Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1889, Page 10, Image 10

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Acivertipements under tus he art \t cents pc
line for the first Insertion. 7 rents for each ml
ticquent ln > > crtlon. and tl.Wn , line per montli
Jfo mltcttlf cmcnt mkcn for less than accent
tlie lr ! t .hiet tlon. Seven words will bo counte
to the line ! they must run consecutively MI
must bo paid In A1)VAN 'K. All ndvertl *
in tint no handed lu bcforo 12:30 : o'clock r
i. , mid under no clrcimiMnnre * will they b
taken M tin-continued by teleptmno.
Part IBS advcrtl sine in these columns nnd hat
Inc their nnswcrs addressed In care of 'J n E HE
will pleaieaskforn check to enable them tog *
tbclr letter * , 05 none will be delivered except 01
presentation of rherk. All nns rs to nilvei
tlspinontH should bo enclosed In envelope * .
All mlvortlsemtotH In these columns nro put
llshed In both morning nnd evening editions o
Til f. llRK , thn circulation of which aggregate
wore than 18,000 tmpcrs dally. and jrlvrs the ad
Trti CM the bontiU , not only ot the city elm
ItDon of TIIK ttr.r. , but nlnoof Council IlluftV
Lincoln nml other cltlM nnd towns throughou
thlssoftlon of Hifl country.
country.OFFICE'S ?
for thM column * will b takei
en the above conditions , at the following bin !
Bees houses , who nro authorized ngpnts for Tni
BKK special notion , nml will n"nln the Ram
Mtoa as rim bo had nt the main offlco
"ifoilN . I1KLU Pharmacist , 100 South Tontl
. A KDDV , Btntloners and Printers , 11
CIIAHP. If.tli Street.
II KAKN8WOHTI1 , Pharmacist. ailSCum
Ing Street.
\\r .T. ifPOHHS , Pharmacist , KM Noith IGtl
Y > . Street
Gl'O. w. PAllll , Phurmaclst , ISJOSt , Mary'
- in laundry by llnt-elus
WANTKD-Posltlon otpotlnnoo. Inmilr
Omaha Ilmpl. llurcau , 11 ! ) N. Kith st. Tiiti-'l'
r ANTKD To tnko euro nf fmnlshed rooms
or hoiisokeepor. Address GUI IN 15th ht ,
Oiunhn. 07:1 : ft-
IJIIAIIMACIST ( lli-Kt-clnss ) deslnss position
Itnfcrences or sa-curlty given. Address P 4
Ilco olllce. UH T
" \\7ANTHD-l.ady cashier of cxperlonco dc
TT sires position , good references. Address !
D3 Hoe , stating sulqiy. tCT ii *
ANfn-sttintlonH for good help. M ;
rooms nru tilled m ory day v 1th good girl
of all nationalities looking for work. Mrs
15th. 668 K
\A7ANTKD-lly college student , to work feT
T boaid In private family. Addn'ssl'21
Ilco. C01 4t
TX/ANTCD Position by experienced stenog
i rnphor nnd typewriter ouorator. Very bes
references given. Address P2M , Dee. fi78B *
WANTED Bltitntlon by experienced 1-wlj
stcnoijrnphsri city roforencos. Audrt-ia
> l. L. ] jIU ) Dodge n. _ 477 4t
G OHDON Dress feeder wuntod nt 1' . C. Kiss
nor'.s printing ollico. 1 ! 07 Howard , C7S i
\\r ANTlJD-Men for nillioud work In Wn *
TI Ington Territory , nt Albright's lobo
ngeiuy , 1220 Fnrnamst. 711) )
Wo wish n few men to soil ou
goods by sample to tlio wlmlosalound re tut
trnde. l.urgnstnianufactuior.s In our lino. iu :
close 2-cent stain p. Wuges JJ per day. I'm man
ent position. No postals answered. Money ad
vanced for wag s , ndvcrtlsliii ; , etc. Coiitemila
Wnn'f'B Co. , Cincinnati , O. 70 > m 1'JT
W ANTF.D AcUTe nmn with flO KMcTish'Ti
tuke imuinglng position lu bank duliu
good biiBlness. with very blub piospccls. Ad
dress P. o. Dox 768 , Omaha. 701-5 *
W ANTKD Agents. Youngmeninovory ctt )
and town wejt of Omaha to handle nu nr
tlclo staple as Hour ; Bells on sight ; no house to
IIOUPO canvaKslng ; light work nnd largo profits
Address Schrocdor i SchodUe. 500 8. 18th st.
( Jnmlia , Neb. OL'4-3 ' *
W ANTKD A live cnnvnsser In each town tc
sell a commercial specialty , popular am
ot long standinglJruo coiumlsslous. Quick
ealos. No capital required. Inquire the com
merclal standing of our house. Kstubllshctl
JBW ) . Write for particulars , enclosing 2-cenl
stamp. The Hnynolds & lloyiiolds Co. . Dayton.O ,
W ANTKD Agents for Mllwnrd's calyx-eyed
solf-thrcudln ? needle ; preserves falling
Bight ; a help to good sight ; perfect bonanza foi
canvassers ; sample package lOc. Sena foi
circulars to bcudquartois , Staynor &Co. , Pie
Vldonco , It. I. CGtim'- *
" \\7"ANTHD flood man to keep small country
TT hotol. Apply top. on , earo of llee. 0070
TUB Standard Cattle Co. wnnt n thoroughly
competent maclunest and engineer : must
apply lu person at Ames. Neb , GUS U
° V\7ANTKD Man for delivery wagon."Addosj
PU , Ueeolllco. _ _ aas
WANTED flood stenographer , and rnplcl
typewriter operntor. P 3 U , Hoe olllce.TOot
W ANTI.D A boy of good address In dentist
olllco. ItW Douglas st. CSO 3
W ANTKD FitMt-clnssbuttcrtubmaker.mubt
furnish tools. Apply to M. Terrler.Siittou ,
Clay Co. . Ndb. U&'i . ' Ht
W ANTKD A man acquainted with the mer
chant tailoring business to travel ; must ba
n rustler. Address U. S. , P. O. box IT ! South
Omaha , Nob. oil 4t
" | X7ANTISD-A stenographer nnU typewriter ,
TT Must bo thoroughly experienced nnd com-
petent-no nmatnm-wanted. Home Fire Insur
nc Co. , 151C ) Douglas St. HOC 4
WANTHD A first-class toa. cigar and splco
snlesmnn for southern Nebraska , also ouu
thoroughly acquainted with retail grocery and
drugtrndoof Omaha nnd Council illuirn. Address -
dress H. C. Fisher. 33 Mich , aye. , Chicago. cY ) 3
TJl7ANTiiOno : good agent in every to\vn to
T T soil the ClmnilCrfl Ink Kraslug Pencil. Sam
ples JKe. Address McCulloch it Co. , ronm 4 ,
Crolghton block- , Omaha , OH ! 3 ;
" \7l7ANTiD Man to solicit , salary 8" P i
T month , must deposit S.for samples ami
give security for money collected. Address
eorgoS. Cline , nil , First National Dank build
ing , Omaha , or Wagner blk , DCS Molnes , in.
BOYS-Am. Dlst. Ttl. Co. , 1TO4 Douglas.
\\"ANTKD-Mnn to tnko the ugoncy of our
TT safes ; slz 28.xl8xls Inchoa ; wi'lghtnOO Ibs ;
retnll price ; other sizes in propoitton. A
rare chance and permanent business. These
afesinoct nduinnnd never before supplied by
otborsafii companies , as wo are not uovornud
l > y the safe pool , Alpine Safe Co. , Clnclnati. O.
WANTnD-Cnipentorto build n liouso nnd
take good buslnoss lot on Snunders street
fts pay. linquiro 2223 Pierce bt , 4&'J
W ANTKD Live men and women toongi\io ; In
nn easy , paying Imslnoss at iiomo. Can
\vork dnytlmoor evening nnd maksWcto
porhnur ; mirn thing ; Hamplo nnd complete In-
ntructlous sent for lOc. Address , World Supply
Co. . Itmlund , Vt. 410-F2J *
W ANTKDUnorgotlo men nnd women every.
\\horo for a genteel monoy-maklng busi
ness. Vt ) weekly profit uuaranteod easier than
WX > monthly otnnrwis Kxpcrlence absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position nnd exclusive
teiiitory assured , < 2.tiO satuplo froo. Wilte for
partlcutars. Address with Merrill M
, stamp , tv
Co. . H5.-I. Chicago. ttif0r
W ANTKD Clood men in ovoiy locality as do-
toctlves under our Instructions. Bond 'Jo
for particulars , Oklahoma secret service ,
Wichita , Kan. Kit f IJj
MANAPiKKS for principal cities in Washing
ton territory , Oregon , Montnnn , Idaho nnd
Wyoming , dish deposits for moneys colloctad
nd goods In manngiirti' control , whlcli ara
Rlacod In lots from 'J > U to ( I,0 > U. Salary , II.'JOO
J&J.OOO. Loomls Nnfl Library Ass'n , 172 Main
t. , Salt Lakn City , Utah. Blent
W ANTKD Lady stenogrnpher. nnd tn > o-
writer operator. P 41 , lleo olllcfl. Oio-1
WANTKD-taily stenographer. P 12. Ilco o ? .
tlce. offl.4
WANTKD-QIrl to learn dresEinnklng. Mrs.
i * tt , Puunders. laj N 15th st. U74 31
WANTKD Nurse Blrl.'good wncas paid to
the rteht party , aw South 80th vt.
