7 TTTTT OMATTA HATtYY' "RTCTC ! TTNTTA 8. 1RQO TWTCT.VTO PAftliJSl 11 IW CONDITION OF TRADE , tTo Material Ohaugo In the Finan cial Situation. J3ANKS REPORT ACTIVE DEMAND And Hates Mny Kftlrly no Cnlloil Stiff Jobbers Mo Not Koport Trade n Active Flour Lower. The I/oonl Rename. The financial situation Is not materially changed since last week. Hankers report an nctlvo demand for all available funds nnd rates may fairly bo called stiff. Itogular customers In good standing have been taken care of without trouble , but the speculative interest has been neglected. Collections on city jobbers through banks have been satis factorily mot , nnd collections on city retailers ors by local Jobbers are reported easier than was expected lo bo the case n month ago. A number of weak brothers liavo been nursed Into good condition or closed out , nnd , bar ring the dishonest element , city trade proper is In very fair condition , when It Is consid ered that the mild woathcr has left the bulk of the stocks of winter goods on tiand. Job bers do not report trade us active but say there is u fair movement In stnplos and that jirlccs nro steady. Sugar is doing well for the season nnd quotations were stiffcr tou- nrds the last of the neck. Klo cofTco is un changed , while Java and Mocha are easier. Dried fruits , and especially apple * , are lower , with n deinoral.7cil market Canned corn und tomatoes are no higher. Chct.su Is ntcndyand llsh Is in belter demand as lent approaches. Tlio dry goods Undo Is unusually dcprctteul , nnd the demand is confined to absolute needs. Hnrdxvure and lumbar are Knowing fair activity and the season has boon inoru than usually prosperous for dealers in these lines. Coal is , of course , unfavorably affected b } the line weather and doulcis will curry into the spring months moro than ti-ay care to. Tlio ( jecllno in wheat has can soil ffoino movement in ffour at lower prices ( . ' .it- tlo nro lower nnd procure a loss to slnppeis , while hogs me puiing good profits The pi Ices of butter and cggn In this market have been lower the past irotitli than foi ioars , nnd commission men mail account silcs and i emit proceeds to disgruntled shippers , but ns the situation is the same all over the countitheio is nothing to do but ncccpttho inevitable , at the same time it nhould bo noted in this connection that there lire commission men here nml else- whcro who do not hesitate to quote above the mniket in hopes of securing shipments , nnd thereby the situation Is gicatly aggra vated. Honest prici's cut rent , quoted by dealers in towns and cities niljiu cut to and in competition with Omaha , show that as good figures uroobt.ilned heie as anywhere , and that ncthlng is gained bi paying more freight to distant points It Is believed , or at least hoped , that the worst effects of the unseason able weather me over and that business will bo bettci from now on. iiivu sraon. Cult I c. Saturday. Feb. 2 , 1339. With only .seventeen fresh loads and no holdoveiM to speak of , it was impossible to have much of a muiKct. However , the buyers bougfit up evoiything offered , paying stronger prices than yestetday. The trade was fairly active at prices nbout lOc lower than jestcrdaj morning , or about like thd close of last night. The hogs wcto nil sold before the closo. A very choice load of butcher weights sold at $1.57 , but tlio bulk .sold nt $1 50. Shoop. There was only ono load bore , which sold readily at a good prlco. Receipt * . C-ittlo 350 Hoira 2bOO Sheep U0 llll .1 Ilcproutintutlvo Hnlos. OATTLU. Ho. Ar. Pr. 1 bull 1500 $1.05 Icow 720 1.75 1 cnnner 1230 1.75 2 COWH 10UO 1.110 2 cows 1173 1.1)0 ) Icow 12oO a.oa 4 COWH 1077 2.00 Icow 1200 2.00 8 bulls 1413 a. 10 il cow s KM 0 2.15 8 co ws 1070 2.25 it cows 11113 2.25 IS cows H0i > 2.2.5 18 cows 114.-I ! UO 3 cows 108 J a.ao 10 cows 111L ! ur. : lOcuWS IOW 2.1S5 . 4 rows 1135 2.40 0 cows 112S 2.40 0 cows 101H 240 llml ! 1470 2.40 1 fuedois l0.- ( ' 2.M ) ' ) feeders 1270 275 7 feeder 11:0 2.75 2 steers 1)10 ) 2.33 1(1 ( feeders IUOO 3.00 1 steer IbO 3.00 1 cow 1UJO y.oo 41 steers 1000 : t.io 11 steois 1U72 3.15 JMsteeis 10JS 3.20 15 Htocrs 1110 3 25 8 stems HbO 3.25 Sstecis 1140 It 2 j lOstecis Ullli 3.4-i 1.1 stu'i s HOI : t.K5 fisteeis 11(10 ( ; )50 ) TThU'i is Kill : too 1 steer 12.10 ! I5 hteois 11112 : i.co 2.1 steers. i :134 : 2 slue r 1 oth ) 375 Klstcois 1440 : t.85 7i > stcur-t i : 7t 3.'Ji ) 20 steers lUIO 4.10 UOQb. No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shlc. Pr. l.'l , 21S 40 SI.So 50 , . .33J bO 24.50 CA 'JS' bO 1.45 51 , . , ns 400 450 Hi. . .W. 280 44T 01 . .1251 bO 4.50 H7. I'M 4.15 50 . .1157 80 4.50 t 0 4.45 57. . .li'il 120 4.50 r > : t. SO 4.45 IX ) . . .253 IL'O 4.50 03. 120 4ir i'J. ' 1,50 fill.U . SO 4.15 17 .211 40 4.50 ( U I''O 111 2i I 40 4.50 111M 117 M .1Mb 120 4 50 ( ill 60 1.47k 60 .3511 I 50 r > 5 . . ! M7 10 55.U . , U > 5 210 4.5D 70B 241 j.no ( U .25) 4 50 70To ( 10 4.50 77. .2.W ISO 4.5(1 ( Tone ItK ) 4.50 41.CO . 3 > ; t 4.50 - bO 450 CO .218 SO no 40 4.no C4 2' 111 bO noK .297 10 4.50 27. .no 4.5' > K . ai2 lilt ) i r > o HO. .211 4 55 U.ai ( . , .224 SOme 45' ' ) 42 BOO 4.5- ai , , mo 4,50 II 4.55 59. . 811 4.r > o HI 50 % SO 4.55 r.yw. bt ) I W ) HI2S. . .475 4.55 w. . , .237 4.N ) 75. .I'M 07. . , SJO 10 4.N ) ennui1. No. Av. Pr. 110 Nebraska natives , Od tl.OO Highest Showing the hlghost and lowest prices paid for loads of hogs on this market during the pixt few dajf , us computed with the sanio time one and two months ago ; l eo. inn Nov. ISoj ) , II 4 I W tt.5 SO" 5 15 ISA 40 11 4 4 HO W , 15 fi 10 tt5 45 Id " Bimduy 6 30 CM 00 IT 4 7U"4fa K ) { 4 UO ( TtVlO fi 23 (65X ) IH 4 1(1 ( 5I fO 4 M ) 4M 10 fi J ) < ic5 fiO ID 4 M © 4 Kfl 4 H7H4W U & M (25 ( JO Bunrtny 4 TO ( M Ui fi 20 @ 5 45 til 4 75 it 4 H ) 4 U'l { ( & li ) fi 15 < ttf 40 4 14 414 1-5 4 Bi 41 * ) fi iu w > : i5 4M ( .51 75 Buiulay fi 00 445 371 21 4 dtl ( LI 4 T5 44 ? Si C 111 25 4J ( ei M bimdny SRI 431hnndiiy u 4 00 6V > m hnndiiy 6 111 dWM filK W > M | 4 < 0 iM 04 4 U < i M fi 10 0 5 Ji ) 4 N ) ( it5 10 6 10 M UO 4 6-i Ql 75 Huuday fi 10 di itt ai 4 60 tc4 73 fl 00 4TJ15 Prevnlluiic t'rlaai. frhofollowlnic it a tablaof prion pill n thu marxot for the craJat ot itoov man- tioned. Vruuosuora. 