Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No Advertisement * , -will l > o taken Tor
tlirxo columns IYor 12 : O p. in.
TcritiB Cash In ntlvnncc.
Advertisements umiertns head 11 efmspe :
line for the first Insertion. * rents for cnch mil *
pwinent inoerllon , nod tlffln line l ) r month.
NondvMtlKcmeut taken for less UinnffiicentA
the lr L .nuertlon Seven words will bo counted
to tlie lint : tliey muni run consecutively anil
tnust bo 1 > M < 1 m ADVAM'K. All ndvertlio-
menu muni be tmniled In before 12:30 : o'clock p.
m . and under no circumstances will they bt
tflkeu or discontinued \ telephone. .
Parties adrcrtlMiip In these column ; nnd hay.
Jnp their answer * ndilre sod In euro of Tn r. HZE
will please R k for a check to enable them to get
their letter * , M none will be delivered except on
pn-sriitnllon of check. All answers to ndrer
tUcments fthoulil bo enclosed In envelope * .
All advcrtl ments in these columns wo pub-
llnhetl In both mornlne nnd evening editions ol
Inr. llrr. thn circulation of which aggregates
more than Ifl,0o0 papers dally , and elves the ad
vertisers the bonont , not only of the cltyrirra
latlonof Tniii Ilrr. but also of Council Ilium.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this sect Ion of the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
en thn nbove conditions , at the following bust
Bens houses , who lire authorlrcd agents for Tni
Brr. special notices , and will quote the sunn
r te ns rnn be had nt the mnln olllco
OIIN'W. HUM. , Fhaiiiiaclst , Ki6 South Tenth
Btreet. _ _ _ _ _ _
GUAM : Jlc KDDV , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
South 10th Street. _ _ _ _ _ _
II. FAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , SllfiUum-
Ing Street. _
jTnUOHKS. Pharmacist , 021 North 10th
. Btrcot
/ i ip. : W. PA lift , I'harmacl3t , IBCOSt. Mary's
"iVT'ANTKD-Position by experienced stonog-
rnpher und typewriter ouerutor. Very l est
leforoncos given. Address I'SC , lice. 5785t
"V\MNTKI > lly man with experience nnd rot
vi c'rcnco , u situation us ciittiir In u good
tailoring establishment. Address P. 23. Hut ;
olllce. 471 2 *
WANTKO Situation by experienced lady
t nographor ! city rofoiencea. Address
H.L. HMO Dodge St. 477 It
WANTKD lIoy , 10 jears old. write fair
hutid , to Icarn shipping business. Apply ,
American I'rosH , 1110 Dodge. lii-i a
idAU-MAKKIt wunlodl ( looil iirTtM-lits"
, . worKninir . . „ . _ No . . other . . . . nerd , apply. Address ,
1' . MrCliusnoy , Noith Platte ( ) Nij m
" \\TANTKD-Agonts iivorywIuTO to sell my
T \\lilsperphont' . No lunru loud talking. A
whisper can bo heard. Fred Pultz , SO Illckox
at. , Cleveland. O. CI4 It
\\TANTKD Ono good ngont In every town to
T t neil the Chomlcjl Ink Kraslng Pencil. Sam
ples : nc. Addrohs McCullocli Si Co. , loom 1 ,
Cieight on bloclc , Oniiiha OKI ;
"V\rAM'KD ( iood man to keep small country
> hotel. Apply to P. ill' ' , care of llt-e. W-
fTIHK Stimdard Cattle Co. want a ttioro'tghly
-Lcompitont machincst nnd engineer ; must
npply In nor.sou nt Aim'a , Net ) . UlS 2
\\rANTKD-Mnn to solicit , salary $75 poi
T > miinth. must tlei > oslt $ J.i for samples and
sicurlty for money collected. Address
give S. ChiiB , fill. First National Hank build
ing , O mull a , or Wiiguerblk. , Dos Molnes , la.
BOYS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1501 Douglas.
* 621
"WANTED Mau to take tlio ngc-ncyof our
Bales ; 817028x1818 Inchon ; weight 500 lb > ;
retail pilco&tii ; other sizes In proportion. A
rare chance and permanent business. These
Bates meet a demand nu\ur before supplied by
othnr sufi ! compunleii. as wo are not goveinc-d
by the safe pool. Alplno S.if e Co. , Clncln.ill. O.
"TTIfANTKO fiooil llvo men that are engaged
TT In .shops , wholesale and retail houses , to
ranvuss among their friends for the Chicago
"Wutch Club Co , Sample watches furnished for
this purpose , and liberal commissions pulil. No
Hooters need apply. 1' . G. Crundull , 1)10 ) b. 15th st.
COAT and pants makers wanted at once.
Mat Vise , W > 8 10th Ht. 5N ) K
" \\TAtrtKlt-CMl engineers , leveller nnd trim-
T Hitman.with Instruments. Address , xtat-
lug nxporlonco und references , George Cox ,
Kearney , Neb. 520 2'
" \\rANTKD-Stout boyle louru the grocery
t > business : $ > per mouth and bond ; No.
181(1 ( N IBth st. COIK
AGKNTS Wanted , general uud local ngcnts
to handle the now patent Chemical Ink-
crafting pencil ; greatest novelty overproduced :
erases Ink In two seconds ; no abrasion ot
paper : yoOtofflO percent profit ; soils at sight ;
toriitory absolutely free ; salary to good men ;
painplcs n.1c. by mall. For terms and full par
ticulars address the manufactuieiH , J. W. Skin
ner Co. . Onalaska. Wls. 500 1J
W A NTKU Carpenter to liufld a house and
take good business lot on Saunders street
us pay. Kmniuo. 222:1 : Pierce st. 459
WANTKD Llvomon and women to engage In
an easy , paying business nt nomo. Can
work daytime or evening and nmko50cto K !
per hour ; sure thing ; sample und complete In-
Htmctlons Bent for lOc. Address , World Supply
Co. . Itutland , Vt , 440-Lf28
\\rANTED-F.norgeUc men and women every
T ? where fora genteel mouoy-maklng busi
ness. m < 0 weekly prollt guarantued easier than
JfiO monthly otneiwlse Kvporlcuce absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and exclusive
territory assured. fa.tX ) fcamplo free. Write for
particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill M'f'g
Co. . H5.I. Chicago. _ MiCOt
"l\rANTKI > ( load men in ovcty locality as de-
TV tectlv es under our Instructions , bond Wo
for pattlculnrs. Oklahoma secret Kcrvlco ,
\Vlchfta. Kan. _ _ 857 tllj _
A NAGKII8 for principal cities In Washing.
oii territory , Oregon , Montana , Idaho and
lnj ! . Cash deposits for moneys collected
mid goods In managers' control , which are
Vlaced hi lots from * l to $ l , ( w. Salary. )
to Loomis Nat'l Library Ass'n. in Main
Bt - Salt Lake City. Utah. 618KB
TtXTANTKD-ctt girls from 10 to 15 years of
TT ago for "A Dark Secret , " at the Grand
opera house next week. Call at 1315 Davenpoit
until Monday noon , KJ'J
ANTKO-Competont girl m faiiilly of
two ; roforonccs remilrwl , Obi S SMh t.
dlU : )
W ANTKO-Soivant at 12j2 Cuss.
580 31t
TV ANTKD-A lady to solicit , must como w oil
y T rccomi'iondod und pay $10 for Hnniples ,
palarj MS par month. Address George H. ( .line.
Till First National Hank building , Omulm. or
Wagner block , Dua Molnoa , la. 6JI
\\rANTKD-Mllllner und it i us-miiker for
mnall town In Oregon , must pay her own
faro ; good chance. Mrj. lliega , IlllJi hllith.
5M U
\yANTHI-Glrl. ) Musi bo u llrbt-class criok
T > und bouble lo do llr t-tlass woik Good
Magxn to a good girl. For address , eill at our
olllco. Hoggs i Illll. lias Farnum. fitfi li
COMPCTKNTKlrl for housework. Mrs. Tlios.
_ F. Hall.lW Btiermcn uve. 2l |
' \\7'ANTKD-OIrI for general housework ; two
i In family. Itr-ICullfornU st. M
' \\rANTKD Shirt makers at 1112 rarnam fct.
