THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 8. 18 O.-TWELYE PAGES. 3 IN OMAHA SOCIAL CIRCLES , Condensed Rovlow of the Society Events of the Wook. THE ELKS SOCIAL SESSION. Hnppv Ilnm-H Hop Mnrrlnjjo * , Hccon- lions , llftllH , PnrllcH and Oilier So cial Xows mill Gossip In Upper Circles. Tlic Niks' Social. The moil brilliant sor-inl event of the week win that given by the Klkn nt their spacious nntl pnlntlftl ( | imrtors 011 Wednesday evening. Tlio members had modestly dubbed it tlm Indies' soclul session , ulthoiigh In reality It ws given by the gentlemen to the ladiea , nwl not by the Indies to the gentlemen , us It would nppc-ar. A lurpc number of the fair BOX were in nttondnnco , resplendent in beau tiful lollcUt , while many of Omaha's leading I > i-ofuRiotml nm5 niereiintilo UiliU ; were pres ent nnd enjoyed the delightful occasion.V. . C OrrRory presided us imisicr of cemmonics in his usiml folioitous manner. Tim curly part of the evening was devoted to a musical programme of unusual merit , It bo.lng opened with u Kolct'tlon by tlm Mandolin club. The Miulrlpnl club , consisting of Mrs. . .1.V. . Cot ton , Miss PciincH and Messrs. 1'onnoll nnd \Vilkinn , were next , announced , and their up- IKinninco brought out n round of applause. Their beautiful rendition of "Softly Kails thuKhndcs of KvonltiK" biotight out a henrty encore. Miss 1'ennell followed with n sweet contralto solo rendered In a most pleasing manner. A piano solo by Prof , llutlcr and another song by the Madrigal club followed , when Mr. Jules Lombard , the fatuous nnd patriarchal ciimpiiiun Hlniror was announced , and ap peared with a bass solo rendered in a pow erful mid ileep voice , that has lost but little by age. lie waa warml.v encored. Selec tions followed by the Mandolin club , Mrs. Cotton nnd the Madrigal club , after which the rooms were cleared of the chairs ami dancing commenced. Those who did not care to mingle in the dances entertained each other at cards. Most , elegant refresh ments were served throughout the evening in the dining hall. Among those present were : Mr. and Mrs. 1) . V. Slioles , Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph .South ard , Judge and Mrs. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. C. b. Potter , Mr. and Mrs. Dinning , Mr. and Mrs. Necdham. Mr. and Mrs. (1. II. Keslic. Mr. and Mrs. U' . U. Alexander , Mr. and Mrs. Sliull , Mr. and Mrs. Williams , Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Oravcs , Mr. amlMrs. Kin-roughs , Ulr. Hill ! M''s- Shoemaker , Mr. ami Mrs. H. CVMcUfurd , tof. and Mrs. W. JB. Hamilton , Mr. and Mrs. T. R Tuttlc , Mr. uud Mrs. S. H. Curtis , Mr. nnd Mrs Uygcr , Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McAllaster , Mr. and Mrs. J. .1 Oicltey , K. S. Howlcy and wife , .1. W. Whcoler and wife , Mr. and Mrs. Hlley , Mr. and Mrs. Holt , Mr. and Mrs. Jones , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swobe , M. A. Upton and wife , J. H. Haynes and wife , Dr. and Mrs. Stone , George H. Hoggs and ladies , Mr. and Mrs. Muentefering , Dean.Gardner nnd wife. Mr , and Mrs. Miner , the Misses Almn Uinircr. May Waterman , Misses Dunn and Wiley of Kansas City , Canflcld , Art.i Cody of North 1'ltUto , Clark , Soxauer , Me- fice , Florence ; Lee , Schneider , Motz , Kunnlo Uuttoi-ileld , M. Uuttorlleld , Plotner , Mrs. .Tcnnlo Magraae , Mrs. fnnnio Hachcrt , Misses Hlngham , of Indlnnapolis , Parrotto , Dellonc , Kotkln , Scott , Maud McClure , Kittle lirundt , Mile- riinilil , Jinnnnuii , JVIIIUH. IJUI-KUV , < , i > i. > . A . Cody , Sherman Cunilcltl , Matthews , Moody , llulett , Mills , Grid ley , Stoddnrd , Collins , 1'restou , Douglas , Jules l.oiiibnrd. Carpenter-11 lull I ps Union. At 8 o'clock Thursilny evening , January Ul , nt the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Lyiimn Carpenter. Twenty-second and II streets , South Omahn , was celebrated the marriage of Miss Mury E. Carpenter and Air. Jiimes Phillips. Miss Carpenter is ono of the most accomplished and popular of the young Indies of South Qinalin , and Mr. Phillips , who is superintendent of the ma chinery at the Armour-Cmlaby packing houses , is one of the most reliable , prosper ous and popular of the young men who mnka this tlio iimgic city. They have tlio best wishes of all hero. From hero they will go to Chicago and Toronto , Canada , and will re turn in about two weeks. They will bo ut homo at their residence , Twenty-second and II streets , on and after February lf > . The guests present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Do flrnff nnd Mr. and Mrs. George Turner , of Omaha ; Mrs. Dr. A. L. Campbell , of Lewis. la. ; Misses Clara Dural , of Omaha , and Minnie Harris , of Lewis , la. , and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Erion , Mr. and Mrs. Mauley W. Uoyloy , the IJev. Mr. and Mrs , L. H. Kddloblute , Mrs. Norton E. Acker nnd Misses Kutli Watson , Maud Eastman. Xoo Will iams , Jessie Sorago and Lizzie Pierce , and Messrs. J. M. Hidiey , N. Phillips , K. D Urittton , A. A. Munroe , Epos Cory , Colonel E. P. Savage , Howard Savage , Harry C , Miller , William H. Laughtm anil-William H. Dun ray. UJKB-fitr.MAiNn. The nuptials of Mis * KllaTronminonnd A. C. Luke wcro yesterday celebrated at 5 o'clock. The couple will ui-coiupany Mr. Biul Mrs. G , T. Hounds to Chicago. Tlio . best wishes of n host of friends go with them. Tlio Olivette Clul ) . The party given by the Olivette Social cir cle at Metropolitan hall proved a most cnjuy- ublo affair. The members of tlio club wcro out in full force with a number of invited guests. Everything passed off pleasantly am ) dnnelnc was kcnt up until n Into hour with only a slight intermission for supper. The following were among the participants In tlio dunce : Mrs. H. II. Lucas , Mrs. W. C. Kelley , the Misses IClliv O. Day , Florence Coomho , Collins , Kmma Kratz , Wallace , Hose McCown , Jesslo Munroe , May Callahan , Kate Wiirmnn , Minnie Matthews , Nellie Gray , Lena Hurt , Hattlo Hell , Austio Plai ner , Dillon , Mamie Woolonlmpp , Nellie ) Clark , lila Day and Carrlo Pruo. Messrs. C. M. Hall , A. 11. Lindloy. II. C. Pcgrnm.W. C. Peterson , Fred II , Gadd , J. J. Shucy , T. W. Cox , Harry Craw , Henry Vandorcook , C. Huntington. H. H. Lucas , W. Kelley , H. G. Wheeler. V. E. MoMullen , VV. II. Wlgman , W. Schuaf , W , D , Godfrey , E. Wessol , W. O. lirundt , O.V. . Dunn , K. M. Lewis , Charles Taylor , M. Dillon , C. A. Swan , James H. Kobliisou. Ilnppy Hours. The third party of the Happy Hours rcrlcs of dances occurred at Masonic hall Wednesday evening , and was a delightful event. The young ladies appeared in beau tiful toilets , nnd there was an unusually largo percentage of pretty faces. Among those present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Fitzmorris , Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smith , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Hurko , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Tug- Kurt , the Misses O'Connor , Swift , Jackson , Cloury , Gels , McMution , N , Heolaii , Paul , Munchoff , Morinrity , Fitzpatriok , Hayes , Whlto , MoDormott , Ebort , the Messrs. W. J. Scanlon , J. M. Million , U , J. Scunnoll , W. U. O'Shaughnessy , C. Hayes , J. C. Swift , T. T. Downey , E. Amoretta , J. Frenzy , J. Morinrity , O. A. White. J. McMnhon , P. Ward. F. H. Koestcrs , E. Tuggort , O. Me- Kcp , P. C. Hoafoy , P. McCarthy. Annn Wlhlu'H JJIrlliilny. On Thursday Miss Anna H , Wlldo cele brated her ninth birthday with a party to a number of her young friends at her home , 001 South Eighteenth , A most pleasant time was had. The little folks present were , The Misses Tot Moore , Mamie Wclty , llcssloVelty , Hosslo Iloriolu Do- laker , Klnu Shoemaker , Eva Hums , Hena Jensen , Edna Jensen , Ethel Hums , Edith lluriit > , Ethel Gclsh , Gubslo Kooty , Jesslo Lawrence , Sadlo Lolsscrring , Alice Price , Mabel Mcllrldo , Mublu Houston , Carrlo HlcliarOs , Tc.isio Hynn , The Masters Percy Jensen , Dick Wclty , Franklo Dotwcllcr , Charllo Dctweller , Jay Cook , Arthur Purr , Joe Hums ami Norman Uynu. Lowrlo-Croeker Nuptials. Miss Anna Crocker , an aocompllshcd southern lady , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. I ) . Crocker , aud George II. Lowrlo , assistant eupcrmtcmicnt of the Mollne Mllburn & Stoddnrd company , Omaha , were married on Wednesday afternoon nt the residence of the l/rido's uncle , W. M. 13rowo. oa North Six- teenth street. A number of rclntlv- find a few iptlinnlo friends \rcr present. Tb Hev. E. Graham officiated , One of the most noted events In Hebrew circles this week the wedding of Miss Esther Jacobs to Mr. Adolph Rosenberg which event took place lost Sunday evening nt. the synagoguo. Miss Jncobs hiw been i tcnchcr In the public schools for the Ins eleven years , nnd has been highly esteemed nmong her associates , In society the young lady was considered ono of the most popular in her sphere of noiiunlnUnoos. Mr. Uosen beig Is n populnrmerohantof Sehuylcr , Neb. , nnd highly spoKen of. The reception ant supper took plnco at the Metropolitan club rooms. The festivities lasted until the hours of morning twilight. Inn Hits Lodge Itcunptlnn. The first grand reception given of Jnn Hus lodge No. 5 was held ut the new McU hnll on South Thirteenth street , last evening , nm ! was a brilliant nnd enjoyable event. The beautiful hall was ablaze with llL-ht and the llnost orchestra that could be secured - cured discoursed its sweetest music A number o f Pythians from other lodges wore pre-ent. sorno In full imi- farm. Twcnt.vseven numbers were danced , supper beinir served In the upper hall at the end of the fourteenth dance. The suppoi could better be termed a banquet , the chole cst of dnntici being spread , while the richest bouquets nnd other lloral ornaments deokei ! the tables , adding greatly to their attractive ness. The lodge has been in existence less than four months , but Is In a most prosper ous condition with Haltering prospects for the future. Mr. C. C. Vodlcku is the chan cellor. _ Tlu ; HwtMliRli Charity Hull. The Swedish Ladies' Kelief society at Ex position hall last evening proved n grand success financially and socially. 