Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1889, Image 1

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Budolph'a Dorvth May Lotxd to Sorl-
ous Complications.
Well Known Vlowa of Austria's
Probable Holr Apparent
BlBmarck'o Supporters Rapidly Do-
Borthitf From His Ranks.
The Succession of Count Herbert to
the Cltniiuillf > rHlilp Now Consid
ered nH ICxtrcmoly Doubtful
The I'ortniiCMR Loan.
I'll(5 Austrian Succcsalon.
, JW ) , JiyA'cio Ymk AKnctiitril Prm. )
Fob 2. Although the death of
the Austrian crown prince will have no im
mediate effect upon the relations between
Germany and Austria , the issues of that
event have already engaged the anxious at
tention of Kmpcror William and 1'rinco
Hismarck. Since yesterday morning the
emperor had too long Interviews with the
chancellor , who has been In constant com
munication with the German ambassador ut
Vienna and Count Kalnoky , the subject of
the correspondence being , It Is reported , the
succession to the Austrian throne.
The removal of Crown Prince Rudolph
is regarded by the oflicial cir
cles hero as a misfortune to
the triple alliance. His legitimate sucecs-
Bor , Karl Ludwlg , cannot bo rolled upon ns a
friend of the alliance. Throughout his fifty-
Jive years of life , ho has not taken nn active
part in politics , leading a quiet existcnco ;
but both he and his son , Francis , In whoso
favor ho may abdicate , are known to incline
to an anti-Gorman policy , favoring rather
entente with Kussla. The moral fortitude of
Emperor Francis Joseph in allowing the
publication of the fact of the crown prince's
Buicido elicits general admiration. Emperor
"William has ordered ofllcers of the Grena
dier Guards , of which Emperor Francis Jo-
Boph is honorary colonel , and the Eleventh
Uhlans , the crown prince's regiment , to wear
mourning for a week.
The Ueichstag treated the third reading of
the East Africa bill with indifference.
Prince Hlsmarcit's feud with the ultraconservatives -
conservatives threatens to alienate n number
of his hitherto ardent supporters. A search
lias been ordered of the office of the Kreuz-
zcltung and the house of the editor for the
manuscript of the article attacking the chan
cellor's conduct In the Gocffcken Inquiry.
This order is condemned , oven in the Cologne
Gazette , ns nn offense against the liberty of
the press. The Kreuzzoitnng , despite the
fact that the conservative loaders .recently
disavowed its sentiments , returns to the
charge that Prince Bismarck has in
jured the monarch lal sentiment by the
GolTcken process. The Rolchsbalt supports
the Krenzzeitung in this position. Those
and other symptoms disclose the decided
growth and strength of the nntl-Hlsmarelc
party , The reunions which occur at the resi
dence of Count von Waldcrseo unite the
partisans of the ex-empress and the ultraconservatives -
conservatives , whoso common aim Is to
weaken the influence of the chancellor.
Count Eulcnborg , Dr. Stoeckcr and Hcrr
Koogol appear at these reunions. Count
Nossclrodo also appears as the representa
tive for the ox-onipress. The chancellor's
enemies declare that his reign is Hearing Its
close. They assert that besides his physical
ailments , which render him incapable of
governing , his domestic Influence , nil potent
with the emperor , Is fast weakening His-
marck's hold , and that the empress ,
who is a close friend of the
Countess von Waldorsco , sympathises
With the opponents of the chancellor.
Empress Augusta also blames bis action as
Exposing to the world family scandals. The
Impression in diplomatic circles is that
though Uisninrck's power over the emperor
IK lessoning , his position will remain secure
aiitil ho retires ; but that the succession of
Count Herbert Is doubtful.
The announcement that Hismarck has or
dered the exemption of foreigners from mar
tial law in Samoa , nnd has instructed the
German consul to withdraw from the contest
of administration , has elicited only partial
upprovul in the press. The Vossischo Xeltung
remarks that proceedings of this
tort arc not calculated to strengthen
Gonnan local authority in the present
Btralncd state of affairs in Samoa. The gov
ernment journals recognize the propriety of
respecting the rights nnd Interests of for
eigners , but Insist on the necessity of
reprisals for Mntaafa's attack on the Ger
A cable dispatch from Zanzibar announces
the death of Achmod , sultan of Vitu. 11 In
nephew , Tiinabakuri , has been proclaimed
his successor.
A syndicate of Ucrlln nnd Frankfort bank
ers , In conjunction with u group of Portu
guese , and Paris bunks , has concluded an
agreement for the conversion of the whole
outstanding Portugues 5 per cent bonds,1S78 ,
187D , I860 and 18 ! > r , into -O./B , amounting to
8,000,000 pounds sterling.
Tno attention of tha bourse centers on the
coming loans or conversions. The Vossisoho
Zcltuug estimates that the total foreign
loans now hold in Germany at 0,000,000
marks , while the annual interest paid to
German Inventors by foreign debtors exceeds
1500,000,000 marks. Other estimates place the
total of the foreign loans at a much higher
figure. Gorman capital has started the Ital
ian Union bunk , with headquarters at Milan ,
and n paid up capital of 12,000OJO 11 res ,
mainly supplied through Krause , of Horlln ,
the Viennese Anglo-Anstraln bank. All the
Uorllu nnd Frankfort banks are prosperous ,
and bank shares are "booming , " while the
directorates are engaged in schemes to raise
more capital. The Haurson Koltung gives
figures showing the rapid growth of the
banking business since 18(15 ( , and proves that
the dividends paid In 1SS8 were In some In
stances double those of 1S65 , although the
capital has been Increased six-fold.