ANTKD A good girl for general housework -
work , liuiiilro 241i .lonea st. fibU2
E rvPL Y M EN " u R EAUS.
O MAHA limp , Ilm'tt'ir. lliT Wth st" . K t l )
lUhod ti ycais. Moat reliable in cltv.
Bli ) l-tt. *
NKII. Kuijiloynicut OllIce-UlT N. 10th st.
570 f ! Mt
_ _ _
GANADlANKiniiloymunt Olllce. MM. llrcea ,
) HJi U 15th. Itofeiunce Omaha National bunk
51J mlt
S. P. MOKSK & CO. will open Saturday mornIng - .
Ing , i'eb. "d. two lota of line dretm gooiU that
Merohlilpped from Now york Aug. I' . IBHS , nnd
\\ero delayed by t ho rnllwuy companies bolwi > eu
New Vork and Clilc Ko ; B. P. M. i. Co. received
nil allowance of ncurlyu thousand dollars for
the delay and will offer Ihe goods to-morrow
8.HW yds all-wool , half-wool aud silk anil wool
dress goods. lOc a yard , worth 25c to 3.1. uiul an
other lotof theory llnest J'runcn dress goods ,
2,000 yarrts 40-Inch French dress goods.40 Inches
vide , all woolchoice colors , worth 1.SJ yard ,
our price 67 ctH.
Those tmrifalns uie displayed In our show
WuKlmllalso open our entire new stock of
finest Scotch ginghams lii cH , lovely quality , 32
Inches wide , other housm uslclilcta for them.
Tlieso and other spring goods tnako our ttore
the only one at which to trudn In Omaha.
The largest and oldest retail lioiue In Omaha ,
having none business hero II yonri under one
llnu umne Anil one lunnagoinent.
& . P , Morse & Co. (123 1
YOUNG lady wUlH-sto correspond with i
A gentleman. Add , Fol , P. O. box IPO , Kngle
wood. 111. _ 0031'
"WOt'IiD like to open correspondonca will
some good looking young woman botwco ;
ngesot 10 and 20. Address w ith photo , W , II
beldcrs. Heading. Pa. _ CIS l
\ \ 7ANTKD-lly college sludent , to work fo
> ' board In private family , Address P , 31
V\7ANTii-10TOJ : vomen to use "Wlleox1
> Fancy Compound Pills. ' perfectly saf
nnd always oiri-rjuni. semi for 4c "Woman'
bnfo Guard. " Wlleox Medical Co , , Phlladcl
Iihln. 114 A1B "HI
- - great
ony property , Sicramcnto rnlley , CftL.noT
it ( le\elopod by the California nnd South
cm Land Company. City lots and Callfornli
fruit tracts Ine. Send Mump for further IE
formation to Kmtl Itnsch , Omaha , Neb.
4'U ' 6 *
_ _
TW1SH to borrow J10J to 11,300 on first mort
gngc. good security. D , I ) . Smoiton. llooti
43 , llarker block , Omahn. _ _ _ _ 7HIF11
\\rANTKD-Soino cottages built for cash am
Vt real estate , Pain , lout ) Farnam st. Sfill
W ANTI1O Weaving nt 1315 Pacinc.Wifl
Wifl f 1 *
" \\7TNTKD Young ladles anil gontlotnon ti
know tlipy can obtain a thorough nn <
iiractlcal knowledge of telegraphy , llttlm
themsclvos In a short time for good imylni
positions at the I'.lcctrlo Pelegraph Hchool
HoomsKS nnd KM , Paxlou bloc < , cor. 10th nm
rarnam sts. M.T4'
yAl.lJNTlNK'S arrorthnnd anif ' 1 Jimwtltlni
Institute , new Paxton building , Omaha
Thnonly exclusive shorthand si heel In tin
xtato. Over one hunilrcd giaduatos In gooi
sltimtlnns. 'Ilia school Is under the m mage
ment of C. C' . Valentine , olllcial st noginpher o
the Itrd Judicial district of NcbrasKa , nnd Prof
II. II. lloyles , nn etuorlonoad teacher nnd ver
Imtlm reporter. Day and evening sessions. Stu
dents can enter at any tlmo. Send tor circulars
IKi f 17
" \\7ANTKD-riirnHhoil room for light house
IT keeping. Answer P , SS , Hoc olllce.
ii 1 *
\\TANTKD To rent rholco 13-room house be
T twcon Chicago. I'arnam and aith streets
west. Apply to D. Y. Sholes10 First Nntlom
bank. 40.S
TT10II UKNT Cottnuo of six rooms , with bith
JL1 closet , litrgo tellur , etc. , nt OU S 17th st. T. J
ritzmorrls , 40.1N .st. lOi )
_ _
T > KAUTIIM'r 8-room house , gas , city water
JJbath room , hot and cold water , on pa\oi
Htreets w 1th street car , neat a good school , enl ;
$ . " > per month. The house Is now. Apply u
once. C. F , Iliurlson , Merchants' Nat. bank.
f o
TJTOK HKNT When you wish to rent n house
JL' ntoro or ollico call on us. II. 13. Cole , room 0
Continental block. Itta
Foil UKNT House and barn.Hanscom place
Harris , room 411 First Nafl bk bldg.Gi7
Gi7 !
FOIl KI5NT 0-room house with good biin
betw eon Ultti and Uoth on llurdetto only $ M
A. K. Greenwood & . ( Jo , H 1 , Cunningham block
5-S !
"I71O11 lir.NT Urnom modem improveil house
JL1 A 1 locality. Ileut moderate. Apply M. ii :
gutter , I0jl Farnam st. Gil )
FOIt IIKNT Cottages. 5 rooms. 2Kd Charlrs
st and IV ! t So 5th st. InqU're U'I4. ' , Sheelej
block. 5i ! )
FOlt UKNT night ( S ) room Hat , modern roll
venlonccs. Inqulro IIU H 13th st. W3
UKNT Throe room house and a barn
1410 Jones st. Apply on premises. 50J a
FOR UKNT Desirable cottage 5 rooms. 2531
Charles st. Inqulro 1H19 Capitol a\e.
. . . HKNT Cheap , 'laud 5 room house. IV ) :
S 21st st between Cantor and ItOmH
I71OII KENT theapnow cottage , centrally lo-
Jcatod. . Cashier Nebraska Clothing Co.
TJTOll HKNT House w 1th 3 rooms in the roar
- * ? of UI7 Caasat. 4j8 It
FOIl UKNT Cheapest 10-room modern hoiibf
In Kountze place on 21st and Locust , only
SIO.UO per month. J. A. Llnahau , room 501) ) Paxton -
ton block. 418-1
FOH HKNT Cheapest 7-room house In city ,
S. K cor.2Uth und llnrney sts. , only J2.1.U
per mouth. Several small houses for rent. J ,
A. Llnahau , room 50 ] Puxton block. lis-t
FOIl HKNT 10-rooin house , steam , gas , bath ,
hot and com aud cistern water , coed collai ,
nnd nice yard , 150 , 20u S 24th. lno.ulro.207 S24th.
Foil HKNT House , 8 rooms , ail S. 20th , near
Loaveunorth. Furnuce , gas nnd bath ,
2-JJ 5 *
FOH HENT 10-room brick houso" , rent low :
nta very complote. Apply on promises. Dr.
V. Svvurt7liindor , 'Mil Capitol ave. 201f20t
Foil UKNT fi-room house on street car line ,
17H N. IHthst. , with modern Impiovements ,
? I8. Inqulro 113 , } Douglas st. , room 2. Ml
T710U 1IF.NT 9-roont brlcK , 114 S 2Sth st ; mod-
JL. ern tonteiucnces ; near cable line. J. W.
Grllllth , U. 1 > . hoadimnrters. 68'J
OH UKNT 7-room Hat nt 608 S. 13th. Inoulrc
J. L. Hrandels ic Sons. KIT
FUUNISHKD teems for rent , 1701 Capita ! ave ,
u > n ?
_ _
f7 UUNlSHKI ) rooms , M and $0 per month ,
JC1 101 1 Chicago st. tai a
M1WO furnished rooms for light housekeop-
Xing , $10 per month , 11J5 Juckton , "d lloor.