1300to 1500Ibi..13.00 @I.10 PnmentoeM. lift ) to 1300 ibi. , 8.10 ta3,00 rfttive feeder * a.SO C'SMO Common to Rood cows 1.50 ( isS.tX ) Cholcolo fancy cows . . . . . . . . U.23 ( $335 I'alr to choice bulls 1.73 ( A..OO Pair to ctioico Itsrnt hoe * 450 fair to chotco .loavv hozs 4..V ) Knirto choice tnixeti hogs . . . 4 13 ( . < ? < 30 ralr to cholco western Micen , H 75 W4.40 Fair to cholco Nebraska * . . . . 3.50 ujl.'JO Monthly 8t.itr > ineitt. The followine are the ofllclnlrecelpU and shipments of live * tocfc during the month of January , IS * ! ) , nnd the number of ho id con sumed at South Omaha , 1IBC.MPT1. fillll-Mh.NI * . r/i 1 53 HA1I.IIOMI.- ) . C. , M..V St. 1' It J- . nm. C. II. 4 : it. I , Ify . . . 4U Missouri I'.irlllc si I'nlon I'licltlc . . . nr.i , IIW U A N.V l.TTil ' L-.T7II II. AM I IT , t'a 11. ! ( ' . , H.IU ) U,4lS , r/ist r , . i. A p IM n , wi r. .st. p. . AI.A.O. . . . 111 * r. n.itM.v . . : US Total Consumed in S.Omalin 17,111 71.(74 ( I.TI ) (1 rind tot il . IVW3 37 liivo Stoulc N Cnttlo stronger. Sheep In donmnd. About overytbiui ; in the yards sold , IIoi"teaay with yesterday's close. Not eiioinrli slicdp and cuttle to make a market. A meeting of the Live Stoclt n\'hange is to ho hold on Moml.iy to listen to a report or the committee on tr.mspoi tation. It b un- durstood that all the ro.tds h.ivo made very satlsfactori answen to the request that bet tor facilities be provided for btoclc com Ing hero from Iowa nnd li.ivemado ariancomoiits for a meeting , also to ho held on Monday , to consider the luacticahility of the scheme. The qut'sUon of reducing the briduo toll fiom Council Hlnlls ever was brought up before - fore the Union I'.iciliim.in.igomunt , but without any success. Tnev promised , however - over , to furnish bettor semro and to avoid the \iispnialiii ) ; dul.iys which have boon so frequent of Into The chss of 'OJ at Vale breaks the record of high standing. 11 ,1. Pliclps will resume his lectures on CMdenco bcfoiu the Y.ilp law school , which wcro bioltcn olT by his appointment us min ister to Htiglnml. 1'icsidcnt Uwi ht. of Yale , bays that the iti needs JJi)0)00 ) ( ) ctidownmnt to pay the onlinai.\ running expenses llo sujfirests that the sum bo raised by every alumuus giv ing .1. sin , ill .iinount unconditionall.x. Lc.uulur Hurnctt , an Indian of full blood , is teaching a public school with good success in Kudmond , r.mmet county , Mich. II is be lieved to bo the lirst Indian regularly em ployed ns a toucher of white chililen. The Clark iiniveisity , .it Worcester , Mass , it Is expected , will be opened to students next October. 1'hcio will not bo , at least for the present , any academic or ordinary collcgiato cour.su m the institution. The aim will be to meet the needs of graduates of other colleges who wish to pursue studios in special lit , inches to the full extent of tUo world's attained knowledge. At a delegate convention neld at Cadillac , Mich , , in thu interests of higher education anil lelircsciitlng twenty-four Michigan Con gregational churches , it was decided to build u co'lego ' somewhere in northern Michigan , and a committee of llftoon was empowered to select a location , iilo thu necessary aiti- cles of inrorpoiation , nod inaugurate the college. It is pioposcd to open the latter next September. Cadillac nnd Manistco will bo the piomiiicnt compatltois for the in stitution. Yale , \Vesloy.in , nnd Trinity nro among the fourteen Now England colleges which have formed n commission to secure uni- foimitv nnd elevate the standard In examin ations for admission. The other collegcBOio Harvard , Amherst , Boston University. Bow- doin , lirown , Dartmouth. Colby , Smith , Tufts , Wollcssoy , and Williams. The valtio of the commission is seen in the advanced icquiiomcnts in English lltciatura , now pr.ioticallv uniform. Now the commission is considering the matter of securing greater proficiency m modern languages among can didates for admission to college. A commit tea of thu Now York board of education , which was appointed to Investi gate the methods of the public schools of that city , has made u rupoi t in which It strongly condemns the mai king and exami nation methods employed in the vniu at tempt to ascertain thu true character of class loom work. Such a system causes tcnchois to dovotonll their energies to prep arations for the expected examination , dis regarding the roil advancement of the childt en , and loading their memories with f.ii-th and llgurus to bo drawn out nt the proper moment by the looked-for question. Thu use of memory simply as on edcuational tool can never stimulate the mental powaia. nor enable them to rise above the level of cut-and-drled uniformity. THU MAUICET. Instruments I'l.-xuoil on Itcuortl Our- inn Vestorilay. W n Potter to T A Potter , n ' 5 of n 4 Iota 11 anil II , blk "B , " I'rospuct plum , q c il . . . . . T A Totter toV It Pott'ir , s M of n M lots 1 1 and II. Ml ; "B , " Prospect jiluio , q c d 1 K i : 1'iuuoli unil M Ifo to t ! W Joy , lot 2 , Ullc 4 , Centritl park , w rt . 00 E K I'ronch aail wlro to W II Auctln.lot . 0 , blk7 , wd . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 600 nnd 10 , blk 2 , I'ylMim uhico , und w 107 ft ot o 15 , It , lut < i , ill k 7 , Cotu llillllinit , w d (1,000 ( O 1 obi'it nml wlfo to 1 T HnuMci , lot 10 , llontloldsndil , wd 1,876 O lllllitiul ltu to P IliuiiKLliosli , e ! } , nw and u \ , sw.'l , ID. II u. wd 0,400 M P boai- > . trusU'oto i : IIA mold ut : illota Cto I. ' , blk'I , llelmout patk. wd 1' HauiUtlu.ih nml wtfu to O Hill and \\lfo , lot -M , llk ) "Q , " ( .lines' 1st add , w d , 1,800 II A Kc > 3KT < unil wlfn to i : Mockdnle. lot U blky , K'ostors' mid. w d . COO J Voru and wife to CH I let' her , lot U.bllc it. Ninth Omuliu pink , w d , , . 