1U03 tickets having been sold and . ' 1-5 persons being en masipio. OverSHOJ was cleared and will bo distributed among the poor of the city. The Drake Itcceptlnn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Drake gave a delightful re ception to their friends on Thursday evening - ing , which was attended by many of the loading social lights of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Hoscho assisted in receiving. Dancing was the onlor of the evening. HraiuloU Surprised. Some ilfty of the friends of Miss Olgii Hrandeis tendered her a surprise Thursday evening at her residence , 514 North Six teenth street. Good music , dancing , games and an elegant lunch made the evening n most enjoyable one. A lOiiuhcr I'arty. The Misfees Maggie McCarthy and Lillie Franklin entertained twelve couples at a progressive eucher parly Friday evening at their homo on Ohio street , A most enjoya ble time was had by all present. Jlnppv Twelve. The ladles of the Happy Twelve club held their weekly coffee social at the residence of Mr. H. Frey , on Soulh Tenth street , Thurs day afternoon , and a very enjoyable after noon was passed. _ ( inner a I Gossip. Captain Hustln Is in New Mexico. M. J. Harris is in Missouri Valley , In. M. E. Cookman has returned from Chicago. Mr. J. E. Smith , of Hoston , spent the past wceu in Omaha. Miss Boyil entertained a number of friends at lunch Thursday. Mii-s Bessie Martin was tendered a pleas ant surprise party on Tuesday ovcninir. Lu H. Cake , Omaha's poet , has returned after a six months' absence in the cast. The Concordia society will give a banquet and ball February 13 , at Exposition hall. Mrs. C. A. Collins gave a dainty tea party to n number of friends on Wednesday after noon. Congressman McShane left Monday for Chihuahua , N. M. . where he has mining in terests. A swell dance is lo bo trivcn al the armory of the Omaha Guards next Thursday evening. Edward A. Glenn , of Minneapolis , has been spending the past week in Omaha visit ing friends. Miss Florence Silloway entertained a few friends at the Murray Friday evening with a social hop. Robert H. Willis has abandoned his studies and returned from school onacoounlof defec tive eyesight. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn and Miss Angio 13oyco are taking a month's tour in eastern cities. Mrs. Adolph Meyer gives n large reception to her many frienas on Friday , February 8 , from 0 to 5 o'clock. The Unity Social club will give its next party Wednesday evenlnc , Feoruary 0 , at 8 o'clock , in Masonic hull. Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Hisdnn gave a euchre. party to a number of friends nt their home , on Park avenue , Friday evening. Tlio Emanon club at South Omaha now numbers Ilfty members. On Friday evening next ttic members give a phantom party. Miss Nash was tendered a most elegant party on Tuesday evening. Miss Bertha Yosi and Mrs. Gregg assisted the fair young1 hosl in receiving' . Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Perfect entertained a few of their friends at progressive euchre Thursday evening at their residence , 1118 North Twenty-fourth street. A very pleasant entertainment was given Thursday evening last by Mrs. George S. Powell aud Mrs. liuttor at the store of Mr. Butter to about twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Levy , of HonnettNob. , arrived in town yesterday nnd will bo at homo to their friends at the residence of Mr. L. A. Goldsmith , 1000 Davenport street. C. S. Raymond gave n dinner to Rev. Dr. Duryca and Rov. Dr. Gunznulus at the Omaha club rooms Friday. A small party of other prominent citizens wore also in at tendance. Mrs. J. 13. Nelson was tendered a pleasant surprise party on Wednesday evening at her homo , IftSS North Eighteenth street , that date being her birthday. Dancing was the order of the evening. Mrs. Bothin , Miss Botkln , W. U. Millard nnd wife nnd Miss Lockwood , a young lady from Washington , who has been their guest all winter , left Thursday morning for Southern - ern California , expecting to bo gone about three months. The regular meeting of the Saratoga Ly ceum last Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr , nnd Mis. J. C. Luke was the success of the season , partaking also of the naluro of a musical. An unusually Interesting pro gramme of fourteen numbers was enjoyed , which included renditions from Mrs. Luke. Miss Elite Grant , Misses Lesonten and ISurgo , and Master Osborn. Ttie other feat ures were an essay by Miss Maggie McKay , a recitation by Miss Anna Craig , an oration by Mr. Littlellold , and a spirited debate on the city hall site question. Mr. H. E. Jones was the recipient of a very ileasiiut surprise on Monday evening. A -oinpany of friends toolc possession of his home and hold high carnival until the wee small hours. Dancing and games took the .lino so that the hour of parting came all too soon. An elegant lunch was served at 11 , Among those present were : Mr. and Mrs. W , G. Horshaw , Mr. and Mrs E. S. Thomp son , the Misses Dorsoy. Taylor , Lake , Ailco .Thompson , Jones , The Messrs. Craig , McKay , Green. Whitney , MeKonzic , Dorsoy , Oak , LUtloneld , Thompson. A very pleasant surprise party was ten dered Mr. A. Housor , Tuesday evening , Jan- wry 20 , It being the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. After congratulations , some of which were offered In a very unique manner. > rogresslvo euchre was enjoyed for several tours , after which an elegant repast was lartakcn of. Among ihoso present were Mr. and Mrs , J. K , Uuray , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. ! I , McShuno , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Fitzpatriok , Mr , and Mrs. 0. Taggart , Mr. and Mrs. .1. N. avanaugh , Mr. and Mrs. M. T , Murphy , Mrs. T. MuShano , Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown- ce , Mr. and Mrs. John O'Conncll , Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Schmidt , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Smith , Mr , and Mrs , Dolss , Mr. and Mrs. Stout , Mr. and Mrs. Parks , Mr , and Mrs , gan. Mr , nnd Mrs. Goutsoll. and the Misses Creigbton , Stevens , Jackson and Miller , and Messrs. Sunstrom , Murphy and QooiUcll. V. A. S. L. A. Hammond starts this evening as rep resentative of Omaha Coleglan No. 124 , .ho bl-cnnial mooting of the chief Cologlan V. A. S. f nitarnlty to bo boM at Decorah , la. , Wednesday , Feb. 0,13s9. ECHOES FROM TflEASTE-ROOlI News nnd Qoeslp of the Week Among the FrntornltloB. THE POSTMASTER REMEMBERED. A Graceful Tribute to Professor Ilrunrr A Few 1'ytliinn Points Ioln B ofSintc fraternities Other Society News. I. O. O. P. Odd Fellowship had n boom nt Kearney. The members of Uuf- falo lodpo No. 38 were agreeably sur prised by nearly a car- lend of visiting broth ers from Wood River , Junmtnnnd Hustings. Wood river lodge was represented by Sam- PAA AU' Bt.LLUMucl Taylor , N. G. ; Honjnmin Compton , V. G.j R. II. Wcstcott , P. G. : E. C. H irpor , con. ; O. . Descoe , L. S. to V. G. ; George W. Mlller.U. S. to V. G. ; W. L. Spraguo. rec. sec. ; J. II. Leon ard , F. M. K.illlngor , John L. Hnllingcr , J. M. llonold. Juniatn lodge. No. 79 was repre sented by live members. E. G. Anccll , George T. Brown , Huifh Morcluncl , O. 1C. Palmer , and I. H. Ricket. editor of the Herald. The crowd of course was not com plete without n newspaper man. The press of Hastings was also represented by Mr. A. II. Kroxvn , of the Independent. William ( justln , of Peru , Ind. , and James T. Thomp son , ot Dubuquc , la. , completed the list of visitors. At Odd Fellows' hall in Hebron , there was hold a public double installation of oillccrs of Hebron lodge , No. 4'J ' , and of Reboknh de gree rs'o. ! li ! , of the same order. The follow ing are the ofllocrs of the tlrst named for the ensuing term : J. R. Elliot , N. G. ; C. E. Kinney , V , G. ; J. A. Kinney , secretary ; J. D. Gnrmirc , R. S. ; C. E. S. Jaync , L. S. ; M. A. Jones , 1. G. ; Henry Werner , warden. The oillccrs of the Rebckah degree are : Mrs. W. H. Hnrger , N. G. ; Mrs. II. Werner , V , G. ' , Mrs. C. E. Kinney , secretary ; Mrs. M. Bennett , treasurer ; C. Kinney , warden. # * * Vrstn Chapter. Vesta chapter No. 0O. E. S. , gave another o ! its charming hops last night at Masonic hall. Among those who cnjoye.d the event were : Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin Davis , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bryson , Mr. and Mrs. Korty , Mr. and Mrs. Horton , R. M. Patterson , Dr. and Mrs. Van Camp , J. A. Dodds , Mr. and Mrs. Cruui , Thomas Batterton , Fred Anderson , Arthur and Edith Anderson , W. N. Nason , Eugene Koyes , Mr. and Mrs. Wilson , J. IIVehror , Mr. and Mr. Liehtcnborg , Mr. nnd Mrs. Bur rows , Misses Jennlo McClclhin , Virginia Sanford , Neligh Milestone , Clara Van Camp , Edith Anderson , Nellie Smith and Fitz gerald. K. ifrY. The oftlco of quartermaster to this regi ment formerly filled by Bro. C. S. Higgins has been vacated in consequence of thu re tirement of that gentleman from the uniform ank. HissuccJ3 iha * not as yet bwn up - pointed. No. 1 , Mt. Shasta and Viola , have appoint ed a committee to take charge of the cele bration of the twenty-fifth anniversary on the 10th of February. This is the outcome of the discharge of the committee formerly constituted to cover the same ground by No. 1 rendered necessary by its too comprehen sive plan ot including the whole organiza tion of the stale in the ceremonies. The latter committee was reappointed and in cluded in iho Joint committee. The jewels of honor ordered by tno last session of the supreme lodge are in the hands of the major general for sale. The following ofllcers of Eureka lodge , No. 7 , at Nebraska City , were installed last even ing by D. D. G. C. McCallum : J. E. Conlcy , P. C. ; Ed L. Hosford , C. C" John M. Will- man , R. C. ; S. F. McMalian , P. ; F. M. Turner , K. R. and S. ; S. H. Field , M. F. : Ed McCallum , M. E. ; N. Andreasen. M. A. ; J. M. Taylor , T. G. ; L. A. Prue , O. G. ; M. S. Campbell , J. W. Waldsmith and J. M. Taylor , trustees. The ball given by the lodge at Falls City was a success. * K. 6V H. Good Will lodge is arranging a ball and re ception for