A N1CKLY furnished front room to a quiet
- Vpeutleman of good habits , 518 S SO st , near
St. Mary's ave. OU 3 *
FOfntENT nirnlshod rooms In Grucnigblk ,
cor. lith and Dodge sis. Inquire of Ueo. U ,
Uavlg , Mlllard hotel iillllnid room. KB
TTIUItNISHKD front room , modern con von-
J-leiices , W7 S SJth ave. 8U7 ( It
"IjlOIt .UKNT Furnished loom , gas , steam
J.1 heat und bath , with or without boiu'd , SR)1 )
Farnnm. fitfj st
TJIOli HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room , with
J- board If deshed , gas , heat and bath-room ,
1707 Dodge st. Ml
Foil UKNT I our nice furnished looms. In-
chiding front parlor , with modern convon-
Unices. UI-'N 17th st. 4UJ6t
"fi Oll HKNT Two desirable looms , Riiltiibln
L1 for gentleman ami wlfo or two gontlemeu.
with board ; refoicncoa required. Apply IITJI
Dodge st. 4X5
ROOMS with or without boaid ; oMtomoly
ion ; heater , bath , gus , etc. WliJ N. Huh.
475 1 *
EOlt HKNT Will cut rent , furnished sleep-
ing rooms to f per month ; olio for light
housoueoplnir 17 , two for * 1J. K 7 Howard.
4783 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fNCKliV | furnished rooms , steam heat , gas.
bath , etc. , on same Hoot , tie per mouth. )7 )
S. aith. no llal. 4. o
UKNT-Nlcely furnlshecl rooms , all mod-
-L urn com enlonces ( B and ilO. 010 N 17th
FOH UKNT 3 or I beautiful rooms with all
modern conenlencos Cable and horse cars
pass the door over/ minute , U15 NOth. . 4W 4T
NlCKLyfurulshcd rooms , nlso front Unil
back parlor ; lux ) Douglas at. _ Hll
rooms for rent. 117 South 17th.
LAltOK front room funilshod , south front ,
all modern comenlcmces.furnuco heat , bath ,
gas , oto. , for two gentlomcn ; nlso ono small
room furnished , refoieuce icqulred , r.'lt Fur-
_ _
I71UHN1SK1I room , let-class board , southern
JJ wintlowB , lull ) Dodge. * 010 M
Foil IIKNT Nicely furnished room with
board , All conva nlcncos , mi ) Capitol nve ,
. _ MiO
" 1 JOOM for gentlemen near postolllco , all moil
. * ern convonlonces. Uil N 17th st , 350 "
TOOMS and board , 1313 Chicago st , ttr.'ra *
OO.M gultablo for housekeeping. nai ; S 15th.
_ _
NIC15 rooms II per week at Peabody house ,
southwest corner 14th und Jones sts.
_ 7iU f W _
) FUUNlSUKDrooms-mt Davenport st.
" | ? 01l HUM' Itoom for Ki'ntlomon.eiil DodgD.
JJ _ f tf F ( It
LAHGK , pleasant , nicely furnished soutn
front room. 7 blocks from P. O. , on cable
Hue , opposite High school , J10 Davenport bt.
. 3M U
_ _
ANKATLV furnished room with board for
two gentlemen , llofereuce required. Anply
SU ITU of furnlshcrt double front rooms , all
new. folding doors , bath , f urnuce , grate and
U'as , single or Uoulile. Terms to suit , 017 N iwtu
tea u
ROOMS Modern conveniences. CSS R 17th st ,
673 FS
TjlUHNISHKD rooms. 113 S 30th stnear Dodge"
J ? aq FIJI *
rpwo nlcoly furnished front rooms , modern
JL. conveniences , cheap. 1911 Douglas st. _
427 3 *
"plOIl UKNT Furnished rooni3 18IB Dodge.
* J ULKOANT furnished rooms for hougekecp-
'ln j everything complnte : only IA ) per mo ;
inquire Ifllfl N IBth st. grocery 602 1J
T7IUHN1SHKO room for gentleman. Inquire
JL1 A. Hospe's , 151,1 Douglas 074 IS
tJItNTsmil ) Uoonfs TiT'T ' Dodge St. , tiTwiii
upwards , l double room for light house
kcoplng. Inqulro Hi ) Douglas gt. , Itoom 2.
o"UW ( tS-Snltiibi < rror hon'okeoplnff , price
> flO. HUIMorccst. : IMS
for llcht houickeoplng , lnlnorcn
n 'lihtKrhooI ( plunsaut ml con \cti-
lenco otcelk'iit. li'OO Douglfts At. 44J U
FOlt KCNTStiltiiblo for housokcppuiK.
suites of from - to I looms In nil pans ol
the city , ( it lo eit rnte < . Imiulre llutts lcut <
Ing Agency , 1'iQI 1'nrnum st _ H57
inOirftTiNTTwo sto roi , BJI. and telNoitii
I'Ali it. Inqniru nt the building. . Henry
OsMioir. .Mi
FOIl HUNT -Ollico I sulto f ft mouth , 2 slnglo
olllr os JI5 cnch , nil trontlUK lUhst. Hush'
nmn blork , n. o. cor. Kith nnd Uouglns. W. M ,
llushman , 1,111 Lcnvcuwortlu _ 6B
fJIMCK stnro room v ltd basement , all modt-rn
I > lmpro\omunts , aplundlil location forrocil
store or hnulunra. stoves , etc , being In tin ;
honrt of tins mo < t ilpslriiblorosidanci1 portion ol
thu rlty. I ( u ; J'ark ave , Tnos. r. Hall , alt Tax.
ton block. Mtl
BAKTuYfor : rent nt nm 1'nrk avis This la n
brick storu room and basement , inclmlliin
evens , countnrs , ahowcasts oto , In the most tin-
sha ) Ic rcsidi'iico comiuunlty In the city ; \\atur
sew or. and gas connoctlous. 'J'hos. I' . Hall , ill
1'axton block. M7
S'l lOUiTiniTDndpe st. Inquire at A. II. Htl
bormnn. Jeweler , IJthiinil DoinjUs sts.
_ _ _ 9 } _
FOR UKNT A fuw omro rooms loft for
riiiunl. Also nvili llghtod room on Bocond
lloor , 4ixilO. In li.nimo bullillng. _ 101
THOU HUNT The Shank pluco west , of ton n
X' snltaul9 for market gardening. Apply to
C K. Harilson , MuruhiuiU Nat. bank f/Jd . ' ,
FOR UIJNT-Oood "basement , "slirHL nn
Douglas st. 4W
FUU HKNl' 10 acres , peed six-room house
MO fruit tiops. bultjxblo for ganli'ii , dalrv
or poultry biislni-ss Ilunawu \ Co. , 15th st , op
liosllu I' . O. _ 4'Vi
"JjiOU HUNT -A shoo and crockery department
JIn ono of the largest dry goods stores in
Oiimhn. Address 1"JO. Hoc. ir >
" 131011 HUNT Iflacros of ground for gnrder
J- ' purposes : tliero are mapi.3 nnd other shrubbery -
bory , mil with , good accommodations. Jmiulro
at lUOi * IH'J *
TTIOllTtKNT I'iirt ot llomU b'ld'g. Imiulieof-
J- lice lloiuls Omaha Hag Co. , Ou \ Induct.
fi'tj ' 11) )
UKNTA warehouse with high baso-
J-1 iiu-nt , centrally located on Idopendent track
from w liloh cars ran bn unloiilud an.rMoadod .
Into and from building. Immediate p
bam J. llouell , ! J17 . 14th st. Omana.
G KO. J. 1'AUL , 1W9 Fuiuam st. , houses ,
stoics , etc. , for rent. MS
WK glvo special altonllon to lentlng and col
lecting runts , list with us. H. K. Cole , room
li Continental block. K ) )
GKOHGB.T. STKUNSDOllFF , loom ( l.opp. P.