WANTKDM good waitresses , ( 'U ; 3 women
oookH out M ctty.KM ; cook nnd housemaid
with tefurenres In name family , tin and UK ;
waitress in boarding house. HI girls for
country. New places every day In and out of
city nt Mrs. Ili-ognX 3HM 8.15th. fiiU Ut
ANTUD Competent KTtT In fnmi'ly of
two ; lefvrencos roqulrod , OU1 H 2 th st.
| Bta 3
: ) - lady to solicit , must come well
WANTii-A and pay lid for samples ,
eaUry tdl per month. Addiess tlcoree & ( .line ,
Cll Hut National Hank building , Omaha , ur
W sn r block , Don Molnes , la. Ktl
C OMPinKNTRlrl for housework. Mrs.
K. Hall. lt 7 SUerinHO ave.
-SlJlrt makorifttlUS t'uniam st.
Rmp. Ilvrenu. II ! ) N. Idtli st Ditau
OMAHA > yenra , Most reliable In rltv.
N nil r.mploytncnt Oinco 317 N. Ifith st.
rT f 'J
G\NADIAN ( employment Ofllce. Mrs. llre
JH'i S nth. Heforcnro Omaha Natlonnlbanli
613 ml *
_ _
\\fANl KI ) InMriirtlon on tli gultnr by i
it competent teacher. P44. Iiosoilire.7U13'
" \\rANTKI-r.V Tj-body to know that I navi
T i rpinox-ed my olllco to rooniR ; il" nnd ni !
rlrst National bunk bulldlnp , wheic I ihall IK
pleased to meet them. O. J. Stprnsilorir. Ken
Instate , lx > an , Kxchaugo Broker and Itcntn
Agent ( . > 2
\\rANTKD-Coloiilsts The great WllUPrcol
T i ony property , Sacr.imputo valley.\\
being ( fi-\ eloped by the California and Sottth
ern Lnnd Company , city lots nnd Cnllfornln
fruit tracts free. Send stamp for further In
formation to Ktnll Itasch , Omaha , N'eb.
4'.U f >
_ _ _
" \\rANTI I-inr M wompn to ( tso "WllroxV
IT l''nncy Compound Pills. " 1'erfertlv safe1
and always eirvctiml. Solid for c "Woman's
Hftfn Cliiard. " Wllcoi Medical Co , , Plillndcl-
pllln. 111 Alff'qi
"I WISH to borioxv KM to JI.'JiH ) otilir'sT mm t-
i Kaii , good security. \ ) . I ) . Smoaton. Itoom
4.1. Darker block. Oinalin. _ 7H4K11 _
ANTKD-Some cottiigcsbnllt for rash ami
} real i > stuU\ Paul , KXKI Fnrnim st. ! WOw
w ) f4-
\\TI-'NTKD Young Indies nnd geiitTeTnon tn
T > know ihoy can obtain a thorough nnd
practical knowledge of telegraphy , llttln ?
( humsi'lvps In a short tlmtt for good pavlm ;
poxl at the Klectrlc Tolograpli School.
Hou and C21) ) , 1'iuctou blocs , cor. loth and
1'atnatn ts. HC.'K4 *
BO.VUIIN'a-(5ood ) ( board , nlcnly furnished
rooms , gas , bath , furnace bent , at f. " > n o 'k
lu advance ; good locution. 1U-.I N 17th street.
"VTAlittNTlNK'S Snortliaud" aTid'vpnxMltltlB
' Institute , new Paxton butldlug , Omaha.
Tlio only exclusive shorthand school In the
Mate. Over one hundtod graduates In good
situation ! . The school Is under the manage
ment of C' . r" , Valontluo , olllclal stenographer ol
thoilid judicial district of Nebraska , and Prof.
H. It. Uoyles , itn experienced teacher and ver
batim reporter. Day and evening sessions , Stti-
deuls can enter at any time. Send for circulars.
flVi f 17
SP. MOHSK \ Co.xrtll oppn Monday morning ,
. rob. ith , t o lots of line dress goods ti > at
were shipped Iiom New Vork Aug. ! > , lsS3 , and
\ > cre dolured by the railway companies between -
tween Now Vork nnd Clitea'co ; S. P. M. * < o.
rccolvpil an allowmico of nearly n thousand Col
lars for the delay , nnd u 111 otlur the goods to
morrow morning.
VM ) yds all-wool. half-Mool nnd silk and wool
dross needs , lOc a yard , woitb c to 3V. nnd nu-
other lot of the vi-ry llueit Flench dress goods ,
" .TO ) yards 40-Inch l'i ouch dress goods 1 ° IncliPS
sUde , all woolchoice < olors , worth 11,23 yard ,
our price 07c.
These bargains nro displayed In our show
Wo shall also open our entire imw stock of
finest Scotch Klngbnuis 2T > c. lovely nuallty , 32
Inches wide , other housus ask Tic for them.
These and other uprlitg goods make our store
the only 01111 at which to trade In Omaha.
Tha largest and oldest retail house In Omaha ,
having done business here \i \ years under ouo
linn name and oue muuagomont.
701 3 S. P. Morse & Co.
\\rANTKD-Oiio. two or thres unfurnlshtnl
IT rooms withlii four blocks fiom luth and
Howard sts. Address A. Kellner , IWj Ho aid
st. G7'J 4 *
To rent 10 or 13 room Hat with
modern improvements within M mlle of
postolllco. Address P ill. Doe olllce. 82J 'J
TXTANTRD To rent choice 12-room house beT -
T tween Chicago. Farnam and -fltb. streets ,
west. Apply to 1) . V. Sholes , 210 First National
bank. 4M
" 171 OU 11KNT Cottage , 6 rooms. 2013 Clark , on
J-1 cable line. 017 4 *
8 HOOM house near high school. Itont fc0. ! Inquire -
_ quire .1. F. Harton. MIC Cnpltol avo. 43ml *
G11OUSKS for rent , nil centrally located , fur-
nlturo for sale oa monthly payments. CoOperative -
Operative Lund iLot Co. ,205 h. 10th st.
C04 3
_ _
TjpOll KENT Cottage. Inquire 1501 Hurt.
- * - Ohj 3t
T7IOH HiNT l-rooin house nt603 N 13th st. 0-
- * - ' loom house at ii | N aith at. fftt H
FOK IlKNT 10-room house. 20th and Hurt
St. , $ .15.
6-roora bouso , 18th and Vlnton , 815.
-room house. 131H south ftih at. , tit.
r > -room house In Omaha View JW.
o-room liousu , south 17th at. , H.
C-room honso , 17th and forby. SIS.
5-room house , 91 1 nortn 27th st , li.
H-room house. I7tn and Dorcas , tel.
fi-rooui hoase In Bupout Pisco , ons block
from Bheely station , city water , Tory handy
for railroad men or South Omaha , will rent for
12 , very cheap. Geo. J. Fox , room I. Conti
nental block. 027 4
BKAUTinil , B-room house , gas , city water ,
bath room , hot and cold water , on paved
streets with street car , near a good school , only
? per month. The house ts new. Apply nt
once C , F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank.
T7KK KENT When yon wish to rent a house.
JBtoio or olllcn call on us. II. U , Cole , room ,
Continental block , 520
TTIOH HUNT House and barnIluuncom place.
JP Hariis , room 411 First Nnfl bk bldg.
"I71OH HUNT 0-rooin modern Improved house.
- * A 1 locality. Went moderate. Apply M. ll
gutter , 1001 Farnum st. _ D''ii
FOR HUNT Cottages , C rooms , 2728 Charles
at nnd 1KI So 5th st. Inquire It " 12 , Shceloy
block. CTO
OH lir.NT-Klght (8) ( ) room Hat. modern con-
venionccs. Inquire U12 S Kith st. C'12
FOIl UUNT Cheap. 3 and 6 room house. IVi'l
S21f > tst bolwuan Centar nnd Dorcas. jtOmlt
FOlt HUNT Cheapest 10-room modnrn liuuso
in Kountze place on 21st und Locust , only
tlu.Onpcr month. J. A. Uunhnn , room CdQ Pnx-
! on block. 448-1
FOH IlKNT Cheapest 7-room house lu city.
S , K. cor. SUth nnd lluvney sts. , only tiUiO
> cr month. Several small houses for rent. J ,
A , Miiahan , room MM Paxton block. 41J-I
TTIOH HKNT 10-room house , steam , gan , bath ,
J- hot and cold and cistern water , good collar ,
And nice yard , &V , U'W B 21th. lniuire,207 S2lth.