Wednesday evening , February 0 , in A. O. H. hnll. Rowley block. Tcsson'sor- ctiestra will furnish the music. The com mittees are : Arrangement , Messrs. George I. Seltzer , Charles H. Burgess and George Dotterwy ; reception , Messrs. Jacob Bcil- steln , James Whipplo nnd Frank O. Doyle ; leer , Messrs. Edward B. Wcachter , Harry [ feed. David Munson. Gcortro CornptonRich ard Carr , Lpuis G. Slull undG eorgo J. Sell- zer ; door , Mr. Jacob Beilstein ; dressing- room , Messrs. James Whipplo nnd Frank O. 3oylo. The grand march will bo headed by George J. Seltzer and lady. * G. O ? O. A charter for the institulion of a council of the Grand Order of the Orient delivered at Chadron to a number of princes by the supreme orient of the world , who having arrived instituted Aladdin council No. 1004. I'lio following ofllcers wcro elected and in stalled : A. G. Fisher , O. ; L. A. Dorring- ton , V. O.L. ; A. Brewer , H. P. ; J. W. Owens , Viz. ; A. L , Miller , secretary and rcarurcr ; E. N. Bellinger , A. P. ; A , V. Harris , I. W. ; F. S. Hines , O. W. The princes wcro very quiotin working this council up , but it is now in fine working order and the princes were highly complimented by the supreme orient upon their portinacy and assiduity in bringing about this result. fills , with the exception of the council to be nstitutcd at Sidney by the supreme orient , vill bo the only council of this order bo- ween Chicago and San Francisco. The of- leers of tins council hnva also been granted a dispensation as supreme instituting ofllcers o Institute nil councils on the line of the Vemont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley In No- ) raskn , Wyoming and Dakota. They have already iccoived applications to institute our councils in this part of the state , and ho order merits the popularity it is now at- aln ing. Tlio principles of the organization are as ollows : To recognize nnd assort the fact hat thcra Is no exclusive possession of cdu- atlon , wealth or position ; to elevate man's ocial position ; to germinate ihought and father reason from symbolism ; to recognize lieso principles as having existed since time began ; to promulgate and maintain them vhlle wo live , and to hand down and to en- oin upon posterity their ox'stanco ' until time shall bo no more. * * # i. o. p. At the regular mooting on Friday M , E , Cerr was Installed as chief ranger. This ; entlemnn was ranging the forests of Penn- i.Vlvanln at the tlmo of the Installation of lis brother ofllcers , A. and A. S. It. , U. B. A. The Inauguration of thu Ancient and Ac- optcd Scottish Rite of the United Stales of America in Sioux City took up the tlmo of ho local masons and of many delegates rom Nebraska , other points In Iowa and thcr states for several days. The organiza- Ion includes sUty-fivo charter members. Upon the conclusion of the ceremonies ninety icrsons sat down to a grand banquet given n the Hotel Boogo by the Sioux City broth- en In honor of the largo representation of istlngutshed visitors. The tables were re- level of many courses , cigars lighted , and oasts responded to as follows : "Grand .odgo of Iowa , " N. U. Evarts , Web- ter City ; "Grand Consistory of Iowa. " I. Bennett , Cedar Falls ; "Cedar Rapids lodics. " E. C. Harbor , Cedar Rapids ; 'Scottish Masonry In Northwestern Iowa. " G. W. Hewitt , OraugoCity'The ; Caudl. , ates , " H. 1. Brown ; "Abstract of Our 'itlo , " Colonel Hill , Council BlutTi ; "Omaha Bodies , " II. P , Shuiuway , Omaha ; "Tho Factory No , Ooodnmn Drug Co , 1110 Vurnnm r It Mnsoii , 14th ntiil Civ s Kd Hell miI.nke. . J Itecd.ajthnnlOrnco W K Hamilton , Ifltli nnd t'nrnnm \V K llntl/ky. tilth and Williams I'll lilMhop , Summers am ! l.nVo 7. Stevens , Hill North ilst Omaha Drug Co , 1S1H Dodge .St T W Smith , No IlKJ S tilth St llll Sterns. INRI S Iflth Sayder Alllnkle. . North Iflth St J A l/ulli > r.V Co. mti find fiouelns A Schroter. No 1 , " > l7'j I'urnam J UOi-tty , 1117 Douulns .1 H Srhi iltt , Cumlngs nnd Saimders SH I'arnsworth. No 21 ir , earnings Sc honbergt-r Summer * . 1Mb ami 1'nrsnm I' llnlliiuor.rui North liith Mnx Neer. HISS lilthSt \V A HoMettvr. No E2 Cumlnirs J W Clark , Park nvonndoolworth ( bus Illiity , 111,17 Vlntonst .MnthewM A-Cuiiiihmlinm.MM North 10th T T Paulson , Kith nnd Hem nrd A It Shannon , Ian 1'nrk Ave c M Crl-.scv , 21th nnd l.ano J I rruoliiiiif , 114 S IMh J ICont ( > , IDttt and Illrkory Von ICrogc APnhl , 17th nnd Uark Coinlsh.V l.o Keviv , 211h nn.l I.ak" .1 N Drake , l.nnl.svllle. Neb. \V R MnUlurr. mth nnd Capitol nvcnuo M r. James , North Ifllli St Jnvn Cotfoe House. Ills Douglas street S S Abbott. Ashlimd , N b .1.1 Ili-nl lie ; South loth street. liiitltntn Drug Store , tilth nnd Dodgo. II M Ilrown , IWSt Mar.v'- < avenue N It Wllcov , I'nptlllon , Nell n KSIunro , ; ll North Kitli street S liliodco. STlo Cumlng street. O V I'nlmer ACe , lllnlr. Neb M C 11 'eslfiClinr Water , Neb Kuhn .V Co. . Kl Soutli Ifith street A S KmnvleH , li)14 ) North Sn'indcrs street .1.1 ( Jreer , Noitoii.'KniisaM i : Milllnger , ovford. No It , II SDyor , Cuibertson , Nob. M U ( ! ros . mil Clark street John Mnran. Cnllowny , Neb. .1 A Dnlzoll , m Sltit list Clms Knlser , Hellolm , Neb. HUr s A- mroli.