2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUISTDAY , FEBRUARY 3. 18S9. TWELVE PAGES , ECHOES OF THE GREAT FIGHT Submission Still the Uppermost Topic nt the Capitol. THE FULL TEXT OF THE BILL. Cold Wntcr Solons Hnilly ClrcnlntlnR YnrriN of Hrn7X5ii Ilrlborjr on tlio Part of tlioVnU's L < frlnlatlvo Gossip , Tlio SnlmtlsHlnn Fit-lit. LiNfot.s , Nob. , Fob. 2. [ Special to TIIR JJKU. I Most of thu legislature has gone liomc to draw from its fountain of inspira tion. The senate chamber has been deserted except by the very few senators who have Bet up their household goods in Lincoln for the time being. Submission remains the up permost topic among the few herd , nnd the patriots never tire of tolling how they fought nnd bled for their country. These righteous f-cntUuncn nro also spinning yurns nnd filling attentive cars with talcs of brazen bribery. They attribute iho absence of a liquor lobby earner In the session to the Peorla whisky trust , which , they assert , Instructed Peter Her not to exert himself unless the senate passed the Lindsay bill. These virtuous Colons pretend to know that there was WO.OOO In Iho pot before $1-1,000 of it got away. Sev eral representatives who voted ngainst sub mission nro under the Imputation of having received a share of the tardy boodle , nnd u number ot the hollcr-thnn-thous nro willllng to be applauded on suspicion of having re sisted the blandishments of the wily seducers. If one-fourth of the insinuations of the submissionists had any tangible basis In fact , it would bo ground enough for an in vestigation , but no move In that direction Las been proposed. V * As Indicated by Tim Hr.r.'s dispatches , the fight on submission has been a pretty oven struggle , with the chance of battle wavering in jiicurtalnty. When the special train re turned with Senator Tageart at half past 11 last night the submissionists were not agreed us to their course. A Imsty conference of thu leaders was held on the floor , und the management of the contest was put Into Church Howe's hands. When the gentleman Irom Kcmnlm moved to concur in thu house amendments ho told the senate that submis sion was a settled fact it was only n ques tion of taking it mixed or straight. Then ho unfolded his scheme for putting the original Lindsay bill through the house if the senate refused to pull the triggers on the double- barreled arrangement. Nesbitt , till then nn unknown quantity , made another of his little teeter board speeches , landing finally iu Camp Howe , and that settled it. 1'opo Joined their forces , explaining that by thus straddling ho gave a vote to botli factions in his district. Polk , who dodged in the senate last week , came up to the scratch. These two accessions made the twenty-three ayes. The demands of THE Bui : and other papers for reasonable economy in the management of state affairs are bearing fruit. Both Louses : uro calling on various expensive state institutions for detailed reports of their operations , which will be subjected to the closest scrutiny. Hansom's bill to abolish the live Block commission is meeting with much favor among the farmers in the house , nnd ut this writing Its passage is probable. U'he state university is coming in for atten tion , and some of its barnacles will bo knocked off. Prof. Billings and his hog cholera will have to go , and the appropria tions for other departments will bo reduced. ITlio militia will bo put on shorter rations , too. There is a suspicion thai Iho lasl ap propriation has not been spent wisely and carefully , and the semite has a search war- fcant out for information on that score. Other institutions will undergo a similar Bcrutiny , and tlicro will bo rotrcnchmcul nil along the line that is , if Iho members seek ing appropriations do not inako Bueh a shameful combine ns dis graced the last , legislature. . It is the scheme ot the sportsmen to hold the appropriation bills till the end of the session and then run them through under whip and spur. Senator Mesbltt is making an effort to secure for the ponute nn opportunity to carefully consid r the appropriations. Ho has put through a resolution asking the/liouso to send its bills ever not later than February 16. It is not likely the house will meet the senate's Wishes ns to date , but if the bills reach the tvcst end of the capilol by Marcti 1 , it will bo to jKjlut gained. Thu apparent neglect of the railroad lobby > s commented on , but it is only apparent. Epics are on watch , but thus far they have little occasion for alarm. The number of bills affecting the railroads is surprisingly email. The principal measure in the house is Hull's bill , fixing n schedule of maximum { rates , but it has made little progress. Tha Donate ) commlttco has had only two railroad iillls before It. One is to tax sleeping and joining cars , nnd the other is to luuko all rail- jroad t'ransferaolo by delivery. Senator Sutherland's resolution ordering the trans portation board to makon schedule of freight rates , has provoked no discussion and little comment. The .Submission Hill. LINCOI.X , Nob. , Fob. 2. 'Special to THE J3EE.The ] following is the full text of the eubmlssioii bill , as llnally agreed to by the pcnatc : Section 1. That nt the general election to bo hold on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November , A. D. 1890 , there shall bo submitted to the electors of this state for Approval or rejection an amendment , to the constitution of tills state in words as follows : 'The manufacture , sale , und keeping for fealc , of Intoxicating liquors as a beverage , nro forever prohibited in this state , nnd the legislature shall provide by law for the en forcement of this provision. " And theru phall also at said election bo separately sub mitted to the electors of this state for their npproyal or rejection nn amendment to the constitution of the state in words ns follows : "The manufacture , sale nnd keening for Pali ; of intoxicating liquors as a beverage , fehall be licensed and regulated by law. " Soft Inn " . At such election , on the ballot Df citoh elector voting for the proposed mnemlinimts to the constitution , shall bo Vrittcn or printed the words : "For proposed amendment to the constitu tion , prohibiting the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as n beverujro , " or "Againstsald proposed amend- piont to the constitution prohibiting the man- afaoturo , sale und keeping "or sale of Intoxi cating liquors as as u beverage. " There phall also bo written or printed on the ballot pt each elector voting for the proposed nmcmlmunduiont to the constitution , the 'tvords : "Fur proposed amendment to the constitu tion that thu manufacture , sale und keeping lor sale of intoxicating liquors UH a beverage In till * state , shall bo licensed nnd regulated by law,1' or , "Against said proposed amend' ' pient to ttio constitution that the manufac ture , bale and keeping for Kale oflntoxluntliiK liquors as u beverage shall bo licensed und rcculatt'd by law , " . Section H. If either of the said proposed amendments