Undoubtedly the expansion of German
business and the wealth of the country have
marvellously Increased with the growth of
military power nnd national unity. The
Messrs , Rothschilds and HlelchroUor will
float a new 2 per cent railway loan for the
Italian tlnvernment , A further reduction In
the rota of discount of the Itelchabank Is
Imminent. The low rate * lu the open mar
ket and the abundance of money compel the
reduction. The Rochandlung now lends un
til March 00 at 2J < per cent.
Statistics of Hamburg trailcs show seven
teen now local companies , with capital of
3. , < WO,000 murks , founded In isSS. The ex
isting companies Increased their capital
17,000.000 marks , Including the Hamburg-
American steamship company , xvhlch added
10,000,000 marks to its capital.
A report presented to the Landing on per
sonal taxation for IHSJI , discloses the fact
that the richest Prussian contributor is In
the Dusscldorf circles. Tnc person referred
to Is undoubtedly Krupp , whoso annual rev-
fiiue Is liSO,000 : marks. In tlio "Wiesbaden
oirclo the largest contributor Is obviously
Uotlischtld , who admits an income ofI.IW'J ' -
UOO marlts.
Captain Wlssmann went to Hamburg on
Thursday to arrange contracts. To-night
ho has gone to Hullo to bid farewell to his
Notable among the recent Incidents In the
releasing was the olTortof the progressists
and socialists to obtain an enlarged Inspec
tion of the condition of workers In factories.
Hcrr Hobcl commented on the inadequacy of
the inspection , a single ofllclal having to
overlook a district so extended that it was
impossible to glvo the sumo oven a cursory
examination. Ho urged nn Increase in iho
nuinuor of inspectors and the extension of
the Inspection to small workshops and house
hold Industry. Ho also favored publishing
full reports on the state of
the working classes , instead of ex
tracts arbitrarily selected by olllci.ils.
Minister von Uocttichcr curtly refused to
agree to thcso propositions , and at the same
time referred to the progressists' attempts
to obtain trade councils composed of work
men and employers as n Inconvcnlenco and
a peril to the development of a commercial
spirit. HIIIT von iJonttichcr's remarks again
proved that the social reforms of the govern
ment arc designed to place workmen as far
as possible under a stuto of tutelage. The
Frankfurter Xeitung asks whether workmen
will soil their birthright for a pottage of
It Scums to Ho UxL'le.sq Snvc tin n
Thcmo Tor Gossip.
CHICAGO , Feb. 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Uni.l : "Tho president's agreement is
going to die a bornin" " " said a high railway
official this evening.
As ho spoke ho handed the newspaper rep
resentative a cotiy of President Perkins'
answer to President Strong's request for
the Hurlingtoii's signature to the President's
ai'recmciit. It read no follows :
"My Dear Mr. Strong : The agreement to
be effective must embrace the Illinois Cen
tral and roads controlled by Mr. Nettlcton.
As you know , I am In favor of the arrange
ment , and nil the roads controlled by mo
will join the association and will sign any
papers when it is made certain that all par
ties interested will sign. C. E. PKIIKIXS. "
"You see , the letter simply reiterates what
the agreement itself says , " continued the
official , "In other words , it can be taken as a
refusal to sign or not , just as a man looks at
it , I take it as direct refusal to sign and will
tell you why. The Hannibal & St. Joe and
the St. Louis , Keokuk & Northwestern are
both Uurlington roads and they are in direct
competition with the Kansas City , Fort
Scott & Gulf an southwestern business. The
Hurlington system takes the trnfllc east via
St. Louis , and the Kansas City , Fort Scott &
Gulf via Memphis. No one is sure
that the Gulf road will sign and the Hurhng-
ton is not going to commit Itself until its
competitor does. Then the Chicago , HUrl-
lington & Northern , another Hurlington
road , is in direct , competition with the See
road. For some reason or other .tho See
road was left out of the agreement. The
Chicago , JJurlington & Northern has prac
tically no local business. Its bole revenue is
through business and for this , the See , is a
llerco competitor. It would bo suicide
for the Burlington & Northern to sign
the agreement with the See free to cut rales
as it saw lit. Vice President G. 11. Harris ,
of the Hurlington , has written a letter to
President Strong saying that he would give
a decisive answer ns to signing by next Tues
day or Wednesday.
"Then the principal reason why I think the
Hurlitifiton won't ' sign IB because the Illinois
Central will not sign. The two roads are the
hottest kind of competitors , and the Hurling
ton will not go into any deal which does not
include Mio Illinois Central. Now , every one
of thcso contingencies is a big one , and un
less they are all overcome , besides otiicrs not
yet eo mo to the surface , the agreement will
DC a failure. "
President Perkins , of the Burlington , was
averse to being interviewed , but said : "Tho
IJurlington is > in favor of the agreement , and
has been all along. Wo will not bind our-
salvcs , however , until the signatures ot the
Illinois Central and Kansas City , Fort Scott
& Gulf are obtained. "
Other presidents were scon , and they one
and all condemned the refusal of the Hur
lington to sign. Each prefaced Ins condem
nation with a refusal to allow the use of his
name , but all were n unit in admitting that
it looked black for the agreement.
An Important Proviso.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 2. An important proviso
vise to the Oklahoma bill , passr.a by the
house yesterday , is the one rescinding the
action that nothing in the act organizing the
territory shall bo construed to authorize any
person to enter upon or to occupy any land
la the Cherokee nutlet and Oklahoma
proper for settlement or otherwise until
after the Indian tribes provided for in the
bill have concluded the agreement to
that effect. After an agreement
tuts been made it shall ho laid before tlic
lirosldcnt , who is authorized and required to
issue his proclamation declaring such re
linquished lands onun to boUIoment , and tlx
a time from and after which such land * may
uo taken. It is provided that any person who
may enter upon ar.y land contrary to these
provisions , and prior to the lime llxed by the
president's proclamation , shall not bo per
mitted to make entry upon any lands , or lay
any claim thereto In the territory.