O..will hereafter gl\o special utteutlon to
routing housBs.storesiiud Huts. If you wantjotir
propcuy rented without delay unit to reliable ;
tenants , do not fall to list the same with him ,
YOU want jour houses runted place them
IF llenaw.i , v Co , I3th , opposite postolllce.
rPHKrontlng season Is hero ; bring on > our
J-houses : I have the customers. J. H , Pur-
rotte , ICjO Chicago. Ili8f28
rpIlK banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gel-
Jl lenbeck , W k. 10th st. 542
HOHSK or tcum mules wanted to anply us
Ilrst payment on house and lot , or resldenco
lot. b Ounce monthly payments. Write or call
on Selby , 15'l rarnum. 543
Foil clcnnllnoss nnd uood food try McDou-
aid's dining hall ; 1511 Farnain. 51)0 ) Ut
BHING your friends to McDonald's dining
hall on Fniiiam bat. 15th and IHth bts.
Single meals 2.1c. 5'W 3 *
Mi : I in IA NTS or others holding goods they
wlhh to tin n Into cash quickly , address I5 ,
2T > , Hue ollico. OOJ It
, pet n meal ticket at Me-
J Donald's dining hill , 1511 Farnam , the best
table In tne city for the money. C9J at
M'DONALD gives special rates to boarders
by the month. 591) 3 *
L ADI US and gentlemen can rent masquerade
.uitsbycalllnBUtOW N. 10th , upstairs.
Tr [ . .idles and gentlemen desiring
correspond cuts address Corresponding
Club , Kansas City , Mo , , enclose stamp.
Gil Irtit
TTU.KQANT life size crayon portraits free of
JLUclmrgo for shorttltun ns an nd from photo
graphs brought to the Vandyke Portrait Studio ,
1411'luico , near Htli ; portraits also In pastel.
LOST 1'ocket-book containing about Jiri. lie-
turn to local treasurer's ofllce , U. I' . Ky.
lit- ! . ' *
STKAVKI ) from Florence , one rod steer ,
whlto face , weight l.WD Ibs. Itoturn to
Kelrio ii Fouke , butcheis , Florence , Neb.
41 > 7 It
JOST Largo pup , 4 months old ; part hound
-J and nlic'i > oi < l : mostly black ; answers to
name ot Cub. Iteturn to J.'l I Hamilton and got
ruwnul. -174 1 *
Dlt. KANNIU V. Warren , clairvoyant. Medi
cal and business medium. I'tmulu diseases
a spuclalty. 119 N 10th st. , iooin.s'and 'J. nu
"IjlOUTI'NR teller Mrs. Lenormun can l > o conJ -
J- ' suited ou all alfalra of life. Hatlsfaulloa
guaranteed. No. 31t ) N Itith st Hi'itl it
" "
"rriiNTION-Mndnmo Wellington can bo
consulted tlally on all iitlulrs of llfn ; best
test inudtiiiu In the world , locates diseases and
cures them with message and alcoholic baths.
> Call and ! m nstlguto parlor 0.117 Sou til Hloveiuli
street , up stalls. Consultation ou gtimtnjs ,
T71OH SALK Fiesh COVVH , Holsteln , JoraeyM.
J-1 Goddiird , ICth st. near fair grounds. d2l ! )
AWATKH spaniel dog for sale at 1315 Capitol
aus. 4SI. It
" 171OH SALK Furniture of 7-room house ,
JL1 cheap. House lorient. Inqulie 017 . . S - . . 15th
BIllD'd-liVli view of Dcinor and largo , new
map of the Uty in tiled to uny address on i u-
colnt ot H ) cents. JVo have some good bargains
In 1 islness , residence and unlmpioved prop ,
crtv. Correspondence Bollcltcd. a , II. Mlnton
&Co.gjU lith st. Denver , Col. ai5 U
"I710II SAI.K On terms to suit , the ncatLottago ,
-L1 i'SAl Charles st. Telephone : , orV. . T. hea-
man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wagons ,
A.C. , cngt tide 10th st. , north of Nicholas st. iVJ
'rpOll SAf.15 Furniture of aD-room IIOUBB ami
J-1 house for rent , J blka from 1' . O. U. yu.
Cnamberof Commurca. HOI f sot
"OtJllNlTL'llH of a 11-room house for sale , 18U
J-1 1) \ enport. S4U fut
"IJlOUBAJ.U-Omaha's largest variety of alelgnu
Jat very low prlce.s at Seaman's , cast sule.
lUth st. , north of Nicholas. 180-
ILSTUAcrrs I.lnaban A ; Mahoney , room Wil.
t'axton block. ct5
IDLANDGuarantea & 'l-ritsl Oo..lVlS Far-
until. Complete abitructs funilslied A , titles
o real estate uxamtncd , perfected & guaranteed
OMAHA Abstract company , 1MU Furmimat.
.Most complete and cnreiully prepareil set
of abstract booics and plats of all real property
n the city of Omaha and Douulau county.
E-Af row rates at Hill larnam st.7
Omaha Auction It btorugu Co. _ MT
rpIlACKAQK , storage , lowest rates. W. M ,
JL Uu hinau. IJ11 LeaveaHortU , Ci9
V\7"ANTKI > To bur , gwf meat murkct , " Ai
T T dress , r. H. Gllciibaiini , Ul.'i Ohio st
_ _ _
WAN'TKD rurnllure.l c rppt\ stores nm
household poods of all kinds. Omaha Auc
lion Storage Co. , 1121 ( Fitnain. 548
\\TANTRt ) To buy , saloon , In iTgood part o
city. The e having stuh for * ale , address
1 , Ik > eotllce. r > s 2 .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\\TANTKt ) To buy n team , weight nt > ou
l.luo. harness nnd ffttm wagon ; mustb
clioap. C. Illschof. Fort Uinaha. 401 4 *
\\7ANTKD-To buy ( w > n romuierrlal piper
> > It , C. Patterson. dIMh \ st .CTJ
\\TANTID To buy t.w > U commercial paper
> T it. C. I'atlfrson. 313 S IMh st. , ( J.t
\\7ANTI5D-Cheap , An eight foot stnndlni
i desk nnd wlrn railing. Address rooms 61
nnd 511) ) Paxton block. ,1.2
" \ ANTii-To imy"cTd'iik Imts.
st. RB F K"
DO you w ant in inoy ? Loans made on hnucc
hold rurnlture , pianos , horses , etc. , wlthou
tlelny or retnovnl. Persons wishing n loan o
this kind xvdl do well to call at our olllce bofon
tlenllng oUowhrro ; business strictly cojillden
tlnl A. K. Urecnwood > tt'o. . lloom I , Cunning
ham block , cor. nth and Jackson sts. f Vi
\I ONUY to nmn. llnn-ls , U. K. &
JH room 111 , First Nat. Hank. Olti
MONKVniUnnccilfor llrst-closs roil pstati
niorlgng ( > s. Cull oii.l. II Ivtionv ' A. Co.Hcxin
! Wi. 1'lrst Natlonnl bunk oulldlng. 000 FlU *
PHI LA DKLV 1 1 FA > ior7gago 'ir ' Trt73t Co.
clicnp cartorn money dlrort to borrowers
Mnke building loans , largo or small ! pcifoi
titles : nrct'pl loans In tholr wostnrn ollico. Gee
\V. P. CoHte ; ) , ruprosoutntU v , Kl Hoard Trade.
r > 5i
"lOKOPIiK'S rinnnclnl l\chnnge : The fullest
J quietest , most liberal monov oxchnnge U
the city ; loans made without delay or publicity
In any amount largo or tminll. ut th lowes
rates of intore'-t , on any available securltj
loans may be p dd at nny time or renewed n' '
original rates o. lloiiscarcn , mgr , lloom MIJ
llarker blk , IMh and rarnam , 5t
MONnvtoloan : long time. George J I'nul
1WJU rarnam st. 6K !
DO YOU want to borrow money ?
Ucad this ;
Hwlll vuvoyoii tlmo.
It will sa\o you moupy.
You can bonow from
II. r. Masters.
successor to W. It. Croft ,
room 4 , Wltlinell bid g. and Hartley sts.
* IU , $ J . JTiJ. $101 , $ \iO , JXX ) , JI.OOO , f iWW. 810,0X1 ,
lii tact , any mini you want on tiirnlturo
pianos , horses , mules , wagous , etc. . ou easlei
terms and at low er rates tlian any ot'ier ollico
In the city , without publicity or icmovalol
property from ymir possession.