OK HKNT-Houso. 8 rooms , BX S. 20th , near
-l.eavcnwortli. Furnace , gas and butli ,
JJ 5-
Oil HKNT 10-room brick hoiifni , rent low ;
nro very complete. Apply on piomlsps. Dr.
[ ' . B\i in tzliinder , KiiOl Capltot ave. )1 ) f t
FOK HKN'l1 Ti-room house on street car line ,
1714 N. IHtliHt , , with modern Improvements ,
' 18. Inqnlrti U2i : Douglns St. , room 2. Hll
TTIOH IltiN'T-U-room brlcs % 114 S 2jthst ; mod-
Jern cunvemcnres ; near cable line. .1. W ,
Orlilitli , V. P. headquarters. _ 0 'j '
OH HUNT 7-room Hat at COt ) R. 13th. Inrmiro
J. L. UrumlulH & .Sons. 817
T710U IIKNT Nicely furnished front room ,
U1B17 Davenport st. C 2 Ji
POl/ll rooms. It to S per month ; furnished or
imfurnUliod ; cm rar llnw. two blocks from
cablocura. iaJ4 North IWi st. lihl U *
U HUNT Furnished ro'o'm , ' iOlF
TTlOIt KENT Unfurnished lurge front roonii
J. doslrublo locution : moai'rn convonlunceB ,
ntfilS.South Mtlist. wu 6t
TTIOIl IlKN'l'-rurublied large front room ;
J- desirable location ; modera ruuvumoncei at
18Bouth Blxteiiiuli. rt'Jl ' f ,
NICHIA' furulsTiCHl rooms. Sl < X > DouKlns 11.
07(1' ( '
TTIOU HKNT Very clipnp nlc front room ,
-L' with all conveniences ; lorj Fanihiu. cor lltli
at. flu o
FOR IllINlNlcely fuinlshed rixiin for ono
or two ueutlPinun ; stoum heat. KilU Uoimla ; .
A LAIUIK south rcoin ; also Biuall room r.lMly
-.ifurnUhedlovely location and ovury modern
ccmvonlenco , ! U7 Douylas , CO )
mwd nic ly furuUbed rooms f or ILjIit'liousa"
JL keeping. Inquire PWiWebstor nt. 6J7 '
IT1OH KENT rnrmshad room wltn or nlUiout
. * . ' board , gcai Calliornla. U351
TjliritNISHWO rooms for rcntVTiUl OpIwlaTe ,
' '
JL' miii chicaco st , mj j
ANICRIiY furnliheil front roi'U to a-tilo )
gentleman of good habits , 518 S W st. tioa
S : M&ry'n nve. flu 3 *
HUNT Vurn'.shM rooms In ( IrttonlK blk
< -or. nth nnd lo ) < ' e sts. Inouireof Ueo II
Dnvls , MHinrJ li'itci billiard romn MJ
ijlt'HNISIUM ) front room , modern convcn
Jences , M s Jith ave 03 : fl
FmUKNT-NIroTy furnished ref > ni t
bourdlf de < ll-ed , gas , heat and bath-room
1707 Dndgost , _ Ml
1J10II Itr.NT lour nlco furnished rooms , In
-f cltultnu front p.irlor , with niodorn cotivcn
lonres. BI-yN 17th st. 4ft2 5
Itl'S'T Two delir.iblo t-ooms , sultubl
J- ' for Rontiemmi nml wilu or two gentlemen
wlihbonrd , rororeino ? rociuired , Apply in
Dodge st. _ K-I
171UH HUNT Will cut i out , furnished sleep
J-1 ing rooms to t-'i per month , OIIB for Ugn
housoEecplUtf $7 , two tor fid , Wi Howard.
478 ,1 *
* ) Nt"l5t.Y | MniWied rooms , stonm hunt , gas
-ibntii , etc. , on same Uoor , J10 per mouth , aj noimt. IJO
LAHCi : . pleasant , nicely furnlshoJ snutt
front rofim. 7 blocks from P. O. , on rabli
line , opposite High school , SOU ) Dnvonpotl st ,
13OH tlJNT .lor 4 beautiful rooms 'vlth ni
J-1 modern cnnveiiteiic s Onblo nnd borso oar :
pnss the door uvcry mliiuti' , tlio N i'Oth. 4W I :
"VriClIIiVfurnlslied rooms , nho front anc
-L > jack parlor ; IftW Douglas t. * ll
I A ltd K front room furnished , south front
Jiul modiTii coinonloni.'cM.rurnaco boat , bath
pns. etc. , for two Kentlemon ; nlso ono smul
mom rtirnlsbcid. roforcLce remilrod. iiill Par-
lir.NT Nicely furnlsl.c'd room wit !
board. All convo nlcncos. PJl'J Capitol uvo ,
_ iifi'j
T > ) O.\lf and board. H1U rhicngo st. CMt ) '
"J700M sultablo for housoaeeplng. nil S nth.
-1.V 110 ns
_ _
NICK rooms $1 pjr \ \ eok at Ponboay house ,
southwest , coiner 14th aud Jonas .sts.
_ 7iBMW _ _
> ri'ltNlSIIIH ) rooms 1911 Davenport st.
- WIl'IM
Ul.NT Hoom for gcntlemen,2l-1 Dodgo.
fisi ) I1' ii *
KENT rurnlshed rooms 1810 Iipdco.
ROOMS-Modern conveniences.J.MS ( ITtlTsT
573 FJ *
TjlUHN1SHKU rooms. 113 S Wth stnear Jodge ]
rilWO nicely furnished front rooms , modern
-L conveniences , ehu.ip. lull Uoughcs st.
427 a ?
FPHNISTUJI ) loom tor gentlemanIntmlrt )
A. llospcj'g , ir.M Dtmglns. o ; ft
"iriUUNISIliiD Hooms 1119 Dodge i.t. , W and
J' upwards , l double room for light house
keeping. Inquire 1133 DouglasSt. , Itoom- .
jFORREN.f - - ROOM S U N Fu R"N 13 HEP.
TWlMjrent \ rooms for light housekeeping ;
modern liouso , tame floor with o ith ;
Kouutze Placo. Addrosa P. 3-1. Itoo.
FOlt HiNT : Two front rooms unfurnished ,
mnu and wife , no children. 310 N nth.
UJ ! 4 ;
3HOOMS Sultnblo for housekeeping , prlco
JIO. U12 Plorco st. 23 !
Foil IlKNTSiiltnblo ftlr housekcppnig.
suites ot from 2 to 4 rooms In nil parts ot
the city , nt lo\\o-t rates. Inquire lintis Itent-
Ing Agency , l wi Farnam st P57 f 1U :
"IjlOH HKNT A shoo , crockery aud grocery do-
JL1 partmont In oue of tha largest dry goods
Omaha. Address P20 , Dee.4.rS
FOU HKNT Store suitable for hardware
stores , etc ; also rooms. Inquire drug store ,
Sherman nve and ( 'oruy sts. iwa 3 *
Tjioil KENT Store-room. 24x44 , secondTfoon
-U inquire SOU S 12th. ao 4
Oil HKNT T o stores. 531 , nnd 523 North
IBth st. Inquire at the building. Henry
OsthotT. G'J4
FOU HUNT Olllce suite 8r a month. 2 stnglo
ollkes $15 each , all f routing I ilthst. Hush-
man block , n. e. cor. Ifith and Douglas. W. M.
IJusliimui , 1311 Leavenworth. -v ; >
"OHICIC store room with basement , nil modern
-IJlmprovements , splendid location for feed
store or hnrdnnit ! . stoves , etc. , being in the
heart of the most deslrabloresldencn portion of
the city. 13U7 Piirk ave. Tnos. F. Hall. 311 Paxton -
ton blocK. Kia
BAKKItY for lent nt l.TO Park avo. This Is n
brick store room and basement. Including
oveos , counters , showcase , etc , in the most do-
slial lo resldenco community in the city : water ,
newer , and gas connections. Thos. F. Hull , 311
1'nxton block. M7
STO UK 1317 Dodge st. Inquire nt A. H. Hu-
berman , Jeweler , loth aud Douglas sts.
_ : _ JIM
FOIl RENT A few olllco rooms loft for
rental. Also a w > li lighted room on second
Uoor. 40x60. In Kamge building. 101
CAMGHAPH-For rent or sale. 2120 Charles
sL 675 ! 1 *
_ _
THOIt HKNT The Shank plnco west ot town
-L' sultabla for market gardening. Apply to
C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank , wn r
FOIl HKNT Good basement , 82xWJ. iiiH
Douglas st. Vn
Foil HENT-Part of Remis b'id'g. Inquire of-
flee Bemls Omaha ling Co. , on viaduct.
T7KU KENT-A warnhouso with high baso-
Jment. . c-eutrally located on Idopondont track
from which cars can bo unloidad and loaded
Into nnd from building. Immediate possession.
