houbo. JAb. T. STKWAUT. Kx-Cadot Wlillfalcer a Ktanisnmri. Ex-Cudot Whittakor , the colored youth who attracted uo much intention nt West Point hovoral yeam nye by being found tied , with hi.s earn out , is now a , < aliticiiin iu'South Carolina. Ilo hau had aspirations towards a Feat in congress , but latterly ho looks to Pres ident Harrison for ollleo. In speaking about a colored man for the cabinet , ho bald : "Tho time has not como yet for a negro to bo in the position , Jt would Injure the republican party , for it would bring about disbonbions all through the party , north and south. I believe that within the next twenty years the negro will bo reprerented in the president's cabinet. " The Chautauqua ciivlo will meet Monday evening tit the board of trade rooms. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. \\rANTKD-5iilcsmnn and Kulrtladj of good i character and ability , no otliura wul ap ply. Address .M , ( ] . , lite olllcc. Council Illnili. " 1J1O iriTTlNT TliijTlnetTirtory til U k him o i ooin J. ' No. 407 llro.iihvny. 'Jhn loritlon In olio of tin ; boht In tlio city , 'llm liuildlnic IMS lie-on no- tu pled fey ilia last twenty years by .Miller VVi. , lianhMire , und \\oulil lie \eiy duslr.ible lora- lloti fnra liaitlnaia business on tout account. Julm Ilenn'-tt. LOST At the opera homo , unlink boa , I'loaso nil urn toHunnson MunluCo. , No , .KJ Ilioad- way and ruielvo umm J , ANTIUl-Two cooka and dining room girl W 0. II. Dexter , room - ' , No. as I'eurl t - propurty in extn.mgo for WANTKD-Clty Johnson .V Van ratten , UJ MalnM. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XTOriCK of ilUsoliition of co-part. inot ship. Notice In hereby Khun tliit the copaitnershlp heretofore uilst- lim between Ilia iindiirhlgned under the llrm name of I'araons .V Keller , for thu puiposn of ilo\elujiln and oiiuiatliiK a sand iinil uravtl iilt ni'ui Illnion , In > | 11H county , Iowa , in tlil clay dibsohcil by niutnul lOtiHcnt. Wltnoanour hands tills 1'Jth day uf jHiuuiry. A. I ) . . , "j " NS ' V.I. . KliM.KII. _ rut HUNT TiwollInK homo ( .f 0 roonin. No. ITliT Ninth : icnne. . riortli of 1'lantera hotel , A. .1. Stopneiiiion , VM ti. .Mrtln at. KI ) fronroom to 1 ori No. lUiT Mh avt-nne. nar transfer. OUSAI.K ) lorHe7anJiln Wjomlntf. Tlireo I7 Hundred head of horxas , marui and coltH. UanKftacIlltlea llrut clasii. As prt payment will tuke Council UlulTJ property. Oeoryu M'H- calf , 14 1'eailt-t. _ WHA'CJB ITA stock of Clothlnir. Hoot * iUlTHluio , Hats and Caps , dents' 1'iir- llnods , Dry OooiU. Invoice UO.xiO. ( What tiav you to oiler1UI Ilroadway , Council IHiUTBJnli _ FOIl 8AI.B My IIOIIKO and lot , corner Bccond n.v nti anil Ninth ntreeti aUo Iiointe and lot C-'T ; 'u til avrnun ; teims easy. I. A. .Mil. Milt. jt.nO ti MERCHANTS Who Will Save You Money 1FYOU BUYof THEM. S w i ADAMS fij to. CO.'S SHOE I I-JT- I House , SL'3 ' W ItroAiluar. W 5 * QQ Council lllullh. THE BEST. . .a w Is -I 2 CT3 ffl CHEAPEST M e As I o.an jnovo by hundicds. ' ? - - - - M Lanzondorfer & ffO f r R3 . . > " . rn . * * W * - o III 2 ? B Sirohbehn , \n. CO STICIIT. ; FIELD & ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Particular attention given to Embalming. A p. ] .l \ . Iiiln il. , Council ESIulfr. riiriiltinoro.UrliiB ] uuutly dono. Ollico uilln uticndcil piamiitly dny nnd nlRlit. GO TO THE Ami K < ; I ( lit ; l > L'sl filling Suit jou uvur luul , No , 637 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THE "FRONT I I'M II. ri'HTIIHt KOIICBI WIM < SKMj BEEF , VEAL & PORK - Or > IV OWN IIIIKS'ISO - lowaCaltle , Fedo. Iowa Corn ! And will meet any lionnitoompctHlononprlcot for 1 IIHI-I lauii Al J. M. SOAKTLAN , 1UO HrunilWAy. - - TclcplKiiio 1O1. TJtV OUK MU.SII. TIIOO. Ornrm. w. H. M. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and llroad\vay , COlMJHunUKl'H , IOWA , ni-aleiH In forolxn Mid domeotlo ekvlupKe. Ccllrrtiong uiado an 1 luteruit paid on tlmo dt > -