If nn instalment Is duo on ynur property anil
you cinuotmi'i'tlr. call amUeo inf. Iwllpnj
It for you. if you Have n loan In any otliot
olllce. call and get my intes. ] w 111 take It ill
nnd carry It for you.
I make loans for ono to six months , and you
can pay n pail at any time , leduclng both priu
clpul and inteiost.
All loans renewed nt original talcs , and nc
charge for papers.
All business strictly coulldentlal. Call and
see me.
Don't forcet the number.
_ Hootn 4 , \ \ Ithuoll block. fiVJ
"IfONRY to loan oulmprovd property at Ilrst
-L'lhmids. iNo application sent away for up.
proval. Security nnd titles oxntulned free oi
charge to bouowir.s. Lombard Investment
company , J'O1) ) S. Uth at. _ 551
VTKI1UASICA MorlfWl.oau Co. will make you eLi
-Li loan on household goods ,
horses. Wagons ,
land contracts.
fine Jewelry or securities or any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Itoom 7 , Uc.wley bloclc , Bouth Omaha.
Itooms IHS-5111 1'axtou blk. , Omuhn. Neb ,
_ _
FIltSTnioilgaBoloam ut low rates , nnd no
delay. 1) . V. Sliolei , 10 , 1'hst National bank.
C.V !
OKI ! Sholes. 210 fiist Kat'l bank br fore mak-
> -Jlug your loans. ciu
( t'.O'D. il.wn , $1,001) ) . MOO. Special fund to place
I'on cholcelinpro\od property. 1 > . V. Mioles
" 10 , Tlist National bank. 630
MONTY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J ,
W. Smilre , 121 ! ) rarnam St. , 1'irst National
bank building. 557
MONUYto loan on fujnlture , horses , wagons.
etc. . or on unv apprt/t ed security. J W
Jtobblns , it. 200 , Shoely blK.,15th und Howard
6iS !
_ _
TF YOU want to borrow money on diamonds ,
on pianos or household goods , on hoiacs '
wagons und other personal property.
On mortgage- papers and contracts nt fulr
rates without delay or publicity , go to the
1'airuank luvcbtmont Co. , 15 B. I4th , upstairs.
AroU can deal dliect with the Provident Trust
JL Company , room BUS Hrst National Hank
building , Omaha , If you wantn loan ou leales-
tato. Loans on Inside business property nspo-
clally desired , itoprosent also the old- and well
known Now England Loan ic Trust Company.
_ _
MONEY loaned for .TO , CO or UO days , on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est : business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson ,
1417 rarnam St. foi
M to Loan lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. H. li ( l.Contlnental bloct.
SMALL loans made on Omaha nnd South
Omaha property. Chas. it. Woolley , room
53,1 I'axton block. 0931 , :
M ( JNKY Loans negotiated at low lates without -
out delay , and purchase good commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor.
13th and Fnrnam. c < ! 3
PKOPLK'S rinanclal Kxchango Largo and
small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watchcg
and jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want fair
nnd cheap accommodations , O. Houscaron ,
JIgr. , room Lay , Ilarkor blk. , 15th und Farnam.
q 500.0 H ) to loan at 0 ner cent. Llniihun & Ma-
Phonoy , lloom 5tu. Paxton block. GUI
MONIjy to loan. 0. P. Davis Co , real estate
and loan agents , 150."i Farnam st. 6 7
T.OANS made on real estate and mortgages
-LJbousht. Lewis S. Iteed \ Co. , IWI Fainam.
ri O LOAN N.OOO private inonoy , low rate of
4. interest. Call at once , C.F. Hn rrlson , Mei-
chants'National bunk. 4wa
CHofcK city loans wanted In Omaha and
Council llliilTs ; will imoto very low rates
for the next few days. In dealing with us joii
leal directly with the lender. We loan you our
nwn money In all cases. Doth Interest nnd
principal payable at our olllco. No delays.
Central Loan & Trust Co. , 1011 Furnam si.
[ H7 I
MONKV to loan lu largo sums at the lowest
rates ; no delay. It. C. Patterson. U1H 8. 15th.
! B
M ON KY to Loan Wo are ready for applica
tions for loans In amounts from J.IX ) to JIO-
XK ) on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
jstuto , lull information . t rat < -s. Loans
: > romtitly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
nyus. Call upon us , or write. 'Tlio Mcl'aguo
Invcatmcnt Co. 130
TUJLOANAlTpeclal fund of J10.000 In sums
JLfrom $ : 00up , iinunlnlproved lots in Oiualiu
f not situated too far out.Odoll iliotliors.V Co ,
112 S. lUtli st. t i W
Fl HST and second mortgattes made on city
pioperty by 1) ) . K. Johnson , Ml I'axton blk.
riTONKV to loan on ( Improved rarms anil
L'J Omaha pioperty , JLITpton Company ,
Imobtmtnt llaiikera , liii pnil Furnara. DO
\fONKY to loan on chattels by D. K. Johnson ,
LlJUiJd Paxton block. U18FI5
/i (
P .OANSmade on Improved real estate secur-
LJlty. ! l and 5 years tliutrt notional payments
ind favorable terms and rates. Klmbull ,
; hamp A : ityan , roouiil , Ir.'S. Nut. bauk.
l s UM I'lJ
HK. COLK , loan agent. '
. .iei 217
r7"ANTKI.Soveral goo'd ' , Ilrst-class louns nt
once. Mlitunl Jmtthlineut Co. , Itooinl ,
larker Dloelc , ua
\fONKVtolounon chattels and real estate ,
L'J-good notes bought und Hold. 150J Farnam
.t. . , rooms S and 3 , Foreign emigration Co.
560 I'l
\TONKYtoIoan on real estatoj no delay ;
L'I morlBBges boil-flit. John P. Hammond ,
oomilll Paxton biiliaiug , 221 f.'i
BUII.IIINM loans. D , V. S.loles , 210 , First
Nat'l Hank. aoj
DON'T borrow money on furniture , homos
wagons , etc. . until you have seen 0 II. Ja
obs. roonHlO. First National bank bulldlnt'
; or. IJthand Farnam jwi
f CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
Lsecuritles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
ooui 10 llarker blk. 703
DT K. COLK , loan agent.
? . ' , * w. CENT money to loan Cash on hand ,
W. M.Harris , room W , Ireuzer bloclc , opp.
V31'll.DINO loans. Llnahan * Mahonr.
IrUMl SALK ,1-chalr barbershop. pooill6"ca"
JL1 tlon , cheap. Address P 31 , Dee olllco ,
02.1 3 *
Foil SALK Or trade , A choice nursery stoct
to sell at n bargain , ortralo for good No
brnskuluiul. Addrrts , 7. Wntcrmnn , Ciete.Neb
001 14 *
CLKAN stock of drugs In Kearney , Hob , t (
soil cheap , or trade. Address J. K. Shlpraan
Kearney. Neb , 6I *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j !
FOH SALErEht7 lucratlve business , suit
able fortuity or gfiitlRmun , with patent ami
stock of goods. Address PS7 , llcoulllrn.
TilOll SALK General store , short horn ranch
J. and lumber yard ! no opposition , cheap easj
torins. N. C. Mjer , Somerset , Nob.
r o\7t
_ _
BA linKllri-KKK ) will buy you a business 01
'A/in year. 1 chair outilt and n small dnoll
ing anil twit lot * w-lth linproxomcnts. Address
C W. Pearce , Dlller , Not ) , , Jefferson Co ,
507 3t
"IjlOU BALK FIne confectionary. No.