The Naturalization Kill.
WASIIIXCITOX , Feb. 2. The house commit
tee on Judiciary this afternoon had the nat
uralization bill again under consideration.
To meet the objection that has been made to
the original bill , that it would operate to
prevent an intomling citizen from acquiring
n homo for his family during the live-year
probationary period , it was suggested that n
Hui'tinn be added limiting the property rights
of aliens who may ilia a preliminary declara
tion of an intention to become citizens to the
entry of nno homestead. To lit ttiu case of
Indians another clause was added , extending
the privilege of naturalization to Indians in
cases whcro they renounce tribal relations
and assume civilized life , The members who
suggested these amendments were requested
to reduce them to form , and the bill as
amended will bo further considered next
At Plnrnlmll Island * .
SAN FIUNCISCO , Fob , 'J. The schooner
Dashing Wave arrived to-day from Marshall
Islands. Ciiutalu Chlpiuati states that all the
territory in that part of the world is being
rapidly brought under German Influence.
Pleasant islands have been seized by Ger
many. Matters In the Marshall group are
quiet , the authority of Germany being su
preme. Captain Chlpniuu claims that com
merce Is hampered by excessive charges and
the useless restrictions on entering the har
bor. He states that no pilot came aboard till
his vessel was anchored. Vet on leaving ho
was presented with a bill tor pilotage , which
ho was compelled to pay ,
A Mlno I-'lre.
DAW OJ , Pa. , Teb. 12. A fire which lias
been raging In the Jackson mines has llnally
been gotten under control , The loss cannot
be estimated ut prcscut ,
A Jtemnrknhlo Statement Ity the
Speaker ofthn l/rjjlulntiirr1.
LITTLE HOCK , Ark. , Feb.2. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB Uic. : ] To-day a Joint resolu
tion was sent up in the house requesting the
governor to offer $ .VJO for the arrest and con
viction of the parties who stole the ballot
boxes and poll books from the clerk's ofllco
in this city on the night of September 3 , 1SSS.
One member said he was in favor of amend
ing the resolution so that it would include
all the counties in Arkansas in which ballot
boxes had boon stolen. "Hut , " ho continued ,
"If that amendment should bo accepted the
penitentiary would soon bo so full of ballot
byx thieves that their legs would bo sticking
out of the windows. Hesides , the payment
of the reward xrould throw the stnto treas
ury Into bankruptcy. "
A representative from ono of the counties
In which election fraud is charged offered nn
amendment that 25 cents be offered Instead
of f.V)0. )
Tiie speaker of the house , who had taken
the door meanwhile , sprang to his feet and
began n speech which proved to bo the most
astounding delivered in the legislature on
nallot box stealing. "Mr. Speaker and gen
tlemen , " ho began. "It cannot bo denied
that ballot boxes have been stolen in this
stato. For the last twenty years this matter
has been carried on. Year nfter year the
public will has boon thwarted , and yet the
perpetrators go unpunished. In this county ,
at our last state election , nine ballot boxes
were stolen. The grand jury was especially
instructed to Investigate the matter , but not
one single Indictment was returned. A
man's life would not bo safe if he should at
tempt to ferret out this matter. [ That's
right , " from the gallery. ] "We are told
that this ballot box stealing has been the In
direct cause of the deliberate murder of ono
of the tlncst men in the state of Arkansas.
The terrible crime lias turned the eyes of the
nation upon us. Day after day have t sat
In ttio speaker's ' chair mid seen measures
killed that pointed to an investigation of thm
matter. Now conies this slur in the shape of
a 25-eent amunumcnt. It's an outrage. Wo
must do something. The action of the legis
lature is being closely watched by the east
ern states and the northern states. Hallot
box stealing has occurred , and it may be
probed to the bottom. The test Is upon us
and wo must act. "
This is but a faint outline of what ho said ,
but will show the temper of the speaker.
The resolution was adopted. Ballot box
stealing , murders and anonymous throats
scut to other contestants for seats In congress
have aroused them till they are determined
to have a thorough Investigation.
THIS 110 lT Til AMI * .
Harrison Asked to Hxcrr Influence In
His Ilelinir.
iKiiMNM'ous , Fob. 2.-General Harrison
hall comparatively few prominent out-of-
lowa visitors to-day. Alexander Hogeland ,
president of the boys' and girls' national
homo and employment association , presented
a petition in relation to congressional action
in behalf of the boy tramps of the United
States. The association asks , through the
president-elect , that congress bo appealed to
for wholesome laws to abate what has grown
to bo a national evil. It recites the
work of the association , and
reports having the extent of
crime and depravity among young boys. It
says that there arc ; ! 0OOU continued tramps
in the country , all of whom come from this
class of neglected boys , who are permitted to
acquire their criminal proclivities at a tender
ngo. An interesting argument in behalf of
governmental control of these dependent
.youths is made.
So far as can be ascertained at this end of
the line , cabinet affairs are in statu quo , and
there is less speculation to-night than for
several days.
Wyoming Politics.
CIIKYKNNE , Wyo. , Feb. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TIID Ben. ] The question of the
next governorship of Wyoming is exciting
great interest hero at present. The territo
rial press , republican and democratic , with
but few exceptions , favors tno appointment
of ex-Governor Warren , who hold the posi
tion for a year under the present administra
tion. The Laramie Boomerang , the only re
publican paper that opposes Warren , has
started a boom for ox-Secretary Morgan. It
Is claimed that four years ago , when Mr.