Bom J. Howell , gl7 a. Uth st. Omana. IVB
piAyip"lTiair& TAI < llbTi' . FcToTn IKlVltnm
V'biiilcUllg. 6411ml
Gio. : .1. Paul-Houses , otc. , to rout. Honts
collected , HWJ Fnrnnm st. GCJ
LIST your houses , lints , stores , etc1. , with (3.
.1. Stornsdorir , looms 317 and 318 I'liva Na
tional bunk building. Special attention given
to renting nnd rents collected. ire !
GV.O. J. PAL'llt,0 ! ( I'arnam st. , houses ,
stoics , etc. , for rent. tvjs
WR glvo sporlal attention to lentlng and col-
lectlng rents , llt.t with us. II. U. Cole , room
3 Continental block. KKi
II'VOU nnnt your houses rented place thorn
wltn lleuuwa Si Co , 15th , opposltu poitolllco.
rplll renting soichnn Is here ; bring on your
O.Iioiim-s ; 1 hnvo the custoniow. J. II. Par-
rotte , l&fl ) Chicago. 4ii3f28
IKClAli pnprrs cnrofiilly iirnwn nnd ncKnowl-
JedgcMl by O..I. StorBsilortr. rooms J17 andillH
I'lrwt Natlonul bnnk building im
rplli : b.injo taught a an art by Goo. r Gel-
JLlenbeck. JKI s. Hitlmt. r.ia
HOHSH or tonm mules wanted to atipTy as
tlrxt payment on house and lot , or re ldenc
lot. balance monthly payments.Vrlto or call
jii tolby , IMl Karaum r > l3
rr VOU want to buy. spFl , rent or exchange ,
cull on or iddrexit , u , .1. Stornsdorir , rooms
11 * and ! IIM First National bnnk building , liVJ
17011 clcnnlliiiiijs und good food try MaDou-
I-1 nld'a dining hall , 1511 Karnaiu. 5' ' ) yt
BHINO your friends to McDonald' * dining
hull on I'uniam bee. 15th and Kith stu.
uioals , ' . ' *
ilnglu 'ic. jj'JU Jl
C < i. STBirNBDOIll'I' . real estate loans und
U rental ngent , has rnmoveil from room 0.
jpp. P O. , to rooms .117 and ills , Kirut National
junk building , w hero hu w III bo glad to meet
.11 liU old friends and many now ones. ( &i
rAllKS and gents , net a meal ticket at Mo
Donald's dining hall , 1511 Karnnm , the bust
able In tlio city for tha monoy. 5'JJUt
M'DONAI.I ) gives tpoclnl rates to toardors
by the month. 69Ju
I' ADIIiS Join ; gontlumon join : address with
Jstniup. Woitc'rn Corrvspondunco club. Conn-
ill Illnirt , , Iowa , _ 070 ii
PKHIIY Write mo nt Llnco'nulll ; bo hero for
a moil th. "Maggie. " _ 701 ; a
pKlTsONAT-Wlll the party who sent"letters
I. to thu If. P , car xliups make hliuselt known ;
lave1 listened to you and wUh to bee you.
IJIMlSONAIj-l ! will buy n hanging lamp nt
' MooUy'a Clllua Store , tit ! N. IBtli st. W * a
M. " "j . BTirttNaixrUKl- Potato nnd
LT. Kxchango llruker , hns mnovaj to Itooms
117 nndBH , First National bank building
t'.V !
t KiiBONjir.-l9.86' buy an Knallsli deco.
tntcd dluner sot ot IU pieces , at Moody's , J'J
; . iflihu. 7oa : i
LnilHONAI.-See these elegant carlsbad china
dltucurt3 , at cut vripfi. Kt MooJy'it , .tli N ,
Oth rt. 70.13
LAltK3 nnd pontlomon cnn root mnsqucrnd
Milts by culling utolu N. is -
. . . ! < Tndle < nnd gontlfltnen de lrlni
J correspondent nddroM Correspondlni
Club , Kansas City , Mu. , nrlos stamp.
, iLH *
T > UItONAt , Ilixvllnmrs white china forde <
-L orating , nt Moody's Ctilnn Store , aoa N. t C
at 7U3U
ITMiEOANT life K\re \ crayon portraits free o
Ailchnrso for short Urn * as nn i. from photo
prnphs bronchi to the Vandyke Portrait Studio
111 * I'lorco , near 14th ; iy > rrnlts also in pastel
STNAYP.n from 1721 S. 13th st. : while cow-
has wide spiend horns.largp rod spot on end
sldoof neck and a scar on hind hip ; * j reward
w < A *
LOS l'-0n nlgnt of Thursday , the Hist of .Tat
uary. between 1st Congtogutlonnl churc !
and corner of AM und tinning , on rod car line , i
Indli'.V blnfk furtoilar , A Miltalilo reward \vll
bo paid. Leave at comer Capitol nvo. and Ifilb
OST-Uoy : alioynthiut 12 years old , thlPl
brown hair , little curly , blue oycs , faci
freckled , wore n flight i > ray < nml vnst will
dnrkei brown loui ; pint . n pair No. Mmttm
slioeH , lir-,1 name Is Frank. Anv lufornmtloi
loiidlnu to his recovery will bo duly rewarded
Addtoss to P ! tl. Ik'o olllco. ( i'Ci-J ' *
1081' On the afternoon of Kab. 1 , a now seal
J skin iiiuir , byn lady Rtiotpl K n DoiiKlns
DodKo und 11 th streets , Iimter will be sultnbl ;
rowaiile < t by louvlugoruotlfylugat 1113 Knrnnn
struct. 7K-3 (
riXVM'.N t'l' Msht Inv mure , wulpht 8 Ibs
J. ubout clshtyunrs olds whlto slur on foru o npr can have by calling nt tely N Istb
Omaha , Neb.
ATTKNTION-Mftdamo ollimrton run 1 > <
vonsiiltod dally on all ntlnlra ot lite ; bos' '
test medium In the w odd , locates diseases anil
run's them with mo siio and alcnhol baths
Cull and luviMtteate parlor t ) , 117 t-outh llluvetuli
stieet , up stairs. Consultation on Sundays.
liti' ! i *
It. NANN1I3 V. Wai-roil , clnlrvoynut. Modi
cat und biisine-ts innllttin , IVinalo dHeasen
a aperlaity. Ill ) N 10th St. . rooms ' . ' aud U. 54J
FOIJTl NE lollor Mfs. l.enorraan can ha con-
sultud on all alfalrs of life. SAtlsfActloa
Buaran > ct-d. No. 3I8 N lilth st _ Mf ii ; *
ITiOll SAIiK-Secnnd hand tvpewrlteM. AT
Jmakes. . Western T.V. . Kxchangu , St. Loitl * ,
Mo. CM- . ' ! ?
FOU S A LU-1'fftf socoail-haud b Iryclos , clivap ,
_ 1 7 Douglas st. _ ii7U it
FOIl SAlK-rlKht team of horses , sliltablo
for family or ilellvery. liuiulro N. Andcr-
spn.j ! ' * ! ) Dupont street. t ! , i >
TTU'JU SAIiK I'resh cows , Holstein , Jerseys.
X' GodtlnrJ. ICth at. neiir fair grounds. OJI Jl *
TjlOH SALI1 Kurnlturo of T-room house ,
Jcuoap. . llouso lorient. iuqulro 017 8 l.'itli
st. 4C7U
T710U SA IiK On tontw to suit , the neat cottaurp ,
J-1 UKKICImrlesst. Tnlepliono iT , or W. T. 8oa <
man , Omaha's larjrpst y.irloty buijclus , waijons ,
&c.east s de IBth St. . north uf Xlclioliis st. 4KJ
' | j > OH SAtjK Kurnlture of an-room liouso and
JL1 house lor lunt , ! ! bits from 1' . O. It. 0) ,
Chamber ot Commerce. OTl f i.'Uf
TTlUKNIT-rui : ot a ll-toom hcuso for sale , 1SU
X1 Davenport. 210 fit
FOHSAIjK Oinnlm'fl lar est variety of alelgns
at very low prlce.s at Seaman's , east side ,
Hith St. . north of Nicholas. _ tso-
OMAHA Abstract company. 151'J ' Farnum st.
Most complete mid carefully prepared set
ot abstract boons mid plats of all real property
in the city of Om.Um ind.Douglas county.
_ _
TITIOLAND Guurantoa & Trust 0 o. , 15(15 ( Far-
-I'J-uam. Oonimuto alxtracts furnished & titles
to real estate oxamlnod.pdrfected ! c guur.intood
_ _
A HSTHACTS I.lnnha n * Mnhoney , room SO' ,
block. 515
STOHAOi-At : low-rates at 1121 farnain st. ,
„ Omahn Auction Si Storage Co. 517
TllAOIiAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. JI.
Itusliman , 1311 rcavou worth. 5IS
UfANTCO for cash. , n nlco lii-r.iom house ,
modern Improvements , convenient to business -
ness or streetcars ; pleasant location ; no fancy
price. Owner reply statins prlco and location.