shall bo unproved by a majority Df tlio electors voting ut tha said election then It shall constitute section 27 of article 1 Ot the eitistltutiou of this state. Legislative Notes. LINCOI.X , Neb , , Feb. 2. fSpooial to Tnu per. . ] The members wore all glad to got a cbaneoto uo homo , and very few , whobo families are not with thorn , could he found In the rlty this morning. Mr Oiuly does not dwlro any socclalcredit for the success of the high license amend- incut. Itaynor and Gllchrlst wore-Just us fstrongly in favor of the measure , and did ery effective work In bringing the radical members over to their position. MrMIIlim , of Douglas , whoso seat is In , loopunly , agreed 4o support thu dual scheme ; but on consulting with his colleagues , hu , nulckly hedged , and implored Cady to re lease him from uU promise. Nim Tuesday Morrisey's boast that the X ) . & M. would spend $10,000 rather than see Jiim unseated will be put to the test. Boodlu failed to got in Its work on the committee , uud it will have uo influence wltU iho repub licans of the nouso. Mu.'o.v'a ' bill to abolish the oil Inspector ivenl through the house by u vote of ( U to 10. .The dmncos are Uiat thu board of regents Jvlll be hauled over the eotiU At u lively rale l > y the house , ou account of such reelless vubto nf the people's money , in employing | ) r. Hillings to experiment with hog cholera , D'lie itemized account of UUlluga1 cost , to the state , ' M published In thmorning's QBE , at tracted much. attention among the law mak ers rcmalnt-iR.In the city. "How much docs It cost to shoo a horsol" said Heprcsontatlvo Hanna to Corbln In the house this morning. "One dollar if you out on old shoes , nnd f2 If they are now , " was the reply. "Well 1 see Billings hn * charged the state ? 1.7.'i , " remarked Hanna , "nnd I guess then the shoes must hava been silver tipped. " Postmaster Getter , of the senate. Is evi dently the right man in the right place. Ho is very considerate and obliging , and places the press gang under many obligations for favors , Next week the appropriation bills will come in and the friends of this and that in stitution will begin to lay their plans and form their combines to sweep the platter. In the house * , noworer , they will not have plain sailing by any means. The farmers in that body are on the lookout and extravagant nnd reckless wnstu of the people's money will not bo permitted. Adjutant ( icneral Oolo has got out n re port , which is most fearfully nnd wonder fully made. It is nothing more nor less than n botch of the worst description. Ho asks the modest sum of 8100,000 to maintain his department for the ensuing two years , From the prevailing sentiment of the house ho will bo lucky if the whole business does go where the "woodbine twlncth. " An ap propriation of $10,030 la every dollarho ; will got at most , nnd this can only bu seemed bv a series of skillful combines. And now the oil room will open and the festive lobbyist revel In clover the rest of the session. The mill-monopoly bills will soon bo reached on the house calendar uud "inllooenco" will be needed to lay them in their little beds. THU S Green Di-lvorn Ciuisc a Little Kiot and n Colllnon. Nr.w Yoinc , Feb. 2. Many of the strikers have returned to work and those who nro holding aloof appear to ho only half-hearted in their obstinacy. At the hour for starting the cars on several lines that wore running yesterday scarcely a striker was to bo seen. At 0:80 : n. m. all the cars of the Third , Fourth and Sixth avonuelliws were runnlnp , and thu Bleekcr nnd Twenty-third stroul roads considerably increased Ihe number they ran yesterday. At 12:15 n mob nt Tentn street and Avenue C , near the cross-town car stables , tried to force a green driver from his cur. A couple of policemen , after a hard struggle , drove the crowd back. Ono striker was severely clubbed nnd bad to bo taken to a drug store for treatment. Because of the awk wardness of n crecn driver a smash-up oo- eurred on the Broadway railroad at Bleelcor street this forenoon and one horse was killed. Nearly the entire Broolslyn police force were guarding Uichurdson's Fifth avenue line to-day , over which several cars have been run , Shortly after 2 p. m. the belt line started a car and made thu entire circuit of its route. The car was accompanied by a largo force of polico. Between F ty-secoud and Fifty-third streets cars guarded by police wore assailed with bottles and stones by a crowa of about 2,000 men and boys. The police dashed Into the crowd and they scattered in all directions. Over 200 conductors and drivers came from Boston and Philadelphia to-day and found employment on the various lines. _ BUFI'AIiO'S FIUE. Ono or the Greatest Tlint tins Ever Vislicil the City. BorrAi.0 , N. V. , Feb. 2. This morning between ! 1 and 7 o'clock , llninci destroyed fully $2,000,000 worth of property on Seneca street , Exchange street and adjoining streets. The following buildings wore burned : Hof- fcldl's Icalhor and belting works , the Na tional Express company's barns , Jowett & Co. , steve warehouse ; Root & Keating , solo leather ; Sibley & Holmwoodcandy ; Swift & Stumbacb , slaves ; S. F. Egan and A. T. Kerr , wholesale liquor dealers ; Broozol and Arlington houses ; Danbury Hat Manufac turing company ; T. W. Reynolds , shoes ; J. E. Lewis & Co. , wholesale groceries ; Sidney Shepard & Co. , tinware ; Henry Hoarn , candy ; Fowler & Sons , carriage hardware , nnd a number of other buildings. The flro wus discovered on the fourth Jloor of the live-story building owned and in u great part occupied by Hoot & Keat ing , wholesale solo leather dealers , at 2iO : ! this morning. A strong wind was blowing and the flames soon had n good hold on the building. At 3:20 : the rear of the six-story brick building of Sibloy & Helm wood adjoin ing , caught lire. It , contained nearly fifty tons of starch , which burned like tinder , car rying the flames over the entire building. From tlicro the flumes were communicated to Swift & Stuuibach's and T. C. Reynolds' stores and the Braczol hotel. The guests hastily moved their baggage from Ihe hotel with the hole of Iho firemen. To add lo Iho dilllcultios of the firemen sleet began to fall in torrents. The scene on Carroll street was appalling , On the north side of the street the Sibloy & Holmwood building was in ruins and the Jewell building was blazing from basement to roof. At4I5 the'walls of the Jewell block fell with a shook that fairly shook the surrounding walls. A frantic struggle was made to get out the horses from the stable next lo Iho Jewell block. By 4:1 : ! > the front of the Bruuzol house fell In with u thundering crash , the firemen in front narrowly escaping death. Despite the efforts of the flroinon , KLMM'S whisky store was In full blaze. Tlicro was nothing to do but leave the ffro to run its course. By 5 o'clock the Seneca street stores up to Shopard's ' liud been gutted. The lire ex tended from A. J. Kerr & Co's ' down to Sid ney Shopard's. All of Wells street Is burned through to Uxchaugo street