Warren , Mr. Morgan and Mr. Con-
% 'erso were applicants for the governor
ship , Mr. Morcran , in the interest of harmony ,
and for the sake of getting a Wyoming man
appointed , withdrew his name in favor of
Warren , and that his commendable action at
that time should now have its roward. Mr.
Morgan , who was secretary of the territory
for a number of years , has strong backing
among eastern politicians , and now that ho
is formally entered in the gubernatorial race
is likely to make it interesting for his com
A Protest From Australia.
WASIUNQTON , Fob. 2. The secretary of
state to-day received a cablegram from Me-
Coppin , United States commissioner to the
Melbourne expositionsaying that the federal
council of Australia had adopted on address
to the crown viewing with deep anxiety the
recent events in Samoa and favoring treaties
guaranteeing Independence in Samoa and
also expressing the opinion that foreign
domination of Samoa endangered the safety
of Australia.
Secretary Bayard said he regarded the
action of the Australian authorities on the
Samoan question as very important , inas
much as it indicated that the people of that
large and prosperous colony looked at the
situation pretty much in the same light as
American people do , and were not disposed
to look favorably upon foreign encroach
ments in their vicinity.
It Amounts ton Recall ,
WAsnlNONON , Fob. 2. It is learned from
sources deemed reliable that Consul General
Sewall had made all preparations to leave
for Samoa on Friday afternoon , but in the
forenoon of that day ho received a note- from
Assistant Secretary Hives , asking him to
call at the state depot , which ho did , and
was then told by UIvos that ho was to delay
his departure. It is the opinion of persons
familiar with the situation that , Inasmuch
as the next outgoing vessel which Sewall
can now vouch does not sail until somu time
in the early part of March , his detention hero
Is virtually n notice that ho will not bo al
lowed to return in his ofllciul capacity.
IllNinnrok'H Action Anticipated.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2 , Secretary Bayard
said this afternoon that the communication
of Bismarck to Count Arco-Valloy , the Ger
man minister , announcing his action was
anticipated by a telegram to Minister Pondlo-
ton saying that the United States would not
recognize the martial law declared by the
German consul. It was , therefore , not a
reply to the telegram but nn anticipation.
Pension Fund Running Low.
WASIIIXOTOX , Fob. 2. The commissioner
of pensions has advised the secretary of the
Interior that there will bo a deficiency In the
amount necessary for the payment of pen
sions for the lUcal year , over and above ex
isting appropriations , of about $37,000,000 , ,
and asks that necessary steps bo taken to secure -
cure immediate consideration of the matter
by congress to prevent the stoppage of pen
Tired oT tliu Consular Hnrvlco.
TOPKKA , ICan. , Feb. 2. [ Special Telegram
to THE Hue. I Hon. Charles 1C. Holllday , Jr. ,
editor of the Kansas Democrat , who WAS
about six months ago appointed secretary of
the legation to Caraccas , Venezuela , and
afterwards promoted to the rank of charge
d'uffulrtf , to relieve" Minister Scott , returned
to his homo in this city , to-day , and for
warded his re.sitrnatlon to President Cleve
Something of tho' Habits of the
Great Chancellor's Sou.
And Ono of the Hardest Workers on
the Continent of Europe.
Ho Yet Finds Tlmo to Entertain a
Host of Warm Admirers.
Often the Scene of the German Capi
tal's Most Ilrllliant Social
, Kvcnts An Interview
I/- on Sam on.
Germany's Secretary oT Stntc.
[ Cnpi/rfuht l $31 > u Jamrs ( Jonlim Itcnnttt. ]
HUHUN , Fob. 2.-fXew York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Bun.1 The Herald
correspondent had to-day at his request the
honor of being received in private nudienco
by Count U'smnrck. ' His excellency re
ceived mo this forenoon In his study in what
used to be Prince Hismarck's private rest-
donee , but which is now occupied by the
ministry of foreign affairs. Ono Is obliged
to traverse several plainly furnished ante
rooms , where the sounds of footsteps nro
completely deadened by the thickness of
Smyrna carpet , and the only ornaments to
bo seen are enormous maps suspended
on the walls. Through rough , heavily padded
folding doors one enters n spacious
study , the windows of which open on a court
yard , whcro n majestic walnut tree spreads
out its now leafless branches , while from be
hind n rough board fcnco magnificent old
trees form a back ground. Towards the
middle of the room is a great broad desk en
tirely covered with documents and blue port
folios , letters , papers and dispatches. On
the walls , extending the length of the room ,
is a round table with a few chairs placed in
front of a rather old fashioned sola. A
broad chaise lounge extends into the room
from the other side. The only other furni
ture in the room nro book cases and paper
stands. Over the mantel piece is n largo
photo of the prince chancellor , signed by
In this room nro the ends of the threads
by which the foreign policy of the German
empire is set in motion , and here nn amount
of work is mastered that would greatly over
tax the strength of many. Count Herbert
Bismarck Is considered ono of the hardest
workers among the ofllclals , and In Berlin ,
the city of hard workers , work begins with
him at the early hours of morning , and he
rarely ends his toil before midnight. The
count carries nothing over to the morrow. In
audition , tiis social duties take up a great
deal of his time. He Is constantly entertain
ing , and ho is nn amiable host and a most
lively and Interesting companion. His invi
tations are numbered among their most wel
come social prizes by these fortunate enough
to have secured the entree at his house.