M. G. Macleod , 1117 Farimm. CbT-1
WANTED To buy n good farm , well located
lu Nebraska , n. w. Missouri , a. w. Dakota
or town. Will pay part cash , balance on rea
sonable time , fair interest. Olvo full descrip
tion of soil , location. Improvements , water
facilities distance from railroad und Important
town. 1 wish to locate In time for coming sea
son. Address II. (1. Giay , St. Charles , 111.
W ANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc-
tlon & Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. CO
W ANTKD To buy a team , weight anout
1,11X1. harness and farm wagon ; must he
cheap. C. Illschof. Fort Omaha. 401 i *
W ANTKD To buy good commercial paper.
It. C. Patterson , 31S S ISth at. IK )
W ANTKD To buy good commercial paper.
U. C. Patterson. ; m S 15th st. Sr"J
Y\rANTKI ) Cheap , An eight foot standlnc
T T desk aud wlro railing. Address rooms CIS
and G19 Paxtou block. ! & 2
ANTBDT6 uuy old silk hats. 1B1U Dodge
st. K F12 *
DO you want money ? Loans made on house
hold furniture , pianos , horses , etc. , without
delay or removal. Persons wishing a loan of
this kind will do wull to call at our olllco boforu
dealing elsewhnro ; business Htrlctly confiden
tial. A. H. Greenwood & Co. , Hooin I , Cunnlnu-
1mm block , cor. 13th mid Jackson ts. IM
MONKVI Money ! Money ! In any quantities
on Improved or unimproved city property.
Lowest rates of Interest. No delay. (5. .1. Stern
donr , rooms 317 &D18 rirst National bank build
ing DM
MONKVtoloan. Harris , It. K. A Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First Nat. Dank. nil )
MONRV advanced for ll t-class roil estate
mortfragt-H. Call on. I. II , Kmmy .V Co.Kuoni
iWJ , First National bank uulldlng. OOQ F s *
Mortgage & Trun Co. ,
J cheap e.irtorn monuy direct to borrowers.
Muko building loans , largo or Hinall ; perfect
titles : accept loans in tholr o-ten > olllce , Oco.
W , 1' . Coutes , representative , VI Uuurd Trade.
J'S Financial Ixchange-Tho ; fairest ,
( iiilutost , most liberal money exchange lu
Uiuclty ; loans made without doltiy or publicity ,
in any amount largo or small , at the louost
rates of Interest , on any avatlablo sucnrlty ;
loans may bo paid at any time or ronowcd at
original r.ites. O , liouscaren , mgr , Hoom M'/ ' , ,
Darker blk , Ifitli and Faruum , [ iti't
D ID YOU winit to borrow money ?
Head this :
It will havuyoa tlmo.
It will save you money.
You cun borrow from
II. K Mlibtor.s ,
successor toV. . It. Croft ,
room 4 , Wltlmoll bid B. nth uud llarnoy sts.
io , itai , wo. jioi , $ juo. { too , JJKJO ( , , $10,0w.
lu fact , nny sum you want on liirnlturo ,
) lanes , horses , mules , wagons , etc , , on easier
orms and nt lower rate * than any other oflico
n thu city , without publicity or removal of
, ) rqierty from your possession.
If an limnlmunt Is due on your property nnd
r'ou cannot meet it , call and nee mo. 1 wll pay
t for you. If you Imvo a loan In any outer
> llice , rail nnd get my rates. 1 will tuke It up
ind curry It for you.
I maku loans for one to six months , nnd you
an pay n purt nt any time , reducing both nrln-
: lpal nnd Interest.
All loans renowril nt original rates , nnd no
ihnrgB for papers.
All business strictly contldrntlal. Call nnd
ieo mo.
Don't foruet the number.
Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll block. 553
\TONKV to loan onimproved property nt llrst
L'-l.liundJ. No application soul uway for &p.
irovnl. Security aud titles HXAiulnod free of
hargo to borrow era. Ixinibard lnvt-stneiit
lompany , sou H. ISth st. _ MI
. Moriig. Loan Co. will mnkq you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , \\ugou8 ,
land contracts ,
flno jewelry or securities of nny kind
without publicity , nt rensonabls rates.
liooin 7 , Itowluy block. South Umuha.
Itooms 018-510 Paxtou blk. , Omuha , Nob.
IJiIllSTmortgnifa loans nt low rates , and no
V delay. I ) . V. SlioUu , ilO , I'lret National bank.
; tlK Suolo8.'siO I'irat Natl bank bHforo mak *
jug ) your louns. _ _ rag
tiOQ ) , II.WVT , ii.oui ) . l-Wl. Ktwclal fund to place
Pou choice Improved property. I ) , V. Hholei ,
ID , Mrst Nutiuunl bank. t > t > i
MONtT toloant cash on band ; no delay , ;
W. Squire. HID I'arnam St. , First Nations
bank building. tf > "
M\iY ) : to loan nn furniture , horses , wagon'
etc. . or on nny niiprovod security. .1 \ \
Uobblns , H m , Shorty blk. . 15th nud I low art
\MJt' ran donl direct with the Provident Tnu
Compnny , room IMS nrst National llan
building , dmuhn , if von want a loan on rcalo !
Into. lcmn * on Inside bttslno s property eipf
elnlly doslrud. Hepieitent nlso the old nnd we :
known New England l/oan A Trust Company.
_ Ml
MDNI'.Y loaiiMl for T > , W or IHday ) > . on ftir
kind of chattel . o"urlty : rruionuble Inter
pst ; business confidential. J , j , Wllklnsor
IH" Karnam st Ml
" ] \f ONKY to loan liowst rates. I.oixm clospi
I' 1 promptly. II. l n.coiitlncntnl bh > ci
QMAMi lonus made on Omaha nnd Houtl
] \L \ ONIIY Inans n otlnlod nt low rates with
out delay , und purchase good commercial
paper and mortgage notes. S. A. Slomau , cor
I3lhaud Fuinam , ( iffi
"I 1" H. C'OI.R , loan ngent.
Ol'KH CKST money to loan Cash on hand
W. M , Harris , room 20 , I renzcr block , opp ,
I'O. . y\ \
C ViO.KX ( ) to loan ixt 0 per cent. I.lnahan , t Ma
Phoney , Hoom M\ Paxton block. ortl
AI ONI' V to loan. O.I' . Davis Co , real estati
-IT I aud loan agents , IDTi Furiiam Ht , Ml
T OANS made nn real estate nnn mortgage :
Lewis S. Hued & Co. , Iffll Fainniu
rpo LOAN fl.tWJpilvato moncv. low latoo
I interest. Call nt once. C.I' . Ha rrlson , Mer
chants' National bunk. 4.W2
CIIO1CH city loans wanted In Omaha anO
Council lllulfs ; will quote Very loiy rates
for thu next fuwdays. In dealing with us you
deal directly \ * ith the lender.Vo loan you oui
own money lu all cases. Doth inturost mu !
principal p.tynblo at our ollico. No delays
tontrnl Loan \ Trust Co. , Kill rartiam st. 4
_ _
\I OX13V to loan In largo sums at the lowest
LU rates ; no delay. It. C. Patterson. 3is s. K\h \
MON'i\ : Loan Wunro teady for appllca <
tloiis for loans In amotint.s from iM to Jlt- )
( IUO on lmin ved Omaha or Douglus county real
estate. I nil Infoimatton ns to rat"s. Loans
jnomptly closed , ( Jood notes will be purchased
by us. Call IIDOU us , or vulto. The McCniruc
Invstmcnt Co. io ; ;
F HIST nnd second uiortgagos made on city
ptoperty by 1) . E. Johnson , Tjj Paxton ' blk ,
_ _ _
TlTON'r.V ' to loan on chattels byl ) , K..lohnsou ,
-U-Ui'13 Paxtou block. UI8F15
I/iANS made on Improved realcHtato upcur-
Jlty. 3 and ri years tlmo : outional ) > avmeuts
nnd fuu > ruble teims and ratos. Klmb.Ul ,
Champ & Hynn , room , U. 8. Nut. baufc.
_ lUd I'll
II.K COM3 , loan agent.
. 2(7 (
\\TANTKD Several peed , llrst-clnss loans at
T T once. Mutual Invustmout Co. , Hoom 1 ,
Darker block. cio ;
MONKV toloanon chattels and real estate ,
good notes bought und sold , VitU Fatnam
St. , rooms''and 3 , Foreign limlgratlon Co.MOI'4
MONKV to lonn on real citato ; no delay ;
mortgages bought. John F. Hammond ,
ioumill ; Paxtou building. 224 f2I *
BITILDINU loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 , First
Nitt'l llank. 38'i
DON'T borrow money on furniture , liorsos
wagons , etc. , until you have seen 0. D. Jn
cob * , room 410 , First National bank building
Cor. 13th nnd Farnam 33J
I CAN make n few loans on first-class chattel
securities at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter ,
room 10 Darker blk. 70.1
IJP.OPMVS Financial Hxchango Large aud
small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kind" , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't full to call If you wont fair
and cheap accommodations. O. Itouscuren.