und the corner is burned out completely to Iho Arlington house. The fire is still raging , but under control. It is dinicult to give individual losses , but the loss on the liroe/.el house cannot bo less than $1 < M,000 ) , probably aboul $200,000. Care ful estimates place thu entire loss at between $2,000,000 and $3,030,000 , and oven this may bo too low. Thu rear walls of the Arlington hotel have fallen , killing ono fireman and injuring an other. Later estimates makes the total losses foot up lo $2,785,000 , Opinions have been given , however , that it will not fall short of $3.000,000. The principal losses are figured about as follows : Hoot & Keating , r.50,000 ; their tenants , f200,000 ; S , S. Jewell & Co. , $200- 000 ; Brooscll house , f 100,000Sibloy ; & Holm- wood , * 150,000 ; Fowler & Sons , $50,000 ; S. F. Egnn , flO.OOO ; Sidney , Shepard & Co. , $50,000 ; tlio Arlington hotel , 84,000 ; A. T , Kerr & Co. , 10,000 ; Strootmun , buildings and tenants , $ r ooooo. The Work of Inoonilliirlna , FORT SMITH , Ark. , Feb. 2. The now dis trict court house of Scullyvilla county , Choctaw Nation , with all the county records , burned Thursday night. It U supposed to be the work of an Incendiary. 0'imiuN's wiirrAij XUKA.TMKNT. It May Lead to Serious Trouble in Ireland. DUULIK , Fob. 2. Thomas Sexton yester day telegraphed to Bulfour , chief secretary for Ireland , saying that the treatment to which William O'Brien had been subjected since his Incarceration in the Clonuicl Jail had excited intense disgust In Ireland. Sexton - ton says that for thirty-six hours O'Brlou had remained naked und is now speechless. Thu prison ofllcials , considering O'Brien to be In u critical condition , had lolographcd to Balfour for orders. Sexton therefore urged Balfour to Issue orders that the violent treat ment of O'Brien be at once stopped , and warned him that public anger wus rapidly Hearing the point where restraint would be impossible. Bulfour refused to answer tha communication from Sexton. Arrangements are being made for holding meetings every * where in Ireland to express indignation at the treatment of O'Brien. The lull oniulals at Clonuicl to-day deny that O'Brien Is speechless. They state that on the contrary ho was quite well last night and this morning , It Wan Not Urgent. PAIIJS , Feb. 2. In the chamber of deputies to-day Cueuu : ( Bonapartlst ) made a motion demanding urgency for the scrutln d'arron- dUscBiout bill offered by the ministry , Flo- quot , prime minister , hold that urgency was nucdU'ss. Tlui inotlou wait defeated by u vote of : .M to 174. THE ATTORNEY GENERALSHIP A Strong Probability That Bvarta Will Fill It HE EXPECTS THE APPOINTMENT. And Will Accent the Oftlco If ITof- erred Him All IHOII Thinks the Trcasnrj-shlp Will Go to the West. WASHINGTON UUIIBAU TiiBOM\tu Una , I 613 FoUHTBBXTItSTaKKT , V WASIIINOTOX , D. O , . Fob. 2. I Senator William M. Kvnrts , of Now York , will not bo surprised or displeased if ho Is asked to take Ihe attorney generalship under President Harrison. In fact ho expects mi invitation of this kind and will accept. There was a dinner given last night at which there were about fifteen of the most prominent republican ami democratic senators present , Ala tlmo when tongues began to limber under the warmth of the courses ono of the guests proposed the health of "William M. Evurts , the next attorney general , " Every man arose , quaffed oft his beverage , and then Mr. Evarts responded. Ho thanked his friends for the compliment , and in such a way that nil recognized something moro than mere pas time in the proceedings. The incident pro voked not a lilll'j comment , and on the strength of It there was a general expression that Mr. Evart's selection to the attorney generalship would not only bo a good one , but that it was the desire of all present , nnd furthermore that it was probable. An effort was made to keep the mailer n secrcl , bul it has cropped oul , nnd at the capltol much favorable comment was made upon It. wisT\v.uin : rou TUEASUIIV TIMIIEII. So far as the Now York republicans In Washington are concerned there will bo no disappointment if the secretaryship of the treasury goo * to the west. They expect this to bo done. There are no astute politicians hero who have at any time during the past three or four weeks believed that New York would secure the financial port folio. folio.Who Who will constitute the council of Presi dent Harrison was tlio topic of discussion by Senator lllseock and Representative Will- lam Walter Pholns , as they sat on n lounge In tlio hall of the house of representatives this afternoon. At the end of their consul tation Mr. Phclps saw Senator Allison , imd immediately thereafter your correspondent saw the New Jersey man. "Do you think Now York will got the secretaryship of the treasury ! " tasked. "No , " was tlio decisive answer given Instantly and without hesitation. Senator Allison docs not regard his refusal of the treasury portofnlio as in any degree brightening the prospects of the cast in securing that position. He expects it to ire to the \vcst. Greater interest is shown here in the make-up of the cabinet just nt this tlmo than during the period when It was bo- lloved that Senator Allison was stated , or in f .vet at any time before ho was offered Iho treasuryship. Representative Stecle , of In diana , who is a warm personal friend of Gen eral Harrison , will louvo for Indianapolis to morrow to see tlio president-elect. During the past twenty-four hours hu has talked to nearly every nrominont republican in both houses of congress , for the purpose of ascer taining what is desired in relation to the secretaryship of Ihe treasury. Every section of the country , ho says , waives Its personal desire and the unanimous wish Is that President Harrison shall select Iho ablest financier to bo found , without any respect to recognition of section. The New Yorkers nnd the New England people say they do not want to influence General Harri son one way or the other. They only ask that the very best man bo selected. So far us it is known here , Now York Is making no special effort lo secure Iho trcasuryshiD. It is taken for granted thai General Harrison some time ago made up his mind that he would go west for his treasury timber. CONSOLIDATION OP LAND OTFICHS. The secretary of the interior has bean urged by Holmau and other democrats of the house to consolidate us many laud ofllces as possible , under Iho law requiring the consoli dation. of land olllccs , when the area of vacant lands has fallen below 100,000 acres within n district. The secretary of the interior , n short time- since , called upon Iho commissioner of the general land oflico for reports ns to the several land ofllcos in Ne braska , notably the Blooniington ofilco. The commissioner has made a report to the secre tary in response to such call , that the vacant lands in the limits of the Bloomington dis trict uro reduced to a little more than three thousand acres. Thereupon the secretary in dicated his intention to consolidate that