The parliamentary soirees inaugurated at
his cheerful bachelor homo this winter are
the social events of the Herlln season. The
leaders of the German and Prussian oftlcial
world , the most distinguished representa
tives of the army and navy , the highest
court functionaries give rendezvous at his
house to representative men of all parties In
the reichstag and the Prussian landtag.
Around these numerous little tables crystal
lize little groups of men , whose views coin
cide , holding a lively discussion on the
events of the day. The most exquisite
viands , excellent wines , and the choicest
cigars are thcro to satisfy the material wants
of the guests. These entertainments last , as
a rule , until the "woo sma' hours" of the
His excellency was gracious enough to accede -
cede to my request that ho would explain the
position taken by the German government on
the Samoun question. What ho said was in
substance as follows :
Public opinion in Germany is not as excited -
cited over the Samoau question as is shown
by the stand taken by the German press.
The German government never allowed the
least doubt to obscure the fact that all that
is desired Is Samoa was to uphold the lawful
and orderly statu of things hitherto existing ,
toircther with a maintenance of peace , order
and quiet. Certain coteries who , from In
terested motives , sought to cast suspicion on
the Dluiu , straightforward purpose of the
German government , would certainly not
find bcliovcrs among sensible people , for it
Is ono of the most important distinctive
habits of German policy that engagements
are honorably carried out and subterfuge
avoided. This distinctive trait is admitted
by the whole world , and cannot again bo
made the subject of dispute by secret agita
tors , The whole world knows that when
Germany says black or white , blade or white
Is meant.
In the Samoan question , too , Germany
splolt mlioffenen kartell at Washington. In
the summer of 1837 Germany , together with
the United States and Great Britain , tried
to come to an agreement , by which the joint
interests of the three powers might bo made
secure In these islands , but this conf rcnco
concluded Its hlbors and adjourned ithout
having obtained any definite result. There
is no treaty concerning Samoa in existence ,
either between the United States and Ger
many or between the United States
and Great Britain. Treaties were
made between the United States ,
Germany and England , on ono
hand , ami the Samoans. The upholding of
these treaties is thorofornn matter , of course ,
of equal Importance to all interested. The
worst feature In the case Is that in Samoa
whatever government WAS at the head of
affairs seemed to bo tottering to a full. The
same phenomena have shown themselves
there as nave been observed for centuries In
other islands of the S'outh sea group. The
savage Inhabitants there have no conception
of respect for and subordination to consti
tuted authority. Always at a feud among
themselves , the strongest conquers and
rules , but only until a stronger
comos. These mutual quarrels had
formerly less slgnlflcanca , as long
as they were fought out with spear *
and arrows , but the moro the natives felt the
contact of civilization , the tnoro they equipped
themselves with paivder and muskets , some
of them of the percussion cap pattern , the
bloodier the battles became and more rapid
the succession of conquerors and rulers , to
the increasing detriment , naturally , of the
civilized resident s of the IsUndo.
This was the case in Bnmia. Malictoa , In
his time. , inado war for , and now
Mntnnfa , formerly ono of Mallotoa's bitter
est opponents , seeks to overthrow Tnmoseso.
The battles that ensued were fatal to Euro
pean nnd American interests in the island.
It is impossible fully to picture to oneself
the present condition of affairs there ,
Exhaustive reports will only roach hereabout
about the middle of February. Telegrams
were at hand , but they were in cipher and
had ncon , partially mutilated on the way , so
that no reliable opinion could bo formed
from them. It , as n matter ot course ,
the duty of the Gorman government to Inter
fere to protect the interests of the Germans ,
Inasmuch as they wore menaced during the
light that took place. In so doing , of course ,
the Interests of the European mid American
settlers had to bo considered. U Is known
that tin ) interests ot German traders nnd
planters there greatly outweighed these of
other nationalities. Germany has been at
tacked there by the rebels , but the object of
Germany's energetic action of repression can
and should only bo for the solo and ex
clusive purpose of restoring public order ,
quiet , nnd peace. With this In
view , the count had nho asked the
United ( States government , which had se
cured for Itself the most excellent coaling
station of Pango Pango , to co-oporato for its
part with the German and Huglish govern
ments in restoring order. For the purpose
Count Herbert Ulsmarck had , during the
last few days , had a conference with the
American charge d'affairs and the ambassa
dor of Great Hritain. Ho asked them both
to take such steps as would allow the thread
of negotiations last hold at Washington In
iss to bo taken up In order that an under
standing fair to the mutual Interests of all
three powers could bo arrived at.
The trroup of Islands were so insignificant as
to size , In comparison with the three powers
nnd its interests were comparatively so
inconsiderable , that It is impassible to bc-
licvo that on account of u difference of opin-
iau , so much as a sharp exchange of dis
patches could be possible. An exchange of
views of the respective plenipotentiaries
would afford the quickest and ploasantest
solution. Unfortunately , Germany has now
boon placed in a condition of war with
Mataafa. As far as could bo made out from
fragmentary reports now at hand , n detach
ment of Gorman sailors who attempted
to land for the purpose of protecting Gorman
plantations , had been treacherously attacked
from ambush by Mataafa and his hordes.
Tills act must of coursa bo fully expiated by
the offending party. If any German official
has outstepped his instructions and acted
without orders or authority of the German
government of which , however , there was
no evidence ha would bo promptly recalled
to an observance of his duty. The
negotiations up to this time had
convinced the count that on all
sides there is u desire to see the question
promptly and happily solved. He himself ,
tno secretary of state , had received a number
of communications from distinguished Ameri
can citizens , statesmen and leading men ,
which left him with the conviction that In
the United States the intelligent classes
treated this question with the same calmness
nnd moderation with which it always hits
been treated in Germany. It is not worth
getting excited over.