Mgr. , roomufi ! , , Darker blk. , 13th and Farnum.
B UILDING loans. Muahan & Mahoney.
FOlt SA.B-Stockot millinery , biiHlnosswell
established and contrallv located : rent low.
Addicss N. n. VanDcusen , 133 Sixth St. , Fre
mont , Neb. 70" 3'
AltU CHANOK-Small business for sale.
viz : Fiults. confectionery , cigars and to
bacco , oyster and lunch room. Apply 604 N
lotn st. U4u ;
W ANTKD A district manager ; must invest
$1,1100 and bo a wldo awake business man ;
salary 1100 per month ; permanent position to
the right man. Address George S. Cllux. nil
First National bauk building , Omaha. < ( . " > ! 8
EOll SAM3 or Kent House consisting of
storeroom , nnd 4 rooms lip-stairs. In n good
retail locality. Inquire PCS S IQtU 6 < 83t
TjlOH SALE A drug , book and wall paper
JL1 stock m a good town in NcbrasKa ; safes } 35
daily ; no cut prices ; will soil at n bargain for
cash , as one puituor wishes to retire : stock
Villl Involoo $4,000. Addros P34 , Ueo olllco.
C40fi C3
TTIOH SAM ! First-class stock of stanlo and
X' fancy groceries , fixtures , etc. : good busi
ness established ; line location ; rent low. Address -
dress P SJ , llee olllce. _ 030 4 *
FOIl SAf.K Or trade. A choice nursery stocic
to Hell at a bargain , or trade for good Ne
braska land. Address , / , Waterman , Crete , Neb.
liOl U
CM-IAN htock of dnigs in ICenrnoy , Neb , to
soil cheap , or trade. .1. K. bhlpmuu ,
Kearney , Neb. Oil 4t
TpOH SALB-Mght. lu'crutlv.i business , suit.
- 1ublo for lady or gentleman , with patent and
Btotk of goods. Address P27 , lleo olllco.
POH SAI.K Oeneral Htoro , short horn ranch.
ana lumber yard ; no opposition , cheap eiuy
terms. N. C. Myers , Somerset , Neb.
an 7 *
B AHIIUKS-WJO will buy you a Tnislnos-i of
fsv ) u 1 chair outllt and a small uluoll-
ing nnd t\vo lots with improvumi'ntf. Address ,
C. W. Poaice , Diller. Job. , Jefferson Co.
TCTOH SAM : Hoard of trau , manibei'Nhlp
* - worth $ OW , vary cheap ; what will you glvni1
Addiess P ID , Doe , ; m *
FnilSAMS A woll-iMtublished , p tying pro
duce commission buslnoss , owner must nt-
lend oxcluaivoly to ollutr biislnos-i. liuiulro
Itiickof Foaroii , Cole & Holmrtson , U10 S irilti st.
_ _
LOOK at th All kinds of merchandise nnd
personal property wanted In exchange for
Impiovod farms nnd wild land. Forolgn im- ;
uilgriitlon C'o. , Hooms 2 und 3 luOJ Farnum HC.
K0 ! fJ
FOlt HXCH ANfllKlghty ! acres of the finest
timber land in Wisconsin , clnar of Inuum-
irunce. What t\a\o \ you to oiler ? O. ,1 , Sterns-
lortr. rooms 317 > V 31H , First National bank
jiiildlng. _ fll'J
2KVKlcAI < merciiaudlso utocks to Undo for
'good Oman * property or clear farm lands.
1. J. Ktoinsdorir , rooms 317 i : 318 First National
junk building , 1132
" > fOOI ! ) liirmsln NebraHka to tradn for lots In
' Omuhu. Co-Operatlvo Land & Lot Co ,110 N.
illKt UK ,1
SKVKItAL very line ranldcncos In Kountzo
JPIucn to trade. Wnut huvu you to otfor ? ( I.
i. hteriisdorir , rooinn , | | 7 ik ills , First lonal
lank building. KS
! liX'HANll--2l ( ; chulcu lots hi West luwn
rO Park on Mult line railway In Went Omaha ,
lalt block from station , only seven blocks from
tr et car Due. Price , I2.M)0 ) ; Incumbraneit due
n " , 3 , land fi yearn ; * J.oo ( OWIHT'H eimlty In
H.4IO ; will tradn for good , llrst-class land. < leo.
{ , Hicks , Darker block. ( li jl
f\7-ANTKD Light double carriatio for solid
T > gold hunting CRS watch , 111 pay dltfer-
nco ; might accept good phuoton. Addnns P
7 , Hen olllce. 071 M
" 1OOD fai ins , clear or lightly Inc'iimborod. for , live stocK or city prop"ity. II.
! . Cole , Itoom it , Continental block , r > 7J
JTOCK of furnltiiro to evflhniiKo , Invoice
mahout { 9.1X10 , ! ciish , balance city propnrty.
! o Onerntlve Land & Lot Co. , ' 'Oi N , inth st ,
011 B
iXCHANK-l'ordS : ( irabIo
I- property lu Omiha , any or all of following
40cholco Inside residence low In liietlnuf.
100 lots In Lincoln.
HMO ucrds line farmlncrland , Lancaster county.
Finn residence property , 1 Jncoln.
( lood rental pioporty , Lincoln.
Cnolro fancy ronidauco.cdi nor , Los Angolas.
A neat resliluncu pioixirty in luiucom Pl.ico.
Also , somogx > dmortgut > 'o notes.
AddrHB , glvlnij location und prlc of prop-
rty. J. K. II. , care llauin Iron Co. , 1 J17 Loavun-
orth. _ _ flrl
ijloit'TU.MJH-Councll illuirs uud. Jmoli : reHl
opiate for farms. liorJua. cattle or murchan-
lisa. Ilo-it lots b 't\v eti Omalri and Council
hit. * . O. K. iUyuo , 15th und ll.irnoy ,
M7 m 1
\V' RN yotiliaro Anything for erchango en
T > on or write us , U. Ui Uolt < lloom , Cent
ntmnl blocfe. 673
SOutu oniAha or Council lllulTa proportj
J. A. I.lnahan , room 600 Paxton block. < t4
Foil KXCIIANQK Improve nnd unlmprov *
rpsldenca property In Omaha and Comic
Itlii irs. call aud tee us , Wosteru Laad > t LOR
KANSAS nd Nflbrnaka land to oicliarip * fo
Iowa town property. Chas , 1U Woollej
room MS Pftxton blocfc 005 ta
BHUOS , hardware or merchandise
for : CM acres ot land , W , DonoJtool , Crolgb
ton , Kuox county. Neb. Cll F3t
7 lbTlNiK : laoxim. less than sovoiTblocks fror
W court liousouith throotimftllcottncesron'
Ing for $75(1 ( per ysarj room lor three more
ground alone Is worth W per cent moro tha
prlco tisked. It ulllpay yon to look th5 ! uti
price t7,5UO. Hicks , room 4u. Darker block.
! of the nicest residence lots In Hanscoi
place , ou Popplotoii uvo. for sale on vor
.small cash pn ) tnent , long time. Now cabin lln
ulllmaka this the line it rualdoncA proport :
in the city. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block.
ITM.KflANT residence and grounds in Ilnns
J com place ; bum , fnrimco , bath room , clt
\\ntor.ctc. Can glvo Immediate possession. Cnl
nnd get price , lllcks , rocm 10 , Darker block.GV33
Bl'SlNKSS lot on nth nenr Center , for sale n
n b'irgnin It tnkcnqulclc. Hicks , room 4C
llurker block. ( KU-3
SliVIillALdlslrnblo houses and cottages fo
rent by tli'orgo N. lllcks , room 40 , llarkoi
block. ( yj.l-3
FH ItRNT Nice cottage near corner of Parl
aenno and Piiclllc street. Hicks , room 40
Darker block. tul-3
BIJAI'TIFl'Irt south front lot on Poppletoi
nvcMiun for sale for a few days nt a lov
Ilguro Onh f UjDrnsit required , batunco can rut
1.2 , ; i , 4 .vonrH. If you want to suciiro a inci
home lu the ilnest icsldencn portion of the city
It will pay you to look this up , lllcks , room 40
llaiker block CSI3-3
H ANSCOMplaco lots for sale , lllcks.IW3 3
LOT'i. block I , Dnpont Plure. 8-room house It
good repair , tl.lHW. J70U casu , bnluuco ouny
will take tuum of horses as tmrt p.iyintiit. (1. ( ,1
HtcrnsdorlT , rooms 317 nnd 318 1'lrst National
bunk building , 002
iTot SAM'a > lots In Norfolk , Nob. A cooi' '
thing. Will pay you to Investigate. prlc
firJJ. . Terms ensj. Addiosi ll0 tN.yrfolk , Neb ,
KW8 ?