olllce with the olllco at , Lincoln. Senator Paddock has Just had an interview with the secretary upon the subject. He insisted thai the the ory under which the amount of vacant lands in a district shall bo determined , namely , that any tract filed upon shall bo treated as segregated , and no longer vacant land , shall bo changed in respect to ttio lands disposed of under Iho present svs- tem , This rule was established for cash entries when largo bodies of land wore sold for cash a public sale to a slnglo indi vidual , and Is not the proper theory for the present time when lands are almost entirely disposed of under the homestead , iiru-omp- tion nnd timber culture acts. Under those nets the filing upon a tract for settlement is a very small part of the business that the locator has with the land ofHco. The princi pal business that the settler may have with the local land oftlco is required to bo done after the mere act of illing has been per formed. Mr. Paddock insisted that only those lands should bo considered In bo va cant lands wlicro the transfer has been made by final certificate nr patent to the location. Under this rule it is doubtful If thu Bloom ington olllce could properly be consolidated under tlio law requiring consolidations. The secretary indicated that ho would consider that view , and agreed with Mr. Paddook thai there wus much force In It. However , It upon investigation it shall be found that even under this rule there may not remain 100,000 acres of vacant land , the oflico will undoubtedly bo ordered to bo consolidated with the Lin coln oftlco. Mr. Paddock thin Its no other land in Nebraska is In present danger of being closed , AIIMV OHPEHS. Leave of absence for lour months , to take effect June 1 , 1883 , Is granted to Second Lieutenant Aiuion L. Purmotor , Twenty-first infantry. Private Samuel II. Dunbar , company B , Sixth infantry , now with his company at Fort Lewis , Colo. , is transferred to iho hos pital corps as n private. To correct the record so much of special orders No. 00. March 0 , 1601 , de partment of the Gulf , as relates to Lieutenant Colonel Daniel ICont , Nineteenth Iowa volunteers , 1s amended seas as to omit the words , "based on surgeon's cortlllcuto , " as these words wore inadver tently inserted. Hospital Steward James Carroll , hospital corps , will bo relieved from duty nt Fort Omaha and proceed to Washington barracks , District of Columbia , reporting upon his ar rival to the commanding olllcor , to relieve Hospital Steward George Lauder , hospital corps , and by letter to the commanding gen eral , Division of the Atlantic , Hospital Steward Lauder , upon bolnj- thus relieved , will proceed to Fort Omuha , reporting upon hi * arrival to the commanding olllcor for duty , nnd by letter to the commanding gen eral , Department of the Platto. Private Henry Burden , hospital corps , now at Fort Sisscton , Dakntu territory , is trans ferred and assigned to duty ul Fort Abraham Lincoln , Dakota territory.PEIIUV PEIIUV S. HKATII. A IIUM/VN KD.VUOHTKH HOUSE. Terrible Doulilii Tragedy In tlio Ultoheii of n Mansion. GntCAOo , Fob. 3. A tragedy was enacted m the elegant residence of P. F. Munger , in the aristocratic suburb of Hyde Park , this morning. George W. Clark , a colored but ler , and Tllllo Hylandor , a Swede domestic , bad a lover's quarrel. Clark flred throe shots at the girl , missing her , He then drew a razor , and after a fearful struggle , nearly severed her huud from her body , after which he cut his own throat. Both are do ill. The kitchen walls and floor are as bloody as a slaughter h'ousc. "Tlio King's FopitTo new opera whlcl was produced nt Iho Columbia theater li Chicago for the first tlmo in America las November , Is coming this way , and will bo scon and heard at the Boyd on Thursday Friday and Saturday , of this week. Con rold's English Opera company , composed o 120 people , will produce it. This is the opera that was so ( wpular in Vienna two years ago and for which Mueller , the composer , won a title of nobility. It is not , according to the common acceptation , a comic opera but is of the romantic school. The music is ot u much higher order thai that of any of the light oiwras that we have known during the past decade , and the libretto is happily conceived. The opera wll bo magnificently mounted. Ono ef the novelties In the scenic part of the productiot will bo the white and gold room , which wll bo shown in the llrst net. This will bo lighted by miriads of incondcscont lights , making scone of dazzling brilliancy niii splendor. A special feature will bo the np pearauco ot Prof. Hartl's Vicuna lady fencers. Those ladles give n line exhibition of broad-sword and lapler fencing , the use of which forms a part of the piny. The com pany Is the same thai was originally cast , and Is composed of the bust artists pro curable. "The Dark Secret , " a tank show of greal magnitude , will open a week's engaRoincnl at the Grand opera house to-morrow night. A great feature of the performance occurs In the third net , which opens on n river of rea ! water. For this , nn immense space has been cut in the stairo and will bo llllod with water to n depth of eight feet. Into this pond , or lake , the heroine Is thrown by iho vlllinn and rescued by Ihe hero. The rlvor is nr- ranged in a rubber tank and on the placid surface of its bosom Captain Andrews sails across the stage in his rowboat , or dory , ami Hosmer also gives an exhibition of sculling. The acting of thu company is said to ho good. Tim prices of seats for this week nt the Grand will be reversed. Those that have been going at $1. eight rows next to Iho or chestra , are now placed nt 75 cents , and the balance of iho lower part of the house , heretofore toforo nut-chased for 7G cents n sitting , are raised to ? l. This change is made because of the fact that that the front scats will not uo desirable places from which to witness the lauk scene in "A Dark Secrcl. " Lizzie Evans , one ot the most popular little tlo actresses of the soilbrettu school now on the stage and n decided favorite in Omaha , will appear nt Boyd's to-morrow night in tier now comedy eulitled "The BuuUoyc. " This play was originally written for Donmun Thompson , but never produced. Hu dis posed of it to Mias Evans last summer , and the nlny , from nil accounts , bus been a de cided hit. "Tho Buckeye" is named uftcr an old tavern in Ohio , where most nf the scenes in the play occur. Miss Evans assumes the ehnrncterof an orphan asylum waif. During tin1 performance she will introduce a num ber of now songs , dances and medleys. "The Buckeye" will be repeated Tuesday matinee , and also nt Iho souveMr matinee on Wednes day. Every lady attending the matinee will bo presented with n handsome cabinet photo graph of Miss Evans. Wednesday night she will appear In "Our Angel. " The popular opera "H. M. S. Pinafore" will bu presented at the Eden Museo every afternoon and evening of the coming week and alt for ono dime , The cast is composed of many good voices.i The opera will bo pro duced lo