J. tlon , doing good buslnesi ; 'S cash , bnlixnce
to suit purchaser : good reason for gelllnu' . Ail-
tlresa P l'i , lleo ofllce. , W1 2t
\\rANTKD Party wlTir"tiiM to t.-ika liiferosi
f i In paying nianutacturing business. Ad
drew P. 8 , lice. ( M 1
_ _
171011 SALK Hoard of traito , nieinborshlr
JL1 worth M'M , very cheap ; what will you glvoj
Address P 10 , llc-o _ , UI 8 *
Foil SAll \vcirrstiiillshatl , paying pro >
tluco coinmUslon buslnoss , ow nor must at
tend ptcliHtvoly to other business. Inquire
iinlckof I'earon , Cole & llobertsoii , H10 S rtn si ,
! ' > t'J
ZOOK at Hi All kinds of moichandho and
J personal pioporty wanted In exchange for
Improved farms and wild land. Foreign Km-
initiation Co. . Itooms a and 'J 150 ! Parnam st.
mo KXC1IANOK-11 quarter sec. of land to
1 trade for n good stock ot morcl'iinalso. 'Iho
land Is good soil , nnd s'.tuitcd near good rail
road towns In Custer Co , Neb Address , 11. S ,
\\nteibury , Wostorvllio , Neb. Custor Co.
_ and personal property of all
kinds for trade. Cull and ice luu. QoorgoJ.
Steni'dorir , Itoom 0 , opp. P. O. Wi'i
GOOI ) fni ins. or lightly lucuinberod , for
iiH-rchundlHo , live stock or oily property. H.
K. Cole , Itoom U , Continental block. r > 7J
T7IOU K.\CllANK-ror ) d
J- property In Oniaha. any or all ot following :
40 cholco Inside tesldenco lots In I la slings.
IK ) lots In Lincoln.
. d-0 acios tluo fu inlnu'lanil. Lancaster county.
I'lno resldencopiopenv. Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Cnolro fiinry residence , lornor , Los Angeles.
A neat residence pioperty In Ifuiiscom i'liicu.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location aud prlco of prop
erty. .1. K , 11 , care llatun Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
woith. H71
\VlllINjou have anything for ovclmngo call
' onorwrltous , II. K. Cole , Hoe in ( > , Conti
nental block. _ ( iTii
'IV > rxchango " small heating
WANTKD "holes on top , for a gasoline stove ,
Address : P. O. box 711 , city. _ fit ! 1 *
OU TIIADK Council Hlulls and Omaha real
estate for farms , horses , cattle or merchan
dise. Hen lots iH'twoon Omaha tmd Council
Hlulls. C. K. Mayne , Ijth and Harnoy.
f'17 m 1
KimASkA LAND-To trade for Omaha ,
South Omaha or Council Hlulls piopeity.
J. A. Llnahan , room 500 Paxton block. 41S-1
N Improved farm of Ifll acres ilvomllos from
A Chapman. Mt-rtlck Co. Neb. , to trade for
inetchanillbo ; groceries preforroa. J. H. Mason ,
Centtnl City , Neb. 41W2 ?
"JT1OH KXCIIANOK Improve and unimproved
a.1 icsltlouco property In Oinulia and Council
IllulTs. Call and see us. Western Land , V Loau
Kxchaiige. 6llf7 )
KANSAS nnd Nebraska land to exchange for
lowatoun pioperty. Chas. It. Woolloy ,
loom5,1" , Paxton block. CO'i fB
' , harilwara or merchandise wanted
DHL'OS acres of land. W , liouestoal. ( 'rulgh-
ton , KuoxLOimiy , Neb. fill .
. b-room house of most modern
BKAITTIITI. llul-sh. Nothing omitted In Its
construction ; furnace , Uty water , gas , not and
cold water , autlquu o ik llnlsh , largo , east finnt
lot overlooking the city nnd Council Illutrstho ;
house complete In all Its details ; can Do pur
chased now ono or two thousand leas than In
the. spring. Will vay you to lu\estlgate now.
C. I' . Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bunk 571
SALK51ncies ! , Hamilton Co. . Neb.
FOIl , J'J per aero , one-third cash , balance at
6 percent. Address W. J. WlldmanDenverCol.
Oil SALK Chcap-Not for trade : 641.70 acres
land ( Sec & -li-0) : ) two miles from Marquette.
Hamilton county , NobrasKu. I'rnine house.sta-
ble , ! ! 00 acres under irood barb-wiro fence ,
round cedar r-ostsi two stays ; living water , ai-
foot channel ; B wells , .UO-bairel tank , corral ,
Heir-feeder ; a natural stock ranch ; m a llnecoru
Price ( about $11.50 per acic ) . $ fl,
CashCowu . i(0) ) )
I and 4 years' time ( I per cent . . . 30
( Jo nnd IOOK over land. Address owner. T. K.
Atnlns , 1502 Larimer st , Denver , Col. 67(1 (
QHi ) ) buys a full lot and good 4-room cottage ,
Peasy terms and good location. I ) . V. Sholos ,
room 210,1'lrst Nat 1 bank , cor Kith and Farnam.
UKNT Now 7 room house , all modern
FOIl , centially located , will rent
very reasonable to tenant making good lease.
fi-room cottage S 17th st , 815. B-room house ,
anSi Howard st. 3 room Hat 14.W N 17ih. suitable
for light housekeeping , ? IS. Apply to Green is
Williams , First Nat , bank bldg. _ Oil
1JWII SALK Farm of 1(0 ( acres bottom land
-L1 In Douglas county on line of U.I' . U. It. , ono
mile from station ; ilrst-class improvements. J.
J. llobblns , Pa\ton hotel. 6blO *
1S5I ) buys full Hlzed Hioadwuy lot , well lo
cated , A. 1C. Itlloy , 15111 raruaiu si. 4'K ) 1
} man , balance JJ" > per month , will buy now
$10 - house on " 7tli M. near i.ik < i at. Price ,
R,4tx ! ) . C , E. lleltei , room 6 , s. w. cor. I5th nnd
Douglas. -IT'J ' ml
( h3.'i MAIvKS Ilrst payiuont on nice 0-room
tDnouso. good lo-atlon. H. K. Cole room o ,
Continental block. ' 113
I poll SALK or trade for south-western Iowa
or south tiibtorn Nebraska Improved fiiim ,
Doautlful house , nine rooms , pautrv , closets ,
poiches , large btablo , cribs , gr.umiles , water
works complete , with from forty to sixteen
iimdral litres of land. Adjoining cornoratlon
of a lively town where a canal Is made. Lake
and wuturfall only UN u ulocks from the house.
[ nqulio lloxil , ( iothenburg , Neb , rxn 1
"IIlOll SALK Fine residence In ICountze place.
jl ll-ronra house , furim"e , bith. hot and cold
water , cas pipes , sewer , etc. , etc. , good barn , a
lite liomc , f lr , > UU ; ilOXcanli ) , balance l..n and 1
rnaia ; worth more money. M. A , Upton Co. ,
bth and Farnam. 'AK
'S I N ESS"property. Capltol uvo , lot , block
Bl ! , bet. llonnutt block and U.tli at. Take
"onie trade. Sena olfer to owner , John W. Tay-
or , 5 Kuclld aye , Cleveland , O. '
771OH SALK-Lots II , n and 10. block II , West
JL1 bide addition. Theao lots urufilxUH each ,
lay very pretty , and the three can ba bought
for liO ( > . Thoyaro nctiiiilly worth twice that
[ imount. U. J. Steriibdorir. opp. P. O. ! ) . > S
FOltSALK Hotel , S rooma , completely and
llnoly furnished , alt modern Improvements ,
itcurn heat , on O street , near viaduct , South
Dinaha , at low price otU,00) ) . KasytormH. M.
A , Upton Company , 10th and I'arnam. a4l
POH SALK or Kxctmiico Improved stock
farm of HO ) acres In eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also new U room house with all con-
lenloticcs. In desirable rosldonco portion of
Omaha. Andruw Kevins. Attorney , IJJ and UJ
I'axton block , Oniaha. Neb. 270
' , " > CASH and * ! ' ) monthly , Includlnc ; Intcroat ,
$ buys ulca tf-room house and lot , noli located.
II. K. Cole , room C , Continental blocs. ais
$ I,7i * ' , half cash will buy 100 acre farm , Im
proved , in miles from Long Pine , Neb , good
: iou e , boat water.