-Knlrllt'ld Ne b. 1,1-J Heed , Itlth nnd Capitol live A U Amison. 1717 St Mary's nvo. D I Chirk , Ci-L" ton. Neb. ,1.\V White , Menilow drove. Nab , H HTwurts , 1717 St. wiirv's ave. A 15 Ityors , Swnnton , NebS - II .1 Slmpo fc co'jllaiil : ( Cumlng U.K. Diinbnr , AshhuuV N'eb. I'otwln AHddnnl. ( . T.I8 S Ifith st S ,1 ( iondiiinu. Tnlmniso , Neb W J Ward , IKI ! N Iflth Ht ( T Kvans , a'l-'Orant ' st W N IiUhst A H I'hllllps. ' Nellub.Neb. Clarendon Drugstore , 'J7th nnd I.nko sts K.I Hell. Ink ct IMIInll. rtnn. Neb J 'I' Mnllyimnv.Miltmi , Nob. K II Wllcliv. Schylcr , Neb 9 M dnilnghnr , CoimclllllntTs A C ICIng , Pllcer. Neb. I , M MiirXlem. I'ltUi'l'ton , Null I.nllln A-Tout. Wymoro. Sh O K Kettit * . Council mulls A. S. Knowlp ? . Siimuli-r.s St , City J 11 X.'inmormnn. HIN S tmii t Di-11 ( J Morgan \ Co. Council Illutrs lo\vn llrlminliuterAHothroek. . lied Cloud. Neb U Klshlon. Conni'il Illulls IVo KCrndon , Albion. Nob. .1 Dirkey. Council Illnirs H. C. smith , Arlington , Nuhrnskn. otto envoy. 1'rlenil. Nebraska. John Tobln , Slorllim , Colorado. I ) . I. Clark , Oroston Nebraska. I. . M. MnckU'in. Kullerl ) ii , Ni-b askn. ficorue II , Smith. Nowmiin's ( irove.Nebrnsk't : Mover A-CD , lion. Nolir.iskii. A Ixountznmn , I'lvmont , N b < ! W Ilrown , ( Vntnil City , Neb ( Joe II llurford ACe , llnttlo Creek , Neb Philip Krnni , I'lattMimmth. N b 15 II Trncy A : Co , Norfolk , Neb A Aimimlsnn , Hnrtlngton. Neb V II Downs. Ponder. Neb A D - ( tor , Vllro. . Coimoll lllnll.s. lown. T W Smith , lllite sprlnga. Neb N Ni'Non , llarlliiL'toii. Neb T I1 Clark , Ponder. NVt > Kelley A Voimkornnui , do A Ste'.M. AMlilnnd. Neb ! ' I' Manuel , Serlbner. Neb lloss llros. llovvellM. N.'b Chillies llncer ACe , Council IHliHs , low * c Ilinmelc'th , ixiiisr. .Mary's are , Omaha Crlsl Melrhpr. South Omaha , Neb. S.I Oilffll. I.inroln Neb. Kdimr Aplln , I11' ! loiilautroot. ) ! ( . I ! A .McDonald , ( otmcll llhllls , la. Ulinnln ASon. . Decatnr N b. ( , eo II Holland , I ted cloud \e . C. S. Torblti , W 1'nrimm xtraot. TO Illi-kmaii. Crnltf , Neb. W M llnrman , Mls-ouvri Valley In. S'l'miermnn , niierliir. Nob. James Kennedy , IJeciitiir Neb. FOR THE BEST CLEAR HAVANA CIGAR for GALLON PEYCKE BROS. Co. , - - Sole Agents , Omaha. Nebraska Any dealer purchasing 1OOO of the above cigar can have his name in the this advertisement Supreme Consistory , " G. A. Trambes' Mears , Mich. Thu homo members con- ributcd interesting talks , nnd Mr. Crane , of Councill Bluffs , made the concluding tpecch in happy and fsjicitous style. A. O. * ft. W. The newly elected officers of Arnpnhoo lodfio No. 104 were installed as follows : R. S. Cliild , master workman ; VV. N. Bowman , foreman ; Carl loth | , overseer ; P. A. Albee , recorder ; J.V. . Kvnns , receiver ; J. D , Beach , linancier ; Charles Pratt , guide ; J. Wagner , inside watchman ; H. H. Bellamy , outside watchman. The lodfjo is starting outwith its best foot foremost and is greatly encouraged with prospects of increase in numbers aud usefulness. * if , O. A. K. The officers of Gould post No. 210 , nt Uo- nublican City ; of Bclpiont post No. 170 , at " \Vakefield \ , nnd of Mission Uulgo post No. WO , at Greenwood , w.ore installed last wouic. There was an enjoyable dinner and campfire - fire nt Dawson. On Washington's birthday the post nt Harvard will dance and sup. nlid A. M. County Superin tendent Bruner is to day one of the happi est nnd proudest men in Omaha. Last week Mr. Bruner cel ebrated the forty , eighth anniversary of his birth , and St. John's lodge of Free masons , to which ho belongs , gave him a great surprise. It came in the shape of a past master's jewel , studded with diamonds , richly carved and appropriately engraved. II. W. Koysor made the presentation speech as follows : Worshipful Master : I desire to say a few words touching a matter that lies close to the hearts of us all. In doing so I shall ad dress myself directly to a member of this lodge , who is well known in every Masonic home aud mystic circle in our growing city. He is a pillar in our fraternity in the stale of Nebraska ; a pillar that unites In itself nil the excellencies and harmonies of the orders of nrchitcclurc which he often oloquenlly de scribes in our middle chamber work ; for he is cleric m the strength nnd ability with which ho labors among us ; Ionic , in the gracefulness nnd case of the performance of his duties , and Corinthian , in the beauty of his devotion lo Masonry and in his exempli fication of his many virtues. Brother J. B. Bruner , I refer to you. If wo are correctly informed , you will soon cele- brale Ibe forty-eighth anniversary of your birth. For the earnest , fnilhful man a birth day is a pnrion for pleasant retrospection and personal Joy ; for his friends , it is an occa sion for congratulations and expressions of respect. You have had many such many an niversaries , and many of them hnvo found you an actlvo mason and an ardent member of our beloved lodge. For four years you presided over