the satisfa'ction of all. In all Iho other parts of the h'othq the attractions will bu fluo. . .1 The engagement/of / ; llabert Downing came toacloso last night , iu "Suartacus. " The piece was excellently indented , the costumes and paraphernalia rich and elegant , and the ucling throughout w < w admirable , if excep tion may bu taken to that of ono of the sub stars , whoso condition was such that he should not have been allowed to appear. , It was respect alone for the star which prevented the nu- dlpnco from laughing at the indiscrete his trion. Mr. Dowiiing'mado a most favorable impression. His work w.is closely watched , the audience which was one of the largest gatherings of the season , > savornl time * qiv- inghiin onluusiastiu , recills. The malinuo piece was ' 'St. Marc-tho Soldier of For tune. " | . TOMCE AND PIKE. The Board in KcKuljir Session Yester day KvoninR. The board of police and flro commissioners met at tlio city hall lust nig lit Complaints were entered against Olllcer Darlington for being intoxicated and drink- in jf with a woman of ill-ropute ; ugAinsl Ofll- cor Adams for absence from boat aud smok : ng while on duty , and against Olllcer Clarke for the same offense. Darlington was be fore thu commissioners two weeks ago on a itindred charge , and ho was dismissed the service. Adams had no clotcnso and was fined live days' pay. Clarke's case was laid ovur until next week lo enable Ihe defendant lo produce witnesses. Mrs. Munroe , mother of Olllcer Monroe , who was laid ofT for ten days last meeting of , ho board , appeared and pleaded eloquently n behalf of her son. The commissioners wore obdurate , and the matter wus placed on flic. Permission was granted the members of the paid tire department , upon application , to give their annual ball on tho2rd : ) of April. A communication from thu chief of police recommending that hereafter all applications "or positions on the police force should be ac companied by n report OP the applicant's ) hysicil : condition , made by the city physi cian , was plaecd on file. The board issued an order to tlio effect lhat icreuftur tiny policeman who shall bu absent , Tom roll call three times In one month , un- css promptly excused by attending physician , ahull forfeit one day's pay ; for flvo absences three days' pay , and for six absences bo dis missed from the sorvico. THE DEAD rUiNCIj. Ho Is Now Knid to Have Been Killed in a lluol. Nnw YORK , Fob. 2. The Evening Sun irintt ! n Berlin special which , il says , comes 'rom n source above suspicion. The special says lhal Crown Prince Rudolph , of Auslrlu , vai killed Tuesday last by Counl Franz 21nm-Gallas in a duel , which Is the outcome of the count finding his wife in a compromis- ng position with the crown prince recently. The duel was fought ut 4 p. m. near Baden. The crown prince was wounded uud trans- 10 r ted lo thu nearest castle ul Moyerljng. rlo died late In the evening , just at the hour which his comini ; was anxiously awaited at , ho state dinner In the Hofburg. Thu whole affair was largely suppressed Dyt no Austrian court , but It leaked out through some of the iristocruls who wore compromised In the affair and had to leave the country , Ho Wn VIENNA , Fob. 2. TJib court surpoons , | n heir ofllcial report on the death of Crown 'riucu Rudolph , say they > ( found a peculiar flattening of the skull fnfprnally , a depres sion of the cerebral foldsc and an enlarge ment of the venliclo of.tho brain. Those ab normal conditions , the surgeons say , Justify ho belief that the crpwn'pnnco was Insane. Few persons were' ' 'permitted to view the cumins to-day , Thoi-ofllh. Is covered with ) Inck , white und golii 'cloth. Palms are rojtped around the head of the cofiln. The clng und queen of BaTgiiiin and Prince Bald win arrived to-nighi 'i'ho public was ex cluded from Iho stutio'n- A Koadlni ; OJUclulnHuys It U In u Hud Way. PniniH'.i.l'inA , Feb. 2. A local paper this afternoon publishes an Interview with M. F. 'iouzano , superintendent of the Bound Brook division of the Reading railroad system , re garding the reports that the Brotherhood of locomotive Engineers Is In a bad way financially aaa that there Is a good deal if dissatisfaction within the organization. Uonzano says the dissatisfaction was caused iy the heavy assessment upon memoarsof the brotherhood made In consequence of tha stnko of engineers on the Chicago , Burling- tou&Qutuoy. Ho said that It looks as If the proccaa of disintegration was pretty well under way , Park Ploco Congregational , Thtrty-flrst and California streets. Rnv , M. L. Holt. pastor , Theme , 10:3U : a. m. , "Life's Goal. " Theme , 7:30 : p. ui. , "The Resurrection of the Ucad. " LAJOS NOMACHANSKY'S ' LUTE It Touohod Katrlnn's Honrt but Greatly Augorod Illauopraky , HIS PART WAS LOCHINVAR. Queer Story of Hlval hovers and a Doubtlnc Maiden AVoeB of n Oil- ; Who Proposed. lifttlo RoiunucrA. The troubadour hath over boon beloved of women , but mou Imvo hclil him In light es teem. The latest Imnrorlsatore to got Into trouble Is Lnjos Namachnnsky , a young Hungarian poet who works In u sugar ruflu- ory fora living. This ilevoteo ot the iiluo muses was Invited to the wedding of Kntrtna ErccI nmi John lllanopfsky mouth-filling anil portentuous cognomenunrhymablo to the last degree. The nuptial festivities were held in a rink , and when the minstrel saw the bride he seized his Into and poured forth his soul in burning strains reminiscent of the Jays when Katrlnn and he roamed tlio meads of Hungary together. Ho told how tiiatlovu still lived. The posslouato strains ot the love which had not illud came throiming forth ns stirringly as when a lad kicks over n beehive. Kntrina was carried nway with the tide of her emotions. She rose and nd- vnucod toward the rhymer with outstretched arms. The poet hud won baclc her heart. Hut tlio husband gross , common clay that ho was arose and kicked the troubadour out of the rink. The next day the poet was again working in tlio sugar house mid Ka- tritiu was stilftho bride of .lohn Illnnopfsky. Strong is poesy , but stronger yet the kick of an iruto spouse. Sturgeon , n small town a few miles west of Mexico , Mo. , Is in uii uproar of excite ment over the peculiar elopement of Miss Nottio White , daughter of U. F. White , owner of the Sturgeon Hour mills , imd Leo Wlnn , n prominent young farmer of near Sturgeon. For several months Miss White had been receiving , impartially , the atten tions of Charles Wlnn and Lee Witiu. cousins , finally tlio announcement was made that Lee and Miss White were engaged to bo married on February M. Leo's cousin , Charles , got wind of the matter and at once presented himself buforr1 Miss White for an explanation. The you HIT lady relented at his pleadings , and agreed to elope with him and be married at once , thus effectually put ting n stop to the other Whin's preparations for the wedding on St. Valentino's day. When Charles and Miss White wore perfect ing arrangements , Lee dropped in. The low ers growled at each oilier a bit , but Dually agreed to stand