12.1 I Van Camp to VT \Vyman , lot 10 , blk 1 , Snnrlso add , w d . S5o A Altfiidinll and wife to ! ! StHiigo , 8JJx ) ) HU tt lot.'Sl'i , Mill ud A-CuldUttUd uUu. wd . goOO J M Slieely nnd wife to A P 'I HKoy , lot 25. blk I , Oiiiiamnroy Park , wd . 750 U Jettur und ulfe in'ru Juilrlod , lot 1,1 , bit i. Jctter'K ndil , w d . . . . 400 TCJeirriedto TC .S Jiton , lot 11 , blk a. .letter n add , wd . 800 T ( J JeUrlcs to M Norton , lot III , bit 3 , Jet- tern HiM , wil . . . . . J M Wilson uud wlfo to W it .Monroe , lotu U and I. , blk t"J , Jottur'H add , wd . 2.2W OJohiisini unili1a to P and P P llaton , Vi ft , u ki lot i. blk i ) , Paik Plait ) , w d J.OOO N A Kulm. triiftoo. to C I , lot SI. blk 4. Oielglitotl Ilolillt8 , w d CW G ( j \ \ nlhp. trustee , to J II Cell man , lots 4 und . * > , blk I , .Monmoiith Turk , \v d l.&JO K BtiuiKo imd wlfa lo U Altondorll , f-0)x 100 fpot Kijt , bit J. Mtllaid A , Caldwell - well N mid , u d 8.00) ) M Schrocder to It Schroeder. trustee , all Ilro\Mi P ilf , q cd. . , . . . M I'O'Doimell to S 1' Audouon , iota. blk II. lltowii i'ark. wd 1,150 II A Jeiiken et H ! to 1) M Oiois , lots 14 and lVlnton I'lnce. wd . . gj- , J Illliijil ! muUtirt ) to M Murphy , lot . ) , blk & . lloyd A Shai pudd. . w d . . K10 J A. McSlinne to Si Murphy , lot 3. blk in , mid lot 13. blk \VeA/ile . . . W It llumiuinml wife to J K Pollock , lot v. Ml * , wujll lliUI OT d . . . . . j 000 I'll Diivls und \Ufeto William Ashtou. lots lOand II. ritlrmont I'lace. < ! . . . . s.35 MrOciunpauchetnltoTUlsnn.lot ' " - ' . t Hammond I'lace , w d. 70J At the Welsh Presbytorlan church , the sorvicon to-raorrow 1 bo In K'iglWt. Sub ject : "Tho Supreme Deity. " Ir.IH ? ATIVR MARKR" Fluctuations lu Whont Within n Narrow Rnngo. DULLNESS THEFEATURE OFCORN Oats Very Slow Tito Provision Move ment Uxltlbltcil Conslilcrnblo 8trciiK h A IjlRht Down Turn In Cat tic. CHICIOO , Feb. -fSpeci.il Telegram to TUB HEK.I Thli W.W n very dull day on 'change Trnilo In whent W.M light and more strictly local than it has bean Tor n week. The sltuitlon 1ms undergone no chatiRO rcccutlv , nnd the traders on both sides hold steiclfnstly to the position they Imvo owiplcd since the bosfinnini ; of the j oar. The speculative innr- Itet has settled Into n rut. It is waiting for something to turn u | > or to turn down The Jluctuutlons In prices to-day weie compressed \vltliln n range of % c , mid no Rood excuse could bo offered for estendliiK ni'tion that far. The market opened just \vhoro it left oft" , vlr , 0'jV'V' > i' ; < r for May. for an hour or morn the in lee r.mgod nt OTJaKj'JT c , nnd then it moved up to Pic , which point \vns touched twice \\ltbln u period of a few min utes , n reaction of VC c intoivenhij : . From OSc on the second llttlo bulo | , the mar ket was sold off to U'-'aO ' This was followed by n rnllv to U7sfc , n brealc to "JTVc , a recov ery to 07fe , and n condition appioac'ilng stagnation , arontid Or TV-- Trade KOt very dull and IIOWH had no utTeut whatever. liule.-d , no news \\orthy the nnine came to the surface. May closed at 07 0 nnd July at bb c. The raniro on the latter month was SSVgSOe. Cables were unusually uninteresting. They quoted the forcipn situation us tjulut , with nn undertone Of nilla weakness. Tno Seaboard markets wcro absolutely featureless. The e.xpoitors nt New York I'ontlnuo to tune their songs to bear music , but tho.lnul . little business to do in wheat mid Hour , and expoils this week ntu rather larger than last. Kstmiates of the decrease In the visible supply run nil the wav fron ( iOO.OOO . to 1.100,000 uushcls , the l\ \ ) > - urcs depending on whether the Minneapolis millers have been griml'tii ' : from public or private stores most generally The pilninry points receipts are about 100,000 bushels Kioatcr than last week , and exports show up about 50,000 bushels better The general milling ? i onsumptivo demand has been rather larger than last week , and there is no loason for expecting llgiues gicatly dlffonni ; from last weok. Locally , the day was cveii thing the hoait could wish in the way of winter weather. It was a blight , bracing , sunshiny duj. This fact re minded some of the waggish bulls that it was "groundhog" day. and that , In accordance. to the old superstition , that wise nniinnl on seeing Ms stiadow would go back into his hole and hibei nato a couple of months. The discussion of this interesting weather piob- 1cm tt.ii nbout the only enlivening feature of the session. It engaged the attention of the gicatcst minds. Uiitehinsoii's dealings , al though not huge , m.ulo him a most potent factor. Ho offered moro wheat on the ral lies than the crowd wanted , ami on the declines ho seemed disposed to press his advantage , but not viciously. On the breaks Scan art/ & Dupee were the largest buyers , and fair- bunk's brokers picked up a little. Dullness was the priuui'ul feature of to day's corn market , and alter some display of strength in near futures at the opening , they lapsed into dullness and lower prices. The foicign markets were linn and the export demand unabated. February wus within 2fio and March from Jjfu to lo of May atonotinio. The export clearances continue to give sub stantial evidence of the icquirements of the 1 01 oign countries , and if more freight room could bo had ut the present rates there would bo oven inoio business done. The ovoort clearances for the week , including Now Orleans , is close uuon 2,000,000 uushcls , nt which rate , continued for the balance of the season , it would have some influence , even on n crop as largo as the present one. The receipts to day wcro 11 cars over yesterday's estimate , but only the usual 1 car in about 45 was No. 