it with the punctuality , pre cision and dignity of the true worshipful master. You arc now serving In a minor of fice in iho same spirit and with the name satisfaction to your lodge. As entered ap prentices wo have had your aid and cncour- ngcmeut ; as fellow-crafts wo hnvu re ceived your counsel nnd admonitions ; nnd as master masons wo have enjoyed your friendship and brotherly love. It is , there fore , but natural that wo should seek a chan nel through which lo express our grallludo and to tender our best wishes on this happy anniversary. And'this wo now do in a way that we trust wo can never forget and that yon will always remember with Kindness. Hero in open lodge , nt. the conclusion of our labor in one of the noblest of tasks , the rais ing of a master mason , I have the pleasure of adorning you with this handsome badge. It comes to you from the friendly hands and warm hearts of 'your brothers in St. John's lodge , not simply as-a reward for your as sistance nnd service * , but rather us an en during manifestation of their esteem , and of theiu appreciation of your devotion to , thc principles of their order. Wear it , my brother , on all filling occasions , for nqthlng more becomes a man than the tokens , of the nprobation of those who know him. Wear it , my brother , for our sake ; and Uilsj'ou can do. I assure yoj , with the proud cousplousncss that no man on earth wears n bdflgVmoro honorable , or inoro significant , than this radiant jewel. It is masonic In its form and almost divine in its expression of brotherly love. Wo will Join in tendering our hearty congratulations , trusting that the ( Joil of all true masons will bless you uud grant you many a year for the enjoyment of your order , and of the fruits of a full masonic life. * i > modern Woodmen. There was a regular meeting Wednesday night which developed features of unusual interest to the members. A . 'number of the sturdy wioldcra of the fraternal and social axe spoke of methods calcu lated to clear away the jungle of Ignorance , superstition and prejudice that has grown up around the natural fratorn al and social impulse of man. Doubtless the utterances gave Impetus of weight to the labors of the order. Messrs. Lydick and Bacbman and a visitor from ICcarna.v rji appropriate selections that were well re ceived. At the conclusion of the session n eom- paiiy of liluftltcs appeared , and Grand Pasha Jim Keith , of Council Bluffs , took the chair and instituted a rank of the Priuco of the Orient. Neighbor Cole took a degree with enjoyment that was only surpassed by the sense of the humorous situation developed nmong the assembled princes. The following is n list of the oflk-ers of the now lodge ; .1.11. McCoy , grand padisher ; II. W. Spoerri , grand pasha ; Dr. L. A. Mcr- riam , grand vi/.icr ; J. T , Yates , grand prophet ; G. T. Lydick , grand liornld ; George S. Mack , grand wardsiimu ; George S. Cott , grand vidcttn ; C. M. Bachmnn , grand secretary ; M. E. Kerr , grand treas urer ; J. H. ICobulcno , grand masterpiece manipulator. The ball and banquet of Hazel Camp No. 120 of Council Blulls on Tuesday will attract a large attendance from Omaha. The Omaha continccnt will appear at the Millard corner at S0 : : ! p. in. sharp nnd take the motor. Tlio affair promises a pleasant evening. At a meeting of Hed Cloud Gump No. COS , Iho following oflicers were oleclcd nnd in stalled for the ensuine year : .f. L. Miller , V. C. ; D. F. Trunkey , adviser ; L. H. Wnl lace , banker ; C. F. Gather , clerk ; Charles Palmar , escort ; Mason Fisher , watchman ; G. II. Whitson , sentry. Life. The loncrcst story shaped by lips left something - thing still untold A bigger measure than it gives Life's silent side doth hold ; Disjointed actions men may take and call it life entire When writing a biography 'tis all that wo require ; For that ono does not live who could man's inner life declare , Nor over lived that one who would his qtiiv- 'riiig heart lay bare ! We cannot count our own Life's pulse , much less our brothers' then , Nor see the heart's true blood course 'ueuth Hie outward sccming's vein ! Wo cannot sea inside man's actions only form n wall About his inner life ; 'tis when his word best covers all Than silence could , that he allows his tremb ling lips to speak Ho laughs to hide from us the fact that 'nuath his heart doth break ! Vol shall wo say each laugh we hear some secret tear enfolds I No ; this but shows the self same act such different meaning Jiolds ! A sigh speaks not ill way of Life's sorrow or Hopo'H defeat , And tears are words which tell the tale of joy or grief complete. Now York Morning Journal : Now York Girl Why < lo you dislike "Mac beth , " Mins Lakeside ? Chicago Girl Because tragedy seems so common place to mo. You know my papa 1ms ti slaughter-house. SPECIAL SALE. ANDSl'KCIAI , I'HIOF.SON .MKN'S THOU- KI'.IIB Ksncclally at this keimoii. Wo nroHiiro you will uppriT-luto uliiit we nro ilolni ; , IAXJII ut our window unit you ran neit u fnwof llik ImrKiiliis. Comu In ami wo will t-bu\v yon with Ql iYPEWRlTiNG STANDARD I' HOROUGHLY CHOOL 1 AUGHT , 4lit fjhcelcy IlluuU , Omulm. TheHUS Sanitary Plumbing- ! Steam and Hot Water Heating- ! Gas and Electric Chandeliers ! Art Metal Work , Stable Fittings , Fountains , Vases , Etc , LAItftKST STOCK. rBXKS'I' ยง Ra WKOOMS WIWT F UBBJCAGO fcirWe make ti specialty of repair work on Plumbing , Cns ! or Heating Appar atus. Prompt , attention. Skillful ineelitmies. Personal supervision , and charges always reasonable as iirst-class work will allow.