Jl..ri > J cash for-lour-room houses renting for
! in per month , arusldontand a biinlneH lots
ill In LongPlnn , I.OJJ Inhabitants , a ( hurdles ,
irlcKschoollioiiso , waterworks , rallroid dlvl-
slon. vood farmliiK country. Very ( heap , must
jusoUl. J. a. Davlsson , Cashier. Ixing Pine
Nub. jJo tJ7 *
ITlOItHALK-Oneasy ti'rms , H-room Aouao , hot
L1 undcoliVwatei , bilh , , all modurn linnrove-
nents , also large barn , D. K. John on.r > li 1'aic-
.011 block
ITlOlt SALK-107 feet on DoJgo by 131 ou ilth ,
L1 2 houses , can olfor this for u short time for
I7OU ; iJtst corner in the city for brick tenu-
nents ; room for seven IIOIIIMH. M , A , Uptoa
'omiiany.ioth and I'unmm.luivo excluelreitalo.
171011 SAM/-Or exchange for Omaha prop-
V erty. to acres , suitable for platting ; will
nuke 100 lots.all clear ; big money In It for tome
mo who cun push thin ; located just outside the
Ityllmltaot Council Illiiifs , Inquire ( loo. J ,
Itei n dorir , opp poitofllce. i7J
ITlOlt SALR-A nice little home on S. 10th St. ,
U' containing 4 rooms , all In good repair , well ,
Utorn , cellar , barn , < Vo. This property can be
old on a small payment down , balance f n per
nouth. Why pay rent when a golden opiiortu-
iliy like tula Mares you lu the ttctt 0. J.
iternsdorir , opp. P. 0. 857
TTOU SATiK Now residence , 3 rooms , g > o
Ja barn , nonth front M-foot lot on Maple streel
Justoast of launders ors.'lth st. $4RM. Tonn
to stilt , A nice homo At a bargain , M. A , Upto
Company , I'urnum and 10th sts. 243
TilO It SAHh-fldxI'tf south front Tot on'Sownn
JL' * tro tl > tweeiiXMth and .tali tro n , fl.WX1
J iOrasli , balance 1 and S vrur.scheap. . M , A
Upton Company. Ifith nnd I'nnmm. 44'i
Foil lly M. A. Union Company.
Investment Hankers nnd
General Ural K tnto Dealers.
Sixteenth and I'anuvm SH
OflxCO corner on alloy , lath M north ot Loaxen
worth. 8U.OJO. This is per font loss than I
la worth.
2x44 ! , WlorSS ft on Douglas , bolncen llth mu (
121 n sis , Rta prlco ! W tiorcent below Its aetus
vnlun , unless sold soon block will bo erected 01
the ss feet ny present owner.
UMxIJA. S and K tront. corner 41th am
Dodcc , thn vorr llnrst resldpnco site In the city
This Is worth t'&H Wo will twko J.\7i > 0 fen
few days , (1,000 cash , balance I years at s pe
cent ,
The nbovo throe pieces are the bent bargain
In the city to-day. Anyone hiving money wll
act wisely bv Investing In Omnha property li
the next OJ ( Jays M A. I'ntou Compiny , Mo
phone Xil. Ti
IilOli > AliK Cheap 3 line resldonces ; nisi
nice vacant lots on Hamilton and Lowe nve
Address J. ll.Shaft' , Hamilton and Lowe ave
137 fit
1/1OII AI.K Mco six room cottage , lum foi
X lour horses and carnage ; sh ulo irons ; cltj
wntor ; lot 4)xl7 ) to alloy Corner i'sth anil
Hamiltonstioelsl.a" > i ! very low price. M A
I'plon Oompaio. Iilth and Fainani sts ; Ml
FOirSAl l ! orTraTS. .V liiiaTiirm i'ij acre-TiTi
Marian county , for sale or trailo for n stock
of urooorlos or city property. liuiulra at Moy i
\ llanpko. 4'Of.l '
1710 USA Lit-50 foot with good B-room hotlss ,
JL ? furnace , gits , batli.sovver , hot ami cold water ,
barn , and nvorj Ihlng complete , ou imtoniont or
Paricnvc. Host btrgalti In oinnlia nt * 7WJ
Ka y terms , luvostlgato this. D. V. Sholos , L'l
rirnt National bank. Hist ;
iriOlt S A M5 Improved clear farm of liiOucri"
JL ? In Mower couutv , Mlnnosotii , MO p.jr . aero ,
Ovsnor desiring to move to Omaha : will ev
change ior a homo hou < , C. P. Harrison. Mor-
cliaiits' Nat'l bank. ll-i
. > } A\onuo If anyons wants n corner >
SHKU.MA on Sherman avenue , In Paddock
place , we can turnIsti It , for a few davs , at r
price awny below what anything In the Tlclnltj
can ho had for. ( let prices there , thou cointi
to us. M , A. Upton Compiuiy.lGth anil IMruam ,
P..T. New mnn will lake notion that on the 7tl
ot.lanuiiry , 1M. ! Daniel O'Connell. n.lustlrt
( it the Peace , of Omnha , Douglas County. Neb
rasKa , Issued nn order of iittachmont for tlit
film of Jif-MiO , In nn action pendlni ; boforn him ,
wheioln Itydor .V ; ( llluk are plaintiffs , nnd S. ,1
Now man defendant. That piopvrty of the do
rondent consisting of tli.lW In the hands ol
Flnley W Kluglo has bcon attarhcd under sail !
order. Said cause was continued to the SiMl :
day of February. IS1 * , nt ti o'clock a in.
* I'lixintiirs.
3 as-M-s-ifi
Notlco of Dissolution.
Notice Is hereby given that the co-partnorshlr
lu'rctoforo o\lsting between the untlei signed. .
iiudor tne firm name of Do tliatt Mnntifactur
Ing Co. , Is this day dissolved by mutual consent
A. . 1. Kaln rotlilng nnil taking linage ot Mile-
depirtmi'iit. M..1 , DolJlHir rot lining thu bnsl
ness utidei the snmo niinin ns liarotoforo , iiml
will settle all busluosj pertaining to the linn.
M. .1. Dn OUA1T ,
A.J. KA1N.
flrtltp _
UunningbetweenCoimcIl Illtiirsanl Albright.
Inaddltlon to th stitloni montlon d , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
ind nt the Summit in O.n.ilu.
Loavo. l Arrive.
No. 2 . . . .8oo : p. m.'A ' No. 1 7l a.m.
No. n . .0:00 : a. m.O . . . .5:50 p. m ,
o. 4 . . .11:40 : a. m.lA No. U . . .0:45 : p. m.
V No. 4 ll40 a. m , A No. 0. . . .7W a. m.
1 * No. 8 6:3.5 : p.m. . A No. 7 5w : p. m.
I No. 0 . .0:10 : .A No. 3 0:5 : < J p.m.
v No. 0 0:40 : n. m. A No , 3 . . , .7:10 a.m.
v. No. 4 fl:0i : ) p. m , D No , 1 7:0) ) u. in.
No..1 B:10 p. in. A No. C 0:4' . p.m.
No. v u:40 : a. m.lA No. 1 0:50 : a.m.
No. 4 , . , .7:00 : p. ra.A | No , 3 , , . .0:50 : p. m.
L No , 2 . 925 ; a. m.A | 'tio. a . . . ,0:30 : a. m.
i No. . :20p.m.A : | No. 1 . fl:3 : p.m.
t No. 10 . 7:05a. : m.lA No , 0 . 8:55 : a. ra ,
t No. U . 7rtX ) p , m.lA No. 11. . . .0:00 : r , in.
L No. 8 , . 4:3ip.m.iA : No. 7 . 13:00 : ra.
A dally : U ilally oxcujn Saturday : 0 except
nnday : D except Jiondny ; last mall ,
Tlio time given Abora it for 'J'rausrtir. tnoro
Ing from nre to t n wlculoi btwe a
tr uutl local flepoU
Tlio Courts Can Coutppl tlio City to
Comply With It.
lly n close comparison of tlio records of
the board of education rolntivo to the con *
trnct between the board ami tlio city council
In tlio city hnll matter , \vlth tlio forms of the
ordinance rotating thereto , it will bo clearly
seen that n spooios of juirglory hns boon cnr
ried on by Interested pnrtip * .