ui > and lot the young lady take her choice. She finally picked Lee , and Charles started of ! swearing. She ro- Icutcd again and called him back. This thlnir continued for some time , when Leo bundled the ooject of bis affections into u buggy. They caught tlio train for Columbia , where they had to go for a license. Charles Whin hired a conveyance and started over land to beat them to the county seat to talk the girl into having him , but arrived too late , as the ceremony had already been performed. Uotli the Winns are prominent citizens , and Miss White is an accomplished young lady. Harry McCarthy of Sholbyville , Ky. , ex pected to bo : i married man the other after noon , but his aflUnced bride had tied. Mc Carthy is a substantial young farmer ot Shelby county and ho has long been in love with a fair young widow belonging to ono of the best families of the Blue irrass section. She came to Louisville and all arrangements had been in ado for her quiet marriage to Mc Carthy. The night before the wedding , tiowover , she left the Gait house in n eur- raiago and took a sleeper for St.Louis. When McCarthy came to claim his bride ho found only a note in which she bade him good-byo forever. The singular conduct of the lady seems to have been duo to personal fear. It is said that another young man of Sholby- villo had also been a passionate suitor , and when she rejected nlm he swore in a cold blooded fashion that If she over married McCarthy ho would kill her. The afternoon preceding the wedding day she received a note from him , it is said , to the same effect , and fear of tragic consequences led her to desert McCarthy and fly to St. Louis. Miss Sarah Brodhed , aged thirty-three , lianged herself in n pig-pen in the rear of her house in the town of Golden. N. Y. re cently , because she had received an anony mous letter warning her not to marry n young man with whom she was in lovo. A romance , with n former factory girl as the heroine , has recently developed at Lewis- on , Me. Twenty-five years ago a girl of .wolvo . came hero from Now Hampshire , BU- : ured employment in the Bates mill and , iftor eight yours , married nn Auburn man. fhey lived unhappily , separated and were livorced in the Androscnjrgln county court. 3ho went to Massachusetts and earned u iving in a hoarding house , thencp to Now fork , and wua engaged by a leading milll- icry firm. In course of time she managed to got into locioty , and still later she made the acquaint- incc of an old gentleman of wealth and re- Inoment. Ho fell in love with the charming nilliner and promised to marry her , on con- litions. Those conditions were that she > hould coniu to Auburn and find out whether jr not her divorce papers were properly nadu out and reliable. Tills she gladly irouilsod to do. She started at once for the jily of her unhappy marriage. Thursday of his week she arrived and on Friday she do- lurted. husband-to-bo had furnished She said her - - icr every moans of making herself a lady of elinotnent. He had provided her instructors n music and in several other branches of jducation. She told her first husband when ho left him that nho would got oven with lim some time. This week she will bo mar- icd , and , with her husband , will nt once sail or Europe , whcrn the remainder of the vintar will bo spent. The gentleman she is ibout to marry is u prominent carriage and luigh manufacturer , and is said to bo very lull. James Tyron Butcher , a young lawyer nf 5t. Paul , is the hero of a little romance which coma about to come to u happy ending , light years ago ho was living in his native ity in Virginia , and was a prosperous wooor. 3ut one day ho was Induced to become u can- Iduto for congress. The politic * of the nther , brother and relatives of his swool- icart were different from his , and they bit- erly opposed him and compelled the girl to ofuso to see him. The lover was defeated , ud this widened the breach. Uuablo to land it longer , ho one day quietly disap- > oarcd and went to Washington , and thence o St. 1'aul , where ho ha * prospered and no- uircd property. Ho still remembered the oung lady he left behind him in Virginia , ind a short tlmo ago a longing to hoar from ler en mo over him , and ho could not resist ho temptation to wrlto. Since the day lui eft Virginia ho had never told her of his vhorcabouts. In a few days ho received netter otter from the lady , She had been waiting or him all those years , and told him so in jor letter. She is ready to forglvo and for- ot his politics , and ho is preparing to return 0 Virginia and claim his brido. East Bridgeport , Conn. , has a hermit. His tame is "Snap" Qulgloy , and ho is not over wenty-two years of age. Ho loft his homo , 1 comfortable one , by the the way , some wonty years ago. and located In weeded jlll about two miles from the AImshou e. lo built rude sort of u hut for himself , ind there ho has lived for eight seasons , hot > r ; cold , wet or dry. What Quigley jlvos ipoti is u mystery. Ho has many visitors vho occasionally give hlrn a little money , jut it is hardly probable that ho collects jnough to keep him In food. Qulgloy has a Ittlo romance. It Is an every doy sort of no tffuir , but Qulgloy could not stand criof at ill. Ho courted u beauteous maid of Hrldgo- lortandwas deeply enamored of her. His ( IToctlqn was reciprocated for a time , but the uaidon proved llcklo at the last itnd Qulg- oy's heart was broken. Ho became con vinced that there was nothing moro In this vorld for him but the llfo of a recluse. After an acquaintance of two weeks Miss ttlnnlo Scholland , of Now Yorl : city , asltod .oals Wicelitz to marry her. Ho accepted. Ho was tremendously foml of her , she thought , despite the fact that she had to do the proposing. Ho took hot1 to balls- and theaters nnd on steamboat excursions. As soon ai she set a wedding day ho tried to bo less attentive to her. Her father nnd mother became alarmed and compelled him , by threatst > f a lawsuit , to sign an agreement to mnrry her. Miss Schetlnnd bought her trousseau nnd a fruit cake and engaged n clergyman. An hour before the time ap pointed for the marriage Wloglltz wrote her that ho could not mnrry her as he loved an other girl. She fell ill of brain fever , but In. n day or so she had recovered sulllclontly to cause Wleglltz's arrest In a ? 5,000 suit for breach of promise. Harry Paul , of Columbus , O. , while on his death-bed was married recently to Miss Mlu- nlo Hlfo. They had been acquainted since childhood nnd betrothed for several years. Mrs. Susan L. Gray of Boston novcrsaw William D. Halnoy of Ualnoyvllle , Ark. , until she mot him In St. Louis u few days ago. Ono hour after mooting him the pair were married hi a parlor ot Hurst's hotel. Mr. Halney is seventy years of ago and owns pretty much all the county In which the town of Untnoyvlllo is located. Ho had been n widower for many years , and recently , through a fcmalo relative , opened n corre spondence with Mrs. Gray , n widow of forty. Ho telegraphed tier to meet him In St. Louis and marry him , She consented , Shu was delayed , but finally turned up smiling mid willing. After the ceremony the pair look a tram for Chicago. IS VA.TK WITH IHSMtVKGK ? Ucmai'kiUilo Series of DcatliH ol'l'er- 8onn Whom Ha Koarcd. NKW YOURFob. 