'J. Inanimation , dullness and weakness were the uninteresting Icatures of the latter half of the session. There was some guessing on the probable figures of the visible supply , the general expectation being for some slight dccicaso , but the quantity was not expressed in figures. The opening flurry among the sboits In February and Marcti gave place tea a doslro among the longs to unload , which made the closing \\eak and fiom J c to } ic lower than yesterday's llnal figures. The trade in outs was one of the dullest for many weeks. The receipts were fair , and theio ttas about the usual trade in fico-on-bourd lots , while the aggregate business in futures was decidedly small , un- impoi taut and featureless. The feeling was steady , with mild inquiry for May at 27Xc. After some business -K@27 c , together with Juno at * o discount und near months dull and cjiiotably steady , No , 2 oats to go to store sold fairly at " > } { c. In provisions the movement exhibited con siderable strength. The monthly stock .showing was about as largo as the trade ex pected , nnd as the advices from the stock yuidswore bearish , the situation , if any thing , was favorable to the buying interest. Still the market was well supported. The shorts allowed moi o or less disposition to cover , and better prices than at yosterday's close were realised. In lard the advance es tablished amounted in fact to ' } 4 < ij ) Mc , and in blioit ribs ! > C $10a CHICAGO IAVK SrOCIL CHICAOO , Feb. 2. ( Special Telegram to TUB nBE.f CATTLE To-dny's trade was slow nnd prices weak , with a slight down turn all around. There were but few if any shipping orders , nnd the dressed bcof people were Holding back for Monday's run , calcu lating that the shower of telegrams that went out on Thursday and Friday will sot in motion a big run tor Monday and the fore part ol next week. Choice beeves , nominal nt ft.l5@ ( 1.75 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , fJ.70i4 "M ; 1200 to 1851) ) Ibs , ? , Ur , @ 4.00 : 050 to 1'JOO Ibs , $2 00@UO ; stackers and fccdeis , 52.00Q3.40 ; COWB , bulls and mixed , * 'J.rOtii.OO : ; bulk , $ aiOftJ3.40 ; Texas steers , $3.- > oii.GO ( ! ; COWH. $ j oodgj in. lloos J'o-day there was an old-time panlo o * It woie , values going down with a rush on medium and big heavy , the decline at one timu rating a strong lOu on everything but light light. The curiosity to the trade this morning was that whoicin cxtiemoly heavy , cr.y 4H-lb. ( ) averages and upwards , would not soil for over f I 70 , llght-IIgnt of 100 to 1 0-lb. averages sold ut tr > lUjii.20. ( ! These big , heavy grades were harder to soli to day than at any day this weok. The bulk of the mlxod sold at $4 ( tt@4.70 , and heavy at fcl.70 ( i4 7f . Some rough pajkens sola as low ns * UO < jj4.GO. FINANUIiVTj. NKW YOHK , Feb. 2. [ Special Telegram to TUB Unr..l STOCKS The foreign buying was again a feature of the stock market this morning. London prices came strong and fractionally higher , und the market opened with considerable activity , first prices showIng - Ing gains of & to Jjf per cent , 'J ho advance , however , induced fice railbing sales by the traders , and n slight reaction followed. The commission bouses wore good buyers of the general list. The feeling Is quite bullish , and picdicUona were freely made that the market will continue to broaden und that the forthcoming week will witness more activity than has boon scon in many months. West ern Union Is In a very prosperous condition , and u return to a 0 per cent dividend basis la certain to take place within u shoittlmo , The movement in Heading stock nnd bonds fully substantiates what the friends of the company claimed The tulk from I'hlludol- phio is particularly encouraging. The snino people who hnvo boon picking uu Reading have been buying Northern Pacific stock. The insiders uia buying Union Puollic on nil weak spots , and t > uy Unit the company was never tu u better condition , and that it has enough uiouey In its tieasury to make a hnndscmio dlrfsjon nmonj * the stockholders After 11 o'clock the market became lev active and the tone became easier. No special feature ; marked the dealings for the remainder of the day , und the market llunllv closed , nt about the opening figures The total Mies for the day amounted to 170,000 Minted , Including Heading , 0,500 ; Lake Shore , 10OOJ ; Northern Pacille pro furred , 4,00p ; Clovolaud , Culiimhua , Cincin nati & Indlaimpolls , fl.OOO ; Lackawnnnn , 7,500 ; Union 1'aclllc , O.fiOO ; Northwestern , 0.000 ; St. Pn I , 6,000 ; Now England. 0,500 , and HIclunOntrTcrmlnnl , 4,000. Thcfolbvvlitit WiJrj Uu ulotliu qintttions IT.S. 4s regular . .1.T5 Northern 1'Aclflo. . ai'i II. 3.4scoupons . .12Jiji dopfflforrod , . . BI r.s.i'fsrotfiiM- , c. * s. w . IDS' ; U. 8. 4'iscoiii > oni 10) ) i dopraferroO , . . . ,141'S I'acincilsot Vi . 1M IN. V\mtral ( . . 10W ( Vntrnl IMclflo . .IV * I' . , I ) , ft K . K43i C'hlcKiro * Alton 137 iltock Mlixml . . . . . . . 100U Chlcago.llnrllneton It1. . M. A St. I > . . . . MS & Qulncy . . . . 110 % dopreferroil . IC2 * n.-ti. * \ \ \ . . , i4i' , st I'aui&omahi . . Illinois Centra ! HA I doproferrtvl . . . .HI 1..1I. &W. . . . ll > i t'nlnn I'iiciflo . filN Kiinous \ Texas II iW..St. L. .V r . 1T t.nkoShore . . ln-i < il do iirpfcrrod. . . WV MlrhlRntHVntr.xl VJ , Western Kulou . MJi Mlssonrll'.icillc ; . . : , l'i ' Mover o > J Cui , Easy nt'J per cent. PitiME MEUC < Nnrs I'AIT.U I ' ? ( pjr cent. STKIIUSO BXOIUVOB Steady ; demand , ? 4 SSJtf , slxty-day bills f I. -i ai.vmturs. CIIK 100. I'ob. -Uhont Steady ; cash , 04e ; L'orn Kasy ; ca h,33Vc , ; March , M 11-lCc ; May , : ! i ) 1ft ir > c Oats Steady ; cash , 25ifc ; March , 2flo ; Mny. 'J7 r. e I7o. Hurley Nothing doing. Prime Timothi11.50. . Flux-SI.GO. Whiskyoi. ! : . Pork Steady ; cash , 8U.37K ; March , $11 47' ; May. $11 07Jf hard Steady ; cash , M.POj March , JU93K ; May , fif)7. ! ) t' lour ( Juiet nnd unchanged. Hulk Meats Shoulders , $ t ! OO ir. 12' ' if ; short clear , ? < ji71t ; ( Tl.V ) ) . short ribs , ? li O.X O 10. Htittor Scarce , creamery , ! Si7c ( ; : dairy , isc < t c. Choose Steady ; full cream choddais , lOJf ( iillc ; ll.its , ll'fill'/c ; 1'oung Americas , l i'gs Easier , fresh , in@14c. Hides Unchanged ; nuivy mm light green salted , 5o : green , 4c ; salted bull , 4 > c ; green bull , S fe ; green salted calf , dry flint , 7K' o ; green salted kip , 4e ; dry calf , 7@3o ; bmndod hides , 13 par cant off ; deacons , 25@30o each ; dry salted , 7oTallow Tallow Steady No. 1 , soltu , 4 c ; No. 2 , cake. 3e. Hocomts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 7,000 0,000 Wheat bu 12,000 19,000 Corn.uu 15(1,000 ( 81,000 Oats , bu 12.030 53,000 Now Voric. Fob. 2.