An Imllnnn Kmiiczzlcr IV ho Robbed
Illt4 Wifeanil Frloiuln.
INIIUNAVOLIS , Feb. 2. As the investiga
tions of County Clerk Sullivan progress ,
astonishing revelations of crookedness are
brought to the surface. Ho robbed every
body , including his wife , bosom friends
and their friends , political associates ,
orphans , widows , corporations , the county ,
and people right and left. The frauds that
have come to light already aggregate In
amount $100,000. The trust funds charged
to his bunds are acknowledged to uavo
amounted at the beginning of this week to
$05,000. SIuco then the county money
there has been paid into his hands nearly
$5,000. Probably $15,000 of these moneys
was applied to legitimate purposes. The bal
ance was stolen.
Suits nro being instituted by
guardians nnd others against Sul
livan's bondsmen. The board of county
commissioners to-day elected John Wilson , n
well known attorney , to fill the vacant place.
Wilson is the defeated candidate for attorney
general at the late election. On the author
ity of the board of commissioners
it is stated that Wilson agrees to
waive all claim to fees in excess of
Ri,000 annually. This is equivalent to giving
Sullivan's bondsmen $10OJD per year.
The Hcndricks club , the leading demo
cratic club of the stnto , held a meet
ing last night and expelled Sullivan ,
the resolutions stating that "ho has proven
himself a defaulter to the county and un
worthy of confidence. "
At midnight the investigation into Sulli
van's crooked transactions shows u total de
falcation of over 110,000 , with more returns
to hear from.
A Pretty Postmistress I3lopcH AVitli
Rich Yoiins Oakoi A men.
ST. P\ui. , Minn. , Fob. 2 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tuu Hun. ] Young Oukcs Ames , n
nephew of the governor of Massachusetts ,
has been cutting a wide swath in this neigh
borhood for the past year. Yesterday ho be
came the hero of an elopement , the young
lady In the affair boinc Miss Umma Watson ,
the pretty postmistress at St. Anthony Park ,
a St. Paul suburb. Ames is the proud pos
sessor of some $500,000 lit cold cash. On
Thursday Miss Watson Informed her em
ployer that she desired to take n short
vacation nnd go on a visit to
some relatives living in another part
of the Rtato. The request was
granted and Miss Watson left on nn after
noon train for St , Paul. That evening's '
mall scattered throughout the park small
white missives announcing the marriage nf
Miss Watson to Oakcs Ames.of St. Anthony
Park. The surprise In the Park was great ,
as Mr. Amos' mother Imagined that her son
was in Chicago , whither he Had gene to
enter Into possession of his property. Upon
Investigation It was found that Mr. Ames ar
rived from Chicago Thursday morning mid
mot his nfllunccd in the city. Securing n ,
marriage license they drove over to Men-
data , where they were married , On that
evening they left St. Paul for Detroit. The
girl Is very young and an attempt will bo
made to arrest him for abduction ,
TIio ArreHt of Dr. Kully HUM the All-
sordini : Topic.
Noiiroi.i ; , Neb. , Feb. 2 , [ Special Telegram
to TUB HKB. ] The arrest of JJr. Kelly still
continues to bo tno all absorbing topic of
conversation , but thcro arc no now developo-
incntH ,
Fnlwo PrvtiMiHcs.
NEI.IOII , Neb. , Feb. 2. [ Special to TUG
Br.i : , ] Olney S. Mulmn , nf this place , was
arrested yesterday on the charge of obtain
ing money under false pretcnso.
AVI1I Investigate.
Kninxr.Y , Neb. , Fob , 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tim HEK.J The committees on public
lands and buildings , and ways and means ar
rived In the city this evening from Lincoln
on a special car. They are hero to Investi
gate the advisability of the proposed expend
itures for building and improving the grounds
at the state Industrial school ,
In the Application to Unjoin thelown
Drs MOINTS , la. , Fob , 2. Judge Drawer' *
decision lu the application of the railroads
for nn Injunction restraining the railroad
commissioners from changing their schedule
of rates , was received here to-day. It re
fuses an Injunction nnd removes the res
training order.
The decision , after reviewing bills , com
plaint nnd its answer , says : "Thcro are
substantially three questions presented.
" 1. Has thcro been mi evasion of the In
junction order heretofore issued , and there
fore n practical contempt of the order !
" 2. Did the sections of the statutes under
which the commissioners acted give them
the authority to rondel'such decision and to
establish a full schedule of rates for the com
plainants ! '
y. Is the schedule announced just and rea
sonable !
He holds :
1. That there has bcon no evasion of the
injunction , on the ground that the now
schedule differed substantially from the ono
enjoined , by substituting western classifica
tion for Illinois classification.
2. That the sections of the statute quoted ,
when taken together , did justify the com
missioners hi making an entire new schedule.
y. Thnt the schedule is on its face presum
ably compensatory , mid should bo tried , niul
if , when evidence Is presented at the May
term of the United States court , It appears
that thu rate is reasonable , then Derailment
injunction can Issue.
In conclusion the decision says1 "Influ
enced by these Considerations , 1 am led to
refuse the preliminary Injunction and to sot
aside the restraining order heretofore made.
It may well bo that by the time this case ,
comes to the llnal lest of experience It will
have solved some of these matters , nnd
It may bo made clear , IIH now seems probable ,
that the rates imposed by this last schedule
are compensatory within the rule laid
down In a prior opinion , in which
case certainly no injunction ought to
issue , or clear that they are not compensa
tory , in which case , beyond any doubt lu my
iiiliul , the tlnal and permanent injunction
ought to be granted.
This is the decision in the suit brought by
the Chicago , Uurlington & Quincy railroad.