2. The Tribune publishes a significant Interview with a prominent diplomat at Washington , which Is in line with the Paris dispatch to the Associated press list night , which points out the sin gular coincidences of the mysterious deaths of Prince Rudolph , Gumbotta , Gonor.il SkobololT , King Ludwig of Bavaria , and others , all of whom wore persons that Bis marck had occasion to fear. The interview points out that Kudolph was opposed tu the ascendency of Germany in the triple alliance ; that upon his as cension to the throne ho would have doubtless been made king of Bohemia , and that thu fact of his friendship for Clomencoau and Bcmlungor was well known. It points out that fate has worked to Bismurclc's ad vantage through the most extraordinary series of tragic coincidence ; declares that Blsrnnrek knew eight hours In advance of the attempt upon the life of tlio iv.ar , when with Louis Napoleon at Paris m ISli" , but allowed it to bo done , knowing It would prevent the alliance of Franco and Russia , which would have rendered the Franco-German war Im possible. THH13I2 MKN IULLKI ) . A Tug Moat's Boiler Explodes With Disastrous UetmllH. PiTTSiiuuo , Feb. 3Tho tow-bont Two Brothers , lying at the Allegheny wharf , burst her boilers about 1:15 : this nfleriioon , completely demolishing the vessel and wrock- tlio tow-boat Return , which was lying near by. The debris and scalding steam were thrown in every direction. Three persons were killed outright , and two others danger ously injured. "The injured arc terribly scalded , ami their condition Is critical. The causoof the explosion is not known. Clayton Murder Legislation. ST. Louis , Fob. 2. Tlio Kansas senate has almost unanimously rejected the house reso lution in regard to the assassination of John M. Clayton in Arkansas , and which called on congress to secure to the citizens of the south their political rights. The lower house of the Arkansas legislature has defeated the bill passed by the senate authorizing the gov ernor to offer a reward of $5,000 for the ar rest of the murderer of John M. Clayton on conditional grounds , but another bill having the sarno object will bo introduced to-day and will probably pass both houses without delay. District Court. Eugene F. Scavers and others commenced suit yesterday in the district court against the Omaha Marblcizing , Mantel and Casket company , to cancel a deed to certain proi > - erty near Little Pnpllllon creek. The property was deeded to the defendant on condition that the company erect certain buildings on it , hut the plaintiffs allege that it has failed to comply with the agreement. The case of David F. Hoyden against Hermann Deiss was appealed from Justice Head's court to the district tribunal yester day. The plaintiff ; in. the lower court ob tained a Judgment for $92 , duo for work performed. Tlio Union National bank brought uuit yesterday in the county court against Nicholas las D. Spcllniun for jUUO on a matured prom issory note. Two Hi-Itlnh Vcmels Wrecked. LONDON , Fob. 2. The steamer Symlnton has been wrecked on the coast of Devon shire , off Ilfracombo. Ten persons were drowned. Tlio British hark Rosenealh , while being towed to the Clyde , broke adrift during u terrible gale and was wrecked. The mute , his wife , and live seamen wore drowned. I'Kl'l'KUJUlNT JHIOI'S. The rcpuollo is no longer peace. The re public is Boulangcr. "So you're n Jail bird , ohi What did they put you in fort" "Robin. " A ? 7 overcoat Is a heap warmer than the ticket for a f ur-triinmo.1 ono. In Chicago people's "courting" days are not over when they marry. That is , not al ways. General Boulangor can name his own terms now with tlio managers of a lecture bureau. Tjio distinction now scorns to bo that a socialist is a peaceful anarchist , and an an archist is u bloodthirsty socialist. The real oyster pirate is the dealer who sells u bolatcd and leathery urliulo to conlld- ing customers for 00 cents a quart. The prince of Wales having published a volume of his snceohos , cruelly loaves the whole world in doubt as to who wrote them. So many diamonds arc now displayed at fashionable balls that such affairs remind one of the other kinu which grow In clusters of three. The Pullman car porter appears to have uupturod the country. If It doesn't beluivo llsulf It will presently flud Itself riding I" un upper berth. It is said that Sullivan's backers ore growIng - Ing Bhaky. It is dollars to dimes thny uro not half so shaky as Sullivan alaco his last ilcohollc tranco. Teacher What Important national wont will transpire on thuith of March next ! Little Girl President Cleveland will bt ; iworn out of oflico , Bismarck ( looking at the election returns from Paris ) I'll ' liavo something moro im portant than a tiumoan tUflluulty on my hands lircsontly. Hoi Without there I Another juart of brandy and water. The hanging committees employed by the various news stores to display thin year's itock of comlu valentines hava finished their work and Hod. It will bo useless for avon- un to attempt to track them. KoprcscntaUvoHluIr has introduced a bill in the state legislature to prohibit the clip ping of horses' mauoi and tails during liy- Jmo , Such a law would bo u good thing for iiorses , but positive cruelty to Ilics. Many Michigan people want thtl death penalty restored In that state. The move- nent to accomplish this has grown to vast iroportlons since certain miscreants there , is elsewhere , have begun making puns on 3:111100. : Congros * U preparing to appropriate 1250.- 0 for un Investigation of the best methods ) f irrigating our urld regions. Have the jongroasmon , then , studied irngatioa of arid cgions In the cloulc rooms all these mouths u no purpose ) A. Is for Allison , first man to win , It is for Blulnu who waits to get in. J U our Culloni , he just mado-a cull. D is the duneo the Inaugural ball. B Is everybody waiting to see. \ ? Is Foraker , Just now un a tree. M.d so on und BO forth , down the whole list , Until it seBLUs as if no one were missed. An Anhrmtod Discussion iu the House on Naval Affairs. THE NEW CRUISER VESUVIUS , Mr , Iloutollo Draws n ConlrnM Uo- .twccn the Treatment Accorded to Two Vessel * of Different 1'olltlcnl Hlrtli. JIouso. WASHINGTON , Fob. 8. On motion of Mr. Springer the house insisted on Its lunoiul- niont to the semite bill for the admission of South Dakota , mid Messrs. Springer , Hnlnct and Baker of isow York were appointed as conferees. The commlttco on agriculture reported the agricultural appropriation bill , and it win placed upon the calendar. The house then went into couimiUco of tlu whole on the naval appropriation bill. Mr. Herbert , during his explanation of the provisions of the bill , was especially eulo gistic of the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius , nnd stated that enough had been shown to