\\rAVKIll.V Addition. This property ndjolns
T T the famous Contra ! I'nrK nnd MoniuoutU
Park additions. I have a number of lots In the
iibovo addition that can ba Hold on terms tc
suit Special inducuments ottered to those \\lic
wlllbnliil. It will pay you to luvostlgato. O.J ,
Sternsdorll , rooms 317 and 31H First National
bank building. Ui2
BKAIJTiriM. 8-room bouso ot most modern
design nnd llnlsh. Nothing omitted in its
construction ; fiiraaoo , tlty water , gas , hot and
rold water , antique oak llnlsh , largo , cast frontlet
lot overlooking tlio city und coiiui 11 lltuir.s ; the
liouso complete In all Us details ; can be pur
chased nowonn or two thousand less than In
tnoHpt-Ing. will pay you to Investigate now.
C. F. Harrison , Moiclmnts' Nnt'l bank f > 74
TTJOH PALK-CU ! acres. Hamilton Co. , Neb.
-1- laud , SO per acre , one-third cash , balance at
U PIT cent. Address SV..I Wildmau.Deincr.Col.
SOl'TH OMAHA I liava'n number ot good
lots In various additions that must bo sold
nt once aud ran bo bought nt prices that will
suit you. O. .1. BternsdorlT , rooms 317 nnd 318
First National bank building. lift !
flJbOJ buys n full lot nnd good t-room cottage ,
Peasy terms and good location. D. V. Sholns ,
loom 210First Nat'1 bank , cor 13th and Karnam.
< J ; i5 MAKES flrst payment on nice ft-rooin
fflnouse , good lorntlon , 11. u. Cole room 0 ,
Coutlnentnl block. 248
GAM. nnd hoe thu choice acre property we
oiler for sale. Hicks , room 43 llu-kor block.
front lot. ftOxlW. on Thirty
llrst street , Popploton avonue. Hun-
scom Placo. .lust the place for a nlco homo.
Canollor fora few days at 3J,50J. lllcks. room
40 Marker block. ( W J 3
HA NBCO M place lots for sale. H Icks.t.033
t.033 .
IrtOH SAM : An interest In cm of the best
piece's of Investment moperty in Omaha ;
cnu oiler this for f-UOUO. Pm-i-haseiHcnii realize
JlO.tmO out ot this property within thiei- years ;
It will pay you to Investigate ; this. Hlcko , room
40 Hill kur block. . 1.1113 .
Cliolc-o ton-ucro trnct with comfortable -
fortable boti-o , barn , splendid ohado tieos ,
etc. , close to city and Unit line rallwny , just the
place for line trult uud vegetable giirdens. Cnn
make this is u big bargain If taken at , onco.
Hicks , loom 4i ) , Darker block. till 3
IpOH BALE A largo double house.nlno rooms
Jj cucb , Just completed , Ilrst-clus neighbor
hood , mngnlllcent view. The grounds nro 7ux
ir > o feet , east front. Kach hoiiio has hot nnd
cold water , f urnicco , bath rooms , electric bells ,
all complete , and a line barn with city water
and sewerage connections. This property Is
only two blocks from thriio streetcar lines , and
Is one of the nicest and most convenient homes
In the city. Can glvo iuimedlntu possession of
ono IIOIIHO with burn. This property will pay H
per rent on JIH.WX ) . Itoom for ouo moro hoiiho.
Prlco for a few days , $ ir > ,500. Oeorgo N. Hicks.
Marker block. li'K3 ' *
AST front lot on Lowe avonua in West
E Omaha , 41,500 , Hicks , room 10 , Darker block.
/"tllOlCK business lot on Tenth streut. near
V IIaruey , 820,000 , lllcks , room 40 , Duiker
block , ( H3 3
AHOAINBln Hanscom placo. HIcfcH.ran
ran n
, Woolworth ave. and I2d ! St. ,
facing HaiiHcom park ; perlcct urailo .lust
the place for un elegant residence blocK. 47fOJ.
lllcksroom 40 llurker block. C'JI 3
on.tlst and Popplcton nvo.
1j paved btroet , Howorago and g-is : perfect
jjrnde uud mngiilllcciH vle v ; ono of the llnost
ri'Hldotico sites In tlio city. Call and get price.
Hicks , room 4) ) Harkcr block. WO
class < oul und liimberyaid , locatlonou
FJKST line rulhuiv in Wont Omana , for Halo.
Jail nnd got price und terms , lllcks , room 10 ker block. C't.l 3
In ueie nroporty. I can ollor for
the uc'Xt thlity days llvcirhnlcu 10 ucrutinct.s
) f land In W est Omuhn.closoto therlty.and nar
ogular Muttons on DeltLInu inllroudiHuburlmti
.lulus now riiniiingullordquirk nnd easy trminlt
jy atwenty-llvo minutes' lido between tills
iroperty nnd Wo inter xtroot dnpot.
Vou tnko no rl k In buying u llvo or ten-acre
ractof land , If well Hltuatcd. Vou can live on
ho landInn a u pleasunt nnd comfortable homo
'reti from city tuxes , nnd get to and from jour
vork In town quicker than to most plac.t-w In
mrclty , wlieio a single lot unuld cost ns much
m the ten ncres I can ollor you.
y ou cnnrnlKti enough oir of iho or tnn ai-res
0 moro than support your tumlly , and lu two
> r thicio yoar.s the rapid growth of our cilty will
'liable you to plat the la-id line cholie hits that
rill Hell for tin co nml four times nhul you run
my the hind for to-day.
Don't let this obnneo slip , but cull nnd neo
dial wo IIIIVB to offer. Itemoinber tnero nro
inly llvn ten-acre trartH , and I will sell either
1 vo or ten acres , as partlns pmler.
It will pay you to cull early und secure n
holco. , ,
If you have good property to hell , exchange
r rent , call nnd list IT.
Ueorgn N lllcks , room 10 , Iliirkor block. (
[ 71011 SALK A nice llttlo homo on S , 10th at. ,
L1 Loutdliilng 4 rooms , nil In good ropalr. wall.
lUnrn. collur. barn. Arc. Thin property nun l > 3
Did n a Hinall payment down , bulanco ill p r
Why piiy runt when u golden npjiortu-
ko tnls iiturin you in the face(1. . .1.
Idi-tr. roctius 317 and 31S First National
iilldlm ; . : r
TlOlt 8ALK Funnof 1W1 acre bottom land
' lu Douglus county on linn of IM' . II , It. , ona
itle froniHtatlon ; llrr > t-ctin improvements. J.
, ItobblnH , I'axton hot'il. _ _ fiSlJi" _
* DAHOAIN-eilxHOou ICtst ! south of the
jLVlnduct , with small bouse tend barn. 'I liln
uiiierty In thu murKot fur n short time only at
loexlic'liiolow prlco of II.6JO. 'lids Is * : .illl
> is tduii Its actual > alun. O. .1. Htcnmdorll ,
sows nil nnd 3IH Flwt Nntloncl bank building.
513) caiin , bnlancoi'i-t par month , will buy
" room iKiumi un 2itn Ht nuur Luku t. l'rln > ,
f , < uo c. 1 ! . Ueltoi , loom 5 , . w cor. l.itli and
oiiBlss. J 47ii ml
_ _ _ _
71011 HALll-Lots II , V , and 10. block II , Went
? Sldu uddltlon. Tnnso lots are Six 12 * ouUi.
, y very pretty , and the tiireo can bo bought
irJI.OUO , Tlinvaro nctually worttit Ice that
wmnt. 0. JT Hiernml'irif , llixiin * Jl" nud'I1H ,
lr t National bank building. 'Xf\
neil HALK-Chnap-2 line rnsil | < inceii also
) nice vacant luU on Hunilllnn uu < l I/nvo ave.
ddiesi.J. 11. sii / . ' , Hamilton and Lowe ave ,
Iif7 fit
HAVKranl and pprsonal property of all
kinds for li udii , Cnl I aim nee mo. ( leorgoJ.
ernsdorir. HoumMi'lIT and 31H , Flnt Nutlonal
ink bull iliiitf. _ tut
: property7"oiipTtoTaveriot fl , block
3iHINKSS , I block nnd 16th fit. T
IJIB troda. ono otfar t < j owner , John W.T
r , 5 lluclld BTW. CloveUud , O. 4'JOF.MT '
TT OIl RKNT hferr T room house , nil modern
-I ? conveniences , centrally lorntoJ , vill rent
very roasonabl * lo tenant making gooillensft ,
5-rooni cottage 8 17Ui st , II.V .8-room houio ,
202o Howard sU 8 room Hat H20 N I Till. xulUbla
for light housokeepltiR , I3. Apply to Oreeu S
Wllllann. First Nat , bank blflg. Clt
Po'h BAYTu or trade. A fine farm 1 M nore > rid
Harlan county , forsnla or trade tor n stock
otRrocorleor cltr property , luqulre at Meynr
ftltaapke. . _ . *
FOIl BALK Clio p-Not for trade ! M1.78 acres'
land ( Sea HiWI ) two mile ) from M ro.u tta ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska , Frame houie.stv
bio , 1KU acres under Rood barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts , two stays ; living water , 3 )
foot channel ; 2 wells , xxi-bairel tank , corral ,
Bolt-feeder ; a untural stocic tnucti ; m a Uaocoru
Pries [ about ni.W per acro.M.M. Kt.uo
Cash down 3.COO
C nud 54 years' time fl per cent 3 , ' < 0
Go nnd loot over land. Address owner , F. K.