In teeonl il , pigo ; W > , of the ) board of edu
cation , will bo found the tlrst proposition of
t'io city council to the board , looking to a
participation in the cost of tlio oily hnll
building bv the board. The city council do-
si rod the aid of tlio bo.ird lit the erection of
the city hnll mid proposed in so many words
Unit tlu > board beeoiuo part owners , not only
of the now city hull building , but of tlio lots
on which the siiuctura is to bo orootud.
This proposition was rofcnod to tlio Ihiniu-n
couimttteo of the board , at that tluui i\insist *
Inpof U. S H\ll : , William CJoburn and .lohu
, ! Points.
On pap * ! HV > of record II is found llio report
of the ubovo commlttoo , In the ahapo of n
proposition to the council , which rouls ns
follows :
Thut the board of cduratloii will onlor Into
an tiRroouionl with the ulty i-ouucll to fuinlsh
n certain proportion of the money for said
bnlldtnc , not ovcoodini ; in all the sum of
fi\XX ( ) , or one eighth of the cost of said
building , lubject 10 n vote or the legal oloc-
toisof mild school illstriot * -j'ho
said cilj to nsreo In said contract to furnish
satil district cerium space and room In staid
building oiiuvalont ) to the propottlon of
nionu.v furnished by said district , so that
said board shall always haVe u clear rlijht ,
tulo nnd claim to Haiti rooms fioo of nil
charco nnd rent forever in Us own
light. Uj.on the ncceptanco of this
proposition the district will hold $ d ( KW
subject to the onler of said city for cradhi ) ;
the Furnniu street lots opposite the court
house , nnd will upon the execution of the
agreement ubovo named hold u further sum
of 11OOJ ( the board at that tlmo could not
vote a sum exceeding fo.lWJ except their no
tion bo rutilicil by the people ) subject to the
older of the said city , and will nppl.v for fur
ther power to use money to tlio elcotora of
said district as provided hy law.
In cuio said cltv council shnll not proceed
to build the building on said lots for said
puiposos the cllKill | ' / lie liountl f'M'dum
inoitrj/iiifiMiif'tti / / ) ) / fir iHtlrlet hwird.
Ulgnod by the muinbor-t of the committee.
The city council took the following notion
on the nbovo proposition of tlio board of ed
ucation :
To the President nnd City Council of
Omaha Gentlemen : Your special commit *
too appointed to confer with the board of
education relative to the Lmildlng of u city
hall respectfully repot t that they huvo per
formed tlio duty , mid that tlio nlllxed report
of the llnanco committee , to whom the mat
ter was referred with power to act , willfully
explain the result of tlio eoiifoionco. Your
committee recommend that the proposition
made bv said committee of the boaul of edu
cation be neccpted.
[ Slgncdl C. S Rooiwidi ,
Report ndopted by the council May ill , 1SS5.
The council then proceeded with the pas
sage of ordinance No. S ) 13 , which embodies
the contraut provisions with the board of
education ; No. Ml ) , which provided for the
submission of n propasltion for $200,001) ) in
bonds ; and nlso No. 13011 , which provided for
contract work on the city hall bulld-
ing. It will bo noticed , however ,
that the city council has studiously
omitted any provision in the above
ordinances for the return of the money ns
provided in the report of the hoard of educa
tion in its piouosition to the council.
Ordinance No. 1'JU , which was passed December -
comber IS last , providing for the repeal of or
dinances Nos. 1)05 ) , 9. > U and 109 ! ! , and which
provides for a vote to relocate the city hall ,
also fails to make any provisions for tlio ro-
tuin of the money to the board of education
ns the council agreed to do when it adopted
thorepoitof the commlttoo accepting the
proposition of tUo board of education.
H is clear that the obstructionists in the
city council are ondeavoimg to shirk the re
sponsibility of the above action. It is hold
by the best legal talent in Omaha that while
the council , by ordinance No. 11)43 ) , has sub
mitted to the people n proposition repealing
the 01 dinnnocs passed for the erection of
city hall on r.irnam btieot , ntul nlso
the ordinance which bound the
city to the contract between the board of ed
ucation nnd the citv , it cannot legally or
rightfully vitiate or annul the contract rights
of the board of education , even though the
people ratify ordinance No. 11)43. ) They fur
ther hold that theio nocessarilv being two
parties to a contract , ono party of its own
motion cannot annul said contract , against
the protests of tlio other , oven though the
people vote the lopcnl of an ordinance passed
by the city council , which bound the city tea
a contract with the board of education.
In other words , the contract now existing
between the board of education and the city
of Omaha ( conditioned that upon payment
by the board of & ! T ,000 the board shall have
an ouo-olghth inteiost in the city hall build
ing , and nlso the lots nt Eighteenth and Far-
n.un Btieels ) cannot bo nnnullod without the
consent of both parties to the contract : and
further , that u vote of the
people icpcaling the contract ordinance
of the council will in nowise affect or roach
the board of education. Tlio only moans by
which the contract can bo annulled It by a
vote authoiUiug both the board of education
nnd the city council to annul the existing
contracts , and further providing for the di
version of the $25,000 for another purpose
than that for which it was rotod by thu pee
plo. In short , the ? J5,000 must bo invested
nt Eighteenth und Fnrnnm streets nnd the
board of education must rccelvo tlio benefits
therefrom us agreed upon , or it may recover
in the courts the full amount of mouoy It in
vested. The council will have no authority
, o offer the board of education similar quar
ters In another location , and it is under
stood that the board of education has determ
ined as u body to huvo nothing to do with
my other location , in case the city hall Is ro-
The Ijatioi4.
"Who are the leaders in the Jefferson
square movement ? " asked n Sixth ward tax-
> aycr yesterday.
"Why , Jim Creighton , Pat Ford , Major
'uray , Major Ualcombe.nnd R J. McArdlo , "
10 answered.
"Why are they for Jefferson square ! " ho
ugam asltod. "Because , " ho replied , "Jim
wants to beat Kosowatcr , for no other
oason ; ho's well fixed , and ho doesn't need
any more than ho's got.
"Pat Is fernist Farnnm street because
loscwator has spanked him ,
"Major Furay wouldn't ' bo n Jefferson
jquaro man if ho could but have Ills lot on
Seward nnd Twenty fourth sticot solootod.
"Bnlcombo is for Joffcison square because
m has to kill tlmo thcso winter months , for
which the city pays himby BOIIIO other moans
lian playing hlgli-tlvo on Fifteenth streot.
"Bub" is for Jefferson sijuaro for about
he same reason.
"F. J. McArdlo Is for the Bquaro bocausa
10 has generally Hwung HO much around the
: lrclo. I In is a labor mover and ox-nowspa-
) ur attache nnd ox-Sciittlo-worklngincn's-
2olony-agltntor , nnd later n seeker after the
advertising In the cublo cars. It is stated ho
itid his partner wcro required to glvo honds
'or this. Dick O'lfocfTo slguod for them on
ho story that Paxton would follow If
Dick's numo wore but appended. O'JCeoffo
saw I'nxton and tlio latter denied that ho had
iromiscd to go on the bond. Next inoriiluf ?
J'ICcolTo wont early to McCnguo's bank to
countermand the use of his name. Hut Mc
Ardlo & . Co. have not received their ndvor-
Iblng. Now the gru it young man Is udvon-
uring among the boomern ,
"A nice crowd to throw dual In the poo-
ilo'a eyes I"
Tim Buiiiulliiiiviuna AroiiNcd.
All Scandinavians are reque toj to attend
i mass meeting nt Knights of Pythias hall ,
juundors and Churlos nt 7:30 Satunlnyovon-
ng. 'J'ho city hall question will bo taken up
> y able speakers.
nllfornln , tlio Imml of Discoveries
Why will you lay uwiiko nil niglit ,
oiifihinfr , wnon that most ngrooablo
Jnhfornia remedy , Suntu Afoio. will
ivo you iinmodluto rolluf' ( SANTA
YBIL is tlio only gunruntcod euro ( or
Jonsumptlon , Astluminnd nil Bronchial
3omjlulnts Sold only In lurgo bottles
itll.OO. Tliroo for $12.60. O. F , Good-
nun Drug Co. will bo pleased to supply
ou , and guarantee relief wlionusodns
over fuilB to relieve Catarrh or Cold in
ho Head. Six montha treutmuut , $1.09.
} y mall , 31.10.