Tito Itrowii Case.
MASON CITV , la. , Feb. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hue. ] The proceedings In the
Drown case were brought to n sudden ter
mination to-day by the serious illness of
Juror Howe , Ho was taken suddenly ill
while In the box with cramps of the stomach ,
and n doctor was summoned , who pro
nounced the case critical. Should Howe re
main in n condition not to bo able to hear the
case , it will necessitate a now trial. The
prosecution still maintains that it has u
strong case against the defendant.
Tlic Supreme Court.
DKS MOINEX , la , , Feb. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Dei : . ] The supreme court filed
the following decisions bore to-day :
C. F. Vcrstraelen vs Judge W. R. Lewis ,
npp'ellant ; Powoshick district ; affirmed ,
John Thomas , appellant , vs Thomas J.
McDonald etui ; Linn district ; affirmed.
Lizctte G. Hoeckman , appellant , vs H. S.
Hutlor et ul and A. D. Littleton ; Polk dist
rict ; reversed. _
Fntnlly AVoitntlcit nml ltoll > ctl.
DAVEXPOIIT , la. , Feb. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Hm.J : Early this morning
Curl Schmidt , a cattleman , was the victim of
nn attempted murder in the outskirts of this
city. Ho was found dying In the road , un
conscious , and lying in u pool of blood. Ho
had been robbed of $200 and struck with
some blunt Instrument that nearly killed
him , and little hope of his recovery is enter
Oklahoma lOntliiislnsts.
KANSAS CITV , Fob. 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HUB. ] At a mass meeting to-night
prominent citizens passed resolutions thank
ing those representatives who worked for
the passage of the Oklahoma bill , and urging
upon the senate the favorable consideration
of the bill. A largo sum of money was sub
scribed to defray the expenses of a delega
tion in a trip to Washington. Fully IJOO rep
resentative business men attended the meet
ing , and the utmost unanimity and enthusi
asm prevailed.
The Diiatli KecoiMl.
MiLWAUECii , Fob. 2. Guldo Pfcstor , a tan
ner and leather merchant , one of Milwau
kee's foremost and woaUhiost business men ,
died nt an early hour this morning of typhoid
pneumonia. Ho was sovonty-ono years of
Otto Wagner , a leading turner and ono of
the most prominent amateur athletes in the
country , died this morning after a brief Ill
ness. Ho was thirty-ioven years old.
Locked Up In n HnnU Vnulr ,
New HAVKN , Conn. , Feb. 2. Hen O. Lum ,
bookkeeper nt the Now Haven Savings
bank , was accidentally locked up In the Dig
bank vault yesterday afternoon , nnd his
whereabouts was a mystery until the vault
was opened for business at 0 o'clock , when
hi catno out. Ho was decidedly hungry , but
little the worse for his fifteen hours clos
An Irish Priest , Imprisoned.
Feb. 2. Father Alnrrinan , of
Castle Council , was .sentenced to Jive weeks'
imprisonment to-day for offenses under the
crimes act.
Constable Clifton , of Kildysart , resigned
as a protest against the harsh treatment of
O'Brien by thu prison ofllcials at Cloniucl.
Tim \Vrnllicr InilluntioiiH.
For Nebraska : Fair , nearly stationary
temperature , variable winds.
For Iowa : Fair , followed by light rain ,
warmer westerly winds.
For Dakota : Snow in northern portion ,
fair in southern portion , warmer , urisic
westerly winds.
Viiiidci'hilt Oil1 On it Cruise.
HAi/nsorn : , Fob. -William 1C. Vandnr-
bllt , thu millionaire , and party , sailed in the
steam yacht Alva this morning for an ex
tended cruise , lasting about seven months ,
They will visit Hcnmidu and Madiera , and
thence cruise in the McdituiTean , and also
visit Norway and ICnglaud ,
In I'lolc I-IIIK'H
INIIIANAPOMS , Feb. " . Petitions are being
circulated by thu traveling men of the United
States , in every state , asking for the appoint
ment on the inter-stato commission of X. .1 ,
Pickering , of Philadelphia , president of tliolr
national association.
A .Missouri
Ci.AitiCsvu.i.i : , Mo. , Feb. 2. A very dis
tinct oarthiuako shock felt bore ut 7 : 15
o'clock this morning. It rattled things gen
erally , but no damage Is reported. The
shock was also felt at Pnyncsvillc.
Tlia Connnlltivillo Coke Htrlko.
Pirrsiiuito , Feb. 2. The ConncllHVillo
coke strike spread to the works of J. W.
Moore & Co , to-day , and f > 00 men quit work.
Reports from other works are that the situa
tion is unchanged.
A l > 04 of I'nrlx Grenn.
ST. Loi'is , Fob , 2. James Gorman , the
Hixtccn-ycar-old son of Mrs. Mary Gorman ,
a widow , suicided to-day by taking n dose of
Paris green while under the Influence of
liquor. _
ColllcrlcH Hiispund ,
SIUMOICIN , Pa. , Fnb , 2 , Huck Hldgo ,
Uurnslde , Boar Valley and North Franklin ,
and Nos. land 2 collieries , owned by the
Heading company , suspended operations In
definitely to-day , owing tu the demoralization
of the coal trade.
Long Logs , Short Waist and Llttlo
Foot ,
Big Pop Eyes and a Sallow Com-
Flvo Foot , Ton and Ono-halC Inches
High ,
The Vnrsatllo nml Ubiquitous Swlml *
lur Whoso Dcnlri of Daring llnvo
Morn 'Hum Onue Startled
Two Continents.
A Smooth Swindler.