-r-\Vhoat Quiet for spot and firmer ; No. 2 red , fl.T > < ! 9.'t > c In elevator. UyJiWJoojalloat , WJOj'fo ' f. o. b ; No. It red , 87u , options dull , lower and weak ; Tobruari closing at Die , Corn Receipts , -14,1)00 ) ; exports , 155.791 ; spot ijuiot but llrm , and ' WJ i1 lusher ; No. 2 , 44K'iT ( o in elevator , 45KC' " 15 % o afloat ; No. 2 , white , 4lW ( < jHde ; ungrado.1 mixed , 40Q45c ; options dull. Oats Hoceipts , 1)1,000 ) ; exports , none ; spot moro active and ' 4GJiO higher ; options dull but steady ; Fobru.uy , olc ; March , 32 8e. ; May. ! )28 ) e ; mixed western , 2'W3Jc. ' Coffee Options opened steady and closed i tfAMUilnB 1'UULUUl y l f IU IAJ f i 14HjUm if ) lift Wj ( < 15C5 ; May , $15.45(315155 ( ; spot HIo barely steady ; fair cargoes , S17.00& . Petroleum Steady and quiet ; Uuited closed nt S5Ko. Eggs Steady ; western , . . _ . Pork Steady ; now , 51300@13.25. Lard Stronger and quiet ; western steam , 7.33 ; February , $7.20. Mutter Finn ; western dairy , 13@29o ; creamery , 10 ( < J2Sc ; Elgins , 29u. Cheese Steady ; western , RIIUMIW' ' City , Feb. 2. Wheats-Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , SScbid ; May'JJJ c ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 8S > s'o asked ; Mar , U3o asked. Corn Quiut ; No. a , cash. 2to ! nskod ; May , " % ( ; bid ; No. 2 , white , May , 2' ) > c bid. Oats No. 2 , cash , 2 c asked ; May , Zlo asked. Iiivcrponl , Feb. 2. [ Special Cablegram to TUB UKB. ] 2:00 : p. m. close. Pork- Holders offer freely ; prlmo mess , eastern , 70s , easy ; do , western , W)3 ) easy. Lard Holders offer spot freely and futures moderately ; spot and February , oOs 'M , ste idy ; March and April , ! Ws Od , steady. Wheat Holders offer sparingly ; now , No. 2 , winter , 7s 7d , steady ; do spring , 7s Od , steady Flour Holders offer moderately at 11s 3d , steady. Corn Holders offer moderately ; spot , 4s IJ d , llrm ; February , 4s l * d , llrm ; March nnd April , 4s Jfd , steady. St. Loui * Feb. 2. Wheat higher ; cash , JfjMay. y3tf@943S. Corn steady ; cash , 21Jf ; May , 33 3-8. Oats steady ; cash , 25 ; May , 23. Pork dull , $ U.87K@12.00. Dard I dull , $ tf.75. Whisky , steady , $1.03. Unttor flrm for better grades ; creamery , 24@3 > 5 ; dairy , 20@27. Cincinnati. Fob. 2. Wheat quiet , llrm ; No. 2 red , OSc. Corn steady ; No. 2 mixed , 3l < a35o. Oats steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc. Whisky , lirui1.0 . Minneapolis. Fob. 2. Wheat Sample wheat active and higher. Hoceipts , liiJoars : shipments , 74 cats , Closing , No. 1 hard , February , fl.14 ; May , $1.17 # ; track , $1 10 ; No. I northern , February , $1.01 ; Mai' , ? 1.10,1 1-8 ; track , $ ; No. 2 northern , February , Ole ; May , , track OJi u. IMTilwaukoc , Pel ) . 2 Wheat Dull ; cash" bS e ; May , < Jl % . Corn Dull ; No. . 5'Je. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 2So. Hye Quiet ; No. 1 , 4i ( c. Hnrloy Depressed ; No. 2 , Glc. Provisions Steady ; pork , $11.35. IjIVi ; nL\U.i. . Feb. 2 L'ua Drovow1 Jour nal renortsas follows Cattle Heceipts. 2,000 ; market steady ; cholco beeves , $ l.3J@t.75 ; stoors$2.00i ( 4.iO ! ; stockersand feeders , 5J.OO@340 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , et.50 300 ; Texas cattle. J200 @ ' 1.50. Hogs Hccolpts , 173,000 ; market 5fi)10o ) lower ; mixed , fl. < SV J > 4.85 ; hoivy , ? 4 0@4bO ; light , M.705.00 ( ! ; pigs. W.OOgS 10. Sheep Uoeolpts 1,500 : market steady ; natives , ? { ,75@5 10 ; westurns , corn-fed , $1.20 ( gl 70 ; Toxuus , $ J.50ji'4 ( ' 50 ; lambs , f I.SOCrtO 2" ) , KanwiiH City , Fob , 2. Cattle Hocolpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market opened llrm on dressed bcof and shipping steers , but weakened and declined , 5 ( < ? 10i3 lower ; cholco cows llrm ; good to cholco corn-fed , fl.O,1) ® 4.25 ; common to medium , $ .110@i ; S5 ; stock- crs and feeding steers , $1.00 ( 325 ; cows , 1.25r ( 2 80. Hogs Hccolpts , 0,100 ; shipments , 800 ; market weak nt 10@15c lower ; common to choice , $3.2V I 50. National Hloulc Vnrilt , lOast St. IjotilH , Fob. 2. Cattle Hocoipts , 200 ; shipments , 700 ; market stoidy , choioo heavy natlvo steers , $3 70 § 1 25 ; fair to good heavy native , steers , W.OOC'f3 80 ; butchers' steers , $ medium to choice , $ JOO3.20 ; stookors and feeders , $1.00M2.70 ; rangers , corn-fed , $3 00 @ 370 ; grass.cd , $1 705$2SO , Hogs Hoeolpts , 2,200 ; shipments , 1,300 ; market oasv ; cholco heavy and butchers' selections , fi,704 ( SO ; packing , $ IG'J4.75 ' ; light grailos , 14.70 4 85. Hloux City , Feb. 2. Cattle Hoceipts , 125 ; shipments , 100 ; steady and unchanged. Hogs Hccoipts , 1,100 ; market IO@I5c louor ; Unlit and mixed , $4 10MI.50 ; heavy , * 1.50Q5 5J. Sovi'n llnntln Cnnsod Uy Ono Alunlnr. lloono Alnrlow , wlio tnurdurud Shorlll Wallace , of Youuy county , Toxiis , Do- coinhor 18 last , was klllod lust Thursday in the Indian territory by Martin Biwv- crd nnd John Dorrlckbon. They trailed him to Ills hiding nlaco and , when ho refused to throw up his liundb , tliov lirod at him. The reward of $2,500 at- forod by the citizens of Youni ; county > waa at once paid to lloiivors and Dot- by rlc'lfson. It vvu3 the escape of Iloono Murlouthnt incensed the citizen mob to attack the jail in which hia four brothers wore hold us accessories to the murder of Sheriff Wallace. This IB the seventh death resulting from the muidor , while tnroo inon aru Berlously wounded. WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , The DoniMid For Money Has Not Increased AND BANKS ARE COMPLAINING. Money Knsler Thnti Any Corrcs- poiulliiti Time In tlio l'a l Two \'cnrs Tlio Prntluco Mnikots Duller , Condition of the Country- CniCAQo , Fob. 2 [ Special Telegram to Titc lJun ] The demand for money has not Improved since the close of the preceding week , and