$9 Twonty-flyo yotira' practi cal o'xporionce. Visitors to showrooms always welcome. THE HUSSEY & DAY COMPANY 4O9-411 South I5th Street. PAID UP CAPITAL , $300,000. SURPLUS $40.000. AMERICAN LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY , K IJEPAKTMKIMT- UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Interest on deposits , compounded soml-annually. Savings Certificates with Interest coupons attached. DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of S2OO , S30O , SHOO , and SI000 , based upon First Mortgage Real Estate Securities deposited with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company of New York. Drafts drawn on the principal cltlos of Europe. A. C. POWELL. , CASHIER. DIRECTORS : : 0. M. CARTER , Pros. D. D. COOLEY , V.-Prcs. PHILIP POTTER , Sec. J. J. BROWN. ALVIN SAUNDERS. C. S. MONTGOMERY. i. FRED ROGERS. DEWEY & STONE , A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamenta in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices . OMAHA DISPENSARY. NcnvnL's , Cuii'iNir nnd I'IIIVATI : DISKAHISI o ( Mr.N nnil WOMISN iiiirce.ssfully trontoj. YOUNG MEN PulTcrliiK from Ilin offerls of youthful lollli'i or In fllscrclU'i ' ) , cirurt ) tionltk'il \ \ \VniiknuiH , Nurvom liability , I . ' "i ill Memory , Dupponili'iic ) ' , Avuriimi lo Kurli-ty.Kliliiuy Tioutil < > . nr nny illni'iisu nf tliu iii > nitu- UrliiMi' uruniiii.ciiii licrutlmlii unit-ami s'pci.'dycjiru , H rcasuimblo oiivclally tn thu poor , MIDDLE-AGED MEN I'lirrpnrn nmnjr troubled with too frno'iiinnt oviio- niitliini of the hlnitilcr , ollc"i urcoaiimnluJ hr xllulit Binurllnx or burnliix hunniUon , innl wuukuiilnif ol iliu feyptciu liiu nmnn < * r the imtiimt ntimot uurntint for. On oxuiiiliiliiu tin ) urliunv dcnoxtt1 * ft rooy fliulimonl nlll oIK.'ll tiu loiind , innl imim'tlnicit aiunll pmiclt'i of ultmmon will iipppur , or tint color will bo of it thin mllkliili luii' . iiL'Hln cli nilnk' ton ilnrk or toniMnp. pt-aruncc. Thuni urn immy men nhiiillc at thin 111111 * fully , liriuirniit of tlm fiiunv , which la thn K-cund tnititot nominal wenkno * * . 'Ilia doctor will uuiit Hiilonn perfect cure In all such cnoen mid u hnillhy resolution of th i/cnUo-iirlimrv uruniif , OjllsullU' lion Irce , N.'iul lor 'i tuml Mump "Young Man's ' Friend , or Gu'.do ' to Wedlock , " nun : TO AM , . AIIIMII.SS : DR. SPINNEY & CO. , N. K. ( 'or , llHli & DuiiKliu Sis. , or National IMs- pensury , coruur U'tli and Mnln , Kunsui City , Mo. State Line. To ( ! lasio\v \ , lltlfiist , JJublln ant ! LI > cvjool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin pnssnKe 15 nrt W , accordliiB trt locution of Btatn room. Kxr.urslon Wt to VM. Bteoruce to nnd from Kurop < j Mt Lowest Htitcg , AUSTIN 1IAM\V1N&L' ) ( ) . , Uon'l AKonts. KI llroailwiiy. Nmv lork. JOHN 111,150 KN , Ocn'l VV'c-Btt-ni A ciit , 164 Kamlolpn Kt. , Chicago , HAHHV K. M001tis. : Agent , Unmlia. Rcducort Cabin 1 1st tea to Gluagow Ex- liibUion. _ _ " \l \ I nUCYttt"l a" urinary trouble * caslly.qiilclc" MUMtl lyauiliiafcly cured by DOUl'UUA ( Jap. tuleu , HoverJl cat > s cured III Hnven ( lay . Bold f 1.60 ner box , KKl. , or by mall from cutaMfc.Co Jl'4 White 8t..N. V. Tull Direction * J > ll. U , I * . Wr.KT'fiNlIIIVK AMI lilt UN TltKAT- Jirwr , a Kiinrniitc'cil hiicclllc for HyMerla , Dlzzl- net ) ; > , 1'oiivulHlonfl , 1'ltn ' , NiirvoiiH Neuralgia , Headache , Nfti'voim I'rontrallon cmisod by tlio IIMMII alcobol or toliaccn , WitkefiiliienH , .Muntnl Depression , Bofienlng of DID llralu n.'MiltJIIK In i Insanity iiml loaillng to mlhcry , decay mid ilcittli. I'rematuruOld Agu , HarruiiiK'HH , leaH of I'uui-r li | I'lthur ux , Involuntitry l.ossti.s nnd Hrx'riiinlnrrliii'n caused by ovcr-i-.vcrtlon ot tliu brain , alf abiiHu or over lndiilKi > nci ) . Kuch box contains onu iiiDiilli'H tri-iitmont , 91 a box , or six < for t& , sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt or price , WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With ouch oniur received bv UK for MX boxi'.s , accompanied with $5 , wo will send the purchaser our written giinninteu to ro- fiind tlm nuiniiy If thu treatment does not oln-ct nciiru. ( jiiaranleeN Ihsued only by ( looiliuan Drug Co. , li nt'glHtH , Hole Agents , UK ) rarnura isticct. Omulm. ub. iron SALE i- EVERYWHERE : . CURED * "J M)1SF-H INIIKAtf I mtfmia KM .nllnly oi rtom by r.efirn. l-pr.'dTUBUlARfAHCUJHIpNS ! y.uiacox. Hriiiro.4 r , ror. VlLLw WIITrlw ILLl'iT U > UOC < J ttOQtl , U/Ffllf "I- " ' . cirorii , rnrl /ay. .ont rnaiihood , riu. 1 t.111 M > nil a tfcl * ( w-AlrJ ) rontalnlntf full itartlcuUn tut l.nrn * < Mir , f " nf rlaofe. Addrrvi. PROP.F.O. FOWLER. MooclU6. Conn. -c I