( fliijiwrfyM JS * ) I'llain' * ( J.nitim lltnnctt. ]
LONDON , Feb. S ! . [ Now York llerujd
Cable Special to Tnr. Hiil : The statement
comes from Uirminghain that Mr. Joseph
Chamberlain discovered on Ills return from
the United States that Mr. Austin Chambar-
lnin had been swindled by an iugoulus
stranger to the amount of .till ) , also that
through the Introduction of Austin Chamber
lain , the swindler succeeded in obtaining
from the Birmingham Hank the sum of X. > 0 ,
and llnally through his own introduction as
Mr. Chamberlain's son , ho was able to
gather in some valuable plants from an or
chid dealer. The parson announced himself
to Mr. Chamberlain as Mr. Kltcho , an Amer
ican. Now all this reminds those who have
kept themselves informed as to re
cent crimes of the line Italian hand of tin
notorious Koss Kuymond , nn adopt In conll-
deuce games , whoso exploits have startled
two continents. Starting In life as a subor
dinates journalist , Hess Raymond spccdilj
discovered a special aptitude in other direc
tions , and n few years niro fell like a blight
upon the beautiful .southern states of Amer
ica , where ho passed himself olT as u New
York Herald correspondent , and reaped
many of the shekels of the unwary. Hq
swept over tha south until the Herald laid u
heavy hand tiuon him , and obstructed by
too much froa advertising ho
changed his mime , wrapped his
mantle of iniquity closer around
him to defend himself from the chilling
blasts of suspicion , nnd for n time vanished
from the knowledge of men. That ho was
still successfully plying his trade , however ,
began to bo rumored , and America happen
ing to present objectionable features as a
field for artistic ingenuity in his line , Ross
Raymond departed from its [ inhospitable
shores , nnd presently turned , ) ip in Paris.
Here ho played his great coup , which served
to make him famous. Ho appeared at one ot
the swell Paris hotels in the guise of an ori
ental potentate. Ho was the bay of Tunis ,
or the bey of Algiers , or something
after that fasion , iuTd so Buccossfully
did ho ply his confidence vocation
that not only was thu Paris Honlfaco
a sad loser througn his distinguished guest ,
but a wall of grief and impotent rage went
up from the tradesmen of tha Hue do la
Paix , the IJuo Castighono , and other boule
vards , thu echoe.8 of which did not die away
in many months. Since the pjriod of this
splendid display of rascally audacity , It has
only been possible to Identify Uoss Raymond
through the peculiar characteristics of his
work. Ho is apparently gifted with ubiquity.
There has boon attributed to him confidence
operations occurring on periods very close
together in widely separated localities ,
simply because they bore the car marks of
this 'master of his ar t. The jewel
swindle , to the amount of 13,000 , francs
in the Rue do la Pnlx a few
weeks ago by an alleged American calling
himself Van Dyke was executed after the
fashion of Ross Raymond. An unsuccessful
attempt of a similar character made in Her.
lin shortly after , looked very much like Ross
Raymond , Several other roojnt cases recall
the methods of tills clover and unscrupulous
rogue. Ho is now believed to bo In England.
Three weeks ago he presented a forged let
ter of Introduction to Wilson Harrett , in
Nottingham. It purported to bo from James
Russell Lowell , introducing him as : i Har
vard university professor , and desir
ing Mr. Harrett to lecture In Cam
bridge , Mass. Ho Impersonated ttio
character admirably , nnd might
liuvo succeeded in exacting a loan fruin the
tragedian , only that the latter happened to
show the letter to a resident who know Mr.
Lowell's pimmnnshlp. Muauwhllu the ras
cal had lied. He has many wigs and : s n
master of disguise. Not Inng ago ho played
Ills arts on the mayor of Striitford-on-Avon ,
and also on Henry Irving , presenting him
self by forged letters of Introduction from
his alleged uncle , George W. Childs , of Philadelphia -
adelphia , who gave to Shakespeare's birth-
l lace last year a fountain that Mr. Irving
dedicated. The very latest htory wlnco the
Cimmbi-rlnin swindle Is minted of a
clover person who made hit appear
ance at Hallymena a few days ago
representing hlmsoif to be Major General
Roche , an olllccr In the English army ,
anxious to purchase troop hor.sos. Ho suc
ceeded in obtaining an Introduction to a
[ fontlonmn owning a line stud , and obtamod
four spkindid animals and change out of a
Jt500 cheek. Afterwards it was presented nt
the ban ! : on which it was drawn and was
relumed dishonored. It Is quite on the
cards that the Egyptian officer was Ross
Raymond , So many yours have passed xlnco
ho began his nefarious career that it is
really about time thu authorities , In the
different countries ho favors with his visits ,
called a halt.
To aid In this most desirable work tha
Herald elves the following accurate descrip
tion of the notorious ox-Journalist and present
confidence man ; Height live feet ten am ] a
half Inches , weight 190 pounds , llngerf deli
cate nnd tapering , long waste and short lues ,
small feet nnd a small but a good corpora
tion , sallow complexion , big pop eyes , an He-
[ mile cast of features and given to wearing
faUn boards and whiskers , and also specta
cles , He U about forty years-old , with u
voice moro tenor than bass , and IH fond of
whisky. Ho was born in North Cumberland ,
jut has resided much In America.
An Indian Rcmru ,
SACIUMBNTO , Cala. , Fob. 1. The- officials
} f Moua county have telegraphed ( lovernor
Waterman that the noUer ! In Antelope val-
ey aru much alarmed over the gathering of
Indians there on account of two Indian mur
derers In jnll at Hridgeport. Thu sheriff a k
Tor fifty KtuivJs of i'rmn anil viauultlon Imme