the banks are moro thin usually Inclined to complain nt the Inadequacy of tKo demand , compircd to the funiU available for discounting paper. In fact money Is easier than at nay corresponding time In the past two > cirs , and those who want loans on strictly gilt edjed names or collateral nro readily supplied with funds at 5(56 ( per cent , the hulk of the largo loans buin ? ut 5 per cent , and very few pay above 5Vf per cent. Miscellaneous borrowers on mlxod collator nls nnd business names pay M'5 per cent , the latter being for small amounts. There are few now enterprises to stimulate tlio demand for money , absorption In railway building , the ' prime factor nt this date in the three preceding years , being cntliely absent now , There is nlso less than the customary midwinter employment of funds in pork packing and In cnrrj ing wheat. The open character of the winter has , up to this time , enabled merchants to collect up much closer than usual , hence they want less than the average amount of assistance from their bankets , The only source from which there is moio than the customary call for money Is for carrying conIn tlio country. The cur rent low prices hero nml ntothernoints make it moro profitable for country dealers to sell for May delivery und hold the corn nt home , where stoiago piuctically costs noth ing. Money at , custom financial c enters continues to accumulate , nnd discount rates favor borroweti. In London rates on the open market on stocK collaterals nro easy nt l C"1 * per cent. The decline In the ' open market has Induced the Hank of Kngland to again reduce Its discount rate to U percent. The market for New York ex change was dull and destitute of now or In teresting features , and the rates remained steady nt par to 23o premium per f 1,000. A steady feeling prevailed in the market for foreign exchange. The oltcrniKS of bills in this market were not large , but In New York the increase was noted , and although the market remained steady the greater pint of the weelc , the close was easy nnd n shade below the opening llguics. The s.ilod of documentary MCI ling bills on London ranged nt $4.S454' i4.b5 , closing at the inside. The trading in stocks in Wall street the past week was unsettled , pciiods of dullness being followed by spasms of activity. The atrgre gate volume of business , however , was larger than for the prececdiiig weelc. The feeling regauling western stocks was unset tled nnd tlio course ot the maiket depended almost . entirely upon the news from Chicago , where the presidents , or rather the repre sentative * , weio in session most of tlio week , . trying . to formulate and to adopt an agi ce ment to maintain i ate * . The opcratois , how ever , did not take kindly to western socui I- tios.und they were rather neglected. Atchison was the center of the western group. The statement of the whole system for IbSSshowod a deficit of $2,709,000. Had no dividends boon paid the deficit would have boon only $184,000. Although the statement had in a measure already been discounted , the free- selling orders from lioston produced u weak feeling and a decline- two points. The free selling created a heavy short interest , which alone aggregated 50,000 shares. A decrease in the offerings later , nnd a disposition on the part of the shorts to cover , checked the downward movement , and a rally of 4) points followed. The changes in the other western stocks were confined to a small rango. Cotton Oils received a moderate set back bv the New Orleans decision declaring comulnations illegal , but the prlco hold up well and t ecorded moderate advances. Sub stantial dividend stock , like Lackawanna , Delaware & Hudson , Pullman and others , received moio attention , from the moderate number of Investment buyers in market. Delaware & Hudson increased its dividend 1 percent. Pullman purchased hbcralh , nnd advanced about sit points , touching i ) ' . ' . but the fair realizing caused a moderate reaction. Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati & Indian apolis came to the front nnd advanced G points. Honds wcro active , investors giving them moro attention than stocks. A llrm feeling prevailed and prices advanced mod erately. Talcing the week on the whole , it was more favorable to the "bulls , " but the latter , ns a rule , are still timid. The aggre gate transactions on the New York stock ex change for the week were 1,415,000 shares. Not as much life was witnessed in the leading produce markets duting the past week as during the previous three or four weeks , and the feeling was somewhat un settled , and prices lluctuatud considerably. The trading was credited mainly to the local operators , orders from outside parties baing limited , and chiefly from operators in trad ing centers , The speculators apparently , were accepting small profits on losses , nnd the bulk of the business was in moderate quantities. Tlio supplies of grain are gradu ally decreasing , nnd the deliveries from llrst hands arc .somewhat limited Consldcinblo grain has been distributed through the east ern states , but tlio export movement was light , excepting of corn. In provisions.thero was n moderate shipping demand , and the supply is gradually enlarging , though the export movement is well maintained. The weather continues moderate for the season of the year , but no damage of importance to the crops was re ported. In speculative circles neither the long nor the short inteiost appeared to gain any particular advantage. Among shippers s fair business was reported , but us a rule the orders were for small quantities. The movement of live stocic to the principal mar kets shows llttlo Improvement , thought the prices have favored buyers. The packing of the west showed a decrease of 30,000 hogs during the week , and the decrease for tlio season , so far , is reported at about 000,000 hogs in number , but the Increase m weight will pattly oifsot this deficiency. HCMG10US. St. Louis has twenty two Methodist Epis copal churches , worth f 2S3WO. ( AH world conference of Mormons