Atkins , l&cU Larlmor st , Denver , Col. 670
"filOIl SAtilt or RxehftnM Improrod stock
JL' fartnot 8X ) acres In eastern Nebraska , none
market ; also now 12-room Cons * with nil con
veniences. In doslrablo resldonca portion ot
Omnhn. Andrew llevlnt. Attorney , 422 and (23
Pnjlon block. Omaha , Nob. 270
TO CASH and H' > monthly. Including internst
$ buys nice 6-room house and lot. well locatod.
II , U. Cole , room 0 , Coutlnentnl block. i.'ll
"IIIOH SAIjK Or exchange for Omnlm prop-
Jorty , H ) ncros sultnblo for platting ; will
innke 400 lols.nll clear ; big money In It for someone
ono w ho can push this ; located just outside tha
rlty limits ot Council Illuirs. inquire ( loo. .1.
Stern dortr , rooms 317 nud 313 , Hut National
bank building. _ 673
$1,700 , half cash will buy 1X ( ) aero farm , Im-
provpd , Hi miles from Long Pine , Nob.good
house , best water.
II.Mwcash for 2 four-room houses rnntlng for
tin per month. 3 resident nnd 3 business lota
nil In Irfing Pino. I.OiM Inhabitants , it churclios ,
bi ICE school house , waterworks , railroad dlvl
Rlon , good farming country. Very cheap , must
bo sold. J , S. iUvlssou , Cashier , Long 1'lno
Nob. _ tM C.7
ITlOIt S A Li-0n : cosy terms , 8-room House , hot
X' anil cold watot , bath , all modern Improve *
ment.s. also largo burn. D. K. Johnson/ l'ax
ton block uwi-Ti
t with good 9-room house ,
furniico , KUS , b , thso\yor , hot nnd cold wnter ,
unrn. nud ovorythlug complete , on iinvomout on
Turn nve. Dost bniguln In Omaha at * 7iiH (
llasy terms. Imestlgato this. D. V. Sliolm , 21
First Nation U bank. _ ( H3f7
1)11 SAM- : Improved rloar farm ot inu acres
- in Mower county , Minnesota , ftW par aero.
Owner du-ilrlng to move to Omaha ; will ex
change tor a homo hore. C.F. Harrison , Mor >
clnin I a' Nnt'l bank. U2
"Is marrlnpro n futlurol" tlio bachelor cried ;
And.tho youth who Is courting n Kirl ro-
piled , r
"I'vo novcr been mnrripd nml cannot uuoss ,
But courtship I know Is n big success. "
There wcro moro applications for divorces
than for ninrringo licenses In Scdgwicu
county , Kansas , last month.
The emperor of Chiim lias been obllgccl to
postpone his marriage o\vlug to n flro in hu
pnlaco. In other \vonls , his piospcotirobrlila
has boon tcmpornrili' llrcd. (
There may have bcon mcthoil In the mar *
rloRoof the AltoonnVls. . ) m : n ot iwunty *
seven to the woman of slxty-throo. ( Julio
llkob' she hud $ Gi,000 ; to his 27 cents.
A womanaged nlnoty-llvo. In Stoubonvllltf ,
Obio , wants u separation from her liusb.iml ,
who is forty years her junior. In her ujijill.
cation to the court she declares ho umltru.Ua
A man in New York city was ncquiUcd ot
n charge of b touch of piomtso tlic oilier clay ,
after u long and exciting trial , anil in his joy
ho kissed his attorney with much fervor.
When ho comes to pay the bill ho will flucl
that kiss charged against him.
Parks Pledges , llvinjr with Ills brother-til-
law nenr Holly Springs , Ark. , blew his
brains out. Ho was engaged to marry two
young ladies nnd had arranged for the man
rmgo ceremony to tnko plnuo in each case on
the same clay , but finally realized the predic
ament ho was in , and not knowing any other
way to got out of it , ho wont into the woods ,
spread his overcoat on the ground aud delib
erately shot himself.
A youncr couple in Ansonin wcro inarHoJ
November 17. Tholr marriage did not bc <
come known until the past week , and then
was divulged inadvertently by the minister
who performed the ceremony , unaware that
there was any secrecy. It seems that n sister -
tor of the bridegroom herself buc.imo a hriilo
the past week and was murricc ] by tlm samel
clergyman who performed the llrst cere
mony. Kocognmng the iiamo , the minister
renmrKcd : ' 'Arc you a sister to Mr. So-
nnd-SoJ whom 1 marrioil some two months
smcoP' The bride for the flrst time loarnucl
that her brother had been married for eight
If the persistent attempts made in tha
British parliament , to repeal the 2la-ycar-old )
law , prohibiting marriage with a deceased
wife's sister , had boon successful , America
would have missed a llttlo romance just made
known. A week ago Sunday thu roetor of
St. Ann's Episcopal church , Brooklyn , mar *
ricd George Jumos Crnno , of Liverpool , to
Miss Clmrlotto Boll , of the snmo city. Miss
Bell is tlio sister of Mr. Crane's llrsb wife ,
and was , consequently , ineligible under tha
British statute for a second wife , and so the
couple journeyed ,1,000 miles to evade the ob
structive law. They oxpuct to return W
England in a few days.
A turtle with "Adam , A. M. 1. " engraved
on its shell has bcoa found near Cllntonrillo ,
"Our dear sister , " Bind the Nebraska pas
tor , "hns gene to a better land that is , il
thure is any batter land than can bo found
right hero in the Missouri bottoms. "
The undertakers have formed a trust nnd
ivill advance r.itc.s .13 per cont. The
irust-niakoro , If they could , would form a
: In salvation nnd eternal glory.
A church in Toxus , Ari/onn , bears the
> lacnrd : : "Card-playing during services abso *
utc'ly prohibited. Momburs chawing tobacco
vill piouuc notice the s.iwdust boxes near
saeh pew. "
A California clergyman recently throw
> noks anil chairs from tlio pulpit among the
longrogiitlon , Ho woke everybody up ox-
opt ono doauon , who was supurintondunt of
i boiler factory.
"Woll. my dear , what did you think of Dr.
rorlosu's ) sermon this morning ! " "Why , I
ran very uiueh surprised , I never know bo-
ore that the apparently simple text ho chosa
vus so Imid to explain , "
At the pntn : St. Peter Hello , who nro
out "Coalman , " "You must have had a
or.v mild winter in the United Status. "
'Why ' ! " "Vou never would liavotocomo
a he.ivcn If it liul : bcon a cold ono , "
An eastern clergyman lectured bcforo n
oung men's Institute the othur evening on
The Oigostion of a Ham SumUvlch. " If ho
, 111 kindly point out the locality whom ho
rocurcil thu sand .vioh that made sucli
J co hi m pobsiblo , ho will ( 'on for an Incitlm-
blc boon on tlio traveling public.
A convurl at n recent revival In O.iklnnd ,
; il. , In going forward to make his profuhsloti
f a ohuiigo of heart iiHtonlHheJ the good pas-
ir by handing over a bottle of whisky and u
ung-sliot which ho said ho wished to ro-
nuuoo along with his other evils. Ho
lowed his faith by his works.
It was nt a protracted mooting In n colored
inroli and Brother HmlUi had boon holding
it that fiiinio length and with a loud voloo.
resontly the worthy pastor's patience wus
( hnuhtud und ho broke in with : "Brother
until , you job' hot up now and K" > Briiddor
> nas ur uliunc'o U > talk to the Lawd ! Ho
news him hotlor'n you do. "
In W.tNii't Itonily I''or ' IllH Pmipral.
Colonul David H , Cliurolilll , u Now
orlc juwoloc of 4 > oinu niuaiiH , lias mif-
n'od from liourt dlsoiiBo for wovornl
Jill's. Throci tunes In tlio Irwt your ltd
us hooti quite near lo doatli. A wool :
'iho full ill ii 'ain and hindootot-H told
iin hovns done for. Ho was to truiko
will und [ 'ull u inlnl&tor. Then ho bo-
in lo 6luk rapidly. Mrs. Cliurohlll
' .hilly uiiininonud his relatives from
10 Bouth nud wont und botjiiii urraut-
icr for tlio funoral. When Colonel
hurohlU hoard of thin nnd miw nil hid
slivtivcs about the IIOUHO ho bocaino ( u-
OUD. Ho ownro horribly , dlHinlHsod
in inlnlhtor. doc'liu'otl they all wanted
i tfot him out of the way , and told the
) itoru ho hud grit onoiiL'li lo trot well ,
bt to spite tliuiu all. Ho IB doiiir ( It.
o Is almost an well an avnr.
I'anninu Ounnl HlinrCH.
I'AUM , Feb. 3. It Is reported that the new
mo of Panama canal shares U a complete
iluro. The old tbarei ro quoted