demon strate that dynamite guns wore to bo very efllciont weapons , especially on land. Whether tht\v would bo equally cfllolont on the sea was not yet assured , Mr. McAdoo of New Jersey said that the recent troubles in Samoa had made thu country painfully aware of the needs of the naval service. Four hundred million dollars had boon wasted in wooden ships and smnotii bore guns. It had boon made hu- millatingly aware of its inferiority as a naval power to the least of the naval powers of Kiirope. The rights of American citizens had ueen disregarded by a foreign nation. So far as the Sainonn question was I'ourerned the llrst tlilnir which congress should do was to ascertain all the facts , If American citizens had been outraged ; if American property had been injured ; if any American right had been infringed , then it was the duty of thH government , in tlio nnmo of our people and strength , resolutely and calmly , but stubbornly , to assort that right and rosurivet the privileges taken from us , even If wo do at the cannon's mouth. Ho regretted that Prlnro Bismarck had sunn tit to follow thu nnfuriniiR colonizing policy of other Kuropciin nations ; that was , encouraging strife among the pcoplu of a country they desired to acquire and then , under cover of protecting their own inter ests , step in and steal the land which God had given to the people of the country. Bis marck seumed to have made up his mind it would bo to the advantage of liermiiny to taku thcso islands. But thu United States had treaty rights nnd interests in Samoa , ami when the German war ships opened lire it was the duty of the American government to have protected the honor and dignity of the United State * with all the power of our people. Ho bullnvod that Bismarck had very Wisely retrciitpd from his posltiun. McAdoo said that there would bo no war unless wo lay down and let Bismarck walk over us. A remedy fur these insults would bo found in a strong navy. Wo could not permit the growth of monarchial institutions in South America. Wo could not par-mil the wholesale and unjustifiable acquisition of foreign power in that country. Mr. Boutollo referred to the recent trial of the Vesuvius , und , while honing that she might bo as successful as slut was claimed to bo ho drew what ho termed - , u striking- con trast hot ween the treatment aecordod two vessels of different political paternity -tho Dolphin and Vesuvius. The Dolphin has been tried fully equipped for sea and battle. The Vesuvius has been tried not only short 100 tons of coal , but without any weight on board to represent what she would bis required to carry when lit for service. It had been stated to him that the machinery for tha vessel was too light. He had been tnld that on tlio llrst preliminary trial the Vesuvius had broken n valve ; that on her second pro < limimiry trial she hail hrokon her main vulva gear ; that on her ofllciul trial she had completely - pletely broken one of her flro room blowers , and on her second oftlciul trial she had broken her air pump gear. It was strange that no comment had been made on defects such ns theso. The ox- Dlanation was clear. It was found In the fact that the republican papers and ropub- licuus genurully had not been desirous of using the hypocritical methods which had boon employed by the democrats to break down the reputation ot ami find fault with vessels built under a republican administra tion In the ship yard of John Hoach. Ha had been informed that on her first trial the Vesuvius had been lusted over a four mile course and failed. He had never heard the ofllcial report on this cusa. Ho hud boon told that on her second trial iho course had boon cut down to two miles , and she au'iiin failed. By request of tlio contractors tlio lost trial was made in deep water , and a trial of speed made in deep water gen erally mount a trial far away from shore , and a trial speed mudo fur away from nhoro might iiobsibly furnish more latitude for nn estimate of tlio progress of u vchsol than could bo furnished If she wore running along a canal. Ho had linen Informed that tiia speed test applied to the Vesuvius had not exceeded twelve minutes. The test for thu Roach ship had been a six-hour trial. Whila on trial tlio Dolphin was made the special subject of criticism , that water had to bo put on some of lior journals because thny were lieatud. Ho had been In formed by an eye witness that wlioi the Vesuvius lluislicd her trial trip , as his Informant expressed it , she took a Turkish bath. An amendment was adopted appropriating $ inJUO : ) ( for establishing u coaling station at Pnuo Page , .Samoa. The bill was then reported to the housa aim passed. Tlio postofllco appropriation bill was re- IHicloil and placed on the calondur and tha house then adjourned , IIIL1/Y MOHAN'S MINI ) . Thus I'm1 It SliowH no SlgiiH nf Im > Jll OVOIlKMlt. It was reported yesterday afternoon that \VJlllmu Moran , late auditor of the board n ( county commissioners , who is now in n de mented condition at bis unulo's homo in North 1'hitto , had not Improved since his do- imrturo. Instead of getting hotter bin con. ilition is thought to bo worse. Ho souma to DO putting in his time sending telegrams to this city in which ho states that he is after 'ore. Ho doesn't like tlio way In which some it his friends und the newspapers have [ .rented him. Dr. Leu , his physician , wants him In tills jity to-morrow for tniatiiiunt. AtIrst / It ivas the intention of Muran'H friends to hnvu ilm return alone , but the commissioners bo- iovu that If he bo permitted to come baclc , vithout an escort , , they will bo cons u rod for lugligencoby not properly caring for him , If to should meet with un accident of bourn diiil or should happen to kill somebody. Tha wmmiRsioiicrH do not want to bo huld re * iponaiulo uud will therefore provide un cs- : ort. NKW IVJmt tlio' Hoard ol"J'r/iI Committee Jinn AoooiiipliHliud. While the board of trade commlttco on nanufuctorlos moves about und performs ita vnrU In a most mysterious manner , no reator results have boon uccompliahed up o ditto than when matters of this kind wcra ionductod openly. It is understood , how- ivcr , that the commlttco hnn about closed na igrocmcnt that will secure for Ouiuhu a urge rolling will now located m the oiuit , ho proprietors of which have decided to neve west. jTho M. J. Murphy furniture mnnufaotur- ng company , to bo trmmferred from Detroit o Omahu , have purchased twenty-one lota if ground hi north Omaha on which to ustub- Un their plant. They propose to erect a lutldlng feet wide , COO feet long and flva lories high. In order to Introduce them- olvcs and solicit trade whllo the shop U icing built thny have routed the old Bowel lulldlng , corner of Seventh nnd Loavca- vorth , and will occupy It with a stock 01 uriilturo this spring. Lester Wallack'a ' stage costumes | brouglj ( mull prices when sold at auction hut week/ encdict's gay drosa brought 7 ; El o Jruy's raiment , with Hi tender memorlef f "Hosedalii , " Hold for $9. The elder Wl ack'b "Hmulet" cloak brought 17.