Is to beheld hold ut Salt Lake City in Aptil. The faulnts sniff u ctlslH. The llrst branch of the "ICIng's Daugh ters" to bo sturtod In Wyoming is now or- guiiiring in Cheyenne. Dr. Parker , of tlio City Toniplo , London , goes the Salvation army one better , so to speak. Ho iinnounco.s u mules of icllgious services whetu smoking will bo allowed , The receipts of the Congregational union the last year were $131,72" , an increase of $7,300 over lust year. Forty-one pasonages and 101 churches were added in the lust twelve months Tim Kov. Antony Swonsson , of Detroit , Is the Hist Swede to become u Koimm Cutholio priest since the Reformation , Out of a pnpu- iatlon of O.ooo.ooo Sweden has only 2,000 Hu man Catholics The Catholic church in the United States has 13 uiclibishops , 71 bishops , 7,970 priests , 1,111 Hemiimrmns , 7,124 chuulius , , ' ( , ! , ' ! . ! Uiapolitind stations , 27 somiiiaiies , 97 tol. legus , 510 academics , 3,0 JI p iroclii U schools , SV > ,0)5 ( ) pupils in parochial schools , 519 char itable institutions , arid a Catholic pap nation of.7,855yyi. A novel Sunday school has boon organize 1 bv tUo Uilcgriiph oporntnis of tno Nashville , Uhattanooga .V St. Louis railroad , livery Sunday morning the school is culled to order bv the superintendent , Operator Hratnblut , who telegraphs IIIH order from \Varlraou , J'onn. After prayer and tlio reading of a chapter from the Hiblo , all of which is done ver the \vlio , questions uro asked the class Mr. Hmuiblot , nnu the tlrst man to an- suer captures the circuit. Mis. Trovor'rf CatH. Mm. Jnuo Trevor , of Chicago , who Is oug piiHt inidilln life , lives in u wont sidu ilut-huiisu with : i ( 'roat colony of cats , I for room * tmai m with thorn and they are- the turror of Iho neighborhood , imUctilnrly of Mr. SlntUor. Similar lives in the sumo IIOIKO , nml was an noyed. by the nlphtly howling of thi cats , ami the other night ho got up nm IcIUeiloiio with boot-jack. . In revotipo Mrs. Trevor piled all her poll ami Itot ties on the stairway , nnd when Simile cnitio homo that night ho fell eve them. Then ho hail her arrested , am to-tlay .lustico YVhilo put her timlot lmn < ls to keep the pcaco and suppro& the eat nuisance. You tike cohl very eisy. do you not ? Your nest ston | up , and von lm\o n watorv dlnlwrKo fnim , t. Vom tin mt nils ultli plili'nm , und inn ainroutlmiiilly licminlni ; nnil spitting , somo- llm-s the discmiiuo l thick and j oilim. and you lot'l u fallings n\ui tlu > InIdxo ottlto nose. \\liy IH it. ' Simply till ! . : Tlnitou have u chronic in- Humiliation of t li tinning nftiio nose and tin oat , voij cljiuien v'f toniptruniri ) , either mnfccs It fc , i jfcuyr wiii-ii It w warm ov vVii'so when H 13 cold A ( tarn told thw inriubinuo U loft oon- K sto < l. It diiosnt get. entire ! ) well , and afifoli cold is tlioiotoio I'usiui to uku. A inn ous membrane , wlum Inllamoil , iiluii\3necrotesmore tliiinnoiiniil , nln I more blood rimnos to Urn part , which Mu-IN tlio purts. nnd In the no-drib closes till-in tin nmni elosel > CAN IT III ! t Ullllll AND IIOVV ? To uiu cnturih , ni'iossnrlh requires tioat niont. It wonted n nil of Itself 'Ihotieitment mint bi > Jii'lliioiH , not luiplm/iird. It Is nftoi i olleI'd liy muni or the patent pi opal all ins on tlio market , but onltemporalllv. . I'hoy do iiotiiunoM ) tlio deep seated conditions , but only le sr > n tlioilKchiiiKO. und fiosli rolil iM Just us i-i" ) to tnltHiis buforc Now isn I It ttm\Mu to dillydally with these nostriiins ? Isn't It a hi'tttu pint : to put your c.isn In the liiinds of a iihxMifttn , vlio imdoi tiilils It nnd i tires It ? Isn t It ihiMpoi in tin1 nd/ \\o \ USHIIIO xon a good tioutmiMit , tiriitmont th.it Is dlicitod to yniir liill\lln ( ( il LIISO nn iiiutti'i how st > Mnolt Is. \Vo chiirm-lnit llttlu tor what wo do , less tlmn tin' genual i uu of pli > M < tuns. Om lulinbillty in tre.itlin : Cat urh , Astlnu.i , llionchltls olc. Is iiniiiistloiUMl. | nocTou J. CRESAP McCOY , ( fnteonicllonn liosp til.Ncw > t ) Succouded by 110CTOU Giiodes M , Jordan ( Late of tlio Tnivoislty ot Nmv Voik City and Howuid Uulvuisltr , Washington , 1) , C' . HAS orKicns No. 31O and 311 Ramcro Building Corner fifteenth and Harnoy sts , Oinalin , Nob. , where nil ctu.ililo cases am tioatud with succwss. Note Dr. Clmrles M. Joiilun has been losl- dentph.\ftltlaii toi Dr. McCoy. In Omaha , for the pust year and Is the physician who 1ms mndo tliu cures that havu been published weekly in thin paper. Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump tion. Itrlght's disease. Dyspepsia , itlioumuttsm nnd all MJIIVOUS DlbKAM'.S. All disc ist's p - cullur to the sexes a specialty. OATAKKII CUHKD. CONSULTATION nt onlce or liy mull , II. OIHco hours II to 11 it. m , a to 4 p. m. , 7 to Rn. m . Sunday ollice horns tionUln. m , to 1 p. m. Co rra poudencurccoiw'3 pi oinpt attention. ilanvdiseases lire treated Hiiccmsfnlly by Dr. Jordan throiiKii the mnlls.und It K Uiu.s possible tor those im.iblo to iniiku n lomiiuy to obtain T1IU1R IIOMRS. CALIFORNIA ! THELAND OP DISCOVERIES. . WCUF\E TOR tATARRH E CAL. Santa Abie : and : Oat-R-Ouro For Snlo by G-oodman Drug Co. C C'lirort by HI'ANISIl Hl'lVll ir ClroulRra free 1MMfHlS llt'UHH I'll. Dili Illll , Null. Untimely V/rinlUca , A fnw years .igo. If any on hail innilo thnilpc. laratlon th.it nrliild'H ' and scnrs tould liocntlrUy ( illltuniteil , they would liuvo heeii iouil ; mlijixtotur durlMlun. Uut unii limn who li.i.s tlnco liaunui HH had at tlut tlmo liueiili'il un apiliinco | | for tlu ears. A ho thn nose ; ipi > lliincu fur . . . tlio nos > \ tidth or U'lilc'h liiivii lint njti ) rcmarknbln buccnss , und the ntnv fuclnl InMril ment ( ulilch ciTtulnlj hns nntfr bisn niualed ) for lioiloiv or minkui thtt-Us , warn , rlttini ; , uuytl- uplill } the fi-uturni. tc. Ills Kteatent Ii ( hliivcilK lit ivii , fionuinr , nliuii hu perfeclod this tieatnitnt rornrlnkloi , It took MHIIU tlmn nnd a cront'lrnl of Btwly mid pHr&eviimncK. Hut ho at last tmivlau-d tlio most pkf > p- llrnlthat wrlnXIrs luuld IHI.S | . thitiy l > o witlrcly ol/llturatnl / , ' from thnt mniiient his iss was nssuri-l. Tlio treatment \ In tlin IUP of iiuiifttrtitlii ! ; o'ls ' , whlth. com- Wuml with iiraiilpiil-nio'i iirt frlttlnn , ( such in hH novfinul liistniinnnt fur iil.iliui ) will in .ifchort tlmn itntliulr oblltrrutA thu nrlnkUu. Thin in"1" " " " > nuuo other tli.in tlir > famous iVnnatolos'st ' , Hr. John 11. Woodhur ) now ainducls tlm largest c.'tiilillsliiiifiu < i | thn kind In thn world , ut 211 AV 4ii Htnmt. NPW York Cltj- N. y lie luisjuit Isn'.ieil tin Cth ( illtlnn of his l -p.itii book tnatlncon nil tkln uml Hralp ulTt'ctions , which lie _ malu to any uddrrss upon receipt of 10 eta. Ho hns nu t v.lth iilipiioinrnal tuiLcossnllli oil of his treatments Thn of Hoctnrls IWlete ; < lHltli 1 .tiers from all parts of thn norld from rx-nont Irotihlwl p&i with , lilrthiniirlc * , mpcrfluoui tialr. inolc , frn-k- ur IM , anil nil otlier tkln und bcalp titlrctloni. l.ierj onn duslrlni ; Informallou in tr ri ) to MJCO sljonld wrlta ami describe tUclr cato aniJsc.it lur tils mj ESTABLISHED 1851 I IOO So. ThoRfgDlarOld-EslabllsIied PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It sllll Trwltag with lha GfMti $ SKILL and SUCCESS _ J XV TT T I * - Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , - NERVOUS nentLITY , Loit Manhood , Falllnff Memory , Knhnuitlnc Drain * , T rrlbl * Drcima , llcud and Dack Ac fit nil all ih effcclt killing lo early decay ami peih > p * Coniumptlon or Insanity. itcjiM tclmiincally bjr ntwn lhmU with OiT S YPI11L1S nj .11 bad Blood and BVInDll- eases rtrm nently cured * -KIUNEYnnd URINARYc mr ! lnti.Qleet. Gonort hoc * , Strictu re , Varlcocele anil ! ! ducaio ef ( he Genlto-Uthnry Uigini Hired promptly without Injury trtblomach , KUncjs rt other Otn nj. Of No experiments. Age nml experience lra > portant , Conciliation free > ml rncred. Oj9-Senit4cenit pottice for Celebrated Workl o > Chronic , Nervoua ami Delicate pxrxu. U -Tho a coiiltmil | linf Marri > > e ornd fat Dr. Clotlce'a celtlinled guMe Male anil Female , each is centi , tmlh 95 ctnti ( stimml ConMilt the old Doctor , A frlenilly letter or c-ill niAyinve ruliireiurTer- ina and h me , anil add golden > can ta life.JrfHook "L.lfc'aSccieO ( Errors , " 5a < .cnt ( tjmp ) . SleiUani ntl utiltnj ; sent e\ei > uhcre. fruite from exposure. Hours , 8lo8 Sunil.i > > ito u AiMrcit F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 100 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL , OMAHA MEDICALa * " SURGICAL INSTITUTF % N. W. Cor 13th fJ. Dodwo Sts. toil TIIKTHl. ITtlFNT OF * l.L Appliancs : for Deformities ani Trueio ; . Hot ttvclltllM , nppnrMni * mul remi lltn fornucopM ful trenliiiiMil n ! \or > form ot illciiu requiring AloitliHl orSuritlcHl Treatment FIFTY HOOMS FOR PATIENTS. lloirit nnil nttondauce , beat Uospltnl urcomranilu * tlnn in liie won \ \ uni toll I niri'I MH nn DrfnnnlUtM nmt Urnrn\ Trusses , Club Vaal. I urwiuiro of tlio bplno , l'llo < , 'lilniiir . I linear. Inlurrli , HrmiLlillli , Inlialallnn Kltclrldty , rurnlj.ils , Kplloiny , Klliii-j. Illmlilur Uyn , l > r , bkln nnd llli > oilanJ atl'iiirKlciiloporulluiis Diseases of Worn on ci Specialty. lloou ON DmrA its OF WOMLS I line ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAlvlMI A HIM Cl MTV Of PRIVATE J5ISHASES. All IIIooj llh H micco-ufnUy Irentiiil Pillion roinovpil trim tlm y li-ni wlthutit im > roury. Nt w ro-.lorHtlvo trt'iitriiont lor IOHI nf Vltnl Power IVrion iinnlilu to vIMt 111 inn ) hi1 trtatoil nt liomu bv rirresi > iimtoiii ci All communlcatlona cunlldeutlnl. oillclnoi ur Inttriimonti n'lit br msll nr xiroM , curoly | mclp.l. no riinrKs to liulli ate ( onlonti or nilor. Ono iHirional Inli-rvlow pruli-irod. Cnll nd commit Hi or neiiit hlitory of your cine , and no will send In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREEI Upon 1'rlvB.ti1. bpoclnl or orv lU1 Dl iMisos , Irnpo- Uucy , S ) ulillls , ( IliiOt mul Vnrlcocolo , wltU qnaiuon lint Adurami Omului Medical rtiu ? titnijical Institute , or OK. i1Ic i\A.1JV , Cor. 13th and Doilgo Sts. , - - OMAHA. NEn. Dr. J. E , McCrew , One of HIR Most Succcssrul SPECIALISTS In the Jreatnient of all Chronic , Spe cial and Private Diseases , LOSS OF MANHOOD , KS boxiial Orguns , absolutely lined PRIVATE DISEASES , niQEAQE ? lili treatment for whlgh UlOLHOtOi gives the moat brautiful xlon nml u pel foct Hitn , CONSULTATION FREE ; S S Send stamp for icply. Offlco BiiBhman BlooK. 16th and U oiii ; lab Sts. Omaha , Neu LOMfBARD Jioston , Mats. ; Katisu * City , Bio , Capital & 5:1 : plus , $1 $ , This romp my has npcno'lRii ' Omaliu otllceand Ispiepiiu'il to fmnlsli monny piomptly on 1m- pu.vi'dcltj mill faun propoity. No application * mmt iiHiiy for iippioval. I.OHUS closed and paid \Mlliuiildoliiy. . . .IOI1NV. . (51 ( 11 , MamiUDr. 30.1 South IJtli Street , Wist National Iluuk. Hns olittilnod u rotitution ] ) wlioiovor in- tpoilucoil for "C oitituri SrvM5)"l-'Kit- I'KCT FIT , " "C'dJII-OIlT ANJ > DultAllIl- ii'Y. " They liuvo nn biipupiors in Hand Turns , Hand Welts , Goodyoiir Welt , ind Miioliiuo Sowed. I-udieH , auk fop tlio lAJi > ut\v" SiroK. Try lliom , and you will luy no othui * . B. IREY. TO LOAN , On City anil Farm Prooortyl CASH ON HAND , First MortL'tiffo 1'ivpor Bought. Kron/op jJlock. opt ) . I * . O. ) DR , BAILEY'S ' DENTAL UJCOXEP * Institute ! Toolli njtrH'Meil ' wltlmut pnlu nriliiiiKCr. ( Julii nnil Hlvur lillliiKJ nt lonpit rutui. Hound rootuiiiivoil br rrownliw , ruilini llloik , luh xii'l l-nniuui Tolopliuud till. PILE CUBE PBEEI U'dlmvon noiitlro euro for U'CIIINfJ. III.IND Ili.HliDl.Sd I'll.Ke1. Hi" lit uni ihouuanili of c * IniiK lUndlnK IIHTO uenii cured ho tlronit li our fullli In ll > curntln ) nouri-ri tluil v will limit on * knuo fiifK lu urerjr untrurcr wiull lUnilii for lioilniiv , olr. Add run Till : \V MIIJ.AItl ) CO. . IIUJ-CALO , K. V. TAKB NoncK.-Tlio uborooifcr line liUDibiii Yo ncluiilljr retcltu n Uux nl I'llo Curi HUb by rwurii mnllliiola lot of rlrcnliir > ) , uiiJ rn xiiMkMltf'i wlu touvlnie cvu of Iti worth.